Cal Kronicle | Welcome Issue 2014

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University of California, Berkeley


service, leadership, fellowship Oh, the places you will go with service!


TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRO P2-3 MEET THE BOARD P4-5 Executive Appointed SERVICE P6-8 Continuous Service Projects

FELLOWSHIP P9 District Events DIVISION P10 Meet The LTG KIWANIS FAMILY P11 Kiwanis Key Club


sun mon tues wed thurs fri sat



Kiwanis Meeting, First Gen



start with a story, solano stroll


berkeley high, kiwanis meeting, md&e, second gen techlications

10 pr, fundarising, historian

17 projects, fundraising, historian

11 oak tech, 12 projects, single service, kiwanis dineout

18 oak tech, k-fam, single service

chaparral house, big c hike

13playland-notat-the-beach, kiwanis installation

19 20new member hands on science, Emeryville Social

mixer, st. marks soup kitchen

Check out for more information!


09/11 District Service Webinar 09/14 Joint-District Service Project with Sunset @ Ghiradelli Chocolate Festival

FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome to Circle K! Whether you’ve been here before or you’re brand new, we are unbelievably excited to have you at our first general meeting! We truly have a diverse array of events for you -- from serving the homeless, tutoring children, cleaning up the environment, and more! You can continue your passion for service throughout college, while also developing your professional skills from public speaking to leading an event! Furthermore, we have a family system and socials for you to meet new people! Circle K is a place you can call home-- I know I sure do. It combines things I love to do with people I love to be with. If it’s all too much to take in right away, don’t get overwhelmed! I came into Circle K with no Key Club background, but it didn’t matter! My first two events (Big C Hike & Rebuilding Together) introduced me to some truly genuine people with a passion for doing good. Flashforward a few years, and Circle K has proven to be a huge part of my college experience and life! Through Circle K i’ve gained some of my closest friends, professional skills, and irreplaceable memories. Seize this moment! Sign up for an event, attend a committee meeting, come to a social, or even drop by our table on Sproul during one of your awkward schedule gaps. We’re always happy to see you!

Bertha Te

2014-2015 UC Berkeley Circle K President

family system Sign up to be in a family! Eat together, study together! Contact Tina You for more information!





Bertha Te president

Philip Nguyen

administrative vp

Edison Xu service vp

Liane Kuo treasurer

Jenny Voong secretary

APPOINTED CHAIRS Kristy Kim fundraising

The Fundraising Committee concerts its efforts to raise thousands of dollars for our three global charities. We brainstorm innovative ways to incorporate our three tenets (service, leadership, fellowship) into both large-scale and small-scale fundraisers!

The Public Relations committee acts as a liaison between the home club and other organizations both on campus and in the community. We provide members with the opportunity to advertise and market the amazing service and work we do as an organization.

Stanley Han

public relations

Vivian Nguyen kiwanis family

Thomas Miao historian

The Kiwanis Family Committee is the liaison between the club and different Kiwanis branches. By planning events, we strengthen bonds. This committee is essential for the Kiwanis’ support, community building, and leadership skills.

As Publications Editor, I’m in charge of editing and laying out publications (like this one). The committee will help me in layout, design, and managing the blog section of the website. No experience necessary!

The Historian Committee oversees the creation of the traditional and non-traditional scrapbooks. Along with working on the artistic aspect, we will collect photos and souveniers and organize visual presentations such as videos and slideshows.

As part of the single service committee, you will help plan and carry out a large-scale service event every season. This summer, we held a literacy-focused event called Storyland. Join the committee as we execute our annual Halloween festival!

The MD&E Committee emphasizes the individual member and plans events to enhance members’ involvement, integration, and growth. It acts as a public input forum, where your ideas will be heard and implemented to improve the membership exmembership developent&education perience!

Tina You

Wendy Huynh

membership recognition program

Cherie Leung

projects coordinator

The MRP chair spotlights outstanding members who have shown dedication and passion. You can check your service and MRP standing on the website. If labels aren’t a concern, attend the events you love! Either way, we’re proud of you and remember that anyone can go above and beyond the 3 tenets!

The Spirit & Social Committee oversees fellowship. The committee will brainstorm ideas for socials to create bonds among the members and spirit cheers and items to show that UC Berkeley is loud and proud!

Heyun Jeong

publications editor

Jasmine Park single service

Leon Liang spirit&social

As Technology chair, I’m in charge of designing and maintaining our website. I also manage the club’s Twitter and Instagram accounts. My committee will help implement new and innovative ways of using our website and social media to publicize the club!

Diyar Aniwar technology

The Projects Committee is in charge of handling the continuous service projects. As the Coordinator, I act as the liasion with the outside organizations we work with to ensure our projects run smoothly. The committee will also be leading monthly mini service projects.





3:15 - 5:30PM

Chaparral House is a nearby elderly care facility here in Berkeley. Every other week, we bus to the facility to spend a wonderful Friday afternoon with the residents. There’s all sorts of activities to participate in, such as board games. There’s also an abundance of art supplies, from origami paper to pastels and paint. It’s an especially great experience being able to create beautiful artwork with the residents. Chaparral House is about engaging in conversation and interacting with the people. Simply taking a small walk in the garden while sharing experiences and listening to stories is eye opening. For the quieter patients, seeing the gentle smile that appears upon their face is one of the most heart-warming feelings and is always a great start to the weekend. BY ROBERT RODRIGUEZ, DIVISIONAL MEDIA RELATIONS CHAIR



Concessions is a fun, reoccurring event during which we feed the hungry spectators of sports games with CalDining. We mainly work most of the football games at Memorial Stadium in the fall, but other games, such as basketball and volleyball, pop up during the year at Haas Pavilion! This is one of the most fun (in my opinion) events because you get to prepare and serve all sorts of concessions-y foods (nachos, hamburgers, etc!) AND bond with other Circle K members! Volunteers usually get to see the game for free during breaks, while also raising money for our DFIs. Psst, you also get to snack on some leftovers. There will be many opportunities throughout the year so be sure to sign up for concessions! (Waivers are required!) BY KRISTY KIM, FUNDRAISING CHAIR

HANDS ON SCIENCE every other friday


Folding paper airplanes, elephant toothpaste, making ice cream, what could be better? At Hands on Science, not only do volunteers get to perform these experiments, they also get to amaze students at LeConte Elementary of the actual science behind what is happening. Even if science is not your strong suit, you can learn along with the kids while also having a lot of fun. Hands on Science has 2 parts. One is the Planning Meeting, where we get together in order to figure out what experiments to run with the kids as well as what concepts we will be teaching. The 2nd part of the event is where we actually take a bus over to LeConte Elementary and execute our plans. The kids are always super excited and eager to participate in our activities. Help spread some knowledge while gaining a bit yourself and come out to the next Hands on Science! BY JENNY VOONG, SECRETARY


8:45AM-12AM & 3:30-7:30PM

It’s no secret that there are a lot of homeless people in Berkeley. We see them everywhere, but do we really know about them and their stories? Loaves & Fishes changes that! This project is unique in that we volunteer as servers and get to sit down and enjoy a (free) dinner with the homeless people invited to the church. Throughout dinner, it’s our responsibility to bring and take away dishes. There is also entertainment throughout dinner provided by other volunteers. Having the chance to talk to the guests at your table is one of the most rewarding parts of this project because of the different insights they provide on life, school, and work! The event is one of my favorites as it’s a really great and rewarding experience and being able to interact with the homeless people gives you a different perspective. BY VIVIAN NGUYEN, KIWANIS FAMILY CHAIR


every other sunday


Waking up before 7am on any day takes tremendous effort, but even more so on a weekend. However, twice a month, three selfless Circle K-ers will gladly do this for Start With A Story! Promoting our District Service Initiative, A Leap for Literacy, this project involves handing out free books and reading to young children who are waiting to visit their relatives at the Glenn Dyer Detention Facility in Oakland. This meaningful project provides some joyous sunshine at an otherwise gloomy setting.



1:30-4PM & 4-6PM

If food is your thing, you should definitely check out St. Marks Soup Kitchen! This project includes both prepping and serving dinner for those in need. The first shift ranges from cooking in the kitchen, preparing bagged lunches for those taking dinner on-the-go, to setting tables in the dining hall. The second shift is when the guests actually come in to dine! Volunteers can either serve the food or prepare dishes. With lots of people to serve, we’re kept on our toes, but we often get to talk and learn about the guests there while serving. The guests, and even the other volunteers whether from the church or fellow service organizations, make this an unforgettable and enjoyable experience. BY MIMI TON, FALL TRAINING CONFERENCE CHAIR






Real Option for City Kids (ROCK) is a program aimed to promote an active and healthy lifestyle to low-income elementary school kids in San Francisco. On Saturday mornings, we’re able to interact directly with the kids by playing a sport, depending on the season, and going through drills with them. A typical schedule of events for us volunteers include volunteer debriefing, warm-up runs, station drills, congratulations and awards, then snack and freeplay. The event provides kids a better option of how to spend their Saturday morning instead of roaming the streets and possibly getting involved with the wrong crowd. The kids are always enthusiastic and nothing brings them more joy than challenging us older kids to a race or playing on the same team as us. To simply put it, ROCK rocks! BY AKASH PATEL, OUTSTANDING GENERAL MEMBER



Aquatic Park Egret is an environmental service project during which we visit Berkeley Aquatic Park to help remove weeds, provide the native species with nutrients and improve the wildlife habitat! The event is called “Egret” because we’re working to provide the egrets and other birds around the shoreline a better environment with plenty of trees to rest on. This is one of the service projects that require a bit of physical work, but it’s a rewarding experience and if you like nature or bird watching, you get to see native Berkeley bird species as well as migratory birds around the beautiful Aquatic Park! BY LIANE KUO, TREASURER

hours of service Last year... we didand11,813 raised ~$21,000!

This year...

our goal is 11,500 hours and $18,000! (Only dues paid members’ hours are counted!)

DISTRICT EVENTS One thing that makes Circle K unique is its presence across different college campuses. As part of the Cal-Nev-Ha district, we get to meet people from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii at our district-wide events throughout the year! This year, we have people from UC Berkeley working and leading on the district level to plan these three amazing events! Contact these people to find out more! CKI-North: Jerry Bao (Chair), Alan Perez (District Treasurer) Fall Training Conference: Mimi Ton (Chair), Claire Lee (Program), Jasmine Park (Decorations), Akash Patel (Workshops) DCON: Phlip Nguyen (Talent Show)


CKI North is a yearly fundraiser event put on by the Cal-NevHa District. This year, it will take place at Walnut Creek in October. The event aims to raise money for the Pediatric Trauma Program (PTP), which focuses on reducing the number of children hospitalized due to unintentional injury and trauma. Teams from all around the northern half of the district come together to compete in a series of games and bond with one another all while fundraising toward this great cause. Be on the look out for registration which begins in September! BY JERRY BAO, CKI-NORTH CHAIR


Come One, Come All! Fall Training Conference is a district-wide event for Cal-Nev-Ha members that takes place in the mountains of Sonora in November. Attendees spend three days and two nights in general sessions, workshops, games, campfire entertainment, and more. It’s a great weekend to meet new people from across the district and to grow together as a club, division, and district. This year’s theme is Circus. If you’re interested in attending, check out the website at and definitely look into participating in the UC Berkeley campfire skit - we won first place last year! BY JASMINE PARK, SINGLE SERVICE CHAIR & FTC DECORATIONS


Taking place at the end of the year, District Convention is the largest Circle K event and brings members from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii. For members that have been a part of the club already, it serves as a celebration of past accomplishments; for newer members, DCON serves as a glimpse of our club’s role in the greater Cal-Nev-Ha District. This year it will be held at the Woodland Hills Marriott in midMarch! Clubs and distinguished individuals will be recognized for their accomplishments, cheer our hearts out to show our club spirit, attend educational workshops, and there’s even a dance at the end of the night to end the year on a good (and bumpin’) note! BY PHILIP NGUYEN, ADMIN VP & DCON TALENT SHOW



GOLDEN GATE DIVISION CSU East Bay Diablo Valley College Los Medanos College San Fran. State University UC Berkeley

LtG: Lieutenant Governor

Each division is led by a Lieutenant Governor. Serving on the district board, the LtG acts as the liasion between the district and the clubs in the division. DCM: Divisional Council Meeting

Every month, the divisional board organizes a DCM at one of the five schools in the division. Usually combined with a service or social event, DCMs are an opportunity to find out what’s going on in the other schools and meet people around the bay!

letter from the

Lieutenant Governor

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K!

Welcome back to school, Bears! I hope you’re all looking forward to a lovely year full of service, leadership and fellowship! My name is Angela Apinyavat and I am the Golden Gate Division Lt. Governor for the 2014-2015 term! I am a 4th year at UC Berkeley majoring in Public Health and Social Welfare, minoring in Global Poverty and Practice. As UC Berkeley Circle K members, you are a part of the fabulous Golden Gate Division. For those who are unfamiliar with the division, we are made up of the Circle K Clubs of Cal State University East Bay, Diablo Valley College, Los Medanos College, UC Berkeley and San Francisco State University. As a division we support one another, like a local community with the schools in our surrounding area, by attending divisional events and each other’s fun club events! Our mascot is the Golden Gate Guardian and our 2014-2015 divisional theme is Chemistry! Come out to some Golden Gate events if you want to meet new friends from all over the Bay Area or if you want to explore Circle K beyond the home club level. We are here to welcome you all with open arms! Hope to meet each and everyone of you soon! Best,

Angela Apinyavat

2014-2015 Golden Gate Lt. Governor


KIWANIS MEETINGS every tuesday


Every Tuesday, our adult counterparts, the Berkeley Kiwanis, have their meeting at a restaurant, Le Bateau Ivre (The Drunken Boat), down Telegraph. Because they are our sponsoring Kiwanis club, it is really great to show our support by attending these meetings. Our Kiwanians are also very welcoming; they may be in a different age group as Circle K, but they are just as energetic about service as we are! These meetings are chock-full of funny moments, fun upcoming event updates, wise words and great conversations, as well as enthralling guest speakers. There’s never a dull moment during one of these meetings, and the more of us who come out, the happier our Kiwanians are. So if you’re ever free on Tuesdays at noon, I definitely encourage you to check them out! BY ALAN PEREZ, DISTRICT TREASURER




Every Tuesday, Circle K pays a visit to our lovely sponsoring Berkeley Kiwanis club at their weekly meetings. However, there are multiple opportunities to interact with our Kiwanians! Including Kiwanis Dineouts! Happening monthly (usually Thursday nights) at various Berkeley restaurants of equal deliciousness, Dineouts allow Circle K-ers to interact with our Kiwanians at a more intimate level-- while enjoying a delectable meal! BY BERTHA TE, PRESIDENT

annual MID-NOVEMBER College apps—been there done that. But, there’s still high school

students that must go through the grueling and stressful process! Key 2 College is an annual event that invites Key Clubbers and KIWINers from around the area to UC Berkeley for tours and workshops. Being high schoolers, they’re always super excited to hear about college, especially when it’s from someone their age willing to tell them the good and the bad. Sign up to either host a workshop or act as a mentor later next month! BY HEYUN JEONG, PUBLICATIONS EDITOR

KEY CLUB meetings

Berkeley High School Every Tuesday 12-1:30PM Meet at the Circle K table! Oakland Technical High School Every Thursdays 12-2PM Meet at the Circle K table!


Contact Us Bertha Te president Philip Nguyen admin vice president Edison Xu service vice president Liane Kuo treasurer Jenny Voong secretary Kristy Kim fundraising Thomas Miao historian Vivian Nguyen kiwanis family Tina You md&e Wendy Huynh mrp Cherie Leung projects Stanley Han public relations Heyun Jeong publications Jasmine Park single service Leon Liang spirit & social Diyar Aniwar technology

Thank you...

*Robert, Kristy, Jenny, Vivian, Bertha, Mimi, Akash, Liane, Alan, Bertha, Jerry, Jasmine, Philip for CONTENT. :) *photographers!

Social Media


UC Berkeley Circle K



I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of


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