Cal Kronicle | Winter 2015

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University of California, Berkeley






TABLE OF CONTENTS SERVICE P3-4 Our Daily Bread Gift Wrapping Go West LEADERSHIP P5 Members Of Week Chair-A-Project

FELLOWSHIP P6 Study-A-Thon New Year, New Us K-FAM + DIVISION P7 Holiday Auction Kiwanis Takeover December DCM

“Today you are you! That is truer than true! There

LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT Welcome back, Bears! I’m thrilled to see you all again this Spring! For me, this will be my last semester in Berkeley and my last semester in Circle K. So basically, i’ve been finding myself in random bouts of nostalgia every couple days. But whenever I think of Circle K, I am so happy. This is truly a family for everyone. It’s a community that helps us grow up and give back. If you were in Circle K last semester-- welcome back! I hope you challenge yourself this semester to meet some new people, do more service, and become a more confident leader. Also share the joy of Circle K by inviting a friend out to one of our meetings! If this is your first time with Circle K-- welcome! This is an absolutely wonderful time to join! I recommend coming out to some of our socials (including the collaboration events with UC Davis Circle K), service projects (I personally recommend Loaves & Fishes and Hands on Science), and committee meetings (during the week, no obligations!). Don’t feel awkward, we’re excited to have you!

Bertha Te


2014-2015 UC Berkeley Circle K President

Our Daily Bread by claire lee, outstanding general member

I kept busy over winter break by volunteering at a local soup kitchen, known as “Our Daily Bread” (ODB), in Sunnyvale. The staff was very thankful for my help, especially in January when winter break ended for the high schoolers. I came to help every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during break from 8AM - 2PM. At ODB I have been assigned a variety of tasks. During the morning shift I’ve done things such as chopping strawberries and making a fruit salad, unloading cars filled with food, stocking the pantry, squeezing lime juice from limes, or just arranging tables and chairs. I usually try to help with cutting fruits! There was a high supply of apples and pears so I usually chopped those up (which is funny because I’m allergic to both apples and pears)! It’s not as easy as you think because some of the fruits have rotten spots and I had to make sure to cut those spots off. On a given day I chopped fruits for about 2 hours. Then I help set up the dining area. We set out extra fruits, cookies, chips,

and snacks around the table for the hungry to take home. We start serving the main meal around 11AM. The food at ODB is actually pretty delicious - it’s often donated leftovers from the Apple or Google campus! My favorite food so far was the pumpkin empanadas from Apple. We stop serving at 12:30PM and help wash and dry dishes. Our Daily Bread is a refreshing experience and I highly encourage anyone in the South Bay to come volunteer here! It’s also different from the Berkeley soup kitchen that us Circle K-ers are used to!

is no one alive who is you-er than you!” -Dr. Seuss 13 DAYS, 16 HOURS/DAY, 37 PEOPLE, 1000+ HOURS, $1,000 RAISED

Holiday Gift Wrapping

by Kristy Kim, fundraising chair UC Berkeley Circle K had its annual Gift Wrapping fundraiser in mid-December. This two week-long event takes place in El Cerrito’s and Emeryville’s Barnes and Nobles. Circle K-ers sit at the stations in shifts and wrap gifts for customers. In return, the customers usually donate some money to help out our DFIs. Members also bonded over the 6 hours shifts, bought their own gifts for friends and fam-

ily during their free time, and studied (as the event did occur during Dead Week and Finals Week). It was a great way to end the semester with a bang! We had so many incredible Circle K members attend and even chair the different shifts which made the 16-hours-a-day commitment manageable and smooth. Barnes and Nobles Gift Wrapping would not have been possible without each and every person’s contributions. This year, most of

the funds raised will be going towards the ELIMINATE project, a joint effort with UNICEF to eliminate maternal neonatal tetanus around the world. So, not only were people able to gain some service hours over the last couple weeks of school, but they also contributed to a great cause. It was also a fantastic way to transition into the holiday season, surrounded by Christmas lights, decorations, and music!


Go West: Pasadena Rose Parade 2014 by Donald Franks, outstanding general member

What better way to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Kiwanis than by working on their float in the 2015 Annual Rose Float Parade? For those who went for the entire three days, we packed our items and made our way toward the Open Bible Church, a generous and spacious place we called home. Upon arrival, we met up with fellow Circle K-ers, many of whom were locals, and proceeded to group up and head on out for dinner and socializing before we had to return by our 10pm curfew. The first night was filled with activities, games, and conversations—everything but sleep! The following morning, Tuesday, January 30th, we carpooled to the Rosemont Pavilion to begin our work on the floats. Although we had ample time to meet others and socialize, we were eventually invited inside and assigned to tasks where help was needed. It wasn’t until dinner had ended around 7pm where all of us had something to do. At this time, the one-day reg-



istration volunteers arrived to replace the those who grew tired from the long day. Whether it was climbing on scaffolding, cutting petals for decorations, sorting fruits into patterns, or running flowers up and down to the workers, each job was unique, and as Tuesday night blended into Wednesday morning, the floats came alive with fullness and color. Around 2am on New Year’s Eve day, we completed some last-minute touches and set off for the church while some decided to get late-night (or is it early-morning?) breakfast at Denny’s or IHOP. As soon as we fell asleep, we were woken up only a couple hours later, ushered by Kiwanians to pack up and go, as our time in the church had expired. Sleepless nights and long days were well worth the opportunity to celebrate the success of an organization that prides itself in changing the world.


sept 30

oct 7

oct 14

oct 21

oct 28

nov 4

nov 18

Nov 25

Dec 2

We are proud of you!

CHAIR-A-PROJECT 1. Send a confirmation email 2. Coordinate transportation 3. Have fun! CONTACT CHERIELEUNG.CKI@GMAIL.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION!

Take our r charge egul of on ar pr ojece of ts! -Berkeley high key club meetings -Chaparral House -Hands on Science -kiwanis meetings -Loaves and Fishes -oakland tech key club meetings -Service In -Start with a Story -St. Marks Soup Kitchen


Study-A-Thon by ana chavez, outstanding general member

It’s time for the best days of the semester: finals time! Days of joyful tears, lovable stress, and undying motivation, but also the time for our club’s Study-A-Thon! After several committee meetings, our public relations chair, Stanley Han, and his committee pulled off a fantastic job in preparing for this event! On the morning of December 8th and 9th, our posters were up; scantrons were spread out; coffee and tea were brewing, and pencils, pens, and erasers were up for grabs by any Berkeley student in the Student Learning Center who needed them. Study-A-Thon is meant to make any student’s life just a tad easier the week before finals by providing the small things in this stressful time for everyone. It was not only a great way for students to know that Circle K is out there and ready to help in any way possible, but also for Circle K members to

to seize the day.

come by and simply hang out while volunteering some time. We brought our own textbooks, laptops, and homework to study throughout the two days of Study-A-Thon. It was a great reminder that even though we volunteer all the time, we are still students with finals to study for and doing both is possible for anyone! While studying is fun and all, everyone had a great time socializing as well. Everything from giving advice to freshmen on spring classes, talking about random topics, and getting convinced by Philip to post pictures on the club’s Facebook page for advertisement was all part of a memorable and successful Study-A-Thon! Although the week before finals is a time when any student can feel hopeless when studying, this event came to show that the smallest actions of giving can make a student zombie just a little more lively.

new year resolutions

finish a lipbalm without losing it.


Winter Banquet 2014

to be real.

to be healthy in body and mind.

to have a set plan after graduation.

Kiwanis Takeover HOLIDAY AUCTION By Heyun Jeong, Publications Editor

By Vivian Nguyen, kiwanis family chair

January 20th may have signified doom for some, as it was the first day of classes, but for us, it signaled an exciting day with our favorite Berkeley Kiwanis Club! What better way to kick off spring semester than with our annual Kiwanis Takeover at Le Bateau Ivre? Kiwanis Family chair Vivian Nguyen MC’d the event, during which she led the meeting mixing Circle K and Kiwanis-style with Happy Change, Sad Change; Who Wore It Better faceoff; and more! There was also a special twist of a taboo rule in that whoever said the word, “club,” had to donate

There was much to do at the Kiwanis Holiday Auction, which took place in December at El Cerrito, as it is one of our Berkeley Kiwanis’ largest fundraising events. Along with helping preparing the food - from finger sandwiches to quiches - we worked with the Kiwanians to set up auction items, decorations and food arrangements. It was great to see the two different club’s members get to know each other and work together. There were more than fifty items auctioned off this year. The wide array of auction items was displayed for attendees to view and prepare for the auction-

a dollar. Afterwards, we started the auction, in which various items made, baked or donated by Circle K-ers were bid off. Some even dared to attempt to outbid Kiwanians in a fierce auction for the delicious baked goods, decorated plates and mugs, and more. It was a great opportunity laughing and spending time with our Kiwanians after not seeing them during winter break. Even with the takeover over, make sure to come out and get to know our Kiwanians at our other various events such as the regular meetings, dine outs and joint service events!

Dec. Divisional Council Meeting @ Los Medanos College by Angela Apinyavat, Golden Gate LTG

ing. Even Circle K members decided to play a part in the auction as they bid on silent and live auctions. It was a great turnout in terms of people and money fundraised for the ELIMINATE project. It was also heartwarming to see Kiwanians from all over the Bay Area to come out and support. It was so lively and it was the perfect way to celebrate the holidays. This is definitely an annual event I’d like to attend in the years to come!

The December Golden Gate Divisional Council Meeting (DCM) was hosted by Los Medanos College. The board of officers worked really hard putting this event on, by planning games and activities for all members to enjoy. This DCM was unlike any other ones before because it was holiday themed and it brought the division together with holiday joy and fun! In addition to the bonding, delicious food and club updates, we also dressed up in Holiday attire for the fashion show and exchanged gifts for White Elephant. Everyone who participated got a gift to take home! At the end of the event, Guardians took pictures around the beautifully decorated tree with new and old friends! Ending a wonderful year with the division made the DCM worthwhile!

Congratulations on chartering & welcome to Golden Gate! On January 31st, Napa Valley College hosted a chartering party and the January DCM!


CONTACT US Bertha Te president Philip Nguyen admin vice president Edison Xu service vice president Liane Kuo treasurer Jenny Voong secretary Kristy Kim fundraising Thomas Miao historian Vivian Nguyen kiwanis family Tina You md&e Wendy Huynh mrp Cherie Leung projects Stanley Han public relations Heyun Jeong publications Jasmine Park single service Leon Liang spirit & social Diyar Aniwar technology

Thank you...

Ana Chavez, Angela Apinyavat, Claire Lee, Donald Franks, Kristy Kim, Vivian Nguyen; Techlications committee; Photographers; 14-15 board

Social Media


UC Berkeley Circle K



I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of


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