Summer 2024 Course Offerings

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June 24–September 15

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From your selected course page, click “View Course Options” to see offered sections and date, time, and location information. Click “See Details” for additional information about the course offering. Note: When Online, Remote Instruction, and/or Hybrid sections are available, click the individual tabs for the schedule and instructor information.

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linked throughout this document. 2 ACCOUNTING & TAXATION (310) 206-7247 7 ARCHITECTURE & INTERIOR DESIGN (310) 825-9061 11 BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT (310) 206-4271 19 DESIGN & ARTS (310) 206-1422 25 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY (310) 206-6794 30 EDUCATION (310) 825-4191 37 ENGINEERING (310) 825-4100 43 ENTERTAINMENT (310) 825-9064 52 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES & PUBLIC POLICY (310) 825-7093 54 FINANCE & INVESTMENTS (310) 206-7247 58 HEALTH CARE & COUNSELING (310) 825-7093 60 HUMANITIES & SOCIAL SCIENCES (310) 825-7093 61 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & HORTICULTURE (310) 825-9414 65 LANGUAGES (310) 825-7093 66 LEGAL PROGRAMS (310) 825-0741 67 OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE (OLLI) AT UCLA (310) 206-2693 74 REAL ESTATE (310) 825-2714 77 SCIENCES & MATH (310) 825-7093 82 WRITING & JOURNALISM Writers’ Program (310) 825-9415 Journalism (310) 825-7093
Click on the titles or the page numbers
Page numbers, URLs, and email addresses are
For additional course and certificate information, visit

UCLA Extension’s

Course Delivery Options

XIn Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.

A Live Onlne

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

Course Schedules

Delivery format and/or ‘remote’ meeting times listed are subject to change. Please refer to the UCLA Extension website,, for up-to-date course information.

Asynchronous: students engage a variety of learning materials posted on Canvas (that may include lectures, interactive discussion boards, and quizzes) and interact with the instructor and other students using messaging tools.

Synchronous: instruction occurs in-real time during a live, pre-scheduled Zoom session(s) where instructors and students interact.

R Course Times

All times quoted in this document’s course desciptions are Pacific Time.

How to Read a Course Description

A FILM TV X 476.22

Story Analysis for Film and Television

B 4 units

Designed for aspiring readers, development executives, producers, and storytellers, this course offers a pragmatic, comprehensive overview of story analysis and the tools used by the professional reader. Throughout the course, students learn and practice coverage skills while gaining an understanding of the elements of story. Topics include various types of coverage, how to compose story notes, comparative coverage, character breakdowns, treatments, and outlines. Through weekly assign ments, participants are required to practice reading and writing for several formats and to deadline. In addition, the current job market and the various expectations of studios and independent producers are discussed. Upon completion of the course, students have written at least two pieces of full coverage that can be used as part of a professional portfolio or for auditioning for a job as a reader or an assistant.

C Prerequisite: Strong English composition skills.

D Reg# 247926

E Fee: $605

F No refund after 27 June.

G X Remote Instruction

H 10 mtgs

I Wednesday, 7‑10pm, June 21‑Sept. 6

K Elective course in Entertainment Media Certificate. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

L Lissa Sanders, producer and former development executive on feature, network, and cable films and miniseries

A Course number

B Units

C Prerequisites

D Registration number


Summer Quarter 2024

Classes begin June 24.

Enrollment begins April 29.

Fall Quarter 2024

Classes begin September 23.

Enrollment begins July 29.

Winter Quarter 2025

Classes begin January 6.

E Fee

F No refund date

G Delivery

H Number of meetings

I Start/end times and dates

J Other course info

K Instructor bio

Enrollment begins November 4.

Spring Quarter 2025

Classes begin March 31.

Enrollment begins February 3.


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UCLA Extension

1145 Gayley Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90024-3439

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UCLA Extension

1145 Gayley Avenue

Monday–Friday, 8am-5pm (800) 825-9971



Accounting & Bookkeeping

For more information call (310) 206-1654 or email


Students who plan to become accountants in public accounting or private industry and who are preparing for the CPA examination are advised to enroll in the Accounting Certificate. Students are advised to complete MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting (or equivalent courses) and MGMT X 422 Cost Accounting and Analysis before enrolling in the certificate, since these are prerequisites for many courses in the curriculum. Students who plan to pursue career opportunities in internal auditing and who are preparing for the CIA examination are advised to enroll in the Internal Audit Certificate. Students are advised to complete MGMT X 120A, MGMT X 120B and MGMT X 120C Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice (or equivalent courses) before enrolling in the certificate, since these are prerequisites for many courses in the curriculum.

MGMT 822.51

Nonprofit Fundamentals

1.8 CEUs

The six week course discusses the different fundamental areas of nonprofit operations. Weekly topic discussions include board of direc tors development, staff training, program design and management, grants, audits, and financial analytics and projections.

Reg# 397803

Fee: $375

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, July 16 Aug. 20

Remote Classroom

Ivory Chambeshi B.A. in ethnic studies from UC Riverside; M.A. in urban planning and public administration; Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Policy from the University of Southern California. Ms. Chambeshi has an extensive background in nonprofit management, community development, and public policy, having led in the social sector for her nearly 20 years of professional. In earlier roles, she managed programs, communications, and fund development for local nonprofit organizations in her native South L.A. and for non govern mental organizations in Southern Africa. This breadth of experience led to her founding of the social impact consultancy Urban Rising Group, which provides strategic and land use planning, capacity building, and community engagement services for nonprofits, govern mental entities, and businesses. Recently, Ms. Chambeshi has also served in Mayor Eric Garcetti’s Office as Director of Neighborhood Initiatives for the Watts Rising Collaborative, a place based, compre hensive sustainable community development initiative implementing multimillion dollar State and Federal grants in concert with the $1B+ redevelopment of the Jordan Downs public housing community.


Principles of Financial Accounting

4.0 units

This course is the first in a two course Principles of Financial Account ing sequence and provides an introduction to accounting theory, principles and practice. Instruction covers the uses, communication and processing of accounting information, as well as the recording, analyzing and summarizing of procedures used in preparing balance sheets and income statements. Additional topics include accounting for purchases and sales, receivables and payables, cash and invento ries, plant and equipment, depreciation and natural resources, intangible assets and payrolls. Sole proprietorships and partnerships also are examined. c

Reg# 397828

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 June

M Online June 24 July 28 7 & 5-week accelerated class. Students are expected to spend 12-15 hours per week on course work.

Winny Poon , CPA, M.B.A.; director, Financial Accounting, UCLA Extension BFS.

Reg# 397827

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Kurt Hull, M.B.A., CPA, consultant Reg# 397826

Fee: $855

No refund after 12 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7 & David Harmon M.B.A., CPA, CIA, CFE, CCSA


Principles of Financial Accounting II

4.0 units

The second in a two course Principles of Financial Accounting sequence, this course covers corporations, analysis and interpretation of financial statements, and statements of cash flows, as well as examines accounting for operations of departments and manufactur ing. Additional topics include cost accounting systems and variable costing; budgeting as an aid to planning and control; authorization and issuance of capital stock; as well as reporting the results of operations, bonds payable, income taxes and business decisions. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1A Principles of Financial Accounting. Reg# 397831

Fee: $855

No refund after 21 June.

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 28 Sept. 6

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg. 7 & Tefera Tibebu Beyene B.A., CPA, M.B.A., Ph.D.

Reg# 397830

Fee: $855

No refund after 19 June

 Hybrid

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom 7 &

This Hybrid section is made up of Live-Online and Online instruction. International Students: This Hybrid section is not considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Instructor to be announced

Brandon Tran, CPA

Reg# 397829

Fee: $855

No refund after 29 July

M Online

Aug. 5 Sept. 8 7 & 5-week accelerated class.Students are expected to spend 12-15 hours per week on course work.

Winny Poon CPA, M.B.A.; director, Financial Accounting, UCLA Extension BFS.


Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice - A 4.0 units

This is the first course in the three course Intermediate Accounting sequence. MGMT X 120A covers the interpretation, use, processing, and presentation of accounting information and the preparation of principal accounting statements. Topics include an overview of the conceptual framework of accounting; valuation; recording; and presentation of the balance sheet, income statement and statement of cash flows. Students are introduced to time value of money concepts, as well as accounting for cash, receivables and the first part of inventories. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting and MGMT X 422 Cost Accounting and Analysis, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397816

Fee: $855

No refund after 11 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 &

Lee Krueger M.B.A., senior finance manager, Walt Disney World Co.

Reg# 397817

Fee: $855

No refund after 13 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. 7 &

Michael Miqdadi, CPA, B.A.

For more information call (310) 206-7247.


Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice - B

4.0 units

This is the second course in the three course Intermediate Accounting sequence which covers accounting for long term assets and intan gibles, current and long term liabilities, and stockholders’ equity. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 120A Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice.

Reg# 397819

Fee: $855

No refund after 11 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Ming-Chun Lu, M.B.T., CPA, senior accountant, Northrop Grumman

Reg# 397818

Fee: $855

No refund after 20 June

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom 7 &

This Hybrid section is made up of Live-Online and Online instruction. International Students: This Hybrid section is not considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Instructor to be announced


Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice - C

4.0 units

This is the third course in the three course Intermediate Accounting sequence. MGMT X 120C covers such complex accounting issues as accounting for investments, revenue recognition, pension plans, leases, accounting for income taxes, accounting changes, preparation of the statements of cash flows and an overview of financial statement analysis. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 120B Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397820

Fee: $855

No refund after 11 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Brenda Forde, M.B.A., CPA

Reg# 397821

Fee: $855

No refund after 12 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom 7 & Kendall L. Simmonds, Sr., M.B.A.


Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice - A

4.0 units

This course examines intercompany transactions, partially owned subsidiaries and parent company vs. entity theory valuation of non controlling interest in subsidiaries. Topics include business combina tions; accounting for mergers, consolidations and acquisition of subsidiaries; cost vs. equity method of accounting for operations of subsidiaries; preparation of financial statements; and home office and branch office relationships. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 120A, B, and C Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice and MGMT X 422 Cost Accounting and Analysis, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397822

Fee: $855

No refund after 12 June

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 8pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom 7 & This Hybrid section is made up of Live-Online and Online instruction. International Students: This Hybrid section is not considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Brandon Tran CPA

Reg# 397823

Fee: $855

No refund after 19 June

M Online

June 26 Sept. 8 7 & Wendy Achilles Ph.D., CPA


Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice - B

4.0 units

This course examines partnerships and joint ventures; installment and consignment sales; receiverships, estates and trusts; and governmen tal units. International operations, including accounting for transac tions with foreign companies, use of foreign exchange contracts to hedge against foreign currency fluctuations, and translation of accounts of foreign subsidiaries and branches also are covered. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 124A Advanced Accounting Theory and Practice or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397825

Fee: $855 No refund after 19 June

M Online

June 26 Sept. 8 7 & Larry B. Wolod, CPA, J.D., LLM Reg# 397824

Fee: $855

No refund after 14 June

A Live Online 14 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Oct. 3

Remote Classroom 7 & Tefera Tibebu Beyene, B.A., CPA, M.B.A., Ph.D.

MGMT X 422

Cost Accounting and Analysis

4.0 units

This course covers the nature, objectives and procedures of cost accounting and control. Topics include job costing and process cost ing, joint product costing, standard costs, theories of cost allocation and absorption, uses of cost accounting data for management deci sion making, accounting for manufacturing overhead, cost budgeting, cost reports, distribution costs, standard costs, differential cost analy sis, profit volume relationships and break even analysis. Designed for people who are preparing for careers in accounting or those currently in production planning, materiel control, production control, program management and pricing and/or purchasing.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting II. Reg# 397832

Fee: $855

No refund after 11 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Chee-Sum Tan, M.B.A., FCCA, CPA, CFA, ABV, controller/accounting manager, Union Bank of California

Reg# 397833

Fee: $855

No refund after 12 June

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom 7 &

This Hybrid section is made up of Live-Online and Online instruction. International Students: This Hybrid section is not considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Instructor to be announced

MGMT X 423

Financial Auditing

4.0 units

This course examines the auditing principles governing the responsi bilities of certified public accountants in their examination of clients’ financial statements. Professional ethics, legal liability, internal control, evaluation, sampling techniques and audit reports are discussed. A study of the statements on auditing standards issued by the American Institute of CPAs also is discussed. Instruction emphasizes verification of the major items reported in clients’ statements, audit programs and case studies.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 120A, B, and C Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397834

Fee: $855

No refund after 11 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 &

Kurt Hull M.B.A., CPA, consultant

Reg# 397835

Fee: $855

No refund after 12 June

X In Person 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg. 7 & Instructor to be announced

MGMT X 423.4

International Accounting

4.0 units

This course is designed for students of accounting and international business professionals who are working for public accounting firms, corporations, and other enterprises engaged in international business, as well as governmental institutions and international organizations. Instruction covers a broad range of accounting challenges faced by multinational enterprises, including the transition from GAAP to IFRS, the ways different countries perceive and interpret certain accounting topics, and the rationale for how to deal with them. Case studies illustrate the specific day to day accounting issues that are encoun tered in international business operations.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397836

Fee: $855

No refund after 13 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 2 5pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Enrollment limited. 7 & Michael Miqdadi, CPA, B.A.

MGMT X 423.42

Internships in Accounting, Internal Audit and Taxation

4.0 units

This internship provides practical experience in a variety of accounting or taxation job functions within public accounting, private industry or the nonprofit environment and offers an opportunity to apply the material previously studied in your accounting or taxation courses. Students intern with sponsoring companies for a minimum of 120 hours and must secure their internship assignment and submit all required paperwork by June 17.

Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the Accounting, Internal Audit or Taxation Certificates and who have completed a minimum of five courses in those areas. International students must contact the International Student Office at (310) 825 9351 to confirm eligibility.

Reg# 397837

Fee: $855

No refund after 11 June

Independent Study/Internship0 June 24 Sept. 9

Enrollment limited. 7

Andreea Alexiu

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Accounting, Taxation & Internal Audit 3

MGMT X 423.422

Ethics in Accounting

4.0 units

The business scandals of recent years have highlighted the impor tance of ethical behavior in the accounting profession. This course covers the elements necessary to make proper ethical decisions by first defining what ethics are and then identifying the questions that need to be asked in everyday business practices. Key ethical stan dards specific to the accounting profession are explored, highlighting the unique role of the accountant both as “trusted advisor” to his/her client and the (often conflicting) role of “reporter” of financial informa tion to the marketplace and governmental agencies. The course begins with a study of the earliest models of business ethics through today’s professional requirements of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, the State Board of Accountancy and other regulatory agen cies. Instruction includes writing assignments, classroom lectures and presentations based on assigned readings. Students leave this course with a better overall understanding of the challenges of ethical busi ness practices.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting and MGMT X 127 Federal Income Taxation, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397838

Fee: $855

No refund after 11 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

34 hours of MCLE credit available. 7 & David Reinus, B.A. in economics, UCLA in 1978; CPA, California in 1980; M.B.A., Keller Graduate School of Management; owner, David Reinus CPA, Inc.

Reg# 397840

Fee: $855

No refund after 12 June

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3 UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg. & 7

This Hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This Hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Roderick Fong, CPA, M.B.A., J.D.


MGMT X 423.430

Bookkeeping and Accounting Essentials I 4.0 units

This introductory course is the first course in the Bookkeeping Essentials sequence and provides an overview of the essential skills needed to be a successful bookkeeper. The course is ideal for book keepers and accountants who are early in their career or individuals considering a career transition. Students learn the principles of double entry bookkeeping, the basics of preparing financial state ments and how to analyze business transactions from an accounting standpoint. Topics include recording entries in a general ledger, preparing end of period worksheets and financial statements, and adjusting and closing entries accounting. Additional topics include accounting for cash; preparing a bank reconciliation; a general overview of payroll accounting; employee earnings and deductions; employer taxes and reporting; using the payroll register and journal entries; accounting for sales, cash receipts, purchases and cash payments; and accounting for merchandise inventory using weighted average, FIFO and LIFO methods.

Reg# 397839

Fee: $815

No refund after 11 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. 7 &

Course materials should be purchased directly form the Cengage website.


MGMT X 423.431

Bookkeeping and Accounting Essentials II

4.0 units

This is the second course of the two course Bookkeeping and Accounting Essentials sequence. This course covers accounting for promissory notes payable and receivable and the related interest calculations; the valuation of accounts receivable using various methods to account for uncollectible accounts; and the valuation of property, plant and equipment including various depreciation methods and calculations. Additional subjects covered are the fundamentals of partnership accounting; corporation accounting including organiza tion, capital stock, earnings, distributions and the issuance of corpo rate bonds; the understanding and preparation of a statement of cash flows; and a basic understanding of financial statement analysis. The course also provides an overview of the design and use of Excel spreadsheets that can be tailored to keep track of primary bookkeep ing tasks.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 423.431 Bookkeeping and Accounting Essentials II.

Reg# 397841

Fee: $815

No refund after 12 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom 7 & Course materials should be purchased directly form the Cengage website.

MGMT X 423.433

Cloud Based QuickBooks

4.0 units

This course teaches participants how to use QuickBooks Online, the cloud based version of QuickBooks. Ideal for business owners, office managers, and bookkeepers, participants use a sample company to get hands on experience with navigating through the program. This course covers how to set up a business in QuickBooks Online, includ ing how to create the chart of accounts, vendors, customers and products and services. Management of basic transactions such as invoicing customers, writing checks and paying bills is also covered. Participants also discuss how to reconcile bank and credit card transactions and what key financial statements are needed to review to understand the health of your business. In this course, we cover many of the objectives covered on the QuickBooks Certified User (QBCU) exam. To complete the homework assignments, the instructor provides each student with access to a free QuickBooks Online account, good for one year. Please contact the instructor directly for a discount code before ordering the textbook.

Reg# 397842

Fee: $815

No refund after 11 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Instructor to be announced

MGMT X 427.13

Payroll Tax and Accounting

4.0 units

This course provides a fundamental introduction to the complexities and responsibilities of payroll tax laws, forms and accounting; and is targeted to those who employ others, are responsible for complying with the various tax laws or work in a payroll department. The course extends beyond learning the traditional payroll tax forms and is intended for employers and accountants who have multinational payroll responsibilities as well as for those who are preparing for the Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) Examination. After completion, students should have the skills to set up a rudimentary payroll tax system for a small office or business, as well as setting up and/or operating a payroll system within a larger corporation. The deposit requirements, penalties and how these forms are to be used and filed are covered in addition to some exposure to tax treaties. Lectures include the use of workbook examples and the completion of tax forms required by the taxing authorities.

Reg# 397843

Fee: $815

No refund after 11 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Instructor to be announced


For more information email

Students who plan to become tax professionals in industry or professional tax preparers are advised to enroll in the Taxation Certificate. Students are advised to complete MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Accounting (or equivalent courses) before enrolling in the certificate, since these are prerequisites for many courses in the curriculum.

Enrolled Agent

MGMT 822.12

Fundamentals of Tax Preparation

2.0 CEUs

This introductory course provides a foundation for the Enrolled Agent (EA) Exam Review and is ideal for those considering a career as a tax preparer. Students are provided the basics for preparing tax returns and how to research tax issues for most Form 1040 individual, non business taxpayers, plus the basics of Schedule C/self employed tax returns. The processes for filing a return, including electronic filing, refund and payment options, estimated tax payments and amended returns are covered. Students also learn how tax software is imple mented for preparing returns and assisting in understanding the application of tax law. The final session provides an overview of the practices, procedures and ethics required for Enrolled Agents (EA); the process for attaining EA certification; and potential career paths.

Reg# 397799

Fee: $325

No refund after TBD

A Live Online0

Date and Time TBA

Saturday, 8:30am 12:30pm, June 29 Aug. 3

Remote Classroom

Ivan Rubtsov, CPA, EA, MsT, J.D., LLM

Tefera Tibebu Beyene, B.A., CPA, M.B.A., Ph.D.

MGMT 822.22A

Enrolled Agent Examination Preparation: Individuals

4.0 CEUs

The Enrolled Agent Examination Preparation program presents a comprehensive review for professionals involved in tax preparation and who are planning to sit for the Enrolled Agent Examination. This first course of the program covers the basics of assets, filing require ments, gross income, itemized deduction, credits, employee business expenses, casualty losses, alternative minimum tax deductions from AGI, sale of assets, individual retirement accounts, retirement plans for small businesses, estate tax and gift tax. The final two classes present a course review that incorporates problems from prior exams. The course is taught by IRS attorneys and CPAs who have extensive experience in tax preparation and the Internal Revenue Service.

Reg# 397800

Fee: $425

No refund after TBD

A Live Online0

Ivan Rubtsov, CPA, EA, MsT, J.D., LLM

Tefera Tibebu Beyene, B.A., CPA, M.B.A., Ph.D.

Michael Perlmutter, J.D., CPA, CVA, estate & gift, Internal Revenue Service (retired)

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




4 Accounting, Taxation & Internal Audit Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

MGMT 822.22B

Enrolled Agent Examination Preparation: Businesses

4.8 CEUs

This section covers accounting methods, basis, and depreciation; limited versus general partnerships; sole proprietorships; business expenses; K 1 reporting; C Corporations; S Corporations; decedent, estate, and trust income taxation; and exempt organizations.

Reg# 397801

Fee: $525

No refund after 29 June

A Live Online

13 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 10pm, June 25 Aug. 6

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 8:30am 12:30pm, June 29 Aug. 3

Remote Classroom

Ivan Rubtsov CPA, EA, MsT, J.D., LLM

Tefera Tibebu Beyene B.A., CPA, M.B.A., Ph.D.

Michael Perlmutter J.D., CPA, CVA, estate & gift, Internal Revenue Service (retired)

MGMT 822.22D

Enrolled Agent Examination Preparation: Representation, Practice and Procedures

1.2 CEUs

This section covers practice before the IRS, income tax preparers and penalties, representation, collection procedures, examination of returns and the appeals process.

Reg# 397802

Fee: $275

No refund after 21 Aug.

A Live Online

4 mtgs

Saturday, 8:30am 12:30pm, Aug. 17 24

Remote Classroom

Tuesday, 6 10pm, Aug. 20 27

Remote Classroom

Ivan Rubtsov CPA, EA, MsT, J.D., LLM

Tefera Tibebu Beyene B.A., CPA, M.B.A., Ph.D.

MGMT X 127

Federal Income Taxation

4.0 units

This course explores individual income taxation issues, including tax determination; personal and dependents exemptions; concepts and inclusions of gross income; general deductions and losses; deduc tion of certain business expenses and losses; depreciation, cost recovery amortization and depletion; deduction of employee expenses; itemized deductions and losses; passive activity losses; property transaction gains and losses; nontaxable exchanges; and capital gains and losses. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397809

Fee: $895

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9

Jerome Jenkins, M.B.A., EA, CMAS, Broker

Reg# 397808

Fee: $895

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg.

Quynh Linton, EA, M.S.A., M.S.T., M.B.A.

MGMT X 427.111

Federal Tax Practice and Procedures

4.0 units

This course provides practical knowledge of the day to day practices and procedures of the Internal Revenue Service from rulings, collec tions and criminal enforcement with specific references to statutes and regulations. Students are introduced to the civil component of a tax practice with an emphasis on changes mandated by the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998. This course enables taxpayers and practitioners to deal effectively with the IRS in representing themselves or a client and ensure that Service personnel do not overstep the bounds of their authority or fail to act in accordance with Service procedures in dealing with taxpayers. Topics include admin istrative structure of the IRS; ethical duties of taxpayers and practitio ners; preparer penalties and the statute of limitations; IRS authority to obtain records from taxpayers, tax clients and third parties; conse quences of noncompliance; IRS procedures in determining, reviewing, litigating and collecting tax deficiencies; and the roles of the Examina tion Division, Appeals Division, Collection Division and Criminal Enforcement Division.

Reg# 397813

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 9

Enrollment limited.

Steve Rubens, J.D., M.B.A.

MGMT X 427.121

International Taxation

4.0 units

This course is for accounting, tax and finance professionals; interna tional business managers; and lawyers who work with cross border transactions involving the United States. Instruction explores the application of U.S. tax law to U.S. individuals and entities conducting transactions outside the U.S., as well as foreign individuals and entities conducting transactions in the U.S. Topics include the distinction between U.S. and foreign source income, taxation of U.S. controlled foreign corporations, international tax treaties, taxation of cross border acquisitions, the foreign tax credit and transfer pricing. Students leave the course with an understanding of how U.S. tax law applies to international transactions and how to identify the key international tax issues that must be addressed. Students also learn the general con cepts and policies that compose the international elements of the U.S. tax code.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 127 Federal Income Taxation, equivalent experi ence or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397814

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited.

Pam Kahlon, CPA

MGMT X 427.8

Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders

4.0 units

This course examines classification of corporations and associations, organization of corporations, transfers of property to and from a cor poration, small business stock, dividend distributions, earnings/profits, property dividends, basic problems in redemption of stock, attribution rules and partial and complete liquidations. Instruction also covers accumulated earnings, subchapter S and transactions between cor porations and shareholders.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 127 Federal Income Taxation, equivalent experi ence or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397815

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9 7 & Sam Lou, Ph.D.

Internal Audit

MGMT X 423.2

Internal Auditing

4.0 units

This course introduces students to the internal audit profession and the internal audit process and is designed for accounting, auditing and business students; CPAs, CIAs, and CMAs or candidates; control lers and internal auditors; financial and auditing managers; corporate executives; and federal and state auditors and managers. Topics include the definition of internal auditing, the IIA’s International Profes sional Practices Framework (IPPF), risk, governance and control issues and conducting internal audit engagements including report writing and interviewing skills. Additional topics covered are Internal Auditing (IA) standards; internal controls; managing the IA department; IA working papers, procedures, evidences, sampling and flowcharting; 30 major areas of operational auditing, such as production, marketing, finances, information and digital communications technology; pur chasing and personnel; fraud detection, including a discussion of the latest developments in financial crimes; major areas of management auditing; IA reports; and evaluation of the IA function.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 120A, B, and C Intermediate Accounting Theory and Practice or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397810

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9

Enrollment limited. 7 & Jim Tiao, B.A., M.B.A., CIA, CISA

MGMT X 423.421

Financial Investigations and Forensic Accounting

4.0 units

This course is an introduction to the exciting field of forensic account ing and the role it plays in both preventing fraud from occurring and discovering fraud after it has occurred. Students are introduced to many opportunities in the field of accounting and fraud detection in the private sector, public accounting and government. Topics include complex financial investigations, compliance and financial audits, money laundering, net worth analysis, the psychology of white collar crime, financial statement fraud and more. Guest lecturers from diverse fields describe their careers in the field of accounting/forensic accounting by presenting real world cases and investigations.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 423 Financial Auditing and MGMT X 423.2 Internal Auditing or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397811

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9

Enrollment limited. 7 & Daniel Ryan MSA, BSBA, district director, U.S. Department of Treasury, Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau

MGMT X 423.427

Information Technology (IT) Auditing

4.0 units

This course provides an overview to Internal Audit’s role in planning, organizing, operating and monitoring Information Technology within the enterprise. Specific topics include acquiring and implementing technology, system acquisition controls, system development con trols, IT service delivery, monitoring and evaluating IT effectiveness, risk management, information security, business continuity and information assurance/data integrity. This course also examines various models and frameworks, such as COBIT and ITIL, which provide a unified approach to IT management, operation and evalu ation. Students learn approaches to evaluating and addressing technology risk throughout an enterprise from the perspective of internal and external auditing.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 423 Financial Auditing and MGMT X 423.2 Internal Auditing or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397812

Fee: $855 7 & No refund after TBD

A Live Online

Jerald Savin, B.A., CPA, CEO, Cambridge Technology Consulting Group

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Accounting, Taxation & Internal Audit 5


Prerequisite Foundation Level

These courses provide fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of interior design.

For information on enrollment, location and space availability call (800) 825-9971. For information on course content email visit, or call (310) 825-9061.

For online course technical requirements see page 1.

Design Fundamentals

ARCH X 438

Fundamentals of Interior Architecture

4.0 units

This course is an introduction to the process of commercial and resi dential interior design. Lectures and projects introduce students to design theory, principles of design, design vocabulary, design psy chology, methods of programming and the history of design in Los Angeles and Southern California. Students learn about the human element in design, sustainable design, the materials used in interior design and the process of design as practiced in professional offices. Guest lecturers include some of L.A.’s most distinguished architects and interior designers.

Reg# 398315

Fee: $695

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom No meeting Sept. 2.

Eleanor Schrader, M.B.A., Loyola Marymount University. Ms. Schrader has done graduate work in fine and decorative arts at Sotheby’s Institute in London and New York and graduate studies in architectural history at USC. She was a recipient of the UCLA Extension Department of the Arts Instructor of the Year Award in 2002, and the UCLA Exten sion Distinguished Instructor Award in 2008.

ARCH X 467.17A

Design Communication I

6.0 units

This beginning course focuses on basic freehand drawing and draft ing. All the components essential to good drawing are presented and discussed. Working almost exclusively in black and white, students embark on a series of exercises that introduce important visual con cepts composition and design, contour and line, proportion and scale, plan and section, form and space, tone and shadows plus the ability to create drawings that are rich in both information and psychological content. This class is based on the U.S. standard measurements of feet and inches and not the international metric system. Media covered include a variety of sketching and drafting tools.

Reg# 397869

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9

Ravindar Singh, BSc., SJSU, MIA, UCLAxCPP. Mr. Singh is an San Francisco based interior designer who has extensive experience working on high end residential projects and large scale commercial projects. He currently holds a position at a leading Engineering and Architecture firm, Jacobs. His scope of work involves designing for Federal and Environmental Solutions with the Department of Defense. He also engages in the development of public infrastructures with an emphasis on sustainability standards. His projects include an aircraft maintenance hanger station in Lemoore, Ca; transportation station in Seattle, WA and aircraft rescue fire station in El Centro, Ca.

Reg# 397868

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 9

Lawrence Drasin, B.S., industrial designer who specializes in special effects; recipient of the UCLA Extension Department of the Arts Instructor of the Year Award, 2002 and 2009, and UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2010.

Reg# 397867

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Alex Dorfman, B.F.A., Cleveland Institute of Art; designer with broad experience in interior, environmental and graphic design. Mr. Dorfman received the UCLA Instructor of the Year Award, 2012.


Design Communication II

6.0 units

This course further introduces the student to the use of line drawings as a medium for communicating design concepts. Beginning with the connections of architectural plan, section, and elevation, the course proceeds to explore the full range of constructed line drawings, includ ing axonometric, one point perspective and model making. This course uses U.S. standard basic units of length (inch, foot, yard, etc.), not the international metric system. Two conceptual design projects help develop skills in communicating design ideas.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 467.17A Design Communication I.

Reg# 397861

Fee: $875

No refund after 3 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4

Elena Costantini

Reg# 397862

Fee: $875

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Instructor to be announced


Design Communication III: SketchUp/3D Rendering

6.0 units

This course covers the tools necessary to construct digital drawings in 2D and 3D. Using AutoCAD, SketchUp, Enscape and Adobe Illustrator/ Photoshop software, students learn many skills and techniques to expand their knowledge of drawing and presentation and take it into the digital realm.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 466E Design Communication II.

Reg# 397864

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9

Mark Owen, BArch, Woodbury University; MArch, UCLA; professor of architecture, Woodbury University; director of technology, senior associate, Johnson Fain. The primary focus of his 20+ year career has been the integration of digital media and technology into the design, production fabrication and construction process.

Reg# 397863

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9

Mark Owen, BArch, Woodbury University; MArch, UCLA; professor of architecture, Woodbury University; director of technology, senior associate, Johnson Fain. The primary focus of his 20+ year career has been the integration of digital media and technology into the design, production fabrication and construction process.

For more information call (310) 825-9061.

ARCH X 452.1

Color Theory and Application

4.0 units

This course covers the study of the perception of color, its permuta tions, and its dimensions using traditional as well as contemporary methods with an emphasis on individual experimentation through lab exercises and demonstrations. Topics include the color wheel; Munsell and Albers theories; perception, symbolism and psychology; pattern painting techniques; and the applications of color theories to art, architecture and interior design. Student projects and lectures com bine intense exploration of theories with hands on experience in a variety of media.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 454A Elements of Design I or consent of pro gram advisor.

Reg# 397853

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9 7 & Alvalyn Lundgren, B.F.A., Art Center College of Design; founder of Alvalyn Creative, a design practice focusing on visual branding and design for marketing. Her clients include CSUN, City of Los Angeles, Epson, Baxalta US and Southern California Edison.

Reg# 397854

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 10pm, June 25 Aug. 27

Remote Classroom 7 & Tiffany Sands, B.A., fine arts, Cal Poly Pomona; department chair and instructor of Secondary Art Education. Ms. Sands teaches AP, honors and standard art in the public sector in the visual arts. She currently works on her own art and is active in the art community.

Reg# 397852

Fee: $875

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom 7 & Edward Varias, B.F.A., CSULB, M.A., Argosy; founder, Edward Varias Design. Mr. Varias is an L.A. based interior designer who has worked with JS Sugita & Assoc and Gensler. His projects include Will Rogers Airport and Beverly Pediatric Medical Group. He has been featured in print and on the Christopher Lowell Show

ARCH X 427.7

Surface Materials

4.0 units

An introduction to surface materials for interior designers, this course covers the selection and use of textiles, wall coverings, hard and soft surfaces, floor coverings, rugs, ceramic and vinyl tile, woods and plastics. Instruction includes illustrated lectures, demonstrations, guest speakers, field trips and research assignments.

Prerequisite(s): All courses through the third quarter in the Interior Design Certificate (see curriculum sequence).

Reg# 397846

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

No meeting Sept. 2nd. 7 & Mark Lewison M.S., University of Massachusetts; principal, Mark Lewison Design. Mr. Lewison designs and markets interior design centered software (apps) for smart devices. He has utilized his profes sional background to teach lighting design, surface materials, specifications and design studio courses since 2007.

Reg# 397847

Fee: $875

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4. 7 & Charrisse Johnston, FASID, LEED AP, WELL AP; principal, studioSALT. A graduate of UCLA Extension’s Interior Design Program and former chair of the American Society of Interior Designers, she has designed corporate, multi family, educational and residential projects in LA, NY, Portland and Cape Town.

ARCH X 467.15

Lighting Design

4.0 units

This course covers basic lighting topics, including light and texture, light and color, focal lighting, light sources, fixture schedules, switch ing patterns, and the required drawings used by designers in both residential and commercial spaces. Instruction includes lectures, research and student projects.

Prerequisite(s): All courses in the Interior Design Certificate through the fourth quarter (see curriculum sequence) or consent of program advisor.

Reg# 397866

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Kathy Pryzgoda B.A. in theatre, UCLA; owner/principal designer, Light Studio LA, Inc. Ms. Pryzgoda’s credits include Design Within Reach Stores, Hollywood Bowl, Pacific Symphony, ABC’s World News Tonight, Long Beach: Opera, and Jazz Tap Ensemble. Recipient, UCLA Extension Arts Department Instructor of the Year Award, 2011.

Reg# 397865

Fee: $875

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Mark Lewison M.S., University of Massachusetts; principal, Mark Lewison Design. Mr. Lewison designs and markets interior design centered software (apps) for smart devices. He has utilized his profes sional background to teach lighting design, surface materials, specifications and design studio courses since 2007.

Design Software


Prerequisite: All CAD courses assume knowledge of drafting principles and basic PC (Windows) computer skills. Advanced CAD courses assume knowledge of the application as defined in the introductory course.

Note: All computer courses are taught on a Windows platform in computer labs. Mac users may download Mac compatible versions of AutoCAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, SketchUp/SketchUp Pro, and Podium for laptop or home use but will be responsible for learning mouse clicks or keystroke conversion independently. There are currently no Mac versions of Revit or 3ds Max Design. Mac users may work in a Windows partition using Parallels or other Windows emulation soft ware. For more information call (310) 825-9061.

All CAD courses are fast paced and complex; absence from any meet ing is discouraged. The courses require at least three hours of com puter work outside of class per week. Lab hours are not available; therefore, students must have access to their own hardware and software for the courses in which they enroll.

ARCH X 468.20

Digital Presentation I: Photoshop/Illustrator

4.0 units

This comprehensive, hands on course introduces designers to digital design tools. The course begins with an overview of architectural and interior design concepts; students also review client presentations and see how they were created. Students learn why the use of these professional tools is essential to the creative process of design and presentation production and are introduced to using the computer for drawing, illustration and layout. Fundamentals of layout, typographic design, scanning and image enhancement software are covered, and students present projects in class. Software applications covered include Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. This course is equivalent to Cal Poly Pomona INA 550.

Prerequisite(s): Working knowledge of Windows or Mac operating systems. Software requirements: the most recent versions of Illustrator and Photoshop.


Reg# 398321

Fee: $995

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Attendance at the first class is mandatory.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. & Lauren Rad, B.A., art history, UCLA; MIA, UCLA Extension Cal Poly Pomona. Visual designer and in home stylist at Williams Sonoma, Inc. Ms. Rad works as a decorative designer specializing in residential projects in Los Angeles.

Reg# 398325 Fee: $995

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. & Beth Rabkin, MArch, University of Pennsylvania; owner of creative design firm Seaview Studios. Ms. Rabkin provides multidisciplinary services to corporations and individuals and designs residential interiors, high end retail and mixed use projects. She is an expert in presenting ideas through the use of 2D and 3D architecture technology programs.

Reg# 398323

Fee: $995

No refund after 2 July

M Online June 25 Sept. 3

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. & Beth Rabkin, MArch, University of Pennsylvania; owner of creative design firm Seaview Studios. Ms. Rabkin provides multidisciplinary services to corporations and individuals and designs residential interiors, high end retail and mixed use projects. She is an expert in presenting ideas through the use of 2D and 3D architecture technology programs.

Reg# 398322

Fee: $995

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Attendance at the first class is mandatory.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. & Lauren Rad, B.A., art history, UCLA; MIA, UCLA Extension Cal Poly Pomona. Visual designer and in home stylist at Williams Sonoma, Inc. Ms. Rad works as a decorative designer specializing in residential projects in Los Angeles.

X IN PERSON, page 1.


Technical requirements, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.



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ARCH X 468.13A

Digital Presentation II: Revit

4.0 units

Through lecture and demonstration, this hands on workshop intro duces the basic concepts and tools of Revit, a building information modeling program for architects and interior designers. Students are introduced to Revit’s powerful 3D model organization to visualize, present and create construction documents. Students learn how this unique software enables design professionals to save time and reduce errors, since design changes are automatically coordinated throughout the entire model and drawing set.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 468.20 Digital Presentation I: Photoshop/ Illustrator and ARCH X 467.17A Design Communication I. Software requirement: The most recent version of Revit Architecture. A student version of the AutoDesk software is provided for free upon proof of student status. Review CAD course requirements.

Reg# 398342

Fee: $995

No refund after 2 July M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Mark Owen, BArch, Woodbury University; MArch, UCLA; professor of architecture, Woodbury University; director of technology, senior associate, Johnson Fain. The primary focus of his 20+ year career has been the integration of digital media and technology into the design, production fabrication and construction process.

Reg# 398341

Fee: $995

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Attendance at the first class is mandatory. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Ben Mansouri , IDP, NCARB, pending AIA, M.S. in manufacturing engineering, Murray State University; Autodesk certified BIM instructor with more than 20 years of architectural and structural experience. Mr. Mansouri received the UCLA Extension Arts Department Instructor of the Year Award, 2012.

Reg# 398337

Fee: $995

No refund after 6 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12:30pm, June 29 Sept. 14

Remote Classroom No meeting Aug. 31.

Attendance at the first class is mandatory. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Ben Mansouri , IDP, NCARB, pending AIA, M.S. in manufacturing engineering, Murray State University; Autodesk certified BIM instructor with more than 20 years of architectural and structural experience. Mr. Mansouri received the UCLA Extension Arts Department Instructor of the Year Award, 2012.

ARCH X 438.13B

Digital Presentation III: Advanced Revit

4.0 units

This continuation of ARCH X 438.13A Revit Architecture I covers advanced editing commands, introduction to families, sharing informa tion, viewing tools, visualization, annotation and construction docu ments. Students prepare worksets, room schedules, walk throughs, and solar studies and utilize other advanced drawing features.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 438.13A Revit Architecture I, or consent of instructor. Software requirement: The most recent version of Revit Architecture. A student version of the AutoDesk software will be pro vided for free upon proof of student status. Review CAD course requirements.

Reg# 398339

Fee: $995

No refund after 6 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Saturday, 1 4:30pm, June 29 Sept. 14

Remote Classroom

No meeting Aug. 31.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Ben Mansouri , IDP, NCARB, pending AIA, M.S. in manufacturing engineering, Murray State University; Autodesk certified BIM instructor with more than 20 years of architectural and structural experience. Mr. Mansouri received the UCLA Extension Arts Department Instructor of the Year Award, 2012.

ARCH X 468.5A

Digital Presentation III: AutoCAD

4.0 units

This course covers the basic AutoCAD commands used to create and edit 2D CAD drawings, as well as drawing setup, layer control, dimen sioning, symbol libraries, display commands, external references, attributes, paperspace/modelspace, and methods for importing and exporting files between SketchUp and AutoCAD. Students prepare a basic set of construction documents that include floor plans, eleva tions, sections and details.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 468.20 Digital Presentation I: Photoshop/ Illustrator. Software requirement: The most recent version of AutoCAD. A student version of the AutoDesk software is provided for free upon proof of student status. Review CAD course requirements.

Reg# 398331

Fee: $995

No refund after 4 July

M Online

June 27 Sept. 5

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Shane Bartley, B.A., UCLA; manager, IT Training, Disney Imagineering, where he oversees national training and development in 33 software curricula.

Reg# 398327

Fee: $995

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 2:30 6pm, June 27 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Attendance at the first class is mandatory. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.

Luis de Moraes AIA ASID LEED AP BD+C; principal, EnviroTechno Architecture Incorporated. A graduate of UCLA Extension’s Interior Design Program, Mr. de Moraes has been practicing for more than 30 years. His experience includes many well recognizable commercial, hospitality and residential projects.

Design Studios

ARCH X 433

Interior Architecture Studio I

6.0 units

In this first in a series of studio courses, students are given the opportunity to apply fundamental design principles to the layout of interior spaces. Starting with the development of a design concept, students learn how to develop a space while incorporating the ele ments of ergonomics and human factors. Students also explore methods of analyzing a client’s program, beginning with the bubble diagram, the block plan, and the adjacency requirements. Through a series of assignments, students become familiar with current ADA codes and clearance requirements, as well as the required circulation and exit paths for a variety of building types.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of Design Communication I, II and III with a grade of B or better.

Reg# 398410

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 1 July

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 9

Restricted course. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request. 7

Tatyana Zhukova, B.S., M.S., CCIDC. Ms. Zhukova is the co owner and interior designer for Interior AT Design Inc. and has worked on resi dential and commercial projects in Russia, Ukraine and United States. She teaches at California State University Northridge, Art Institutes of California, and has published articles relating to design for the elderly population and generative pattern design.


Reg# 397851

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:45 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Restricted course. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request. 7

Nicole Villamin, B.F.A., MIA, who is an interior designer at an archi tecture, urban design + planning and interiors firm. She has worked on a mélange of projects, ranging from high end residential to hospi tality, government, and workplace environments, from programming all through construction administration and FF&E. As a former industrial designer, Ms. Villamin received her bachelors at the Univer sity of Illinois Champaign Urbana, and continued her education through the joint UCLA Extension and California State Polytechnic University program for her Master of Interior Architecture degree.

Reg# 397850

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:45 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Restricted course. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request. 7

Instructor to be announced


Interior Architecture Studio II

6.0 units

This studio course introduces students to the process of linking rooms and spaces by architectural promenades. The defining of public vs. private space is examined as a principle means of spatial organization. A realistic residential situation is considered as students design a small single family residence with full code compliance and learn to create environments that relate the atmospheric qualities of individual rooms to an overall concept of movement through space.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 433 Interior Architecture Studio I, or consent of program advisor and SketchUp proficiency.

Reg# 397848

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

No meeting Sept. 2. 7

Alex Dorfman, B.F.A., Cleveland Institute of Art; designer with broad experience in interior, environmental and graphic design. Mr. Dorfman received the UCLA Instructor of the Year Award, 2012.

Reg# 397849

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:45pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom 7

Ellen Lanet, BS in architecture from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. A Cali fornia licensed architect, Ms. Lanet is the principal of a collaborative architectural design firm specializing in custom residential designs. Ms. Lanet has 25+ years of architectural and urban design practice in Los Angeles.

8 Architecture & Interior Design Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

History of Design

ARCH X 427.8B

History of Environmental Arts: Part II

4.0 units

Part two of a four part survey course on the environmental arts of the Western world. This course traces the architecture, landscape archi tecture, furniture, art, and decorative arts from the Italian Renaissance to the beginning of the nineteenth century in France, England, and America. Periods covered include the Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassic. Instruction focuses on the man built environment influenced by geographical location and the social, religious, economic, and political forces of history. Major monuments are discussed in terms of function, symbolism, methods of fabrication, style, use of color, ornament, and significance. Illustrated lectures, readings, and student projects develop an appreciation of the rich cultural heritage of the Western world. Students learn how to utilize library and museum resources and recognize and evaluate significant environmental design movements. Intended to establish an under standing of the achievements of the past in order to more fully understand the present.

Reg# 398318

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4 7

Keri Sussman-Shurtliff, M.A., Dominican University of California. Ms. Sussman Shurtliff has taught at various colleges in the Los Angeles area. She has acted as an academic editor of Janson’s Basic History of Western Art She worked for the director and animator Chuck Jones, along with an art appraiser in San Francisco.

Reg# 398319

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4 7

Keri Sussman-Shurtliff, M.A., Dominican University of California. Ms. Sussman Shurtliff has taught at various colleges in the Los Angeles area. She has acted as an academic editor of Janson’s Basic History of Western Art She worked for the director and animator Chuck Jones, along with an art appraiser in San Francisco.

ARCH X 427.8D

History of Environmental Arts: Part IV

4.0 units

Part four of a four part survey of environmental arts of the Western world, this course traces the major movements in architecture, interior design, furniture, and decorative arts of the twentieth century. Subjects covered include Viennese Secessionism, Art Deco, Romantic Revival ism, De Stijl, Bauhaus, International Style, Mid Century Modernism, Postmodernism, and Contemporary. Instruction focuses on the built environment influenced by geographical location and the social, religious, economic, and political forces of history. Buildings and interiors are discussed in terms of function, symbolism, methods of fabrication, style, use of color, ornament, and significance. Illustrated lectures, readings, and student projects develop an appreciation of the design influences of the twentieth century that inform current developments in the built environment of the twenty first century.

Reg# 398317

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 2 5pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Eleanor Schrader, M.B.A., Loyola Marymount University. Ms. Schrader has done graduate work in fine and decorative arts at Sotheby’s Institute in London and New York and graduate studies in architectural history at USC. She was a recipient of the UCLA Extension Department of the Arts Instructor of the Year Award in 2002, and the UCLA Exten sion Distinguished Instructor Award in 2008. Reg# 398316

Fee: $875

No refund after 30 June

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4 7

Keri Sussman-Shurtliff, M.A., Dominican University of California. Ms. Sussman Shurtliff has taught at various colleges in the Los Angeles area. She has acted as an academic editor of Janson’s Basic History of Western Art She worked for the director and animator Chuck Jones, along with an art appraiser in San Francisco.

Professional Development

For information on enrollment, location, and space availability call (800) 825-9971. For information on course content email , visit, or call (310) 825-9061.

ARCH X 468.6A


2.0 units

This comprehensive hands on workshop covers the basic 2D and 3D commands necessary to construct 3D objects and interiors using the award winning SketchUp software. Developed for the conceptual stages of design, this “pencil of digital design” is powerful yet easy to learn. Students use an existing floor plan to design a project that incorporates 3D interiors and various types of renderings. Students learn advanced commands, such as modifying, editing and offsetting 3D objects. Additional topics are the fundamentals of creating textures, defining materials, using architectural dimensioning, using perspective and isometric views, creating sections and editing text.

Reg# 398352

Fee: $695

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 24

July 28

Software requirement: the most recent version of SketchUp. 7 Orlando Flores, BArch, Catholic University of El Salvador; A.S. in interior design, College of the Canyons. His professional experience includes mixed use developments, affordable housing, hotels, high end residences and restaurants. He also consulted for Honda Perfor mance Development and Cataldo Architects.

ARCH X 468.6B

Advanced SketchUp

2.0 units

This advanced course pushes your basic SketchUp skills to the next level. You develop a model that includes interior and exterior spaces. This course is designed to provide the necessary skills to thoroughly develop a model for presentation and construction purposes. Advanced topics such as custom material creation; importing CAD files as background; creating custom furniture and fixture components, styles and walk throughs; and organizing a heavier model using scenes and layers are covered in this course. SketchUp Layout, a fantastic tool for translating a model into working drawings, is also introduced. This course is ideal for the designer looking to maximize his or her skills with this powerful design communication software. Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 468.6A SketchUp or equivalent experience; a basic knowledge of SketchUp.

Reg# 398354

Fee: $695

No refund after 5 Aug.

M Online

July 29 Sept. 1

Software requirement: The most recent version of SketchUp. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Orlando Flores, BArch, Catholic University of El Salvador; A.S. in interior design, College of the Canyons. His professional experience includes mixed use developments, affordable housing, hotels, high end residences and restaurants. He also consulted for Honda Perfor mance Development and Cataldo Architects.

ARCH X 467.11A

Photographing Architecture and Interiors

4.0 units

A study of the basic techniques of the medium as a powerful tool for the designer, as well as those interested in pursuing a career in architectural photography, this course introduces the tools and tech niques used in photographing architecture, interiors, renderings, plans, design boards and scale models. Using digital cameras, participants create compelling descriptive images that best show their work through the assignment and critique process. Lectures focus on the history of architecture in photography up through the medium’s cur rent trends. Demonstrations cover basic compositional and lighting techniques.

Reg# 398349

Fee: $695

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Due to the prevalence of digital technology in today’s shelter publishing and printing industries, using Photoshop to manipulate imagery is integral to the process; students must have access to a digital camera and Photoshop.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Douglas Hill photographer of architecture and interior design who has been published in Los Angeles Times Magazine, Metropolitan

Home, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Garden Design, Interior Architecture, A+U, Camera, Los Angeles Magazine, Hospitality Design, House Beautiful and World Architecture

ARCH X 498.10

Advanced Portfolio Design and Graphic Storytelling

4.0 units

This course guides you through our written and graphic self represen tation. By the end of this course, you have a personal portfolio design, résumé, and sample works. The main focus of the class is to learn techniques on presentations for studio projects, interviews, and client meetings. We investigate these together through a combination of lectures, mock presentations, and workshops. This class is interactive and changes week to week.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 430A Interior Architecture Studio II.

Reg# 398378

Fee: $695

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.

Carey (Riz) Walker, BArch, Syracuse University, MArchII UCLA School of Architecture & Urban Design. Senior designer and workplace strate gist specializing in commercial interiors and adaptive reuse in Downtown Los Angeles. Her personal research dissects the similarities between urban and workplace design through data collection and strategic graphic storytelling.

ARCH X 443.40

Accessories for Residential Interiors

2.0 units

This concentrated six week course examines the appropriateness, timing, aesthetics, function and availability of accessories in residen tial interior design through slide demonstrations, guest lecturers and field trips to the marketplace. Covers lamps and lighting, wall hangings and art, area rugs and Oriental carpets, and antique accessories.

Reg# 398347

Fee: $525

No refund after 15 Aug.

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Thursday, 10am 1pm, Aug. 8 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised.

Nareh Sargsyan, B.A., UCLA; AA Professional Designation, FIDM; owner/principal, NS Design Studio, which specializes in high end residential and commercial interiors. Ms. Sargsyan has a broad port folio of experience, including art history, graphic design and marketing expertise at leading L.A. art institutions.

ARCH X 497.11

Interior Design Law II:

Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, Unfair Competition, Employment and Special Topics

2.0 units

This course serves as an introduction to some of the legal issues that impact interior designers. The course introduces students to funda mental legal principles regarding employment law, intellectual prop erty law, unfair competition law, insurance law and other specific legal topics as they apply to the interior design business. The course incorporates analysis of contracts and readings of actual court cases involving interior designers. The course is appropriate for students with all levels of interior design education and experience, from cer tificate or master’s program students and students not enrolled in a program to practicing interior designers with years of work experience. Prior completion of Interior Design Law I: The Designer Client Relation ship is recommended but not required. No other prior preparation or coursework is required.

Reg# 398350

Fee: $525

No refund after 2 July M Online

June 25 July 23 7

Henry Lien, J.D., UCLA Law. Mr. Lien teaches law in the Architecture Interior Design Department and was awarded Outstanding Instructor of the Year. He practiced as an attorney, served as the Glass Garage Gallery owner and as president of the West Hollywood Fine Art Gallery Association. Mr. Lien currently works as a private art dealer and also teaches for the Writers’ Program. His Peasprout Chen middle grade fantasy series has received New York Times acclaim and starred reviews from Publishers Weekly Kirkus and Booklist

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Architecture & Interior Design 9


Leadership & Management

For more information call (310) 206-4271 or email

For more information call (310) 206-2714 or email

Digital Transformation

MGMT X 494.1

Digital Disruption & Business Transformation

2.0 units

In this introductory course, you’ll explore business modeling concepts, including enabling technologies (AI, cloud computing, etc.) and related business models (e.g., platform based businesses, pay as you go). You’ll gain an understanding of the relationship between product evolution and tech enhancements, the dynamic nature of digital technologies and customer acceptance/adoption.

Reg# 397798

Fee: $475

No refund after 30 June

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 July 31

Remote Classroom 7

Michael Lykhinin

Emergency Management & Homeland Security

For more information call (310) 794-5470.

MGMT 736.7

Careers in Emergency Management: From the Field to the Fortune 500

Exacerbated by climate change and social upheaval, rising natural, technological and man made hazards are reshaping our world, creat ing the need for a specialized workforce to manage these complex disasters. Join us for a roundtable discussion with response, recovery and resilience professionals to discuss exciting career opportunities in the field of emergency management, from operating a Joint Field Office in the wake of a Category 5 hurricane to advising the executive suite of a Fortune 500 company.

Reg# 397755

Fee: $0

A Live Online

1 mtg

Thursday, 10am 12pm, Aug. 1 UCLA X Open

Lauren Stienstra, MSc, CEM, deputy coordinator, Arlington County Office of Emergency Management, UCLA EH&S/Office of Emergency Management

MGMT X 408.804

Testing, Training, and Exercises for Business and Government Agencies

4.0 units

Every organization has unique vulnerabilities, assets, exposures and employees. Learn the tools for applying a risk or vulnerability assess ment to any organization and incorporating these assessments into thriving emergency plans. Emergency plans must then undergo reality checks in the form of testing, training and exercises. This course provides you with the sets of tools and cases that lead to knowledge in structuring assessments, testing/validating, training and planning exercises applicable inside any specific organization.

Reg# 397761

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Lauren Stienstra MSc, CEM, deputy coordinator, Arlington County Office of Emergency Management, UCLA EH&S/Office of Emergency Management

MGMT X 408.805

Capstone: Building the Preparedness


4.0 units

In this capstone course, students build at least one module of a pre paredness plan each week utilizing lessons learned in the previous five courses (subject to instructor approval of the organization, agency or company). Those who are employed may wish to recommend their employer as the subject case. Students may also select a company or agency for which a substantial amount of public data is available, such as publicly traded corporations who file detailed annual reports. Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the other five required courses in the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Program.

Reg# 397762

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment recommended. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Lauren Stienstra MSc, CEM, deputy coordinator, Arlington County Office of Emergency Management, UCLA EH&S/Office of Emergency Management

MGMT X 408.806

Internship in Emergency and Risk Management

4.0 units

This internship which may be taken as a substitute for MGMT X 408.805 Capstone: Building the Preparedness Plan provides practi cal experience and application of the knowledge and skills learned in the previous courses. Emergency Management and Homeland Security Certificate students intern for a minimum of 120 hours with sponsoring companies, businesses and organizations who have no obligation to provide compensation. Internship projects may include, but are not limited to, assisting in preparedness plan development, client communications support, community preparedness and research.

Prerequisite(s): Students must be officially enrolled in either the Enterprise Risk Management Certificate or the Emergency Manage ment & Homeland Security Certificate and have successfully com pleted the other five required courses with a GPA of 3.0 or better.

Reg# 397763

Fee: $855

No refund after 30 June

Independent Study/Internship0

June 24 Sept. 15

International students who wish to pursue paid internships must contact the International Student Office at (310) 825-9351 to confirm eligibility.

Web enrollments require the submission of an initial application one week before the quarter begins. An advisor will contact you after initial application review.

Visitors not permitted. Restricted course. 7

Lauren Stienstra, MSc, CEM, deputy coordinator, Arlington County Office of Emergency Management, UCLA EH&S/Office of Emergency Management



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Enterprise Risk Management

For more information call (310) 206-4271 or email

MGMT 736.2

10 Differences Between Traditional and Enterprise Risk Management

How is ERM different or distinct from traditional risk management? Join this webinar where a seasoned ERM professional will break down these nuances to help you understand how ERM has changed the face of risk management. Most are familiar with basic risk management practices around safety and insurance because they have stayed rela tively consistent over time. But if you’re new to ERM or trying to help your organization understand what is and how it can benefit from adopting it, then it’s important to start with the basics. Both practices carry the word “risk” in the title, but in reality, they are miles apart in purpose and application. Register for this webinar to explore these differences, as well as how ERM has morphed from a risk centric, loss prevention focus to an objective centric approach focused on the company’s strategy, goals, and mission. Learn where ERM is headed in the years ahead and why risk practitioners need to possess more than just technical skills to ensure they are harnessing ERM in the best way possible for the long term success of the company.

Reg# 397754

Fee: $0

A Live Online

1 mtg

Thursday, 11am 12pm, July 25


Carol Williams

General Business Studies

0.6 CEUs

We face an increasing number of ethical issues in the business world and in our personal lives. The business scandals of recent years have highlighted the importance of ethical behavior in the business environ ment. For CEOs and all business professionals, a solid ethical founda tion must be the basis from which one builds a business career. This seminar covers the elements necessary to make ethical decisions by defining the key definitions, issues and theories of business ethics. Through class discussions and case studies, students explore the theoretical foundations of business ethics and learn how to develop an ability to recognize and address ethical questions. Students leave the seminar with a better understanding of the challenges of ethical business practices.

Reg# 397759

Fee: $275

No refund after 19 July

M Online

July 15 29

Select “CEU (appears on transcript)” as the credit and grading preference to have this course applied toward a certificate program’s ethics requirement (if applicable).

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Amy Haug, MA, Human Resources division manager, City of Diamond Bar

Reg# 397760

Fee: $275

No refund after 2 Aug.

X In Person

1 mtg

Saturday, 9am 5pm, Aug. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.

Select “CEU (appears on transcript)” as the credit and grading preference to have this course applied toward a certificate program’s ethics requirement (if applicable).

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Sean Shahverdian, B.A., M.B.A., Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Retirement Plans Associate (RPA)

Reg# 397758

Fee: $275

No refund after 16 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 12 26

Select “CEU (appears on transcript)” as the credit and grading preference to have this course applied toward a certificate program’s ethics requirement (if applicable).

Enrollment limited. 7

Laura Jacobus J.D.

MGMT X 190

Management Theory, Policy and Process

4.0 units

This course presents the theory and application of managerial func tions; the processes of planning, organizing, leading and controlling in a wide variety of organizational settings; and how the management of people and resources can accomplish organizational goals. Systems theory, contingency approaches, and socio technical systems are used to explain managerial problem solving and decision making in organizational contexts and a global environment. Other topics include motivation and participation, leadership and communication, manage ment information systems, human resources management, manage ment of technology, managerial ethics and other contemporary management issues. c

Reg# 397615

Fee: $895

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 9am 12pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA: Dodd Hall

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Steve Keleman Ed.D., performance improvement, Keleman & Associates

Harriet Cohen, MEd, president, Training Solutions

Communication Skills

For more information call (310) 206-2714 or email

MGMT X 109

Business Communications

4.0 units

Communication, whatever method used, needs to inform. In the busi ness environment, writing clear, concise and comprehensible copy is critical to success. In this course, learn techniques for clarifying pur pose, understanding readers and organizing ideas. Through in class writing exercises, you practice proven strategies for overcoming writer’s block and creating concise, appropriate and grammatically correct work. Practice exercises include editing and writing letters, memos, reports, email messages, summaries, resumes and cover letters. Additionally, you learn vocabulary development, correct gram mar and punctuation, techniques for reducing writing time and proofreading. c

Reg# 397630

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7

Laura Jacobus, J.D.

MGMT X 482.202

Organizational Communication

4.0 units

Designed to give you the knowledge and skills necessary to lead and communicate in today’s highly diverse workplace, this course provides the most current approaches to communicating and motivating employees with culturally different expectations. The course covers improved interpersonal relationships, team productivity and overall customer service. You also learn innovative practices specifically geared to today’s highly diverse workplace to resolve conflict. Maxi mize your leadership and communication skills and be ready to apply them immediately in the workplace and your personal life.

Reg# 397616

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Steve Horowitz Ph.D., management consultant, New Freedom Communications

MGMT X 490.996

Leadership Communication Strategies

4.0 units

This course is designed to improve interpersonal behaviors and com munication skills for those in leadership roles with the goal of improv ing relationships, productivity and the quality of work. Topics include a review of basic communication skills such as listening, self disclo sure and methods of expression; more advanced skills such as non verbal communication, influencing behaviors, addressing hidden agendas and male/female communication in the workplace; conflict management skills; assertiveness; and responding to criticism.

Reg# 397617

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 Jul 


11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 July 2, 16 & 23; Aug. 6, 13 . 27, Sept. 3

UCLA: Dodd Hall

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 9  & 30; Aug. 20 Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Live Online instruction.

International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 Robert Villanueva M.B.A., senior manager.

Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management


General Business Studies with Concentration in Entrepreneurship

Business Administration with Concentration in Entrepreneurship

MGMT X 497.610

Developing a Business Plan

4.0 units

Learn all aspects of creating a solid first draft of your own business plan. This course begins with a comprehensive “situation analysis” of your (or your employer’s) small business (or case study, if more applicable). You then learn the key components for creating an effec tive business plan: knowing your existing customers, targeting future customers, customer value formulation, income statement and balance sheet forecasting, revenue forecasting methodologies, competitor assessment and emerging company/product/service competitors and understanding the pitfalls of small business development. In addition, you look at building and planning an efficient business infrastructure (systems, technology, third party software); small business finance, cash flow, debt and financing alternatives; transitioning from personal guarantees and credit lines to a self financing business model; effectively planning, hiring and training staff with high potential; the legal aspects of organizing and managing a small business; negotiat ing skills; and setting day to day priorities with the business plan in mind. With these skills, you can build a solid first draft of your business plan.

Reg# 397618

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 Instructor to be announced

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Business & Management 11
MGMT 891.02

MGMT X 497.613

Fundamentals of Business Administration and Management

4.0 units

A majority of businesses fail within the first two years, and a significant percentage of the initial survivors don’t last much longer. There are many reasons for this, including inexperienced management, lack of sufficient capital, failure to do proper marketing and a lack of financial competency. The bottom line is that most managers don’t know how to properly systematize, structure and manage their businesses. They don’t know because they’re not aware of where or how to find this information. This course is designed to teach students how to properly structure, systematize, and manage a business of any size or type, service, or product and in any industry.

Reg# 397620

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & James Tischler, MBA, CEO, SomeBeach SunWare, LLC

Reg# 397619

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 July

X In Person 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27; July 11 & 25; Aug. 15 & 22; Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 18; Aug. 1, 8 & 29; Sept. 5 Remote Classroom No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Brandon Shamim MS, president/co founder, Beacon Management Group

MGMT X 497.615

Establishing a Successful Business

4.0 units

The key to reducing the risks and increasing the chances of success in business is to develop a business model that delivers unique value. To accomplish this, particpants must be able to objectively analyze the competitive landscape and innovate and articulate their unique value so they can implement a strategy and anticipate the financial rewards. This course examines the essential elements of success. Designed for business owners, key executives, managers and those developing a business, the course teaches participants how to define a business model and strategy that equips their company to thrive, even in intensely competitive industries. Topics include competitive analysis, creating and defining a unique selling advantage, identifying the customer and honing a strategy. Real world situations are used for examples of application. Participants leave with the tools to develop a business model and strategy that creates value and allows them to work on their business instead of for their business.

Reg# 397621

Fee: $855

No refund after 9 Jul

 Hybrid 10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26; July 10; Aug. 7 21; Sept. 4

UCLA: Dodd Hall

July 3 9 Online

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 17 31; Aug. 28

Remote Classroom

No live meeting July 3. Online instruction for week of July 3-9. This hybrid section is made up of In Person, Live Online and Online instruction.

International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & C. Scott Hindell, principal, Hindell Consulting

Human Resources Management

For more information call (310) 206-4271 or email

MGMT 859.50

Ethics for Human Resources Professionals

1.2 CEUs

Today’s HR professionals function as a key source of ethical awareness for managers and employees. This course heightens awareness of when integrity and an understanding of ethical issues are required, not only when advising others, but also when addressing the issues HR professionals face. Instruction enables participants to recognize the parts of their jobs in which ethical issues are most likely to be experienced; they employ practical techniques to develop solutions, evaluate their impacts and decide on a course of action. Additionally, participants understand the impact of cultural and organizational pressures to conform, identify when to escalate issues and to whom, know the early warning signals of conflict between personal and work values and assess how to maintain personal integrity.

Reg# 397622

Fee: $425

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 July 21

Select CEU (appears on transcript) as the credit and grading preference to have this course applied toward a certificate program’s ethics requirement (if applicable).

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Corin Choppin M.A., partner, political consultant, Capitol Campaigns

Susmitha Valvekar , M.A., MPhil, certified in human resource administration

MGMT X 450

Elements of Human Resources Management

4.0 units

This course provides an overview of and introduction to the basic human resources management (HRM) functions: employment, employee relations, training and development, compensation, benefits and human resources information systems (HRIS). Topics include the various aspects of designing and structuring a HRM/personnel depart ment, the history and future of HRM, the changing nature of work, the relationships of HRM functions, the current legal environment in which HRM operates, sources for obtaining answers to most operational HRM problems and an exploration of HRM as a career.

Reg# 397623

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & George Castro, M.A., human resources director, Reyes Beer Division

MGMT X 450.03

Financial Aspects of Human Resources


4.0 units

To be a successful business partner with management, the human resources professional needs to effectively understand and manage the financial aspects of his/her HR department, as well as the impact of the employees on the organization’s bottom line. Emphasis is placed on ways the HR practitioner can enhance a company’s financial perfor mance. This course provides HR practitioners with the tools and informa tion to understand the cost of the HR functional area(s) for which s/he is responsible. Other areas of study are HR metrics, budgeting, strategic planning and the financial aspects of benefits and payroll.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 450 Elements of Human Resources Manage ment or consent of instructor. While no formal experience in statistics is required, students must demonstrate basic high school level math/ numerical skills; a knowledge of basic algebra is also recommended.

Reg# 397624

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment recommended. 7 & Eboni Hill, M.S., online faculty, Franklin University

MGMT X 450.2

Talent Acquisition

4.0 units

A high quality workforce is essential to the success of businesses today. This course provides the strategies, concepts and practices essential to the effective selection of personnel to accomplish a busi ness objective, with an emphasis on recruiting, promoting and retain ing employees. The course also covers budget development, job descriptions, interviewing techniques, assessment, testing, back ground investigations, legal requirements, reporting of results to management, employee orientation, outplacement and ethnic diversity issues.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 450 Elements of Human Resources Manage ment or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397625

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Donald B. Burnell, Ph.D., principal, Human Capital Management Ser vices, The Burnell Group, LLC

MGMT X 450.31

Compensation Programs:

Administration and Design

4.0 units

In this introductory course, students explore compensation as a key factor in achieving organizational goals. In addition to introducing current concepts, approaches, techniques and terms, instruction examines the forces that shape the development of compensation strategies, plans and policies. Topics include salary administration, incentive plans and stock based programs; the factors of motivation, performance evaluation, labor market dynamics and budgeting that underlie the development of compensation programs; key steps involved in developing salary administration and cash incentive programs; major laws and regulations that apply to compensation; and the way compensation programs are designed for specific job families, units/functions and levels of organization.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 450 Elements of Human Resources Manage ment or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397626

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment recommended. 7 & Kathy Gilroy, M.A., human resources manager, Safety Insurance

MGMT X 450.32

Benefits Programs: Administration and Design

4.0 units

Employee benefits are expensive and important to any organization, accounting for nearly 40 percent of total employee compensation. This comprehensive course provides essential information for evaluating and designing programs to meet corporate objectives. Technical jar gon is demystified, and the interesting human side of employee benefits is examined. Instruction covers the most competitive benefits offered by employers and related administrative strategies, tools and techniques; how to control cost and still attract and retain employees; basic methods of underwriting and financing group insurance plans, e.g., health care; an overview of popular 401(k) plans, similar retire ment/saving plans and regulatory compliance issues; COBRA and Protected Leave Administration; and practical application of managing an employee benefit program with a section 125 environment.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 450 Elements of Human Resources Manage ment or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397627

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Daniel Van Bogaert, J.D., executive, Compensation and Benefits, ERISA Compliance Consulting

12 Business & Management Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

MGMT X 450.50

Internship in Human Resources Management

4.0 units

This internship course provides eligible students an opportunity to earn elective credit toward the certificate program based on an intern ship position comprised of at least 120 hours of practical application of course material that the student has secured and had approved by UCLA Extension. UCLA Extension does not provide internship place ment. This course is only available to Human Resources Management Certificate students who have completed 20 units of the program curriculum with a GPA of 3.0 or better. A UCLA Extension instructor acts as an internship coordinator to monitor the internship throughout to ensure a substantive learning experience.

Prerequisite(s): The internship is only available to UCLA Extension Human Resources Management Certificate students who have com pleted a minimum of 20 units of the program curriculum, with a GPA of 3.0 or better.

Reg# 397628

Fee: $855

No refund after 5 July

Independent Study/Internship0

June 24 Sept. 8

International students who wish to pursue paid internships must contact the International Student Office at (310) 825-9351 to confirm eligibility.

Web enrollments require the submission of an initial application one week before the quarter begins. An advisor will contact you after initial application review.

Discounts cannot be applied to fees for this course. Restricted course. Visitors not permitted. 7

Denise Jackson, M.A., director of Employee Relations, Career Educa tion Corp.

International Trade & Commerce

For more information call (310) 206-2714 or email

Certificates: International Trade & Commerce

General Business Studies with Concentration in International Trade & Commerce Business Administration with Concentration in International Trade & Commerce

MGMT X 460.913

Import Operations and Techniques

4.0 units

This course is intended for individuals involved in import operations, including classifiers, import team members, supervisors and manag ers; those working in customhouse brokerage and freight forwarding; and owners of trading companies. Topics include entry of merchan dise; warehousing; foreign trade zones; the liquidation and protest process; appraisement and the customs concept of value; informed compliance; customs account management strategies; intellectual property rights, fines, penalties and forfeitures; drawback; NAFTA; record keeping; and corporate compliance program management.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 460.902 Introduction to International Business and MGMT X 460.903 Fundamentals of International Trade.

Reg# 397764

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July X In Person 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7 & Michael Alan Baker, J.D., attorney at law

MGMT X 460.951

Internship in International Trade and Commerce

4.0 units

The internship course provides eligible students an opportunity to earn elective credit toward the certificate program based on an internship position comprised of at least 120 hours of practical application of course material that the student has secured and had approved by UCLA Extension. UCLA Extension does not provide internship place ment. Eligible students have access to a list of firms with internship opportunities. This course is only available to International Trade and Commerce Certificate students who have completed a substantial portion (generally 20 units) of the program curriculum with a GPA of 3.0 or better. A UCLA Extension instructor acts as an internship coor dinator to monitor the internship throughout to ensure a substantive learning experience.

Prerequisite(s): The internship is only available to UCLA Extension International Trade & Commerce Certificate students who have com pleted a minimum of 20 units of the program curriculum, with a GPA of 3.0 or better.

Reg# 397765

Fee: $855

No refund after 30 June

Independent Study/Internship June 24 Sept. 15

International students who wish to pursue paid internships must contact the International Student Office at (310) 825-9351 to confirm eligibility.

Web enrollments require the submission of an initial application one week before the quarter begins. An advisor will contact you after initial application review.

Discounts cannot be applied to fees for this course. Restricted course. Visitors not permitted. 7

Daniel Krassenstein, director Asia Operations, Procon Pacific, LLC

MGMT X 460.961

Global Business Skills:

Planning and Negotiating Strategies

4.0 units

Conducting business across cultures is crucial for succeeding in today’s highly competitive marketplace. This highly interactive, simu lation based course provides executives with the knowledge and skills to plan, work, and negotiate in the global marketplace. Topics include cultural differences as they affect international business, understand ing hospitality and protocol, establishing trust and credibility, charac teristics of a cross cultural negotiator, concepts of win win and win lose, tactics and power strategies, and communication and per suasion strategies.

Reg# 397766

Fee: $855

No refund after 9 July X In Person 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Vicky Panossian M.B.A., principal, Integral Market Developer

MGMT X 460.989

Doing Business in China

4.0 units

This course provides entrepreneurs, business executives, and inter national trade and finance professionals with the background for doing business in China. Students learn the skills necessary for developing, evaluating, and implementing business strategies and relationships in China, including entry strategies, negotiation, valuation and financing. The course provides an overview of China’s economy, including the emergence of the private sector, the economic reform process, political and cultural features, the role of capital markets, trade and foreign direct investment, and the overall business and investment environment. Instruction incorporates case analysis and readings used to develop a framework for analyzing market entry strategies, implementing negotiations, assessing financial issues and evaluating business opportunities.

Reg# 397767

Fee: $855

No refund after 10 Jul  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27; July 11 & 25; Aug. 8 & 22; Sept. 5

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. July 4


Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 18; Aug. 1, 15 & 29

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: Sept. 15. 7 & Changho Lee

MGMT X 460.99

International Business Management

4.0 units

This course emphasizes the managerial process in the international environment and provides an operational assessment of the funda mental issues involved in the management of international and mul tinational corporations. Instruction focuses on analyzing case studies related to upper and middle management issues, although the lessons apply to all levels and functions of international operations. Topics include matching foreign investment strategies with local conditions, managing export/import operations, trade and direct investment, local sourcing versus importing components, licensing and international joint venturing, designing organizational structures that match chang ing international conditions, managing a global structure, managing political risks, acquisitions, and integrating new businesses and dealing with international ethical considerations.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 460.902 Introduction to International Business or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397768

Fee: $855

No refund after 7 July X In Person 11 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited. 7 & David E. French, M.B.A., president, David French & Associates, LLC, a business strategy consultancy

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.



Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Business & Management 13

Marketing, Advertising & PR

For more information call (310) 206-4271 or email

Marketing & Advertising

For more information call (310) 825-4192 or email



General Business Studies with Concentration in Marketing Business Administration with Concentration in Marketing General Business Studies with Concentration in Advertising Business Administration with Concentration in Advertising

For more information call (310) 206-4271 or visit bmlp.

MGMT X 160

Marketing Principles and Practices

4.0 units

This course surveys marketing methods, practices and institutions from the perspectives of manufacturers, distributors and consumers. You examine marketing concepts, functions, operations and organiza tions of retail and wholesale enterprises; distribution channels; market research; advertising; marketing costs; pricing; cooperative marketing; marketing legislation and regulations; and trends. c

Prerequisite(s): If you are enrolling in this course to fulfill a UCLA Extension certificate program requirement, you must select the “for credit letter grade” credit option during the checkout process. Addi tionally, if you are enrolling in this course to fulfill a requirement for (re)certification offered by an external governing body, it is recom mended that you select the “for credit letter grade” credit option. Reg# 397633

Fee: $855

No refund after 7 Jul  Hybrid

8 mtgs

Monday, 6 8:30pm, June 24; July 8 & 22; Aug. 5, 19 & 26; Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

July 1 7, 15 21; Aug. 12 18

Monday, 6 8:30pm, July 29

Remote Classroom

No live meetings July 1; July 15; Aug. 12; Sept. 2. Asynchronous Online instruction for weeks of July 1-7; July 15-21; Aug. 12-18. No meeting Sept. 2.

This hybrid section is made up of In Person, Live Online and Online instruction.

International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes. 7

Marc Villarreal, B.A., executive VP, Branding, Integrity Media Reg# 397634

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7

Barbara Barney-McNamara, M.B.A., consultant/owner, Marketing Avenue

MGMT X 460.35

Strategic Marketing

4.0 units

This capstone course allows students to put into practice key skills they have learned that address the need to understand more than just traditional marketing principles, as well as helps explain how trends develop and how to design effective, long range marketing strategies that meet the demands of today’s dynamic consumer environment. Students explore marketing trends, marketing management decision making, consumer attitudes, niche marketing, advertising strategies, distribution channels and the use and misuse of various marketing media.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 160 Marketing Principles and Practices and MGMT X 466 Consumer Market Research, or professionals with a minimum of two years’ experience may enroll.

Reg# 397635

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7

Tito E Zamalloa MBA

MGMT X 460.381

Influencer Marketing: Employing Influencers

2.0 units

Today’s consumers are dispersed over thousands of media platforms that are saturated with content and advertising. That’s why marketers are struggling to even generate awareness, least of all sales, on a cost effective basis. Consequently, many are turning to influencers: individuals who already have large, attentive followings that they can persuade to action. Successful influencer marketing, however, requires more than merely asking social media stars to endorse a product. Without a well planned strategy based on critical evaluation, market ers risk losing money, time and opportunities; damaging their brands; and even violating federal regulations. In this course, students learn how to research, evaluate and employ the right influencers for their markets and how to legally and strategically integrate them into marketing campaigns that achieve specific goals.

Reg# 397636

Fee: $525

No refund after 10 Jul  Hybrid 5 mtgs

Thursday, 6 8pm, June 27 Aug. 1

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting July 4.

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes. 7

Neal Schaffer, Neal Schaffer is a Fractional CMO and leader in helping companies build and grow their business through impactful digital and social media marketing strategies. A popular international keynote speaker who has spoken on 4 continents, Neal is also an experienced university educator teaching influencer marketing as well as personal branding at UCLA Extension and social media marketing at Rutgers Business School. He is also the author of 4 sales and marketing books, including Maximize Your Social (Wiley) and his newest work The Age of Influence (HarperCollins Leadership), a ground breaking book redefining digital influence. Check out Neal’s blog (https://nealschaffer. com) and his Your Digital Marketing Coach podcast for marketing inspiration.

MGMT X 460.382

Personal Branding and Becoming an Influencer

2.0 units

Marketers are increasingly hiring influencers to generate greater impact in the market, from simply promoting a brand and spreading a message to attracting the influencers’ personal followers. Those promotional opportunities along with the accompanying fame and other rewards have inspired thousands of people worldwide to become influencers themselves. At the same time, many professionals are looking to increase their personal influence to grow their own brands, careers, ventures and overall efficacy. In this course, students learn how to develop and manage personal brands to achieve true influence. This involves establishing credibility as an “expert”; promot ing that expertise through media and messages that match their tal ents and their market; building a genuine and significant following; and developing rewarding relationships with their community, includ ing other influencers and potential sponsors.

Reg# 397637

Fee: $525

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 July 28 7

Lia Haberman

MGMT X 460.394

Digital Marketing

4.0 units

The Internet, the digital revolution and the move toward an informa tion based economy are dramatically changing business and the way products are marketed and sold. To be more successful in this “new marketing world,” business people need to understand what is chang ing and how to use the new tools to their optimal advantage. This course is for both veteran marketers who want to understand the new tools available through the Internet and those who are comfortable with Internet applications and the digital world but want to learn the marketing fundamentals as they apply to the Internet.

Reg# 397640

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7

Mark Burgess who is renowned as a marketing executive, educator, and global speaker. On the ad agency side on Madison Avenue at McCann in New York and Chicago, he led key accounts including L’Oreal and Sears. Mr. Burgess also worked on the corporate side at AT&T and PricewaterhouseCoopers. He founded the marketing con sultancy, Blue Focus Marketing and has consulted with multiple companies including IBM, AT&T, LinkedIn and Wharton.

Reg# 397639

Fee: $895

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 9:30am 12:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7

David C Aaronson

Reg# 397638

Fee: $855

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7

Peter Fernando Emmy award winning strategist and digital executive with 35 years of experience in revenue management, digital experi ences, product, marketing, analytics and data strategy. He has worked and led teams at Disney, Microsoft, Yahoo, Tribune Publishing and various start ups during era. Fernando is passionate about creating and optimizing human experiences that drive brand value. He has a patent at Disney for content and event recommendation and has won multiple industry awards.

MGMT X 460.398

Social Media Marketing

2.0 units

This course looks at the channels of marketing, advertising and com munication that make up social media and the Web, exploring how these tools fit into a company’s traditional integrated marketing strategy. Using case studies and real world examples from large corporations and small businesses, students explore current examples and future opportunities of how marketing professionals embrace online social networks, user generated content and content sharing to create brand awareness and buzz. Learn practical tips and tech niques, as well as see the bigger picture to help successfully leverage social media marketing for your own environment and purpose.

Reg# 397642

Fee: $525

No refund after 2 Aug.

M Online

July 29 Sept. 8 7

Lia Haberman

Reg# 397641

Fee: $525

No refund after 7 Aug.

X In Person

5 mtgs

Thursday, 6 8pm, Aug. 1 29

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7

Julia A. Bennett

14 Business & Management Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

MGMT X 460.41

Brand Management

4.0 units

Explore, learn and understand the complexities in the development, sustainability and leverage of a brand. In this comprehensive course, students learn how brand identity must be nurtured and managed to positively affect a company’s performance and future, as well as understand the power and importance of a brand from its creation through execution. This course presents students with an overview of brand development; brand research; and brand management struc tures for sales, marketing, advertising and promotional purposes. In addition, students explore how companies develop financial wealth by extending existing brands and controlling and/or influencing brand pricing and distribution. Additional topics include an overview of brand history, understanding the differences between brand equity and brand identity and consideration of how brands are won and lost.

Reg# 397644

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7

Robert Liljenwall M.B.A., president, The Liljenwall Group; recipient of the UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2007.

Reg# 397643

Fee: $855

No refund after 9 Jul

 Hybrid

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 8pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

MGMT X 460.484

Internship in Marketing and Advertising

4.0 units

The internship course provides eligible students an opportunity to earn elective credit toward the certificate program based on an internship position comprised of at least 120 hours of practical application of course material that the student has secured and had approved by UCLA Extension. UCLA Extension does not provide internship place ment. Course is only available to Marketing Certificate students who have completed 20 units of the program curriculum with a GPA of 3.0 or better. A UCLA Extension instructor acts as an internship coordinator to monitor the internship throughout to ensure a substantive learning experience.

Prerequisite(s): The internship is only available to UCLA Extension Marketing Certificate students who have completed a minimum of 20 units of the program curriculum, with a GPA of 3.0 or better.

Reg# 397629

Fee: $855

No refund after 5 July Independent Study/Internship0

June 24 Sept. 8

International students who wish to pursue paid internships must contact the International Student Office at (310) 825-9351 to confirm eligibility.

Web enrollments require the submission of an initial application one week before the quarter begins. An advisor will contact you after initial application review.

Discounts cannot be applied to fees for this course.

Restricted course. Visitors not permitted.

Robert Liljenwall M.B.A., president, The Liljenwall Group; recipient of the UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2007.

MGMT X 460.52

Integrated Marketing Communications

4.0 units

This course focuses on the latest marketing communication prac tices known as integrated marketing communications (IMC) featur ing an overview of the major media, including broadcast, print, outdoor, point of purchase, direct mail, Internet, telemarketing, public relations and promotion. The emphasis is on how to analyze and create an IMC program by using the latest value based IMC concepts and measuring “return on communications investment.”

Reg# 397646

Fee: $895

No refund after 7 Jul  Hybrid

8 mtgs

Monday, 6 8:30pm, June 24; July 8 & 22; Aug. 5, 19 & 26; Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

July 1 7, 15 21; Aug. 12 18

Monday, 6 8:30pm, July 29

Remote Classroom

No live meetings July 1; July 15; Aug. 12; Sept. 2. Asynchronous Online instruction for weeks of July 1-7; July 15-21; Aug. 12-18.

No meeting Sept. 2.

This hybrid section is made up of In Person, Live Online and Online instruction.

International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes. 7

Marc Villarreal B.A., executive VP, Branding, Integrity Media Reg# 397647

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7

Joseph Hartnett, BA, Hartnett & Associates Reg# 397645

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. No meeting July 4. 7

Rainier de Ocampo

MGMT X 463.01

Advertising in the Digital Age

2.0 units

Create effective consumer targeted digital advertising campaigns across the ever changing digital media landscape. Explore how to plan, create, track and optimize all types of digital advertising cam paigns, with a focus on developing highly strategic campaigns that leverage the unique strengths of each digital media type, including emerging platforms. Topics include online/display, social media, mobile, search engine marketing, email, video, user generated content (UGC), viral and landing page optimization. Learn trends and practices associated with media planning and buying across the various media platforms, as well as advertising creative best practices.

Reg# 397648

Fee: $525

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

5 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 July 23

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. No meeting July 4. 7

Rikke Alderson

MGMT X 466

Consumer Market Research

4.0 units

Providing a comprehensive and practical approach to conducting relevant, useful marketing and advertising research, this course examines consumer behavior and how it can influence marketing and advertising decision making, as well as methodologies used to gather primary and secondary research data, analyze and interpret that data and make recommendations based on research activities. Instruction also explores the use of surveys and focus groups on and offline as well as conventional research methods. Students build valuable skills and techniques needed to tabulate, analyze and present market research data, the foundation of a well conceived marketing strategy.

Reg# 397650

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8 7

Terri Horton principal, TLT Consulting

Reg# 397649

Fee: $855

No refund after 15 Jul

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 8:30pm, July 2 Sept. 10

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes. 7

Emmanuel Probst, doctorate, business administration; director, Kantar Media.

MGMT X 466.05

Advanced Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategies

4.0 units

The course is intended for executives and professionals that want to go beyond the basics to learn how to apply social media to get con crete business results. The course puts students on the leadership path with strategies and tactical plans that lead to bottom line suc cess. This program delivers the latest strategies to drive more revenue and save costs by incorporating social media into traditional business practices. With this curriculum, attendees learn practical steps, tech niques and best practices geared toward integrating social media and digital programs within their businesses with higher monetizations of their investment.

Reg# 397652

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8 7

Mark Burgess, who is renowned as a marketing executive, educator, and global speaker. On the ad agency side on Madison Avenue at McCann in New York and Chicago, he led key accounts including L’Oreal and Sears. Mr. Burgess also worked on the corporate side at AT&T and PricewaterhouseCoopers. He founded the marketing con sultancy, Blue Focus Marketing and has consulted with multiple companies including IBM, AT&T, LinkedIn and Wharton.

Reg# 397651

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 5:30 8:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. No meeting Sept. 2. 7

Julia A. Bennett

MGMT X 470.10

Digital Analytics

4.0 units

Digital analytics is a set of business and technical activities that create and collect “big data” and process it for analysis, recommendations, optimizations and predictions. This course defines the term “digital analytics” and focuses on its importance in marketing. It provides technical information to understand and implement digital analytics in an organizational context; examines digital analytics strategies, including segmentation, context and conversion attribution; defines KPIs and key metrics used in digital analytics; explores various tools and software used to track analytics, such as Google Analytics; dis cusses website optimization; and covers webmaster data integration with analytics.

Reg# 397654

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June M Online June 24 Sept. 8 7

Instructor to be announced

Reg# 397653

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting July 4. 7

Peter Fernando, Emmy award winning strategist and digital executive with 35 years of experience in revenue management, digital experi ences, product, marketing, analytics and data strategy. He has worked and led teams at Disney, Microsoft, Yahoo, Tribune Publishing and various start ups during era. Fernando is passionate about creating and optimizing human experiences that drive brand value. He has a patent at Disney for content and event recommendation and has won multiple industry awards.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Business & Management 15

MGMT X 470.30

Search Engine Optimization for Marketing

2.0 units

This course provides insight about the tools, techniques and strategies needed to develop content that draws in your target audience along their consumer journey, optimize your website architecture and build inbound links to improve search rankings. Learn about the collection of marketing, site development and public relations tactics that form a winning SEO strategy to meet your business goals and increase site traffic and sales from the organic search channel. Topics covered include content marketing, on page optimization and inbound link building.

Reg# 397656

Fee: $525

No refund after 2 Aug.

M Online

July 29 Sept. 1 7

Instructor to be announced

Reg# 397655

Fee: $525

No refund after 5 Aug

 Hybrid

5 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, July 30 Aug. 27

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes. 7

Eric Seropyan Eric Seropyan specializes in helping small to mid size businesses gain exposure online using a variety of digital marketing strategies. Eric owns a digital marketing agency that focuses on driv ing traffic to the client’s websites utilizing the power of search engines and optimizing websites to be ranked organically (a practice known as Search Engine Optimization, or SEO) along with creating lead fun nels by working with Google Ads and cutting edge technologies with AI in marketing.

MGMT X 471.10

Marketing with Google Ads

2.0 units

This course focuses on how to create and manage a Google AdWords account and the ad creation and optimization process for maximum traffic generation. AdWords campaign management issues are explained, including strategies for selecting optimal keywords critical to the success of AdWords ads. Other topics include bidding strategies for keywords, quality score and click thru rate (CTR) metrics, comput ing return on investments (ROI) as it pertains to AdWords advertising, analytics service in conjunction with AdWords, and Google Analytics and Google Website Optimizer for maximizing ad effectiveness.

Reg# 397657

Fee: $525

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 July 28 7

Mindy Serin

Public Relations

Courses are endorsed by the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.

MGMT X 469.11

Fundamentals of Public Relations

4.0 units

This course is intended to provide an introduction to the basic history, theories, principles and methods of public relations practice. The emphasis in this class is on problem solving and the tools and tech niques of the trade as applied to real life situations. The scope of the course is intended to present the social, behavioral, psychological, ethical, economical and political foundations of public relations and the theories of public relations as a communications discipline. This course also examines the nature of various public relations audiences and the different channels used to reach them. The course offers insight and perspective in determining whether the public relations profession is the career path for you.

Reg# 397631

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited to 25 students. 7

Robert Chew president, BoldPoint Now, and PFI Communications, Los Angeles; former executive vice president/board member, Burson Marsteller and Grey Advertising’s GCI Group (public relations division).

MGMT X 469.15

Crisis Management and Communications: Safeguarding

Image and Viability

2.0 units

Crisis is all around us. Every day, governments, businesses and indi viduals have to deal with forces that threaten their very existence. The news is filled with natural disasters, technologically driven crises, media accusations and business meltdowns and most of those involved felt it couldn’t happen to them! Organizations and their lead ers must know how to minimize risk by preparing for crisis, learn to manage and survive one, and be able to recover successfully. This class is designed for anyone who has management responsibility for corporate, health care and nonprofit executives; crisis management professionals; marketing and public relations agency executives; and those charged with dealing with a crisis that threatens the future of an organization. This overview provides the tools to identify potential vulnerabilities and to develop comprehensive protection, management and communication plans. Classroom sections may include guest speakers that are professionals in law enforcement, technology and crisis management.

Reg# 397632

Fee: $525

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 July 14

Angela M Fentiman M.B.A., manager, Community Relations, North America for Brookfield Renewable

Hospitality Management

Restaurant Management & Event Planning

For more information call (310) 206-2714 or email

MGMT 867.011

Event Management Essentials: Planning and Budgeting

3.3 CEUs

The first course in our two part event management essentials series covers the core basics from idea generation to successful completion. Topics covered include the meetings industry and profession, strategic meetings, project and meeting management, event design and experi ence, budgeting basics, site and venue selection, risk management, contracts and negotiations, registration and housing, and market ing all of which play a key part in planning a successful event. In addition, students start the first part of a capstone project, which gives them a chance to put into practice all that was learned in this course.

Reg# 397756

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Charmaine Wilkerson director of Special Events and Executive Din ing, Eurest

UCLA Extension’s Course Delivery Options

UCLA Extension offers a variety of course delivery options to meet the needs of our students.

X In Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.


Live Online

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7 Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

For extensive information visit

16 Business & Management Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

Project Management

Agile Project Management

MGMT X 446.1

Agile Methodologies with Scrum and Kanban

4.0 units

The use of Agile is quickly becoming the new norm. This course covers SCRUM and Kanban as the most popular agile and lean processes for enabling fast delivery of projects while shifting culture to teamwork, collaboration and continuous improvement. Students will gain the skills to apply the agile steps to their projects by practicing with itera tive and incremental scheduling techniques and SPRINTS. Students explore how agile trends and emerging practices are different than predictive, waterfall scheduling models and traditional life cycle development approaches. This course meets the education training hours for and helps students gain knowledge towards the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI ACP)® certification. It also provides foun dational knowledge for the Certified Scrum Professional ScrumMaster (CSP SM)® and Professional Scrum Master (PSM)® certifications. In addition, this course helps students gain knowledge towards the PMP® Exam by PMI® and qualifies for the required 35 Contact Hours or PDU’s to apply for or maintain an existing PMP® certification. Reg# 398497

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 6 9pm, June 24 Aug. 26

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Monday, 6 9pm, Sept. 9

Location to be announced

No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23

Nadya Ichinomiya, BS, Vice President of Agile Transformation, Enable ment & Operations at Sony Pictures Entertainment Reg# 398498

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Nareg Tovmassian B.S., P.M.P., A.C.P., Cisco C.C.D.A., C.S.E., C.X.F.S.; lead Business Process Consultant in the Document Management Shared Services group at Kaiser Permanente.

MGMT X 446.3

Scaled Agile Approaches

4.0 units

Scaling Agile is difficult, with a lack of available experienced profes sionals. This course covers essential concepts and processes to implement Agile within large enterprises, including planning and prioritization, discipline, project management, distributed teams, empowering team members and visualization of Enterprise ideas. Industry case studies leveraging Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) and Large Scaled Scrum (LeSS) are studied. This course will meet the education training hours and will help you gain knowledge towards the PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI ACP)® certification. It also provides foundational knowledge for the Certified Scrum Profes sional ScrumMaster (CSP SM)® and Professional Scrum Master (PSM)® certifications.

Reg# 398500

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Lori Garcia, EMBA, PMP; project manager, Medtronic.

MGMT X 444.1

Fundamentals of Project Management

4.0 units

Master the essentials of Project Management, bridging theoretical concepts with hands on techniques to drive projects to successful completion. Elevate your project management prowess by adeptly engaging stakeholders and harmonizing diverse processes within a standardized framework across project lifecycles. This immersive course empowers you to navigate the intricacies of project manage ment with real world examples and industry relevant methodologies, ensuring you’re equipped to tackle modern challenges head on. The course is instructed by seasoned industry professionals with decades of hands on experience whose wealth of expertise will enrich your learning journey, incorporating the latest trends such as Agile consid erations and AI impacts. Moreover, this course is designed to align with the PMP® Exam curriculum prescribed by PMI®, providing you with the requisite 35 Educational Credits essential for both aspiring and seasoned project managers to pursue or maintain their PMP® certification.

Reg# 398479

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Robert Stone, B.A., M.S., P.M.P.; executive director, The Larston Group

Reg# 398480

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Robert Stone, B.A., M.S., P.M.P.; executive director, The Larston Group

Reg# 398477

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

John H. Gormley, BA, FAIA; director of Design & Project Management at UCLA.

Reg# 398478

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

JM Gibis B.A., Sr. director, PMO, Technical Operations at NBCUniversal

MGMT X 444.2

Project Schedule and Cost Management

4.0 units

Navigate the intricate balance between scope, time, and cost to ensure timely and cost effective project delivery. This comprehensive course delves into essential concepts like earned value management, empowering you to effectively track schedule and cost performance, and optimize project outcomes. Learn practical strategies for schedule management by exploring Agile, Adaptive, and Predictive development approaches to enhance project scheduling tactics. The course includes discussions on the use of established project schedule tracking tools such as Smartsheet®, MS Project®, and Primavera® across various industries. Enhance your ability to create, manage, and adjust project schedules with precision and efficiency beginning with the precedence diagram method and progressing to critical path analysis. Guided by seasoned instructors with extensive expertise in the field, gain valuable insights and study real world examples that illuminate best practices in schedule and cost management. Moreover, this course is designed to align with the PMP® Exam curriculum outlined by PMI® providing you with the necessary 35 Education Credits required to pursue or maintain your PMP® certification, ensur ing you are well equipped to excel in project management.

Reg# 398483

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Tony Swaim D.B.A., M.B.A., P.M.P., Certified Six Sigma Black Belt; principal, Tony Swaim & Associates. Reg# 398481 Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Artin Mgrtichian, M.I.S.M., M.P.M., P.M.P., L.E.E.D. G.A.; project manager, MedMedia Group

MGMT X 444.3

Project Quality and Leadership

4.0 units

Achieve a competitive advantage by applying data driven improve ment methodologies to manage quality measures on your projects to meet and exceed customer expectations. Sharpen your leadership skills to attain your project goals alongside team members and stakeholders and learn to use strong communication and interper sonal skills. This course helps you gain knowledge towards the PMP® Exam by PMI® and qualifies for the required 35 Contact Hours or PDU’s to apply for or maintain an existing PMP® certification.

Reg# 398486

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Monday, 6 9pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

No meeting Sep 2.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Lori Garcia, EMBA, PMP; project manager, Medtronic. Reg# 398487

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

John Sarakatsannis, M.B.A., M.S., P.M.P., C.P.C.M., C.F.C.M.; professor of Contract Management at the Defense Acquisition University (DAU). Reg# 398485

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Nareg Tovmassian, B.S., P.M.P., A.C.P., Cisco C.C.D.A., C.S.E., C.X.F.S.; lead Business Process Consultant in the Document Management Shared Services group at Kaiser Permanente.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Business & Management 17

MGMT X 444.4

Project Risk and Procurement Management

4.0 units

Explore causes of risk on your projects and examine impacts by the triple constraint, workforce and vendors. Learn to apply optimized risk response strategies for successful execution and completion of your projects. Minimize risk impacts from procurement processes, and sharpen your negotiation tactics to ultimately sign win win agree ments with qualified contractors. This course will help you gain knowledge towards the PMP® Exam by PMI® and qualifies for the required 35 Contact Hours or PDU’s to apply for or maintain an existing PMP® certification.

Reg# 398490

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Monday, 6 9pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

John Sarakatsannis, M.B.A., M.S., P.M.P., C.P.C.M., C.F.C.M.; professor of Contract Management at the Defense Acquisition University (DAU). Reg# 398491

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Al Hirsch BSEE, M.S.; Managing director, CTARCo International. Reg# 398492

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Lori Jones , J.D., M.S.; subcontract program manager, Northrop Grumman.

Reg# 398493

Fee: $1,300

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June M Online 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 5 8pm, June 25 Sept. 3 Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: Jun. 30

Lori Jones , J.D., M.S.; subcontract program manager, Northrop Grumman.

Reg# 398488

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Artin Mgrtichian, M.I.S.M., M.P.M., P.M.P., L.E.E.D. G.A.; project manager, MedMedia Group

MGMT X 444.6

Project Management Capstone

4.0 units

This course provides interactive training on the project management framework and foundation using a single project from start to finish spanning across all five phases in a project life cycle. Students work in groups as consultants and apply hands on experience using a real life project starting from initiation to closing to maximize learning potential in project management. The concepts learned during the course could be applied to any project within any industry and with varying complexities, putting a sharper focus on the people, processes, tools, techniques and technologies needed to successfully execute projects and meet customer expectations. This course helps you gain knowledge towards the PMP® Exam by PMI® and qualifies for the required 35 Contact Hours or PDU’s to apply for or maintain an existing PMP® certification.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MGMT X 444.1 Fundamentals of Project Management course required to have knowledge of basic concepts and terminology to be used in this Capstone course.

Reg# 398496

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Al Hirsch, BSEE, M.S.; Managing director, CTARCo International.

Reg# 398494

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Margaret Meloni Ph.D., M.B.A., P.M.P.; owner and leader ofpmStudent. com.

MGMT X 443.4

Leadership and the Human Element in Project Management

4.0 units

Effective leadership skills are perhaps the greatest determinant of project success. Project managers must demonstrate leadership effectiveness throughout each phase of the project life cycle. Review and recognize specific leadership styles in the context of real world examples. Participative assignments help both current and future project managers enhance their own leadership effectiveness. Course content covers project communication, motivation, conflict resolution, negotiation, stress management and effective leadership in the con text of project management. Participants identify the leadership challenges unique to the project environment, identify their leadership strengths and weaknesses, identify five conflict resolution modes and when to use them, and learn to differentiate between position power and personal power. Note: This course is NOT interchangeable with MGMT X 490.996 Leadership Communication Strategies.

Reg# 398501

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Margaret Meloni Ph.D., M.B.A., P.M.P.; owner and leader ofpmStudent. com.

MGMT X 443.5

Managing Global Outsourced Projects

4.0 units

Outsourcing has become a way of life in the twenty first century. Much of the project work that used to be proposed, planned, implemented and controlled inside an organization is now being partially or com pletely performed at domestic and foreign suppliers. Firms are tran sitioning from being “doers” of projects to “buyers” of project work. How can you be sure things are being done as you desire? This course is designed to help you increase your satisfaction levels with project outputs that enhance your effectiveness as a buyer and seller of products or services, especially for large contracts that include sub contractors and a supply chain of vendors. Instruction also covers decisions regarding make versus buy and the type of contract to use. Solicitation and source selection focuses on procurement and helps you understand the use of the statement of work, common solicitation documents, seller evaluation criteria, pricing and contract law consid erations. Additionally, the course covers the contract administration process, which addresses seller performance and payment on external procurements; and the closing process, which covers contract com pletion, termination and disputes.

Reg# 398502

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Vincent Padilla, J.D.; contracts lead; Boeing.

Course Icons Provide Information

X IN PERSON, page 1.


Technical requirements, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.



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18 Business & Management Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

Design & Arts

Immersive Media: VR, AR, XR

DESMA X 480.22

XR Experience Design I

4.0 units

Virtual Reality and other forms of immersive media (collectively known as XR) have the potential to enhance people’s lives in innovative and engaging ways. How can creators learn to produce effective and meaningful immersive content? This class provides a solid foundation for understanding what immersive media is, as well as what it can and might be. Covered topics include the origins and distinctive affordances of immersive media, range of media types, concept generation, character integration and how to craft an experience to fit specific goals. Guest speakers in the field will provide practical examples by presenting their work. Students complete research and hands on projects to explore concepts in greater depth. Students leave the class understanding the basics of crafting quality immersive experiences, and are prepared to take on more advanced studies. A

Meta Quest 2 with 256 GB of storage is required for this course.

Reg# 398063

Fee: $975

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

An Oculus Quest 2 with 256 GB of storage is required for this course. Additional materials including textbook and experiences estimated at $100. Students taking multiple Immersive Media courses need only one headset.

Jacquelyn Morie who is widely known for using technology such as Virtual Reality (VR) to deliver meaningful experiences that enrich people’s lives. From 1990 to 1994, Ms. Morie worked as an artist, researcher and educator at the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Simulation and Training. While there, she developed multi sensory techniques for VR that predictably elicit emotional responses from participants, using psychology and art to create environments that ranged from disquieting to nostalgic.

UX/Graphic Design

Design Communication Arts

For information on course content, prerequisites, or advisement, email , visit , or call (310) 206-1422.

Core Design Concepts

The seven Core Design Concepts courses are designed for those pursuing the Design Communication Arts Certificate. These courses are also open to noncertificate students.

In addition to these eight courses, students pursuing the Design Communication Arts Certificate must complete the Print and Graphic Communication Design Tool Kit plus two electives.

Required Courses:

DESMA X 479.6A Design Fundamentals (4 units)

DESMA X 482.1D Color Methodologies (4 units)

DESMA X 479.4A Typography (4 units)

DESMA X 479.6E Design II: Collateral Communication (4 units)

DESMA X 479.2D Design III: Branding (4 units)

DESMA X 479.3D Design History and Context (4 units)

DESMA X 479.6P Design IV: Advanced Design Practice (4 units)

DESMA X 479.7P Portfolio (4 units)

DESMA 850.19

Design a Brilliant Career and Find Your Professional Purpose

0.3 CEUs

Design education leader Scott Hutchinson teaches you how to take your design career goals from lackluster to brilliant. A small seminar created for those considering a meaningful career in Graphic Design and User Experience. This introduction to the profession is designed to help students see possibilities and discover areas where they can have impact. Areas we explore include required skills, personal story telling, portfolio development and positioning, including bringing in your degree and previous work expertise. This workshop is especially useful for students with previous “unrelated” degrees, and/or who have recently enrolled in the Design Communication Arts or UX cer tificates. Also relevant for designers looking to advance, exploring a change in design specialty or nearing graduation.

Reg# 398288

Fee: $0

No refund after 25 June

A Live Online

1 mtg

Wednesday, 3 4pm, June 26

Remote Classroom

This course is designed as a live, interactive experience on Zoom. It will not be recorded.

Scott Hutchinson , M.F.A, UCLA School of Arts and Architecture; designer and photographer specializing in corporate identity, branding and advertising.


Masters of Design Cover Series

0.1 CEUs

The covers of the UCLA Extension course catalog have featured the works of several of the world’s best known graphic designers, beginning in 1990 with Paul Rand and continuing today with luminaries in the design world. With his snow capped orange for the Winter Quarter 1990 cover, Rand not only set the quality standard for the covers, but his participation also encouraged other noteworthy designers to follow his lead. Such legends as Saul Bass, Lou Danziger, Frank Gehry, Ivan Cher mayoff, Eiko Ishioka, Henry Wolf, George Tscherney and Milton Glaser are among the esteemed cohort of designers who have created covers. The collection has been shown in exhibitions and includes not just posters but also sculptures, interactive projects and installations. Top designers consider the invitation to design the UCLA Extension catalog cover an honor they are unlikely to refuse. In this 60 minute seminar, join Visual Arts department director and curator of the series, Scott Hutchinson, and this quarter’s master cover designer to explore the inspiration for the current cover, the educational and “real world” experi ences that have shaped the designer’s career, and a Q&A session.

Reg# 398297

Fee: $0

No refund after 12 Aug.

A Live Online 1 mtg

Tuesday, 12 1pm, Aug. 13

Remote Classroom

Scott Hutchinson , M.F.A, UCLA School of Arts and Architecture; designer and photographer specializing in corporate identity, branding and advertising.

DESMA X 479.6A

Design Fundamentals

4.0 units

This is a hands on introduction to the creative process and core ele ments of graphic design for a variety of outputs, including print and electronic media. Topics include research, typography, imagery, strategy and concept development. Projects are progressive and critiqued.

Reg# 398032

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

X In Person 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 3 6pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Fee does not include cost of art supplies.

Grace Magnus, graphic designer whose clients include marketing agencies, small businesses and artists. She holds a particular interest in the intersection of art and technology, exploring the merge of hand crafting with digital tools in her work and design practice.

Reg# 398284

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online June 25 Sept. 3

Fee does not include cost of art supplies.

Kyle Valentic, graphic design graduate of the Art Center College of Design, who is a graphic designer and lettering artist based in Los Angeles with almost fifteen years of experience with identity system design and brand strategy. Mr. Valentic has been fortunate enough to work with a number of well known brands including Coachella, Capitol Records, Universal Music Group, Google, Wells Fargo, Amgen and Amazon Video.

For more information call (310) 206-1422.

DESMA X 481.60

Design Software Intensive Boot Camp

8.0 units

Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign are covered in this intensive and immersive course to learn the essential Adobe CC programs utilized in graphic design. Become fluent in editing, building and creating design using Photoshop. Learn client branding and how to work in the vector environment for Illustrator. Understand and build layouts using InDesign, become comfortable with how all three programs are popularly used and integrated, and build proper habits. This class covers core concepts taught in the intro classes to Photoshop, Illustra tor and InDesign in a fast paced boot camp style for those that want to use these tools in their workflows quickly.

Reg# 398184

Fee: $1,800

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4

Enrollment limited.

Hakon Engvig, B.A. in design with two advanced design certificates from UCLA Extension. A native born Norwegian, Engvig’s domestic and international clients include UCLA Medical Center, Macy Gray, Life house, the Together Project (India) and OTE Historical Restoration Committee (Norway).

DESMA X 481.11

Photoshop I

4.0 units

Learn to create, manipulate and combine digital images. Develop a working knowledge of Photoshop’s features; use the program in 2D print, interactive and web applications; and learn importing and exporting features. Students must have a subscription to Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud (CC). In addition, for in person sections: Students must bring a laptop to every class meeting.

Reg# 398182

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4

Students are required to have a copy of Adobe Photoshop CC to complete the course.

Agnieszka Purzycka, M.A. in journalism with Design Communication Arts certificate from UCLA Extension. Ms. Purzycka’s domestic and international clients include L’Erma di Bretschneider, AUC Press, Kara Cooney and Patina Productions Inc.

Reg# 398181

Fee: $875

No refund after 11 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 3 6pm, June 27 July 25

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Thursday, 3 6pm, Aug. 1

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Thursday, 3 6pm, Aug. 8 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. No meeting July 4.

Students are required to have a copy of Adobe Photoshop CC to complete the course.

David Dodds, Los Angeles based motion graphics designer whose experience spans a decade in motion graphics, special effects, broad cast design, character animation and infographics. He has worked for studios such as Stardust, Mirada, Logan and NFL Networks. Author of Hands-On Motion Graphics with Adobe After Effects CC: Develop Your Skills as a Visual Effects and Motion Graphics Artist.

DESMA X 481.47

Illustrator I

4.0 units

Discover how this vector based drawing program integrates into the suite of design tools. Features presented include templates, drawing paths, auto tracing, blending features, gradient meshes, wrapping type, exporting, shape and pen tools and more. Students must have a subscription to Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud (CC). In addition, for in person sections: Students must bring a laptop to every meeting. RRR

Reg# 398183

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4

Lauren Cullen Lauren is a designer specializing in illustration, product design, interactive prototypes, branding, animation, advertising and marketing. She is the UCLA Mobile Web Strategy group’s design lead. The designs she creates for innovative mobile and web applications, platforms, and advanced data visualization tools are utilized by prominent organizations in the academic and research communities. In addition, she has written on design and technology for several publications and also contributed the introduction to legendary artist John Van Hamersveld’s Drawing Attention book.

DESMA X 481.99Z


4.0 units

This course provides an introduction to the functions and capabilities of Adobe InDesign. Students are guided in establishing a professional workflow to design documents for print and digital distribution. Learn how to manipulate type and image and create multi page documents through the use of styles, grids and templates. Gain the skills and confidence to prepare your documents for print and communicate effectively with vendors. Combine these skills to design and profes sionally print a short book, gaining real world experience translating ideas from screen to printed object. Students must have a subscription to Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud (CC). In addition, for in person sec tions: Students must bring a laptop to every class meeting.

Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with Photoshop.

Reg# 398214

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Students are required to have a copy of Adobe InDesign CC to complete the course.

Agnieszka Purzycka, M.A. in journalism with Design Communication Arts certificate from UCLA Extension. Ms. Purzycka’s domestic and international clients include L’Erma di Bretschneider, AUC Press, Kara Cooney and Patina Productions Inc.

DESMA X 482.10

Color Methodologies

4.0 units

This course covers theories and practical applications to understand the makeup of color and how best to use it. Areas covered include general color theory and psychology, effective color creation, percep tion, management, color language, digital issues, additive and subtrac tive systems and color output.

Reg# 398270

Fee: $875

No refund after 4 July

M Online

June 27 Sept. 5

Fee does not include the cost of art supplies.

Patrick Hruby BFA in illustration from Art Center College of Design; illustrator and designer. Mr. Hruby’s clients include The New York Times, The Guardian, WIRED Target, Sprint, The United Nations and Taschen.

DESMA X 479.4A


4.0 units

This hands on course covers the fundamentals of type, its characteris tics, vocabulary and nomenclature, as well as creative uses of type and how it is integrated in successful design. Working with letterforms is a critical element to successful design. Explorations in this course include the examination of single letterforms, typographic classifications, infor mation hierarchies and page layout. Projects explore the creative usage of letterforms as graphic and communication elements.

Prerequisite(s): DESMA X 479.6A Design Fundamentals and DESMA X 481.99Z InDesign.

Reg# 398030

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Enrollment limited.

Grace Magnus, graphic designer whose clients include marketing agencies, small businesses and artists. She holds a particular interest in the intersection of art and technology, exploring the merge of hand crafting with digital tools in her work and design practice.

DESMA X 479.3D

Design History and Context

4.0 units

Gain a broad understanding of design and its dynamic past to discover inspiration for the present. Survey the history of visual communication, design’s sociopolitical and cultural contexts, and the artistic and technological characteristics of various movements. Students create portfolio pieces inspired by the designers and movements studied.

Prerequisite(s): DESMA X 479.6A Design Fundamentals, DESMA X 481.99Z InDesign and DESMA X 479.4A Typography.

Reg# 398029

Fee: $875

No refund after 4 July X In Person 11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. No meeting July 4.

Elizabeth Gilmour, M.A. in French; B.A. in English; UCLA Extension certificates in Business, Marketing, and Design Communication Arts. Ms. Gilmour is a marketing communications designer with 20 years of teaching experience in Canada, Germany and the United States. A practitioner of lifelong learning, she has a passion for empowering students from various educational backgrounds and nationalities to visually articulate their messages and experiences through new technologies and design applications. As a graphic designer and marketing communications professional, Ms. Gilmour’s clients include UCLA, Opel, YogaWorks, La Boîte Noire and Hydro Québec. Her unique blend of experiences equips her with an artistic outlook that enables her to help each student discover and cultivate their authentic voice.

Reg# 398285

Fee: $875

No refund after 3 July

 Hybrid

June 27 Sept. 5

Students must either attend each week’s lecture live via Zoom or watch a recording of it the next day in Canvas.

Shirin Raban M.A., USC Center for Visual Anthropology; brand identity designer and ethnographic filmmaker. Ms. Raban created integrated lifestyle brands for clients such as Mattel, Korbel Champagne and Lake Sonoma Winery. Recipient, UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award, 2010 and 2017.

DESMA X 479.6E

Design II: Collateral Communication 4.0 units

This course introduces students to strategies in design communication and covers utility of systems, programs, campaigns and design fami lies. Visual presentation and concept development are emphasized. Prerequisite(s): DESMA X 479.6A Design Fundamentals, DESMA X 481.99Z InDesign and DESMA X 479.4A Typography; or equivalent experience.

Reg# 398298

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

 Hybrid June 25 Sept. 3

Students must either attend each week’s lecture live via Zoom or watch a recording of it the next day in Canvas.

Shirin Raban M.A., USC Center for Visual Anthropology; brand identity designer and ethnographic filmmaker. Ms. Raban created integrated lifestyle brands for clients such as Mattel, Korbel Champagne and Lake Sonoma Winery. Recipient, UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award, 2010 and 2017.

Reg# 398043

Fee: $875

No refund after 3 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Henry Mateo freelance design consultant in several design disci plines, including graphics, industrial and interiors. Recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2010.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971
20 Design & Arts

DESMA X 479.2D

Design III: Branding

4.0 units

Learn to develop memorable identity systems using symbols, icons, logos and comprehensive environments to define and reinforce per sonality, tone and voice. The goal is to create a meaningful, dynamic relationship with the customer.

Prerequisite(s): DESMA X 479.6A Design Fundamentals; DESMA X 479.4A Typography; proficiency with Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.

Reg# 398179

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

No meeting Sept. 2

Pash design strategist, author and educator with 30 years of experi ence in the field of design. Pash has designed the official logo for Miles Davis, brand extensions for Playboy, products for John Varvatos, retail product strategy for Motown Records and advertising for Perrier. His book Inspirability features interviews with 40 prominent graphic designers.

Reg# 398287

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

M Online June 26 Sept. 4

Vesna Petrovic, B.A./M.Arch degree from the University of Belgrade; she trained both as an architect and graphic designer. Ms. Petrovic is the founder and owner of Vesna De3ign, a multi disciplinary studio involved in creative projects for art and cultural organizations.

DESMA X 479.6P

Design IV: Capstone

4.0 units

In this thesis oriented capstone course, Design Communication Arts students put all they’ve learned into action to tackle real world design projects in the civic realm. Public presentation, collaboration, observa tion, research and problem solving skills are emphasized. Prerequisite(s): All core design courses or departmental approval.

Reg# 398045

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. John Beach, creative director, John Beach Design, whose clients include The Walt Disney Company, Starbucks and The Hillstone Res taurant Group

DESMA X 479.7P


4.0 units

To make real impact in the world, you need to show what you can do, how you think and where you want to make design impact. As a designer, in the near future you will find yourself telling your story to potential collaborators, funders, employers and others. You can no longer rely on a resume or a transcript to show a comprehensive range of your skills and experiences. As more work and workplaces become project based, these formats fall short of revealing the potential you have. This class helps you create a portfolio one that communicates your value and your values to prospective collaborators or employers. This course is most useful to students who have a future path in mind and is a way to reflect on the experiences you have had in the DCA program.

Prerequisite(s): All core design courses or departmental approval.

Reg# 398282

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Vesna Petrovic, B.A./M.Arch degree from the University of Belgrade; she trained both as an architect and graphic designer. Ms. Petrovic is the founder and owner of Vesna De3ign, a multi disciplinary studio involved in creative projects for art and cultural organizations.

DESMA X 482.14


Design Communication Arts & User Experience

4.0 units

Work one on one with an instructor who guides your development of a meaningful project geared toward a portfolio piece, design competition, freelance assignment or other advanced goal. Students choose their own mentors, who are usually DCA or UX instructors. Together, the student and instructor arrange to meet at a museum, studio, cafe or other site of design interest for six hours over the course of the quarter.

Prerequisite(s): Students must be enrolled in the Design Communica tion Arts (DCA), Advanced Design Communication Arts (ADCA) or User Experience Certificate. User Experience students must complete at least three courses prior to applying for a mentorship.

Reg# 398274

Fee: $795

No refund after 2 July

X In Person

June 25 Sept. 3

Mentors must sign the application form before enrollment can be processed.

Scott Hutchinson , M.F.A, UCLA School of Arts and Architecture; designer and photographer specializing in corporate identity, branding and advertising.

DESMA X 479.7F


4.0 units

Internships facilitate the transition from student to professional designer. Students must be registered in the Design Communication Arts (DCA) Advanced Design Communication Arts (ADCA), or User Experience (UX) certificate program and have earned a “C” or better in at least 50% of the certificate’s coursework. Students must work a minimum of 10 hours per week. Students are responsible for securing an internship position; the department assists with contract and award of units for hours worked.

Reg# 398180

Fee: $795

No refund after 2 July

X In Person

June 25 Sept. 3

Restricted course; call (310) 206-1422 for permission to enroll. International Students: If you complete your Internship in-person, then this course counts as one of your two in-person courses.

Scott Hutchinson , M.F.A, UCLA School of Arts and Architecture; designer and photographer specializing in corporate identity, branding and advertising.

DESMA X 481.99QT

Motion Graphics I

4.0 units

Learn how to integrate digital artwork into After Effects. This course covers workflow strategies to ensure that artwork created in Photo shop or Illustrator maintains its integrity. Instruction also explores common resolutions, complex motion paths and masks, color modes, bit depths, frame and pixel aspect ratios, graphic and video file formats and frame rates commonly used in motion graphics.

Prerequisite(s): Knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator.

Reg# 398185

Fee: $875

No refund after 3 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 3 6pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

David Dodds, Los Angeles based motion graphics designer whose experience spans a decade in motion graphics, special effects, broad cast design, character animation and infographics. He has worked for studios such as Stardust, Mirada, Logan and NFL Networks. Author of Hands-On Motion Graphics with Adobe After Effects CC: Develop Your Skills as a Visual Effects and Motion Graphics Artist.

DESMA X 481.99QU

Motion Graphics II

4.0 units

Become a Motion Graphics artist in this advanced course. Build on the skills learned in X 481.99QT Motion Graphics I, such as integrating digital artwork into a moving composition, and learn new skills using After Effects. Also learn to integrate editing with Cinema 4D. Create portfolio worthy projects that enhance your skills and help you stand out in the marketplace.

Prerequisite(s): DESMA X 481.99QT Motion Graphics I (formerly known as After Effects) or equivalent experience.

Reg# 398187

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4

David Dodds, Los Angeles based motion graphics designer whose experience spans a decade in motion graphics, special effects, broad cast design, character animation and infographics. He has worked for studios such as Stardust, Mirada, Logan and NFL Networks. Author of Hands-On Motion Graphics with Adobe After Effects CC: Develop Your Skills as a Visual Effects and Motion Graphics Artist.

DESMA X 479.6C Package Design

4.0 units

Learn the function of packaging, including product protection, identity, advertising, safety and communication. This hands on course focuses on developing and executing materials, concepts and graphics appropriate for effective packaging, including logo design, type and pictorial elements.

Prerequisite(s): Foundational level DCA courses plus DESMA X 479.6E Design II: Collateral Communication.

Reg# 398299

Fee: $875

No refund after 11 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

John Beach creative director, John Beach Design, whose clients include The Walt Disney Company, Starbucks and The Hillstone Res taurant Group

DESMA X 481.24B

Web Design I: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

4.0 units

This introduction to the world of modern web design exposes students to industry standards and best practices for using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, the essential tools of a front end web developer. Explore framework integration to speed up development and build responsive grid layouts that meet today’s requirements for mobiles, tablets, and desktops. Examine contemporary design trends and real world prac tices to design and build a fully functional, modern and responsive website from scratch.

Reg# 398281

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Monday, 5 8pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

Mitchell Gohman, M.S. in education; director of design, The Sandbox Canvas.

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Design & Arts 21

UX (User Experience) Design

DESMA X 481.99AF

User Experience I: Survey

4.0 units

This course provides an introduction to the concepts, practices and processes of user experience. Topics include observational research and insight generation, developing user personas and scenarios, information architecture, user interface design, prototyping, and usability testing and analysis. Students complete hands on assign ments and leave the class with an understanding of user experience best practices and opportunities in the field and are prepared to take on more advanced studies.

Reg# 398067

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4

Hakon Engvig, B.A. in design with two advanced design certificates from UCLA Extension. A native born Norwegian, Engvig’s domestic and international clients include UCLA Medical Center, Macy Gray, Life house, the Together Project (India) and OTE Historical Restoration Committee (Norway).

Reg# 398276

Fee: $875

No refund after 4 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Luke Miller B.A. from University of Florida, M.S., information science from UNC Chapel Hill. A User Experience director at National Geo graphic, Mr. Miller comes with over 10 years of experience in both educating UX Designers (General Assembly, Parsons School of Design, American University, Corcoran School of the Arts and Design) and leading UX research and design at major media and technology companies (Wall Street Journal, Yahoo!). In 2015 General Assembly and Grand Central published Luke’s first book The Practitioner’s Guide to User Experience Design

DESMA X 479.8K User Experience II: Iteration

4.0 units

Students with knowledge of the fundamentals of UX move on to itera tion: rounds of work and experimentation to hone problem solving skills. Instruction covers MVP builds, pattern libraries, design at scale, voice and gesture, and end to end projects. The spectrum of interface design standards is addressed, including e commerce websites, service design and physically based environments. Projects incorpo rate a variety of screen resolutions and device types. The course prepares students to recognize user experience design problems and iterate solution proposals.

Prerequisite(s): DESMA X 481.99AF User Experience I: Survey.

Reg# 398066

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Ben Stone, M.A. in human computer interaction, Carnegie Mellon University, who is an impact driven product designer, specializing in the health technology industry. His experiences range from working on autonomous vehicles at Uber, to founding and leading the UX initia tives for a non profit food donation platform, to designing human centric technologies for a substance abuse recovery program. He currently works at Glooko, a digital diabetes management tool, where he leads their product design initiatives surrounding patient provider collaboration tools. Mr. Stone has a background in behavioral econom ics and psychology.


User Experience IV: Capstone

4.0 units

Working from evidence based case studies, students apply the appropriate methods and tools of discovery, design, prototyping, test ing, iterating and presenting for real world application. The course simulates a real world work environment in which students are expected to take ownership of every step of the design process and work at a professional pace. Revisions and peer reviews are key ele ments as students problem solve and present successful UX solutions. Projects developed in this course may be expanded and fine tuned for portfolio inclusion.

Prerequisite(s): DESMA X481.99AF User Experience I, DESMA X479.8K User Experience II, and DESMA X489.5F User Experience III.

Reg# 398069

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Dr. Iris Kern-Foster M.F.A. in digital art, Ph.D. in cultural studies. Ms. Kern Foster has worked with brands such as Nike, Adidas, MTV, Nickelodeon, and Svarovksi, as well as NGOs like Greenpeace and CAUCE Mujeres.

DESMA X 481.65

Designing for Accessibility

4.0 units

Designing digital products with accessibility in mind improves usabil ity and inclusiveness for people with low vision, blindness, color blindness, or hearing as well as cognitive or physical impairments. This course on digital accessibility covers assistive technologies, various types of accessibility issues (visual, auditory, physical and cognitive), legal and compliance requirements, evaluation methods and best practices.

Reg# 398064

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Navin Rizwi who has worked in technology, television and publishing and is currently the head of product at Condé Nast, where she is responsible for digital product and UX/UI design for the British portfolio of magazine brands

DESMA X 475.44

Information Architecture

4.0 units

This course will provide a sound foundation and insights associated with the building and optimizing one of the most critical parts of the user experience information architecture. We will focus on organiza tion, strategy, and management of information, content and assets. Students will be instructed about the topic and be required to com plete several exercises to understand the connections between nomenclatures, taxonomies, information scents and findability.

Prerequisite(s): DESMA X 481.99AF User Experience I or equivalent experience

Reg# 398065

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Darren Hood , Ph.D. doctoral candidate, educational leadership, Northcentral University, who is extremely passionate about all things UX, holding 28+ years of experience in the discipline. Mr. Hood’s pro fessional footprint spans such organizations as Ford Motor Company, General Motors, DigitasLBi, MRM/McCann, Wunderman Digital, BD, Bosch, Ryder, Omnicell, Cengage Learning, Sherwin Williams, Duracell and USA Networks, to name a few. In academia, he serves and has served as an adjunct professor at several universities. Mr. Hood is one of the authors featured in the book 97 Things Every UX Practitioner Should Know. He can be on The World of UX podcast, available through a host of popular sources.

DESMA X 481.99FG

User Experience Software and Rapid Prototyping 4.0 units

Creating delightful, meaningful and easy to use digital experiences requires the ability to generate multiple ideas rapidly, iterate quickly and test the results. This class teaches the core tools of the trade: Figma, Adobe XD, Invision, and platforms for user research and testing. Topics include essential UX software and their practical applications, development hand off, design team collaboration, as well as more theory based topics, such as navigation and architecture, design patterns and the latest design methodologies. Class projects include rapid low fidelity design and prototyping, multi platform design for websites, mobile and native apps, wearables and voice assistants, as well as conducting user research and testing.

Prerequisite(s): DESMA X 481.99AF User Experience I: Survey or equiva lent experience.

Reg# 398068

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July

M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Students must own a computer and have Figma, Adobe CC, or similar design software. Mac preferred but not required. All class meetings are scheduled and held online in real time via Zoom. Attendance is required. Course materials can be accessed at any time through an online learning platform.

Andy Dang who is a customer focused product designer currently at Advance Local where he works with numerous regional news brands including,,,, OregonLive and MassLive.

DESMA X 481.99AF

User Experience I: Survey

4.0 units

This course provides an introduction to the concepts, practices and processes of user experience. Topics include observational research and insight generation, developing user personas and scenarios, information architecture, user interface design, prototyping, and usability testing and analysis. Students complete hands on assign ments and leave the class with an understanding of user experience best practices and opportunities in the field and are prepared to take on more advanced studies.

Reg# 398067

Fee: $875

No refund after 2 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 4

Hakon Engvig, B.A. in design with two advanced design certificates from UCLA Extension. A native born Norwegian, Engvig’s domestic and international clients include UCLA Medical Center, Macy Gray, Life house, the Together Project (India) and OTE Historical Restoration Committee (Norway).

Reg# 398276

Fee: $875

No refund after 4 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Luke Miller B.A. from University of Florida, M.S., information science from UNC Chapel Hill. A User Experience director at National Geo graphic, Mr. Miller comes with over 10 years of experience in both educating UX Designers (General Assembly, Parsons School of Design, American University, Corcoran School of the Arts and Design) and leading UX research and design at major media and technology companies (Wall Street Journal, Yahoo!). In 2015 General Assembly and Grand Central published Luke’s first book The Practitioner’s Guide to User Experience Design

22 Design & Arts Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

Art History, Studio Arts & Photography

Art Studio Workshops

For information on enrollment, location, and space availability call (800) 825-9971. For information on course content/prerequisites call (310) 206-1422 or email

Enrollment limited in all courses; early enrollment advised. Students should have completed all prerequisites prior to enrollment.

ART X 450.10

Abstract Painting

3.0 units

This studio based course introduces students to abstract painting and expands their ability to enjoy and respond to abstract art. Stu dents improve their color skills and learn techniques for composition and improvisation. The course also focuses on creating dynamic color interaction and compelling pictorial space. Each project addresses these themes in different ways using an open strategy for starting the painting and a process of working through formal challenges. Students can work with oil or acrylic paint on canvases or panels. Instruction includes brief demonstrations, studio projects, one on one discussion and group critiques. Students should expect to complete at least three works during the course. Lectures also touch on formalism in relationship to representational art and the impact of form on content.

Prerequisite(s): It is strongly suggested that students have taken a painting class before enrolling in ART X 450.10 Abstract Painting

Reg# 398073

Fee: $800

No refund after 2 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Aug. 27

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Estimated supplies cost is $100.

Ravi Jackson B.A. from Oberlin College (2007), B.F.A from Hunter College (2012), M.F.A from the University of California, Los Angeles (2013). Mr. Jackson is a Los Angeles based artist. His work cuts across visual boundaries, merging collage, sculpture and painting. His work was recently included in exhibitions at David Lewis Gallery, New York; Matthew Marks, Los Angeles; and PAGE(NYC) at Petzel, New York. As a teacher, Mr. Jackson has taught painting at Otis College of Art and Design in Los Angeles, California; and Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, British Columbia.

ART X 430

Chinese Brush Painting

4.0 units

In Chinese art and culture, a flower is never merely a flower nor scenery merely a place; each has its legends, romantic stories and symbolic spirituality. Take a journey into the world of Chinese Brush Painting in this comprehensive 11 week course which offers an in depth exploration of its theory, materials, techniques, skills and sub jects. Through lectures, demonstrations, discussion and live step by step instruction, students learn basic skills and concepts, then build up to more advanced techniques and compositions. Subjects include floral, landscape and animals. Topics include detailed instruc tions on appropriate use of rice paper, brushes, colors and ink. For beginning to advanced students.

Reg# 398078

Fee: $875

No refund after 3 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Mayee Futterman, who specializes in Chinese Brush Painting. A large selection of her work is in the collection of California Hospital Medical Center and permanently exhibited at the Los Angeles Center for Women’s Health, as well private collections internationally. She studied under professor and master brush artist, Dr. Ning Yeh.

ART 803.81


0.8 CEUs

Ikebana expresses the beauty and elegance of nature through a transformation of plant materials into a work of art. In Japan, ikebana or flower arranging has been perfected and elevated to an art form. Its beauty dazzles shoppers in giant displays in the store windows of Tokyo, and graces temples and shrines. Ikebana is practiced by mil lions of people as an entrance to a rich and creative world. Using fresh or dried branches, leaves, and flowers, students create new and dif ferently styled arrangements each week. The first week features a demonstration by the instructor, a video and information on supplies and materials to bring to future classes.

Reg# 398277

Fee: $305

No refund after 5 Aug.

X In Person

4 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 8:30pm, Aug. 6 27

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Students must purchase textbook for $25 at first class. Estimated additional supplies cost is $60.

Gabriel Pacheco owner, Gabriel Pacheco Flower Design; deputy director, Sogetsu San Fernando Valley Branch.

ART 856.51

Gouache Workshop

1.2 CEUs

Gouache, a opaque, water soluble medium similar to watercolor, is perfect for beginners. In this four week workshop, students will learn to paint from still life, photo and/or plain air, focusing on value study and shapes. Other exercise will includes quick, small daily painting to build one’s habit to become a better artist. Students will also experi ence plein air landscape painting in an outdoor environment.

Reg# 398280

Fee: $380

No refund after 28 June

X In Person

4 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, June 29 July 20

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Shanna Lim, illustrator who is currently working as a background painter for Disney consumer products, which includes Cars 3 and other Disney princess books. She was also a 3D artist/lighter on Lord of the Rings Shrek and How to Train Your Dragon for Dreamworks and Weta.

ART 855.51

Watercolor Workshop

1.8 CEUs

Designed for beginners, this course introduces the techniques, materi als and vocabulary of watercolor painting. Projects include painting from still life, and exploring the fundamentals of shape, line and color. Students learn about watercolor papers, brushes and pigments, as well as practice basic wash techniques. Students will also experience plein air landscape painting in an outdoor setting.

Reg# 398279

Fee: $380

No refund after 23 Aug. X In Person

4 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, Aug. 24 Sept. 14

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.

Estimate supplies cost is $100. Supplies list sent via e-mail prior to first meeting.

Shanna Lim, illustrator who is currently working as a background painter for Disney consumer products, which includes Cars 3 and other Disney princess books. She was also a 3D artist/lighter on Lord of the Rings Shrek and How to Train Your Dragon for Dreamworks and Weta.


For information on enrollment, location, and space availability call (800) 825-9971. For information on course content call (310) 206-1422 or email

Suggested Tool Kit

The Photography Tool Kit is one of the suggested options available to students pursuing the Design Communication Arts Certificate. This tool kit offers a sequence of courses designed to provide a foundation in photography. These courses also are open to non certificate students.

Elective Courses:

ART X 438.9

ART X 440.22

Photography I (4 units)

Lighting I (4 units)

ART X 439.90 Photography II (4 units)

ART X 438.9

Photography I

4.0 units

In this practical hands on introduction, the fundamental technical and aesthetic principles of digital photographic processes are addressed, including instruction on DSLR camera operation, composition, and digital retouching and manipulation. Instruction also includes Adobe software acquisition techniques and output technologies. Discussion covers contemporary digital imaging and its application within com mercial and fine arts. Assignments demonstrate mastery of technical skills and individual creative expression.

Reg# 398077

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July M Online June 25 Sept. 3

For students purchasing a camera, we recommend the free workshop Choosing and Using a Digital Camera.

Craig Havens , visual artist working in the lens based media of photography, video, installation and projection Reg# 398076

Fee: $875

No refund after 5 July X In Person 11 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, June 29 Sept. 7

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. For students purchasing a camera, we recommend the free workshop Choosing and Using a Digital Camera.

Baz Here, B.F.A., M.F.A., The Photo Arts Conservatory at The New York Film Academy. Mr. Here’s work has been exhibited at The Hive, Fea tured Resident Artist (DTLA)/The Getty Center, Pop up Gallery/Out There, Gallery 825/Gallerie Sparta/LACDA/Gay Downtown LA Artwalk Pop up Gallery/Beyond Baroque/Art Share LA Fall/Los Angeles LGBT Center Advocate, and Gochis Galleries.


X IN PERSON, page 1.


Technical requirements, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.



Visit our website for textbook information.


May be transferable to other colleges and universities. Learn more on our website

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Icons Provide Information At-a-Glance

ART X 428.56

Photographic Portraiture

4.0 units

This in depth exploration of photographic portraiture covers approach ing subjects, establishing a rapport, collaborating with your subject, and digital workflow. Through a series of in class projects and assign ments, students master simple and inexpensive set ups that result in strong and memorable portraits. Students also learn to simplify the decision making process by addressing basic choices, such as pre planning vs. improvisation, observing vs. directing, isolating the person vs. including environment, and natural vs. artificial light.

Prerequisite(s): X 438.9 Photography I or equivalent experience.

Reg# 398080

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Justin Serulneck a research based artist who uses photography, video, and data to manifest and map relations in the world

ART X 450.99

Telling Your Story: Narrative Photography

4.0 units

This course focuses on essential tools and techniques for communi cating an effective and compelling narrative through photography. Students will develop a unique photographic storytelling perspective and define their personal narrative voice. Lectures will introduce students to a fundamental understanding of visual narrative structure while also identifying distinctly photographic storytelling techniques such as linear and non linear narratives, effective image sequencing and editing, compositional strategies for visual storytelling, point of view perspectives, and journalistic photography techniques. Course assignments will provide practical experience in defining a personal point of view, effective pre production and planning, creative set styl ing, lighting for dramatic effect, dynamic interactions with subjects, and professional digital image workflows. Instruction also covers the use of smartphone cameras, social media integration, as well as use of the Adobe RAW workflow editing environment.

Reg# 398071

Fee: $875

No refund after 1 July M Online

June 25 Sept. 3

Craig Havens , visual artist working in the lens based media of photography, video, installation and projection

ART X 440.22

Lighting I

4.0 units

Whether you’re shooting people, products, still life or landscapes, understanding how light interacts with your subject matter is critical to mastering the art of photography. This course covers both artificial (strobes and hot lights) and natural lighting, as well as the combina tion of both. Students photograph a variety of subjects to learn com mon lighting issues and powerful solutions needed to capture that great image. Instruction covers the use of light meters, reflectors, fill flash, soft boxes and the safe operation of studio strobe equipment.

Prerequisite(s): ART X 438.9 Photography I.

Reg# 398074

Fee: $875

No refund after 18 July

X In Person

9 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Aug. 8

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Saturday, 10am 4pm, July 20 & 27; Aug. 3 & 10

Los Angeles: Location Shoot

Justin Serulneck, a research based artist who uses photography, video, and data to manifest and map relations in the world

ART X 450.37

Photography Portfolio Workshop

4.0 units

Get personalized guidance and feedback on building a cohesive photography portfolio. A series of class assignments are designed to teach advanced level students how to produce a unique personal photographic style. Instruction covers how to adapt your own personal style to any artistic or commercial assignment, the importance of professionally polished work, and how to skillfully present their craft. By the end of the class students will have created all the necessary elements to start a personal website portfolio, including a cohesive body of work, an artists statement, and a useful self portrait.

Prerequisite(s): Advanced photographic experience required.

Reg# 398072

Fee: $875

No refund after 5 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Saturday, 2 5pm, June 29 Sept. 7

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Baz Here, B.F.A., M.F.A., The Photo Arts Conservatory at The New York Film Academy. Mr. Here’s work has been exhibited at The Hive, Fea tured Resident Artist (DTLA)/The Getty Center, Pop up Gallery/Out There, Gallery 825/Gallerie Sparta/LACDA/Gay Downtown LA Artwalk Pop up Gallery/Beyond Baroque/Art Share LA Fall/Los Angeles LGBT Center Advocate, and Gochis Galleries.

ART 802.21

The Business of Photography

1.8 CEUs

Geared toward photographers with an interest in producing images for various media outlets, as well as for those with an interest in working with nonprofit and corporate clients, this workshop provides practical advice and information on the business of photography. Topics discussed include: the rapidly evolving marketplace for edito rial; nonprofit and corporate photography; client development and agency representation; website and platform options; understanding copyright; general business practices, such as the use of home offices, taxes, assistants and insurance; creating a strong, professional social media presence; rate and term negotiations; and licensing standards. Presented as a classroom discussion using real life experience and scenarios. Students leave the workshop with a sound understanding of the significant business matters they will face on a daily basis as a professional photographer.

Reg# 398082

Fee: $330

No refund after 12 July

X In Person 2 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 5pm, July 13 & 20

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Todd Bigelow, editorial and corporate photographer handling assign ment work for some of the world’s leading publications. Mr. Bigelow’s clients include TIME, Sports Illustrated Smithsonian, Der Spiegel, People, National Geographic Traveler and Newsweek

X In Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.

A Live Online

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7 Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

For extensive information visit

24 Design & Arts Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971


Data Analytics & Management

Data Science

COM SCI X 450.3

Big Data Management

4.0 units

This course introduces tools for distributed storage and data process ing in an open source framework. It covers NoSQL, the core compo nents of Hadoop, and an overview of Hive. The extent of data being produced and stored by organizations is increasing. In fact, IDC has projected to reach 165 zetta bytes by 2025. Organizations understand that being able to extract and leverage value and gain actionable insights from this big data can give them a tremendous competitive advantage. In this course, students learn tools for distributed storage and data processing to an open source framework. This course addresses distributed storage and large data set processing focusing on architectures and technologies.

Prerequisite(s): COM SCI X 450.1 Introduction to Data Science or prior knowledge in R and Python recommended, or consent of instructor. Reg# 397994

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 7 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Aug. 26

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & Francesco Fabbrocino, M.S., computer science, UCLA Reg# 397995

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Connie Outwater Master of Science, Data Analytics specialist, Google


Data Science Fundamentals

4.0 units

In this this hands on, exercise driven course, students will learn the role of data science in decision making, basic statistics, entry level Python programming and data analysis, using tools such as Excel and Python. Designed for absolute beginners, business analysts and non technical managers, the curriculum includes problem solving exer cises using pencils, paper and laptops for assignments during and outside of the class.

Prerequisite(s): There are no prerequisites for this course.

Reg# 397987

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Leon Shpaner

Reg# 397988

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Alfonso Berumen, M.B.A, UC Irvine, M.S., predictive analytics, North western University; DBA candidate, Pepperdine University; indepen dent consultant.

Reg# 397986

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Stefan Lin

COM SCI X 450.2

Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization

4.0 units

Data science involves uncovering key intelligence by analyzing histori cal data to learn what happened in the past, and predictive analytics to forecast what may happen in the future. This iterative process is called exploratory data analysis (EDA). Effective data visualization is also an integral component of the process, and quickly becoming a top business intelligence and analytics technology. In this course, you’ll learn skills including EDA, data analysis techniques and data exploration, with a specific focus on visualization utilizing Tableau. Recommended: COM SCI X 450.1 Introduction to Data Science or equivalent experience.

Reg# 397991

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Bianca Cung

Reg# 397992

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 7 July

 Hybrid

5 mtgs

June 24 Aug. 26


Monday, 6 9:30pm, June 24 Aug. 19

UCLA: Math Sciences

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Benjamin Winjum

COM SCI X 450.1

Introduction to Data Science

4.0 units

Get an introduction to the foundational concepts and techniques behind data science and its applications. Students will learn about programming languages including Python and R, and receive a primer on natural language processing, big data management and visualiza tion techniques. The course will conclude with an overview of data modeling and machine learning algorithm development.

Prerequisite(s): Students are expected to have basic Python program ming and basic statistics skills. If you do not have these skills, we suggest taking COM SCI X 450 Data Science Fundamentals before taking COM SCI X 450.1 Introduction to Data Science.

Reg# 397990

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 17 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Ali El-Annan

Reg# 397989

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9:30pm, June 25 Aug. 27

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Students are required to bring a laptop to class.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Daniel D. Gutierrez, an established leader in the field of data science with specialties in machine learning, AI, deep learning, predictive analytics, data visualization and analysis. Founder of AMULET Analyt ics to provide leading edge data science consulting for companies in a broad cross section of industries.

For more information call (310) 206-6794.

COM SCI X 450.4

Machine Learning Using Python

4.0 units

This course introduces machine learning using Python. Students will learn structured and unstructured data processing, linear regression modeling and non linear modeling methods used in machine learning algorithm development, optimization techniques, neural networks and deep learning. This field is made possible due to the rapid and simul taneous evolution of available data, statistical methods and computing power. Students learn the origins and practical applications of machine learning, how knowledge is defined and represented by computers, and the basic concepts that differentiate machine learning approaches. Machine learning algorithms can be divided into two main groups: supervised learners who are used to construct predictive models and unsupervised learners who are used to build descriptive models. Students learn the classification, numeric predictor, pattern detection and clustering algorithms. Students learn to train a model, evaluate and improve its performance. Algorithm uses are illustrated with real world cases, such as breast cancer diagnosis, spam filtering, identifying bank loan risk, predicting medical expenses, estimating wine quality, identifying groceries frequently purchased together and finding teen market segments.

Prerequisite(s): COM SCI X 450.1 Introduction to Data Science or con sent of instructor.

Reg# 397996

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 7 July

 Hybrid

5 mtgs

June 24 Aug. 26


Monday, 6 9:30pm, July 1 Aug. 26

UCLA: Rolfe Hall

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Benjamin Winjum

Reg# 397997

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Joel Kowalewski

Database Management

COM SCI X 414.51

Relational Database Management

4.0 units

Understanding client relational database design is vital to system design and implementation. Learn relational database technology, data modeling, SQL, data normalization and the translation of logical designs to physical storage structures. Additional topics include indexes, storage management, transactions, database integrity, con currency control, recovery, client/server relational database manage ment and introduction to query optimization.

Reg# 397945

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 7 July

 Hybrid

5 mtgs

June 24 Aug. 26


Monday, 6 9:30pm, July 1 Aug. 12; Aug. 26

UCLA: Physics & Astronomy Bldg.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Ricardo Patlan

Reg# 397946

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Ronald Landers, B.S., owner, Right Click Consulting, LLC

COM SCI X 414.56

Advanced Database Management Concepts

4.0 units

Designed for individuals with a basic understanding of data modeling, logical database design and relational database management sys tems, this course introduces important considerations in database application development and various technologies that, when com bined with recent developments in relational database technology, have made possible database publishing on the Internet.

Prerequisite(s): COM SCI X 414.51 Relational Database Management or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397947

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & David Henson, B.A., Microsoft certified trainer and system engineer, Certified Networks, Inc.; recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2010.

Reg# 397948

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9:30pm, June 26 Aug. 28

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & David Henson, B.A., Microsoft certified trainer and system engineer, Certified Networks, Inc.; recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2010.

COM SCI X 414.65

Advanced Structured Query Language (SQL)


4.0 units

Structured Query Language (SQL) is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. It works with database programs such as MS Access, DB2, Informix, MS SQL Server, Oracle and Sybase. Designed for those with some knowledge of SQL, this hands on course covers advanced SQL statements used in inserting, retrieving and updating data in a database. Students learn how to use advanced features of SQL commands, including operators such as IN, AND, OR, BETWEEN, LIKE, DISTINCT, AGGREGATE, CONCATENATE, SUBSTRING, HAVING and others. In addition, instruction covers advanced topics using table joins, sub queries, “if and” case statements, and cast and convert statements, as well as stored procedures, triggers, functions and cursors. Students also learn how to stream text into a field; retrieve and send results in an email as text or attachment; perform error trapping; and create audit systems, dynamic SQL and pivot tables with hyperlinks.

Prerequisite(s): COM SCI X 414.61 Introduction to SQL.

Reg# 397951

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Erik Kellener, whose portfolio of businesses include Warner Bros., DreamWorks SKG, Ticketmaster,, Qwest Communica tions, Luxury Link and Evite. Additionally, Mr. Kellener has consulted for Holland America Cruise Lines, ESPN Yokohama Tire Corporation, Cedars Sinai and Alaska Airlines.

Network & Infrastructure


COM SCI X 420.9

Cybersecurity Lab (Defensive Tools)

4.0 units

This hands on course introduces core defensive strategies and security tools for various environments. Topics covered include: setting up virtual environments for penetration testing, router emulation, implementing firewalls, implementing a web server, vulnerability scanners, intrusion detection and prevention systems and attack methodologies.

Prerequisite(s): COM SCI X 420.1 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity.

Reg# 397984

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

System Requirements: At least 16MB of RAM, 100-200 GB Hard Drive and admin privileges with the unhindered ability to install software and modify the OS.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Adrian Mohuczy-Dominiak, M.S. in information systems and opera tions management, University of Florida; lead IT security risk analyst, UCLA.

COM SCI X 420.8

Cybersecurity Lab (Offensive Tools)

4.0 units

This hands on course explores common and specialized security tools used during penetration assessments. Beginning with an overview of the offensive attack profile, the risks associated and the strategy behind penetration testing, students will complete progressive exer cises on the offensive steps taken during a professional penetration test. Topics covered will include setting up virtual machines for testing, testing methodologies, vulnerability scanning, exploitation, Metasploit and cross site scripting (CSS). Students will have the opportunity to create their own custom tool or an extension to a known tool.

Prerequisite(s): COM SCI X 420.1 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397985

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

System Requirements: At least 16MB of RAM, 100-200 GB Hard Drive and admin privileges with the unhindered ability to install software and modify the OS.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Adrian Mohuczy-Dominiak, M.S. in information systems and opera tions management, University of Florida; lead IT security risk analyst, UCLA.

COM SCI X 420.1

Fundamentals of Cybersecurity

4.0 units

This course combines theoretical cybersecurity fundamentals with state of the art use cases for a comprehensive introduction to the field. It is designed to benefit a cross section of students, including those considering a career in cybersecurity; system administrators, network administrators or security auditors; professionals responsible for securing network services, devices and traffic communication in their organization; and information technologists with the passion and inner drive to protect organizations and understand security needs. Get practical knowledge and professional experience for implementing basic security services on any type of computer network. Topics covered are security roles, risk analysis, cryptography and network security. The course material is consistent with relevant portions of the CompTIA Security+ certification.

Reg# 397978

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

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M Online June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Mason Orang

Reg# 397975

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9:30pm, June 26 Aug. 28

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & Jack Chang

26 Digital Technology Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

COM SCI X 420.3

Information Systems Infrastructure Security Management

4.0 units

This course explores both physical and logical cybersecurity for pro tecting technology assets and the core components supporting IT infrastructures. Topics covered include infrastructure security manage ment, physical and logical security threats and policy requirements, disaster recovery, business continuity plans, change management scenarios and approaching daily business security issues from an IT perspective.

Reg# 397981

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Mason Orang

Reg# 397979

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA: Math Sciences

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Ernest Goodman

COM SCI X 420.5

Network, Operating System and Database Security

4.0 units

Cyber based attacks and data breaches are threats to any organiza tion, however, effective defense mechanisms are seldom well under stood or applied. This course delivers a step by step methodology for securing any infrastructure through enhanced defenses to the core components of networks and databases; this approach integrates cyber threat and risk management, defense in depth, network moni toring, cloud and mobile devices. Designed for security and IT profes sionals, students, technical users, management and anyone seeking an understanding of the key principles of cyber defense, this course also provides effective strategies for security testing, mitigating insider threats and recovering from security incidents. Current events case studies will illuminate key concepts, and cyber defense techniques will be demonstrated in computer and DIY device (BeagleBone) labs. The final project will enable students to apply the methodology to secure infrastructures of their choice.

Prerequisite(s): COM SCI X 420.1 Fundamentals of Cybersecurity.

Reg# 397982

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Onion Omega 2 device required.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Wayne Wheeler, senior security analyst, Aerospace Corporation

Reg# 397983

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA: Math Sciences

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & Onion Omega 2 device required.

Wayne Wheeler, senior security analyst, Aerospace Corporation

Systems Analysis

COM SCI X 460.1

Architecting Cloud Solutions Using AWS

4.0 units

This course provides a hands on introduction to Amazon Web Services (AWS), architecture, deployment and management. AWS has revolu tionized IT infrastructure and is the dominant cloud services provider with more than six billion dollars in revenues. AWS replaces on premises infrastructure with scalable low cost services. There is a high demand for professionals with experience architecting AWS services. In this course, students architect AWS services for computer storage, applications, database, networking, security, identity management and content delivery. Progressive lab exercises and projects deploying actual AWS services prepare students for real world application. The Amazon developed curriculum can prepare students for the AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate certification exam.

Prerequisite(s): Conceptual knowledge of computing infrastructure, including operating systems, applications, databases, networks and security.

Reg# 398000

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 7 July

X In Person 10 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 10pm, June 24 Aug. 26

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Wayne Wheeler senior security analyst, Aerospace Corporation

COM SCI X 417.96

Network Communications with TCP/IP

4.0 units

Learn network communications from the basics of network topolo gies, OSI layering, and Ethernet to networking hardware and packet switching fundamentals. The course focuses on TCP/IP and its plethora of protocols and services. Topics also include IP addressing, routing, switching, reliable data transfer and congestion management. Students study many TCP/IP services, including DNS, DHCP and VPN. Instruction also reviews network security, as well as application layer protocols (such as HTTP, FTP and email) and client/server network applications. The course provides hands on examples using Windows, Linux and Solaris. Students also learn how networks and TCP/IP work and how to work TCP/IP.

Prerequisite(s): While no experience in data communications is needed, students should have a good background in computing with experience installing and operating Microsoft Windows or Unix (such as Solaris or Linux).

Reg# 397952

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Irfan Ahmed global cyber security consultant, HP; certified informa tion security manager (CISM).

Reg# 397953

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 17 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 2

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Jack Chang

Programming Applications Programming

COM SCI X 414.20


of Software Development and Programming

4.0 units

The course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer pro gramming (coding) and software app development. It benefits indi viduals pursuing programming and software development as a career, as well as anyone in the IT field who works with programmers and systems analysts in important areas that precede actual programming, including problem solving approaches; specifications and require ments; user interface design and structured program design using such tools as hierarchy, Nassi Schneiderman, pseudocode and UML charts. Instruction covers coding concepts common to modern lan guages, including Python, Visual C#, Java, macro development and shell scripting. In addition to exploring procedural and object oriented concepts (using Python and Visual Basic), students produce several small applications in these two environments, plus a commercial level application by the course’s end. This introductory course presents programming fundamentals, including variables and expressions, looping, selection, functions and parameter passing, file processing, use of OOP objects, event driven programming in the environment and modular development. Examples of Python advanced data types, Visual C#, Java and SQL code are also presented. The course also covers the software development cycle, including SCRUM, unit test and integration, alpha/beta testing and software defect tracking and classification. This introductory course requires weekly coding assignments and prepares students for future coursework in Python, Visual C#, Java or any other high level language.

Reg# 397943

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 7 July X In Person

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 2

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 2

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Students are required to bring a laptop to class. Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Keith Jefferies, M.B.A., president, ComputerUp. Senior instructor Mr. Jefferies has enjoyed a multi faceted career in the IT and IT education fields for several decades. He has taught thousands of students at UCLA Extension. He also co authored an internationally recognized programming textbook with fellow UCLA Extension instructor Fred Zerez. A graduate in mathematics and computer science from UCLA and management and computer information systems from UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, Mr. Jefferies has worked in the field of software development, from programming and software quality assurance to web design and product management. His professional career has spanned notable companies, such as IBM, Ashton Tate and RAND. For the past two decades, Mr. Jefferies has done professional IT consulting with ComputerUp, a consulting firm he founded around the time the Internet was born. His clientele has included Hollywood pre and post production firms, public relations firms, market research firms, accounting firms and legal offices, among others. He specializes in both physical and cloud based server environments, network infrastructure, systems design and troubleshooting and software development.

Reg# 397944

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Students are required to bring a laptop to class. Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Keith Jefferies, for instructor credits see this page.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Digital Technology 27

COM SCI X 414.61

Introduction to SQL

4.0 units

Structured Query Language (SQL) is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard computer language for accessing and manipulating database systems. SQL works with database programs such as Microsoft Access and SQL Server, DB2, Informix, Oracle and Sybase. This hands on course covers basic SQL syntax for individuals with little to no SQL experience. Instruction presents an overview of SQL and how to use SQL statements to retrieve and update data in a database. Students begin by creating basic select statements, which include using keywords such as SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT, WHERE, HAVING and others. The course also covers intermediate topics, such as table joins, sub queries, aggregate functions, stored proce dures, triggers, cursors and transactional processing and much more.

Prerequisite(s): Basic knowledge of Windows is recommended.

Reg# 397949

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Michael Chang M.S. in predictive analytics, Northwestern University; data lead, Facebook.

Reg# 397950

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 7 July  Hybrid 5 mtgs

June 24 Aug. 26

Monday, 6 9:30pm, June 24 Aug. 19

UCLA: Physics & Astronomy Bldg.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Ricardo Patlan

COM SCI X 418.735

Programming in C# for Visual Studio.NET Platform I 4.0 units

This course provides new developers and application developers unfamiliar with the C# language the knowledge and skills to develop C# applications using the Microsoft.NET platform. Focusing on C# program structure, language syntax and object oriented concepts, students build projects using console applications, Windows forms, web forms and XML web services. Upon completing the course, stu dents should be able to list the major elements of.NET framework; analyze the basic structure of a C# program; and use the IDE to debug, compile and run simple applications.

Prerequisite(s): Experience in other programming languages, such as Visual Basic, C, C++ and Java is useful. For students with little or no programming experience, we recommend taking COM SCI X 414.20 Fundamentals of Software Development before taking this course. Reg# 397963

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 17 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Fred Savage Reg# 397964

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & David Henson B.A., Microsoft certified trainer and system engineer, Certified Networks, Inc.; recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2010.

COM SCI X 418.735A

Programming in C# for Visual Studio.NET

Platform II

4.0 units

This project oriented course covers intermediate level topics in Microsoft application development within the context of building a complete client server database application using a Microsoft SQL Server database and a Windows desktop client application. Students should already be familiar with Visual Studio and have some experi ence with the C# language. Students should be conversant with variable declaration, initialization and assignment, expressions, refer ence and value types, and conditional and looping constructs, as well as have a basic understanding of classes and interfaces and how they support inheritance and polymorphism. We look at how to structure a multiple assembly Visual Studio solution to support domain driven development of a line of business application and embark on develop ment of a sample application, starting with development of the domain model classes and introducing unit testing, generic and collections, and LINQ. Students learn to design and build relational databases using Microsoft SQL Server and develop SQL queries for manipulating data, then develop a Data Access Layer for persisting domain model objects to the database using ADO.Net. Windows Presentation Founda tion (WPF) is then introduced as Microsoft’s current user interface technology for implementing Windows desktop client applications. Parallel with the sample application, students each design and develop an application of their own choosing from scratch as their course project.

Prerequisite(s): Students are expected to have experience equivalent to the UCLA Extension course COM SCI X 418.735 Programming in C# for Visual Studio Platform I.

Reg# 397965

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Fred Savage Reg# 397966

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & Students are required to bring a laptop to class.

Ambrose Chan

Java Programming

COM SCI X 418.85A

Java Programming I

4.0 units

Powerful enough to build large N tiered Internet and intranet applica tions, Java is a well designed object oriented language that allows rapid development of programs. Due to its simplicity, it also is an excellent first time programming language to learn. This hands on course presents the fundamentals of programming using Java and covers object oriented programming, classes, constructors, flow control statements, data types, methods, inheritance, data hiding, abstraction and the Java library. Students gain experience from several programming projects throughout the course, and instruction stresses practical programming skills to prepare them for follow on Java courses.

Prerequisite(s): Requires computer work outside of class, as well as a computer with any operating system that supports Java; familiarity with that operating system; and the ability to create files and folders, use an Internet browser and email, create zipped files to send as email attachments, and download software from the Internet for class and programming assignments. For students with little or no programming experience, we recommend taking Fundamentals of Software Develop ment before taking this course.

Reg# 397972

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Amir Hallajpour

Reg# 397973

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 20 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

June 27 Sept. 5

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 5

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 3. 7 & Rushabh Dalwadi

Web Application Development

COM SCI X 418.102AB


4.0 units

Anyone who does web work needs to understand HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Together, they provide the foundation on which web pages are built. HTML labels types of information, and CSS specifies how that information will look. Using step by step code writing exercises, students learn how HTML and CSS work together to create responsive web pages, starting with the very basics and progressing up to the intermediate level. Topics include HTML5 tags and elements, links, forms, lists, images and color. Also covered are page layout, properties, selectors, CSS3, media queries, menus, the box model, specificity, the cascade, pseudo ele ments and classes, adding video, animation, JavaScript and jQuery, as well as site deployment. Free software is used.

Reg# 397958

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Gideon Arom

COM SCI X 418.88B


4.0 units

Web users today expect sites to provide dynamic user interfaces, fast response times and advanced features. JavaScript delivers that, which is why JavaScript has become such an important programming lan guage for web developers. This course benefits anyone who is involved with web development, including server side programmers who use ASP, JSP, PHP, or other languages and web designers who use XHTML and CSS and would like to build rich Internet applications (RIAs) with JavaScript and DOM scripting. Students learn XHTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) skills and learn how to use Firefox and its free Firebug extension to debug JavaScript applications. Addition ally, students learn how to use arrays, functions, regular expressions, exception handling, libraries and user defined objects. The course provides an introduction to closures, recursion, prototype based inheritance, extension of built in JavaScript objects and an object oriented approach to data validation that students can use as a model for their own applications. Students also learn how to use DOM Script ing to build applications that run slide shows, do image rollovers, use dropdown menus, rotate headlines, sort the data in tables and provide animation. The course also covers how to use the objects, methods and properties of a web browser and how to use third party libraries, such as jQuery and Dojo.

Reg# 397974

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Prentiss Knowlton, Ph.D., senior systems engineer, QSS

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28 Digital Technology Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

COM SCI X 418.102A

Website Development with Adobe Software: Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Animate

4.0 units

This course provides a hands on introduction to using Adobe’s Pho toshop, Dreamweaver and Animate for creating web content. These programs are the choice of many web professionals and each provides unique capabilities. Photoshop creates and edits images with an unrivaled array of tools and options. Image optimization, sprites, comps, animated gifs and creating simple videos are covered. Dream weaver is renowned for its robust tools for creating responsive HTML5 web pages such as CSS3, media queries, the Bootstrap framework, jQuery, templates, site management and FTP. Adding APIs, HTML5 video, forms and more are covered. Adobe Animate is used for non Flash animation. A brief intro to HTML5 and CSS and the use of Illustra tor for layouts, graphics and SVG images is discussed. No prerequisites or books required.

Reg# 397956

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 2

Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Animate are required. You may purchase the software here. Visit system-requirements.htmlfor system requirements.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Sean Zhao , M.S., University of Texas at Dallas, senior engineer, Fiserv Inc.

Reg# 397957

Fee: $1,095

No refund after 8 July X In Person 10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 10pm, June 25 Aug. 27

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver and Animate are required. You may purchase the software here. Visit system-requirements.htmlfor system requirements.

Enrollment limited. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Dan Vaughan, B.A., proprietary software instructor, technical writer, and usability specialist, Rhythm & Hues Studios


MGMT X 457.1

Fundamentals of Blockchain Technology

4.0 units

The course aims to provide a solid and holistic foundation of the technology which is useful irrespective of the function and role of the student (project management, legal, compliance, operations, business development, IT/technology, digital transformation, finance, strategy and others). It covers the fundamentals, including understanding the difference between decentralization, distributed ledger (DLT), block chain technology and bitcoin. It also covers blockchain’s unique characteristics which makes it a powerful solution to solve some critical challenges. The course also covers the blockchain structure (public versus private and permission models), smart contracts and the blockchain stack (layers). While it is focused on blockchain tech nology, the course aims to position the technology in the larger context of digital transformation; traditional technologies; and as a comple ment to other emerging technologies, e.g., Internet of Things or machine learning. Students get exposure to real organizations, use cases and continuously apply theory to real business problems.

Reg# 398462

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Lucy Hakobyan, B.A., M.B.A.; Managing director at BT Consulting.

MGMT X 457.2

Blockchain Solutions, Governance and Collaboration

4.0 units

Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize sectors and ecosystems in which trust is needed among parties. This course aims to help students understand the disruptive potential of blockchain to solve pain points and provide increased efficiency, automation and transpar ency. It provides students with tools, best practices and success drivers to design effective and robust governance and collaborative models. This course teaches you what CEOs are starting to recognize that new business models and collaboration around blockchain are critical to create, deploy, accelerate and scale industry wide solutions. Students get an in depth understanding of the different approaches, including the blockchain consortium model, that allow competitors to collaborate to create decentralized networked solutions to solve shared problems, while also protecting their competitive advantage individually, keeping sensitive data confidential. Through the course work, students gain exposure to a diverse set of real world blockchain case studies that consist of many stakeholders with different relation ships and incentives. While blockchain technology has the potential to upend existing systems, this course also highlights that blockchain is not an instantaneous solution. This course aims to position block chain in the larger context of digital transformation, traditional tech nologies, and as a complement to other emerging technologies such as Internet of Things or machine learning.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MGMT X 457.1 Fundamentals of Block chain Technology course recommended, or prior experience in basic blockchain concepts.

Reg# 398463

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Robert Mowry B.A.; partner at the Altcoin Accelerator, a Los Angeles based blockchain innovation studio.

MGMT X 457.3

Blockchain Technology Adoption and Implementation 4.0 units

After a few years of proof of concepts, blockchain solutions will now be adopted at scale. The difficulty in scaling from proof of concept to fully viable solutions is where many blockchain solutions fail. This course aims to empower the student with tools and knowledge to shape well thought out blockchain implementations. Discussions and coursework build on vital insights and real life learnings to aid in the deployment journey, helping you de risk early adoption and ensure careful consideration of consequences for permissioned blockchains. The course will also be a great addition to build knowl edge and understanding of blockchain technology in more general terms. It introduces key components including laws and regulations, digital identities, personal data handling, smart contract legalities, cybersecurity, governance of blockchain networks, interoperability and others.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MGMT X 457.1 Fundamentals of Block chain Technology course recommended, or prior experience in basic blockchain concepts.

Reg# 398464 Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Robert Mowry B.A.; partner at the Altcoin Accelerator, a Los Angeles based blockchain innovation studio.

MGMT X 457.4

Digital Transformation: Blockchain, IoT, AI and Trusted Data

4.0 units

Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize how companies compete and stakeholders collaborate with trusted data. This course reviews how blockchain features can improve transparency, access and integrity of data. The student becomes familiar with real life applica tions where blockchain converges with other Industry 4.0 and 4IR technologies (such as connected devices and artificial intelligence) to solve problems. The course introduces other critical components of trusted data and emerging technology, including personal data handling compliance, data protection, digital identity and ethics.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of MGMT X 457.1 Fundamentals of Block chain Technology course recommended, or prior experience in basic blockchain concepts.


Reg# 398465

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Lucy Hakobyan, B.A., M.B.A.; Managing director at BT Consulting.

MGMT X 457.5

Blockchain Cryptocurrency Applications in Business and Finance

4.0 units

Blockchain is disrupting the global financial industry and changing the way we view money and business. This course lays the founda tion for gaining an understanding of the market implications and business opportunities associated with blockchain and cryptocur rencies. Gain the competitive advantage in understanding how cryptocurrencies function in the blockchain finance space. Topics include Bitcoin and new cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DeFi, loans, real estate, security tokens and other investment examples such as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). In addition, this course provides an overview of the business opportunities associated with how security tokens, as the digital assets and cryptocurrencies compliant and regulated by governmental agencies, can revolutionize industries such as finance, real estate, and venture capital. This course aims to cover the factors and principles that govern the plan ning, organizing and managing of cryptocurrencies, digital assets and blockchain based companies or new ventures. Discussions will center on understanding how cryptocurrencies and blockchain will change the way we think about money, disrupt the role central banks have in conducting monetary policy, and empower the unbanked. Students should leave the course with a comprehensive understand ing of the global competitive landscape and core concepts of how to evaluate cryptocurrencies and blockchain investments.

Reg# 398466

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Alex Nascimento, M.A., M.B.A.; Managing director of 7CC Blockchain Investments.

MGMT 790

Understanding Blockchain Seminar Series

Blockchain has distinguished itself as the technical architecture of choice for a great many projects boldly attempting to solve critically important and meaningful problems. The next iteration of the internet has blockchain as its bedrock, and building an understanding of the precepts of this often opaque technology positions professionals with an interest in tech to pivot into this high demand space and super charge their career potential. Join us in this series where we dive into important blockchain topics (NFT’s, cryptocurrency, tokens, Bitcoin, Ethereum, hashing, smart contracts, Web3, Metaverse, etc.) that deliver substantive understanding about blockchain as the transformative tool poised to continually disrupt industries in the States and abroad.

Reg# 398847

Fee: $0

No refund after 28 Aug.

A Live Online

1 mtg

Wednesday, 12 1:30pm, Aug. 28


Robert Mowry, B.A.; partner at the Altcoin Accelerator, a Los Angeles based blockchain innovation studio.

Alex Nascimento, M.A., M.B.A.; Managing director of 7CC Blockchain Investments.

Vivian Taslakian M.B.A., M.S., B.S.E.E., P.M.P.; program director in the Engineering Department at UCLA Extension. Christopher Arnett

Lucy Hakobyan, B.A., M.B.A.; Managing director at BT Consulting.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Digital Technology 29


Early Childhood Educators

For information about the Early Childhood Education Certificates, call (310) 825-4191, email or visit .


Child Development/Desarrollo Infantil

4.5 units

This is an introductory course in child growth and development span ning conception through middle childhood. The course covers theories of human development; the scientific study of development; genetic and environmental contributions and interactions on child develop ment; and developmental time frames from conception and prenatal development through infancy, toddlerhood, early childhood and middle childhood. Students learn about milestones and the cultural contexts of development across domains: physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional development. Students are required to observe an infant 0 36 months old and a child 3 6 years old. This is the recom mended first course in the ECE series. This is a lower division (entry level) college class. This is also an intensive class. We are completing a full course in only 8 weeks. Expect to spend around 12 hours per week completing everything in each week’s module. There is a sig nificant amount of reading required. Professional level English lan guage proficiency in the following areas is required: reading comprehension, vocabulary, note taking and written expression. Ofrecido en Español. Prensa los detailles para información (# 397671, Monica Hilario).

Reg# 397681

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Materials provided in Canvas course shell. 7

Kathy Fuller, Ph.D., educational consultant; recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2012.

Reg# 397682

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18 7

TiaMarie Harrison B.A. in psychology; M.S. in early childhood educa tion and special education; Specialization in applied behavior analy sis; recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award, Spring 2022.

Reg# 397683

Fee: $559

No refund after 26 July

M Online

July 22 Sept. 15 7

Jackie Kelley, Ph.D., early childhood educator; adjunct professor, Santa Monica College.


The Young Child in the Family and Community/ El Niño Pequeño en la Familia y Comunidad

4.5 units

This online early childhood development course focuses on the social and cultural dynamics between the young child, the family and the community. Students develop communication skills between young children, peer groups, parents and teachers. They investigate community resources and social services, including health care, welfare and coun seling. Students also explore culture, diversity and equity within the classroom and the larger community. Students examine their own and others’ understanding of social and cultural belonging. Instruction includes exploration of tools, classroom strategies, community resources, and advocacy for supporting family engagement and creating produc tive partnerships with children and families. Note that this is an intensive course, in which the work of a full academic quarter is offered in only 8 weeks. Students may be required to interview people, observe children or go into the community for this course, so plan ahead. Ofrecido en Español. Prensa los detailles para información.

Reg# 397684

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

TiaMarie Harrison, B.A. in psychology; M.S. in early childhood educa tion and special education; Specialization in applied behavior analy sis; recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award, Spring 2022.

Reg# 397687

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18 7 &

Victor Soto, M.A., human development; adjunct professor for Pacific Oaks College.

Reg# 398796

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Esta sección se imparte en español. Se requiere acceso a Internet. Materiales necesarios.

Monica Hilario MA, primary teacher, Early Education and Extended Learning Programs, Glendale Unified School District; recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2011.

Reg# 398568

Fee: $559

No refund after 19 July

M Online

July 15 Aug. 25 7 &

Victor Soto, M.A., human development; adjunct professor for Pacific Oaks College.

Reg# 397686

Fee: $559

No refund after 26 July

M Online

July 22 Sept. 15

TiaMarie Harrison, B.A. in psychology; M.S. in early childhood educa tion and special education; Specialization in applied behavior analy sis; recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award, Spring 2022.


Foundations of Early Care and Education: An Introduction to Teaching Young Children/ Introducción a la Enseñanza de Niños Pequeños 4.5 units

Learn about early care, education approaches and how to identify quality care. This online course on teaching young children introduces the approaches, history and development of early childhood education programs. The course offers an overview of developmentally appropri ate learning environments, curriculum and how to define play based learning and outcomes. Students explore how different program approaches meet the needs of the young child. Students learn obser vation, assessment and strategies for guiding children’s behavior. Field observations are required. This is a lower division (entry level) college class. This is an intensive course, in which the work of a full academic quarter is offered in only 8 weeks. Expect to spend around 12 hours per week to complete everything in each week’s module. Before you take this course, we recommend you take Child Development, unless you have classroom experience with children already. Ofrecido en Español. Prensa los detailles para información.

Reg# 397690

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18 7 & Kristin Sherman, M.A. in human development and social change; director, ECE program, New School West, Santa Monica, CA ECE Mentor Program.

Reg# 397692

Fee: $559

No refund after 26 July

M Online

July 22 Sept. 15 7 &

Lillian Pimentel-Stratton, Ed.D., Walden University; faculty, Bakersfield College, early childhood education.

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information call (310)


Introduction to Curriculum and Learning

Environments/Introducción al Currículo y Ambientes de Aprendizaje

4.5 units

This online course covers developmentally appropriate curriculum methods for early childhood. Students learn to design, equip, plan and implement engaging learning environments for supporting develop mental goals and knowledge. Learn to create optimal curricula and learning experiences based on theory, observation and assessment within a context of relationships and play. Develop strategies for cultur ally relevant curricula. Embed activities designed to establish children’s positive attitudes and behaviors for learning, pro social behavior, a strong sense of self, competence and emotion regulation. Understand how the curriculum and learning environment can guide cognitive, social and emotional development and mitigate challenging behaviors. Students are required to observe young children. This is a lower divi sion (entry level) college class. This is also an intensive class. We are completing a full course in only 8 weeks. Expect to spend around 12 hours per week to complete everything in each week’s module. Before you take this course, we recommend you take the Child Development course and the course on Foundations of Early Care and Education, unless you have significant classroom experience with children already. Ofrecido en Español. Prensa los detailles para información.

Reg# 397693

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18 7 &

Lillian Pimentel-Stratton Ed.D., Walden University; faculty, Bakersfield College, early childhood education.

Reg# 397694

Fee: $559

No refund after 26 July

M Online

July 22 Sept. 15 7

Kathy Fuller Ph.D., educational consultant; recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2012.

EDUC X 321.26

Documentation, Observation and Assessment of Young Children

4.5 units

This course offers an introduction and practice on observation, docu mentation, assessment and the skills necessary to apply assessment findings to create an appropriate curriculum for young children. In this course, students develop systematic and purposeful observation and interpretation of documentation for the creation of emergent curricu lum and assessment of young children aged 0 5 years. Students learn the California guidelines for Early Childhood Education and Transitional Kindergarten. California ECE competencies and tools introduced in the course include the CA Preschool Curriculum Frameworks, California Preschool Learning Foundations and Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP).

Reg# 397727

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18 7

Kristin Sherman M.A. in human development and social change; director, ECE program, New School West, Santa Monica, CA ECE Mentor Program.


Play and the Developing Brain in Early Childhood Education

4.5 units

This online course provides a contemporary, research based perspec tive on learning and inquiry through play in early childhood settings and explains how play supports optimal brain development. Students learn about historical and contemporary perspectives of the critical role of play in early learning and development. Students explore play as an optimal medium for social and cognitive learning, executive function skills and brain development in the context of current devel opmental theory. Emphasis is placed on practical strategies for creat ing play based learning environments, hands on experiences and multi cultural inclusiveness. Students observe, document and explore ways to integrate play throughout the curriculum. Observations of young children are required.

Reg# 397695

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Kathy Fuller Ph.D., educational consultant; recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2012.

EDUC X 321.23

Adult Supervision in Early Childhood Programs

3.0 units

Instruction examines staff organization for effective communication and interpersonal relationships and covers criteria for selecting and evaluating personnel; the administrative role in promoting professional growth, teaching effectiveness and sensitivity to individual needs; and staff involvement in planning and evaluating programs. Applies toward Title 22 regulations; Title 5 Child Development Permits for Adult Supervision Requirements for Master Teacher, Site Supervisor and Program Director of Child Care Centers; and is a core required course for the Early Childhood Education Administration Certificate.

Reg# 397725

Fee: $450

No refund after 9 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 5 Sept. 15 7 & Michelle McGinnis

EDUC X 321.2

Supervision and Administration of Early Childhood Centers: Part I

3.0 units

This course offers an overview of administering a child care center. An introduction to the logistical and philosophical details of planning, implementation, and appropriate care and education is presented. Instruction covers national professional guidelines for how an effective administrator implements a plan, creates a safe and developmentally appropriate learning environment, and evaluates the quality and improvement of a center. You learn about record keeping, reporting and staff policies. Licensing, permits and regulations are covered for the state of California. Applies toward California Title 22 and Title 5 regulation compliance and child development permits.

Reg# 397722

Fee: $450

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 4 7 & Patricia Yeldell, Ph.D. in organizational management, M.S. in educa tional leadership from Pepperdine University. Instructional director of Early Childhood Education at the Los Angeles Unified School District. Reg# 397723

Fee: $450

No refund after 9 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 5 Sept. 15

This course requires purchase of a digital text. Instructions and a link to purchase will be available on the course website. International Students should verify their web access to Cengage Publishers before purchasing. 7 & Terri Emberling B.S. in nursing, St. John’s College; M.A. of counseling psychology, Regis University in Colorado; Licensed Professional Counselor and Child and Family therapist.

EDUC X 321.21

Supervision and Administration of Early Childhood Centers: Part II

3.0 units

This course offers an overview of the leadership, supervision and professional development of staff; and how to guide the center and the staff toward a high quality, developmentally appropriate philoso phy and implementation of a program. Instruction covers how to lead people and serve as a curriculum leader; alignment of environment and practices with center mission and value statements; community building; hiring and retention; staff support, guidance and professional development; and supporting quality curriculum through leadership and reflective evaluation. Students learn to develop relationships with families that are culturally sensitive and reciprocal and to communi cate with and engage families in the center. Emphasis is given to observation and analysis skills, leadership and mentoring skills, and measuring leadership and management for optimal functioning of the center and staff. The course applies toward California Title 22 and Title 5 regulation compliance and child development permits.

Reg# 397724

Fee: $450

No refund after 9 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 5 Sept. 15 7 & Euna Anderson, M.S., educational leadership and administration; principal, Early Childhood Education Center.

EDUC X 321.19

Home and School Cooperation for Administration of Early Childhood Centers

3.0 units

Learn ways to create an optimal learning environment where children, parents and teachers function as a team in the educational process. Applies toward Title 22 Regulations for Supervisor, Administrator and Director; Title 5 Child Development Permits for Master Teacher, Site Supervisor and Program Director. This is a core required course for the Early Childhood Education Administration Certificate Program.

Reg# 397721

Fee: $450

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Aug. 4 7 &

Tamara Roberta Jackson Ph.D., director of Special Education, La Canada Unified School District; recipient, UCLA Extension Distin guished Instructor Award, 2008.

EDUC X 440.2

ECE Educator Liability Fundamentals: How to Protect Children and Safeguard Your Career

3.0 units

The focus of the course is to provide practitioners care providers and administrators with an understanding of their own, legal responsibili ties around child safety; ways to reduce risk in the ECE setting; and what to do when a child is injured, abused or neglected. The course intro duces early childhood program providers and administrators to legal terminology, issues, conflict resolution and NAEYC best practices, with an emphasis on compliance with state and federal regulations. Topics include negligent supervision lawsuits, reporting and report writing, liability for intentional conduct, school safety best practices, team col laboration techniques to protect children and staff, deposition prepara tion fundamentals and computer applications for administration. Reg# 397728

Fee: $396

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Aug. 4 7 & Michelle McGinnis

EDUC X 321.61

Inclusion of Children with Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings

3.0 units

For early childhood professionals, this course is designed to assist teachers, caregivers and directors in better understanding and imple menting procedures and policies for inclusion of young children with special needs into typical child care, preschool and kindergarten pro grams in compliance with Title III of the ADA and Sections B and H of the IDEA. Learn how to recognize when young children may have special needs that require professional help and what resources are available. Develop an increased understanding of children with special needs and their families and how to interact with them. Understand myths and fears surrounding children with special needs and how to facilitate healthy relationships between these children and their class mates. Applies toward Title 22 Regulations and Title 5 Child Develop ment Permits; elective course for both the Early Childhood Lead Teacher Certificate and/or Early Childhood Administration Certificates. Reg# 397729

Fee: $396

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 4 7 & Falyn Cooper M.Ed. in early childhood special education

EDUC X 321.6

Positive Discipline Strategies for Young Children

3.0 units

Learn the causes of disruptive behavior, examine the forces that oper ate on the behavior of the young child in school and identify problems that need teacher intervention. Covers strategies for eliminating dis ruptive behavior and helping young children achieve self discipline. Applies toward Title 22 Regulations and Title 5 Child Development Permits; elective course for both the Early Childhood Lead Teacher Certificate and/or Early Childhood Administration Certificates. Reg# 397730

Fee: $396

No refund after 9 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 5 Sept. 15 7

TiaMarie Harrison B.A. in psychology; M.S. in early childhood educa tion and special education; Specialization in applied behavior analy sis; recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award, Spring 2022.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Education 31

EDUC X 312.11

Building Self-Esteem in Young Children

3.0 units

Designed to help teachers understand how a child’s interpersonal growth in the context of his/her interpersonal relationships develops a sense of self and self esteem. Learn strategies to create a classroom environment that supports the development of a positive self image in children. Applies toward Title 22 Regulations and Title 5 Child Development Permits and is an elective course for both the Early Childhood Lead Teacher Certificate and/or Early Childhood Administra tion Certificates.

Reg# 397731

Fee: $388

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 4 7 &

Teri Sulc B.A. in child development; M.A. in educational administra tion; 15 years of Parent Education and English as a Second Language classes with Los Angeles Unified School District.

Reg# 397732

Fee: $396

No refund after 9 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 5 Sept. 15 7 &

Teri Sulc B.A. in child development; M.A. in educational administra tion; 15 years of Parent Education and English as a Second Language classes with Los Angeles Unified School District.

EDUC X 321.71

Infant and Toddler Development and Care

4.5 units

In this course, students learn about the development of infants and toddlers and associated principles of inclusive and respectful caregiv ing. This course focuses on factors affecting the physical, cognitive and psychosocial development of the young child in the first three years. The course covers developmental milestones, characteristics and growth patterns of children from conception through 36 months. Essential policies; principles; and practices that lead to quality care, developmentally appropriate curriculum and environments for children are examined. Topics include current brain research, infant health and well being, recognition of atypical development, observation tech niques, assessment strategies, and ways to communicate with parents and implement home visits. Students apply current theory and research to the care and education of infants and toddlers in group settings as they study infant/toddler development. Students are required to observe young children. Letter grade of “C” or better required for California permits.

Reg# 397733

Fee: $559

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18 7 & Todd Hioki, M.A., human development with specialization in social action; instructor, Pacific Oaks College, Santa Monica College; master teacher, Pacific Oaks Children’s School.

Course Icons Provide Information At-a-Glance

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Technical requirements, page 1.

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Visit our website for textbook information.


May be transferable to other colleges and universities. Learn more on our website

Higher Education & Adult Educators

College Counseling Certification

For information about the College Counseling Certificate, call (310) 825-4191 email , or visit .

EDUC X 414.83

Introduction to Counseling for College Admission

4.5 units

Introduction to Counseling for College Admission explores the college admission process from both the student and counselor perspectives, with emphasis on student research, application, selection and counselor information dissemination and responsibility. This course provides in depth information on application calendar options, col lege and university options and admission criteria. The course offers education information with an emphasis on the counselor’s skill development in assisting students with college application and selection, while providing current theory and issues combined with strategic practice.

Reg# 398083

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7 &

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Charlotte Klaar, Ph.D., CEP, certified educational planner, who is a nationally recognized leader in the independent educational consult ing industry. She was awarded the Steven R. Antonoff Award for Profes sional Achievement in recognition of her contributions to the profession. She has more than 20 years of college counseling experience.

Reg# 398369

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7 &

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Alexandra Furgiuele, M.A., PPS. Ms. Furgiuele has worked as a college counselor/consultant since 2009. She has worked in a public high school in the San Francisco Bay area and independently with students through her own consulting practice, as well as through Study Point and College Connections.

Reg# 398370

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7 &

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Veronica Ortiz, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University. Ms. Ortiz over sees recruitment and enrollment of international students, supervision of admission officers and consults on DEI strategies at Whitman College. She has worked as an admissions representative for Phillips Exeter Academy, Occidental College, Harvey Mudd College and Wil lamette University.

EDUC X 414.89

Financial Aid Fundamentals

4.5 units

Financial aid is complex and information intensive, and college counselors must understand this important component of the col lege admissions process. Topics include history of financial aid; types and sources of financial aid; how to apply for federal, state and institutional aid; eligibility; how aid is determined; and scholar ship search services.

Recommended: College Counseling Certificate students may take EDUC X 414.98: College Counseling for International Students in place of the required Financial Aid Fundamentals course. When choosing this option, students are required to take another elective course. Please notify us at if you wish to choose this option.

Reg# 398084 Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 1

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Angela Harris, M.A. Program advisor and financial aid technician at a Los Angeles area high school. She has served as a college counselor at two other Los Angeles area high schools.

Reg# 398085

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Francisca Marquez M.A. in school counseling, PPS, college counselor at a Los Angeles area high school; former assistant director, financial aid office at a Los Angeles area university.

Reg# 398086

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association

Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Pam Walker, M.A. In her professional career of more than 29 years in higher education, she worked at both private and state colleges within the Massachusetts area.


X 414.90

Testing/Career Assessment

4.5 units

College bound students encounter a series of standardized examina tions as they progress toward college admission. The PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, ACT and Advanced Placement tests are the most common. Topics include what each exam tests for, validity of test results, issues of bias and the effect of coaching. In the realm of career planning, numerous career inventories can help students both college bound and other wise identify their career interests and propensities; some of the more widely used career instruments are highlighted.

Reg# 398088

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Brittany Goodacre, M.A. in counseling and a Pupil Personnel Services Credential from Loyola Marymount University. Brittany has several years of experience as a school counselor, including founding and developing one school’s entire school counseling program.

Reg# 398089

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association

Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Nicole Korgie Jackson, Ed.D., higher education administration, Uni versity of Southern California; M.A., educational counseling w/PPS credential, Point Loma Nazarene College; B.A., art history, San Diego State University; A.S., business administration, San Diego Mesa Col lege. Dr. Korgie Jackson has over 30 years of experience in college admissions, early outreach and pre college program development, combined with over 10 years graduate and undergraduate university level teaching experience. Dr. Korgie Jackson’s background includes extensive experience working with culturally, linguistically and financially diverse students and families.

32 Education Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

EDUC X 414.84

Inclusive College Counseling: Ensuring Post- Secondary Success for All Students

4.5 units

This course in the College Counseling Certificate focuses on individual groups of students with unique perspectives in the admissions pro cess, such as students with learning differences, athletes, actors, and underserved students who are first generation, transfer, members of the LGBTQ+ community, etc. The specificity and changeability of the course content allows the program to keep information current and provide certificate students with recent views or changing critical elements in the counseling profession. Previously titled: Special Issues in College Counseling.

Reg# 398091

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Joan Canzone, M.S., Mercy College in New York City, one in School Counseling and the other in School Administration and Supervision. Joan is currently employed at a Los Angeles private high school as an associate director of college counseling. Previously, she served as the director of guidance in a private Catholic high school in San Francisco. Concurrently, she works for USC as a Bovard Scholars Admissions Coach.

Reg# 398093

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Cyndy McDonald, M.A. Current president of an online college counsel ing system and operates a college counseling practice. More than 20 years of experience as a school counselor and educational consultant. She founded Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) and a nonprofit program, After Military Planning (AMP).

Reg# 398094

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Yetunde Daniels Rubinstein, M.S.; Ed.D. in counseling and personnel services; B.S. in psychology. An educational leadership consultant, Ms. Daniels Rubinstein serves as an associate director of college counsel ing at an independent school in Los Angeles. In her over two decade career in education, she has always centered the voices and skills of those who are most at risk and systematically overlooked.

EDUC X 414.85

Practicum in College Counseling

6.0 units

Students complete 65 hours of supervised fieldwork in either an in person or online counseling venue and earn 50 hours of academic credit. Fieldwork must consist of individual counseling or meeting with students in group settings. For those who may have difficulty making arrangements to complete 65 hours of student counseling, they may complete 35 hours of student counseling as well as a pre approved research project submitted to the instructor at the completion of the class. Students must be enrolled and participate in the online portion of the course in which practicum experiences are shared with col leagues and reviewed by the instructor.

Reg# 398095

Fee: $580

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Esther Hugo, Ed.D., adjunct professor, Loyola Marymount University’s School of Education; recipient, UCLA Extension Distinguished Instruc tor Award, 2008.

Reg# 398096

Fee: $580

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Jeffrey Neill, Ed.D., M.A. in English, B.A. in government and legal stud ies and German. Director of college counseling at Graded the Ameri can School of Sao Paulo. He has over 22 years of experience working as a school counselor in six different high schools on four continents, including Asia and Africa.

Reg# 398176

Fee: $580

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Shanell Leggins, Ed.D. in educational leadership with an emphasis in educational psychology, M.A. in counseling and Pupil Personnel Ser vices (PPS) credential, B.A. in sociology with a minor in psychology, as well the college counseling certificate. Currently works as the associate director of college guidance at an independent school in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Leggins has worked in the field of education for more than 20 years and as a counselor for more than 15 years. Her counseling experi ence spans from public, private, domestic and abroad.

EDUC X 414.96

The Business of Educational Consulting

4.5 units

Educational consultants are unique among business professionals because their goal is not just to have a profitable practice but also to truly make a difference in the lives of their clients. This course focuses on how to create a successful practice using basic business principles and entrepreneurship skills. Topics covered include steps needed to begin the process, early decisions, formulating the business plan, business structures, fee setting, contracts, creating a marketing plan and social media. The material in this course is intended to help you create your personal business template so you can launch a success ful educational consulting business.

Reg# 398097

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7 &

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Breanne Boyle, B.A. in English, Miami University, Ohio; college coun seling certificate, UC San Diego. College advisor at BB College Prep. Member of WACAC, NACAC and an associate member of the Indepen dent Educational Consultants Association (IECA). Past president of WACAC. Recipient of the Excellence in Government Relations award in 2018 from NACAC.

Reg# 398098

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7 &

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Gena Lester Double Master’s in higher education, I/O psychology, Ph.D., and Doctorate. Dr. Lester is a college admissions expert with over 30 years of experience, a strategic business coach, speaker and author. She is both a Wall Street Journal and New York Times best selling author. She is not only a thought leader in the college admis sions space, but she also helps educators turned entrepreneurs go from conception to thriving business owners. Dr. Lester developed the “U Niquely U” formula which she uses to help teens find their perfect college fit as well as entrepreneurs find their passions and be more successful on their journey.

EDUC X 414.93

Advanced Business for the Independent Educational Consultant

4.5 units

Students identify areas in which they can grow and modernize their independent educational practices. This course is designed to support the growth of established IECs by providing a deeper understanding of ethical college advising, demonstrating how to serve a more diverse client base post Covid, and identifying opportunities for business advancement. Students examine the vision, mission and best practices of their businesses.

Reg# 398099

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1

Katherine Price, M.A. in higher education administration, Boston College; B.A., University of San Diego. Since 2009, Ms. Price, founder of College Mindset, has guided hundreds of students through the college application process. She previously worked in admissions at Babson College and was an application reader for Boston College. She also shares her knowledge of college counseling by mentoring new Independent College Counselors and guiding them through business and college counseling strategies.

EDUC X 414.98

College Counseling for International Students

4.5 units

Explore the college admission process for international students, with an emphasis on the special needs and requirements for international students applying to U.S. colleges and universities. This course explores the challenges of helping international students understand and navigate the unfamiliar landscape of the U.S. university system, while helping students and families understand the importance of fit vs. rankings. In addition, issues unique to international students such as testing, financial and visa requirements; the ethics of working with agents; writing effective personal statements; and demonstrating interest from afar are also explored.

Recommended: College Counseling Certificate students may take EDUC X 414.98: College Counseling for International Students in place of the required Financial Aid Fundamentals course. When choosing this option, students are required to take another elective course. Please notify us at if you wish to choose this option.

Reg# 398100

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Samuel Luby M.A. in international education, B.A. in history. Current Ph.D. student. With over a decade of college counseling experience, he served as head of university guidance counseling for a selective IB high school in Shanghai and worked for the college counseling software company Naviance in the U.S.

Reg# 398110

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Jeffrey Neill, Ed.D., M.A. in English, B.A. in government and legal stud ies and German. Director of college counseling at Graded the Ameri can School of Sao Paulo. He has over 22 years of experience working as a school counselor in six different high schools on four continents, including Asia and Africa.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Education 33

EDUC X 414.99

Preparing Community College Students for Transfer

4.5 units

This course emphasizes the development of knowledge and skills with regard to guiding and supporting community college students through all steps of their community college education, from enrollment through transfer application and admission. Students learn about community college matriculation processes, course selection, transfer application, and how to strategically position prospective transfer students for admission to public and privates colleges and universities. Students explore the current community college landscape as well as big issues like challenges for disadvantaged populations and persis tence towards transfer. Students learn about the critical programs essential to supporting persistence and transfer, like those for first generation college students, articulation agreements, admissions priority agreements, honors and financial aid.

Reg# 398116

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1

Required Textbook available as PDF only, Community College Counselor Sourcebook: 2nd Ed. by College Board. Purchase it online at the College Board website. 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Rosina Wright-Castro Ph.D., serves as an academic counselor at a community college located in the Los Angeles area.

Reg# 398356

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1

Required Textbook available as PDF only, Community College Counselor Sourcebook: 2nd Ed. by College Board. Purchase it online at the College Board website. 7

HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Kristi Wish Baker, M.A. in counseling with an emphasis in career counseling; specialization in higher education. Ms. Wish Baker is a tenured counseling faculty member in the Transfer Center at MiraCosta College. She has 22 years of counseling experience serving students in California Community Colleges in the areas of General Counseling, EOPS, Reentry, CalWORKs, High School Outreach and teaching student success courses.

EDUC X 414.80

Finalizing the College Counseling Process

4.5 units

Drawing on the theory and information presented in the required courses included in the UCLA Extension College Counseling Certificate program, this course provides a project based learning approach for Practicum ready students to apply their knowledge and experience. Using the latest research and publications available in the field, this interactive class draws on the theory and information presented in other required courses and challenges students to apply their knowl edge, strategies and approaches with real life students. Emphasis is on the development of tools and strategies in determining student goals, aspirations, college lists, admission and financial options all focused on helping students and their families make the final college decision. This course is designed to meet the needs of counselors in public, private or independent settings.

Prerequisite(s): Students must have completed the Introduction to Counseling for College Admission course prior to enrolling in this course.

Reg# 398126

Fee: $840

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 1 7 & HECA: Higher Education Consultants Association

Promo code: HECA23-24

IECA: Independent Educational Consultants Association Promo code: IECA23-24

Marcey Abrons, M.Ed. in educational counseling and a Pupil Person nel Services (PPS) credential. Currently the head counselor at the Humanities and Arts Academy of Los Angeles. She has received Assemblymember Bonnie Lowenthal’s “30 Under 30” education award and LAUSD’s District 7 Hero in Education award.

EDUC 845

Introduction to College Admissions

1.5 CEUs

The purpose of this short, intensive course is to introduce potential advisors or counselors, who are either new to the field or are making a career change, to numerous aspects of the college admissions process. During this two week course, students develop an under standing of key factors such as choosing the “right” college, the application process, financial aid, the impact of standardized test scores and how to communicate with various types of parents and guardians through case study scenarios. We also explore the charac teristics of college bound students, guiding students towards a pro spective major or career and how to maneuver the emotional and mental health aspects that come with applying to college. In this course, students practice applying their newfound knowledge and skills to real case study examples. Upon completion, students are prepared and have confidence to continue their studies in counseling or pursue advanced topics via enrollment in the full UCLA College Counseling certificate program. The ideal student for this course is an aspiring college advisor, current school counselor, CBO advisor or other professional working in college advisement who seeks to expand their experiential learning of college admissions.

Reg# 398146

Fee: $315

No refund after 3 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 5 18

Shanell Leggins Ed.D. in educational leadership with an emphasis in educational psychology, M.A. in counseling and Pupil Personnel Ser vices (PPS) credential, B.A. in sociology with a minor in psychology, as well the college counseling certificate. Currently works as the associate director of college guidance at an independent school in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Leggins has worked in the field of education for more than 20 years and as a counselor for more than 15 years. Her counseling experience spans from public, private, domestic and abroad.

EDUC 846

Introduction to Making College Affordable

1.5 CEUs

College financing has become an integral element in the college search and enrollment process, particularly for first generation and low income students. However, college financing rouses anxious and often fearful responses from parents, students and even counselors. This short, intensive course is designed to make counselors aware of key areas related to college affordability. The course brings in family concerns and challenges of living with debt, both of which are impor tant for counselors to know and weigh. The topics include an overview of the financial aid delivery system, an examination of college cost issues, the relationship between admission and financial aid applica tion, a review of the sources and awarding of aid, the role of financial aid administrators, the challenge of educational debt and the role of advisors in the college financing process.

Reg# 398147

Fee: $315

No refund after 3 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 5 18 7

Linda Dagradi, Ed.D. Educator with more than 35 years of experience in leadership positions in financial aid administration, school counsel ing and enrollment management.

EDUC 847

Introduction to Writing College Essays Part 1: Brainstorming

1.5 CEUs

During this two week course, participants will gain an understanding of the purpose, role and structure of college admissions essays. The course will explore standards and ethics to be used when supporting students through the essay writing process. Throughout the class, participants will learn approaches to providing essay guidance that they can use when working with their own students. Participants will also write a college essay as an exercise in understanding the writing process. The ideal participant for this course is an aspiring college advisor, current secondary school counselor, CBO advisor or other professional working in college advisement who seeks to expand his or her experiential knowledge of college admissions essays. Please note: this course is not endorsed by or affiliated with UCLA’s under graduate or graduate offices of admission.

Reg# 398148

Fee: $315

No refund after 15 June

M Online

June 17 30

Nagla Orlando, M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction, William Howard Taft University; California Single Subject Teaching Credential in science, California State University, Long Beach: (CSULB); B.S. in health and human sciences, CSULB; College Counseling certification, University of California, San Diego. Ms. Orlando is a Certified Education Planner (CEP) from AICEP. Founder of Knowledge Worx 4 College, Inc.

Reg# 398153

Fee: $315

No refund after 22 June

M Online

June 24 July 7

Cyndy McDonald M.A. Current president of an online college counsel ing system and operates a college counseling practice. More than 20 years of experience as a school counselor and educational consultant. She founded Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) and a nonprofit program, After Military Planning (AMP).

Reg# 398154

Fee: $315

No refund after 6 July

M Online

July 8 21

Nagla Orlando, M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction, William Howard Taft University; California Single Subject Teaching Credential in science, California State University, Long Beach: (CSULB); B.S. in health and human sciences, CSULB; College Counseling certification, University of California, San Diego. Ms. Orlando is a Certified Education Planner (CEP) from AICEP. Founder of Knowledge Worx 4 College, Inc.

Reg# 398155

Fee: $315

No refund after 17 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 19 Sept. 1

Cyndy McDonald M.A. Current president of an online college counsel ing system and operates a college counseling practice. More than 20 years of experience as a school counselor and educational consultant. She founded Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) and a nonprofit program, After Military Planning (AMP).

X IN PERSON, page 1.


Technical requirements, page 1.

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r HYBRID, page 1.



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Course Icons

Introduction to Writing College Essays Part 2: Structure and Review

1.5 CEUs

Writing of the college essay is often an essential component of a student’s college application. The student’s voice needs to be authen tic and clear in their college applications. In particular, understanding how to brainstorm and structure college essays is an essential skill for students to understand. Essential elements of identifying the right essay prompt to answer, structuring the essay, managing multiple essay drafts to the final polish process are covered in this course. This is part two of a two course series, with an introduction to the structure and review process of college essays. The ideal participant for this course is an aspiring college advisor, current secondary school counselor, CBO advisor or other professional working in college advisement who seeks to expand his or her experiential knowledge of college admissions essays. It is not required to take Introduction to Writing the College Essay Part 1: Brainstorming before taking this course, however, taking Part 1 before Part 2 is highly recommended.

Reg# 398160

Fee: $315

No refund after 15 June

M Online

June 17 30

Cyndy McDonald, M.A. Current president of an online college counsel ing system and operates a college counseling practice. More than 20 years of experience as a school counselor and educational consultant. She founded Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) and a nonprofit program, After Military Planning (AMP).

Reg# 398161

Fee: $315

No refund after 22 June

M Online

June 24 July 7

Nagla Orlando M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction, William Howard Taft University; California Single Subject Teaching Credential in science, California State University, Long Beach: (CSULB); B.S. in health and human sciences, CSULB; College Counseling certification, University of California, San Diego. Ms. Orlando is a Certified Education Planner (CEP) from AICEP. Founder of Knowledge Worx 4 College, Inc.

Reg# 398163

Fee: $315

No refund after 6 July

M Online

July 8 21

Cyndy McDonald, M.A. Current president of an online college counsel ing system and operates a college counseling practice. More than 20 years of experience as a school counselor and educational consultant. She founded Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA) and a nonprofit program, After Military Planning (AMP).

Reg# 398165

Fee: $315

No refund after 17 Aug.

M Online

Aug. 19 Sept. 1

Nagla Orlando M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction, William Howard Taft University; California Single Subject Teaching Credential in science, California State University, Long Beach: (CSULB); B.S. in health and human sciences, CSULB; College Counseling certification, University of California, San Diego. Ms. Orlando is a Certified Education Planner (CEP) from AICEP. Founder of Knowledge Worx 4 College, Inc.


For information about the TESOL Certificate, call (310) 825-4191, email or visit

EDUC 825

Introduction to the TESOL Program

1.0 CEUs

This course prepares the student for success in the TESOL Certificate and the TESOL Portfolio. The course is mandatory and must be taken first in the series. This course gives a clear overview of all that is expected to successfully complete the program. It reviews the entire program, including the scope of work, goals, requirements and port folio assignments in the four TESOL classes. Expectations for success and time frames are discussed. This course prepares students to save work from each course that will be compiled into a portfolio during the TESOL Practicum Portfolio course. The TESOL certificate is designed to balance current teaching theories and practical experi ence in second language acquisition instructional methods.

Reg# 397685

Fee: $125

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 July 7 7

Kris Lambert, M.A., UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2016

EDUC X 425.01

TESOL Methods:

Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking

5.0 units

This practical, online introduction for teachers of English to speakers of other languages (TESOL) presents techniques for teaching, listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to English as Second Language learners. Candidates learn to assess learner demands and understand the roles played by instructors of second language learners. Candi dates learn to identify learning objectives, formulate lesson plans, employ teaching strategies, select classroom materials and design assessments for English learners at all levels.

Prerequisite(s): Students have to complete EDUC 825 Introduction to the TESOL Program prior to taking any other course in the TESOL Certificate program.

Reg# 397696

Fee: $748

No refund after 12 July

M Online

July 8 Sept. 1

Please note that while late enrollment into a course is acceptable up to three days after the course start date, it is the responsibility of each student to acquire all required books and course materials by the time they are needed in the course. 7 & Kris Lambert, M.A., UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2016

EDUC X 425.03

Introduction to Linguistics for TESOL Educators:

English Grammar and Language

5.0 units

This online course offers an introduction to the history and construc tion of languages and to the basic linguistic concepts of learning a second language, such as grammar, pragmatics and syntax. Partici pants will improve their own (English) language mastery, gain insight into English in comparison with other languages, examine grammati cal categories and processes of other languages and discover the rich array of languages and language types spoken worldwide. Key topics include grammar, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics pragmatics (the speech setting: assumptions, body language, etc.), dialects (areal, social, professional, creole and pidgin languages), writing systems and computational linguistics.

Prerequisite(s): Students must complete EDUC 825 Introduction to the TESOL Program prior to taking any other course in the TESOL Certifi cate program.

Reg# 397689

Fee: $748

No refund after 12 July

M Online

July 8 Sept. 1

Please note that while late enrollment into a course is acceptable up to three days after the course start date, it is the responsibility of each student to acquire all required books and course materials by the time they are needed in the course. 7 Viktorija Lejko-Lacan, M.A., lecturer, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, UCLA; language and language development instructor.

EDUC X 425.05

TESOL Practicum Portfolio

2.0 units

Students must pass all four core courses with a “C” or better to be eligible for this course. This is the culminating course in the TESOL Certificate. The TESOL Practicum Portfolio integrates prior learning, assignments, lesson plans, and observations from the TESOL courses and provides students the opportunity to reflect and refine their teach ing practices. Students compile a professional digital portfolio that captures and highlights their best work from each course. The portfolio also includes the development of professional goals and a comprehen sive teaching philosophy. A taped video lesson and classroom observa tion for each course is included in the final portfolio, providing detailed evidence of teaching strengths. The completed portfolio supports students in job placement and interviews and tells the personal story of learning and growth throughout the TESOL program.

Reg# 397691

Fee: $250

No refund after 23 Aug. M Online

Aug. 19 Sept. 15

Students must pass all four core courses with a “C” or better, or be concurrently enrolled in the fourth core course, to be eligible for TESOL Practicum Portfolio. Please note that while late enrollment into a course is acceptable up to three days after the course start date, it is the responsibility of each student to acquire all required books and course materials by the time they are needed in the course. 7 Kris Lambert, M.A., UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2016

K-12 California Teacher Credentialing &


EDUC X 324.936

Methods of Teaching in Elementary Schools

4.0 units

Meets Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) requirement of a “course directly related to teaching in a self contained classroom, excluding the methods of teaching reading” for teachers who hold a Single Subject Teaching Credential and wish to obtain the Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential without completing the full professional preparation program. For details, visit cl621a.pdf This course provides a study of the objectives, selection, organization, and presentation of the subject matter of all elementary school subjects with the exception of reading. Teachers develop a repertoire of teaching strategies appropriate to the developmental characteristics and learning styles of elementary school children.

Reg# 397578

Fee: $775

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Credit students must log on to the course by the first week of class and fully participate in all sessions as outlined in the course syllabus. Enrollment limited; advance enrollment required. 7

Kris Lambert, M.A., UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2016

EDUC X 330.53

Single Subject Methods for Teaching K-12 Physical Education

4.0 units

The primary goal of this course is for each student to gain increased ability to effectively and efficiently teach K 12 physical education in pursuit of the added authorization credential. Students learn strategies for teaching California standards based physical education. Topics include curricular models, teaching styles, student and teacher assessment, class management and discipline, motivation and teach ing diverse learners.

Prerequisite(s): CA General Education Teaching Credential (Multiple Subject or Single Subject)

Reg# 397579

Fee: $775

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Ken Hansen, Ph.D.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Education 35
EDUC 847.1

EDUC X 330.54

Single Subject Methods for Teaching English

4.0 units

This course focuses on methodologies appropriate for facilitating English/language arts instruction at the middle and high school levels in a variety of classroom settings. As candidates for the Single Subject Credential in English, students in this course learn, practice and reflect on the specific pedagogical knowledge needed to teach English/ language arts to secondary students. We explore a variety of teaching strategies for organizing a secondary English/language arts curricu lum using the national standards of the Common Core. Teacher can didates discuss, plan, implement and assess appropriate instruction using current best practices for the effective teaching of English/ language arts. The course addresses various curricular areas of English/language arts, including the teaching of writing, reading comprehension and literature, language applications, grammar, speak ing applications and visual media, and how they can be effectively integrated into daily lesson planning while meeting Common Core Standards. Additionally, teacher candidates learn how to be reflective practitioners who regularly engage in classroom action research to improve their teaching.

Prerequisite(s): CA General Education Teaching Credential (Multiple Subject or Single Subject)

Reg# 397587

Fee: $775

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Aug. 18 7 & Jennifer DaCosta

EDUC X 330.56

Single Subject Methods for Teaching Social Science

4.0 units

This course is designed for credentialed teachers who are looking to add a certification in social studies to their credential. The primary goal of this course is for candidates to learn specific teaching strategies that are effective in supporting them to teach the state adopted academic content standards for students in history/social science (grades 7 12). The course is centered on developing an understanding of historical thinking and learning new methods to help secondary students think, read and write like historians. Participants in the course have an opportunity to design lessons and learning experiences that they can use to teach social studies, while also continuing to build their own understanding of what it means to learn social studies.

Prerequisite(s): CA General Education Teaching Credential (Multiple Subject or Single Subject)

Reg# 397589

Fee: $775

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Victoria Harvey, Ph.D., UC Santa Barbara

EDUC X 330.57


Subject Methods for Teaching Science

4.0 units

This course focuses on methodologies appropriate for facilitating science instruction at the middle and high school levels in a variety of classroom settings. As candidates for the added authorization Single Subject Credential in Science, students in this course learn, practice, and reflect on the specific pedagogical knowledge needed to teach science to secondary students. Teacher candidates learn specific teaching strategies that are effective in supporting them to teach the state adopted academic content standards for students in science (7 12). They learn strategies to balance the focus of instruction between science information, concepts, and principles. Additionally, teacher candidates learn how to be reflective practitioners who regu larly engage in classroom action research to improve their teaching. Specific topics include the use of scientific investigation, inquiry, and experimentation; cultural sensitivity in science instruction; measuring and recording scientific data; integration of mathematics in science instruction; laboratory safety; and integration of curriculum with real world applications and connections to careers in science.

Prerequisite(s): CA General Education Teaching Credential (Multiple Subject or Single Subject)

Reg# 397879

Fee: $775

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Enrollment limited; advance enrollment required. 7

Allison Leggett, Ed.D.

CLAD Through CTEL Certification

Enrollment in these courses is only for those who are seeking to obtain the CLAD-CTEL authorization on a CA teaching credential or are doing it for professional development. These courses are not part of the TESOL program.

EDUC 804.1

Introduction to the Study of Teaching

English Language Learners (CLAD Through CTEL Certificate)

0.5 CEUs

This orientation to the CLAD through CTEL Program gives applicants a clear understanding of the entire program, including its scope and goals, requirements, standards, procedures that affect competencies and field experience(s). This orientation is a prerequisite for all other CLAD through CTEL courses and includes formal application to the UCLA Extension program.

Prerequisite(s): Submitted application to UCLA Extension’s English Learner Added Authorization program.

Reg# 397590

Fee: $50

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 1

Discounts cannot be applied to fees for this course.

Enrollment in this course is only for those who are seeking to obtain the CLAD-CTEL authorization on a CA teaching credential or are doing it for professional development. This course is not part of the TESOL program. 7

Instructor to be announced Stephanie Schmier

EDUC X 426.2

Assessment of English Learners

3.0 units

Investigate the principles and design of standards based assessment and instruction for English language learners and their relationship to identifying students’ strengths and needs in English language/lit eracy development and academic achievement. Covers the roles, purposes, and types of formal and informal assessment that inform teachers in planning effective, differentiated instruction and monitor ing English learners’ progress with respect to a given standard and issues of norming, test reliability, validity, and cultural and linguistic biases with respect to children of diverse backgrounds.

Reg# 397592

Fee: $700

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Enrollment in this course is only for those who are seeking to obtain the CLAD-CTEL authorization on a CA teaching credential or are doing it for professional development. This course is not part of the TESOL program.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Kris Lambert M.A., UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2016

EDUC X 426.3

Foundations and Methods of English Language/ Literacy Development and Content Instruction

6.0 units

Fulfills English Language Learner requirement (Standard 12) for SB 2042 Preliminary Credential when taken with X 426.1. Please obtain the approval of your credential program advisor before enrolling to ensure that this course satisfies your credential program requirements. Explore current research based theories of second language acquisi tion and the differences between first and second language and lit eracy development. Topics include cognitive, linguistic, and socio cultural factors that affect language learning in children of diverse backgrounds; use of the California English Language Develop ment standards and the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) in instructional planning that promotes language development and academic achievement; and research based approaches and methods for English language development in listen ing, speaking, reading and writing as they relate to communicative competence. Learn to deliver comprehensible instruction to English learners with three instructional models: English Language Develop ment (ELD), Content based ELD and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE).

Reg# 397591

Fee: $900

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Aug. 18

Enrollment in this course is only for those who are seeking to obtain the CLAD-CTEL authorization on a CA teaching credential or are doing it for professional development. This course is not part of the TESOL program.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Brooke Howland, Ed.D.

EDUC X 426.9 CTEL Portfolio

1.0 units

The CTEL Portfolio brings together learning and field experiences from the other CTEL courses in a cohesive manner. Candidates collaborate with instructors from each course individually to determine an appropriate field assignment based on academic and professional interests and establish the material that should be included in the CTEL Portfolio. Although field assignments differ between candidates, everyone must complete a CTEL Portfolio that documents their experi ences, including organized reflections and evidence of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment is restricted to students who have com pleted EDUC 804.1, EDUC X 426, EDUC X 426.1, EDUC X 426.2 and EDUC X 426.3 and submitted an approved application to UCLA Extension’s English Learner Added Authorization program.

Reg# 397593

Fee: $225

No refund after 6 Sept.

M Online

Sept. 2 15

Enrollment in this course is only for those who are seeking to obtain the CLAD-CTEL authorization on a CA teaching credential or are doing it for professional development. This course is not part of the TESOL program. 7

Kris Lambert, M.A., UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award, 2016

36 Education Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971


Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering

Plumbing Systems Design

MECH&AE X 400.8

Plumbing Systems Design I: Code and Engineering Fundamentals

4.0 units

This course provides the basic engineering principles and reviews the plumbing codes behind the functioning of a plumbing system. The instructor will cover calculation techniques for the various systems, equipment selection guidelines, and an introduction to actual system design and cautions. Lecture material includes topics pertaining to sustainable and renewable plumbing systems and equipment. The NFPA fuel gas code will also be reviewed for design and application. Also covered are the subjects of alternate plumbing systems and alternate water sources for adequate domestic and process supply.

Reg# 398526

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

This online course will offer weekly live lectures via Zoom and the instructor will make recordings of these sessions available on a weekly basis. While not mandatory, it is highly recommended to participate in these live sessions of about one-hour duration. Students will be notified of the day and time through the course syllabus.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Daniel Murphy, P.E., L.E.E.D., C.I.P.E./C.P.D., C.B.C.P., C.F.P.S.; principal, Murphy Exports.

MECH&AE X 400.9

Plumbing Systems Design II: Advanced Engineering Systems & Applications

4.0 units

There is science and mathematics behind plumbing system design. This course covers these concepts and their applications. The instruc tor will review and analyze the equations related to horizontal sloping flow, vertical stack flow and pressure piping flow. Course material will also cover the private sewage disposal systems and design.

Prerequisite(s): A good grasp of fundamental mathematics and either completion (with a grade of “C” or better), or concurrent enrollment in MECH&AE X 400.8 Plumbing Systems Design I. RRR

Reg# 398527

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8

This online course will offer weekly live lectures via Zoom and the instructor will make recordings of these sessions available on a weekly basis. While not mandatory, it is highly recommended to participate in these live sessions of about one-hour duration. Students will be notified of the day and time through the course syllabus.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Daniel Murphy P.E., L.E.E.D., C.I.P.E./C.P.D., C.B.C.P., C.F.P.S.; principal, Murphy Exports.

MECH&AE X 400.14

High-Rise Building Plumbing Design

4.0 units

This course explores the subject of high rise building plumbing design, including the components and systems typically found in such build ings, but also some less traditional approaches. Topics studied include: sanitary waste and vent stacks, storm water, domestic cold water systems, hot water systems, hot water recirculation systems, building services/utilities, equipment, LEED and sustainability considerations, plumbing fixtures and others.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of Plumbing Systems Design I, Plumbing Systems Design II or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398528

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

David DeBord, FASPE, CPD, LEED AP BD+C, ARCSA AP, GPD; director of Plumbing and Fire Protection Engineering.

MECH&AE X 400.16

Fire Protection for Plumbing Engineers

4.0 units

This course provides engineers, designers, and contractors with a basic technical understanding and appreciation of fire protection systems, specifically automatic sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, fire pumps and water supplies. Students will develop an understand ing of design and installation practices of systems, calculation methods, installation standards, product evaluations and review and approval of fire protection design plans.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of Plumbing Systems Design I and Plumbing Systems Design II, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398529

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Douglas Nadeau B.S., M.S.; president, RAN Fire Protection Engineering

Engineering Review Courses


Professional Engineer (PE) Mechanical Exam


3.6 CEUs

The NCEES Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam verifies a required level of competency in a particular engineering discipline. This PE exam preparation course offers a thorough review of the majority of topics that will appear on the exam which are necessary to solve the exam problems. The main emphasis is on the thermal and fluids systems, and HVAC and refrigeration with the Machine Design and Materials details covered as needed. All the Exam Specifications will be reviewed so whatever PE Mechanical Exam module you choose, you will still benefit from this course. Topics covered include economic analysis, energy/mass balances, energy/power equipment, engineering science and mechanics, equipment and components, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, heating/cooling loads, joints and fasten ers, mass balance principles, material properties, power cycles, psy chrometrics, strength of materials, supportive knowledge, systems and components, thermodynamics and vibration.

Reg# 398504

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 June

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 4pm, July 6 Aug. 10

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: July 5.

Jan Swider, Ph.D., P.E.; managing director of Cogoto, Inc., an engineer ing consulting company.

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MECH&AE X 424.7

HVAC Design Fundamentals

4.0 units

In this course, students learn the basic engineering calculations and design rules of air conditioning systems. Available tools and software to design the HVAC system for a commercial building are introduced and used. The design rules taught in this course adhere to California codes and regulations, and the goal is for students to learn the steps needed for designing a sample project.

Prerequisite(s): High school math including algebra, geometry and calculus. High school physics including thermal energy and units conversion.

Reg# 398530

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June A Live Online 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Amir Saadat B.S., P.E., L.E.E.D.; senior project manager at MEDG International Inc.

Lean Six Sigma

For a complete certificate description visit

For information call (310) 825-4100 or email

MECH&AE X 428.69

Six Sigma Green Belt

4.0 units

The Six Sigma Management System is rocking the business world by helping organizations meet or exceed customer requirements through greater efficiency and profitability. “Sigma” is a statistical measurement term that indicates how far a given process deviates from perfection, and the highly disciplined Six Sigma process allows organizations to develop and deliver near perfect products and services. The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many defects exist in a process, you can systematically eliminate them and get as close to “zero defects” as possible. This course shows students how to identify and manage process improvement projects using the systematic, analytical Six Sigma approach. Topics include manage ment roles and responsibilities that support Six Sigma philosophy, specific analysis techniques that can be applied to a process, and inspiring case studies of company successes. Class exercises include simulations that demonstrate the application of tools and techniques. While our Lean Six Sigma courses are not ASQ certification test prep courses, we employ the same material used to prepare students for the certification exam. Our instructors are practitioners who teach students how to apply Lean and Six Sigma to any business sector. Student walk away with practical knowledge on how to create lasting change in their companies.

Reg# 398532

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Tony Oliver, B.A., M.B.A., P.M.P., R.M.P., C.S.M., C.S.S.G.B, C.C.M.P, A.C.M.P., S.S.L.P.; senior Manager with Aetna, a CVS Health Company.

Reg# 398531

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 30.

Nareg Tovmassian, B.S., P.M.P., A.C.P., Cisco C.C.D.A., C.S.E., C.X.F.S.; lead Business Process Consultant in the Document Management Shared Services group at Kaiser Permanente.

MECH&AE X 428.80

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt I

4.0 units

Lean Six Sigma helps organizations develop and deliver near perfect products and services in a more efficient way to both meet and exceed customer requirements and become more profitable. This course prepares students to fulfill the role of a Six Sigma Black Belt, providing technical guidance and mentoring to Green Belts, leadership and other team members. Subjects include strategic planning, measuring per formance, team development and understanding the customer. Completing both Lean Six Sigma Black Belt I and II provides students with practical knowledge to improve their organizations and excel in their careers. While our Lean Six Sigma courses are not ASQ certifica tion test prep courses, we employ the same material used to prepare students for the certification exam. Our instructors are practitioners who teach students how to apply Lean and Six Sigma to any business sector. Student walk away with practical knowledge on how to create lasting change in their companies.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of the UCLA Extension MECH&AE X 428.69 Six Sigma Green Belt, or a comparable Green Belt course from a recognized source and consent of instructor.

Reg# 398533

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

David Arvonio, D.M., M.B.A., M.P.A., Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt,, Inc.

MECH&AE X 428.90

Lean Six Sigma Black Belt II

4.0 units

For decades, the Lean and Six Sigma methodologies have been helping organizations meet and exceed customer requirements while becoming more efficient and profitable. Lean and Six Sigma help organizations develop and deliver near perfect products and services. Lean is a term developed by Toyota that focuses on the relentless pursuit of removing waste from business practices. The term “Sigma” is a statistical term that measures how far a given process deviates from perfection. The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many defects you have in a process, you can systematically determine how to eliminate them, getting as close to “zero defects” as possible. This course demonstrates advanced Lean and Six Sigma tools and tech niques. Students learn to document enterprise level processes, identify the steps necessary to implement a Lean Six Sigma system, as well as learn how to teach and mentor in the workplace. While our Lean Six Sigma courses are not ASQ certification test prep courses, we employ the same material used to prepare students for the certification exam. Our instructors are practitioners who teach students how to apply Lean and Six Sigma to any business sector. Student walk away with practical knowledge on how to create lasting change in their companies.

Reg# 398534

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

David Arvonio, D.M., M.B.A., M.P.A., Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt,, Inc.


Biotechnology Engineering

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Manufacturing Processes in Biotechnology

4.0 units

This course provides an overview of the major topics related to manu facturing processes for biotechnology. It covers introduction of bio pharmaceutical production, process development, product characterization, quality by design (QbD), risk management, quality assurance, process scale up and validation, manufacturing facility, biological drug regulations, process economy, outsourcing and vendor management and an overview of key topics. Students have the chance to play different roles and help to solve real problems in today’s bio pharmaceutical industry.

Reg# 398537

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Yuwei Wang, Ph.D., pharmaceutical science and pharmaceutical product development


Regulatory Affairs for Biotechnology

4.0 units

This course introduces and reviews the role of Regulatory Affairs (RA) in the biotechnology industry. The RA environment embraces the regu lations and standards governing product development, from its infancy through post approval monitoring. In today’s regulatory environment, products may be classified as biologics, drugs, medical devices or a combination of the former products. In most worldwide countries, each type of product is regulated by a different RA authority and often has its own distinct regulations. This course primarily focuses on the U.S. and the European Union (EU) regulatory processes (although other countries such as Canada and Japan are also briefly reviewed). Course topics include RA history, the various regulatory agencies, accessing RA information, drug submissions, biological submissions, Quality System Regulations (QSR), Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and EU and FDA inspections. Instruction also includes strategies to get prod ucts to market quickly and in a safe and efficacious fashion.

Reg# 398538

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Michael Colvin vice president, R&D, Syntilla Medical LLC


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Medical Device Engineering


Regulatory Affairs for Medical Devices

4.0 units

This engineering course is designed to introduce and review the role of Regulatory Affairs (RA) in the medical device industry. The RA environment embraces the regulations and standards governing product development, from its infancy through post approval monitor ing. In today’s regulatory environment, products may be classified as biologics, drugs, medical devices or a combination of the former products. In most worldwide countries, each type of product is regu lated by a different RA authority and often has its own distinct regula tions. This course primarily focuses on the U.S. and the European Union (EU) regulatory processes (although other countries such as Canada and Japan will be briefly reviewed). Course topics include RA history, the various regulatory agencies, accessing RA information, medical device submissions, Quality System Regulations (QSR), Good Labora tory Practices (GLP), Good Clinical Practice (GCP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), and EU and FDA inspections. It also includes strategies to get products to market quickly and in a safe and efficacious fashion. Required course in the Medical Device Engineering Certificate.

Reg# 398535

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Michael Colvin, vice president, R&D, Syntilla Medical LLC


Biomaterials and Biocompatibility

4.0 units

This course serves as an engineering introduction to the field of bio materials and biocompatibility, assuming some background in biology and organic chemistry. The first part of the class covers the structure and properties of materials used as biomaterials including ceramics, metals, synthetic polymers and natural materials. The structures, chemistry and surface morphology of these materials and how these factors ultimately define the biocompatibility of a material are reviewed. The second part of the course covers host reactions to biomaterials and emphasizes on common clinical applications of biomaterials. The process of material selection for biocompatibility is introduced with regards to body responses including cell and tissue interaction, immunological responses and toxicity and safety. Students are presented with problems of property characterization, failure analysis and performance testing. Design criteria, material selection, performance, property retention, stability and typical failure modes are presented.

Reg# 398536

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Bill Tawil B.S., Ph.D.; director of project management Abbott Medical Laboratories (a St Jude Medical Company).

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Construction Management

For a complete certificate description, visit

For information, call (310) 825-4100 or email

C&EE X 407.1

Fundamentals of Construction Management

4.0 units

This course covers the basic principles and responsibilities in con struction management, including interface requirements between real estate, leasing, legal, feasibility, finance, lending, marketing, accounting and public agencies; defining and controlling the scope of a project; and functions of the construction manager: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and managing the other team members. Other topics include management principles, estimating, scheduling, budgeting, purchasing, design, safety, insurance, construction techniques, labor and public relations.

Reg# 398506

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

A Live Online 2 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 & Sept. 9 Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Salih Eroglu Master of construction management; architect, UIA (International Union of Architects); project manager, Swinerton Builders.

Reg# 398507

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Evan Nishizu, M.S.; project manager.

Reg# 398505

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Diego Ramirez , B.S., M.S.; senior project manager for Morley Builders.

C&EE X 407.2

Construction Materials and Building Systems

4.0 units

This course studies construction materials, equipment, methods and regulatory influences. Topics include construction for site and civil work; seismic resistance; technology of basic building materials; interior and exterior finishes and plumbing, electrical and mechanical systems. Instruction discusses current developments in materials, systems and construction techniques in light of changing factors of production, regulatory constraints and current trends.

Reg# 398511

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Matt Pirayeh B.S., M.S.; President of Triangle DeCon Services, Inc.

Reg# 398831

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 6 9pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23

Ravi Pariah

Reg# 398510

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

John H. Gormley BA, FAIA; director of Design & Project Management at UCLA.

C&EE X 407.3

Construction Scheduling with Primavera® (P6) 4.0 units

This course presents an in depth study of the current systems and techniques applied in construction planning, scheduling, control and delay impact analysis. Instruction emphasizes the Critical Path Method approach to developing baseline schedules, progress measurement, earned value, integrated management systems and as planned versus as built analysis. The course also includes hands on computerized scheduling using Primavera Systems software.

Reg# 398513

Fee: $1,299

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online 11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Diego Ramirez B.S., M.S.; senior project manager for Morley Builders.

Reg# 398512

Fee: $1,299

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Graham Moore, B.S.; assistant project manager for Morley Builders.

C&EE X 407.4

Reading Construction Blueprint Drawings

4.0 units

From floor plans to elevations, sections, and details, this comprehen sive course provides a solid foundation for professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in blueprint reading. This introductory course in reading and analyzing architecture and construction documents provides the theory and practice to read complete sets of drawings used in building design and building construction. Students explore elements of architecture and construction document reading, from sheet characteristics and drawing symbols to reading specialty prints and construction specifications. Students develop skills in reading, visual perception, technical communication, and problem solving. Students are given a full set of construction project documents to work through typical problems commonly encountered by industry profes sionals. This course utilizes the PDF viewing and editing software, Bluebeam® to navigate construction documents.

Reg# 398514

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Evan Nishizu M.S.; project manager.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Engineering 39

C&EE X 407.5

Construction Cost and Estimating Using RSMeans® Data

4.0 units

This course provides an overview of the basic procedures for estimat ing general construction costs. While there is a range of cost estimat ing tools in the construction industry such as Procore®, this course focuses on using RSMeans® as the tool of choice for professional cost estimators and knowledgeable project managers. Topics include the preparation of quantity surveys (take offs) and the development of material, labor, and equipment costs, including pricing of contractor and subcontractor work from actual working drawings and specifica tions. The cost estimating skills you’ll learn using RSMeans®, the most widely used estimating app, will significantly reduce your learning curve with a wide range of other cost estimating software in the construction management industry.

Prerequisite(s): Completion of C&EE X 407.4 Reading Construction Blueprint Drawings course recommended, or familiarity with reading construction plans.

Reg# 398517

Fee: $1,099

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Molly McMillan B.S., M.S.; project manager for Tilden Coil Construc tors Inc.

Reg# 398515

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June X In Person 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Artin Mgrtichian, M.I.S.M., M.P.M., P.M.P., L.E.E.D. G.A.; project manager, MedMedia Group

Reg# 398516

Fee: $1,099

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Molly McMillan B.S., M.S.; project manager for Tilden Coil Construc tors Inc.

C&EE X 408.75

Legal Aspects of Construction Projects and Contracts

4.0 units

This course covers common construction law errors, basic contract and real estate principles in the construction context, contractor licensing and bidding. “Standard” construction industry documents also are examined, including AIA 201 general conditions, breach by owner, breach by contractor, construction claims and damages, war ranties and insurance, construction lending and deeds of trust, mechanics’ liens, bonds, stop notices, and litigation and arbitration.

Reg# 398518

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23

Mark Baker, J.D., attorney at law, Baker & Associates


X 412.5

Construction Site Project Management

4.0 units

The course addresses construction project management components from the contractor’s perspective, with an emphasis on publicly owned projects. You examine all facets of project management tools on the jobsite and the expected roles of the site management team (project managers, project/field engineers and superintendents), as well as all aspects of a typical, large sized project, from project planning to closeout. You also learn management skills and techniques to effec tively manage construction jobsite projects.

Prerequisite(s): C&EE X 407.2 Construction Materials and Building Systems or background in the industry.

Reg# 398519

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Tony Chemali M.S., vice president, construction management, CH2M HILL

C&EE X 412.16

Principles of Structural Analysis

4.0 units

In this course, students gain an understanding of the fundamental structural concepts that individuals working in construction manage ment need to have. This course provides an introduction to structural analysis and focuses on the classification of structural elements; analysis of statically determinate trusses, beams and frames; deflec tions in elementary structures and load calculations.

Prerequisite(s): Basic understanding of trigonometry.

Reg# 398520

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Ataa Aly , senior project engineer with San Diego International Airport

C&EE X 438.8

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

4.0 units

Green buildings embody a design intent on balancing environmental responsiveness and responsibility, resource efficiency, and cultural and community sensitivity. The course primarily focuses on the LEED Rating System, currently the centerpiece of the most innovative, effec tive aspects of green design. The course covers both versions of the rating system administered by USGBC, LEED 2009, and LEED v4. Topics range from sustainable principles, current sustainable design, and building practices to specific elements of the LEED rating system. This course benefits individuals who are very hands on in their role in the design and construction of a green building, as well as anyone with an interest in understanding the basic nuances of green building.

Reg# 398525

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

X In Person

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Dimitris Klapsis, LEED, AP; senior project manager.

C&EE X 438.9

Sustainable Energy Management

4.0 units

The OPEC oil embargo of 1973 was the first real wake up call about the U.S.’s dependence on imported energy and the consequences of unchecked energy usage. From that experience, many energy inten sive companies quickly saw the value of having a dedicated resource, often an Energy Manager, whose role was to minimize energy costs and ensure energy availability (i.e., make the company’s energy usage sustainable). Consequently, the term “sustainability” has long been part of the energy manager’s lexicon. Today, it isn’t just energy intensive companies that are interested in energy management. Concerns about climate change, energy security, and utility cost stabil ity have led to a tremendous increase in the role of energy manage ment across all sectors, and it is no longer the domain of just engineers but also business managers, contractors and many others. This course explores the role of energy management in providing a meaningful and financially viable sustainability program. Students who successfully complete the course take away a solid understanding of what energy management entails, key fundamental energy manage ment skills, and an overall level of knowledge enabling them to make meaningful contributions to discussions about energy management in regard to sustainability programs.

Reg# 396185

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Enrollment deadline: Mar. 31

Keith Warwick

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C&EE X 489.14

Electrical Design and Construction

4.0 units

As a specialty trade in the construction industry, electrical systems can be complex and confusing to the non expert. Students learn the the essentials of electrical systems for commercial construction with an overview of fundamentals, construction procedures, electrical equipment, electrical design and regulatory requirements. Instruction emphasizes the integration of electrical systems with project site development and related construction trades. This course covers the current requirements of the California Electrical Code and other build ing and construction regulations, as well as applicability to green building design and sustainability development. Topics also include electrical plan reading, single line diagram design, panel schedule design and load calculations.

Reg# 398521

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June X In Person 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12 No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Ronald Takiguchi, B.S., P.E., C.B.O.; Building Official for the City of Burbank.

C&EE X 489.16

Introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM)

4.0 units

This introductory course in Building Information Modeling (BIM) focuses on Autodesk’s Revit Architecture as a platform for learning key principles in the application of digital media in the design and docu mentation of building elements within a parametric environment. Fundamental training is provided so students can progress to more advanced design computation and its application in the construction industry. Through a series of lectures and exercises, this course explores basic BIM concepts that apply to all parametrically driven CAD systems. The software tool used in this course requires a Windows Operating System.

Reg# 398522

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 6 9pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Ramo Khem D.Arch.; LA Metro.

Reg# 398524

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Ataa Aly , senior project engineer with San Diego International Airport

Reg# 398523

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Ramo Khem D.Arch.; LA Metro.

Communication Systems


ENGR X 422.8

Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Applications of Communication Systems

4.0 units

DSP techniques for communication applications, such as cellular telephones, satellites, and audio/data/CD/video systems, are being revolutionized. This course discusses the technology, theory, practice, economic factors, and practical aspects of these and other commu nication applications and presents basic and advanced principles such as under/over/I&Q channel sampling, Nyquist criteria, aliasing, quantization noise, SNR, SFDN, dynamic range, linear systems, and z transforms. Students gain an understanding of practical aspects, such as ADCs, DACs, DSP chips, FPGAs, and ASICs, as well as multirate processing, decimation, interpolation, DFT, IDFT, FFT, and IFFTs. The course explores theoretical and practical aspects of adaptive, FIR, and IIR filtering. Students gain an understanding of DSP techniques for modulators, demodulators, equalization, and other communication components, as well as DDS and NCOs, BER, correlation, and eye patterns, etc. Instruction discusses polyphase filtering and techniques for channelization. The instructor in this course demonstrates the use of Matlab and other software tools for analysis, simulation, and problem solving. These tools are provided as part of the course fee as an option for student use and will not be part of the course grading criteria.

Reg# 398542

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

David Taggart, Ph.D.; senior engineering specialist, The Aerospace Corporation.

EC ENGR X 422.21

Fiber-Optic Communications

4.0 units

This course offers an introduction to fiber optic communication systems while developing practical tools to understand and design these systems. Instruction presents a broad range of topics in optical communications with emphasis on providing a practical perspective of these systems. Physical understanding of the components, along with the analytical tools learned during the course, prepares students for designing both analog and digital optical links. Students learn design trade offs in the practical implementation of these systems. The course covers propagation in single and multimode fibers, intermodal dispersion in multimode fibers, chromatic and waveguide dispersion in fibers, polarization mode dispersion and dispersion compensation techniques. Additional topics include optical transmit ters, such as LEDs, DFB lasers, and VCSELs and analysis of semicon ductor lasers with an emphasis on such characteristics as the modulation bandwidth, chirping, RIN noise and phase noise. Students also gain an understanding of optical detectors (PIN, APD) and optical modulators based on electro optic and electro absorption effects; optical amplifiers, such as EDFAs and semiconductor optical ampli fiers (SOAs); design of analog and digital optical links; DWDM sys tems; CATV systems; submarine fiber systems; applications of nonlinearities in optical fibers and optical switches. The instructor in this course demonstrates the use of Matlab and other software tools for analysis, simulation, and problem solving. These tools are provided as part of the course fee as an option for student use and will not be part of the course grading criteria.

Reg# 398541

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

David Taggart, Ph.D.; senior engineering specialist, The Aerospace Corporation.

Integrated Circuit Design

For a complete certificate description, visit engineering/certificates . For information, call (310) 825-4100 or email

EC ENGR X 457.57

CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design

4.0 units

This course covers the design of CMOS analog integrated circuits with a focus on theoretical and practical circuit analysis, as well as design techniques from system functional blocks and transitor level device physics. Fundamental concepts include CMOS devices emphasizing functionality limitations caused by short channel effects, single stage amplifiers, current mirrors, bandgap references and differential ampli fiers. Building upon these concepts, the course explores multi stage amplifiers, feedback, frequency response, stability, frequency com pensation and noise analysis. The course concludes with a design project, in which an operational amplifier is designed using two methods: the traditional square law technique and the gm/Id graphi cal method. Special emphasis is made throughout the course on understanding the effects of device parasitics and on developing device physics driven circuit analysis and design skills.

Prerequisite(s): Students should have a basic understanding of math ematical concepts.

Reg# 398539

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June



June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Cosmin Iorga, Ph.D.; senior principal engineer Analog Circuit Design at Rambus.

EC ENGR X 457.58

CMOS Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital Converter Design

4.0 units

The course begins with an overview of data conversion systems fol lowed by the analysis and design of basic building blocks of data converters: CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) sampling circuits, operational amplifiers, comparators and sample and hold architectures. With these fundamental concepts clarified, the course then continues with the basic principles of architectures of digital to analog converters, focusing on advantages, disadvantages and performance tradeoffs of various topologies. Following that, instruction covers basic types of analog to digital converters, focusing on design issues, sources of errors and performance improvement techniques. These include offset cancellation, digital correction and calibration techniques. The course concludes with a design project where participants apply their skills to design and characterize a simulated CMOS data converter circuit.

Reg# 398540

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Chaiyuth Chansungsan, Ph.D., electrical engineering, University of Washington; founder, SIdoctor Technologies.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Engineering 41

Technical Management

For a complete certificate description visit For more information email or call (310) 825-4100.

Blockchain Technology Management

MGMT X 413.4

Artificial Intelligence

Safety, Policy, and Ethics

4.0 units

This course is an introduction to the issues of Artificial Intelligence safety, policy, ethics, and the societal impacts of AI technology. Stu dents will engage with critical topics and participate in nuanced discussions on the ethical considerations and policy implications surrounding AI’s integration into various aspects of society.

Reg# 398786

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Scot Pansing

Contract Management

MGMT X 411.1

Types, Application and Structuring of Contracts

4.0 units

Contracts are the lifeblood of business and legal transactions. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, seasoned professional, or curious learner, understanding the nuances of contracts is para mount. In this immersive course, we unravel the complexities of contract law, dissect various contract types, explore real world applications, and master the art of structuring foolproof agreements. Through case studies and practical examples, students gain insight into structuring contracts effectively to mitigate risks and achieve desired outcomes. From fixed cost, time and material and cost reimbursable contracts and more, this course trains participants to enhance their contract literacy and negotiation prowess, deepen their understanding of contract terms and conditions, and shield ventures with robust contractual frameworks.

Reg# 398508

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Jeffrey Yost, M.B.A.; director of contracts, Intelligence Systems Division, Northrop Grumman Information Systems.

MGMT X 411.3

Legal Aspects of Commercial Contracting

4.0 units

Explore the legal landscape of commercial contracting, including contract performance, breach, and remedies. Understand key legal principles, regulations, best practices and their impact on contract management. Topics include contract formation, interpretation, per formance and termination, as well as risk allocation and dispute reso lution mechanisms. Through case studies and practical exercises, students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate legal complexities and mitigate legal risks in contract management.

Reg# 398509

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Lee Schuh B.A., J.D.; advisor to small businesses in finance, licensing and retirement planning.

Supply Chain Management

MGMT X 445.4

Supply Chain Analysis and Compliance

4.0 units

This course covers the duties and responsibilities associated with the purchasing analysis and compliance functions. Topics include price analysis, value analysis, life cycle cost considerations, system audits, regulatory compliance and ethics. Emphasis is on maintaining an approved procurement system and assuring that all contract and regulatory compliance requirements are met. Ethical issues associated with international and government procurements are reviewed. Instruction also covers the methods of proactively evaluating the supplier chain to identify opportunities for process improvements and cost reductions and to mitigate allegations of fraud, abuse and unethical behavior.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 445 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Manage ment or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398474

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Marek A Gwozdziowski, M.B.A.; contracts manager for Raytheon.

MGMT X 445.66

Technology and Cost Management in the Supply Chain

4.0 units

Many supply chain practitioners do a competent job of converting organizational requirements to purchase orders, sourcing and select ing suppliers and developing operational schedules. In today’s rapidly changing technological and financial environment, however, supply chain professionals need to do more. They need to understand the role that information technology plays in purchasing and, specifically, how to use enterprise resource planning (ERP), bar coding, electronic data interchange (EDI) and electronic commerce (e commerce). Employees in the supply chain need to evaluate suppliers’ capabilities by investigating their commitment to Six Sigma, statistical process control (SPC) and ability to maintain a quality system (ISO 9001). Supply chain professionals must also have a firm grasp on how their job duties affect organizational financial activities and be able to assess suppliers’ financial health. This course provides essential information that elevates a supply chain practitioner to the next level. Instruction assists them in assimilating new information in the areas of information technology, quality, logistics, inventory and financial management.

Reg# 398475

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Vincent Padilla, J.D.; contracts lead; Boeing.

MGMT X 445.68

Supply Chain Inventory Management

4.0 units

Managing inventory has been likened to a circus performer walking on a high wire 100 feet above the ground. The same balance is required to effectively manage inventory. If you increase it too much, you create excess inventory that upsets the organization, and if you decrease it too much, your customers will not be happy. As a supply chain practitioner, you can probably relate to this scenario. Managing inventory is all about maintaining a happy medium, and this course equips you with the knowledge to help achieve the right levels of inventory. Learn why there is such a controversy over the nature of inventory (if it’s good or bad), discover how you can eliminate the annual physical inventory through cycle counting, discover why accurate computer inventory balances do not mean much without sound procedures and effective physical inventory control practice, and learn how to scientifically set safety stock. Other topics include the relationship of Lean/Just In Time (JIT) to inventory, the benefits of the economic order quantity (EOQ) and economic production quantity (EPQ), the difference between independent and dependent demand, and how to use vendor managed inventory (VMI).

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 445 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Manage ment or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398476

Fee: $1,050

No refund after 29 Apr. to 30 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 23.

Tony Swaim, D.B.A., M.B.A., P.M.P., Certified Six Sigma Black Belt; principal, Tony Swaim & Associates.

Course Icons Provide Information At-a-Glance

X IN PERSON, page 1.


Technical requirements, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.



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42 Engineering Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971


Film & TV

For more information call (310) 825-9064, email , or visit

Business & Management of Entertainment

MGMT X 403.31

The Business of Entertainment

4.0 units

With the entertainment industry converging into a worldwide mass media, both business and operation models continue to rapidly evolve. This introductory course for producers, directors, writers, development personnel and aspiring media executives examines the changing business issues associated with the entertainment industry. Through lectures, discussions with industry guests and case studies, instruction focuses on current business and production issues and introduces new business models to navigate content onto new distribution platforms. Some history is highlighted to provide a context for current practices and potential. The course also features opportunities to meet senior entertainment industry executives in various sectors. Topics include financing, contracts, intellectual property issues, licensing, worldwide theatrical marketing and distribution, worldwide home entertainment marketing and distribution, worldwide television production and distri bution, multi channel network distribution and opportunities, the impact of piracy and leveraging new distribution platforms. By the end of the course, students should have an understanding of the opportuni ties available in the business of entertainment.

Reg# 398010

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 15 7

Vernon Mortensen , filmmaker and development executive. Mr. Mortensen wrote and produced the movies Army Dog and A Sierra Nevada Gunfight, and produced and directed the limited series Universal Dead, as well as the pilot for the new animated series Mars Bar He is in pre production on Dakota, starring Megan Fox.

Reg# 398025

Fee: $785

No refund after 10 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Internation Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jim Milio, award winning producer and director who has created more than 400 hours of TV for such networks as National Geographic (Dog Whisperer), Discovery Channel and CBS (Rescue 911). Mr. Milio has received three People’s Choice Awards and multiple Emmy and WGA nominations.

MGMT X 403.34

Entertainment Financing:

From First $ to Distribution of Profits

4.0 units

This course covers the financial aspects of each step of the motion picture value chain (from development through profit participation) and considers the implications of financial choices. Designed to give you a general understanding of how financial deals are structured, topics include how film financing is secured, connecting the produc tion budget to the financing, when a completion guarantor is required, and the various types of domestic and international distribution arrangements. You also learn about third party profit participation agreements and the practical aspects and procedures that underlie them; terms and definitions that impact bottom line considerations, including contingent compensation; distribution fees and expenses; the producer’s share of profit; distinctions between production, distri bution and marketing costs; and how these costs may significantly impact recoupment and profits.

Reg# 398021

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 15 7 & Jeanette B. Milio media financier and producer of over 45 television and theatrical projects with a production volume of more than $250 million to date. Ms. Milio’s content is successfully distributed by streamers, studios and networks worldwide including Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, HBO, Showtime, Discovery, TLC, Disney, Lionsgate, Sony Pictures, Warner Bros. and others.

Jim Milio award winning producer and director who has created more than 400 hours of TV for such networks as National Geographic (Dog Whisperer), Discovery Channel and CBS (Rescue 911). Mr. Milio has received three People’s Choice Awards and multiple Emmy and WGA nominations.

MGMT X 476.99

Marketing Entertainment: Strategies for the Global Marketplace

4.0 units

Today, marketing entertainment is a global enterprise, and motion pictures, television shows, streaming content and video games are the assets that drive expanding ancillary markets. How these proper ties are marketed determines their financial success and future. The instructor and a select number of the industry’s top marketing profes sionals address myriad issues on how entertainment content, includ ing feature films, gets marketed in today’s increasingly competitive market. Topics include creating brand centric franchise driven strate gies; positioning an entertainment property as a brand in popular culture; marketing and distribution strategies in a converging market place; secrets to creating compelling audio visual, social/digital and print advertising; the power of social media; the influence and use of research; and leveraging international strategies and new media promotional and licensing strategies to create valuable partnerships and revenue streams.

Reg# 398016

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 15 7 & Scott Edwards, Executive Vice President, Head of Creative Advertising at Fox Entertainment, where he oversees advertising for countless television shows, including 9-1-1, BH 90210, Empire Last Man Standing and The Masked Singer. Mr. Edwards also helped launch the shows 24: Live Another Day, Gotham and The X-Files

Reg# 398017

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7 & Scott Edwards, Executive Vice President, Head of Creative Advertising at Fox Entertainment, where he oversees advertising for countless television shows, including 9-1-1, BH 90210, Empire Last Man Standing and The Masked Singer. Mr. Edwards also helped launch the shows 24: Live Another Day, Gotham and The X-Files

For more information call (310) 825-9064.

MGMT X 403.01

Legal Primer for the Entertainment Business

4.0 units

This unique course explores key legal principles and contractual relationships within the film and television industry through a dynamic assortment of lectures and hands on workshops. You develop a core understanding of subjects including idea protection, copyright, defa mation, privacy and the right of publicity. In addition, you are exposed to key issues in manager agreements and in standard film and televi sion agreements, including literary option/purchase agreements, life rights agreements, collaboration agreements and talent employment agreements. The course concludes with exploring independent film finance and distribution deals. Through learning some essential “countermeasures” to use when reviewing such contracts, you are empowered in a way usually only reserved for elite talent lawyers and have a lot of fun in the process.

Reg# 398020

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 &

David Wienir, assistant general counsel at HarperCollins and head of business and legal affairs at HarperCollins Productions. Mr. Wienir is also the author of four books, including Amsterdam Exposed and Making It On Broadway He was a business affairs executive at United Talent Agency (UTA) and practiced law at two of the top entertainment law firms, representing clients such as Steven Spielberg and Madonna.

Reg# 398171

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Daniel Lifschitz, associate counsel at Johnson & Johnson, LLP, focus ing on entertainment, intellectual property and business litigation in music, film and television. Mr. Lifschitz has represented industry fig ures ranging from Quincy Jones to World Star Hip Hop and writes frequently in trade publications on major entertainment law issues.

MGMT X 404.2

Production Accounting for Film and Television

4.0 units

Responsible for maintaining financial controls and financial reporting of all production funds, the production accountant must provide timely and accurate reporting of the financial information that will enable the producers to maximize production values. This comprehensive course covers duties, including set up and oversight of all accounting functions (i.e., budgeting, cost reporting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, petty cash, purchase orders, BTL payroll, ATL payroll, per diem and banking) and knowledge of signatory guilds and unions. Other topics include related software; insurance; labor laws; and production tax credits, rebates and refunds. Guest speakers are included.

Prerequisite(s): Familiarity with basic production terminology and some accounting knowledge is helpful.

Reg# 398188

Fee: $785

No refund after 7 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 July 8; Aug. 19

UCLA: Dodd Hall

Saturday, 10am 5pm, July 13

UCLA: Dodd Hall

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 15 Aug. 12

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Live Online instruction.

This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes. 7

Aved Savoulian, audit manager and production accountant, NBC Universal Feature Pictures, who has has held previous positions at CBS Television and Fox Sports Networks

MGMT X 448.84

Copyright Law in the Entertainment Industry

4.0 units

What is intellectual property and how does it apply to the entertain ment industry? As the ownership of intellectual property continues to be the lifeblood of the industry and the source of income for many, this course answers these questions while providing a general over view of intellectual property rights with a focus on copyright law and its role in the film, music, and digital online industries, including such related areas as celebrity endorsements and branding. Specific topics covered include authorship and copyright ownership; fair use; how copyrights are licensed and controlled in the entertainment industry; copyright “mechanics,” such as registration and notice; copyright legislation and Congress; and duration of copyright. Also examined is the role of copyright in the entertainment industry and its interaction with other business and legal principles, key court cases and inter national copyright protection.

Reg# 398186

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Roxanne Castillo, an entertainment lawyer currently serving as Staff Counsel to the Film Musicians Secondary Markets Fund. Previously, Ms. Castillo served as an independent advisor and legal counsel to entertainment companies, including Endeavor Content and Viacom, on employment, labor and intellectual property matters.

MGMT X 403.34B

Advanced Entertainment Financing

4.0 units 3.3 CEUs

The Advanced Entertainment Financing Course covers the complexi ties of the entertainment industry’s financial landscape and provides a comprehensive understanding of contemporary funding sources. Students learn to apply advanced financial structures in support of profit optimization and risk mitigation. Advanced topics include craft ing revenue waterfalls, protecting and optimizing revenues, and the strategic art of Slate Financing. Participants gain insights into design ing production slates, formulating cash flow plans, and optimizing deal terms for multiple projects. The course culminates in a comprehensive exploration of project evaluation, including the crafting of compelling pitch decks. Participants take on the roles of acquisition executives and financiers, evaluating projects for commercial appeal and viability. Participants leave the class ready to strategically secure financing for their projects and pitch at film markets.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of MGMT X 403.34 Entertain ment Financing: From First $ to Distribution of Profits is required.

Reg# 398559

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Jeanette B. Milio, media financier and producer of over 45 television and theatrical projects with a production volume of more than $250 million to date. Ms. Milio’s content is successfully distributed by streamers, studios and networks worldwide including Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, HBO, Showtime, Discovery, TLC, Disney, Lionsgate, Sony Pictures, Warner Bros. and others.



Pre-Production and Production for Film and Television

4.0 units

This survey course presents an overview of the real world aspects of producing as practiced in the various sectors of filmed entertainment, from script development through pre production and production. Topics include the producer’s interface with the writer, director and other key personnel; pitching and selling ideas; script breakdown and scheduling; budgeting; and all the critical on the set issues facing the producer.

Reg# 398008

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15 7 & Amotz Zakai, partner, Echo Lake Productions. Mr. Zakai has worked on such projects as Tsotsi (Oscar winner, 2006), Water (Oscar nominated, 2007), Away from Her and Thirteen Conversations About One Thing .

Reg# 398022

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom 7

Bridget Terry, award winning producer and writer whose credits include Showtime film They, PBS documentary The Kennedys: America’s Emerald Kings, and projects for Netflix and NBC Universal. Ms. Terry formerly served as a showrunner at Showtime and is currently the owner of Chaise Lounge Productions.

Reg# 398204

Fee: $785

No refund after 10 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA: Dodd Hall

Internation Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes. 7 & Instructor to be announced

FILM TV X 478.13A

The Art of Line Producing 4.0 units

This comprehensive, step by step overview of physical production processes covers the tangible and intangible aspects of line produc ing, including budget; breakdown and scheduling; hiring and working with cast, director, staff, crew and outside vendors; choosing locations; equipment and music; how to deal with divergent personalities and specific problem solving during production; and the differences between producing a movie independently versus with a studio. The course also includes a comprehensive introduction to Movie Magic scheduling software. This is not an introduction to production course. Prerequisite(s): A basic knowledge of film production is highly recom mended. Students must purchase the latest version of Movie Magic Scheduling software. Further instruction will be provided in class.

Reg# 398018

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA: Haines Hall 7 & Nicole Layson, line producer and production manager on multiple feature films and television series, including Hitting the Breaks, Reborn and American Fighter. Ms. Layson has also produced numerous music videos, commercials, and shorts, many of which she developed.

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




44 Entertainment Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

MGMT X 403.61

Marketing and Distributing Independent Films

Across All Platforms

4.0 units

What are the considerations involved in financing, packaging, selling or acquiring a financially viable film? Producers, filmmakers and screenwriters learn what makes a project attractive to potential buy ers; study a variety of deal structures; and learn how to find domestic and overseas distribution for theatrical, television, streaming, DVD and alternative markets. You also gain knowledge on how to craft a market ing and distribution strategy from the earliest stages of project development. Topics include choosing materials, budget and casting; selling the film through festivals and markets; key buyers; evolving distribution outlets, such as Internet and cell phones; the roles of producer, marketing and sales executives, and executive producers; and an overview of film financing models.

Reg# 398167

Fee: $785

No refund after 30 June

M Online

June 26 Sept. 15 7 & Kevin Mardesich, writer, producer and marketer, who began his Hol lywood career running the Story Department at Oliver Stone’s develop ment company, Ixtlan. Mr. Mardesich helped execute corporate communications for Fox’s sports/entertainment cable channels. He currently runs, a communications practice for film, television and industry leaders helping each client tell their story.

FILM TV X 476.6

Low-Budget Filmmaking

4.0 units

In this detailed exploration of low budget filmmaking, learn techniques and theories examining all phases of the process, from development to production to post production. The focus is on translating a mini mum budget into maximum quality on screen. Topics include the script, financing the production, evaluating the marketplace, analyzing and breaking down the screenplay, learning to apply creativity to a budgetary plan to maximize on screen value, casting, selecting key production personnel, production design, music, editing, sound design, marketing and distribution. Throughout the class, you are able to apply concepts learned to your own projects.

Reg# 397940

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Kim Adelman, filmmaker who co produced the independent feature Just Friends and has produced 19 shorts that have played in more than 150 festivals, winning more than 30 awards. She has authored two film books, Making It Big in Shorts and The Ultimate Guide to Chick Flicks and currently writes for Indiewire

FILM TV X 478.733

Producing Documentaries

4.0 units

Learn about the opportunities available to the independent documen tary producer in this overview of the entire documentary production process, from idea through distribution. Emphasis is placed on today’s market for both television and theatrical one to two hour programs through screening and discussing examples of documentary genres. Lectures emphasize story, structure, and style and address related budget, financial, and technical aspects of television documentaries. Each participant conceives and drafts a written synopsis for a one hour television documentary with the option to independently produce a presentation video. Specialists with expertise in archival footage, interview techniques, location shooting, editing, and other areas are invited as guest lecturers, subject to availability.

Reg# 398203

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 July 9; Aug. 20 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 16 Aug. 13

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Live Online instruction.

This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes. 7 & Priscilla Gonzalez Sainz an experienced director, producer and editor. Ms. Gonzalez has worked as an independent film producer, primarily in documentaries and in television distribution. She has also been a film curator and strategist for independent film financing and distribution.

FILM TV X 479.088

Movie Magic Budgeting

2.0 units

For production managers, producers, corporate finance personnel and production accounting professionals, this course provides you with a practical understanding of the budgeting process, including how to use Movie Magic Budgeting, a budgeting software application. You prepare a movie of the week budget based on information that typi cally would be available during pre production, including a script, day out of days, one line schedule, shooting schedule, departmental budgets and other hypothetical parameters. This is not an introduction to production course.

Prerequisite(s): Students must purchase the latest version of Movie Magic Budgeting software.

Reg# 397871

Fee: $585

No refund after 23 June

A Live Online 6 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 4

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 31 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Remote instruction sessions begin July 17. Starting June 24, students may book online consultations with the instructor. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Lydia Cedrone, who has over 20 years of experience in the entertain ment industry; Ms. Cedrone has managed feature film financing at the Walt Disney Company, oversaw production at Michael Mann’s Forward Pass Inc., and produced her own films independently.


Building an Online Audience

4.0 units

In the Internet age, uploading your work to YouTube or Vimeo is imperative, and successful producers/directors/actors can now demonstrate a growing online audience. This course shows you how to create a public face and promotional platform for your creative content. Using relevant video platforms, social media, and available website creation tools, learn to present and promote your body of work. Instruction emphasizes group discussion and interaction, as you are encouraged to use each other’s sites and platforms in various assignments. Topics include identifying different audiences; basic video and audio production; mastering available video and audio; review of social media branding sites; creating an individual brand and brand messages; understanding design as it relates to presenta tion; audience building tools such as fan pages, tweet marketing, cross commenting strategies and “response to” uploading; responding to audience; and professional interaction. The course goal is to create an individual presentation plan across chosen platforms that is cri tiqued by your peers.

Reg# 398169

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Noemi Zeigler producer, director, screenwriter and comedian. Ms. Zeigler is an award winning screenwriter and the co producer and host of the web series, The Minx Mandate with Madeline Minx and Hot Flash AF. Her work has screened at top festivals including South by Southwest and the Ann Arbor Film Festival.



Post-Production for Film and Television

4.0 units

Emphasizing how new technologies continue to impact post produc tion, this course provides an overview of the post production pipeline from dailies through delivery. Class topics include a step by step overview of each stage of the process and building the post production team: editors, audio mixers, composers, sound designers, visual effects artists and post production management. The latest trends in post production are covered. Instruction may include guest speakers.

Reg# 398012

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15 7

Robert Scheid, Apple certified Final Cut Pro, Motion and DVD Studio Pro instructor; television producer; film and television editor and colorist.

Reg# 398198

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15 7

Barry Goch, accomplished feature film and television finishing editor with credits including Spiderman: Homecoming, Passengers, Money Monster, Eye in the Sky and Game of Thrones He is currently working on A Million Little Things (ABC) and recently finished a Netflix comedy special. Mr. Goch is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board and is West Coast Contributor for Post Perspective Reg# 398005

Fee: $785

No refund after 10 July

 Hybrid

11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Tyler Danna, filmmaker who has edited and produced content for Sony Pictures, Fox, Disney, Universal, Fremantle, Riot Games, Verizon and more. He offers training in editing software: Avid, Premiere and Final Cut Pro. He has also written pilots and feature screenplays for production companies.

FILM TV X 479.613

The Art and Craft of Film Editing

4.0 units

Editing is storytelling. Throughout the process, from first assembly to final delivery, editors are responsible for fulfilling the film’s potential through a full command of craft, as well as an aesthetic understanding of story, character and rhythm. By examining different editing styles, this course covers the elements of storytelling, performance, pace, emotion, action, continuity and time manipulation. Instruction includes lectures, discussion and viewing exercises. You also learn to select the most appropriate editing systems and technology by evaluating the limitations of budgets and time.

Reg# 398006

Fee: $785

No refund after 7 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Note that this is not a hands-on editing course.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Tyler Danna, filmmaker who has edited and produced content for Sony Pictures, Fox, Disney, Universal, Fremantle, Riot Games, Verizon and more. He offers training in editing software: Avid, Premiere and Final Cut Pro. He has also written pilots and feature screenplays for production companies.

Reg# 398013

Fee: $745

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Robert Scheid, Apple certified Final Cut Pro, Motion and DVD Studio Pro instructor; television producer; film and television editor and colorist.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Entertainment 45

FILM TV X 477.84

Introduction to Adobe Premiere

4.0 units

Adobe Premiere Pro is used by professionals across the spectrum of filmed entertainment, including feature films, music videos and docu mentaries. You learn how to use this powerful program, from simple editing techniques to more complex compositing, layering, tilting, motion graphics and sound design. Instruction includes illustrated lectures, demonstrations, discussion and class projects. Topics include starting a project, organization and subclipping, timeline and basic editing tools, editing audio, video effects, color correction and grading, titles and motion, exporting and posting online.

Prerequisite(s): You are required to have a working, current copy of Adobe Premiere Pro CC, as well as have video and audio files ready for use while learning Adobe Premiere Pro.

Reg# 398019

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

James Biddle award winning filmmaker and editor. Mr. Biddle is a certified professional instructor of Avid Media Composer, Adobe Pre miere and Final Cut Pro X. He is a senior lecturer at Grady College, University of Georgia and runs the Grady College Authorized Training Center for Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere.

Reg# 398200

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 Instructor to be announced

FILM TV X 478.314C

Color Correction for Film and Television

4.0 units

One of the last and most crucial steps of post production is color correction (the digital intermediate). This course will cover how color correction fits into the workflow of post, including discussion and workshops on how to complete a conform and the role of the Online Editor. The majority of the course will focus on the role of the Colorist, from a technical and aesthetic approach; examining how color cor rection can be used to enhance visual storytelling, and the tools used to achieve such results. Lastly, this course will also cover the role of the finishing editor in compiling deliverables, ranging from an online screener to a DCP (digital cinema package).

Reg# 398024

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Internation Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes. 7 & Jason Knutzen cinematographer on more than 30 narrative and documentary projects, professional colorist and expert in post pro duction workflows. Mr. Knutzen is currently an educational contributor to the Global Cinematography Institute in the areas of traditional, vir tual and digital cinematography.

FILM TV X 477.241B

Introduction to Visual Effects Creation

4.0 units

Gain an understanding of the creation of visual effects. Students break down the core disciplines involved in creating visual effects, including compositing, 3D animation, cloth simulations, tracking technology, rotoscoping, cleanplating, paint and stereoscopic. Other topics include performance capture, VFX supervision, studio pipelines, understanding color for VFX, virtual production and XR. Requirements for both film and TV are examined though lectures, exercises and industry guests who discuss their work on specific effects driven projects. Students also complete a short VFX sequence using Adobe After Effects.

Reg# 398208

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7 Instructor to be announced



Acting Techniques: The Fundamentals

4.0 units

In this introduction to acting, learn fundamental performance tech niques and exercises, including relaxation, concentration, sense memory, emotional recall, improvisation, character tasks and text analysis. You then apply these techniques by rehearsing and perform ing monologues and two character scenes. In class partner work and weekly assignments are required.

Reg# 397931

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Aug. 26

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Saturday, 2 5pm, July 27

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Lisa Chess, actor whose film credits include Frankie and Johnny Are Married, The Hollow and Separate Lives. Ms. Chess was a semi regular on the TV series Picket Fences and has guest starred on television shows such as The Practice, Family Law and The Division.


Acting for the Camera I

4.0 units

Learn to get comfortable in front of the lens. Exercises begin with on camera interviews so students can view their screen images in playback. Instruction focuses on understanding technical and emo tional adjustments required for working in front of the camera in a relaxed and truthful way and developing intimacy with the camera. Topics include the difference between frame sizes and learning to hit marks. Hone your acting techniques through scene study guidelines and sensory and moment to moment exercises, as well as monologue work. Some exercises are performed on camera with emphasis on close ups, simple scenes and basic camera moves. The instructor critiques individual students’ work during playback.

Reg# 398044

Fee: $785

No refund after 30 June

X In Person 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Students are recorded on camera during several sessions; those wishing to keep a copy of their work must bring a flash drive to each session.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

David Martel, actor, producer and writer. As a teen, he was cast on Nickelodeon’s hit series The Adventures of Pete & Pete and he has appeared on shows including Scrubs and Arrested Development Behind the camera, David has extensive experience in casting and has been on producing teams for FOX, VH1 and TLC.

THEATER X 407.78

Improvisation Techniques for the Actor: A Course in Spontaneity

4.0 units

Gain experiential understanding of improvisational acting and develop a strong improvisational perspective essential to scripted work. Through theater games and improvised scenes, develop tools to make you more trusting of your own impulses and more generous with your fellow actors. Learn to go for active choices to play at the top of your intelligence and at the service of the scene. Actors also experience that the best comedy comes out of listening and responding honestly, not “going for jokes.”

Reg# 398157

Fee: $785

No refund after 29 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Toni Attell , Emmy nominated actor, comedian and mime whose background includes a variety of work in theater, film, and television. Ms. Attell has opened for Jay Leno, Steve Martin and Robin Williams and has guest starred on numerous television dramas and sitcoms.

THEATER X 407.42

Inside Stanislavski: Applications for the Screen Actor

4.0 units

The great Russian actor, director, and teacher Konstantin Stanislavski had a method that combined physicality and spirituality when building a character as the shorter route to finding its inner life. Learn these practical techniques of Stanislavski to perform with confidence and depth. Exercises are supplemented with discussion of Stanislavski’s concepts, philosophy and ethics. Most modern acting methods are grounded in the Stanislavski system, and understanding the basics of this system helps the actor understand and study other acting tech niques. Topics include action vs. emotion, using imagination to create real emotions, relaxation and concentration, emotional memory, and building a character through physicality and voice. At the end of the course, you will have acquired techniques to learn how to deal with stage fright; how to approach a role and inhabit it from the initial research to the physical embodiment of the character; and how to avoid bad acting habits, such as faking emotion or overacting.

Reg# 398014

Fee: $785

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 5

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Saturday, 2 5pm, Aug. 10

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting July 4. 7

Eric Scott Gould, actor, director, screenwriter and producer. Mr. Gould has performed in more than 50 stage productions and has appeared in TV shows such as Curb Your Enthusiasm, Numb3rs, The District, Another World and recurred on Without A Trace for the first four seasons.


Performing in TV Commercials: Practices and Opportunities in the Field

4.0 units

Considering the lucrative field of TV commercials or seeking to improve your confidence in personal or business communications? In this course, participants take part in simulated, recorded auditions for both “slice of life” dialogue and “spokesperson” narrative. To help you attain confidence and awareness, taped performances are sen sitively directed and critiqued in class. This workshop provides a comprehensive overview of a commercial’s production so auditioning actors understand the through line of the process, from what advertis ers are looking for and the steps to get there. You learn best profes sional practices for successful audition techniques whether in person or self taped submissions as well as the elements of proper photog raphy, building a strong digital portfolio, agency representation and union membership.

Reg# 397883

Fee: $785

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 5

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Saturday, 2 5pm, July 20

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting July 4. Students record video exercises directly onto their own recording devices and submit files online. 7

Shelley Robertson , television and commercial actor who has appeared in commercials for products including Chase Bank, Xerox, McDonald’s, Walmart, Sears, Miralax, Geico, Facebook, Bayer Aspirin and DirecTV. She has guest starred on Bel-Air, Grey’s Anatomy, CSI:Vegas, NCIS: LA and New Orleans, The Rookie and many more.

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




46 Entertainment Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971


The Actor’s Tool Box: Creating Emotional Truth

4.0 units

Gain acting tools and techniques to help you create true to life char acters with emotional depth. In this workshop, you learn how to draw emotional material from an array of tools that are both external and internal to the actor. Those tools include sense memory, relaxation, imaging, voice and body work, and improvisation techniques. Sense memory involves reliving sensations experienced through your five senses and helps create a more truthful life for your character. Relax ation techniques help the actor loosen up and access sense memory. Imaging techniques involve the use of imaginary people or objects to access emotions, voice, and movement techniques to help sharpen your body as an instrument, and improvisation increases your capabil ity of being “in the moment.” All these tools are explored in a sup portive environment through weekly exercises. At the end of the class, you perform a scene or a monologue using the techniques explored throughout the class.

Reg# 398197

Fee: $785

No refund after 3 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, June 29 Aug. 24

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Saturday, 10am 5pm, Aug. 3 17

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. 7 Felix Pire actor, producer, writer and director, with featured roles in 12 Monkeys, Phat Girlz, Dear God and It’s My Party. On TV, he has been a series regular on Matt Waters and performed guest starring roles on Gideon’s Crossing, NYPD Blue, The Rerun Show and Prison Break.

FILM TV X 407.45

Acting Workshop: The Meisner Technique

4.0 units

Through improvisation and scene work, explore basic concepts of the Meisner approach to acting with a focus on creating and living in imaginary circumstances. Learn to work more independently, improve rehearsal and research skills, and strengthen vocal and movement skills.

Reg# 398050

Fee: $785

No refund after 29 June

X In Person 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Jeffrey Stubblefield, television, film, and theater actor with supporting roles in the features Ted 2, Nesting and Pedestrian. He also held recur ring roles in Good Trouble, Desperate Housewives Robert Townsend’s Diary of a Single Mom, Women’s Murder Club, Without a Trace, and The Practice, among others.


FILM TV X 478.283

Lighting for Emotional Impact

4.0 units

This course is designed to help you develop a stronger understanding of lighting for motion pictures. Through lectures, workshops, assign ments, and in class exercises, you learn about different lighting styles and techniques. Special emphasis is placed on lighting tailored spe cifically for the story and the emotional impact that lighting can have on the audience. The class focuses both on theory and practical application of the concepts presented. Throughout the course, visual references are discussed, and completed assignments and supervised exercises are screened and critiqued in class.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of FILM TV X 478.27A Introduc tion to Cinematography is strongly recommended.

Reg# 398199

Fee: $1,385

No refund after 7 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Weekend workshop to be arranged at a studio in Los Angeles. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Instructor to be announced

FILM TV X 479.302

Becoming Camera-Savvy: A Workshop for

Today’s Filmmakers

4.0 units

The camera is the essential tool of the filmmaker. This course prepares cinematographers and digital filmmakers to utilize the camera by employing an aesthetic and technical approach to projects. The essential technical aspects of how digital cinema cameras function are explored through lectures and practical application. Students participate in the testing and analysis of current digital cinema cam eras and become more familiar with their individual features as well as the differences between them.

Prerequisite(s): Successful completion of FILM TV X 478.27A Introduc tion to Cinematography is strongly recommended.

Reg# 398023

Fee: $999

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Jason Knutzen, cinematographer on more than 30 narrative and documentary projects, professional colorist and expert in post pro duction workflows. Mr. Knutzen is currently an educational contributor to the Global Cinematography Institute in the areas of traditional, vir tual and digital cinematography.


FILM TV X 475.44

Directing Actors for the Screen

4.0 units

If directors are the architects of film, then actors are the artisans of a collaborative team working together to realize a singular vision. Through discussions, exercises, casting sessions and the presenta tion of scenes, you analyze and apply the directorial skills required for a successful artistic collaboration with performers. You select one dramatic and one comic scene, then cast, rehearse and present the scenes in class. Topics include analyzing the script, the Method approach to acting, defining objectives, creating dramatic conflict and the elements of characterization. Actors for class scenes are selected during in class auditions, and final scenes are performed on camera.

Reg# 398383

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Tim Arvin, screenwriter and director who has worked in both feature films and new media. He has written films for major studios, including Sony Pictures, as well as independent production companies. He is currently developing a television series and multiple film projects.

Reg# 398384

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4 Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Nancy Hendrickson, director, actor, screenwriter and producer. She has acted in plays, TV shows and films. She wrote, directed and pro duced three award winning short films and an award winning web series, Boomers currently playing on Youtube and Amazon Prime. She has taught acting and directing at four other colleges.

FILM TV X 476.95

Directing Workshop I:

Composition and Movement

4.0 units

As the first hands on course in the directing series, you complete four short films using your own video camera. Instruction focuses on the basic building blocks of narrative filmmaking: the shot, mise en scene, concept, the actor, environment, sound and montage. Assignments explore aspects of visual expression through the use of composition, rhythm and point of view; moving from black and white/silent com positions to the use of color; non sync sound and editing. Your work is screened and critiqued by the instructor and class.

Prerequisite(s): Students must provide their own digital video camera and have access to editing equipment and software.

Reg# 398374

Fee: $785

No refund after 7 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom 7 &

Lori Balaban award winning filmmaker who has produced two fea tures and written and directed web series and shorts, including Irrelevant White Girl, The Dogstalker Die Un Ze Spat and Property Vets Ms. Balaban also created branded content for A+E, The Today Show, The Walking Dead and Ron Howard’s Rush

Reg# 398402

Fee: $785

No refund after 7 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7 & Instructor to be announced

FILM TV X 476.95B

Directing Workshop II: Storytelling

4.0 units

In the second part of the Directing Workshop series, participants complete short narrative films using their own digital video camera. Focusing on storytelling, instruction teaches participants how to apply the principles and essential elements of dramatic structure and character development to the filmmaking principles explored in X 476.95 Directing Workshop I: Composition and Movement. Through increasingly complex filmmaking assignments, participants discover how to combine key elements, such as casting, working with actors, shot selection, sync sound, and music to communicate the themes, conflict, and story arcs that create compelling narrative for a visual medium. Student work is screened and critiqued by the instructor and class.

Prerequisite(s): X 476.95 Directing Workshop I: Composition and Move ment or previous directing experience. Students must provide their own digital video camera and have access to editing equipment and software.

Reg# 398375

Fee: $785

No refund after 7 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Julyian Goldberger , screenwriter/director, WGA member, whose credits include The Hawk Is Dying starring Paul Giamatti and Michelle Williams and the critically acclaimed indie film trans. He has written scripts for Universal Studios and Lionsgate, as well as major producers including Marc Platt, Ted Hope and Ed Pressman.

Reg# 398377

Fee: $785

No refund after 7 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Bijon Imtiaz, award winning Bangladeshi writer, director and producer focusing on deeply personal, culturally specific yet universal stories that deal with South Asian identity. His features Kingdom of Clay Subjects (writer/director), and Live from Dhaka (producer), met with international success.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Entertainment 47

FILM TV X 476.12B

Advanced Filmmaking Workshop: Production and Post-Production

8.0 units

In this capstone course of the Directing Certificate program, you maximize your learning experience and improve your filmmaking skills through the creation of a short film that is screened for an invited audience after the end of the course. Having first developed your projects in the course X 476.23 Developing Your Short Film, you enter the workshop ready to begin pre production. Through lectures, demonstrations, and hands on exercises, you learn the techniques for translating your script into moving images, as well as the creative and physical requirements for directing a film. Topics include budget ing and production scheduling, casting actors and eliciting the best performance, collaborating with the crew, camera blocking, creating the shot list, visual composition, sound and editing. By mid class, you have the opportunity to put in practice all the producing and directo rial basics you have learned throughout the program as you shoot and edit your film with guidance from the instructor. Dailies are reviewed and critiqued in class. Running time with credits must not exceed 15 minutes.

Prerequisite(s): Enrollment is restricted to Directing Certificate stu dents who have successfully completed FILM TV X 476.23 Developing Your Short Film. Students with prior short film experience can enroll by consent of instructor, space permitting, and must submit a pro posed script for the class. All students must complete an application for approval to enroll.

Reg# 398379

Fee: $1,085

No refund after 8 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Students must have access to a video camera and editing equipment.

Refer to course syllabus for online session details. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Fernando Scarpa, award winning director. He has directed for the national Italian Television RaiUno and the German ZDF and SAT1. Alongside work in documentaries and film, he is developing projects based on his award winning short Doradus, his play Galileo 1610 and a feature The Book of Ronnie.

FILM TV X 476.39

Making Your First Short Film

4.0 units

Always wanted to make your own short film but thought you had no experience and no money? In this class for aspiring directors, writers, and producers, you use your own camera to learn how to write, pro duce, direct and edit a three to five minute short film. Emphasis is placed on maximizing the on screen value of the project using avail able resources. The first part of the class is devoted to understanding the pre production process, highlighting the role of the story, and providing an overview of affordable shooting equipment and editing technologies. You then develop and write your project, which is filmed outside of class. Instruction includes a primer on the fundamentals of shooting and directing actors, as well as the basics of editing and outputting assignments. The completed films are screened and dis cussed during the last class.

Prerequisite(s): Students must have access to a digital video camera and editing equipment and software.

Reg# 398380

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA: Dodd Hall

Students must have access to a camera and editing equipment. 7

Jessica Redish award winning director, writer and choreographer. Her short films have been shown around the world and distributed on major content platforms including She has also worked as a comedy writer for Michael Bay and Adam Goodman’s Invisible Narratives.

FILM TV X 476.581

The Language of Filmmaking

4.0 units

Designed for filmmakers who need to develop the necessary skills to make better films and viewers who want to better understand and appreciate the complexity of the cinematic text, this course outlines the many components of film language used by great directors to tell their stories in the most effective way. Through a wide selection of multime dia material including film and sound clips, pictures, articles and interviews you analyze shooting and editing techniques employed by the greatest filmmakers of all time. Topics range from functional usage of image composition and lighting to camera movements, editing and sound. The purpose of this course is to give clarity to the filmmaking process and to enhance the enjoyment of film viewing.

Reg# 397936

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Michael Green , has taught film studies and screenwriting for a decade. His film writing has appeared in Film International, Senses of Cinema Bright Lights Film Journal and The Journal of Film and Video, among others. He is also the co editor of Race in American Film: Voices and Visions that Shaped a Nation

Reg# 397905

Fee: $785

No refund after 10 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 5

UCLA: Haines Hall

Saturday, 2 5pm, Aug. 17

UCLA: Haines Hall

No meeting July 4. 7

Peter Hanson screenwriter, director, producer and educator. Among his credits are hundreds of print and online articles, three books on cinema, and films including the feature length documentary Tales from the Script , which features interviews with dozens of Hollywood screenwriters.

Film & TV Development

FILM TV X 476.22

Story Analysis for Film and Television

4.0 units

Designed for aspiring readers, development executives, producers and storytellers, this course offers a pragmatic, comprehensive overview of story analysis and the tools used by the professional reader. Throughout the course, you learn and practice coverage skills while gaining an understanding of the elements of story. Topics include various types of coverage, how to compose story notes, comparative coverage, charac ter breakdowns, treatments and outlines. Through weekly assignments, you are required to practice reading and writing for several formats and to deadline. In addition, the current job market and the various expecta tions of studios and independent producers are discussed. Upon completion of the course, you have written at least two pieces of full coverage that can be used as part of a professional portfolio or for auditioning for a job as a reader or an assistant.

Prerequisite(s): Strong English composition skills.

Reg# 398056

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. 7 &

Marla White development consultant for Sony International Television Networks through her company, Marla White Consulting. Ms. White has also served as the vice president of Development at Fedora Entertainment and Longbow Productions, where she contributed to the feature, A League of Their Own

Reg# 398058

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA: Dodd Hall 7

Marla White development consultant for Sony International Television Networks through her company, Marla White Consulting. Ms. White has also served as the vice president of Development at Fedora Entertainment and Longbow Productions, where she contributed to the feature, A League of Their Own

FILM TV X 476.244

Story Development Workshop:

Crafting Your Original Story

4.0 units

Producers, development executives, directors and writers gain practi cal experience adapting and developing their own stories for motion pictures, movies of the week and miniseries. Emphasis is placed on studying dramatic structure, learning techniques that strengthen character development and understanding the importance of collabo ration with writers. You are called upon to write development notes; compile directors/writers lists; and learn the difference between beat sheets, step outlines and story outlines. You also learn how to assess the marketplace by determining what network and studio executives are looking for, as well as the best way to quickly and effectively pitch an idea. You are welcome to submit written works in progress for in class critiques. At the end of the course, you have honed your storytell ing craft by writing original treatments based on your story outline developed in class.

Prerequisite(s): Good written communication skills. Previous training in story analysis is recommended but not required.

Reg# 397914

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Scott Agostoni, senior vice president of development and production and in house consultant at Dick Cook Studios. Mr. Agostoni also runs his own management and consulting practice. Previously, he was a motion picture and TV literary/graphic novel agent with WME and non scripted and alternative TV agent with WMA.

Reg# 398042

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Aug. 21

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg.

Saturday, 2 5pm, Aug. 3 10

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Guido Segal, screenwriter for international films and animated televi sion shows such as Kekzsakallu Zamba and Siesta He also produced and directed documentaries for the Discovery Channel. Mr. Segal served as a Jury Member at the Cannes Film Festival, and his work has been nominated for International Emmy awards.

FILM TV X 476.242

Understanding Genre:

How to Develop a Hollywood Classic

4.0 units

Producers, executives, writers and filmmakers all focus on story components that make for a good movie. Learn to identify the specific characteristics that define various film genres and how style, form, content, mood, camera work, lighting and pacing work together to fulfill expectations and deliver a satisfying cinematic experience. Each week, through lecture, discussion and film clips examining its visual language and its evolution over time, you break down and analyze one of the genres on which Hollywood thrives: action, drama, comedy and romantic comedy, fantasy and science fiction, the mystery thriller and horror. Instruction also covers an examination of each genre’s target audience and provides you with a common language with which to articulate and sell your ideas in the development process.

Reg# 398141

Fee: $785

No refund after 28 June

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 8 7 &

Thomas Shimanek, B.F.A. in film production from Chapman University, M.A. in career and technical education from Concordia University, M.A. in advanced film and media studies from Arizona State University. Mr. Shimanek has been a producer, director and camera operator for live, corporate events for over 20 years through his company, Iris Photog raphy and Video. As an educator, he has taught a variety of film courses and enjoys sharing his vast experience with the next generation.

Reg# 398092

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7 & Dr. Beverly Graf, vice president of Development, Abilene Pictures (Primal Fear Fallen, Frequency, Hart’s War, Fracture)

48 Entertainment Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

FILM TV X 476.243

Developing Your Short Film

4.0 units

Learn the development process as it relates to short films with the focus on developing a short film treatment, first draft and second draft. You gain an understanding of the basics of story structure and how the specific storytelling elements theme, plot, characters and dia logue work in synergy toward the goal of an effective short story. Topics include character development, creating realistic dialogue, discovering what you are driven to say through your story’s theme, and planning the scenes with a limited budget in mind. Lectures and exercises illustrated with film clips and readings emphasize the role of story, creating original characters and developing plot points for different genres of films. You submit your work in progress throughout the quarter for evaluation and feedback by the instructor and the class. At the end of the course, you have honed your idea and have a final short script or treatment ready for shooting.

Reg# 398385

Fee: $785

No refund after 24 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom 7 & Colin Francis Costello screenwriter, director and WGA East member whose credits include The Stream starring Rainn Wilson and Alternate Universe Mr. Costello’s TV credits include Lost n’ Found and Detectives Club. He has also written and directed award winning shorts, including The After Party and Dreamwisher.

Reg# 398404

Fee: $785

No refund after 24 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. 7 & Instructor to be announced

FILM TV X 479.482

Television Development:

From Idea to Small Screen

4.0 units

In today’s ever evolving TV business and market, figuring out how and where to sell your “product” can be confusing. Once you’ve settled on an idea, then what are the next steps? How do TV shows get “on the air?” Producers, development executives, directors and writers benefit from learning all about the development process for TV series, limited series and movies of the week. Course topics include how to give notes; how to create writer lists; how attachments such as showrun ners, producers, talent and directors affect your project; how to assess the TV marketplace by determining which networks/outlets are right for which projects; what you should include in your sizzle reel; and finally, how to effectively pitch your idea. The course goal is to equip you with the knowledge necessary to successfully go from an idea for a TV series to getting it sold.

Reg# 397939

Fee: $785

No refund after 10 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 2 5pm, July 20

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4. 7 &

Stephanie Varella, independent producer and former VP of Jerry Bruckheimer TV, who has worked on shows such as CSI, Without a Trace, Cold Case, Charmed and Seventh Heaven. She has developed shows with all the major studios and broadcast and cable networks, as well as the newer streaming outlets.


For more information call (310) 825-9064, email , or visit

Film Scoring

MUSC X 482.3

Bringing the Power of Music to Film: A Film Scoring Seminar

4.0 units

This seminar is for film composers, filmmakers and others interested in the subtle art of film scoring. It examines the crucial contribution music makes to narrative and emotional expression in film. Lectures and discussions, enhanced with film clips and recordings, cover such topics as great film themes and how melodies work in films; musical style, fashion and concept: what’s in and what’s out; love and sex in film music: what’s hot and what’s not; horror, suspense and how to scare people with music; comedy, emotion, and what makes us laugh and cry; songs and singing in movies: what the singer/songwriter can do; and a guest composers’ roundtable.

Reg# 398393

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 10pm, June 26 Aug. 21

Remote Classroom

Additional virtual field trip to be scheduled, subject to availability. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Charles Bernstein, Emmy award winning composer whose music is featured in Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds and Kill Bill, and who has scored A Nightmare on Elm Street, Cujo and The Entity. His television credits include Darwin’s Darkest Hour, Miss Ever’s Boys, and Drug Wars, among many others.

MUSC X 483.12

Writing and Scoring for Strings

4.0 units

This comprehensive workshop in writing music for the string fam ily violin, viola, cello and double bass takes a thorough look at the contemporary and historical use of the strings and their usage in both film and concert music composition. The film composers studied include Bernard Herrmann, John Williams, Thomas Newman, Michael Giacchino and Jerry Goldsmith. The concert composers include Johannes Brahms, Maurice Ravel, Leonard Bernstein, Edward Elgar, Igor Stravinsky and John Adams. The course examines how film composition has utilized concert music for specific techniques, as well as for inspiration. Many sessions feature one of the members of the string family, with top professionals from L.A. recording studios demonstrating their respective instruments and playing student compositions. The final project is the writing and subsequent record ing of a work for string quintet.

Prerequisite(s): The ability to read music, knowledge of music notation, and an understanding of the fundamentals of music theory.

Reg# 398394

Fee: $2,085

No refund after 9 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Burbank: Local 47 Musicians Union, 3220 Winona Ave

Discounts cannot be applied to a portion of fees for this course. Refer to course syllabus for online session details. Students on an F1 visa are required to attend In-Person sessions.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Instructor to be announced

MUSC X 403.53

Harmony II: Techniques for Composing Contemporary Music

4.0 units

In this course, you learn the techniques of twentieth/twenty first century harmony while also applying the theoretical concepts to your own compositions. You are exposed to a wide variety of modern era harmonic practices, starting with an introduction to the French Impressionists of the late nineteenth century and then moving forward to current trends of today. Instruction consists of three stages: estab lishing a foundation in contemporary harmonic techniques, studying the music scores of the great masters who demonstrate these tech niques, and creating your own compositions by emulating what you have learned. Harmonic concepts include: modality and tonal ambigu ity of the impressionists, total chromaticism, free atonality, serialism, bitonality, modern scales, pandiatonicism, tone clusters and sound mass, minimalism, neo romanticism and more. Scores studied include works by Debussy, Ravel, Schoenberg, Webern, Stravinsky, Ligeti, Penderecki, Reich, Adams, Glass, Part and Whitacre. Utilizing many of the concepts learned, you work on your own compositions and study scores that use many of these harmonic techniques.

Prerequisite(s): MUSC X 403.52 Harmony I: Crash Course in Composing for Tonal Music, or consent of the instructor.

Reg# 398401

Fee: $785

No refund after 12 July X In Person 11 mtgs

Saturday, 9:30am 12:30pm, June 29 Sept. 7

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Steve Rothstein, Ph.D., composer of numerous orchestral, choral and chamber works

MUSC X 448.171

The Business of Film Music

4.0 units

Focusing on the vital business skills needed to build and maintain your career as a film and television composer, this course features comprehensive coverage of current business and financial practices in the industry. You learn about the role of agents, managers and lawyers; making the most advantageous deal; the role performing rights organizations such as ASCAP, BMI and SESAC in the collection of public performance royalties; and the responsibilities and proce dures in collecting royalties for your work. You also gain an under standing of the difference in operating your business as a sole proprietor or as a corporation and in the legal issues surrounding composer contracts and liability. Brand building is an important component of a successful career: you study the philosophy of build ing your own brand as a film composer or as an assistant for another composer, and you explore the role of social media in the promotion of your brand. Collaboration issues are also discussed and include building your team and managing the work of others, communicating with your directors and producers, and working with contractors. Industry guest speakers share their expertise in these various areas and supplement extensive discussions and exercises.

Reg# 398389

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. 7

Brian Ralston award winning film/TV composer whose credits include the features Crooked Arrows and Being Rose, starring Cybil Shepherd and James Brolin, as well as additional music for season four of Angel. Mr. Ralston is one of the co hosts of SCOREcast, a popular industry insider podcast for film and TV composers.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Entertainment 49

MUSC X 483.2

Advanced Orchestration: Applied Techniques for the Studio and Scoring Stage

4.0 units

Building on what was learned in Instrumentation and Introduction to Orchestration, this course further explores the unique evocative capabilities of each of the five instrumental families and their relation ship within a symphony orchestra context. Examples of effective composition and orchestration techniques using both music for the concert hall and for film will be examined in detail. Students will apply these techniques in a series of assignments, and by composing two short pieces: one for brass quintet and the other for a studio orchestra comprising woodwinds, brass, percussion, harp and strings.

Prerequisite(s): Knowledge of music notation and theory, experience in music composition, and MUSC X 483.43 Instrumentation and Intro duction to Orchestration, or consent of instructor. Basic working knowledge of a music notation program such as Sibelius is highly recommended as students are required to produce and print music scores and instrumental parts for their assignments.

Reg# 398405

Fee: $2,039

No refund after 7 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Burbank: Local 47 Musicians Union, 3220 Winona Ave This course will meet weekly In Person at the Local 47 Musician’s Union. Recording Sessions will be In-Person at Recording Studios in Los Angeles.

In-Person recording sessions, schedule, and locations to be arranged. Students on an F1 visa are required to attend the In-Person sessions. Discounts cannot be applied to a portion of fees for this course. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Instructor to be announced

MUSC X 498

Advanced Film Scoring Workshop

4.0 units

This course will immerse you in the creative and logistical process of scoring a film. Topics include collaborating and communicating with directors, dealing with temp scores, learning how spotting sessions work, incorporating themes and variations, and overcoming creative roadblocks. In addition, you learn how to breathe life into your scores, how to find your voice and how to communicate beyond the notes on the page when working with live ensembles. Instruction includes the opportunity to record your cues in a professional recording studio with live musicians.

Prerequisite(s): MUSC X 449.41 Recording, Editing, and Mixing Tech niques for Film Composers and MUSC X 483.1 Film Scoring on a Budget, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398398

Fee: $2,039

No refund after 10 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27

Burbank: Local 47 Musicians Union, 3220 Winona Ave Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 5 Remote Classroom

Thursday, 7 10pm, Sept. 12

Burbank: Local 47 Musicians Union, 3220 Winona Ave This course will meet via Zoom as well as In-Person (location to be announced). Recording sessions will be held at recording studios in the Los Angeles area.

In-Person recording sessions, schedule and locations to be announced.

Discounts cannot be applied to a portion of fees for this course. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

James Venable, whose feature film credits include Venom, Scary Movie 5, Eurotrip and Supercon. His score for Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends earned him an Emmy nomination and an Annie Award, his third of four. Mr. Venable is also known for his scores in animated television shows Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Jack and Clarence

MUSC X 484.931

Put Your Music to Work: Composition for Commercials

4.0 units

Thousands of TV commercials are produced and scored every year, and the advertising business is always looking for something fresh, new and different. In this online course, composers fine tune their musical skills to become more precise and focused composers. Each week, participants are given a different commercial video to score, as well as a second writing assignment that is music only. The latter assignment is to build up the student’s own library of music. Assign ments are constructively critiqued by the instructor with specific detailed feedback on what improvements are advised to make the music fit the commercial requirements and stand out in a sea of competitive resources. At the end of the course, students who com pleted the course have a compilation of their work to be used for their own promotion at their website or online viewing portal. Topics include concepts of advertising techniques, styles of scoring, the ad formula, self promotion, standard business practices and how to deal with competitive demos.

Prerequisite(s): Students must be able to receive Quicktime files, record and/or edit their own music, and send MP3s via the Internet. Students who are not proficient in composing and producing their own cues may submit music samples or loop composites created in programs such as GarageBand, Reason and Acid.

Reg# 398387

Fee: $785

No refund after 7 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. This course includes 5 synchronous class meetings via Zoom and 6 In-Person meetings in the classroom. Refer to course syllabus for online session details. Attending the first class is highly recommended, but materials are available online for students who are traveling or are unable to attend.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Liz Myers, vice president, Trivers/Myers Music; composer and pianist for commercials and films who won a Clio Award for the arrangement of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue created for United Airlines. Co com poser of the theme for the CBS Evening News with Scott Pelley.

Music Business

MUSC X 446.2

A&R: Making Music from Acquisition to Release

4.0 units

A definitive analysis of the functions of the A&R professional, this course stresses the collective effort needed from all departments art ist and label in the creation of recorded music in all format from creation to acquisition and release. Topics include new artist acquisi tion; record deals; the role of the producer; working with personal managers and booking agents; the role of social media from the artist and executive perspectives; A&R and sync strategies; independent touring; the current local music scene; specific A&R approaches for urban music, EDM, singer/songwriter, alternative and indie music; how to attract interest from major and independent labels without com promising artistic integrity; paths to A&R career positions; and analy sis of how recently signed artists got their first contracts. Guest speakers include recording artists, producers, managers, record company executives and A&R personnel.

Reg# 398390

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA: Bunche Hall 7

Justin Paul artist, label developer, charting music producer and DJ performing at concerts, festivals and special events around the world. He recently became the head of A&R for Underground Sun Music.

MUSC X 448.86

Touring, Tour Budgeting and Merchandising

4.0 units

Discover the fundamental aspects of the concert touring industry. This course guides students through the entire touring process, from planning to settling live performances. Participants gain an understanding of dif ferent tour revenue streams, such as ticket sales, sponsorship income and merchandising. Students also learn how to maximize tour profits through effective marketing, promotion, budgeting and monitoring. Instruction includes lectures, industry guest speakers and discussion.


Reg# 398395 Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July

X In Person 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA: Dodd Hall 7 &

Justin Paul, artist, label developer, charting music producer and DJ performing at concerts, festivals and special events around the world. He recently became the head of A&R for Underground Sun Music.

MUSC X 448.35

Legal and Practical Aspects of the Music Business

4.0 units

Whether you are an artist, manager, lawyer, accountant, music indus try executive, producer, songwriter, music publisher, or work for a digital service provider or other digital media company, this course is essential to understanding the various ways in which rights are exploited and monetized and how revenue is generated in the music business. In addition, the critical topics of building your artist’s brand as a business, along with the necessity of ancillary revenue streams outside of music and the cutting edge deals dealt with in the digital space, are all covered. Also examined are arrangements between record companies and artists; production deals, producer agreements, and other legal and business issues that arise in the recording studio; trademark and rights of publicity; agreements relating to the artist’s team of advisors; topics and agreements relating to music publishing rights; monetizing and understanding the differences between sub scription and ad supported services, as well as other digital media opportunities; and fans, brands, social networking sites, and cultural communities as they affect music, copyrights, and merchandising in a global music market. Discussions on current events relating to the ever changing tides of the music industry, including the ongoing legislative developments in Washington, D.C. affecting copyright reform and their impact on the future of the business are also woven into lectures throughout the course.

Reg# 398400

Fee: $745

No refund after 10 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA: Dodd Hall 7 &

Josh Karp, partner in the music department of Myman Greenspan Fox Rosenberg Mobasser Younger & Light, LLP, where he advises and counsels recording artists, record producers, artist managers, record labels and songwriters regarding legal and business transactions within the entertainment industry.

MUSC X 449.2

Music Licensing: Turning Talent into Dollars 4.0 units

In today’s rapidly evolving music industry, licensing stands out as one of the most stable ways to make money. Turning your talent into dollars and cents requires an understanding of how the licensing process works. This introductory course for entertainers, songwriters, producers, managers, music supervisors and music industry execu tives examines the business issues associated with licensing rights in the music industry. Through lectures, case studies and discussions with notable industry guests, instruction focuses on the business and legal aspects of licensing. Topics include detailed examination of the various types of licenses that apply to the music industry, rights and clearance issues, applicable terms from publishing and record deals, typical representation arrangements, and negotiation and networking strategies. By the end of the course, students understand how to make the most of the myriad licensing opportunities available in the music business and how to avoid problems associated with those opportunities.

Reg# 398388

Fee: $785

No refund after 7 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom 7

Mukhaye Nangalama, senior licensing manager in Content Partner ships, Creative Licensing and Publishing Strategy at SiriusXM + Pan dora where she secures and maintains music publisher and Performance Right Organization Agreements. Previously, she worked in music licensing at Interscope Geffen A&M Records and SAG AFTRA.

50 Entertainment Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

Music Production

MUSC X 448.6

The Record Production Process: Professional Practices

4.0 units

This course provides an overview of the role of the record producer and their responsibility through all the stages of making a record: pre production, recording, overdubs, editing, mixing and mastering. Topics include how to use appropriate terminology to communicate effectively with the various members of the production team, sharpen ing your listening skills so you can incorporate specific elements into your own production, producing for a specific artist’s genre of music and how to get the best performance from the artist, how producing a band is different from a solo artist and how to budget for record production. You also learn arrangement techniques, as well as key vocal production techniques for main and background vocals. Dis cover the difference between producing a mix and engineering a mix, as well as the different style of mixes that are needed before going into the mastering phase of a project. At the end of the course, you have gained musical, emotional, performance and arrangement techniques designed to make your music more compelling.

Reg# 398391

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Students will need to have access to the DAW of their choice. Examples include free options such as GarageBand and Reaper as well as “pro” software like Pro Tools, Logic and Ableton Live. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Joe Corcoran, a producer, engineer, composer and musician who has contributed to platinum and gold records by Korn, Dave Matthews Band, Michael Jackson and others. Mr. Corcoran also produced and mixed the world’s first commercial music recording from outer space, Chris Hadfield’s “Space Oddity.”

MUSC X 451

Entrepreneurship for the Indie Artist

4.0 units

Record low album sales, industry lay offs and ever evolving changes in technology can be disheartening for the aspiring artist looking to break into the business, but nothing could be further from the truth! There’s never been a better time to be a do it yourself artist, and this course gives you the tools to assess what you can do yourself (and how) and when you should bring in the professionals. Many musicians record and market their own music, but only a handful actually monetize those efforts. Learn the importance of establishing a brand and how to harness the power of the Internet to generate awareness and excitement around your music. Topics include creating a business plan for yourself and your brand, forming a marketing campaign, deciding on distribution options, optimizing sales through targeted use of social media tracking tools, building a fan base through gigging and merchandise, publishing and licensing, and the latest develop ments in promotion all on a shoestring budget. Instruction features guest speakers, who work in various facets of the industry, to bring real world perspective to the topics.

Reg# 398396

Fee: $785

No refund after 9 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Students on an F1 Visa are required to attend all In-Person meetings. 7 & Instructor to be announced

X In Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.

MUSC X 401.5

Elements of Hit Songwriting

4.0 units

Designed for both musicians and lyricists, this hands on introduction to the craft of songwriting focuses on collaboration and teaches a step by step method for writing a professional quality song. Instruc tion emphasizes the elements that make up a successful song and the completion of a demo in preparation for a marketable product. You gain an understanding of all aspects of hit songwriting from structure to groove, covering the different approaches for writing rock, pop, alternative, blues, R&B, hip hop and country. You practice creating and developing a hook, learn where to place it, how to set it up and how to exploit it within different types of song structure. Discussion includes a wide variety of guests from the industry, such as A&R/ record companies, music supervisors, record producers, and film and television executives.

Reg# 398392

Fee: $785

No refund after 8 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7

Jameel Roberts a platinum selling producer, songwriter, composer/ arranger and instrumentalist. His songwriting and arranging were featured on Ariana Grande’s Grammy® nominated Album of The Year, Thank U, Next Mr. Roberts also co produced and wrote “Good Kisser” for Usher, garnering a Grammy® nomination for Best R&B song.

MUSC X 480

Introduction to Logic Pro

4.0 units

Logic Pro is a professional music production program that combines composition, notation and audio production facilities. Of interest to songwriters, composers, audio producers and audio engineers, this course introduces you to the primary features and basic user interface of Logic Pro. Using your own Mac, you walk through the process of creating an actual song from recording; producing a Virtual Drum track; editing audio with Flex Time, Pitch and Smart Tempo; and recording/editing/arranging of MIDI sequences and Apple Live Loops to digital effects processing, sampling, Logic remote, Step Sequencing and Remix FX also using iPhone/iPad, automation and mixing. Prerequisite(s): Basic computer skills and basic audio technology concepts. Students must have access to their own Mac computer with a minimum of 15 GB of free space, a power adapter and Logic Pro (10.5 and above installed and fully updated); audio interface/mic/midi keyboard/controllers and smart devices are optional but highly recommended.

Reg# 398407

Fee: $785

No refund after 5 July

M Online

July 1 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Maurizio OttO De Togni, composer for commercials and TV, music/ sound editor and producer. Mr. De Togni is an Apple Certified master trainer in Logic Pro and an Avid Certified Pro Tools Expert instructor. His clients include Paramount Pictures, Maroon 5’s James Valentine and Jesse Carmichael.

MUSC X 479.12

Introduction to Pro Tools

4.0 units

Ideal for those who have recently started with Pro Tools and have been working with the system for less than one year or long time users looking to familiarize themselves with the latest updates. Learn the foundational skills and working knowledge needed to perform basic Pro Tools operations, and begin your own projects or interface with others using Pro Tools. Topics include system capabilities, navigation and display basics, understanding the edit and mix windows, making your first audio recording (music/voice over), making selections and playing audio, using the editing modes and tools, importing audio and video files, using fades, managing audio clips, elastic audio, making beats, basic mixing concepts, introduction to Real Time plug ins and an introduction to MIDI within Pro Tools.

Prerequisite(s): Basic computer skills and basic audio technology concepts. Students must have access to their own Mac or PC laptop with a minimum of 15 GB of free space, a power adapter, and Pro Tools 2022 (PT V.12 or later may be allowed too installed and fully updated); audio interface/mic/midi keyboard and smart devices are optional but highly recommended.

Reg# 398406

Fee: $785

No refund after 5 July M Online

July 1 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. 7 & Maurizio OttO De Togni composer for commercials and TV, music/ sound editor and producer. Mr. De Togni is an Apple Certified master trainer in Logic Pro and an Avid Certified Pro Tools Expert instructor. His clients include Paramount Pictures, Maroon 5’s James Valentine and Jesse Carmichael.

MUSC X 441.3

Audio Recording Theory

4.0 units

Specifically tailored to independent artists, this course presents a practical and effective introduction to the theory, art and craft of sound recording. Instruction covers the basics of audio, acoustics and electronics, as well as the theory and operation of the most commonly used signal processors, audio consoles, monitor loudspeakers and microphones and their application to the digital audio workstation production process.

Reg# 398399

Fee: $785 7

No refund after 10 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA: Bunche Hall

Michael Vail Blum award winning producer/music engineer. Mr. Blum engineered several LPs for Madonna and worked with artists such as Pink Floyd, Bryan Ferry and Kenny Loggins. He produced platinum artist Anastacia in his own Titan Recording Studio and discovered, recorded and produced Kelly Clarkson.

A Live Online

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7 Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Entertainment 51
For extensive
information visit


Sustainability & Environmental Studies

For more information call (310) 825-7093 or visit


Principles of Sustainability I: Introduction

4.0 units

This introductory survey lays the foundation for the study of global sustainability. With universal principles as a broad framework, this course provides a basic understanding of environmental systems and the interrelationship and effect of humans upon the environment. Topics include a historical overview of sustainability and the current problems and issues, an overview of earth’s physical and biological systems and the impact of environmental issues like climate change on these systems, an examination of environmental and urban issues and strategies, and tools to investigate and analyze sustainable environmental practices.

Reg# 397702

Fee: $750

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in Sustainability Certificate.

Enrollment deadline: June 28. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Nurit Katz M.B.A., M.P.P., chief sustainability officer, UCLA

MGMT X 401

Principles of Sustainability II: Current Issues and Case Studies

4.0 units

Gain a broad exposure and intimate knowledge of the business aspects of sustainability through real world business case studies. Key elements of this course include identifying practical tools, measur ing performance and reviewing best practices. Upon completion, you have an understanding of the challenging and often competing interests between businesses and the regulatory, social and techno logical efforts occurring globally.

Prerequisite(s): ENVIRON X 400: Principles of Sustainability I: Introduc tion. If you are currently enrolled in ENVIRON X 400, you will receive conditional permission to enroll but you must receive a grade of “C” or better in ENVIRON X 400 to continue the series.

Reg# 397706

Fee: $750

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in Sustainability Certificate. Restricted course. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7

Katherine Markova

Principles of Sustainability III: Stakeholders and Engaging Communities

4.0 units

This course focuses on the social aspect of sustainability, which at its core is about human well being. The emphasis is on behaviors and characteristics of the individual as well as the larger group and com munity influences that help shape and transform the individual into a sustainable global citizen. Topics include psychosocial and socio cul tural behaviors affecting beliefs, change and decision making; potential effects of sustainable action vs. inaction; pathways toward sustainable education and awareness; advocacy and activism; and the ethics of sustainability efforts across nations, including future opportunities and challenges. Upon completing this course, students have a preparatory knowledge and understanding of individual and group roles in global sustainability; the interconnectedness and necessity of collaboration between social, economic and ecological responsibilities; and the importance of advocacy and the media in raising and maintaining awareness of global sustainability and citizenry.

Prerequisite(s): ENVIRON X 400: Principles of Sustainability I: Introduc tion. If you are currently enrolled in ENVIRON X 400, you will receive conditional permission to enroll but you must receive a grade of “C” or better in ENVIRON X 400 to continue the series.

Reg# 397703

Fee: $750

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in Sustainability Certificate. Restricted course. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7 & Instructor to be announced

Victoria Charles M.S., LEED Green Association Accreditation, founder of the Climate Action Leadership Program


Earth’s Physical Environment

5.0 units

This course examines the Earth’s physical environment, with particular reference to the nature and distribution of landforms and climate and their significance to human populations. Instruction covers the major features of the Earth’s four environmental geospheres (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere) and the interactions between the numerous variables that constitute the geospheres and produce the Earth’s exceedingly complex physical environment. Transferrable for UC Credit.

Reg# 397705

Fee: $845

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in Environmental Studies Certificate. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7 &

Chelsea Stiekman, PhD, founder and executive director


Environmental Sociology

4.0 units

This course focuses on such issues as environment and health, disaster, the ecosystem, environmental policy, sustainability, environ mental justice, environmental risk, globalization, ecofeminism, envi ronmental attitudes and behaviors, the social construction of nature and several strands of the environmental movement.

Reg# 397704

Fee: $800

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7

Terri L. Anderson Ph.D., lecturer, sociology, UCLA

MGMT X 403


Social Impact

4.0 units

This course offers an introduction to social impact strategy and social entrepreneurship, including key concepts, an overview of the field, and tools to get started as a change maker. Students learn how to innovate and design new ideas and new organizational forms to implement those ideas. Students who take this course are better prepared to evaluate current organizations and/or launch social impact organizations of their own invention. By moving through four stages: Define, Design, Pilot and Scale, students turn their passion for changing the world into concrete plans for launching a venture designed to achieve a social goal. This course allows students to systematically think through challenges, develop potential solutions, build a business model and measure and grow the venture’s impact. Additional topics include an overview of effective marketing com munications, brand management and management of corporate social responsibility as an important driver for an organization’s success, and being socially responsible and profitable at the same time.

Reg# 397707

Fee: $750

No refund after 9 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of online and live-online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is not considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment deadline: July 2. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Instructor to be announced

For more information call (310) 825-7093.


Climate Change, Energy and the Environment

4.0 units

The course provides a better understanding of how future energy solutions both power and transportation address climate change and environmental protection from a policy standpoint. Instructors broadly discuss climate change, including greenhouse gas emissions, their impacts and policy actions to reduce such impacts. The course also briefly discusses interrelationships among greenhouse gases, environmental quality, public health, energy security and long term sustainability. Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to better analyze, plan and advise on future actions in response to new and evolving federal, state, and local programs and policies in this area.

Reg# 397708

Fee: $750

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Elective course in Sustainability Certificate. Required course in Environmental Studies Certificate.

Enrollment deadline: June 28. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. 7

Therese Zarlengo , M.S., retired meteorologist, National Weather Service


Sustainability Internship

4.0 units

The internship provides students with a unique experiential learning opportunity related to environmental sustainability. The internship site is selected by the eligible student from among a variety of related disciplines, allowing the student to create a distinctive independent learning experience. The purpose is to apply the material learned in formal Sustainability Certificate academic courses to a workplace setting, acquiring valuable job skills. Students gain hands on experi ence by working on real industry problems/projects in the private or public sector or in a nonprofit organization. Students intern for a mini mum of 120 working hours. Throughout the internship, students communicate and work alongside an Extension instructor who helps guide them through the process. Students are required to complete a final report of their experience once they complete the internship. Prerequisite(s): Fifty percent of the program requirements (thus, three of the five courses) must be completed before taking the Internship course.

Reg# 397711

Fee: $810

No refund after 28 June Independent Study/Internship0 June 24 Sept. 8

Elective course in Sustainability Certificate. Restricted course. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 28.Dr. Akima Cornell Ph.D. at University of Essex; principal, Akima Consult ing, LLC.

UCLA Extension’s Course Delivery Options

UCLA Extension offers a variety of course delivery options to meet the needs of our students.

X In Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.

A Live Online

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7 Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

For extensive information visit

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Environmental Studies & Public Policy 53


For more information call (310) 206-7247.


Those students planning to pursue a career as financial or investment professionals are advised to enroll in the Finance Certificate. Students are advised to complete MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting (or equivalent courses) and MGMT X 422 Cost Accounting and Analysis before enrolling in the certificate, since these are prerequisites for many courses in the curriculum.


For more information call (310) 206-1654 or email


Applied Managerial Finance

4.0 units

This course introduces managerial finance fundamentals, with an emphasis on the methods and sources of financing for corporations. Topics covered include corporate financial analysis, financial planning procedures, present value and security valuation, capital budgeting, capital structure, approaches to raising capital, securities markets, security returns and market efficiency.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting or equivalent, or consent of instructor. We also recommend students have some finance work experience, an undergraduate degree in finance or a related field of study or have completed our Accounting Fundamentals Certificate program.

Reg# 398272

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. & Wayne A Hollman, B.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., financial advisor


Advanced Applications of Managerial Finance

4.0 units

This course demonstrates the advanced implementation of corporate finance through the presentation of theories and their applications. Students analyze stock and bond valuations, capital budgeting and working capital management, leasing, option pricing, risk/return, cost of capital, financial forecasting, capital structures, dividend policy and investment banking. The implications of market responses to major financial strategies are also examined. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 130A Applied Managerial Finance or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398273

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. No meeting July 4.

Visitors not permitted. 7 &

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Brooks Ensign MBA, M.Acc

MGMT X 430.131

Business Acquisition and Divestiture: Strategy and Finance

4.0 units

This course is intended primarily for investors looking to acquire a small to mid sized business, or corporate executives and professionals looking to expand their company’s prospects via merger and acquisi tion (M&A). This course combines an analytical framework with real world applications to introduce the key processes and techniques involving business combinations. Key topics include current trends in M&A, accounting foundations, legal constraints, tax implications, business valuation techniques and M&A risk management. Students learn how to prepare, evaluate and execute business mergers and acquisitions through lectures, discussion forums, case studies and assigned practice questions. Participants leave the course with an understanding of how to put together a deal, minimize overpaying and increase their chances of success in a business combination. Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 130A Basic Managerial Finance or equivalent, or the consent of the instructor.

Reg# 398283

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7:30 9:30pm, June 25 July 30

UCLA: Dodd Hall

Tuesday, 7:30 9:30pm, Aug. 6 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Elective course in the Finance Certificate.

Visitors not permitted. 7 &

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Hairong Gui M.B.A., Ph.D., senior director of Finance, Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology

MGMT X 430.132

Business Valuation

4.0 units

This course explores the basics of business valuation, including how businesses, equity and enterprise are valued. Students learn the main methods of valuation (intrinsic and relative), their strengths and weaknesses and when to apply each. Topics include discounted cash flow, comparable market multiples, comparable transaction multiples and liquidation/terminal value. Additional topics include free cash flow, financial statement analysis, industry competitive analysis, growth projection, financial forecasting, discount rate and capital asset pricing.

Prerequisite(s): This course is intended for students with strong accounting/finance background. Minimal prerequisites include Intro ductory Financial Accounting and Introductory Corporate Finance. This course also requires working knowledge of Microsoft Excel.


Reg# 398278

Fee: $855

No refund after 7 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Monday, 7:30 9:30pm, June 24 July 29

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Monday, 7:30 9:30pm, Aug. 5 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited. Elective course in the Finance Certificate. 7 This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Hairong Gui, M.B.A., Ph.D., senior director of Finance, Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology

MGMT X 430.135

Money, Banking and the Financial Markets

4.0 units

This course examines how banks and other financial institutions operate in a globalized world. Instruction includes an overview of monetary policy and how the central bank regulates and supervises the banking system, as well as the tools employed for managing the costs and availability of money in the economy. With commercial banks and investment banks now virtually the same, the course cov ers other important facets of banking: corporate finance, underwriting, lending, foreign exchange, asset management, trust services, credit cards, cash management, trading of bonds and foreign exchange, and various services and products. The curriculum also includes the review and discussion of recent financial legislation.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Accounting.

Reg# 398286

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 July 30

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, Aug. 6 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 & This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Dr. Gary J. Lysik C.F.O., Dreamline Aviation

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




MGMT X 430.136

Internship in Finance and Credit Analysis

4.0 units

The internship provides practical experience in a variety of finance related job functions within the private, public, or nonprofit sectors and is an opportunity to apply the material previously studied in finance courses. Students intern with sponsoring companies for a minimum of 120 hours and must secure their internship assignment and submit all required paperwork by Mar. 25.

Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students enrolled in one of the four Finance Certificates and who have completed a minimum of four courses within that certificate. International students must contact the International Student Office at (310) 825 9351 to confirm eligibility. Internet access is required to retrieve course materials.

Reg# 398289

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 June

Independent Study/Internship0

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. 7

Fred Kuhns CMA, M.B.A., principal, FRK Consulting

MGMT X 432.3

Financial Statement Analysis

4.0 units

Designed for financial and credit analysts; CPA or CFA candidates; investors; business managers; or individuals who are involved in equipment or real estate financing, leasing or trade credit analysis, this course focuses on the mechanics of financial statement analysis, with an emphasis on quality of earnings analysis. Topics covered include balance sheet and income statement analysis, ratio analysis, cash flow analysis, common size analysis and trend analysis. Students are expected to analyze and evaluate free cash flow generation, profit ability, operating efficiency and the impact of leverage on business risk and return on equity.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 1A and MGMT X 1B Principles of Financial Accounting or equivalent, or consent of instructor. We also recommend students have some finance work experience, an undergraduate degree in finance or a related field of study or have completed our Accounting Fundamentals Certificate program.

Reg# 398290

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in the Finance Certificate. Enrollment limited. & Tanesha Morgan, MBA., MSHA., PhD

MGMT X 441

Ethics in Finance

5.5 units

This course focuses on ethical issues confronted by financial profes sionals, with attention to recent financial crises, and the latest develop ments affecting ethics within the financial world. Students will get an overview of ethical standards in finance, including the primary ele ments necessary to make proper ethical decisions. The course also covers fundamentals of ethics in finance; the retail customer; invest ments; financial markets; financial management; key definitions, issues, and general theories of business and finance ethics; and examples from scandals that have shaken public confidence in Wall Street and world financial markets.

Reg# 398271

Fee: $350

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Peter Lou, CFA, M.B.A., M.A., C.F.A., UCLA Instructor Excellence Award 2023.

MGMT 831.81

Excel Modeling Tips and Techniques for Improved Productivity: Intermediate

0.8 CEUs

This one day seminar is primarily intended for intermediate Excel users who want to learn tips and techniques that will help them take their Excel model building skills to the next level. Topics include the QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), Camera, Subtotaling, Data Validation, keyboard shortcuts, key functions (e.g., VLOOKUP, SUBTOTAL, XIRR), creating “mega formulas,” conditional formatting, using Goal Seek, modeling best practices, protection techniques, forms controls, intro duction to macros (recorder) and much more. Demo models are dis cussed and made available to attendees. Computers are not required. The instructor uses Windows/Microsoft Office Excel for PC. RRR

Reg# 398291

Fee: $285

No refund after 19 July

X In Person

1 mtg

Saturday, 8:30am 4:30pm, July 20

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited; early enrollment recommended. Includes course materials.

Eric Augusta, MBA, senior financial executive, vice president, Financial Planning and Analysis, E. W. Augusta & Associates

Financial Literacy

MGMT 833.821M

Women, Wealth and Wisdom: Financial Management and Investing

0.2 CEUs

Hear from top financial advisors, Lara Lamb, CFP®, and Arielle Bittoni, CFA® CFP® as they provide details on how to manage our expenses and create a savings and investment strategy to help us prepare for our financial futures.

Reg# 398296

Fee: $0

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online

1 mtg

Thursday, 12 1:30pm, July 25

Remote Classroom

Instructor to be announced

Business Economics, Math & Statistics

For more information email

All X 1-199 and X 400-level four-unit courses in this section can be applied toward the General Business Studies Certificate. Courses in this section are also recommended for pre-MBA students.

MGMT X 100

Applying Economics to Business Decisions

4.0 units

This course examines the effort of the enterprise to secure profits and the nature of demand for its products. Topics include cost and produc tion, allocation of resources through competition, forms of market competition, relation of size to efficiency, markets for productive fac tors, incentives and growth and capital budgeting. Various concepts of algebra and statistics may be used in the analysis of economic theory. c

Reg# 397804

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. 7 & Britt Hastey, M.S., M.B.A.; vice chair, Business Administration Depart ment, Los Angeles City College

MGMT X 110

Mathematical Solutions for Businesses

4.0 units

This course provides a fundamental background for administrators in the public and private economic sectors, as well as a solid review of pre M.B.A. mathematics. Topics include linear and matrix algebra (with special emphasis on demand/supply and cost/revenue analy sis) and differential calculus. Students are encouraged to bring in examples of mathematical applications based on their professional experiences. c

Reg# 397805

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 9 7 & Jesse U. Overall, Ph.D., member of the Technical Staff, Rigel^3 Group; recipient of the UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award.

MGMT X 115

Business Statistics

4.0 units

This course explores the elements of probability, probability distribu tions, estimation and confidence intervals, tests of significance and hypotheses, linear regression and correlation, time series analysis and principles of index numbers. Additionally, the course covers applica tions to the analysis and decision making aspects of daily business problems. c

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 110 Mathematical Solutions for Business or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397806

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg. false & Bijan Raphael, M.A., Ph.D.


MGMT X 433.01

Fundamentals of Investing

4.0 units

Designed to present the foundational concepts and principles of investing, this course examines investment policies, types of securities, factors that influence price changes, timing purchases/sales, prepar ing investment programs to meet objectives, investment risk and return and portfolio balancing. Instruction includes an introduction to investments, including investment analysis, portfolio management and capital markets; an overview of the securities market and its behavior; information about various instruments and trade procedures; and relevant market mechanics and techniques.

Reg# 398292

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 8pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA: Dodd Hall

No meeting July 4.

Visitors not permitted. 7 &

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Sue J. Liu M.B.A., C.F.A., senior investment principal, Mercer

MGMT X 433.032

Alternative Investment Strategies

4.0 units

This course is designed for financial professionals and personal inves tors who recognize the importance of diversifying their investment portfolios and who have a desire to understand the risks and rewards of asset classes outside of the traditional categories of stocks and bonds. Instruction provides an overview of alternative investment assets, strategies and portfolio management. Topics include hedge funds, private equity, structured products/derivatives and real assets (focus on real estate). Guest lectures given by experienced financial professionals expound upon the various subjects covered.

Reg# 398295

Fee: $855

No refund after 9 July X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Elective course in the Finance Certificate.

Visitors not permitted.

Deshon Owens, B.A., founder, Flute Technologies

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Finance & Investments 55

MGMT X 433.033 Managing and Understanding Stock Option Strategies

4.0 units

Whether your personal investment style is conservative or aggressive, long term or short term, this in depth course educates individuals on the utilization of options and demonstrates how options can add value to your current investment strategies. Intended for investors who want to utilize options as part of their overall investment mix or for those who already employ options and want to expand their usage, this course explores the basics of options and some of the common mis conceptions regarding them. Participants learn about the unique attributes of options and why investors have to think differently when investing in these instruments, whether as a stand alone investment or in conjunction with existing stock positions. The course includes stock and index option strategies, as well as an understanding of the nomenclature of the terms used in option trading. Additional topics include the use of spreads, straddles, combinations, butterflies, con dors and other intermediate forms of option strategies.

Prerequisite(s): A basic understanding of the stock market is recommended.

Reg# 398294

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. & Victor Dosti, B.S., M.B.A., director of research, Whittier Trust

MGMT X 460.983

International Investing

4.0 units

More and more individuals are investing internationally to take advan tage of its potential growth and diversify their investment portfolios. This course provides you with a comprehensive overview of invest ment opportunities and strategies in international markets, including the developed world and expanding emerging markets. Learn how to navigate the obstacles that confront the international equity and bond markets and the special risks involved with international investing. Topics include examining how asset allocation strategies can help control risk, international investment products, analyzing political and economic risks in countries and regions, performing research and identifying information sources, and balancing and controlling risks. With these and other tools, you learn to make informed investment decisions and analyze the global and regional economic trends that may affect investment outcomes.

Reg# 398293

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Victor Dosti, B.S., M.B.A., director of research, Whittier Trust

Personal Financial Planning

The courses in this section are part of UCLA Extension’s traditional evening and online Personal Financial Planning Certificate. This eight-course certificate is intended for financial planning professionals who want to expand their current careers or for individuals who are planning to pursue a career transition into this field. The courses also provide approved curriculum for students who are planning to sit for the CFP™ Certification Examination.

MGMT X 430.31

Survey of Personal Financial Planning

4.0 units

This course introduces students to the profession of personal financial planning, emphasizing the identification and quantification of financial objectives and the interrelated facets of a wide range of technical personal financial planning material. The course is intended for indi viduals who wish to become practitioners in financial planning, those considering a career transition, and for professionals currently in the financial services industry seeking to advance their careers bankers, insurance and security brokers, investment and financial advisors, real estate professionals, CPAs, trust officers and attorneys. Topics include qualitative and quantitative methods used in the financial planning decision making process. Additionally, the course covers principles of income taxation, investment analysis and procedure, insurance, employment benefit plans, estate planning, cash flow management, ethics, strategies and processes of professional practice.

Recommended: May be taken prior to or concurrently with MGMT X 430.391 Financial Analysis in Personal Financial Planning. Both of these courses must be taken before all other courses in the Personal Financial Planning Certificate.

Reg# 398040

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 25 July 30

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg.

Tuesday, 6:30 8:30pm, Aug. 6 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited. 7 &

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Instructor to be announced

MGMT X 430.391

Financial Analysis in Personal Financial Planning

4.0 units

This course covers the basic analytic tools and mathematical tech niques used in personal financial planning and introduces the eco nomic concepts underlying the profession. Topics include percentage calculations, family cash flows, basic corporate financial statements, interest and compound growth, understanding the financial section of the newspaper, bond yield calculations, internal rate of return, net present value, basic statistics and equity analysis. Economic concepts covered include national income accounting, the Federal Reserve System, economic indicators, recession, depression, inflation, deflation, supply and demand and the money supply. An HP 12C calculator is required. May be taken concurrently with MGMT X 430.31 Survey of Personal Financial Planning. This course and MGMT X 430.31 Survey of Personal Financial Planning must be taken before all other courses in the Professional Designation in Personal Financial Planning.

Reg# 398268

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8 7 & Instructor to be announced

MGMT X 427.904

Retirement Plans and Other Employee Benefits

4.0 units

A survey of the various plans available to provide retirement and other investment oriented employment benefits to employees, sig nificant planning opportunities for tax deferral and capital accumula tion, and the advantages and disadvantages of various alternatives. Topics include stock options, non qualified deferred compensation plans, Section 125 cafeteria plans and other nonpension related benefits. The course emphasizes qualified corporate retirement plans, including pension and profit sharing plans; non corporate retirement programs, such as Keogh plans, IRAs and Simplified Employee Pen sion plans; fiduciary responsibility requirements in connection with retirement plans; and taxation and timing of benefits. Recent legisla tion is examined.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 430.31 Survey of Personal Financial Planning, MGMT X 430.391 Financial Analysis in Personal Financial Planning or consent of instructor. If you are enrolling in this course to fulfill a UCLA Extension certificate program requirement, you must select the “for credit letter grade” credit option during the checkout process. Addi tionally, if you are enrolling in this course to fulfill a requirement for (re)certification offered by an external governing body, it is recom mended that you select the “for credit letter grade” credit option.

Reg# 398039

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June M Online June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. &

Jason Thomas , adjunct faculty in Financial Planning/Education Specialist, University of Redlands and Pure Financial

MGMT X 430.32

Investments in Personal Financial Planning

4.0 units

An examination of the role of various investment vehicles in meeting financial goals, securities markets, sources of information about the various instruments traded and the procedure of trades. This course introduces various market theories, including modern portfolio theory and the extension to this theory by Markowitz and Sharpe. Other topics include the analysis of business cycles; market analysis; analysis of individual companies; the market in debt instruments; and alternative instruments, including options, warrants, convertibles, commodity futures, mutual funds and tangibles.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 430.391 Financial Analysis in Personal Finan cial Planning and MGMT X 430.31 Survey of Personal Financial Plan ning, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398231

Fee: $855

No refund after 10 July  Hybrid

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 27 Aug. 8 UCLA: Dodd Hall

Thursday, 6:30 8:30pm, Aug. 15 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Enrollment limited. 7 &

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Instructor to be announced

56 Finance & Investments Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

MGMT X 430.33

Income Taxation in Personal Financial Planning

4.0 units

This course examines the issues and determination of tax liability for numerous events and activities as they relate to the financial plan. Students are given the necessary information and tools of income taxation to make financial planning decisions within the context of either personal or client financial goals and objectives. Topics include tax issues and concepts in relation to insurance, investments, benefit planning, intrafamily transactions and business operations. Students are taught and asked to demonstrate an understanding of the follow ing planning techniques: excluding income, deferring income, shifting income, and managing or timing income.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 430.31 Survey of Personal Financial Planning, MGMT X 430.391 Financial Analysis in Personal Financial Planning and MGMT X 427.08 Fundamentals of Tax Preparation; or MGMT X 127 Federal Income Taxation; or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398201

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3 UCLA: Dodd Hall

Visitors not permitted. 7 & Jeffrey C. Goodrich, M.B.A., MST, CFP® CLU, ChFC, Wealth consultant, LPL Financial

MGMT X 430.35

Insurance in Personal Financial Planning

4.0 units

This course analyzes fundamental insurance principles and approaches to insurance needs. Instruction covers life, health, prop erty, casualty and liability insurance, as well as the role insurance plays in financial and estate planning. You learn to integrate personal and capital insurance needs into a comprehensive financial plan.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 430.31 Survey of Personal Financial Planning, MGMT X 430.391 Financial Analysis in Personal Financial Planning or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398243

Fee: $855

No refund after 12 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Saturday, 9:30am 12:30pm, June 29 Sept. 7

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited. & Helen Zhao, MBA, CPA, CFP, CFA, financial planning director

MGMT X 439.3

Estate Planning

4.0 units

This course is designed to aid accountants, trust officers, attorneys, life insurance underwriters and financial planners in solving estate planning problems. Topics include tax objectives, wills and living trusts, the unlimited marital deduction, saving the “second tax,” holding title to property, lifetime gifts and trusts, life insurance and annuities, employee benefit plans, business interests and post death problems. Recent tax law changes are also covered.

Reg# 398269

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. 7 & Walter Whitaker, J.D., M.B.A., LA Elder Law

MGMT X 430.38

Personal Financial Planning Capstone

4.0 units

This capstone course bridges academic coursework with actual practice management by introducing students to the skills and tools needed for developing a comprehensive financial plan for a client. The first part of the course provides a review of the financial planning CFP® Board topics, including ethics and principles of communication and counseling. Classes also review/apply the process and techniques for preparing and presenting a financial plan in an environment of non liability. This course fully meets the financial plan development course requirement to CFP Board’s education standards, effective Jan. 1, 2012. This course may also be taken by individuals who plan to sit for the CFP Examination on a “challenge status” (e.g., CPA, JD, CFA®, ChFC, CLU).

Prerequisite(s): Completion of the other seven required courses in the Personal Financial Planning Certificate.

Reg# 398258

Fee: $895

No refund after 8 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 25 July 30

UCLA: Dodd Hall

Tuesday, 6:30 8:30pm, Aug. 6 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited. Early enrollment required. 7 & This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered In Person for immigration purposes.

Instructor to be announced

MGMT X 430.383

Internship in Personal Financial Planning

4.0 units

The internship provides practical experience in a variety of financial planning job functions within the financial advisory and wealth management sectors, and it is an opportunity to apply the material previously studied in your personal financial planning courses. Stu dents intern with sponsoring companies for a minimum of 120 hours and must secure their internship assignment and submit all required paperwork by Mar. 25. This internship is eligible for three months of credit toward CFP Board’s work experience requirement.

Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students enrolled in the Personal Finan cial Planning Certificate and who have completed a minimum of five courses in the Personal Financial Planning Certificate program. International students must contact the International Student Office at (310) 825 9351 to confirm eligibility.

Reg# 398313

Fee: $855

No refund after 17 June Independent Study/Internship0 June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment limited. 7

Mark Cecchini, CFP ®, senior wealth manager, Aspiriant, LLC

MGMT X 440

Ethics in Personal Financial Planning

5.5 units

4.5 CEUs

This course focuses on the unique role of a certified financial planner, their fiduciary responsibility when working with clients is emphasized throughout. Operating “with utmost good faith and in a manner rea sonably believed to be in the best interest of the client.” Instruction begins with a more general perspective by examining the key defini tions, issues and theories of business ethics before moving on to ethical decision making and conduct specific to the financial planning profession. The remainder of the course time is spent reviewing the CFP Code of Ethics, Practice Standards, Disciplinary Processes and Procedures, sanctions and other disciplinary outcomes, and the Fit ness Standards as updated by the CFP Board in 2019. By the end of this program, the participant should be equipped to understand the structure and content of the revised Code and Standards, including significant changes from prior rules; describe CFP Board’s fiduciary duty; identify material conflicts of interest to avoid or fully disclose them, obtain informed consent and manage them; understand the duty to report to CFP Board and the duty to cooperate; identify the practice standards when providing financial advice that requires financial planning; and understand the duty to provide information to clients when providing financial planning and/or financial advice.

Reg# 398312

Fee: $350

No refund after 17 June

M Online June 24

Sept. 8

Mark Cecchini CFP ® senior wealth manager, Aspiriant, LLC

MGMT UL 722.24

Personal Financial Planning Information Session: A Free Event

Take your career further as a personal financial planning professional. Attend our free information session to learn more about how UCLA Extension’s CFP Board approved Personal Financial Planning programs fit your needs and can help you reach your career goals. Interact with our program instructors and staff to learn more about our online and onground program options, as well as the path to the CFP certification.

Reg# 398314

Fee: $0

M Information Session

1 mtg

Wednesday, 4:30 6pm, Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Information session conducted entirely online from 10-11am. Participants must provide a valid email address upon enrollment. Admission is free but advance registration is required.

Linda Hewitt, BS, CFP®, CRPC, co founder, Financial Planning Educa tional Solutions

Course Icons Provide Information At-a-Glance

X IN PERSON, page 1.


Technical requirements, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.


Visit our website for textbook information.


May be transferable to other colleges and universities. Learn more on our website

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Finance & Investments 57


Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling & Studies

Certificate Courses

The UCLA Extension Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate is approved by California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals Education Institute (CCAPP-EI). This certificate meets the educational requirements for those seeking professional certification from CCAPP (formerly CAADAC) and its certification board, CCAPP Credentialing. It is each student’s responsibility to select the board through which they seek certification and become familiar with the requirements of that chosen board.

Enrollment is typically reserved for adult students 18 years of age and older. Students under 18 years of age may receive consent to enroll based on special academic competence and approval by the instructor. If you are a student under 18 years of age, you must submit a request to enroll in the course 8 weeks before the course start date to for your request to be considered.


Information Session and New Student Orientation: Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate

Participation in this free online course is mandatory for all new stu dents. This information session and new student orientation reviews how UCLA Extension’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate can help you reach your career goals. The UCLA Extension Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate meets the educational require ments for those seeking professional certification from the California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) and its certification board, CCAPP Credentialing. Topics for the information session and orientation include an overview of the program curriculum and requirements, a review of key resources to aid students in their studies, and an overview of the supervised field work practicum.

Reg# 397714

Fee: $0

No refund after 15 Aug. M Online

Aug. 5 16

Prerequisite for the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate Fall 2024 Cohort. Enrollment limited; early enrollment required. Enrollment deadline: Aug. 15.

Uninstructed Lab


Study Skills and Other Key Preparations for the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate

0.6 CEUs

This one day seminar is designed for students who are returning to school for the first time in many years and may lack the skills neces sary to make the most out of their continuing education experience. It is intended to help students make the transition to college level education. Students assess their learning strengths and practice note taking skills, reading comprehension, 16 specific study skills and strategies for essay writing.

Reg# 397713

Fee: $169

No refund after 18 Aug.

A Live Online 1 mtg

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, Aug. 19

Remote Classroom

Prerequisite for the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate. Required for students who have not completed an associate or higher-level degree. To waive this course, unofficial transcripts are required.

Enrollment deadline: Aug. 18.

Courtney Clark Ph.D. in cognitive psychology

COM HLT X 470.3

Developmental Aspects of Psychology and Addiction

2.0 units

This course provides students with a basic level of understanding of the etiology of addiction and clinical implications derived from the application of psychology to chemically dependent behavior. To understand its complicated nature as a disease, the course focuses on current genetic and environmental research in the development of substance use disorders. Specific topics to be covered include the biological, developmental, psychological, environmental and social factors that lead to vulnerability to addictions; symptoms of addictive disorders; and prevalence across the life span among target popula tions, including adolescents, seniors, families and those with trauma exposure. We also examine various treatment approaches from a developmental perspective, including translational approaches to treatment that bridge biology and behavior.

Reg# 397716

Fee: $465

No refund after 25 June

A Live Online 5 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 July 23

Remote Classroom

Required course in the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate. Restricted course; call (310) 825-7093 for permission to enroll. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request.

Enrollment deadline: July 1. Visitors not permitted. Tara Tarian PsyD

COM HLT X 470.6

Law and Ethics for Addiction Professionals

2.0 units

This course is designed to help students clarify their own beliefs and values, review the dynamics of the profession’s Code of Ethics, gain knowledge about legal implications and explore ethical issues related to substance use disorder counseling. In addition, students learn about the scope of practice for certified addiction counselors.

Reg# 397717

Fee: $485

No refund after 6 Aug.

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 30 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Required course in the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate. Restricted course; call (310) 825-7093 for permission to enroll. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request.

Enrollment deadline: Aug. 5. Visitors not permitted. Instructor to be announced

COM HLT X 470.10

Family Counseling Skills

4.0 units

This course provides a brief overview of the theoretical and practical methods of assessing and implementing the basic counseling skills for treating substance use disorders in family systems. Information is presented through lectures and interactive discussions. Students are expected to acquire a knowledge base to apply treatment models in counseling, supporting interventions and collaborating with other professionals. The course inspires students to connect their own experience with family systems by tracking behavior patterns in their own family of origin and the relationships they have inside and outside of the family.

Prerequisite(s): COM HLT X 470.5 Introduction to Counseling and the 12 Core Functions, COM HLT X 470.7 Individual Counseling Skills, COM HLT X 470.9 Group Counseling Skills.

Reg# 397715

Fee: $705

No refund after 10 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Required course in the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling Certificate. Restricted course; call (310) 825-7093 for permission to enroll. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 3. & Berenice D. Rosillo, LMFT

For more information call (310) 825-7093.

Fitness Instruction

COM HLT X 421.1

Biomechanics: Analysis of Human Movement

4.0 units 2.0 CEUs

This course covers the biomechanical analysis of human movement based on the mechanical laws of motion. By the end of the course, students are able to apply mechanical laws of applied physics to human movement, solve biomechanical problems using the laws of applied physics, and understand how musculoskeletal structures affect human movement.

Prerequisite(s): Basic course in anatomy and physiology.

Reg# 398311

Fee: $830

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

NSCA has approved two CEUs for CSCS, NSCA-CPT, CSPS, or TSAC-F certificants who successfully complete this course.

Elective credit in Exercise Science Fitness Specialist Certificate.

Enrollment limited to 25 students. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7

John Farr, M.S., M.A., CSCS, USAW, strength and conditioning coach

PHYSCI X 400.6

Human Anatomy and Physiology

4.0 units

This course provides an introduction to the structure; function; and integration of cells, tissues and organs of the human body. Students learn about the muscular, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, renal, endocrine, reproductive, sensory and cognitive systems. Instruc tion develops from molecular and cellular principles through organs and organ systems. It also covers energy metabolism and fluid com partments; homeostasis and responses to stress; and central nervous system functions in movement, consciousness and language.

Reg# 398310

Fee: $830

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Meets Physiology requirement in Exercise Science Fitness Specialist Certificate.

Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7

Alin Akopians, M.D., Ph.D.


The Human Body: How It Functions

4.0 units

The body is a dynamic organism exhibiting a complex integration of biochemical, mechanical and physical functions. This course provides a systems approach in order to understand the normal function of cells, nerves, hormones, muscles, respiratory system, heart and circu lation, immune system, digestion and metabolism.

Reg# 398309

Fee: $830

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

This course provides a foundation for additional required courses in the Fitness Instruction Certificate and should be taken first. Meets physiology requirement in Exercise Science Fitness Specialist Certificate

Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7

John Farr, M.S., M.A., CSCS, USAW, strength and conditioning coach


Exercise Physiology

4.0 units

This course provides fitness instructors with an in depth exposure to the interaction of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, nervous and musculoskeletal systems during exercise. Instruction emphasizes practical application of the physiologic concepts in determining fitness levels, prescribing exercise, and monitoring people for signs of over exertion and underlying disease. Topics include energy metabolism; the circulatory, respiratory, neuromuscular and endocrine systems; environmental considerations; principles of exercise training; and theories of obesity and weight control, exercise, age and disease. Prerequisite(s): Basic course in human biology or anatomy and physiology.

Reg# 398308

Fee: $830

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in Exercise Science Fitness Specialist Certificate Enrollment limited to 25 students. Enrollment deadline: June 28

Perry L Powell MS, MBA; director, Western U.S., EDS.


Introduction to Human Nutrition

4.0 units

This course provides students with a background in the basics of nutrition and stresses the link between nutrition practices, health, disease and exercise performance. Topics include macronutrient needs; vitamins, minerals and other supplements; energy balance; weight control; the effects of nutrient excesses and deficiencies on performance; ergogenic aids; eating disorders; and how to recognize nutrition practices that may require professional referral. Students also gain practical knowledge through understanding nutrition labeling and evaluating literature.

Reg# 398307

Fee: $830

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in Exercise Science Fitness Specialist Certificate. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7

Suzanne Elizondo, Suzanne Elizondo, MS, RDN, NBC HWC, is a regis tered dietitian nutritionist and board certified health and wellness coach in private practice. Ms. Elizondo provides individual consulta tions, group programming, and corporate workshops. She also teaches nutrition counseling in the Nutrition & Food Science Department at the California State University, Los Angeles.


Applied Anatomy and Biomechanics

4.0 units

This course provides fitness instructors with an understanding of musculoskeletal anatomy and the application of basic biomechanical principles to the moving body. This application allows fitness instruc tors to analyze a movement and identify poor mechanics that could contribute to injury, design exercises for particular muscle groups, and more safely and effectively advise on the use of exercise equipment.

Prerequisite(s): PHYSCI X 400.6 or PHYSCI X 449.

Reg# 398306

Fee: $830

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in Exercise Science Fitness Specialist Certificate

Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7

Elizabeth Likes, M.A., exercise physiologist and educator

Patient Advocacy

HLT POL X 407.8

Care Planning and Patient Navigation

4.0 units

Care planning and navigation are key skills that all patient advocates will use in their daily work. This culminating course outlines the critical knowledge and skills necessary for advocates to create roadmaps for patient navigation and care planning. Course work provides the opportunity for students to integrate the knowledge and practice some of the skills they have acquired in the prerequisite courses utilizing simulated patient case studies. Topics include importance of docu mentation, scope of practice, practice specialization, motivational interviewing, the art of conducting assessments, community resources, working through difficult patient situations and formulating a self care plan. Students create a simulated patient case study in the first week of class and develop a care plan and roadmap for naviga tion, which is presented during the last week of class. In addition, they participate in a patient management meeting every three weeks with their assigned team members to discuss patient cases and resources for care planning.

Reg# 398305

Fee: $830

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Required course in the Patient Advocacy Certificate. Restricted course; call (310) 825-7093 for permission to enroll. Web enrollments automatically generate a “Permission to Enroll” request. Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7


Course Icons Provide

X IN PERSON, page 1.


Technical requirements, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.



Visit our website for textbook information.


May be transferable to other colleges and universities. Learn more on our website

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Health Care & Counseling 59
Information At-a-Glance




Principles of Economics: Microeconomics

4.0 units

Introduction to principles of economic analysis, economic institutions and issues of economic policy. Emphasis on allocation of resources and distribution of income through price system. c

Reg# 398445

Fee: $722

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 9:15am 12:15pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 23 students. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Instructor to be announced


Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics

4.0 units

Introduction to principles of economic analysis, economic institutions and issues of economic policy. Emphasis on aggregative economics, including national income, monetary and fiscal policy, and interna tional trade. c

Reg# 398446

Fee: $722

No refund after 28 June

X In Person

11 mtgs

Monday, 9:30am 12:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Instructor to be announced

Reg# 398715

Fee: $722

No refund after 28 June

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 15

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Instructor to be announced



History of California

4.0 units

This course covers the economic, social, intellectual and political development of California from earliest times to present. c

Reg# 398437

Fee: $688

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Formerly numbered XL 163. Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/ speakers and webcam.

Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. Gregory Brueck, Ph.D., history, UC Davis




to Study of Language

5.0 units

What is known about human language, its unique nature, structure, universality, diversity, social and cultural setting, and its relation to other aspects of human inquiry and knowledge? Instruction covers the structure of human language, including articulation and interac tion of speech sounds (phonetics and phonology), word formation and sources of new words (morphology), structure of sentences (syntax), meaning (semantics), and the origin of English and related languages (historical linguistics). The course may be taken as an introduction to the scientific study of language and also provides the necessary background for higher level linguistics courses. c

Reg# 398439

Fee: $798

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Fulfills in part the General Education requirement of the UCLA College of Letters and Science. Exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam.

Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Natalie Operstein Ph.D., linguistics, UCLA



Introductory Psychology

4.0 units

This introductory course provides an overview of the vast and fascinat ing field of psychology. General introduction includes topics in cogni tive, experimental, personality, developmental, social and clinical psychology; six hours of psychological research required. c

Reg# 398468

Fee: $900

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

22 mtgs

Tuesday, Thursday, 7 9pm, June 25 Sept. 5

UCLA: Bunche Hall

Monday, 7 9pm, July 8

UCLA: Bunche Hall

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 26. 7 & John W. Carter, Ph.D., instructor, psychology, UCLA Extension


Abnormal Psychology

4.0 units

This course presents the study of psychological disorders including depression, anxiety, substance use disorders and schizophrenia across lifespan. The role of biological, behavioral, social, cognitive and cultural factors; diagnosis and treatment approaches are reviewed. Students critically evaluate theories, research, and treatment related to psycho logical disorders from a cultural and social perspective. Discussion focuses on how stigma affects access to care and what practices can be implemented to support inclusiveness. c

Prerequisite(s): PSYCH XL 10 (Introductory Psychology)

Reg# 398473

Fee: $900

No refund after 9 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Weekly one-hour discussion online through the Canvas Learning Management System.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & John W. Carter, Ph.D., instructor, psychology, UCLA Extension

For more information call (310) 825-7093.


Landscape Architecture

For more information call (310) 825-9414 or email

Note: The Landscape Architecture Program does not support AutoCAD on the Mac.

All CAD courses are fast paced and complex; absence from any meet ing is discouraged. The courses require at least three hours of com puter work outside of class per week. Lab hours are not available; therefore, students must have access to their own hardware and software for the courses in which they enroll. Laptops are required for certain courses; check individual course descriptions for specifics.


Certificate students may download AutoCAD for free upon proof of student status and may be eligible for academic rates on other soft ware for their home computer. Prices and restrictions are subject to change. Software versions should reflect the version used in class as an older version may not possess the same interface or tools demon strated in class. Each student must verify that his/her computer meets the software’s minimum system requirements. For more information call (310) 825-9414.

ARCH 751

Landscape Architecture Information Session

Alumni, current students and program instructors are on hand at this free information session to answer any questions you may have regarding the program. If you are interested in becoming a landscape designer or a landscape architect, sign up today! Program director discusses path to licensure, program curriculum, financial aid and career opportunities. Don’t miss this opportunity to get tons of infor mation about the program and how you can start a new career.

Reg# 397736

Fee: $0

No refund after 30 July

A Live Online

1 mtg

Tuesday, 6 8pm, July 30

Remote Classroom

Free Program Information Session/Open House. Live virtual event via Zoom.

Stephanie Landregan, B.A., licensed landscape architect (CA 4093); MsPM, Masters of Science in project management

ARCH X 472

Introduction to the Landscape Design Professions

4.0 units

This introductory course covers the history, scope, types and scale of landscape design professions; licensure; professional societies; and current issues. Terminology, construction concepts, basic graphic skills and model making are also introduced.

Reg# 397739

Fee: $1,019

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom 7 &

Steve Lang, managing principal of the Southern California office of Moore Iacofano Goltman (MIG) in Fullerton. Specializing in park and recreation planning and design, Mr. Lang has been actively involved in award winning projects for more than 35 years.

Reg# 398626

Fee: $1,019

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

No meeting Sept. 4. 7 &

Pamela Brief, ASLA, PLA (CA5013), president of Pamela Studios. Ms. Brief has over 30 years of international experience. She currently focuses on projects in Southern California. Ms. Brief serves on the ASLA SoCal Board, UCLA Extension Guidance Committee, and LATC.

ARCH X 472.4D

Design Graphics 1:

Drafting and Drawing of the Built Environment

4.0 units

Students learn introductory drafting, lettering and drawing techniques as they relate to the field of Landscape Architecture and professional standards. All work product is developed from Tongva Park, a real site located in Santa Monica. At the end of this course, students make a presentation to the instructor and visiting guests. The students present a package of work product that includes hand drafting of a dimen sioned site plan, section/elevations and perspective sketch.

Reg# 397743

Fee: $1,019

No refund after 1 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12pm, June 22

Remote Classroom

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Aug. 13

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 9am 5pm, Aug. 10

Field Trip

Saturday, 9am 5pm, Aug. 24

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Sept. 7


Attendance at in-person class meetings is mandatory per the LATC credentialing of this program.

In-person field trip to Tongva Park in Santa Monica on Saturday, Aug. 10 required.

In-person studio on Saturday, Aug. 24 required. Course format is a combination of live-online and in-person class meetings.

Two webcams required for this drafting course, cell phone camera is not allowed.

Articulating Arm for camera mount required. 7 & David Squires, M.A. in architecture and urban design, UCLA; B.S. in landscape architecture and regional planning, Washington State University. Mr. Squires is the principal of AroundYOU, a multi disciplin ary studio offering master planning, solar planning, architectural design, landscape architecture and garden design.

Laura Razo B.S.L.A., M.L.A., project manager/landscape designer, who has more than 13 years of professional experience as a landscape designer and project manager.

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.


For more information call (310) 825-9414.

ARCH X 471.2

Landscape Design 3: Advanced Site Design

5.0 units

This course introduces the student to the landscape architectural design process, emphasizing site inventory, analysis, program, design process and concept development. Projects are mid to large scale sites you can actually visit, such as civic plazas, freeway capping projects, downtown urban redevelopment, etc. The design program for each project is defined by the instructor. Presentation graphics are both hand drawn and/or physically built. Students also use computer modeling, rendering, 3D modeling, InDesign, Sketchup and Photoshop. Final presentation products utilize hand graphics with blended use of CAD and 3D modeling as background support only.

Prerequisite(s): ARCH X 471.1A Landscape Design 1; ARCH X 471.1B Landscape Design 2; ARCH X 472.4F Design Graphics 3. Candidacy in the Landscape Architecture Program.

Reg# 397737

Fee: $1,220

No refund after 1 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Saturday, Sunday, 9am 1pm, June 29 30 Field Trip

No meetings Aug. 20 & 27.

This course is a combination of live-online and in-person class meetings.

Attendance at in-person class meetings is mandatory per the LATC credentialing of this program.

Required in-person field trips: Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, Saturday, June 29; Newport Beach Civic Center and Park, Sunday, June 30. 7

Francisco Behr, BArch, AIA, architect (CA 14634); as president and director of design at Behr Browers Architects Inc., Mr. Behr has more than 25 years of design and planning experience. Mr. Behr has been an instructor for UCLA Extension’s Landscape Architecture Program for the past 22 years.

Reg# 397738

Fee: $1,220

No refund after 3 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 10pm, June 27 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

Saturday, Sunday, 2 6pm, June 29 30

Field Trip

No meetings July 4; Aug. 29. This course format is a combination of live-online and in-person class meetings.

Attendance at in-person class meetings is mandatory per the LATC credentialing of this program.

Required in-person field trips: Newport Beach Civic Center and Park, Sun., June 30; Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza, Saturday, June 29. 7

Francisco Behr, BArch, AIA, architect (CA 14634); as president and director of design at Behr Browers Architects Inc., Mr. Behr has more than 25 years of design and planning experience. Mr. Behr has been an instructor for UCLA Extension’s Landscape Architecture Program for the past 22 years.

ARCH X 493.992

AutoCAD 1

4.0 units

This course introduces students to the fundamentals of AutoCAD, as well as how to apply and manage the tool. Students who successfully complete the course acquire a good foundation upon which they may further develop the tool. While instruction is directed toward land scape architecture, those in related disciplines also should find the course valuable.

Prerequisite(s): Basic knowledge of computers.

Reg# 397745

Fee: $1,110

No refund after 30 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

No meeting Sept. 2.

Students must have access to most recent version of AutoCAD software; student versions of the software may be downloaded for free upon proof of student status. This course does not support AutoCAD on Mac computers.

Visitors not permitted. & 7

Victor Corona AIA, who is a registered architect in the state of Cali fornia (C25767). Mr. Corona is principal of VMC architecture, interactive architecture and interior design firm in Stevenson Ranch, CA. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects, Los Angeles Chapter.

Reg# 397746

Fee: $1,110

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Students must have access to most recent version of AutoCAD software; student versions of the software may be downloaded for free upon proof of student status. This course does not support AutoCAD on Mac computers.

Visitors not permitted. & 7

Victor Corona AIA, who is a registered architect in the state of Cali fornia (C25767). Mr. Corona is principal of VMC architecture, interactive architecture and interior design firm in Stevenson Ranch, CA. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects, Los Angeles Chapter.

ARCH X 472.6A

History of the Designed Landscape

4.0 units

The Landscape Architecture Program’s history course comprises the study of the evolution of landscape design through Western civilization. Lectures cover the outstanding examples of landscape garden design and their relationships to art and architecture, as well as the philosophi cal, social, political, and historical forces that influenced the designed environment. Instruction includes extensive visual materials.

Reg# 397744

Fee: $980

No refund after 1 July

 Hybrid

1 mtg

June 25 Sept. 3

Saturday, 9am 12pm, July 20

Remote Classroom

Course format is a combination of live-online and asynchronous online class meetings. 7

Stephanie Landregan B.A., licensed landscape architect (CA 4093); MsPM, Masters of Science in project management

ARCH X 472.19

Landscape Design 6: Concept Development

4.0 units

This course explores the use of drawings as tools for visualization and design development. The focus is on developing an ability to use drawings to model and manipulate visual information throughout the various stages of design evolution. Techniques for examining ideas and concept alternatives through composite, perspective, ortho graphic and axonometric drawings are explored. Lectures present examples of built projects and methods of recognized professionals, which illustrate the dramatic influence drawing type may have on the final form or organization of a design. The course requires intensive drawing time; students must have already mastered basic drafting and sketching skills.

Prerequisite(s): X 472.9 Landscape Design 4: Environmental Analysis and Planning.

Reg# 397742

Fee: $980

No refund after 1 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, June 25; July 2 Aug. 20

Remote Classroom

Sunday, 1 4pm, June 30

Field Trip

Saturday, 1 4pm, July 27

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Attendance at in-person class meetings is mandatory per the LATC credentialing of this program.

Sun., June 30 Bowtie Parcel, Los Angeles; Sat., July 27 Westwood. Course format is a combination of live-online and in-person class meetings. 7 &

Steven Chavez a licensed landscape architect and founding principal of SCA LARC. Mr. Chavez received a Bachelor of landscape architecture from the University of Washington and an M.F.A. in photography with an emphasis on urban landscapes from the University of Ulster. His core interest is designing high use public and civic spaces.

ARCH X 472.12B

Irrigation/Water Conservation

4.0 units

This course focuses on irrigation system design, specifications and construction. Instruction emphasizes water conservation and tech niques of efficient and appropriate application. Various systems and techniques are explored, as well as concepts for system moderniza tion, reclamation and water management.

Prerequisite(s): X 472.12A Grading and Drainage, X472.5 Landscape Design 5: Planting Design, and X 493.6 AutoCAD 2. Reg# 397740

Fee: $980

No refund after 3 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Aug. 29

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 8am 12pm, June 29; July 28

Field Trip

No meeting July 4.

Attendance at in-person class meetings is mandatory per the LATC credentialing of this program.

The course has a combination of class meeting formats. Live-online and in person.

Saturday, June 29 in-person. West LA or Glendale

Sunday, July 28 in-person Pasadena

Students should have their own computers and student version of AutoCAD.

Visitors not permitted. 7

Nickolas Straabe, a registered landscape architect in California. In his current role as specification manager at Hunter Industries, Nick works closely with landscape architects throughout Southern Califor nia to design efficient irrigation and low voltage landscape lighting systems

Jason Wan, B.S. in landscape architecture from Cal Poly Pomona. Specifications manager at Hunter Industries specializing in irrigation design with a emphasis on water conservation. ASLA member.

62 Landscape Architecture & Horticulture Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

ARCH X 472.15D

Capstone Project Studio

10.0 units

The Capstone Project Studio is an intensive course in which students develop a comprehensive and creative final design project that reflects their special interests and demonstrates the theory, skills and knowl edge acquired over the two and a half prior years of study in the Landscape Architecture Program. Students select individual projects and complete the Capstone Studio Project in 12 weeks. Small studio groups meet twice weekly under instructor guidance to review their work in progress. Class sessions include discussion of design theory and process, programming, design concepts and graphic communica tion. The student prepares for weekly critiques and meets milestones. Completed projects are presented before instructors, guidance com mittee members and local professionals at approximately week 11.

Prerequisite(s): X 472.15C Capstone Project Seminar.

Reg# 397741

Fee: $2,455

No refund after 30 Jun

 Hybrid

26 mtgs

Monday, Thursday, 6 10pm, June 24 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 9am 1pm, July 13; Aug. 24

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.

Saturday, Sunday, 8am 3pm, Sept. 14 15

Remote Classroom

No meetings July 4; Sept. 2.

Attendance at in-person class meetings is mandatory per the LATC credentialing of this program.

Course format is a combination of live-online and in-person class meetings.

Required in-person class meetings on July 13; Aug. 24. Restricted course. Students who wish to take this course must request permission from the program office before they can enroll. Visitors not permitted. 7

Meg Rushing Coffee, landscape architect (CA 4747). Ms. Coffee has her own practice specializing in residential design. Previously, she worked with Pamela Burton & Company, OLIN and Marmol Radziner & Associates. She is vice chair of the UCLA Landscape Architecture Program Instructor Committee and secretary of the Association for Women Architects and Designers (AWA+D).

Steven Chavez, a licensed landscape architect and founding principal of SCA LARC. Mr. Chavez received a Bachelor of landscape architecture from the University of Washington and an M.F.A. in photography with an emphasis on urban landscapes from the University of Ulster. His core interest is designing high use public and civic spaces.

ARCH X 496.21

Beginning Stormwater Management

4.0 units

Sustainable site planning requires understanding and calculating storm events and designing landscapes to capture, hold and infiltrate stormwater through landscape designs that focus on several methods, from on site retention and cisterns to green infrastructure, such as swales. This course showcases unique designs and describes the methods and calculations used to design stormwater BMPs for a site to appropriately accommodate seasonal stormwater within the South ern California region. This course covers the California and City of Los Angeles regulatory requirements for stormwater and provides an overview of stormwater plan design hydrologic/hydraulic concepts, environmental site design, and non proprietary stormwater BMPs, including critical design elements and typical stormwater plan compli ance strategies.

Reg# 397935

Fee: $980

No refund after 30 June

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, June 24 Aug. 26

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 9am 12pm, July 13

Field Trip

Attendance at in-person class meetings is mandatory per the LATC credentialing of this program.

Field trip on July 13 is in Brentwood. 7 & Tom Rau B.A., architecture, UC Berkeley; MBA, USC; ASLA, landscape architect (CA 5681), who specializes in water sensitive design of resi dential, commercial, and public projects. Mr. Rau is currently a princi pal of Urban Water Group, Inc.

ARCH X 493.883


3.0 units

This course explores new methods to conceive, create and represent landscape through the 3D modeling software Rhinoceros. Investiga tions during the course commence with visions of landscape surfaces and their manipulation. Further exploration covers objects, buildings, structures, follies and architecture that inhabit this landscape. Throughout these studies, students revisit and reconceive the relations between their landscape strategies, the things that inhabit them and how to represent them.

Reg# 398586

Fee: $735

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online 6 mtgs

Sunday, 9am 1pm, July 14 Aug. 25

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 28.

Students are required to use their personal computers each class with Rhino 7 or 8 software installed. A 90-day free trial of the software is available via McNeel.

Instructor does not help students install or download software. Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are required. 7 Mark Johnson, Mark Johnson has worked for Los Angeles architectural firms including Perkins and Will, Morphosis, Corsini Stark, Paul Davis, and West Edge. He completed seven national exams and a California specific exam (the CSE) and is licensed in California as of 2021. In his spare time Mark designs and builds sculptures, furniture, and artwork.

X In Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.

A Live Online

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7 Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

For extensive information visit

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Landscape Architecture & Horticulture 63

Horticulture & Gardening

Enrollment is open to anyone interested in learning the science of horticulture or the common techniques to successful gardening.

For more information call 310-825-9414 or email at


Horticulture & Gardening Information Session

Interested in turning your passion for plants into a profession? The Horticulture & Gardening program offers courses to get you on your way, whether you’re seeking a new career path or the knowledge to better care for your own landscape. This free information session covers certificate program curriculum, specializations, individual classes, schedules, fees associated with pursuing this “green” path and answers to related questions.

Reg# 397747

Fee: $0

No refund after 1 Aug. A Live Online

1 mtg

Thursday, 6 7:30pm, Aug. 1

Remote Classroom

Free Program Information Session/Open House. Live Zoom event starts promptly at 6pm.

Stephanie Landregan, B.A., licensed landscape architect (CA 4093); MsPM, Masters of Science in project management


Plant Materials for Landscape Use

4.0 units

This course presents the characteristics of up to 150 plants selected for their garden use and seasonal interest in the Southern California area. Topics include trees; shrubs, ground covers; vines; and herba ceous plants, emphasizing their landscape use, appropriate place ment, horticultural care and ornamental features. A course project is required for all credit students.

Reg# 397753

Fee: $670

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Core course in Horticulture Certificate. 7

Ava Post, a professional horticulturist and environmental advocate for over 12 years managing and creating nonprofit gardens. She holds a Bachelors of Science in plant sciences from Cornell University, an Associates of Applied Science in ornamental horticulture, and is also a Certified California Naturalist.

BIOLGY X 498.2

Horticultural Pest Management

4.0 units

This course covers the identification and management of common garden insects, diseases and weeds common in the California land scape. Topics include integrated pest management (IPM) and biologi cal and other non chemical methods of control, as well as information on available chemicals and safety programs required for their uses.

Reg# 397751

Fee: $670

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4. 7 & Douglas Kent M.S., MLA is a specialist in ecological land manage ment. He is the principal of Douglas Kent + Associates and teaches land management courses at several colleges. Mr. Kent is also author of seven land management books and over 50 articles. He has been working in California’s landscapes for over 40 years and his work has been featured in publications across the nation.

BIOLGY X 499.97

Introduction to Irrigation Practices

4.0 units

As irrigation technology becomes more advanced, and water becomes scarcer, appropriate water application for plants is critical. Students learn how to design and prepare a residential irrigation plan. Instruc tion covers foundation in hydraulic design; efficient drip line layout; appropriate use of backflow prevention devices; water conservation methods and applications; and available new technologies, such as weather station ET based controllers and the application of design principles to comply with the State of California AB 1881 Water Model Efficient Landscape Ordinance.

Prerequisite(s): Fundamental knowledge of plants and their water requirements is recommended.

Reg# 397752

Fee: $670

No refund after 1 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25; July 16; Aug. 13 27

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 2 9; July 23 30; Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 9:30am 12:30pm, Aug. 10

UCLA: Location to be announced

Field trip on Aug. 10 is located at the Court of Sciences on UCLA campus.

Course format is a combination of live-on and in-person class meetings.

Elective course in Horticulture and Gardening Certificate. No required textbooks. 7

Zsolt Felenyi, landscape maintenance instructor, Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor, ISA Certified Arborist. He has been practicing and teaching horticulture for the past 25 years while also promoting water conservation.

BIOLGY X 497.35

Plant Propagation for Gardeners

4.0 units

This course emphasizes both the science and art of plant propagation. Learn the science behind plant propagation and then apply that knowledge by propagating a wide variety of plants. Hands on exer cises cover a multitude of propagation methodologies and demon strate different tools and techniques. Participants practice these techniques in an outdoor classroom environment to assimilate the art of propagation. Held at The Mildred E Mathias Botanical Garden on UCLA Campus.

Reg# 397749

Fee: $670

No refund after 2 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9pm, June 26 Aug. 14

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 9am 1pm, June 29 Aug. 10

UCLA: Botanical Gardens

July 3 31

No meetings July 6 & 20.

Course format is a combination of live-online and in-person class meetings.

Weekend in-person class meeting location is the Plant Growth Center at UCLA’s Mildred E Mathias Botanical Garden

Elective course in Horticulture and Gardening Certificate 7 & DeAnna Vega, is a dedicated educator with 20 plus years of experi ence in the field of horticulture and agriculture. With an M.S. in agri culture, plant science, she has been invited and presented at multiple conferences and conventions within the landscape and plant health industry.

BIOLGY X 465.4


4.0 units

Honey bees play a valuable role in our food system and environment providing pollination services to plants and producing honey and related products. Beekeepers support pollination activity and honey production by managing domesticated European honey bee (EHB) hives also known as apiaries. The objective of this class is to promote healthy and successful apiaries and teach beekeeping with optimum safety for beekeepers, neighbors and communities. Students will learn to develop their beekeeping methods for managing and maintaining European honey bee (Apis Mellifera) colonies using a science based body of knowledge. The curriculum for this course will prepare stu dents to take the Apprentice (Assistant) Certification Exam for the California Master Beekeeper Program.

Reg# 397748

Fee: $670

No refund after 5 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Saturday, 8 11am, June 29 Aug. 24; Sept. 14

UCLA: Life Sciences

Saturday, 8 11am, July 6 Aug. 17; Sept. 7

Remote Classroom

No meeting Aug. 31.

This course is a combination of live-online and in-person class meetings. The class meets in-person every other Saturday. 7 & Rey Soto, who is currently the lead beekeeper and representative for the UCLA satellite campus of the California Master Beekeeper Program.

BIOLGY X 466.1

Foundations of Horticultural Therapy

5.0 units

The foundations of horticultural therapy course introduces the student to the definitions operational standards, and practice of horticultural therapy as outlined by the AHTA. Students will learn evidence based theories and approaches for using plants to increase skills and well ness in therapeutic settings; learn the historical development and the current state of horticultural therapy and how this unique approach addresses the needs of various populations. Students will be intro duced to concepts surrounding program development, needs assess ment and therapeutic interventions. The class uses a combination of online learning, guest speakers, field trips and hands on activities to provide a deep understanding of the fundamental components of a successful horticultural therapy practice. This course is accredited by the AHTA (American Horticultural Therapy Association).

Reg# 398028

Fee: $1,185

No refund after 3 July

 Hybrid 15 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30am, June 27 Sept. 19

Remote Classroom

Saturday, 9:30am 1:30pm, July 20; Aug. 10; Aug. 31

Field Trip

No meeting July 4.

This course is a combination of live-online and in-person class meetings.

July 20 field trip - Mildred E Mathias Botanical Garden

Aug. 10 field trip - Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center

Therapeutic Garden

Aug. 31 field trip - Vista Del Mar School Gardens

Attendance at in-person field days is a requirement to successfully passing each course.

Elective course in the Horticulture certificate. Successful completion of this course will provide an equivalent of 3 semester credits in horticultural therapy coursework that can be used toward the completion of a total of 9 semester credits in horticultural therapy coursework that is required by the AHTA for professional registration as a Registered Horticultural Therapist (HTR). Accredited by AHTA (American Horticultural Therapy Association). 7 & Karen Haney M.A. in clinical psychology, who is a registered horti cultural therapist (HTR). Currently, Ms. Haney oversees the horticultural therapy and garden education program at Vista Del Mar School in Los Angeles and is the Director of the Long Beach: Organic “Gateway to Gardening” program.

BIOLGY X 497.5

Gardening Practices and Techniques

4.0 units

This course offers a practical introduction to the basics of maintaining a home garden. Students gain knowledge in tool selection and care, soil preparation, planting, plant nutrition and water requirements. Topics include common landscape problems with organic and holistic solutions; our special climate and micro climates, including sun and shade exposures; various pruning techniques; types of irrigation systems; gardening in containers; and gardening with color including perennials, annuals and bulbs.

Reg# 397750 Fee: $670 No refund after 30 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

No meeting Sept. 2.

Core course in the Gardening Specialization.

Elective course in the Horticulture Certificate. 7 & Jill Morganelli, B.S. in horticulture and food crop production from Colorado State University; horticultural supervisor of the Los Angeles County Arboretum & Botanic Garden for 10 years (retired).

64 Landscape Architecture & Horticulture Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971


For more information call (310) 825-7093.



Elementary French

4.0 units

This is the second in a sequence of three courses (XL 1, XL 2, XL 3) covering first year college level French. Instruction emphasizes past and future verb tenses, commands, object pronouns, idiomatic expres sions and the expansion of cultural vocabulary using a communicative, thematically based approach. Conducted entirely in French. c

Prerequisite(s): FRNCH XL 1 Elementary French, or proof of equivalent and consent of instructor at first session.

Reg# 398442

Fee: $688

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Evelyne Fodor, Ph.D., French and Francophone Studies, UCLA



Elementary Spanish

4.0 units

This introductory Spanish language and culture course is proficiency oriented, communicative and task based to help develop communica tive competence in four skill areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing), as well as cultural competence. c

Reg# 398440

Fee: $688

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Svetlana V. Tyutina Ph.D., in Spanish, Florida International University, Miami, Florida; Ph.D. in applied linguistics, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia.


Elementary Spanish

4.0 units

This is the second in a sequence of three courses (SPAN XL 1, SPAN XL 2, SPAN XL 3) covering first year college level Spanish. Instruction emphasizes reflexive verbs; present progressive, preterite and imper fect verb tenses; idiomatic expressions; and the expansion of basic conversational vocabulary (see SPAN XL 1 for a complete description of the Elementary Spanish program). Conducted entirely in Spanish. c

Prerequisite(s): SPAN XL 1 Elementary Spanish, one year of high school Spanish, or consent of instructor at first session.

Reg# 398441

Fee: $688

No refund after 28 June M Online June 24 Sept. 15

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. 7 & Svetlana V. Tyutina, Ph.D., in Spanish, Florida International University, Miami, Florida; Ph.D. in applied linguistics, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg, Russia.

X In Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.

A Live Online

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7 Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

For extensive information visit


Paralegal Studies

LAW X 406

Paralegal Training Program

36.0 units

UCLA Extension’s Paralegal Training Program (PTP) is approved by the American Bar Association and seeks to prepare students to function as ethical, effective and efficient professional paralegals in law firms, businesses, government and nonprofit organizations; to perform a wide variety of legal work under the supervision of attorneys; and to adapt easily to the changing role of the paralegal as well as the chang ing needs of the legal community. The PTP provides training in sub stantive and procedural law, legal analysis, professional responsibility, legal forms, legal technology and practical skills needed to work in the public or private sector as a competent and professional paralegal. This program fulfills educational requirements to practice as a para legal in California. Instructors for the program are approved by the UCLA School of Law and include judges, attorneys, paralegals and other legal professionals. Assistance in career counseling and job search opportunities are available to current students and program graduates. Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law. Lifetime placement assistance is available to PTP graduates. Pursuant to ABA Guidelines, students must take at least nine semester credits or the equivalent of legal specialty courses through synchronous instruction. Law X 406 Paralegal Train ing Program meets this requirement.

Reg# 398420

Fee: $7,995

No refund after 18 June

A Live Online

86 mtgs

Monday Friday, 9am 12:30pm, June 25 Nov 21

Remote Classroom

No meetings June 26, 27 & 28; July 1, 4, 5, 12 & 23; Aug. 1, 20 & 29; Sept. 2, 10 & 20; Oct. 2, 3, 12, 17 & 29; Nov. 1, 7 & 11.

Refund Policy: Full refund before program start through end of day for first session of the program; $2,000 nonrefundable until 30 calendar days after the start of class; no refund thereafter. 7

Aymara E. Zielina, J.D.

Reg# 398421

Fee: $7,995

No refund after 19 June

A Live Online

86 mtgs

Monday & Wednesday, 6:30pm 10:00pm, June 26, 2024 May 28, 2025

Remote Classroom

No meetings Sept. 2; Oct. 2; Nov. 27; Dec. 23, 25 & 30; Jan. 1 & 20, 2025; Feb. 17, 2025; May 26, 2025.

Refund Policy: Full refund before program start through end of day for first session of the program; $2,000 nonrefundable until 30 calendar days after the start of class; no refund thereafter. 7

Aymara E. Zielina, J.D.

LAW X 407.1

Oral Communication and Presentation Skills for Legal and Business Professionals

1.0 units

This course provides a foundational summary of the manner in which to approach oral business communications, from informal one on one status reports to formal business presentations for larger audiences. It also covers how to communicate during meetings with colleagues and clients. Topics include understanding your objective; selecting the appropriate tone for the audience; preparation, including knowl edge acquisition, time management and validation of information; selecting supporting materials; handling questions; post presentation communication and self assessment.

Reg# 398189

Fee: $195

No refund after 3 Aug.

A Live Online

3 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12pm, Aug. 10, 17 & 24

Remote Classroom 7

Sean C. Tyler, ACP

LAW 713

Information Session: Paralegal Training Program

Learn about opportunities in the paralegal field at our free information session. Explore the benefits of UCLA Extension’s Paralegal Training Program, including financial aid and lifetime career services, and hear from a program graduate, an instructor and a member of the Los Angeles Paralegal Association.

Reg# 398428

Fee: $0

A Live Online 1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 12pm, July 13

Remote Classroom

A Free Event

Aymara E. Zielina, J.D.

Reg# 398429

Fee: $0

A Live Online

1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 12pm, Sept. 7

Remote Classroom

A Free Event

Aymara E. Zielina, J.D.

Other Legal Programs

LAW X 407.3

Legal Internship

2.0 units

The internship provides practical legal experience in a variety of legal settings in the private or public sector, including with non profit organizations, courts, government agencies and in house depart ments. Course restricted to students and graduates of the Paralegal Training Program.

Prerequisite(s): This course is restricted to current students and gradu ates of the Paralegal Training Program.

Reg# 394118

Fee: $395

No refund after 17 June

Independent Study/Internship0

June 24 Sept. 15

Aymara E. Zielina J.D.

LAW X 420

Business Law: Fundamentals

4.0 units

This course explores the legal environment in which businesses oper ate and the critical interaction between business and the legal system. Students examine various areas of the law which are integral to the operation of business enterprises today. Topics include contracts, torts, agency, Uniform Commercial Code, bankruptcy and the different forms of business entities. Business owners, managers, accountants, para legals and all those seeking to enrich their general understanding of the legal system can benefit from this course. Business Law: Funde mentals also prepares students for the legal section of the CPA Exam. Reg# 397844

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Sanjesh Sharma J.D., Loyola Law School; B.S., UCSD.








For more information call (310) 825-0741 or email
ONLINE, page 1.
page 1.
HYBRID, page 1.


Taste of Osher

Please download a free version of Zoom at to participate in this course.

These two-hour lectures are open to the public as well as OLLI members. Plus members pay no fee for these courses. These one-day courses give people a chance to experience a high quality and enjoyable adventure in learning.

GENINT 741.490

Baguazhang (Bagua): History, Philosophy and Practical


Monks and nuns of the high mountain Chinese monasteries used the practice of walking in circles to assist them in their devotional prac tices. From these practices over several thousand years, Baguazhang or Bagua was developed as an internal martial art that is uniquely healing and balancing for the body and mind. In this course, we explore its history, philosophy and practical movements while compar ing it to tai chi, qigong and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) practices.

Reg# 397961

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.

X In Person 1 mtg

Monday, 1 3pm, June 24

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Samuel Barnes, director of Tai Chi Works Studio and the Qigong Healing Institute in Beverly Hills. Mr. Barnes has been teaching Tai Chi for more than 42 years and is a master teacher of Tai Chi, Qigong, Hsing I, Bagua and Meditation. He has travelled extensively in China and Tibet studying and practicing at the source of these eastern practices.

GENINT 711.496

The Art and Times of Edouard Manet

Édouard Manet was one of the first 19th century artists to paint modern life, as well as a pivotal figure in the transition from Realism to Impressionism. His work, focusing on capturing the immediacy of the modern world, was seen as a challenge to the constraints of the French Academy of Fine Arts and became an inspiration for a young generation of rebellious artists who would become known as the Impressionists. In this course, we look at his art, the controversy associated with it, and how he both influenced and was influenced by Impressionism. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to the video for 30 days.

Reg# 397942

Fee: $0

No refund after enrollment.Live Online 1 mtg

Wednesday, 1 4pm, June 26


Katherine Zoraster, M.A., adjunct professor of art history at Moorpark College, California State University, Northridge, and the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Arts

GENINT 711.500

Introduction to the Art of Magic

Explore the fascinating world of magic guided by an experienced performer. In this course, we learn the definition of magic, explore techniques used by renowned magicians, watch a live magic perfor mance and master a beginner level trick to amaze your friends and family. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to the video for 30 days.

Reg# 398168

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.Live Online 1 mtg

Wednesday, 10am 12pm, June 26

Remote Classroom

Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Garret Camilleri, M.F.A. in performance/theater education; educator, actor, director, and arts advocate.

GENINT 711.497

Women who Misbehave: Gertrude Bell

Gertrude Bell (1868 1926) was an English writer, traveler, political officer, administrator and archaeologist. In this course, we discover why she is known as the female Lawrence of Arabia, and how she became the most powerful woman in the British Empire and the driv ing force behind the creation of Iraq. We look at her involvement in World War I, the 1919 Paris Conference, the 1921 Cairo Conference and more. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to the video for 30 days.

Reg# 397959

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.Live Online

1 mtg

Friday, 10am 12pm, June 28

Remote Classroom

Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Myrna Hant, Ph.D., research scholar, Center for the Study of Women, UCLA, who has researched popular culture and mature adults in the media

GENINT 711.504

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? Understanding a Species Endangered

Wolves have had a long and contradictory association with humans targeted by hunters and conservationists alike, and simultaneously despised, mythologized and admired. In this course, we review the effects of the wolf’s near eradication and subsequent reintroduction, particularly in Yellowstone National Park. We examine modern pack migration into Oregon and California and wolf patterns in relation to global warming trends and the federal endangered species act. We also discuss the evolution of wolves in relation to dogs, wolf human interaction, trophic cascade, pack behavior, chaos theory and wolf biochemistry.


Reg# 398628

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.

X In Person

1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 12pm, July 6

UCLA South Bay

Building 6: 30800 Palos Verdes Drive East

Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Keith Klein, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.S.N. is a professor of medicine at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and clinical professor at UCLA School of Medicine and is a practicing nephrologist for more than 40 years. He has also raised two Timber wolves.

GENINT 711.355

Yoga and the Expressive Arts

This workshop fosters exploration, discovery, healing, celebration, and community. We begin with gentle Hatha yoga, including visualization and relaxation, followed by creative drawing, expressive movement and writing, with all forms encouraged, including poems, songs, sto ries, journal and stream of consciousness.

Reg# 398630

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.

X In Person 1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 12pm, July 13

UCLA South Bay

Building 6: 30800 Palos Verdes Drive East

Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Mona Wells hatha yoga teacher in Los Angeles and New York for more than 15 years

GENINT 711.478

The Severan Dynasty and Rome’s First African Emperor

Until 193 CE, all Roman emperors had been born in Europe. The Sev eran dynasty, begun by the African born Septimius Severus and continued by relatives of African and Syrian descent, represented the first time that the empire was ruled by Romans who looked different and worshipped differently from the Italians who built it. In this course, we explore how the Severan dynasty took power and the challenges its emperors faced when they ruled a fast changing Roman world. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to the video for 30 days.

Reg# 397573

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.Live Online 1 mtg

Tuesday, 10am 12pm, July 16

Remote Classroom

Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Edward Watts, Ph.D. in history from Yale University, Alkiviadis Vassili adis Endowed Chair and the chair of the History Department at UCSD. Mr. Watts is the author of six books and the editor of five others including Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell Into Tyranny (Basic Books).

For more information call (310) 206-2693.


GENINT 721.559

Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

GENINT 711.480

Yiddish Bingo

Yiddish is a uniquely descriptive, expressive, fun and amusing lan guage. In this course, we use Yiddish words and expressions to play the board game Bingo.

Reg# 397976

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.

X In Person

1 mtg

Tuesday, 1 3pm, July 16

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Marganit Lish CSLA; Life Teaching Credential, CSUN; MAT in educa tion, University of Judaism.


The Rise of an American Supercity: Los Angeles, Long Beach: and the South Bay after World War II

By the end of World War II, Los Angeles had emerged as one of the country’s most important cities largely due to burgeoning oil, defense and shipping industries south of L.A.’s city center. In this course, we connect this metropolitan growth with parallel mid century expansion in Long Beach: and peninsula communities. With close attention to cultural and demographic change, we also explore the area’s colorful oil tycoons, bootleggers, film stars and real estate magnates, as well as to the “Rosie the Riveter’’ archetype housewives who were respon sible for significant wartime production.

Reg# 398637

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.

X In Person

1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 12pm, July 20

UCLA South Bay

Building 6: 30800 Palos Verdes Drive East Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Sharon Boorstin screenwriter and contributing writer for the Los Angeles Times specializing in lifestyle and travel. Ms. Boorstin has written for magazines including Bon Appetit, Smithsonian, and Town & Country Travel and is the author of the memoir/cookbook Let Us Eat Cake: Adventures in Food & Friendship.

GENINT 711.503

An Introduction to Drones: Practical and Ethical Considerations

The drone, defined as aircraft navigated separately from onboard pilots or crew, was originally developed in the 20th century for military tasks considered excessively dull or dangerous. Recent technological developments, however, have greatly expanded the purposes of drone operation and increased non military uses while raising new privacy and safety concerns. This course explores the history, physics, policies and ethics of personal drone operation, while offering observable demonstrations for a technology that is altering fields such as health care, criminal justice, cartography, fire prevention, modern warfare, product delivery and broad areas of human surveillance.

Reg# 398632

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.

X In Person

1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 12pm, July 27

UCLA South Bay Building 6: 30800 Palos Verdes Drive East Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Keith Klein, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.S.N. is a professor of medicine at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and clinical professor at UCLA School of Medicine and is a practicing nephrologist for more than 40 years. He has also raised two Timber wolves.

Architecture, Interiors and Decorative Arts of the Italian Renaissance

The rebirth of the arts during the Renaissance period gave rise to sumptuous commissions by prosperous families. Archeological excavations of ancient Greece and Rome, financed by merchants, greatly influenced the art and architecture of the Italian Renaissance. As Italy became the cultural center of Europe and the cradle of the new ideas of humanism in the Renaissance, its wealthy families sup ported fine and decorative arts in the creation of opulent interiors. In this course, we explore the splendid art, magnificent architecture and luxurious decorative arts that graced the churches and palazzos of the Italian Renaissance. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to the video for 30 days.

Reg# 397584

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.Live Online 1 mtg

Monday, 1 3pm, Aug. 5

Remote Classroom

Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Eleanor Schrader M.B.A., Loyola Marymount University. Ms. Schrader has done graduate work in fine and decorative arts at Sotheby’s Institute in London and New York and graduate studies in architectural history at USC. She was a recipient of the UCLA Extension Department of the Arts Instructor of the Year Award in 2002, and the UCLA Exten sion Distinguished Instructor Award in 2008.

GENINT 711.481

Victorian Weirdness

The Victorian Era was filled with rapidly changing social mores, a fas cination with death and the occult, a desire to travel to exotic locales and an interest in both historicism and modern technology. From over decorated interiors to hair sculptures to poisonous wallpaper, this course takes you on a fascinating tour through the art, architecture and design of this period. We also experience a curious, headshaking and sometimes shocking glimpse into the life of Victorian society as we view some of the odd collections of the Victorians. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to the video for 30 days. Reg# 397599

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.Live Online

1 mtg

Monday, 1 3pm, Aug. 12

Remote Classroom

Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Eleanor Schrader M.B.A., Loyola Marymount University. Ms. Schrader has done graduate work in fine and decorative arts at Sotheby’s Institute in London and New York and graduate studies in architectural history at USC. She was a recipient of the UCLA Extension Department of the Arts Instructor of the Year Award in 2002, and the UCLA Exten sion Distinguished Instructor Award in 2008.

GENINT 711.442

American Civics 101: How Our Democracy Works

People who wish to naturalize as U.S. citizens must pass a citizenship test, which includes civics questions about American government. Imagine having to take a government civics test every year to remain a U.S. citizen. You would have to correctly answer 12 questions from a list of 128 to maintain your citizenship status. This course ensures that outcome as we review the founding principles of our democracy, our system of government and our rights and responsibilities. Topics include the functions and responsibilities of the co equal branches of government, the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights, your congres sional representatives and clarifying everything you need to know about the Electoral College, gerrymandering and more. This course uses the Hybrid (Flexible) format which allows students to participate remotely and/or in the classroom. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 397977

Fee: $15

No refund after enrollment.Hybrid 1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 12pm, Sept. 7

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Hybrid course: combination of in-person and live-online. Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

If you participate remotely, please download a free version of zoom at to participate in this course.

Alan Perper founding member of, former high school teacher. Currently, Mr. Perper teaches citizenship classes in accor dance with standards taught by U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Services.

Special Programs

These events, courses, and other unique offerings are available exclusively to OLLI at UCLA members as part of their membership benefits. All special programs are offered at no cost to members. Registration is required.


OLLI Video Library

OLLI at UCLA members who enroll into this course receive access to a selection of past program recordings in their Canvas student portal. Enjoy over 50 recordings of 1 day lectures, virtual tours, guest speaker interviews, ‘Beyond the Headlines’ speaker presentations and more. Re enroll each quarter to continue your access and take advantage of this valuable membership perk. New videos are added every quarter. Members should re enroll into this course every quarter for continued access to the library. Once enrolled, wait 24 hours then access the library by logging into Canvas, UCLA Extension’s online learning management system.

Reg# 397993

Fee: $0

No refund after 12 Oct.

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Visitors not permitted.

Jon Kuykendall-Barrett

OLLI at GENINT 721.657

UCLA Tour: Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden

Join us for a walking tour of the UCLA Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden, exclusively for OLLI at UCLA members. Explore a living museum that is home to unique collections of plants from around the world! Learn about the diverse plants and animals that live in this urban oasis, as well as its history and future plans. The tour lasts approximately one hour and picnic tables are available to enjoy lunch afterwards. Trails are unpaved decomposed granite and not suggested for wheelchairs. We meet at the UCLA La Kretz Garden Pavilion. Please plan to arrive early so you have time to locate us and use the rest rooms. Students must sign a waiver before participation.

Reg# 398701

Fee: $0

No refund after enrollment.

X In Person

1 mtg

Thursday, 11am 12pm, Aug. 1

UCLA: Botanical Gardens


GENINT 711.492

Reading and Acting The Shoemaker’s Holiday by Thomas Dekker

Thomas Dekker was a well known playwright and pamphleteer in London and a contemporary of William Shakespeare. He was involved in at least 42 plays during his career, frequently as a collaborator or reviser, but much of his writing has been lost. Of the nine surviving plays that are entirely his own work, The Shoemaker’s Holiday is the best known and considered his masterpiece. It is a boisterous comedy about a madcap shoemaker who rises to become Lord Mayor of London and offers vivid and romanticized portrayals of daily life in London around 1600. Each week, we read scenes aloud from this entertaining play (free play script available online) and discuss them. All are welcome, no prior acting experience required.

Reg# 397921

Fee: $0

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Tuesday, 10am 12pm, June 25 Aug. 13

Remote Classroom

Free for Osher members. Visitors not permitted.

Steven Moore, M.A., University of Washington. Mr. Moore began his career teaching drama and English at the secondary level and serving as a consultant/master teacher in arts education. He went on to work as a student advisor in UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television for twenty five years. He is a recipient of Extension’s Distinguished Instructor Award.

at UCLA Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

GENINT 731.439

OLLI Movie Club

The OLLI at UCLA Movie Club is centered around watching quality, modern films and having a discussion afterwards. The facilitator selects films that are available on Netflix; members should screen the film at home before meeting with the group on Zoom. Discussions center around story, symbolism, cinematography, presentation and of course our personal reactions to the film. Films are announced one week before each meeting. Enroll anytime throughout the quarter to join in on the fun.

Reg# 397980

Fee: $0

No refund after 28 July

A Live Online

3 mtgs

Wednesday, 3:30 4:30pm, June 26 Aug. 21

Remote Classroom

Visitors not permitted.

Sharon Boorstin, screenwriter and contributing writer for the Los Angeles Times, specializing in lifestyle and travel. Ms. Boorstin has written for magazines including Bon Appetit, Smithsonian, and Town & Country Travel and is the author of the memoir/cookbook Let Us Eat Cake: Adventures in Food & Friendship.

Lecture Courses

Lecture courses are taught by high-caliber instructors and guest speakers for which UCLA Extension is world renown. Our courses explore art, music, literature, history, science, languages, psychology, current events and many other exciting fields. There are no tests, grades or homework, though some courses include readings.

You must be at least 50 years old and a current member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UCLA to enroll in these courses. To become a member, proceed with enrolling in an OLLI course and you will be prompted to purchase a membership during checkout.

GENINT 731.276

Shakespeare for Beginners and Experts, Part 4

William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest author of plays and poems in the English language. What is not widely recognized is that he wrote for two audiences: playgoers eager for diversion and entertainment, and the thoughtful “wiser sort” concerned with politi cal, cultural, religious and social questions of the day. Shakespeare had a lot to say to both audiences which in good part accounts for his timeless popularity. In this course, we read five of his greatest plays, and discuss and understand them as well informed lovers of the theater and poetry. But we also sift his writings for the provocative ideas radical and rebellious ideas that fired the imagination of the “wiser sort” in Shakespeare’s time and now. We read and discuss the following plays: Comedy of Errors, Cymbeline, Troilus and Cressida, Romeo and Juliet and Othello. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 397607

Fee: $115

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Monday, 10am 12pm, June 24 July 29

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $34 for this course. Visitors not permitted.

Steve Sohmer Ph.D., M.A.

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




GENINT 711.479

The History and Mystery of Color

Artists have used color to create an array of symbolism, emotions and socio political meanings within their historical context. Additionally, artists have utilized their knowledge of color to portray mood, light, depth and point of view. In this course, we discuss a variety of paint ings throughout history to understand intention and the stories behind the paintings. We look at the various histories of color and their meanings in various societies and cultural contexts, as well as the materials and processes used to make colors. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 397581

Fee: $115

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Monday, 1 3pm, June 24 July 29

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $34 for this course.Visitors not permitted. Eleanor Schrader M.B.A., Loyola Marymount University. Ms. Schrader has done graduate work in fine and decorative arts at Sotheby’s Institute in London and New York and graduate studies in architectural history at USC. She was a recipient of the UCLA Extension Department of the Arts Instructor of the Year Award in 2002, and the UCLA Exten sion Distinguished Instructor Award in 2008.

GENINT 711.501

The Show Must Go On: The Story of Queen

There is no other rock band like Queen. They’re the only group in history that featured four equally talented songwriters, all of whom wrote at least one top 10 hit. They were the first to integrate elements of opera, musicals and other genres uncommon in rock music into their compositions. They even built some of their own gear, which helped define the band’s sound. There are so many elements that make the band enthralling, but their story is easily the most riveting. In this course, we learn how the band went from humble beginnings to eventually becoming one of the most beloved and successful groups in the world. We explore everything from their musical evolu tion to their legendary performance at Live Aid to their fascinating personal lives and much more. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 398210 Fee: $135

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online 8 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 24 Aug. 12

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Max Keller MFA in film and television producing; DMR project coor dinator at IMAX; film and video instructor at several community colleges.

GENINT 711.369

Tragedy and Early Modern Opera

The early modern artists’ ability to masterfully rework traditions of classical and neoclassical tragedy for the operatic stage has produced a number of early European operas, which continue to stand the test of time. In this course, we view selected operas from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, focusing our study on the characteristic features of tragedy and its integration. The selected operas include Peri’s Euridice, Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo, Cavalli’s Giasone Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, Charpentier’s Médée Handel’s Rinaldo, and Rameau and Pellegrin’s Hippolyte et Aricie. We also consider other short musical examples to better our understanding of the resulting genre.

Reg# 397609

Fee: $115

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Tuesday, 10am 12pm, June 25 July 30

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $34 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Anahit Rostomyan, MMus in organ performance, M.A. in musicology. In addition to pursuing dual DMA and Ph.D. degrees in these two fields of study at UCLA, she is an avid performer of period keyboard instruments.

GENINT 711.486

All in the Decade

In the nine decades that make up the history of television, none involved more change to the business and its programming than the 1970s. Dramas turned dark. Comedies turned serious. Movies and miniseries smashed taboos. Conventions were overturned. Represen tation soared. Reality programming arrived. Sports in prime time and HBO and Showtime were born. And controversy was often as explosive as some of the ratings. TV, in other words, got real, because a rapidly changing America demanded it. In this course, we explore what 1970s television explored realism, feminism, individualism, commercialism and escapism. From projects like All in the Family Roots and MASH; to people like Lorne Michaels, Fred Silverman, Norman Lear and Richard Pryor; and to industry issues like The Family Viewing Hour, The Kojak Trial and HBO v. FCC; we examine seventy things that turned a decade into a prime time revolution. This course uses the Hybrid (Flexible) format which allows students to participate remotely and/or in the classroom. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course

Reg# 397889

Fee: $125

No refund after 3 Jul 

Hybrid 7 mtgs

Tuesday, 1 3pm, June 25 Aug. 6

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Hybrid course: combination of in-person and live-online. Plus members pay only $37 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Jim McKairnes M.A., media veteran of 30+ years including 15 years at CBS Television, author, TV historian. He has taught at DePaul Uni versity, Temple University and Middle Tennessee State University outside Nashville.

GENINT 771.339

Religions of India

Most Westerners do not realize that several religions originated in India in addition to Hinduism: Buddhism, Jainism and the Sikh tradition. In this course, we discuss how so many religions born from the same place interact with each other. We also look at how they have dealt with the introduction of the three major Western religions: Islam, Judaism and Christianity. This course uses the Hybrid (Flexible) format which allows students to participate remotely and/or in the classroom. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 397611

Fee: $135

No refund after 4 Jul  Hybrid

8 mtgs

Wednesday, 10am 12pm, June 26 Aug. 14

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Hybrid course: combination of in-person and live-online. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Phyllis Herman, Ph.D. in the history of religion, UCLA; professor of religious studies at CSUN.

GENINT 721.491

Cosmology, Astronomy and Space Exploration in the News

Due to advances in technology, what we thought we knew about the fundamentals of cosmology, astronomy and space exploration is evolving almost daily. In this course, we explore the latest concepts, news and discoveries regarding multiverses, gravitational waves, black holes, neutron stars, exoplanets and the beginning of our universe. We also follow the progress of NASA’s and ESA’s missions to the moon, Mars, and Europa Jupiter’s ice covered moon and more.

Reg# 397658

Fee: $135

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 26 Aug. 14

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Shelley R. Bonus award winning writer, astronomical historian and lecturer; content creator for the Caltech Infrared Astronomy website CoolCosmos, and currently telescope coordinator for the Mt. Wilson Observatory.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UCLA 69

Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

GENINT 711.487

On the Road

Road movies have always defied strict classification. Loosely defined as narratives of characters traveling on a journey of self discovery, these films often encompass a blend of literary and cinematic genres, including coming of age novels, buddy movies and picaresque tales. In this course, we screen and discuss six road movies that highlight the difficulty of reducing this genre to its lowest common denominator. Whether they adopt the style of a classic film noir (Detour 1945) or venture into counterculture escapades (Easy Rider, 1969), these films use the journey to shine a spotlight on issues of cultural identity, socio political challenges and to capture the zeitgeist of the era in which they were created. Differently from traditional genres, road movies don’t rely on a closed set of cultural and moral values, as the road trip can either foster a sense of familial unity (Little Miss Sunshine, 2006) or serve as an escape from suffocating family dynamics (Thelma and Louise, 1991). They can also show the odyssey of a group of indi viduals trying to survive (O Brother, Where Art Thou? 2000) or the postmodern journey of a disgruntled hero searching for closure (The Limey 1999).

Reg# 397896

Fee: $135

No refund after 5 July

X In Person

6 mtgs

Thursday, 1 3:30pm, June 27 July 11

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Thursday, 1 4pm, July 18 25

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Thursday, 1 3:30pm, Aug. 8 15

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Alessandro Pirolini Ph.D. in American film history, University of London; author of Rouben Mamoulian and The Cinema of Preston Sturges Dr. Pirolini also has written numerous articles, essays and film reviews for publications such as Cineforum, and Il Nuovo Spettatore

GENINT 711.489

Fascism: Lessons from the Twentieth Century

In recent years, concern has grown across the world about a resur gence in fascism in countries as diverse as Hungary, Poland, Brazil, India, Turkey and the United States. Fascist tropes, styles and ideologi cal leanings have burst back into the public square. A new despotism has emerged, which uses the trappings of democracy to cultivate a mass psychology similar to and yet different from fascism. In this course, we examine four specific cases from the 20th century to better ground participants in how to look at what is happening now. These include Mussolini’s Italy, Hitler’s Germany, Francisco Franco’s Spain and Vichy France.

Reg# 397913

Fee: $95

No refund after 13 July

A Live Online

4 mtgs

Friday, 1 2:30pm, June 28

Remote Classroom

Friday, 1 2:30pm, July 12 26

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 5.

Plus members pay only $28 for this course. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Visitors not permitted.

Jared Day Ph.D., taught American history at Carnegie Mellon Univer sity in Pittsburgh for 16 years. His areas of expertise are U.S. political, urban and cultural history as well as world history from the 15th century to the present. He now teaches at Three Rivers Community College in Norwich, CT.

GENINT 711.495

Artistic Rivalries

Artists often work and create together to formulate new styles. Just as often, they compete and respond to each other’s work, leading to breakthroughs and new developments. In this course, we begin in the Renaissance with the ideological rivalry between Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, and then between Michelangelo and Raphael. We then move forward in history, exploring different artistic rivalries and how they fueled artistic creation. Other frenemies include JMW Turner and John Constable, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin, Henri Matisse and Pablo Picasso and Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pol lock. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 397941

Fee: $0

No refund after 11 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Wednesday, 1 3pm, July 3 Aug. 7


This course is free and open to the public.

Katherine Zoraster, M.A., adjunct professor of art history at Moorpark College, California State University, Northridge, and the Los Angeles Academy of Figurative Arts


Looking at Contemporary Art

This course offers the opportunity to engage with contemporary art as well as with each other. Our conversations include the discussion of materials, perception and interpretation of abstract, figurative and performative projects, while considering the time and place of its making. Two discussion meetings are held via Zoom, and four meet ings consist of field trips to museums and galleries, where we cultivate how to look at and appreciate the art of our time. Class discussions will be on Zoom and recorded. Field trips will be offsite. Students must sign a waiver before participation.

Reg# 397660

Fee: $130

No refund after 9 Aug

 Hybrid

6 mtgs

Thursday, 1 3:30pm, Aug. 1 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

Thursday, 1 3:30pm, Aug. 8 29

Location to be announced

Hybrid course: combination of in-person and live-online. Plus members pay only $39 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Deborah Cohen M.A. in culture and performance, UCLA; Ph.D. in culture and performance, UCLA.

GENINT 731.237


Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is probably the most famous prodigy in the history of classical music. As early as age five, he was already an accomplished performer on keyboard and violin and began compos ing music. His musical legacy, however, extends far beyond the mythos of these early years and he develops into one of the most important composers of the 18th century. This course surveys the works of Mozart in the context of his life and times and draws con nections between his works and a variety of personal and cultural issues.

Reg# 397659

Fee: $115

No refund after 14 Aug.

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Tuesday, 10am 12pm, Aug. 6 Sept. 10

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $34 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Anahit Rostomyan, MMus in organ performance, M.A. in musicology. In addition to pursuing dual DMA and Ph.D. degrees in these two fields of study at UCLA, she is an avid performer of period keyboard instruments.

GENINT 711.490

Experiments in Freedom: The United States and African Americans, 1865-1900

The Reconstruction era was a period in United States history following the American Civil War; dominated by the legal, social, and political challenges of abolishing slavery; and reintegrating the former Con federate States of America into the United States. It overlapped the Gilded Age, which was characterized by rapid economic growth, a flood of immigration and scandalous politics. In this course, we examine the African American experience during the Reconstruction era and the Gilded Age with special focus on federal efforts to empower ex slaves and freedmen’s efforts at holding onto their newly emancipated status in the face of implacable southern opposition. This is one of the darker chapters in US history; however, it is also one marked by extraordinary heroism and courage by both blacks and whites who sought an unprecedented social revolution in the former confederate states. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 397915

Fee: $85

No refund after 22 Aug.

A Live Online 3 mtgs

Wednesday, 1 2:30pm, Aug. 14 28

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $25 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Jared Day, Ph.D., taught American history at Carnegie Mellon Univer sity in Pittsburgh for 16 years. His areas of expertise are U.S. political, urban and cultural history as well as world history from the 15th century to the present. He now teaches at Three Rivers Community College in Norwich, CT.

GENINT 711.491

President Andrew Johnson and Impeachment

In this course, we examine the tumultuous time that came in the wake of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination when the new president Andrew Johnson battled with the Republican majority in Congress for control over Reconstruction policy. Their bitter contest led to the first presi dential impeachment in US history, and its course and development reflect on many of the central issues of the day including race, racism, domestic terrorism, the separation of powers and the basic character of our Constitution. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 397916

Fee: $75

No refund after 20 Aug.

A Live Online

2 mtgs

Monday, 1 2:30pm, Aug. 19 26

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay $22 for this course. Visitors not permitted. No refund allowed.

Jared Day, Ph.D., taught American history at Carnegie Mellon Univer sity in Pittsburgh for 16 years. His areas of expertise are U.S. political, urban and cultural history as well as world history from the 15th century to the present. He now teaches at Three Rivers Community College in Norwich, CT.

GENINT 711.482

The Birth of Film Noir, Part 2

Post World War II, America’s mood turned increasingly dark, leading to the growing popularity of filmmaking called film noir. Featuring such elements as fatalism, brooding lighting, cynical heroes and duplicitous females, the genre captured growing disenchantment in cultural norms. In this course, we discuss what comprises film noir, from stylistic touches to conflicted stories and characters through such films as Crossfire (1947), Out of the Past (1947), Act of Violence (1948) and Gun Crazy (1950).

Reg# 397600

Fee: $100

No refund after 28 Aug.

X In Person

4 mtgs

Tuesday, 1 3pm, Aug. 20 Sept. 10

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Plus members pay only $30 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Mary Mallory, film historian, writer and researcher focusing on Los Angeles and early film history. Ms. Mallory is the author of four books, blogger for the LA Daily Mirror and speaker at museums and libraries. She serves on the Hollywood Heritage Museum Board of Directors.

70 Osher
at UCLA Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

GENINT 711.488

The Political Crisis in the Horn of Africa and its Wider Political Ramifications

The Horn of Africa, which comprises Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan, has significant strategic importance and is the most conflicted part of Africa. In this course, we focus on the dynamics of these countries’ domestic conflicts and how they become regionalized or internationalized. We also discuss the escalating political tension between Ethiopia and its neighbors; potentially destabilizing not just Africa’s Horn but disrupting around one third of the global trade which passes through the Red Sea. Europe, Asia and the Persian Gulf coun tries are interconnected by this narrow sea lane which transports more than half a trillion dollars’ worth of goods. Its chokepoints are located on the coasts of Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and Yemen, on the other side of the water. It would be naïve to believe that other states, especially Yemen and oil rich Saudi Arabia, which occupy the eastern shores of the Red Sea, would not intervene when a major war unfolds on their doorsteps. This course will be recorded. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 397899

Fee: $85

No refund after 6 Sept.

A Live Online

2 mtgs

Thursday, 10am 12pm, Sept. 5 12

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay $25 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Eyassu Gayim JD, adjunct faculty, Political Science Department, SDSU; former human rights instructor, University of Helsinki; former visiting scholar, UCLA, UCSD, USD and California Western School of Law.

Discussion Groups

Discussion groups are for members who want to ask questions, offer answers and share their knowledge in the classroom. Established instructors act as facilitators to create an environment in which participants explore subjects in an atmosphere of intellectual stimulation, creative self-expression and socializing without the expectation of tests or grades. Depending on the nature of the course, there could be a modest amount of preparation or readings required, and you may be called upon for your insights members should be ready to participate.

You must be at least 50 years old and a current member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UCLA to enroll in these courses. To become a member, proceed with enrolling in an OLLI course and you will be prompted to purchase a membership during checkout.

GENINT 711.484

Short Stories from India

In this course, we read stories from India that illuminate Indian life during the years before, during and after British colonial rule. One example is Anita Desai’s “Pigeons at Daybreak,” which deals with the power of family and human relationships, particularly the significance of love and care in times of need and ailments. Desai describes her own work as an attempt to reveal “the truth that is nine tenth of the iceberg... submerged beneath the one tenth visible portion we call Reality.” Another example is Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s “The Interview.” Writing for the New York Times, Pearl K. Bell characterizes Jhabvala as an “affectionately satiric observer of the conflict between traditional passivity and Westernized ambition within those battered by the indifferent tide of change in present day Indian life.” Class discussion is intended to encourage what David Damrosch called “a back and forth movement between the familiar and the unfamiliar. A view of the world is always a view from wherever we are, and we inevitably filter what we read through our own experience. But if we don’t impose our expectations onto the new work, its distinctive qualities will enlarge our field of vision.” Course books: Other Voices, Other Vistas: Short Stories from Africa, China, India, Japan, and Latin America; and Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies. Reg# 397873

Fee: $80

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Monday, 1 3pm, June 24 July 8; July 22 & 29; Aug. 12 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Leonard Koff, Ph.D., UC Berkeley; associate, UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. He taught in the English Department and developed courses for the Comparative Literature Department at UCLA, and is the recipient of the Distinguished Instructor Award from UCLA Extension (2009) and the Dean’s Award (2019).

GENINT 721.679

The Historical Jesus and the Aftermath

No figure in Western history has been given more print, scholarship, or speculation than the person called Jesus. In this course, we explore who or what Jesus was a Jewish revolutionary, a divine spiritual man, an unlucky artisan, a mythical figure or perhaps something else altogether. We also examine the consequences that followed his life the Church, Christianity and Christology and whether they truly reflect the man. This course is not just a synthesis of what the scholars say, but an investigation that the class takes on in this interactive discussion group. This course uses the Hybrid (Flexible) format which allows students to participate remotely and/or in the classroom. Students will have access to videos for the duration of the course.

Reg# 398007

Fee: $80

No refund after 3 Jul

 Hybrid 8 mtgs

Tuesday, 1 3pm, June 25

Aug. 13

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Hybrid course: combination of in-person and live-online. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Vincent Coppola Ph.D. in philosophy, Pontifical Gregorian University; M.F.A. in film and theater arts, UCLA.

GENINT 741.485

They Lived in Squares, Painted in Circles and Loved in Triangles: The Bloomsbury Group, Part 1

The title of this course, attributed to the inimitable wit and satirist Dorothy Parker (1893 1967), is a terse, spot on description of one of the foremost literary artistic groups/salons/gatherings in western litera ture and art. In this course, we read Amy Licence’s Living in Squares, Loving in Triangles which introduces us to the brave, passionate and innovative lives and loves of these remarkable writers, artists and intellectuals (even T. S. Eliot, who popped in occasionally). We also read works by two of the group’s major literary luminaries, Virginia Woolf (1882 1941) and E. M. Forster (1879 1970). Their works include early short stories as well as their masterpiece novels, Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway (1925) and Forster’s A Passage to India (1924).

Reg# 398009

Fee: $80

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Wednesday, 10am 12pm, June 26 Aug. 14

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Carlo Coppola, Ph.D. in comparative literature, University of Chicago

GENINT 741.347

Eugene O’Neil, The Man and His Plays

This course takes a deep look into the life of Eugene O’Neil and how it influenced his plays, especially his masterpiece about his own life, Long Day’s Journey into Night, as well as The Iceman Cometh and Mourning Becomes Electra, among others. A viewing of the film version of his plays is followed by discussion. Unfortunately, his plays are not available in our area, but the film versions are excellent. It should be very rewarding, as he certainly is one of America’s premier playwrights.

Reg# 398026

Fee: $80

No refund after 4 July

X In Person

5 mtgs

Wednesday, 1 4pm, June 26; July 3 24

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Vincent Coppola Ph.D. in philosophy, Pontifical Gregorian University; M.F.A. in film and theater arts, UCLA.

GENINT 711.229

Current Events: Understanding Our World

This unique discussion group focuses on exploring the news of the week. Participants share articles and opinions that pertain to what’s happening both in the United States and internationally, particularly to introduce diverse views. Many of the pundits we analyze write for The New York Times the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times. These include such political writers as David Brooks, Thomas Friedman, Paul Krugman, Ross Douthat, Fareed Zakaria, John Bolton, Peggy Noonan, Maureen Dowd and many more that the class may wish to cover. We also examine such magazines as The New Yorker, The Atlantic The New Republic and other journals that give in depth coverage of current topics. This is your chance to listen and to be heard on the events of today. This course uses the

Hybrid (Flexible) format which allows students to participate remotely and/or in the classroom.

Reg# 398011

Fee: $80

No refund after 12 Jul  Hybrid 8 mtgs

Thursday, 10am 12pm, June 27 July 25; Aug. 8 29

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Hybrid course: combination of in-person and live-online. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. If you participate remotely, please download a free version of Zoom at to participate in this course. Myrna Hant, Ph.D., research scholar, Center for the Study of Women, UCLA, who has researched popular culture and mature adults in the media

GENINT 711.485

Parables, Part 1: Zen Parables

Zen narratives point to the simple unity of life and have the effect of clearing our fragmented mind so that we can grasp reality and act on it here and now. In this course, we read a variety of traditional Zen parables and stories. Zen parables are longer versions of koans seemingly paradoxical statements that are designed to prompt self reflection and self illumination. There’s no one right way to interpret them, no one neat answer to explain them and no ultimate meaning that can be derived. The course book, 108 Zen Parables and Stories (Sacred Wisdom Stories), is organized into three categories: The Art of Zen Teaching, The Art of Zen Living and The Art of Zen Dying, and includes such parables as “Reaching Enlightenment,” “The Value of Silence,” “The Gift of Insults” and “True Giving.” Each story, no matter how short and simple, holds a key to resolution of timeless problems every person faces.

Reg# 397875

Fee: $80

No refund after 8 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Sunday, 12 2pm, June 30 July 14; July 28 Aug. 25

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Leonard Koff, Ph.D., UC Berkeley; associate, UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. He taught in the English Department and developed courses for the Comparative Literature Department at UCLA, and is the recipient of the Distinguished Instructor Award from UCLA Extension (2009) and the Dean’s Award (2019).

GENINT 711.483

The Many Faces of Bette Davis

Bette Davis’s fame was not based on her looks, as she was not con sidered to be conventionally attractive in her time. Before she made her first film, makeup artist Jack Pierce told her, “Your eyelashes are too short, hair’s a nondescript color, mouth’s too small, a fat little Dutch girl’s face, and a neck that’s too long.” In this course, we discover how Bette Davis rose to become one of the greatest actresses in Hollywood history a true screen legend. And how, at a time when actresses were considered accessories to their male counterparts, she carried virtu ally every picture herself, and in doing so, helped to redefine what a woman’s role was in society. We also look at her persona; although most people think of her as playing overbearing, temperamental and spiteful women, this was not always the case. When most actresses were considered finished by age 30, Bette went on to star in over 90 films, receiving a whopping 11 Oscar nominations for Best Actress, as well as an Emmy. We view and discuss seven films showcasing her immense talent in very diverse roles a beautiful, albeit spoiled Southern belle in Jezebel (1938); a British monarch in Elizabeth, the Queen (1939); a murderess in The Letter (1940); a renowned author in Old Acquaintance (1943); a vain society woman in Mr. Skeffington (1944); a celebrated actress in All About Eve (1950) and a recluse with a troubled past in Hush..Hush, Sweet Charlotte (1964).

Reg# 397675

Fee: $80

No refund after 10 July

X In Person

7 mtgs

Tuesday, 1 3:45pm, July 2 Aug. 13

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Mark Richman, MM in Piano, Juilliard School of Music; prize winning concert pianist; currently lecturer in Piano for the Mike Curb College of Arts, Media, and Communication, CSUN; member of the artist faculty of Junior Chamber Music; formerly visiting lecturer in music at UCLA.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UCLA 71

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

GENINT 711.493

Great Playwrights, Part 1:

Plays of Tennessee Williams

Tennessee Williams was a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright, and along with contemporaries Eugene O’Neill and Arthur Miller, is considered among the three foremost playwrights of 20th century American drama. In this course, we explore his life and examine specific plays including Cat on Hot Tin Roof A Streetcar Named Desire The Glass Menagerie and The Night of the Iguana. We read excerpts from his plays, view portions of staged and televised productions and discuss the themes and impact his works had on a global culture.

Reg# 397932

Fee: $80

No refund after 17 Aug.

X In Person

6 mtgs

Friday, 1 3:30pm, Aug. 9 Sept. 13

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Thomas Trudgeon, M.F.A. in acting and performance pedagogy from CSULB; faculty lecturer with CSULB, where he has taught introduction to acting, preparing for the profession, and advanced acting classes.

Foreign Languages

GENINT 711.207

Spanish 1 for Everyday Life

Gain the essential tools to survive in situations in which Spanish must be used. Learn essential vocabulary to communicate in everyday life. This course is intended for students who have not had a great deal of exposure to the language.

Reg# 398031

Fee: $135

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Tuesday, 10am 12pm, June 25 Aug. 13

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted.

Emilia Chuquin Ph.D., Spanish, UNM, Albuquerque

GENINT 741.268

High-Level Spanish Conversation

This conversation course is for more advanced Spanish speakers who want to continue improving their oral Spanish skills. Using authentic sources from Latin America, students improve their spoken Spanish through interpretation, imagination and critical reading. Stories are read and retold in small groups in front of the class in order to improve vocabulary, pronunciation and idiomatic expressions. Students who have completed Spanish IV or Literary Spanish are at the appropriate fluency level for this course.

Reg# 398033

Fee: $80

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Tuesday, 1 3pm, June 25 Aug. 13

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Emilia Chuquin, Ph.D., Spanish, UNM, Albuquerque

GENINT 741.433

French Conversation 2: High Intermediate

Designed for students who have taken two or more years of French or who have lived in a French speaking country, this class prepares you to have a conversation with native speakers of French. Real life dialogues include engaging topics such as meeting people, making plans, discussing leisure activities and just having fun. Homework assignments include oral exercises on specified topics that students prepare during the week, then share with the whole class.

Reg# 398037

Fee: $80

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 25 Aug. 13

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Ruth Anne Gooley, Ph.D. in French and Francophone studies, UCLA

GENINT 741.432

French Conversation 1: Low Intermediate

Designed for students who have had one year of French. This course prepares you to have a conversation with native speakers of French. Real life dialogues include engaging topics such as meeting people, making plans, discussing leisure activities and just having fun. Home work assignments include oral exercises on specified topics; students prepare their discussion points during the week and share with the whole class.

Reg# 398038

Fee: $80

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online 8 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 8:30pm, June 26 Aug. 14

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Ruth Anne Gooley Ph.D. in French and Francophone studies, UCLA

GENINT 721.801

Real Life Spanish Conversation 1

This course provides a comfortable space for students with a basic knowledge of Spanish to practice their conversation skills under an instructor’s guidance. Students respond to prompts provided by the instructor, while their peers ask follow up questions or make com ments, all in Spanish. The instructor facilitates the conversations and corrects vocabulary or grammar as needed. Please note: This is not a beginner’s class; some Spanish is required.

Reg# 398051

Fee: $80

No refund after 12 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Thursday, 10am 12pm, June 27 Aug. 22

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Susan McMillen Villar, Ph.D. in Hispanic and luso Literatures, lan guages cultures and linguistics. Retired director of Spanish and Por tuguese Language Instruction, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

GENINT 741.250

Real Life Spanish Conversation 2

This course provides a comfortable space for students with an inter mediate knowledge of Spanish to practice their conversation skills under an instructor’s guidance. Students respond to prompts provided by the instructor, while their peers ask follow up questions or make comments, all in Spanish. The instructor facilitates the conversations and corrects language as needed while also introducing more advanced grammar and vocabulary skills. Please note: This course is intended for intermediate Spanish speakers; students approaching fluency are encouraged to take our High Level Spanish Conversation course.

Reg# 398052

Fee: $80

No refund after 12 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Thursday, 1 3pm, June 27 Aug. 22

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Susan McMillen Villar, Ph.D. in Hispanic and luso Literatures, lan guages cultures and linguistics. Retired director of Spanish and Por tuguese Language Instruction, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.

Creativity, Games & Movement

These courses are interactive. Members are able to practice or apply what they learn in class.

You must be at least 50 years old and a current member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UCLA to enroll in these courses. To become a member, proceed with enrolling in an OLLI course and you will be prompted to purchase a membership during checkout.

GENINT 731.486

Gentle Chair Pilates

Pilates is a low impact exercise that focuses on strengthening muscles while improving flexibility, mobility and posture. However, it can be intimidating especially if one has been inactive or never exercised. In this course, we learn modified Pilates movements while seated in a chair, using a TheraBand (or a towel, belt, strap or scarf), 1 2 lbs. weights (or water bottle, soup cans), and your amazing body. Always consult a doctor about any pain or injury before engaging in any exercise. Students must sign a waiver before participation.

Reg# 397920

Fee: $80

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Monday, 1 2pm, June 24 Aug. 12

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Participants are required to sign a waiver form which will be provided. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Bonnie Cahoon, Certified in the Pilates Method for twenty years; third generation Classical Pilates instructor. Her master teacher was trained by Joseph Pilates protégé Romana Kryzanowska. Certification included kinesiology, anatomy and 900 hours of apprenticeship.

GENINT 741.344

Drawing is a Feeling, Part 2: Exploring Light, Shade and Shadow

In this course, we investigate representational picture making by exploring light, shade, and shadow. The instructor and students interact during class sessions, drawing together, sharing, and discuss ing individual processes. We draw the objects and spaces that sur round us things we see every day. A virtual studio visit with a guest artist provides additional inspiration. Drawing materials include drawing pads, drawing pencils, HB to 6B, charcoal pencils/sticks, Micron pens and sumi/India ink and brush.

Reg# 398053

Fee: $80

No refund after 3 July

A Live Online 6 mtgs

Tuesday, 1 3:30pm, June 25 July 30

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Deborah Cohen, M.A. in culture and performance, UCLA; Ph.D. in culture and performance, UCLA.

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




at UCLA Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

GENINT 711.463

Qigong for a Healthy Body and Peaceful Mind

Qigong boosts and improves the various bodily functions by cultivat ing the body’s natural energy flow and capacity with simple standing and seated postures, body movements and harmonized breath. The simple movements were developed in China over the last 5000 years to follow the natural flow of the earth’s energy and improve the circula tion of internal Qi (Chi) from the body and external Qi from nature. In this course, we practice various Broad Prescription Qigong (BPQ) sets of movements. While sitting and standing and using the body move ments and harmonized breath work, we increase our body’s natural energy flow and fill the energy centers in our body with vital life force, or Qi. Students must sign a waiver before participation.

Reg# 398054

Fee: $80

No refund after 3 July

X In Person

6 mtgs

Tuesday, 1:30 3pm, June 25 July 30

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Participants are required to sign a waiver form which will be provided. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Samuel Barnes, director of Tai Chi Works Studio and the Qigong Healing Institute in Beverly Hills. Mr. Barnes has been teaching Tai Chi for more than 42 years and is a master teacher of Tai Chi, Qigong, Hsing I, Bagua and Meditation. He has travelled extensively in China and Tibet studying and practicing at the source of these eastern practices.

GENINT 741.359

Beginning Gentle Yoga

This is a slow meditative course, intended for those with little or no yoga experience, or those with physical limitations. In this course we integrate awareness of our breathing with gentle movement to facili tate a feeling of wholeness, well being and joy. Students must sign a waiver before participation.

Reg# 398055

Fee: $80

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Wednesday, 1 2:30pm, June 26 Aug. 14

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Participants are required to sign a waiver form which will be provided. Visitors not permitted. Douglas Dee, Lyengar Yoga teacher in Los Angeles and Santa Monica for more than 20 years

GENINT 741.287

Life Stories that Stir the Soul

As we travel along life’s path, our stories are the most precious gifts we can pass on. In this course, students are encouraged to write stories that have affected their hearts. Be they funny or sad, about good times or bad, each student has an opportunity to share a new short story every week. Write a story about the one that got away, or the one you decided to stay with. Write about the lessons you learned, the dinners you burned or what you did when you came to a particular fork in your road. This course requires weekly writing assignments. Students must meet weekly deadlines in order to receive instructor feedback and participate in group storytelling sessions.

Reg# 398057

Fee: $80

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online

8 mtgs

Wednesday, 1 3pm, June 26 Aug. 14

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Shelley R. Bonus, award winning writer, astronomical historian and lecturer; content creator for the Caltech Infrared Astronomy website CoolCosmos, and currently telescope coordinator for the Mt. Wilson Observatory.

GENINT 721.693

Tai Chi for Anxiety and Better Balance

Tai chi is well known for bringing the mind, body and spirit together to improve balance, prevent injury and promote good health. This peaceful art helps to clear the mind, reduce stress and enhance flex ibility along with promoting overall wellness. The steps are light and the slow movements are flowing. The postures and movements har monize with the principles of yin and yang and build an intimate awareness with one’s natural internal and external energy, building a great sense of inner peace. In this course, a new tai chi posture is introduced each week after a warm up tai chi flow sequence. In the process, we learn how to open and cultivate the body’s energy path ways and prepare for proper tai chi form training, while focusing on improving our balance and cultivating better health. Students must sign a waiver before participation.

Reg# 398059

Fee: $80

No refund after 12 July

X In Person 4 mtgs

Thursday, 1:30 3pm, June 27 July 25

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Participants are required to sign a waiver form which will be provided. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Samuel Barnes director of Tai Chi Works Studio and the Qigong Healing Institute in Beverly Hills. Mr. Barnes has been teaching Tai Chi for more than 42 years and is a master teacher of Tai Chi, Qigong, Hsing I, Bagua and Meditation. He has travelled extensively in China and Tibet studying and practicing at the source of these eastern practices.

GENINT 741.360

Intermediate Yoga

This is a nurturing Hatha flow course intended for those with founda tional experience practicing yoga. In this course meditation and yoga nidra are integrated into our practice to enhance relaxation, renewal and connecting to our true nature. Students must sign a waiver before participation.

Reg# 398060

Fee: $80

No refund after 12 July

A Live Online 8 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 8pm, June 27 Aug. 22

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Participants are required to sign a waiver form which will be provided. Visitors not permitted. Douglas Dee Lyengar Yoga teacher in Los Angeles and Santa Monica for more than 20 years

GENINT 711.499

The Art of Magic, Part 1

Delve into the captivating world of magic and mesmerize family members, grandchildren and friends with spellbinding feats using everyday items such as playing cards, coins, scarves, ropes, cups, and balls. This course explores the theory, performance and the rich history of magic uncovering its origins, evolution, and enduring cultural significance. Through hands on practice and in depth discussions, participants master the art of illusion while gaining a deep under standing of its underlying principles and techniques. Magic Tricks will be recorded.

Reg# 398075

Fee: $80

No refund after 11 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Wednesday, 10am 12pm, July 3 Aug. 7

Remote Classroom

Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Garret Camilleri, M.F.A. in performance/theater education; educator, actor, director, and arts advocate.

GENINT 711.326

Beginning Mah-Jongg

Mah Jongg is a game of both skill and luck that originated in China many centuries ago. It was brought to the West in the 1920s and is played with four players seated around a table. Tiles are shuffled, die are cast, and rituals involving the allocation of tiles and then the exchange of tiles begin. The first person to match a hand of 14 tiles and thus call “Mah Jongg” ends the game, whereupon tiles are scored and a winner is declared. This course introduces the beginner to the basic rules and simple strategies. Learn to play this enjoyable, social and thought provoking game! Every student must purchase the cur rent Mah Jongg card from the National Mah Jongg League at www. The large card is preferred.

Reg# 398061

Fee: $80

No refund after 16 July

X In Person

6 mtgs

Monday, 9:30am 12pm, July 8 Aug. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. The first two meetings are mandatory. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Ronni Rice Certified instructor, American Mah Jongg Instructors Association, who has taught hundreds of new players how to play.

GENINT 721.581

Intermediate Mah-Jongg

Intermediate Mah Jongg is designed for players who already under stand the basic rules of play and have had some experience playing the game and wish to further develop their skills. The goals of the class include a better understanding of reading the Mah Jongg card, devel oping strategies for choosing the hand of play, strategies for defensive play and increasing the speed of play. There is plenty of time to practice all of these skills and have a great time. Every student must purchase the current Mah-Jongg card from the National Mah-Jongg League at: The large card is preferred.

Reg# 398062

Fee: $80

No refund after 16 July

X In Person 6 mtgs

Monday, 1 3:30pm, July 8 Aug. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted.

Ronni Rice Certified instructor, American Mah Jongg Instructors Association, who has taught hundreds of new players how to play.

GENINT 711.498

Beginning Watercolor Painting

Watercolor painting is an opportunity to embrace qualities such as curiosity, creativity, playfulness and a sense of wonder. In this course designed for beginners, we approach sketching and painting as a process and practice, rather than as a performance or attempt at perfection. We learn the materials, techniques and vocabulary of watercolor painting; and draw and paint daily in our sketchbook which hopefully becomes our life long hobby. Exercises include observa tional study with props, still life, photos and perhaps landscapes emphasizing shape, form, value and color. Painting materials: Windsor & Newton watercolor 10 or 12 tube set, a portable palette, round brush size 12, a cold press water lock, a cup for water, masking tape and a dry cloth. These are recommended, but you may use what you already have. Details regarding these items will be sent to students one week before class begins.

Reg# 398015

Fee: $80

No refund after 14 Aug.

X In Person

6 mtgs

Tuesday, 10am 12pm, Aug. 6 Sept. 10

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Plus members pay only $40 for this course. Visitors not permitted. Shanna Lim, illustrator who is currently working as a background painter for Disney consumer products, which includes Cars 3 and other Disney princess books. She was also a 3D artist/lighter on Lord of the Rings, Shrek and How to Train Your Dragon for Dreamworks and Weta.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UCLA 73


Educational Requirements for the Real Estate Salesperson and Broker Licenses:

UCLA Extension does not administer either of the State of California exams.

UCLA Extension offers courses that satisfy all the education require ments for qualifying to take the Real Estate “Salesperson” and/or “Broker” License Exams. For complete information, including licensing requirements, please contact The Department of Real Estate (DRE) at

Salesperson License Course Requirements:

In addition to the general requirements found on the DRE website, successful completion of three college level courses is required to qualify for a real estate salesperson examination.

Broker License Course Requirements:

For a list of UCLA Extension courses that correspond to the required courses found on the DRE website.

MGMT 876.326

Affordable Housing Development

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the field of affordable housing development, including discussion of both family and senior affordable housing communities. Such questions as why develop affordable housing and how, and who does and doesn’t develop affordable housing and why are answered. Other topics include compliance with funding regulations, the intricacies of site selection and TCAC regulations, community outreach, political support, how affordable housing developments get done, design and entitle ment issues, financing (including the TCAC application process), market perception of and pricing affordable housing projects, what happens to tax credit pricing and why, operations and management, and exit strategies. Real world examples of affordable housing projects through a variety of actual case studies are given and guest speakers from the affordable housing industry present their experiences. The course culminates in a team feasibility study to determine the viability of a potential affordable housing project.

Prerequisite(s): X 477.10 Real Estate Development or consent of Instructor.

Reg# 398212

Fee: $125

No refund after 12 July

A Live Online

3 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12pm, July 13, 20 & 27

Remote Classroom

Visitors not permitted.

Instructor to be announced

Mark Ramseyer

MGMT 890.07

Buying and Managing Apartment Buildings for Profit

0.6 CEUs

Are you considering buying an apartment building? Do you already own one or more buildings and struggle to get and keep tenants? This course shows you how to buy, own and operate apartment buildings as a profitable and headache free business. Learn how to find and select a building to purchase and analyze the financials (using GRM, Cap Rate, Cost Per Door, etc); what support staff to hire; how to do effective marketing of vacancies and select tenants; what forms to use to protect yourself and your investment; advantages and disad vantages of rent control; low cost items to make your property appeal ing; what repairs and maintenance you can do yourself such as clearing a drain, changing locks in 15 minutes or replacing light switches; when to hire a professional for repairs or management; when to increase or decrease rents; choosing to allow or deny pets; tax deferred exchange rules; and much more.

Reg# 397757

Fee: $275

No refund after 9 Aug.

A Live Online 2 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12:30pm, Aug. 10 & 17

Remote Classroom

Jessica Frazier MBA, Frazier Group Realty Inc.

MGMT X 475.1

Real Estate Principles

5.0 units

This practical study of the basic principles, economic aspects and laws of real estate covers the information needed to obtain a real estate license and/or for better management of personal investments. Topics include legal descriptions and estates; encumbrances, liens and homesteads; agencies; contracts; mathematics; financing and lend ers; appraisals; escrows; title insurance; leases, landlords and tenants; urban economics and planning; taxation; and careers in real estate.

Reg# 397770

Fee: $895

No refund after 28 June

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 2

Enrollment Limited. 7

Tracy Green, DBA, MSIRE, MPA, author, broker, specializing in brown fields, distressed properties, loss mitigation, and sustainable development

Reg# 397769

Fee: $895

No refund after 7 July

 Hybrid

11 mtgs

Monday, 6 10pm, June 24; July 8 & 22; Aug. 5 & 19; Sept. 9 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Monday, 6 10pm, July 1, 15 & 29; Aug. 12 & 26

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited.

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Robert Keller, MArch, MSRED, broker, Warner Center Realty

Course Icons Provide Information At-a-Glance








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MGMT X 475.2

Real Estate Practice

5.0 units

This course covers the elements of day to day real estate sales and brokerage practices, emphasizing the selling process and handling a real estate transaction from listing to closing escrow. Topics include securing and qualifying listings and prospects, advertising, financing, closing the sale and expediting the escrow. Additionally, the course covers owning and operating a real estate business, managing salespeople and office personnel, budgeting, and developing and maintaining effective community relations. This course complies with California Senate Bill 1495 ( SB1485) pre license education require ments on implicit, explicit, and systemic biases and an interactive federal fair housing component.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 475.1 Real Estate Principles or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397771

Fee: $895

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 2 7

Tony Papillo attorney, real estate broker, CAR Certified Forms Trainer

Reg# 397772

Fee: $895

No refund after 8 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 10pm, June 25; July 9 & 23; Aug. 6 & 20; Sept. 3

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Tuesday, 6 10pm, July 2, 16 & 30; Aug. 13 & 27

Remote Classroom 7

Kathleen Khan

MGMT X 475.4

Real Estate Finance

5.0 units

This course surveys the concepts, methods and techniques of financ ing residential and non residential real estate while also identifying and analyzing the various instruments used for such purposes. Instruction covers sources, characteristics and parameters of mort gage capital; fixed, variable rate and other alternative types of mort gages; government assisted financing (such as VA, FHA and SBA); the secondary mortgage market; mathematical analysis of finance transactions (amortization, loan constants, present and future value, compound interest, APR, capitalization rates, debt coverage and other financial ratios and ways of determining yield); loan underwriting, processing, closing and servicing; foreclosures and alternatives thereto (such as short sales) and related antideficiency law issues; guaranties; construction, bridge, permanent, wraparound, mezzanine and leasehold financing; impact of how title is held and real estate tax effects; comparison of investment choices, both before and after taxes are factored in; plus syndication and other equity sharing issues. Case studies for financing proposals for single family, multifamily and com mercial transactions are featured.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 475.1 Real Estate Principles or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397773

Fee: $895

No refund after 9 July  Hybrid

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 10pm, June 26; July 10 & 24; Aug. 7 & 21; Sept. 4 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Wednesday, 6 10pm, July 3, 17 & 31; Aug. 14 & 28

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Enrollment deadline: Sept. 15. 7 & Dr. Gary J. Lysik, C.F.O., Dreamline Aviation

MGMT X 475.5

Real Estate Appraisal

5.0 units

This course surveys the principles and tools of appraising various types of real estate, as well as provides an analysis of value, price, property and legal rights. Topics include principles of valuation; the real estate market; the relationship between real estate values and economic, social and government trends; economics of urbanization, including location, value and use potential; neighborhood analysis; site utilization and property value; estimating site value; the relation ship of construction and architecture to cost standards; depreciation; and approaches to cost, market data and income valuation. Students must complete a demonstration appraisal report.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 475.1 Real Estate Principles or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397774

Fee: $895

No refund after 28 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited. 7

Allen Roth

MGMT X 476.15

Real Estate and Land Economics

4.0 units

This course covers the economic foundations of real estate value, as well as location theory; the economics of spatial patterns the forces that shape cities and influence the real estate industry and land uses; and theories of growth and decay of local areas, cities and regions. Other topics include real estate cycles, business fluctuations and identification of specific urban land use and land values.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 475.1 Real Estate Principles, previous experi ence or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397775

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 Jun

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 8

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: Sept. 15. 7 &

Robert Abelson Ph.D., CA Certified General Appraiser, AQB Certified USPAP instructor, Certified Distance Education instructor through IDEC

MGMT X 476.2

Property Management

4.0 units

This course provides an overview of property management funda mentals for the real estate professional, individual owner or real estate student. Property types covered include office, retail, industrial, condominium and apartment buildings. Responsibilities of the property manager/owner are studied, including tenant relations, landlord/tenant law, leasing/renting, human resources, office admin istration, insurance, financial statements/budgets, building mainte nance, vendor services and property management as a career. The course includes weekly open discussions on current industry events and issues.

Reg# 397776

Fee: $855

No refund after 30 June

M Online

11 mtgs

June 24 Sept. 8 7

Jessica Frazier, MBA, Frazier Group Realty Inc.

Reg# 397777

Fee: $855

No refund after 9 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26; July 10 & 24; Aug. 7 & 21; Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 3, 17 & 31; Aug. 14 & 28

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Enrollment deadline: Sept. 15. 7 &

Stephen Dow

MGMT X 476.35

Internship in Real Estate

4.0 units

The internship course provides eligible students an opportunity to earn elective credit toward the certificate program based on an internship position comprised of at least 120 hours of practical application of course material that the student has secured and had approved by UCLA Extension. UCLA Extension does not provide internship place ment. Eligible students are responsible for securing internship opportunities. Course is only available to Real Estate Certificate stu dents who have completed a substantial portion (generally 20 units) of the program curriculum with a GPA of 3.0 or better. A UCLA Exten sion instructor acts as an internship coordinator to monitor the internship throughout to ensure a substantive learning experience.

Reg# 397778

Fee: $855

No refund after 30 June

Independent Study/Internship0 June 24 Sept. 15

International students who wish to pursue paid internships must contact the International Student Office at (310) 825-9351 to confirm eligibility.

Web enrollments require the submission of an initial application. Initial application must be submitted one week before the quarter begins. An advisor will contact you after initial application review.

Restricted course.

Discounts cannot be applied to fees for this course.

Robert Abelson, Ph.D., CA Certified General Appraiser, AQB Certified USPAP instructor, Certified Distance Education instructor through IDEC

MGMT X 476.7

Legal Aspects of Real Estate

4.0 units

An overview of California real property law and its influence on various aspects of the real estate industry. The course examines the legal issues surrounding real estate ownership and transfer, contracts, rights and duties of ownership, conveyance issues, mortgages and deeds of trust, easements, government control and powers, escrow and title insurance, zoning, landlord and tenant problems, real estate brokerage and agency relationships, and agency ethics.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 475.1 Real Estate Principles or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397779 Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: Sept. 15. 7 &

Lee Leslie

MGMT X 476.8

Real Estate Market Analysis

4.0 units

This course explores the sources of data used in economic studies and provides an in depth analysis of trends, market activity, sales, lending, leasing and how research studies are conducted. Other topics include land use studies and city planning, traffic studies, population behavior and mobility, and consumer spending and trade area. Stu dents learn through case studies, demonstrations and class participa tion in the analysis of shopping center development, tract development (sales, projections and surveys), service station location, population projections, employment trends, urban renewal projects and com munity reuse studies.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 475.1 Real Estate Principles or consent of instructor.

Reg# 397780

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June M Online 11 mtgs June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited.

Tracy Green, DBA, MSIRE, MPA, author, broker, specializing in brown fields, distressed properties, loss mitigation, and sustainable development

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Real Estate 75

MGMT X 477.10

Real Estate Development

4.0 units

Designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the multidisciplinary field of real estate development, this course begins with an introduction to the roles and responsibilities of the real estate developer, then explores various issues specific to the develop ment process. Topics include market and site analysis; community planning; entitlements; social, political and environmental implica tions; architecture and design; budgeting and financial analysis; construction; sales and marketing; and property and asset manage ment. Various project types are studied, including residential, retail, office, hospitality, industrial and mixed use. Coursework includes case studies.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 475.1 Real Estate Principles, or previous experi ence and consent of instructor.

Reg# 397782

Fee: $855

No refund after 28 June M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Enrollment limited. 7

Brien Walton, J.D., LLM, senior vice president, Executive Coaching Systems, Inc.

Reg# 397781

Fee: $855

No refund after 7 July

 Hybrid 11 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24; July 8 & 22; Aug. 5 & 19; Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 1, 15 & 29; Aug. 12 & 26

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: Sept. 15. 7 & Mark Ruff, who has over 30 years of real estate experience, including brokerage, investment, development, consulting and third party review. Mr. Ruff’s primary interests include financial underwriting and deal structures for real estate investments and developments of pri marily multi family properties. He returns to UCLA Extension from USC where he taught undergraduates and graduate students a variety of real estate subjects, including Development, Market Analysis, Advanced Real Estate Finance and the theory and creation of real estate value.

MGMT X 477.6

Commercial Real Estate Leasing: Contracts and Administration

4.0 units

This course analyzes the contracts and administration issues in com mercial real estate lease transactions. Students learn ethics and the leasing processes through multiple perspectives from preparation of the appropriate contract forms to administering the perfected lease agreement. Students read aloud in class the most popular listing and lease contract forms used by professionals while the Instructor reveals industry best practices and “where the bodies are buried.”

Reg# 397783

Fee: $855

No refund after 8 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 8:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: Sept. 15. 7 & Todd Weaver CCIM, CPM, president, Synergy Commercial Real Estate, Inc.

MGMT X 477.9

Real Estate Investment Analysis

4.0 units

A must for anyone dealing with the investment aspects of real estate. This course examines residential, multiresidential, commercial, indus trial, and special purpose real estate investments, as well as reviews application of investment ratios to expense factors, mortgage loan constants, and equity yields before and after income and capital gains taxes. Other topics include capitalization; negative vs. positive lever age; depreciation methods and recapture; simplification of actuarial tables and mathematical formulas; internal rates of return; net present value; related yield measurement techniques; senior, junior and inclusive trust deeds; fee, leasehold and subordination alternatives and combinations; explanation and calculation of financial provisions of commercial leases; and prevailing rental rates and operating expenses. Working knowledge of a Financial Calculator (HP12C, HP10B II, etc.) and Microsoft Excel, or other popular spreadsheet software, is highly recommended.

Prerequisite(s): MGMT X 475.1 Real Estate Principles, or previous experi ence and consent of instructor.

Reg# 397784

Fee: $855

No refund after 10 July  Hybrid 11 mtgs

Thursday, 7 8:30pm, June 27; July 11 Sept. 5

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.

July 4


This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Online instruction. International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: Sept. 15. 7 & Todd Weaver, CCIM, CPM, president, Synergy Commercial Real Estate, Inc.

MGMT X 477.95

Using ARGUS Enterprise for Commercial Real Estate Analysis

4.0 units

This course examines how to analyze real estate investment property using the Argus Enterprise module. The course also prepares partici pants for the Argus Enterprise certification examination. Property types covered include office, retail, industrial and multi family. Students gain hands on training in utilizing these programs through the analysis of case studies provided by the instructor. Students obtain a working knowledge of how to gather and input data; analyze income and expenses; understand tenant reimbursements; and generate meaning ful reports for investors, developers, lenders and others. Participants learn to analyze sale/purchase decisions and leasing activities from the perspective of the owner/lessor and the tenant/lessee. This course is beneficial for investors; appraisers; real estate analysts; property developers; real estate investment companies; property managers; asset managers; insurance companies; mortgage bankers; institu tional lenders; leasing professionals; and employees of Federal, State, and Municipal agencies and planning departments. This course is not designed for residential or small multi family analysis.

Prerequisite(s): Students enrolling in this class must have a basic working knowledge of leasing concepts and income/expenses for real estate.

Reg# 397785

Fee: $855

No refund after 9 July

Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Students with MAC PCs: You will need to have either Parallel or Bootcamp installed with Windows application in order for the Argus Enterprise software to install correctly. Please direct your questions to Argus prior to enrolling to make sure your computer is updated prior to receiving access to the software: If you don’t have the proper applications installed on your computer you will not be able to load the Argus software. It is your responsibility to verify that the required applications are installed on your MAC computer.


UCLA Extension’s Course Delivery Options

UCLA Extension offers a variety of course delivery options to meet the needs of our students.

X In Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.

A Live Online

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7 Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

For extensive information visit

76 Real Estate Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971



For more information call (310) 825-7093.



Cell and Molecular Biology

5.0 units

Introduction to basic principles of cell structure and cell biology, bio chemistry, and molecular biology. P/NP or letter grading. c

Reg# 398150

Fee: $1,025

No refund after 30 June

X In Person 21 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

UCLA: Boelter Hall

Wednesday, 6:30 7:45pm, June 26 Aug. 28

UCLA: Boelter Hall

Lecture only. The textbook will be used throughout LIFESCI XL 7A, 7B and 7C.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 25. 7

Rana Khankan Ph.D.; postdoctoral scholar, Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, UCLA; lecturer, Life Sciences Core Education, UCLA; instructor, Department of Biological Sciences, Mount Saint Mary’s University; recipient of UCLA Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award.

Saba Aliyari

Reg# 398151

Fee: $1,025

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online 21 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Thursday, 6:30 7:45pm, June 27 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

Lecture only. The textbook will be used throughout LIFESCI XL 7A, 7B and 7C.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 26. 7

Rana Khankan Ph.D.; postdoctoral scholar, Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology, UCLA; lecturer, Life Sciences Core Education, UCLA; instructor, Department of Biological Sciences, Mount Saint Mary’s University; recipient of UCLA Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award.

Miguel-Angel Gutierrez, Ph.D.


Genetics, Evolution and Ecology

5.0 units

Principles of Mendelian inheritance and population genetics. Introduc tion to principles and mechanisms of evolution by natural selection; population; behavioral and community ecology; and biodiversity, including major taxa and their evolutionary, ecological and physiologi cal relationships. Letter grading. c

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI XL 7A Cell and Molecular Biology. RRR

Reg# 398152

Fee: $1,025

No refund after 30 June

A Live Online

21 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

Wednesday, 7 9:30pm, June 26 Aug. 28

Remote Classroom

Lecture only. The textbook will be used throughout LIFESCI XL 7A, 7B and 7C.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 25. 7

Jana Johnson M.S., Ph.D.


Physiology and Human Biology

5.0 units

Organization of cells into tissues and organs and principles of physiol ogy of organ systems. Introduction to human genetics and genomics. Letter grading. c

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI XL 7B Genetics, Evolution and Ecology.

Reg# 398156

Fee: $1,025

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online

21 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Thursday, 6:30 7:45pm, June 27 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

Lecture only. The textbook will be used throughout LIFESCI XL 7A, 7B, and 7C.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 26. 7

Ryan Williams, M.D., Ph.D. specialized in neuroscience, tissue regen eration and anatomical pathology


Introduction to Laboratory and Scientific Methodology

3.0 units

Introductory life sciences laboratory designed for undergraduate students. Opportunity to conduct wet laboratory cutting edge bioin formatics laboratory experiments. Students work in groups of three conducting experiments in areas of physiology, metabolism, cell biology, molecular biology, genotyping and bioinformatics. Letter grading. c

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI XL 7B Genetics, Evolution and Ecology. Recom mended to be taken concurrently with/or after LIFESCI XL 7C Physiol ogy and Human Biology.

Reg# 398149

Fee: $785

No refund after 12 Aug.

X In Person

12 mtgs

Tuesday, Thursday, 5:30 8:30pm, Aug. 6 Sept. 12

UCLA: Young Hall

Enrollment/class participation contingent on signing a liability waiver.

Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: Aug. 7. 7

Sherry Soliman M.S., science editor, Demand Media



5.0 units

Advanced Mendelian genetics, recombination, biochemical genetics, mutation, DNA, genetic code, gene regulation and genes in populations. c

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI XL 7C Physiology and Human Biology, LIFESCI XL 23L Introduction to Laboratory and Scientific Methodology, CHEM XL 14A General Chemistry for Life Scientists I, and CHEM XL 14C Struc ture of Organic Molecules.

Reg# 398574

Fee: $995

No refund after 30 June

X In Person

20 mtgs

Monday, Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 24 Aug. 28

UCLA: Haines Hall

Letter grading. Lecture only.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 25. 7 & Michael Dowicki, Ph.D.

Reg# 398087

Fee: $995

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online

20 mtgs

Tuesday, Thursday, 7 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom No meeting July 4.

Not open for credit to students with credit for LIFESCI XL 4. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 26. 7 Michael Dowicki, Ph.D.


Introduction to Human Physiology

5.0 units

This course provides students with an understanding of the human body and its organization from molecular to cellular to tissues and organs and how component parts function in an integrated manner to permit life as we know it. c

Reg# 398335

Fee: $1,070

No refund after 18 June

A Live Online

17 mtgs

Tuesday, Thursday, 7 10pm, June 25 Aug. 6

Remote Classroom

Wednesday, 7 10pm, June 26 July 24

Remote Classroom

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Life Sciences. Not open for credit to Physiological Science majors. Enrollment/class participation contingent on signing a liability waiver form.

Enrollment limited to 20 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 25. 7

Ronald Cooper Ph.D.

Ali Izadpanah M.S. in physiological science

For more information call (310) 825-7093.


Introduction to Human Anatomy

5.0 units

This course presents a structural survey of the human body, including the musculoskeletal, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary systems. Laboratory includes examination of human cadaver specimens. c

Reg# 398166

Fee: $1,070

No refund after 30 June

A Live Online 22 mtgs

Monday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Life Sciences. Not open for credit to Physiological Science majors. Enrollment/class participation contingent on signing liability waivers. Additional nonrefundable fee: $45.

Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 24. 7

Christine Mavilian

Instructor to be announced

Reg# 398164

Fee: $1,070

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online 22 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Life Sciences. Not open for credit to Physiological Science majors.

Enrollment/class participation contingent on signing liability waivers.

Additional nonrefundable fee: $45.

Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 26. 7

Gary Richardson

Reg# 398162

Fee: $1,070

No refund after 5 July

X In Person

22 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12pm, June 29 Sept. 7

UCLA: Boelter Hall

Saturday, 1 4pm, June 29 Sept. 7

UCLA: Life Sciences

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Life Sciences. Not open for credit to Physiological Science majors.

Enrollment/class participation contingent on signing liability waivers.

Additional nonrefundable fee: $45.

Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7

Gary Richardson

X IN PERSON, page 1.




General Chemistry for Life Scientists I 4.0 units

This course provides an introduction to physical and general chemis try principles; atomic structure based on quantum mechanics; atomic properties; trends in the periodic table; chemical bonding (Lewis structures, VSEPR theory, hybridization and molecular orbital theory); gaseous and aqueous equilibria; properties of inorganic and organic acids, bases and buffers; and titrations. c

Prerequisite(s): High school chemistry, or equivalent background and three and a half years of high school mathematics.

Reg# 398237

Fee: $975

No refund after 7 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Monday, 6 10pm, June 24 Aug. 26

Remote Classroom

Not open for credit to students with credit for CHEM 11A or 20A. This is the first chemistry course in the sequence for premedical and other pre-allied health studies.

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Physical Sciences.

Enrollment deadline: July 5. 7 & Pasha Ebrahimi

Reg# 398240

Fee: $975

No refund after 11 July X In Person 10 mtgs

Friday, 6 10pm, June 28 Aug. 30

UCLA: Young Hall

Not open for credit to students with credit for CHEM 11A or 20A. This is the first chemistry course in the sequence for premedical and other pre-allied health studies.

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Physical Sciences.

Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Pasha Ebrahimi


General Chemistry for Life Scientists II

4.0 units

This course covers phase changes; thermochemistry; first, second and third laws of thermodynamics; free energy changes; electrochem istry and its role as an energy source; chemical kinetics, including catalysis, reaction mechanisms and enzymes; coordination com pounds; general classes and naming of organic molecules; structure, conformations and relative energies of organic molecules; application of thermodynamics and kinetics to organic and biochemical reactions; and use of molecular modeling software to illustrate molecular struc tures and their relative energies. c

Prerequisite(s): CHEM XL 14A General Chemistry for Life Scientists I and MATH XL 31A Differential and Integral Calculus, with a grade of “C ” or better.

Reg# 398241

Fee: $975

No refund after 10 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 6 10pm, June 27

Remote Classroom

Thursday, 6 10pm, July 11 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Physical Sciences.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 10. 7 &

Benny Ng



Fee: $975

No refund after 12 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12pm, June 29 Sept. 7

UCLA: Young Hall

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Physical Sciences.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 5. 7 & Instructor to be announced


General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I

3.0 units

This laboratory class provides an introduction to volumetric, spectro photometric and potentiometric analysis. Instruction also covers the use and preparation of buffers and pH meters and synthesis and kinetics techniques using compounds of interest to students in life sciences. c

Prerequisite(s): CHEM 14A General Chemistry for Life Scientists I with grade of “C ” or better, or co prerequisite CHEM 14B General Chemistry for Life Scientists II.

Reg# 398245

Fee: $2,212

No refund after 9 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

$280 nonrefundable. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7

Pierre Goueth

Reg# 398244

Fee: $2,212

No refund after 12 July

X In Person 11 mtgs

Saturday, 2 6pm, June 29 Sept. 7

Santa Monica

$280 nonrefundable. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 05. 7

Kevin Barnese, Ph.D.

CHEM XL 14C Structure of Organic Molecules

4.0 units

This course presents continuing studies in the structure of organic molecules, with emphasis on biological applications. Topics include resonance, stereochemistry, conjugation and aromaticity; spectros copy (NMR, IR and mass spectrometry); introduction to the effects of structure on physical and chemical properties; and survey of biomo lecular structure. c

Prerequisite(s): CHEM XL 14B General Chemistry for Life Scientists II.

Reg# 398246

Fee: $975

No refund after 9 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 10pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Not open for credit to students with credit for CHEM 10D.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 02. 7 & Ochan Otim, Ph.D., BCES, winner of the 2017 UCLA Extension Distin guished Instructor Award

Reg# 398732

Fee: $955

No refund after 12 July

X In Person 10 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 1pm, June 29 Aug. 31

UCLA: Young Hall

Not open for credit to students with credit for CHEM 10D. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 6. 7 & Kevin Barnese, Ph.D.

78 Sciences & Math Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971


General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II

4.0 units

This laboratory class covers the synthesis and analysis of compounds; purification by extraction, chromatography, recrystallization and sublima tion; characterization by mass spectroscopy; UV, NMR and IR spectros copy; optical activity; electrochemistry; and pH titration. c

Prerequisite(s): CHEM XL 14B General Chemistry for Life Scientists II, CHEM XL 14BL General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I and CHEM XL 14C Structure of Organic Molecules.

Reg# 398247

Fee: $2,773

No refund after 12 July

X In Person 22 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12pm, June 29 Sept. 7

Santa Monica

Saturday, 1 5pm, June 29 Sept. 7

Santa Monica

$280 nonrefundable. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 5. 7 & Wei-Hao Huang, Ph.D.


Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals

4.0 units

This course covers organic reactions, nucleophilic and electrophilic substitutions and additions, electrophilic aromatic substitutions, car bonyl reactions and catalysis. Instruction also covers the molecular basis of drug action and the organic chemistry of pharmaceuticals. c

Prerequisite(s): CHEM XL 14C Structure of Organic Molecules.

Reg# 398249

Fee: $975

No refund after 8 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Not open for credit to students with credit for CHEM 10D or 10E. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Andy Skauge

Reg# 398248

Fee: $975

No refund after 10 July

X In Person 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 10pm, June 27

UCLA: Young Hall

Thursday, 6 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

UCLA: Young Hall

No meeting July 4.

Not open for credit to students with credit for CHEM 10D or 10E. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 10. 7 & Andy Skauge


Biochemistry: Introduction to Structure, Enzymes and Metabolism

4.0 units

This course covers structure of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids; enzyme catalysis and principles of metabolism, including glycolysis and the citric acid cycle; and oxidative phosphorylation. c

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI XL 7A Cell and Molecular Biology; LIFESCI XL 7B Genetics, Evolution and Ecology; LIFESCI XL 7C Physiology and Human Biology; LIFESCI XL 23L Introduction to Laboratory and Scien tific Methodology; and CHEM XL 14D Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals.

Reg# 398252

Fee: $975

No refund after 7 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Monday, 6 9pm, June 24 Aug. 26

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Instructor to be announced

Nagendra N. Mishra, Ph.D.

Reg# 398251

Fee: $975

No refund after 8 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 25 Aug. 27

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Karen Lohnes Ph.D., biochemistry

Reg# 398250

Fee: $975

No refund after 9 July

X In Person

11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9:30pm, June 26 Sept. 4

UCLA: Bunche Hall

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & Shakir Sayani, Ph.D.


Biochemistry: DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis

4.0 units

This course covers nucleotide metabolism, DNA replication and repair, transcription machinery, regulation of transcription, RNA structure and processing, and protein synthesis and processing. c

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI XL 7A Cell and Molecular Biology; LIFESCI XL 7B Genetics, Evolution and Ecology; LIFESCI XL 7C Physiology and Human Biology; LIFESCI XL 23L Introduction to Laboratory and Scien tific Methodology; and CHEM XL 153A Biochemistry: Introduction to Structure, Enzymes and Metabolism.

Reg# 398253

Fee: $975

No refund after 10 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 10. 7 & Nagendra N. Mishra, Ph.D.


Biochemistry: Biosynthetic and Energy Metabolism and Its Regulation

4.0 units

This course discusses the metabolism of carbohydrates, fatty acids, amino acids and lipids. Additionally, the course covers photosynthetic metabolism and assimilation of inorganic nutrients. Finally, the course covers the regulation of these processes. c

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI 2 and LIFESCI 3 (or LIFESCI 7A, 7B and 7C), LIFESCI 23L, and CHEM 153A with a grade of “C” or better.

Reg# 398254

Fee: $975

No refund after 8 July X In Person 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

UCLA: Haines Hall

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Shakir Sayani, Ph.D.




4.0 units

This course covers planetary motion; Newton’s laws; gravitation, electric ity and magnetism; wave motion, light, sound and heat; relativity; quantum mechanics; atoms; subatomic particles; and the development of physical ideas in their cultural and historical perspective. c

Prerequisite(s): Two years of high school mathematics, including algebra.

Reg# 398336

Fee: $975

No refund after 12 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Saturday, 9am 12:30pm, June 29 Aug. 31

Remote Classroom

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Physical Sciences. Not open for credit to students with credit for Physics 6A, 5A, or equivalent mechanics courses.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 5. 7 Jun Park, Ph.D.


Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Mechanics and Energy

5.0 units

Statics and dynamics of forces; motion; and energy, including thermal energy, with applications to biological and biochemical systems. c

Prerequisite(s): Calculus series, such as LIFESCI 30A, 30B or MATH 3A, 3B, 3C (3C may be taken concurrently); or MATH XL 31A, 31B; or equiva lent. PHYSICS 5A, 5B, and 5C form a one year sequence in basic physics for students in the biological and health sciences. Calculus is used throughout. Successful completion of basic calculus courses is a prerequisite for admission to this sequence.

Reg# 398343

Fee: $1,080

No refund after 18 June

A Live Online

21 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Thursday, 8 10pm, June 27 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

Enrollment/class participation contingent on signing a liability waiver form.

Physics XL 5B and XL 5C will be offered in Winter Quarter and Spring Quarter. Nonscience majors interested in a general physics course should take XL 10 Physics when next offered. Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Physical Sciences.

Enrollment limited to 26 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 26.

Jacqueline Pau Ph.D.

Reg# 398359

Fee: $1,080

No refund after 1 July

A Live Online

21 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 10pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Thursday, 6 8pm, June 27 Sept. 5

Remote Classroom

Enrollment/class participation contingent on signing a liability waiver form.

Physics XL 5B and XL 5C will be offered in Winter Quarter and Spring Quarter. Nonscience majors interested in a general physics course should take XL 10 Physics when next offered. Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

Fulfills in part the UCLA General Education requirement for Physical Sciences.

Enrollment limited to 26 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 26

Jacqueline Pau Ph.D.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Sciences & Math 79

Other Sciences


Introduction to Protein Structure: From Disease to Therapy

4.0 units

Proteins are involved in almost every physiological process that occurs within the body. They are necessary for countless metabolic pro cesses, including converting glucose into energy, carrying oxygen in your blood, and recognizing and destroying foreign pathogens. Know ing the structure of the proteins that perform these essential functions is paramount to understanding how they work normally and why mutations lead to disease. Although proteins are involved in innumer able diseases, they may also be key in the development of therapeutic treatments. By understanding protein structure, scientists can design small molecules and even novel proteins that can treat a variety of diseases. This course provides an introduction to protein and nucleic acid structure as it relates to the essential functions that these mac romolecules perform within cells. Lectures focus on how protein structure relates to a variety of common human pathologies and on the therapies that are used to treat these diseases.

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI XL 3 or LIFESCI XL 7A

Reg# 398470

Fee: $850

No refund after 7 July A Live Online

11 mtgs

Monday, 6 9pm, June 24 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

No meeting on Sept. 2. Enrollment deadline: June 30. Enrollment limited to 25. 7 &

Rishab Gupta PhD; UCLA School of Medicine PBL Tutor Faculty, pro fessor emeritus, Surgical Oncology, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; chief due diligence officer, IndieBio.


Cancer Biology

4.0 units

Cancer accounts for nearly one in four deaths in the United States, and the cost to individuals and society is staggering at $217 billion each year. While billions of dollars are also spent on funding research that will help determine the causes, development, and progression of cancer, there is much more to learn in order to prevent and treat cancer effectively. This course explores the molecular and cellular biology of cancer, as well as reviews the current advances in therapy. The course is divided into two parts. The first part examines the nature and causes of cancer and provides an overview of important signaling mechanisms, and the second part emphasizes how cancer metasta sizes and advances in treatment.

Prerequisite(s): LIFESCI XL 7A, 7B, 7C

Reg# 398469

Fee: $850

No refund after 10 July

A Live Online

11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4. Enrollment deadline: July 10. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Rishab Gupta PhD; UCLA School of Medicine PBL Tutor Faculty, pro fessor emeritus, Surgical Oncology, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine; chief due diligence officer, IndieBio.

PATH X 401

Introduction to Molecular Diagnostics, Pharmacogenetics and Personalized Medicine

4.0 units

Variations in human DNA over generations result in evolution and beneficial adaptations. However, some changes in human DNA that cause genetic variation occasionally result in genetic disorders. The field of molecular diagnostics focuses on the development of tests that aid in the diagnosis and prognosis of disease, as well as predict disease risk. The information gained by this type of diagnostics can identify the abnormal molecules that signify the presence or potential for disease in individuals. As a result, clinicians can now prescribe drugs or other therapies that target the specific abnormal function. The emerging field of pharmacogenetics aims at predicting the drug response based on an individual’s genetic profile, thus helping clini cians to tailor effective treatments. This course overviews the basic principles of molecular diagnostics and pharmacogenetics and the applications of the emerging technologies in personalized medicine. Students learn about the clinical applications of molecular diagnostic in patients with cancer, inherited disease, and infectious disease. The course concludes with detailed discussions on personalized medicine and the pros, cons, ethics, challenges, strategies, and public policy related to this emerging field.

Prerequisite(s): Introductory courses in Molecular Biology, Genetics, and Biochemistry, or equivalent coursework.

Reg# 398304

Fee: $850

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7 & Durga Cherukuri, PhD, DABMG; associate director, Clinical Genomics, Genoptix Medical Laboratory.


Introduction to Pharmacology

3.0 units

This course introduces students to the mechanisms underlying the action of various classes of drugs and their receptor targets in the body. An overview of the most widely used drugs provides insight into their therapeutic effects, clinical indications, adverse reactions, and drug interactions.

Prerequisite(s): PHYSCI X 452.6 Foundations in Human Physiology or successful completion of an introductory college level physiology course.

Reg# 398471

Fee: $850

No refund after 9 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Aug. 28

Remote Classroom

Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & Lee Regev


Fundamentals of Human Physiology

6.0 units

This course presents the biochemical and biophysical principles underlying the physiological processes of the human body. Lectures cover cell structure, molecular movement and control mechanisms, energy and metabolism, neural control and sensory systems, enzyme function, endocrinology, muscle physiology, control of body movement, circulation, respiration, immunity, kidney function, digestion, and metabolic regulation. Laboratories emphasize practical application of theory reviewed in lectures. Special emphasis is placed on pathologi cal conditions and their treatments.

Prerequisite(s): Basic college level chemistry, biology, and human anatomy are strongly recommended.

Reg# 398472

Fee: $1,010

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment and class participation is contingent on signing a liability waiver. Students must attend both laboratory and lecture sessions to receive credit.

Enrollment deadline: June 28. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Lee Regev


Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease

4.0 units

Explore how the cardiovascular system functions and how cardiovas cular disease develops during the lifespan. Instruction emphasizes the molecular and cellular mechanisms that mediate such chronic dis eases as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and the metabolic syndrome. Current clinical interventions for treating and preventing cardiovascular disease focusing on lifestyle modifications are a major component of the course.

Prerequisite(s): One year college level biology.

Reg# 398303

Fee: $900

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/speakers, and webcam.

Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Joseph Esdin, PhD


Pulmonary Physiology

4.0 units

The respiratory system is a complex network of organs and tissues that controls essential functions of the human body. This course examines pulmonary physiology at the molecular, cellular, and system level to elucidate how the human lungs function to facilitate gas exchange related to metabolism. Topics include anatomy of the respiratory system; mechanics of breathing; gas exchange and delivery to and from cells; regulation of homeostasis; neural control of breathing; and modulatory compensation in response to stressful situations, such as exercise, high altitude, diving, and sleep apnea. Course instruction overviews common pathologies, chronic dis eases, and current treatments to understand the disorders of the respiratory system.

Prerequisite(s): One year college level biology.

Reg# 398302

Fee: $900

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/ speakers, and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25 students. Enrollment deadline: June 30. 7 & Joseph Esdin, PhD


Neurophysiology: How the Brain Thinks

4.0 units

This course explores the molecular, cellular, and circuitry mechanisms that underlie the function of the mammalian nervous system, with special emphasis on the human brain. Topics include analysis of electrical properties of neurons, chemical communication between neurons, cellular processes responsible for synaptic transmission as well as short and long term plasticity, and the functional organization of the central nervous system.

Prerequisite(s): Students should possess a basic knowledge of biology, neuroanatomy, general physiology, and electrical principles.

Reg# 398301

Fee: $900

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Midterm and final exams are proctored online; additional requirements include microphone, headphones/ speakers, and webcam. Enrollment limited to 25. Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7 & Joseph Esdin, PhD

80 Sciences & Math Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

PHYSCI X 459.10

Introduction to Pathophysiology: Disease States in the Human Body

4.0 units

This course is designed as an overview of the mechanisms and consequences of disease based on physiological dysfunction in the major organ systems. Each organ system is introduced by a brief and basic review covering normal structure and function, followed by the pathology and some common disorders of each system. Discussion includes common clinical presentations of disease and the mecha nisms underlying signs and symptoms. Diseases covered include cardiovascular, cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, hepatitis, infections, and diseases of the kidney and cardiovascular system (some topics may vary by quarter).

Recommended: Basic college level chemistry and a human anatomy course are strongly recommended.

Reg# 398300

Fee: $900

No refund after 28 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 8

Enrollment deadline: June 28. 7 & Helder Araujo MD, PhD

Math & Statistics

For more information call (310) 825-7093.


Integration and Infinite Series

4.0 units

This course covers transcendental functions, methods, applications of integration, sequences and series. c

Prerequisite(s): MATH 31A Differential and Integral Calculus with a grade of “C ” or better.

Reg# 398260

Fee: $975

No refund after 9 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, June 26 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & Ryan Valles, M.S.


Introduction to Statistical Reasoning

5.0 units

This course provides an introduction to statistical thinking and under standing, including strengths and limitations of basic experimental designs, graphical and numerical summaries of data, inference and regression as a descriptive tool. c

Prerequisite(s): Three years of high school mathematics.

Reg# 398266

Fee: $995

No refund after 18 June

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9:15pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Miles Chen, Ph.D., lecturer in statistics, UCLA

Reg# 398265

Fee: $995

No refund after 10 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 10. 7 & Jaime Vallejo Valadez, M.S.


Introduction to Statistical Methods for Life and Health Sciences

5.0 units

This introductory course for pre health professionals covers the pre sentation and interpretation of data, descriptive statistics, introduction to correlation and regression, and introduction to basic statistical inference (estimation, testing of means and proportions, ANOVA) using both bootstrap methods and parametric models. c

Prerequisite(s): Three years of high school mathematics.

Reg# 398267

Fee: $995

No refund after 10 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9:15pm, June 27 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 4.

Not open for credit to students with credit for STATS 10, 11, 12 or 14.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Enrollment deadline: July 10 7 & Miles Chen, Ph.D., lecturer in statistics, UCLA


Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative Methods

4.0 units

This introductory statistics course emphasizes practical application of the statistical analysis. The introduction covers the role of statistics in research; understanding statistical terminology; the use of appropriate statistical techniques; and interpreting findings in the fields of science, economics, nursing, business and medical research. Topics include graphing and tabulation of data, central tendency measures, disper sion, probability theory, probability distribution, sampling techniques, confidence interval and hypothesis testing.

Reg# 398263

Fee: $895

No refund after 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

It is recommended that students have the latest antivirus, word processing and spreadsheet software.

Coursework must be submitted as Microsoft Word or Excel attachments.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 & Andy Niknafs M.S., Ph.D., lead engineer, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

STATS X 402.1

Advanced Statistics and Quantitative Methods

4.0 units

This advanced course in inferential statistics emphasizes the practical application of statistical analysis. Instruction includes an examination of the role of statistics in research; understanding statistical terminol ogy; use of appropriate statistical techniques; and interpretation of findings in the fields of economics, business, nursing and medical research. Topics include graphing and tabulation of data, hypothesis testing for small and large samples, chi squared, statistical quality control, analysis of variance (ANOVA), regression, correlation and decision making under uncertainty.

Prerequisite(s): STATS X 402 Introduction to Statistics and Quantitative Methods

Reg# 398264

Fee: $895

No refund after 30 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Coursework must be submitted as Microsoft Word or Excel attachments.

Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Enrollment deadline: July 2. 7 &

Matin Lackpour M.B.A, Ed.D., Ph.D., mechanical engineer, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (retired)

Placement Exam

Students enrolling in this course need to complete the math placement exam before the first class. Please sign up for the math placement exam through ALEKS. Each student will be charged a $20 fee (nonrefundable) which covers 12 months of access to the Prep and Learning Module, which is a resource for refreshing your math skills.

Exam Length: 30 Questions

Time: You should plan to complete the placement exam within an uninterrupted 2 hour sitting

If you score 80% or higher, we recommend that you enroll in Calculus MATH XL 31A

If you score between 60% 79%, we recommend that you enroll in Pre Calculus MATH XL 1

If you score less than 60%, we recommend that you enroll in an algebra course

After taking the placement exam, you are given the opportunity to review certain topics through targeted learning exercises in the Prep and Learning Module.

Retake the exam, if necessary

After engaging with the Prep and Learning Module for at least 3 hours, you can take the placement exam again

The retake exam will become available 24 hours after the initial exam was completed.

You will have access to the Prep and Learning Module for 12 months after taking the initial exam.


XL 31A

Differential and Integral Calculus

4.0 units

This course covers differential calculus, its applications and the introduction to integration. c

Prerequisite(s): MATH XL 1 Precalculus with a grade of “C ” or better, or three and a half years of high school mathematics, including some coordinate geometry and trigonometry.

Reg# 398257

Fee: $975

No refund after 8 July

A Live Online 11 mtgs

Tuesday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 25 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Students who are not qualified to take this course should enroll in MATH XL 1 Precalculus.

Enrollment/class participation contingent on completing the ALEKS placement exam.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 1. 7 & Ryan Valles M.S.

Instructor to be announced

Esmaail Nikjeh MS

Reg# 398259

Fee: $975

No refund after 10 July X In Person 11 mtgs

Thursday, 6:30 9:30pm, June 27 Sept. 12

UCLA: Math Sciences

No meeting July 4.

Students who are not qualified to take this course should enroll in MATH XL 1 Precalculus.

Enrollment/class participation contingent on completing the ALEKS placement exam.

Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: July 10. 7 & Ryan Valles M.S.

Instructor to be announced

Esmaail Nikjeh MS

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.



Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Sciences & Math 81


Writers’ Program

Written Communication

For help in choosing a course, contact the Writers’ Program at (310) 825-9415.


Résumé Writing Basics

Getting the attention of a potential employer is difficult in today’s competitive market. Doing so in a digital world is even harder. Making your résumé shine and highlighting your individual skills is certainly an added advantage. In this three hour workshop, you learn how to transform your résumé into a powerful tool to get noticed. You learn how to personalize your résumé to fit each job you apply to. You also learn how to adapt a résumé for both digital and direct employment opportunities. You leave the workshop with a better understanding of how to craft a strong résumé as well as leave with a strong rough draft that can be used for future employment opportunities.

Reg# 398239

Fee: $0

No refund after 9 Aug.

A Live Online

1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 1pm, Aug. 10


Enrollment opens two weeks prior to the event. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 Scott Eagan, owner and acquisitions editor for Greyhaus Literary Agency focusing exclusively on the traditional romance and women’s fiction market. Mr. Eagan is an active member of the Romance Writers of America, has provided freelance critique work with Writer’s Digest and worked as a reviewer with Publisher’s Marketplace.


Clear and Descriptive Writing

4.0 units

Clear and Descriptive Writing focuses on the basics of sentence and paragraph, providing tools to enable clear, focused and descriptive essays and other writing objectives. Starting with focused sentence exercises, you move toward creating clear, thoughtful and organized paragraphs that employ tone, voice and diction. As well as complet ing exercises and writing assignments, you collect examples of writing both effective and ineffective to present to the class in order to share and examine writing strategies. Toward the end of the class, students develop one essay length piece of writing. In workshop groups, you hone this piece and help classmates improve their work. You leave with skills you can apply in various settings and with different writing projects.

Reg# 398236

Fee: $745

No refund after 10 July

M Online

June 26

Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jessica Barksdale M.F.A., M.A., author of 15 novels including The Play’s the Thing and a poetry collection, When We Almost Drowned Ms. Barksdale’s short stories, poems and essays have appeared in Compose, Salt Hill Journal The Coachella Review and Carve Magazine She is a professor of English at Diablo Valley College and teaches in the MFA program at Southern New Hampshire University.


Persuasive Writing

4.0 units

Persuasive writing is all around us: in editorials, in advertising, social media and even in the emails we write to friends and coworkers. Persuasive messages can take the form of logical arguments, emotion ally charged rhetoric or short narratives (e.g., a TV ad). Designed for writers of all experience levels, this course introduces you to major persuasion theories from social and media psychology and to some ideas from cognitive neuroscience relevant to persuasion in a manner that is both accessible and fun. You complete exercises that help you practice persuasive writing, participate in discussions and get feed back from peers. By the end of the course, you know how to choose the best route to persuasion, considering your audiences’ motivation and readiness to change and how to format and craft a message to make it more persuasive.



Fee: $745

No refund after 10 July

M Online

June 26 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Carlos Allende, Ph.D. in media psychology with a concentration in audience engagement and a self directed concentration in media neuroscience. Mr. Allende teaches psychology and researches the motivational effect of compassion in securing engagement as well as the paradoxically positive effect of stereotypical representation. His fiction incorporates history with social satire. Rare Bird Books pub lished his novel Love, or the Witches of Windward Circle in 2015 and he was a panelist on modern horror at the LA Times Festival of Books in 2016. He won the 2019 Quill Prose Award with his novel Coffee, Shopping, Murder, Love which was published by Red Hen Press.

Creative Writing

For help in choosing a course or determining if a course fulfills certificate requirements, contact the Writers’ Program at (310) 825-9415.

Writers Studio

A four-day event consisting of 9 writing workshops taught by some of the best screenwriting and creative writing teachers in Los Angeles.


Flash Fiction and Nonfiction

3.0 units

This generative writing course is designed for those seeking to create essays and/or flash fiction that are composed of complex layering of memory and thought, history and imagination. The popularity of both genres, the personal essay and flash fiction, has increased as a result of today’s digital age at a time when work can be submitted to online magazines and/or anthologies and also can be uploaded on personal blogs or public spaces. Both genres are generally texts that are up to 1000 words and are highly marketable. The texts inspire both readers and writers to discover new perspectives for looking at the world, understanding their lives, and discovering meaning in random moments from their lives. In this four day course, you will have the opportunity to explore your own writing, listen to talks and readings by published writers who produce texts across genres, study market ing techniques, and in the process, generate new work that you will have the opportunity to revise by participating in the workshopping process. By the end of our four days together, you will craft at least two texts one essay and one flash fiction and develop seeds for other new work. Suitable for both new and experienced writers. Because of the compressed timeframe, students can expect a mixture of lecture, guest speakers, discussion, workshopping and in class writing time as part of their experience.

Reg# 397388

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July

X In Person 4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

Sehba Sarwar, M.A., author of the novel Black Wings. Ms. Sarwar’s writings have appeared in New York Times Sunday Magazine, Asia: Magazine of Asian Literature Callaloo and elsewhere. She has taught writing workshops at University of Houston and through nonprofits.

For more information call Writers’ Program (310) 825-9415 Journalism (310) 825-7093.


Novel Writer’s Starter Kit

3.0 units

Writing a novel can be daunting at times. Although you ultimately have to complete it on your own, it helps to work in a community of indi viduals for inspiration, support, and to brainstorm any and all ideas. In this intensive workshop, you are part of a small group of writers working towards the same goal to write an amazing novel. Together, we will take a step by step approach to go from ideation to creation to revision while developing a sustainable writing practice that will get the manuscript complete. We’ll explore developing three dimen sional characters, understanding structure, plot, scene dynamics, and the importance of editing and revision. We’ll examine story structures through a globalist lens to find the structure that fits the story and your voice as a writer. This workshop consists of reading assignments (where you will learn what it means to “read like a writer”), in class exercises, assigned writing, lectures on craft, and the give and take of critique workshops. The goal is to create a solid outline of your novel (or a solid plan for finding your way to the heart of your story), write the first chapter, and acquire the tools you need to move forward and have fun.

Reg# 397387

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

Wally Rudolph, multi disciplinary artist and author of the novels Four Corners and Mighty, Mighty, among other works of creative writing. Born in Canada to Chinese Jamaican immigrant parents, Mr. Rudolph is the former co chair of the Asian American Writers Committee of the WGA and writer in residence at the Annenberg Beach House.


Creative Writer’s Boot Camp

3.0 units

In this Writers Studio intensive, writers produce and revise new work, deepen their knowledge of the craft of writing, gain a comprehensive understanding of how to move forward with their writing vis à vis publishing, retreats and conferences, and further workshops. During the workshop, we devote time to the practice of safe, sup portive community feedback. In addition to writing and craft, Creative Writing Boot Camp offers dedicated time to helping writers recognize and neutralize the undermining powers of resistance and the Inner Critic. The culminating project of this workshop is the creation of a 30 Day Writing Plan, designed to support writers for continued suc cess with a sustainable writing practice.

Reg# 397320

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

Lesley Hyatt M.F.A. and Fulbright Scholar, has taught imaginative writing to students of all ages and backgrounds for over 20 years. She leads writing workshops and mindfulness groups at UCLA Extension Writers’ Program, Skirball Cultural Center and privately throughout the L.A. area and on Zoom.


Preparing Your Manuscript for Publication

3.0 units

In the ever changing world of publishing, it is important to keep up with best practices and industry protocols when selling your work. Whether you have written a complete memoir, started a novel, outlined a book of creative nonfiction, or have an idea for a book on personal development, this course will help you to craft a winning angle for your project, draft a traditional book proposal, and articulate where your book fits into the market, guided by professional feedback and advice. Each writer completing the four day intensive will come away with a captivating hook, a serviceable proposal, a deeper understand ing of publishing houses, editors and agents; a template for navigating the submission manuscript process; and connections to a broader writing community.

Reg# 397321

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July X In Person 4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

Shawna Kenney, M.F.A., award winning author of the memoir I Was a Teenage Dominatrix and contributing editor with Narratively magazine. Her latest book is Live at the Safari Club and her essays have been published in The New York Times Playboy Creative Nonfiction and more.


Literary Agent Search Prep

3.0 units

Once you’ve completed your book, mastering the query letter and synopsis are the first steps you will take on your path to traditional publication. In publishing, 80 90% of all books bought by traditional publishers are sold through literary agents. In order to land an agent, you must craft a flawless query letter, and solid synopsis, which are the keys to getting eyes on your manuscript. In this course, critically acclaimed Simon and Schuster author and former literary agent Eve Porinchak guides you in creating a stellar professional query letter and a one page synopsis, which will significantly strengthen your chances of receiving an offer of representation from an agent. You also learn how to create a strategic plan for researching, targeting and landing the perfect agent for you and your work.

Reg# 397319

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

Eve Porinchak former agent with Jill Corcoran Literary Agency, spe cializing in teen and adult fiction and nonfiction with social justice themes. Ms. Porinchak is the author of One Cut a true crime novel that won the In The Margins Book Award honoring titles for youth that tackle difficult topics, including gangs, homelessness, violence and addiction.


Comics and Graphic Novels

3.0 units

There’s a fascinating series of tensions in comics. The tension between word and image, between what’s seen and unseen, passive and active readership, expectations and pay offs, space and time and, of course, the dramatic tension that makes a given scene engaging. There’s also the tension that can arise between creative collaborators, so this course will also explore what makes for good collaboration. Comics are referred to as “the Ninth Art” in France, and it’s key to understand the medium’s similarities and differences with artforms as deeply as possible. A writer simply handing a screenplay to an art team and asking them to go figure it out, for instance, is almost always a recipe for disaster. A comics script that’s been carefully tailored to the form, however, has far better chance to soar. Through a series of practical workshops, lectures that make the most nuanced theories accessible and helpful perspectives from a selection of working professional guest speakers, this course will be giving you all the insight to make the best comic possible.

Reg# 397391

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

Tom Pinchuk TV writer, comic book writer and WGA member, whose credits include Ben 10, 44 Cats and Gormiti: Nature Unleashed. Mr. Pinchuk’s comics include Remember Andy Xenon, Clash of the Classics, Max Steel, Moon Lake, Hybrid Bastards, Hero Hotel as well as stories at Heavy Metal Magazine. He has also sold and written/developed/ consulted for Cartoon Network, Lion Forge Animation, Legendary Digital, Bruckheimer Films and PBS, among many others.


Pitching for Film and Television

3.0 units

Aspiring film and television writers can spend years getting their scripts to a place where they gain traction, earning them desired meetings with industry professionals such as agents, managers, producers, showrunners and executives. Many writers find themselves unprepared for the opportunities that their hard word has earned. They may get overwhelmed or feel ill equipped to communicate what is special about their projects or why they, (with so many other writers out there) should be hired for a particular writing assignment. In other words, they don’t know how to pitch themselves and their projects. There’s no way around it, pitching is an essential part of the business and sometimes you “gotta tell it to sell it.” This course deconstructs and demystifies the pitching process in a way that helps writers build effective pitches and communicate them in a style that fits their personality. We’ll explore the difference between pitching for film and television, identify the commercial potential of your project, role play industry pitching scenarios and empower you to pitch with confi dence. You’ll leave the course with a set of practical tools to help you pitch your film or television project in a way that generates excitement about you and your work.

Reg# 397392

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

X IN PERSON, page 1.

m ONLINE, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.




Roberto Marinas, M.F.A., screenwriter/producer whose credits include Lasso, Headgame and Alien Vs. Zombies. His award winning screen play Last Road Home was selected for the 2007 Tribeca Film Festival, and he is also a recipient of the Walt Disney Studios Screenwriting Fellowship.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Writing & Journalism 83


Writing the Feature Film Treatment

3.0 units

Learning to write a screenplay is a process, and to do it well can take years of practice. This workshop offers two tried and true ways to make a lot of progress in a short period of time as you: 1) learn how to write a treatment and 2) get personalized feedback on your work. A series of lectures and assignments help you master the basics of screenwriting, especially the all important screenplay structure, while also exploring how to write strong characters. Boil down your story into a short pitch and then expand that into a complete treatment for a feature length script. With a solid, entertaining treatment in hand, you leave the workshop ready to conceptualize and begin work on your own script beyond the classroom.

Reg# 397393

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July

X In Person

4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

Koji Steven Sakai, M.F.A., award winning screenwriter/producer/ novelist and W.G.A. member, whose feature credits include Damaged, Boneyard, Ruthless, Skeletons in the Closet Commando, Dying to Kill, Monsters & Me, #1 Serial Killer, The People I’ve Slept With and Haunted Highway. Mr. Sakai has produced a comedy special for Netflix and the comedy series Comedy InvAsian, which premiered on Peacock.


Showrunners Boot Camp

3.0 units

How do you create a narrative dramatic series, sell it, and have the series made, all while keeping your vision a priority in every aspect of the creative process? This is the role of the showrunner the lead producer/writer on a television or digital series, responsible for the creative vision along with the business and logistical aspects of a series. There is currently a high demand for skilled showrunners, and in this workshop, we focus on demystifying what a showrunner does. This workshop is set up as a boot camp, exploring the breath of knowledge a showrunner needs using hands on exercises, lectures, viewing of footage including dailies and rough cuts, discussing the pilot script and series writing process, and giving notes on scripts as well as covering the practical issues of production, maximizing bud gets, and overall series logistics.

Reg# 397389

Fee: $985

No refund after 1 July X In Person

4 mtgs

Thursday Sunday, 10am 6pm, Aug. 1 4 UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. This course is part of our once yearly Writers Studio intensive workshop offerings and includes a welcome reception on Thursday, Aug. 1 at 9am.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $150 nonrefundable. 7

Cynthia Hsiung, exec producer, award winning writer/director, who served as a showrunner for Young Hercules FanAddicts! and a sci fi series for Alibaba. She was part of the team that launched The Larry Sanders Show Taxi Cab Confessions and The Real World and a former development exec for HBO, MTV and Warner Bros. She is the recipient of the UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award.

Basics of Writing

These basic creative writing courses are for students with no prior writing experience. Instruction is exercise-driven; the process of workshopping in which students are asked to share and offer feedback on each other’s work with guidance from the instructor is introduced. Please call an advisor at (310) 825-9415 to determine which course will best help you reach your writing goals.


Introduction to Creative Writing

2.0 units

This six week course is perfect for anyone just getting started on their path to being a writer. Students work in small breakout sessions with experienced writers and teachers, then attend a lecture by various guest speakers with expertise in fiction, poetry, nonfiction or screen writing. Short assignments are workshopped in the weekly breakout sessions. The goal of the course is to expose new writers to a variety of types of writing while getting their creative juices flowing. At the end of the quarter, students feel more confident about their skills and are prepared for further study of writing.

Reg# 398205

Fee: $485

No refund after 27 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Saturday, 1 4pm, July 13 Aug. 17

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 liz gonzález, M.F.A., author of Dancing in the Santa Ana Winds: Poems y Cuentos New and Selected (Los Nietos Press). Ms. gonzález’s creative nonfiction, poetry and fiction appears in numerous journals and anthologies, most recently in Inlandia: A Literary Journey, HTI Open Plaza, Air/Light, Poets & Writers Magazine and the anthology San Bernardino Singing. Her honors include a 2023 California Arts Council Individual Artist Fellowship.

Reg# 398206

Fee: $485

No refund after 27 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Saturday, 1 4pm, July 13 Aug. 17

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Norman Kolpas, author and editor whose several hundred nonfiction pieces have appeared in many publications, including Bon Appetit, HOME, Elle, Sunset, Southwest Art and The Times of London. Mr. Kolpas is also the author of more than 40 nonfiction books and consults with, and ghost writes for, many top personalities and brands.


Finding Your Voice

2.0 units

You’ve lived, listened, seen, had a childhood there’s your raw material. Now it’s a question of channeling and shaping that experience with the tools of literary craft. In this beginner’s course, you explore the basics of the three major genres fiction, nonfiction and poetry read ing and practicing within those areas of expression to help you find the modes that best fit your story and your voice. Each week you turn in short writing assignments that help you get your feet wet with craft aspects like description, character, dialogue, etc. These assignments culminate in a finished short story, essay, or poem that you present on the last day of class to a supportive workshop.

Reg# 398207

Fee: $485

No refund after 14 Aug.

M Online

July 31 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Rachel Girty, M.F.A., from the Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the Uni versity of Michigan. Ms. Girty’s poetry and fiction have appeared in Sinister Wisdom, Rabbit Catastrophe Review, Body Parts Magazine and elsewhere. Currently at work on her first novel, she lives in Chicago, where she works as a classical singer as well as a writer.


Finding Your Story

2.0 units

The scariest part of writing is staring at that blank page! This workshop is for anyone who has wanted to write but doesn’t know where to start or for writers who feel stuck and need a new form or jumping off point for unique story ideas. The course provides a safe, playful atmosphere to experiment with different resources for stories, such as life experi ences, news articles, interviews, history and mythology. A series of in class exercises explore or introduce different writing forms such as short stories, personal essay, plays, and even poems or songs and generate a notebook filled with unique story ideas from which you craft several short pieces.

Reg# 398102

Fee: $485

No refund after 7 Aug.

M Online

July 24 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Rochelle J. Shapiro author of Miriam the Medium and Kaylee’s Ghost. Ms. Shapiro’s essays have been published in The New York Times and Newsweek Her short stories and poems have been published in many anthologies and literary magazines, such as The Iowa Review, Sedge and Moment


Fiction: Essential Beginnings

2.0 units

Do you aspire to write creatively but don’t know where to start? This supportive workshop provides you with many techniques to motivate and guide you. You learn how to transform observation and personal experience into imaginative prose, create dynamic characters and dialogue and write from different points of view. By the end of the course, you have in hand a series of short sketches or a draft of a short story and the key tools you need to write creatively.

Reg# 398101

Fee: $485

No refund after 7 Aug.

M Online

July 24 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Ella Martinsen Gorham, writer from Los Angeles. Ms. Martinsen Gorham’s short stories have been published in New England Review, ZYZZYVA Carve and Best American Short Stories 2019. She was a finalist in the 2020 Raymond Carver Short Story Contest.


Nonfiction: Essential Beginnings

2.0 units

Sometimes the best stories are true. To help you turn your personal experiences, anecdotes from everyday life and family stories into compelling narratives, this workshop teaches beginning writers the basic elements of good storytelling. You learn how to excavate memo ries and discover fresh or unexpected facets of your life stories. Through weekly exercises, you generate new material and learn an array of fictional techniques to tell your nonfiction story, including how to play with voice, focus on a small unit of time and describe land scape and character. By the course’s completion, you have in hand a series of short sketches or a draft of a nonfiction piece.

Reg# 397968

Fee: $485

No refund after 14 Aug.

M Online

July 31 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Roberta Wax, freelance writer; former reporter, United Press Interna tional; former president, Society of Professional Journalists, Los Angeles Chapter. Ms. Wax is a contributor to many magazines and newspapers, including the Los Angeles Times Westways, Emmy and Animation

84 Writing & Journalism Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

Special Topics for All Writers

Courses in this section are open to students who want a deeper understanding of a specific craft issue or area of study. These courses fulfill the elective requirement for creative writing certificates. Please call an advisor at (310) 825-9415 to determine which course will best help you reach your writing goals.



Beyond Self-Esteem: 7 Fresh Hacks Around Writer’s Block

Most attempts to deal with writer’s block focus on the writer’s emo tional state, particularly with regard to self esteem. While these approaches have value, other weapons are available to enter one’s creativity that have nothing to do with one’s feelings. This workshop introduces seven hacks to bypass writer’s block. This workshop will be built around playful exercises drawing from playground games, TV writers’ room pitch outs, mystical consultation, and technology, among other tools. Writers will complete the workshop with an arsenal of new tools to defibrillate their creativity beyond intensive inner gazing.

Reg# 398145

Fee: $0

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online

1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 20

Remote Classroom

Enrollment opens two weeks prior to the event. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. 7

Along with Mr. Lien, this workshop is co-taught by Jerry Lee Davis, author/playwright who has over 20 years’ experience teaching. Henry Lien J.D., UCLA Law. Mr. Lien teaches law in the Architecture Interior Design Department and was awarded Outstanding Instructor of the Year. He practiced as an attorney, served as the Glass Garage Gallery owner and as president of the West Hollywood Fine Art Gallery Association. Mr. Lien currently works as a private art dealer and also teaches for the Writers’ Program. His Peasprout Chen middle grade fantasy series has received New York Times acclaim and starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist



The Business of Writing:

Practical Skills for the Professional Writer

In the creative writing world, we often hear only what to do that might garner the coveted publishing contract. But say you get that deal. Now what? In this course, you’ll learn the strategies and tips to succeed and continue to thrive as a professional writer. This includes: vision casting for your unique gifts and interests; marketing and branding yourself and your work (and how to partner with a publisher in this); whether and how to work with accountants, agents, and lawyers; selecting strategic venues and events in which to participate; diver sifying revenue streams (through in person appearances, workshops, sales, and more); making your live readings sought after events that are engaging and resonant; and in all of it, knowing your worth and confidently discussing money with all the relevant professionals. Through focused lectures, illustrations, selected readings, and targeted video excerpts, participants will gain clarity about how to navigate the practical, behind the scenes realities to become and remain a working author.

Reg# 398589

Fee: $0

No refund after 19 July

A Live Online

1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 20


Enrollment opens two weeks prior to the event. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Clifford Brooks poet, professor, founder of the Southern Collective Experience, editor in chief of The Blue Mountain Review and host of Dante’s Old South. Mr. Brooks has written three collections of poetry: The Draw of Broken Eyes & Whirling Metaphysics, Exiles of Eden and Athena Departs: Gospel of a Man Apart Learn more at


Using Micro Memoirs to Tell Your Story

Micro memoirs (300 words or less) are growing in popularity and offer an opportunity for more, not less. You’ll learn how this short but ver satile form can help you shine a light on your lived experiences, with tips on how to begin writing micro right away. You’ll learn how to incorporate your work into a full length memoir or creative nonfiction project while studying examples from bestselling memoirists who have mastered this highly effective storytelling form. If you’ve been struggling with telling your story or are curious about new and innova tive forms, this is a great time to add micro memoirs to your writer’s toolbox.

Reg# 398575

Fee: $0

No refund after 14 July

A Live Online 1 mtg

Saturday, 10 11:30am, July 13


Enrollment opens two weeks prior to the event. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Darien Hsu Gee, M.F.A., author of five novels published by Penguin Random House that have been translated into eleven languages. Her collection of micro essays, Allegiance received the Bronze IPPY award in the Essays category. Ms. Gee also received a 2019 Poetry Society of America’s Chapbook Fellowship award for Other Small Histories and the 2015 Hawai’i Book Publishers’ Ka Palapala Po’okela Award of Excel lence for Writing the Hawai’i Memoir. She is the recipient of a Sustain able Arts Foundation grant and a Vermont Studio Center fellowship.


Women’s Writing Weekend Workshop

1.5 units

Women’s stories are as diverse as women’s experiences. In this course, we focus on finding our voice on the page and allowing our writing to emerge naturally, without judgment, all in a nurturing, women and female identifying empowered environment. The class is designed for writers of all levels from the new writer looking to discover her voice, to the experienced writer looking for creative inspiration. Through writing prompts, in class writing and sharing, strength based feed back, and simple tools and tips, we create a supportive community where every writer’s imagination is lit and nurtured. At the end of the workshop, students will leave with multiple pieces that may be seeds for future stories, develop into longer writing projects, or simply be creatively satisfying, as well as a sense of being part of an uplifting community of women writers.

Reg# 398103

Fee: $269

No refund after 26 July

X In Person

2 mtgs

Saturday, Sunday, 9am 5pm, July 27 28

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited to 20 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Robin Finn, M.P.H., M.A., is the author of the new book, Heart. Soul. Pen.: Find Your Voice on the Page and in Your Life and the novel, Restless in L.A. Ms. Finn is the founder and creator of Heart. Soul. Pen. women’s writing workshops, and Hot Writing where midlife and menopause inspire the desire to write without apologizing. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times BuzzFeed The Times of Israel, and Mamamia

WRITING X 461.29

Memoir Workshop for Teachers

3.0 units

When we live a rigorous schedule, it’s easy to set aside one’s own story. This writing workshop is for teachers to carve out time for themselves and delve deeper into their journeys and explore their personal histories and identities on the page. The workshop will offer pathways and create space for teachers to step into being writers and explore genres and document their lives. Using the workshop ping process, the sessions will create a safe space for writing and feedback, identifying, place and setting, describing characters, PoV and developing a critical lens. By the end of the session, participants will have started larger projects which they can develop on their own or in other workshops.


Reg# 396521

Fee: $50

No refund after 2 July

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, June 18 Aug. 6

Remote Classroom

No meeting July 2 & 9.

These weeks will include asynchronous online work. Early childhood and K-12 teachers are eligible to enroll. Admission to this course is by application only. All applicants must complete the attached application to verify employment as an early childhood or K-12 teacher.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Sehba Sarwar M.A., author of the novel Black Wings. Ms. Sarwar’s writings have appeared in New York Times Sunday Magazine Asia: Magazine of Asian Literature, Callaloo and elsewhere. She has taught writing workshops at University of Houston and through nonprofits.


Gay Men’s Writing Workshop: A Literary Approach to Writing About Gay Life

3.0 units

This course is designed for students who want to examine gay men’s lives in fiction and nonfiction. Discussions will include basic mile stones that have defined much of gay life, such as coming out, sex, partnership and the AIDS crisis. We will explore what messages writing about gay men’s lives brings to those outside our experience, as well as ways we can communicate across this divide. Students will read and discuss the best examples of gay fiction/nonfiction in order to integrate their qualities into our own work, striving to say something new and fresh in a very crowded and well established field. By the end of the course, students will have written three works of fiction and nonfiction and completed a substantial revision of one of those pieces.

Reg# 398104

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July M Online July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Trebor Healey author of three novels, a book of poetry and three collections of short stories, as well as the co editor of two anthologies. Mr. Healey’s journalism on immigration has appeared in Newsweek and Capital & Main and his erotic fiction has been selected for the Best American Erotica series. He has taught numerous residential writing retreats as well as several LGBT Youth writing workshops and he is the recipient of a Lambda Literary Award, two Publishing Triangle awards and a Violet Quill award.


Voices of Color Workshop I

3.0 units

A workshop for all underrepresented writers of color, where we take a process driven approach to create our own work that accurately depicts our respective communities’ values in our own words. We examine global story models to see how we can better write our lived experience in the face of western systems of oppression and patriar chy. In this workshop, we work toward one practice in our art and our lives. All are welcome.

Reg# 398105

Fee: $50

No refund after 16 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Admission to this course is by application only. The priority deadline for applications is Monday, June 10 at 9am (PT). Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early application advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Aatif Rashid, author of Portrait of Sebastian Khan Mr. Rashid has published short stories in The Massachusetts Review, Metaphorosis, Arcturus and Barrelhouse; and nonfiction in The Los Angeles Review of Books, as well as online on Medium He currently writes regularly for The Kenyon Review blog.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Writing & Journalism 85


The Psychology of Compelling Storytelling

3.0 units

Novice storytellers tend to associate the quality of a story with the quality of its prose. While a clear and concise style will facilitate understanding, the commercial success of “poorly written” books demonstrates that good storytelling, the kind of storytelling that fas cinates and persuades, calls for a different skill: the ability to create urgency. This is not an ordinary writing course. This course explains how it is that stories engage and persuade and provides a theoretical background of the mental processes that guide attention and decision making as well as of the limits of cognition so that students can apply that knowledge to the crafting of more engaging and more persuasive stories. For that purpose, this course takes a multidisciplinary approach to storytelling, borrowing concepts from media psychology; communication studies; social psychology; and even seemingly unrelated disciplines such as cognitive neuroscience and ethology, the study of animal behavior.

Reg# 397969

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Carlos Allende, Ph.D. in media psychology with a concentration in audience engagement and a self directed concentration in media neuroscience. Mr. Allende teaches psychology and researches the motivational effect of compassion in securing engagement as well as the paradoxically positive effect of stereotypical representation. His fiction incorporates history with social satire. Rare Bird Books pub lished his novel Love, or the Witches of Windward Circle in 2015 and he was a panelist on modern horror at the LA Times Festival of Books in 2016. He won the 2019 Quill Prose Award with his novel Coffee, Shopping, Murder, Love, which was published by Red Hen Press.


Creative Writing Certificate Capstone

3.0 units

This course satisfies the final requirement for Certificate in Creative Writing candidates by providing a structured environment in which to engage in activities that help writers move from workshop feedback reliance toward self directed writing and revision. Students articulate a personal course goal that aligns with their larger goals as a writer, then craft a plan to reach it by the end of the course. Independent work on creative projects is supported by class discussions focused on professional development and guest speakers who illuminate different aspects of a writing life. By the end of the course, students will reach their independent writing goal and complete a series of written assets that help them transition to a writer’s life.

Reg# 398106

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Optional meetings to be held for guest speakers during Weeks 3-10 on Wednesdays at 6pm PT on Zoom.

Restricted course; only Creative Writing Certificate students who have completed 18 units are eligible to enroll. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 Wendy Oleson, M.F.A., Ph.D., fiction writer, poet and essayist whose work has appeared in journals and anthologies including Copper Nickel, Baltimore Review, PANK and The Journal She was a Van Sickle Fellow and a recipient of a Washington Square Review Fiction Award, the Elizabeth Bruss Prize and the storySouth Million Writers Award.

Fiction Writing Beginning Fiction Writing

Courses in this section are recommended for students with some prior writing experience. Instruction is a mix of lecture and workshopping. With the close guidance of the instructor, students share and offer feedback in a supportive environment focused on assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their work. Those new to writing should consider courses in the Basics of Writing section. Please call an advisor at (310) 8259415 to determine which course will best help you reach your writing goals.


Short Story I

3.0 units

It is said that all of us have locked inside at least one good story to tell. Through lectures on craft, short writing exercises, assignments and discussion, you learn how to tell yours. Topics include plot, point of view, setting, description, conflict, characterization, dialogue, ten sion, rewriting and submission strategies. The course goal is to draft and revise at least one short story. This course is a prerequisite for students who are continuing in the short fiction sequence.

Reg# 398107

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Tantra Bensko, M.F.A., fiction writer, poet and award winning author with hundreds of publications, including four chapbooks, one novella and two full length fiction books. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Ms. Bensko has a psychological suspense series, The Agents of the Nevermind.

Reg# 398109

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

UCLA: Rolfe Hall

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Pete Hsu, M.S., author of the short story collection If I Were the Ocean, I’d Carry You Home and the experimental fiction chapbook There Is A Man. Mr. Hsu’s writing has appeared in The Los Angeles Review, Faultline Journal of Arts and Letters, F®iction Magazine and The LA Review of Books

Reg# 398108

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ron Darian, author and writer/producer whose fiction has appeared in Fiction International Inkwell and The MacGuffin, among many others. Mr. Darian is also a WGA member whose television credits include Frasier, Mad About You and 7th Heaven He was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize.


Novel I

3.0 units

That novel is inside you waiting to emerge, but knowing how and where to start can be daunting. This course provides you with weekly assignments, group interaction and instructor feedback to help you explore various methods of writing your first novel while learning the key craft points of plot, structure, characterization, point of view, sense of place and voice. The goal is to complete the first chapter of your novel by establishing an intimacy with your characters as you artfully shape their journey and to develop an overall concept to guide you through your story. Required for students considering the long fiction sequence. RRR

Reg# 398111

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jessica Barksdale, M.F.A., M.A., author of 15 novels including The Play’s the Thing and a poetry collection, When We Almost Drowned. Ms. Barksdale’s short stories, poems and essays have appeared in Compose, Salt Hill Journal, The Coachella Review and Carve Magazine. She is a professor of English at Diablo Valley College and teaches in the MFA program at Southern New Hampshire University.

Reg# 398113

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 3 Sept. 4

UCLA: Rolfe Hall

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Melanie Thorne, M.A., award winning author of the novel, Hand Me Down (Dutton/Plume), named a Kirkus Reviews Best Fiction Book of 2012. Ms. Thorne’s short fiction and non fiction have appeared in Global City Review Susurrus, and The Nervous Breakdown, among others.

Reg# 398112

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 Sept. 7 Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Melissa Larsen, M.F.A., author of the psychological thriller Shutter. Ms. Larsen has previously worked in publishing on both the literary agency side at Writers House and the editorial side at Penguin Ran dom House.


Young Adult Novel I

3.0 units

The young adult novel is one of the fastest growing and exciting genres in publishing today. With complex young characters, realistic dialogue and gripping prose, readers young and old can’t get enough of these novels. In a supportive and inspiring environment, you explore the elements of a YA novel’s plot, character, language, setting and voice all enhanced by in depth lectures, discussions, manu script workshopping and generative writing exercises. Also covered is the current marketplace for young adult fiction and how to query agents. You leave the class with a completed first chapter and a rough outline of your entire book, as well as the tools to continue writing on your own.

Reg# 398114

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Jarrod Shusterman, New York Times bestselling author of Dry and Roxy with National Book Award winner Neal Shusterman. He also writes with his partner Sofía Lapuente, and they co authored the novel Retro and collaborated on Gleanings, the fourth installment of the bestselling Scythe trilogy, which is currently being adapted for the screen by Universal. His work has received many accolades, including starred reviews in Kirkus, Publishers Weekly, and School Library Journal as well as being a Green Earth Book Award Winner andGerman National Book Award finalist

Sofía Lapuente co author of novel Retro with her partner, Jarrod Shusterman. Ms. Lapuente also collaborated on Gleanings the fourth installment of the bestselling Arc of a Scythe trilogy, which is currently being adapted for the screen by Universal. She is a writer, screenwriter and former producer and casting director on an Emmy nominated show.

86 Writing & Journalism Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971


Romance Novel I

3.0 units

Romance novels generate just over one billion dollars in sales revenue annually in the United States. With online platforms allowing authors to learn to write better, find compatible publishers or publishing options and market the work product, there has never been a more welcoming climate for romance writers. Whether you’re an aspiring author interested in learning the basics of writing a romance or an experienced writer looking to refine your craft, Romance Writing I provides students with the fundamental skills necessary to write a romance novel. By studying samples from the genre and craft essen tials specific to the genre, students understand the building blocks of the romance novel and create a “build out” for their own romance novel in the first of this two course sequence.

Reg# 398115

Fee: $720

No refund after 16 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jeannie Lin USA TODAY bestselling and award winning author of the Lotus Palace mystery series and the steampunk Gunpowder Chronicles series. Ms. Lin is a Romance Writers Association Golden Heart recipient for debut novel Butterfly Swords. Her other works include Red Blossom in Snow and the Princess Shanyin series.


Speculative Fiction and Magical Realism

3.0 units

Reality is frequently inaccurate. Why not accurately depict that? This workshop is dedicated to kick starting your imagination with the help of visualization and acting exercises, Oulipo writing prompts, and other creative techniques. We take a leap beyond the ordinary with exam ples on how to craft an engaging alternate reality, flesh out an enthrall ing non human character, or dream up an unforgettable story line in space. At the end of 10 weeks, you have a better grip on how to apply creative writing techniques designed to help you think outside the box for your own speculative fiction story.

Reg# 398117

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ploi Pirapokin, M.F.A., nonfiction editor at Newfound Journal and the co editor of The Greenest Gecko: An Anthology of New Asian Fantasy forthcoming from Wesleyan University Press in 2021. Ms. Pirapokin is featured and forthcoming in, Pleiades, The Offing and more.


Setting and Description

3.0 units

Setting and description are foundational to a story and can support larger themes well if done thoughtfully with fresh and vivid language, attention to detail, implication and perspective. They can, in effect, give one’s characters a home or space to work within, as well as open up possibilities for deepening and expanding the scope of any story. In this reading and exercise based class, we explore and practice descriptive writing and its power in establishing setting and mood while enlivening action and supporting symbolic relationships in fiction and creative nonfiction. Each week, we read sample fiction and creative nonfiction to identify how the content is influenced by the description of setting, action, events and objects. By the end of class, you have improved skills in writing descriptively to enrich and enliven your work.

Reg# 398118

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Aatif Rashid, author of Portrait of Sebastian Khan. Mr. Rashid has published short stories in The Massachusetts Review, Metaphorosis, Arcturus and Barrelhouse; and nonfiction in The Los Angeles Review of Books, as well as online on Medium. He currently writes regularly for The Kenyon Review blog.


Character and Conflict

3.0 units

One of the most misunderstood concepts in the craft of fiction writing is the relationship between character and conflict. A story can involve a complex character with fascinating thoughts, ideas and interests, but without a conflict that motivates the character to act, the ensuing story will be stagnant and flat. In this class, we explore, through our own writing and through published work, how to create richly imag ined characters and how to challenge them with conflicts that threaten their hidden, most deeply held desires, forcing them to act in ways that change the world around them. Each week, we read sample fiction to identify craft tools that help us determine and convey the flaws in our characters, flaws that then help us pick a conflicted situation to push our characters into action. Weekly writing exercises put theory into practice and help you discover what works (and doesn’t) in your own writing practice.

Reg# 398119

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July M Online July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ross Showalter, fiction writer and essayist. Mr. Showalter’s stories, essays, and criticism have appeared in Electric Literature Strange Horizons Catapult, Black Warrior Review, and elsewhere. His work has been included in Entropy Magazine’s Best of 2019 Online Fiction List.

Intermediate Fiction Writing

These courses are designed for students who have fulfilled the prerequisites stated in each description. Instruction includes lectures as appropriate, but the focus is on workshopping. Students continue to share and offer feedback in a supportive environment. Please call an advisor at (310) 825-9415 to determine which course will best help you reach your writing goals.


Short Story II

3.0 units

Focusing on close textual analysis and intensive writing practice, you create two short stories and revise one in this ten week workshop. Weekly lectures on technique, analysis of published stories and in depth instructor, and peer critique develop and deepen your under standing of the art and craft of short story writing. Strategies for approaching the marketplace are also discussed.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 412.1 Short Story I or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398121

Fee: $720

No refund after 16 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ron Darian, author and writer/producer whose fiction has appeared in Fiction International Inkwell and The MacGuffin among many others. Mr. Darian is also a WGA member whose television credits include Frasier, Mad About You and 7th Heaven. He was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Reg# 398120

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Adam Prince, M.F.A., Ph.D., fiction writer whose short story collection, The Beautiful Wishes of Ugly Men was published by Black Lawrence Press. His work has appeared in The Southern Review and Missouri Review, among others. He is a Pushcart Prize nominee and a Tickner Fellow at the Gilman School in Baltimore.


Novel II

3.0 units

Armed with your overall concept and first chapter, you continue to develop your knowledge of craft by writing scenes using characters and situations from the projected novel and workshopping your in progress work. Mini lectures on the art of the novel, intuitive creative process and conventional vs. non conventional approaches to novel structure also are covered. The goal is to complete 50 pages of your novel.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 411.1 Novel I or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398124

Fee: $720

No refund after 16 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 2 30

UCLA: Rolfe Hall

Tuesday, 7 10pm, Aug. 13 Sept. 10

UCLA: Rolfe Hall

No meeting Aug. 6.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Noah Lemelson, M.F.A., author of The Sightless City and The Lioness and The Rat Queen. Mr. Lemelson’s novels have received positive reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews. He has contrib uted to and his short stories have appeared in Planet Scumm Interzone and the horror anthology ProleSCARYet: Tales of Horror and Class Warfare, among others.

Reg# 398122

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jennifer Chukwu, M.F.A., writer and visual artist from the Midwest and author of The Unfortunates. Ms. Chukwu was a 2019 Lambda Literary Fellow. Her work has appeared in New Delta Review, Black Warrior Review, DIAGRAM and TAYO, and she has presented her writing and art at University of Wisconsin Madison, National Louis University, The University of Manchester and elsewhere.

Reg# 398123

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 5 8pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Eduardo Santiago author of Midnight Rumba and Tomorrow They Will Kiss, which was an Edmund White Debut Fiction Award finalist. Mr. Santiago’s short stories have appeared in ZYZZYVA Slow Trains, The Caribbean Writer and his nonfiction has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, The Advocate and Out Traveler Magazine He has taught creative writing for fifteen years, most recently at Idyllwild Arts Academy. The feature film of his screenplay, Proof Sheet, co written with Richard Kilroy, was released in 2023.

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Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Writing & Journalism 87


Novel III

3.0 units

For those with a minimum of 50 pages of a novel in progress, this workshop guides you to generate at least 50 new pages, as well as learn essential self editing techniques with the instructor and peers reviewing each participant’s project in detail. Refinements of character, structure, emotional content and the development of the writer’s voice are also explored. The goal is to produce a substantial portion of your novel. Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 411.2 Novel II or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398127

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Mark Sarvas M.F.A., author of the novels Harry, Revised (Bloomsbury), finalist for the SoCal Independent Booksellers First Novel Award; and Memento Park (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), winner of the 2019 American Book Award and finalist for the Sami Rohr Prize in Jewish Literature. Mr. Sarvas is a member of the National Book Critics Circle and PEN/America.

Reg# 398125

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Jacquelyn Stolos, M.F.A., author of the novel Edendale Ms. Stolos’s fiction and book reviews have been published in Bodega Magazine No Tokens , Necessary Fiction and more. Her awards and honors include Georgetown University’s Annabelle Bonner Medal and fellow ships to attend the New York State Summer Writers Institute and the Community of Writers. Edendale was named a literary finalist in the 2020 Forward INDIES Book of the Year Awards.


Romance Novel II

3.0 units

This workshop based course will support students who have com pleted Romance Writing I make demonstrable progress on a romance novel (at least 20,000 words of a 50,000 word minimum novel). Weekly word count and structure goals will be supported by peer and instructor led critique, and each student will develop a personalized submission plan. Students may bring works in progress or new/in development concepts, but completing Romance I or receiving instructor approval will be required.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 414.1E Romance Novel I or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398130

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Elise Forier Edie, M.F.A., playwright and author, whose credits include the book and show The Pink Unicorn and an award winning romance novel, The Devil in Midwinter. Ms. Forier Edie has received awards from the National Playwrights Conference, United Solo Theater Fes tival, Artists Trust, the Washington State Arts Commission, the Columbia Entertainment Company and Tangent Online. Her short stories have also appeared in anthologies and magazines throughout the US and Canada.


Science Fiction and Fantasy Novel II

3.0 units

The second of a three course sequence, this workshop expands on the development of story concept, worldbuilding, character, and plot explored in the first course. This second workshop focuses on critical but underemphasized aspects of compelling science fiction and fantasy novels, including plot structure and scenecraft. The workshop also interrogates accepted tropes and structures of science fiction and fantasy novels by exploring non Western storytelling structures, including the East Asian four act structure and nested or circular story structures from East Asia, South Asia and the Muslim world. The workshop also includes a rigorous workshop within a workshop that teaches students how to create a plot grid that will map out their novel from the beat level all the way up to the act level, while tracking all plot threads for rhythm and pacing. Students will learn how to shape and manipulate that plot grid into a satisfying and deliberate act structure. The goal is to complete fifty polished pages of a novel and a work in progress version of the plot grid by the end of this three course sequence.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 416.1E Science Fiction and Fantasy Novel I, or departmental approval.

Reg# 398129

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 5 8pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Henry Lien J.D., UCLA Law. Mr. Lien teaches law in the Architecture Interior Design Department and was awarded Outstanding Instructor of the Year. He practiced as an attorney, served as the Glass Garage Gallery owner and as president of the West Hollywood Fine Art Gallery Association. Mr. Lien currently works as a private art dealer and also teaches for the Writers’ Program. His Peasprout Chen middle grade fantasy series has received New York Times acclaim and starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist


Story Structure for the Novel

3.0 units

Many aspiring novelists write with the hope that inspiration will come. The result is time wasted on a flabby novel with no clear shape and a sagging pace. On the other hand, story structure gives your novel a skeleton; it forms the bones of your story. And just as adding flesh and clothing to a body makes that body more unique, so does any creative addition the writer makes to his or her basic structure. This course teaches you how to build that skeleton, from a solid premise line to building the moral argument of your novel. You ensure that your novel has what story structure guru John Truby calls the “seven key steps,” and you learn how reversals and reveals, as well as character wants and needs, can drive your story to a satisfying conclusion. Exercises are worksheets which focus on structural elements such as character ghosts, story world and more. By the end of the course, you have in hand a six page synopsis that works.

Reg# 398128

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Optional live meetings will be held on Zoom Saturdays, 10 - 11 a.m. PT. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 &

Caroline Leavitt, New York Times bestselling author who has published 11 novels, including her latest, Cruel Beautiful World. A critic for The San Francisco Chronicle and People, Ms. Leavitt is a recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award in Creative Writing.


Revising Your First Draft Novel

3.0 units

You’ve just finished writing a first draft of your novel through “National Novel Writing Month” (NaNoWriMo), or you’ve written your first draft on your own. Now what? This workshop helps you move that first draft forward by exploring strategies for revision and delving deeper into the elements of novel writing, including shape, structure, point of view, characterization, dialogue and different approaches to the use of time. The class proceeds in two modes: lectures on the art of the novel and its working components and close consideration of your draft, includ ing constructive in class critique and written feedback. Participants must come into the course with the completed first draft in hand. Prerequisite(s): At least one fiction writing course and/or the course Write a Novel in a Month as Part of National Novel Writing Month.

Reg# 398131

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 Sept. 7 Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ian Randall Wilson, M.F.A., M.A., fiction writer and poet whose work has appeared in North American Review, The Gettysburg Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, and The Boston Literary Review, among many others. Mr. Wilson’s story collection, Hunger and Other Stories and his novella Great Things Are Coming were published by Hollyridge Press.

Advanced Fiction Writing

Advanced-level courses are primarily workshop-driven and are designed for students who are well into their projects. Admission is by submission only and the selection process is competitive. It is recommended that students take intermediate-level courses prior to submitting their work. For instructions on submitting work, contact the Writers’ Program at (310) 825-9415 or go to The submission deadline for summer is June 10 at 9am PT. Visitors are not permitted in advanced-level courses.

Submission Guidelines for Advanced Fiction Writing Courses

Please note that there are no pre-approvals To be eligible for an advanced creative writing course, all students must submit one docu ment (double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins on all sides) con taining a 10 page writing sample, a synopsis of up to one page for any longer submitted works (novels), a personal statement of one para graph outlining what the student hopes to gain from the class, and a list of previous courses completed in the Writers’ Program or other programs with instructors (when known).


Short Story III

3.0 units

The short story, one of the most challenging of all literary forms, requires the precision and imagistic intensity of poetry combined with novelistic elements of structure, setting and characterization. This workshop helps you to realize your fictional intentions through detailed written critiques and to prepare your stories for publication in targeted markets. The course goal is to complete two new stories and one revision.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 412.2 Short Story II or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398132

Fee: $795

No refund after 25 June

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $100 nonrefundable. Enrollment discounts limited to WP NOW members; no other discounts apply.

The priority application deadline for applications is Monday, June 10 at 9am PT. Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration.

Ben Loory, M.F.A., author of the collection Stories for Nighttime and Some for the Day (Penguin), winner of the 2012 Nobbie Award for Book of the Year. His stories have been published in The New Yorker, The Rattling Wall, and The Los Angeles Review of Books among others, and performed on NPR’s This American Life

88 Writing & Journalism Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971


Novel IV

3.0 units

For students with at least 100 pages of a novel, this advanced work shop focuses on elements of technique and vision necessary for a work to be considered complete. You receive intensive instructor and peer critiques of manuscript chapters and their relation to the overall work, including a review as needed of the effective use of voice, tone, mood, imagery and metaphor. A major goal of this course is to give you the self editing skills to polish and revise your entire novel within and beyond the course itself.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 411.3 Novel III or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398133

Fee: $795

No refund after 26 June

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $100 nonrefundable. Enrollment discounts limited to WP NOW members; no other discounts apply.

The priority application deadline for applications is Monday, June 10 at 9am PT. Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration.

Francesca Lia Block M.F.A., author of House of Hearts and The Thorn Necklace: Healing Through Writing and the Creative Process and many bestselling and award winning novels, including The Elementals, Beyond the Pale Motel, Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat Books, Necklace of Kisses and Roses and Bones. Ms. Block received the Margaret A. Edwards Lifetime Achievement Award.


Novel V 3.0 units

For students who have completed Novel IV, this intensive workshop is specifically directed toward refining an advanced manuscript into a polished novel. The focus is on structural and thematic aspects and the maintenance of the author’s unique voice. You work closely with your peers and the instructor to assess portions of individual manu scripts. Emphasis is given to developing and perfecting self editing techniques. The overall goal of the course is for each novel to reach a professional level appropriate for eventual publication.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 411.4 Novel IV or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398134

Fee: $795

No refund after 26 June

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $100 nonrefundable. Enrollment discounts limited to WP NOW members; no other discounts apply.

The priority application deadline for applications is Monday, June 10 at 9am PT. Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration.

Jessica Barksdale M.F.A., M.A., author of 15 novels including The Play’s the Thing and a poetry collection, When We Almost Drowned. Ms. Barksdale’s short stories, poems and essays have appeared in Compose, Salt Hill Journal The Coachella Review and Carve Magazine She is a professor of English at Diablo Valley College and teaches in the MFA program at Southern New Hampshire University.

Creative Nonfiction Writing

Beginning Creative Nonfiction Writing

Courses in this section are recommended for students with some prior writing experience. Instruction is a mix of lecture and workshopping. With the close guidance of the instructor, students share and offer feedback in a supportive environment focused on assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their work. Those new to writing should consider courses in the Basics of Writing section. Please call an advisor at (310) 8259415 to determine which course will best help you reach your writing goals.



Writing the Family Narrative

3.0 units

As writers, our ancestral history breathes through our bodies and appears on the written page, whether we realize it or not. The stories of those who came before us and the legacies they bear, for better or worse are what we carry. We’ll use family history, gossip, and lore, as well as photographs, ephemera, and other available documentation to discover the factual and emotional truths of ourselves and our families. We’ll explore different ways to tell these stories, even when little information is known. Each week we’ll build a small body of hybrid creative nonfiction work and look at what these narratives say about us and the people in our lives.

Reg# 398403

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Darien Hsu Gee, M.F.A., author of five novels published by Penguin Random House that have been translated into eleven languages. Her collection of micro essays, Allegiance received the Bronze IPPY award in the Essays category. Ms. Gee also received a 2019 Poetry Society of America’s Chapbook Fellowship award for Other Small Histories and the 2015 Hawai’i Book Publishers’ Ka Palapala Po’okela Award of Excel lence for Writing the Hawai’i Memoir. She is the recipient of a Sustain able Arts Foundation grant and a Vermont Studio Center fellowship.



Planning Your Memoir (Two-Weekend Workshop)

1.0 units

In this four day workshop, we delve into the art of crafting your life’s narrative, focusing on the pivotal role of timelines and outlines the beating heart and essential skeleton of any compelling memoir. Through lectures and guided discussions, we will tackle challenges such as defining what stories are compelling, assessing engaging memories, and organizing your memoir coherently. We will explore the ethics involved in writing a memoir based on your personal vignettes and real life characters, including considerations of what to include and what to leave out. A memoir is factual and verifiable, so we’ll also discuss how to approach controversial subjects while safeguarding your personal narrative. By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive outline and perhaps the first pages of your memoir, providing a solid starting point for your writing journey.

Reg# 398409

Fee: $325

No refund after 16 Aug.

A Live Online

4 mtgs

Saturday, Sunday, 10am 1pm, Aug. 17 18

Remote Classroom

Saturday, Sunday, 10am 1pm, Aug. 24 25

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 20 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7


Memoir and Personal Essay

Two-Sunday Workshop

1.5 units

Everyone has a story (and often many stories) to tell, whether your life has been a wild ride or a quiet stroll. This course is designed for those interested in learning more about the similarities and differences between the two forms and how to explore and shape your stories. Through exercises, prompts and workshop, you begin work on several stories; you may develop some of these into longer pieces, while others may simply get your creative juices flowing. Because both personal essay and memoir call upon the writer to dig deep and hover patiently over the material of memory, this weekend’s worth of writing and exploration gives you tools for staying the course long after the actual class has finished.

Reg# 398221

Fee: $269

No refund after 6 July X In Person

2 mtgs

Sunday, 9am 5pm, July 7 14

UCLA: School of Public Affairs Bldg.

Enrollment limited to 20 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Amy Friedman M.A., author of four memoirs, several children’s books and thousands of essays and stories. Ms. Friedman’s most recent memoirs are Desperado’s Wife (available on Amazon) and One Souffle at a Time: A Memoir of Food and France (with Anne Willan). She is the founder of the nonprofit P.O.P.S. the Club and is the editor and publisher of an annual collection of personal essays and poetry, the most recent (2019) is We Got Game. Ms. Friedman is a recipient of the UCLA Exten sion Outstanding Instructor Award in Creative Writing.


Creative Nonfiction I

3.0 units

This course explores the unlimited possibilities of creative nonfiction, which embraces forms of creative writing such as personal essay, memoir, profiles and more. Working with the same techniques as fiction, including artful language choices, dialogue, character develop ment, structure and plot, you are guided to transform factual events and experiences into a complete, imaginative narrative. This course includes several readings from a variety of nonfiction authors. The course goal is to produce one complete and revised narrative essay, as well as additional material to develop further.

Reg# 397970

Fee: $720

No refund after 16 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Robert Edward Anasi Ph.D., author of Bohemia: Scenes from the Life of Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Mr. Anasi’s works have appeared in the New York Times, Salon, Virginia Quarterly Review and Los Angeles Times, among others. He has received a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship and a Schaeffer Fellowship.

Reg# 398209

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Grace Perry, author of The 2000s Made Me Gay: Essays on Pop Culture. Ms. Perry is a contributor to The Onion, Reductress, Outside, BuzzFeed Eater, The Takeout, Chicago Magazine, and more. She is the co creator of the podcast series Who Killed Jenny Schecter? and was named “a talented new voice,” by Publishers Weekly.

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Victoria Zackheim, M.A., editor of six anthologies of personal essays, including The Other Woman, For Keeps, The Face in the Mirror and Faith. Her documentary, Where Birds Never Sang: The Ravensbruck and Sachsenhausen Concentration Camps, aired nationwide on P.B.S. She is a San Francisco Library Laureate.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Writing & Journalism 89


Personal Essay I

3.0 units

“Personal Essay” is a broad term that encompasses essays, opinion pieces and mini memoirs but which always details the writer’s journey through a specific experience. This workshop teaches aspiring personal essayists how to be a compelling first person narrator and employ craft elements such as theme, character development, voice, pacing, scene setting and exposition to tell their stories. The goal is to complete at least one personal essay (600 2,500 words) and develop material for future essays.

Reg# 397971

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Michael Luongo author or editor of 16 books, including Frommer’s Buenos Aires and Argentina guidebooks. Mr. Luongo was twice named Journalist of the Year for the North American Travel Journalists Associa tion. His journalism and photography work have appeared in the New York Times, National Geographic Traveler and Bloomberg News, among many others.

Reg# 398211

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Brian Sonia-Wallace, author of The Poetry of Strangers Mr. Sonia Wallace’s reportage has appeared in Rolling Stone and The Guardian and he writes regularly for the LA County Department of Cultural Affairs. He is the founder of RENT Poet, which produces live, custom poetry for events and he has been the Writer in Residence for Mall of America, Amtrak and the Boston Harbor Islands.


Memoir I

3.0 units

A memoir is a book length narrative that is told from the writer’s point of view and captures a meaningful slice of the writer’s life. If you have a story to tell and would like to figure out how best to tell it, this course helps you get started. In class writing exercises help you identify significant moments from your life, decide on a workable structure for telling your story and determine what exactly your story is about. You also focus on the habits and tools you need to establish and maintain a writing practice and read excerpts from a range of memoirs for inspiration and guidance. By the end of the course, you have an outline and a draft of one to two chapters.

Reg# 398215

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jayanti Tamm, M.F.A., Pushcart Prize nominated memoirist and fiction writer whose first book, Cartwheels in a Sari: A Memoir of Growing Up Cult was published by Random House. Ms. Tamm’s work has also appeared in the anthology Forgotten Borough the Huffington Post, and The Washington Post, among others.

Reg# 398216

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Stephen van Dyck, M.F.A., author of the experimental memoir People I’ve Met From the Internet (Ricochet Editions), which was nominated for the New Mexico Arizona Book Award. Mr. Van Dyck’s work has appeared in Zyzzyva, The Gay & Lesbian Review, the LA Weekly, the LA Review of Books, Hyperallergic and on Dennis Cooper’s blog.


Literary Journalism I

3.0 units

Literary journalism is nonfiction prose that transcends “who, what, where, and when” to give a more detailed, richer and vivid picture of real events. It combines an immersive approach to reporting with the aims and techniques of fiction. Although this type of writing has roots in antiquity (i.e., Thucydides’s The Peloponnesian War), contemporary practitioners include Tom Wolfe, Joan Didion, John McPhee and Gay Talese. Today, literary journalism appears in periodicals such as The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Esquire and Harper’s Magazine, as well as in the magazines or literary supplements of many major newspapers. By the end of the course, you have an understanding of the basic techniques for reporting and writing such journalism and at least one project started.

Reg# 398220

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Robert Edward Anasi, Ph.D., author of Bohemia: Scenes from the Life of Williamsburg, Brooklyn Mr. Anasi’s works have appeared in the New York Times, Salon, Virginia Quarterly Review and Los Angeles Times, among others. He has received a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship and a Schaeffer Fellowship.


Storytelling for Social Justice

3.0 units

Well told, new narratives can change the world. Living in a time of rising movements such as Black Lives Matter, MeToo, DACA/refugee and immigrant rights, LGBTQ rights and more, students are encour aged to uncover stories that are not included in our history textbooks. Through workshops, students gain access to pathways to explore personal history, family narratives and stories amidst their communi ties. Students read and produce compelling creative nonfiction mem oir, essays, literary journalism, blogging, audio/video recording, live performance and more to share with larger audiences. Integral to the creation of new work is revision, peer feedback and literary work that serves as models. By the end of the course, students have begun a narrative in a format of their choice that they develop into a completed project in order to share with the larger community.

Reg# 398218

Fee: $720

No refund after 16 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 7:30pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jessica M. Wilson, M.F.A., International, Chicana poet, born in East Los Angeles. Ms. Wilson teaches poetry with California Poets in the Schools. She founded the Los Angeles Poet Society and is a social justice publisher for Los Angeles Poet Society Press, amplifying QTBIPOC voices. Ms. Wilson has featured at The Broad Museum, profes sionally developed the Librarians of Santa Monica, the Puente Founda tion, Reforma (the LAPL branch of bilingual librarians). Her books of poetry include: What Breathes, Raw Kit, Marie Morrison and Serious Longing Learn more at


Writing the Review

3.0 units

Everybody’s a critic, or so they say. When you can share any and every opinion on social media, what makes professionally published reviews special? Why should one person’s take on a movie, TV show, book or other piece of art matter more than yours or mine? But the truth lies in the opposite: When everyone has a platform to offer their opinion, learning the true art of criticism is all the more important for standing out. In this course, we learn how to effectively and compellingly crafted cultural critiques, with units on film, TV, books, literature and more. We read reviews by professional critics while exploring the different multimedia platforms criticism can live on today. The focus of this class is on sharpening your critical faculties and developing your voice as a writer, with the ultimate goal of finding your space as a respected critic.

Reg# 398219

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Heather Scott Partington, M.F.A., writer, teacher, and book critic. Ms. Partington’s writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, and Alta Journal. She is a board member for the National Book Critics Circle, and VP in charge of Emerging Critics.


Creative Alchemy: Finding and Writing Life Stories You Were Meant to Tell

3.0 units

This course is for anyone who has a story from “real life” that needs to be told. Sometimes your story is about a person, place, thing or some concealed part of yourself; a remembered time or event; or even something that will happen as you give account to its unfolding. Over the span of this course, you identify this element of your story’s core fascination and acquire the skills to tell it, including researching and interviewing techniques, cultivating your own unique writing voice and constructing your story into a combination of episodes that advance and present it to best dramatic and imaginative effect. Finally, you investigate possible venues where each story might most effec tively be presented.

Reg# 398217

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Harry Youtt, fiction writer and Pushcart Prize nominated poet whose recent collections include I’ll Always Be from Lorain and Outbound for Elsewhere. Mr. Youtt is a co recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstand ing Distinguished Instructor Award and the UCLA Extension Instructor Award in Creative Writing.

Judith Prager, Ph.D., fiction and nonfiction writer whose works include The Newman Factor, Verbal First Aid and The Worst Is Over: What to Say When Every Moment Counts She is a co recipient of the UCLA Extension Distinguished Instructor Award and the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award in Creative Writing.

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Intermediate Creative Nonfiction Writing

These courses are designed for students who have fulfilled the prerequisites stated in each description. Instruction includes lectures as appropriate, but the focus is on workshopping. Students continue to share and offer feedback in a supportive environment. Please call an advisor at (310) 825-9415 to determine which course will best help you reach your writing goals.


Creative Nonfiction II

3.0 units

Designed for those who have already begun to explore memoir or other narrative nonfiction genres, this workshop guides you to take your skills to the next level by focusing on a collection of essays, a single project or other types of nonfiction prose; works in progress are welcome. Every week, you read several short, stylistically adven turous pieces to expand your repertoire and post a new installment of your own project for feedback from your instructor and peers. The goal is to create two new essay length works of creative nonfiction and polish your skills for publication.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 421.1 Creative Nonfiction I or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398222

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Alison Singh Gee, M.A., nonfiction writer who has written for Marie Claire, InStyle, International Herald Tribune and the Los Angeles Times Ms. Gee was a staff writer for People magazine and her memoir, Where the Peacocks Sing, was named a National Geographic Traveler Book of the Month.


Personal Essay II

3.0 units

Unlike fiction, personal essay offers an opportunity to explore the choices you’ve made, whether life changing moments or those little decisions that set us on a new course. Through this exploration, you come to a better understanding of family dynamics and how events from the past have affected the choices you make today. In this course, you expand your knowledge of what makes an essay stronger, more compelling and more honest. This course guides you to write and revise one or more personal essays to be submitted for publication and to pinpoint the best markets and outlets for your work.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 422.1 Personal Essay I or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398223

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Victoria Zackheim, M.A., editor of six anthologies of personal essays, including The Other Woman, For Keeps, The Face in the Mirror and Faith Her documentary, Where Birds Never Sang: The Ravensbruck and Sachsenhausen Concentration Camps, aired nationwide on P.B.S. She is a San Francisco Library Laureate.


Memoir II

3.0 units

Designed for the serious writer committed to participating in a struc tured writing regimen as well as engaging in ongoing critiques and craft discussions, this course guides you to examine key issues in your work, create an involving storyline out of your life experience and cast yourself as a compelling character readers want to follow. You also develop the self editing skills you need to polish and revise your material at a level appropriate to submit to publishers. Includes discus sion of current marketplace. The course goal is to complete 50 well crafted pages of your project.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 423.1 Memoir I or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398224 Fee: $720

No refund after 16 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 5 8pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Monica Holloway, author of the critically acclaimed memoirs, Driving with Dead People and Cowboy & Wills . Ms. Holloway is actively involved in the work of the National Center for Family Literacy and Autism Speaks and has participated in several events with the Special Needs Network.


Memoir III

3.0 units

Designed for serious writers with at least 50 pages of their memoir, this workshop offers a structured writing environment to generate new material and ongoing critique. Issues of structure, theme and honing the author’s unique voice are emphasized. You will develop self editing techniques and participate in intensive workshopping. The course goal is to produce a substantial portion of your memoir.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 423.2 Memoir II or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398225

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Liz Stephens Ph.D., author of the memoir, The Days Are Gods Ms. Stephens’ essays appear in Brief Encounters: An Anthology of Short Nonfiction and Dirt: An Anthology She has served as managing editor and contributor to Brevity: A Journal of Concise Nonfiction.

Advanced Creative Nonfiction Writing

Advanced-level courses are primarily workshop-driven and are designed for students who are well into their projects. Admission is by submission only and the selection process is competitive. It is recommended that students take intermediate-level courses prior to submitting their work. For instructions on submitting work, contact the Writers’ Program at (310) 825-9415 or go to The submission deadline for summer is June 10 at 9am PT. Visitors are not permitted in advanced-level courses.

Submission Guidelines for Advanced Creative Nonfiction Writing Courses

Please note that there are no pre-approvals. To be eligible for an advanced creative writing course, all students must submit one docu ment (double spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins on all sides) con taining a 10 page writing sample, a synopsis of up to one page for any longer submitted works (memoirs or collections), a personal statement of one paragraph outlining what the student hopes to gain from the class, and a list of previous courses completed in the Writers’ Program or other programs, with instructors (when known).


X 421.3

Creative Nonfiction III

3.0 units

Designed for serious writers who seek to refine their creative nonfic tion manuscripts including memoirs and personal essay collec tions into polished works, this intensive workshop helps you polish your writing and find your narrative’s energy and unique voice. You also develop and perfect self editing techniques as well as explore the current market. The course goal is to have two new chapters or two new short essays ready to submit to publishers, ideas of where to submit work, and a deeper understanding of this artistic form. Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 421.2 Creative Nonfiction II or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398226

Fee: $795

No refund after 26 June M Online July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $100 nonrefundable. Enrollment discounts limited to WP NOW members; no other discounts apply. The priority application deadline for applications is Monday, June 10 at 9am PT. Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration.

Kerry Cohen M.F.A., author of 11 books including Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity, Lush: A Memoir, Easy and Crazy for You: Breaking the Spell of Sex and Love Addiction. Ms. Cohen is also the editor of Spent essays about women and shopping. She has been published in numerous journals and media, including The New York Times Modern Love column, Salon and Brevity. She has been an Oregon Book Award finalist five times and her young adult novels have won the Oregon Spirit Award and been a YALSA Popular Paperback and ALA Quick Pick.

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Writing for Young Readers

Writing for Kids and Middle Grade Readers


Writing for Young Readers I

3.0 units

If you want to write for kids, you need to think like a kid and enjoy the process of returning to the imaginative, possibility filled world of childhood. This course introduces you to all major categories of writing for young people, including concept books, picture books, beginning readers, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult (YA) novels and nonfiction for all age ranges. You learn the basic storytelling principles of story structure, plot, character development and dialogue as it applies to each genre, and discover your own niche in the world of children’s publishing. You also learn how to tailor your work to the psychological and emotional development, reading abilities, and interests of each age group. The goal is to complete a draft of a manu script for a picture book or a sample chapter and chapter outline for older readers. Query letters, marketing and resources for children’s book writers are also covered in detail.

Reg# 398143

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6:30 9:30pm, July 3 Sept. 4

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Laurel van der Linde author of several nonfiction books for chil dren, including So, You Want to be a Dancer? and The Pony Express, as well as articles published in Equus and Horse Illustrated. Ms. van der Linde has produced and/or directed many audiobooks for Hachette and others.


Middle Grade Novel I

3.0 units

Middle grade novels have a demanding audience. Young readers want interesting stories that either transport them to a world unlike their own or that show them that they are not alone, that there are others who feel and experience the same things that they do. They want gut wrenchingly true stories, even if they are fantasy or sci fi. This course helps you shape your middle grade novel idea into a workable outline and gives you the tools to execute that plan. You read and study successful middle grade novels, practice and experi ment with fiction writing techniques, give and take feedback with your peers’ work through workshop and learn revision techniques. By the end of the course, you have a synopsis or outline and a solid draft of two chapters.

Reg# 398144

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Kelly Barson, M.F.A., author of the novels 45 Pounds and Charlotte Cuts it Out. Ms. Barson has published articles in Highlights for Children Magazine, Hunger Mountain Literary Journal and other local family magazines. She is a panelist and speaker at many library events and conferences.

Writing Picture Books


Introduction to Picture Books

You have the dream I’ve always wanted to write a children’s picture book. This inspiring class offers you practical tools to help you realize that dream. It includes writing exercises, examples of cur rent picture books, behind the scenes stories, and practical advice from an award winning author. By the end of this class you’ll have tools to guide you in this vibrant field.

Reg# 398142

Fee: $0

No refund after 26 June

A Live Online

1 mtg

Wednesday, 12 3pm, June 26


Enrollment opens two weeks prior to the event. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

April Halprin Wayland author of seven picture books, including New Year at the Pier: A Rosh Hashanah Story, named Best Jewish Picture Book. She won the Myra Cohn Livingston Award for Girl Coming In for a Landing: A Novel in Poems, and is a recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award in Creative Writing.


These workshops are tailored to students with specific levels of experience in poetry writing. Please review course descriptions carefully or call an advisor at (310) 825-9415 to determine which course will best help you reach your writing goals.


Writing Occasional Poems

As a writer, you can make the perfect splash at a birthday, wedding, or other event with a poem specially written for the occasion. Come with an occasion in mind (it can be made up!) and learn what makes these poems different from poems we write for ourselves, how to craft one, and what this ancient use for poetry as a toast or celebration can teach us in the rest of our writing. Students will leave this class with a first draft of a poem written for the occasion of their choice. Poems aren’t just for literary journals, they’re for real life!

Reg# 398140

Fee: $0

No refund after 15 July

A Live Online

1 mtg

Monday, 5 8pm, July 15

Remote Classroom

Enrollment opens two weeks prior to the event. Enrollment limited. Visitors not permitted. 7

Brian Sonia-Wallace author of The Poetry of Strangers. Mr. Sonia Wallace’s reportage has appeared in Rolling Stone and The Guardian and he writes regularly for the LA County Department of Cultural Affairs. He is the founder of RENT Poet, which produces live, custom poetry for events and he has been the Writer in Residence for Mall of America, Amtrak and the Boston Harbor Islands.


The Continuing Poet

3.0 units

The pursuit of poetry is a sustained, often lonesome, practice. Stu dents who complete early creative writing courses can feel that they miss the pressures of workshop, of having and meeting a deadline, and of participating in conversations about their poems. You may be at an intermediate stage: you have written poems, but not enough of them to consider a book length work. You’re still looking for a space to continue with a serious engagement in the art as you hone your work toward publication. In this creative writing poetry course, continuing poets will read a selection of contemporary books, dis cussing the merits of both individual poems and entire collections in the interest of developing a unique poetic voice while building their portfolio. Students will complete assigned readings, take part in online discussions, and participate in workshop to develop, write, and revise 5 new poems which they send out for publication by the end of quarter. Students leave the class with a better understanding of their own poetic talents and of their unique relationship to the larger poetic tradition as they continue to write. Each quarter, a new set of contemporary collections will be assigned so that this class may be taken over again as the student continues to write poems toward a manuscript collection.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 431.1 Poetry I or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398139 Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 8:30pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Miguel Murphy M.F.A., author most recently of Shoreditch and two previous collections of poetry, Detainee and A Book Called Rats, winner of The Blue Lynx Prize for Poetry. Mr. Murphy’s poems and reviews appear in The American Poetry Review, Quarterly West and The Los Angeles Review, among others.

WRITING X 432.17E Poetry of Science

2.0 units

How can science and technology shape poetry and unfold the poetic self? In this workshop, we will examine the possibilities of poetry as a science of “creative reception” that is, how we are (re)defining our connections to reality, each other, artificial intelligence and life outside our planet and how this kind of imaginative openness can generate new languages that translates our experiences in the 21st century. We will reimagine the many futures possible in poetry, drawing inspiration from Aimee Nezhukmatathil, Terrance Hayes, Carmen Giménez Smith, Brenda Hillman, Danya Patterson, Tracy K. Smith. and more.

Reg# 398138

Fee: $485

No refund after 7 Aug.

M Online

July 24 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Rosebud Ben-Oni, M.F.A., author of If This Is the Age We End Discovery which won the 2019 Alice James Award, and turn around, BRXGHT XYXS and 20 Atomic Sonnets. Ms. Ben Oni’s work appears in POETRY, APR, Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, Poetry Society of America, Tin House and Guernica, among others. A recipient of fellowships and grants from the New York Foundation for the Arts, City Artists Corps, CantoMundo and Queens Council on the Arts, her work has been commissioned by the National Sept. 11 Memorial in NYC.

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Poetry I

3.0 units

What is a poem and how does it differ from prose? What sources can you, the beginning poet, look to for ideas and inspiration? How can you encourage a raw unfinished poem to become a thing of power and beauty? This course provides a series of enjoyable and illuminat ing exercises to expand your imagination and introduce you to the complex issues of craft and revision in an accessible way. Of value to those who have never written as well as those with some experience who seek new direction and feedback.

Reg# 398135

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July X In Person 10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Rick Bursky M.F.A., poet and author of the poetry collections I’m No Longer Troubled by the Extravagance, Death Obscura and The Soup of Something Missing, which won the Dorothy Brunsman Prize; and The Invention of Fiction Mr. Bursky’s work has appeared in American Poetry Review Iowa Review, Harvard Review Black Warrior Review and Prairie Schooner


Poetry II

3.0 units

For those with some previous training in poetry, this intermediate workshop focuses on creating work which emphasizes lyrical and innovative language, personal insight and individual voice. In addition, you refine your knowledge of a number of the craft’s formal elements, including structure, imagery, metaphor and pace, in order to stretch the boundaries of your creative experience. The goal is to produce work which is ambitious and resonant.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 431.1 Poetry I or comparable workshop experience.

Reg# 398136

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Xochitl-Julyisa Bermejo, M.F.A., author of the poetry collection Incantation: Love Poems for Battle Sites and Posada: Offerings of Witness and Refuge. Ms. Bermejo is a former Steinbeck Fellow and Poets & Writers California Writers Exchange winner, and she has received residencies from Hedgebrook, Ragdale, Jentel, Yefe Nof, and National Parks Arts Foundation in partnership with Gettysburg National Military Park and Poetry Foundation. She is the director of Women Who Submit.


Innovative Poetic Forms

3.0 units

When we approach writing poems, we should distinguish between “pattern” (repetition) and “form” (shape). In this workshop, we boldly seek new forms our poems can take, taking inspiration from contem porary poets who experiment with form and from writing prompts that encourage risky writing. Each week, you workshop poems and discuss ways to incorporate form more centrally in your poetry. You leave the course with all the tools you need to structure your work creatively and innovatively. A familiarity with traditional poetic forms (however slight) is especially helpful for this workshop.

Reg# 398137

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 & Charles Jensen, M.F.A., author of Splice of Life: A Memoir in 13 Film Genres, six chapbooks of poetry and three collections, including Instructions Between Takeoff and Landing (2022). His writing has appeared in American Poetry Review, Los Angeles Times, New England Review and Prairie Schooner. He received the 2018 Zócalo Poetry Prize and a grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

Editing and Publishing

These courses are designed for writers who want to improve their editing skills or develop competencies toward a career in editing and publishing. Some courses help advanced writing students prepare and submit their work for publication. Please call an advisor at (310) 825-9415 to determine which course will best help you reach your writing goals.


Copyediting I

3.0 units

This course gives students an overview of copyediting processes involved in preparing a manuscript for editorial review or publication. Appropriate for writers of all genres and those seeking to develop professional skills in copyediting, students learn best practices for completing a document review, including common grammar rules, copyediting notation and reading like a copyeditor.

Reg# 398228

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3

Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jeanne De Vita M.F.A. in creative writing, award winning author and editor. Ms. De Vita’s dystopian series Bug is an Amazon Editor’s Pick on Kindle Vella. She has published extensively as a staff writer and ghostwriter. Ms. De Vita teaches writing and editing courses for UCLA Extension and edits several New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors.


Developmental Editing I

3.0 units

An editor’s job includes not only improving the mechanics of writing but identifying places where content isn’t working or needs revision and development. This skill is also invaluable for writers, who can use it to shape their own work or to make extra money as they work on their own projects. Using exercises and readings, students learn how to use the elements of craft to draft editorial letters and representative line edits. Class discussions also explore the various roles of profes sional editors. The goal is to gain confidence as an editor by line editing a large piece of fiction and writing a detailed editorial letter as the final class assignment. Required for the Certificate in Literary Representation and the Certificate in Editing and Publishing.

Reg# 398229

Fee: $720

No refund after 19 July.

M Online

July 5 Sept. 12

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Scott Eagan owner and acquisitions editor for Greyhaus Literary Agency focusing exclusively on the traditional romance and women’s fiction market. Mr. Eagan is an active member of the Romance Writers of America, has provided freelance critique work with Writer’s Digest and worked as a reviewer with Publisher’s Marketplace.

Reg# 398230

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 2 5pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Erin Stalcup M.F.A., editor in chief of Defunct co founder of Waxwing & former editor of Hunger Mountain Ms. Stalcup taught in community colleges, liberal arts schools, prisons, state schools & MFA programs in NY, NC, TX & AZ. She’s published a story collection & two novels. Learn more at


Editorial Management I: Acquisition to Publication

3.0 units

The process from written manuscript to published book is more complicated than most authors and newer publishing professionals expect. From what to look for in acquisitions to how to use metadata to your advantage to booking a successful author tour, this course covers everything that an author and publisher should expect from reading manuscripts to the actual publication date. By the end of the course, you understand how an editor turns an author’s manuscript into a saleable product.

Reg# 398232

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

10 mtgs

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Brian Farrey-Latz, M.F.A., 18 year publishing veteran whose debut novel, With or Without You was named a Stonewall Honor book by the American Library Association. He is a three time winner of the Min nesota Book Award and received a McKnight Artist Fellowship in 2017.


Editorial Management II: Publication and Beyond

3.0 units

This course focuses on the general trajectory of book publication from the launch of the book on, specifically the role of editor in the modern iterations of publishing. It covers the entire process, from a book being sold into the market to release, PR and marketing as well as how an editor helps build an author’s career. We also focus on how the job of an editor looks different in different types of publishing big five, small press, University press, etc. We also cover some of the history of publishing and how it has changed recently.

Prerequisite(s): WRITING X 452.1 Editorial Management I: Acquisition to Publication, or departmental approval.

Reg# 398233

Fee: $720

No refund after 16 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Kate Gale, Ph.D., co founder and managing editor of Red Hen Press Ms. Gale is the author of several books of poetry, librettos and novels in process.


The Editorial Toolbox

3.0 units

To be successful, editors draw from a broad base of skills while taking the entire publishing process into account. They are avid, active read ers in their own right who understand the way the publishing market works. Beyond that, they also understand the specialized technologi cal tools in use today, are strong proofreaders, understand how to identify and check facts and communicate clearly and concisely with other departments in order to set a manuscript up for success through production, marketing and media outreach. By the end of the course, students understand how these tools help editors meet the demands of their profession and thrive in the workplace.

Reg# 398443

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Tobi Harper Petrie, deputy director at Red Hen Press, editor and founder of Quill (a queer publishing series of Red Hen Press); publisher of The Los Angeles Review; and public speaker on queer literature, editing and publishing.

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Grammar for Editors

3.0 units

This specialized course for editors provides students with a compre hensive overview of grammar to establish an effective foundational structure. Appropriate for those who want to become editors or seek to write for a living, this course provides innovative activities; in depth discussions; and engaging videos on topics about punctuation, parts of speech, wordiness, parallel structure and slang diction. During the ten weeks of this course we discuss the changing design of language to include new pronoun use, identity and overall sensitivity to all cultures while holding a firm line to established grammatical style essential for editors. By the end of the course, the students are able to edit documents using the most current considerations around contemporary language use.

Reg# 398235

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Clifford Brooks poet, professor, founder of the Southern Collective Experience, editor in chief of The Blue Mountain Review and host of Dante’s Old South. Mr. Brooks has written three collections of poetry: The Draw of Broken Eyes & Whirling Metaphysics Exiles of Eden and Athena Departs: Gospel of a Man Apart Learn more at


Contracts, Rights, and Signing Authors

3.0 units

Literary agents are uniquely positioned in the publishing world to have their hands in many facets of the book process, from a book’s incep tion through to finished copies and publicity. This course begins with an overview of the Agency Agreement, the contract that binds an author with an agent. Students analyze the contract in order to gain a general understanding of the role and responsibilities of an agent and how they go about shepherding authors and their work. This course also unravels the mysteries of book Publishing Agreements and provides a step by step guide to understanding the legal lan guage, recognizing which subsidiary rights can (and should) be negotiated, and the differences between a good deal and bad deal it isn’t always money. Students leave the course with a general knowl edge of what it takes to foster a book project from query to signed contracts. Required for the Certificate in Literary Representation.

Reg# 398234

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July M Online

July 3 Sept. 10

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Linda Camacho, M.F.A., Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency rep resenting award winning children’s and adult fiction. Ms. Camacho has held various positions at Penguin Random House, Dorchester, Simon and Schuster, Writers House, and Prospect Agency, handling everything from foreign rights, editorial, marketing to operations.


Internship in Editing and Publishing

3.0 units

Candidates for the Certificate in Literary Representation and Certificate in Editing and Publishing complete 100 hours of internship work for a pre approved literary agency or publisher. Over the course of the internship, they gain a practical understanding of the day to day operation of these businesses while engaging in professional develop ment discussions with other interns in this course. Internships are restricted only to candidates in the Certificate in Literary Representa tion and Certificate in Editing and Publishing, and only to those stu dents who have completed a substantive portion of their course work (at least 9 units). Students must complete the internship application for approval to enroll.

Reg# 398227

Fee: $600

No refund after 17 June

Independent Study/Internship0

June 24 Sept. 15

Charles Jensen M.F.A., author of Splice of Life: A Memoir in 13 Film Genres six chapbooks of poetry and three collections, including Instructions Between Takeoff and Landing (2022). His writing has appeared in American Poetry Review, Los Angeles Times, New England Review and Prairie Schooner. He received the 2018 Zócalo Poetry Prize and a grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts.


For help in choosing a course or determining if a course fulfills certificate requirements, contact the Writers’ Program at (310) 825-9415.

Special Topics for Film & Television Writers

Courses in this section are open to students who want a deeper understanding of a specific craft or area of study. These courses fulfill the elective requirement for screenwriting certificates.

SCRIPT 726.13

Anatomy of a Pilot

A new television show has exactly one shot at survival: its pilot epi sode. If the viewer isn’t grabbed in the first hour, they’re gone forever. But what is a pilot? How is it different from all other forms of screen writing? What makes a good one work and a bad one fail? And how can you be sure yours is one of the winners? In this intense, informa tive, and entertaining course, you learn everything you need to know about what goes into a winning pilot. By dissecting recent network and cable pilots; you examine character, theme, and structure; and discuss which pilots best launched their respective series. Emphasis is on identifying the common structural elements of all successful pilots, gaining an understanding of “weekly franchise” versus “series mythology,” and crafting long term character arcs.

Reg# 397912

Fee: $0

No refund after 6 Sept.

X In Person 1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 1pm, Sept. 7

UCLA: Boelter Hall

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

This course meets in person at the designated class meeting time and location.

Richard Hatem executive producer/screenwriter; WGA member, who is currently an executive producer on HBO Max’s Titans. He co created the TV series Miracles and The Gates for ABC. Mr. Hatem has also written/produced episodes including Supernatural, Grimm, The Dead Zone, Witches of East End, Once Upon A Time In Wonderland, Damien, Dead of Summer Second Chance andNo Tomorrow. He executive produced Syfy’s mini series event The Lost Room and his feature credits include Under Siege 2: Dark Territory and The Mothman Prophecies . In addition, he is a contributing author to Inside the Room (Gotham Books/Penguin).


Adapting IP for Film and Television

0.0 units

In the current competitive entertainment landscape, the importance of intellectual property, (IP) is more relevant than ever. This course delves into the realm of IP from the writer’s perspective, exploring specific challenges and opportunities that arise when searching for, pitching and adapting IP. Through the exploration of real world examples and engaging in class exercises, students gain a comprehensive under standing of their role as writers in the IP adaptation process.

Reg# 397881

Fee: $0

No refund after 13 Sept.

A Live Online

1 mtg

Saturday, 10am 1pm, Sept. 14


Enrollment opens two weeks prior to the event. Enrollment limited; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7 Matt Corman, writer/producer, WGA member, co created and was the co showrunner of Covert Affairs which ran on the USA network for five seasons. He has also served as co showrunner on several other network shows. Along with his writing partner, he has sold pilots to ABC, NBC, CBS, the CW and basic cable outlets and streamers.


Writing the Biopic

3.0 units

Biographical films ”biopics” for short explore the lives of notable human beings throughout history. The best of them rank high in Oscar voters’ esteem, rewarding writers, directors, and actors for bringing these true stories to the screen. In this course, the objective is to deepen your understanding of the biopic as it relates to dramatic form, screenplay structure, and life. By the end of the course, you leave with a working knowledge of what it takes to move from concept to finished screenplay as well as a beat sheet to start you on your way.

Reg# 398546

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 10 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ben van der Veen, screenwriter, W.G.A. member who wrote the Steven Soderbergh film Che. He has worked on projects for Terrence Malik, Julyian Schnabel, Robert De Niro, Keanu Reeves, Don Cheadle, Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr. van der Veen’s latest film, Paris Song stars Abbie Cornish.



Writing from the Director’s POV

3.0 units

This course refines your existing script, infusing it with visuals and depth that distinguishes it from the competition. With strong focus on movement, environment, pace, action, and character behavior, you learn to write in the director’s perspective. As a result, you discover motifs and themes you may not have known buried within your story. By the end of the course, you are armed with the tools to write a script that leaps off the page, enhancing its appeal that is much more attrac tive to potential creative partners and buyers alike.

Reg# 397845

Fee: $720 No refund after 25 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Joe Boothe television writer and WGA member whose credits include TNT’s one hour drama The Librarians and the feature film Artista Obscura Mr. Boothe has sold multiple pilots and continues working in features, where he has several projects in the studio pipeline.

Course Icons Provide Information

X IN PERSON, page 1.


Technical requirements, page 1.

A LIVE ONLINE, page 1.

r HYBRID, page 1.



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Crafting the Thematic Heart and Soul of Your Story

1.0 units

If structure is the skeleton of a story, theme is its heart and soul. It’s what makes your story universal and what raises it above all those that simply entertain. If your goal is to craft a story that resonates emotionally with a global audience, this course guides you through theme and how it unifies character and plot. Through lectures, discus sions, and practical writing assignments, you learn why a clearly defined thematic argument is the foundation of a great story, how theme is different from premise, motif, or subject matter, and how to find it for your story. You explore the most successful and often used themes in classic and modern films, and apply effective techniques to tap into the thematic argument of your story and make sure it remains “invisible” throughout the story. With so many definitions and misunderstandings, this course demystifies theme once and for all.

Reg# 398545

Fee: $325

No refund after 3 Aug.

A Live Online

4 mtgs

Sunday, 10am 1pm, Aug. 4 25 Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Karl Iglesias, M.F.A., screenwriter and script doctor, who is the author of The 101 Habits of Highly Successful Screenwriters and Writing for Emotional Impact. Mr. Iglesias is a former development executive for Samson Entertainment. He is a recipient of the UCLA Extension Out standing Instructor Award in Screenwriting.


Supercharge Your Writing Efforts

2.0 units

It doesn’t matter if you have the best ideas if you can’t develop them into anything. In this course, you will create a digital system that supports and powers your writing efforts so you can turn your many ideas into compelling and completed stories. You will learn how to use linked digital notes to never start from a blank page again, to over come Writer’s Block and to stay in flow to get more of your best writing done more often. As you develop your digital writing system through out this course, you experience first hand how linking ideas digitally gets you generating more sparks in your work than ever before. By the end of this course, you should be able to use linked digital notes to effectively manage multiple ideas simultaneously and reliably make progress in your writing efforts leading to some of your most inspired and valuable creative output.

Reg# 398830

Fee: $485

No refund after 14 Aug.

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Wednesday, 5 8pm, July 31 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Nick Milodragovich, member of Editors’ Guild whose credits include Better Call Saul, Coyote and El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie. Other shows he’s worked on have premiered on HBO, Netflix, Paramount, CBS All Access, ABC, NBC and Youtube. Nick also worked in HBO’s coveted Programming department, focusing on Barry, Veep and Silicon Valley. Mr. Milodragovich runs an international education company that teaches the invisible art of growing good ideas.


Get Your Story Straight

1.0 units

In this short introductory workshop designed for beginners, you learn the key building blocks for a writing a structurally solid screenplay. You begin by refining your story idea by studying and workshopping the elements that make for a successful logline. You then expand upon that and learn how to structure your story into three compelling acts. Special attention is paid to developing a protagonist character your audience will really care about and how that ties into the plotting of your story using the major plot points. By the end of the course you have a refined logline, character bio and basic beat sheet that covers the major beats of your story from beginning, middle and end.

Reg# 398411

Fee: $325

No refund after 20 Aug.

A Live Online 4 mtgs

Wednesday, 5 8pm, Aug. 21 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Diane Drake screenwriter, WGA member whose credits include What Women Want, starring Mel Gibson and Only You, starring Robert Downey, Jr. and Marisa Tomei. Ms. Drake was vice president of Creative Affairs for Academy Award winning director producer Sydney Pollack’s Mirage Productions.

SCRIPT X 469.10E

Final Draft in Production

1.0 units

A comprehensive training course in how the newest version of Final Draft is used by script coordinators and writers’ assistants in feature film and television show production. Topics include configuring the application, file management, troubleshooting, page locking and revi sion sets. Instructions, demonstrations and practical exercises will give the students insight and experience in how the program is used in a professional environment.

Reg# 398372

Fee: $325

No refund after 2 Aug.

A Live Online 6 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 12pm, Aug. 3 Sept. 7

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Joel Levin, M.F.A. in film directing (USC); former NYC IATSE camera assistant, junior development exec for Nickelodeon Movies, freelance script reader, and VP Final Draft Technical Support since 2004. Mr. Levin has authored the last four Final Draft manuals and FD’s online knowledge base.

SCRIPT X 425.6

Writing the Television Series Treatment Intensive

1.0 units

A treatment is the main foundational document that a writer needs to sell an original television series. In this intensive course, we delve into all the elements to creating a compelling TV series treatment. We discuss examples from popular TV shows to help you write your own successful treatment. This process not only helps you understand your characters and their world at a deeper level but allows you to refine your story engine to expand upon future episodes and season arcs. By the end of this course, you leave with a treatment that’s ready to pitch, along with a strategy to expand the document into an eye catching look book. Furthermore, we discuss ways to protect your intellectual material.

Reg# 397927

Fee: $325

No refund after 6 Sept.

X In Person

2 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 4pm, Sept. 7 14

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Janna King screenwriter and WGA member, who has written TV movies for Lifetime and Hallmark such as Christmas in the Air and Love, Of Course, along with a host of TV drama series. Ms. King’s film and TV credits also include kids animation like Dragon Tales and the Wacky Races reboot. She has developed and consulted for CBS, Disney and WB and is the author of The Seasonaires optioned for TV by Blumhouse. In addition, she has written and directed plays and award winning short films.

SCRIPT X 442.1

Developing Video Game Narratives

3.0 units

Writing for games requires an understanding of structure that goes beyond linear storytelling. From the early days of tabletop gaming to more recent hits like Mass Effect and Fallout, writers are expected to hold many possible worlds with multiple branching story points in their heads. And to ultimately translate those concepts into actionable materials. In this course, you explore the nature of interactive story by working in multiple different formats (choose your own adventure, virtual novels, the Telltale style, etc.) and writing games that exemplify the fundamental concepts of branching narrative. The course goal is to develop a vocabulary for interactive fiction and to write a game in the format of your choosing that can be used as a calling card for future work.

Reg# 398346

Fee: $720

No refund after 15 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, July 1 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jonathan Callan writer and narrative designer for games and anima tion who served on the V.R. titles Raw Data and Sprint Vector. Mr. Callan has also written on games such as Walking Dead: Onslaught and Westworld: Awakenings. In the world of television, he’s written for over a dozen series, including Young Justice, Lego Jurassic World and Justice League Action


Screenwriter’s Lab: The New Method

3.0 units

Kemp Powers (playwright and screenwriter, One Night In Miami), Aaron Sorkin (The Trial of the Chicago 7 and The Social Network), and Sheila Callaghan (writer and producer, Shameless) are among countless television and film writers who got their start in the theatre and who continue to work in both disciplines. Agents and producers often read plays with the goal of finding a writer who excels at character driven storytelling which is at the heart of theatre. In this course, you learn tools to deepen your characters, expand on new plot ideas, and most importantly, find your unique voice as a writer. You first explore the fundamentals of play construction and writing techniques, writing frequently to master the art and craft of playwriting, culminating in a one act play or one act of a play. You then learn to apply your new found skills to your own film or TV script and have the best 10 pages ready to be performed by actors in the final class.

Reg# 398333

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, July 9 Sept. 10

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Aleesha Nash, M.F.A., writer, director, and visual artist whose credits include Fred Rogers Productions’ Donkey Hodie Her theatre work has been seen Off Broadway at Cherry Lane Theatre, The National Black Theatre, The Flea Theater, Primary Stages, The Wild Project, Kraine Theater and The Drama League in New York City. Ms. Nash has received the Goddard College Engaged Artist Award and the Primary Stages’ Mary Louise Rockwell Award.

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Scripted Podcasting

3.0 units

There is something to be said for letting your ears paint the pictures. Before television, radio served as the primary mode of entertainment for audiences seeking powerful storytelling. Radio’s transition to “scripted audio” or “scripted podcasts” has opened doors for screen writers to write, produce, and release their own content, which may in turn be picked up and adapted for film and television. All those years it was drummed into screenwriters ‘show don’t tell’. You can’t show. There is no screen! You adjust to thinking in terms of sound only. APPLAUSE!

Reg# 398320

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Bill Taub, screenwriter; WGA and WGC member who won a WGA Award for 101 Best Written TV Series, including Barney Miller and Hill Street Blues Mr. Taub has written for Magnum P.I, Newhart, In the Heat of the Night, among others, and created the award winning web series The G Spot. He has written pilots for NBC, Columbia, Warner Bros, and Paramount.


Thought-Provoking Horror Narratives for Television and Film

3.0 units

This comprehensive 10 week course offers aspiring screenwriters a deep dive into the world of crafting powerful, thought provoking horror stories that resonate across cultures. Drawing from diverse global influences, including Latin American, European, South Korean, and Japanese horror, participants will explore various sub genres, such as social horror and war horror, focusing on addressing contemporary societal issues. Through engaging workshops, expert led discussions, and hands on writing exercises, students will dissect iconic TV series and films, examining the successful integration of horror and social commentary while honing their distinctive storytelling voices. The course covers various essential screenwriting topics, from the history of horror cinema and diverse horror genres to screenwriting funda mentals like character development, plot structure, dialogue crafting, and visual storytelling. Additionally, students will learn about polishing their screenplays, obtaining and incorporating feedback, and submit ting their work for consideration. Participating in lectures and work shops, analyzing seminal horror TV series and movies, composing original screenplays, and receiving invaluable feedback from industry professionals will give participants the skills and knowledge needed to create compelling, socially conscious horror narratives that capti vate audiences around the world.

Reg# 397923

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 Sept. 7

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Guillermo Escalona, executive producer and writer who graduated from the International Film and Television School in Cuba. Mr. Escalona is co creator and co writer of the HBO Max original series Mil Colmillos, (“A Thousand Fangs”) produced by Rhayuela Films. In addition, he is an executive at La PANDA Productions, a company involved in films such as 10,000km by Carlos Marques and La Camarista by Lila Avilés.

SCRIPT X 428.1

Late Night Talk Show and Sketch Comedy

3.0 units

From the beginning of network and cable television sketch comedy and its first cousin, the Late-Night Talk Show scripted desk piece have given us some of television’s greatest comedic moments. In this class students learn the art and the craft of creating solid, funny and func tional comedy sketches and late night bits. Students are taught how to breakdown what makes a sketch, a bit and desk pieces work by watching and analyzing the great sketch and talk shows past and presence. Paticipants close watch and analyze late night talk and sketch shows in order to dissect the different comedic tones, overall perspectives and specific TV personalities as well as the challenges of shooting live verses pre taped sketches. For example, determining how desk pieces and remote segments differ from Kimmel to Conan to Fallon. We also study the evolution and history of sketch comedy from SNL, SCTV and Monty Python to Living Color, The Ben Stiller Show, Mr. Show, the Dave Chappell Show, Key and Peele, as well as I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson and Portlandia. Each class is devoted to watching segments and sketches, discussions, and work ing on in class writing exercises to be reading/performed for group and professor feedback.

Reg# 397922

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 Sept. 7

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Jeffrey Kahn, M.F.A., Emmy award winning writer; WGA member who co created The Ben Stiller Show. Mr. Kahn’s credits include All-American Girl, Dilbert and Drawn Together. He has an overall TV writing deal with Sony and Castle Rock and written pilots for all the major net works, The Disney Channel, F/X and Comedy Central.


Bringing Your Characters to Life

3.0 units

It’s been proven that by using acting techniques including scene study and improvisation, the writer can go deeper into character and story development. This course teaches the writer how to approach the creation of a character from the vantage point of the actor. Since characters are the most important component to any script, learning to use the tools employed by actors to capture their roles will pave the way for the writer to create the most well defined character for his story. In addition, it can enhance the writing of the script and is a great tool for fine tuning the writer’s pitch for episodic and pilot ideas. We cover the basic principles of character exploration. Where is the character’s dominating center of energy? Class members participate in improvisational exercises and act in the monologues, sketches and scenes they have written. By the end of the term, each writer creates several original characters for a pilot or episodic story concept grown out of class work.

Reg# 398676

Fee: $720

No refund after 15 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, July 1 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Barry Vigon, M.F.A., writer/producer, and WGA member who served as a co exec producer on Malcolm & Eddie and Martin a producer on Something Wilder and a supervising producer on Veronica’s Closet Mr. Vigon wrote for Soap, Roseanne and Fame and created pilots for CBS, NBC, ABC and The Disney Channel.

SCRIPT X 425.5

Seasonal-Arc Structure for TV

3.0 units

Television storytelling is undergoing significant shifts in the early twenty first century, but the basics of structuring satisfying narratives are rooted in human psychology and are timeless. This vigorous ten week course exposes and explores the underpinnings of classic cin ematic story arcs in current, serialized shows (titles subject to change). At the same time, each student methodically practices the foundational, industry standard skills required to create a high quality series by developing characters and narrative arcs for an original TV show in their own unique voice.

Reg# 397924

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Saturday, 2 5pm, July 6 Sept. 7

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Shari Goodhartz WGA member; multi award nominated writer whose credits include Dragonheart: A New Beginning, Young Hercules, and Aeon Flux. Ms. Goodhartz’s career spans corporate (Coca Cola), TV and film (live action, animation, development, producing, documentary), wellness, publishing, and marketing.


Ultimate Character Creation

3.0 units

Having a great story is crucial, but the key to selling your screenplay is character. You must have great characters. In this class, you learn how to create dynamic, exciting characters that audiences will love and actors will be dying to play (the real secret to selling and getting your screenplay made!). In this course, you analyze great movie characters, focusing on key scenes that make us fall in love with a character; examine unlikable characters, villains and supporting characters; also, dive into narrative function, character arc, backstory, psychology and motivation, personality and body language. Step by step, you build your characters through the use of weekly assign ments, including exercises, worksheets, and scene writing, giving you the ultimate toolbox for creating truly great characters every time.

Reg# 398353

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Donald H. Hewitt, screenwriter and WGA member whose feature film credits include the English language screenplay for Hayao Miyazaki’s Oscar winning film, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, and the Oscar nominated Howl’s Moving Castle. Mr. Hewitt has written for Pixar, Miramax, New Line, and Disney.

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SCRIPT X 451.2

How to Research Your Story

3.0 units

Research always pays off (and not just when it comes to historical works of fiction). This is especially true when it comes to things that we think we know, things we’ve seen depicted before, like the inner workings of a law firm or the emergency room in a hospital. The most important step in writing a screenplay (or novel) is gaining the breadth of knowledge and mastery of the material that’s necessary to write with authority. The facts you find are almost always better than the stuff that you make up, and the creative decisions and choices you make based on research lead to improvements that won’t happen in any other way. The goal of the course is to learn how to gain mastery and become an authority on the subject of a script you are currently developing. Students must bring either an outline or a completed script to be ready to workshop at the start of class.

Reg# 398324

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, July 10 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Julyian Goldberger , screenwriter/director, WGA member, whose credits include The Hawk Is Dying starring Paul Giamatti and Michelle Williams and the critically acclaimed indie film trans. He has written scripts for Universal Studios and Lionsgate, as well as major producers including Marc Platt, Ted Hope and Ed Pressman.


Get Your Script Contest Ready

3.0 units

One of the hardest things to do for aspiring writers is to get noticed in order to jump start their careers. Entering competitions, getting intern ships, sending query letters and networking are the most common ways to break into the industry. In this course we focus on screenwrit ing competitions, how to write a script that places in competitions, what judges are looking for, how to write a killer opening that engages your reader, what mistakes to avoid, which competitions to enter and how to use competition wins to propel your writing career. With the use of lectures, script readings/analysis and practical workshops, you learn how to elevate your script, heighten its potential for placing in competitions and capitalize from your wins.

Reg# 397925

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Cody Smart, an independent writer and script doctor from Chile, Cody holds degrees in English Literature and Linguistics, screenwriting, development and producing. Ms. Smart worked as a script analyst for Sony, she’s a judge for multiple script and film competitions, she’s written some award winning shorts, she’s head of the coverage department at a script hosting site and she does a bi monthly vlog with tips for Screenwriters for Story Data. She takes pride in helping writers take their work to the next level.

SCRIPT X 464.11E

How to Write Funny, Compelling Dialogue that Doesn’t Suck

3.0 units

Great, funny, compelling dialogue is easier than you think. It comes when you focus on one single thing: your moral premise. There’s a vice and a virtue ready to argue with each other, and funny lines arrive when you see the strengths and weaknesses in your argument. In this workshop, you learn how screenplay structure can be dialogue’s best friend, how to write great dialogue by drawing from your worst life moments, and how to be a ruthless editor. You also learn how to avoid dialogue pitfalls like wordiness, clunkiness, ambivalence, and wishy washiness. By the end of the course, you write dialogue that cracks like a whip.

Reg# 398397

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Tuesday, 4 7pm, July 9 Sept. 10

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Michael Jann, Emmy nominated television writer and WGA member who served 22 years as a comedy monologue writer for The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Mr. Jann most recently served as a comedy writer for The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and has written features and TV pilots for major studios.


Creating Memorable Characters Through Their Core 3.0 units

Memorable stories are grounded by great characters. The core of who those characters are drive the story, but characters need to take action, and those actions need to ring true to their core as they move from one plot point to the next. Why is your character making that specific choice at a particular moment? What’s their motivation? Whether you are finished with a draft or just have a nugget of an idea, the core of your characters must be excavated. Through examples, discussions, and writing exercises, you discover your characters’ needs, wants, and drives. You flush out how your char acters think and feel to discover who they are fundamentally. You also address how the core elements of your characters influence plot and structure and discover ways to reveal that through action and dialogue. The goal of this course is to chart the emotional journey of your protagonist character and leave with tools that can be applied to make every character, regardless of how big or small, play mean ingful roles in your story.

Reg# 397926

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Roz Weisberg, M.F.A., teacher/writer/book & script consultant. Her producing credits include Beastly and Where the Heart Is and the short films The Heebie Jeebies and Being Vincent. She serves/d as a con sultant for Netflix, Resonate, The Disney Channel, National Geographic, Mission Pictures and Focus Features.


Writing Screenplay Coverage

3.0 units

Designed for both aspiring story analysts and screenwriters who want to accelerate their careers, this course helps you master the methods used by story analysts who evaluate submissions to production companies, agencies and studios. You learn how to do an in depth analysis of the three act structure, as well as dramatic and comic scene construction. You also learn the precise terminology used in story sessions, the foundations for great dialogue and how to find original approaches to established genres. These and other principles become synthesized into coverage written to the highest professional standards in preparation for a job as either a story analyst or screen writer who needs to critique his or her own scripts effectively.

Reg# 398326

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Barney Lichtenstein, M.A., professional story analyst for companies such as Amblin, Imagine and New Line. Referring trained story ana lysts to production companies, he is a UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor in Screenwriting and story editor of a Peabody Award winning program.

Feature Film Writing

Beginning Feature Film Writing

Recommended for beginning students, these courses build on one another in a four-part sequence. With the close guidance of the instructor, students share and offer feedback in a supportive environment focused on assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the work. By the end of the sequence, students have a completed draft of their first feature film script.


Introduction to Screenwriting

2.0 units

This six week course is perfect for anyone getting started on their path to becoming a screenwriter. Each class offers a broad strokes intro duction to a different writing format, which includes Feature Film, Television Specs and Television Pilots, as well as a rotating list of specialized forms such as Video Game Writing, Writing for Animation, Sketch Comedy Writing and/or Script Doctoring. The course also looks at the business end of writing. Lectures by guest speakers offer insight and instruction on each topic, followed by guided workshop sessions where students put those theories into action on their own material. The goal of the course is to give new writers a taste of different screenwriting types to help deepen their overall knowledge while sparking their creative energy. At the end of the quarter, students should feel more confident about their skills and be prepared for further study of writing.

Reg# 398368

Fee: $485

No refund after 14 Aug. A Live Online

6 mtgs

Wednesday, 5 8pm, July 31 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jacqueline Heinze M.F.A., author and screenwriter who writes screen plays and develops story ideas for Jarrett Creative Group. Her credits include The Preacher’s Daughter for Lifetime and Killision Course an Oxygen true crime series.


Features: Essential Beginnings

2.0 units

This course reveals the vital first step of understanding the craft of writing feature films, making it an ideal starting point for aspiring screenplay writers. In this workshop, you learn the fundamentals of the screenplay format. Using examples, you will also learn the building blocks of feature structure, as well as techniques to organize and convey your ideas to kickstart the writing process. By the end of the course, you will have a better understanding of feature writing and be fully prepared for the next course in the sequence, SCRIPT X 410.1 Feature Film I, where you learn how to outline your screenplay.

Reg# 398371

Fee: $485

No refund after 5 Aug.

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Monday, 5 8pm, July 22 Aug. 26

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Julyia Camara, award winning Brazilian screenwriter/filmmaker and WGA member who won a Telly Award for the sci fi found footage feature Occupants. Ms. Camara’s feature directorial debut In Transit won Best Experimental Film at four different festivals. Her other writing credits include Area Q and Open Road.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Writing & Journalism 97

SCRIPT X 410.1

Feature Film I

3.0 units

The first in a four part sequence designed to take you through the full process of writing a feature film screenplay, this course grounds you in the key craft elements of story structure, plot, scene development, character, theme, genre and dialogue and shows you how they work together to grip an audience’s emotions. You learn how to create and evaluate story ideas, explore how characters’ inner wants and immedi ate goals shape and drive a screenplay’s action, see what constitutes compelling plots and subplots and learn how to construct a scene. Throughout the course, you complete a series of exercises which serves as the basis for your script outline a prose description of your screenplay. The course goal is to learn how to write effective, compel ling scenes and to create a four to five page outline that clearly delineates your script’s beginning, middle and end. The ability to write an effective outline is a critical skill for the professional screenwriter, serves as the basis for most pitches, and is required for admission into SCRIPT X 410.2 Feature Film II.

Reg# 398362

Fee: $720

No refund after 16 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 5 8pm, July 2 Sept. 3

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Janna King, screenwriter and WGA member, who has written TV movies for Lifetime and Hallmark such as Christmas in the Air and Love, Of Course along with a host of TV drama series. Ms. King’s film and TV credits also include kids animation like Dragon Tales and the Wacky Races reboot. She has developed and consulted for CBS, Disney and WB and is the author of The Seasonaires optioned for TV by Blumhouse. In addition, she has written and directed plays and award winning short films.

Reg# 398338

Fee: $720

No refund after 17 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 3 Sept. 4

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Elie El Choufany, M.F.A., screenwriter whose credits include Norm of the North: Family Vacation and Arabs in Space. Mr. Choufany has projects in development in film and TV. Other credits include his award winning short films Contact and Towards the Sun.

Reg# 398361

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 4 7pm, July 9 Sept. 10

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Matthew Harrison, director/writer/producer, whose credits include Rhythm Thief (Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival), Kicked in the Head (executive producer Martin Scorsese), Spare Me Sex and the City Popular, and Dead Last. Mr. Harrison received the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award.

Reg# 398328

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ron Wilkerson, writer/director and WGA member whose credits include Stargate SG-1, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager and Trade Show. He is currently developing Dreamland for ABC Studios and is a recipient of the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award in Screenwriting.

Reg# 398329

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Valerie Brandy screenwriter/director/actress and WGA member who wrote, directed and starred in the feature film Lola’s Last Letter. Ms. Brandy has written for both the Disney Channel and Denver and Deli lah Productions. She currently serves as a full time staff writer for Disney’s live action feature department.

Reg# 398334

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 10 Sept. 11

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Andrew Knauer, M.F.A., screenwriter; WGA member who wrote The Last Stand, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger; Castle Falls starring Dolph Lundgren and Scott Adkins; and Senior Year starring Rebel Wilson.

Reg# 398355

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 5 8pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Daniel Sussman, M.F.A., J.D., screenwriter; WGA member who served as a staff writer for ABC’s The Practice. Mr. Sussman most recently sold his big budget disaster feature Galveston to Warner Bros. Pictures. He has sold scripts to production companies, including Polaris Pictures and NBC Television Network.

SCRIPT X 410.2

Feature Film II

3.0 units

This second in a four part sequence in writing a feature film script has you hit the ground running. You begin by pitching your story based on your outline and revising it to make sure the premise can carry the entire movie. Armed with a workable outline, you then flesh it out into either a beat sheet or treatment (at the instructor’s discretion) and begin writing your screenplay. Personalized feedback along with mini lectures on key craft points, including character development, story structure and conflict, help you to meet the course goal, which is to write Act I (approximately 30 pages). May be repeated for credit.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 410.1 Feature Film I. Students must bring a four to five page outline they created in Feature Film I to first class meeting and be prepared to pitch it.



Fee: $720

No refund after 15 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Monday, 5 8pm, July 1 Sept. 9

Remote Classroom

No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ryan Ward, screenwriter/director/producer; SAG member, who has worked for a decade in independent narrative film. His feature, Son of the Sunshine (Slamdance), was nominated for a Genie Award (Cana dian Oscar). His other credits include In the Beginning was Water and Sky for PBS and AmeriKa (Berlinale/INPUT TV).

Reg# 398364

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 Sept. 7

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Tonya Cannon, an award winning screenwriter/producer/actor whose credits include Distortion (feature), Officer Involved (web series), and Sorry, Wrong Text (short film). Her newest horror film Wiles, which she wrote and directed, is set to release soon.

Reg# 398330

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Tony DuShane, author of Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk and award winning screenwriter of the adaptation directed by Eric Stoltz. His work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, The Believer, Mother Jones and he was a music columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle.

Reg# 398340 Fee: $720 No refund after 24 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, July 10 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

William Hasley, screenwriter and WGA member who has sold features to 20th Century Fox, Universal, and Warner Bros. His TV credits include Swift Justice; Ghost Stories; Murder, She Wrote; Kung Fu; Young Riders; and Highway to Heaven and has also written for Castle Rock, Columbia, and Warner Bros.

Reg# 398367 Fee: $720 No refund after 1 Aug.

X In Person 10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 18 Sept. 19

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Christine Shin M.F.A., award winning Korean writer and director whose films have been distributed to iTunes, aired on PBS and garnered multiple awards including Cine Golden Eagle Award. Ms. Shin is a Film Independent Fellow and Caucus Foundation Grant recipient. She also received a writing fellowship from Korean Film Council and CAPE. Christine currently teaches film and television at California State University Northridge and serves on the board of Alliance of Women Directors.

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m ONLINE, page 1.

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98 Writing & Journalism Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

SCRIPT X 410.3

Feature Film III

3.0 units

The third in a four part sequence in writing a feature film screenplay, this course focuses on writing the next 45 pages of your script. You also refine your story outline; flesh out main and secondary charac ters; continue to develop the art of the scene as it pertains to type, choice, structure and placement; and begin to discover each charac ter’s unique voice. You learn the habits you need to sustain the work of writing a screenplay. The goal is to write up to 45 pages from beginning of Act II. May be repeated for credit.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 410.1 Feature Film I and SCRIPT X 410.2 Feature Film II. Students must bring their beat sheets or treatments and Act I to the first class meeting and be prepared to write.

Reg# 398365

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 Sept. 14

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting Aug. 31.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Colin Francis Costello screenwriter, director and WGA East member whose credits include The Stream starring Rainn Wilson and Alternate Universe Mr. Costello’s TV credits include Lost n’ Found and Detectives Club. He has also written and directed award winning shorts, including The After Party and Dreamwisher.

Reg# 398175

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 10 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Koji Steven Sakai M.F.A., award winning screenwriter/producer/ novelist and W.G.A. member, whose feature credits include Damaged, Boneyard, Ruthless, Skeletons in the Closet, Commando, Dying to Kill, Monsters & Me, #1 Serial Killer, The People I’ve Slept With and Haunted Highway. Mr. Sakai has produced a comedy special for Netflix and the comedy series Comedy InvAsian, which premiered on Peacock.

Reg# 398332

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Steven Schwartz, screenwriter/producer, WGA member, Spirit Award nominee for his screenplay for the Sidney Lumet directed movie Critical Care. His TV credits include The Practice and 100 Centre Street. He has written scripts and pilots for Fox, ABC, FX, Disney, NBC, Universal, Lionsgate, HBO and many others.

SCRIPT X 410.4

Feature Film IV

3.0 units

In the last of a four part sequence in writing a feature film screenplay, you reach FADE OUT. In the process of completing your script, you hone in on structuring conversations, explore how to maximize your story’s visual implications, deepen scene writing skills, assemble scenes to form powerful sequences, ensure your script’s central conflict is resolved and work on theme and imagery. Also covered are revision techniques and the business aspects of feature film writing. The goal is to complete writing your first feature film script.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 410.1 Feature Film I, SCRIPT X 410.2 Feature Film II, and SCRIPT X 410.3 Feature Film III. Students must bring their beat sheets or treatments, Act I and 45 pages of Act II to the first class meeting and be prepared to write.

Reg# 398351

Fee: $720

No refund after 15 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, July 1 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Colin Francis Costello, screenwriter, director and WGA East member whose credits include The Stream starring Rainn Wilson and Alternate Universe. Mr. Costello’s TV credits include Lost n’ Found and Detectives Club. He has also written and directed award winning shorts, including The After Party and Dreamwisher.

Reg# 398174

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Valerie Brandy, screenwriter/director/actress and WGA member who wrote, directed and starred in the feature film Lola’s Last Letter. Ms. Brandy has written for both the Disney Channel and Denver and Deli lah Productions. She currently serves as a full time staff writer for Disney’s live action feature department.

Reg# 398366

Fee: $720

No refund after 27 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 13 Sept. 14

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7This course is held via video teleconference. Instructors use Zoom to offer live class meetings at the designated class meeting time. Students must be present at the course meeting time as each student’s final grade may include scores for participation.

Christine Shin M.F.A., award winning Korean writer and director whose films have been distributed to iTunes, aired on PBS and garnered multiple awards including Cine Golden Eagle Award. Ms. Shin is a Film Independent Fellow and Caucus Foundation Grant recipient. She also received a writing fellowship from Korean Film Council and CAPE. Christine currently teaches film and television at California State University Northridge and serves on the board of Alliance of Women Directors.

Intermediate Feature Film Writing

Courses in this section are for students who have completed at least one screenplay. A new project is begun with an emphasis on craft issues such as structure, character development, and emotional content. Self-editing techniques are introduced.

SCRIPT X 411.1

Feature Film V

3.0 units

Designed for writers with at least one screenplay under their belts, this workshop guides you to launch and make significant headway on a new project. The goal is to develop a strong premise that sustains your entire script, create and refine the story outline and write Act I. Brief lectures on craft issues based on the demands of the partici pants’ work supplement the workshop.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 410.4 Feature Film IV or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398173

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Cynthia Riddle, M.F.A., award winning writer/producer, former devel opment exec at MGAM and WGA member whose credits include Crossroads, Puppy Love Brittany Murphy Story and Poisoned Love: The Stacey Castor Story. Ms. Riddle has written projects for Netflix, Show time, Disney, Lifetime, Starz, Hallmark and others.

SCRIPT X 411.2

Feature Film VI

3.0 units

This workshop guides you to complete your current project. You focus on developing a successful second and third act with special attention given to structure, character development, emotional content and cinematic style. You also acquire self editing techniques essential for the professional writer. This is not a rewrite course; you must be working toward the completion of a feature length script and have your outline and Act I of your script in hand.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 411.1 Feature Film V, or equivalent, or consent of instructor.

Reg# 398172

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, July 10 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

Michael Barlow, producer, screenwriter and WGA member who, as an executive at Paramount Classics, oversaw Black Snake Moan and Mad Hot Ballroom He was vice president of production at various major studios, including Orion Pictures. His writing credits include the miniseries Kidnapped and the ABC drama Family

Advanced Feature Film Writing

Advanced-level courses are primarily workshop-driven and are designed for students who are well into their projects. Admission is by submission only and the selection process is competitive. It is recommended that students take intermediate-level courses prior to submitting their work. For instructions on submitting work, contact the Writers’ Program at (310) 825-9415 or go to The submission deadline for summer is June 10 at 9am PT. Visitors are not permitted in advanced-level courses.

SCRIPT X 412.4

Advanced Rewriting Workshop

3.0 units

This advanced rewriting workshop is for writers who want to take an already good script and make it great. Through the process of analyz ing and rewriting your script, you develop a “rewriting strategy” with the goal of preparing your script for the marketplace and screenplay competitions. You must have a completed first draft of a screenplay. Prerequisite(s): Submit the feature length screenplay that you will rewrite in the course.

Reg# 398358

Fee: $795

No refund after 4 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. $100 nonrefundable. Enrollment discounts limited to WP NOW members; no other discounts apply.

The priority application deadline is Monday, June 10 at 9am PT. Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration.

Philip Eisner, screenwriter director and WGA member who wrote Event Horizon for Paramount Pictures and Firestarter 2: Rekindled for USA Networks. Mr. Eisner has written for Scott Rudin Productions, Robert De Niro’s Tribeca Productions, Edward R. Pressman, TriStar, Universal Pictures, and The Jim Henson Company.

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Writing & Journalism 99

Television Writing

Beginning Television Writing

Recommended for beginning students who are writing a spec script of an existing comedy or drama series. With the close guidance of the instructor, students share and offer feedback in a supportive environment focused on assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the work.

SCRIPT X 420.1

Television: Essential Beginnings

2.0 units

This course demystifies the crucial first step of understanding the craft of writing for television, making it an ideal starting point for aspiring television writers. You learn the fundamentals of how to develop and write a television episode in both one hour and half hour formats. Using examples, you also learn the building blocks of television structure, the differences between the formats and techniques to organize and convey your ideas to kickstart the writing process. By the end of the course, you gain a better understanding of television writing and be fully prepared for the next course in the sequence, either SCRIPT X 421.3 One Hour TV I or SCRIPT X 421.1 Half Hour TV I, where you learn how to write a spec episode of an existing series. Reg# 397888

Fee: $485

No refund after 6 Aug.

A Live Online

6 mtgs

Tuesday, 5 8pm, July 23 Aug. 27

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jacqueline Zambrano writer/producer and WGA member and mul tiple award nominee, Ms. Zambrano has written for numerous shows, including CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and Star Trek She also has created and executive produced dramatic television series for Fox, CBS, Pax, and Showtime and the Internet.

SCRIPT X 421.1

Half-Hour TV I

3.0 units

This course teaches you how to create an airtight story and outline the critical first step in writing a strong half hour comedy script of an existing series and a process that makes writing your script much easier, faster and more successful. You begin by learning how to pinpoint what makes any half hour comedy show tick, studying the appeal and quirkiness of the main characters and identifying the unique spin shows put on their stories. You then focus on your own script for a current show, finding the story and identifying the comedy in it, learning how to pitch it and creating a workable outline from which to write. Instruction also covers the “need to know” business aspects of the half hour show, such as the current use of spec scripts to get jobs and the basics of how a comedy writer works on staff, how freelance writers move onto staff, how a writing staff is structured and how writers work collaboratively “in the room.” All student projects must focus on current shows from a list provided by the instructor; no pilots.

Reg# 397890

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 Sept. 7

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Jessica Gonzalez M.F.A., television writer, and WGA member whose credits include Diary of a Future President (Disney+) and the upcom ingKeep This To Yourself (Telemundo+). She was a writer on the audio dramaIn the Blood (Echoverse) and also a recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Screenwriting Grant.

Reg# 397891

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, July 10 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Marla DuMont, M.F.A., television writer/producer, WGA member, whose credits include Bob Hearts Abishola and Mike & Molly for CBS. She was selected for the WGA Writers Access Project in comedy and is also a playwright whose plays have been performed across the country including California, New York, and Florida.

SCRIPT X 421.3

One-Hour TV I

3.0 units

Modeled directly on how writers write in the real world of one hour dramas, this course focuses on what is most central to creating a strong script as well as the largest piece (40 percent) of the writer’s deal with any show: the story and outline. You learn to choose the best story for your script of an existing series, map it out from beginning to end and write a strong outline in proper script format. In the pro cess, you learn how to identify and capture the tone, characters, dialogue and themes of any one hour drama series the key to break ing into the field. Also covered are the various genres (police procedur als, medical, legal) and their specific rules; what’s popular in the current marketplace; and how to work within the special requirements of timeslots, outlets and styles. The course goal is to master the pro cess of constructing an airtight story and detailed outline so you are ready to write a script for any current show as quickly and expertly as possible. All student projects must focus on current shows; no pilots.

Reg# 397892

Fee: $720

No refund after 15 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Monday, 7 10pm, July 1 Sept. 9

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. No meeting Sept. 2.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Mollie St. John TV writer, WGA member and Animation Guild member whose credits include Netflix’s Arcane and ABC’s Nashville. Ms. St. John currently has several projects in development, including the adapta tion of a worldwide video game. She is an alum of the WGA TV Writers

Access Project.

Reg# 397893

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Erica Byrne, screenwriter and WGA member whose numerous credits include episodes of La Femme Nikita; Nowhere Man; Silk Stalkings; Hunter; Knots Landing; and Walker, Texas Ranger. She received the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award in Screenwriting.

SCRIPT X 421.2

Half-Hour TV II

3.0 units

This workshop guides you to write a solid draft spec script from your half hour comedy outline and move as far ahead as you can in polish ing it. You begin by reworking your outline to simplify your story, nail down the essence of your characters, focus and tighten scenes, create mood and pacing and punch up dialogue from the blueprint you’ve created. You then move to the writing and polishing stage. On the business side, you deepen your knowledge of the current comedy series marketplace and map out basic career building strategies. Students must bring a complete outline to the first class. All student projects must focus on current shows; no pilots.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 421.1 Half Hour TV I, or SCRIPT X 421.1N Half Hour TV Intensive I, or department approval.

Reg# 397894

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 Sept. 7

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Beverly Hunter television comedy writer/co producer and WGA member, whose credits include Family Matters, Eve, Moesha, The Parkers, House of Payne and Girlfriends. Her other credits include the animated Disney series, The Proud Family, and she most recently sold the pilot Three Sisters (M.O.W), to Hallmark/Crown Media.

Reg# 397895

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 6 9pm, July 9 Sept. 10

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Sam Laybourne, M.A., Emmy award nominated, writer/showrunner, and WGA member, who ran the third season of Acapulco for Apple TV+. Mr. Laybourne was a consultant on That 90s Show, an executive pro ducer on Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist and co creator/co showrunner on The Michael J. Fox Show. He has written onBlack-ish, Arrested Development, Real O’Neals, Cougar Town and Aliens in America, among many others. In addition, he has written features for Columbia, 20th Century Fox and Sony Screen Gems and developed both half hour and drama TV concepts for CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, AppleTV+ and Freeform.

SCRIPT X 421.4 One-Hour TV II

3.0 units

Mirroring the process that professionals undergo in current episodic series production, this course guides you to write a solid first draft of your script of an existing series and work on polishing it. You begin by refining your story idea and outline as needed and then write your script focusing on capturing the essence of the show through its act structure, plot and story, multiple storylines, characters, scenes and dialogue. You also learn how to develop your career game plan and the business of the one hour drama. Students must bring a complete outline to the first class. All student projects must focus on current shows; no pilots.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 421.3 One Hour TV I or SCRIPT X 421.3N One Hour TV Intensive I or department approval.

Reg# 397897

Fee: $720

No refund after 20 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 6 & 13; Aug. 3 & 10; Aug. 31 & Sept. 7 UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Saturday, 10am 1pm, July 20 & 27; Aug. 17 & 24 Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Live Online instruction.

International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Carol Barbee, M.F.A., WGA member, Emmy winning television writer and creator/showrunner of Raising Dion (Netflix). Ms. Barbee served as showrunner for UnReal, Jericho, Swingtown, Touch, Judging Amy, Three Rivers andGirlfriends Guide to Divorce. Her writing credits also include Dash & Lily, Hawaii Five-O and Falling Skies She is currently developing projects for Disney+ and 20th Television.

Reg# 397898

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Erica Byrne screenwriter and WGA member whose numerous credits include episodes of La Femme Nikita; Nowhere Man; Silk Stalkings; Hunter; Knots Landing; and Walker, Texas Ranger She received the UCLA Extension Outstanding Instructor Award in Screenwriting.

100 Writing & Journalism Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

Intermediate Television Writing

Courses in this section are for students who have completed at least one draft of a spec script of an existing series. The focus is on writing and polishing a solid first draft of an original pilot. Students also gain a better understanding of the business of writing for television.

SCRIPT X 422.1

Half-Hour TV III

3.0 units

Television executives and showrunners want to read original pilots that demonstrate your unique voice and comedic sensibilities. This work shop shows you how to take your original comedy idea and develop a strong story, rife with memorable characters and even funnier jokes. Breaking story in the style of a real writer’s room, you develop a com pelling story, brainstorm and support another’s vision. By the end of course, you have strong act breaks, a full beat outline and a critique of the beginning pages of your original half hour pilot script.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 421.1 Half Hour TV I and SCRIPT X 421.2 Half Hour TV II; or SCRIPT X 421.1N Half Hour TV Intensive I and SCRIPT X 421.2N Half Hour TV Intensive II; or department approval.

Reg# 397900

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July X In Person

10 mtgs

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 10 17; Sept. 4 11 Remote Classroom

Wednesday, 7 10pm, July 24 Aug. 28

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Live Online instruction.

International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Danny Kallis, showrunner/television writer/director, and WGA member who created The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Suite Life on Deck and Smart Guy Mr. Kallis has served as the executive producer on series such as Life’s Work, Phenom Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper and Who’s the Boss?

Reg# 397901

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July M Online

July 10 Sept. 17

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Andrew Osborne, M.A., Emmy winning screenwriter, WGA Member and Harvard Lampoon Alum, whose credits include On_Line, The F Word, Apocalypse Bop and Cash Cab. Mr. Osborne has developed or worked as a script doctor on projects for Orion, Warner Bros., MTV, and the Discovery Channel. In addition, he has written comic books, web series, theatrical productions, and every type of story based game from MMORPGs to first person shooters.

SCRIPT X 422.3

One-Hour TV III

3.0 units

Anyone who wants to work as a professional television writer has to be able to submit top notch original material to agents and showrun ners. In this fast paced course, you take your idea for a one hour TV series and turn it into an outline, write intensively and get feedback from the instructor and fellow participants every week. Throughout this process, you learn how to envision the world of your show; create characters and conflict; build a storytelling engine; and nail down your show’s structure, tone, story and act breaks. By the end of the course, you have strong act breaks, a full beat outline and a critique of the first ten pages of your original one hour pilot script.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 421.3 One Hour TV I and SCRIPT X 421.4 One Hour TV II; or SCRIPT X 421.3N One Hour TV Intensive I and SCRIPT X 421.4N One Hour TV Intensive II; or department approval. RRR

Reg# 397902

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

X In Person 10 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 9 Sept. 10

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ed Horowitz, M.F.A., screenwriter, and WGA member whose feature film credits include Exit Wounds starring Steven Segal and DMX; On Deadly Ground; and K-9:P.I., starring Jim Belushi. Mr. Horowitz’s televi sion credits include La Femme Nikita and more than a half dozen pilot scripts for various networks.

Reg# 397903

Fee: $720

No refund after 25 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Thursday, 7 10pm, July 11 Sept. 12

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Gail Gilchriest producer, screenwriter, television writer, and WGA member whose credits include the reboot of Dallas, Sun Records, and the feature film My Dog Skip. Ms. Gilchriest has also developed televi sion series for ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox, and is the recipient of the Horton Foote Award for outstanding achievement in screenwriting.

SCRIPT X 422.2

Half-Hour TV IV

3.0 units

This workshop guides you to write a solid draft of an original pilot script from your half hour outline created in a previous course. You start by reworking your story idea and outline as needed, fixing story problems and maximizing the comic potential. Special attention is paid to refining the world, characters, tone and story of your pilot. You then move toward completing a first draft of your script, working on scenes, dialogue and action, until it captures your original vision and matches a network’s likely requirements. You must bring a completed story outline and the teaser pages to the first day of class.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 422.1 Half Hour TV III, or SCRIPT X 422.1N

Half Hour TV Intensive III, or SCRIPT X 422.7 Dramedy TV III, or depart ment approval.

Reg# 397904

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

X In Person

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 9 23; Aug. 27 Sept. 10

UCLA Extension Gayley Center: 1145 Gayley Ave.

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 30 Aug. 20

Remote Classroom

This hybrid section is made up of In Person and Live Online instruction.

International Students: This hybrid section is considered in person for immigration purposes.

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Chip Pope M.F.A., TV writer/producer specializing in half hour com edy/dramedy; WGA and SAG AFTRA member, whose credits include Lopez, Beavis and Butt-Head, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, The Rosie Show and MTV’s Austin Stories. Mr. Pope has sold or produced pilots and shows at HBO, Comedy Central, ABC, NBC, LOGO, OWN, FOX, among many others.

Reg# 397906

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Tuesday, 5 8pm, July 9 Sept. 10

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Danny Kallis, showrunner/television writer/director, and WGA member who created The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Suite Life on Deck and Smart Guy. Mr. Kallis has served as the executive producer on series such as Life’s Work, Phenom Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper and Who’s the Boss?

SCRIPT X 422.4

One-Hour TV IV

3.0 units

This workshop guides you through writing a solid draft of an original pilot script from your one hour outline created in a previous course. You start by reworking your story idea and outline as needed, fixing story problems and maximizing the drama potential. Special attention is paid to refining the world, characters, tone and story of your pilot. You then move toward completing a first draft of your script, working on scenes, dialogue and action, until it captures your original vision and matches a network’s likely requirements. You must bring a completed story outline and first ten pages to the first day of class.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 422.3 One Hour TV III, SCRIPT X 422.3N One Hour TV Intensive III, or SCRIPT X 422.7 Dramedy TV III, or department approval.

Reg# 397907

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

X In Person 10 mtgs

Tuesday, 7 10pm, July 9 Sept. 10

UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center: 10920 Lindbrook Dr. Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Ruth Fowler M.A., Welsh filmmaker, playwright, screenwriter, journalist and photographer living between London and Los Angeles. She specializes in dark, humorous drama with morally complex characters. Her credits include Rules of the Game (BBC1/Hulu 2022) and The Great Pretender (Sky).

Reg# 397908

Fee: $720

No refund after 23 July

A Live Online

10 mtgs

Tuesday, 10am 1pm, July 9 Sept. 10

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Philip Hoover, M.F.A., TV writer, and WGA member, whose credits include Big Shot (Disney+) and iZombie (CW). Mr. Hoover wrote and directed the award winning web series Language Academy (Funny or Die) and has also developed and optioned projects for Warner Bros. and HBO. He was a former correspondent for the San Francisco Chronicle and has been published in New American Writing and Scoundrel Times.

SCRIPT X 422.11

One-Hour or Half-Hour TV V: Rewrite

3.0 units

Whether you’ve written a one hour or half hour tv script, (pilot or a spec of an existing series) your goal is the same: to dig deeper, raise the stakes higher, stretch your characters further to make your script one that will leave an indelible mark on its readers. If you’re writing a pilot, have you introduced us to characters and situations that we want to come back to week after week? If you’re writing a spec of an existing show, have you been true to the characters and situations as we know them, and still told a story that is somehow new? In this course, you review the choices your characters make, the consequences of those choices and how to make those consequences more dramatic. You look at your actions, your pacing, your tension and your stakes, among other things. The goal: to improve your one hour or half hour script until it’s a story that demands the reader’s attention.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 422.4 One Hour TV IV, SCRIPT X 422.4N One Hour TV Intensive IV, SCRIPT X 422.2 Half Hour TV IV, SCRIPT X 422.2N Half Hour TV Intensive IV, or SCRIPT X 422.8 Dramedy TV IV, or depart ment approval.

Reg# 397909

Fee: $720

No refund after 24 July

A Live Online 10 mtgs

Wednesday, 6 9pm, July 10 Sept. 11

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 15 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted. 7

Phil Kellard, executive producer writer director; WGA/DGA member whose credits include both drama and comedy from The Wayans Brothers; Martin; Doogie Howser, MD to Hooperman; and The Inspectors. He has written series and pilots for ABC, CBS, NBC, Hulu, The Disney Channel, Showtime, FBC, and Syfy Channel. Mr. Kellard received an Emmy Award for instructional programming and the UCLA Exten sion Outstanding Instructor Award in Screenwriting, and is a contribut ing author to Inside the Room (Gotham Books/Penguin).

Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971 Writing & Journalism 101

Advanced Television Writing

Advanced-level courses are primarily workshop-driven and are designed for students who are well into their projects. Admission is by submission only and the selection process is competitive. It is recommended that students take intermediate-level courses prior to submitting their work. For instructions on submitting work, contact the Writers’ Program at (310) 825-9415 or go to The submission deadline for summer is June 10 at 9am PT. Visitors are not permitted in advanced-level courses.

SCRIPT X 423.2

Advanced One-Hour Pilot Writing

3.0 units

In today’s market, a good original pilot is an essential sample. Neither pure episodes nor stand alone screenplays, one hour pilots neverthe less must have the feeling of both all in 55 60 pages. In today’s market, a good original pilot is an essential sample. Neither pure episodes nor stand alone screenplays, one hour pilots nevertheless must have the feeling of both all in 55 60 pages. This workshop guides you to develop a drama series premise that combines your original vision with a network’s likely requirements. From the idea to pilot story structure and finished script, your goal is to create a pilot that effectively establishes ongoing series elements while bringing your characters to life.

Reg# 397910

Fee: $795

No refund after 11 July A Live Online 10 mtgs

Thursday, 6 9pm, July 18 Sept. 19

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

$100 nonrefundable. Enrollment discounts limited to WP NOW members; no other discounts apply.

The priority application deadline is Monday, June 10 at 9am PT. Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration.

William Hasley screenwriter and WGA member who has sold features to 20th Century Fox, Universal, and Warner Bros. His TV credits include Swift Justice; Ghost Stories; Murder, She Wrote; Kung Fu; Young Riders; and Highway to Heaven and has also written for Castle Rock, Columbia, and Warner Bros.

SCRIPT X 423.10

Rewriting Your Script as a Showrunner

6.0 units

You have written your pilot script. Now what? Those of us who have sold pilots to broadcasters and streamers know that the job is just beginning. This fast paced intensive course is designed for what is next. You begin by submitting your previously written pilot (either half hour or hour) and then learning how to rewrite for production and studio notes. With feedback from your instructor and fellow participants, you will learn the process of responding to studio cre ative notes and production mandatory notes. Throughout this pro cess, you will refine the world of your show; test your script characters and conflict; and refine your storytelling engine. This intensive workshop will then guide you through basic show running principles including how to communicate and work with your studio and streamer, what to look for in hiring and casting; assembling a crew, and pre production and post production concepts. On the business side, you will hear from guest speakers and learn how to develop your career game plan and learn about the business of television in this rapidly changing landscape.

Prerequisite(s): SCRIPT X 423.9 Advanced TV Pilot Intensive or depart ment approval.

Reg# 397911

Fee: $1,590

No refund after 9 July

A Live Online

20 mtgs

Tuesday, Thursday, 5 8pm, July 16 Sept. 19

Remote Classroom

Enrollment limited to 12 students; early enrollment advised. Visitors not permitted.

$100 nonrefundable. Enrollment discounts limited to WP NOW members; no other discounts apply.

The priority application deadline is Monday, June 10 at 9am PT. Applications submitted after this date are not guaranteed consideration.

Adam Armus, Emmy award nominated showrunner/executive pro ducer/TV writer, and WGA member who served as a showrunner for many shows including Heroes, The Following, The Goldbergs, Quantico and Proven Innocent. Mr. Armus co created American Odyssey for NBC. His writing and producing credits also include Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist, Heroes Reborn, The Practice, among others.


For more information about Journalism Certificates email or call (310) 825-7093.


The Art of the Interview

3.0 units

Great journalism relies on four major, interconnected skills: research, interviewing, analysis and writing. This course helps students develop the first three, which integrate to generate the data, anecdotes and character details necessary to tell compelling stories about the people and issues that affect our world.

Reg# 398177

Fee: $630

No refund after 17 June

M Online

June 24 Sept. 15

Elective course in the Journalism Certificate.

Access to a video recording device (iPhone, iPad, digital camera) is highly recommended, though not required.

Enrollment limited to 25 students. Visitors not permitted. Enrollment deadline: June 24. 7 &

Richard Vega, who is a newsroom executive with more than 20 years of experience at USA Weekend The New York Times, Yahoo News and digital start ups. He covered politics, health, technology, entertainment and sports as a reporter at USA Weekend magazine. He led teams covering 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the death of Princess Diana for the The New York Times’s website. As the Yahoo News editorial director, he oversaw coverage of presidential elections, the death of Osama bin Laden, and the 2011 tsunami and earthquake in Japan.

JOURN X 440.2

The Practice of Journalism

4.0 units

Students learn to cultivate sources, conduct tough interviews, how to organize an investigative story, navigate artificial intelligence, and other skills common to on the ground journalists. Assignments and discussions require deeper analysis with students working toward a final project feature story applying course material. Students also build a toolbox of writing techniques and begin to shape their voices as writers and media creators.

Reg# 398178

Fee: $695

No refund after 17 June

M Online June 24 Sept. 15

Required course in the Journalism Certificate.

Enrollment limited to 25 students; early enrollment advised. 7 &

Richard Vega, who is a newsroom executive with more than 20 years of experience at USA Weekend The New York Times, Yahoo News and digital start ups. He covered politics, health, technology, entertainment and sports as a reporter at USA Weekend magazine. He led teams covering 9/11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the death of Princess Diana for the The New York Times’s website. As the Yahoo News editorial director, he oversaw coverage of presidential elections, the death of Osama bin Laden, and the 2011 tsunami and earthquake in Japan.

X In Person

Class meetings are primarily held in person with the instructor and all students in the same physical classroom.

m Online

Course content is delivered through an online learning platform where assignments are due regularly and you can engage with your instructor and classmates.

A Live Online

All class meetings are scheduled and held in real-time using Zoom, allowing for live interaction with your classmates and instructors.

r Hybrid

A blend of in-person, online or live-online instruction.

7 Web-Enhanced Course

Internet access required to retrieve course materials.

For extensive information visit

102 Writing & Journalism Enroll at or call (800) 825-9971

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