Bourgault, A.M., Davis, J.W., Peach, B.C., Sultana, R., & Wheeler, M. (2022). Use of social media to exchange critical care practice evidence during the pandemic. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 41(1), 36-45.
Bourgault, A.M., Deb, C., Aguirre, L., Xie, R., Rathbun, K.P., & Sole, M.L. (2022). Microbiome profile informs cleansing and storage practices for reusable feeding tube stylets in critical care. Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 1-14.
Bourgault, A.M., Aguirre, L., Sebastian, A.T., & Upvall, M.J. (2022). National Survey: Do Nurses Still Auscultate Feeding Tubes in Adults? American Journal of Critical Care, 31(3), e23.
Bourgault, A. M., Deb, C., Aguirre, L., Xie, R., Rathbun, K. P., Pemberton, V., & Sole, M. L. (2022). 588: Microbiome analysis informs small bore feeding tube stylet cleansing and storage practices. Critical Care Medicine, 50(1), 286.
Rathbun, K.P., Yooseph, S., Forsman, A., Sole, M.L., Bourgault, A.M., Talbert, S. (2022).
Changes in the oral microbiome in nonventilated hospitalized patients over time. Critical Care Medicine, 50(1), 356.
Gaillard, T., & Neff, D. F., & Webb, F. (2021). Recruitment and retention of culturally diverse older adults into aging research: Investigation planning to explore intergenerational influence. [Poster presentation]. Alzheimer’s & Dementia, 17(S10), e053162.
Rossler, A. M., Thiamwong, L., Xie, R., Stout, J., Park, J.H., Garcia, O., Choudhury, R. (2021). Fear of falling, fall risk, depression, and anxiety in community-dwelling older adults. Innovation in Aging, 5(Suppl.1), 1033-1034.
Thiamwong, L. (2021). How the COVID-19 crisis affected diverse older adults: A mixed methods case series. Innovation in Aging, 5(Suppl.1), 427.
Thiamwong, L., Chong, W., Kwan, R., Roopsawang, I., Gautam, R., Lou, V.W.Q. (2021). An international aging research collaboration during the COVID-19 crisis: Mitigating global health consequences. Innovation in Aging, 5(Suppl.1), 141.
Thiamwong, L, Garcia, O. R., Choudhury, R., Park, J.H., Stout, J. R., Xie, R. (2021). Feasibility and acceptability of the technology-based fall risk assessments for older adults. Innovation in Aging, 5(Suppl. 1), 1004-1005.
Thiamwong, L., Park, J.H., Choudhury, R., Garcia, O., Furtado, M., Stallworth, N., Stout, J.R. (2021). Using assistive health technology to assess fall risk appraisal, body composition, and physical activity. Innovation in Aging, 5(Suppl.1), 28.
Thiamwong, L., Xie, R., Choudhury, R., Park, J.H., Garcia, O., Rossler, A.M., Stout, J.R. (2021). Associations among fall risk appraisal, body composition, and physical activity in older adults. Innovation in Aging, 5(Suppl.1), 992-993.
Thiamwong, L. (2021). Older adults’ experiences with visual physio-feedback technology and peer-led combined group and home-based exercises. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 29(4), 604-611
Blackwell, C.W., & López-Castillo, H. (2022). COVID-19 vaccination in adults living with HIV. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 34(3), 604-609.
Cannon, M. J., Ng, B.P., Lloyd, K., Reynolds, J., & Ely, E. K. (2022). Delivering the national diabetes prevention program: Assessment of enrollment in in-person and virtual organizations. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2022, 2942918.
De Almeida Peres, M.A., Manfrini, G.C., da Conceição Sores Martins, G., Preencher, L., Preencher, P., & Shattell, M. (2022). Vinte anos da lei da reforma psiquiátrica brasileira: Significados para a enfermagem psiquiátrica e em saúde mental/Twenty years of the psychiatric reform: Meanings for psychiatric and mental health nursing. Texto & Contexto Enfermagem, 31, e20220045.
Decker, V.B., & Tofthagen, C. (2021).
Depression: Screening, assessment, and interventions in oncology nursing. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 25(4), 413-421.
Holmes, K., Anderson, K. Haladay, J., and Conner, N. (2022) Community resident perceptions of health care access amid economic disadvantage. American Journal of Health Education, 53 (2), 76-86.
Li, Y., Wang, S., Cao, G., Li, D., & Ng, B.P. (2021). Disentangling racial/ethnic and income disparities of food retail environments: Impacts on adult obesity prevalence. Applied Geography, 137, 102607.
Lindsay, M., & Decker, V.B. (2022). Improving depression screening in primary care. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice. Online ahead of print.
McDaniel, C.C, Kavookjian, J., LaManna , J., Davis, J., Dickinson, J. K., Hammons, T. M., Ojeda, M. M., Hyer, S. M., Fahim, S.M., McKee, C. A., Todd, A, Yehl, K., & Davidson, P. (2021). ADCES Research Abstracts: Impact of diabetes education on quality of life in Type 1 diabetes: A systematic review. The Science of Diabetes Self-Management and Care, 47 (4), 31.
Ng, B.P., Park, C. (2021). Medication nonadherence and health literacy among Medicare beneficiaries with Type 2 diabetes. Value in Health, 24(Suppl. 1), S83.
Park, C., Ng, B.P., & Kim, K. (2022). Inability to access health care due to COVID-19 among Medicare beneficiaries. The American Journal of Managed Care, 28(2), 75-80.
Phonphet, C, Suwanno, J., Thiamwong, L, Mayurapak, C., Bunsuk, C., Ninla-aesong P. (2022). Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the self-care of hypertension inventory for Thais with hypertension. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 38(2), 179-191. Williams, R, Brumback, B, Cook, RL, Cook, C; Ezenwa, M, Lucero, R. (2021). Prevalence of HIV-related stigma in adults living with HIV & disability in Florida, 2015-2016. AIDS Care, 34(1), 47-54.
fy 2021 – 22
Anderson, K.M., Haynes, J.D., Ilesanmi, I., & Conner, N. E. (2021) Teacher professional development on trauma-informed care: Tapping into students’ inner emotional worlds. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR), 27(1), 59-79
Bourgault, A.M., Voss, J.G., Stanfill, A.G., McCarthy, A.M., Matthews, E.E., Talsma, A., Loerzel, V., Henderson, W.A, Kinser, P.A., & Hershberger, P.E. (2022). Strategies to enhance the success of mid-career nurse scientists. Nursing Outlook, 70(1), 127-136.
Bourgault, A.M., Galura, S.J., Kinchen, E.V, & Peach, B.C. (2022). Faculty writing accountability groups: A framework for traditional and virtual settings. Journal of Professional Nursing, 38, 97-103.
Bourgault, A.M. (2022). What will the new normal look like? [Editorial]. Critical Care Nurse, 42(3), 8-10.
Bourgault, A.M. (2022). The nursing shortage and work expectations are in critical condition. Is anyone listening? [Editorial]. Critical Care Nurse, 42(2), 8–11.
Bourgault, A.M. (2022). Difficult times without easy solutions: Nurses want to be heard! [Editorial]. Critical Care Nurse, 42(1), 7-9.
Byiringiro, S., Nelson, K., Akumbom, A., Davidson, P., Li, M., Moser, C., Lee, J., Logan, S., Ogungbe, O., & Shattell, M. (2022). Nursing education in the era of social media. Journal of Nursing Doctoral Students Scholarship, 8, 53-63.
Byiringiro, S., Nelson, K., Akumbom, A., Davidson, P., Lee, J., Li, M., Logan, S., Moser, C., Ogungbe, O., & Shattell, M. (2021). Using a Twitter chat as an alternative to traditional classroom discussion. Nurse Educator, 46(5), 316.
Chipps, E., Joseph, M.L., Alexander, C., Lyman, B., McGinty, L., Nelson-Brantley, H., Parchment, J., Rivera, R., Schultz, M., Ward, D., Weaver, S. (2021). Setting the research agenda for nursing administration and leadership science: A Delphi study. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(9), 430-438.
Díaz, D.A., Eckhoff, D., Nunes, M., Anderson, M., Kieffer, Salazar, I., Knurr, L., Talbert, S., & Duncan, J. (2021). Discovery of methods to enhance the care of the LGBTQ+ community. Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(9), 1085-1090.
Galura, S. (2022). Combating burnout in health care providers [Guest Editorial]. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 60(2).
Galura, S., Warshawsky, N., Hu, W., & Utt, L. (2022). A survey of interim nurse managers to understand the role and the impact on nurse and patient outcomes. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(1), 42-50.
Hand, M.W., Alexander, C., Lyman, B., Parchment, J., Joseph, M.L., Chipps, E. (2021). Filling the knowledge gap for nurse leaders: Next steps following Covid-19. Nurse Leader, 19(6), 616-621.
Hulbert, L. R., Zhang, X., Ng, B.P., Nhim, K., Khan, T., & Cannon, M. J. (2022). Health care providers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices and the association with referrals to the national diabetes prevention program lifestyle change program. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36(2), 236-247.
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Joseph, M.L., Chipps, E., Alexander, C., Caramanica, L., Frank, B., Hand, M., Lyman, B., Nelson- Brantley, H., Parchment, J., Ward, D., Weatherford, B. (2022). Building the science to guide nursing administration and leadership decision making. JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(1), 19-26.
Loerzel, V.W., Rice, M., Warshawsky, N., Kinser, P., Matthews, E.E. (2021). Areas of satisfaction and challenges to success of mid-career nurse scientists in academia. Nursing Outlook, 69(5), 805-814.
Lyman, B., Parchment, J., George, K. (2022). Diversity, equity, inclusion: Crucial for organizational learning and health equity. Nurse Leader, 20(2), 193-196.
Parchment, J. (2022). Mindfulness: A necessary leadership competency. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 20(2), 17-20.
Smith, M., Conner, N., & Neff, D.F. (2022). Access to mental healthcare in the 21st century: An evolutionary concept analysis. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, 28(3), 203-215.
Sowan, et al. CPG-IG (1/2022). Computable CPGs and best practice guidance for Care Delivery: An implementation playbook executive summary.
MacKenna, V., Díaz, D.A., Loerzel, V. (2021). Selfdebriefing after virtual simulation: measuring student’s depth of reflection. The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare: June 2021, 16(3), e46-e93.
Guido-Sanz, F., Anderson, M., Díaz, D., Welch, G., Aebersold, M. & Mitzova-Vladinov, G. (January 19, 2022). Extended reality in curricula: Setbacks and successes. [Panel Presentation]. Twenty-second International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2022) Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Guido-Sanz, F., Anderson, M., Talbert, S., Díaz, D. A., Welch, G., & Tanaka, A. (2022). Using simulation to test validity and reliability of I-BIDS: New handoff tool. Simulation & Gaming, 53(4), 353-358
Peralta, H, Díaz, R., & Díaz, D.A. (2021). Bringing a global perspective to students via telesimulation. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 33(3), 33-41. Roye, J., Anderson, M., Díaz, D. A., & Rogers, M. (2021). Considerations for the effective integration of virtual simulation in the undergraduate nursing curriculum. Nursing Education Perspectives, 42(6), e173-e175.
Keith, A., Parchment, J., Neff, D.F., Loerzel, V., &. Warshawsky, N. (2022). Does nurse manager job satisfaction vary by generation? JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 52(7/8), 435-441.
Anderson, M., Díaz, D. A., Guido-Sanz, F. & Talbert, S. (January 10, 2022). Augmented reality training: Education to save maternal child lives. [Podium Presentation]. Twentysecond International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2022) Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Anderson, M., Guido-Sanz, F., Talbert, S., Blackwell, C. W., Dial, M., McMahan, R. P., & Díaz, D. A. (2022). Augmented reality (AR) as a prebrief for acute care simulation. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 69, 40-48.
Díaz, D.A., Martinez, V., Todd, A., Soto, C., Cook, A., & Strassler, I. (2021). Exploring newborn health disparities through simulation. NLN Nursing EDge Blog
Eckhoff, D., Díaz, D. A., & Anderson, M. (2022). Using simulation to teach intraprofessional telehealth communication. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 67, 39-48.
Eckhoff, D. O., Taub, M. (June 26, 2022). Building nurse practitioner confidence using telehealth simulation. [Conference Brief]. 2022 Annual Conference, American Society for Engineering Education, Minneapolis, MN.
Hill, P.P., Díaz, D.A., Anderson, M., Talbert, S., & Maraj, C. (2021). Simulation-based education for interruption management training: An integrative review. [Abstract Presentation]. Twenty-first International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH 2021), New Orleans, LA.
Hill, P. P., Díaz, D. A., Anderson, M., Talbert, S., & Maraj, C. (2022). Using simulation-based education to teach interruption management skills: An integrative review. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 64, 46-57.
Hunt, T. M., Anderson, M., Vo, M., & Penoyer, D. A. (2021). The impact of training on teamwork and simulated debriefings on real-life cardiopulmonary arrest events. Simulation & Gaming, 52(5), 585-600.
Dailey, R., Peoples, A., Zhang, L., Dove-Medows, E., Price, M., Misra, D.P., Giurgescu, C. (2022). Assessing perception of prenatal care quality among Black women in the United States. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 67(2), 235-243. Davis, J., Hyer, S., Xie, R, Martinez, V., Wheeler, J., Misra. D.P., Giurgescu, C. (2022). Physical activity changes among non-Hispanic Black pregnant women. Public Health Nursing, 39(4), 744-751.
Decker, V.B., Ivanov, O., & Gopalan, P.K. (2021). Improving the initial breast cancer consultation. Journal of Doctoral Nursing Practice, 14(3), 225232.
Dove-Medows, E., Misra, D.P., McCracken, L., & Giurgescu, C. (2022). Racial residential segregation, neighborhood disorder and racial discrimination among Black pregnant women. Public Health Nursing, 39(5), 917-925.
Dove-Medows, E., Davis, J., McCracken, L., Lebo, L., Misra, D., Giurgescu, C., Kavanaugh, K. (2022). A mixed-methods study of experiences during pregnancy among Black women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 36(2), 161-172.
Gillespie, S.L., Bose-Brill, S., Giurgescu, C., Gondwe, K.W., Nolan, T.S., Spurlock, E.J., Christian, L.M. (2021). Racial discrimination and stress across the life course: Associations with prenatal inflammation, perceived stress, and depressive symptoms. Nursing Research, 70(5S), S21-S30.
Giurgescu, C. & Misra, D.P. (2022). Structural racism and maternal morbidity among Black women. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(1), 3-4.
Giurgescu, C., Misra, D.P., Slaughter-Acey, J.C., Gillespie, S., Nowak, A., Dove-Medows, E., Engeland, C.G., Zenk, S.N., Lydic, T.A., SealyJefferson, S., Ford, J., Hoffman, M.C., Drury, S., & Stemmer, P. (2022). Neighborhoods, racial discrimination and preterm birth among African American women: A review. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(1), 101-110.
Giurgescu, C., Wong, A.C., Rengers, B., Vaughan, S., Nowak, A.L., Price, M., Dailey, R.K., Anderson, C.M., Walker, D.S., & Misra, D.P. (2022). Loneliness and depressive symptoms among pregnant Black women during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(1), 23-30.
Khalil, D., Giurgescu, C., Misra, D.P., Javanbakht, A., Templin, T., Jenuwine, E. (2022). Acculturative stress and postpartum depression among immigrant Arab American couples. MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 47(2), 92-99.
Nowak, A.L., Giurgescu, C., Ford, J.L., Mackos, A., Ohm, J., Tan, A., Pietrzak, M. & Anderson, C.M. (2022) Methodologic considerations for epigenomic investigation of preterm birth in African American women. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(1), 81-93.
Park, C., Park, S.-K., Woo, A., & Ng, B.P. (2022). Health-related quality of life among elderly breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant endocrine therapy: a U.S Medicare populationbased study. Quality of Life Research, 31, 13451357.
Quelly, S. B., LaManna, J. B., & Stahl, M. (2021). Improving care access in low-income pregnant women with gestational diabetes. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 17(8), 1023-1027.
Saadat, N., Zhang, L., Hyer, S., Padmanabhan, V., Woo, J., Engeland, C.G., Misra, D.P., & Giurgescu, C. (2022). Psychosocial and behavioral factors affecting inflammation among pregnant African American women. Brain, Behavior, & ImmunityHealth, 22, 100452.
Vaughan, S., Misra, D.P., Wong, A., Rengers, B., Jablonski, S., Price, M., & Giurgescu, C. (2022). Successful recruitment strategies for engaging pregnant African American women in research. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 44(1), 94-100.
Woo, J., Penckofer, S., Fagan, M., & Giurgescu, C. (2022). Associations between pregnancyrelated symptoms, serum 25(OH)D, and physical quality of life in pregnant women. Nutrients, 4(3), 482.
UCF ranked among the top 100 public universities for producing patents for the ninth consecutive year, according to the National Academy of Inventors.
UCF ranked No. 31 among public universities in the U.S. and No. 60 worldwide.
FACULTY | SPRING 2023 | 25
“It’s not just another piece of equipment or technology,” says Assistant Professor Frank Guido-Sanz of the ultrasound machine donated by Roslyn and Jody Burttram. “It’s something that is essential to the core of our curriculum, and it pays off in so many ways…but most importantly, in patient outcomes and safety.”
Thank you to all who support our future Knight nurses, including those who recently established scholarships such as:
• The Clinician Life Scholarship in Support of Hispanic Nurse Practitioners, established by Veronica Sampayo ’13BSN (pictured on right with her first scholarship recipient),
• The Gabby Diomede Memorial Endowed Scholarship established by the friends and family of Gabby Diomede. Hear their story
• The Paul B. Hunter & Constance D. Hunter Charitable Foundation Nursing Scholarship, which supported 10 nursing students at UCF Daytona.
26 | SPRING 2023 |
Thanks to a generous donation from Bruce Gould and Jeffrey Gould, the Jeanette M. Gould Traveling Theater Fund at UCF pairs theatre studies, creative drama and nursing students to provide interactive theatrical programming for patients at Nemours Children’s Health.
Knightingale Society Members
Listing of donors who supported the college with a gift of $1,000 or more from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.
AdventHealth | North Region
AdventHealth | Orlando
Dr. Lillian ’07 ’15 and Mr. Frank Aguirre*
Mr. Wade S. Alliance
Ms. Anna Allred ’19
Dr. Kelly D. ’07 and Mr. Wayne E. ’87 Allred
Dr. Mindi A. and Mr. Tim Anderson
Drs. Thomas and Diane ’06 Andrews
Mr. Jack ’92 and Mrs. Tina Araman*
Dr. Richard Atkinson*
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Deborah Baumgartner
Dr. Christopher Blackwell ’00 ’01 ’05
Gary L. Blackwell Charitable Foundation
Ms. Kimberly S. Bogers ’18 ’20
Bonfires Bar and Grill*
Mrs. Donna A. Breit ’10
Mr. Patrick Burt ’08*
Mr. Jody and Mrs. Roslyn Burttram
Dr. Angeline A. and Mr. John R. Bushy
Mr. Donald W. and Mrs. Sherry Buxton*
Mrs. Patricia Celano ’10
Central Florida Foundation*
Dr. Susan K. Chase
Mr. Chris ’06 ‘10 and Mrs. Allison ’08 Collings*
Dr. Norma E. and Mr. Joe Conner
Drs. Robert and Christa Cook*
Dr. Joseph L. and Dr. Maureen M. Covelli
The Honorable Stephen D. ’96 and Mrs. Kristen L. ’97 Crisafulli*
CVS Health Foundation
Dr. Leslee A. D’Amato-Kubiet ’13
Dr. Jonathon ’10 and Mrs. Alicia Decker*
Ms. Kimberly Dever
Mr. Mark and Mrs. Dawn ’90 Diomede*
Dr. Desiree Díaz ’21
Dr. Kenneth Dion ’91
Mr. Michael V. and Mrs. Bari-Ann DiPietro
Dr. Soterios G. Djiovanis ’15*
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Caron Dougherty*
Mr. Daren ’06 and Mrs. Katherine ’06 ’10 Dorminy
Mr. Paul Dorsay
Alfred I. DuPont Charitable Trust*
Mr. Jason ’09 and Mrs. Nelly Duprat*
Dr. Kelly A. Eberbach ’15 ’17
Dr. Candace F. Eden ’15
Ms. Andrea Eliscu
Ms. Michele Fackler ’00 ’12
Florida Blue Foundation
Florida Navy Nurse Corps Association
Dr. Sandra Galura ’05 ’12
Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation
Mr. Kenneth Goedeker
Mr. Adam and Mrs. Geri Goldstein
Mr. Ivan ’09 ’12 and Mrs. Christina Gonzalez
Mr. Bruce Gould*
Dr. Bailey and Mrs. Jennifer Groseclose*
Dr. Edward and Mrs. Tiffany ’05 Gross*
Dr. Frank Guido-Sanz ’18
Mr. Todd Guiley ’91
Mr. Christian A. ’17 and Mrs. Shannon L. ’16 ’21 Harville
Health First
Heart of Volusia
Dr. Steve ’02 ’03 ’04 ’12 and Mrs. Darlene Heglund
Dr. Linda Hennig ’96
Mrs. Judy L. Housel ’98 ’99
Dr. Erica E. Hoyt ’93 ’19
Paul B. Hunter & Constance D. Hunter
Charitable Foundation, Inc. *
Mrs. Whitney Hutton*
Dr. Frances E. Iacobellis
* Denotes new society members. Welcome! **We apologize for any inadvertent errors or omissions.
Dr. Marchina ’10 and Mr. Patrick Jones*
Ms. Renee M. Keller
Ms. Sylvie Keller*
Dr. Elizabeth V. Kinchen
Dr. Kate ’79 ’83 and Mr. Joseph F. Kinsley
The Honorable Phyllis A. H’14 and Dr. David R. Klock
Mr. Todd J. ’04 ’05 and Mrs. Katie ’04 ’05 Korkosz
Dr. Jacqueline ’13 and Mr. Anthony ’93 LaManna
Mr. Richard ’86 and Mrs. Nora Lambert
Ms. Abbygail P. Lapinski ’19
Mr. Claude and Mrs. Susan ’73 Leslie*
Ms. Judy Liberi*
Dr. Victoria W. ’07 and Mr. Steven C. ’87 ’92 Loerzel
The Honorable John S. and Mrs. Carolyn T. Lord
Drs. Brian ’17 and Christina C. ’98 ’22 McGuirk*
Mr. Gerard and Mrs. Debra ’01 ’03 ’10 Michaud
Dr. Vicki L. Montoya ’83 ’01 ’13
Glenda G. Morgan Charitable Foundation
Dr. Donna F. Neff
Nemours Children’s Hospital, Florida
The Northrop Grumman Foundation
Ms. Rosemary G. Notarantonio ’81
Nurses First Solutions
Dr. Lucille O’Neal*
Orlando Health
Ochsner Health System
Parrish Medical Center
Ms. Virginia Partain
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Anne Peach
Dr. Heather Peralta
PNC Foundation
Dr. Susan Quelly ’07 ’12
Dr. Melissa A. Radecki ’10’12 *
Mrs. Mary E. Ramey
Dr. Veronica Sampayo ’13*
Ms. Amanda Schultz ’17
Dr. Mona Shattell and Dr. Vivian Schutz*
Dr. Melanie Shatzer
The Gertrude E. Skelly Charitable Foundation
Dr. Earl and Mrs. Jan T. Smith
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Carla Smith*
Dr. Marie A. Smith-East ’20
Dr. Mary Lou and Mr. Robert Sole
Mr. Richard and Mrs. Marianne Strauss*
The Swift Family Foundation
Dr. Deborah Tedesco ’93 ’18
Sigma, Theta Epsilon Chapter
Mr. Bill and Mrs. Deborah ’80 Thornton*
Mrs. Jane E. Traynor
Dr. Dawn Turnage ’11 ’13 ’15 ’18 ’19
UCF Lake Nona Medical Center
UnitedHealthcare of Florida
Capt. N.F. Urbano USN/RET*
Ms. Elizabeth K. Vieira
Mr. Robin K. Vieira ’93
Dr. Julie Vincent ’16
Mr. Dan ’74 and Mrs. Ria Voss*
Dr. Zabunnissa Vyas and Mr. Suryakant Vyas
Commander Rosemarie C. Walsh*
Mr. John and Mrs. Mary ’90 ’91 White*
Mrs. Carole W. Williams ’92
Mr. John and Dr. Jayne ‘20 Willis
The Diane and Larry Wink Fund
The Woods Trust
HELP US “CHARGE ON” AND “CHANGE LIVES” Building the College of Nursing for the Future Student Scholarships ---$14.5M in Unmet Student Need Simulation Initiatives to Enhance Education 1 2 3 SUPPORT THE 3 AREAS OF GREATEST NEED: | SPRING 2023 | 27
Meet Your Alumni Chapter Board
SHANNON HARVILLE ’16BSN ’21DNP Communications Chair
MICHELE FACKLER ’00BSN ’12MSN Philanthropy Chair, Chair Elect
FAMEISHA WILLIAMS ’06BSN ’11MSN ’18DNP Inclusion Co-Chair
VERONICA SAMPAYO ’13BSN Inclusion Co-Chair
LILLIAN AGUIRRE ’07MSN ’15DNP Education Chair
BRANDI BRYAN ’17MSN Mentorship Co-Chair
EUGENE WATERVAL ’09MSN ’20PHD Mentorship Co-Chair
NADINE GARCIA ’18MSN Recognition Chair
JESSICA SELEPEC ’06BSN Social Media Co-Chair
MADISON DITCHFIELD ’16BSN ’10BS Social Media Co-Chair
STEPHEN HEGLUND ’02BSN ’04MSN ’12PHD Faculty Liaison
LEAH SHINN Student Liaison
PAM PORES ’83 ’94BSN Reunion/Sponsorship Chair
JUDY HOUSEL ’98BSN ’99MSN Hospitality Chair
CHRISTINA MCGUIRK ’98BSN ’22DNP Wellness/Resiliency Chair
VICTORIA WRIGHT ’16 ’19MPA, MNM Staff Liaison
What an exciting time to be a proud Knight nurse alumna.
Through extended vision and collaborative support by many including our alumni and donors, the UCF College of Nursing has a bright future ahead.
With the expansion of undergraduate programs and a monumental move to a state-of-the-art building at the UCF Academic Health Sciences Campus at Lake Nona, our alumni community ---- currently 14K+ strong, will only continue to grow each year. Our light will shine brighter in our profession and in our communities as we continue to expand and diversify.
Whether you are a new Knight nurse or longstanding alumni, know that your alumni chapter is here to support you with continuing education, mentorship, networking and more.
While nursing is incredibly rewarding, it can also be challenging ---especially with the nursing shortage impacting us all. I encourage you to engage with our chapter and stay connected to feel supported as collectively we continue to positively impact the lives of others.
Go Knights! Charge On!
Welcome New Alumni Engagement Assistant Director
Victoria Wright, a four-time UCF alumna, is the new alumni contact at the college. (Christina Gonzalez is still here, but now assisting in fundraising efforts.) Victoria has been at the UCF Foundation since May 2019 and joined the college in July 2022 on an interim appointment where she helped plan the inaugural alumni tailgate event. “I’m looking forward to increasing alumni participation in our active chapter, and meeting more of our Knight nurse alumni at future events.”
28 | SPRING 2023 |