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College-Conservatory of Music
Department of Marketing
Boyd, Drew. Adding Prestige to Your Portfolio: How to Use the Creative Luxury Process to Develop Products Everyone Wants. New York: Kogan Page, 2021. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1789666112/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_ api_i_9SVYEbWDJBY1N.
College-Conservatory of Music
Division of Composition, Musicology and Theory
Cahn, Steven. “Harmonic Practice as _Bildung_ in Selected Choral Works of Salomon Jadassohn.” Jewishness, Jewish Identity and Music Culture in 19th-Century Europe. ed. Luca Lévi Sala. Bologna, Italy: Ut Orpheus Ad Parnassum Studies 12, 2020: 1-30.
Roig-Francoli, Miguel. Anthology of Post-Tonal Music. Cincinnati: Routledge, 2021.
Roig-Francoli, Miguel. Understanding Post-Tonal Music. Cincinnati: Routledge, 2021.
Steigerwald Ille, Megan. “Live in the Limo: Remediating Voice and Performing Spectatorship in Twenty-First Century Opera.” The Opera Quarterly. January 7, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1093/oq/kbaa012.
Steigerwald Ille, Megan. “Negotiating Convention: Pop-Ups and Populism at the San Francisco Opera.” Journal for the Society of American Music. 14(4). 2020: 519-450. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1752196320000322.
Steigerwald Ille, Megan. “The Operatic Ear: Mediating Aurality.” Sound, Stage, Screen. 1(1). 2021: 119-143. https://doi.org/10.13130/sss14186.
Division of Performance Studies
Bunte, James (alto saxophone). XPLORIUM!. CD of works for saxophone quartet and percussion ensemble. Centaur Records, September 2021.