Canadian Maritimes

Page 1

Need pre- or post-trip assistance? * If you are interested in making independent travel arrangements before and/or after this program, please contact us no later than 60 days prior to departure and they will be happy to assist you with your reservations.* A nonrefundable service fee and additional air/land charges based on reservations apply.

CST Registration No. 2028271-40. Fla. Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-33300 Iowa Seller of Travel No. 520 Ohio Seller of Travel Registration No. 8889139. Washington State Seller of Travel Registration No. 601-820781. PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA and ARC Member Carriers ©2010 AHI Travel Printed in the USA.

I NCLUDED F EATURES First, Two Nights in Halifax • Relax for two nights at the ideally located Delta Barrington Hotel. • Gather with your fellow travelers at the hotel for a Welcome Reception. • Discover the highlights of Halifax, including the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Continue to Peggy’s Cove and historic Lunenburg. • Enjoy dinner at a restaurant in Halifax.

Special Price $3,395*

*Special Price valid if booked by the date found on the address panel. VAT is an additional $125 per person.

All prices quoted are per person, based on double occupancy (unless otherwise stated). Single accommodations are an additional $895 (limited availability).


Top to bottom: Kayakers navigate Hopewell Rocks during high tide. Fresh lobster

Prince Edward Island

Then, Two Nights in Saint John


Next, Two Nights in Charlottetown

A IR P ROGRAM Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010 For your convenience, AHI offers a flexible Air Program featuring special air fares available at an additional cost in conjunction with the Land Program. AHI has designated specific Group Air Schedules for this departure utilizing round-trip scheduled jet service from North America to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Those participating on these flights will enjoy motor coach transfers between the arrival/departure airport abroad and the hotels, including baggage handling. Prices are dependent upon dates, air routes and class of service chosen and will be reflected on your Reservation Confirmation, which will be sent to you upon receipt of your reservation. Air schedules will be sent with your Final Invoice approximately 90 days before departure. Prices quoted to you will include all domestic and foreign governmental airport departure taxes and fees and any applicable fuel surcharges. AHI ticketed passengers will also receive Automatic $250,000 Flight Insurance, subject to policy terms.


• Delight in two nights at the Hilton Saint John. • En route to Saint John, explore the winegrowing region of the Annapolis Clock Tower, Halifax Valley. Enjoy lunch and a wine tasting at a winery before riding a ferry across the • Enjoy a scenic drive along the Cabot Bay of Fundy. Trail. Visit St. Peter’s Church, • Tour the New Brunswick Museum and picturesque fishing villages, Neil’s enjoy a whale-watching cruise on the Harbor and Ingonish. Bay of Fundy.

Day 7 ........ Baddeck, Nova Scotia

• Spend two nights at the Delta Prince Edward. • En route to Charlottetown, admire the scenic splendor of the Bay of Fundy National Park and Hopewell Rocks. Stop to enjoy a bit of French Acadian musical culture: a kitchen party. Continue to Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. • Visit the house that inspired the popular Anne of Green Gables books. Continue your exploration of Prince Edward Island at the Cavendish National Historic Site and Rustico, a charming fishing town. • Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. • Try a traditional lobster dinner, P.E.I. style.

Day 8 .................................. Baddeck

Then, Two Nights in Baddeck

I T I N E R A RY Day 1 .................... Depart Gateway City / Arrive Halifax, Nova Scotia Day 2 .................................... Halifax Day 3 ............................ Saint John, New Brunswick Day 4 .............................. Saint John Day 5 ...................... Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Day 6 ........................ Charlottetown

Day 9 .................................... Halifax Day 10 ...... Return to Gateway City

• Enjoy accommodations at the Auberge Gisele’s Inn. • Take a ferry to Nova Scotia. Explore Cape Breton Island. Visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum before returning to Baddeck.

Finally, One Night in Halifax • Enjoy accommodations at the Delta Barrington Hotel. • Attend a special Farewell Reception and Dinner.

Transfers and Porterage • Ferry and deluxe motor coach transfers to Saint John, Charlottetown, Baddeck and the return to Halifax. • Baggage handling to and from all your accommodations on the transfers above. MANY INCLUDED EXTRAS • Consultation services of a dedicated Passenger Service Representative prior to departure. • Attentive services of an experienced AHI Travel Director throughout your trip. • Full American-style buffet breakfast each morning at the hotels, plus two lunches, three dinners, and tea or coffee with all meals. • Tipping of all your excursion guides and drivers. • Detailed destination and travel information to assist in your planning. • Complimentary travel wallet.

Acadian girl Neil’s Harbour Cover photos (clockwise):

Dear UCLA Alumni and Friends, Indulge your sense of wanderlust with this adventure that celebrates the best of the Canadian Maritimes. Summer is the perfect time to escape to the fresh cool air of the North Atlantic and enjoy a panorama of historic shipbuilding cities, authentic fishing villages and picture-perfect seascapes. With this program, enjoy the worry-free convenience and value of group travel while maintaining your freedom to explore. Unwind in waterfront hotels that offer warmth, accessibility and all the comforts of home. Feast on your choice of fresh Canadian fare including produce plucked from local farms and seafood delicacies like succulent lobster and prized Malpeque oysters— sweet, briny and fresh off the boat. Share an unforgettable journey with like-minded travelers as you learn the fascinating maritime history of French-Acadians and Anglo-Loyalists, follow in the footsteps of explorers and pirates and visit enchanting sites including the home that inspired the winsome “Anne of Green Gables” tales. As a member of our group, you’ll enjoy personalized attention and exceptional service. Your needs and wishes have been anticipated and will be attended to by an experienced staff of travel professionals. This program will fill quickly, so make your reservation today! Regards from Westwood,

Christel Pailet Director, Alumni Travel For more information, please contact us at 310-206-0613 or 800-UCLAlumni (825-2586)

Peggy’s Cove

“Leave the beaten

Fisherman Flowerpot Rocks

track behind

Breaching whale

occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.” Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Scottish-born inventor resident of Baddeck, Nova Scotia

A word about your Tour Operator AHI Travel is the premier operator of deluxe travel programs sponsored by alumni associations. Their experienced, professional staff has offered the highest level of service in innovative travel programs since 1962. In AHI Travel’s care, you can rely on: •An exceptional travel value. It would be impossible for an independent traveler to arrange all these unique experiences, inclusions and services at a comparable price. •Unique access to local sites. Take advantage of their 47 years of travel experience to gain preferred entrance to popular sites and to uncover the region’s hidden treasures. •Flexibility and customization. They will help you tailor your dream trip with add-ons and extensions, while free time during the trip allows you to pursue your own interests. •Safety and security. In a country where you might not know the language or culture, their professional staff is on hand to ease your way and get you any help you need. •Full endorsement by the USTOA. This professional association safeguards consumers’ deposits and payments with a $1 Million Traveler’s Assistance Program.



Special Savings $250

UCLA Alumni Association James West Alumni Center Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397

Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010

Special Offer Book by April 6, 2010 and save $500 per couple!

L AND P ROGRAM Full Price $3,645

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Mercury Mailing Systems, Inc.

NOT INCLUDED-Fees for passports and, if applicable, visas; personal gratuities; laundry and dry cleaning; excursions, wines, liquors, mineral waters and meals not For Office Use Only: B #: ______________ Date: ________________ mentioned in this brochure under included features; travel insurance; all items of a strictly personal nature. PSR: ________________ Trip #:9-19045 MOBILITY AND FITNESS TO TRAVEL-The right is retained to decline to accept or to retain any person as a Send to: UCLA Alumni Association member of this trip who, in the opinion of AHI Travel is Attn: Alumni Travel unfit for travel or whose physical or mental condition James West Alumni Center may constitute a danger to themselves or to others on the Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397 trip, subject only to the requirement that the portion of Phone: 310-206-0613 Fax: 310-209-4271 the total amount paid which corresponds to the unused E-mail: services and accommodations be refunded. Passengers UCLA Alumni Travel is a benefit of membership in the UCLA Alumni Association. requiring special assistance, including without limitation those who permanently or periodically use a wheelchair, The Association requires all alumni and friends to join to use our services. You must be accompanied by someone who is fit and able to may invite one companion to travel with you as a guest on your membership. assist them, and who will be totally responsible for providing all required assistance. ___Yes, I am a member of the UCLA Alumni Association. AIR TRANSPORTATION-The price of air transporta___No, I am not a member. Please send me an application to join. tion offered by AHI Travel is based on Advance Purchase Excursion fares. After tickets are issued, penalties up to 100% of the ticket price may be levied. If connecting Full Legal Name (exactly as it appears on passport) flights are requested, special promotional fares may be used, in which case penalties of as much as 100% may be assessed by the airlines if reservations are changed or (1) _____________________________________________________________ canceled after ticketing. After departure, if the reservaTitle First Middle Last Class Year tions are changed, you will be charged the higher, all year Economy class fare. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUP ITINERARY MUST BE REQUESTED NO LATER THAN 60 (2) _____________________________________________________________ DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. Passengers who choose to Middle Last Class Year Title First make their own airline reservations independently will be wholly responsible for any airline fees or penalties incurred as a result of program cancellation and/or Street Address ___________________________________________________ change in travel dates, or airline schedule(s). CANCELLATION-In addition to airline cancellation penalties, all cancellations for any reason whatsoever will City ____________________________________________________________ be subject to a $350 per person (AHI $250, UCLA $100) cancellation fee. Cancellation from 120 days to 76 days prior to departure will result in forfeiture of 10% of the State_________________________________________ ZIP ______________ entire cost of the trip per person; 75 days to 30 days, 50% of the trip cost per person; cancellation from 29 days up to the time of departure will result in 100% forfeiture of Home: (_______________)__________________________________________ the entire cost of the trip. TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE IS AVAILABLE. AN APPLICATION WILL BE SENT Cell: (_______________)___________________________________________ AFTER YOU RESERVE. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to AHI International Corporation. BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictions vary according to the E-mail:__________________________________________________________ airline policy and the class of service flown. Details will be provided with your pre-departure information. Baggage allowances are subject to change by the carrier Sharing with_______________________________________. (Send separate form.) without notice. Excess baggage charges for additional or oversized/overweight pieces are expensive and not includI/we authorize you to make my/our reservations as follows: ed in your trip price; plan your wardrobe accordingly. Land Program Transport of baggage and personal effects is at the ❒ I/we will make my/our own air arrangements and transfers. owner's risk throughout the travel program. ❒ Please call me/us to discuss my/our air options. RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel and the Sponsoring Association act only as agents for the suppliers of travel ❒ I prefer single accommodations at an additional $895 (limited availability). conveyance, transport, accommodations or other service ❒ I request assistance in securing a roommate but will accept a single, if one is and have no responsibility for any delays, delayed deparavailable at this time, and pay the single supplement. Should a roommate be ture or arrival, missed carrier connections, loss, death, found, I understand the supplement will no longer apply. damage or injury to person or property or accident, Land and Air Program mechanical defect, failure or negligence of any nature howsoever caused in connection with any accommoda❒ I/we reserve the Land Program and request the Air Program round-trip tions, transportation or other services or for any substituto Halifax, Nova Scotia, to depart from: tion of hotels or of common carrier equipment, with or ________________________________________________________________ without notice, or for any additional expenses occasioned Departure City thereby. Dates, Program Details and Tour costs, although given in good faith and based on tariffs, exchange rates ❒ Please send me information on upgrading my flights. and other information current at the time of printing, are Please note: Air prices will be sent to you with your Reservation Confirmation subject to change at or before the time of departure. No and air schedule sent at 90 days before departure. International flight arrangerevisions of the printed itinerary or its included features ments can be canceled with no obligation up to 75 days before departure. are anticipated; however, the right is reserved to make any Reservations are subject to availability and processed on a first come, first served changes, with or without notice, that might become necessary, with the mutual understanding that any additionbasis. Reservations to be paid in full by June 9, 2010 (75 days prior to deparal expenses will be paid by the individual passenger. ture). Reservations received after this date must be accompanied by payment in Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of full. Final payment may be made by personal check, MasterCard or Visa. Make the owners at all times. If the entire program is cancelled checks payable to AHI International. for any reason, participants shall have no claim other Enclosed is a deposit of ________ ($600 per person required) than for a full refund. By forwarding the deposit, the passenger certifies that he/she has no physical, mental or to reserve ________ place(s). other condition of disability that would create a hazard for himself/herself or other passengers and accepts the ❒ Accept my check made payable to AHI International. terms of this contract. The airlines and other transporta❒ Charge my deposit to: ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa Expires________/________ tion companies concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event, during the time passenCard #___________________________________________________________ gers are not on board their conveyances. The passage contract in use, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the company(ies) and the passenger and/or purchaser of this trip. __________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION DISCLAIMER-Services of a UCLA fac(Signature as it appears on credit card) ulty lecturer are based on a minimum of 15 booked pasPlease note: Any payment to AHI International constitutes your acceptance of the sengers.' terms and conditions set out herein, including but not limited to the Cancellation terms.

Reserve your trip to the Canadian Maritimes!

Book now and save! See Special Offer on address panel.


AUG. 23 - SEPT. 1, 2010

The Maritime Provinces


Left: Lunenburg

Peggy’s Cove

Below: Annapolis Valley

Low tide at the Hopewell Rocks on the shores of the Bay of Fundy reveals the ocean floor and amazing rock formations


C PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Your exclusive Small-Group experience will accommodate a maximum of 28 travelers. • Embark on a comprehensive program that showcases the cultural highlights and the natural beauty of Canada’s Maritime Provinces. • Follow the Lighthouse Trail from scenic Peggy’s Cove to Lunenburg, which has retained its 18th-century ambience. • Discover the natural wonders of the Bay of Fundy and cruise the blue waters on a whale-watching excursion. • Savor the local cuisine, which features fresh, locally caught seafood. Enjoy a lobster dinner served in the local style. • Join a lively kitchen party, a French Acadian tradition. Grab a pair of wooden spoons and play along with the band!

UNESCO anada’s Maritime Provinces of Old Town Lunenburg is a UNESCO World Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Heritage site featured in this comprehensive and Prince Edward Island are some of North America’s most picturesque regions, program. These sites are distinguished due to universal scenic, historic, artistic or scientific value. a landscape of lush forests, fertile farmlands and wild, dramatic coasts. HALIFAX Soak up their seafaring charm as you N O VA S C OT I A discover intimate fishing hamlets, lonely Nestled on the world’s second-largest lighthouses and port cities dotted with natural harbor on “New Scotland’s” southern Victorian landmarks. You’ll marvel at coast, Halifax was founded in 1749 as whales, the aerial dance of migrating England’s stronghold in the Atlantic. Today seabirds and the world’s highest tide in this easygoing capital is an inviting hub with the Bay of Fundy. Discover the cultural legacy of the Acadians, the French settlers streets that slope down to the waterfront. There, overlooking the harbor, visitors can who arrived in 1604. The people of the dive headfirst into Halifax’s nautical history Canadian Maritimes are said to be the friendliest in the world. You’ll experience at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. The their warmth firsthand as you make your museum showcases shipbuilding displays and shipwreck treasures including remnants way from the old shipbuilding center of from the Titanic, which sank east of Halifax Halifax to leafy Saint John, in 1912. The star-shaped hilltop Citadel, built gentle Charlottetown and by the British in 1828, offers commanding Alexander Graham Bell’s views of the city and the iconic adopted Town Clock below. Nearby, the home on Public Gardens, established misty, in 1867, are the oldest rugged Victorian formal gardens in Cape North America—a 17-acre Breton. paradise with blooming flowerbeds, bubbling fountains and quaint duck ponds.


Above: Anne of Green Gables farmhouse Above right: Charlottetown

After the American Revolution, 14,000 British Loyalists fled the colonies and settled in Saint John, making it the first official city in Canada A beguiling panorama of rocky bays, glacial in 1785. Much of the city was destroyed during boulders and peaceful villages unfolds as the Great Fire of 1877. By the 1890s, Saint John we drive along the Lighthouse Trail, an area was a prosperous shipbuilding center, steeped in pirate legends and the wrath and dependent on the thick forests of New bounty of the sea. A shipbuilding center for Brunswick’s interior. Located on the Bay of centuries, pretty Lunenburg features hilly Fundy at the mouth of the St. John River, the streets adorned with cheerful Victorian city of Saint John offers a quaint small-town mansions, while hauntingly beautiful charm with inviting art galleries and splendid Peggy’s Cove remains a quintessential fishing village, complete with clapboard houses, bobbing boats and a solitary, oftenphotographed lighthouse punctuating its rocky coast.

historic architecture. Seafood feasts are a staple here as is Moosehead beer, brewed locally since 1928. Canada’s longest, steepest main street spills into Saint John Harbor where visitors discover Benedict Arnold’s one-time home, Canada’s oldest City Market and Barbour’s General Store, a hand-hewn timber landmark stocked with cure-alls, old fashioned candies and more. At the New Brunswick Museum, visitors enjoy an up-close look at a life-size skeleton of a rare North Atlantic Right Whale in the Great Hall of Whales and gain insight into the long history of shipbuilding in the Maritime Provinces.


BAY OF FUNDY Imagine 100 billion tons of seawater—more than the combined flow of the world’s freshwater rivers— flowing in and out of the Bay of Fundy every day. This gradual yet mind-boggling ebb and flow literally tilts Nova Scotia slightly and creates powerful seaside erosion that scours cliffs, carves caves and forges towering sea stacks like those found at popular Hopewell Rocks. At low tide, you can walk on the ocean floor and inspect the bizarre red, sandstone pinnacles rising toward the heavens. Underneath the water’s surface, one of the richest marine ecosystems churns with krill, squid, herring, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, sharks, dolphins and other fascinating sea life. Visitors to the Bay of Fundy have a front-row seat to nature and its aquatic splendor. On a boating adventure, a range of whales may be spotted breaching and lunging. At times the whale population exceeds 300 creatures including Humpback, Northern Right, Beluga, and Minke whales, among others. Because of the food source and natural protection of the bay, Fundy is a popular spot for whales to give birth. Some experts say the Bay of Fundy surpasses the Great Barrier Reef in terms of breathtaking marine diversity. There’s no better place to appreciate Mother Nature and the foundation of her remarkable food chain.


The heart and soul of charming Prince Edward Island, pocket-sized Charlottetown was established as a port in the 1760s and later hosted the conference that led to the formation of Canada in 1864. Located on a point of land between two rivers and within a large protected harbor, this amiable town exudes a graceful seafaring elegance including Georgian-era homes, cobblestone streets, gas lamps and brick warehouses converted into cafés and boutiques. A highlight is the Province House, the historic brownstone that hosted the Fathers of the

DELTA PRINCE EDWARD Above: Scenic Cabot Trail, Cape Breton

Sunset near Lunenburg

Far left: Alexander Graham Bell Home


Left: Bagpiper


Located in the heart of downtown Halifax and connected to the Link walkway system, the Delta Barrington Hotel offers easy access to the city’s best sites including the waterfront, the lovely Grand Parade square, historic pubs and more. You will feel at home with an array of comforts and amenities, from hair dryers and newspapers to Delta’s “Sanctuary Beds.”


Soak up Prince Edward Island’s nautical charm along with city and water views at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown. Located in the heart of Olde Charlottetown, the Delta Prince Edward sits on the harbor along a beautiful winding boardwalk adjacent to the shops of Peake’s Wharf. Guestrooms feature an array of amenities, from ironing boards and hair dryers to high-speed Internet access.


Confederation. Within easy reach of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island National Park is made up of 25 miles of sand dunes, forests and beaches. Part of the National Park, Cavendish is home to a traditional fishing village as well as a colony of great blue herons, some with 6-foot wingspans. Fans of author Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) and her young heroine, Anne of Green Gables, flock to Cavendish to visit the famous Green Gables farmhouse. Montgomery set her tale about the pigtailed orphan here in her cousins’ home where period rooms transport fans of her most popular book. Nearby, the fishing village of North Rustico serves up down-home, fresh-from-the-sea lobster feasts that feed the entire community and beyond.

“I have travelled the globe. I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes and the Alps and the highlands of Scotland, but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.” Born in Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell built his summer home in Baddeck where he sang the praises of his adopted misty, rugged isle. The Alexander Graham Bell Museum and Historic Site overlooks Bras d’Or Lake, a salt water inland sea, and showcases fascinating biographical displays as well as inventions. Baddeck serves as the capital of the Cabot Trail, an 187-mile drive which rollercoasters around the northern part of the island revealing mossy green valleys, craggy cliffs, wild coastal zones and rivers thick with salmon and trout. Scottish Highlanders — up to an estimated 50,000 Scots — settled much of this island in the late 18th and early 19th

centuries. The stretch from Baddeck to Cape Smokey is known as the Gaelic Coast. You will also experience the spirit of l’Acadie in Cape Breton, where the residents of the fishing villages maintain their French Canadian identity and language. Neil’s Harbour presents a postcard-perfect photo opportunity. Set on a rocky knob, the redand-white lighthouse is a charming ambassador in a land of lobster and snow crab.


Situated directly on the harbor at the foot of historic King Street, the Hilton Saint John is the premier property in Canada’s oldest incorporated city. The country’s oldest continuous farmers’ market, the New Brunswick Museum, the Harbour Passage Trail and other sites are within easy reach. Relax with all of the conveniences you desire including bathroom amenities, a coffee maker, a flat-screen television and more.


In 2009, readers of Travel + Leisure magazine voted Cape Breton among the top three “best islands in the world” to visit. The inn’s broad, sweeping lawns and beautiful gardens set the scene for your relaxing escape on this award-winning isle. Overlooking the Bras d' Or Lake, you’ll enjoy European charm and Cape Breton hospitality along with four-star dining at Auberge Gisele’s Country Inn.

Need pre- or post-trip assistance? * If you are interested in making independent travel arrangements before and/or after this program, please contact us no later than 60 days prior to departure and they will be happy to assist you with your reservations.* A nonrefundable service fee and additional air/land charges based on reservations apply.

CST Registration No. 2028271-40. Fla. Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-33300 Iowa Seller of Travel No. 520 Ohio Seller of Travel Registration No. 8889139. Washington State Seller of Travel Registration No. 601-820781. PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA and ARC Member Carriers ©2010 AHI Travel Printed in the USA.

I NCLUDED F EATURES First, Two Nights in Halifax • Relax for two nights at the ideally located Delta Barrington Hotel. • Gather with your fellow travelers at the hotel for a Welcome Reception. • Discover the highlights of Halifax, including the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Continue to Peggy’s Cove and historic Lunenburg. • Enjoy dinner at a restaurant in Halifax.

Special Price $3,395*

*Special Price valid if booked by the date found on the address panel. VAT is an additional $125 per person.

All prices quoted are per person, based on double occupancy (unless otherwise stated). Single accommodations are an additional $895 (limited availability).


Top to bottom: Kayakers navigate Hopewell Rocks during high tide. Fresh lobster

Prince Edward Island

Then, Two Nights in Saint John


Next, Two Nights in Charlottetown

A IR P ROGRAM Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010 For your convenience, AHI offers a flexible Air Program featuring special air fares available at an additional cost in conjunction with the Land Program. AHI has designated specific Group Air Schedules for this departure utilizing round-trip scheduled jet service from North America to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Those participating on these flights will enjoy motor coach transfers between the arrival/departure airport abroad and the hotels, including baggage handling. Prices are dependent upon dates, air routes and class of service chosen and will be reflected on your Reservation Confirmation, which will be sent to you upon receipt of your reservation. Air schedules will be sent with your Final Invoice approximately 90 days before departure. Prices quoted to you will include all domestic and foreign governmental airport departure taxes and fees and any applicable fuel surcharges. AHI ticketed passengers will also receive Automatic $250,000 Flight Insurance, subject to policy terms.


• Delight in two nights at the Hilton Saint John. • En route to Saint John, explore the winegrowing region of the Annapolis Clock Tower, Halifax Valley. Enjoy lunch and a wine tasting at a winery before riding a ferry across the • Enjoy a scenic drive along the Cabot Bay of Fundy. Trail. Visit St. Peter’s Church, • Tour the New Brunswick Museum and picturesque fishing villages, Neil’s enjoy a whale-watching cruise on the Harbor and Ingonish. Bay of Fundy.

Day 7 ........ Baddeck, Nova Scotia

• Spend two nights at the Delta Prince Edward. • En route to Charlottetown, admire the scenic splendor of the Bay of Fundy National Park and Hopewell Rocks. Stop to enjoy a bit of French Acadian musical culture: a kitchen party. Continue to Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. • Visit the house that inspired the popular Anne of Green Gables books. Continue your exploration of Prince Edward Island at the Cavendish National Historic Site and Rustico, a charming fishing town. • Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. • Try a traditional lobster dinner, P.E.I. style.

Day 8 .................................. Baddeck

Then, Two Nights in Baddeck

I T I N E R A RY Day 1 .................... Depart Gateway City / Arrive Halifax, Nova Scotia Day 2 .................................... Halifax Day 3 ............................ Saint John, New Brunswick Day 4 .............................. Saint John Day 5 ...................... Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Day 6 ........................ Charlottetown

Day 9 .................................... Halifax Day 10 ...... Return to Gateway City

• Enjoy accommodations at the Auberge Gisele’s Inn. • Take a ferry to Nova Scotia. Explore Cape Breton Island. Visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum before returning to Baddeck.

Finally, One Night in Halifax • Enjoy accommodations at the Delta Barrington Hotel. • Attend a special Farewell Reception and Dinner.

Transfers and Porterage • Ferry and deluxe motor coach transfers to Saint John, Charlottetown, Baddeck and the return to Halifax. • Baggage handling to and from all your accommodations on the transfers above. MANY INCLUDED EXTRAS • Consultation services of a dedicated Passenger Service Representative prior to departure. • Attentive services of an experienced AHI Travel Director throughout your trip. • Full American-style buffet breakfast each morning at the hotels, plus two lunches, three dinners, and tea or coffee with all meals. • Tipping of all your excursion guides and drivers. • Detailed destination and travel information to assist in your planning. • Complimentary travel wallet.

Acadian girl Neil’s Harbour Cover photos (clockwise):

Dear UCLA Alumni and Friends, Indulge your sense of wanderlust with this adventure that celebrates the best of the Canadian Maritimes. Summer is the perfect time to escape to the fresh cool air of the North Atlantic and enjoy a panorama of historic shipbuilding cities, authentic fishing villages and picture-perfect seascapes. With this program, enjoy the worry-free convenience and value of group travel while maintaining your freedom to explore. Unwind in waterfront hotels that offer warmth, accessibility and all the comforts of home. Feast on your choice of fresh Canadian fare including produce plucked from local farms and seafood delicacies like succulent lobster and prized Malpeque oysters— sweet, briny and fresh off the boat. Share an unforgettable journey with like-minded travelers as you learn the fascinating maritime history of French-Acadians and Anglo-Loyalists, follow in the footsteps of explorers and pirates and visit enchanting sites including the home that inspired the winsome “Anne of Green Gables” tales. As a member of our group, you’ll enjoy personalized attention and exceptional service. Your needs and wishes have been anticipated and will be attended to by an experienced staff of travel professionals. This program will fill quickly, so make your reservation today! Regards from Westwood,

Christel Pailet Director, Alumni Travel For more information, please contact us at 310-206-0613 or 800-UCLAlumni (825-2586)

Peggy’s Cove

“Leave the beaten

Fisherman Flowerpot Rocks

track behind

Breaching whale

occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.” Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Scottish-born inventor resident of Baddeck, Nova Scotia

A word about your Tour Operator AHI Travel is the premier operator of deluxe travel programs sponsored by alumni associations. Their experienced, professional staff has offered the highest level of service in innovative travel programs since 1962. In AHI Travel’s care, you can rely on: •An exceptional travel value. It would be impossible for an independent traveler to arrange all these unique experiences, inclusions and services at a comparable price. •Unique access to local sites. Take advantage of their 47 years of travel experience to gain preferred entrance to popular sites and to uncover the region’s hidden treasures. •Flexibility and customization. They will help you tailor your dream trip with add-ons and extensions, while free time during the trip allows you to pursue your own interests. •Safety and security. In a country where you might not know the language or culture, their professional staff is on hand to ease your way and get you any help you need. •Full endorsement by the USTOA. This professional association safeguards consumers’ deposits and payments with a $1 Million Traveler’s Assistance Program.



Special Savings $250

UCLA Alumni Association James West Alumni Center Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397

Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010

Special Offer Book by April 6, 2010 and save $500 per couple!

L AND P ROGRAM Full Price $3,645

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Mercury Mailing Systems, Inc.

NOT INCLUDED-Fees for passports and, if applicable, visas; personal gratuities; laundry and dry cleaning; excursions, wines, liquors, mineral waters and meals not For Office Use Only: B #: ______________ Date: ________________ mentioned in this brochure under included features; travel insurance; all items of a strictly personal nature. PSR: ________________ Trip #:9-19045 MOBILITY AND FITNESS TO TRAVEL-The right is retained to decline to accept or to retain any person as a Send to: UCLA Alumni Association member of this trip who, in the opinion of AHI Travel is Attn: Alumni Travel unfit for travel or whose physical or mental condition James West Alumni Center may constitute a danger to themselves or to others on the Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397 trip, subject only to the requirement that the portion of Phone: 310-206-0613 Fax: 310-209-4271 the total amount paid which corresponds to the unused E-mail: services and accommodations be refunded. Passengers UCLA Alumni Travel is a benefit of membership in the UCLA Alumni Association. requiring special assistance, including without limitation those who permanently or periodically use a wheelchair, The Association requires all alumni and friends to join to use our services. You must be accompanied by someone who is fit and able to may invite one companion to travel with you as a guest on your membership. assist them, and who will be totally responsible for providing all required assistance. ___Yes, I am a member of the UCLA Alumni Association. AIR TRANSPORTATION-The price of air transporta___No, I am not a member. Please send me an application to join. tion offered by AHI Travel is based on Advance Purchase Excursion fares. After tickets are issued, penalties up to 100% of the ticket price may be levied. If connecting Full Legal Name (exactly as it appears on passport) flights are requested, special promotional fares may be used, in which case penalties of as much as 100% may be assessed by the airlines if reservations are changed or (1) _____________________________________________________________ canceled after ticketing. After departure, if the reservaTitle First Middle Last Class Year tions are changed, you will be charged the higher, all year Economy class fare. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUP ITINERARY MUST BE REQUESTED NO LATER THAN 60 (2) _____________________________________________________________ DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. Passengers who choose to Middle Last Class Year Title First make their own airline reservations independently will be wholly responsible for any airline fees or penalties incurred as a result of program cancellation and/or Street Address ___________________________________________________ change in travel dates, or airline schedule(s). CANCELLATION-In addition to airline cancellation penalties, all cancellations for any reason whatsoever will City ____________________________________________________________ be subject to a $350 per person (AHI $250, UCLA $100) cancellation fee. Cancellation from 120 days to 76 days prior to departure will result in forfeiture of 10% of the State_________________________________________ ZIP ______________ entire cost of the trip per person; 75 days to 30 days, 50% of the trip cost per person; cancellation from 29 days up to the time of departure will result in 100% forfeiture of Home: (_______________)__________________________________________ the entire cost of the trip. TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE IS AVAILABLE. AN APPLICATION WILL BE SENT Cell: (_______________)___________________________________________ AFTER YOU RESERVE. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to AHI International Corporation. BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictions vary according to the E-mail:__________________________________________________________ airline policy and the class of service flown. Details will be provided with your pre-departure information. Baggage allowances are subject to change by the carrier Sharing with_______________________________________. (Send separate form.) without notice. Excess baggage charges for additional or oversized/overweight pieces are expensive and not includI/we authorize you to make my/our reservations as follows: ed in your trip price; plan your wardrobe accordingly. Land Program Transport of baggage and personal effects is at the ❒ I/we will make my/our own air arrangements and transfers. owner's risk throughout the travel program. ❒ Please call me/us to discuss my/our air options. RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel and the Sponsoring Association act only as agents for the suppliers of travel ❒ I prefer single accommodations at an additional $895 (limited availability). conveyance, transport, accommodations or other service ❒ I request assistance in securing a roommate but will accept a single, if one is and have no responsibility for any delays, delayed deparavailable at this time, and pay the single supplement. Should a roommate be ture or arrival, missed carrier connections, loss, death, found, I understand the supplement will no longer apply. damage or injury to person or property or accident, Land and Air Program mechanical defect, failure or negligence of any nature howsoever caused in connection with any accommoda❒ I/we reserve the Land Program and request the Air Program round-trip tions, transportation or other services or for any substituto Halifax, Nova Scotia, to depart from: tion of hotels or of common carrier equipment, with or ________________________________________________________________ without notice, or for any additional expenses occasioned Departure City thereby. Dates, Program Details and Tour costs, although given in good faith and based on tariffs, exchange rates ❒ Please send me information on upgrading my flights. and other information current at the time of printing, are Please note: Air prices will be sent to you with your Reservation Confirmation subject to change at or before the time of departure. No and air schedule sent at 90 days before departure. International flight arrangerevisions of the printed itinerary or its included features ments can be canceled with no obligation up to 75 days before departure. are anticipated; however, the right is reserved to make any Reservations are subject to availability and processed on a first come, first served changes, with or without notice, that might become necessary, with the mutual understanding that any additionbasis. Reservations to be paid in full by June 9, 2010 (75 days prior to deparal expenses will be paid by the individual passenger. ture). Reservations received after this date must be accompanied by payment in Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of full. Final payment may be made by personal check, MasterCard or Visa. Make the owners at all times. If the entire program is cancelled checks payable to AHI International. for any reason, participants shall have no claim other Enclosed is a deposit of ________ ($600 per person required) than for a full refund. By forwarding the deposit, the passenger certifies that he/she has no physical, mental or to reserve ________ place(s). other condition of disability that would create a hazard for himself/herself or other passengers and accepts the ❒ Accept my check made payable to AHI International. terms of this contract. The airlines and other transporta❒ Charge my deposit to: ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa Expires________/________ tion companies concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event, during the time passenCard #___________________________________________________________ gers are not on board their conveyances. The passage contract in use, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the company(ies) and the passenger and/or purchaser of this trip. __________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION DISCLAIMER-Services of a UCLA fac(Signature as it appears on credit card) ulty lecturer are based on a minimum of 15 booked pasPlease note: Any payment to AHI International constitutes your acceptance of the sengers.' terms and conditions set out herein, including but not limited to the Cancellation terms.

Reserve your trip to the Canadian Maritimes!

Book now and save! See Special Offer on address panel.


AUG. 23 - SEPT. 1, 2010

The Maritime Provinces


Left: Lunenburg

Peggy’s Cove

Below: Annapolis Valley

Low tide at the Hopewell Rocks on the shores of the Bay of Fundy reveals the ocean floor and amazing rock formations


C PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Your exclusive Small-Group experience will accommodate a maximum of 28 travelers. • Embark on a comprehensive program that showcases the cultural highlights and the natural beauty of Canada’s Maritime Provinces. • Follow the Lighthouse Trail from scenic Peggy’s Cove to Lunenburg, which has retained its 18th-century ambience. • Discover the natural wonders of the Bay of Fundy and cruise the blue waters on a whale-watching excursion. • Savor the local cuisine, which features fresh, locally caught seafood. Enjoy a lobster dinner served in the local style. • Join a lively kitchen party, a French Acadian tradition. Grab a pair of wooden spoons and play along with the band!

UNESCO anada’s Maritime Provinces of Old Town Lunenburg is a UNESCO World Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Heritage site featured in this comprehensive and Prince Edward Island are some of North America’s most picturesque regions, program. These sites are distinguished due to universal scenic, historic, artistic or scientific value. a landscape of lush forests, fertile farmlands and wild, dramatic coasts. HALIFAX Soak up their seafaring charm as you N O VA S C OT I A discover intimate fishing hamlets, lonely Nestled on the world’s second-largest lighthouses and port cities dotted with natural harbor on “New Scotland’s” southern Victorian landmarks. You’ll marvel at coast, Halifax was founded in 1749 as whales, the aerial dance of migrating England’s stronghold in the Atlantic. Today seabirds and the world’s highest tide in this easygoing capital is an inviting hub with the Bay of Fundy. Discover the cultural legacy of the Acadians, the French settlers streets that slope down to the waterfront. There, overlooking the harbor, visitors can who arrived in 1604. The people of the dive headfirst into Halifax’s nautical history Canadian Maritimes are said to be the friendliest in the world. You’ll experience at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. The their warmth firsthand as you make your museum showcases shipbuilding displays and shipwreck treasures including remnants way from the old shipbuilding center of from the Titanic, which sank east of Halifax Halifax to leafy Saint John, in 1912. The star-shaped hilltop Citadel, built gentle Charlottetown and by the British in 1828, offers commanding Alexander Graham Bell’s views of the city and the iconic adopted Town Clock below. Nearby, the home on Public Gardens, established misty, in 1867, are the oldest rugged Victorian formal gardens in Cape North America—a 17-acre Breton. paradise with blooming flowerbeds, bubbling fountains and quaint duck ponds.


Above: Anne of Green Gables farmhouse Above right: Charlottetown

After the American Revolution, 14,000 British Loyalists fled the colonies and settled in Saint John, making it the first official city in Canada A beguiling panorama of rocky bays, glacial in 1785. Much of the city was destroyed during boulders and peaceful villages unfolds as the Great Fire of 1877. By the 1890s, Saint John we drive along the Lighthouse Trail, an area was a prosperous shipbuilding center, steeped in pirate legends and the wrath and dependent on the thick forests of New bounty of the sea. A shipbuilding center for Brunswick’s interior. Located on the Bay of centuries, pretty Lunenburg features hilly Fundy at the mouth of the St. John River, the streets adorned with cheerful Victorian city of Saint John offers a quaint small-town mansions, while hauntingly beautiful charm with inviting art galleries and splendid Peggy’s Cove remains a quintessential fishing village, complete with clapboard houses, bobbing boats and a solitary, oftenphotographed lighthouse punctuating its rocky coast.

historic architecture. Seafood feasts are a staple here as is Moosehead beer, brewed locally since 1928. Canada’s longest, steepest main street spills into Saint John Harbor where visitors discover Benedict Arnold’s one-time home, Canada’s oldest City Market and Barbour’s General Store, a hand-hewn timber landmark stocked with cure-alls, old fashioned candies and more. At the New Brunswick Museum, visitors enjoy an up-close look at a life-size skeleton of a rare North Atlantic Right Whale in the Great Hall of Whales and gain insight into the long history of shipbuilding in the Maritime Provinces.


BAY OF FUNDY Imagine 100 billion tons of seawater—more than the combined flow of the world’s freshwater rivers— flowing in and out of the Bay of Fundy every day. This gradual yet mind-boggling ebb and flow literally tilts Nova Scotia slightly and creates powerful seaside erosion that scours cliffs, carves caves and forges towering sea stacks like those found at popular Hopewell Rocks. At low tide, you can walk on the ocean floor and inspect the bizarre red, sandstone pinnacles rising toward the heavens. Underneath the water’s surface, one of the richest marine ecosystems churns with krill, squid, herring, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, sharks, dolphins and other fascinating sea life. Visitors to the Bay of Fundy have a front-row seat to nature and its aquatic splendor. On a boating adventure, a range of whales may be spotted breaching and lunging. At times the whale population exceeds 300 creatures including Humpback, Northern Right, Beluga, and Minke whales, among others. Because of the food source and natural protection of the bay, Fundy is a popular spot for whales to give birth. Some experts say the Bay of Fundy surpasses the Great Barrier Reef in terms of breathtaking marine diversity. There’s no better place to appreciate Mother Nature and the foundation of her remarkable food chain.


The heart and soul of charming Prince Edward Island, pocket-sized Charlottetown was established as a port in the 1760s and later hosted the conference that led to the formation of Canada in 1864. Located on a point of land between two rivers and within a large protected harbor, this amiable town exudes a graceful seafaring elegance including Georgian-era homes, cobblestone streets, gas lamps and brick warehouses converted into cafés and boutiques. A highlight is the Province House, the historic brownstone that hosted the Fathers of the

DELTA PRINCE EDWARD Above: Scenic Cabot Trail, Cape Breton

Sunset near Lunenburg

Far left: Alexander Graham Bell Home


Left: Bagpiper


Located in the heart of downtown Halifax and connected to the Link walkway system, the Delta Barrington Hotel offers easy access to the city’s best sites including the waterfront, the lovely Grand Parade square, historic pubs and more. You will feel at home with an array of comforts and amenities, from hair dryers and newspapers to Delta’s “Sanctuary Beds.”


Soak up Prince Edward Island’s nautical charm along with city and water views at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown. Located in the heart of Olde Charlottetown, the Delta Prince Edward sits on the harbor along a beautiful winding boardwalk adjacent to the shops of Peake’s Wharf. Guestrooms feature an array of amenities, from ironing boards and hair dryers to high-speed Internet access.


Confederation. Within easy reach of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island National Park is made up of 25 miles of sand dunes, forests and beaches. Part of the National Park, Cavendish is home to a traditional fishing village as well as a colony of great blue herons, some with 6-foot wingspans. Fans of author Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) and her young heroine, Anne of Green Gables, flock to Cavendish to visit the famous Green Gables farmhouse. Montgomery set her tale about the pigtailed orphan here in her cousins’ home where period rooms transport fans of her most popular book. Nearby, the fishing village of North Rustico serves up down-home, fresh-from-the-sea lobster feasts that feed the entire community and beyond.

“I have travelled the globe. I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes and the Alps and the highlands of Scotland, but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.” Born in Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell built his summer home in Baddeck where he sang the praises of his adopted misty, rugged isle. The Alexander Graham Bell Museum and Historic Site overlooks Bras d’Or Lake, a salt water inland sea, and showcases fascinating biographical displays as well as inventions. Baddeck serves as the capital of the Cabot Trail, an 187-mile drive which rollercoasters around the northern part of the island revealing mossy green valleys, craggy cliffs, wild coastal zones and rivers thick with salmon and trout. Scottish Highlanders — up to an estimated 50,000 Scots — settled much of this island in the late 18th and early 19th

centuries. The stretch from Baddeck to Cape Smokey is known as the Gaelic Coast. You will also experience the spirit of l’Acadie in Cape Breton, where the residents of the fishing villages maintain their French Canadian identity and language. Neil’s Harbour presents a postcard-perfect photo opportunity. Set on a rocky knob, the redand-white lighthouse is a charming ambassador in a land of lobster and snow crab.


Situated directly on the harbor at the foot of historic King Street, the Hilton Saint John is the premier property in Canada’s oldest incorporated city. The country’s oldest continuous farmers’ market, the New Brunswick Museum, the Harbour Passage Trail and other sites are within easy reach. Relax with all of the conveniences you desire including bathroom amenities, a coffee maker, a flat-screen television and more.


In 2009, readers of Travel + Leisure magazine voted Cape Breton among the top three “best islands in the world” to visit. The inn’s broad, sweeping lawns and beautiful gardens set the scene for your relaxing escape on this award-winning isle. Overlooking the Bras d' Or Lake, you’ll enjoy European charm and Cape Breton hospitality along with four-star dining at Auberge Gisele’s Country Inn.

The Maritime Provinces


Left: Lunenburg

Peggy’s Cove

Below: Annapolis Valley

Low tide at the Hopewell Rocks on the shores of the Bay of Fundy reveals the ocean floor and amazing rock formations


C PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Your exclusive Small-Group experience will accommodate a maximum of 28 travelers. • Embark on a comprehensive program that showcases the cultural highlights and the natural beauty of Canada’s Maritime Provinces. • Follow the Lighthouse Trail from scenic Peggy’s Cove to Lunenburg, which has retained its 18th-century ambience. • Discover the natural wonders of the Bay of Fundy and cruise the blue waters on a whale-watching excursion. • Savor the local cuisine, which features fresh, locally caught seafood. Enjoy a lobster dinner served in the local style. • Join a lively kitchen party, a French Acadian tradition. Grab a pair of wooden spoons and play along with the band!

UNESCO anada’s Maritime Provinces of Old Town Lunenburg is a UNESCO World Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Heritage site featured in this comprehensive and Prince Edward Island are some of North America’s most picturesque regions, program. These sites are distinguished due to universal scenic, historic, artistic or scientific value. a landscape of lush forests, fertile farmlands and wild, dramatic coasts. HALIFAX Soak up their seafaring charm as you N O VA S C OT I A discover intimate fishing hamlets, lonely Nestled on the world’s second-largest lighthouses and port cities dotted with natural harbor on “New Scotland’s” southern Victorian landmarks. You’ll marvel at coast, Halifax was founded in 1749 as whales, the aerial dance of migrating England’s stronghold in the Atlantic. Today seabirds and the world’s highest tide in this easygoing capital is an inviting hub with the Bay of Fundy. Discover the cultural legacy of the Acadians, the French settlers streets that slope down to the waterfront. There, overlooking the harbor, visitors can who arrived in 1604. The people of the dive headfirst into Halifax’s nautical history Canadian Maritimes are said to be the friendliest in the world. You’ll experience at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. The their warmth firsthand as you make your museum showcases shipbuilding displays and shipwreck treasures including remnants way from the old shipbuilding center of from the Titanic, which sank east of Halifax Halifax to leafy Saint John, in 1912. The star-shaped hilltop Citadel, built gentle Charlottetown and by the British in 1828, offers commanding Alexander Graham Bell’s views of the city and the iconic adopted Town Clock below. Nearby, the home on Public Gardens, established misty, in 1867, are the oldest rugged Victorian formal gardens in Cape North America—a 17-acre Breton. paradise with blooming flowerbeds, bubbling fountains and quaint duck ponds.


Above: Anne of Green Gables farmhouse Above right: Charlottetown

After the American Revolution, 14,000 British Loyalists fled the colonies and settled in Saint John, making it the first official city in Canada A beguiling panorama of rocky bays, glacial in 1785. Much of the city was destroyed during boulders and peaceful villages unfolds as the Great Fire of 1877. By the 1890s, Saint John we drive along the Lighthouse Trail, an area was a prosperous shipbuilding center, steeped in pirate legends and the wrath and dependent on the thick forests of New bounty of the sea. A shipbuilding center for Brunswick’s interior. Located on the Bay of centuries, pretty Lunenburg features hilly Fundy at the mouth of the St. John River, the streets adorned with cheerful Victorian city of Saint John offers a quaint small-town mansions, while hauntingly beautiful charm with inviting art galleries and splendid Peggy’s Cove remains a quintessential fishing village, complete with clapboard houses, bobbing boats and a solitary, oftenphotographed lighthouse punctuating its rocky coast.

historic architecture. Seafood feasts are a staple here as is Moosehead beer, brewed locally since 1928. Canada’s longest, steepest main street spills into Saint John Harbor where visitors discover Benedict Arnold’s one-time home, Canada’s oldest City Market and Barbour’s General Store, a hand-hewn timber landmark stocked with cure-alls, old fashioned candies and more. At the New Brunswick Museum, visitors enjoy an up-close look at a life-size skeleton of a rare North Atlantic Right Whale in the Great Hall of Whales and gain insight into the long history of shipbuilding in the Maritime Provinces.


BAY OF FUNDY Imagine 100 billion tons of seawater—more than the combined flow of the world’s freshwater rivers— flowing in and out of the Bay of Fundy every day. This gradual yet mind-boggling ebb and flow literally tilts Nova Scotia slightly and creates powerful seaside erosion that scours cliffs, carves caves and forges towering sea stacks like those found at popular Hopewell Rocks. At low tide, you can walk on the ocean floor and inspect the bizarre red, sandstone pinnacles rising toward the heavens. Underneath the water’s surface, one of the richest marine ecosystems churns with krill, squid, herring, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, sharks, dolphins and other fascinating sea life. Visitors to the Bay of Fundy have a front-row seat to nature and its aquatic splendor. On a boating adventure, a range of whales may be spotted breaching and lunging. At times the whale population exceeds 300 creatures including Humpback, Northern Right, Beluga, and Minke whales, among others. Because of the food source and natural protection of the bay, Fundy is a popular spot for whales to give birth. Some experts say the Bay of Fundy surpasses the Great Barrier Reef in terms of breathtaking marine diversity. There’s no better place to appreciate Mother Nature and the foundation of her remarkable food chain.


The heart and soul of charming Prince Edward Island, pocket-sized Charlottetown was established as a port in the 1760s and later hosted the conference that led to the formation of Canada in 1864. Located on a point of land between two rivers and within a large protected harbor, this amiable town exudes a graceful seafaring elegance including Georgian-era homes, cobblestone streets, gas lamps and brick warehouses converted into cafés and boutiques. A highlight is the Province House, the historic brownstone that hosted the Fathers of the

DELTA PRINCE EDWARD Above: Scenic Cabot Trail, Cape Breton

Sunset near Lunenburg

Far left: Alexander Graham Bell Home


Left: Bagpiper


Located in the heart of downtown Halifax and connected to the Link walkway system, the Delta Barrington Hotel offers easy access to the city’s best sites including the waterfront, the lovely Grand Parade square, historic pubs and more. You will feel at home with an array of comforts and amenities, from hair dryers and newspapers to Delta’s “Sanctuary Beds.”


Soak up Prince Edward Island’s nautical charm along with city and water views at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown. Located in the heart of Olde Charlottetown, the Delta Prince Edward sits on the harbor along a beautiful winding boardwalk adjacent to the shops of Peake’s Wharf. Guestrooms feature an array of amenities, from ironing boards and hair dryers to high-speed Internet access.


Confederation. Within easy reach of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island National Park is made up of 25 miles of sand dunes, forests and beaches. Part of the National Park, Cavendish is home to a traditional fishing village as well as a colony of great blue herons, some with 6-foot wingspans. Fans of author Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) and her young heroine, Anne of Green Gables, flock to Cavendish to visit the famous Green Gables farmhouse. Montgomery set her tale about the pigtailed orphan here in her cousins’ home where period rooms transport fans of her most popular book. Nearby, the fishing village of North Rustico serves up down-home, fresh-from-the-sea lobster feasts that feed the entire community and beyond.

“I have travelled the globe. I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes and the Alps and the highlands of Scotland, but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.” Born in Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell built his summer home in Baddeck where he sang the praises of his adopted misty, rugged isle. The Alexander Graham Bell Museum and Historic Site overlooks Bras d’Or Lake, a salt water inland sea, and showcases fascinating biographical displays as well as inventions. Baddeck serves as the capital of the Cabot Trail, an 187-mile drive which rollercoasters around the northern part of the island revealing mossy green valleys, craggy cliffs, wild coastal zones and rivers thick with salmon and trout. Scottish Highlanders — up to an estimated 50,000 Scots — settled much of this island in the late 18th and early 19th

centuries. The stretch from Baddeck to Cape Smokey is known as the Gaelic Coast. You will also experience the spirit of l’Acadie in Cape Breton, where the residents of the fishing villages maintain their French Canadian identity and language. Neil’s Harbour presents a postcard-perfect photo opportunity. Set on a rocky knob, the redand-white lighthouse is a charming ambassador in a land of lobster and snow crab.


Situated directly on the harbor at the foot of historic King Street, the Hilton Saint John is the premier property in Canada’s oldest incorporated city. The country’s oldest continuous farmers’ market, the New Brunswick Museum, the Harbour Passage Trail and other sites are within easy reach. Relax with all of the conveniences you desire including bathroom amenities, a coffee maker, a flat-screen television and more.


In 2009, readers of Travel + Leisure magazine voted Cape Breton among the top three “best islands in the world” to visit. The inn’s broad, sweeping lawns and beautiful gardens set the scene for your relaxing escape on this award-winning isle. Overlooking the Bras d' Or Lake, you’ll enjoy European charm and Cape Breton hospitality along with four-star dining at Auberge Gisele’s Country Inn.

The Maritime Provinces


Left: Lunenburg

Peggy’s Cove

Below: Annapolis Valley

Low tide at the Hopewell Rocks on the shores of the Bay of Fundy reveals the ocean floor and amazing rock formations


C PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Your exclusive Small-Group experience will accommodate a maximum of 28 travelers. • Embark on a comprehensive program that showcases the cultural highlights and the natural beauty of Canada’s Maritime Provinces. • Follow the Lighthouse Trail from scenic Peggy’s Cove to Lunenburg, which has retained its 18th-century ambience. • Discover the natural wonders of the Bay of Fundy and cruise the blue waters on a whale-watching excursion. • Savor the local cuisine, which features fresh, locally caught seafood. Enjoy a lobster dinner served in the local style. • Join a lively kitchen party, a French Acadian tradition. Grab a pair of wooden spoons and play along with the band!

UNESCO anada’s Maritime Provinces of Old Town Lunenburg is a UNESCO World Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Heritage site featured in this comprehensive and Prince Edward Island are some of North America’s most picturesque regions, program. These sites are distinguished due to universal scenic, historic, artistic or scientific value. a landscape of lush forests, fertile farmlands and wild, dramatic coasts. HALIFAX Soak up their seafaring charm as you N O VA S C OT I A discover intimate fishing hamlets, lonely Nestled on the world’s second-largest lighthouses and port cities dotted with natural harbor on “New Scotland’s” southern Victorian landmarks. You’ll marvel at coast, Halifax was founded in 1749 as whales, the aerial dance of migrating England’s stronghold in the Atlantic. Today seabirds and the world’s highest tide in this easygoing capital is an inviting hub with the Bay of Fundy. Discover the cultural legacy of the Acadians, the French settlers streets that slope down to the waterfront. There, overlooking the harbor, visitors can who arrived in 1604. The people of the dive headfirst into Halifax’s nautical history Canadian Maritimes are said to be the friendliest in the world. You’ll experience at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. The their warmth firsthand as you make your museum showcases shipbuilding displays and shipwreck treasures including remnants way from the old shipbuilding center of from the Titanic, which sank east of Halifax Halifax to leafy Saint John, in 1912. The star-shaped hilltop Citadel, built gentle Charlottetown and by the British in 1828, offers commanding Alexander Graham Bell’s views of the city and the iconic adopted Town Clock below. Nearby, the home on Public Gardens, established misty, in 1867, are the oldest rugged Victorian formal gardens in Cape North America—a 17-acre Breton. paradise with blooming flowerbeds, bubbling fountains and quaint duck ponds.


Above: Anne of Green Gables farmhouse Above right: Charlottetown

After the American Revolution, 14,000 British Loyalists fled the colonies and settled in Saint John, making it the first official city in Canada A beguiling panorama of rocky bays, glacial in 1785. Much of the city was destroyed during boulders and peaceful villages unfolds as the Great Fire of 1877. By the 1890s, Saint John we drive along the Lighthouse Trail, an area was a prosperous shipbuilding center, steeped in pirate legends and the wrath and dependent on the thick forests of New bounty of the sea. A shipbuilding center for Brunswick’s interior. Located on the Bay of centuries, pretty Lunenburg features hilly Fundy at the mouth of the St. John River, the streets adorned with cheerful Victorian city of Saint John offers a quaint small-town mansions, while hauntingly beautiful charm with inviting art galleries and splendid Peggy’s Cove remains a quintessential fishing village, complete with clapboard houses, bobbing boats and a solitary, oftenphotographed lighthouse punctuating its rocky coast.

historic architecture. Seafood feasts are a staple here as is Moosehead beer, brewed locally since 1928. Canada’s longest, steepest main street spills into Saint John Harbor where visitors discover Benedict Arnold’s one-time home, Canada’s oldest City Market and Barbour’s General Store, a hand-hewn timber landmark stocked with cure-alls, old fashioned candies and more. At the New Brunswick Museum, visitors enjoy an up-close look at a life-size skeleton of a rare North Atlantic Right Whale in the Great Hall of Whales and gain insight into the long history of shipbuilding in the Maritime Provinces.


BAY OF FUNDY Imagine 100 billion tons of seawater—more than the combined flow of the world’s freshwater rivers— flowing in and out of the Bay of Fundy every day. This gradual yet mind-boggling ebb and flow literally tilts Nova Scotia slightly and creates powerful seaside erosion that scours cliffs, carves caves and forges towering sea stacks like those found at popular Hopewell Rocks. At low tide, you can walk on the ocean floor and inspect the bizarre red, sandstone pinnacles rising toward the heavens. Underneath the water’s surface, one of the richest marine ecosystems churns with krill, squid, herring, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, sharks, dolphins and other fascinating sea life. Visitors to the Bay of Fundy have a front-row seat to nature and its aquatic splendor. On a boating adventure, a range of whales may be spotted breaching and lunging. At times the whale population exceeds 300 creatures including Humpback, Northern Right, Beluga, and Minke whales, among others. Because of the food source and natural protection of the bay, Fundy is a popular spot for whales to give birth. Some experts say the Bay of Fundy surpasses the Great Barrier Reef in terms of breathtaking marine diversity. There’s no better place to appreciate Mother Nature and the foundation of her remarkable food chain.


The heart and soul of charming Prince Edward Island, pocket-sized Charlottetown was established as a port in the 1760s and later hosted the conference that led to the formation of Canada in 1864. Located on a point of land between two rivers and within a large protected harbor, this amiable town exudes a graceful seafaring elegance including Georgian-era homes, cobblestone streets, gas lamps and brick warehouses converted into cafés and boutiques. A highlight is the Province House, the historic brownstone that hosted the Fathers of the

DELTA PRINCE EDWARD Above: Scenic Cabot Trail, Cape Breton

Sunset near Lunenburg

Far left: Alexander Graham Bell Home


Left: Bagpiper


Located in the heart of downtown Halifax and connected to the Link walkway system, the Delta Barrington Hotel offers easy access to the city’s best sites including the waterfront, the lovely Grand Parade square, historic pubs and more. You will feel at home with an array of comforts and amenities, from hair dryers and newspapers to Delta’s “Sanctuary Beds.”


Soak up Prince Edward Island’s nautical charm along with city and water views at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown. Located in the heart of Olde Charlottetown, the Delta Prince Edward sits on the harbor along a beautiful winding boardwalk adjacent to the shops of Peake’s Wharf. Guestrooms feature an array of amenities, from ironing boards and hair dryers to high-speed Internet access.


Confederation. Within easy reach of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island National Park is made up of 25 miles of sand dunes, forests and beaches. Part of the National Park, Cavendish is home to a traditional fishing village as well as a colony of great blue herons, some with 6-foot wingspans. Fans of author Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) and her young heroine, Anne of Green Gables, flock to Cavendish to visit the famous Green Gables farmhouse. Montgomery set her tale about the pigtailed orphan here in her cousins’ home where period rooms transport fans of her most popular book. Nearby, the fishing village of North Rustico serves up down-home, fresh-from-the-sea lobster feasts that feed the entire community and beyond.

“I have travelled the globe. I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes and the Alps and the highlands of Scotland, but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.” Born in Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell built his summer home in Baddeck where he sang the praises of his adopted misty, rugged isle. The Alexander Graham Bell Museum and Historic Site overlooks Bras d’Or Lake, a salt water inland sea, and showcases fascinating biographical displays as well as inventions. Baddeck serves as the capital of the Cabot Trail, an 187-mile drive which rollercoasters around the northern part of the island revealing mossy green valleys, craggy cliffs, wild coastal zones and rivers thick with salmon and trout. Scottish Highlanders — up to an estimated 50,000 Scots — settled much of this island in the late 18th and early 19th

centuries. The stretch from Baddeck to Cape Smokey is known as the Gaelic Coast. You will also experience the spirit of l’Acadie in Cape Breton, where the residents of the fishing villages maintain their French Canadian identity and language. Neil’s Harbour presents a postcard-perfect photo opportunity. Set on a rocky knob, the redand-white lighthouse is a charming ambassador in a land of lobster and snow crab.


Situated directly on the harbor at the foot of historic King Street, the Hilton Saint John is the premier property in Canada’s oldest incorporated city. The country’s oldest continuous farmers’ market, the New Brunswick Museum, the Harbour Passage Trail and other sites are within easy reach. Relax with all of the conveniences you desire including bathroom amenities, a coffee maker, a flat-screen television and more.


In 2009, readers of Travel + Leisure magazine voted Cape Breton among the top three “best islands in the world” to visit. The inn’s broad, sweeping lawns and beautiful gardens set the scene for your relaxing escape on this award-winning isle. Overlooking the Bras d' Or Lake, you’ll enjoy European charm and Cape Breton hospitality along with four-star dining at Auberge Gisele’s Country Inn.

The Maritime Provinces


Left: Lunenburg

Peggy’s Cove

Below: Annapolis Valley

Low tide at the Hopewell Rocks on the shores of the Bay of Fundy reveals the ocean floor and amazing rock formations


C PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Your exclusive Small-Group experience will accommodate a maximum of 28 travelers. • Embark on a comprehensive program that showcases the cultural highlights and the natural beauty of Canada’s Maritime Provinces. • Follow the Lighthouse Trail from scenic Peggy’s Cove to Lunenburg, which has retained its 18th-century ambience. • Discover the natural wonders of the Bay of Fundy and cruise the blue waters on a whale-watching excursion. • Savor the local cuisine, which features fresh, locally caught seafood. Enjoy a lobster dinner served in the local style. • Join a lively kitchen party, a French Acadian tradition. Grab a pair of wooden spoons and play along with the band!

UNESCO anada’s Maritime Provinces of Old Town Lunenburg is a UNESCO World Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Heritage site featured in this comprehensive and Prince Edward Island are some of North America’s most picturesque regions, program. These sites are distinguished due to universal scenic, historic, artistic or scientific value. a landscape of lush forests, fertile farmlands and wild, dramatic coasts. HALIFAX Soak up their seafaring charm as you N O VA S C OT I A discover intimate fishing hamlets, lonely Nestled on the world’s second-largest lighthouses and port cities dotted with natural harbor on “New Scotland’s” southern Victorian landmarks. You’ll marvel at coast, Halifax was founded in 1749 as whales, the aerial dance of migrating England’s stronghold in the Atlantic. Today seabirds and the world’s highest tide in this easygoing capital is an inviting hub with the Bay of Fundy. Discover the cultural legacy of the Acadians, the French settlers streets that slope down to the waterfront. There, overlooking the harbor, visitors can who arrived in 1604. The people of the dive headfirst into Halifax’s nautical history Canadian Maritimes are said to be the friendliest in the world. You’ll experience at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. The their warmth firsthand as you make your museum showcases shipbuilding displays and shipwreck treasures including remnants way from the old shipbuilding center of from the Titanic, which sank east of Halifax Halifax to leafy Saint John, in 1912. The star-shaped hilltop Citadel, built gentle Charlottetown and by the British in 1828, offers commanding Alexander Graham Bell’s views of the city and the iconic adopted Town Clock below. Nearby, the home on Public Gardens, established misty, in 1867, are the oldest rugged Victorian formal gardens in Cape North America—a 17-acre Breton. paradise with blooming flowerbeds, bubbling fountains and quaint duck ponds.


Above: Anne of Green Gables farmhouse Above right: Charlottetown

After the American Revolution, 14,000 British Loyalists fled the colonies and settled in Saint John, making it the first official city in Canada A beguiling panorama of rocky bays, glacial in 1785. Much of the city was destroyed during boulders and peaceful villages unfolds as the Great Fire of 1877. By the 1890s, Saint John we drive along the Lighthouse Trail, an area was a prosperous shipbuilding center, steeped in pirate legends and the wrath and dependent on the thick forests of New bounty of the sea. A shipbuilding center for Brunswick’s interior. Located on the Bay of centuries, pretty Lunenburg features hilly Fundy at the mouth of the St. John River, the streets adorned with cheerful Victorian city of Saint John offers a quaint small-town mansions, while hauntingly beautiful charm with inviting art galleries and splendid Peggy’s Cove remains a quintessential fishing village, complete with clapboard houses, bobbing boats and a solitary, oftenphotographed lighthouse punctuating its rocky coast.

historic architecture. Seafood feasts are a staple here as is Moosehead beer, brewed locally since 1928. Canada’s longest, steepest main street spills into Saint John Harbor where visitors discover Benedict Arnold’s one-time home, Canada’s oldest City Market and Barbour’s General Store, a hand-hewn timber landmark stocked with cure-alls, old fashioned candies and more. At the New Brunswick Museum, visitors enjoy an up-close look at a life-size skeleton of a rare North Atlantic Right Whale in the Great Hall of Whales and gain insight into the long history of shipbuilding in the Maritime Provinces.


BAY OF FUNDY Imagine 100 billion tons of seawater—more than the combined flow of the world’s freshwater rivers— flowing in and out of the Bay of Fundy every day. This gradual yet mind-boggling ebb and flow literally tilts Nova Scotia slightly and creates powerful seaside erosion that scours cliffs, carves caves and forges towering sea stacks like those found at popular Hopewell Rocks. At low tide, you can walk on the ocean floor and inspect the bizarre red, sandstone pinnacles rising toward the heavens. Underneath the water’s surface, one of the richest marine ecosystems churns with krill, squid, herring, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, sharks, dolphins and other fascinating sea life. Visitors to the Bay of Fundy have a front-row seat to nature and its aquatic splendor. On a boating adventure, a range of whales may be spotted breaching and lunging. At times the whale population exceeds 300 creatures including Humpback, Northern Right, Beluga, and Minke whales, among others. Because of the food source and natural protection of the bay, Fundy is a popular spot for whales to give birth. Some experts say the Bay of Fundy surpasses the Great Barrier Reef in terms of breathtaking marine diversity. There’s no better place to appreciate Mother Nature and the foundation of her remarkable food chain.


The heart and soul of charming Prince Edward Island, pocket-sized Charlottetown was established as a port in the 1760s and later hosted the conference that led to the formation of Canada in 1864. Located on a point of land between two rivers and within a large protected harbor, this amiable town exudes a graceful seafaring elegance including Georgian-era homes, cobblestone streets, gas lamps and brick warehouses converted into cafés and boutiques. A highlight is the Province House, the historic brownstone that hosted the Fathers of the

DELTA PRINCE EDWARD Above: Scenic Cabot Trail, Cape Breton

Sunset near Lunenburg

Far left: Alexander Graham Bell Home


Left: Bagpiper


Located in the heart of downtown Halifax and connected to the Link walkway system, the Delta Barrington Hotel offers easy access to the city’s best sites including the waterfront, the lovely Grand Parade square, historic pubs and more. You will feel at home with an array of comforts and amenities, from hair dryers and newspapers to Delta’s “Sanctuary Beds.”


Soak up Prince Edward Island’s nautical charm along with city and water views at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown. Located in the heart of Olde Charlottetown, the Delta Prince Edward sits on the harbor along a beautiful winding boardwalk adjacent to the shops of Peake’s Wharf. Guestrooms feature an array of amenities, from ironing boards and hair dryers to high-speed Internet access.


Confederation. Within easy reach of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island National Park is made up of 25 miles of sand dunes, forests and beaches. Part of the National Park, Cavendish is home to a traditional fishing village as well as a colony of great blue herons, some with 6-foot wingspans. Fans of author Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) and her young heroine, Anne of Green Gables, flock to Cavendish to visit the famous Green Gables farmhouse. Montgomery set her tale about the pigtailed orphan here in her cousins’ home where period rooms transport fans of her most popular book. Nearby, the fishing village of North Rustico serves up down-home, fresh-from-the-sea lobster feasts that feed the entire community and beyond.

“I have travelled the globe. I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes and the Alps and the highlands of Scotland, but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.” Born in Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell built his summer home in Baddeck where he sang the praises of his adopted misty, rugged isle. The Alexander Graham Bell Museum and Historic Site overlooks Bras d’Or Lake, a salt water inland sea, and showcases fascinating biographical displays as well as inventions. Baddeck serves as the capital of the Cabot Trail, an 187-mile drive which rollercoasters around the northern part of the island revealing mossy green valleys, craggy cliffs, wild coastal zones and rivers thick with salmon and trout. Scottish Highlanders — up to an estimated 50,000 Scots — settled much of this island in the late 18th and early 19th

centuries. The stretch from Baddeck to Cape Smokey is known as the Gaelic Coast. You will also experience the spirit of l’Acadie in Cape Breton, where the residents of the fishing villages maintain their French Canadian identity and language. Neil’s Harbour presents a postcard-perfect photo opportunity. Set on a rocky knob, the redand-white lighthouse is a charming ambassador in a land of lobster and snow crab.


Situated directly on the harbor at the foot of historic King Street, the Hilton Saint John is the premier property in Canada’s oldest incorporated city. The country’s oldest continuous farmers’ market, the New Brunswick Museum, the Harbour Passage Trail and other sites are within easy reach. Relax with all of the conveniences you desire including bathroom amenities, a coffee maker, a flat-screen television and more.


In 2009, readers of Travel + Leisure magazine voted Cape Breton among the top three “best islands in the world” to visit. The inn’s broad, sweeping lawns and beautiful gardens set the scene for your relaxing escape on this award-winning isle. Overlooking the Bras d' Or Lake, you’ll enjoy European charm and Cape Breton hospitality along with four-star dining at Auberge Gisele’s Country Inn.

The Maritime Provinces


Left: Lunenburg

Peggy’s Cove

Below: Annapolis Valley

Low tide at the Hopewell Rocks on the shores of the Bay of Fundy reveals the ocean floor and amazing rock formations


C PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS • Your exclusive Small-Group experience will accommodate a maximum of 28 travelers. • Embark on a comprehensive program that showcases the cultural highlights and the natural beauty of Canada’s Maritime Provinces. • Follow the Lighthouse Trail from scenic Peggy’s Cove to Lunenburg, which has retained its 18th-century ambience. • Discover the natural wonders of the Bay of Fundy and cruise the blue waters on a whale-watching excursion. • Savor the local cuisine, which features fresh, locally caught seafood. Enjoy a lobster dinner served in the local style. • Join a lively kitchen party, a French Acadian tradition. Grab a pair of wooden spoons and play along with the band!

UNESCO anada’s Maritime Provinces of Old Town Lunenburg is a UNESCO World Nova Scotia, New Brunswick Heritage site featured in this comprehensive and Prince Edward Island are some of North America’s most picturesque regions, program. These sites are distinguished due to universal scenic, historic, artistic or scientific value. a landscape of lush forests, fertile farmlands and wild, dramatic coasts. HALIFAX Soak up their seafaring charm as you N O VA S C OT I A discover intimate fishing hamlets, lonely Nestled on the world’s second-largest lighthouses and port cities dotted with natural harbor on “New Scotland’s” southern Victorian landmarks. You’ll marvel at coast, Halifax was founded in 1749 as whales, the aerial dance of migrating England’s stronghold in the Atlantic. Today seabirds and the world’s highest tide in this easygoing capital is an inviting hub with the Bay of Fundy. Discover the cultural legacy of the Acadians, the French settlers streets that slope down to the waterfront. There, overlooking the harbor, visitors can who arrived in 1604. The people of the dive headfirst into Halifax’s nautical history Canadian Maritimes are said to be the friendliest in the world. You’ll experience at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. The their warmth firsthand as you make your museum showcases shipbuilding displays and shipwreck treasures including remnants way from the old shipbuilding center of from the Titanic, which sank east of Halifax Halifax to leafy Saint John, in 1912. The star-shaped hilltop Citadel, built gentle Charlottetown and by the British in 1828, offers commanding Alexander Graham Bell’s views of the city and the iconic adopted Town Clock below. Nearby, the home on Public Gardens, established misty, in 1867, are the oldest rugged Victorian formal gardens in Cape North America—a 17-acre Breton. paradise with blooming flowerbeds, bubbling fountains and quaint duck ponds.


Above: Anne of Green Gables farmhouse Above right: Charlottetown

After the American Revolution, 14,000 British Loyalists fled the colonies and settled in Saint John, making it the first official city in Canada A beguiling panorama of rocky bays, glacial in 1785. Much of the city was destroyed during boulders and peaceful villages unfolds as the Great Fire of 1877. By the 1890s, Saint John we drive along the Lighthouse Trail, an area was a prosperous shipbuilding center, steeped in pirate legends and the wrath and dependent on the thick forests of New bounty of the sea. A shipbuilding center for Brunswick’s interior. Located on the Bay of centuries, pretty Lunenburg features hilly Fundy at the mouth of the St. John River, the streets adorned with cheerful Victorian city of Saint John offers a quaint small-town mansions, while hauntingly beautiful charm with inviting art galleries and splendid Peggy’s Cove remains a quintessential fishing village, complete with clapboard houses, bobbing boats and a solitary, oftenphotographed lighthouse punctuating its rocky coast.

historic architecture. Seafood feasts are a staple here as is Moosehead beer, brewed locally since 1928. Canada’s longest, steepest main street spills into Saint John Harbor where visitors discover Benedict Arnold’s one-time home, Canada’s oldest City Market and Barbour’s General Store, a hand-hewn timber landmark stocked with cure-alls, old fashioned candies and more. At the New Brunswick Museum, visitors enjoy an up-close look at a life-size skeleton of a rare North Atlantic Right Whale in the Great Hall of Whales and gain insight into the long history of shipbuilding in the Maritime Provinces.


BAY OF FUNDY Imagine 100 billion tons of seawater—more than the combined flow of the world’s freshwater rivers— flowing in and out of the Bay of Fundy every day. This gradual yet mind-boggling ebb and flow literally tilts Nova Scotia slightly and creates powerful seaside erosion that scours cliffs, carves caves and forges towering sea stacks like those found at popular Hopewell Rocks. At low tide, you can walk on the ocean floor and inspect the bizarre red, sandstone pinnacles rising toward the heavens. Underneath the water’s surface, one of the richest marine ecosystems churns with krill, squid, herring, tuna, mackerel, shrimp, sharks, dolphins and other fascinating sea life. Visitors to the Bay of Fundy have a front-row seat to nature and its aquatic splendor. On a boating adventure, a range of whales may be spotted breaching and lunging. At times the whale population exceeds 300 creatures including Humpback, Northern Right, Beluga, and Minke whales, among others. Because of the food source and natural protection of the bay, Fundy is a popular spot for whales to give birth. Some experts say the Bay of Fundy surpasses the Great Barrier Reef in terms of breathtaking marine diversity. There’s no better place to appreciate Mother Nature and the foundation of her remarkable food chain.


The heart and soul of charming Prince Edward Island, pocket-sized Charlottetown was established as a port in the 1760s and later hosted the conference that led to the formation of Canada in 1864. Located on a point of land between two rivers and within a large protected harbor, this amiable town exudes a graceful seafaring elegance including Georgian-era homes, cobblestone streets, gas lamps and brick warehouses converted into cafés and boutiques. A highlight is the Province House, the historic brownstone that hosted the Fathers of the

DELTA PRINCE EDWARD Above: Scenic Cabot Trail, Cape Breton

Sunset near Lunenburg

Far left: Alexander Graham Bell Home


Left: Bagpiper


Located in the heart of downtown Halifax and connected to the Link walkway system, the Delta Barrington Hotel offers easy access to the city’s best sites including the waterfront, the lovely Grand Parade square, historic pubs and more. You will feel at home with an array of comforts and amenities, from hair dryers and newspapers to Delta’s “Sanctuary Beds.”


Soak up Prince Edward Island’s nautical charm along with city and water views at the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown. Located in the heart of Olde Charlottetown, the Delta Prince Edward sits on the harbor along a beautiful winding boardwalk adjacent to the shops of Peake’s Wharf. Guestrooms feature an array of amenities, from ironing boards and hair dryers to high-speed Internet access.


Confederation. Within easy reach of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island National Park is made up of 25 miles of sand dunes, forests and beaches. Part of the National Park, Cavendish is home to a traditional fishing village as well as a colony of great blue herons, some with 6-foot wingspans. Fans of author Lucy Maud Montgomery (1874-1942) and her young heroine, Anne of Green Gables, flock to Cavendish to visit the famous Green Gables farmhouse. Montgomery set her tale about the pigtailed orphan here in her cousins’ home where period rooms transport fans of her most popular book. Nearby, the fishing village of North Rustico serves up down-home, fresh-from-the-sea lobster feasts that feed the entire community and beyond.

“I have travelled the globe. I have seen the Canadian and American Rockies, the Andes and the Alps and the highlands of Scotland, but for simple beauty, Cape Breton outrivals them all.” Born in Scotland, Alexander Graham Bell built his summer home in Baddeck where he sang the praises of his adopted misty, rugged isle. The Alexander Graham Bell Museum and Historic Site overlooks Bras d’Or Lake, a salt water inland sea, and showcases fascinating biographical displays as well as inventions. Baddeck serves as the capital of the Cabot Trail, an 187-mile drive which rollercoasters around the northern part of the island revealing mossy green valleys, craggy cliffs, wild coastal zones and rivers thick with salmon and trout. Scottish Highlanders — up to an estimated 50,000 Scots — settled much of this island in the late 18th and early 19th

centuries. The stretch from Baddeck to Cape Smokey is known as the Gaelic Coast. You will also experience the spirit of l’Acadie in Cape Breton, where the residents of the fishing villages maintain their French Canadian identity and language. Neil’s Harbour presents a postcard-perfect photo opportunity. Set on a rocky knob, the redand-white lighthouse is a charming ambassador in a land of lobster and snow crab.


Situated directly on the harbor at the foot of historic King Street, the Hilton Saint John is the premier property in Canada’s oldest incorporated city. The country’s oldest continuous farmers’ market, the New Brunswick Museum, the Harbour Passage Trail and other sites are within easy reach. Relax with all of the conveniences you desire including bathroom amenities, a coffee maker, a flat-screen television and more.


In 2009, readers of Travel + Leisure magazine voted Cape Breton among the top three “best islands in the world” to visit. The inn’s broad, sweeping lawns and beautiful gardens set the scene for your relaxing escape on this award-winning isle. Overlooking the Bras d' Or Lake, you’ll enjoy European charm and Cape Breton hospitality along with four-star dining at Auberge Gisele’s Country Inn.

Need pre- or post-trip assistance? * If you are interested in making independent travel arrangements before and/or after this program, please contact us no later than 60 days prior to departure and they will be happy to assist you with your reservations.* A nonrefundable service fee and additional air/land charges based on reservations apply.

CST Registration No. 2028271-40. Fla. Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-33300 Iowa Seller of Travel No. 520 Ohio Seller of Travel Registration No. 8889139. Washington State Seller of Travel Registration No. 601-820781. PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA and ARC Member Carriers ©2010 AHI Travel Printed in the USA.

I NCLUDED F EATURES First, Two Nights in Halifax • Relax for two nights at the ideally located Delta Barrington Hotel. • Gather with your fellow travelers at the hotel for a Welcome Reception. • Discover the highlights of Halifax, including the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Continue to Peggy’s Cove and historic Lunenburg. • Enjoy dinner at a restaurant in Halifax.

Special Price $3,395*

*Special Price valid if booked by the date found on the address panel. VAT is an additional $125 per person.

All prices quoted are per person, based on double occupancy (unless otherwise stated). Single accommodations are an additional $895 (limited availability).


Top to bottom: Kayakers navigate Hopewell Rocks during high tide. Fresh lobster

Prince Edward Island

Then, Two Nights in Saint John


Next, Two Nights in Charlottetown

A IR P ROGRAM Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010 For your convenience, AHI offers a flexible Air Program featuring special air fares available at an additional cost in conjunction with the Land Program. AHI has designated specific Group Air Schedules for this departure utilizing round-trip scheduled jet service from North America to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Those participating on these flights will enjoy motor coach transfers between the arrival/departure airport abroad and the hotels, including baggage handling. Prices are dependent upon dates, air routes and class of service chosen and will be reflected on your Reservation Confirmation, which will be sent to you upon receipt of your reservation. Air schedules will be sent with your Final Invoice approximately 90 days before departure. Prices quoted to you will include all domestic and foreign governmental airport departure taxes and fees and any applicable fuel surcharges. AHI ticketed passengers will also receive Automatic $250,000 Flight Insurance, subject to policy terms.


• Delight in two nights at the Hilton Saint John. • En route to Saint John, explore the winegrowing region of the Annapolis Clock Tower, Halifax Valley. Enjoy lunch and a wine tasting at a winery before riding a ferry across the • Enjoy a scenic drive along the Cabot Bay of Fundy. Trail. Visit St. Peter’s Church, • Tour the New Brunswick Museum and picturesque fishing villages, Neil’s enjoy a whale-watching cruise on the Harbor and Ingonish. Bay of Fundy.

Day 7 ........ Baddeck, Nova Scotia

• Spend two nights at the Delta Prince Edward. • En route to Charlottetown, admire the scenic splendor of the Bay of Fundy National Park and Hopewell Rocks. Stop to enjoy a bit of French Acadian musical culture: a kitchen party. Continue to Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. • Visit the house that inspired the popular Anne of Green Gables books. Continue your exploration of Prince Edward Island at the Cavendish National Historic Site and Rustico, a charming fishing town. • Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. • Try a traditional lobster dinner, P.E.I. style.

Day 8 .................................. Baddeck

Then, Two Nights in Baddeck

I T I N E R A RY Day 1 .................... Depart Gateway City / Arrive Halifax, Nova Scotia Day 2 .................................... Halifax Day 3 ............................ Saint John, New Brunswick Day 4 .............................. Saint John Day 5 ...................... Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Day 6 ........................ Charlottetown

Day 9 .................................... Halifax Day 10 ...... Return to Gateway City

• Enjoy accommodations at the Auberge Gisele’s Inn. • Take a ferry to Nova Scotia. Explore Cape Breton Island. Visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum before returning to Baddeck.

Finally, One Night in Halifax • Enjoy accommodations at the Delta Barrington Hotel. • Attend a special Farewell Reception and Dinner.

Transfers and Porterage • Ferry and deluxe motor coach transfers to Saint John, Charlottetown, Baddeck and the return to Halifax. • Baggage handling to and from all your accommodations on the transfers above. MANY INCLUDED EXTRAS • Consultation services of a dedicated Passenger Service Representative prior to departure. • Attentive services of an experienced AHI Travel Director throughout your trip. • Full American-style buffet breakfast each morning at the hotels, plus two lunches, three dinners, and tea or coffee with all meals. • Tipping of all your excursion guides and drivers. • Detailed destination and travel information to assist in your planning. • Complimentary travel wallet.

Acadian girl Neil’s Harbour Cover photos (clockwise):

Dear UCLA Alumni and Friends, Indulge your sense of wanderlust with this adventure that celebrates the best of the Canadian Maritimes. Summer is the perfect time to escape to the fresh cool air of the North Atlantic and enjoy a panorama of historic shipbuilding cities, authentic fishing villages and picture-perfect seascapes. With this program, enjoy the worry-free convenience and value of group travel while maintaining your freedom to explore. Unwind in waterfront hotels that offer warmth, accessibility and all the comforts of home. Feast on your choice of fresh Canadian fare including produce plucked from local farms and seafood delicacies like succulent lobster and prized Malpeque oysters— sweet, briny and fresh off the boat. Share an unforgettable journey with like-minded travelers as you learn the fascinating maritime history of French-Acadians and Anglo-Loyalists, follow in the footsteps of explorers and pirates and visit enchanting sites including the home that inspired the winsome “Anne of Green Gables” tales. As a member of our group, you’ll enjoy personalized attention and exceptional service. Your needs and wishes have been anticipated and will be attended to by an experienced staff of travel professionals. This program will fill quickly, so make your reservation today! Regards from Westwood,

Christel Pailet Director, Alumni Travel For more information, please contact us at 310-206-0613 or 800-UCLAlumni (825-2586)

Peggy’s Cove

“Leave the beaten

Fisherman Flowerpot Rocks

track behind

Breaching whale

occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.” Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Scottish-born inventor resident of Baddeck, Nova Scotia

A word about your Tour Operator AHI Travel is the premier operator of deluxe travel programs sponsored by alumni associations. Their experienced, professional staff has offered the highest level of service in innovative travel programs since 1962. In AHI Travel’s care, you can rely on: •An exceptional travel value. It would be impossible for an independent traveler to arrange all these unique experiences, inclusions and services at a comparable price. •Unique access to local sites. Take advantage of their 47 years of travel experience to gain preferred entrance to popular sites and to uncover the region’s hidden treasures. •Flexibility and customization. They will help you tailor your dream trip with add-ons and extensions, while free time during the trip allows you to pursue your own interests. •Safety and security. In a country where you might not know the language or culture, their professional staff is on hand to ease your way and get you any help you need. •Full endorsement by the USTOA. This professional association safeguards consumers’ deposits and payments with a $1 Million Traveler’s Assistance Program.



Special Savings $250

UCLA Alumni Association James West Alumni Center Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397

Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010

Special Offer Book by April 6, 2010 and save $500 per couple!

L AND P ROGRAM Full Price $3,645

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Mercury Mailing Systems, Inc.

NOT INCLUDED-Fees for passports and, if applicable, visas; personal gratuities; laundry and dry cleaning; excursions, wines, liquors, mineral waters and meals not For Office Use Only: B #: ______________ Date: ________________ mentioned in this brochure under included features; travel insurance; all items of a strictly personal nature. PSR: ________________ Trip #:9-19045 MOBILITY AND FITNESS TO TRAVEL-The right is retained to decline to accept or to retain any person as a Send to: UCLA Alumni Association member of this trip who, in the opinion of AHI Travel is Attn: Alumni Travel unfit for travel or whose physical or mental condition James West Alumni Center may constitute a danger to themselves or to others on the Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397 trip, subject only to the requirement that the portion of Phone: 310-206-0613 Fax: 310-209-4271 the total amount paid which corresponds to the unused E-mail: services and accommodations be refunded. Passengers UCLA Alumni Travel is a benefit of membership in the UCLA Alumni Association. requiring special assistance, including without limitation those who permanently or periodically use a wheelchair, The Association requires all alumni and friends to join to use our services. You must be accompanied by someone who is fit and able to may invite one companion to travel with you as a guest on your membership. assist them, and who will be totally responsible for providing all required assistance. ___Yes, I am a member of the UCLA Alumni Association. AIR TRANSPORTATION-The price of air transporta___No, I am not a member. Please send me an application to join. tion offered by AHI Travel is based on Advance Purchase Excursion fares. After tickets are issued, penalties up to 100% of the ticket price may be levied. If connecting Full Legal Name (exactly as it appears on passport) flights are requested, special promotional fares may be used, in which case penalties of as much as 100% may be assessed by the airlines if reservations are changed or (1) _____________________________________________________________ canceled after ticketing. After departure, if the reservaTitle First Middle Last Class Year tions are changed, you will be charged the higher, all year Economy class fare. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUP ITINERARY MUST BE REQUESTED NO LATER THAN 60 (2) _____________________________________________________________ DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. Passengers who choose to Middle Last Class Year Title First make their own airline reservations independently will be wholly responsible for any airline fees or penalties incurred as a result of program cancellation and/or Street Address ___________________________________________________ change in travel dates, or airline schedule(s). CANCELLATION-In addition to airline cancellation penalties, all cancellations for any reason whatsoever will City ____________________________________________________________ be subject to a $350 per person (AHI $250, UCLA $100) cancellation fee. Cancellation from 120 days to 76 days prior to departure will result in forfeiture of 10% of the State_________________________________________ ZIP ______________ entire cost of the trip per person; 75 days to 30 days, 50% of the trip cost per person; cancellation from 29 days up to the time of departure will result in 100% forfeiture of Home: (_______________)__________________________________________ the entire cost of the trip. TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE IS AVAILABLE. AN APPLICATION WILL BE SENT Cell: (_______________)___________________________________________ AFTER YOU RESERVE. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to AHI International Corporation. BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictions vary according to the E-mail:__________________________________________________________ airline policy and the class of service flown. Details will be provided with your pre-departure information. Baggage allowances are subject to change by the carrier Sharing with_______________________________________. (Send separate form.) without notice. Excess baggage charges for additional or oversized/overweight pieces are expensive and not includI/we authorize you to make my/our reservations as follows: ed in your trip price; plan your wardrobe accordingly. Land Program Transport of baggage and personal effects is at the ❒ I/we will make my/our own air arrangements and transfers. owner's risk throughout the travel program. ❒ Please call me/us to discuss my/our air options. RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel and the Sponsoring Association act only as agents for the suppliers of travel ❒ I prefer single accommodations at an additional $895 (limited availability). conveyance, transport, accommodations or other service ❒ I request assistance in securing a roommate but will accept a single, if one is and have no responsibility for any delays, delayed deparavailable at this time, and pay the single supplement. Should a roommate be ture or arrival, missed carrier connections, loss, death, found, I understand the supplement will no longer apply. damage or injury to person or property or accident, Land and Air Program mechanical defect, failure or negligence of any nature howsoever caused in connection with any accommoda❒ I/we reserve the Land Program and request the Air Program round-trip tions, transportation or other services or for any substituto Halifax, Nova Scotia, to depart from: tion of hotels or of common carrier equipment, with or ________________________________________________________________ without notice, or for any additional expenses occasioned Departure City thereby. Dates, Program Details and Tour costs, although given in good faith and based on tariffs, exchange rates ❒ Please send me information on upgrading my flights. and other information current at the time of printing, are Please note: Air prices will be sent to you with your Reservation Confirmation subject to change at or before the time of departure. No and air schedule sent at 90 days before departure. International flight arrangerevisions of the printed itinerary or its included features ments can be canceled with no obligation up to 75 days before departure. are anticipated; however, the right is reserved to make any Reservations are subject to availability and processed on a first come, first served changes, with or without notice, that might become necessary, with the mutual understanding that any additionbasis. Reservations to be paid in full by June 9, 2010 (75 days prior to deparal expenses will be paid by the individual passenger. ture). Reservations received after this date must be accompanied by payment in Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of full. Final payment may be made by personal check, MasterCard or Visa. Make the owners at all times. If the entire program is cancelled checks payable to AHI International. for any reason, participants shall have no claim other Enclosed is a deposit of ________ ($600 per person required) than for a full refund. By forwarding the deposit, the passenger certifies that he/she has no physical, mental or to reserve ________ place(s). other condition of disability that would create a hazard for himself/herself or other passengers and accepts the ❒ Accept my check made payable to AHI International. terms of this contract. The airlines and other transporta❒ Charge my deposit to: ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa Expires________/________ tion companies concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event, during the time passenCard #___________________________________________________________ gers are not on board their conveyances. The passage contract in use, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the company(ies) and the passenger and/or purchaser of this trip. __________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION DISCLAIMER-Services of a UCLA fac(Signature as it appears on credit card) ulty lecturer are based on a minimum of 15 booked pasPlease note: Any payment to AHI International constitutes your acceptance of the sengers.' terms and conditions set out herein, including but not limited to the Cancellation terms.

Reserve your trip to the Canadian Maritimes!

Book now and save! See Special Offer on address panel.


AUG. 23 - SEPT. 1, 2010

Need pre- or post-trip assistance? * If you are interested in making independent travel arrangements before and/or after this program, please contact us no later than 60 days prior to departure and they will be happy to assist you with your reservations.* A nonrefundable service fee and additional air/land charges based on reservations apply.

CST Registration No. 2028271-40. Fla. Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-33300 Iowa Seller of Travel No. 520 Ohio Seller of Travel Registration No. 8889139. Washington State Seller of Travel Registration No. 601-820781. PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA and ARC Member Carriers ©2010 AHI Travel Printed in the USA.

I NCLUDED F EATURES First, Two Nights in Halifax • Relax for two nights at the ideally located Delta Barrington Hotel. • Gather with your fellow travelers at the hotel for a Welcome Reception. • Discover the highlights of Halifax, including the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Continue to Peggy’s Cove and historic Lunenburg. • Enjoy dinner at a restaurant in Halifax.

Special Price $3,395*

*Special Price valid if booked by the date found on the address panel. VAT is an additional $125 per person.

All prices quoted are per person, based on double occupancy (unless otherwise stated). Single accommodations are an additional $895 (limited availability).


Top to bottom: Kayakers navigate Hopewell Rocks during high tide. Fresh lobster

Prince Edward Island

Then, Two Nights in Saint John


Next, Two Nights in Charlottetown

A IR P ROGRAM Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010 For your convenience, AHI offers a flexible Air Program featuring special air fares available at an additional cost in conjunction with the Land Program. AHI has designated specific Group Air Schedules for this departure utilizing round-trip scheduled jet service from North America to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Those participating on these flights will enjoy motor coach transfers between the arrival/departure airport abroad and the hotels, including baggage handling. Prices are dependent upon dates, air routes and class of service chosen and will be reflected on your Reservation Confirmation, which will be sent to you upon receipt of your reservation. Air schedules will be sent with your Final Invoice approximately 90 days before departure. Prices quoted to you will include all domestic and foreign governmental airport departure taxes and fees and any applicable fuel surcharges. AHI ticketed passengers will also receive Automatic $250,000 Flight Insurance, subject to policy terms.


• Delight in two nights at the Hilton Saint John. • En route to Saint John, explore the winegrowing region of the Annapolis Clock Tower, Halifax Valley. Enjoy lunch and a wine tasting at a winery before riding a ferry across the • Enjoy a scenic drive along the Cabot Bay of Fundy. Trail. Visit St. Peter’s Church, • Tour the New Brunswick Museum and picturesque fishing villages, Neil’s enjoy a whale-watching cruise on the Harbor and Ingonish. Bay of Fundy.

Day 7 ........ Baddeck, Nova Scotia

• Spend two nights at the Delta Prince Edward. • En route to Charlottetown, admire the scenic splendor of the Bay of Fundy National Park and Hopewell Rocks. Stop to enjoy a bit of French Acadian musical culture: a kitchen party. Continue to Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. • Visit the house that inspired the popular Anne of Green Gables books. Continue your exploration of Prince Edward Island at the Cavendish National Historic Site and Rustico, a charming fishing town. • Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. • Try a traditional lobster dinner, P.E.I. style.

Day 8 .................................. Baddeck

Then, Two Nights in Baddeck

I T I N E R A RY Day 1 .................... Depart Gateway City / Arrive Halifax, Nova Scotia Day 2 .................................... Halifax Day 3 ............................ Saint John, New Brunswick Day 4 .............................. Saint John Day 5 ...................... Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Day 6 ........................ Charlottetown

Day 9 .................................... Halifax Day 10 ...... Return to Gateway City

• Enjoy accommodations at the Auberge Gisele’s Inn. • Take a ferry to Nova Scotia. Explore Cape Breton Island. Visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum before returning to Baddeck.

Finally, One Night in Halifax • Enjoy accommodations at the Delta Barrington Hotel. • Attend a special Farewell Reception and Dinner.

Transfers and Porterage • Ferry and deluxe motor coach transfers to Saint John, Charlottetown, Baddeck and the return to Halifax. • Baggage handling to and from all your accommodations on the transfers above. MANY INCLUDED EXTRAS • Consultation services of a dedicated Passenger Service Representative prior to departure. • Attentive services of an experienced AHI Travel Director throughout your trip. • Full American-style buffet breakfast each morning at the hotels, plus two lunches, three dinners, and tea or coffee with all meals. • Tipping of all your excursion guides and drivers. • Detailed destination and travel information to assist in your planning. • Complimentary travel wallet.

Acadian girl Neil’s Harbour Cover photos (clockwise):

Dear UCLA Alumni and Friends, Indulge your sense of wanderlust with this adventure that celebrates the best of the Canadian Maritimes. Summer is the perfect time to escape to the fresh cool air of the North Atlantic and enjoy a panorama of historic shipbuilding cities, authentic fishing villages and picture-perfect seascapes. With this program, enjoy the worry-free convenience and value of group travel while maintaining your freedom to explore. Unwind in waterfront hotels that offer warmth, accessibility and all the comforts of home. Feast on your choice of fresh Canadian fare including produce plucked from local farms and seafood delicacies like succulent lobster and prized Malpeque oysters— sweet, briny and fresh off the boat. Share an unforgettable journey with like-minded travelers as you learn the fascinating maritime history of French-Acadians and Anglo-Loyalists, follow in the footsteps of explorers and pirates and visit enchanting sites including the home that inspired the winsome “Anne of Green Gables” tales. As a member of our group, you’ll enjoy personalized attention and exceptional service. Your needs and wishes have been anticipated and will be attended to by an experienced staff of travel professionals. This program will fill quickly, so make your reservation today! Regards from Westwood,

Christel Pailet Director, Alumni Travel For more information, please contact us at 310-206-0613 or 800-UCLAlumni (825-2586)

Peggy’s Cove

“Leave the beaten

Fisherman Flowerpot Rocks

track behind

Breaching whale

occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.” Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Scottish-born inventor resident of Baddeck, Nova Scotia

A word about your Tour Operator AHI Travel is the premier operator of deluxe travel programs sponsored by alumni associations. Their experienced, professional staff has offered the highest level of service in innovative travel programs since 1962. In AHI Travel’s care, you can rely on: •An exceptional travel value. It would be impossible for an independent traveler to arrange all these unique experiences, inclusions and services at a comparable price. •Unique access to local sites. Take advantage of their 47 years of travel experience to gain preferred entrance to popular sites and to uncover the region’s hidden treasures. •Flexibility and customization. They will help you tailor your dream trip with add-ons and extensions, while free time during the trip allows you to pursue your own interests. •Safety and security. In a country where you might not know the language or culture, their professional staff is on hand to ease your way and get you any help you need. •Full endorsement by the USTOA. This professional association safeguards consumers’ deposits and payments with a $1 Million Traveler’s Assistance Program.



Special Savings $250

UCLA Alumni Association James West Alumni Center Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397

Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010

Special Offer Book by April 6, 2010 and save $500 per couple!

L AND P ROGRAM Full Price $3,645

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Mercury Mailing Systems, Inc.

NOT INCLUDED-Fees for passports and, if applicable, visas; personal gratuities; laundry and dry cleaning; excursions, wines, liquors, mineral waters and meals not For Office Use Only: B #: ______________ Date: ________________ mentioned in this brochure under included features; travel insurance; all items of a strictly personal nature. PSR: ________________ Trip #:9-19045 MOBILITY AND FITNESS TO TRAVEL-The right is retained to decline to accept or to retain any person as a Send to: UCLA Alumni Association member of this trip who, in the opinion of AHI Travel is Attn: Alumni Travel unfit for travel or whose physical or mental condition James West Alumni Center may constitute a danger to themselves or to others on the Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397 trip, subject only to the requirement that the portion of Phone: 310-206-0613 Fax: 310-209-4271 the total amount paid which corresponds to the unused E-mail: services and accommodations be refunded. Passengers UCLA Alumni Travel is a benefit of membership in the UCLA Alumni Association. requiring special assistance, including without limitation those who permanently or periodically use a wheelchair, The Association requires all alumni and friends to join to use our services. You must be accompanied by someone who is fit and able to may invite one companion to travel with you as a guest on your membership. assist them, and who will be totally responsible for providing all required assistance. ___Yes, I am a member of the UCLA Alumni Association. AIR TRANSPORTATION-The price of air transporta___No, I am not a member. Please send me an application to join. tion offered by AHI Travel is based on Advance Purchase Excursion fares. After tickets are issued, penalties up to 100% of the ticket price may be levied. If connecting Full Legal Name (exactly as it appears on passport) flights are requested, special promotional fares may be used, in which case penalties of as much as 100% may be assessed by the airlines if reservations are changed or (1) _____________________________________________________________ canceled after ticketing. After departure, if the reservaTitle First Middle Last Class Year tions are changed, you will be charged the higher, all year Economy class fare. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUP ITINERARY MUST BE REQUESTED NO LATER THAN 60 (2) _____________________________________________________________ DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. Passengers who choose to Middle Last Class Year Title First make their own airline reservations independently will be wholly responsible for any airline fees or penalties incurred as a result of program cancellation and/or Street Address ___________________________________________________ change in travel dates, or airline schedule(s). CANCELLATION-In addition to airline cancellation penalties, all cancellations for any reason whatsoever will City ____________________________________________________________ be subject to a $350 per person (AHI $250, UCLA $100) cancellation fee. Cancellation from 120 days to 76 days prior to departure will result in forfeiture of 10% of the State_________________________________________ ZIP ______________ entire cost of the trip per person; 75 days to 30 days, 50% of the trip cost per person; cancellation from 29 days up to the time of departure will result in 100% forfeiture of Home: (_______________)__________________________________________ the entire cost of the trip. TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE IS AVAILABLE. AN APPLICATION WILL BE SENT Cell: (_______________)___________________________________________ AFTER YOU RESERVE. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to AHI International Corporation. BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictions vary according to the E-mail:__________________________________________________________ airline policy and the class of service flown. Details will be provided with your pre-departure information. Baggage allowances are subject to change by the carrier Sharing with_______________________________________. (Send separate form.) without notice. Excess baggage charges for additional or oversized/overweight pieces are expensive and not includI/we authorize you to make my/our reservations as follows: ed in your trip price; plan your wardrobe accordingly. Land Program Transport of baggage and personal effects is at the ❒ I/we will make my/our own air arrangements and transfers. owner's risk throughout the travel program. ❒ Please call me/us to discuss my/our air options. RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel and the Sponsoring Association act only as agents for the suppliers of travel ❒ I prefer single accommodations at an additional $895 (limited availability). conveyance, transport, accommodations or other service ❒ I request assistance in securing a roommate but will accept a single, if one is and have no responsibility for any delays, delayed deparavailable at this time, and pay the single supplement. Should a roommate be ture or arrival, missed carrier connections, loss, death, found, I understand the supplement will no longer apply. damage or injury to person or property or accident, Land and Air Program mechanical defect, failure or negligence of any nature howsoever caused in connection with any accommoda❒ I/we reserve the Land Program and request the Air Program round-trip tions, transportation or other services or for any substituto Halifax, Nova Scotia, to depart from: tion of hotels or of common carrier equipment, with or ________________________________________________________________ without notice, or for any additional expenses occasioned Departure City thereby. Dates, Program Details and Tour costs, although given in good faith and based on tariffs, exchange rates ❒ Please send me information on upgrading my flights. and other information current at the time of printing, are Please note: Air prices will be sent to you with your Reservation Confirmation subject to change at or before the time of departure. No and air schedule sent at 90 days before departure. International flight arrangerevisions of the printed itinerary or its included features ments can be canceled with no obligation up to 75 days before departure. are anticipated; however, the right is reserved to make any Reservations are subject to availability and processed on a first come, first served changes, with or without notice, that might become necessary, with the mutual understanding that any additionbasis. Reservations to be paid in full by June 9, 2010 (75 days prior to deparal expenses will be paid by the individual passenger. ture). Reservations received after this date must be accompanied by payment in Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of full. Final payment may be made by personal check, MasterCard or Visa. Make the owners at all times. If the entire program is cancelled checks payable to AHI International. for any reason, participants shall have no claim other Enclosed is a deposit of ________ ($600 per person required) than for a full refund. By forwarding the deposit, the passenger certifies that he/she has no physical, mental or to reserve ________ place(s). other condition of disability that would create a hazard for himself/herself or other passengers and accepts the ❒ Accept my check made payable to AHI International. terms of this contract. The airlines and other transporta❒ Charge my deposit to: ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa Expires________/________ tion companies concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event, during the time passenCard #___________________________________________________________ gers are not on board their conveyances. The passage contract in use, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the company(ies) and the passenger and/or purchaser of this trip. __________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION DISCLAIMER-Services of a UCLA fac(Signature as it appears on credit card) ulty lecturer are based on a minimum of 15 booked pasPlease note: Any payment to AHI International constitutes your acceptance of the sengers.' terms and conditions set out herein, including but not limited to the Cancellation terms.

Reserve your trip to the Canadian Maritimes!

Book now and save! See Special Offer on address panel.


AUG. 23 - SEPT. 1, 2010

Need pre- or post-trip assistance? * If you are interested in making independent travel arrangements before and/or after this program, please contact us no later than 60 days prior to departure and they will be happy to assist you with your reservations.* A nonrefundable service fee and additional air/land charges based on reservations apply.

CST Registration No. 2028271-40. Fla. Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-33300 Iowa Seller of Travel No. 520 Ohio Seller of Travel Registration No. 8889139. Washington State Seller of Travel Registration No. 601-820781. PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA and ARC Member Carriers ©2010 AHI Travel Printed in the USA.

I NCLUDED F EATURES First, Two Nights in Halifax • Relax for two nights at the ideally located Delta Barrington Hotel. • Gather with your fellow travelers at the hotel for a Welcome Reception. • Discover the highlights of Halifax, including the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Continue to Peggy’s Cove and historic Lunenburg. • Enjoy dinner at a restaurant in Halifax.

Special Price $3,395*

*Special Price valid if booked by the date found on the address panel. VAT is an additional $125 per person.

All prices quoted are per person, based on double occupancy (unless otherwise stated). Single accommodations are an additional $895 (limited availability).


Top to bottom: Kayakers navigate Hopewell Rocks during high tide. Fresh lobster

Prince Edward Island

Then, Two Nights in Saint John


Next, Two Nights in Charlottetown

A IR P ROGRAM Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010 For your convenience, AHI offers a flexible Air Program featuring special air fares available at an additional cost in conjunction with the Land Program. AHI has designated specific Group Air Schedules for this departure utilizing round-trip scheduled jet service from North America to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Those participating on these flights will enjoy motor coach transfers between the arrival/departure airport abroad and the hotels, including baggage handling. Prices are dependent upon dates, air routes and class of service chosen and will be reflected on your Reservation Confirmation, which will be sent to you upon receipt of your reservation. Air schedules will be sent with your Final Invoice approximately 90 days before departure. Prices quoted to you will include all domestic and foreign governmental airport departure taxes and fees and any applicable fuel surcharges. AHI ticketed passengers will also receive Automatic $250,000 Flight Insurance, subject to policy terms.


• Delight in two nights at the Hilton Saint John. • En route to Saint John, explore the winegrowing region of the Annapolis Clock Tower, Halifax Valley. Enjoy lunch and a wine tasting at a winery before riding a ferry across the • Enjoy a scenic drive along the Cabot Bay of Fundy. Trail. Visit St. Peter’s Church, • Tour the New Brunswick Museum and picturesque fishing villages, Neil’s enjoy a whale-watching cruise on the Harbor and Ingonish. Bay of Fundy.

Day 7 ........ Baddeck, Nova Scotia

• Spend two nights at the Delta Prince Edward. • En route to Charlottetown, admire the scenic splendor of the Bay of Fundy National Park and Hopewell Rocks. Stop to enjoy a bit of French Acadian musical culture: a kitchen party. Continue to Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. • Visit the house that inspired the popular Anne of Green Gables books. Continue your exploration of Prince Edward Island at the Cavendish National Historic Site and Rustico, a charming fishing town. • Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. • Try a traditional lobster dinner, P.E.I. style.

Day 8 .................................. Baddeck

Then, Two Nights in Baddeck

I T I N E R A RY Day 1 .................... Depart Gateway City / Arrive Halifax, Nova Scotia Day 2 .................................... Halifax Day 3 ............................ Saint John, New Brunswick Day 4 .............................. Saint John Day 5 ...................... Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Day 6 ........................ Charlottetown

Day 9 .................................... Halifax Day 10 ...... Return to Gateway City

• Enjoy accommodations at the Auberge Gisele’s Inn. • Take a ferry to Nova Scotia. Explore Cape Breton Island. Visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum before returning to Baddeck.

Finally, One Night in Halifax • Enjoy accommodations at the Delta Barrington Hotel. • Attend a special Farewell Reception and Dinner.

Transfers and Porterage • Ferry and deluxe motor coach transfers to Saint John, Charlottetown, Baddeck and the return to Halifax. • Baggage handling to and from all your accommodations on the transfers above. MANY INCLUDED EXTRAS • Consultation services of a dedicated Passenger Service Representative prior to departure. • Attentive services of an experienced AHI Travel Director throughout your trip. • Full American-style buffet breakfast each morning at the hotels, plus two lunches, three dinners, and tea or coffee with all meals. • Tipping of all your excursion guides and drivers. • Detailed destination and travel information to assist in your planning. • Complimentary travel wallet.

Acadian girl Neil’s Harbour Cover photos (clockwise):

Dear UCLA Alumni and Friends, Indulge your sense of wanderlust with this adventure that celebrates the best of the Canadian Maritimes. Summer is the perfect time to escape to the fresh cool air of the North Atlantic and enjoy a panorama of historic shipbuilding cities, authentic fishing villages and picture-perfect seascapes. With this program, enjoy the worry-free convenience and value of group travel while maintaining your freedom to explore. Unwind in waterfront hotels that offer warmth, accessibility and all the comforts of home. Feast on your choice of fresh Canadian fare including produce plucked from local farms and seafood delicacies like succulent lobster and prized Malpeque oysters— sweet, briny and fresh off the boat. Share an unforgettable journey with like-minded travelers as you learn the fascinating maritime history of French-Acadians and Anglo-Loyalists, follow in the footsteps of explorers and pirates and visit enchanting sites including the home that inspired the winsome “Anne of Green Gables” tales. As a member of our group, you’ll enjoy personalized attention and exceptional service. Your needs and wishes have been anticipated and will be attended to by an experienced staff of travel professionals. This program will fill quickly, so make your reservation today! Regards from Westwood,

Christel Pailet Director, Alumni Travel For more information, please contact us at 310-206-0613 or 800-UCLAlumni (825-2586)

Peggy’s Cove

“Leave the beaten

Fisherman Flowerpot Rocks

track behind

Breaching whale

occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.” Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Scottish-born inventor resident of Baddeck, Nova Scotia

A word about your Tour Operator AHI Travel is the premier operator of deluxe travel programs sponsored by alumni associations. Their experienced, professional staff has offered the highest level of service in innovative travel programs since 1962. In AHI Travel’s care, you can rely on: •An exceptional travel value. It would be impossible for an independent traveler to arrange all these unique experiences, inclusions and services at a comparable price. •Unique access to local sites. Take advantage of their 47 years of travel experience to gain preferred entrance to popular sites and to uncover the region’s hidden treasures. •Flexibility and customization. They will help you tailor your dream trip with add-ons and extensions, while free time during the trip allows you to pursue your own interests. •Safety and security. In a country where you might not know the language or culture, their professional staff is on hand to ease your way and get you any help you need. •Full endorsement by the USTOA. This professional association safeguards consumers’ deposits and payments with a $1 Million Traveler’s Assistance Program.



Special Savings $250

UCLA Alumni Association James West Alumni Center Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397

Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010

Special Offer Book by April 6, 2010 and save $500 per couple!

L AND P ROGRAM Full Price $3,645

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Mercury Mailing Systems, Inc.

NOT INCLUDED-Fees for passports and, if applicable, visas; personal gratuities; laundry and dry cleaning; excursions, wines, liquors, mineral waters and meals not For Office Use Only: B #: ______________ Date: ________________ mentioned in this brochure under included features; travel insurance; all items of a strictly personal nature. PSR: ________________ Trip #:9-19045 MOBILITY AND FITNESS TO TRAVEL-The right is retained to decline to accept or to retain any person as a Send to: UCLA Alumni Association member of this trip who, in the opinion of AHI Travel is Attn: Alumni Travel unfit for travel or whose physical or mental condition James West Alumni Center may constitute a danger to themselves or to others on the Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397 trip, subject only to the requirement that the portion of Phone: 310-206-0613 Fax: 310-209-4271 the total amount paid which corresponds to the unused E-mail: services and accommodations be refunded. Passengers UCLA Alumni Travel is a benefit of membership in the UCLA Alumni Association. requiring special assistance, including without limitation those who permanently or periodically use a wheelchair, The Association requires all alumni and friends to join to use our services. You must be accompanied by someone who is fit and able to may invite one companion to travel with you as a guest on your membership. assist them, and who will be totally responsible for providing all required assistance. ___Yes, I am a member of the UCLA Alumni Association. AIR TRANSPORTATION-The price of air transporta___No, I am not a member. Please send me an application to join. tion offered by AHI Travel is based on Advance Purchase Excursion fares. After tickets are issued, penalties up to 100% of the ticket price may be levied. If connecting Full Legal Name (exactly as it appears on passport) flights are requested, special promotional fares may be used, in which case penalties of as much as 100% may be assessed by the airlines if reservations are changed or (1) _____________________________________________________________ canceled after ticketing. After departure, if the reservaTitle First Middle Last Class Year tions are changed, you will be charged the higher, all year Economy class fare. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUP ITINERARY MUST BE REQUESTED NO LATER THAN 60 (2) _____________________________________________________________ DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. Passengers who choose to Middle Last Class Year Title First make their own airline reservations independently will be wholly responsible for any airline fees or penalties incurred as a result of program cancellation and/or Street Address ___________________________________________________ change in travel dates, or airline schedule(s). CANCELLATION-In addition to airline cancellation penalties, all cancellations for any reason whatsoever will City ____________________________________________________________ be subject to a $350 per person (AHI $250, UCLA $100) cancellation fee. Cancellation from 120 days to 76 days prior to departure will result in forfeiture of 10% of the State_________________________________________ ZIP ______________ entire cost of the trip per person; 75 days to 30 days, 50% of the trip cost per person; cancellation from 29 days up to the time of departure will result in 100% forfeiture of Home: (_______________)__________________________________________ the entire cost of the trip. TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE IS AVAILABLE. AN APPLICATION WILL BE SENT Cell: (_______________)___________________________________________ AFTER YOU RESERVE. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to AHI International Corporation. BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictions vary according to the E-mail:__________________________________________________________ airline policy and the class of service flown. Details will be provided with your pre-departure information. Baggage allowances are subject to change by the carrier Sharing with_______________________________________. (Send separate form.) without notice. Excess baggage charges for additional or oversized/overweight pieces are expensive and not includI/we authorize you to make my/our reservations as follows: ed in your trip price; plan your wardrobe accordingly. Land Program Transport of baggage and personal effects is at the ❒ I/we will make my/our own air arrangements and transfers. owner's risk throughout the travel program. ❒ Please call me/us to discuss my/our air options. RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel and the Sponsoring Association act only as agents for the suppliers of travel ❒ I prefer single accommodations at an additional $895 (limited availability). conveyance, transport, accommodations or other service ❒ I request assistance in securing a roommate but will accept a single, if one is and have no responsibility for any delays, delayed deparavailable at this time, and pay the single supplement. Should a roommate be ture or arrival, missed carrier connections, loss, death, found, I understand the supplement will no longer apply. damage or injury to person or property or accident, Land and Air Program mechanical defect, failure or negligence of any nature howsoever caused in connection with any accommoda❒ I/we reserve the Land Program and request the Air Program round-trip tions, transportation or other services or for any substituto Halifax, Nova Scotia, to depart from: tion of hotels or of common carrier equipment, with or ________________________________________________________________ without notice, or for any additional expenses occasioned Departure City thereby. Dates, Program Details and Tour costs, although given in good faith and based on tariffs, exchange rates ❒ Please send me information on upgrading my flights. and other information current at the time of printing, are Please note: Air prices will be sent to you with your Reservation Confirmation subject to change at or before the time of departure. No and air schedule sent at 90 days before departure. International flight arrangerevisions of the printed itinerary or its included features ments can be canceled with no obligation up to 75 days before departure. are anticipated; however, the right is reserved to make any Reservations are subject to availability and processed on a first come, first served changes, with or without notice, that might become necessary, with the mutual understanding that any additionbasis. Reservations to be paid in full by June 9, 2010 (75 days prior to deparal expenses will be paid by the individual passenger. ture). Reservations received after this date must be accompanied by payment in Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of full. Final payment may be made by personal check, MasterCard or Visa. Make the owners at all times. If the entire program is cancelled checks payable to AHI International. for any reason, participants shall have no claim other Enclosed is a deposit of ________ ($600 per person required) than for a full refund. By forwarding the deposit, the passenger certifies that he/she has no physical, mental or to reserve ________ place(s). other condition of disability that would create a hazard for himself/herself or other passengers and accepts the ❒ Accept my check made payable to AHI International. terms of this contract. The airlines and other transporta❒ Charge my deposit to: ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa Expires________/________ tion companies concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event, during the time passenCard #___________________________________________________________ gers are not on board their conveyances. The passage contract in use, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the company(ies) and the passenger and/or purchaser of this trip. __________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION DISCLAIMER-Services of a UCLA fac(Signature as it appears on credit card) ulty lecturer are based on a minimum of 15 booked pasPlease note: Any payment to AHI International constitutes your acceptance of the sengers.' terms and conditions set out herein, including but not limited to the Cancellation terms.

Reserve your trip to the Canadian Maritimes!

Book now and save! See Special Offer on address panel.


AUG. 23 - SEPT. 1, 2010

Need pre- or post-trip assistance? * If you are interested in making independent travel arrangements before and/or after this program, please contact us no later than 60 days prior to departure and they will be happy to assist you with your reservations.* A nonrefundable service fee and additional air/land charges based on reservations apply.

CST Registration No. 2028271-40. Fla. Seller of Travel Reg. No. ST-33300 Iowa Seller of Travel No. 520 Ohio Seller of Travel Registration No. 8889139. Washington State Seller of Travel Registration No. 601-820781. PARTICIPATING AIRLINES-all IATA and ARC Member Carriers ©2010 AHI Travel Printed in the USA.

I NCLUDED F EATURES First, Two Nights in Halifax • Relax for two nights at the ideally located Delta Barrington Hotel. • Gather with your fellow travelers at the hotel for a Welcome Reception. • Discover the highlights of Halifax, including the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. Continue to Peggy’s Cove and historic Lunenburg. • Enjoy dinner at a restaurant in Halifax.

Special Price $3,395*

*Special Price valid if booked by the date found on the address panel. VAT is an additional $125 per person.

All prices quoted are per person, based on double occupancy (unless otherwise stated). Single accommodations are an additional $895 (limited availability).


Top to bottom: Kayakers navigate Hopewell Rocks during high tide. Fresh lobster

Prince Edward Island

Then, Two Nights in Saint John


Next, Two Nights in Charlottetown

A IR P ROGRAM Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010 For your convenience, AHI offers a flexible Air Program featuring special air fares available at an additional cost in conjunction with the Land Program. AHI has designated specific Group Air Schedules for this departure utilizing round-trip scheduled jet service from North America to Halifax, Nova Scotia. Those participating on these flights will enjoy motor coach transfers between the arrival/departure airport abroad and the hotels, including baggage handling. Prices are dependent upon dates, air routes and class of service chosen and will be reflected on your Reservation Confirmation, which will be sent to you upon receipt of your reservation. Air schedules will be sent with your Final Invoice approximately 90 days before departure. Prices quoted to you will include all domestic and foreign governmental airport departure taxes and fees and any applicable fuel surcharges. AHI ticketed passengers will also receive Automatic $250,000 Flight Insurance, subject to policy terms.


• Delight in two nights at the Hilton Saint John. • En route to Saint John, explore the winegrowing region of the Annapolis Clock Tower, Halifax Valley. Enjoy lunch and a wine tasting at a winery before riding a ferry across the • Enjoy a scenic drive along the Cabot Bay of Fundy. Trail. Visit St. Peter’s Church, • Tour the New Brunswick Museum and picturesque fishing villages, Neil’s enjoy a whale-watching cruise on the Harbor and Ingonish. Bay of Fundy.

Day 7 ........ Baddeck, Nova Scotia

• Spend two nights at the Delta Prince Edward. • En route to Charlottetown, admire the scenic splendor of the Bay of Fundy National Park and Hopewell Rocks. Stop to enjoy a bit of French Acadian musical culture: a kitchen party. Continue to Charlottetown on Prince Edward Island. • Visit the house that inspired the popular Anne of Green Gables books. Continue your exploration of Prince Edward Island at the Cavendish National Historic Site and Rustico, a charming fishing town. • Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. • Try a traditional lobster dinner, P.E.I. style.

Day 8 .................................. Baddeck

Then, Two Nights in Baddeck

I T I N E R A RY Day 1 .................... Depart Gateway City / Arrive Halifax, Nova Scotia Day 2 .................................... Halifax Day 3 ............................ Saint John, New Brunswick Day 4 .............................. Saint John Day 5 ...................... Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island Day 6 ........................ Charlottetown

Day 9 .................................... Halifax Day 10 ...... Return to Gateway City

• Enjoy accommodations at the Auberge Gisele’s Inn. • Take a ferry to Nova Scotia. Explore Cape Breton Island. Visit the Alexander Graham Bell Museum before returning to Baddeck.

Finally, One Night in Halifax • Enjoy accommodations at the Delta Barrington Hotel. • Attend a special Farewell Reception and Dinner.

Transfers and Porterage • Ferry and deluxe motor coach transfers to Saint John, Charlottetown, Baddeck and the return to Halifax. • Baggage handling to and from all your accommodations on the transfers above. MANY INCLUDED EXTRAS • Consultation services of a dedicated Passenger Service Representative prior to departure. • Attentive services of an experienced AHI Travel Director throughout your trip. • Full American-style buffet breakfast each morning at the hotels, plus two lunches, three dinners, and tea or coffee with all meals. • Tipping of all your excursion guides and drivers. • Detailed destination and travel information to assist in your planning. • Complimentary travel wallet.

Acadian girl Neil’s Harbour Cover photos (clockwise):

Dear UCLA Alumni and Friends, Indulge your sense of wanderlust with this adventure that celebrates the best of the Canadian Maritimes. Summer is the perfect time to escape to the fresh cool air of the North Atlantic and enjoy a panorama of historic shipbuilding cities, authentic fishing villages and picture-perfect seascapes. With this program, enjoy the worry-free convenience and value of group travel while maintaining your freedom to explore. Unwind in waterfront hotels that offer warmth, accessibility and all the comforts of home. Feast on your choice of fresh Canadian fare including produce plucked from local farms and seafood delicacies like succulent lobster and prized Malpeque oysters— sweet, briny and fresh off the boat. Share an unforgettable journey with like-minded travelers as you learn the fascinating maritime history of French-Acadians and Anglo-Loyalists, follow in the footsteps of explorers and pirates and visit enchanting sites including the home that inspired the winsome “Anne of Green Gables” tales. As a member of our group, you’ll enjoy personalized attention and exceptional service. Your needs and wishes have been anticipated and will be attended to by an experienced staff of travel professionals. This program will fill quickly, so make your reservation today! Regards from Westwood,

Christel Pailet Director, Alumni Travel For more information, please contact us at 310-206-0613 or 800-UCLAlumni (825-2586)

Peggy’s Cove

“Leave the beaten

Fisherman Flowerpot Rocks

track behind

Breaching whale

occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.” Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922 Scottish-born inventor resident of Baddeck, Nova Scotia

A word about your Tour Operator AHI Travel is the premier operator of deluxe travel programs sponsored by alumni associations. Their experienced, professional staff has offered the highest level of service in innovative travel programs since 1962. In AHI Travel’s care, you can rely on: •An exceptional travel value. It would be impossible for an independent traveler to arrange all these unique experiences, inclusions and services at a comparable price. •Unique access to local sites. Take advantage of their 47 years of travel experience to gain preferred entrance to popular sites and to uncover the region’s hidden treasures. •Flexibility and customization. They will help you tailor your dream trip with add-ons and extensions, while free time during the trip allows you to pursue your own interests. •Safety and security. In a country where you might not know the language or culture, their professional staff is on hand to ease your way and get you any help you need. •Full endorsement by the USTOA. This professional association safeguards consumers’ deposits and payments with a $1 Million Traveler’s Assistance Program.



Special Savings $250

UCLA Alumni Association James West Alumni Center Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397

Aug. 23 - Sept. 1, 2010

Special Offer Book by April 6, 2010 and save $500 per couple!

L AND P ROGRAM Full Price $3,645

Presorted Standard U.S. Postage PAID Mercury Mailing Systems, Inc.

NOT INCLUDED-Fees for passports and, if applicable, visas; personal gratuities; laundry and dry cleaning; excursions, wines, liquors, mineral waters and meals not For Office Use Only: B #: ______________ Date: ________________ mentioned in this brochure under included features; travel insurance; all items of a strictly personal nature. PSR: ________________ Trip #:9-19045 MOBILITY AND FITNESS TO TRAVEL-The right is retained to decline to accept or to retain any person as a Send to: UCLA Alumni Association member of this trip who, in the opinion of AHI Travel is Attn: Alumni Travel unfit for travel or whose physical or mental condition James West Alumni Center may constitute a danger to themselves or to others on the Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397 trip, subject only to the requirement that the portion of Phone: 310-206-0613 Fax: 310-209-4271 the total amount paid which corresponds to the unused E-mail: services and accommodations be refunded. Passengers UCLA Alumni Travel is a benefit of membership in the UCLA Alumni Association. requiring special assistance, including without limitation those who permanently or periodically use a wheelchair, The Association requires all alumni and friends to join to use our services. You must be accompanied by someone who is fit and able to may invite one companion to travel with you as a guest on your membership. assist them, and who will be totally responsible for providing all required assistance. ___Yes, I am a member of the UCLA Alumni Association. AIR TRANSPORTATION-The price of air transporta___No, I am not a member. Please send me an application to join. tion offered by AHI Travel is based on Advance Purchase Excursion fares. After tickets are issued, penalties up to 100% of the ticket price may be levied. If connecting Full Legal Name (exactly as it appears on passport) flights are requested, special promotional fares may be used, in which case penalties of as much as 100% may be assessed by the airlines if reservations are changed or (1) _____________________________________________________________ canceled after ticketing. After departure, if the reservaTitle First Middle Last Class Year tions are changed, you will be charged the higher, all year Economy class fare. VARIATIONS TO THE GROUP ITINERARY MUST BE REQUESTED NO LATER THAN 60 (2) _____________________________________________________________ DAYS PRIOR TO DEPARTURE. Passengers who choose to Middle Last Class Year Title First make their own airline reservations independently will be wholly responsible for any airline fees or penalties incurred as a result of program cancellation and/or Street Address ___________________________________________________ change in travel dates, or airline schedule(s). CANCELLATION-In addition to airline cancellation penalties, all cancellations for any reason whatsoever will City ____________________________________________________________ be subject to a $350 per person (AHI $250, UCLA $100) cancellation fee. Cancellation from 120 days to 76 days prior to departure will result in forfeiture of 10% of the State_________________________________________ ZIP ______________ entire cost of the trip per person; 75 days to 30 days, 50% of the trip cost per person; cancellation from 29 days up to the time of departure will result in 100% forfeiture of Home: (_______________)__________________________________________ the entire cost of the trip. TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE IS AVAILABLE. AN APPLICATION WILL BE SENT Cell: (_______________)___________________________________________ AFTER YOU RESERVE. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to AHI International Corporation. BAGGAGE-Baggage restrictions vary according to the E-mail:__________________________________________________________ airline policy and the class of service flown. Details will be provided with your pre-departure information. Baggage allowances are subject to change by the carrier Sharing with_______________________________________. (Send separate form.) without notice. Excess baggage charges for additional or oversized/overweight pieces are expensive and not includI/we authorize you to make my/our reservations as follows: ed in your trip price; plan your wardrobe accordingly. Land Program Transport of baggage and personal effects is at the ❒ I/we will make my/our own air arrangements and transfers. owner's risk throughout the travel program. ❒ Please call me/us to discuss my/our air options. RESPONSIBILITY-AHI Travel and the Sponsoring Association act only as agents for the suppliers of travel ❒ I prefer single accommodations at an additional $895 (limited availability). conveyance, transport, accommodations or other service ❒ I request assistance in securing a roommate but will accept a single, if one is and have no responsibility for any delays, delayed deparavailable at this time, and pay the single supplement. Should a roommate be ture or arrival, missed carrier connections, loss, death, found, I understand the supplement will no longer apply. damage or injury to person or property or accident, Land and Air Program mechanical defect, failure or negligence of any nature howsoever caused in connection with any accommoda❒ I/we reserve the Land Program and request the Air Program round-trip tions, transportation or other services or for any substituto Halifax, Nova Scotia, to depart from: tion of hotels or of common carrier equipment, with or ________________________________________________________________ without notice, or for any additional expenses occasioned Departure City thereby. Dates, Program Details and Tour costs, although given in good faith and based on tariffs, exchange rates ❒ Please send me information on upgrading my flights. and other information current at the time of printing, are Please note: Air prices will be sent to you with your Reservation Confirmation subject to change at or before the time of departure. No and air schedule sent at 90 days before departure. International flight arrangerevisions of the printed itinerary or its included features ments can be canceled with no obligation up to 75 days before departure. are anticipated; however, the right is reserved to make any Reservations are subject to availability and processed on a first come, first served changes, with or without notice, that might become necessary, with the mutual understanding that any additionbasis. Reservations to be paid in full by June 9, 2010 (75 days prior to deparal expenses will be paid by the individual passenger. ture). Reservations received after this date must be accompanied by payment in Baggage and personal effects are the sole responsibility of full. Final payment may be made by personal check, MasterCard or Visa. Make the owners at all times. If the entire program is cancelled checks payable to AHI International. for any reason, participants shall have no claim other Enclosed is a deposit of ________ ($600 per person required) than for a full refund. By forwarding the deposit, the passenger certifies that he/she has no physical, mental or to reserve ________ place(s). other condition of disability that would create a hazard for himself/herself or other passengers and accepts the ❒ Accept my check made payable to AHI International. terms of this contract. The airlines and other transporta❒ Charge my deposit to: ❒ MasterCard ❒ Visa Expires________/________ tion companies concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission, or event, during the time passenCard #___________________________________________________________ gers are not on board their conveyances. The passage contract in use, when issued, shall constitute the sole contract between the company(ies) and the passenger and/or purchaser of this trip. __________________________________________________________ ASSOCIATION DISCLAIMER-Services of a UCLA fac(Signature as it appears on credit card) ulty lecturer are based on a minimum of 15 booked pasPlease note: Any payment to AHI International constitutes your acceptance of the sengers.' terms and conditions set out herein, including but not limited to the Cancellation terms.

Reserve your trip to the Canadian Maritimes!

Book now and save! See Special Offer on address panel.


AUG. 23 - SEPT. 1, 2010

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