2022 Artists, Authors, Editors & Composers Bibliography

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Bibliography of Submitted Works

Celebrating the Achievements of The University of Cincinnati’s


Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2022. 3-4:30 p.m. libraries.uc.edu/lifeofthemind

Program Welcome Neville Pinto, President Valerio C. Ferme, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Xuemao Wang, Vice Provost for Digital Scholarship and Dean and University Librarian Featured Faculty Presenter Jennifer Wright-Berryman, Associate Professor of Social Work, College of Allied Health Sciences Panelists Introductions Greg Loving, Chair of the Faculty Senate Panelists Response Calisha Brooks, Mental Health Activist, Soul Care, LLC Kelly Cohen, Brian H. Rowe Endowed Chair in Aerospace Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Science Xander Wells, UC student and President of Men4Mental Health 2

BEING A CAMPUS COMMUNITY THAT CARES: Emotional Wellbeing, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention at the University of Cincinnati Featuring:

Jennifer Wright-Berryman

Associate Professor of Social Work, College of Allied Health Sciences 3

ARTISTS, AUTHORS, EDITORS & Adjepong, Anima Alquist, Caroline Altaye, Mekibib Ampleman, Lisa B-Brown, Shekhinah Bessett, Danielle Biener, Zvi Blevins, Jeffrey Boehr, Christiane Boland, Susan Boyce, Steven Boyd, Drew Bowers, Katherine Buffam, Ishi Bunte, James Burge, Denise Cable, Tracy Cahn, Steven Caldwell, Charles Chemero, Anthony Cohen, Kelly Combs, Kelly Davis, Brad Doarn, Charles Dunning, Nicholas Edgerton, Ezra Ferme, Valerio Foltz, Darline France, Maureen Freeman, David Fujioka-Ito, Noriko 4

Arts and Sciences Medicine Medicine Arts and Sciences College-Conservatory of Music Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences UC Libraries Medicine Business Medicine Arts and Sciences College-Conservatory of Music Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Medicine College-Conservatory of Music Medicine Arts and Sciences Engineering and Applied Science Medicine Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Medicine Arts and Sciences UC Libraries Arts and Sciences UC Clermont Design, Architecture, Art & Planning UC Blue Ash Arts and Sciences

& COMPOSERS Gaynor, Tia Sheree Goetzman, Holly Greinacher, Udo Griffith Michael Hahn, Jennifer Hart, James Hartz, David Hoh, Zachary Holland, Kristopher Huizinga, Sharon Ivanov, Ivan Dinev Ivantcheva-Merjanska, Irene Jacquez, Farrah Jason, Don Jenkins, Laura Dudley Jennings, Nancy Jones, Katherine Castiello Kline, Ben Koshoffer, Amy Kumar, Manish Kumar, Rita La Guardia, Amanda Ladell, Kathy Langland-Hassan, Peter Lankisch, Karen Lee, James Leininger-Miller, Theresa Lentz, David Ma, Ou Malott, Valerie Marui, Akiko

Arts and Sciences Medicine Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Arts and Sciences Medicine UC Libraries UC Blue Ash Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Design, Architecture, Art & Planning College-Conservatory of Music Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences UC Libraries Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences UC Libraries UC Libraries Engineering & Applied Science Faculty Enrichment Center Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services UC Clermont Arts and Sciences UC Clermont UC Libraries Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Arts and Sciences Engineering and Applied Science UC Clermont Arts and Sciences 5

Mast, T. Douglas Matyiku, Anca McFarland, Kevin Mehta, Vikas Micciche, Laura Mintchik, Natalia Moreno, Maria Paz Nabors, Laura NeCamp, Samantha Niven, David Nolan, Rachael Patil, Reena Dhanda Patil, Yash J. Peplow, Amber Pestian, John Pettit, Rhonda Platts, Christopher Raider-Roth, Miriam Reeves, Phoebe Refaei, Brenda Roig-Francoli, Miguel Russell, Virginia L. Sadre-Orafai, Stephanie Scarborough, Vernon Smith, Jennifer Solimine, Michael Steigerwald Ille, Megan Stitzlein, Sarah Stuparyk, Brian Supp, Dorothy Tankersley, Kenneth Teater, Kristina Tepe, Eric Theado, Connie Kendall Trimble, Nicole Vo, Phuongloan Vonderheide, Anne Wadian, Taylor 6

Engineering and Applied Science Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Medicine Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Arts and Sciences Business Arts and Sciences Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Medicine Medicine Medicine UC Blue Ash Medicine UC Blue Ash Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services UC Clermont UC Blue Ash College-Conservatory of Music Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Medicine Law College-Conservatory of Music Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Medicine Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services UC Blue Ash Allied Health Sciences Arts and Sciences UC Blue Ash

Wattenberg, Madeleine Weber, Stephanie Weiss, Alison Weinstein, Valerie Weinstein, Mary Sue Williams, Rina Verma Williams-Arya, Pamela Williamson, Rebecca Wingo, Rebecca S. Wohlfarth, Jenny Wright-Berryman, Jennifer Zamora, Felicia

Arts and Sciences Medicine Medicine Arts and Sciences UC Blue Ash Arts and Sciences Medicine Design, Architecture, Art & Planning Arts and Sciences Arts and Sciences Allied Health Sciences Arts and Sciences


COLLEGES & UNITS Faculty Enrichment Center pg. College of Allied Health Sciences pg. College of Arts and Sciences pg. Carl H. Lindner College of Business pg. College-Conservatory of Music pg. College of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning pg. College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services pg. College of Engineering and Applied Science pg. College of Law pg. College of Medicine pg. UC Blue Ash College pg. UC Clermont College pg. UC Libraries pg. University of Cincinnati Press pg.


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PLUBLISHED CREATIVE & SCHO Faculty Enrichment Center Kumar, Rita and Brenda Refaei, editors. Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Strategies for Teaching. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021.

College of Allied Health Sciences School of Social Work Cohen, Joshua, Jennifer Wright-Berryman, Lesley Rohlfs, Donald Wright, Marci Campbell, Debbie Gingrich, Daniel Santel, and John Pestian. “A Feasibility Study Using a Machine Learning Suicide Risk Prediction Model Based on Open-Ended Interview Language in Adolescent Therapy Sessions.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(21). 2020: 8187. Vo, Phuongloan. “In the Fertile Minefield: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities with Facilitating Self-Development and Growth in the Intercultural and Interracial Clinical Treatment Dyad.” Clinical Social Work Journal. 49(3). 2021: 336-345. Vo, Phuongloan. “Swimming with Winnicott: An Ode to the Spirit of Creativity, Inquiry and Learning.” Psychoanalytic Social Work. 27(2). 2020: 157-163.


OLARLY WORKS College of Arts and Sciences Center for Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation & Political Science Gaynor, Tia Sheree, and Taylor Gaston Davis. Intersect Shun. Multimedia installation, Fresh Air Gallery. Columbus: 2021. Department of Anthropology Jenkins, Laura, Danielle Bessett, Katherine Castiello Jones, Amy Koshoffer, Amber Burkett Peplow, Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, and Valerie Weinstein. “Women’s Perceptions of Explicit and Implicit Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor.” The Journal of Faculty Development. 35(1). 2021: 49-56. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/magna/ jfd/2021/00000035/00000001/art00007;jsessionid=6k4mtr9p61fje.xic-live-01. Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Eric Tepe, Vern Scarborough, Stephanie Meyers, Liwy Grazioso, and Alison Weiss. “Environmental DNA Reveals Arboreal Cityscapes at the Ancient Maya Center of Tikal.” Scientific Reports. 11(12725). 2021: 1-10. https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-021-91620-6. Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Vernon Scarborough, Todd Luxton, Ann Vonderheide, Eric Tepe, Cory Perfetta, James Brunnman, Liwy Grazioso, Fred Valdes, Kenneth Tankersley, and Alison Weiss. “Molecular Genetic and Geochemical Assays Reveal Severe Contamination of Drinking Water Reservoirs at the Ancient Maya City of Tikal.” Nature Scientific Reports. 10(10316): 2020: 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67044-z. 11

Department of Biological Sciences Bousselet, Jennifer, Virginia L. Russell, Leila Tolderlund, Serdar Celik, Bill Retzlaff, Susan Morgan, Ishi Buffam, Reid Coffman, Jason Williams, Mark Mitchell, Jen Backer, and Jessica DeSpain. “Green Roof Research in North America: A Recent History and Future Strategies.” Journal of Living Architecture. 7(1). 2020: 27-64. 10.46534/jliv.2020.07.01.027. Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Eric Tepe, Vern Scarborough, Stephanie Meyers, Liwy Grazioso, and Alison Weiss. “Environmental DNA Reveals Arboreal Cityscapes at the Ancient Maya Center of Tikal.” Scientific Reports. 11(12725). 2021: 1-10. https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-021-91620-6. Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Vernon Scarborough, Todd Luxton, Ann Vonderheide, Eric Tepe, Cory Perfetta, James Brunnman, Liwy Grazioso, Fred Valdes, Kenneth Tankersley, and Alison Weiss. “Molecular Genetic and Geochemical Assays Reveal Severe Contamination of Drinking Water Reservoirs at the Ancient Maya City of Tikal.” Nature Scientific Reports. 10(10316): 2020: 1-9. https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-020-67044-z. Department of Chemistry Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Vernon Scarborough, Todd Luxton, Ann Vonderheide, Eric Tepe, Cory Perfetta, James Brunnman, Liwy Grazioso, Fred Valdes, Kenneth Tankersley, and Alison Weiss. “Molecular Genetic and Geochemical Assays Reveal Severe Contamination of Drinking Water Reservoirs at the Ancient Maya City of Tikal.” Nature Scientific Reports. 10(10316): 2020: 1-9. https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-020-67044-z. Department of Communication Hains, Rebecca and Nancy Jennings, eds. The Marketing of Children’s Toys Critical Perspectives on Children’s Consumer Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, 2021. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-62881-9. 12

Department of English Ampleman, Lisa. Romances: Poems. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: State University Press, 2020. Boehr, Christiane. “Mentoring in Higher Education. Case Studies of Peer Learning and Pedagogical Development.” Relational Mentoring and the Centrality of Self-Care. Palgrave McMillan, 2020: 19. Boehr, Christiane. The Praxis of Listening in Feminist-Relational Research. 23.3. 2021: 9. https://cfshrc.org/journal/peitho-volume-23-issue3-spring-2021/. Griffith, Michael. The Speaking Stone: Stories Cemeteries Tell. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021. Micciche, Laura. Failure Pedagogies: Learning and Unlearning What it Means to Fail. New York City: Peter Lang, 2020. https://doi.org/10.3726/b16255. Micciche, Laura. “Dissertation Assistance During COVID-19.” Inside Higher Ed. Aug. 4, 2020: https://www.insidehighered.com/ advice/2020/08/04/phd-students-need-more-support-their-dissertationwriting-opinion. Micciche, Laura. “Foreword.” The Things We Carry: Strategies for Recognizing and Negotiating Emotional Labor in Writing Program Administration. Logan: Utah State University Press, 2020: ix-xii. https:// upcolorado.com/utah-state-university-press/item/3869-the-things-wecarry. Theado, Connie Kendall and Samantha NeCamp. Working with and against Shared Curricula: Perspectives from College Writing Teachers and Administrators. New York: Peter Lang, 2021. Wattenberg, Madeleine. I/O. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas Press, 2021. https://www.uapress.com/product/i-o/.


Zamora, Felicia. Body of Render. Pasadena, CA: Red Hen Press. https:// redhen.org/book/body-of-render/. Zamora, Felicia. I Always Carry My Bones. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. https://www.uipress.uiowa.edu/books/9781609387761/i-alwayscarry-my-bones. Department of German Studies (Japanese Language and Culture Program) Fujioka-Ito, Noriko, and Akiko Marui. “Jugyo Keitai-ni-awaseta Jiritsu Gakushu Noryoku-o Mezasu Nihongo Kosu Karikyuramu (Japanese Language Course Curricula to Foster Autonomous Learning Abilities based on Instruction Modes).” Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Teachers of Japanese. 206-218. Department of Geography Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Eric Tepe, Vern Scarborough, Stephanie Meyers, Liwy Grazioso, and Alison Weiss. “Environmental DNA Reveals Arboreal Cityscapes at the Ancient Maya Center of Tikal.” Scientific Reports. 11(12725). 2021: 1-10. https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-021-91620-6. Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Vernon Scarborough, Todd Luxton, Ann Vonderheide, Eric Tepe, Cory Perfetta, James Brunnman, Liwy Grazioso, Fred Valdes, Kenneth Tankersley, and Alison Weiss. “Molecular Genetic and Geochemical Assays Reveal Severe Contamination of Drinking Water Reservoirs at the Ancient Maya City of Tikal.” Nature Scientific Reports. 10(10316): 2020: 1-9. https://doi. org/10.1038/s41598-020-67044-z. Department of History Wingo, Rebecca S., Jason A. Heppler, and Paul Schadewald. Digital Community Engagement: Partnering Communities with the Academy. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2020. 14

Department of Journalism Blevins, Jeffrey, Ezra Edgerton, Don Jason, and James Lee. “Shouting into the Wind: Medical Science v. ‘B.S.’ in the Twitter Maelstrom of Politics and Misinformation about Hydroxychloroquine.” Social Media + Society. 7(2). 2021: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051211024977. Wohlfarth, Jenny. “Finding Stillness in the Smokies.” Cincinnati Magazine. 2021. https://www.cincinnatimagazine.com/fall-trips-2021/ finding-stillness-in-the-smokies/. Wohlfarth, Jenny. “Shenandoah National Park is a Rustic Getaway for Nature Lovers.” Cincinnati Magazine. 2021. https://www.cincinnatimagazine.com/fall-trips-2021/shenandoah-national-park-is-a-rusticgetaway-for-nature-lovers/. Department of Philosophy Antoniadis, Pavlos and Anthony Chemero. “Playing without Mental Representations: Embodied Navigation and the GesTCom as a Case Study for Radical Embodied Cognition in Piano Performance.” Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies. 10. 2021: 126-174. 10.25364/24.10:2020.1.7. Biener, Zvi. “Definitions more Geometrarum and Newton's Evolving Views on Space.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics. 72(2). 2020: 179-191. 10.1016/j.shpsb.2020.05.005. Ceccuti, Lorenzo, Chemero, Anthony, and Spike Lee. “Technology May Change Cognition without Necessarily Harming It.” Nature Human Behavior. 5(8). 2021: 973-975. 10.1038/s41562-021-01162-0. Chemero, Anthony. “Epilogue.” What Embodiment Is. New York: Routledge, 2020: 133-140.


Feiten, Tim Elmo, Holland, Kristopher, and Anthony Chemero. “Worlds Apart? Reassessing von Uexküll’s Umwelt in Embodied Cognition with Canguilhem, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze.” Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy. 28(1). 2020: 1-29. 10.5195/jffp.2020.929. DiPaolo, Ezequiel, Chemero, Anthony, Heras-Escribano, Manuel, and Marek McGann, eds. Enaction and Ecological Psychology: Convergences and Complementarities. Lausanne, Frontiers Media, 2021. 10.3389/978-2-88966-431-3. Käufer, Stephan and Anthony Chemero. Phenomenology, 2nd Edition. London: Polity Press, 2021. Langland-Hassan, Peter. Explaining Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. https://global.oup.com/academic/product/ explaining-imagination-9780198815068. McGann, Marek, DiPaolo, Ezequiel, Heras-Escribano, Manuel and Anthony Chemero. “Editorial.” Enaction and Ecological Psychology: Convergences and Complementarities. Lausanne: Frontiers Media, 2021. 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.617898. McKinney, Jonathan, Sato Maki, and Anthony Chemero. “Habit, Ontology and Embodied Cognition without Borders.” Habits. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020: 184-200. Department of Political Science Ivanov, Ivan Dinev. “The Crises of 2020, the Declining Role of International Institutions, and Their Implications for Bulgaria.” Annual Yearbook of the Euro-Atlantic Security Center (EASC). 2020. Ivanov, Ivan Dinev. “The Use of Interactive Student Response Software in an Introductory International Relations Course.” Journal of Political Science Education. 17, 2021: 421-439. https://doi.org/10.1080/15512169.2 019.1694533.


Jenkins, Laura Dudley and Kristina M. Teater. “Hindu Perspectives on the Right to Religious Freedom.” Routledge Handbook of Freedom and Religion and Belief. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2021: 102-116. https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-of-Freedom-ofReligion-or-Belief/Ferrari-QC-Jamal-Bottoni/p/book/9781138301290. Jenkins, Laura Dudley and Rina Verma Williams. “Anti-Muslim Religious Communication in India and the United States.” Exploring the Public Effects of Religious Communication on Politics. Edited by Brian Calfano. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2021: 97-129. https://www.press.umich.edu/11534054/exploring_the_public_ effects_of_religious_communication_on_politics. Jenkins, Laura, Danielle Bessett, Katherine Castiello Jones, Amy Koshoffer, Amber Burkett Peplow, Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, and Valerie Weinstein. “Women’s Perceptions of Explicit and Implicit Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor.” The Journal of Faculty Development. 35(1). 2021: 49-56. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/ content/magna/jfd/2021/00000035/00000001/art00007;jsessionid=6k4 mtr9p61fje.x-ic-live-01. Niven, David. “Aversive Racism at the Ballot Box: A Field Experiment on the Effects of Race and Negative Information in Local Elections.” The Social Science Journal. 2/21: published online. 10.1080/03623319.2021.189 9358. Niven, David, Benjamin Plener Cover, and Michael Solimine. “Are Individuals Harmed by Gerrymandering? Examining Access to Congressional District Offices.” Social Science Quarterly. 102(1). January, 2021: 29-46. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ ssqu.12883. Department of Psychology Jacquez, Farrah and Lina Svedin, editors. Community-Academic Partnerships in Early Childhood Health. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2020. 17

Department of Romance and Arabic Languages & Literatures Ivantcheva, Irene. Pieces (Poems and Fragments). Sofia: Polis Publishers, 2021. Moreno, Maria Paz. Amiga del monstruo. Sevilla [Spain]: Renacimiento, 2020. Department of Sociology Jenkins, Laura, Danielle Bessett, Katherine Castiello Jones, Amy Koshoffer, Amber Burkett Peplow, Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, and Valerie Weinstein. “Women’s Perceptions of Explicit and Implicit Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor.” The Journal of Faculty Development. 35(1). 2021: 49-56. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/ content/magna/jfd/2021/00000035/00000001/art00007;jsessionid=6k4 mtr9p61fje.x-ic-live-01. Department of Women's, Gender, and Sexualities Studies Adjepong, Anima. “‘Are You a Footballer?’ The Radical Potential of Women’s Football at the National Level.” Routledge Handbook of Queer African Studies. London: Routledge, 2020: 76-89. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/ edit/10.4324/9781351141963-9/footballer-anima-adjepong. Adjepong, Anima. “For a Sociology of Women’s Sport on the African Continent.” Research Handbook on Sport and Society. Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, 2021: 276-290. https://www.elgaronline.com/view/ edcoll/9781789903591/9781789903591.xml?rskey=GQzb9X&result=2. Adjepong, Anima. “Voetsek! Get[ting] Lost: African Sportswomen in ‘the Sporting Black Diaspora’.” International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 55(7). 2020: 868-883. https://doi.org/10.1177/1012690219834486.


Adjepong, Anima. “Whiteness and Gendered Violence on the Rugby Pitch.” Women, Sports, and Physical Activity: Women in Rugby. London: Routledge, 2021: 28-41. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/ edit/10.4324/9781003005544-4/whiteness-gendered-violencerugby-pitch-anima-adjepong?context=ubx&refId=75ddb927-ca30-40a38d55-4641c9318377. Jenkins, Laura, Danielle Bessett, Katherine Castiello Jones, Amy Koshoffer, Amber Burkett Peplow, Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, and Valerie Weinstein. “Women’s Perceptions of Explicit and Implicit Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor.” The Journal of Faculty Development. 35(1). 2021: 49-56. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/ content/magna/jfd/2021/00000035/00000001/art00007;jsessionid=6k4 mtr9p61fje.x-ic-live-01. Office of the Dean Bourchard, Norma and Valerio Ferme, eds. Nation(s) and Translations. Annali d'Italianistica (special issue). 38. 2020. https://annali.org/volumes/ volume-38-2020/. Ferme, Valerio. “From the Particular to the Universal: Vittorini’s Italian Adaptation of Ask the Dust.” John Fante’s Ask the Dust: A Joining of Voices and Views. Stephen Cooper and Clorina Donato, eds. New York: Fordham University Press, 2020: 15-42. https://www.fordhampress. com/9780823287857/john-fantes-ask-the-dust/.

College of Business Department of Accounting Knechel, W. R. and Natalia Mintchik. “Do Personal Beliefs and Values Affect an Individual’s ‘Fraud Tolerance’? Evidence from the World Values Survey.” Journal of Business Ethics. Feb. 2021. https://link. springer.com/article/10.1007/s10551-020-04704-0.


Department of Marketing Boyd, Drew. Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio: How to Use the Creative Luxury Process to Develop Products Everyone Wants. New York: Kogan Page, 2021. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1789666112/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_ api_i_9SVYEbWDJBY1N.

College-Conservatory of Music Division of Composition, Musicology and Theory Cahn, Steven. “Harmonic Practice as _Bildung_ in Selected Choral Works of Salomon Jadassohn.” Jewishness, Jewish Identity and Music Culture in 19th-Century Europe. ed. Luca Lévi Sala. Bologna, Italy: Ut Orpheus Ad Parnassum Studies 12, 2020: 1-30. Roig-Francoli, Miguel. Anthology of Post-Tonal Music. Cincinnati: Routledge, 2021. Roig-Francoli, Miguel. Understanding Post-Tonal Music. Cincinnati: Routledge, 2021. Steigerwald Ille, Megan. “Live in the Limo: Remediating Voice and Performing Spectatorship in Twenty-First Century Opera.” The Opera Quarterly. January 7, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1093/oq/kbaa012. Steigerwald Ille, Megan. “Negotiating Convention: Pop-Ups and Populism at the San Francisco Opera.” Journal for the Society of American Music. 14(4). 2020: 519-450. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1752196320000322. Steigerwald Ille, Megan. “The Operatic Ear: Mediating Aurality.” Sound, Stage, Screen. 1(1). 2021: 119-143. https://doi.org/10.13130/sss14186. Division of Performance Studies Bunte, James (alto saxophone). XPLORIUM!. CD of works for saxophone quartet and percussion ensemble. Centaur Records, September 2021. 20

Division of Theatre Arts, Production and Arts Administration B-Brown, Shekhinah. Take Charge: An Accountability Workbook, 2021. https://shekhinahb.org/. B-Brown, Shekhinah. Tammi Terrell Project - A Philadelphia Motown Legend. 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mx1JECPyqA. Huizinga, Sharon, Stirling Shelton, Tayler Durantini, Ian Macintosh, Jason Bowden, Natalia Carlson, Dionte Mercado, Justin Levine, Tal Kochav, and Chrystyna Nowakowski. The Hughes Project. Cincinnati, Hughes STEM High School, April 2, 2021. Huizinga, Sharon, Taylor Durantini, Paige Baumann, Aiden Bezark, Jason Bowden, Ian Macintosh, Alex Mason, Will Baker, Maya Hughes, and Vishal Sharma. “Disrupt!” CCM Light Art Festival Edition #1. April 25, 2021-January 26, 2022.

College of Design, Architecture, Art & Planning School of Architecture and Interior Design Greinacher, Udo. What Kind of Architect are You? San Francisco: ORO Editions, 2021. Connery, Chad and Anca Matyiku. Adjective Constructions. Made July to October 2020 between Montreal and Winnipeg. https://www.moteprojects.ca/work/adjectiveconstructions. Williamson, Rebecca. “Thinking through Building.” Montreal Architecture Review: Thinking Architecture. 6. 2019: 11-27. https://mar.mcgill.ca/article/view/58. Bousselet, Jennifer, Virginia L. Russell, Leila Tolderlund, Serdar Celik, Bill Retzlaff, Susan Morgan, Ishi Buffam, Reid Coffman, Jason Williams, Mark Mitchell, Jen Backer, and Jessica DeSpain. “Green Roof Research in North America: A Recent History and Future Strategies.” Journal of Living Architecture. 7(1). 2020: 27-64. 10.46534/jliv.2020.07.01.027.


School of Art Burge, Denise. Pressed. Fabric, embroidery, paint, 2020. Feiten, Tim Elmo, Kristopher Holland, and Anthony Chemero. “Worlds Apart? Reassessing von Uexküll’s Umwelt in Embodied Cognition with Canguilhem, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze.” Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy. 28(1). 2020: 1-29. 10.5195/jffp.2020.929. Leininger-Miller, Theresa. “New Discovery: Robert S. Duncanson’s Ruins of Carthage (1845).” Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art. 7(1). 2021: https://editions.lib.umn.edu/ panorama/article/ruins-of-carthage/. Leininger-Miller, Theresa. “New Negro Artists in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s.” The Routledge Companion to African American Art History. New York: Routledge, 2020: 198-208. Leininger-Miller, Theresa. “When the Bees Make Honey Down in Sunny Alabama: Comic Honey Bee Songs and Illustrated Sheet Music, 19021922.” American Bee Journal. 160(8). 2020: 913-918. Platts, Christopher. “Paolo Veneziano (active 1310-1358) and the Patronage and Reception of Venetian Gothic Painting in Italy and Croatia.” Honorable Mention for the Maria Cavallarin Prize for an original, book-length essay on the history of Dalmatia (Croatia). Venice, Italy: Ateneo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (Venetian Atheneum of Science, Literature, and Art). Platts, Christopher, curator. “The Great Wonder: Violet Oakley and the Gothic Revival at Vassar.” Exhibition. Poughkeepsie, NY: Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College, February 27-June 13, 2021. https://loeb-art-center.vassarspaces.net/focus-gallery/the-greatwonder-violet-oakley-and-the-gothic-revival-at-vassar/.


School of Design France, Maureen. Portrait of Humanity, Volume 2. London: United Kingdom: Hoxton Mini Press, 73-2. Hoh, Zachary. Packaging. Original fashion design. 2021. Hoh, Zachary. Sublimate. Original fashion design. 2021. Hoh, Zachary. Surreal Separates. Original fashion design. 2021. College Labs Stuparyk, Brian. Future Perfect (Analog Citrus). 2021. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=319853259909182.

College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services School of Education Stitzlein, Sarah. Learning How to Hope: Reviving Democracy through Schools and Civil Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Theado, Connie Kendall and Samantha NeCamp. Working with and against Shared Curricula: Perspectives from College Writing Teachers and Administrators. New York: Peter Lang, 2021. School of Human Services Emelianchik-Key, Kelly and Amanda La Guardia. Non-Suicidal Self-Injury throughout the Lifespan: A Clinician’s Guide to Treatment Considerations. Routledge, 2019. https://www.routledge.com/Non-Suicidal-Self-InjuryThroughout-the-Lifespan-A-Clinicians-Guide-to/Emelianchik-KeyGuardia/p/book/9780815371359.


Nabors, Laura, Meredith J. Murphy, Catherine Lusky, Courtney-Jo Young, and Kayley Sanger. “Using Photovoice to Improve Health Eating for Children Participating in an Obesity Prevention Program.” Global Pediatric Health. 7. 2020: 1-11.

College of Engineering and Applied Science Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Barth, Andrew, Kelly Cohen, and Ou Ma. “A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Spacecraft Landing Site Selection.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3030-82099-2. Cazaurang, Franck, Cohen, Kelly, and Manish Kumar. Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems 1st Edition. ISTE Press - Elsevier, 2020. Cohen, Kelly, Laxman Bokati, Martine Ceberio, Olga Kosheleva, and Vladik Kreinovich. “Why Fuzzy Techniques in Explainable AI? Which Fuzzy Techniques in Explainable AI?.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 74-78. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3030-82099-2. DeGrotte, Nicholas and Kelly Cohen. “A Genetic Fuzzy Approach for the Prediction of Heart Failure.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 92-100. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82099-2.


Dunlap, Kyle, Kelly Cohen, and Kerianne Hobbs. “Comparing the Explainability and Performance of Reinforcement Learning and Genetic Fuzzy Systems for Safe Satellite Docking.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 116-129. https://doi.org/10.1007/9783-030-82099-2. Li, Xi and Kelly Cohen. “Abstractive Representation Modeling for Image Classification.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 229-240. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82099-2. Macmann, Owen, Kelly Cohen, and Franck Cazaurang. “Fuzzy-Flatness Hybrid Fault-Tolerant Control.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 265-277. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82099-2. O’Grady, Katherine L., Javier Viaña, and Kelly Cohen. “Predicting Diabetes Diagnosis with Binary-To-Fuzzy Extrapolations and Weights Tuned via Genetic Algorithm.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 321-331. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82099-2. Palmer, Heath and Kelly Cohen. “Genetic Fuzzy Hand Gesture Classifier.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 332-342. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82099-2. Pickering, Lynn and Kelly Cohen. “Toward Explainable AI-Genetic Fuzzy Systems-A Use Case.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 343-354. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82099-2. 25

Terry, Matthew V. and Kelly Cohen. “Fuzzy Tunes.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 447-452. https://doi.org/10.1007/9783-030-82099-2. Viaña, Javier and Kelly Cohen. “Fuzzy-Based, Noise-Resilient, Explainable Algorithm for Regression.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 461-472. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-03082099-2. Viaña, Javier and Kelly Cohen. “Evaluation Criteria for Noise Resilience in Regression Algorithms.” Explainable AI and Other Applications of Fuzzy Techniques. Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, NAFIPS. Springer, 2021: 473-485. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82099-2. Department of Biomedical Engineering Mast, T. Douglas, Mohamed A. Abbass, and Michael T. Cox. “Numerical Analysis of Three-Dimensional Echo Decorrelation Imaging.” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 147, 2020: EL478EL483. 10.1121/10.0001334. Pierce, Allan D., and T. Douglas Mast. “Acoustic Propagation in a Medium with Spatially Distributed Relaxation Processes and a Possible Explanation of a Frequency Power Law Attenuation.” Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics. 29(2). 2021: 2150012-2150043. https://doi.org/10.1142/S2591728521500122. Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering Cazaurang, Franck, Kelly Cohen, and Manish Kumar. Multi-rotor Platform Based UAV Systems 1st Edition. ISTE Press - Elsevier, 2020.


College of Law Niven, David, Benjamin Plener Cover, and Michael Solimine. “Are Individuals Harmed by Gerrymandering? Examining Access to Congressional District Offices.” Social Science Quarterly. 102(1). January, 2021: 29-46. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/ ssqu.12883.

College of Medicine Department of Environmental and Public Health Sciences Doarn, Charles R., James D. Polk, Anatoli Grigoriev, Jean-Marc Comtois, Kazuhito Shimada, Guillaume Weerts, Joseph P. Dervay, Terrance A. Taddeo, Ashot Sargsyan. “A Framework for Multinational Medical Support for International Space Station: A Model for Exploration.” Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance. 92(2). 2021: 129-34. Doarn, C.R. “Telemedicine.” Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Family Medicine, 5th Edition. Jeannette E. South-Paul, Samuel C. Matheny, and Evelyn L. Lewis, editors. McGraw Hill/Lange. 2020: 752-64. Latifi, Rifat, Charles R. Doarn, and Ronald C. Merrell, editors. Telemedicine, Telehealth, and Telepresence: Principles, Strategies, Applications and New Directions. New York: Springer, 2021. https://link. springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-56917-4. Nolan, R.D., J. Agley, C.R. Doarn, and A. Funk. “The Intersection of End-of-Life and Grief.” Healthy Aging: Through the Social Determinants of Health. Eds: E.T. Jurkowski and M.A. Guest. APHA Press 2021: chapter 12. ISBN:978-0-87553-315-5. Polk, J.D. and C.R. Doarn, editors. Chief Health and Medical Officer’s Spaceflight Mishap Investigation Flight Surgeon Handbook. Washington, DC: NASA, 2021. https://www.nasa.gov/connect/ebooks/mishapinvestigations-handbook.html. 27

Simpson, Andrew T., Charles R. Doarn, and Stephen J. Garber. “Interagency Cooperation in the Twilight of the Great Society: Telemedicine, NASA, and the Papago Nation.” Journal of Policy History. 32(1). 2020: 25-51. Smith, Sabrina, Charles R. Doarn, Elizabeth A. Krupinski, S. David McSwain, and Thomas Wilson. “Changes in Perception of Various Telehealth Topics Before and After a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Telehealth Research Dissemination Conference.” Telemedicine and e-Health. 26(6). 2020: 827-34. Wang, James C., Nora C. Elson, Madison V. Epperson, Charles R. Doarn, Mekibib Altaye, Meredith E Tabangin, Reena Dhanda Patil, and Yash J. Patil. “A Report on the Use of Telehealth in Otolaryngology: In the Pre COVID-19 Era.” Telemedicine and e-Health Journal. 28(3). 2021: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/tmj.2021.0049. Weber, Stephanie, Pamela Williams-Arya, Katherine Bowers, Frank Wamsley, Charles R. Doarn, and Jennifer Smith. “Effectiveness of Interdisciplinary Leadership Training for Early Career Professionals in the Field of Developmental Disabilities.” Maternal and Child Health Journal. 25(7). 2021: 1036-042. Department of Otolaryngology Wang, James C., Nora C. Elson, Madison V. Epperson, Charles R. Doarn, Mekibib Altaye, Meredith E Tabangin, Reena Dhanda Patil, and Yash J. Patil. “A Report on the Use of Telehealth in Otolaryngology: In the Pre COVID-19 Era.” Telemedicine and e-Health Journal. 28(3). 2021: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/tmj.2021.0049. Department of Pediatrics Wang, James C., Nora C. Elson, Madison V. Epperson, Charles R. Doarn, Mekibib Altaye, Meredith E Tabangin, Reena Dhanda Patil, and Yash J. Patil. “A Report on the Use of Telehealth in Otolaryngology: In the Pre COVID-19 Era.” Telemedicine and e-Health Journal. 28(3). 2021: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/tmj.2021.0049. 28

Weber, Stephanie, Pamela Williams-Arya, Katherine Bowers, Frank Wamsley, Charles R. Doarn, and Jennifer Smith. “Effectiveness of Interdisciplinary Leadership Training for Early Career Professionals in the Field of Developmental Disabilities.” Maternal and Child Health Journal. 25(7). 2021: 1036-042. Department of Psychiatry Cohen, Joshua, Jennifer Wright-Berryman, Lesley Rohlfs, Donald Wright, Marci Campbell, Debbie Gingrich, Daniel Santel, and John Pestian. “A Feasibility Study Using a Machine Learning Suicide Risk Prediction Model Based on Open-Ended Interview Language in Adolescent Therapy Sessions.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(21). 2020: 8187. Department of Surgery Baumann, Molly, Danielle M. DeBruler, Britani N. Blackstone, Rebecca A. Coffey, Steven T. Boyce, Dorothy M. Supp, J. Kevin Bailey, and Heather M. Powell. “Direct Comparison of Reproducibility and Reliability in Quantitative Assessments of Burn Scar Properties.” Burns. 47(2). 2021: 466-78. 10.1016/j.burns.2020.07.018. Bergmann, Christian, Bruce Hammock, Debin Wan, Falk Gogolla, Holly Goetzman, Charles Caldwell, and Dorothy Supp. “TPPU Treatment of Burned Mice Dampens Inflammation and Generation of Bioactive DHET which Impairs Neutrophil Function.” Scientific Reports. 11(1). 2021: 16555. 10.1038/s41598-021-96014-2. Hahn, Jennifer, Kevin McFarland, Kelly Combs, Meridith Anness, and Dorothy Supp. “Analysis of HOX Gene Expression and the Effects of HOXA9 Overexpression in Fibroblasts Derived from Keloid Lesions and Normal Skin.” Wound Repair and Regeneration. 29(5). 2021: 777-791. 10.1111/wrr.12917.


Department of Molecular Genetics Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Eric Tepe, Vern Scarborough, Stephanie Meyers, Liwy Grazioso, and Alison Weiss. “Environmental DNA Reveals Arboreal Cityscapes at the Ancient Maya Center of Tikal.” Scientific Reports. 11(12725). 2021: 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-91620-6. Lentz, David, Trinity Hamilton, Nicholas Dunning, Vernon Scarborough, Todd Luxton, Ann Vonderheide, Eric Tepe, Cory Perfetta, James Brunnman, Liwy Grazioso, Fred Valdes, Kenneth Tankersley, and Alison Weiss. “Molecular Genetic and Geochemical Assays Reveal Severe Contamination of Drinking Water Reservoirs at the Ancient Maya City of Tikal.” Nature Scientific Reports. 10(10316): 2020: 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-67044-z. Hoxworth Blood Center Alquist, Caroline. “History of Therapeutic Apheresis.” Apheresis Principles and Practice 4th Edition, Volume 1: Therapeutic Apheresis. Nancy M. Dunbar, editor. Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies. 2021: 1-25. https://www.aabb.org/aabb-store/product/ apheresis-principles-and-practice-4th-edition-volume-1therapeutic-apheresis---digital-15132798. Alquist, Caroline. “Modern Blood Banking.” Essentials of Blood Product Management in Anesthesia Practice. Corey S. Scher, Alan David Kaye, Henry Liu, Seth Perelman, and Sarah Leavitt, editors. Springer, 2021: 11-19. 10.1007/978-3-030-59295-0. Alquist, Caroline. “Transfusion-Service-Related Activities: Pretransfusion Testing and Storage, Monitoring, Processing, Distribution, and Inventory Management of Blood Components.” Technical Manual, 20th edition. C.S. Cohn, M. Delaney, S.T. Johnson, and L.M. Katz, editors. Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies, 2020: 503-535. https://marketplace.aabb.org/ebusiness/ Default.aspx?TabID=251&productId=14885311. 30

UC Blue Ash College Department of Art and Visual Communication Weinstein, Mary Sue. Awakening. Photograph. Athens, Greece: Blank Wall Gallery, International Photography Exhibit Fine Art, 2020. https://www.blankwallgallery.com/exhibition-fine-art-2020/. Weinstein, Mary Sue. Silver Top. Photograph. Athens, Greece: Blank Wall Gallery, International Photography Exhibit Moments of Color. https:// www.blankwallgallery.com/exhibition-moments-color-virtual-2020/ https://www.blurb.com/user/blankwall?filter=bookstore&page=2 . Weinstein, Mary Sue. Vortex. acrylic on canvas. 2021. Weinstein, Mary Sue. Woven. Photograph. Chania, Island of Crete, Greece: CIP Festival, Chania International Photography Festival, 2020. http://www.cipfestival.com/participating-artists-2020/. Department of English and Communication Jenkins, Laura, Danielle Bessett, Katherine Castiello Jones, Amy Koshoffer, Amber Burkett Peplow, Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, and Valerie Weinstein. “Women’s Perceptions of Explicit and Implicit Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor.” The Journal of Faculty Development. 35(1). 2021: 49-56. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/ content/magna/jfd/2021/00000035/00000001/art00007;jsessionid=6k4 mtr9p61fje.x-ic-live-01. Kumar, Rita and Brenda Refaei, editors. Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Strategies for Teaching. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021. Pettit, Rhonda. “A Deed Supreme.” Anthology of Appalachian Writers. Shepherdstown: Shepherd University and the West Virginia Center for the Book/ Sheridan Books. (XII). 2020: 97-98. Pettit, Rhonda. “A Magazine of Literary and Visual Arts at UC Blue Ash College.” Blue Ash Review. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College. (1). 2020.


Pettit, Rhonda. “Colors by Crayola in the Anthropocene.” Cold Mountain Review. Boone: Appalachian State University. Fall/Winter 2020: 28. https://www.coldmountainreview.org/issues/fallwinter-2020-special-issue-on-the-undiscovered/colors-by-crayola-inthe-anthropocene-by-rhonda-pettit. Pettit, Rhonda. “Survey Instructions for Metes and Bounds.” Pine Mountain Sand and Gravel. (23). 2020: 187-188. Pettit, Rhonda. “Writing Blanks.” Anthology of Appalachian Writers. Shepherdstown: Shepherd University and the West Virginia Center for the Book/ Sheridan Books. (XII). 2020: 99. Department of Math, Physics, and Computer Science Freeman, David and Enrico Le Donne. “Towards a quasi-Möbius Characterization of Invertible Homogeneous Metric Spaces.” Revista Matemática Iberoamericana. 37(2). 2021: 671-722. 10.4171/RMI/1211. Department of Media Communications and Technology Hartz, David. Drawing Water #10. Artwork. 2020. Hartz, David. Drawing Water #11. Artwork. 2020. Hartz, David. Drawing Water #12. Artwork. 2021.

UC Clermont College Clermont College Library Ladell, Kathy. “Open Illinois: Supporting Educational Resources as a Consortium.” Open Praxis, Open Access: Digital Scholarship in Action. Chicago: ALA Editions, 2020: 195-208.


Department of English, Languages and Fine Arts Malott, Valerie. “Memoria.” Passager Books. Winter 2020(68). 2020: 79-80. Reeves, Phoebe. “Aubade for the Body.” and “The Body as Menarche.” Western Humanities Review. Reeves, Phoebe. “Caliber.” and “Differential.” New South. Fall. Reeves, Phoebe. “The Body as Derelict.” and “The Body as Cosmology.” Yemassee. 26(2). 2020. Department of Science and Health Lankisch, Karen and Darline Foltz. Exploring Electronic Health Records. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt - Paradigm, 2022. https://www. paradigmeducation.com/content/exploring-electronic-health-recordsthird-edition.

UC Libraries Digital Scholarship Center Blevins, Jeffrey, Ezra Edgerton, Don Jason, and James Lee. “Shouting into the Wind: Medical Science v. ‘B.S.’ in the Twitter Maelstrom of Politics and Misinformation about Hydroxychloroquine.” Social Media + Society. 7(2) 2021: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051211024977. Donald. C. Harrison Health Sciences Library Blevins, Jeffrey, Ezra Edgerton, Don Jason, and James Lee. “Shouting into the Wind: Medical Science v. ‘B.S.’ in the Twitter Maelstrom of Politics and Misinformation about Hydroxychloroquine.” Social Media + Society. 7(2) 2021: 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051211024977.


Geology-Mathematics-Physics Library Jenkins, Laura, Danielle Bessett, Katherine Castiello Jones, Amy Koshoffer, Amber Burkett Peplow, Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, and Valerie Weinstein. “Women’s Perceptions of Explicit and Implicit Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor.” The Journal of Faculty Development. 35(1). 2021: 49-56. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/ content/magna/jfd/2021/00000035/00000001/art00007;jsessionid=6k4 mtr9p61fje.x-ic-live-01. Clermont College Library Ladell, Kathy. “Open Illinois: Supporting Educational Resources as a Consortium.” Open Praxis, Open Access: Digital Scholarship in Action. Chicago, ALA Editions, 2020: 195-208. Robert S. Marx Law Library Boland, Susan and James Hart. UPDATE: Researching International Human Rights. New York: Hauser, 2021. https://www.nyulawglobal.org/ globalex/Human_Rights1.html. Walter C. Langsam Library Kline, Ben. Dead Uncles. Tampa, FL: Driftwood Press, 2021. Kline, Ben. Sagittarius A*. Little Rock, AR: Sibling Rivalry Press, 2020.

University of Cincinnati Press Albright, Kathryn Clark. Exploring the Architecture of Place in America’s Farmers Market. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2020. Cosgrove, Serena, José Idiáquez, Leonard Joseph Bent, and Andrew Gorvetzian. Surviving the Americas: Garifuna Persistence from Nicaragua to New York City. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021. 34

Griffith, Michael. The Speaking Stone: Stories Cemeteries Tell. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021. Hanlin, Chris and Kathleen Smythe. Bicycling Through Paradise: Historical Tours Through Cincinnati. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021. Jacquez, Farrah and Lina Svedin, editors. Community-Academic Partnerships in Early Childhood Health. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2020. Kumar, Rita and Brenda Refaei, editors. Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Strategies for Teaching. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021. Patterson, Dan and Clinton Terry. Surveying in Early America: The Point of Beginning, An Illustrated History. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021. Svedin, Lina, editor. Creating Culture through Health Leadership. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2020. Wingo, Rebecca S., Jason A. Heppler, and Paul Schadewald. Digital Community Engagement: Partnering Communities with the Academy. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2020. Wright, Earl II. Jim Crow Sociology: The Black and Southern Roots of American Sociology. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2020.


2022 Life of the Mind Organizers UC Libraries Faculty Senate Faculty Enrichment Center Sponsor Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost Life of the Mind Steering Committee Xuemao Wang, co-chair Charles Doarn Don Jason Rita Kumar Jenny Mackiewicz

Greg Loving, co-chair Heather Nester Lizzie Ngwenya-Scoburgh Melissa Cox Norris Liz Scarpelli

Exhibit Designer Natalie Rogers Bibliography Editor & Designer Melissa Cox Norris

libraries.uc.edu/lifeofthemind 36

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