UChicago PULSE Issue 6.3: Spring 2020

Page 7


Kaplan MCAT PRACTICE PROBLEM QUESTION An alpha helix is most likely to be held together by:

A. disulfide bonds. B. hydrophobic effects. C. hydrogen bonds. D. ion attractions between side chains.

THINK YOU’RE READY FOR TEST DAY? Find out with this fun and FREE way to tackle practice MCAT questions from Kaplan Test Prep. Register to receive one sample question a day for the next three months. You’ll get: • A new MCAT-style question each day to test your knowledge and skills • Complete explanations and expert strategies with every question • Compete against your friends to see who’s really ready for test day To get started go to: https://www.kaptest.com/mcat/mcat-practice/free-mcat-practice-question-a-day

C. The alpha helix is held together primarily by hydrogen bonds between the carboxyl groups and amino groups of amino acids. Disulfide bridges, choice (A), and hydrophobic effects, choice (B), are primarily involved in tertiary structures, not secondary. Even if they were charged, the side chains of amino acids are too far apart to participate in strong interactions in secondary structure.

ANSWER spring 2020 || 5

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