United Times ~ March 2014

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United times March 2014 Volume 1

Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp. Psalm 149:3

General Board Bishop Eric D. Garnes Presiding Prelate

Bishop Sheldon M. McCarter Assistant Presiding Prelate

Bishop James R. Chambers Secretary General

Bishop Glenn E. Livingston General Treasurer

Bishop James E. Dukes National Director of Social Justice

National Directors Overseer Dan Johnson National Business Manager

Elder Reginald McCaskill National Director of Music

Pastor Aurelia H. Jemmott National Director of Operations & Logistics

Bishop Orlando A. Wilson National Director of Center for Theological Studies

Overseer Frank Robinson National Youth Director

Pastor Martin J. DeSilva Major General – Apostolic Knights of Pentecost

Elder Jacqueline Marshall National Director of Women’s Ministry

Elder Reginald King Adjutant General

Bishop Rory Marshall National Director of Men’s Ministry

Sister Edna Capers National Director of Ushers

Letter From the Editor Grace and peace be unto you UNITED, Spring is almost here and we are so excited to bring you a lively edition of your United Times. We serve an awesome and risen Savior beloved people of God. Remain steadfast and continue to rise above and be assured that you already have the victory in 2014 – this will be an unprecedented year of favor! Walk by faith. Levites, prepare your hearts and minds for The Total Praise National Music Conference. We are coming together for a powerful time of teaching, fellowship, worship, and preparation for our Silver Anniversary in July. We will UNITE as we go higher in the worship. You will want to be a part of what God is doing in this season. Register today and reserve your room now! I pray the Lord opens your heart to receive as Pastor Martin De Silva blesses us this month by taking us back to the foundation of our Christian commission with a poignant article – What is Evangelism? Prepare to reflect as we get ready to go ye into all the world UNITED! Read on and be blessed, and above all, continue to stand. In His Service, Annette Parkins Editor www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

What is Evangelism? When we define evangelism, we usually talk about getting people saved, or making sure you know where you’re going when you die. Although we long for people to come to know God and to have eternal security, this is a narrow view of biblical evangelism. Such a view creates a gospel that is mere word and void of content. It turns the gospel into a consumer product by aiming to satisfy the individual’s needs while lacking the commitment to transform humanity. Unfortunately, this faulty understanding, propagated by many American evangelicals, has been successfully exported to evangelical churches around the world. We want to take this opportunity to reflect on the meaning of biblical evangelism so that our concept and practice of mission may be radicalized. We must ask ourselves what is biblical evangelism, and how can the tradition of the church correct our currently deviated understanding. The word evangelism is derived from the Greek euangelion meaning good news, gospel, evangel. Likewise, evangelization means to announce the good news. Evangelism is proclamation, but it is not synonymous with verbiage. Evangelism cannot be reduced to only verbalizing the Good News. Proclamation from the pulpit or mass-media tends to be a monologue, detached from relationship. Evangelism that is reduced to only proclamation is extremely individualistic. It often leads people to an interior repentance that is merely felt or pondered in thought without becoming real repentance. Biblical evangelism is personal. The gospel is the message; the gospel is also the life of Jesus. In Christ, the message and the messenger are indivisibly one. Jesus desires to disclose Himself; He is the Evangelist in that He is continually communicating and drawing humanity into dialogue with God.

Evangelism is not just proclaiming otherworldliness to justify the status quo or to anaesthetize our inability to change it. Of course, we do believe and proclaim the wonderful day when God will consummate His creation, when justice and righteousness reign, and when God’s people dwell forever in His presence. But God wants us to experience the inbreaking of His presence and to participate in the anticipatory celebration. An overemphasis on otherworldliness causes us to detach ourselves from creation and from history. Consequently, evangelism does not speak about the promises for creation, that God will make all things new, nor does it seriously confront historical sins. Much of modern mission has piggybacked on the colonization of the world by Western powers. The message of the gospel of Jesus Christ was adulterated with the promises of Western culture, which assumed itself to be better and more advanced. Often in the name of civilizing, the church transplanted a foreign god and a foreign religion that not only failed to keep its promises but also actually led to cultural regress. The gospel cannot be identified with any cultural, social or political movement. In fact, it must confront and challenge them. True evangelism is Good News. It rings true in an indigenous environment because the people exist through the Word (John 1:3) and because the Spirit has already been there preparing the hearts of the people (Rom. 2:15). Proclamation must be made in relationship and in the power of the Spirit. Paul says, "For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction" (1 Thess. 1:5). In His Service, Rev. Martin J. De Silva Tabernacle of Praise Cathedral

New York, New York! We come together for a special night of worship on March 5th at 7:30pm. The New York Diocese will gather together at Faith Assemblies of God with our special guest speaker Bishop Peter Barnes. Come with an expectation as God takes us HIGHER! *Bishop Barnes will also be making himself available for a 30-minute question and answer session after the service* You will be blessed!

Daughters of Zelophehad of Tabernacle of Praise Presents Women’s Conference 2014 He Sets a Table Before Me March 6-9, join us for a dynamic gathering and a life-changing experience as we dine at the Master’s table. Come with expectancy! Evening services are FREE, but join us on Saturday March 8th for an awesome workshop, dramatic presentation - play, panel discussion and luncheon! Call (718) 451-2143 to register and for more information.

“A Generation Setting the World Ablaze With Kingdom Fire” at Ecclesia Family Worship Center!

It's happening again as comedy comes to The Citadel Church! Pastor Terry Hill welcomes, BRINGIN' THE FUNNY! March 15 – This is one night you don't want to miss. Enjoy the music of recording artist Kendra Cash and the laughs given by Steffon Vann of BET's Comic View and Davell Taylor of Who's Got Next. Tickets are $20 and available online at www.eventbrite.com/e/bringinthe-funny-tickets-10568132569.

All Boxed In…With Nowhere to Go! I remember coming home from shopping for some new clothes and my siblings and I would quickly remove the tags, try each item on and gather in front of the mirror as if there was a photo shoot going on! Someone would catch us and say...look at you, all dressed up with nowhere to go! Now as we maneuver our way through this thing called life and ministry, some of us have taken on the same mentality – all boxed in, with nowhere to go. Our youth tend to allow themselves to get caught up in the formalities of church rhetoric without true relationship or understanding. I would be a millionaire several times over for every time I heard the phrase: "because we've always done it this way"! Not only are the youth ministries saying this, but the churches are saying the same thing. Newsflash: it’s not working...it's time to try something different...it's time to get out of the box! Let me first define what in the box means. Being in the box is often viewed as confined, limited, lacking in vision and stagnant. Quick question and even quicker overview; what is the true meaning of OUT THE BOX? Although there are many examples we could pull from, the greatest example of an out the box individual is Jesus. His life provides the blueprint – Jesus did (1) The unexplainable, (2) The untried, and (3) The unacceptable. He did all of this WITHOUT compromising His assignment. But my question to this generation is...what are we going to do to assure we remain out the box? The first thing to ensure that we don't go back in the box is to make sure that we focus on the process. The Word of God says, but be YE... transformed (Romans 12:2) and it is imperative that we change our mindset not to go back to where God has delivered us from. Better yet, we must make sure in our stepping out the box, that we don't recreate another box to

step into. What good is a process without a plan? How successful can out process be to ensure no negative repeats but to have a plan? Go…move… transition…shift…step. Whatever you do, refuse to remain! Even stagnant water becomes unbearable and attracts unwanted items and creatures. Lastly, after you've set your focus and changed your mindset and after your plan has been put into motion; Now, take your rightful place and assume the position of 1 Cor. 3:16 – know YE that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. Your position as the world looks on us is vital to the position the world places us in! Think about it – The kingdom of heaven suffered violence, and the violent take it by force (Mat.11:12). Are we praying or being preyed? What makes youth ministry more and more challenging are the examples that are laid before them daily! We have a generation (just as all babies and children) that mimic, duplicate and record all that they see and hear! So now, where are you going? It's not time to repackage and uncover. Jeremiah was told, say not, I am a child. You’re different, I didn't create you to be boxed in. YOU, this generation of greatness, are going places others have yet to go. Get ready...you’re next!

Overseer Frank T. Robinson National Youth President National Youth Division (aka Uc3)

Mark your calendars for these Annual United Covenant Churches of Christ conferences!

Total Praise National Music & Arts Conference – April 2-5 REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN. Reserve your room at the Sheraton Baltimore City Center ($129/night) (410) 752-1100

UCCC National Holy Convocation July 22-26 Reserve your room at the Sheraton Baltimore North Center ($109/night) (410) 321-7400

Visit www.unitedcovenantchurches.org for more information Connect with us on facebook and twitter to receive the latest information.

Stay Connected with United Covenant Churches of Christ "mention" us on twitter @UnitedCovenant @EricDGarnes "tag" us on Facebook (search and "like“) The United Covenant Churches of Christ "tag" us on Instagram: BishopEDGarnes Or even "pin" to our Pinterest board: bishopedgarnes

We wish Pastor Terry and Lady Kim Hill of The Citadel Church of Jacksonville a very Happy 18th year Wedding Anniversary as they celebrate on March 23rd. May your marriage continue to be blessed and flourish as you grow in grace as a shining example of the love and commitment of the Lord. Be blessed as He takes you Higher. Happy Anniversary!

Got questions about your ministry or ministry gift? Desiring better resources to help you excel in ministry? Frustrated because no one is calling you to preach? Get this book in your hands and get answers!

Not Punishment, But Training The author of the book of Hebrews was encouraging believers not to drop out or give up during hard times or difficult testing. He begins by reminding them that the believers who endured great trials and tribulations remained faithful. "Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us," Hebrews 12:1 (NASB) The writer encourages saints to focus their attention on Jesus who endured the shame of the cross, and never gave up. "Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2 (NASB) He concludes by teaching that when we are experiencing difficult times in life, we are not being punished, but trained by God. "God is educating you; that's why you must never drop out. He's treating you as dear children. This trouble you're in isn't punishment; it's training." Hebrews 12:7 (MSG) To understand the difference between punishment and training we need to define the words. Punishment is the authoritative imposition of something undesirable or unpleasant upon an individual or group, in response to behavior that an authority deems unacceptable or violation of some normal behavior. (Wikipedia) Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. (Wikipedia)

Observe the difference between punishment and training: when you are punished, something is imposed on the person in response to behavior. When you are in training, the acquisition of knowledge is from the result of teaching. God is not sitting on his throne with a big stick in his hand waiting to beat you on your head because you did something immoral or dishonest. Don't get me wrong, God will judge and punish this world and those who reject Jesus Christ as savior, on judgment day. However, now we have the opportunity to repent and change, because of God’s mercy and grace. As saints, when we are tested by life's circumstances God is training us, He is testing our faithfulness. Like Job, it is nothing but a test and if we endure the test we will come out better than when we entered! If you are experiencing difficult testing and hardship, let me persuade you not to give up, but to stay the course. God is working everything out for your good. It's not punishment, it's just training. When your testing is completed, you will come out as pure gold. “But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold." Job 23:10 (NASB) Remember what you are experiencing is not punishment, but training! Be Blessed! Bishop Roberto Jemmott Adapted from Bishop Roberto Jemmott’s monthly newsletter “The Bishop’s Pen” (February 2014)

Join us at Family Life Worship Cathedral on Good Friday – April 18, 2014 at 7pm as the Fine Arts Ministry presents "After the Betrayal".

Calling all Men – Time to get spiritually fit for the Kingdom of God! Register early for the Nazareth Christian Fellowship Spiritual IronMan Bootcamp.

Power of GOD Cathedral is celebrating TEN YEARS of Ministry in Jamaica, New York. All will see and say "HOW great is our GOD!" Join POGC at their "GALA BANQUET CELEBRATION on Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 4pm, You will be blessed!!! See you there!! ... I've reserved a ticket for you!!

Through the grace of God, Pastor J. Marcellas Williams has finally finished his first book entitled "Wealth On Purpose". It focuses on biblical principles of how to gain, govern and give wealth. The testimonies on how this teaching has helped and blessed so many are endless.

This is not a money message but rather a wealth message that includes money. Get your copy today and start your journey to Wealth On Purpose! www.amazon.com

Do you Zumba? Try something different for 2014 – or maybe you already enjoy Zumba! Come out to this dance aerobic fitness class featuring dance movements inspired by Latin, Caribbean and Hip Hop dance. You will enjoy a fun filled way to lose weight and be healthy. See You There!!!

Get Your Copy TODAY! Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church is excited about Bishop McCarter's first release!! Order your copy of his 40-day devotional, Be Ye Transformed! Go to www.gcacc.org and click on the billboard.

"Turn Up" with prayer...GENERATION "Covered"! The purpose of the youth prayer call is to keep our children covered by the word and build a strong prayer life for our children. NVKLC and Uc3 provides a vehicle that will get your child's day started and encouraged to go throughout the week.

Stretch your prayer life in this powerful season of prayer - His Kingdom come, His will be done! CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS: Draw nigh to God in this key season. There are morning and afternoon prayer lines within your UNITED family to join and watch the Hand of God move supernaturally in your life, your family, your church and your community! Bishop Jamie Johnson - James Temple Miracle Center Fort Valley, GA Every Wednesday night at 9:05pm EST (641) 715-3200 access code: 1004868# Bishop Roberto Jemmott - Nazareth Christian Fellowship Brooklyn, NY Tuesdays 6am EST (712) 775-7100 access code: 456009# Overseer Carlos Haynes - Faith Assemblies of God Brooklyn, NY Sunday-Saturday 5am-6am EST (760) 984-1000 access code: 919671#

Overseer Dan Johnson - The Empowerment Worship Center Chicago, IL Monday-Friday 5am-6am CST (712) 432-0075 access code: 502676# Bishop Allen Williams - Rhema Word Worship Center Elkridge, MD Tuesday-Friday 5am-6am; 1pm2pm; 9pm-10pm EST (661) 673-8600 access code: 834439# Bishop George E. Gibson, II Christian Love Worship Cathedral Philadelphia, PA Saturdays 7pm (seven minutes) (218) 862-4152 access code: 533257# *please remember to mute your phones*

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa

Calling ALL Singers, Dancers and Musicians‌.Register and make your hotel reservations today for the 2014 Total Praise National Music Conference! www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

Have any questions, comments, ideas or would like to make a submission for future publication? Please contact: Annette Parkins an.parkins@gmail.com (877) 97-UNITY www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

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