United Times ~ October 2014

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United times OCTOBER 2014 Volume 1

General Board Bishop Eric D. Garnes Presiding Prelate

Bishop Glenn E. Livingston Assistant Presiding Prelate

Bishop Roberto Jemmott General Treasurer

Bishop James E. Dukes National Director of Social Justice

Bishop James R. Chambers Secretary General

National Directors Overseer Dan Johnson National Business Manager

Bishop J. Nathan Paige National Director of Music

Pastor Aurelia H. Jemmott National Director of Operations & Logistics

Sister Edna Capers National Director of Ushers


Bishop Orlando A. Wilson National Director of Center for Theological Studies

Elder Reginald King Adjutant General

Bishop Leon Wilson National Director of Faith-Based Initiatives

Elder Jacqueline Marshall National Director of Women’s Ministry

Bishop Rory Marshall National Director of Men’s Ministry Pastor Martin J. DeSilva National Commander – Apostolic Knights of Pentecost

Overseer Frank Robinson National Youth Director National Director of Ecclesiastical and Corporate Relations

Bishop George E. Gibson Chairman, House of Bishops

Pastor Terry Hill, II Chairman, Board of Pastors

Letter From the Editor Grace and peace be unto you UNITED, You are such a beautiful people UNITED! From near and far, this month’s edition highlights so much for which we must stop and give God thanks! We are celebrating birthdays and church anniversaries; planning conferences and seminars; and preparing for one local and international event after another. GREATER is manifesting in this season! In the midst of our celebrations, we stop and take a moment to highlight Domestic Violence Awareness month with an informative article on signs and resources to counter this silent epidemic, and a powerful testimony of triumph. This is an edition you will want to share with your loved ones. Let us touch and agree this month as we come together to support each other, our leaders, and to support the silent voices in our communities. For we know that if we agree on earth as touching any thing, it shall be done of our Father in heaven. Be blessed this month as the Lord uses Pastor Leslie Christie to bring clarity into every area of shaking, doubt and discomfort that may arise When Destiny and Uncertainty Collide. Be encouraged UNITED, and above all, continue to stand. In His Service, Annette Parkins Editor www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

When Destiny and Uncertainty Collide Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you wondered whether or not you were possibly “losing it”? Was there ever a time when you considered that perhaps the things you think of doing and accomplishing are so far-fetched, so crazy, and so inconceivable, that you find yourself beginning to question whether or not it was really you who created those “crazy” thoughts, rather than God Almighty, the one who created you in His image and fully equipped you to accomplish them – in spite of you? Perhaps you are above this, and every moment of your life has been one of accomplishment, encouragement and empowerment. But for the rest of us, there certainly have been times when our Godordained destiny has collided with our self-inflicted uncertainly, creating a fireball of doubt and fear. It is at the door of life that is marked “settled,” “stable,” and “comfortable” when doubt and fear overtakes us most intensely and our thoughts are deeply challenged. God begins to shake us up, and challenge us to grow and stretch far beyond where we are, and where we think we’re going. It’s in this place where God shows up, not in the ordinary (where we can most recognize Him), but in the unexpected, creative and unusual manifestation of His power and glory. It is to this dichotomy of destiny and uncertainty that we consider the story of the human water walker, in Matthew 14:22-33. Jesus made His disciples get into a ship, and go straight into a storm - alone. Jesus purposely did not go with them on this boat trip. His disciples were skilled and seasoned fisherman. Although they may not have been able to predict the precise magnitude of a coming storm, they knew how to look at the sky, the movement of the waters, the direction of the wind, and predict whether or not a storm was on its way. They were what I call, biblical meteorologists. Surely the disciples were aware that they would be traveling on the seas through a storm. Jesus was in no way less intelligent than His disciples. He knew He was sending them into a situation that would test and try them. Moreover, He knew the severity of the situation. Yet, He sent them anyway to see what they were going to do in the midst of a situation that was out of their control. Yes, they conquered storms before, but what would they do in the midst of a storm that was unlike anything they

had seen before. Jesus knowingly sent them into a danger zone, but Jesus certainly was not going to allow danger to overtake them. ** If you don’t know it yet, please understand today that Jesus is not alarmed by the storms in your life. In fact, some storms are purposely and strategically placed in your life just so God can see how much you really trust His Word, and how far you will allow Him to stretch you. What has He been saying to you? Do you trust Him enough to stretch you beyond your point of reasoning? What will you do in the midst of a situation that is totally out of your control? The disciples found themselves in the middle of a fierce storm, floating on tossing waves, directed by contrary winds, and Jesus, who sent them there seems to be nowhere around. Hours later Jesus shows up. Not in His usual way, but in a totally unexpected and unfamiliar way. ** In order to survive the complexities of life it is imperative for you to see God as creative and unusual. God is looking for more from His children. When our lives are challenged by fierce storms, uncontrollable waves, and contrary winds, we have got to believe, trust and ask God for more than the ordinary. Wouldn’t you rather seek the extraordinary and incredible from an Extraordinary and Incredible God? It is an opportunity to see God do the EXTRAORDINARY in our lives. The ordinary is a given - feed me, cloth me, provide for me, etc. God will respond quicker to a faith level that waits in expectation for His personality to show off and shine. That creative and unusual personality that turns the impossible to possible, the immeasurable to measurable, the inconceivable to conceivable, the ordinary into extraordinary, and the earth walker into a water walker. God is a wonder! And He’s waiting for you to ask Him to do something in your life that seems, to us, to be absolutely crazy. You are a water walker, and you may not even know it. Stay tuned for the next edition of the United Times, and I’ll prove to you that you truly are destined to Walk on Water. Pastor Leslie G. Christie Kingdom Church International, Brooklyn, NY

Got Ministry? Don't struggle alone! After 26 years in ministry, Dr. Hooper now shares her ministry experience and wisdom with other women preachers. Join her on Monday, October 6th at 9 PM EST on a one hour FREE conference call designed to empower you for your ministry calling. You are guaranteed to be blessed! For ministry updates and more, subscribe to us at www.UsGirlsCan.com and follow us on Facebook.

32nd Shepherd’s anniversary Highlights� This month the Love Nation celebrated and honored our Shepherd, Bishop George E. Gibson for 32 years of dedicated and committed pastoral service in the kingdom of God. There was an immutable line up of the Biggest, Brightest and Boisterous preachers known to the Tri-state area! We walked away Enlightened, Enriched and Empowered!

By Min. Ray J. Garcia, MDiv, CPA Uc3, National Youth President

Passion is what energizes life. It turns the impossible into possible. In fact if you don’t have any passion in your life, ministry will become boring, dull, routine, and monotonous. I’ll go so far as to say if you don’t have passion in your life, you are not living, you are existing. God made you to live a passionate life and to serve Him and His people with vitality, vibrancy, energy, and enthusiasm. He wants you to have this in your life. A youth ministry cannot exist without passion. It is not solely about passion for the ministry, it’s about being passionate about what they as young people are passionate about. Many of us would immediately jump to say, our teens are not passionate about anything! I would counteract that by saying, as a youth pastor/leader our job is to assist in making a dormant passion come alive. In John 10:10 (NIV) Jesus said “My purpose is to give life in all its fullness.” God wants you to live a full life, a fulfilling life, which is the basis for a fulfilling ministry. Sadly, however, countless thousands of youth pastors and ministry leaders are simply enduring, holding on for the ride and hoping to survive until death without blowing it too badly. Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a daring adventure or it’s nothing.” I often think the same should be true of our youth ministries – it’s a daring, bold adventure, or it’s nothing Half of the battle in building a successful youth ministry is earning trust, building a good rapport, being transparent, and most importantly, consistency. The other half is based on your passion and innovation. The secret to being innovative and creative lies in your passion.

Passion is not a feeling The mistake we make is thinking that passion is a feeling being that it often manifests in that way, and helps us know it’s there, but true passion is a gift from God that can’t be taken away. When you arrive at the table with passion and your teens and young adults witness it, they begin to respect, appreciate & understand the commitment it takes to build a successful youth ministry. Once the youth in our ministries see our passion come alive, they move from being attendees to getting involved. Are we passionate about young people When leading out and managing a youth ministry, we cannot just focus on how to teach them about having a relationship with Christ. Our main focus should be to find out what their interests as young people are. We can be so quick to say that this generation of youth has no passion for God but, the real question is does this generation of youth pastors/leaders have a passion for young people. Do we take the time to get to know them? What are their likes/dislikes? What hobbies do they have? Do we show up to their football, basketball, cheerleading competitions? We expect them to show up whenever we have an event but when do where do we as leaders show up in their lives? Are we consistently passionate Often our feelings of passion fade because we begin to get comfortable. We aren’t facing the challenges we once were, so of course motivation wanes. We don’t need it anymore. We’re coasting through the events of life because they’re easy. So, if your passion for youth ministry has faded, ask yourself if you’re still taking big risks with God, still asking him to do things you couldn’t do on your own. When you live life on the edge, willing to take big leaps for the sake of the Kingdom, passion tends to show up again. God will give you what you need to complete the task at hand. So take a look at the task in your hands: Do you even need Him?

The Joshua Outreach Ministry is a member of United Covenant Churches of Christ in the Republic Of Panama. They are home to a feeding center with a focus on children and their education. On Saturday October 25, 2014 Joshua Ministry will celebrate their 6 Year Anniversary with guest Bishop Christopher T. Cox, II from the Family Life Worship Cathedral. The Team will be traveling to the Republic of Panama to serve our people and our community during the month of October.

The Rhema Word Worship Center would like you to help us celebrate our First Lady, our Executive Pastor, and our Spiritual Mother Prophetess Marinda Williams. She truly is God's mouthpiece down here on earth, with the ability to lead the body of Christ to the next level, especially the women of God!

Come join the New Antioch Church Holy Convocation! October 8-12, 2014 2401 St. Paul Street – Baltimore, MD 21218

Apostle Dina & Pastor R. A. Hubert take great honor in inviting our United Family to our 4th Church Anniversary on Friday October 10th with Guest Speaker: Apostle Suzzette Archbold, at 7:30pm. Then Join us for our Gala Banquet on Saturday October 11th with Guest Speaker: Prophet Andre Cook, at 7:30pm. “I SAID....DOUBLE.”

The New York State Diocese presents the GRACE Seminar on Saturday Ocotber 11th from 9am-3pm, facilitated by UNITED’s very own Bishop Peter Barnes, Diocesan of Cape Town, S.A. and Pastor Colin Davids of Grace Apostolic Ministries. You do not want to miss what God has in store – registration is only $20, and includes lunch. Reserve your seat today https://uccc.wufoo.com/forms/gra ce-seminar-registration-form/


Those who weep while they plant will sing for joy while they harvest (Psa. 126:5 ISV) Have you sown in tears, given your last and waiting on God? Well it's Harvest time! Come and join us for "Harvest 2014: Wealth and Riches" from Wednesday, October 15 Sunday, October 19. Enter your new season with a shout and a praise! Be ready to fellowship, worship, and listen to incredible speakers with a Word to bless your soul. This is your time so don't miss it! SEE YOU THERE! Follow us on Facebook and use the hashtags - #Harvest2014 #WealthandRiches or visit us online at www.ncfellowship.net

Come and join us for a night of fun, good food and great fellowship. Family Life Worship Cathedral is hosting "Taste of The Island" on Friday, October 17, 2014 The cost is $20 per ticket. Hope to see you there!

The United Covenant Churches of Christ The Uc3 National Youth Congress

@ericdgarnes @UnitedCovenant @Uc3youth

BishopEDGarnes UnitedCovenantChurchesofChrist Uc3youth


Join us for Worship!

On Thursday, November 20th, 2014, our Presiding Bishop Dr. Eric D. Garnes, Diocesan Bishop to the Latin American Countries, Bishop Christopher T. Cox II, and Bishop Designate Vladimir Moore, Esq, invite you to travel to the Dominican Republic to be a part of the International Summit under the theme: A Responsible Paternity. Delegates from the USA will travel to the Dominican Republic prior to the Summit to fellowship with our Dominican Republic pastors and spend quality time building relationships & fellowshipping with pastors who will be joining us from various countries around the world. Should you be interested in joining us and for further information, please contact Elder Sheila Williams, Admin. Asst. to the Diocesan for Latin America at familylifewc14@aol.com

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Women, there are great opportunities for you to get involved in the UCCC Women’s Ministry through our new Book Club, and Social Share Site. A Special thanks to our National First Lady Delicia Garnes, Pastor Carol Harris, and Lady Kim Hill for their amazing ministry gifts. God did exceedingly, abundantly above – YES, He is a limitless God. Ladies get ready for 2015. GREATER is ahead. Stay posted and make sure you get involved.

Domestic Violence: When Love Becomes Harmful Domestic violence, partner abuse and battering refer to the physical, emotional, sexual and psychological abuse, performed by one person against another. The abuser and the victim are involved in or have had an intimate or romantic relationship. Domestic violence, including battering, happens in all socioeconomic levels to urban or rural women, young or old, with child and childless, single, married, divorced - and within all religious racial, ethnic groups, and geographic locations. Councils on Family Violence has designated domestic violence battering as an "Unreported Epidemic." It is important to note, that women initiate and carry out physical assaults on their partners as often as men do. However, when it comes to serious physical abuse, women are still are overwhelmingly on the receiving end. Domestic Violence occurs in an estimated 4 million intimate relationships each year in the United States. The statistics reveal that domestic violence is one of the most important public health problems in our country and it is time that we all address this issue. FBI statistics point out that a woman is battered every 15-18 seconds in the United States. According to the Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community, Black women who are battered have more physical ailments, mental health issues, are less likely to practice safe sex, and are more likely to abuse substances during pregnancy than Black women without a history of abuse. They are also at greater risk for attempting suicide, particularly if they were physically abused as a child, for being depressed and to suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Factors such as breakdown of families, unemployment and underemployment, poor schools, inadequate vocational skills, the influence and use of drugs, and the density of liquor stores in our communities contribute to the problem of domestic violence -- which may compound into a strong undercurrent of frustration that can lead to domestic violence.

The answer to prevention is the early identification that a man has an abusive personality. Many women report that the signs were there when dating, but they ignored them or discounted the behaviors. If women can see problems in the first dates, they can end the relationship before it gets abusive. Signs of a violent, controlling type personality include: • Uncontrolled Temper • Extreme Jealousy • Intense Fear of Abandonment • Past Violence • Reckless Behavior • Lack of Respect Local domestic violence programs are a valuable resource. They provide confidential help. For additional information about domestic violence programs, or to find the one closest to you, call the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline at 1-800-942-6906. TOP Community Development Corp/DOVE Domestic Violence Program provides one-on-one counseling -- information and emotional support. Counseling can also help you think about choices and options that work best for you. Help getting legal services for Family Court or for immigration issues; assistance getting social services; crisis intervention; domestic violence related workshops to faith based organizations and other social service providers. Our services are FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Submitted by: Joyce Nicholas, LCSW-R, ACSW, BCD TOP Community Development Corp/DOVE Domestic Violence Program - - (866) 451-DOVE (3683)

Grace and Peace, United Family. My name is Elder Matred M. Conaway and I am a proud member of the Ecclesia Family Worship Center (The “E”) in Dover, DE where I am blessed to serve under the awesome tutelage of Pastor Carol E. Harris. I am a proud member of UCCC and I joyfully serve as a volunteer and National Choir member. In addition to that, I am a wife, mother, daughter, friend, advocate, peacemaker, confidant, worshipper, teacher- as well as an overcomer of domestic violence. The sincerest truth about this crime is that it can be displayed in many forms. For brevity sake, I’ll summarize it into five major categories: Physical, Sexual, Psychological, Emotional and Economic All of these issues can be found on a powerful education tool about dv definitions, called the Power and Control Wheel. http://www.ncdsv.org/images/PowerControlwheelNOSHADING.pdf Many of these definitions can be found within my own story. With the help of The ALMIGHTY GOD, I endured and overcame a 5 ½ yearlong marriage (I was only 19 and he was seven years older) when severe domestic violence issues began within the first week of marriage. Because I had grown up in a loving home where domestic violence was absent (my parents are still joyfully married and ministering together after almost 45 years) - I did not identify his early actions as domestic violence. In all, during our marriage I had suffered two miscarriages, a tubal pregnancy, a stillbirth and two successful births. It was shortly after I learned that I was pregnant the first time that the violence escalated. During my marriage, I fled five times. The first time, I fled back home to my parents, who were 800 miles away. We reconciled two weeks later and even had a renewal ceremony and combined baby dedication, in front of our church and family. However, the nightmare began shortly after I returned back home with him. This cycle continued and the final straw for me was when he attempted to rape me. I finally broke free of him, called the cops and they arrested him. At the time, I was six months pregnant with our second child.

After he was removed from our home, the real nightmare began. After giving birth to a special needs child, I could no longer work and was living in a house in pre-foreclosure with my two children, and no steady income. Being a junior-level executive in his company, all the stops were pulled and he filed for divorce and fought for sole custody. I had no attorney, no money, no income and his request was granted. I knew better than to commit suicide, so I simply asked GOD to just allow me to die. HE reminded me of Philippians 4:13 and somehow, by HIS grace I kept crawling forward. The next nine years were filled with interrupted visitation; hauling me back and forth in and out of court for child support; taking my children underground with family to keep them away from me for 18 months; keeping my children out of school and refusing my visitation in an effort to conceal the abuse and neglect that they were suffering. It has been reported that 25% of Christians have witnessed domestic violence in their own home. What can we, as the Kingdom of GOD do about this? There is no simple answer, but a simple place to start. We need to educate the body of Christ about this issue. Let’s require extensive trainings for our leadership, as well as our congregation at-large so that domestic violence can be more easily identified. Let’s increase our presence by joining and actively working with our state’s coalition against domestic violence – Every state has one! My sole purpose in lifting my own voice is to speak for all those abused women and men that have not yet found the courage to speak for themselves. I pray that my raised voice will incite the body of Christ to pay attention and take wise action against this pandemic…starting within each local church. The Lord gave me the song to pen entitled, “I CAN!” It is an abbreviated version of my own testimony about my triumph over domestic violence. The goal is not to become famous or rich from it; but rather to encourage others that are in the throes of this battle, in the midst of escaping it, or courageously working to regain their ‘footing’ in life after it- that you CAN make it, because I did. www.ncadv.org matredmh@yahoo.com www.cdbaby.com/cd/matredmconaway

Are you ready to battle for your family? Join Tabernacle of Praise and the Circle of Trust Men’s Ministry as we bring you a dynamic weekend of family building beginning Friday October 17th – Sunday October 19th with workshops and discussions for singles, youth, and couples. Registration is FREE so email cot@tpconline.org to register your family today! #BFTF

Join in the celebration at Overseer Carlos Haynes' 24th pastoral anniversary banquet! The banquet will be held on Saturday, October 18 at 12 noon at Antun's in Queens Village, NY. The guest speaker for the afternoon is Bishop Roberto Jemmott of Nazareth Christian Fellowship. Tickets are $50 per person. For more information contact Sis Jada at 347-859-2226 or faithassemblies1014@gmail.com

Zion Progressive Cathedral International, located at 1169 Connecticut Street, Gary, Indiana, will be celebrating Bishop Norman J. Hairston II on his 48th Birthday on October 19, 2014. We will have special guest Dr. Keith L. Winfield delivering the Word during our 10:30 a.m. worship service and a special service at 4:00 p.m. which will feature special guest Dr. Ahmad Boyd. For more information, please contact the administrative office of Zion Progressive Cathedral International at 219-882-ZION (9466) during office hours from Tuesday through Friday from 10:00am to 3:00pm.

Be a part of what God is doing at Christian Love Worship Cathedral! MEN 4 Change Join Bishop George E. Gibson II EVERY THURSDAY @ 6 pm EST as the men gather for a series of informal conversations around real issues that men face such as raising their children, assuming their positions of leadership in our communities and with our children. You will not want to miss out on this time of Enlightenment, Edification and Restoration! 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801

Got Prayer? Please join Bishop George E. Gibson II every Saturday @ 7 PM for 7 minutes of prayer as he bombards Heaven for 7 power-packed minutes of effectual and fervent prayer while lifting up our leaders, churches, families, nation and communities. The conference number is (218) 862-4152 and pass code is 533257. Please remember to mute your phone(s). Join Prophetess Lady Tricia Gibson the 1st Monday of every month @ 6 PM EST for “Hour of Power Prayer� @ 1230 N. French Street, Wilmington, DE 19805 Please reach out to us at clwcde@aol.com. We would love to hear from you!

Position Now Open National Youth Division Administrative Assistant Effective: August 29, 2014 Status: Volunteer Full Year Around Job Summary This volunteer position has a dual reporting assignment providing support to both the National Overseer of Youth and to the assigned National Youth President. The National Youth Administrative Assistant is responsible for managing all communications that are received and sent out of the offices of the National Overseer of Youth and the National Youth President. This position will assist the National Youth Office in organizing conference calls, sending and receiving emails, sending out announcements, memos, and letters regarding the Uc3 Youth Division. The position provides administrative support for Youth Division, as well, assists with communication and directives of the day to day operations for the National Youth Convocation, Youth Forums and local youth events. This individual ensures that proper and timely communication is provided to families, providing information for any and all events that Uc3 will be hosting throughout the year. Required Functions • Proficient with MS Office products (Word, Outlook, Excel) • Exceptional interpersonal skills, especially over the phone; ability to work well with people inside and outside of the ministry • Excellent verbal and written communication skills; enthusiastic about using communication skills for proper presentation of the National Youth Division • Excellent organizational skills; high attention to detail and accuracy • Ability to prioritize multiple tasks under tight deadlines • Team player

• •

Self-motivated; able to work independently Punctual and dependable

Other Responsibilities • Partners with other youth ministry leaders within UCCC, Uc3 & other youth reformation leaders to form a cohesive ministry unit • Continually explore opportunities to grow and improve programming to fulfill the vision of Uc3. Minimum Qualifications • Youth Leader/Young Adult with a passion for administration and ministry. • Strong commitment to the Christian faith and to the theology of UCCC; familiarity with the UCCC’s structure, mission opportunities, and resources is helpful • Willing to adhere to the policies and Statement of Ethics of UCCC, to be loyal to the National Overseer of Youth and office of National President and Uc3 Directors and to be faithful to Uc3’s vision, values and mission • Able to pray, teach and work well with others Physical Requirements • Ability to assist & be present at the National Holy Convocation representing the youth ministry division • Able to communicate well with children, teens, young adults and parents Core Competencies Relationship building, Administration Skills, Self-Starter, Organized, Integrity, Public Speaking Contact: Interested applicants should email a resume and/or express interest with detailed experience to Uc3@UnitedCovenantChurches.com

The Divine Mandate Ministry of Zion Progressive Cathedral International, Inc. located at 1169 Connecticut Street in Gary, Indiana, provides free hot meals and free clothing every fourth Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. Our next giveaway is on October 25, 2014. For more information, please contact the administrative office at 219-882-ZION (9466) during the office hours 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Tuesdays through Fridays. Thank you for your time and blessings and peace be unto you!

Be a part of recording history as the "Sounds of Praise" presents their first live recording project entitled "There's No God, Like our God" featuring three super talented recording artist; P. Renee Credle, Professor Butch Heyward and Reginald McCall on Friday, October 24th! Tickets for this event are $20 for all general admission and $40 for our special VIP guest. All VIP entry includes preferred seating, admission to our special reception following the recording and an exclusive "songplay" For tickets and all other inquiries, please contact our Administrative office at (718) 574-4100.

Save-The-Date Greater Love Ministries celebrates their 9th church anniversary on October 26 at 4pm with guest speaker Bishop James Jones. Special Location: Greater St Mary Church 493-5 Monroe Street, Brooklyn, New York

Pastor Terry and Lady Kim Hill and The Citadel Church are celebrating their 6th year anniversary! This year's theme is "This is MY Church- Committed. Connected. Covenant." Pastor Hill says the church is excited about the current growth and direction of the church. "We are family and everyone is starting to see the church as their own. This is our season!"

As a former professional basketball player, Dr. Gibson combines his sports acumen with his intellectual prowess to create an inspirational manual for going higher in the “Game of Life” www.georgegibson.org Also available at Amazon & Barnes and Nobles An excerpt from 90’ By 45’: “The 90’ by 45’ basketball court is about timelines. You have to learn to be in certain places on the floor in a sufficient amount of time. Your position sets the condition of your opportunity. What advancements are you making in the allotted time that you have been given?”

The Spiritual Ironman is the 2nd release from Bishop Roberto Jemmott. In this 40 day journal, he gives insight into disciplining your emotions and shares strong biblical principles on developing your spiritual growth. This is a must read for men and women alike. Add this book to your daily reading collection and challenge your inner man to go to the next level in life! Time to man up!

Now Available on Amazon and iBookstore – Download Today!

Let’s Connect! Ask questions, make comments and join the conversation on Bishop Roberto Jemmott’s new blog! Click HERE http://bishoprobertojemmott.blogspot.com/ and "follow" (google+ users) or “sign up” to receive up to date email notices on the topic of the day and let’s get the answers from God’s Word, the Bible together. http://bishoprobertojemmott.blogspot.com/2014/09/train-them.html?m=1

The Shepherd’s Corner: Elder A. Terri Rayfield shares with us a key teaching called “Our Mission – Saving the Lost”. In July 2009 Elder Patricia Gibson (Lady Tricia) fell ill in her home, and was rushed to Christiana Hospital’s Trauma Unit, after a 2 weeks stay in the hospital with multiple diagnosis’s being stated, it was found that Lady Gibson had 2 aneurysm’s in her brain. It was determined that surgery was needed so TEAM TRICIA was put together and their MISSION was to successfully complete the surgical procedures in her brain without any harm being done to the patient. It took the coordination and efforts of highly skilled doctors: Cardiologist, Neurologist, Anesthesiologist, Gastrologist and Nurses to ensure that TEAM TRICIA was a success. In the story we see that Lady Gibson was in imminent danger and therefore a HIGHLY Skilled Team was assembled for the task to save her life. In John 4:34, Jesus said to the Disciples regarding Samaria “that while we had saved ONE” there still needs to be a TEAM SAMARIA, so he told them to OPEN their eyes and look at the fields, for he said the harvest was RIPE. Ripe for What? Souls! Just like the story in John 4:34 as believers GOD is calling us to a MISSION, you see the enemy is running rampant and as Paul stated in Romans 6:23, “the wages of sin are death” and our MISSION is to get the Life Saver who is JESUS Christ. The Body of CHRIST aka “TEAM SAVING THE LOST” has a MISSION that is POSSIBLE to save those who are in IMMINENT DANGER.

In this, God gave me some key ingredients in making the TEAM SUCCESFUL for the Mission: 1) Everyone on the TEAM will have to recognize their gift because EVERYONE will need to play a part - I Corinthians 12:7 2) Everyone on the TEAM has to realize that their part is IMPORTANT: whether it’s VISIBLE or NOT - I Corinthians 12:15” 3) Every member on the TEAM must TRAIN for their part – I Corinthians 9:25 Realize the requirement for each position is different Recognize it takes time for you to grow into your position 4) We have to realize the danger of operating out of position – Acts 19:13-17 5) Team Members have to be able to step into action at any time – 2 Timothy 4:2 So, Body of Christ particularly UNITED, are you READY for the MISSION? I pray that we realize that GOD has called us to this MISSION and it is now time for us to Equip ourselves so that we can be Successful! Mission Accomplished!

From SlaveBox To Xbox The cutting edge Internet radio show hosted by Dr. James Dukes explores and discusses the topics that are relevant to the beloved community. You don't have to just sit by and listen, you can join in on the discussion and the solution. We are not telling you what to think about... But please think about something!

Pastor & Lady Newsome along with Power of GOD Cathedral are celebrating TEN years of established ministry in Queens, New York. We are celebrating "ONE DECADE" of continuous faithful ministry. Join us as we present our FIRST Banquet in TEN years. We have a ticket reserved just for you. "This is our year of JUBILEE!"

"Turn Up" with prayer...GENERATION "Covered"!

The purpose of the youth prayer call is to keep our children covered by the word and build a strong prayer life for our children. NVKLC and Uc3 provides a vehicle that will get your child's day started and encouraged to go throughout the week.

Stretch your prayer life in this powerful season of prayer! His Kingdom come, His will be done!

CALLING ALL INTERCESSORS: Draw nigh to God in this key season. There are morning and afternoon prayer lines within your UNITED family to join and watch the Hand of God move supernaturally in your life, your family, your church and your community! Bishop Jamie Johnson – James Temple Miracle Center Fort Valley, GA Every Wednesday night at 9:05pm EST (641) 715-3200 access code: 1004868# Bishop Roberto Jemmott – Nazareth Christian Fellowship Brooklyn, NY Tuesdays 6am EST (712) 775-7100 access code: 456009# Overseer Carlos Haynes – Faith Assemblies of God Brooklyn, NY Sunday-Saturday 5am-6am EST (760) 984-1000 access code: 919671# Pastor Frederick E. Wilson, Jr. – The Temple of Glory International Chicago, IL Sunday-Saturday 6am CST (605) 477-3000 access code: 552942#

Overseer Dan Johnson – The Empowerment Worship Center Chicago, IL Monday-Friday 5am-6am CST (712) 432-0075 access code: 502676# Bishop Allen Williams – Rhema Word Worship Center Elkridge, MD Tuesday-Friday 5am-6am; 1pm-2pm; 9pm10pm EST (661) 673-8600 access code: 834439# Bishop George E. Gibson, II - Christian Love Worship Cathedral Philadelphia, PA Saturdays 7pm (seven minutes) EST (218) 862-4152 access code: 533257# *please remember to mute your phones*

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Psalm 18:2

Have any questions, comments, ideas or would like to make a submission for future publication? Please contact: Annette Parkins an.parkins@gmail.com (877) 97-UNITY www.unitedcovenantchurches.org

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