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UC Blue Ash College
Alquist, Caroline. “History of Therapeutic Apheresis.” Apheresis Principles and Practice 4th Edition, Volume 1: Therapeutic Apheresis. Nancy M. Dunbar, editor. Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies. 2021: 1-25. https://www.aabb.org/aabb-store/product/ apheresis-principles-and-practice-4th-edition-volume-1-therapeuticapheresis---digital-15132798.
Alquist, Caroline. “Modern Blood Banking.” Essentials of Blood Product Management in Anesthesia Practice. Corey S. Scher, Alan David Kaye, Henry Liu, Seth Perelman, and Sarah Leavitt, editors. Springer, 2021: 11-19. 10.1007/978-3-030-59295-0.
Alquist, Caroline. “Transfusion-Service-Related Activities: Pretransfusion Testing and Storage, Monitoring, Processing, Distribution, and Inventory Management of Blood Components.” Technical Manual, 20th edition. C.S. Cohn, M. Delaney, S.T. Johnson, and L.M. Katz, editors. Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies, 2020: 503-535. https://marketplace.aabb.org/ebusiness/ Default.aspx?TabID=251&productId=14885311.
UC Blue Ash College
Department of Art and Visual Communication
Weinstein, Mary Sue. Awakening. Photograph. Athens, Greece: Blank Wall Gallery, International Photography Exhibit Fine Art, 2020. https:// www.blankwallgallery.com/exhibition-fine-art-2020/.
Weinstein, Mary Sue. Silver Top. Photograph. Athens, Greece: Blank Wall Gallery, International Photography Exhibit Moments of Color. https:// www.blankwallgallery.com/exhibition-moments-color-virtual-2020/ https://www.blurb.com/user/blankwall?filter=bookstore&page=2 .
Weinstein, Mary Sue. Vortex. acrylic on canvas. 2021.
Weinstein, Mary Sue. Woven. Photograph. Chania, Island of Crete, Greece: CIP Festival, Chania International Photography Festival, 2020. http://www.cipfestival.com/participating-artists-2020/.
Department of English and Communication
Jenkins, Laura, Danielle Bessett, Katherine Castiello Jones, Amy Koshoffer, Amber Burkett Peplow, Stephanie Sadre-Orafai, and Valerie Weinstein. “Women’s Perceptions of Explicit and Implicit Criteria for Promotion to Full Professor.” The Journal of Faculty Development. 35(1). 2021: 49-56. https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/magna/jfd/2021/00000035/00000001/art00007;jsessionid=6k4mtr9 p61fje.x-ic-live-01.
Kumar, Rita and Brenda Refaei, editors. Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Strategies for Teaching. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Press, 2021.
Pettit, Rhonda. “A Deed Supreme.” Anthology of Appalachian Writers. Shepherdstown: Shepherd University and the West Virginia Center for the Book/ Sheridan Books. (XII). 2020: 97-98.
Pettit, Rhonda. “A Magazine of Literary and Visual Arts at UC Blue Ash College.” Blue Ash Review. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College. (1). 2020.
Pettit, Rhonda. “Colors by Crayola in the Anthropocene.” Cold Mountain Review. Boone: Appalachian State University. Fall/Winter 2020: 28. https://www.coldmountainreview.org/issues/fall-winter2020-special-issue-on-the-undiscovered/colors-by-crayola-in-theanthropocene-by-rhonda-pettit.
Pettit, Rhonda. “Survey Instructions for Metes and Bounds.” Pine Mountain Sand and Gravel. (23). 2020: 187-188.
Pettit, Rhonda. “Writing Blanks.” Anthology of Appalachian Writers. Shepherdstown: Shepherd University and the West Virginia Center for the Book/ Sheridan Books. (XII). 2020: 99.