The UCA Student Charter
Foreword Our Student Charter is an inclusive document which has at its centre the student experience as part of a creative community. It is a mutual agreement which has been reached collaboratively by staff and Students’ Union officers, even to the detailed wording of its contents. Over the next year we will be incorporating the Student Charter as one of the University’s fundamental strategic drivers. We will be: sending it out to staff and students through the staff and student induction processes; examining our internal policies and procedures to ensure that we can meet the aspirational commitments that the Charter contains; and we will be using those commitments to enhance what we do and to improve the student learning experience. We expect all staff and students to abide by the values and principles embodied in the Charter and to be responsible and caring members of an inclusive community celebrating diversity and creativity. We are proud to present this Student Charter to the University and champion its’ distinctiveness within the sector by recommending it to our respective Executives.
Representatives of the Leadership Team for the UCA and the Students’ Union
Simon Ofield-Kerr Vice-Chancellor
Steve Martin Farnham Campus Officer and Chair of the Trustee Board
Mark Hunt Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Lewis Barton Canterbury Campus Officer
Alan Cooke Pro Vice-Chancellor, Corporate Resources
Ed Hewison Epsom Campus Officer
Mark Little Executive Dean Faculty of Fashion, Architecture & Design
Luke Frost Maidstone Campus Officer
Roni Brown Executive Dean, Faculty of Art, Media & Communication Design
Dean Smith Rochester Campus Officer
Introduction to the Student Charter The Charter has been drafted jointly by the Students’ Union and the University. It is a mutual agreement, summarising what students can expect to receive from UCA and what is expected of them in return. It focuses on the principles of creativity, distinctiveness, mutual respect and community.
Learning and Teaching Students will: Actively engage with the learning process. Have the opportunity to experiment creatively within their course. Have a programme of study that is professionally relevant and embeds employability.
Definitions The University, we are a creative community of students and staff. The Charter is a collaborative commitment between the whole community at UCA. Our values: we are creative, distinctive, respectful and we work in a collaborative and sustainable environment.
Admissions and Arrival Applicants will: Undergo an admissions process that is fair and facilitates recruitment of creative talent from a diversity of backgrounds. Receive accurate information, helpful advice and clear guidance about their course, life at the University and potential practice and employment after graduation. Receive clear financial guidance, including on course costs and sources of financial support. Students will: Be welcomed into and actively engaged with the creative community through events and opportunities provided by the institution and the Students’ Union. Receive an induction that introduces them to the basic tools that will enable them to develop as a creative practitioner.
Respect The community will: Respect and cultivate individual creativity. Be inclusive and promote mutual understanding between its members.
Receive, in advance of the academic year, a structured and timetabled programme of study that is only subject to amendment exceptionally and where absolutely unavoidable. Where changes to published timetables are unavoidable, be informed of those changes as far in advance of the scheduled delivery time as possible. Be informed about how any sessions that have had to be unavoidably cancelled will be redelivered. Be given clear information about arrangements for and minimum levels of contact with academic and technical staff for their particular course. Know, via published information, when staff will be available to provide additional support. Have access to up to date specialist facilities and workshops as published. Understand health and safety practices in relation to specialist facilities. Understand that the University is seeking to provide a consistent approach to opening hours for resources across its campuses. Have access to high quality library and learning services. Be taught by appropriately qualified and trained professional staff and creative practitioners. Have access to summary information about staffing profiles for their course. Be responsible for engaging with the assessment requirements for their course and units and any associated University-wide assessment procedures. Have a formal induction into assessment mechanisms within their course.
Not tolerate bullying or harassment in any form.
Be assessed fairly and consistently in line with published assessment criteria and protocols.
Provide a tolerant environment celebrating individuality and difference.
Receive consistent and constructive feedback promptly as advertised in the Course Handbook.
Student Participation and Representation Students will: Support the ongoing development of social and creative communities. Be ambassadors for the University integrating with their local communities. Seek to engage with volunteering and personal development opportunities with support from their Students’ Union. Have access to support services (including financial, health & well-being and careers services). Be provided with opportunities for paid work within the University wherever possible. Have access to clubs and societies and the mechanisms to initiate their own clubs and societies. Have any complaints investigated fairly through clear processes, with access to support and advice from the Students’ Union. Be encouraged in their lifelong learning and have opportunities to progress through different levels of education at the University.
Student Life Students will: Have an opportunity to engage with all aspects of University life (including decision making processes and course enhancement mechanisms). Have access to formal and informal representation mechanisms through the Students’ Union and the Course Representative System. Receive progress updates in response to their feedback. Have opportunities for exhibition of practical work or publication.
After Graduation Graduates will: Have continued access to the creative community through alumni relations programmes. Be supported during the transition into practice, further studies or employment through retaining some access to facilities, such as the library and the careers service.
Policy and Procedure Links Admissions and Arrival Admissions Policy Applicants Complaints Procedure Applicant Criminal Conviction Policy Data Protection Policy Freedom of Information Policy Student Health and Safety Equality & Diversity Policy Course Guides
Learning and Teaching Course Guides Appeal Against Assessment Outcome Policy Extenuating Circumstances Policy Academic Misconduct Policy Adjustments to Assessment Statement of Service on Counselling Statement of Service on Disability Statement of Service on English for Academic Purposes Student Health and Safety UCA Library Website
Respect Harassment & Bullying Policy Drug and Alcohol Policy Racial Equality Scheme Single Equality Scheme Equality & Diversity Policy Student Code of Conduct Policy for Non-Academic Misconduct
Student Participation and Representation Course Representative System Student Union Website
Student Life Frequently asked questions about student finance Statement of Service on Advice Centres Statement of Service on Careers Student complaints policy
After Graduation Library website Careers website Graduate services Development and Alumni Relations Office Website Unistats Employability Statement