Chapter 2 Poisson’s Equation 2.1
Physical Origins
Poisson’s equation, ∇2 Φ = σ(x), arises in many varied physical situations. Here σ(x) is the “source term”, and is often zero, either everywhere or everywhere bar some specific region (maybe only specific points). In this case, Laplace’s equation, ∇2 Φ = 0, results.
The Diffusion Equation Consider some quantity Φ(x) which diffuses. (This might be say the concentration of some (dilute) chemical solute, as a function of position x, or the temperature T in some heat conducting medium, which behaves in an entirely analogous way.) There is a corresponding flux, F, of Φ – that is, the amount crossing an (imaginary) unit area per unit time. Experimentally, it is known that, in the case of a solute, the flux is given by F = −k∇Φ where k is the diffusivity; in the case of temperature, the flux of heat is given by F = −k∇T where k is the coefficient of heat conductivity. (Note that the minus sign occurs because the flux is directed towards regions of lower concentration.) The governing equation for this diffusion process is ∂Φ = k∇2 Φ ∂t
© R. E. Hunt, 2002