June 24–September 15

Visit the UCLA Extension Website UCLA Extension’s Course Delivery Options
For additional course and certificate information, visit uclaextension.edu
R Search
Use the entire course number, title, Reg#, or keyword from the course listing to search for individual courses. Refer to the next column for a sample course number (A) and Reg# (D). Certificates and Specializations can also be searched by title or keyword.
R Browse
Choose “Courses” from the main menu to browse all offerings.
R View Schedule & Location
From your selected course page, click “View Course Options” to see offered sections and date, time, and location information. Click “See Details” for additional information about the course offering. Note: When Online, Remote Instruction, and/or Hybrid sections are available, click the individual tabs for the schedule and instructor information.
R Enroll Online
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R Enroll by Phone
Call (800) 825-9971 Monday–Friday, 8am–5pm; use American Express, Discover, JCB, MasterCard, or Visa.
Summer Quarter 2024
Classes begin June 24.
Enrollment begins April 29.
Fall Quarter 2024
Classes begin September 23.
Enrollment begins July 29.
Winter Quarter 2025
Classes begin January 6.
Enrollment begins November 4.
Spring Quarter 2025
Classes begin March 31.
Enrollment begins February 3. CONTACT US
By Email: enroll@uclaextension.edu
By Mail:
UCLA Extension 1145 Gayley Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024-3439
In Person:
UCLA Extension 1145 Gayley Avenue Monday–Friday, 8am-5pm (800) 825-9971
In Person
Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.
m Online
Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.
A Live Onlne
All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.
r Hybrid
A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.
7Web-Enhanced Course
Internet access required to retrieve course materials.
Course Schedules
Delivery format and/or ‘remote’ meeting times listed are subject to change. Please refer to the UCLA Extension website, uclaextension.edu, for up-to-date course information.
Asynchronous: students engage a variety of learning materials posted on Canvas (that may include lectures, interactive discussion boards, and quizzes) and interact with the instructor and other students using messaging tools.
Synchronous: instruction occurs in-real time during a live, pre-scheduled Zoom session(s) where instructors and students interact.
R Course Times
All times quoted in this document’s course desciptions are Pacific Time.

For more information call (310) 825-7093.
Elementary French
4.0 units
This is the second in a sequence of three courses (XL 1, XL 2, XL 3) covering first year college-level French. Instruction emphasizes past and future verb tenses, commands, object pronouns, idiomatic expressions and the expansion of cultural vocabulary using a communicative, thematically based approach. Conducted entirely in French. c
Prerequisite(s): FRNCH XL 1 Elementary French, or proof of equivalent and consent of instructor at first session.
Reg# 398442
Fee: $688
No refund after 28 June
M Online
June 24-Sept. 15
Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Evelyne Fodor, Ph.D., French and Francophone Studies, UCLA
Elementary Spanish
4.0 units
This introductory Spanish language and culture course is proficiencyoriented, communicative and task-based to help develop communicative competence in four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing), as well as cultural competence. c
Reg# 398440
Fee: $688
No refund after 28 June
M Online
June 24-Sept. 15
Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Svetlana V. Tyutina Ph.D., in Spanish, Florida International University, Miami, Florida; Ph.D. in applied linguistics, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Elementary Spanish
4.0 units
This is the second in a sequence of three courses (SPAN XL 1, SPAN XL 2, SPAN XL 3) covering first year college-level Spanish. Instruction emphasizes reflexive verbs; present progressive, preterite and imperfect verb tenses; idiomatic expressions; and the expansion of basic conversational vocabulary (see SPAN XL 1 for a complete description of the Elementary Spanish program). Conducted entirely in Spanish. c
Prerequisite(s): SPAN XL 1 Elementary Spanish, one year of high school Spanish, or consent of instructor at first session.
Reg# 398441
Fee: $688
No refund after 28 June
M Online
June 24-Sept. 15
Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. 7 & Svetlana V. Tyutina, Ph.D., in Spanish, Florida International University, Miami, Florida; Ph.D. in applied linguistics, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia.
X In Person
Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.
m Online
Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.
A Live Online
All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.
r Hybrid
A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.
7 Web-Enhanced Course
Internet access required to retrieve course materials.
For extensive information visit uclaextension.edu/student-resources