United Times ~ May 2017

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MAY 2017


w/ Overseer Terr y Hill

WHAT WE NEED? W/ Elder Caleb Edge

TRANSFORMATION Bishop G. E. Livingston

FA I T H + FA M I LY + F U T U R E

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s

Bishops’s Corner




What We Need








New Appointments


Upcoming Events


From The Editor Greetings United, I pray that you are having a blessed and prosperous year! As we have entered into this month of May we are in high expectation of the amazing things that are before us. We as United continue to push forward the mission of Christ while building a stronger community with each other. With all that is happening in our world we must not lose faith in whom we believe. Greater is on the horizon and we must be disciplined in knowing that God is in control of everything. As we work in our local areas, we must remember as the collective body called United, we have been commissioned to build the Kingdom of God for such a time as this. In closing please remember the words of the Apostle Paul, “And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we will reap, if we faint not.� Galatians 6:9 Elder RJ Marshall Editor

The Bishops Corner Good day UNITED Family!! Join me in the excitement that is ever so growing as we direct our focus, efforts and resources to the great city of Philadelphia for our Holy Convocation, July 11-14. A tremendous amount of work is being accomplished behind the scenes even as you read this issue of UNITED TIMES. If you or your youth have not registered you can do so today at www.unitedcovenantchurches.org. Our host, Bishop George Gibson and a team of leaders and workers are anticipating great things from the UNITED family gathering. Dynamic speakers, workshops, opportunities to network and forge relationships that will extend beyond the services for a lifetime. Overseer Frank Robinson and his team are prepared for your children, teens and young adults as they are creating an atmosphere that (as they say) will be “lit”! Artists, youth speakers, workshops that will reach your children just where they are. UNITED, the planning and preparation is for you, but we need you there as we meet God in the place he has predestined for us to experience miracles, signs and wonders this year. Enjoy this UNITED TIMES issue which is full of information, celebrations and the works of some of the greatest ministries across this nation and let’s get ready for a UNITED time together in Philadelphia, July 11-14, 2017.

TRANSFORMATION Bishop G. E. Livingston

In 1975 Walter Hawkins recorded an album entitled, Love Alive. This album included such familiar gospel hits as “”Goin’ Up Yonder”, “Dear Jesus I Love You”, and “I Love The Lord.” Another hit on the album was entitled, “Changed.” Each of these touched the hearts of countless people in the African American church. “Changed” was unique, in that it captured the very essence of what Jesus Christ wants to do in our lives. Unfortunately, there was one flaw in the lyrics of that song. It said, “A change, a change has come over me.” Change, in reality, is always inside out. Romans 12:2 (KJV) declares, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” The contrast in this passage is between conformation and transformation. Conformation is outside-in. Transformation is inside-out. The word transformed in this passage is from the Greek word, metamorphoo (pronounced - met·am·or·fo·o). This word means, “to change into another form, to transform, to transfigure.” It can also be understood as a “marked change in appearance, character, Church attendance will no longer be enough. condition, or function.” When God transforms us it Club membership will no longer be enough. Real is obvious. transformation alters the way we think, talk and act, because it’s from the inside out. Real transformation Perhaps the reason so many people who call cannot be faked. When God transforms us, what’s themselves Christians don’t actually exemplify on the inside of us changes things on the outside the very nature of Christ is because they have not of us. experienced real transformation. All too often, we seek a change in our circumstances so we can feel The key to real happiness, contentment, fulfillment different. As a result, we end up very disappointed. and success is being transformed. This transformation is only made possible by the Holy Spirit. Surrender The more we allow God to transform us, the more to Him and watch your life change for the better. we become like Christ. Guaranteed. As we surrender to His nature, we begin to passionately desire His will for our lives. Euphoric worship services will no longer be enough.

United Times


WHAT WE NEED? Elder Caleb Edge that they're not alone, or the only ones who had to deal with struggles at their age. That's why our youth need transparency; transparency can be utilized as a dam to block different floods of struggle from overtaking their lives. In my time of serving in youth ministry, I've found that the most powerful words a young person can hear from adults are "Me too"! It goes without saying that we all want someone who understands us without judgement, and our youth are no different. When our youth find adults who can offer an understanding ear, they will find an opportunity for openness that leads to sound advice and divine wisdom. Understanding is freedom, and a sense of understanding can eliminate fear and intimidation. As we know, our youth are the future, especially of the church. Without our youth, we would be staring directly into the eyes of death. In order to maintain the progression of the church, we must adhere to and acknowledge the needs of our youth. This will allow us to effectively and substantially grow our youth to be the ones to carry the church at large in strength and fervency. However, in order for this to happen, we must understand that today’s youth are in much need. Today's youth combat many things within our society, that if we're not careful, can lead them away from godly counsel and to a road of destruction. Under the leadership of Presiding Bishop Eric Garnes and National Youth President Overseer Frank Robinson, I've learned that when our youth have people who can be transparent, understanding, and balanced, they are able to succeed mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The worst thing adults can do is to withhold their truth from our youth. We never know what strength it could give a young person just to know 6

United Times

For so long, I truly believe that we've churched our youth out! Don't get me wrong: there is nothing wrong with church. However, we can never get caught within the legalisms and religiosity of what we know as "church" that we fail to give balance to our young people. We never want the Body of Christ to be so heavenly minded that we're no earthly good. Of course, we should teach biblical principles, however we can also teach other things, such as writing a check, building a résumé, finding careers, managing money, and many other things that won't just build a successful church life, but the success in their life will be holistic. We, as the church, have a mandate from God to raise our youth in a godly and righteous way that sparks success in every area of their lives. I believe when we as the mature church interact with our youth in ways that are transparent, understanding, and balanced, we can look forward to great growth of the church and a powerful generation of young people.

FORWARD Byron L. Battle, Sr., D.Min, D.D.

A few years ago when my oldest son was in the 5th grade, I made a deal with him. I promised him if his final grades on his report card were good, I would take him to Chuck E. Cheese’s, the place where a kid can be a kid. It is the place where adults and children alike can eat pizza, play games and have BIG fun. My son and I ventured there one Saturday afternoon and enjoyed ourselves completely. Before we left, I told my son to go and use the restroom. After being in there for about ten minutes, coupled with fatherly concern, I went to the restroom to check on him. I found him in one of the stalls with the door closed and crying. I asked if he was ok and he replied “Yes Sir, but the toilet won’t flush.” I told him to let me in the stall with him and to his amazement, I began laughing. I said to him “Son, this toilet is a new automatic toilet and in order for it to flush, you have to get up, turn around, and walk away.”

By its very definition, when used as an adverb, the meaning of forward is to make progress toward a successful conclusion. When used as an adjective, it means to be directed or facing toward the front or the direction that one is facing or traveling. When used as a verb, it’s used to “help to advance (something); promote.”

Such is the case with our lives, and with moving forward. After a period of stagnation, hurt, painful relationships, divorce or a tremendous experience at work or a religious institution, it can be extremely tempting to lick wounds, become bitter, remain saturated in sorrow, or hold on to monuments and memories of the past. There are times when one just simply has to get up, turn around, and walk away. Dr. Ed Young, Pastor of Second Baptist Church Houston TX wrote “We cannot change our memories, but we can change their meaning and the power they have over us.”

No one will ever achieve success by hanging onto what happened yesterday, to the point where it has a negative effect on his today. While there is nothing wrong with reflecting, remembering, and building upon the past, let us remember that in order to move forward, we cannot stay in neutral. Like the Apostle Paul said, we must “Press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling which is in Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 3:14 KJV

We have a responsibility in our personal lives, and as well as for those of us who serve in leadership positions to move our churches, organizations, teams and groups forward out of the abyss of despair and degradation and into a new day of progress, advancement, and Godly success. It is one thing to embrace the past as a tool in building a solid future. It’s another thing to live in the past and become stuck in ritualistic traditions and antiquated regulations.

May I offer the words of a hymn that I sang as a little boy growing up in the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

United Times


Onward Christian soldiers! Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus Going on before. Christ, the royal Master, Leads against the foe; Forward into battle, See, His banners go! Onward, Christian soldiers!Marching as to war, With the cross of Jesus, Going on before. Let us move forward in our lives! Let us move forward in our faith! Let us move forward in our friendships! Let us move forward in our relationships! Let us move forward in our churches! Let us move forward with our Presiding Bishop and his cabinet in United! Delete some phone numbers if you have to. Re-evaluate friendships if you need to, but whatever you do, move Forward! “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection�- Mark Twain


United Times


INTEGRIT Y Bishop S. Davis

INTEGRITY is such a massive concept. It comes from the same word as integer, meaning the positive, the negative, and the zero. Essentially, embracing a life of integrity starts with embracing the positives, the negatives, and even the zero parts of who we are. If all we can accept and/or display are positive parts, then we lack integrity. If we are always making excuses for the negative, we lack integrity. Are there parts of your “negative construct” that have justifiable origins as to why the “negative” exists; YES! But, it doesn’t change the fact that they are still negative and have to be embraced – TOTALLY! If you act as if the zero place in your life is a nonexistent, negative or positive place, you lack integrity. The Shakespearean phrase uttered by Polonius in Hamlet speaks to this level of integrity, when he advises, “This above all; To thine ownself be true…”. This phrase, in it’s fullness, suggests that you will never have to fear public falsehoods if you maintain private and personal integrity!

In telling the lie, people believe loss is deterred – so they thought. This is even a GREATER reality when it comes to personal integrity! The loss here is one of a constructed reality -- delusion. This selfdeception/delusion is so prevalent in the church community and is guised in uber spiritual talk and unearned titles and degrees, that have gone undiscerned, undisciplined and/or undiagnosed. David, in reflection and repentance, writes “Behold, You desire truth in the innermost being, And in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.” (Ps 51:6) When David looks back over the sin he deliberately manifested versus the intent of his heart, he then knew his lack of integrity was due his lack of embracing God’s desire for integrity -intently and intimately. The embracing of the full line (+,- and 0) is to own the REAL you! Then and ONLY then can you REALIZE the REVEALED you that God intended.

While most people have the belief that lying, either to self or to others is intentional, but I submit to that it is more deliberate than intentional. The difference is that while you see a liar because of the lie told – intent is in the heart. The lie is the result of a deliberate choice agitated by fear! At the heart of any struggle with integrity is fear of loss: loss of reputation, loss of relationship, loss of relevance and reverence and loss of what cannot even be perceived.

United Times



ONE-ON-ONE w / O v e r s e e r Te r r y H i l l

This past month I had the opportunity to sit down and have a one on one interview with Overseer Terry Hill, our Chairman of the Board of Pastors. Overseer Hill also happens to be married to our new UCCC National Women’s Director, Lady Kim Hill. He is the father of two beautiful daughters, and pastors The Citadel Church of Jacksonville. In addition to leading the college of Pastors, Overseer Hill is the host of Power Up, heard live every morning on Praise 107.9 in Jacksonville, FL.

demands that come with ministry? OTH: I’m not sure that I do actually. Like the guy who has the spinning plates, mine are all moving, and when one seems like it’s about to fall, I address it. I am working now on being better at the balance and I have learned the importance of a good team. Lady Kim is the best at keeping me grounded and ensuring I don’t drop it all. My kids do their part also to make sure I don’t mess it up too bad.

EM: Overseer, I appreciate your honesty and transparency. It’s refreshing to hear you say when OTH: Man, I’m blessed! you get off track you have a strong accountability EM: No better place to be! Well, I am excited to system in place. have this opportunity to sit down with you. OTH: Absolutely! In the multitude of counsel there EM: Overseer! How are you sir?

OTH: I am honored to serve!

is safety!

EM: Well let’s get to it. You are a man of so many EM: That’s the word sir! What advice would you offer talents, what led you to Pastoring? a pastor that may be struggling to manage it all? OTH: After having seen all that I have seen as a OTH: Scheduling is probably the best thing a pastor’s kid… pastor can learn to do. When I am strongest in my EM: …wait a minute you’re a PK (preachers’ kid)? management of all that is on my plate, it is when I trust the schedule. Too many pastors and people OTH: Yes sir! in general do too much on a whim. The adage is EM: Wow! So you’re not new to this at all, you got true, if you fail to plan, you’ve planned to fail. I some roots. schedule everything from date nights, to time away OTH: Exactly, I have been in church for a very long for solitude. We even keep a family calendar that time. Even as a minister myself, the only reason I everyone has access to. considered Pastoring is the Lord wouldn’t let me EM: I love it, a family calendar! That way everyone is go. I had every reason NOT to pursue this vocation. in the loop and family remains first. However, the hand of God was strong on me to do OTH: You see the vision…EM: Absolutely! So being as He had called me. bi-vocational what benefits have you seen from EM: So you were like Samuel - He called, and you those two worlds connecting? answered? OTH: There are two benefits that immediately come OTH: Exactly, and I’m glad I submitted. to mind about my being bi-vocational. First, it is the EM: So with submitting to God’s plan for you, how opportunity to impact the business sector with what then are you able to balance family life with all the United Times


I am called to be. Even before recently, I never “put down” my role/title as a pastor. Some for their own reasons, kind of stop being pastor/minister on their secular jobs. They almost want to be just a regular guy. For me, I have always been the minister on the job. A resident chaplain no matter where I worked. I have buried, married and provided spiritual advice to many of my co-workers. The second benefit to my being bi-vocational is that I am able to maintain a connection to life beyond the church sector. I feel too many pastors/preachers only know “church”. It’s all they are exposed to. I think this causes them to lose relativity, and then of course relevance is soon to follow.

EM: As I echo the thoughts of many others that would say we’re glad you’re a part of this UCCC family. Now sir, you are an author correct? OTH: Yes sir, I’ve been fortunate to pen two devotionals as part of a series, When God Speaks Through Children and When God Speaks in Daily Life. EM: Where can individuals purchase your books? OTH: Both can be accessed on Amazon, or by calling the church at (904) 699-7962. E-book format will be available soon. EM: Got it! Overseer, It has been a pleasure, thank you again for your time and wisdom.

EM: Sir, you’re talking good! I completely agree with you; how can we influence our culture if we’re OTH: No, thank you for the opportunity to serve, not a part of it! That’s what being Kingdom minded and to share. is all about. Overseer, what has been your greatest joy of pastoring The Citadel? OTH: By far my greatest joy in pastoring Citadel is seeing lives consistently changing. I serve a congregation whose median age is 35. Because many only went to church as children and then strayed away, our church has become the place to return to God. It’s exciting! EM: Sir, you have me about to join with the excitement! What would you want a visitor to know about The Citadel? OTH: More than anything else I would want them to know that we are the most hopeful, healing place they will find. They are safe at The Citadel! EM: Amen! I’ll be there Sunday with my letter in hand (laughing). Now Overseer you have been a part of UCCC for a few years now, what impact has United had on your church? OTH: Well, I have been a part now for about 6 years. UCCC has been a wonderful home for my church and myself by giving us a network of shared resources, accountability and fellowship. Our Presiding Bishop, Assistant Presiding Bishop and many others have been invaluable with regard to information, advice and encouragement. I’m glad to be UNITED. 12

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NEW APPOINTMENTS NEW APPOINTMENTS It is with indeed excitement as we celebrate the appointment of First Lady Kim Yvette Hill as the President for the Women's Ministry of UNITED. Lady Kim is the picture of a virtuous woman. She is peaceful, pleasant and powerful. A native of Jacksonville, Florida, Lady Kim works diligently in ministry alongside her husband of 21 years, Overseer Terry L. Hill, Jr. Together they are the proud parents of two enchanting daughters, Brianna Nicole and Terria Yvette.

First Lady Kim Yvette Hill

In October 2008, Lady Kim and her husband founded The Citadel Church of Jacksonville. She currently serves as Church Administrator, Dance Ministry leader, and leader of the women’s ministry - Jehovah’s Jewels. Her community involvement includes having served on the board of a CDC committed to enhancing economic development in the inner city. Touching the lives of many, she serves as a Journey Partner/Board Member of Sister’s United for the Journey, a multi-denominational women’s group designed to encourage and mobilize women all over the country, through workshops and group activities, to walk out their divine purpose. In 2016 the group published a book of prayer and intercessions titled “50 Shades of Change” of which Lady Kim is a contributing author. Lady Kim received an academic scholarship to the University of Florida where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, specializing in Finance. Since that time, she has established an impressive 25-year career as an Insurance Underwriter. Women of UNITED…get ready…get ready….get ready!!

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