UC Libraries 2014/15 Progress Report

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Transforming through Collaboration

Students collaborate in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library.


Transforming through Collaboration

Welcome to the inaugural UC Libraries’ Progress Report: Transforming through Collaboration. This report is a recognition of our Strategic Plan implementation and accomplishments, our innovative and collaborative activities across the university and beyond, and of our donors’ enthusiastic support this past academic year—a year of great exploration, innovation and collaboration for UC Libraries. In the pages that follow, we explore new and existing partnerships and collaborations that have impacted UC Libraries, the university and the greater academic community. We review a wide range of events, programs and activities that have propelled the Libraries forward as we achieve our mission to “empower discovery, stimulate learning and inspire the creation of knowledge by connecting students, faculty, researchers and scholars to dynamic data, information and resources.” We learn of donor activities and meet one close friend of UC Libraries, Dr. Henry Heimlich.

Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang

In August 2014, UC Libraries embarked on an ambitious Strategic Plan. Closely aligned with the university’s Third Century initiative, our plan has a clear focus on community, advancement and engagement, all with a vision of transforming ourselves into “the globally engaged, intellectual commons of the university—positioning ourselves as the hub of collaboration, digital innovation and scholarly endeavor on campus.” The first step in implementing the Strategic Plan was the creation of 10 initiatives, launched last fall and organized within the four pillars of our plan: digital technology and innovation, people, space and data to information to knowledge. These initiatives focus on a broad range of topics, both traditional and transformative, each chosen with the goal of bringing us one step closer to realizing our vision. Some are exploratory, researching ways to transform our collection management and discovery as well as our spaces. Other initiatives present new ideas on such topics as digital humanities, informatics and eLearning. While even others create new services and programs for researchers and scholars. The 10 initiatives are: • Scholar@UC Digital Repository • Support for the UC Researcher: • Digitize UC Developing a Suite of Programs • Delivering Health Informatics • Langsam Library Digital Scholarship Area • Exploring Digital Humanities/ • UCL Discovery Digital Scholarship • Collection Management Life Cycle • eLearning and Digital Literacy • Collection Budget Realignment Our ongoing success is contingent upon the participation and enthusiasm of our faculty and staff; but also crucial are the partnerships and collaborations fostered within the university, as well as locally, nationally and internationally. UC Libraries and our users have benefited greatly by working closely with UC leadership President Santa J. Ono and Provost Beverly Davenport on numerous initiatives, as well as close collaborations with multiple colleges and units on campus including the Office of Research and IT@UC. Our road to transformation is paved with synergetic relationships that encourage growth and sustainable change for UC Libraries. In addition to providing a snapshot of where we are, this Progress Report provides a glimpse into where we are headed—a place of great discovery and transformation. If you would like to know more about the future of UC Libraries, I welcome your feedback and conversation. I am available via e-mail at x.wang@uc.edu.


Digital Technologies & Innovation Develop innovative technologies and services that transform and generate new modes of inquiry, access, scholarship, learning and creative ways of working together. UC Libraries will be a leader in creating and utilizing digital technologies and innovation for the provision of learning tools and research platforms essential for transforming the user experience and the creation of new knowledge. We will create an agile and innovative information environment of ongoing inquiry, analysis, research and discovery.

KNOWLEDGE ANYWHERE, ANYTIME BY ANYONE Digital Collections support the Libraries’ mission to provide excellent research collections and to expedite access to knowledge anywhere, anytime by anyone. When building new digital collections, UC Libraries will take opportunities to transform manuscript data into machine-readable datasets that can be used for new modes of digital scholarship. UC Libraries currently has 45 digital collections that contain 610,161 records, a growth of 14 new digital collections and 13,030 new records. Available via http://digital.libraries.uc.edu, following is a sample of new digital collections introduced in 2014-15:

Hamilton County Morgue Records

Hamilton County Morgue Records - For researchers interested in Cincinnati urban life from the late 1800s to the early 1900s, the Hamilton County Morgue Records provide an extraordinary amount of data including name, race, gender, age and cause of death. Since the volumes have been transcribed with most of the data available in a searchable PDF or spreadsheet format, researchers will be able to work with large amounts of historical data. Researchers could use this data to study relationships between race, gender, age and causes of death.


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

University of Cincinnati Fine Arts Collection – Includes over 100 prints, sketches, paintings and more from the university’s Fine Arts Collection. This collection continues to grow.

UC Fine Arts Collection

House of Refuge Records

House of Refuge Records - The House of Refuge was established in 1850. Children came into the House due to homelessness, petty larceny and "incorrigibility." During their time in the House, they were expected to work, go to school and attend religious services. The House of Refuge Records collection consists of five volumes and includes the Record of Commitments (1869-1882, 1891-1902), an index, financial records and payroll records. The Record of Commitments includes the names of individuals committed to the House, their nationality, a description of their offenses or the reason for admittance, information on their parents and their age. As the volumes have been transcribed with most of the data available in both a searchable PDF and spreadsheet format, researchers will be able to work with large amounts of historical data. Preservation Lab Collection

The Preservation Lab - Since forming in 2012, the primary mission of the collaborative Preservation Lab is to preserve and conserve the collections of the Public Library of Cincinnati & Hamilton County and the University of Cincinnati Libraries. The treatment reports and photographic documentation that comprise this digital collection are a record of conservation treatments conducted in the lab on special collections items held either by the Public Library or UC Libraries.

Collaborating on Research and Learning... EXACTLY WHAT IS DIGITAL HUMANITIES? That is a question UC Libraries has been seeking to answer. A simplistic definition is that digital humanities represent the intersection of traditional humanities research and digital/computer-based technologies.

Participants in ThatCamp Cincinnati

Lee Skallerup Bessette (center) with members of the Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Initiative Group Byron Hutchins (left) and Arlene Johnson (right)

The “Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship” Strategic Plan initiative, led by Arlene Johnson, digital humanities strategist, is an exemplar of cross-disciplinary collaboration with highly engaged and enthusiastic faculty, students and staff members from many UC departments, colleges and initiatives, including from UC Libraries, IT@UC and the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences. To build engagement and awareness of digital humanities, the group created several learning opportunities open to all, including a speaker series with Dr. Lee Skallerup Bessette, faculty instructional designer at the Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching at the University of Kentucky, specializing in digital pedagogy and digital humanities; and Dr. Alex Gil, digital scholarship coordinator, humanities and history division, Columbia University Libraries and affiliate faculty, Department of English and Comparative Literature. In May, the Libraries hosted UC’s first THATCamp, an unconference where humanists and technologists of all skill levels and interests gathered to learn and to create together in sessions proposed on the spot. The “Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship” group is planning future learning opportunities for the coming academic year.

Dr. Alex Gil


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

INFORMATICS/DATA MANAGEMENT Two Strategic Plan initiatives focus on the need to support data-generating faculty, researchers and students. Librarians and staff involved in the “Delivering Health Informatics” and “Support for the UC Researcher: Developing a Suite of Programs” initiatives collaborated with faculty and researchers throughout UC and held a series of programs throughout 2014-15, including hosting workshops from the Center for Open Science, consulting with faculty applying for grants, teaching REDCap Courses in the College of Medicine and leading workshops on such topics as data management. Informatics and data management will continue to be a focus for UC Libraries going forward as the roles of libraries and the information professional evolve.

LAUNCHED THE DIGITAL REPOSITORY A digital repository makes accessible, enables re-use, stores, organizes and preserves the full range of an institution’s intellectual output, including scholarly, historical and research materials. Scholar@UC is part of UC’s emerging Research Hub and is being developed in partnership with UC Libraries and IT@UC. Available at scholar.uc.edu, Scholar@UC initially will support direct deposit of digital materials and data that are a result of faculty scholarly work and research, as well as deposit of faculty-approved student work such as theses and senior capstone projects. Read more about this effort on page 8.

ELEARNING GUIDES The “eLearning and Digital Literacy” Stratetic Plan initiative brought together librarians, CET&L and IT@UC, whose collaboration is crucial to the success of eLearning at UC. One outgrowth of the Initiative is the creation of Guides to assist librarians and faculty in their online teaching. Topics covered in the Guides include tools and best practices for creating online tutorials, pedagogies of engagement, embedded support and more.


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Collaborating to Create the Digital Repository Scholar@UC is the university’s next-generation digital repository. It makes accessible, enables re-use, stores, organizes and preserves the full range of the institution’s intellectual output, including scholarly, historical and research materials. This past academic year, a small group of UC faculty members used Scholar@UC to self-submit their scholarly output such as white papers, analyses, data sets, publications, presentations, instructional materials and more. Overall, the early adopters of Scholar@UC see great potential in the digital repository. “Scholar@UC brings a large body of research to a useful venue and maintains it so it continues to have value. These data might have been destroyed if not archived,” said Christina Hovanitz, professor of psychology in the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences. “It is gratifying to know that whatever I put on Scholar@UC that might be useful for secondary or university-level classes is available at no cost to faculty or students,” said Lloyd C. Engelbrecht professor emeritus of art history in the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning. “When working on future projects I will be adopting Scholar@UC in order to promote discussion and disseminate knowledge in a safe and open digital environment,” said Andrés Pérez-Simón, assistant professor of Spanish in the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences. Feedback from the early adopters will help to refine functionality and workflow and to define future development. Scholar@UC is part of UC’s emerging Research Hub and is being developed in partnership with UC Libraries and IT@UC, the university’s IT community. Nelson Vincent, vice president for information technology and chief information officer, had the following to say when asked about IT@UC’s collaboration in this endeavor.

What is your role with Scholar@UC? To partner with the Dean of Libraries (Xuemao Wang), his staff and the university research community to gather solutions to support research computing and the preservation of data. Why did you feel it was necessary for IT@UC to collaborate with UC Libraries on the creation of an institutional repository? IT@UC has a core focus in departmental support and to support the academic and research mission of the university and its students. The partnership is absolutely necessary to deliver and get the resources out for researchers. From an institutional IT perspective, what benefits will Scholar@UC bring to the university? Collaborating together and delivering this promise is a journey at the university. Disparate groups have to come together and jointly invest in the ideas and expectations and find a way to deliver and sustain them. Fortunately, at UC, the partnership is deep and strong and this allows programs like this to move forward. We did this by listening to each other and by talking to each other. By taking care of those early and important conversations, everyone is working together to leverage the research generated at UC.

How does Scholar@UC fit in with other IT@UC/UC Libraries collaborations taking place? It’s a fundamental building block of everything that UC Libraries, the Vice President for Research Bill Ball, Provost Davenport and IT have been doing together. This creates a research ecosystem that is built around deep collaboration and partnership within all of these departments at UC.


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Red-figure small oinochoe (chous type) before cleaning, http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7945/C2MW2P. From the Durres Project digital collection of Scholar@UC early adopter John Wallrodt, senior research associate in the Department of Classics, McMicken College of Arts and Sciences. 9

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati



Transform the evolving role of the information professional UC Libraries will become more dynamically engaged partners with colleges, departments and units —integrating new methods for collecting, accessing, utilizing and preserving streams of data and information in support of the teaching and research mission of the university. We will become leaders in defining the changing role of academic libraries in the global library community.

Local & Global Collaborations... EXPLORING DH/DS GLOBALLY

Xuemao Wang (far right) in India


In late 2012, Dean Xuemao Wang received an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant for the project “Knowledge & Skill Capacity for Digital Scholarship: A Global Benchmarking Study,” a joint collaboration with University Librarian Vivian Lewis of McMaster University, Dean of Libraries Jon E. Cawthorne of West Virginia University and Lisa Spiro, the Executive Director of Digital Scholarship Services at Rice University. This November, Dean Wang and Ms. Lewis traveled to India to visit the School of Cultural Texts and Records at Jadavpur University in Kolkata, West Bengal, and the Centre for Internet & Society in Bangalore. Since returning, the project group has consolidated their findings and prepared their final reports for the Mellon Foundation. These results are being made available to the larger academic community through publication and presentations at multiple conferences, including at the CNI (Coalition of Networked Information) meeting this summer in Sydney, Australia. The relationships they built in their global visits will work to reinforce the ever growing global community surrounding digital scholarship and digital humanities, and open new doors of communication across cultural lines.

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

CHINA COLLABORATIONS The College of Engineering and Applied Science has partnered with Chongqing University (CQU) to bring UC’s highly successful co-op model to China. With his additional role as special advisor to the President and the Provost on China Initiatives, and as a member of UC’s International Working Group and of the Advisory Committee for the China Strategy, Dean Xuemao Wang has been actively involved in establishing this partnership. Last fall, he and Leslie Schick, associate dean of library services and head of the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, traveled to China as part of the Provost-led UC/CQU joint co-op student convocation where they gave a library information literacy workshop to freshmen and visited the Chongqing Medical University Libraries. Xuemao Wang (far left) and Leslie Schick (far right) with UC colleagues.

THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN SERVICES (CECH) LIBRARY has a long history of outreach to the education community. Below are some of their activities from 2014-15: • In partnership with the CECH Literacy Research and Innovation Center, Cheryl Ghosh, head of the CECH Library, taught two literacy related classes in the workshop series, “Disciplinary Literacy and The Common Core: Teaching Students to Read and Write like a Scientist, Historian and Mathematician.” • The library continued to partner with the UC/Sycamore School District LAUNCH program, which teaches life/ work skills to special ability students between the ages of 18-21. The LAUNCH students meet daily in the CECH Library Production Lab where staff offer a reader advisory service. The LAUNCH students fill out an interest survey at the beginning of the year that staff use to guide them to appropriate K-12 curricular materials.

DOCUMENTING INDIA In May, Jay Sinnard, manager of the Student Technology Resources Center (STRC), traveled with a UC Forward class, “Transforming Lives.” The topic of their study was learning about NGO’s that deal with the global problem of human trafficking. The goal of the class was to learn globally and apply this learning locally. Jay provided media support as the students recorded testimonials and made videos. Over the course of the trip, Jay blogged about his experiences in a series called “Documenting India,” available at https://libapps. libraries.uc.edu/liblog/topics/documenting-india/.

BOYD E. SMITH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCIENCE FAIR Sharon Partee, electronic services and outreach librarian in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library, and CECH Library student worker Sarah Gaugler participated in the Science Fair to demonstrate and promote the resources of the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, along with the resources available in the NASA Educators Resource Center, located in the CECH Library.



UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

University Collaborations... One of the best collections of contemporary poetry in the country with over 10,000 books, magazines, records and tapes relating to 20th century poetry is housed in the Elliston Poetry Room, located in Langsam Library. The George Elliston Poetry Fund, administered through the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of English and Comparative Literature, fosters the development of promising young poets and honors the achievement of established poets. Each year, through the Poet-in-Residence Program, a distinguished poet comes to campus to give public lectures and readings and to conduct poetry seminars and workGeorge Elliston shops. The 2014-15 Poet-in-Residence was Mary Szybist. The Elliston Fund also supports a lecture series that in 2014-15 featured Dean Bakopoulos, Marianne Boruch, Amity Gaige, Michael Knight, Ted Kooser, Sonja Livingston, Jamaal May, Claire Messud, Alissa Nutting, Ed Park, Roger Reeves and Nelly Reifle. An online digital audio archive of poetry readings and lectures recorded in the Elliston Poetry Room is currently being developed in partnership with the English department.

BRINGING A THESIS BACK TO LIFE Working with Marshall Montrose, dean of UC’s Graduate School, and Richard Harknett, professor and head of political science in the McMicken College of Arts and Sciences, Kevin Grace, head of the Archives and Rare Books Library, located the missing master’s theses of Samuel Ochiel Obura who left the university in 1967 to return to Kenya, leaving his thesis behind. Holly Prochaska, head of the Preservation Lab, and Jessica Ebert, conservation technician, bound the thesis in a cloth binding and placed it in a custom, red clam box. The thesis was presented to Mr. Obura at UC’s May doctoral and master’s commencement ceremony.

2014-15... NEW LIBRARY HIRES Regina Bourne, Director, Human Resources Bob Freeman, Coordinator, ELearning Tiffany Hammer, HSL Technical and Public Services Associate Don Jason, Clinical Informationist Jennifer Mackiewicz, Program Coordinator Yu Mao, Financial Administrator Stephanie Skryzowski, Director, Business Affairs Anthony Thomas, Delivery Worker Michelle Wagner Strode, eLearning Developer and Analyst for Emerging Tech Bryan Weng, Business Manager Sara Williams, Serials, Subscriptions and Membership Management

LIBRARY RETIREES Max Able Karen Carr Carol Feustel Doris Haag Leon Jackson William Lindesmith Stephen Marine Mark Palkovic Mary Piper Mercedes Ines Schilling Patrick Schmude Carolyn Schwier Diana Smith

Organizing the Segoe items in the Preservation Lab.


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Collaborating to Exhibit Great Work What started as a phone call from one UC colleague to another resulted in a traveling exhibit and catalogue celebrating the life and career of a pioneer in urban planning. “In the Public Interest: The Life and Work of Regional Planning Pioneer Ladislas Segoe (1894-1983)” displayed this spring at the University of Cincinnati and is now at Cornell University and traveling this spring to the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. A digital collection of the items in the exhibit is available online at https://drc.libraries.uc.edu/handle/2374.UC/743629. The Western Hills Viaduct and Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal are two important landmarks called for in the 1925 Official Plan of the City of Cincinnati. Ladislas Segoe Created by Segoe along with local lawyer Alfred Bettman and fellow planners George B. Ford and Ernest P. Goodrich, the plan is monumental in that it made Cincinnati the first major U.S. city to have a comprehensive urban plan. With numerous other groundbreaking achievements, including supervising the first federal study of urban America and writing the most influential planning text of the first half of the 20th century, Segoe had a long, successful career in city planning spanning over four decades and through interesting times for cities including the Great Depression, WWII, urban renewal of the 1950s and civil unrest in the 1960s. “In the Public Interest” includes maps, sketches and images that show not only Segoe’s professional work, but that also give insight into the man. The exhibit is the result of international collaboration that involved many faculty, experts and staff across UC, Cornell and the Technion. The project began in late 2012 when David J. Edelman, professor of planning in the College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) approached Jennifer Krivickas, head of the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art and Planning about the feasibility of a retrospective exhibition focused on Segoe, whose complete collection of professional and personal papers are housed in UC Libraries’ Archives and Rare Books Library and in the Cornell University Archives. Jay Chatterjee, dean emeritus of DAAP, was instrumental in UC’s initial acquisition of Segoe material. Edelman and Krivickas got many others at UC involved in the project including Mark Carper, School of Planning PhD candidate, who began the preliminary archival research along with university archivist and head of the Archives and Rare Books Library Kevin Grace and Danilo Palazzo, professor and director of DAAP’s School of Planning, to discuss the logistics of the exhibit. Vincent Sansalone, assistant professor of architecture and interior design, along with two graduate students, Jennifer Latessa and Sara Woolf, both in the School of Planning, met with key individuals from around UC without whose time, expertise and collaboration this project could not have happened: Suzanne Reller and Eira Tansey from the Archives and Rare Books Library who coordinated access and digitization respectively; Holly Prochaska, Ashleigh Schieszer and Jessica Ebert from the Preservation Lab; Nathan Tallman, UC Libraries digital collections strategist; Carolyn Hansen, UC Libraries metadata librarian; and Aaron Cowan, director of the DAAP Gallery. Finally, Todd Timney, assistant professor of graphic communication, created the complementary exhibition catalogue. All told, UC Libraries’ staff contributed several hundred hours of work on the project. The exhibit and accompanying catalogue were produced with significant support from the Ladislas and Vilma Segoe Family Foundation.


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati



Transform the concept and use of learning spaces managed by the library. UC Libraries will be recognized as the intellectual hub for students, faculty, researchers and scholars by providing engaging digital and physical environments, as well as powerful new tools and services that spark inquiry, support analysis and ignite discovery and scholarship as well as prepare emerging generations for lives of ongoing discovery.

TRANSFORMING SPACES In the evolving world of modern academic libraries, change is a constant. No where is this change more evident than in library spaces. This past academic year saw a great deal of change to our library spaces as we worked to provide enhanced technology, greater flexibility in research and study areas, and more comfortable group and collaborative spaces.


The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County Popular Reading Collection - located on the fourth floor of Langsam Library, the collection contains over 1,500 books including best sellers, recently published fiction, graphic novels, popular non-fiction, foreign language titles and more.


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Langsam Service Desk Consolidation combined the Info Commons Desk with the Circulation Desk into one, consolidated service point at the entrance of the library and renamed it The Desk@Langsam.

Langsam 400 Level Group Study Rooms and Lounge Seating - created five group study rooms with new furniture and technology and installed lounge seating for more comfortable studying.

Langsam Classroom 462 - total renovation with a glass wall, larger space, improved lighting, fresh carpet, new furniture and enhanced technology.

PROJECTS COMPLETED THROUGHOUT UC LIBRARIES, 2014-15... Chemistry-Biology Library Upper Level Renovation removed all shelving and installed carpet, furniture and technology with Wi-Fi to create a new work and study space. The renovations include a 1964 Electron Microscope from the Oesper Collection to display on this floor.

DAAP Library Wardrobe Cabinets - special museum-grade cabinets to store the Bonnie Cashin Garment Collection.

DAAP Library Lounge - removed outdated slides and storage in an alcove and installed bean bags and tables with lamps for comfortable study or relaxation.

Health Sciences Library Learning Commons New Furniture - answering students’ requests for more quiet study spaces, added 41 new tables and 150 new chairs.

COMING SOON... Langsam Library, and especially the busy fourth floor, is a destination of choice for UC students. Work began this summer to enhance the space to make it more inspirational, flexible, dynamic and collaborative, conducive for group and individual work. Projects underway include: • Service Point Reimagined. The Desk@Langsam will be moved back to create more open space at the entrance of the library. The former Info Commons desk will be removed creating one service point. • The Learning Commons (a.k.a. Info Commons) will undergo dramatic change with new comfortable and modular furniture, a central space for the Popular Reading Collection, new public computers and wrapping of the concrete columns to provide additional way finding. • The Student Technology Resources Center (STRC) Service Desk will be moved up to be more accessible and to provide technical support for all of the fourth floor. • Langsam Innovation Bar is a collaboration with Student Government to create a space for innovative pieces of equipment for students to test and experiment with. • Langsam Café will feature a Starbucks Café on the east wall of Langsam near the entrance. 19

• Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library New Entrance creating a more inviting and visible entrance into the library from the quad. • College of Engineering and Applied Science Library Classroom - available for students, staff and faculty for group presentations and instruction, the classroom will be updated with more flexible furniture and easier access to technology. • College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services Library’s 300 Level - renovations wil include a new service point, updated learning commons and collaborative and teaching spaces.


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Collaborating to Create Library Spaces Student Government plays an active role in the planning of enhanced services and spaces in Langsam Library. The charging stations, 24-hour exam hours, enhanced group study rooms, and the upcoming Innovation Bar and Café are just a few examples of the projects UC Libraries have collaborated with Student Government to make a reality for students. Andrew Naab, student body president, talks about this collaboration.

Why do you think Student Government involvement with UC Libraries is so important? Student Government involvement is vital because we hear the student feedback. We hear what students want, but more importantly, what students need and we are able to bring these ideas to the table. It is our job to act as the liaison, the representative voice for the student body. Thus, four years ago, we created a formalized relationship with UC Libraries so that feedback could be constantly given and attained. We meet semesterly with the Dean, and near-monthly with many of the library staff so that we can provide a fresh perspective and direct involvement in many different projects. By creating these relationships, it is our hope that the administration don’t have to guess as to what students want. They can simply ask. From your perspective, what has been the most impactful and important enhancement to the library that Student Government has collaborated on? Many conversations have been had in regards to the 24/7 library hours that are currently being planned for the upcoming year. However, most do not know that these conversations started four years ago as Student Government leadership worked with library administration to implement special exam hours. We heard very clearly that students needed space to be able to study, and that current resources weren’t available. Therefore, a plan was created to extend operating hours at Langsam Library, which has led to conversations of having a 24/7 accessible library, and many other projects, such as the Café and enhanced study spaces. As someone who has played a central role in the Student Government/UC Libraries collaboration, what have you gained from this relationship? I have gained many friends and a new appreciation for the role that a university library plays for its students and community members. A university library is more than study areas. It serves as a safe space and connector. It is a resource that promotes collaboration and creativity, whether that be through the exploration of our Rare Books collection or in the Student Technology Resources Center. The role that libraries play in today’s society is everevolving. Yet through my work with many members of UC Libraries administration, I am confident that our resources will always be student-centric and that despite the evolving identity, our leadership will embrace this challenge and engage students at every step of the way. What future collaborations are you most excited about and why? We as Student Government are most excited about the development of a 24/7 accessible library and the creation of a Café within this space. We believe that through this, Langsam Library can become a place where students want to stay for long periods of time as this space would serve as a one-stop shop. This has been something that we have advocated for on behalf of the student body for many years. As implementation approaches, we look forward to evaluating the success and analyzing where we can improve so that the student experience is always being bettered. It is a privilege to have such a strong relationship with our University Libraries leadership. We are very appreciative of the efforts of Dean Wang, associate dean Cheryl Albrecht, director of facilities Amanda Welter, and many others for all they have done to enhance the student experience and we look forward to working with them in the future. 20

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Langsam Library’s fourth floor is currently under transformation thanks in large part to support and collaborations with Student Government, IT@UC and the Provost’s Office.


Data to Information to Knowledge Transform library research collections and enable new modes of scholarship.

From data to information to knowledge, UC Libraries will expand the scope and access to library and university collections by transforming the creation, acquisition, organization, discoverability, preservation and curation of data and information to meet the vast and changing needs of current and future students, faculty, researchers and scholars. We will support and inspire local and global, novel, innovative and one-of-a-kind research through our collections and services.

COLLABORATING TO SPREAD DIVERSITY In 2014, UC Libraries was awarded a diversity grant with matching funds from the Provost Office titled “Welcoming UC Students and Staff to Learn about Other Cultures.� This grant sponsored numerous events in Langsam Library, such as: International Student Orientation; a table tennis tournament co-sponsored by the UC Table Tennis Team; Coming Together to Give Thanks, a multi-cultural fall celebration; and Discovering Your Roots, an event celebrating African History and Black Culture. In February, the Libraries hosted a Lunar New Year party in conjunction with several student organizations, which attracted over 200 attendees. These events provided new opportunities for students to interact with library collections and staff while promoting diversity in all its forms.

Dean Wang at the Lunar New Year Celebration

Showcasing UC Collections, Scholars & Talent... EXHIBITS

Theodore M. Berry

• The Papers of Theodore M. Berry, noted Civil Rights pioneer, community activist and elected official from Cincinnati, an exhibit in observance of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act. • The Great War: Poems, Movies, Music and Literature Inspired by World War I. • Preserving the Past for the Future: Highlighting the Work of the Preservation Lab. • In the Service of the Eye: Georg Bartisch’s History of Public Hospitals 16th Century Textbook On Ophthalmology. • History of Public Hospitals: Cornerstone of American Healthcare, a companion display to the Cecil Striker Lecture. Hosted by the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions, this year’s annual lecture was given by Dr. Dale C. Smith and coincided with UC Medical Center’s 100th anniversary.

EVENTS • 50-Minutes/One Book highlight unique holdings of the Archives and Rare Books Library. Topics included: The Coffee Chronicles: Accounts and Descriptions in Rare Books; Quoth the Raven: A Look at Edgar Allan Poe and His Most Famous Poem; Remembering as Resistance: Themes of Memory and Identity in The Giver; and The First Woman UC Graduate: Winona Lee Hawthorne. • Music in the Gorno Library features concerts by UC students from the College-Conservatory of Music. • Langsam Connect: Fun, Food and Library Finds brings students into the library. Topics included: Discover Your Roots; Coming Together to Give Thanks; Library Makeover: Langsam Edition and Create Community (Left to right) Dr. Jeffrey Whitsett and Art in Langsam. President Santa J . Ono • Life of the Mind lecture series with Dr. Jeffrey Whitsett of UC’s College of Medicine and the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. This event provides a forum for interdisciplinary discussion and conversations with UC faculty. It is a collaboration of UC Libraries, the Faculty Senate and sponsored by the Office of the President. • At the International Edible Books Festival nearly 20 participants presented their edible creations that represented a book in some form.

The winning entry at Edible Books


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

New, Notable Collections... American Geology, volumes 1,2 & 6, by Ebenezer Emmons (pictured left). These rare books, a donation from the Dry Dredgers, an association of amateur geologists and fossil collectors, contain a statement of the principles of the science with full illustrations of characteristic American fossils along with an atlas and a geological map of the United States. Thomson Reuters Eikon database offers financial data, including company data, market data, news, country and economic data, analytics and trading tools. First World War Portal, Visual Perspectives and Narratives, a combined purchase using Taft, Von Rosenstiel and library funds, the portal features digitized, unique holdings of the Imperial War Museum and includes photographs, posters, works of art and associated commissioning documentation, books, pamphlets, ephemera, film clips and museum objects. The Vogue Archive contains the entire run of Vogue magazine (U.S. edition), from the first issue in 1892 to the current month, reproduced in high-resolution color page images. Every page, advertisement, cover and fold-out has been included, with rich indexing enabling users to find images by garment type, designer and brand names. Materials Library Collection (pictured right), available in the DAAP Library, is a physical collection of innovative and advanced materials with sustainable attributes that range broadly from ‘cradle-to-cradle’ to ‘lightweight’ to materials that use the sun in the printing process. Each material tabulet includes handy textual and visual data as well as a QR code linked to the Material ConneXion database where data exists about the particular material, including manufacturer contact information. This feature allows users to build a research set, share it and/or contact the manufacturer for samples or to purchase materials with which users may wish to experiment and innovate. Oesper Museum Booklets on the History of Chemical Apparatus, a series of short museum booklets each dedicated to a particular instrument or laboratory technique of historical importance to the science of chemistry. New to the Archives and Rare Books Urban Studies Collection: The Records of the Kennedy Heights Community Council spans the years from 1951 to 2007 and includes information about the neighborhood of Kennedy Heights, council correspondence, minutes, reports and information on events. The Louise Shropshire Family Papers. Louise Shropshire was a church choral director and composer of religious hymns. There is evidence that the anthem of the Civil Rights movement, ”We Shall Overcome,” was taken from her composition “If My Jesus Wills.” As an African American woman composer and business owner in the early to mid20th century Cincinnati, Louise Shropshire’s compositions, choral collections, memorabilia and photographs provide a wealth of information for researchers.

VISITING UC TO COLLABORATE WITH A WORLD CLASS COLLECTION Graduate students, faculty and visiting scholars, including the numerous Tytus Scholars, regard the John Miller Burnam Classical Library as an excellent research facility both because of the collection’s breadth, including many titles not widely found in other U.S. library collections, but also because materials on all subjects pertinent to classics are available within one library. The following is a list of Tytus Visiting Scholars and Summer Scholars who received fellowships in 2014-15: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Lindsay Allen from King's College London, U.K. Stephanie Aulsebrook from Well Built Mycenae Project Anne Chapin from Brevard College, U.S. Jeanette Forsen from Sweden Steven J. Green from the University College London, U.K. Daniele Maras from the University IULM of Milan, Italy Adam Marshall from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Toni Naco del Hoyo from Universitat Autònoma De Barcelon Lena Papazoglou-Manioudaki from the National Archaeological Museum, Greece Giacomo Pardini from Università degli Studi di Salerno (University of Salerno) Paul Roche from the University of Sydney, Autralia Alan J. Ross from University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Salvatore Vitale from Universita degli Studi di Pisa, Italy Barbara Weinlich from Eckerd College Julia Wilker from the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.

Classics Library

COLLABORATING TO LOOK EAST In June 2014, UC Libraries celebrated the publication of the new English-language edition of Looking East: William Howard Taft and the 1905 U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Asia, The Photographs of Harry Fowler Woods. This book, co-authored by Margo Taft Stever, James Taft Stever and Hong Shen, spotlights a little known but important historical event in U.S.-Asian relations. In this new, English-language edition, edited by University of Cincinnati Archivist Kevin Grace with messages from UC President Santa J. Ono and Zhejiang University President Lin Jianhua along with an afterward by Dean and University Librarian Xuemao Wang, William Howard Taft’s 1905 endeavors in Asia are freshly accorded the insight and appreciation they deserve in American diplomatic history. The publication was commemorated with a book signing at Joseph-Beth Booksellers, as well as a donor event in Langsam Library. These events provided UC Libraries the opportunity to connect with the broader donor community, while celebrating an accomplishment three years in the making. 25

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

The Archives and Rare Books Library, home to the Rare Books Collection, University Archives, Local Government Records, Urban Studies Collection and the German-Americana Collection.

Collaborating with Special Collections

An 18th-century English political poem pokes fun of the government and earns its author a jail term. A 19th-century adventurer’s account of his travels in the Middle East illustrates cultural underpinnings the Western world still struggles to understand. The details of a Cincinnati death record reveal the neighborhood in which an immigrant servant was living and the prevalent disease among the working classes that killed her. These examples show how an ever-increasing number of professors and students are discovering the rich primary research sources in the Archives and Rare Books Library as they develop diverse and creative approaches for learning. Three classes in particular this past academic year took an innovative path to student research with some very interesting class projects. In a typography course taught by DAAP visiting professor KT Meaney, her students explored a variety of typefaces and methods of book production from the 1400s to the 20th century in order to understand the technological innovations in printing over time and the economics and politics that go into such endeavors. As Meaney states in an account of the students’ work, “So much is learned through authentic experience! The assortment of books for our viewing and touching pleasure spanned six centuries…connecting design ideas across time…Reading systems evolved right before our eyes, and as they did, curiosities arose.” Following a discussion with Kevin Grace, head of the Archives and Rare Books Library, Meaney’s students delved first hand into the books and then created their own digital images to study away from the library. In addressing what her students were learning, Meaney emphasized that “comprehension stems from understanding the comprehensive.” Their research put knowledge into a larger context, and “the tangible replaces the textbook, the archivist reinterprets…” Over decades and centuries, reading patterns change. New systems and products emerge, and this was evident in another UC course. Lora Arduser, assistant professor in the English Department’s Professional Writing Program, taught a course on publishing and new media. Three of her students, Benjamin Pedigo, Chelsea Gabatero and Derrick Bagley, worked closely with archivist Suzanne Reller in a “collaborative effort” to create an electronic book called The Beginning of a Tradition: Remembering the 1974 Production of ‘Frisch’s Presents the Nutcracker’. This annual holiday performance by Cincinnati Ballet is a community tradition and as Reller had processed the very large holdings of the company, she was especially skilled in assisting the students. The resulting e-volume is a fresh approach to using original source material in an accessible resource beyond the analog model. Lastly, in a seminar entitled “Rare Books and Manuscripts” taught by Kevin Grace through the University Honors Program, students were provided with assignments that focused on the cross-cultural importance of the printed word. As the students explored the Rare Books Collection, where they learned about book structures, print and paper production, authorship and the impact of sociocultural forces on books, they also toured the innovative Preservation Lab in Langsam Library to see how rare books are repaired and sustained. Each student then developed two different rare book catalogues on specific topics of their choosing – mathematics, for example, or music, fantasy, science fiction, landscaping, Renaissance art, children’s books and the like. Their task was to use $200,000 to build collections and then to create illustrated “dealer” e-catalogues that provided bibliographic descriptions and historical backgrounds of their choices. In a final group assignment, these collaborative scholars designed and created a Web exhibit on ARB’s fore-edge painted books. In each of these courses, the necessary questions arose of why and how we read books, why we document our lives and deaths in intimate detail through archival records, and in what manner we will do so in the future. As Meaney states, “Leaps in thought (innovation) are based on what’s already there, biologically and historically.” In their education here in UC’s Libraries, the best we can do in teaching and research is to foster critical thinking.

University of Cincinnati Libraries... Classics Library

Design, Architecture, Art and Planning Library

Archives and Rare Books Library

Langsam Library

College of Engineering and Applied Science Library

College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services Library

College-Conservatory of Music Library Chemistry-Biology Library

Health Sciences Library

Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library

by the 2014numbers


2,338,668* volumes held


92 professional | 43 support | 42 students



regular searches (databases)

presentations to groups

35,382,028 catalog hits 531,281 catalog visits 444,778 campus guides hits

gate count (all libraries) 692,577 Langsam Library*

347,581* website users

total staff



website views

28,537 participants

in group presentations


questions answered

52,427* LiBlog visits 45,656 items loaned (Interlibrary Loan) 28,504 items borrowed (Interlibrary Loan) * includes estimates because of lapses in data collection

143,463 items borrowed

2,062,788 full-text article requests (journals) 18,104 items loaned (OhioLINK) 14,820 items borrowed (OhioLINK)

salaries 39%

financials: FY15 general funds HIGHLIGHTS Majority of general funds spending was on collections – 75% on electronic collection and 25% on print collection.

general funds expenses

collections 55% op e

Savings in salary budget due to retirements; strategically hiring to fill in gaps.

r at ing 6%

Provided funding for seven strategic initiative pilots.

18,000,000 16,000,000 14,000,000 12,000,000 10,000,000 8,000,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000

FY15 Budget FY15 Actual



capital equipment


total expenses

budget vs actual expenses

FY15 financials: local funds HIGHLIGHTS

FY15 Beginning Balance

Local funds balance grew by 6% Received extensive university support for facility improvements: $357k from Provost and $291k from President (3rd Century Funds) Earned $843k in endowment revenue and gifts Continued partnerships with Children’s Hospital, GE, UC Health and others to provide services: $600k+ in revenue


Revenue & Transfers In

Expenses & Transfers Out

FY15 Ending Balance























3,550,117 (3,273,056)


D O N O R PR O FI L E : D R . H E N RY H E I M L I C H

The Gift of a Lifetime (of Experience) While the history of modern medicine has been built by numerous important figures, few have become household names. Because of his life-saving technique to prevent choking, Dr. Henry Heimlich has developed a name and reputation that is known throughout the world. Now, thanks to a gift to the Winkler Center, UC students, faculty and friends have a unique opportunity to learn from Dr. Heimlich’s career and experience. In 2011, Dr. Heimlich donated his professional papers to the Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of Health Professions as a resource to the next generation of medical professionals. The archives contain over 350 feet of papers, reports, correspondence, photographs, awards and objects documenting Dr. Heimlich’s work. This includes the Heimlich Maneuver to save choking victims, the Reversed Gastric Tube to replace Dean Wang (left) and Dr. Henry Heimlich the esophagus, the Heimlich Chest Drainage Valve and the Heimlich Micro-trach for providing oxygen, as well as other developments. Now publicly accessible, the papers provide information collected throughout Heimlich’s career. When asked about his motivation for donating the archives, Dr. Heimlich was optimistic about the potential impact of sharing his research with the public. “All of my discoveries and research has been proven to be lifesaving. Having all my information accumulated in UC Libraries makes it available to both physicians and the public to disseminate and can save thousands of lives.” Not only do the papers provide valuable technical insight into Heimlich’s techniques and inventions, but they also provide details on his personal experiences that helped lead to those developments. Through the lens of Dr. Heimlich’s archival collection, it is possible to make further connections relating what inspired him to create his world-renowned inventions and techniques in hopes of leading to other medical breakthroughs. One example of the personal history recorded in the archives reflects how Dr. Heimlich’s service in China during World War II contributed to his development of the Heimlich Chest Drainage Valve. Personal accounts recorded through letters, journals and interviews help delineate how the challenges presented during war-time surgery led to an invention that saved countless lives. The archives also contain writings from Dr. Heimlich’s subsequent travel and


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Dr. Henry Heimlich visiting China

study throughout the world, which have helped shape other medical breakthroughs that bear his name. Now living in Cincinnati, Dr. Heimlich has developed an ongoing relationship with the University of Cincinnati while still making contributions to the medical community. Through this relationship, he has had the opportunity to work with notable figures both in and outside of the medical community, including with Neil Armstrong, George Rieveschl and William Altemeier.

Dr. Henry Heimlich in China while serving in WWII

Reflecting on his career, Dr. Heimlich acknowledges the importance of his past contributions as well as where he hopes his career will continue. “The most important part of my medical field legacy will be the thousands of lives that have been saved by the Heimlich Maneuver and Heimlich Chest Drain Valve. Accomplishing world peace is very near and dear to me. I would hope to include in my legacy a plan for world peace, which I feel can be accomplished by the United States and China, the #1 and #2 economic strongholds of the world, working together. This is described in my recent book Heimlich’s Maneuvers: My Seventy Years of Livesaving Innovation published by Prometheus Books.” Through his gift to the Winkler Center, he has also given the next generation valuable resources to continue that effort, and hopes they will reflect on what he considers the most important question they will face – “How can we bring peace to the world?”


Dr. Henry Heimlich and UC President Santa J. Ono

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati


Highlights UC LIBRARIES STUDENT WORKER SCHOLARSHIP CREATED The new scholarship fund recognizes an undergraduate student at UC who has demonstrated excellence in service to UC Libraries. Jacob Laskowski is the first scholarship recipient – a student worker in the Robert A. Deshon and Karl J. Schlachter Library for Design, Architecture, Art and Planning (DAAP) who quickly emerged as a leader by taking on considerable research and graphic design projects. These efforts made the DAAP Library a more vibrant resource for other students and reinforced the Libraries’ mission to provide a top-notch learning environment. The UC Libraries Student Worker Scholarship will make a difference for students like Jacob and reward their hard work and dedication to UC Libraries.

Jacob Laskowski


Rich Lauf and Rosemary Schlachter

VP, UC Foundation Dee Robinson (left), with Bill Camm and Ellen Camm

Dean Wang (left) with authors Margo Taft Stever, Hong Shen and UC Provost Beverly Davenport


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

THE NEW DR. STANLEY B. TROUP LEARNING SPACE On May 16, 2015, the instructional classroom within the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library was dedicated as the Dr. Stanley B. Troup Learning Space to honor Dr. Troup, the former senior vice president at the University of Cincinnati and director of the UC Medical Center. As director, Dr. Troup provided executive leadership for the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing and Health, and Pharmacy in addition to Cincinnati General Hospital and Christian R. Holmes Hospital. He led the UC Medical Center through enormous changes during his tenure, leading the merger of General Hospital and Holmes Hospital in addition to numerous other changes that resulted in the 1982 renaming of the combined operation as University Hospital. After stepping down as director, Dr. Troup became a professor of medicine, health care and human values for the UC College of Medicine. He became an emeritus faculty member in 1998, and continued as an active teacher and clinician until 2008. He is fondly remembered for telling his students to “pull up a chair, sit down and listen. The patient has a story to tell you.” With her significant donation, Paula Troup is making sure her late husband’s words of wisdom live on and inspire future generations of students, faculty and staff.


Dean Wang (left) and members of the Troup family gather to celebrate the new Dr. Stanley B. Troup Learning Space.

Paula Troup

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Annual Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2013–June 30, 2014

The University of Cincinnati Libraries gratefully recognizes the generosity and foresight of our donors – alumni, faculty, staff and many friends, including corporations and foundations – who understand the importance of how an excellent library system is crucial to the academic and research success at UC. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the following individuals and organizations whose generous contributions of $100 or more help to sustain the operations and endowments of the UC Libraries. The list reflects support received from July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014, and cumulative giving for donors at lifetime recognition levels.

Lifetime Donors McMicken Tower Society – Visionary (cumulative $1,000,000 to $4,999,999) Roger Chalkley, PhD Estate of Victor and Odette Haas Dr. Donald C. and Laura M. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Schlachter Margaret K. and Michael D. Valentine McMicken Tower Society – Benefactor (cumulative $250,000 to $499,999) Mrs. Joann C. Cazden Dr. and Mrs. Randle H. Egbert, Jr. The Thomas J. Emery Memorial John Hauck Foundation Nancy M. Lorenzi, PhD and Robert T. Riley, PhD Estate of Elizabeth A. Martin Hope Taft and UC Foundation Trustee Cora Ogle (right)

McMicken Tower Society – Founder (cumulative $100,000 to $249,999) Anonymous Howard Hughes Medical Institute Estate of Francis L. Loewenheim Mrs. Judith L. Lucas and Daniel N. Lucas, MD 36

Marge and Charles J. Schott Foundation Mrs. Nancy L. Schlemmer Dr. Else L. Schulze Wyeth-Lederle Vaccines and Pediatrics

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Annual Donors McMicken Club – Diamond (annual $50,000 to $99,999) Dr. and Mrs. C. Nelson Melampy Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Schlachter McMicken Club – Gold (annual $10,000 to $24,999) Dr. and Mrs. Creighton B. Wright McMicken Club – Silver (annual $5,000 to $9,999) Robert A. and Marian K. Kennedy Charitable Trust Mrs. Judith L. Lucas and Daniel N. Lucas, MD McMicken Club – Bronze (annual $2,500 to $4,999) Dr. and Mrs. William A. Altemeier III Dr. and Mrs. Randle H. Egbert, Jr. Stanley T. Garber, MD Obstetric Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation Mr. Samuel C. Ingraham III Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Lauf David G. Taft Foundation McMicken Club – Copper (annual $1,000 to $2,499) Anonymous Eula L. Bingham, PhD Dr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Block Dr. and Mrs. William B. Camm Roger Chalkley, PhD Dr. and Mrs. Philip M. Diller Mr. Robert W. Dorsey Mrs. Mary L. Graviss Ms. Doris A. Haag Mrs. Fritzi N. Heidt Valerie Hotchkiss, PhD and David H. Price, PhD 37

Beverly Davenport, Dudley Taft and Ann Santen

William E. Hurford, MD and Lesley I. Gilbertson, MD Drs. Tom D. and Marianne F. Ivey Mr. and Mrs. David A. Jordan Drs. Richard and Laura Kretschmer Mr. Stephen A. Marine Victoria A. Montavon, PhD and James M. Myers Gerald and Lorna Newman Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Pomeranz Mr. and Mrs. William W. Schick Dean Xuemao Wang and Ms. Weihong Yang Dr. and Mrs. Dennis B. Worthen

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Annual Honor Roll of Donors Continued... Friends (annual $100 to $999) Anonymous (3) Ms. Mary E. Arata Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Arnold Ms. Pamela L. Bach Mr. Richard A. Beck, AIA Miss Patricia A. Beresford Mary Ellen Betz Gregory G. Boren, MD Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bozian Dr. Marvin G. Brook Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Browning, Jr. Mr. Daniel L. Burke Mr. and Dr. Harold R. Byers Ms. Denise C. Carpenter Mr. Michael E. Clements Mr. T. J. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Sean R. Crowe Judith and Roger Daniels Dr. and Mrs. Rank O. Dawson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stewart B. Dunsker Friedrich Fluerenbrock, Ph.D. Miss Janet B. Ganim Kristi A. Nelson, Ph.D. and Stewart Goldman Mr. Daniel D. Gottlieb Hank and Jeannette Greeb Alan L. Guttman, M.D. James A. Helmsworth, M.D. Dr. Dane O. Heuchemer Mr. Richard A. Hildebrand Ms. Arlene M. Johnson Mr. William T. Johnson Nancy E. Huth, MD and Col. Raymond D. Jones Rabbi and Mrs. Bruce E. Kahn 38

Steven M. Kahn, M.D. Srinivasan Krishnamurthy, Ph.D. Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Light Robert F. Littlehale, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Mattingly Ms. Joanne Mayfield-Williams Ms. Mary Anne McMillan Mr. Sebastian Moena Ms. Stephanie M. Parker Mr. and Mrs. James J. Pfaller Ms. Holly A. Prochaska Mr. Richard A. Puff Mrs. Regine W. Ransohoff Charles L. Rich, M.D. Dr. Ingrid M. Ritschel Bonnie McNeely Rowe, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Sansalone Ms. Frances Way Schafer Vinton E. Siler Memorial Fund Dr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Striker Ms. Linda K. Ter Haar Mr. Charles A. Thrall and Mrs. Sally A. Simmons Unquotes Club of Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. James F. Van Mil Mr. H. Howard Walters Steven M. Warshauer, Ph.D. Mr. Keith W. Weyler Mrs. Beatrice R. Winkler Dr. and Mrs. Robert Auer Wolf Mr. Steven Zimmerman Dr. Julia Zwiebel

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Herman Schneider Legacy Society The Herman Schneider Legacy Society was founded in 1993 to honor visionary individuals who help to ensure the future excellence of UC through planned gifts. It is with deep appreciation we recognize our members of this prestigious group: Anonymous (2) Dr. I. Leonard and Miriam G. Bernstein Miss Anita E. Bettan Dr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Block Mrs. Fern R. Brickweg Marion A. Brown, PhD Roger Chalkey, PhD Mary M. Clift-Cheevers Donald H. Foster, PhD Mr. and Mrs. L. Ronald Frommeyer Victor and Odette Haas Arthur G. and Marthe L. King Jules I. Klein, MD Dr. Maurie D. Levine Nancy M. Lorenzi, PhD and Robert T. Riley, PhD Francis L. Loewenheim Miss Elizabeth A. Martin Merlyn P. McClure

Susan Ingmire, Rosemary Schlachter and Annemarie Henkel

Mrs. Marquita M. McLean C. Nelson Melampy, MD Mrs. Marjorie Motch Milton Orchin, PhD Dr. Daniel J. Ransohoff Dr. and Mrs. George Rieveschl, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Schlachter Dr. Else L. Schulze David L. Sterling, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Stevens John K. Stewart, PhD Cecil Striker, MD Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Wellington 39

UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Annual Honor Roll of Donors Continued... Endowments Endowments provide permanent financial support to UC Libraries, including our everyday operations, acquisitions and care of the collections, programming, special exhibits and improvements to our facilities. The UC Libraries thanks the following individuals and organizations for their vision and foresight.

Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati Medical Center

Elizabeth A. Martin Library Endowment Fund Elizabeth A. Martin Literature Collection Endowment

Libraries Fund The Isay Balinkin Color Collection Fund Dr. I. Leonard and Miriam G. Bernstein Fund

Fund Marquita McLean Endowment Fund for University of Cincinnati Libraries

Breen Memorial Fund Dandridge Memorial Library Fund

Alfred M. Pleatman Memorial Fund

Day Book Fund

Daniel J. Ransohoff Fund for Archives and Rare Books

Deshon-Schlachter Memorial Library Endowment

Rieveschl Endowment Fund for University Libraries

John F. & Gertrude C. Dreyer Fund

Charles S. Rockhill Fund

Albino Gorno Memorial Music Library Endowment

Dr. Jean W. Rothenberg Endowment Fund Robert C. Rothenberg M.D. Collection

Fund Victor and Odette Haas Fund

Schlemmer Family Library Fund

David S. Hachen Fund

Laura Seasongood Fund

Zelda E. Heiney-Rathweg, M.D. Library Endowment

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Strader Library Fund Cecil Striker Lecture Endowment Fund

Fund Charlotte Hillebrand Fund

Cecil Striker Medical Library Fund

Arthur E. Hinman Memorial Library Fund

University of Cincinnati Library Collections

Christian R. Holmes Memorial Fund

Miriam B. Urban Memorial Fund

Stella Kramer Memorial Book Fund

Michael D. Valentine Engineering Library Fund

Newton J. Krug Memorial Library Fund

Winkler Center Endowment Fund

Francis Loewenheim Endowment Fund

Winkler Center - Sabin Fund

Dr. Milan A. Logan Biochemistry Memorial Fund


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

If you would like to support UC Libraries, please contact Christa Bernardo at the University of Cincinnati Foundation. She may be reached at (513)556-0055 or via e-mail at christa.bernardo@uc.edu. Every attempt has been made to produce a complete and accurate list of donors. If any mistakes have been made, corrections are welcome at (513) 556-0055.

Dean Wang with UC students


UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

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UC Libraries PROGRESS REPORT University of Cincinnati

Produced by: University of Cincinnati Libraries 640 Langsam Library PO Box 210033 Cincinnati, OH 45221 (513) 556-1515 www.libraries.uc.edu

Notice of Non-Discrimination The University of Cincinnati does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, age, sexual orientation, veteran status or gender identity and expression in its programs and activities. The University does not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or retaliation on these bases and takes steps to ensure that students, employees, and third parties are not subject to a hostile environment in University programs or activities. The University responds promptly and effectively to allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. It promptly conducts investigations and takes appropriate action, including disciplinary action, against individuals found to have violated its policies, as well as provides appropriate remedies to complainants and the campus community. The University takes immediate action to end a hostile environment if one has been created, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects of any hostile environment on affected members of the campus community. UC is committed to the ideal of universal Web accessibility and strives to provide an accessible Web presence that enables all university community members and visitors full access to information provided on its websites. Every effort has been made to make these pages as accessible as possible in accordance with the applicable guidelines. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on disability, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, age, and veteran status: Section 504, ADA, Age Act Coordinator 340 University Hall, 51 Goodman Drive Cincinnati, OH 45221-0039 Phone: (513) 556-6381; Email: HRONESTP@ucmail.uc.edu The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on sex, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity or expression: Title IX Coordinator 3115 Edwards 1, 45 Corry Blvd. Cincinnati, OH 45221 Phone: (513) 556-3349; Email: title9@ucmail.uc.edu

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