Pay It Forward

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UCM Fall 2011 Edition 9 Pay It Forward

Content: President’s Message Tossing Rocks Little Blessings A Challenging Friendship On Knowing Roger Corless Teaching of The Butterfly Spiritual Gifts Certifications Be The Change You Seek Passing Forward Spiritual Gifts Advice of a Chronic Hostess Future Issues and Deadlines About the Cover Artist

Cover Art By Reverend Karen M. Haughey

Several months ago I received a small package from one of our UCM ministers. On opening I found, what is known as a “Feather Crown”. Fortunately included was information about what it is along with some stories about Feather Crowns, as for me this was new terminology. The Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary defines a Feather Crown as a ball of feathers in an unique pattern, found in feather beds or pillows after a person has died: feather ball is about six inches in diameter and two inches thick, feathers are closely over lapped, turning in a clockwise direction with no apparent visible adhesive. In these modern times, we are not taught to be aware of what spirit does for us. In addition our beds and pillows are no longer made of feathers. The stories all are similar, that the crown of feathers was found inside the pillow of the relative who had made their transition as a physical manifestation to prove the loved one has indeed gone to heaven to advance Spiritually on the other side. This is a spiritual record that is left behind. Those who have held a feather crown have felt a sense of peacefulness. I share with you some of the stories that accompanied this “Feather Crown” Sherry of Missouri: My Crown of Feathers is exactly as described: It was found in my grandmother’s pillow in 1944 on her bed. Grandpa said that grannies soul had gone to God, before she left the pillow. Pauline of Alabama: I have one from my aunt’s pillow; she died in 1935. People shared the belief that the Crown was a sign from God that their loved one went to heaven. Nancy of Florida: My impression is they are a blessing from Spirit to show the love that surrounds us at all times, but to “prove” it to us who are insensitive to the feathery touches that they use to get our attention. In searching the web for more information the stories are similar, and also indicate that the feather crowns do not yellow with age or seem to disintegrate. They hold their softness which I find very endearing. The crown has been placed on the altar in my office and it extends a loving energy that I find very caressing. Thank you to Reverend Lola Swan for gifting me this spiritual treasure. With Light and Love, Sandy

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


Giddy with excitement from just being ordained as a Universal Church of Master (UCM) reverend, I almost missed the turn into the Red Lobster parking lot, so everyone in the car had to lean into a hard right as we whizzed into the driveway a bit too fast for my husband’s taste. He gave me that look, that extra special look that husbands save for their wives. I returned the look with a grin of triumph of “we made it” especially because we also got to park right in front! The car was filled with some of my most favorite loved ones: my husband, Bryan; my youngest son, Joe; and my teachers and sponsors, Reverends Doti Boon, Corky Whitacre and Arlene Phelan celebrating what it means to be a UCM reverend. Before becoming a reverend, I discovered one of the best things about UCM is that it discourages adherence to rigid dogmas, and instead, encourages an empowerment through livingness as outlined in the four keys by Dr. Fitzgerald: to administer and perform divine healing; to give counsel, inspirational and spiritual messages; to instruct and teach universal truth; and to instruct and teach universal love. What I learned that night changed my life forever! Instead of the four keys being some out of date, dusty old fashioned words that were brushed off and only used randomly in ceremony for becoming a reverend. I learned the four keys are actually a call into Expanded God Consciousness as a place to live from when we as reverends are called into spiritual service even while dining out. You pass your spiritual gifts forward by living and breathing them each and every day. The four keys are interwoven in our day-to-day lives and I found it remarkable that it bridged into an ancient healing. Here’s what happened: Rev. Arlene through living the four keys and her Huna training, co-created divine magic. I share and play this forward to you in prayer that it brings you an expanded field of play in which you can co-create in! Administer and Perform Divine Healing My son was worried beyond words that he would not be able to get in to the high school that all his friends since kindergarten were going to. Rev. Arlene seeing his suffering taught my family and I a form of Huna divination that she performed without ridged dogma. She grabbed what was available at the table -- red swizzle sticks, and white, blue, pink and yellow sugar packets -- tossed them about and magic happened! My son was not only relieved of his deep suffering, he was able to attend the high school of his dreams. Here are the steps and background for you to use: Kupua (Hawaiian) means to bring forth, to teach, and is a divination tool that has been handed down for centuries in many different cultures and traditions. It tells the story of alignment: What is now and what is intended to be. I fondly call this method “Toss-The-Rocks,” which is the use of tossing several multicolored Shaman Stones to reveal energetic, relational consciousness within each person’s grid of light. Starting with the Shaman tradition, each participant becomes as “present” as possible by connecting (grounding) fully to Mother Earth, then gently running energy up the energetic spine to each of the charades, and finally reaching the higher chakras by connecting to Father Sky. Once this connection happens, bring the energy back down pooling for a moment at the third eye and finally resting at the heart chakra.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


1. Intention is Everything! Each person brings their awareness (their

ocks R e Th s s o to T w o H

consciousness) to the question at hand. a. This intention focuses the light lines that hold both the known and unknown consciousness held in the person’s, the subject being read, own grid of light. b. The person in the “Shaman” role connects to the subject’s grid of light, as well as, intends to connect to the Divine. v Think of connecting to avatars/guides/angels/shamans that are there to assist, so the answers come from the Divine into the receiver’s third eye and heart chakra and not into the “logical” mind. 2. Energizing the Stones. The Shaman energizes the stones to be used on behalf of the person, by intending the stones to reveal their “points of light consciousness” and hands the stones over to the person who has the question. 3. Stones begin to Resonate. The Shaman directs the person to hold the stones and the stones begin to resonate to the person’s light grid. a. Generally the person is not aware of it, but what occurs when holding the stones, is an alignment of the conscious vibration of their question and each of the components within their question to each of the stones. b. This conscious vibration becomes separate “points of light” within their grid; or, you can think of it as “packets” of consciousness that vibrates to the essence of each assigned meaning -- such as an obstacle, a friend, access to abundance consciousness, right source of income, and so forth. 4. Sharpening Awareness. The Shaman directs the person to bring their awareness (their consciousness) to their question by having the person assign a meaning to each stone -- such as an obstacle, family, friends, and/or outcomes. a. For each question, the Shaman encourages the person to assign as many possible components as there are within the question, which will help reveal a more robust pattern of relational consciousness. b. If there are several components, it’s a good idea to write down what each stone/color represents as it is difficult to remember “what is what” as your third eye is flooded with information and the logical mind tries to put patterns into place that may or may not be accurate. c. Write out what the question is. Many times, you will find a revealing of not what their out-loud question is, but what the unspoken heart question is, which of course is the real question, what they really wanted to know. 5. Stating the Question. The Shaman directs the person to cup all the assigned stones and to gently shake them as if they are dice. Then the Shaman encourages the person to say out loud, “Stones please reveal the light points of my question.” and then say, out loud, what their question is.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


How t o Tos s Roc ks

Give Counsel, Inspirational and Spiritual Messages:

6. Revealing Relational Patterns. The person gently tosses the stones onto a flat surface and a pattern of relational consciousness emerges. 7. Interpretation/Divination: a. The closer the stones are to each other, the closer the connection, attraction or alignment it is showing; conversely, the farther away, the less connection or less of a charge in consciousness. v Think of magnets (attractions or aversion) energy consciousness demonstrates the same way. b. If the stones are showing “right side up” the consciousness is in the “here and now.” c. If the stones are showing “upside down” the consciousness is in the “place of possibilities” or another way of saying it, it’s in the Spirit World or Divine. v Think “as above, so below.” People often forget how much they create in the Spirit world, which creates everything in the here and now. d. Look for geometric patterns: circles, triangles, squares, straight lines, as these show additional layers within a relationship. For example v Three points creating a triangle and a third point is way off in the distance shows how the three points of light have a closer relationship than the one off in the distance. Many times the top of the triangle is in the Spirit world, where the other two points are in the here and now. e. It’s amazing how many hidden questions are answered, just by observing the pattern and the relationship each stone (each packet of consciousness) has to one another. Teach Universal Truth

8. The Shaman’s Role is to really encourage the person to connect to and review what their light pattern is showing them. It is also to help them seek and express their own interpretation and their own course of action because: a. The more intentionally the person can connect to their grid, the deeper the consciousness will shift when relational light points are moved within the grid. b. It also helps to encourage the person to open up and fully connect to the “field of play” as all packets of their consciousness can be modified through their own intention. A sense of wonder, and playfulness is important to this process! Healing and manifesting can be done within the reading. A shift in the person can come by playing with the position and relationship and even removing stones from that stage. You can flip physical/spiritual states. You can adjust relationships by changing the proximity of stones. You can block or unblock relations. In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


Teach Universal Love In the Shaman role, the Shaman knows that all healing modalities lead first with bridging one’s consciousness to the Divine -- the place of intention -- to help bring forth into the “here and now” new energetic shifts in consciousness, to balance and strengthen for a more aligned outcome in behalf of the person. The Shaman can either help the person do it themselves or provide energetic healings (Reiki, Huna, Yuen Method etc.) and/or both. The Shaman also knows that all shifts in consciousness (all healings) come from Divine Grace and the Shaman is nothing more than a bridge into this amazing and wonderful state of Grace.

Blessed Be!

Tossin g Rock s Contin ued Rev. Becca Thompson 408-206-4891 Weddings • Memorials • VortexHealing®

A San Jose native, Rev. Becca Thompson works full-time as an executive assistant at a large high-tech firm. As a wife and mother of four, she continuously strives to develop her spiritual self. Becca studied for two years at the Universal Church of the Master (UCM) they have an extensive, Accredited Theology Program and Life Path Ministerial Program- and was ordained Reverend on January 25, 2009. Currently, Rev. Becca is a very active member of the Center for Creative Living (UCM Charter #801) church and largest No. California charter. For many years Rev. Becca has studied several methods of hands-on healing such as Reiki and Huna. Her primary focus is working with divine energy consciousness, which began in 2006 when she took her first class in VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing. A Divine Healing art from the Merlin lineage, VortexHealing® is designed to transform the roots of emotional consciousness, heal the physical body, and awaken freedom within the human heart. Rev. Becca received her healing certificate in September 2010 and continues to study this truly amazing healing art. Rev. Becca Thompson is available for weddings, memorials, and healing session work * VortexHealing® is a registered service mark of Ric A. Weinman. All rights reserved. This mark can only be used by certified VortexHealing practitioners who have also signed a service mark license agreement with Ric A. Weinman.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


Little Blessings in the Basement By Patty Shaw Back in February of 2010 I started a Reiki share for the community of practitioners in my area. The attendance was low and sometimes I found myself, alone, on the massage table giving myself a Reiki treatment. That was fine, I always get a lot out of Reiki and I know I’m never really alone, but I couldn’t help but wonder what was missing (besides people that is). I thought about different ways to market the share, but my enthusiasm was waning. My Reiki share needed a shot in the arm…actually I needed that shot. Later that year, when I found out about , I immediately created a page and posted my meet ups and waited for them to come. Like in the movie, Field of Dreams….if you build it they will come, so they did and I was fulfilled. I didn’t realize how important it was for me to create a space for practitioners to share Reiki until they were there. Originally I thought hosting a Reiki share was a pretty cool thing to do but when I felt my heart fill to almost burst I knew I needed to find a way to express my gratitude. I didn’t have to wait long for the remedy to my burgeoning heart. Answers hide in the most curious places and pop up when you are busy doing something completely unrelated. In mycase it was in my basement fussing about being over-run by my husband’s stuff. Squirreled away in a corner I found an unimposing little book called Living Reiki, Takata’s Teachings in a box of old books. Hawayo Takata was the first woman to be attuned to Reiki and her experiences with Reiki are amazing. When I picked up this book, magic happened. I couldn’t put in down and I sat on my basement floor and read it from cover to cover and started to cry. I’ll explain that in a minute, but first I have to tell you about my husband. He had picked this little jewel up when he was studying Reiki and when he was done tossed it in a box and put the box in the basement. Thankfully he never listens to me about my fears of hording and keeps everything. Instead, he listens to his intuition that says; I’ll need that someday, so I’m keeping it. He’s really good that way. Now let’s return to the drama. Well I started to cry because I felt like I was connecting with something important that I’d long forgotten about and my hysterical heart was screaming “Open a Reiki clinic for the public and teach people about Reiki”. When my heart screams I cry. That’s just the way it goes for me. The level of truth is so intense in the moment I become overwhelmed and the waterworks begin. As the cry fest subsided I abandoned all thoughts of cleaning the basement, forgave my husband and got on the computer to create my plan for the clinic. A much better use of my time as far as I was concerned. I had it all organized and practitioners lined up for the grand opening February 2011. Huh, practically on the anniversary of the Reiki share. Divine guidance? – You can bet your buns it is! There are those who would say, what’s the big deal? You open a clinic, people come, you get paid and everyone goes home. Those people have never taken a chance on themselves to find out if anyone really loves them. They have never been soft enough in their hearts to allow Reiki to melt away the stress and pain life dishes out so generously. They have not tapped into their dwindling reservoir of hope and said, let’s give this a chance. The Dharma Room Reiki Clinic is waiting for them.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


asem B e h In T s g in d le s s B e inue t n Littl o c

ent All Reiki needs is a crack in the armor and like water, it’s in. This is why I have a Reiki clinic. So I can be the channel for the Reiki that restores hope, alleviates fear, and elevates the soul. I can’t be any other way and I am so grateful that Hawayo Takata tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Do this, it’s important”. Our Dharma Room Reiki Clinic is in its sixth month and we already have “regulars” and I can count on new faces showing up every time. They all come with their need and pain and fear and we give them Reiki and they go home better equipped to face their life again, because that’s what we do; face life. Thanks for listening to my story about how I healed my heart a little bit more when Reiki showed me how beautiful it is to give back. There is less yearning and much more gratitude flowing there now since the share and clinic opened. My happiness quotient went up about 50%. Hey, I’m still human and I got stuff, but now I have Reiki and I know I’ll be just fine. Patty Shaw UCM, is a Reiki Master, Spiritual Counselor, Author and Co-owner of Coventry Creations, Inc. Find out more about Patty at: Her Book at Her company at .

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


A Challenging Friendship – Roger J. Corless By Reverend David Dupree

Being a friend is hard work. It is more than wishing to like another and being liked in return. Many of us consider friendship a happy accident of interpersonal chemistry and polite discourse while sharing adventures together. Growing up in the south and being educated in “Yankee territory”, I developed the confusion bordering on the argument of the chicken and the egg. Whether being “nice” and expect someone to be “nice”, or make them earn the right to be a friend. Southerners are accused of not being forthright, and Yankees are blamed for being difficult. Yes, being a friend is difficult and time consuming. Parents can be helpful on occasion, but can you trust them whether they are Yankees or southerners. And yet men and women have come in and out of my life and I’ve called them friend. I definitely count them as spiritual gifts. And then there are those I met who I just knew were worth the effort. Roger Corless was one of those. Brilliant, witty and yes, thankfully a challenge from whom to learn so much about being human, Roger was my friend. Reverend Roger Corless designed the icon that bespeaks the goal of UCM. He felt honored and happy when the Board of UCM accepted his design as its logo. Within its lines and shapes, Roger placed representations of most of the major faiths of our planet, and then wrote an explanation of where to look for them within the logo. It is Roger at his best. You may not have had the pleasure of knowing Roger while he was an active member of UCM. Roger had the good fortune of having Reverend Arlene Phelan as his sponsor. Arlene has been a member of UCM for some years and a previous member of the Board, as well as being an inspiration to many of us including Roger. It is through Roger and Arlene, as well as our wonderful President Reverend Sandy Clark that I decided I would become a Minister at UCM also. I mention these friendships to demonstrate the interactive network that is a great feature of UCM. Now I’ll tell you a little more about Roger Corless. Roger was a Professor of Buddhism at Duke University for 30 years, an accomplished educator, a major academic scholar, and revered man by many who came in contact with him. Meeting Roger some 20 years ago at an AA Meeting, was the beginning of a major friendship for me. He reminded me that he did professor very well. And since I have only a MBA to his PhD, he liked to “pull rank” on me, so I began a habit of teasing him, once taking him to a leather clothing store to dress him up as a "leather daddy," a term used in the gay world. He looked great, something like a smiling Colonel Sanders with a motorcycle hat, and giggling too loudly, we decided it was the better form of valor to leave had a wonderful time together.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


A Challenging Friendship – Roger J. Corless continued

Each summer until he retired and moved to the Bay Area, Roger would visit and stay with me. That first summer I rescued a threeyear old Rottweiller. Casting about for a name that began with an R, I asked Roger if he would mind if I named him Roger, In his perfectly modulated Buddhist voice, he expounded that it would be of indifference to him, and immediately began calling my new dog, Roger. During the next eight years while Roger, the Rottweiller, lived; whenever I said for him to sit, if Roger, the professor, was nearby, guess who would make a fuss about sitting. Even now with my next dog, when I get agitated, I revert to calling out Roger, SIT; and I giggle again. Being a single, divorced, alcoholic gay man, it was a journey to realize that I too could build the life to which I had assumed I was denied and create my own family. It was Roger who gave me the courage as an older man to adopt my son, Caleb. When somehow given the opportunity, I hesitated. As always, Roger was there to question kindly. It took me some time to realize that Roger was the older brother I had always wanted and felt existed somewhere for me. Kind and stubborn, brilliant and wise, Roger, you I miss greatly. The Way Old Friends Do You and I can share the silence Finding comfort together the way old friends do. And after fights and words of violence We make up with each other the way old friends do. Times of joy and times of sorrow We will always see it through. Oh I don’t care what comes tomorrow We can face it together the way old friends do. Written by Benny Andersson & Bjorn Ulvaeus Performed by : ABBA Tis a gift to be simple, Tis a gift to be free. Tis a gift to come down Where I ought to be. Part of an old Quaker hymn Be the Friend you always wanted and pass it on.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


The Corless Foundation

Meeting Roger some fifteen years ago at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting was the beginning of a major friendship for me. Little did I know that this English man who looked like a friendly Colonel Sanders was such a highly respected scholar. However, as he would remind me, he did Professor very well. And having only an MBA myself, on occasion he would try to pull “rank” on me with his PhD and in defense I took to teasing him, which leads us into many adventures of discussion. I learned so much from him beside academics. Well read, insightful, and witty, Roger was a true delight at his best; a challenge at other times. Roger Corless was born on Mercyside, England in 1938, brought up in the Church of England and told his mother at twelve that he was a Buddhist of ages past. She and his father taking little note of his assertion, watched him earn a Bachelor of Divinity at Kings College, University of London and a PhD at the University of Wisconsin. Please read “Becoming a Dialogian: How to do Buddhist-Christian Dialogue without really Trying” for the full story and to get a flavor of Roger's wit and what he told me was his most important contribution. Roger offers these of what he calls Co-Inherent Consciousness. It is hard to write about Roger without quoting him and I offer the following:

So, from this I had the way to a solution. If both my Absolutes could speak of co-inherence or non-duality at the heart of their systems, perhaps there was a way they could co-inhere each other. This they could only do in a person, in an actual mind, and it seemed that my next step was to offer my mind to be used in this way. If I did not do that, I should retreat to abstractions, and allow theory to dictate reality.

This is why he inspired me to form The Corless, a foundation in his honor to assist graduate students in testing this hypothesis as he wished. Roger's fictional novel Where Do We Go From Here? Buddhism, Christianity, and the Next Step has not been published yet, but the foundation is currently working to do so. That along with other achievements and accomplishments will continue to be announced on our website,, along with links and articles about this remarkable man.

David L. Dupree Executive Director

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


The Corless Foundation

Our Mission The Corless Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to uniting people of different religions, cultures, and heritages in order to promote understanding and insight into the spiritual community. We raise funds in order to allow students to complete research and projects that compliment our own goals while investigating various topics of religious studies and foreign belief systems. We create events and opportunities that foster spiritual growth within the individual and the community, while providing programs that unite the community and assist people in need throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

Our Legacy We have our roots in the work and estate of Roger Corless—who practiced in both Catholic and Buddhist traditions— but we are more interested in promoting dialogue “in which all parties to the dialogue would be open to change but no party would be able to predict the change that might occur....” Roger once envisioned creating a local community of scholars to help support this process, but he understood that the Bay Area was already rich with such organizations—indeed, that's why he wanted it to be based here—so he made it clear that he wanted this community to be primarily a facilitator; he didn't want it to be allowed to “grow into an institution” which would compete with the others. His original vision was never realized. The specifics of that vision required nothing less than Roger himself—and his active intelligence, ambitions, connections, and care—and the Roger who could have directed that organization is no longer with us. Our goals are a bit different, but of one spirit; we will work with local and international organizations to encourage and support efforts in interfaith dialogue; we will make published and unpublished works by Roger more available; and we hope to carry on Roger's scholarship by supporting scholars working in the field of interfaith dialogue, especially those critically engaging with Roger's work. The first drafts of a new world history have already been written. This has been called a century of conflict and clash; and it certainly is a century of encouraging debate. Roger's ideas—and those of others like him—are some of the most valuable resources that we have to make those encounters embracing. Please visit us at

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


(Printed with permission of Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine –

Walking through a warm afternoon and observing butterflies sunning themselves and flitting about being lovely, I was reminded that they began lives as caterpillars. Essentially worm-like, creeping along, eating and doing damage to plants, caterpillars are hardly an enlightened seeming creature. Later, as butterflies these same creatures provide inspirational beauty and joy and assist with the pollination process providing a valuable assist to the plant world they had earlier damaged. I thought about the metamorphosis that the worm underwent to become the being of light, and it led me to a parallel vision of humanity. I saw that humans, until caterpillar stage. We’ve world, taking what we much greater degree than I have a deep respect for things. I perceive that we our evolution which dramatic and life changing caterpillar undergoes chrysalis.

now, have largely been in that been eating our way through the needed and doing damage to a caterpillars ever could. However, life and the higher purpose in all are moving into the next stage of involves a metamorphosis as in every way as what the during its time within the

In the world of spiritual metamorphosis is called throughout our lives and form. As humans we are our environment, many of own behavior, if we felt like are also changes going on in pay attention could cause appearance of breaking our society and the relied for our security.

healing this journey of ascension and it is happening our planet, affecting every life noticing problematic changes in which we could blame on our blaming, which I don’t. There our bodies, and souls which if we us some anxiety. There is an down on every level including structures on which we have

An interesting element of the butterfly transformation is that the chrysalis which supports and protects it during metamorphosis exists within the body of the caterpillar. First the caterpillar sheds its skin and underneath is the chrysalis! It is right there waiting to provide a vehicle into a life of beauty, purpose and flight. Within ourselves and our world is being born our own means of metamorphosis. Looking with spiritual vision, a person can see the new world forming even as the old is breaking down. The new forms which are coming will initially appear the same; a tree will be a tree, a horse will be a horse and a human will be a human. The differences will be that the body we live in will be built on a higher frequency of energy and will be more alive to our eternal and wise spirit and less dependent on that which we can take from the world around. We will move out of the stage of consuming worm and into the stage of light being; filled with purpose, beauty and wholeness. We will be contributing to the well being of the very world we currently appear to be destroying.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


When the caterpillar undergoes this metamorphosis, it is a kind of death and rebirth. It is a total surrender to change. The wisdom within the caterpillar understands this process and it knows what to do. I wonder if it feels fear or resists this process, or if it welcomes it with the pleasure of faith in a more beautiful future. We have the choice to surrender and trust this process in ourselves and our world or to fear and fight it. Either way, we are being reborn. Within you there is a place of peace and safety, where the means of being reborn is emerging day by day. When you find yourself stressing about letting go of your old skin, try the following exercise. Relax your mind and center within your heart chakra in the middle of your chest. Then step back into yourself until you feel centered along your spine (as though your spine is the middle of you, rather than being the back of you. It is the middle of your aura). Here, deep within yourself you will find a place where you can breathe easier and connect with God and the wisdom present which guides you. Allow your mind to relax and receive peace, stillness and guidance from your inner wisdom. You are eternal, safe and unbreakable and this is an amazing adventure you are on! Trust your metamorphosis; you will emerge into a better place. Rev. Eve Wilson, Director and creator of The Healer Development Program and The Healer & Ascension Certification Course has been a full time healer and trainer of healers since 1986. Eve works with a person’s aura and Higher Self to assist their evolution and heal the cause of issues. She works actively with planetary healing and ascension. Visit her website and healing/ascension blog at www.spiritualhealers.comor call 734-780-7635 .

Love and Blessings, Eve Wilson

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


Spiritua lG

As a working spiritual counselor – sometimes you are hesitant to tell someone something that might be considered “bad”. However, when a dear friend of mine that I have known for 30 years came into my office for a reading, I knew I had to tell her exactly what I was receiving from my Spirit Guide MAH. “You need to go see an OB doctor and you need to get a Pap smear immediately.” Of course she looked at me rather askance. “Do not hesitate, my guide says you need to do it today. You have been seeing me for a long time – and I have never been this direct. Go – call your doctor.: The cancer they found was invasive and rapidly growing. She was scheduled for surgery immediately and after another surgery is undergoing chemo as I write this article. Her mother thanked me profusely on her birthday, saying, “Thank you for saving my little girl.” I just reminded her it was a channeled message. My spiritual gifts aren’t always as readily received. One client was traveling from San Jose to Los Angeles, California – by way of the Grapevine out of Bakersfield. My guidance told him to slow down since there was going to be a bad accident. Two large 18 wheelers were going to crash and it was best if his small sports car wasn’t involved. The next day I received a call from a phone in Lebec (a few miles onto the grapevine (Highway 5). My client was complaining that I should have told him to speed up –since the accident of two trucks colliding was going to take 5 hours to be cleared from the highway. One of my favorite stories: A woman came into my office and wanted to know exactly where and when she was going to meet her soul mate. My Guide responded, either Saturday night or Thursday night at 9:00 at Shabooms (a local 50s’ dance establishment) And, his name is Romeo. She looked at me like “Sure”. Eight months later I received a call from my client – from the bridal suite of the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas. “I just played the reading tape for my new husband and he is amazed.” She had followed my advice and met him at Shabooms at 9:00 on a Thursday evening. He introduced himself as “Bob” and as the evening drew to a close – told her his friends in the Army always called him “Romeo.” Being in contact with my spiritual guide Mahalaleel “MAH” for the past 68 years has truly been a gift that I cherish daily.


fts By Rev . Doti Boon, UCM C harter

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present



The following have completed the UCM requirements for their certifications:

Christina Gassner

Kristina Breen Katie Schutz Vickie Whitney

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


World Peace – Be The Change We Seek UCM Ministers Pass it Forward By Reverend Arlene Phelan

A Tribute to Theresa Gandhi Our 2011 Annual Meeting’s theme was “Peace through Spirituality and Religion; Peace Through Social Justice and Government; and Peace Through Music and Art”. It carried forward a basic belief of UCM that “there will be no real peace or spiritual fulfillment for humanity until the spirit of true sister/brotherhood reigns supreme, until wars cease and good-will becomes the motive force behind all individual and group relationships.” –B.J. Fitzgerald. This is a tribute to Reverend Theresa Mare Gandhi, who exemplifies the UCM teachings in her personal life and in her World Peace Global Ministry, “In our objective, outer consciousness mind lives under the illusion that we are an entirely separate and independent being, but in our inner awareness we can realize our identity with the life-principle everywhere.” “My goal is to Activate Service, Education and Peace Making for Our Common Future. My stories are about the serendipitous trail and trials I followed. That still small voice guided me as I continued to step outside of my comfort zone." --Reverend Theresa Marie K. Gandhi It can be said of her, “To know truth is to live truth “. Reverend Theresa is among the twentieth century’s most influential activists for environmental, social and economic justice. In alignment with UCM teaching, “Religion is a concern of profound feeling and loving. There is deep faith, intense love of God and a sense of close kinship with the enduring spiritual foundations of the universe, “ she demonstrated the principles in her life holding high the standard, “The ultimate test of earnest religion is the kind of living, the personal ethic it inspires. “ The message of World Peace is epitomized through her words “Peace on Earth Begins with you.” She said, “As we live in a time of war and rumors of war it is very, very important that we each be peace. Reacting to headlines and television news stories with fear and anger builds that which we wish were not happening. Our every thought in every moment of each day either contributes to peace or it does not.” Through her poetry, Theresa explored how, specifically to achieve inner and world peace. Her poems are designed to inspire and awaken us with a deeper understanding of the truth behind the "censored" news, and how we can each contribute "to be the change we seek to make."

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


A Tribute to Theresa Gandhi Her beliefs and living in accordance with them are expressed throughout her personal life and in her vision as well as in the dramatic and dynamic ways she took action to achieve her mission. She said, “Let your voice be heard. With whatever talents you have, communicate as many people as you are able.” Based on an immeasurable volume of research, as well as her personal life experiences, Theresa's body of work as a writer spans four decades and includes more than seven volumes of poetry, and includes more than five manuscripts on social justice issues. Reverend Gandhi urged people, “We each have to find the answers and ask more questions.” The UCM belief in “the sister/brotherhood of humanity, but also to the sister/brotherhood of all creatures, all evolving, aspiring life” were values of her message. She spoke loudly and clearly in speeches and in addressing fearlessly letters of concern to President Obama and proudly identified herself by her reverend title and UCM charter #775. For the millions of people who did not have influence, Gandhi gave voice with courageous action, and did so with great “gusto”. The Hood Canal became a massive Dead Zone with dead marine life extending two feet deep, during the Summer of 2006. A tireless activist on environmental issues, she testified before the Board of Island County Commissioners — a stuffed, plush fish toy under her arm — on proposed wetlands regulations in early 2008, saying, A "Hanford Downwinder," Gandhi had long recalled the impact that radiation exposure had on her health, including heart disease, two types of cancer and a life-long thyroid dysfunction. The Reverend Theresa Marie K. Gandhi made her transition January 5, 2010 from liver failure after a long-running bout with hepatitis C. Theresa Gandhi was not only beautiful on the outside, but her profound beauty from within, permeated the world in love, peace and harmony. She is a profound and inspiring Guiding Spirit for UCM. She continues to be our light, wisdom, spiritual support and inspiration urging us to be the activist. A "Hanford Downwinder," Gandhi had long recalled the impact that radiation exposure had on her health, including heart disease, two types of cancer and a life-long thyroid dysfunction. The Reverend Theresa Marie K. Gandhi made her transition January 5, 2010 from liver failure after a long-running bout with hepatitis C. Theresa Gandhi was not only beautiful on the outside, but her profound beauty from within, permeated the world in love, peace and harmony. She is a profound and inspiring Guiding Spirit for UCM. She continues to be our light, wisdom, spiritual support and inspiration urging us to be the activist. Her UCM ministry compliments all UCM Ministers everywhere. Over the years our spiritual movement has developed and refined many statements of basic principles. These ideas characterize the best thinking on the theoretical side of higher spiritualism and psychical science. Reverend Theresa made these a profound part of her life’s work to share the truth of expanded-conscious to achieve her goal to Activate Service, Education and Peace making for our common future. Submitted by Reverend Arlene Phelan, former UM Board member and presently Committee Chair of the Ministerial Credentialing Program. I met the Reverend Theresa Gandhi during my tenure as Vice President of the Federation Spiritualist Churches and Associations of Churches. Reverend Lavona Stillman introduced me to this gracious lady who consented to join our multi-faith panel, which included UCM president Reverend Birdie Peterson, former UCM Member Reverend Carol Parrish and other distinguished International Spiritual leaders. I value the short personal time that we shared during the conference. I am grateful for the wisdom sand insight she shared in her personal and professional activist approaches. Several quotes she gave me that influence me today are her views about the necessity for each of us to create peace within our own selves. Theresa stated some conditions that need to be created to realize the dream for world peace. A few of them are: · “We will never sell World Peace to the world leaders until we can sell the profitability of it.” · We will not have World Peace until we get rid of the abuse in our homes” · “ We will not have World Peace until we rid the violent from our own minds.” Theresa Gandhi changed my thinking and lifted my beliefs into higher consciousness. I am grateful to her. It is my honor to give tribute to her life. In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present



At age 83, now, with health challenges, it is a rewarding time to look back to see how it all started, the many gifts along the way that have helped me help others, including the publication of ten channeled print books for people desiring higher consciousness. Then, recently, just when I felt my work was winding down, I was asked to channel my 11th book in computer/E-book format – to assist the technologically inclined computer people receive downloaded information clarifying what a human being is ...and does. When Spirit told me the book title would be: What Every Human Must Know to Survive and Thrive on Planet Earth, I felt uncomfortable about both the title and E-book computer format. I consequently refused Jesus’ request because I was too tired to try something new and challenging without help. Well, you know how Spirit provides. Help showed up almost immediately through a friend’s publishing company and with her support I finished the E-book project in four exhausting months. Today, looking back at my early life as an only child with broken family relationships, I remember determining “to make something of myself” by going to college and becoming a teacher. College was difficult because I had no income but I got room and food by working hard as a dormitory counselor, and found I really liked helping students when they had problems. I finally graduated and became a teacher in Colorado until I felt guided to move to Southern California where I became self-supportive and secure financially. What a relief that was! Skipping ahead, when I was in my mid-40’s, and after a divorce, I had a painful emotional reaction after the sudden death of two best friends. My life seemed to have fallen apart and I was absolutely bereft ...doubting and depressed. This brought me my first intense dream in which I was shown many people all huddled up in doubt, pain and suffering - as I was - but the wise voice said: Now you can help them. Many years of teaching brought good rewards but I kept feeling I should be a librarian so I got a Master’s degree and eventually settled in the San Jose, California area. Little did I know that “Silicon Valley” was exactly where my guidance wanted me to be! It was a hot bed of creative people beginning to meditate and my willingness to meditate immediately took my life to a totally new reality. Amazing things began to happen. While traveling in England I learned about Dr. Cicely Saunders who was doing extraordinary hospice work there and I was so impressed by her efforts that something deep within me said: Let’s go home and get one started there! For someone who is an absolute wimp about sickness and blood. I was really worried if I could hold up emotionally in a hospice environment. But after I became a minister I discovered that the medical people in my Northern California area still didn’t have a hospice. When I persisted in contacting all hospitals, home nursing places, etc., they weren’t even vaguely interested – and I just about gave up! But Spirit helped me learn about a famous woman doctor – Elizabeth Kubler-Ross - who was giving courses on death and dying - and this training with her convinced me I could get a hospice started somehow.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present



After being rejected by the same medical facilities I had contacted before, however, I was frankly ready to admit defeat until a doctor’s wife put an add in the paper saying she wanted a meeting because her oncologist husband had died miserably in the hospital without supportive final care. At that meeting I met a nice man also interested in hospice and we teamed up to somehow make one happen ...which we did but it took several years and a series of trial and errors. Our TLC (Tender Loving Care) unit became the first skilled nursing facility hospice in the country but at the end of five years the owner said having hospice was costing him money. Sadly we had to close our hospice program. It was one of the most distressing times of my life because I felt hospice was to be my life’s endeavor. However, Spirit had a plan for me based on my willingness to listen within and be patient ...not my strong suit, frankly. So even with my heavy disappointment I soon met Judy Skutch who published A Course in Miracle books which taught me that reality is perception-based and I realized I had many false perceptions that needed to be released! After considerable study with those books, I began having a kind voice awaken me about 2:00 a.m. in the morning – saying he was an elder brother here to be truly helpful in my life - and could I take notes? I tried once but quickly gave up. This went on for a year before I was unexpectedly invited by the Edgar Cayce Foundation to go on a two week bus trip to Israel. I said NO. But later, when I half-heartedly went, that trip changed my life forever because the inner voice I had been hearing was actually Jesus... who now asked me to scribe a book for him. I immediately thought I had gone crazy, came home really sick and ignored the whole Israel experience for six months. Even though Jesus gently kept encouraging me to “take notes” - I refused. It seems impossible now that I acted that way, but I desperately feared I would be persecuted and wasn’t sure I could channel, anyhow. Eventually, after he promised I wouldn’t suffer because of writing a book for him, I recorded his remarks which became the content of the 1986 “New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity” book. Then I struggled unsuccessfully to get any publishing company to print it, and had to finance self-publishing it myself – a very scary deal! I can’t begin to tell you how my eventual willingness paid off in bringing his message forward, though, because it was quickly followed by opportunities for me to help other people get their channeled books printed. What I have learned during my life is that you MUST listen within to your inner guidance so your soul can be your over lighting, caring guide throughout your life. Inner listening is even more urgent these challenging days! And my prayer is that from that soul-conscious place in each of us, we can all come together in lives of combined power and caring for the sake of humanity, all life on Earth – and beyond. To do this we must try to keep the body healthy with a micro nutrient-rich diet, sleep, some exercise, and emotional stability. It is not too late to improve daily health habits and accelerate passing forward even more of our spiritual gifts!

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present




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Virginia Essene is the author or co-author of nine channeled books, a frequent U.S. and international speaker, and a former teacher and college instructor who retired early to take up her spiritual work on a full time basis. For her writing she has been honored with ministerial status in several religious organizations in addition to her own earned interdenominational credentials. Her New Teaching for an Awakening Humanity book, channeled from The Christ, has received positive comments from Judith Skutch, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, Eileen Caddy, Sir George Trevelyan, Sondra Ray and Virginia Satir, among others. It was also favorably reviewed by Jon Klimo in his book – “Channeling Investigations on Receiving Information from Paranormal Sources.” Virginia was a longtime grief & bereavement volunteer and the co-founder of Casa Serena hospice program in San Jose, CA. She is currently president of the non-profit Share Foundation, was the past editor of its S.E.E. Publishing Company, has also been a song lyricist, and is mentioned in five biographical dictionaries – most currently the Who’s Who in the World, 2009. Virginia is committed to sharing current information about the cosmos, health, the heart/brain connection, humanity’s spiritual journey back toward its Creator, and helping young children reach high states of spiritual connection as quickly as possible. She feels that everyone, especially ministers, must assist humanity in reaching a higher state of consciousness by acknowledging the energy influences now affecting us and by being willing to learn and apply these creative energy gifts both personally and for the good of all.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


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Pay It Forward…Advice from a Chronic Hostess By Reverend Jane Elizabeth

Never, ever, vacuum or wipe up the floors before guests arrive. You’ll just have to redo it after they’ve smooshed crumbs into your off-white carpet, spilled a swath of red wine across the floor, wiped up a smidge of sticky whipped cream with a furtive swoop of their fingers, or tracked in dirt clods from a stroll through the backyard vineyard. Why double your work? Besides, the minute two or more people enter your home with four or more feet, the condition of your floor ceases to exist, especially when you instantly fill their hands with a wine stem filled with something intriguing, be it expensive wine or a five dollar bubbly from Trader Joe's with a few pomegranate seeds dropped in and swirling for a bit of celebration in a glass. Do clear the vibes, etherically, of the whole house. Light some dried sage on fire, either in stick form or loose leaf form, then blow it out like incense, and walk through each room wafting the smoke throughout the room. Remember to go high and low around the perimeters and the center. Oh… and for goodness sake, keep a bowl under the burning embers so they don’t land on your furniture and ruin it. (Been there. Done that. ) If you live in a condo or alarms, use an 8 oz. spray bottle witch hazel and 4 tsp. of each juniper, cedar, and sage. (Many Solar Cross for this formula.) same manner you would smudge. sometimes will set off the smoke apartment. (Been there. Done outside the building while the problem.)

apartment with community fire filled with ½ ionized water, ½ essential oil (pinion pine or ginger, thanks to Rev. Angela DeBry and Spritz all over each room in the The smudge smoke can and detectors on the floor of your that as well. It’s no fun standing fire fighters check out the

Do make sure any residual negative vibes are, in fact, cleared. After smudging or spritzing, stand in each room with your arms thrown wide and twirl slowly around to take in how the room feels. (Usually quite good.) If the negative vibes are still an issue, you have bigger problems in your space, and need to call a professional vibe remover. (Like me.) Once you get the bigger vibe problem resolved, the maintenance mentioned above will be a breeze. Do soak in the fruits of your labor, usually in the form of your guests’ exclamations, “Oh, your house is so peaceful, relaxing, inspiring, etc.” Your guests just want to be there…in your house, on your deck, in the backyard without knowing exactly why, (except the Reverends DeBry, who exclaim, “Hey! The house feels great! Thanks for clearing the vibes!” Can’t fool a fellow energy worker.)

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


Pay It Forwar d…Advic e from a Chronic Hostess continued Do use my other trick. Decorate with something just picked or gathered from Mother Earth, preferably from the property you live on. Doing this seems to ensure the good vibes continue to stay intact during your whole event. Make this display either large and dramatic or tiny and tasteful. Either way, fruits of the land give your home and your event sophistication . Things I’ve used…

Ÿ A large vase filled with redwood tree branches that hung into our yard from the neighbor’s tree ,

Ÿ A bowl of different colored, just picked zucchini and Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ

summer squash setting on a cloud of fall leaves lying on the ground, A simple, perfectly formed dandelion in a tiny bud vase, or three of these in a straight line along the length of the center of a table, Small bowls of walnuts in their shells above each guest’s plate, Trimming from a recently pruned tree in a gigantic two feet tall vase, An empty wine bottle in an ice bucket filled with whatever flowers are blooming in your yard, In season fruit, like watermelons, apricots, peaches, on a platter, as a centerpiece. ( I once did a whole Christmas dinner centerpiece with different types of greens: cabbages, kale, Swiss chard.)

The deal is to go on a 15 minute scavenger hunt in your yard or produce section of the grocery store if lacking that. Open your imagination to inexpensive, preferably free, possibilities for creating drama out of something from Mother Earth. Not only is it fun to set your creative self free for a few minutes amidst the chaos of preparing for guests, but it helps sustain that magic, etheric atmosphere that allows you and your guests to connect with your and their best selves. It sets the stage for all to operate from their highest humanity. Do sit back and enjoy the fun of camaraderie at its deepest level.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


About Our Cover Artist Reverend Karen M. Haughey 39803 Paseo Padre Parkway Suite D Fremont,California 94538 510 252-9646 510 703 4373 www.

Louise L. Hay's, You Can Heal Your Life. Advanced Motivational Certified Seminars / Counseling Motivational seminars and individual classes are internationally certified and recognized by the New York Times Best Selling author and lecturer Louise L. Hay; and Patricia Crane, Ph.D; author of "Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen". Louise L. Hay is a world renowned non denominational minister, author, lecturer and author of You Can Heal Your Life. She is the founder and chair of Hay devoted to heightened self awareness programs and personal growth. World class authors such as Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Susan Jeffers Ph.D, Deepak Chopra and Bernie Siegel, M.D. are inclusive within this organization. Within these empowering classes you will experience positive interactive exercises that identify and clarify life intention, self acceptance, positive communication with others, love, health, prosperity, self esteem, forgiveness, fear, stress management, and much more. Karen M. Haughey is an advanced certified Louise L. Hay life coach, counselor, Reiki master teacher, and non denominational ordained minister. Karen has worked and trained personally and professionally with Louise Hay since 1991 teaching her philosophies in workshops all over the United States, individually and in group seminars utilizing the same empowering principles. She has held a professional practice since 1997 and also holds an on staff position at a local hospital in Fremont, California. References You Can Heal Your Life, Hay Louise L. Hay Louise L. Hay You Can Heal Your Life Work Book, Angels,Guardian's of the Light, 1995, Hay House, Carlsbad, Ca. Karen M. Haughey Class overview Class introduction / Intentions How to love yourself This thing called you. Written and verbal exercise. My unique skills and talents. Nine point philosophies. Should / Could verbal and or written exercise. Inner Child meditation. Mirror Work. Positive / Negative messages exercise. Visualization / Journey through a jungle. Emotions artwork exercise / drawing with crayons. Awareness exercise. Things you like and dislike about yourself. Forgiveness exercise. Releasing old emotions. Fear, Anger, Guilt. Writing the new story. Positive visualizations and support group. In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


Coming Events: Winter 2012 Theme. We are welcoming articles about the topic “The Power of Prayer”. Those of you who would like to contribute a particular ritual, experience or idea sacred to your particular spiritual practice, please send in your article of 800-1000 words with your bio and a picture or pictures, sent separately to

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Our UCM Online In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present



Founded 1908 - Present

All the amazing angel painting as well as our cover art was lovingly offered by Reverend Karen M. Haughey. Karen’s angels are back in our UCM Magazine by popular request. Thank you Karen from all the staff at UCM.

In Service To Humanity 1908 - Present


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