February 2014 Newsletter

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United times February 2014 Volume 1

Winter Leadership Summit 2014 is HERE!

General Board Bishop Sheldon M. McCarter Assistant Presiding Prelate

Bishop Eric D. Garnes Presiding Prelate Bishop James R. Chambers Secretary General

Bishop Glenn E. Livingston General Treasurer

Bishop James E. Dukes National Director of Social Justice

National Directors Overseer Dan Johnson National Business Manager

Elder Reginald McCaskill National Director of Music

Pastor Aurelia H. Jemmott National Director of Operations & Logistics

Bishop Orlando A. Wilson National Director of Center for Theological Studies

Overseer Frank Robinson National Youth Director

Pastor Martin J. DeSilva Major General – Apostolic Knights of Pentecost

Elder Jacqueline Marshall National Director of Women’s Ministry

Elder Reginald King Adjutant General

Bishop Rory Marshall National Director of Men’s Ministry

Sister Edna Capers National Director of Ushers

Letter From the Editor Grace and peace be unto you UNITED, We have prayed and planned for months and Winter Leadership Summit 2014 is finally here. There are so many exciting classes awaiting you with hot topics that will stir up your faith and fire in the way you approach ministry. There is something for everyone so come expecting to hear from God as we UNITE together in the warmth of Orlando, FL to take Leadership outside the box! As we move steadily towards purpose, God is using some very awesome and unique men and women of God to speak to us this month and guide us towards our destiny. Pastor Angela Walker kicks us off by ministering to the History Maker living inside every true Believer. Choose to pray, overcome, and go higher in 2014. Read on and be blessed, and above all, continue to stand. In His Service, Annette Parkins Editor www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

YOU Are a History Maker; Accept It! Hello History Maker, Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 KJV states: “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted.� When you were born, history was made. You are the result of billions of years of thought; God thought about you before He even created the world (Ephesians 1:45). God placed a part of Himself in you that no one else possesses. You are His investment, and that is why He will always preserve and protect you. This is why it is so crucial that you accept and embrace that you are unlike anyone else. Stop trying to lower yourself to fit in with those around you. Your distinctive difference creates your reward! The world waits to see what God has imparted in you! Your difference decides your importance and your greatness.

Satan has sent, and will continue to send assassin after assassin, strategy after strategy, and millions of demons to kill you; but they have, and they will continue to fail because you must make history! “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6. Why is Satan so obsessed with killing you? It’s because hell fears your difference. You are a carrier of God’s presence, therefore a carrier of uniqueness. Go and make history in Jesus’ name!

Pastor Angela Walker God’s House of Divine Revelation Church Chicago, IL

Got questions about your ministry or ministry gift?

Desiring better resources to help you excel in ministry?

Frustrated because no one is calling you to preach?

Get this book in your hands and get answers!

All are invited to join Bishop Anthony C. Hanna, Sr., Prophetess Althea Hanna & the Faith Fellowship of Churches & Ministries, Inc. for our 5th Annual Prayer Conference! We will pray, worship, learn & fellowship around the theme, "Cover Me In Prayer". We will be reminded how we ought to pray for one another instead of exposing one another. We are looking for an epic time in The Lord with our Conference Preacher, Bishop Orlando Wilson of Baltimore, MD! We pray to see you there!

NOTE TO YOUTH PASTORS AND YOUTH LEADERS Youth Ministries…PRAY! Anyone that knows me will tell you that building “next generation” leaders is my passion, especially those that have been entrusted with the future generation within the Kingdom of God! I’ve trained leaders within the corporate environment and little did they know, the principles are the same, I just “tweeked” the message. The end result of their leadership abilities being challenged, stretched, and tried are the same that I desire for our youth leaders in United to produce. One major key to producing excellence is prayer! Oh, I know you heard all of the clichés about prayer and I know you understand the importance - but call together a youth leadership team to pray for 1 hour. Not plan, just pray. Not lay out the calendar for the year, but pray! If you really want God to bless and not continue to see the same results as you did last year, pray together as a team. In our team prayer, I used the story of Sampson as he would “shake” and he could do mighty things. He had strength beyond many, but he reached a point in his life that his purpose in God changed. His passion for God was compromised and his position with God shifted. Prior to this he would shake and mighty things happened and by his strength he would alter situations, NOW he shook and nothing happened!

It is a bad place to be in our ministries when we get to a place of complacency; doing things the way we've always done them and expecting God to still move on our behalf. Shaking and nothing is happening. Flexing and not a single child affected. You want “quality” events first rather than “quantity”? Pause...and Pray! An old Pastor of mine once told me that “when we are too busy to come together for prayer, then we’re busier than God intended us to be”! #truth You want a youth team that will be effective? Pray together! Have a meeting slated for prayer only - no discussions, no planning, just prayer! Prayer will do 3 things: Expose, Extract, but the end result will be Expand! Pray!

Overseer Frank T. Robinson National President of National Youth Division (aka Uc3)

Mark you calendars for the Annual United Covenant Churches of Christ conferences!

Winter Leadership Summit – February 5-8 Total Praise Music & Arts Conference – April 2-5 National Holy Convocation – July 22-26 Visit www.unitedcovenantchurches.org for more information.

Connect with us on facebook and twitter to receive the latest information.

Stay Connected with United Covenant Churches of Christ Are you attending Winter Leadership this year? Then we would like to hear from you. Share your experiences in our workshops, worship services and even time of unity and fellowship with those in attendance "mention" us on twitter @UnitedCovenant @EricDGarnes "tag" us on Facebook (search and "like“) The United Covenant Churches of Christ "tag" us on Instagram: BishopEDGarnes Or even "pin" to our Pinterest board: bishopedgarnes

Remember to use our special hashtag #WLSoutsidethebox when sharing your experiences

Why do we celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Did you know that Valentine’s Day began with a prison ministry? In the year A.D. 320, the early church set aside February 14 to remember the heroic death of a man named Valentine, who was beheaded on a pagan altar because he refused to renounce Jesus Christ. According to historic tradition, Valentine was born into a wealthy Roman family, and converted to Christianity as a young man, sometime around the year A.D. 240. It was an era when the church was being severely persecuted by the degenerate Roman emperor, Claudius II. Thousands of Christians were imprisoned in the dark, tomb-like jails of Rome.

Wealthy Romans of the time considered it “entertainment” to visit the prisons and watch as Christians were tortured and put to death. Valentine took advantage of his family connections to visit the prisons too—but he made it his mission to smuggle in small gifts of food to those facing martyrdom, always accompanied by a short note expressing love and encouragement. Valentine, devout and strong-hearted, was eventually arrested and was martyred in Rome about A.D. 270. Though the roots of the tradition are largely forgotten, his ministry of love and caring is still commemorated today more than 1,700 years later! On Valentine’s Day, share this important history with your children and grandchildren—and enjoy a little “ministering” together by delivering Valentine’s Day treats to a local nursing home or children’s hospital. It is important to teach our children the Christian roots of many worldly traditions—and they are never too young to enjoy the blessing of showing love and generosity.

It’s an experience they will never forget. Get your tickets today.

For tickets and more information, please contact: Avril Hernandez (718) 490-2039 or Nicole Robinson (646) 353-9622

Through the grace of God, Pastor J. Marcellas Williams has finally finished his first book entitled "Wealth On Purpose". It focuses on biblical principles of how to gain, govern and give wealth. The testimonies on how this teaching has helped and blessed so many are endless. This is not a money message but rather a wealth message that includes money. Get your copy today and start your journey to Wealth On Purpose! www.amazon.com

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Come and join the Covenant Couples Fellowship of Greater Saint Mary Church of Christ on Saturday February 15th at 5pm for “Paris in the Skylight Tower”.

Reservations are $35 per couple. To secure your entry please contact the office at 718-574-4100.

Throwing Mud Mudslinging! It’s when someone attempts to make others have a low opinion of you by saying unpleasant things about your character. However, if your character is mud proof, the mud thrown at you will not stick. As pastors, we should guard our character and conduct because we are scrutinized and continuously targeted for mud to be thrown at us. In a recent survey of the most trusted professionals, the clergy was ranked number eight (8). A college professor and a police officer were ranked higher than clergy. Sadly enough in this modern era, the clergy is no longer the most trusted profession, and we have given society ammunition for not trusting us. The various reports and recent cases in the media on sexual abuse and financial misconduct by the clergy have caused eyebrows to rise. A recent TV series that depicts clergy as nothing more than modern day con artist are relevant issues of concern, which contribute to an atmosphere of mistrust and unbelief in men and women of the cloth. I love what Peter said in writing to the believers: "Keep a clear conscience before God so that when people throw mud at you, none of it will stick. They will end up realizing that they are the ones who need a bath." 1 Peter 3:16 (MSG)

Yes, as preachers we should keep a clear conscience. Your conscience is the inner sense of what is right or wrong in your conduct or in your motives for doing what you do. Your conscience should push you toward doing what is right according to the Word of God. Your conscience guided by the Word of God should guide you into ethical and moral principles that control your actions, thoughts and behaviors. It does not matter what we say or do, some people will throw mud at us; therefore, we should live in such a way that mud does not stick. We cannot control what people say about us; however, we can and must control our behavior. We need to live as Christ did. Yes, He spent time with sinners, but He did not sin. He spent time in questionable places, but he did not have a questionable character. They tenaciously threw mud at Him, but it did not stick. Is your character such that the mud will not stick? If not, repent; start again in 2014. Let’s build the kind of character that is mud proof in 2014! Be Blessed! Bishop Jemmott

Adapted from Bishop Roberto Jemmott’s monthly newsletter “Shepherd to Shepherd” (January 2014)

Congratulations Bishop Christopher T. Cox II and Pastor Zulima A. Cox!

On January 15, 2014, Family Life Worship Cathedral celebrated its 19th Pastoral and Church Anniversary.

To Bishop Cox and Pastor Zulima Cox, we thank you for all that you do for us through your prayers, words of encouragement, and your commitment and dedication to ministry. We are blessed to have great leaders who exemplify excellence. We love you. ~Family Life Worship Cathedral.

Do you Zumba?

Try something different for 2014 – or maybe you already enjoy Zumba! Come out to this dance aerobic fitness class featuring dance movements inspired by Latin, Caribbean and Hip Hop dance. You will enjoy a fun filled way to lose weight and be healthy. See You There!!!

Overcoming Obstacles The nature of an obstacle course is rigorous, challenging, and full of different entities that are used to prove an individuals ability to endure, conquer, and overcome. When a person is preparing for an obstacle course they are daily consumed with the intense responsibility to train as an apprentice in the situation. The training process that one is involved in is a reflection of what is to come, therefore the individual prepares accordingly with a hint of knowledge of what is to be expected. As we are granted the privilege from our Creator to fulfill purpose through living life, we are assured to encounter some form of an obstacle. There are defining moments and even certain seasons where we will feel overwhelmed by the challenges and daily realities of life. However, like an apprentice athlete training for an obstacle course we too can be primed and equipped to combat life’s obstacles at the time they may occur. I am by no means admonishing you to program your mind to expect obstacles or should I say unexpected hurdles in life. Yet I am strongly encouraging you to remember that challenges are inevitable and it’s just an opportunity for God to get the glory out of your life.

Set your mind on your purpose and fall more in love with your destiny beyond your ambition. Possessing this positive attitude towards your necessary significance on this earth will remind you that obstacles are just diminutive distractions that fail at their attempts to delay destiny. Before your life began on earth you were already pre-programmed a conquering champion, a successful winner, and an obstacle repellant. Continue in your greatness and never relinquish who you are to accommodate someone else. Be you authentically, completely, and wholly. I cannot wait to see your name in the lights. Influence awaits you please do not miss your appointment. Stay OVERCOMING.

By Associate Minister Alana McCarter Uc3 Executive Team Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church

Get Your Copy TODAY! Greater Cleveland Avenue Christian Church is excited about Bishop McCarter's first release!! Order your copy of his 40-day devotional, Be Ye Transformed! Go to www.gcacc.org and click on the billboard.

Join Little Bethlehem Christian Church for Worship! 110 Pine Fork Road Eden, NC 27288 IT’S A NEW DAY AT LBCC!

"Turn Up" with prayer...GENERATION "Covered"! The purpose of the youth prayer call is to keep our children covered by the word and build a strong prayer life for our children. NVKLC and Uc3 provides a vehicle that will get your child's day started and encouraged to go throughout the week.

Stretch your prayer life in this powerful season of prayer. His Kingdom come, His will be done!

CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS: Draw nigh to God in this key season. There are morning and afternoon prayer lines within your UNITED family to join and watch the Hand of God move supernaturally in your life, your family, your church and your community!

Bishop Jamie Johnson - James Temple Miracle Center Fort Valley, GA Every Wednesday night at 9:05pm EST (641) 715-3200 access code: 1004868# Bishop Roberto Jemmott - Nazareth Christian Fellowship Brooklyn, NY Tuesdays 6am EST (712) 775-7100 access code: 456009# Overseer Carlos Haynes - Faith Assemblies of God Brooklyn, NY Sunday-Saturday 5am-6am EST (760) 984-1000 access code: 919671#

Overseer Dan Johnson - The Empowerment Worship Center Chicago, IL Monday-Friday 5am-6am CST (712) 432-0075 access code: 502676# Bishop Allen Williams - Rhema Word Worship Center Elkridge, MD Tuesday-Friday 5am-6am; 1pm-2pm; 9pm10pm EST (661) 673-8600 access code: 834439# Bishop George E. Gibson, II - Christian Love Worship Cathedral Philadelphia, PA Saturdays 7pm (seven minutes) (218) 862-4152 access code: 533257# *please remember to mute your phones*

The prayer power has never been tried to its full capacity. If we want to see mighty wonders of divine power and grace wrought in the place of weakness, failure and disappointment, let us answer God's standing challenge, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not!� ~J. Hudson Taylor

See you in Orlando, FL for the 2014 Winter Leadership Summit. www.unitedcovenantchurches.org LEADERSHIP Outside The Box!

Have any questions, comments, ideas or would like to make a submission for future publication? Please contact: Annette Parkins an.parkins@gmail.com (877) 97-UNITY www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

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