Cal Chronicle | Spring 2021 Welcome

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Golden Gate Division Cal Chronicle

Spring 2021 Banquet

GET READY TO START A NEW TERM IN THIS ISSUE Say goodbye to the 2020-2021 board Saying hello to the 2021-2022 board ! 2021-2022 theme reveal AND MORE!

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, Welcome to my first official

A word from the publications chair

newsletter as the 2021-2022 publications chair ! My name is Ilse Rojo (pronounced ill-say) and I am currently an incoming second year political science major, with an intended minor in education and Spanish. I joined Key Club my junior year of high school and I was even the Division News Editor for Division 8 in my senior year so I'm super happy that I got this position for this term! Some of my hobbies include listening to music (if you need music recs, i have tons of playlists for different moods but right now i'm really into ms taylor allison swift. zayn and niall horan), watching disney movies, joining a bunch of clubs and stressing myself out about it and reading. I'm super excited for things to (hopefully) be in person this fall so I can meet you all physically! I can't wait to see what we achieve this term ! Feel free to reach out for anything !

In service, Ilse Rojo

Table of Contents

pg 1 - 6 : 2020-2021 President & Board Farewell pg 7 - 13 : 2021-2022 President & Board Introductions 14 : 2021-2022 Theme Reveal 15 : Executive Board Contact Info 16: Appointed Board Contact Info 17: Resources

16 : Other Resources

Saying farewell for the 2020-2021 board


Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, I cannot believe that another year has gone by! I guess time flies when you are having fun. This year has been unforgettable–from transitioning to executing all our club works online, including hosting service events, socials, workshops, meetings, elections, and many more. Despite the challenges, our club has achieved so much this past year, and it’s all because of you: the general members, board members, Kiwanians, and advisors. Your support, dedication, and commitment to this club have helped everyone experience their Circle K moment. Whether you are new to the club, or someone who has been in the club for a while, I hope you all have gained something from your experiences and will continue to make more memories that will last a lifetime. I want to thank you for joining UCBCKI. Our club would not be the same without you, and I hope this club will continue to be a place where you call home. Thank you for your contributions in making this club a safe and welcoming environment where we listen, support, and care for each other regardless of our differences. It is truly an honor to be able to serve as your President. Despite the unprecedented circumstances, there was not a single moment when I felt discouraged or unmotivated, and it’s all because of everyone in this club! You all constantly amaze me with the amount of care, love, and support you give to everyone. Thank you for making Circle K my home away from home and for making my last year at Cal so memorable. Your college time will fly by very quickly, so make sure to be present and enjoy every moment you spend with each other. I will miss you all so much, and I hope to see some of you soon. Good luck to the 2021-2022 UCBCKI Board! In the meantime, go smash your finals and stay safe <3 Lettuce celebrate another memorable and unforgettable year together! (haha... I love puns.)

In service,

Kaitlyn Chieh 2020-2021 Club President


Incoming 4th year Major: Integrative Biology with a minor in Philosophy

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, My name is Nhu Tran. My favorite CKI moment was all the skit practices in the Fall of 2018. I felt thrilled to meet a group of people that were so nice and caring! I hope every one of you can feel a similar feeling of home in UCBCKI. This term was the most challenging but rewarding experience I have ever gone through. I am so content looking back at my experience despite all the what-ifs and buts that came along the way. The semester alone was my hardest at Berkeley, and I am so grateful to everyone who checked up on me, lent me a shoulder to (virtually) cry on, and most importantly, gave me the benefit of the doubt.

In service,

Nhu Tran 2020-2021 Membership Development and Education Chair Current third year and graduating this semester! Major: Molecular Cell Biology

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K,

In service,

Jenny Chau 2020-2021 Service Vice President

My favorite CKI memory is 2019 DCON. Going on a roadtrip, hanging out, going to workshops, doing activities with my favorite people During this past term, I definitely had my struggles adjusting to an online club, but serving as SVP taught me a lot of leadership, interpersonal, and other soft skills I normally wouldn't have had the chance to explore without CKI. I am also extremely thankful for my fellow Board members and general members for supporting me throughout the term and for being there when I was feeling down. Y'all are truly the best!


Incoming 3rd year Major: Economics & Political Economy

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, My name is Austin Hoang. My favorite CKI memory was DLSSP 2020. At DLSSP 2020, many members from UCBCKI helped put together a school fair for elementary school students. It was so much fun to interact with the kids! Serving on Circle K board during an online term was a challenge that I enjoyed. Despite the pandemic, Circle K gave me a second home and I'm so glad to have met and grown closer to new people!

In service,

Austin Hoang 2020-2021 Treasurer

Current fourth year and graduating this semester! Major: Political Science

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, My favorite CKI memory is the 2019 Fall Banquet--I loved playing games with my family! With all the craziness this year has brought, I'm happy that I had CKI to ground me. Despite being online, I still found myself having fun during our events and board meetings, making this a year well spent!

In service,

Caitlin Aladham 2020-2021 Fundraising Chair


Incoming 4th year Major: Architecture

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, My name is Amanda! My favorite CKI memory was Spring Caz. It was the first event I worked on as KFam chair and I was able to bring to other schools from the division and even outside for fun service at Camp Cazadero! This past term has been unlike any other and personally I was able to get through it all with the help of the other board members. Despite it being online, the rest of board motivated me to do well in this new environment. I hope that by next year new board will get to have in person events, but for now take what this year’s board has learned and accomplished and work hard!

In service,

Amanda Calindas 2020-2021 Publications Chair Incoming 3rd year Major: Molecular Cell Biology with a Global Public Health Minor

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, My name is Sharon Hu! My favorite cki memory was the beginning of the term when stuff was still in person. I also learned so much from being on board with everyone. I can’t wait to apply that to the new term!

In service,

Sharon Hu 2020-2021 Secretary


Incoming 4thYear Major: Political Economy

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, My name is Sarah ! Some advise I would give is to believe that you can do whatever you set your mind to, and know that things might not always go your way, but in the end things will work out! This past term has been crazy, but we have adjusted beautifully and I'm so glad to have gotten to know everyone on the 2020-2021 Board better! I wish you all the best!

In service,

Sarah Guo 2020-2021 Administrative Vice President

Not pictured but still greatly appreciated ! In service,

Rachel Lam 2020-2021 Service Chair

In service,

Tatiana Nikolaeva 2020-2021 Spirit & Social Chair

In service,

In service,

Phillip Ly 2020-2021 Public Relations Chair

In service,

Brandon Abrego 2020-2021 MultiMedia Chair

Nina Nguyen 2020-2021 Kiwanis Family Chair 6

Welcome to the 2021-2022 Board

we are so excited for what we will accomplish this term !


Hello UC Berkeley Circle K,

Meet our President

My name is Sarah Guo, and I'm honored to serve as the president of our amazing club for the 2021-2022 term! On behalf of our new board, I'd like to thank you all for continuously being active members of UCBCKI, especially through yet another year of virtual life, and (hopefully) our last virtual semester! Thank you all for continuously being active members of UCBCKIevery event we hold just reminds me how much I love this club and how much I appreciate everyone for keeping up despite the craziness! This past year has been full of great memories, from adjusting to a virtual term, to pulling a FTC skit together, to new families and mentor mentee pairings, to late nights on the Discord channel, to new continuous service events, and more! I hope you all have enjoyed everything as much as I did, and will continue to share fun experiences with our members and make long-lasting memories. This upcoming term has a future so bright, and I'm so proud to have a part in it. Although there are many of you I haven't even met in person, I feel that I have grown closer to everyone this past year, and I'm excited to continue as the term goes on! We have so much to look forward to, like bringing back in-person events, dealing with Berkeley and it's wonky campus, and recruiting more members to join us! But for me, it's the little things- laughs during meetings, conversations that last hours, common interests, and learning more and more about each and every one of you. This club means so much to me, and I'm thankful to have the opportunity to share it with all of you during the next year. Please stay safe, healthy, and happy over summer break, and I'm looking forward to seeing you in the fall!

In service, Sarah Guo


Meet our Secretary

Incoming 3rd year Major: Molecular Cell Biology with a minor global public health

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, My name is Sharon and I am so excited for this new term and to serve you as your club secretary once again! I can’t wait for all the fun memories we make as a club, let’s go!

In service,

Sharon Hu

Meet our Treasurer

Incoming 3rd year Major: Economics and Toxicology

Hello UC Berkeley's Circle K, Hello everyone! My name is Nina and one fun fact about me is that I love all Disney related things. I actually have a Disney tsum tsum collection with over 200 tsum tsums :)

In service,

Nina Nguyen


Meet our VPS Incoming 4th year Major: Civil Engineering with a minor in Data Science

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, I'm Valerie Haines and some of my hobbies include playing piano, reading, and playing games on the switch. I also enjoy exploring new places and eating (but I'm kind of a picky eater). Some fun facts about me are that my middle name is one letter and I have a geographic tongue. I'm really excited for this next year on board!

In service,

Valerie Haines

Meet our VPA Incoming 4th year Major: Astrophysics, Education minor

Hello UC Berkeley's Circle K, Hello everyone! My name is Brandon Abrego and I serve as your Vice President of Administration! Circle K has been my home for as long as I have been a student here at Berkeley. I have many fond memories in this club and I hope that I can share more with you all this term. My job is to help our awesome President Sarah with any general administrative tasks and helping support our Appointed Board. Let me know if you have any questions CKI related, I love talking about Circle K. In my free time I'm usually playing video games, but I also enjoy playing volleyball, biking, photography, listening to rock/metal music, cooking, and mixing drinks! I look forward to getting to know you all!

In service,

Brandon Abrego


Meet our Fundraising Chair Incoming 4th Year Major: Oceanography

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, Hello Everyone! I’m Justin Pham and I am proud to serve as UCB’s Circle K Fundraising Chair for the 2021-2022 term. I am from SoCal and go to CSU Maritime which allows me to experience what various industries play a role in the world's ocean. I have been a part of Circle K for two years now where I can grow and serve my community. I can't wait to be back for in person events such as DCON and FTC and meet my fellow club members. I hope that I am able to bring exciting and fun service fundraisers to you all for our District Fundraiser Initiatives during the school year.

In service,

Justin Pham

Meet our Spirit & Social Chair Incoming 2nd year Major: Intended Molecular and Cell Biology with a double minor in computer science and cell biology

Hello UC Berkeley's Circle K, Hey everyone, I am Cindy and I will be serving as your Spirit and Social Chair for the 2021-2022 term! I am excited to implement the ideas I currently have in mind and look forward to seeing every one of you attend at least one of the events I chair, I will keep track. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. We can always talk about anything you want and even become great friends.

In service,

Cindy Nguyen


Meet our Kiwanis Chair Incoming 2nd year Major: Astrophysics

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, Hello dear reader, my name is Victor Cruz Ramos. I live in Escondido, a city near San Diego! I gladly serve as Kiwanis family chair for our Circle K. I am a passionate soccer fan, and I really enjoy socializing and meeting new people. I strongly look forward to meeting new friends when I arrive on campus.

In service,

Victor Cruz Ramos

Meet our MultiMedia Chair Incoming 2nd year Major: Computer Science

Hello UC Berkeley's Circle K, Hello everyone! I’m Austen! I joined Circle K to make some friends during remote learning, and boy did that work well. Some things about me: Kirby is my spirit animal and best friend, and my favorite things to do are make puns, edit videos, and play Smash on the Wii U. Next year will be my first in person, so I’m looking forward to making closer friends and finding people to play Nintendo games with. Feel free to message me if… yeah, just message me.

In service,

Austen Liao


Meet our Service Chair Incoming 3rd year Major: Molecular Environmental Biology

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, Hey! I’m Bidane Martinez Huerta. I’m passionate about insects/arthropods and ecology, and I love to spend my free time baking, watching anime and listening to indie-pop. As a service chair, I’ll be organizing and coordinating our different service projects and events throughout the term. I hope that we can make the most of this adventure!

In service,

Bidane Martinez-Huerta

Incoming 3rd year Major: Economics and Political Economy

Hello UC Berkeley Circle K, Hi everyone! I am so excited to return to board as your Membership Development & Education Chair. As Treasurer this past term, I learned a lot about the behind-the-scenes work that goes into your member experience, which is why I applied to be MD&E! I really hope you stay involved in Circle K next year because I have a lot of fun and new ideas for the family and mentor/mentee programs. Until then, have a great summer!

In service,

Austin Hoang


2021-2022 Theme is Fairytale

be sure to keep a lookout for merch and more this fall !


Executive Board Contact Information





SHARON HU Secretary



Appointed Board Contact Information


Publications Chair


VICTOR CRUZ RAMOS Kiwanis Family Chair


CINDY NGUYEN Spirit & Social Chair JUSTIN PHAM Fundraising Chair






Channel is : UC Berkeley Circle K

Thank you for reading! See you next time on the Cal Chronicle

if you have any questions, comments, concerns or feedback on the newsletters, please feel free to contact Ilse at 17

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