United Times ~ January 2015

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United times

January 2015 Volume 1

General Board Bishop Eric D. Garnes Presiding Prelate

Bishop Glenn E. Livingston Assistant Presiding Prelate

Bishop Roberto J. Jemmott General Treasurer

Bishop James R. Chambers Secretary General

Bishop James E. Dukes National Director of Social Justice

National Directors Overseer Dan Johnson National Business Manager

Bishop J. Nathan Paige National Director of Music

Pastor Aurelia H. Jemmott National Director of Operations & Logistics Bishop Leon Wilson National Director of Faith-Based Initiatives

Elder Jacqueline Marshall National Director of Women’s Ministry

Bishop Orlando A. Wilson National Director of Center for Theological Studies

Bishop Rory Marshall National Director of Men’s Ministry

Elder Reginald King Adjutant General Sister Edna Capers National Director of Ushers

Pastor Martin J. DeSilva National Commander – Apostolic Knights of Pentecost

Overseer Frank Robinson National Youth Director National Director of Ecclesiastical and Corporate Relations

Chairmen Bishop George E. Gibson Chairman, House of Bishops

Pastor Terry Hill, II Chairman, Board of Pastors

Bishop Christopher T. Cox, II Chairman, Board of Holy Orders

Letter From The Editor Grace and Peace be unto you UNITED, Happy New Year!!!! 2015 is here and I pray you had a blessed holiday season, and a chance to recuperate after all the excitement. This year we are going deeper than resolutions, we are going after the heart of God. In this month of consecration, may you receive a spiritual awakening as the Lord draws you closer and ministers to your heart, body, mind and soul! It is time to walk in ALL that God has prepared for us! There is a palpable expectancy in the Body of Christ as we get ready for - The Encounter. National Holy Convocation is our most anticipated and glorious moment of each year when we come together for powerful worship, teaching, transformation and fellowship! July 14-18, there is no where else to be than Atlanta, GA. Come expecting, #UNITEDencounter. Be blessed as the Lord opens up the new year with a word from Prophetess Corrie N. Williams that will minister to our hearts and set the tone for the year, Forward March. Be encouraged UNITED, and above all, continue to stand. In His Service, Annette Parkins Editor www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

Forward March... Part 1

Forward March is a military command given to soldiers by their superiors. "Forward" is the command first ordered to let soldiers know that an executory command is coming. "March" is the executory command. When soldiers hear this command they move from there stagnate position and began to march forward. As we embark on a new year, it is important to focus all of our efforts toward the plan of God, through us, for the year. It is very easy to get caught up in resolutions, slogans and the hype that comes with the thought of a "clean slate". After all of the excitement has died down, where are you going? What steps are necessary for you to take in order to lead your ministry forward this year? With all of the civil unrest within our society, how do we reassure the people that God is still in control? In the book of Joshua we see the children of Israel cross over the river Jordan and into the land of promise. Joshua, the successor of Moses, was the set man who God entrusted with His people. As the book of Joshua opens, God gives Joshua clear instructions for leading His people, along with a promise. Moses, my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. (Joshua 1: 2-3) What I really love about God is, He also felt it was important for the people to know that He was with Joshua. And the Lord said unto Joshua, This day will I begin to magnify thee in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee. (Joshua 3:7). I believe this declaration was necessary to solidify trust between Joshua and the people. Now...let's unify and move forward. We must first Focus. Focus requires a clear plan to obtain whatever your goals may be. There is an old saying..."Those who fail to plan, plan to fail." The planning process helps us to combat the distractions and obstacles we will face through out the year. In Joshua chapters 2 and 3, we first see Joshua sending spies out to check out the land they are to conquer. He needed to know what they were up against in order to lead the people into victory.

As leaders, God is requiring us to stay before Him so we are leading with our eyes wide open. In His presence and through prayer, God will show you what lies ahead. As we acknowledge Him, He will direct our paths. Once Joshua felt confident with their ability to continue forward he then commands the people through prophecy, Sanctify yourself, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you. (Joshua 3:5). As leaders, it's important to maintain clear focus all the way through to victory. Secondly, we must build our Faith. As the children of Israel, it can be challenging to get our hopes up when we've been in a place for so long. We've heard about the promise. We have even seen the promise afar off. But for so long, for so many years we have been going around in circles. The first few weeks of a new year we are screaming, "This is my year!!!" or "We are moving into bigger and better this year!!!" Yet at the end of the year we are still stuck in the same place. We find ourselves having to encourage others while we are discouraged ourselves. I challenge you this year to first sanctify yourself. This month is universally a month of consecration. This year stretch yourself by not only turning over your plate, but as a leader, separate yourself and get in the face of God like never before. Purify and prepare yourself for the journey ahead. Through sanctification we can clearly hear God's instruction for the year. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. When we break down the word substance, sub means under and stance means to stand. Faith is the understanding of what God is promising us as his people. The understanding of the process helps us to maintain within the process. Let's make it a practice this year to consistently build our faith through prayer, purification and prophecy. To be continued...

Prophetess Corrie N. Williams IMPACT Outreach Philadelphia, PA

We are seeking volunteers to join us in the fight against suicide - it is everyone's problem. Anyone interested please contact us at: impactoutreachministry@gmail.com. The position is a volunteer position. Training will be provided and Counselors will be able to volunteer from the comfort of their own home.

ARE YOU FLUENT SPANISH? DO YOU POSSES THE ABILITY TO READ & WRITE IN SPANISH? DO YOU ENJOY SPENDING TIME ON SOCIAL MEDIA? If that is the case, we have a need for spanishspeaking individuals who can help us translate our posts from English to Spanish! To sign up, please email us at ucccsocialmedia@gmail.com

2014 Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner Giveaway Special Thanks To‌ The City Council Sherry Dorsey-Walker (6th District), Trippi Congo and Bob Williams for their commitment of time and service. Together with the Love Nation, we distributed dinners and coats to homeless families in the Delaware area. Dinners included all of the thanksgiving trimmings. Over 75 volunteers gave of their time to collect donations, purchase & prepare food and serve so that persons less fortunate could be blessed with a warm and hearty meal for the holiday. The City of Wilmington for providing transportation to deliver turkey dinners as well as monetary donations. We are also grateful to Sister Althea (Lisa) Gibson and those volunteers of CLWC whose tireless sacrifice and commitment to spearhead this evangelistic effort as well as The Love Nation for embodying the spirit of our fellowship by extending the love of Jesus Christ to the HURT and the HUNGRY!

The Joshua 1-9 Outreach Mission Ministrie

The Joshua Outreach Ministrie celebrated the birth of Jesus with the community. The ministry shared gifts and love with the families in celebration of our Savior. We are so thankful for the many blessings, and the more to come!

31 Days of Wisdom NuVision Kingdom Life Center starts 2015 with words of wisdom. The congregation will read one chapter of the Book of Proverbs every day, starting on January 1. We are fortifying our hearts and minds as a corporate body in this first 31 days of 2015. UNITED is invited to participate in this journey. Personal devotion is being supported through a devotional message released every day by Pastor Allan H. Gray. Pastor Gray will send out a three minute video message sharing words of wisdom for that day. Imagine receiving relevant instruction on your mobile phone and being able to view the message when it fits into your day’s schedule.

Grab your phone and send a text message to sign up for receiving these daily messages. In the address field, enter 40691 In the body of the message type #pastorgray Press Send

The following message will come back to your phone: NVKLC Welcome to “WOW” 31 Days of Wisdom! This return message is your confirmation that you’ve successfully signed up to receive the daily message.

Happy Birthday Lady Monica Gray! It’s Football Fancy at NuVision Kingdom Life Center for First Lady Gray’s Birthday! NuVision Kingdom Life Center is excited to announce a weekend of celebrations for our First Lady, Monica Gray. First Lady’s birthday celebrations will “kick-off” with a Baltimore Ravens (purple & gold) themed weekend of fun, faith, and fellowship with a touch of football fancy.

Friday, Jan. 9th - NVKLC will host a Ladies Night Service Saturday, Jan.10th - NVKLC & friends will be a Ladies Tea, featuring comedian Cassandra Archer and Lady Delicia Garnes Sunday, Jan. 11th - NVKLC & friends will host an indoor Tailgate Party For those UNITED members who would like to join in wishing First Lady Monica a very happy and blessed birthday, send your messages of love and appreciation to communications@nvklc.org.

Join in with Bishop Eric D. Garnes and the Tabernacle of Praise family through January 26th as we endeavor to change, transform, and renew our mind, body and grow our personal relationship with God through prayer and fasting.

The youth department of faith Assemblies of God will be hosting an 8 week Regents prep intensive program to prepare our students to take and pass the January 2015 administration of Regents exams. The program begins on Saturday December 6th 2014 and we'll run thru January 24 2015. We are offering prep programs for algebra 1, algebra 2/ trigonometry, and living environment. Seating is limited, so registration is required. To register or for more information you may contact us via email at faithassemblies1014@gmail.com.

Join us as we HONOR and CELEBRATE the birthday of our Man of God, The Chief Shepherd of CLWC and our Spiritual Father in the Faith, BISHOP GEORGE E. GIBSON II TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 “I will give you Shepherds after my own heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding." Jeremiah 3:15

“Apostolic Messengers Proclaiming (A.M.P.) 2015” Join Bishop George E. Gibson II in January as he welcomes some of God’s most anointed Set Gifts from around the world to share a Prolific, Powerful and Prophetic Word from the Lord! JANUARY 11TH @ 9 AM & JANUARY 12TH @ 7 PM  Apostle Vance Dash, Rhema Deliverance Center, PA JANUARY 18TH @ 9 AM & JANUARY 19TH @ 7 PM  Apostle Sharon Robinson, New Jerusalem Temple , NJ JANUARY 25TH @ 9 AM & JANUARY 26TH - 7 PM  Bishop Steven Walker, Abundant Life Healing Fellowship, PA Bring a friend, co-worker or family member with you! 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

2015 “Supernatural Increase” Focus & thrust: Evangelism, Education & Economical Empowerment The Scriptures were Prophetically down-loaded to my spirit by God. He told me to simply turn to the 20th book in each Canon; go to the 1 chapter and the 5 verse in each book. What I found was laced with revelatory radiance; an awesome illumination was released to catapult us into “Supernatural Increase” in 2015! Prov. 1:5 ESV “Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.” James 1:5 ESV “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” The Proverbs are a core of knowledge and experience that God says we must have if we are to live successfully. God gives to us, keen instructions, through the Wise Sage Solomon universal principles that apply to all people of all times. No one ever finishes the study of wisdom; there is always more to learn. The wisdom that God gives is not necessarily information on how to get out of trouble but rather insight on how to learn from one’s difficulties (Prov. 29:15) It is not more information about how to avoid times of testing but instead a new perspective on trials. The wisdom of God begins with a genuine reverence for the Almighty (“the fear of the Lord” Ps. 111:10, Prov. 9:10) and a steadfast confidence that God controls all circumstances, guiding them to His good purposes. (Rom. 8:28).

The most anticipated event of 2015 – United Covenant Churches of Christ National Holy Convocation July 14-18 Registration is continues and is only $50 for adults and $35 for youth.

Prepare for The Encounter! Calling ALL YOUTH & YOUNG ADULTS!!! The Uc3 team is ready to serve!! We have dynamic speakers..workshops..poetry..comedy...you name it you will experience it!! Have all children, teens and young adults register now for

#Uc3encounter http://youtu.be/dM-6h_T1IXM

We'll see you in ATL!!!

The United Covenant Churches of Christ The Uc3 National Youth Congress

@ericdgarnes @UnitedCovenant @Uc3youth

BishopEDGarnes UnitedCovenantChurchesofChrist Uc3youth


Join Bishop Eric D. Garnes for a "Once in a Lifetime Experience". Come on a tour of Greece and Turkey that will greatly enrich your spiritual life and relationship following in the footsteps of Paul in the old Roman Empire. We will begin our journey in the beautiful city of Athens. Then an Aegean cruise followed by northern Greece, Thessaloniki, Philippi and Meterora. The Bible will come alive for you. You will return filled with enthusiasm, gratitude and a renewed faith. "To walk in the footsteps of Paul cannot be described. It can only be experienced." Enjoy seeing all the major Christian sites and historical places. Deposit - $350 (payable on booking) Second Payment due – May 22nd, 2015 – 50% of balance Full Balance Due – Aug 7th, 2015 For more information, please contact: Brother Alejandro Campbell United Covenant Churches of Christ 1274 Utica Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11203 (347) 403-3524 lexfermina@aol.com

Power Of God Cathedral, Right In The Heart Of Jamaica, NY, Endeavors To Build A Body Of Victorious Women For The Power Of God. Our Mission Is To Reach The Hurting From Every Nation And Every Creed. We Purpose to Build An Army Of Women To Love The Lord With All Their Hearts, Soul, Mind And Strength While Balancing Spouses, Children, Family, Careers And Ministry. Power Of God Cathedral Women’s Ministry will be hosting a Book Club at the Women of Faith Home for Domestic Violence. (Dates listed below) Our Book: Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer.

Are you consumed with worry, doubt, confusion, depression, anger, negative thoughts and feelings of condemnation? These are attacks of the mind. We will equip ourselves to think the way God thinks. We will gain control over our mind and find freedom and peace. We will stop damaging thoughts from influencing our life. We will arm ourselves with the Word of God, Praise, Prayer and powerful spiritual weapons. Come and chat with us!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Power Of God Cathedral, Right In The Heart Of Jamaica, NY, Endeavors To Build A Body Of Victorious Women For The Power Of God. Light Refreshments Served!

Ministry Dates Friday, Jan. 16, 2015 Friday, Feb. 20, 2015 Friday, Mar. 20, 2015 Friday, April 17, 2015 Friday, May 15, 2015 Friday, June 19, 2015 All sessions will be 730pm – 930pm. Meeting Site: Women of Faith Community Room 109-37 Sutphin Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11435 Facilitators: Pastor Lovenia & Mother Hilda

Sponsored by: Power of God Cathedral, 171-38 107th Avenue, Jamaica NY 11433 Info@powerofgodcathedral.com Tel: 347-342-5400 Ext. 805

On Tuesday, December 23, 2014, The Greater Saint Mary Church of Christ, Samar Community Development Corp. alongside the Missionary Circle hosted their Annual Community Christmas Food Basket Giveaway for families in the Bedford Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn, New York. Thank you to Bishop James R. Chambers and the dedicated members of GSMCC for being a tremendous blessing to the community


Leader-SHIFT Conference 2015 January 9-February 1 14503 Bammel North Rd. Suite #301 Houston, TX 77014 Women’s 2015 Conference January 30-February 1, 2015 252 Patchen Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11233

MLK Weekend Friday, January 17 at 7pm 812 N. Franklin Street Wilmington, DE 19806

6th Annual Prayer Conference February 20-21, 2015 1300 E. High Street Pottstown, PA

Women of Worship Annual Conference January 30-February 1, 2015 3378 Boston Rd. Bronx, NY 10469

The Sexual Revolution Friday, February 27, 2015 1350 A Street Elmont, NY 11003


By Minister Ronald M. John

“Law and order exists for the purpose of establishing justice and when this fails in the process they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.” ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Michael Brown, Eric Garner, Ezell Ford, John Crawford and Tamar Rice are just a few of the names of young African Americans who have been killed by police officers. In light of recent events, we are forced to step back and reflect on police-civilian relations and how the increasing intensity affects our community. While we understand that law enforcement officers have a demanding duty to “protect and serve”, we also understand that a gun and a badge does not afford these officers the right to harass and mistreat civilians, particularly African Americans. The standard is now to shoot first and ask questions later, giving our young men and women the death penalty before they’ve had an opportunity to be tried. Something is radically wrong.

Black Lives Matter! African Americans of all ages must continue to rise up like never before and sound this awareness passionately everywhere. As we are making our voices heard, we must also learn how to conduct ourselves appropriately should we ever be pulled over or stopped by a local law enforcement officer. We urge you to be compliant, even if you are in the right. Refrain from giving them a reason to hurt or kill you. We are worth more than a bullet. There is purpose and destiny inside each of us. Cooperate and trust God for favor that things will work themselves out in litigations.

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~ Jeremiah 29:11 Indeed, we are African Americans, but first we are humans…Humans fighting for freedom, justice and equality. We are seeking a radical change, and the change has to begin with us. We must change our attitude, our perceptions and our responses to injustice. Continue to stand tall, square your shoulders and walk proud, and whenever you get weary, just say to yourself, I AM SOMEBODY! We continue to pray and cover the youth of Uc3 and youth in our community!! Be encouraged, be blessed. Minister Ronald M. John Faith Assemblies of God Youth Pastor - Uc3 Executive Board

Calling ALL United Covenant Churches of Christ National Choir Members. Let’s Stay in Touch!! Check us out on facebook today and update your contact information to stay informed of for latest news and important information within the National Music Department.

Do you have your copy? Have you download it!!!!! Have you Spread the Word?.....#Champions Debut Single from UNITED’s own, April Hall!

Pastor Angela Walker and Divine Revelation were named champions of the Urban Broadcast Media’s Voices of Praise Battle Competition; and were able to record their first album. On November 21, 2014 The Voices presented their first CD Release entitled ‘Door to the Next Level.’ This refreshing project brings a mix of original music as well as a new flare to some old time gospel favorites.

"What Do You See?" is 31- Days of Transformation that gives you daily devotions and confessions designed to encourage and uplift you to see yourself as God created you to be. This creative, yet practical journey is designed for anyone in pursuit of God's idea of them. Throughout these 31 -days you will be challenged to evaluate how you see your life in comparison to God's ultimate destiny for you. So when you look closely, what do you see when your reality meets perception? WWW.IAMRJMARSHALL.COM

For those of you that serve in the office of the Overseer, for those leaders that serve in ANY ministry capacity and especially for those Bishops who are looking for a manual for their designates or current Overseers...THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! From the historical genesis of the lower house of the prelature to the character, credentials and functionality of the Overseer, this manual will serve as a guide to being successful in the office and will prove itself as a great benefit to the officer! Visit our FB Page "The Renaissance Writings“, then "click" the donate button. https://www.facebook.com/TheRenaissanceWritings/app_117708921611213 Purchase with your paypal account therenaissancewritings@therenaissancehouston.org Or request the book by email therenaissancewritings@therenaissancehouston.org and an invoice will be emailed to you. Cost: $25 which includes priority shipping

The open enrollment period to get health insurance under the Affordable Care Act for the second time will end on FEBRUARY 15TH! Get insured TODAY!

The Divine Mandate Ministry of Zion Progressive Cathedral International, Inc. located at 1169 Connecticut Street in Gary, Indiana, provides free hot meals and free clothing every fourth Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Our next giveaway is on January 24, 2015. For more information, please contact the administrative office at 219-882-ZION (9466) during the office hours 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Tuesdays through Fridays. Thank you for your time and blessings and peace be unto you!

Got Ministry? Don't struggle alone! After 26 years in ministry, Dr. Hooper now shares her ministry experience and wisdom with other women preachers. Join her on Monday, February 2nd at 9 PM EST on a one hour FREE conference call designed to empower you for your ministry calling. You are guaranteed to be blessed! For ministry updates and more, subscribe to us at www.UsGirlsCan.com and follow us on Facebook.

Need a good ministry resource? Perfect for new, aspiring and ordained ministers and evangelists! Get it now during the holidays at our lowest price ever! Visit www.DeboraHooper.com and call our office at (646) 702-8872 to discuss bulk rates!

Remember, "you can't do what you don't know"! -Debora Hooper Click here to learn more about this ministry handbook: http://youtu.be/rQCKybvzXgQ Click here to order on Amazon: https://ww.amazon.com/author/ deborahooper

Increase Me is not just another self help book written by someone twenty years removed from struggle. This book takes a realistic and transparent look at life and how we live it. Increase me is just as much strategic as it is motivational. Each chapter builds on itself in an effort to build your arsenal and equip you for any challenges that may lay ahead. Most people in life have a pretty good idea of where they would like to see themselves. They are aptly able to tell you what type of home the desire, what brand of car they would like to drive, how they would like their marriage to play out, or even what they want their careers to look like at its end. A small percentage of people actually have a plan and tools as to how they plan on arriving at all of these amazing places. Increase Me will equip you with an easy to remember, easy to implement plan of action as well as provide you with a treasure chest of tools and wisdom to use along the way. Life is a journey and the Word of God is your roadmap. Increase Me will help you to avoid traffic along the way! Enjoy the ride! https://squareup.com/market/adrian-wynn-ministries

From SlaveBox To Xbox The cutting edge Internet radio show hosted by Dr. James Dukes explores and discusses the topics that are relevant to the beloved community. You don't have to just sit by and listen, you can join in on the discussion and the solution. We are not telling you what to think about... But please think about something!

As a former professional basketball player, Dr. Gibson combines his sports acumen with his intellectual prowess to create an inspirational manual for going higher in the “Game of Life” www.georgegibson.org Also available at Amazon & Barnes and Nobles An excerpt from 90’ By 45’: “The 90’ by 45’ basketball court is about timelines. You have to learn to be in certain places on the floor in a sufficient amount of time. Your position sets the condition of your opportunity. What advancements are you making in the allotted time that you have been given?”

Be a part of what God is doing at Christian Love Worship Cathedral! MEN 4 Change Join Bishop George E. Gibson II EVERY THURSDAY @ 6 pm EST as the men gather for a series of informal conversations around real issues that men face such as raising their children, assuming their positions of leadership in our communities and with our children. You will not want to miss out on this time of Enlightenment, Edification and Restoration! 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

Got Prayer? Please join Bishop George E. Gibson II every Saturday @ 7 PM for 7 minutes of prayer as he bombards Heaven for 7 power-packed minutes of effectual and fervent prayer while lifting up our leaders, churches, families, nation and communities. The conference number is (218) 862-4152 and pass code is 533257. Please remember to mute your phone(s).

Join Prophetess Lady Tricia Gibson the 1st Monday of every month @ 6 PM EST for “Hour of Power Prayer� @ 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19805 Please reach out to us at clwcde@aol.com. We would love to hear from you!

We Honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 1986 Martin Luther King Jr. Day was established as a U.S. federal holiday. Since that time, each year on the third Monday in January, Americans join in the celebration of Dr. King to reflect on his message of civil rights and social justice for all through nonviolent means. The purpose of the public holiday is to remember the struggles that people have had to overcome to obtain civil rights. Take part in the MLK Day of Service, the President's national call to service initiative. It calls for Americans from all walks of life to work together to provide solutions to our most pressing national problems. This year as you consider the legacy of Dr. King, consider the perspective of Syreeta McFadden: We are past the point where any of us should be satisfied with flat conversations around racisms – structural or interpersonal. We are past the point that we can deflect. It’s time that we ask harder questions of ourselves and entertain – even demand – difficult answers. We shouldn’t have to have another march from Ferguson to Jefferson City to assert the personhood of black Americans in 21st century America. We can’t be afraid to talk honestly about the brutal legacy of slavery or its phantom effects that pervade every aspect of our society. We can’t be afraid to acknowledge racism for fear of being labeled racist.

We can’t rely on the reality of the Obama presidency to substitute for the deep, authentic work of interrogating who we really are, and the depths of our racial fears and biases. We cannot have to march in the streets for another year, and another, to remind America that black lives matter. The dream lives on!

"Turn Up" with prayer...GENERATION "Covered"! The purpose of the youth prayer call is to keep our children covered by the word and build a strong prayer life for our children. NVKLC and Uc3 provides a vehicle that will get your child's day started and encouraged to go throughout the week.

Stretch your prayer life in this powerful season of prayer! His Kingdom come, His will be done! CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS: Draw nigh to God in this key season. There are morning and afternoon prayer lines within your UNITED family to join and watch the Hand of God move supernaturally in your life, your family, your church and your community! Bishop Jamie Johnson – James Temple Miracle Center Fort Valley, GA Every Wednesday night at 9:05pm EST (641) 715-3200 access code: 1004868# Bishop Roberto Jemmott – Nazareth Christian Fellowship Brooklyn, NY Tuesdays 6am EST (712) 775-7100 access code: 456009# Overseer Carlos Haynes – Faith Assemblies of God Brooklyn, NY Sunday-Saturday 5am-6am EST (760) 984-1000 access code: 919671# Pastor Frederick E. Wilson, Jr. – The Temple of Glory International Chicago, IL Sunday-Saturday 6am CST (605) 477-3000 access code: 552942#

Overseer Dan Johnson – The Empowerment Worship Center Chicago, IL Monday-Friday 5am-6am CST (712) 432-0075 access code: 502676# Bishop Allen Williams – Rhema Word Worship Center Elkridge, MD Tuesday-Friday 5am-6am; 1pm-2pm; 9pm-10pm EST (661) 673-8600 access code: 834439# Bishop George E. Gibson, II - Christian Love Worship Cathedral Philadelphia, PA Saturdays 7pm (seven minutes) EST (218) 862-4152 access code: 533257# *please remember to mute your phones*

Join us for Worship!

What you shouldn't be must not be allowed to stand in the way of whom you can become. ~Bamigboye Olurotimi

Have any questions, comments, ideas or would like to make a submission for future publication? Please contact: Annette Parkins an.parkins@gmail.com (877) 97-UNITY www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

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