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Fundraising Recap

For the Fall 2020 semester, UCB CKI has raised nearly a thousand dollars for three of our District Fundraising Initiatives—the Kiwanis Family House, the Environmental Defense Fund, and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund—and other charities despite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Half of our fundraisers were conducted over Instagram, and others were held via Zoom, on Facebook, and Go-Fund-Me. Next semester, we will have more exciting fundraisers, including a Rubber Ducky Race and Pageant K!

Caitlin Aladham, Fundraising Chair


Instagram Pledge Fundraiser: $62 for the Kiwanis Family House

Spring Banquet Board Auction: $145.89 for the Environmental Defense Fund

Summer 2020 Go-Fund-Me Campaign: $217 for the Kiwanis Family House

Black Lives Matter Bingo Fundraiser: $233 for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund

Start-of-the-Semester Instagram Pledge Fundraiser: $48 for the Oakland Public Education Fund

Food Pantry Instagram Fundraiser: $23 for the Cal Food Pantry

Fall 2020 Black Lives Matter Fundraiser: $77.10 for the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund

Double Dare Week 2020: $126 for typhoon relief in the Philippines

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