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College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning
Division of Theatre Arts, Production and Arts Administration
B-Brown, Shekhinah. Take Charge: An Accountability Workbook, 2021. https://shekhinahb.org/.
B-Brown, Shekhinah. Tammi Terrell Project - A Philadelphia Motown Legend. 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Mx1JECPyqA.
Huizinga, Sharon, Stirling Shelton, Tayler Durantini, Ian Macintosh, Jason Bowden, Natalia Carlson, Dionte Mercado, Justin Levine, Tal Kochav, and Chrystyna Nowakowski. The Hughes Project. Cincinnati, Hughes STEM High School, April 2, 2021.
Huizinga, Sharon, Taylor Durantini, Paige Baumann, Aiden Bezark, Jason Bowden, Ian Macintosh, Alex Mason, Will Baker, Maya Hughes, and Vishal Sharma. “Disrupt!” CCM Light Art Festival Edition #1. April 25, 2021-January 26, 2022.
College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning
School of Architecture and Interior Design
Greinacher, Udo. What Kind of Architect are You? San Francisco: ORO Editions, 2021.
Connery, Chad and Anca Matyiku. Adjective Constructions. Made July to October 2020 between Montreal and Winnipeg. https://www.moteprojects.ca/work/adjectiveconstructions.
Williamson, Rebecca. “Thinking through Building.” Montreal Architecture Review: Thinking Architecture. 6. 2019: 11-27. https://mar. mcgill.ca/article/view/58.
Bousselet, Jennifer, Virginia L. Russell, Leila Tolderlund, Serdar Celik, Bill Retzlaff, Susan Morgan, Ishi Buffam, Reid Coffman, Jason Williams, Mark Mitchell, Jen Backer, and Jessica DeSpain. “Green Roof Research in North America: A Recent History and Future Strategies.” Journal of Living Architecture. 7(1). 2020: 27-64. 10.46534/jliv.2020.07.01.027.
Burge, Denise. Pressed. Fabric, embroidery, paint, 2020.
Feiten, Tim Elmo, Kristopher Holland, and Anthony Chemero. “Worlds Apart? Reassessing von Uexküll’s Umwelt in Embodied Cognition with Canguilhem, Merleau-Ponty, and Deleuze.” Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy. 28(1). 2020: 1-29. 10.5195/jffp.2020.929.
Leininger-Miller, Theresa. “New Discovery: Robert S. Duncanson’s Ruins of Carthage (1845).” Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art. 7(1). 2021: https://editions.lib.umn.edu/panorama/article/ruins-of-carthage/.
Leininger-Miller, Theresa. “New Negro Artists in Paris in the 1920s and 1930s.” The Routledge Companion to African American Art History. New York: Routledge, 2020: 198-208.
Leininger-Miller, Theresa. “When the Bees Make Honey Down in Sunny Alabama: Comic Honey Bee Songs and Illustrated Sheet Music, 19021922.” American Bee Journal. 160(8). 2020: 913-918.
School of Design
France, Maureen. Portrait of Humanity, Volume 2. London: United Kingdom: Hoxton Mini Press, 73-2.
Hoh, Zachary. Packaging. Original fashion design. 2021.
Hoh, Zachary. Sublimate. Original fashion design. 2021.
Hoh, Zachary. Surreal Separates. Original fashion design. 2021.
College Labs
Stuparyk, Brian. Future Perfect (Analog Citrus). 2021. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=319853259909182.