2010-11 YEARBOOK
2010-11 Detroit Titans Track and Field
SCHOOL INFORMATION Location: .............................................................................................Detroit, MI Founded: ....................................................................................................... 1877 Enrollment:.................................................................................................. 5,700 Nickname: ................................................................................................... Titans Colors: ..................................................................................Red, White and Blue Home Facility: .................................................................................... Titan Field A liation: .................................................................................NCAA Division I Affi Conference: ................................................................................. Horizon League Interim President:.........................................................................Mich hael Joseph
Earnest Cleary on the podium after he won the outdoor 100-meter dash at the Horizon League Championships.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Yearbook Information:....................... 3 Head Coach Guy Murray: .................. 4 Assistant Coaches:..........................5-6 Titan Field:....................................... 7 Men’s Track and Field Roster: ............ 8 Men’s Season Preview: ....................... 9 Men’s Profiles: ............................ 10-48 Season In Review: ........................... 49 Men’s Records: ........................... 50-59 Women’s Track and Field Roster: ..... 60 Women’s Season Preview: ................ 61 Women’s Profiles: ....................... 62-87 Season In Review: ........................... 88 Women’s Records: ...................... 89-97 City of Detroit:........................... 98-99 YEARBOOK CREDITS The 2010-11 Detroit Titans Men’s and Women’s Yearbook is a production of the UDM Sports Information Office. The guide was written, designed and edited by Assistant SID Kit Stetzel, and Head Coach Guy Murray. Editorial assistance provided by the UDM Sports Information office. Photos by Tim Busch,, coach Guy Murray, The Horizon League and UDM Sports Information.
ATHL H ETIC DEP E ARTM MENT INFORMATION Athletic i Director: ............................................................................. Keri Gaither Seni n or o Associate AD: .......................................................... Daron Montgomery Assist stan ant AD AD/B /Business/SWA: .........................................................Teri Kro romrei Assist s an nt AD for Fac a ilities: s ..................... . .......................................... Jeff Latinen Assist s an a t AD forr NCAA Co omp mplian nce ce::..... . ........................................ Steve Corder D r. off Ma Di Mark r eting & Pr P omot o ions:: ......... . ................................Brandon n Longmeier e D re Di rector of Ticket e Opera ration ns/ s/Sa Sale les: ............................................ Greg Haapala Dire Di r cttorr of Spor o ts M Med e iccin ed ine: .............................................................Mi M ke Miller Diire rect c or of St S reeng ngth th & Condi diti tion o ing: ......................................... . .... .....Joe Tofferi Facultyy At Fa Athleticc R Rep ep pre rese seent ntattiv i e: ........................................... . .... ....... .....Erick Barnes Office Phone onee ... .... . .. . .. . .... ................. ......... . .. .......................... .......... . ..... ..... 313-993-1700 Fax: x ........ ........... .... . ........ ................. . ...... . .......... . ........................... . .. . .............. 313-993-2449 Mail Ma ilin ing g Ad ddr dres e s: s:.. . ...... . ........ . .... . ...... . .... 4400011 W. Mc McNi Nich chol o s Rd, Detroit, MI 48221
I N F O R T TA TI T N TR TRAC RAC ACK K & FI FIEL E D ST TAF A F D re Di rect c orr of T Trrac rac a k & Fi F eld: elld: d ......... .................. . .. .... . .. . ........ . .. ............... Gu Guyy Mu Murr r ay (De rr D trroi oitt ‘89 89)) M 89 Y ar Ye a s att UDM D :.. ........................ ..... .... ....... .... ....... ............... . ................ . ............. . ............ ..... . .. . 18th 188th h Sea easo son so n Emai Em ail: ai ail: l: ... .... .... ............... ....... . .. . .. . .. .... . .. .. ...... . .. ....... . ..... ......... .......... . .. . .. . .. . .. .... . .. .. .......... . .gu gu guy. uy. y mu murr rray ay@u @ dmer @u dmercy dm .eedu d A Offi O ffice ce Pho h ne n : ... ....... ...... . .. . ........... . .. . .... . .. .... ...... .... .... . .... . .. . .. .... . ..... . .. .... .......... . .. .... . ...... .. ......... .... .... .. 31133 99 9933-17 17724 24 Asssi s st stan ant Co an Coac Coac a h: ... . ........ ............ . .... ............. . .. .... ...... ..... . .. .... .... .... .... ........... . .. . ..... ....... ... ..... .... . ..... . . Br Brad ad Fairc aiircchi h ld Year Ye ars at UDM M:............ .... .... . ..... .......... . .. ...... . ......... .. .... . .. . .. ........... .................................. . .. . .. ..... Fi F rsst Seeas a on T E ai Em aill:: ............. ..... ... ....... .... .... .. . .. . .. .... . ................ .... . ....... .... ......... ..... ...... ..... . .... . ..... .... .... b brrad ad.ffaiirc r h hiild d@udm @u udm dmer e cy.e er cy.eedu u Office ce Pho one ne:: .... . .. . ....... .... ........ .... ............ .... .... .... ...... ...... . . .. . .. . ..... .... ...... .... .... ............ .... .... .. ............ .... .... .... . 31 3133--99 9933 17 317336 36 I A si As s st s an nt Co C ac ach: h ............. . .... .. . .. .... ......... . ........ ... . .. . ........ Emil Emilli Ja Em J ck ckson soon (C Ceen ntrral a Micchi h gaan ‘03 03) 3) Year Ye Year a s att UDM D :...... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... ............. ....... . .. ....... ...... .... ... . ..... ........ .......... ..... .... .... . .. ......... ......... .... . .. .. .... ..... .... . Fo .. Four u th ur h Seaasoon O Emai Em ail: ai ill:: ... . ..... . ...... . .. . .. . .......... .. .......... ...... .............. ....... .... ...... . ..... . .. . .. . ...... . ...... ..em emil em ili. il i ja i. j ckkso son@ n@ud n@ ud dmerc mercy. me rccy. y.ed ed du Office Pho Offi hone n : ... ne .... .... .... .... . .. .. . ......... ....... . .. ....... . .. ............. ......... ...... ....... .. ... .... . ..... .. . .. .... .... . ...... ...... .......... ..... 31331133-99 99399 3--003396 3 Assi As Assi s st stan antt Co an Coac a h: ac h ... .... . .... .. . .. ....... . .. ......... .... . .. .... . .... .. .... . ........ .. .... . .. . ...... . ..... .. Br B iaan Ri Rich cch hotte ottee (Or ot Oreg Oreg egon o ‘06 on 06)) N S OR SP RTS INF FOR RMA MATI TION ON N Assi As s sttan si nt AD for Spo ort rtss In Info form fo rmat rm aattio ion: n:: ................ . .... . ........................Mi M tc tch Wi Wign gnesss S ni Se n or Ass s t. S SID I : ..... ID . ................................. . .. . .......................... .... ............. .... P. P.J. J. Gra Grado dows do w ki ws k Asssist A siistan an nt SI SID D (Tra (T T ack k & F ie ield ld d Co on ntaact ct):: .... ......... . ............. ....... . ....... . .. . .. . .......... Ki K t Sttet e ze zell Emai Em a l: ai l ...... .... . .. .. . ....... ... .......... . .. ............... . ..... .... .... ........ . .. . ......... . .. . .... ch hri r sttop ophe stet st etze zel@ ze l@ud ud u dme mercy. y ed y. e u Spor Sp o tss Inffor or o ma mati tion on o n Ass ssis issta tant n :....... nt .... . ..... . ....... . .... . ...... . ................ .......... ........ Jo Joel el Wal alra r th ra S or Sp ortss Inf orts n o. Office Ph Phon one: e ......... e: . ......... . .. .... . .................... . ......................... . ...... 31 3133 99 39933-17 1745 17 45 Sp porrts Info. nffo. o Officee Fa Fax: x ... .... .... . ....... ....................................... .... .. ......... . .......... . ...... 313313-99 9933-17 1765 65 Webs We bsit bs iitte: e ................................. .... ......... ............. ............ .. .......... .... . ..... . .... .... .. ........ ww w w. w de detr trrooiitt ttit itan ans. s co com m
Y ar Ye ars att UDM DM:.. .... . .. .. .... ..... .... .... .... . .. .... .... .. ..... .... ..... . ......... . .. . ......... ...... .... . .. .. .... ..... . .. . .. .... ..... . ..... ............ .... .......... .... ....Th Thir ird d Se S as ason Offi O fficee Pho hone n : ..... ne . .. .... ..... ....... ..... .... ..... .... .. .. . .. ............. . .. .... ...... ...... .... .... . .. ............ ...... .... ....... .. . ........... ....... ..... 31 3133 999333 17 1724 Grrad G adua u te te As A si s st s an nt Co Coac a h h:: ...... .... .... .... .............. ....... ...... ........... .......... ... JJoohn hn LaR aRoc ooccca ca (D (Det e rooit ‘09) et G aad Gr dua uate tee As A si sist s an st antt Co oaacch: h:..... .... ........... ...... ..... . .... .... . .. . .. ....... . ...... .......... Kr K ista ista is t Swi witz tzzeerr (Detr Detrroi De oitt ‘07)
H E A D C O A C H G U Y M U R R A Y 4
Guy Murray Head Coach - 18th Season Guyy Mu Gu M rray rrayy eent nter nt erss hi er hiss 18 18th th h sea e so son n at tthe hee Uni niveers rsit ity of it o D Det etro rooit Merc Me r y wh rc wher erre he ser erve v s as the Dir ve irec ecto ec t r off Tra to rack ck & Fie i ld and n Cros Cr osss Co os Coun untr un tryy fo tr forr bo both th tthe he men e aand dw wom omen om en.. A Ti T ta tan n fa fan n fr f om h s da hi dayy as a ssta tand ta ndou nd ou ut ru runn nn ner er, Mu Murr rray rr ayy hass alr lreea eady aacc eady c ou cc unt n ed d for nine ni n con ne onfe fere fe reenc ncee ch cham ampi am pion onsh on ship sh hip ps in n the Tit i an ttro roph ph hy ca case se. A fo fou ur yeaar le ur-y ur lett tter tt er w win inne in nerr on ne n the he Tit itan an ns cr cros osss co coun untr un tryy an tr and d trrac ackk teaams fr te from om 198 9855-89 5899, Mu 89, Murr rray rr a gra ay radu d at du a ed Mag agna n Cum L na Lau aude au de froom de Dettr De troiit wi troi with th a b bac ache ac helo he lor’ss off sci lor’ c en ence ce d deg egre eg reee in i ccom om mpute pute pu terr sccieenc ncee in n Mayy of Ma o 198 198 989. 9 At 9. At De Detr t oi tr oit, t, he wo won n th t e Do D mi m ni n ck Tad ddo doni nioo Cr ni C os osss Coun Co un ntrr y MV MVP P aw awar ard ar d in n 198 9 8 an and d th t e Un Univ iver iv ersi er siity of of Deetr t oi oit’ t ’ss Pres Pr e id den nt’ t’ss Aw Awar ard, ar d tthe d, h ath he thle leti le ticc de ti depa part pa rtme rt m nt me nt’s’ss h hig ighe ig hesst he st hon onor orr, fo forr toop se seni nior ni orr sstu tude tu dent nt-a -ath -a th hle l tee in in 19 1989 89.. He was 89 a nam amed e to th ed he AlllM dw Mi dwes e teern C es Col olle ol leegi giat atee Co at Conf nfer nf eren er ence en ce ((MC M C) Croosss Cou MC ount n ryy Team Te am in 19 1986 866 aand nd d tthe he All ll-M -MCC -M CC C Tra rack ck and F Fie i ld Teaam in 198 ie 9889. 9. He was aan n Ol O ym ympi picc Tr pi Tria iall Qu ia Qual allifier in the marat m tho hon n in 199 199 9999 afte af teer he fin nis ishe heed 19 19th th aatt th he Gr Gran andm an dma’s Ma dm Mara rath ra th hon wit ith h a pers pe r on rs o al-b -bes bestt tiime me of of 2: 2:21 21.1 21 .118. 8 At th t e Ol Olym ympi ym picc Tr pi T ia ials ls in in 20 2000 00,, 00 Murr Mu rray ay p pla laace c d 57 57th th,, wi th witth th a mar arkk off 22:3 :335. 5 16 Fooll l ow owin in ing ng gr grad ad dua u ti tioon on hee join jooin ined e the ed h ccoa oaach oach chin ingg st in staff aff ff of o Ear arll Cl Clar arkk ar and an d Ke K vin viin Do Donn nner as an ass ssis issta t nt befor effor o e be bein ingg ellev in evat a ed at d to hi hiss curr cu rren entt ti en titl t e in 199 tl 9933. 3. For the h nex extt tw wo yeear ars, s, he wa w s th thee he head ad d coac co ach ac h fo for th he me men’ n’s’s an nd wo w me men’ nss tr n’ trac a k an ac and d fi fiel eld d pr prog ogra og ram ra m an a d th thee woomen’ w n s cr cross cro oss co coun untr un trr y te team am m, wh whil ilee over il ovver erse seei se eing ei ng the men en’s’ss u uni n t un ni unti till ti Deetr troi oitt Ha oi H ll ll-o -of-o f-Fa fFame Fa me coa oach c Ear ch arll Cl Clar a k st ar step eppe ep peed do down w in 19 wn 1995 95.. 95 As aan n as assi siist stan an nt co coac ach, ac h he wa h, wass re r sp spon o si on sibl blee fo bl forr cooac achi hing hi ng five MCC MC C in i di divi vidu vi du ual a tra r ck and fieeld ld eeve vent ve ntt cha hamp mp pio ions ns aass we well ll aass tw wo M C trrac MC a k an and d fiel eld d Mo Most st O Out utst ut stan st andi an ding di ng Per erfo form fo rmer merrs, aall ll whi whi hile lee coomp mple l ting le tingg hiss m ti mas aste as ter’ te r’ss de r’ degr g ee iin gr n sp spor orrts adm dmiin inis inis i tr trat attio atio ion n at n nea eeaarb rbyy Wayyne Wa yne St Stat atee Un at U ivver ersi sity si ty.. ty As a h hea ead ea d cooac a h, h his is teaams hav hav a e ac accr crrue ued d maany h hon onor on orss an or and d ch ham ampi pion pi on nsh ship ips, ip s, The men en’s’s’s and wom wom omen en’s’s ttea en eams ea m swe ms swe wept pt the the 199 9966 indo in door do or MCC C tit itle les. le es. The wom men en’s’s iind ndoo nd ooor sq oor qua uad al also so w won on bac ackk to b backk cr crow owns ow ns in 19 1998 98 and ‘‘99 99,, an 99 and d to took ok h hom omee th om the ou o td tdoo oorr oo t tl ti tles es in 19 1999 999 and 2200 0000. 0. The men en’s’s ttea eam ea m to took okk h hom omee a sh om shar aree of ar thee in th i do d or o tit itle l iin le n 2000 20000 00,, wi w th th the he wom o en briinggin ingg ho home me aano me noth no ther th er indo in door do or croown iin n 20 2002 02 aand nd d tthe hee men e ’s suc ucce ceess iin cess n 20 2003 03 win nni ning ngg tthe hee outd ou tdoo td oorr tiitl oo tlee. e. IIn n 220005, 055, th thee Ti Tita tan ta n wo wome men me n we were ree H Hor oriz or izon iz on L Lea eagu ea g e gu r nn ru n er erss up sup..
M rrayy has once agaiin put the cross country teamss back into Mu ti considerations title n . Recently, the men n posted their first top 20 ap pp peear aran ance ce sin ince 199 998 as well as its six ixth t best team score in a regi g on gi nal in n sc s hool history ry in 2008 0 , led byy jun u ior Pat Liederbach, whoo wa wh w s named too the h All-Horizon o League Second Tea e m affter finishing eigh fi ghth th at th he HL H Chaampio ionshipss, beeco coming ng jus u t th he fiftth Tiitaan in n sch hoool hi h sttor o y to t receive mulltiplee co conf nferrencee hoonoors in th theirr ca c re reer er. T am Te amss th that at h hav avee been coach hed b byy Murray also ex exce cell in the classrroo clas oom m as the men’s squ quad ad was honored d in 20 2004 04 by th the US STF FCC CCA C aass it b bro roug ught h home the high gh hes e t co comb mbin ined ed ggrade de poin po nt av aver eraagee in n the the country. The tr tren e d coont ntin inue ueed in 2200 008 as thee me th men n we were re hon o ored for the sevven nth h sstr trai aigh ghtt ye year ar affterr end ndin ingg thee se th seas ason as o wit on i h a 3.444 G GPA PA,, a ma mark rkk tha h t wa w s th t e high g esst of aall lll four fo ur Hor ur oriz izon iz on Leaagu guee te t am amss on tthe he aca c de demiic teeam am. Th Thee Ti Tita tans ns also al s h so had ad d thee h hig ighe hest stt GPA P ooff an ny Di Divi vision I tea e m in the he ssta tate te of M ch Mi chig i an tha ig h t wa w s ho hono nore reed as w well as tthe he 12t 2th h hi high ghes e t GP GPA A in th he co coun u tr un try. y. In traack ck,, bo b th tthe Tittan n m men en’s’ss and d wom omen en’s’s p pro rogr gram amss haave v been be en n rrec eccoggni nizzed by the the UST STFC FC CCC CCA A as a one n of th thee na n ti tion on’s’s All ll-Acad Ac a em ad mic i Sch chol olar Tea olar eams ms of th thee Ye Y ar ar.. The woomeen in par arti ticu cula larr have ha v ear arrne ned d th he di d sttin inct ctio ct ioon ev ever eryy ye year ar sin ince c thee aacc ce ccol olad ad de was was fi firs rstt anno noun no u ce un ced d in i 200 0 2. Indi In divi di v du vi d allly ly,, ei eigh gh ght ht di diff ffer ereent ent Ti T taans n hav a e be been en ssel elec el e te ec ted d Ac Acad adem ad e ic em i AllAl l--Am l-Am Amer erric icaa by the UST STFC FCCC FC CCA: Kim Hem CCA: emst stre st reet re ett (20 2 02 02), ) Kim ), m Jess Je s (19 ss 1995 955),, And n re reaa Kaarp r al alaa (2 (200 003, 00 3 200 3, 0 4, 20005) 5 , Ryyan Byrrne (200 (2 005, 00 5, 200 008) 8)), Kr K is ista ta Swi Swiitz tzer err ((20 20006 06), ) S ), Sin inis in isaa Si is Simi micc (2 mi (200 0007) and Aman Am an nda S Smi mith mi t ((20 th 2 08). 20 088). ) T o Mu Tw Murr rrray ay-c -ccoa oach ched ch ed ath hleete t s haave qua uali liified ffor or tthe hee NCA CAA A Nati Na tion ti on onal nal Cha Cha h mp mpio ion io nshi ns hips p in Heems ps mstr tree tr eett (2 ee (200 0 2, 00 2 ccro ross ro ss cou ss ount nttry ry)) an and d Paul Pa ul C Car arab rab balllo ((19 19997 97,, Tr Trac a k an ac a d Fi Fiel eld) el d).. Ca d) Cara raba ra ball ba lllo wa wass na n me med d an NCAA All-A NC NCAA ll-A ll -Ame meri me riica can n in 199 199 9977 af a te terr he pla l ce c d se seve v nt ve nth h in in thee hig igh h jump ju mp.. In mp In all ll,, fo f ur u ath hleete tess ha h ve p pro rovi ro v si vi sion onal on ally al l qua ly u lifi lified for NCA CAA A ch ham ampi pion pi o sh on ship ip.. Siinc ip ncee it itss in nce cept ptio pt ion io n in 200 003, 3, the the Tit itan an ns ha h vee had a a qual qu alifi al ifier fo for th for he ou utd tdoo oorr re oo regi regi gion o all ccha on haamp mpio ions io nshi ns hip hi p ea each ch yeaar. r In aadd ddit dd itio it ion io n to hiss teaam’ m’ss su succ cces cc e se es ses, s, Murrraay haas be been e nam en med leeaggue Coa oach ch of th thee Ye Year ar for w wom omen omen om en’s’s’ out utdo door do or tra rack ck twiice (1999, ( , 2 00 20 00), ),, men men e ’s out ou uttdo door or on nce (20 2003 033) an and d se seve ven ven time ti m s foor hi me h s in ndo d or su ucc c es esss (w (wom om men en’s’ss in 119994 94,, ‘9 ‘96, 6, ‘‘98 98,, ‘9 98 99 an and d 200022 aand n men nd en’s’ss in ‘9 96 a d 20000). an 000). Mu Murr urr rray ay aand n h nd his is wif ifee Paatrric icia ia liv ivee in R Red edfo ed ford fo rd d with wi th h the h ir nin nin inee-ye eyear ye ar-ar old ol d da daug ught ug hter ht er Kai Kaiitl tlin Reene neee an a d th t re reee year son so n Co Coli lin. li n n.
Brad Fairchild
Emili Jackson
Assistant Coach - First Season -
Assistant Coach - Fourth Season -
Brad Fairchild begins his first season as the Titans new assistant coach. At UDM, Fairchild will serve as the recruiting coordinator, and work with the sprint, hurdle and jump unit.
Emili Jackson returns for her fourth season as an assistant coach for the track and field program. At UDM, Jackson works primarily with the women’s distance runners.
A veteran coach in the state of Michigan, Fairchild spent nine years as the head coach for the men’s track and field program at nearby Eastern Michigan (2001-10), where he led the Eagles to 10 Mid-American Conference (seven indoor and three outdoor) and five Central College championships.
Jackson is also experienced in coaching cross country. In her four years with the cross country program, she has helped tremendously, as the Titans’ capped off the 2008 season with five runners in the Great Lakes Regional for the first full scoring squad (32nd) since 2004. In 2009, UDM placed 29th with 882 points at the GLR.
During his tenure, 88 athletes and relay teams won MAC titles (46 indoors, 42 outdoors) along with two NCAA champions in Boaz Cheboiywo (2002, 10,000 meters) and Jordan Desilets (2004, steeplechase). He mentored four All-Americans in Cheboiywo, Desilets, Corey Nowitzke and Gavin Thomson. Fairchild also saw over 30 Eagles earn All-League honors with 12 student-athletes named as the MAC Most Valuable Performer, while another seven Eagles were selected as the Most Outstanding Track Performance. Fairchild has earned a plethora of coaching honors throughout his career, including the MAC Coach of the Year in indoor track seven times (2001, ‘02, ‘03, ‘04, ’06, ’07 and ‘08), while taking home the honor three times during the outdoor campaign (2001, ’01, ’07). He was also named the Central Collegiate Conference Coach of the Year in indoor track five times (2001, ‘02, ‘03, ‘04, and ‘06), as well as CCC Outdoor Coach of the Year twice (2001 and 2002) A native of Alma, MI, Fairchild was an All-State performer in track at St. Louis High School. He went on to earn four letters in track and field at Ferris State, where he was a conference champion and NCAA Division II All-American in the 400-meter hurdles. He also graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management in 1990. After college, he remained at Ferris State for two years as assistant coach before moving onto a graduate assistant position for the women’s track team at Central Michigan in 1992. In 1993, he joined the EMU coaching staff under legendary coach Bob Parks until assuming the head coaching position in 2001.
She began her coaching career in strength and conditioning at Wayne State in 2004. She then added two years (200507) of track and field/cross country coaching experience at Salesian High School in Richmond, CA. There, she coached two state meet qualifiers, including one state champion. In July of 2007, she was certified as a USA Track & Field Level Two coach. She continues to run in her off time recently helping a team comprised mostly off UDM Alumni, staff and current Titans take ninth at the Great Lakes Relay in the summer of 2009. Jackson graduated from Central Michigan in 2003 after running both cross country and track for the Chippewas. She currently resides with her husband, Matthew, in Royal Oak.
The 43-year old Fairchild has been married to his wife Sue for 15 years and the couple has two daughters, Madison (13) and Emma (8) and one son, Ben (6).
Brian Richotte
Assistant Coach - Third Season -
Brian Richotte is in his third year as an assistant coach with the UDM men’s and women’s track and field teams. Richotte will work primarily with the Titan throwers. He mentored Titan standout Brittany Horne a year ago helping her etch her name into the All-Time Titan Top 10 list. Horne stands as the leader in the hammer throw (201-1), ranks third in the weight throw (56-10.75) and the discus (144-6), and finally a fourth place ranking in the shot put (44-7).
Richotte attended Radford University from 2003-06 earning All-American accolades in the hammer in 2005 and weight in 2006 under the guidance of former Titan throws coach Scott Corrado. He claimed four Big South titles with two in the hammer and weight as well as setting the school and conference records in both events. He was also named to the Big South Presidents Honor Roll, Dean’s List, and the National Honors Society, graduating with a degree in sociology. After graduating from Radford, he attended the University of Oregon, where he set the school record in the weight throw with a mark of 68-5.25 (20.86m). He won the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation in the weight finishing 11th at the NCAA meet and was the Pac-10 hammer champion at 223-0 (67.98m), while finishing 13th at the NCAA meet. He left the school ranked fifth on the all-time records list and was named to the NCAA All-Academic team in 2007. He also earned his masters in Educational Leadership. After his collegiate career ended, Richotte compete for TeamXO, a club team in Oregon, where he topped his personal record in the hammer to 226-2 (68.94m) qualifying for the 2008 U.S. Olympic Team Trials. He went on to finish 16th overall at the meet with a throw of 219-8 (66.96m).
Krista Switzer
John LaRocca
Assistant Coach - Third Season -
Assistant Coach - Second Season -
A former Aacademic All-American and Horizon League champion for the Titans, Krista Switzer joined the UDM coaching staff in 2009. A multi-star athlete who also played softball at UDM, Switzer was a two-time Horizon League champion as well as Detroit’s record holder in the javelin at 129-7 (39.31m). She finished 21st at the NCAA Midwest Regional in 2004 and 20th in 2006. She would earn such accolades as the team’s Rookie of the Year, Most Improved and Student-Athlete award and was named an Academic All-America by the USTFCCCA in 2006. Switzer will help with the Titan javelin unit as well as assist with day-to-day office functions. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology in 2007 and is now looking to obtain her master’s in psychology.
A former standout on the Titan track and field team, John LaRocca is in his second year as a graduate assistant, where he will assist with the program’s sprint groups as well as daily office duties. LaRocca, who starred for Detroit from 2006-09, was a four-year Horizon League scorer in both indoors and outdoors, earning Indoor All-Horizon League second team honors in 2008 after helping the 4x400m (3:19.25) to a runner-up finish in the conference championships. He was named the Titan Rookie of the Year as a freshman and would go on to take home the Most Improved Award as a sophomore and the Coach’s Award for indoors as a senior. LaRocca graduated in May of 2009 with a degree in accounting and is currently pursuing his MBA.
The UDM athletic department proudly unveiled its on-campus track facility in October of 2007. The facility is on the site of the old naturalgrass Titan Field, and includes an A-Turf field, along with a six-lane polyurethane track and areas for the steeplechase and field events. The first track and field event was on April 17, 2008, when the Detroit Titans hosted Oakland University in the 3rd Annual UDM-OU Duals. This season, when the Titans and Golden Grizzlies get togther on April 9, will mark the sixth year of the UDM-OU series and the fourth to be contested on campus. The event gives the fans a chance to participate in the action. Alumni and students from UDM and OU haved raced in the mile, and have also competed for the “Fastest Man on Campus Competition” by running the 100-meters. Kids can also get in on the action with games going on in the mid-field area as well as in a race against Tommy Titan and the Grizzly. The annual dual is not the only highlight that the track has seen in its young existence. On April 3, 2009, fans in the Metro Detroit area witnessed an Olympian run in a race as 2008 Canadian team member Nate Brannen competed in the Elite Mile, presented by RunMichigan. com, during Detroit’s Track & Field Classic. Titan Field completed the first phase in the transformation of an elite facility. Phase 2 of the project, when completed in the future, will include stadium seating for 2,500-3,000 fans, concession stands, restrooms, a press box, new scoreboard, lights and a building with space for offices, locker rooms and storage. “The construction of our new synthetic field and track is another big step forward for the Titan Athletics Program,” UDM athletic director Keri Gaither said. “I am excited that our student-athletes and coaches, who work so hard day in and day out, will have the on-campus facilities they need to train and compete. The University’s substantial commitment for the new facilities is a critical component of our sport expansion plans.”
Name Charles Anthony Ryan Ayala** Derek Baker* Brian Brooks Aviram Campbell** Earnest Cleary*** Anthony Donald* Sam Felton Edwin Gay* Brian Greenhoe*** Lesley Hanna*** Alex Harris*** Taylor Hennrick* Derek Hoerman** Floyd Hoskin Steven Ivanics Vushaun Landrum** Joe LaRocca** Vince Lefler* Eric Lewis Patrick Liederbach*** Matt Mahler*** Martin Nelkie Deonte Osayande**** Ja’Quan Patterson* Robert Radlich* Joseph Raffin* Alex Sexton Jeffrey Sherman Chris Smalley* Kevin Smalley*** Michael Smith Erik Westbrook** Kevin Wozniak**** * - Denotes Letters Earned
2 0 1 0 / 1 1 T I T A N S
Year Fr. Sr. So. Fr. Jr. Sr. So. Fr. So. Sr. Sr. Sr. So. Jr. Fr. Fr. Jr. Jr. So. Fr. Sr. Sr. Fr. Sr. So. Jr. So. Fr. Fr. So. Sr. Sr. Jr. Sr.
Hometown/High School Northville, Mich./Farmington Coopersville, Mich./Coopersville Carleton, Mich./Airport Port Huron, Mich./Port Huron Northern Yale, Mich./Yale Detroit, Mich./Ferndale Waterville, Ohio/Anthony Wayne St. Joseph, Mich./St. Joseph Grosse Pointe, Mich./GP South Sand Lake, Mich./Grant Exuma, Bahamas/Coakley Huntington Woods, Mich./Shrine Traverse City, Mich./St. Francis Canton, Mich./Canton Gary, Ind./Bowman Academy Dearborn, Mich./Divine Child Windsor, Ont./Sandwich Secondary Eastpointe, Mich./De LaSalle Collegiate Midland, Mich./Midland Eastpointe, Mich./Fraser Petoskey, Mich./Petoskey Thorold, Ont./Denis Morris Catholic West Branch, Mich./Ogemaw Heights Detroit, Mich./Winans Academy Ypsilanti, Mich./Ypsilanti Cheektowaga, N.Y./Cleveland Hill Valparaiso, Ind./Chesterton Bath, Mich./Bath New Hudson, Mich./Catholic Central Gladwin, Mich./Gladwin Gladwin, Mich./Gladwin Clinton Twp., Mich./De La Salle Fremont, Mich./Fremont Dearborn, Mich./Edsel Ford
Indoor Schedule Dec. 3 Blue and Gold Invite Dec. 11 Macomb Opener Jan. 14 Central Michigan Invite Jan. 22 Simmons-Harvey Invite Jan. 28-29 GaReat Collegiate Open Jan. 28 The Cardinal Feb. 11 GVSU Big Meet Feb. 12 Windsor Team Challenge Feb. 19 Silverston Invite Feb. 26-27 Horizon League Championships March 4-5 Alex Wilson Invite March 11-12 NCAA Division I Championships
Events Sprints Distance Hurdles Hurdles Hurdles Sprints Hurdles Distance Distance Mid-Distance Sprints Distance Hurdles Distance Jumps Hurdles Sprints Sprints Hurdles Throws Distance Mid-Distance Distance Sprints Jumps/Sprints Mid.-Distance Sprints Hurdles Throws Mid-Distance Steeplechase Javelin Distance Mid-Distance
Outdoor Schedule 5 PM 11 AM 4 PM 11 AM 7 PM 3 PM 4 PM All Day 11 AM All Day 5 PM All Day
M. 30-A. 2 April 9 April 15 April 16 April 22-23 April 28-30 April 29-30 May 6-8 May 27-28 June 9-12
Colonial Relays Dual vs. Oakland Mt. SAC Relays Long Beach St. Invite EMU Twilight Drake Relays Hillsdale Relays Horizon League Championships NCAA - Preliminary Round NCAA Division I Championships
All times are subject to change All time are Eastern
All Day 4:30 PM All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day
Expecta ons for the men’s track and field program are high coming into this season as head coach Guy Murray an cipates a sound performance from his senior class. “The senior class has accomplished quite a bit during their four years here and we are trying to close on a high note,” Murray explained. “Hopefully that means moving up in the Horizon League standings.” The men’s team finished fourth last year at the Horizon League Championships during the indoor season. They finished the outdoor season placing fi h. “We were just a couple of miscues away from finishing third during the indoor season,” Murray added. “We will look to build on those finishes to improve this year.” Murray addressed the senior class as the core of the team, but he also recognizes that the team has an overall good mix of athletes. “I can’t say enough about this talented senior class, but we fill in pre y good in other areas,” Murray said. “We are finally ge ng to the point where we can cover all the bases.”
Sprints Earnest Cleary and Lesley Hanna return to highlight a talented group of sprinters for Detroit. Cleary had a great indoor season by se ng a UDM and Horizon League record in the 60 meter dash finishing in 6.83. “Earnest really stepped it up a level last year,” Murray added. He carried his success over to the outdoor season by once again becoming the Horizon League Champion in the 100 meter dash clocking in at 10.82. It is important to note that Cleary also ran the anchor leg of the runner-up 4x100 meter relay team that set a school record (41.88). Hanna got off to a slower start than Cleary due to some nagging injuries. He got back to full strength for the outdoor HL meet where was Horizon League runner-up in the 400 meter dash finishing in 47.37. Hanna’s best 400m me of season came at the Georgia Tech Invite. He won his heat with a me of 47.16. That me qualified him for the NCAA Preliminary Round. He also set a UDM record in the 200 meter dash with a me of 21.57. “For Lesley, everything indicates that he will be able to pick up where he le off to have a big senior season,” Murray said. “Those two guys will be a key part to our success this season.” Vushaun Landrum is yet another high profile athlete in the sprinter group. Landrum was a Horizon League runner-up in the 60 meter dash finishing right behind Cleary (6.92). He played a major role on the team during the outdoor season as well by being named Co-MVP along with Hanna. “Vushaun had a big season for us last year and we will look for him to do it again,” Murray said. Deonte Osayande, Charles Anthony, and Joe Raffin will help round out the group.
Hurdles Aviram Campbell will return for the Titans a er being injured a year ago. “We were thinking big things for Aviram last year and he was on pace, but then he got hurt which derailed his progress,” Murray explained. “Signs so far show that he is picking up where he le off before the injury occurred, which is great because he should have a good year for us.” Sophomores Vince Lefler, Anthony Donald, and Derek Baker all ran well as freshmen for the Titans. Lefler recorded mul ple fourth place finishes at the HL meet. He clocked an 8.48 60mH me during the indoor season, and followed that with a 15.47 me in the 100mH and a 55.29 me in the 400mH at the outdoor meet. Donald and Baker also have the ability to score at the league meet. Donald finished the 400mH right behind
Lefler at the outdoor HL meet finishing in 55.49, while Baker set a PR in the 60mH (8.89) at the indoor meet. Coach Murray added freshmen Steven Ivanics, Bryan Brooks and Alex Sexton to the roster to round out the young group.
MulƟ Taylor Hennrick will compete in the heptathlon and decathlon for Detroit this year. Hennrick set a new UDM record in each event with a score of 3,882 in the heptathlon, and 5,054 in the decathlon. “The combined events have been a weakness for us in the past, but we now have a good guy for it in Taylor,” Murray said. “He is a hard worker and I’m excited to see how he does this year.”
Distance When talking about the distance unit Patrick Liederbach’s name comes to the surface. “Patrick is coming off another tremendous cross country season, and we hope that he carries on for even bigger things.” Liederbach was a Horizon League runner-up last year in the 5000 meter run. He crossed the line at 14:34.96. Others runners that make this a solid senior group include Alex Harris, Ryan Ayala, and Kevin Smalley. Addi onal runners looking to make their mark with the distance group include sophomore Edwin Gay and freshmen Sam Felton and Mar n Nelkie.
Mid-Distance Seniors Kevin Wozniak and Ma Mahler will impact this group. Wozniak only has indoor eligibility le , while Mahler will be able to go for the full year. Robert Radlich, Chris Smalley and Brian Greenhoe can also help this group. Radlich had a breakthrough performance in the 800m run to reach the HL finals last year. He ran a 1:54.56 to move to seven on the Titan Top 10 list. Greenhoe also placed his name on the Titan Top 10 list last season with a 10:07.46 me in the steeplechase.
Jumps Detroit returns Vushaun Landrum and Ja’Quan Pa erson for the long jump and triple jump events. Landrum placed third last year in the long jump (22-8.50) at the indoor HL Championships, while Pa erson’s leap put him in fourth place (22-2.25). Pa erson stood out as a freshman as he also scored by taking fourth place at the outdoor meet in the long jump (22-8). The wildcard of this group would be freshman Floyd Hoskin. “We expect Floyd to help out right away in both the long and triple jumps,” Murray said. Detroit as a team is thin when talking about the high jump event, but having an elite athlete like Lesley Hanna on the roster helps. “Lesley picked up the high jump as a fill in to score some points,” said Murray. “He developed quickly and then he blossomed from that point. The high jump is not his focal point, but he has the ability to perform which will help us as a team.”
Throws Detroit brought in a couple of young throwers to get that area going in the right direc on. “I’m excited to get these guys in ac on,” Murray said. Eric Lewis and Jeff Sherman represent the only two throwers on the team. “We like the poten al that these guys bring, and we hope that they can catch on to have good seasons.”
Ryan Ayala Senior Distance Coopersville, Mich. Coopersville H.S.
Career Marks: 3000m - 8:46.61 - #9 Titan 5000m - 15:22.77 - #9 Titan 10,000 - 32:48.56 - #7 Titan XC 8k - 26:21 - 2 Varsity Letters -
2010 Cross Country: Opened with his Cass-Benton best of 21:09 for 15th at the Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite... Ran his best at National Catholics taking 58th (26:34)... 8k PR time of 26:21 at Horizon League meet (32nd / 29 place improvement)... Placed 162nd at NCAA Great Lakes Regional (33:54). 2010 Outdoor: Opened season with 1500m PR time of 4:07.58... Horizon League finishes of 14th in 10,000m (33:29.65) and 18th in 5000m (15:59.06)... Best 5000m time came at Oregon (15:28.79). 2010 Indoor: Runner-up at the Don Wright Team challenge with a 3000m PR time of 8:52.94... Lowered PR to 8:46.61 the next week at Grand Valley... Returned to Grand Valley for 5000m PR time of 15:22.77... Set a PR in the mile (4:27.58) at the Silverston Invite... 11th place finish at Horizon League meet in the 3000m (8:53.11). 2009 Cross Country: Opened season at the Running-Fit Detroit Titan Invite with a 21:57 for Cass-Benton PR... 8k PR of 26:30 at Louisville... 86th at HL championship.
2009 Outdoor: Either ran a PR or won every race until the last race of season... Opened with PR 1500m (4:11) carry in 4x1500m at Raleigh Relays and then ran 4:09.44 in open 1500m for PR... Won 3000m at the Detroit Track & Field Classic (9:19.10)... Double PR’s at Bucknell in 5000m (15:50.33) and 1500m (4:08.13)... Won 3000m vs Oakland (9:02.64) and then next day lowered 5000m PR at EMU to 15:32.60, just two seconds off the Titan Top 10... Ended season finishing 16th in HL’s 10,000m in 32:48.56, a PR by 1:19, earning his first Titan Top 10 at fifth and then 32nd in 5000m (15:52.97). 2009 Indoor: Ran PRs in 6-of-8 races on the season... Opened with 5000m PR (15:56.85) at Notre Dame... Mile PR at EMU Quad of 4:29.37... 5000m PR of 15:50.65 at Akron... 3000m PR of 8:59.34 for 19th at Horizon League meet. 2008 Cross Country: Dropped 8k PR by over 1 minute at Louisville running 26:34... Fifth man on 19th place NCAA regional team, team best since 1998 with his 169th 35:54 10k run... 63rd place at Horizon League. 2008 Outdoor: Made 10,000m debut at Horizon League meet running 34:07.48 for 13th and then came back with 5000m PR of 15:57.95 for 16th. 2008 Indoor: Broke 16 in the 5000m for first time at the Horizon League meet (15:59.63)... Finished 17th in 3000m with PR time of 9:09.73... Anchor of UDM rookie distance medley record of 10:44.60 with PR 4:35 split. 2007 Cross Country: Competed in all the varsity races... Season-best was NCAA Regional finishing 166th running 35:00 for 10k... 8k PR of 27:48 at the Falcon Invitational... 61st at Horizon League meet. High School: Michigan D2 cross country state qualifier in 2006 and D2 track state qualifier in 3200m in 2006 and ‘07. Personal: Son of Lori and Lewis Ayala... Majoring in education... Holds a GPA of 3.603... Student-teaching this semester at Sterling Heights High School.
Earnest Cleary E A R N E S T C L E A R Y
Senior Sprints Detroit, Mich. Ferndale H.S.
Career Marks: 60m - 6.83 - UDM Record 100m - 10.66 - UDM Record 200m - 22.09 - #7 Titan - 3 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League Champion: Indoor: 60m- ’10; Outdoor: 100m- ’10, ‘09 Horizon League Runner-up: Indoor: 60m- ’09, ’08; Outdoor: 4x100m- ‘10, ‘08 Horizon League Newcomer of the Year- Running Events: Indoor-’08; Outdoor-‘ 08 2010 Outdoor: Repeated as the Horizon League’s fastest man, winning the 100m in 10.82... Set a season-best time (10.71) in the prelim... Ran anchor leg on the runner-up (UDM record) 4x100m team at the HL meet (41.88)... Finished second versus Oakland (10.93). 2010 Indoor: Won his second team Most Valuable Player award... Opened the season with repeat 60m win at Notre Dame (UDM Record - 6.86)... Recorded his first Horizon League 60m title winning in 6.89 after lowering Horizon League and UDM record to 6.83 in the prelim... Broke 7 and finished in the top three in five of the six meets. 2009 Outdoor: Won Team MVP... Won his first HL title taking the 100m at 10.85 and scored sixth in 200m at his collegiate best of 22.09... Consistently good season with all but two of 10 races under 11 and six races equal to or better than his previous best... UDM record of 10.66 placing third at Bucknell... Won all his races at the two home meets and holds facility records at 10.79 for 100m and 22.18 for 200m... Anchored 4x100m team to #2 Titan mark of 42.33 at Hillsdale and ran two other top 10 times... Anchored 4x200m to UDM record of 1:28.70 at Raleigh... Holds nine of top 12 Titan 100m performances. 2009 Indoor: Opened season winning 60m at Notre Dame with PR of 7.00 and indoor best in 200m of 22.98... Broke 7 in 60m for the first time finishing second at GVSU running 6.97, the second Titan to break the barrier... Ran 6.98 to finish seventh in the 60m at Akron and ran 200m indoor PR of 22.64... Runner-up in HL 60m running 7.03 after running 6.98 as the top qualifier in the preliminary... Also finished fifth in 200m running 23.00. 2008: Horizon League Newcomer of the Year in running events indoors and outdoors making All-Horizon League in the 60m and 100m, respectively. 2008 Outdoor: First Titan to break 11 in the 100m running 10.89 in the Horizon League prelimiminary where he was the runner-up in the final running 11.03... Anchored the injury depleted 4x100m to fourth and finished fifth in the 200m (22.48)... 200m prelim of 22.17 ranks him #7 on the Titan all-time list... Triple winner in the dual versus Oakland taking the 100m (11.0) and 200m (22.4) as well as the anchor carry in the 4x100m... 11.02 for eighth in 100m at Bucknell. 2008 Indoor: Won his collegiate 60m debut claiming the UDM rookie record running 7.02 at the Don Wright Team Challenge... Lowered mark to 7.01 in Horizon League 60m prelim and took runner-up honors at 7.04... Member of 4x200m that won both races and took UDM record to 1:31.42. High School: Michigan Division 2 fourth-place finish in the 100m in 2006 following that with a fifth-place showing in 2007... Took sixth in the 60m at the 2007 Michigan Indoor State Championship. Personal: Son of Matthew and Aileen Cleary... Majoring in electrical engineering.
Brian Greenhoe B R I A N G R E E N H O E
Senior Mid-Distance Sand Lake, Mich. Grant H.S.
Career Marks: 800m - 1:58.30 1500m - 4:15.01 Steeple - 10:07.46 - #9 Titan XC 8k - 27:26 - 3 Varsity Letters -
2010 Cross Country: Earned his first varsity letter with his best season... Opened at National Catholics with a 27:57 PR... Lowered his PR to 27:53 at Louisville... Finished 60th at the Horizon League meet (27:26-8k PR). 2010 Outdoor: Won team Most Improved Award... Lowered steeplechase PR by 25 seconds at the Grand Rapids Open (10:23.30)... Runner-up versus Oakland (10:16.43)... Placed 11th in Horizon League Steeple with a PR (10:07.46)... Finished 24th in the 1500m (4:17.86)... Set 5000m PR (16:33.0) at EMU. 2010 Indoor: Horizon League finishes of 14th in 800m (2:01.97) and 19th in mile (4:40.28)... 1000m PR of 2:39.24 at Windsor. 2009 Cross Country: Lowered his Cass-Benton PR to 23:18 at the Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite.. Ran 28:23 (8k) at National Catholics... Season-best 8k of 28:18 at BGSU... 73rd place at Horizon League championships. 2009 Outdoor: Made 5000m debut at Raleigh Relays running 16:36.45, then anchored the #9 Titan 4x800m (7:53.00) with a 2:01 carry... Made steeple debut in Oakland dual at 10:48.41 (3rd place)... Tripled at HL championships running his second best time in all events: 800m (1:58.49- 17th), 1500m (4:15.64-15th) and 5000m (16:50.35-39th). 2009 Indoor: 1000m PR of 2:39.32 at Windsor... PR’s in 800m and mile at HL championship running 1:58.30 for 14th and 4:40.31 for 17th, respectively. 2008 Cross Country: 8k debut at Michigan Intercollegiates running 28:25... Short course at Falcon Invite would have put PR in the 27-flat range... 28:09 for PR at Horizon League meet for 73rd. 2008 Outdoor: 1:59.80 800m PR at EMU... 1500m PR of 4:15.01 for 22nd at Horizon League meet and finished 20th in 800m at 2:01.14. 2008 Indoor: 600m PR of 1:27.50 at Grand Valley... 19th in Horizon League 800m at 2:04.98. High School: Eighth in 4x800m and was a 4x400m qualifier in Michigan Division 3 in 2007. Personal: Son of Bill and Cathy Greenhoe... Majoring in biochemistry... Holds a GPA of 3.445.
Lesley Hanna Senior Sprints Exuma, Bahamas Coakley H.S.
Career Marks: 60m - 7.17 - #8 Titan 200m - 21.52 - UDM Record 300m - 34.41 - UDM Record 400m - 47.16 - UDM Record High Jump / 6-6.25 - #3 Titan - 3 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League Champion: Indoor- 400m-‘09 Horizon League Runner-up: Indoor- 200m- ’09; 4x400m- ’09, ’08 Outdoor- 400m-’10; High Jump- ‘10 2010 Outdoor: Shared team Most Valuable honors with Vushaun Landrum... Returned to form following an injury-filled indoor season with a pair of 47 second 400m relay carries at Penn... Was part of the UDM record distance medley relay team (9:58.09)... Won 400m (49.32) and high jump (6-4) versus Oakland... Horizon League runner-up in 400m (47.37) and high jump (6-6.25)... Placed third in the 200m (21.57) after claiming UDM record with 21.52 prelim... Lowered his UDM 400m record to 47.16 at Georgia Tech to earn a spot at the NCAA Preliminary Round, where he finished 45th in 48.07 after slipping coming out of blocks. 2010 Indoor: Won 400m opener at Notre Dame (48.93)... Won 400m at Silverston Invite (49.84)... Horizon League finish of fourth in high jump (6-4.25) and had a second place finish in the 400m negated with DQ for stepping on line... Not able to compete in 200m final due to injury after running 22.27 in prelim. 2009 Outdoor: Won team Comeback of the Year award after making a quick return after missing training and two weeks of competition with injury… 47.85 400m PR at EMU in his second week of competition…Broke UDM record with 47.25 at Hillsdale, missing NCAA regional standard by .05… Finished third in HL 400m at 47.82 and fifth in 200m at 21.86, the fifth Titan to break 22, and anchored 4x400m to fourth with a 46.7 carry…Won 400m at Paddock Invite in 47.85. 2009 Indoor: Won team MVP award with one of best seasons in Titan history... Won 8-of-11 individual races on season... Only one loss was in head-to-head competition and three losses by a total of .87... Horizon League champion in the 400m (48.21)... 47.86 at Akron missed UDM indoor record by .02 and just third Titan to break 48... Horizon League runner-up in the 200m (22.29)... UDM indoor record of 22.04 at Grand Valley that ranked as #4 on all-time list... UDM best on 200m track of 22.11 in HL preliminary to set facility record at DePauw... UDM 300m record of 34.41 to win Don Wright Team Challenge... High jump of 6-6.25 (#4 Titan) at EMU Quad for second, did not compete in jump-off... Won three relays; 4x200m at Don Wright Team Challenge in 1:31.26 (UDM Reocrd), while also anchoring 4x400m in EMU Quad and Grand Valley as well as 47.5 carry for HL runner-up spot. 2008 Outdoor: Horizon League finishes of third in 400m with PR of 48.24, sixth in 200m at 22.54 and ran leg of third place 4x400m... Broke 49 in 400m for the first time to win versus Oakland in 48.6... Ran 48.65 two days later at EMU... Competed for the Bahamas as a member of the 4x400m at the 12th IAAF World Junior Championships, held in Bydgoszcz, Poland... Finished third at the Bahamian Junior National 400m running 48.43. 2008 Indoor: Won team Most Valuable Award... Made All-Horizon League as lead-off leg of runner-up 4x400m and finished third in the 400m with a 49.04 PR and fifth in 200m (22.80)... 200m prelim of 22.22 was a PR and #2 Titan indoor 200m... Won 300m at Windsor in UDM Record of 35.21... Lead-off leg of 4x200m that won both races and took UDM record to 1:31.42... Eighth Titan to break 50 indoors with his 49.60 at Akron... Titan debut with #6 all-time 60m of 7.17 at EMU. High School: At the 2007 Bahama HS championship, was third in the 400m and fifth in 200m... In 2006, took fourth in 400m in Michigan Division 3 at Berrien Springs HS.
Personal: Son of Petherina Hanna... Majoring in mechanical engineering... Holds a GPA of 3.11.
Alex Harris Senior Distance Huntington Woods, Mich. Shrine H.S.
Career Marks: 3000m - 8:44.06 - #6 Titan 5000m - 15:07.55 - #6 Titan 10,000m - 32:04.32 - #5 Titan XC 8k - 25:40 - 3 Varsity Letters -
2010 Cross Country: Opened with Cass-Benton PR of 21:04 (#6 Titan) for 11th in Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite... Ran a 26:29 at National Catholics... 26:07 season-best (8k) for 22nd at Horizon League meet... Placed 125th at NCAA Great Lakes Regional with XC 10k best of 32:58. 2010 Outdoor: Won team Student/Athlete award... Made 10,000m track debut (32:04.32) at Bucknell... Finished ninth in Horizon League meet in the 10,000m (32:19.95) and 16th in 5000m (15:43.49)... 5000m PR (15:19.73) at Cincinnati. 2009 Cross Country: Recovered from slow start caused by nagging injury to finish at his best... Season-best 8k time of 26:14 at BGSU... Best HL finish of 22nd at Kensington... 33:05 10k at the Great Lakes Regional at Indiana for 81st place, just the 11th Titan to finish in the top 100. 2009 Outdoor: Redshirt due to injury after running 15:46.43 in the 5000m at Raleigh Relays. 2009 Indoor: Returned to action after injury with back-to-back 3000 PR’s of 8:56.46 and 8:54.16 at Western Ontario and EMU... 5000m PR of 15:31.36 at Akron... Ran anchor leg of third place Horizon League distance medley relay team... Also ran 8:47.33 3000m PR for 13th. 2008 Cross Country: Back-to-back 8k PRs running 26:43 at National Catholics and then 25:40 at Louisville…44th at Horizon League meet. 2008 Outdoor: Returned to action after missing indoor season with a 9:06.2 fourth place finish in the 3000m at the Meet Cancelled Classic…15:41.40 5000m PR at Cincinnati…1500m PR of 4:14.24 at Bucknell. 2008 Indoor: Redshirt. 2007 Cross Country: Top Titan in his collegiate debut taking fourth at the Golden Grizzly Open running 21:00 for 4 miles... 8k PR of 26:40 at National Catholics... 30th place at Horizon League meet. High School: Placed second in cross country in Michigan D 4... Also finished fourth in 2005 and was a 2004 qualifier… In track, a Division 4 Champion in 1600m and 3200m as a senior and sixth in 3200m as a junior. Personal: Son of Todd and Anita Harris…His father was a 1986 All-MCC selection and was a teammate of coach Murray on a Titan squad that was MCC runner-up... Majoring in biological science... Holds a GPA of 3.482
Career Marks: 1500m - 3:52.80 - #3 Titan Mile - 4:10.31 - #2 Titan 3000m - 8:22.47 - UDM Record Senior 5000m - 14:32.85 - UDM Record Distance XC 8k - 24:32 - UDM Record Petoskey, Mich. Petoskey H.S. - 3 Varsity Letters All- Horizon League First Team- Cross Country- ‘10, ‘07 All-Horizon League Second Team- Outdoor- 5000m- ’10; Cross Country- ’09, ‘08 Horizon League- All Academic- Cross Country-’08; Indoor-‘09
Pat Liederbach
2010 Cross Country: Won his fourth Dominick Taddonio MVP... Ran a Titan-best 8k (24:32) for fourth at Horizon League making him the second Titan to earn All-League honors four times... Placed 41st at NCAA regional (#3 Titan) in PR of 31:22, split 24:57 at 8k... Runner-up at Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite (20:31 PR)... Ran 25:05 for fourth at Louisville... Led Detroit in all but two races in his four years. 2010 Outdoor: Horizon League runner-up in 5000m (14:34.96)... Anchor carry of 4:10.8 for UDM Record in distance medley relay (9:58.09) at Penn Relays... Ran 14:38.88 in 5000m... Set 1500m PR of 3:52.80 at Oregon. 2010 Indoor: Set 5000m indoor PR (14:37.12) at Notre Dame... Just missed UDM Records in the mile and 3000m at Grand Valley running 4:10.31 and 8:22.55 respectively... Third in Horizon League 5000m (14:37.54) and double back for sixth in 3000m at 8:37.84. 2009 Cross Country: Won team Dominick Taddonio MVP... Ran season-best 8k (25:09) at both Louisville and Bowling Green... All-HL second team taking 10th at HL Championship... Set fourth best finish by a Titan at NCAA Regional (60th -10K PR /32:40). 2009 Outdoor: Won team student-athlete award... Ran a 3:54.44 (1500m PR) at Raleigh, marking the third Titan to break 3:55... Lowered his 5000m UDM record to 14:32.85 at Bucknell... Won the mile versus Oakland, breaking William Daly’s 74-year old record (4:13.68)... Runner-up to Olympian Nate Brannen in the mile at the Detroit Track and Field Classic... HL champs scored sixth in the 5000m (15:01.24) following a 3:57.42 7th in the 1500m. 2009 Indoor: Won team student-athlete award... Set UDM 5000m record (14:37.51) at Notre Dame... Won 1500m at Western Ontario (3:58.60)... Ran a 4:11.31 mile at Akron... Took third in the 5000m (14:41.78) and fifth in 3000m at the Horizon League meet (8:22.47) lowering the UDM record by 8 seconds. 2008 Cross Country: Won Dominick Taddonio MVP... 14th at National Catholics in 25:45... Became third Titan to break 25 with his 24:54 effort at Louisville... Runner-up at Falcon Invite... All-Horizon League Second Team finishing eighth at championship (25:38)... 93rd place finish at NCAA Regional covering the muddy 10k in 33:39. 2008 Outdoor: Shared team Rookie of Year award with Earnest Cleary... Opened his track career with a Titan Rookie Record in the 5000m (15:02.9)... Took rookie 1500m record the next week in Cincinnati (3:58.72)... Lowered it to 3:56.17 at Bucknell... 1200m carry of 3:03.7 (distance medley) at Drake... Ran a 1:56.37 800m at the HL meet... Scored sixth in the 1500m (3:57.61)... Cruised to fourth in the 5000m (15:19.72). 2007 Cross Country: Won team Dominick Taddonio Most Valuable Award... Named All-Horizon League for finishing seventh (26:24), first all-league Titan since 2001 and first rookie since ’97... Cass-Benton debut of 21:08 for eighth at the Running FitDetroit Titan Invite... Ranked him as top Titan rookie and #4 Titan overall... NCAA regional finish of 74th in (32:49), ranks him as #2 Titan rookie and #6 Titan... 8k PR of 25:42 at Louisville, first Titan rookie sub-26 since ’97. High School: 2007 Michigan Division 2 800m runner-up... Represented Michigan at the Midwest Meet of Champions... Finished fourth in 800m as a junior and eighth as a sophomore... Also placed 10th as a junior and ninth as a senior in Michigan D-2 cross country meet.
20 Personal: Son of Fred and Kathy Liederbach... Majoring in education... Holds a GPA of 3.392.
Matt Mahler Senior Mid-Distance Thorold, Ont. Denis Morris Catholic H.S.
Career Marks: 800m - 1:54.73 - #9 Titan 1500m - 4:00.46 - #9 Titan Mile - 4:19.75 - #11 Titan XC 8k - 26:38 - 3 Varsity Letters -
2010 Outdoor: Opened season with photo finish loss to teammate Alex Gould in Oakland Dual (1:56.94)... Penn Relay 800m carry of 1:54.4 on UDM Record distance medley (9:58.09) and 1:56.6 on #9 Titan 4x800m (7:52.66)... Narrowly missed Horizon League 800m finishing 10th with 1:54.73 PR and ran season-best 1500m of 4:01.31. 2010 Indoor: Did not compete. 2009 Cross Country: Opened running at his best with a Cass-Benton PR of 22:14 at the Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite... Ran a 27:09 8k PR at National Catholics and then a 26:38 PR at Louisville... 26:46 at BGSU and then took 49th at HL championship at Kensington. 2009 Outdoor: Started season at Raleigh with a 3:59 1500m carry in 4x1500m... Later, just missed collegiate best running 4:00.60 in open 1500m and ran 1:56 leg of #9 Titan 4x800m of 7:53.00... Took third in the elite mile at Detroit Track and Field Classic behind Canadian Olympian Nate Brannen and teammate Pat Liederbach... Lost photo finish to teammate Alex Gould in 800m at Oakland Dual after leading most of the race running 1:55.59. 2009 Indoor: Back from injury with great finish to indoor... 1:55.88 indoor 800m PR at Silverston Invite... A great Horizon League champiosnhip double scoring with PR’s in the mile and 800m taking fifth in both at 4:19.75 and 1:55.05 respectively. 2008 Cross Country: Redshirt. 2008 Outdoor: 15:37.6 5000m PR at the Meet Cancelled Classic... 1500m best of 4:00.46 at Cincinnati... 1:57.60 for 800m at Bucknell... Ran 800m leg of 10:12.10 distance medley at the 99th Drake Relays. 2008 Indoor: Ran 3:05.5 1200m leg of Horizon League third place distance medley, where he also scored sixth in the mile at 4:20.28... 9:11.13 3000m PR at EMU. 2007 Cross Country: Injury shortened promising season... 8k PR of 27:35 at National Catholics. High School: At the 2007 Ontario HS Championships was fifth in 800m and 11th in 1500m... Placed fifth in Canadian Junior National in 800m... Ran a 3:53.64 for 1500m at summer open meet in London, ON. Personal: Son of Daryl and Theresa Mahler... Majoring in business... Holds a GPA of 3.06.
Deonte Osayande D E O N T E O S A Y A N D E
Senior Sprints Detroit, Mich. Winans Academy H.S.
Horizon League Runner-up: Outdoor- 4x100m- ‘10 2010 Outdoor: Earned fourth varsity letter... Member of Horizon League runner-up (UDM Record) 4x100m (41.88) and fourth place 4x400m (3:18.49), along with a sixth place finish in 100m (11.10) after running 10.89 PR in prelim... 200m PR of 22.10 at Georgia Tech... 400m PR (49.24) at Windsor Open. 2010 Indoor: Opened with 400m PR (50.61) at Grand Valley... Finished fifth in Horizon League 60m (7.06) after equaling PR of 7.04 in prelim. 2009 Outdoor: Overcame injury at opener to take fourth in HL 100m (11.17)... Ran 49.4 split on fourth place 4x400m (#7 Titan)... Became the third Titan to break 11 with his 10.99 at Windsor... Just missed 200m PR running 22.48 at Paddock Invite and 22.51 at Windsor... Member of #3 Titan 4x100m unit that ran 42.77 at Paddock Invite. 2009 Indoor: Opened season with 60m PR (7.09) and 200m PR of 22.59 at Notre Dame... Lowered 60m to 7.04 the next week at Macomb... Member of repeat 4x200m champ at Don Wright Team Challenge that lowered their UDM record to 1:31.26... Equaled 60m PR at Akron and ran 200m PR of 22.47... Horizon League scorer placing fourth in 60m at 7.07 and 200m finalist taking seventh at 23.22. 2008 Outdoor: Opened season with 51.2 400m PR at Meet Cancelled Classic... Ran PR’s in 100m and 200m at Cincinnati of 11.22 and 22.73 and then lowered time to 11.06 and 22.53 respectively at Bucknell... Lead-off leg of 4x100m that ran #2 Titan time of 42.75 at Toledo, where he ran a 48.5 PR 4x400m split…Injured in Horizon League 100m preliminary. 2008 Indoor: Qualified for Horizon League 60m final with season-best of 7.13 and scored sixth running 7.23... Anchor leg of 4x200m that won both races and took UDM record to 1:31.42. 2007 Outdoor: Redshirt. 2007 Indoor: Finished fifth in Horizon League 60m running 7.17, ran 7.14 as top qualifier in preliminary... Ran PR and UDM Rookie Record of 7.12 for 4th in EMU/CMU dual... 7.18 for seventh in 60m at Windsor Team Challenge... 23.25 200m PR at Akron where he ran his PR 400m split of 52.6 in 4x400m. High School: 2006 Michigan Division 4 seventh place in the 200m. Personal: Son of Nkululeka and Elaine Osayande... Majoring in education.
Career Marks: 60m - 7.04 - #4 Titan 100m - 10.89 - #3 Titan 200m - 22.10 - #8 Titan 400m - 49.24 - #9 Titan - 4 Varsity Letters -
Kevin Smalley K E V I N S M A L L E Y
Senior Steeplechase Gladwin, Mich. Gladwin H.S.
Career Marks: 1500m - 4:02.43 - #16 Titan 3000m - 8:55.54 - #13 Titan Steeple - 9:48.61 - #5 Titan XC 8k - 26:32 - 3 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League All-Academic- Indoor- ’10, ‘09 2010 Cross Country: Ran 21:46 (PR) taking 30th at Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite... Set a PR (26:32 8k) at Louisville... 47th at Horizon League meet (26:57)... 188th at NCAA Great Lakes Regional (35:03)... Became the 18th Titan to run in four regionals. 2010 Outdoor: Recorded first sub-10 steeple (9:56.02) scoring fifth at Cincinnati... 5000m PR (16:00.76) at Bucknell... Repeated steeple win versus Oakland (10:09.56)... Set 1500m PR (4:02.43) at Hillsdale... Set PR (9:48.61) for 10th in Horizon League steeple and 18th in 1500m (4:09.08). 2010 Indoor: Set mile PR at Grand Valley (4:24.41) and doubled back with second fastest 3000m time (8:58.99)... 1000m PR at Windsor (2:32.92) for fifth and #9 Titan mark... Lowered mile PR (4:21.43) at Silverston... Ran lead-off 1200m leg of fifth place Horizon League distance medley and then just missed mile PR (4:21.49) for ninth... finished 27th in 3000m. 2009 Cross Country: Ran career-best (26:49) at Louisville and just missed running 26:52 at BGSU after getting knocked down at first turn... 70th at Horizon League championship at Kensington... Ended season on a high note improving regional finish by 23 spots to 160th with 10k best of 35:01 to run as team’s #4 scorer. 2009 Outdoor: Opened at Raleigh with steeplechase personal record of 10:07.17... 5000m and 1500m PR’s at Bucknell of 16:01.12 and 4:09.32... Won the steeple at the Oakland Dual lowering his best to 10:00.61... Finished 10th in HL steeple with a 10:12.20 and finished 32nd in the 5000m. 2009 Indoor: Garnered the team’s Most Improved award... Started season with 47-second improvement in 5000m running 16:13.28 at Notre Dame... 3000m PR of 8:55.54 at Akron... Mile PR of 4:27.17 at Silverston Invite…Ran 1200m lead-off of third place HL distance medley in 3:09.40 and finished 21st in 3000m in his second best time of 8:59.34. 2008 Cross Country: Won team Student-Athlete Award after a summer of big miles that resulted in improvements by at least 1 minute per course over 2007... 27:38 at National Catholics for PR then broke 27 at Louisville at 26:57, a two minute improvement over 2007 run... 50th at Horizon League... 10k PR of 36:51 for 183rd at the muddy NCAA regional. 2008 Outdoor: Made debut in steeplechase with 10:29.75 at Cincinnati…Crashed to 11th place with 10:43.48 at the Horizon League, but bounced back to just miss 1500m PR running 4:10.87 for 16th…1500m PR of 4:09.38 at EMU. 2008 Indoor: HL finishes of 15th in 800m (2:01.48) and 17th in 1500m (4:39.90)…4:37.11 mile PR at EMU. 2007 Cross Country: Earned varsity letter running in all varsity races in his first ever season of cross country…8k PR of 28:14 at Falcon Invite…202nd place at NCAA regional running 37:31 (10k). High School: Was a 2007 Michigan Division 2 state qualifier in 4x800m, 800m and 4x400m…Finished ninth in the 800m in 2006. Personal: Son of Jerome and Marlene Smalley… Majoring in biochemistry... Holds a GPA of 3.733.
Kevin Wozniak K E V I N W O Z N I A K
Senior Mid-Distance Dearborn, Mich. Edsel Ford H.S.
Career Marks: 600m - 1:23.73 - #12 Titan 800m - 1:56.14 - #14 Titan 1000m - 2:35.40 XC 8k - 27:09 - 4 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League Runner-up: Indoor- 4x400m-‘08 2010 Cross Country: Ran a season-best (28:34) 8k for 84th at the Horizon League meet. 2010 Outdoor: Earned his fourth varsity letter... Season-best time of 1:58.07 (800m) for 15th at the Horizon League meet... Ran leg of 7:52.66 (#9 Titan) 4x800m relay at Penn Relays... Member of winning 4x400m versus Oakland. 2010 Indoor: Redshirt. 2009 Cross Country: Redshirt due to injury. 2009 Outdoor: Opened season at Raleigh with 1:58 leg on (#7 Titan) 4x800m (7:53.00) and made debut in 400mH at 60.55... Runner-up in 400mH in Oakland Dual running 60.54 and member of winning 4x400m... Ran 1:57.80 for 800m at EMU... Took 14th place at Horizon League 800m running 1:57.78... Lowered season-best to 1:57.47 at Windsor. 2009 Indoor: 800m PR of 1:58.26 at HL championship and just missed mile PR running 4:35.61 to take 13th in both events... Indoor mile PR (4:35.37) at EMU Quad... Sixth place at Windsor in 1000m establishing PR 2:35.40. 2008 Cross Country: Ran a PR in four of six races on the season lowering PR to 27:09 at Horizon Leagues for 41st and top-five Titan finish…27:35 at Louisville was his first sub-28 8k. 2008 Outdoor: Scored in Horizon League relays taking third in the 4x400m and 4th in 4x100 picking up a leg for injured teammate…1:59.37 season-best 800m at Bucknell. 2008 Indoor: Earned All-Horizon League honors on runner-up 4x400m that ran the #4 Titan indoor time of 3:19.25 and was 13th in 800m at 1:58.87…Indoor 800m PR of 1:58.72 at Akron…1:23.73 600m PR of 1:23.873 at the Silverston Invite. 2007 Cross Country: Redshirted… Won his hometown Margaret Peruski 4 mile Cross Country race in PR of 21:43. 2007 Outdoor: Won team Rookie of Year Award…Ran his PR of 1:56.14 to qualify for Horizon League final where he ran 1:57.80 for seventh, also ran leg of third place 4x400m…Only non-PR race of season was Horizon League final… Opened with 800m of 2:00.13 at George Mason…Ran his first sub-2 at Bucknell of 1:59.13 and followed it with a 1:58.9 relay split…1:58.62 at EMU and then 1:57.3 for third in the dual versus Oakland…1500m PR of 4:15.80 at Hillsdale. 2007 Indoor: 2:00 PR carry for third place Horizon League distance medley, where he ran mile PR of 4:44.03…2:01.71 indoor 800m PR at Silverston Invite…1:27.32 600m PR at Windsor. High School: 2006 Michigan Division I state qualifier 4x800m. Personal: Son of Tom and Lisa Wozniak... Majoring in education... Holds a GPA of 3.203... Student teaching this semester at Stout Middle School in Dearborn.
Aviram Campbell A V I R A M C A M P B E L L
Junior Hurdles Yale, Mich. Yale H.S.
Career Marks: 60mH - 8.42 - #7 Titan 110mH - 15.19 - #8 Titan 400mH - 56.48 - #13 Titan Triple Jump / 40-9 / #12 Titan - 2 Varsity Letters -
2010 Outdoor: Did not compete. 2010 Indoor: Great start to season cut short by injury... Opened season with a win in the 60-meter hurdles at Notre Dame (8.47)... Lowered to 8.42 (PR) for fourth at the EMU Open. 2009 Outdoor: Fourth place in the Horizon League championship 110-meter hurdles running 15.43 and finalist in 400mH taking seventh in his PR of 56.48... Won three events in the Oakland Dual taking the 110mH in (PR) 15.19, 400mH in then PR of 57.97 and triple jump at 40-2... Won triple jump at Detroit Track & Field Classic equaling his PR of 40-9. 2009 Indoor: Made debut in 60mH taking second at Notre Dame running 8.75... Won 60mH with PR of 8.56 at Don Wright Team Challenge... Made triple jump debut taking third at EMU at 39-2... Scored sixth at HL championship in 60mH, running 8.60 and leaped PR in triple jump for 11th at 40-9. High School: Took fifth in the Division 2 110mH as a senior. Personal: Son of Vivian and Perry Campbell‌ Majoring in sociology... Holds a GPA of 3.091.
Derek Hoerman D E R E K H O E R M A N
Junior Distance Canton, Mich. Canton H.S.
Career Marks: 3000m - 9:23.98 5000m - 15:58.20 10,000m - 33:55.58 - #14 Titan XC 8k - 27:19 - 2 Varsity Letters -
2010 Cross Country: Earned second varsity letter in injury hampered season... Ran a PR (22:46) for 41st at Running FitDetroit Titan Invite... Ran a season-best 28:33 (8k) taking 81st at the Horizon Leagues meet. 2010 Outdoor: Made 10,000m debut (33:55.58) taking 17th at the Horizon League meet... Came back with 16:38.2 in 5000m... Ran a season-best 16:36.24 in the 5000m at EMU. 2010 Indoor: Competed just once running his 5000m PR at Notre Dame of 15:58.20. 2009 Cross Country: Made steady progress recovering from injury to earn varsity letter... 27:19 8k best at BGSU... Finished as team #8 at HL’s finishing 61st running 28:57 at Kensington... Ran as #6 at Great Lakes Regional taking 179th establishing 10k best of 35:54. 2009 Outdoor: Redshirt. 2009 Indoor: Ran two races in injury shortened season... 9:23.98 3000m PR at EMU quad meet. 2008 Cross Country: Redshirt... Established 8k best of 30:10 running unattached at Michigan Intercollegiate at Kensington. High School: A Michigan Division 1 cross country qualifier in 2007. Personal: Son of Cindy and Stewart Hoerman... Majoring in engineering... Holds a GPA of 3.104.
Vushaun Landrum V U S H A U N L A N D R U M
Junior Sprints Windsor, Ont. Sandwich Secondary H.S.
Career Marks: 60m - 6.92 - #3 Titan 100m - 10.70 - #2 Titan 200m - 21.74 - #3 Titan Long Jump / 22-8.5 / #4 Titan - 2 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League Runner-up - Indoor - 60m- ‘10; Outdoor - 4x100m- ‘10 2010 Outdoor: Shared team Most Valuable honors with Lesley Hanna... Opened season with a pair of fourth place finishes at Cincinnati running 10.78 in the 100m and a 21.75 PR in the 200m... Won four events versus Oakland including a facility record in the Long Jump (22-3.75)... Also won the 100m (10.91), 200m (22.76) and 4x100m... Won the 100m (10.86) at EMU two days later... Finished fourth in Horizon League 200m lowering PR to 21.74... Ran on the 4x100m relay team that finished runner-up at the HL meet on their way to setting a new UDM record (41.88). 2010 Indoor: Won team Student-Athlete Award... Opened season with a 7.03 60m (PR) at Notre Dame... Became the third Titan to break 7 in 60m placing third (6.98)... Runner-up in the Horizon League 60m running a 6.92 PR after a 6.93 PR in prelims... Set a PR in the long jump (22-8.5) for third place and finished the meet with a fourth place finish in the 200m (22.48). 2009 Outdoor: Won team Rookie of the Year award... Opened season becoming the second Titan to break 11-seconds in the 100m just missing the final at 10.97 and ran a leg on UDM record 4x200m of 1:28.70 at Raleigh... 10.86 100m PR and Titan Rookie Record for sixth at Bucknell... 21.76 200m for fifth at Hillsdale, good for Titan Rookie Record and #2 all-time... Fourth in HL 200m at 21.82... Lowered Titan Rookie Record in 100m at Windsor to 10.70 for fifth... Member of 4x100m team that ran #2 Titan mark of 42.33 at Hillsdale and two other top 10 times during year. 2009 Indoor: Won team Rookie of the Year award... Improved his 60m in all but one meet after his 7.19 #8 Titan debut at Notre Dame in December... Improved to 7.06, which placed him third in HL final and #4 on Titan list... HL long jump finalist finishing eighth at 19-7.75... Long jump best of 21-2.5 at EMU Open. High School: Followed up his eighth-place showing in the Ontario 100m as a junior with a 10th-place finish as a senior… He was also a 200m qualifier as a junior. Personal: Son of Joy and Tolliver Landrum…Majoring in business... Holds a GPA of 3.424.
Joe LaRocca Junior Sprints Eastpointe, Mich. De La Salle Collegiate H.S.
Career Marks: 200m - 23.03 300m - 36.44 - #9 Titan 400m - 49.80 - #16 Titan - 2 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League Runner-up - 2009 Indoor - 4x400m 2010 Outdoor: Lowered 400m PR to 49.80 to make Horizon League finals to finish ninth (50.51)... Ran lead-off leg of 4th place 4x400m(3:18.49)... Runner-up in 400m versus Oakland at 50.68... Also ran the lead-off leg of the winning 4x400m team. 2010 Indoor: 10th place finish at Horizon League meet in the 400m (51.34)... Ran lead-off leg of the fifth place 4x400m team... Runner-up at Don Wright 300m (37.17). 2009 Outdoor: Member of fourth place HL 4x400m that ran 3:16.07 (#7 Titan 4x400m unit) and ran PR’s of 23.03 in 200m for 15th and 49.99 in 400m for 10th... Runner-up in 400m at Oakland Dual running 51.14... Ran second leg of UDM record 4x200m of 1:28.70 at Raleigh Relays. 2009 Indoor: Ran on third place HL 4x400m (3:19.30) and finished 16th in 400m at 51.92... 400m best of 50.88 at GVSU... Broke into Titan Top 10 in 300m at #9 with his 36.44 at Windsor. High School: Was a runner-up in the 400m at the 2008 Catholic League and Operations Friendship Championship. Personal: Son of John and Mary LaRocca... His brother, John, was a four-year member of the UDM men’s track and field team and currently serves as an assistant coach... Majoring in civil engineering.
Robert Radlich R O B E R T R A D L I C H
Junior Mid-Distance Cheektowaga, N.Y. Cleveland Hill H.S.
Career Marks: 800m - 1:54.56 - #7 Titan 1500m - 4:04.12 Mile - 4:24.36 XC 8k - 26:46 - 1 Varsity Letter -
2010 Cross Country: Top Titan finisher at the Golden Grizzly Open, taking 11th (19:55-6k)... Set PR at Louisville (26:468k)... Took 46th place at the Horizon League meet running 26:53... Placed 191st at NCAA Great Lakes Regional (35:09-10k). 2010 Outdoor: Steadily progressed and culminated with big 800m PR to make Horizon League final... Set a PR (1:54.56) in prelims and finished ninth in the finals... Season-best 1500m time (4:06.78) came at Hillsdale... Made 5000m debut at Cincinnati (16:30.74). 2010 Indoor: Won team Most Improved Award... Ran a PR in the mile (4:25.58) at Grand Valley and lowered it to 4:24.36 at the Silverston Invite... Finished sixth at Windsor in the 1000m (2:34.93-PR)... Ran anchor 1600m carry on the fourth place Horizon League distance medley relay team... Also finished 14th in the mile at the HL meet. 2009 Cross Country: Earned first varsity letter... Made debut as #3 Titan at the Golden Grizzly open taking 21st... Ran 8k personal record (26:48) at BGSU... Made Varsity 7 at HL’s taking 52nd... Selected to compete at Great Lakes regional, but did not finish his debut 10k. 2009 Outdoor: Redshirt... Ran 4:04.12 1500m PR at EMU Twilight... Ran 2:00.44 for 800m at the Detroit Classic. 2009 Indoor: Competed once while redshirting... Ran a 4:39.92 mile at Silverston Invite. 2008 Cross Country: Redshirt... Ran unattached 28:58 8k at Michigan Intercollegiate Open. High School: Twice placed in the top-five in the New York Section 6 Division 2 800m championships with a runner-up mark as a junior and a third-place tally as a senior. Personal: Son of Michele and David Radlich‌ Majoring in business... Holds a GPA of 3.277.
Erik Westbrook E R I K W E S T B R O O K
Junior Distance Freemont, Mich. Freemont H.S.
Career Marks: 3000m - 9:11.01 5000m - 16:09.70 10,000m - 34:18.10 XC 8k - 26:26
2010 Cross Country: Finished 63rd at the Horizon League meet with a season-best time (27:32-8k). 2010 Outdoor: Placed 18th at the Horizon League meet in his 10,000m debut (34:18.10)... Ran a 16:32.40 (5000m) at the HL meet... Season-best 5000m time came at EMU (16:20.60) 2010 Indoor: Did not compete. 2009 Cross Country: Made Titan cross country debut finishing 23rd at Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite (21:35)... 8k PR of 26:26 at Louisville... 49th place finish at HL champs. 2009 Outdoor: Redshirt. 2009 Indoor: Made Titan debut running 16:09.70 (5000m) at Notre Dame... Finished 21st at HL’s 5000m and ran a 3000m PR of 9:11.01 for 29th. 2008 Cross Country: Redshirt. High School: A three-time all-state performer and a four-time Michigan Division 2 state cross country qualifier... Also led his 4x800m relay team to a fourth-place finish and was a 3200m qualifier. Personal: Son of Denise and Jeff Westbrook... Majoring in health service administration... Holds a GPA of 3.647
Derek Baker
Anthony Donald
Sophomore Hurdles Carleton, Mich. Airport H.S.
Sophomore Hurdles Waterville, Ohio Anthony Wayne H.S.
Career Marks: 60mH - 8.89... 110mH - 16.88... 400mH 60.17... Earned one varsity letter in track and field. 2010 Outdoor: Finalist in Horizon League 400m taking ninth in 61.55 and took 10th in 110mH running PR of 16.88... 400mH PR of 60.17 for fourth versus Oakland. 2010 Indoor: Fifth place in Horizon League 60mH running 8.89, his first sub-9, and finished 21st in 200m running 24.72.
Career Marks: 60mH - 9.27... 400mH - 55.49 (#8 Titan)... Long Jump - 20-7.25... Heptathlon - 3,642 (#2 Titan)... Earned one varsity letter in track and field. 2010 Outdoor- Made 400mH debut running 56.92 for 10th at Cincinnati... Broke into Titan Top 10 with a 55.87 PR at Bucknell... Won Oakland Dual (56.47)... Lowered PR to 55.60 at Hillsdale, and then to 55.49 taking fifth at Horizon League Championships.
High School: A regional champion in the 300-meter hurdles taking eighth at the 2008 Michigan Division 2 championships.
2010 Indoor: Made heptathlon debut at Horizon League meet taking seventh with 3,642 points... Also set PR’s in long jump (20-7.25) and 60mH (9.27) as well as making event debuts in high jump, shot put and pole vault.
Personal: Son of Patricia and Ray Baker… Majoring in pre-med... Holds a GPA of 3.007
High School: An Ohio Division 1 300-meter hurdles regional qualifier. Personal: Son of Janet and Kurt Donald…His mother was a collegiate track athlete at Bowling Green… Majoring in secondary education... Holds a GPA of 3.46.
Edwin Gay
Taylor Hennrick
Sophomore Distance Grosse Pointe, Mich. GP South H.S.
Sophomore Hurdles Traverse City, Mich. St. Francis H.S.
Career Marks: 1500m - 4:07.43... 5000m - 15:50.92... XC 8k - 25:57... Earned one varsity letter in track and field. 2010 Cross Country: Bounced back from injury plagued rookie year with strong varsity season... Made Cass-Benton debut taking 19th at Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite in 21:18... 8k PR breaking 26 minute barrier running 25:57 at Louisville... 26:34 for 34th at Horizon League meet... 10k debut taking 157th at NCAA Great Lakes Regional in 33:47. 2010 Outdoor: Season-best 5000m of 15:50.92 for 14th at Horizon League meet... 4:07.43 1500m PR at Hillsdale... Finished fourth in Oakland Dual mile at 4:30.10.
Career Marks: 60mH - 8.82... 110mH - 15.97... Heptathlon - 3,882 (UDM Record)... Decathlon - 5,054 (UDM Record)... Earned one varsity letter in track and field. 2010 Outdoor: Won team Rookie of the Year Award... Made decathlon debut scoring 4,518 for the UDM Record in the Oakland Dual... Improved score to 5,054 for fourth at Horizon League meet where he also competed in 110mH and javelin... Made the finals in the 110mH placing eighth (16.32)... Took 13th in javelin... 15.97 110mH PR time at Hillsdale.
2010 Indoor: Competed as an unattached athlete during red-shirt season and ran a 9:09.10 (3000m) at Grand Valley... Ran a 4:30.71 mile at Michigan.
2010 Indoor: Made debut as combined event athlete taking sixth at the Horizon League meet in the heptathlon establishing UDM record of 3,882... Opened heptathlon winning the 60m running 7.45 (PR)... Achieved a PR in the long jump (19-8) and in the pole vault (9-10)... 60mH time (PR) of 8.82 at Grand Valley’s Holiday Open.
2009 Cross Country: Earned varsity letter in a season cut short due to injury... Made collegiate debut as #3 Titan with 8k best of 26:49 at National Catholics.
High School: A state qualifier in 2008 in the 110-meter hurdles, 4x100 and 4x400m... He was also a member of the Michigan Division 7 football state championship team.
High School: Named All-State in cross country as a sophomore and senior... Placed fourth in the state championship with a career-best time of 15:23 as a senior.
Personal: Son of Patti and Ed Hennrick... Enrolled in the physician assistant program... Holds a GPA of 3.92.
Personal: Son of AnnMarie and Richard Gay‌ Majoring in pre-med... Holds a GPA of 3.237.
Vince Lefler
Ja’Quan Patterson
Sophomore Hurdles Midland, Mich. Midland H.S.
Sophomore Jumps/Sprints Ypsilanti, Mich. Ypsilanti H.S.
Career Marks: 60mH - 8.48 (#8 Titan)... 110mH - 15.47 (#11 Titan)... 400mH - 55.29 (#6 Titan)... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
Career Marks: Long Jump / 22-8 (#5 Titan)... Triple Jump / 42-6.75 (#8 Titan)... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
2010 Outdoor: Took fourth in both Horizon League hurdle races with PRs in both, running 15.47 in the 110mH and 55.29 in the 400mH, after running a PR time of 55.89 in prelim... Took eighth at Cincinnati in his 400mH debut running 56.74 and was 11th in 110mH in 15.62... 400mH PR time of 56.07 at Bucknell... ninth at Hillsdale with 15.47 110mH PR.
2010 Outdoor: Set a PR in the long jump (22-8) to take fourth at the Horizon League meet... Finalist in triple jump finishing ninth (41-8.75)... Won the triple jump at the Oakland Dual (41-7.25)... Took second in the long jump (22-1).
2010 Indoor: Shared team Rookie of the Year honors with Ja`Quan Patterson... Runner-up in collegiate debut in (8.87) the 60mH at Notre Dame... Broke into 60mH Titan Top 10 with 8.54 at Grand Valley... Finished fourth in Horizon League (60mH) with PR time of 8.48 and ran a leg on fifth place 4x400m. High School: A Michigan Division 1 regional champion in the 300-meter hurdles, while also qualifying for the state championships as a junior and senior. Personal: Son of Marilynn and John Lefler... Majoring in biology... Holds a GPA of 3.06.
2010 Indoor: Shared team Rookie of the Year honors with Vince Lefler... Broke into Titan Top 10 in the long jump (21-8.25) with his third place finish at EMU... Made triple jump debut at EMU (39-6)... Set triple jump PR (42-6.75) at Grand Valley... Set long jump PR (22-2.25) for fourth at the Horizon League meet... Also finished eighth in triple jump (41-11.25). High School: Earned runner-up in the long jump as a senior and was a member of the fifth place 4x400-meter relay at the Division 2 championships…Was also the regional champion in the long jump and placed seventh in the state championships. Personal: Son of Tanisha and John Patterson…Majoring in business administration.
Joe Raffin
Chris Smalley
Sophomore Sprints Valparaiso, Ind. Chesterton H.S.
Sophomore Mid-Distance Gladwin, Mich. Gladwin H.S.
Career Marks: 200m - 23.47... 300m - 36.76 (#14 Titan)... 400m - 51.25... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
Career Marks: 600m - 1:24.43... 800m - 1:55.53 (#12 Titan)... 1500m - 4:08.60... XC 8k - 28:07... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
2010 Outdoor: Did not compete. 2010 Indoor: Just missed final of Horizon League 400m taking ninth (51.32)... Ran anchor leg of fifth place 4x400m... Season-best 400m time of 51.25 at Grand Valley... Set 300m PR (36.76) at Windsor. High School: A 400-meter sectional champion in 2008 and 2009... Closed out his high school career running on the third-place 4x400m. Personal: Son of Cecile and Rich Raffin…Has 12 siblings… Majoring in architecture.
2010 Cross Country: Made lifetime cross country debut earning a varsity letter... Ran 23:27 for his Cass-Benton four-mile debut... Ran a 28:07 8k PR at Louisville... Finished 79th at the Horizon League meet (28:31). 2010 Outdoor: Made his 1500m debut at Cincinnati (4:08.60)... Came back with a 1:58.91 800m... Clocked a 1:56.93 800m at Bucknell... Ran a leg of the 4x800 m relay (7:52.66 - #9 Titan) at the Penn Relays... Finished 11th in the Horizon League 800m running 1:55.53 (PR). 2010 Indoor: Placed second in the 800m at the Silverston Invite (1:57.55 - PR)... Took 11th in the 800m at the Horizon League meet (1:59.77)... Also helped the 4x400m relay team place fifth. High School: Took third in the 800m in the Michigan Division 3 championships. Personal: Son of Jerome and Marlene Smalley... Older brother, Kevin, is a senior on the Titans’ track and cross country teams… Majoring in engineering... Holds a GPA of 3.982.
Michael Smith 2 0 1 0 1 1 T I T A N S
Senior Javelin Clinton Twp., Mich. De La Salle H.S. At Detroit: Returns to roster to throw the javelin... Competed on the track and field team as a freshman, but was limited to competing in just a few meets before an injury ended his season... Part of the 2008 team. High School: Earned three varsity letters in track and field under coach Bob Blunt. Personal: Son of Michael and Lorraine Smith... Majoring in business.
Charles Anthony
Bryan Brooks
Freshman Sprints Northville, Mich. Farmington H.S.
Freshman Hurdles Port Huron, Mich. Port Huron Northern H.S.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in track and field at Farmington High School... Career-best marks include: 100m- 10.7, 200m- 22.2, long jump 20-11... Also played basketball and football at Farmington... A four-time All-State sprinter who earned the Dr. Zae Aschenbrenner Award as Farmington’s top senior athlete...Was a regional champion in the 100-meters and on the 4x100-meter relay...He also claimed fifth in the 100m, third in the 4x100 and sixth on the 4x200m as a senior at the Division I state championships. Personal: Son of Charles Sr. and Theresa Anthony... Majoring in engineering... Father played basketball at Colorado.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in track and field at Port Huron Northern... All-Area track selection as a senior... Career-best in the 300mH is 40.05... Career-best in the 100mH is 15.0... Tabbed MVP as he led the team in scoring as a senior... State qualifier as a senior. Personal: Son of Doug and Eve Brooks... Majoring in nursing... Has four siblings; Kristina, Michale, Marissa, and Kathryn.
Sam Felton
Floyd Hoskin III
Freshman Distance St. Joseph, Mich. St. Joseph H.S.
Freshman Jumps Gary, Ind. Bowman Academy H.S.
2010 Cross Country: Earned varsity letter... Seventh man in Cass-Benton debut taking 35th in the Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite in 21:58... Set a PR of 27:14 at the Horizon League Championship finishing 54th.
High School: Earned two varsity letters in track and field at the Thea Bowman Leadership Academy... Also earned four letters on a state championship basketball team... Two-time state qualifier in the long jump.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in both cross Personal: Son of Floyd Hoskin II and Tia Mayo... Majoring in country and track and field at St. Joseph... Two-time Berrien engineering. County Champion... Named all-state in 2009 in cross country... Two-time state qualifier... 2010 state qualifier in track and field... Best 5k cross country time is 16:14... Ran a 15:57 5k road race... Additional marks include a 4:29 mile, 9:52 two mile, 2:00 800m and a 55.6 400m. Personal: Son of Duane and Kim Felton... A physician’s assistant major.
Steven Ivanics
Eric Lewis
Freshman Hurdles Dearborn, Mich. Divine Child H.S.
Freshman Throws Eastpointe, Mich. Fraser H.S.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in both track and field and football... Earned All-State, All-Region, AllCatholic and All-City accolades in track and field as the team captain.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in track and field and in football... Two-year team captain of the track team... Placed third at the state meet... Named team MVP. Personal: Son of Michael and Jackie Lewis... Pre-Med major.
Personal: Son of Michael and Lisa Ivanics... Majoring in engineering.
Martin Nelkie
Alex Sexton
Freshman Distance West Branch, Mich. Ogemaw Heights H.S.
Freshman Hurdles Bath, Mich. Bath H.S.
2010 Cross Country: Varsity scorer in all of his races... Cass-Benton debut of 21:22 finishing 20th in the Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite... 8k PR of 26:28 at Louisville... Horizon League finish of 48th running 27:02... 10k debut at the NCAA Great Lakes Regional taking 154th in 33:42 as team’s third man.
F School: Earned four varsity letters in both cross country R High and track and field at Ogemaw... Holds a cross country PR of Best time in the 2 mile is 9:35... Three-time first team E 15:57... All-Conference selection in cross country and track and field... Won the two mile at Regionals on two separate occasions... S Finished 11th and seventh at the state finals in the two mile. Son of Charles and Julie Nelkie... Majoring in H Personal: electrical engineering. M E Jeff N Sherman Freshman Throws New Hudson, Mich. Catholic Central H.S. High School: Earned two varsity letters in track and field at Novi... Earned back-to-back state qualifying marks in the shot put in 2009 and 2010...A member of the school’s Division 1 state championship football team. Personal: Son of Wayne and Edna Sherman... A physician’s assistant major.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in track and field at Bath... Named All-Conference and was also a state qualifier in track... Earned one varsity letter in cross country. Personal: Son of Odell and Jennifer Sexton... Majoring in biology.
2009-10 Men’s Indoor Track and Field Summary Blue and Gold Invitational ........................No Team Scoring Holiday Open............................................No Team Scoring EMU Quad ...............................................No Team Scoring Don Wright Team Challenge ....................... 2nd - 72 Points Simmons-Harvey Invite ............................No Team Scoring GVSU Open .............................................No Team Scoring Big Meet ..................................................No Team Scoring Windsor Team Challenge ............................. 5th - 28 Points Silverston Invitational ...............................No Team Scoring Horizon League Championship................ 4th - 63 Points Alex Wilson Invite ....................................No Team Scoring Bold - Home Meet UDM Indoor Records Earnest Cleary ............ 60m .......... 6.83 .. HL Championship Patrick Liederbach...5000m....14:37.12...Blue & Gold Invite Horizon League Champion (First Team All-HL) Earnest Cleary ...............................................60-meter dash Horizon League Runner-up (Second Team All-HL) Vushaun Landrum..........................................60-meter dash Horizon League All-Academic Team Kevin Smalley 113 190 233 245 259 287 288 303 309 312 319 322 332 334 344 376 413 415 434
Titans in NCAA Division I Rankings Earnest Cleary 6.83 60m HL Meet Patrick Liederbach 14:33.74 5000m HL Meet Lesley Hanna 21.87 200m HL Meet Patrick Liederbach 4:10.31 Mile Big Meet Vushaun Landrum 6.92 60m HL Meet Patrick Liederbach 8:22.55 3000m Big Meet B&G Invite Lesley Hanna 48.93 400m Vushaun Landrum 6.92m Long Jump HL Meet Alex Gould 1:53.71 800m Simmons Heptathlon HL Meet Taylor Hennrick 3882 Alex Invite Alex Gould 4:11.85 Mile Lesley Hanna 1.95m High Jump EMU Quad Anthony Donald 3642 Heptathlon HL Meet Aviram Campbell 8.42 60mH EMU Open HL Meet Vushaun Landrum 22.08 200m Vince Lefler 8.48 60mH HL Meet Ja’Quan Patterson 6.76m Long Jump HL Meet Alex Harris 15:07.55 5000m Big Meet Ja’Quan Patterson 12.97m Triple Jump GVSU
Team Awards: Most Valuable:.............................................. Earnest Cleary Student - Athlete: .................................. Vushaun Landrum Coach’s Award: .................................................. Alex Gould Most Improved:................................................Bob Radlich Co-Rookie of the Year:..... Vince Lefler & Ja’Quan Patterson Comeback: .........................................................Ryan Ayala
2010 Men’s Outdoor Track and Field Summary Oliver Nikoloff Invite .................................... 8th - 36 Points Bucknell Bison Outdoor Classic .............. No Team Scoring Dual vs. Oakland University ............................W, 105-78 EMU Twilight ...........................................No Team Scoring Penn Relays ...............................................No Team Scoring Hillsdale Relays .........................................No Team Scoring Horizon League Championships .................. 5th - 75 Points Oregon Twilight ........................................No Team Scoring Paddock Invitational..................................No Team Scoring Georgia Tech Invitational ..........................No Team Scoring NCAA Preliminary Round .......................No Team Scoring Bold- home meet UDM Outdoor Records Lesley Hanna .......... 200m ........ 21.52 ................. HL Meet Lesley Hanna ........... 400m ........ 47.16 ........... Georgia Tech Taylor Hennrick.....Decathlon ..... 5,054 ................. HL Meet Deonte Osayande, Vushaun Landrum, Sam Jones, Earnest Cleary ..... 4x100m ........ 41.88 ................. HL Meet Alex Gould, Lesley Hanna, Matt Mahler, Pat Liederbach ..........Distance Medley Relay.....9:58.09 ............Penn Relays Horizon League Champion (First Team All-HL) Earnest Cleary .............................................. 100-meter dash Horizon League Runner-up (Second Team All-HL) Lesley Hanna ............................................... 400-meter dash Patrick Liederbach .......................................5000-meter run Lesley Hanna ......................................................High Jump Osayande, Landrum, Jones, Cleary ........... 4x100-meter relay NCAA Preliminary Lesley Hanna ........... 400m ............................... 45th - 48.07
Horizon League All-Academic Team Alex Gould USTFCCA All-Academic Team 3.24 Team GPA - 8th Straight Year 96 230 263 266 288 308 339 343 349 384 408 409 412 413 465 471
Titans in NCAA Division I Rankings
Lesley Hanna Lesley Hanna Lesley Hanna Earnest Cleary Taylor Hennrick Patrick Liederbach Ja’Quan Patterson Vushaun Landrum Vushaun Landrum Vince Lefler Anthony Donald Alex Harris Kevin Smalley Patrick Liederbach Deonte Osayande Vince Lefler
47.16 21.52 1.99m 10.71 5,054 14:34.96 6.91m 10.78 21.74 55.29 55.49 32:04.32 9:48.61 3:52.80 10.89 15.47
400m Georgia Tech 200m HL Meet High Jump HL Meet 100m HL Meet Decathlon HL Meet 5000m HL Meet Long Jump HL Meet 100m Bucknell 200m HL Meet 400mH HL Meet 400mH HL Meet 10,000m Bucknell Steeple HL Meet 1500m Oregon 100m HL Meet 110mH HL Meet
Team Awards Co-Most Valuable: ............ Lesley Hanna & Vushaun Landrum Student- Athlete:................................................ Alex Harris Coach’s Award: ..................................................... Sam Jones Most Improved:........................................... Brian Greenhoe Rookie of the Year: ..................................... Taylor Hennrick 4 Year Letterwinners:................Sam Jones, Deonte Osayande, .................................................................... Kevin Wozniak
2010 HL Indoor Track and Field Championships February 27-28 Hosted by Detroit @ University of Michigan
2010 HL Outdoor Track and Field Championships April 30 - May 2 Hosted by Loyola and UIC @ Benedictine University
Milwaukee .......................................................................177 Butler...............................................................................100 Youngstown State ..............................................................67 Detroit ...................................................................... 63 Loyola ...............................................................................57 Illinois-Chicago ................................................................45 Valparaiso ..........................................................................17
Milwaukee .......................................................................174 Illinois- Chicago .............................................................107 Youngstown State ..............................................................96 Butler.................................................................................87 Detroit ...................................................................... 75 Loyola ...............................................................................73 Valparaiso ..........................................................................37
Horizon League Champions (All-HL First Team) Earnest Cleary ..............................60m ..........................6.89 (6.83 prelim - UDM & HL Record)
Horizon League Champions (All-HL First Team) Earnest Cleary ............................100m ....................... 10.82
Horizon League Runner-Up (All-HL Second Team) C Vushaun Landrum........................60m ................. 6.92 (PR) H UDM Scorers: Liederbach .......3rd ........5000m ................. 14:37.54 A Patrick ....... Vushaun Landrum........3rd ... Vushaun Landrum........4th ..........200m ............. 22.48 (PR) Gould ...................4th ..........800m ................... 1:56.70 M Alex Vince Lefler..................4th ........ 60mH .......8.48 (#8 Titan) P Lesley Hanna ...............4th .... Deonte Osayande .........5th ............60m ........................7.06 Baker .................5th ........ 60mH ............... 8.89 (PR) I Derek Patrick Liederbach .......6th ........3000m ................... 8:37.84 1.84m rey Senecal ..............6th .... O Jeff ..3882 Taylor Hennrick ............6th ... Relay ..................5th ......... 4x400 ................... 3:32.13 N 4x400 ( Joe LaRocca, Vince Lefler, Chris Smalley, Joe Raffin) Medley Relay................4th .........DMR ................. 10:36.32 S (Kevin Smalley, Joe LaRocca, Alex Gould, Bob Radlich) H Earnest Cleary..............7thFinalists: .................. 200m .............. 23.18 Sam Jones .....................8th .................... 60m ................7.30 Hennrick ...........8th .................60mH ................9.30 I Taylor Ja’Quan Patterson .........8th ........ Triple Jump ...........12.78m P Lesley Hanna ..............DQ .................. 400m .............. 50.33 Performances/PRs: S Anthony DonaldNotable ..........7th ....... Heptathlon ................ 3,642
Horizon League Runner-Up (All-HL Second Team) Lesley Hanna .............................400m ........................ 47.37 Patrick Liederbach ...................5000m ................... 14:34.96 Lesley Hanna .................... High Jump .......................1.99m 4x100 Relay..............................4x100.......41.88-UDM Record (Deonte Osayande, Vushaun Landrum, Sam Jones, Earnest Cleary)
Long Jump
6.92m (#4 Titan)
High Jump ..........................1.94m Ja’Quan Patterson ............. 4th ... Long Jump .......6.76m (#8 Titan)
High Jump ......................... Heptathlon (UDM Record)
Joe Raffin ......................9th ........400m ........................ 51.32 Kevin Smalley...............9th ......... Mile ..................... 4:21.49 Joe LaRocca ...............10th ........400m ........................ 51.34 Alex Harris .................10th ......5000m ................... 15:37.43 Anthony Donald ........11th ....... Long Jump ...............6.28m
UDM Scorers: Lesley Hanna ...............3rd ........200m ........................ 21.57 (21.52 prelim - UDM Record) Vushaun Landrum........4th ........200m .......21.74 (#3 Titan) Vince Lefler..................4th .... 110mH ......15.47 (#11Titan) Vince Lefler..................4th .... 400mH .......55.29 (#6 Titan) Ja’Quan Patterson .........4th..Long Jump......6.91m (#5 Titan) Taylor Hennrick ...........4th .... Decathlon ..5054-UDM Record Anthony Donald .......... 5th ........400mH ....55.49 (#8 Titan) Deonte Osayande ......... 6th ........... 100m ..................... 10.89 4x400 Relay ..................4th ........... 4x400 ................. 3:18.49 ( Joe LaRocca, Deonte Osayande, Matt Mahler, Lesley Hanna) Finalists: Vushaun Landrum .......7th .........Long Jump .............6.41m Taylor Hennrick ...........8th .............. 110mH .............. 16.32 Vushaun Landrum........9th ..................100m .............. DNF Joe LaRocca .................9th ..................400m .............. 50.51 Bob Radlich .................9th ..................800m ........... 1:59.32 Alex Harris ...................9th .............10,000m ......... 32:10.95 Derek Baker .................9th .............. 400mH .............. 61.55 Ja’Quan Patterson .........9th ........Triple Jump ...........12.71m Notable Performances/PRs: Alex Gould ...................8th ......1500m ....3:54.74 (#4 Titan) Matt Mahler ...............10th ........800m ..1:54.73 (#10 Titan) Kevin Smalley.............10th ..... Steeple ....9:48.61 (#5 Titan) Chris Smalley .............11th ........800m ..1:55.53 (#12 Titan) Brian Greenhoe ..........11th ..... Steeple ..10:07.46 (#9 Titan)
110m Hurdles dl Tom Grantt ............... 14.66 ......... 2004 Angelo Finnie .......... 14.74 ......... 2003 Jamell Humphreyy .... 14.74c ......... 1992 Ken Riley.................. y 14.76 ......... 1996 Eric Christy.............. y 15.09 ......... 2005 Jeff Robertson ........... 15.12 ......... 1993 M urice Wilson ....... 15.14 ......... 1996 Ma Chris Nichol ............. 15.19 ......... 1993 Aviram Campbell ..... 15.19 ......... 2009 Mark Green.............15.24c ......... 1992
Lesley Hanna holds the school record in the 200, 300, and 400m. 60m E rnes Ea e t Cleary........... y 6.83i ......... 2010 Earle Ll L oyyd................ 6.91i ......... 1984 V sh Vu haun n La L nd drum..... 6.922i ......... 20010 Deon ntee Osaya yand de ....... 7.04i ......... 20009 Ange An g loo Finni niee ............... 7. 7.06 0 i .......... 20 2003 Tim Ti m Wa Wawe w rn nia .......... 7.07 07i ......... 20033 Dary Da r l Ra R nk nkin n.............. 7.16 1 i ......... 1995 Lesl Le sleyy H Han anna na ................ 7.17 17i ......... 20 2008 08 A il Goo Ak oodm dman an ............ 7.19i ........... 20 2 00 0 Saam Jo Jone n s ..................... 7.200i ............ 20010 ne 60m Hu 60m Hurd rdle less Ken Ri Ke Rile l y.................... 8. 8.17 17ii ............ 19 1996 96 Ange An g loo Finniee ................ 8. 8.18 18ii ........... 20 2003 03 Earl Ea rlee Lloyd d................... 8. 8 21 21ii ......... 19985 8 Tom Gran To an nt .................... 8. 8 36 36i ........‘0 ‘0055 ’0 ’077 Maurice cee Wil ilso son so n............... 8. 8.38 3 i .............. 19 38 1995 95 Jame mell ll H Hum umph um pph hre reyy ......... 8. 8 41 41ii ..... .. .... 19 1 92 Avir Av iram am Cam a ppbbelll ...... 8. 8.42 4 i ............ 20 42 2010 10 Viinc V ncee L Leefl efl fler er...................... 8. er 8 4488i .......... 20 2 10 1 Eric Er ic Chrris isty tyy ........................ 8. 8 511i ............ 20 2 0066 Rand Rand Ra dy La Lagr g ouu.............. .. ..... 8. 8 59 59ii ............. 11999999 100m 10 m Eaarn E rnes eesst Cllea earyy .................. 100.666 ................ 20 2 099 V sh Vu shau aun un La Landru nd dru r m........ 100.770 ....... ...... 20 2 0099 Deon De oon nte te Osaaya y nde nd de ........ 10 1 .89 .889 ............. 220010 10 Daarr rryl r yl Ran anki k n ........ ki .......... 1111..004 ..... ........... 19 1998 9 98 B ia Br ian nH Hyynoouuss ...................... 11 11.005 ... ..... ............. 19 199944 An A nge g loo Fin nniie ... ............. 1111.112 ............... 20 2002 02 J so Ja s n Ma Manns nn n ns ................... ........ 1111.1 . 4 ................. 20 20011 B bby Bo bbbby B Brran a ch h .................... 1111.223 ............... 20 2005 05 Saam Jone Joone nes ................. .. ............ 11 11.223 .............. 20 2008 0088 An ndr drass Lukkaccs ...............11 . 11 11.2 . 4c 4c ..... .... ...... 20 2001 01 01
200m Lesley Han anna ........... 21.52 ......... 2010 Wally Gruber............. r 21.6y......... y 1948 Vushaun Landrum.... 21.74 ......... 2010 Eric McKeon ............ 21.80 ......... 1998 Jack Szczepaniukk ...... 21.96 ......... 20 2 00 Jam mes Shorterr ............22.0y......... y 1959 Earnest Clleary.......... y 222.099 ......... 2009 Deontee Osaaya yande ..... 22.100 ......... 2010 D rryl Rankin .......... 22.144 ......... 1997 Da Andras Lukacs .......... 22 2 .1 . 5 ......... 2003 300m m Lesleyy Hanna .......... 34 3 .41i 1 ......... 20 2 09 Eric Er i McK cKeon ............. 355.2i ......... 1994 E ic Chr Er h is isty....... y . ...... 355.55i ......... 20006 Mark Ma rk Risch................ 35 3 .77i ......... 199988 Ken e Ril ileyy .................... 355.8i ......... 199988 Rya R yan n By Byrn rnee ............... 36 36.004i 4 ......... 20044 Jameelll Humph Ja phreyy ...... 36 3 .1 .1ii ......... 1992 9 John Jo hn LaR Roc o caa ........... 366.35i 5 .......... 20 2008 08 Jeff Je ff Robber e tsson ............ 366.4ii .......... 19992 9 J e La Jo L Ro Rocc cca ............ 366.44i .......... 20 2009 09 400m 40 0m Leslleyy Han Le anna n ........... 477.116 .......... 220010 0 0 E ic McK Er c eo e n ............. 47 4 .311 ............ 19 1998 Jack Ja ck Szc zcze zeepa pani n ukk ..... 47 47.84i 4 ............. 220001 001 M rkk Ris Ma Risch ch h................ 48 4 .112 .......... 19 1 98 Wall Wa lyG ll Grrubberr..................48 4 .44y ............. 19948 48 Andr An dras dr ass Lukkac acss ............. 48 48.883 ............ 20 2001 01 Eric Er ic Ch ic hrris i tyy ................ 48 48.9 .90i 0 ........... 20 0i 2 06 0 Paauull Mal P a on oney eyy ......................49 49.1 9 1y ............. 199600 Deonte De on nt Ossaaya y n nd de ...... 4499.224 ............. 2200100 J ff Rob Je ober erts tson oon n ................... 4499.25 .225 ........... 19994 9 40000m m Hurrd dlles e Mark Ma Mark rk Ris isch ch h........................ 5511..225 .......... 19 1 98 98 Ryaan Byyrrnee ......................... 52 Ry 5 .227 .............. 22000088 Jeeff Rob ober e ts tson oon n ...................... 522.990 ... ............ 19 19966 Erricc Chr hrisstyy ........ ...... .............. 53 53.444 .............. 20 2006 06 Ken Ri Ken Ke Rile ile ley........................... 5555.2 .233 ........... 1999966 Viin V ncce Le Lefl fler fl err... . .................. 55 5 .229 ............. 220010 010 10
Eli Kaferr ................... 55.42 ......... 2007 Anthony Donald ...... 55.49 ......... 2010 Mark Green.............. 55.70 ......... 1992 Chris Imber.............. r 55.82 ......... 1998 600m Jack Szczepaniukk .. 1:20.39i ......... 2000 Marcus Davis........ 1:20.93i ......... 2006 Jeff Robertson ....... 1:21.07i ......... 1995 Alex McLean ....... 1:21.30i ......... 1994 Ryan Byrne ........... 1:21.92i ......... 2005 Mark Risch........... 1:22.20i ......... 1996 Alex Gould ........... 1:22.32i ......... 2010 Eric Christy.......... y 1:22.51i ......... 2009 Eric McKeon .......... 1:22.7i ......... 1995 Chris Imber.......... r 1:22.77i ......... 1998 800m Jack Szczepaniukk ... 1:49.77 ......... 2004 Corey Stedman ...... 1:51.56 ......... 1999 Marcus Davis.......... 1:52.62 ......... 2006 Jaymi Dumper...... r .. 1:52.72 ......... 2001 Alex Gould ............ 1::54.36 ......... 2010 Ciaran Carterr .......... 1:54.5 ......... 2000 Bobb Radlich .......... 1:54.56 ......... 2010 A t Maskeryy ...........1:54.6 Ar .6y......... y 1960 Matt Mah hlerr .......... 1:54 5 .73 ......... 2010 Matt Ma t Dow ow.............. 1:555.055 ......... 1989 1000 0 m M tt Dow Ma ow w.............. 2:27 27.60i 0 ......... 19990 Jaym Ja ymi m Du Dump m er...... mp r 2:30.10i ......... 19 2: 1 988 Coore reyy Sted edma man n ..... 2:300.17i 7i .......... 19 1998 A eexx Gou Al ould ............... 2:30 3 .119i ......... 2010 1 D n Zi Da Z ns n er er ............ 2: 2 30.881i 1 ......... 2006 0 Tom To m Jacobs b ............ 2: 2:31 3 .441i .......... 19 1 988 J mes Ja mee Mu Murrrayy ....... 2: 2:32 32.25i 5i .......... 19991 9 A dr An drew ew Hay ayner.... r 2: 2:32 32.551i ......... 20 2008 088 Kevi Ke vin n Sm mal alle l y....... 2::322.92ii ......... 200100 le Alex Al ex McLea cL Le n ......... 2:33 33.6 .6i ........... 1999944
U D M T O P 1 0
M A R 1 50 1, 500m 0 0m C re Co reyy St S ed dma m n ...... 3: 3:50 5 .988 ........... 119999 50 99 K Guyy Mu Gu Murray ay............. 3: 3 52 5 .221 ................ 19 1989 8 Pattrric Pa ickk Li L ed eder errba b ch ch . 3: 3:52 52.880 .............. 20 52 2010 10 A ex Al ex Gou ould ld ............... 3: 3 54 54.7 .774 ............. 20 2 100 S Daan Zi D Zins ins nser err .................. 3: 3 555.339 .............. 2006 2006 20 0 Tom Ja To Tom Jaco cobs bs ..... ..................... 33::56 5 .55 .............. 19997 Mattt D Matt Ma Dow ow w..................... 3::57 5 .44i ............ 19 1990 9 90 Andr An drrew d ew Hayyneer ....... 3::58 5 .668 ............ 20 20088 JJeeff Kei eith th h .................. .. . 3: 3 59 5 .996 ............ 19995 9 Maatt M tt Mah ahle lerr ................ 4: 4:00 00.4 00 .446 ............ 20 2 08 i - in indo dooor d or c - ccoon nvver ver e ted teed fr from from o han a d d--ti time ime m y - ran raan on on yarrd trrac ackk
5,000m Patrick Liederbach . 14:32.85 ......... 2009 Chris McPhee .... 14:42.11i ......... 2000 Mead Goedert .... 14:46.00i ......... 2006 Guy Murray........ 14:49.06i ......... 1989 Ken Dubois .......... 14:51.0i ......... 1988 Alex Harris ......... 15:07.55i ......... 2010 Andrew Hayner ..... 15:21.0 ......... 2008 Nick Zerweck ...... 15:22.47 ......... 2003 Ryan Ayala ......... 15:22.77i ......... 2010 James Furkis ......... 15:24.9i ......... 1999
U D M T O P 1 0 M A R K S
Sinisa Simic’s 9:32.29 run in the steeplechase broke the Titan record held by current head coach Guy Murray. Mile Corey Stedman ....... 4:10.3i ......... 1998 Patrick Liederbach. 4:10.31i ......... 2010 Alex Gould ........... 4:11.85i ......... 2010 Guy Murray.......... 4:12.99i ......... 1989 Dan Zinser ........... 4:14.37i ......... 2006 William Daly........... 4:16.6 ......... 1935 Jaymi Dumper ...... 4:18.09i ......... 2001 Tom Jacobs ........... 4:18.81i ......... 1999 Ken DuBois.......... 4:18.91i ......... 1988 Matt Dow............... 4:19.4i ......... 1990 3,000m Patrick Liederbach. 8:22.47i ......... 2009 Mead Goedert ...... 8:30.06i ......... 2006 Guy Murray............ 8:30.1i ......... 1989 Chris McPhee ...... 8:31.54i ......... 2001 Matt Hoo ............. 8:43.60i ......... 2002 Alex Harris ........... 8:44.06i ......... 2010 Andrew Hayner .... 8:45.73i ......... 2008 Corey Stedman ..... 8:46.39i ......... 1997 Ryan Ayala ........... 8:46.61i ......... 2010 Dan Zinser ........... 8:46.63i ......... 2006 Steeplechase Sinisa Simic ........... 9:32.29 ......... 2005 Guy Murray............. 9:43.8 ......... 1988 Chris McPhee ....... 9:46.31 ......... 1998 Jeff Keith ............... 9:46.41 ......... 1997 Kevin Smalley........ 9:48.61 ......... 2010 Jeff Doyle............... 9:51.01 ......... 1996 Zack Bolton .......... 9:52.22 ......... 2006 Adam Mancini ...... 9:56.40 ......... 2002 Brian Greenhoe ... 10:07.46 ......... 2010 Lee Travis ............ 10:07.98 ......... 2001
10,000m Chris McPhee ..... 30:33.13 ......... 2000 Mead Goedert ..... 31:15.00 ......... 2005 James Furkis .......... 31:33.2 ......... 1998 Jon Hans.............. 31:47.18 ......... 2005 Alex Harris .......... 32:04.32 ......... 2010 Alex Vanias .......... 32:25.59 ......... 2010 Ryan Ayala .......... 32:48.56 ......... 2009 Nick Zerweck ...... 32:56.32 ......... 2005 Mike Astalos ......... 32:57.6 ......... 1993 Ian Bedford ........... 32:57.7 ......... 1999 4x100M Relay Osayande, Landrum, Jones, Cleary ............. 41.88 ............ ‘10 Finnie, Szczepaniuk, Manns, Lukacs ......... 42.04 ............ ‘01 Hanna, Landrum, Jones, Cleary ............. 42.33 ............ ‘09 Landrum, Hanna, Osayande, Cleary ...... 42.72 ............ ‘09 Osayande, Branch, Jones, Cleary ............. 42.75 ............ ‘08 Hynous, Johnson, McKeon, Robertson . 42.76 ............ ‘94 LaRocca, Landrum, Jones, Cleary ............. 42.77 ............ ‘09 Rankin, Otten, McKeon, O’Callaghan 42.94 ............ ‘96 Rankin, Imber, Gotowko, McKeon ... 42.98 ............ ‘98 Finnie, Meston, Manns, Lukacs ......... 43.05 ............ ‘01 4x400m Relay McKeon, Risch, Hynous, Robertson. 3:13.57 ........... ‘94 McKeon, Stedman, Risch, Robertson ... 3:13.84 ........... ‘96 Kafer, Davis, Christy, Byrne........ 3:14.85 ............ ‘05 McKeon, Imber, Risch, Robertson ... 3:15.29 ........... ‘96
McKeon, Imber, Stedman, Risch...... 3:15.44 ........... ‘98 McKeon, Jacobs, Stedman, Risch...... 3:16.02 ........... ‘98 LaRocca, Osayande, Joe LaRocca, Hanna 3:16.07 ............ ‘09 McKeon, Hynous, Risch, Robertson ... 3:16.37 ........... ‘96 McKeon, McLean, Risch, Robertson ... 3:16.70 ........... ‘94 McKeon, McLean, Caraballo, Risch..... 3:17.12 ........... ‘95 4x800m Relay Dumper, Szczepaniuk, Mancini, Carter .................... 7:43.20 ............ ‘00 McKeon,Robertson,Stedman, Blassingame .......... 7:44.18 ............ ‘96 Blassingame, Stedman, Robertson, ..... Jacobs .................... 7:46.10 ............ ‘96 Sellentine, Imber, Dumper, McKeon .................. 7:48.6 ............ ‘98 Zinser, Carter, Szczepaniuk, Boncela .................. 7:48.84 ............ ‘03 Keith, Jacobs, Imber, Sellentine................. 7:51.5 ............ ‘97 Zinser, Davis, Byrne, Simic ..................... 7:51.51 ............ ‘05 Keith, Jacobs, Dumper, Mancini ............... 7:51.70i ............ ‘98 Mahler, Gould, C. Smalley, Wozniak ................ 7:52.66 ............. 10 Gould, Mahler, Wozniak, Greenhoe ............... 7:53.00 ............ ‘09 Distance Medley Relay Gould, Hanna, Mahler, Liederbach............. 9:58.09 ......... 2010 Jacobs, Risch, Dumper, Stedman .............. 9:59.70i ......... 1998 Jacobs, Risch, McKeon, Stedman .............. 10:02.03 ......... 1998 Keith, Imber, Sellentine, Stedman ............ 10:07.65i ......... 1997 Mahler, LaRocca, Gould, Hayner................ 10:09.50i ......... 2008 Stedman,Risch,McKeon, Jacobs .................. 10:09.56 ......... 1996 Jacobs, Risch, Keith, Stedman ............ 10:09.60i ......... 1998 Liederbach, LaRocca, Mahler, Hayner................. 10:12.10 ......... 2008 Keith, Rankin, Imber, Jacobs .................. 10:16.30 ......... 1997
Triple T l Jump Angelo Finnie .........50-4.5 ......... 2003 Paul Caraballo ..........46-11 ......... 1995 Ken Riley................. y 44-5.5 ......... 1996 Nick Wolfram..........44-3.5 ......... 2002 Tom Grantt .............. 44-0.5 ......... 2003 Eric Upp ................43-4.25 ......... 1994 Roob Uschold ...............42-7 ......... 1985 Ja’Quan Patterson ..42-6.75 ......... 2010 Todd Otten ...........42-5.25 ......... 1996 Kevin O’Callaghan ..42-2.5 ........ 1995
Angelo Finne leaped his way to school records in the long and triple jump. High Jump Paul Caraballo ..............7-3 .......... 1997 Pa A geloo Finniee ..............6-8 ......... 20003 An 0 L slley Le e Han nna ..........6-6.255 ......... 20 2009 Canonchet Ne N vess .........6-6 ......... 19991 K viin O’ Ke O Caall llag aghan n ......66 5i .......... 19 1995 R nd Ra ndyy La Lagrou ou.................66 4i 4 .......... 19977 Biill l y Fr Fran anze z l ..... .. ........ 66 2..75 75ii .......... 220004 Paul Pa u W hi hiti ting ngg ................66-22 .......... 19 19999 R ch Ri char a d Va Vand nden e be berg rg .....6-1 ........... 19 1950 5 50 Giino no S Sov ovra ran n ..................6-1 ............ 19 1946 46 Pole Vau Pole ault lt Ramy Ra my Sullai a man ........13 13-1 -11.5 .......... 20 2005 05 Bern Be rnard d Ar A ch herr...........133-0 -0ii ........... 19 1947 47 D ck Anderso Di son n .................. 12 12-6 - ......... 1958 958 58 Stev St e e Paawllow wsk skii .......12 12-5 - .55 ........... 200044 -5 Robertt Mrosk rooskki .............. 122-44 .............. 19 1961 61 Paaul Dessch c am mps ps ...............12 1 -00 .............. 19 12 1946 46 Rich Ri char ard ar dV Vaand den enbu b rg bu rg... g 100-6 ............. 19 1950 50 Taayl T y or Hen nnr nric ickk ............... 99 10 1 ... ........... 20 2 10 1 L ngg Jum Lo ump Ange An Ange gelo loo Fin inni n e ........ ni ............ 2244-7 -7ii ............. 20003 Dan Da n Wa Watk t in tk ns ... ..................... 24 2 -4 -4.5 .55 ............... 19 1 599 Toom T om Gr G an nt .............................. 23 2 -44 ................ 20 2006 066 Vuussh V hau aun n La Landru nd drum rum....... 2222-88.55 ........... ..... 2010 2010 20 10 Ja’Q Ja ’Q ua ’Q u nP Paattter e soon ... ........ .....22 222-88 ............. 20 2010 10 Paul Pa u C ul Car arab ar a al allo l ..............22 22--66.55i ............. 22 ..... 19 1995 9955 Sttan n Wrigh riiggh ht.... ............ ht ..... 2222-4 - .55 .................. 1199311 Toodd dd Ott tten e ....... en ..............22 22-2 22 22-2 - .55 ........... .. 19 19966 Erric E ric Upppp ...................................22 2 -11i ............ 199955 Keevi K v n O’ O’Ca Callllag agghhaan . 211-77.225i 5 ......... .... 19 1997 977
Shot Put Matt Groh ...............57-3.5 ......... 2003 Jay Jubenville ........52-1.25i ......... 2000 Bryan Griderr .......... 50-9.5i ......... 2002 Adam Mayhew...... w . 50-6.25 ......... 2008 Hady Rahman ............48-7 ......... 2005 Shaw a n Andersen ..48-0.75i ......... 2000 Mike DeM Mattia .......47-7.55 ......... 1950 Guy Di D akow... w . ....... 47-0.25 ......... 2003 B ettt Czubaj ..........46-4.755 ......... 1995 Br Larry Grezakk .............. 455-3 ......... 1997
Larry Grezakk ............ 142-9 ......... 1997 Jay Jubenville ..........136-10 ......... 1999 Dave Elenich ............136-4 ......... 1995 Matt Groh ................136-3 ........... 2000 Javelin Old Implement Don Nuferr ............. 197-2.5 ......... 1950 Harry Hansen...........175-1 ......... 1934 Leroy Graziotti.........160-4 ......... 1946
U Weight Throw Bryan Griderr ......... 56-11.5 ......... 2002 D Matt Groh ...............56-7.5 ......... 2002 Guy Diakow............ w 54-5.5 ......... 2001 Melvin Cross ..............54-1 ......... 2007 M Adam Mayhew........ w 54-0.5 ......... 2009 Larry Grezakk ......... 52-3.75 ......... 1997 Kelvin Cousins ......51-1.75 ......... 2006 Jay Jubenville ...........50-4.5 ......... 1999 Paul Stradtner............. r 46-4 ......... 2005 Shawn Andersen .....45-1.5 ......... 2000
Discus u Matt Groh ................18 1 1-11 ......... 20 2 03 Brya y n Gr G id i err ............. 17 1 7-0 .......... 2002 Larryy Gr G ez e akk ............ 1661-3 .......... 19997 Adam Mayhe Ad h w....... w 1559-100 ......... 20 2008 Brian Br n Ri R ch hotte t ..........15533 4 .......... 200033 Guyy Di Gu Diak akow w .............. 15 1 33 1 ............ 20033 L n Fl Le F at atleey ................ 15 1 33 0 ......... 1963 6 D ve Da v Eleeni nich ............14 1499 4 ......... 19 1 977 Jayy Ju Ja J be benv n illle l .............14488 7 ......... 19999 9 M lv Me lvin in C Cro ross s .............1442-0 .......... 20 2006 066 Hamm Ha mmer Throw Matt Ma tt Gro r h .................19900 0 ......... 220003 Guyy Di Gu Diak a ow ak ow ............... 1766 6 ........... 20 2003 Ad dam Mayyhe h w ......... 1751775 5 ............ 220008 0 8 B yaan Gr Br Grid id der er .......... 16677-11 11 ............ 20 20022 Mellvin Me lvin i Crooss .................. 16 1644-55 ........... 20006 Larr La rrr y Grez Grre akk ........ . ......... 16 1633--5 ........... 19 1997 977 Bria Br iiaan Ri R ch c ot o te. tee .................. 1155656-44 ............... 20 2 03 0 JJaay Ju J be benv envil i lee ................... 14 il 143433 6 ............... 19999 99 Keelvin K lvin Couussiins lv ns .............14 1443--0 ............. . 200066 Ch hri r s Ch Char arrroon .................. 11220arro 0-88 ............ 19998 98 Jaave velliin JJeeff Massseeraang ng ............. 16 1 22--1 ............. 20 2 03 03 B ia Br ian n Rich Riich choot otte te ............... 15 1 3-6 3-6 ............. 20 32003 003 0 Brria B ian n Wa Wals Wals l er er .................. 14455 8 ................ 20 2 04 04 Brrett ettt Cz Czubaj ubbaj ..................... 14414444-8 ............. 1995 4-8 1999955 G uy D Gu Diiak akow ow ............. 14433--55..755 ........... 20001 01 Ad A dam am Mayyhe hew w .................. 14 1433 5 ........... 220007 30
T O P 1 0
Matt Groh won 19 Horizon League titles during his time at Detroit. He still holds the school record in the shot put, discus and hammer. Hepttatthl Hept He hlon o on Tayl Tayl Ta y oorr Heen nnr nriicck .......... 33,,882 882 ........... 2200100 88 Anth An th hon onyy Do Dona n ld na ld ....... 3, 3,64 6 2 .......... 20010 64 1 Deca De cath ath thllo thlo on Taayyllor or Hen nnr nriick ick ............. 5, 5,05 0544 .............. 2010 05 1 B aan Br ndo d nM Maassssey ey ........ 3,27 3,27 3, 272 .......... 2004
Indoor Records
Indoor Rookie Records
55 Meters: ...............Earle Lloyd ....................6.39 ...... 1987 60 Meters: .......... Earnest Cleary ....................6.83 ...... 2010 200 Meters: ..........Lesley Hanna.........22.04o-22.11 .... 2009 300 Yards: .............Eric McKeon ....................31.7 ...... 1996 300 Meters: ..........Lesley Hanna ..................34.41 ...... 2009 400 Meters: .. ..Jack Szczepaniuk ................47.84o ...... 2001 400 Meters: ..........Lesley Hanna ..................48.21 ...... 2009 500 Meters: .........Jeff Robertson .............1:03.32o ...... 1994 600 Yards: .............Eric McKeon ...............1:14.20 ...... 1996 600 Meters:.. .. Jack Szczepaniuk ...............1:20.39 ...... 2000 800 Meters: ..........Marcus Davis .............1:53.69o ...... 2006 800 Meters:.... ......... Alex Gould ...............1:54.36 ...... 2010 1000 Meters: .... ..Matthew Dow .............2:27.60o ...... 1990 1000 Meters: .....Corey Stedman ...............2:30.17 ...... 1998 1500 Meters: ..........Guy Murray ...............3:55.7o ...... 1989 1500 Meters:.... .. Matthew Dow .................3:57.4 ...... 1990 Mile: .................Corey Stedman .................4:10.3 ...... 1998 3000 Meters: ......Pat Liederbach ...............8:22.47 ...... 2009 2 Mile:.................... Ken Dubois .................9:07.1 ...... 1988 5000 Meters: ......Pat Liederbach ...........14:37.51o ...... 2009 5000 Meters:......Pat Liederbach.... ..........14:41.78 ...... 2009 55 Meter Hurdles: .....Ken Riley ....................7.51 ...... 1999 60 Meter Hurdles: .....Ken Riley ....................8.17 ...... 1996 High Jump: ........ Paul Caraballo ............ .........7-1 ...... 1995 Pole Vault: ....... Ramy Sulaiman ................ 13-1.5 ...... 2005 Long Jump: .........Angelo Finnie ........... .....24-7.5 ...... 2003 Triple Jump: .......Angelo Finnie .......... ....49-5.75 ...... 2002 Shot Put:.................. Matt Groh ............ .......57-1 ...... 2002 Weight: ................ Bryan Grider .......... ....56-11.5 ...... 2002 4x200 Meter Relay:......................................1:31.3 ...... 2009 Lesley Hanna, Earnest Cleary, Sam Jones, Deonte Osayande 4x400 Meter Relay:..................................3:17.67o ...... 2009 John LaRocca, Eric Christy, Deonte Osayande, Lesley Hanna 4x400 Meter Relay:....................................3:19.30 ...... 2009 John LaRocca, Eric Christy, Joe LaRocca, Lesley Hanna Mile Relay: ..............................................3:18.44o ...... 1997 Ken Riley, Chris Imber, Mark Risch, Eric McKeon 4x800 Meter Relay:....................................7:51.70 ...... 1998 Jeff Keith, Tom Jacobs, Jaymi Dumper, Adam Mancini Distance Medley Relay: ............................9:59.70 ...... 1998 Tom Jacobs, Mark Risch, Jaymi Dumper, Corey Stedman
55 Meters: ...............Akil Goodman ...............6.63 ...... 2000 60 Meters: ............... Earnest Cleary ...............7.01 ...... 2008 55 Meter Hurdles: .......... Ken Riley ...............7.58 ...... 1996 60 Meter Hurdles: .......... Ken Riley ...............8.17 ...... 1996 200 Meters: ............... Eric McKeon ...........22.07o ...... 1994 200 Meters: ............... Eric McKeon .............22.24 ...... 1994 300 Yards :........Delbert Hutchisson ...............32.8 ...... 1986 300 Meters: ...............Lesley Hanna .............35.21 ...... 2008 400 Meters: ... ......Jack Szczepaniuk ...........47.93o ...... 2000 400 Meters: .. .......Jack Szczepaniuk ............49.21 ...... 1999 600 Yards: ..................Alex McLean ..........1:15.60 ...... 1992 600 Meters: .. .......Jack Szczepaniuk ..........1:20.39 ...... 2000 800 Meters: ...............Marcus Davis ..........1:56.22 ...... 2005 1000 Meters: .......... Corey Stedman ........2:31.99o ...... 1995 1000 Meters: .......... Corey Stedman ............2:33.8 ...... 1995 1500 Meters: ...............Guy Murray ..........4:04.10 ...... 1986 Mile: .......................... Matt Mahler ........4:20.28o ...... 2008 Mile: ...............................Matt Hoo ..........4:22.56 ...... 2001 3000 Meters: ............Chris McPhee ..........8:42.57 ...... 1998 2 Mile:..................Tom Zakrzewski ..........9:39.00 ...... 1984 5000 Meters: ............Chris McPhee ........15:30.47 ...... 1998 High Jump: ..............Paul Caraballo .............. 6-10 ...... 1993 Long Jump: ..............Angelo Finnie ......... 23-2.75 ...... 2000 Triple Jump: ............Angelo Finnie .............. 46-8 ...... 2000 Shot Put:....................... Matt Groh ......... 51-10.5 ...... 1999 Weight: ......................... Matt Groh ........... 52-0.5 ...... 1999 4x200 Meter Relay: ....................................1:36.80 ...... 1995 Robert Lemasters, Kevin O’Callaghan, Dan Waters, Todd Otten 4x400 Meter Relay:....................................3:30.20 ...... 2005 Eric Christy, Kyle Lawson, Andrew Hayner, Marcus Davis Distance Medley Relay: ..........................10:44.60 ...... 2008 Matt Mahler, Lesley Hanna, Kevin Smalley, Ryan Ayala
o- oversized track (larger than 200m)
Jack Szczepaniuk holds the indoor school record in the 400 and 600-meter run.
Outdoor Records
Outdoor Rookie Records
100 Meters: .............. Earnest Cleary ..............10.66 ... 2009 200 Meters: ................. Wally Gruber .............. 21.6y ... 1948 400 Meters: .................Lesley Hanna ..............47.25 ... 2009 800 Meters: ..........Jack Szczepaniuk ...........1:49.77 ... 2004 1500 Meters: .......... Corey Stedman ...........3:50.98 ... 1999 Mile: ......................... Pat Liederbach ..........4:13.68 ... 2009 3000 Meters: ................. Guy Murray .............8:33.5 ... 1988 5000 Meters: ...........Pat Liederbach ........14:32.85 ... 2009 10,000 Meters: ......... Chris McPhee .........30:33.13 ... 2000 110 Meter Hurdles: .......Tom Grant ..............14.66 ... 2004 400 Meter Hurdles: ...... Mark Risch ..............51.25 ... 1998 Steeplechase: ................ Sinisa Simic ...........9:32.29 ... 2005 High Jump: .............. Paul Caraballo ................. 7-3 ... 1997 Pole Vault: ..............Ramy Sulaiman ............ 12-7.5 ... 2004 Long Jump: ................ Angelo Finnie ............ 24-5.5 ... 2002 Triple Jump: .............. Angelo Finnie ............ 50-4.5 ... 2003 Shot Put:......................... Matt Groh ............ 57-3.5 ... 2003 Discus: ............................ Matt Groh ............. 181-1 ... 2003 Javelin: .......................Jeff Masserang ............. 162-1 ... 2003 Hammer: ........................ Matt Groh ............. 190-0 ... 2003 Decathlon: ........... Brandon Massey ..............3,272 ... 2004 4x100 Meter Relay: .........................................42.04 ... 2001 Angelo Finnie, Jack Szczepaniuk, Jason Manns, Andras Lukacs 4x200 Meter Relay: ......................................1:28.70 ... 2009 Vushaun Landrum, Joe LaRocca, Samuel Jones, Earnest Cleary 4x400 Meter Relay:.......................................3:13.57 ... 1994 Eric McKeon, Mark Risch, Brian Hynous, Jeff Robertson Sprint Medley Relay: ...................................3:26.50 ... 1996 Brian Hynous, Darryl Rankin, Mark Risch, Corey Stedman 4x800 Meter Relay:.......................................7:43.20 ... 2000 Jaymi Dumper, Jack Szczepaniuk, Adam Mancini, Ciran Carter Distance Medley Relay: .............................10:02.03 ... 1998 Tom Jacobs, Mark Risch, Eric McKeon, Corey Stedman 4x1500 Meter Relay: ..................................16:09.96 ... 1998 Tom Jacobs, Jeff Keith, Chris McPhee, Corey Stedman y- yard distance run
100 Meters: ..... ...Vushaun Landrum ...............10.70 ... 2009 200 Meters: ........Vushaun Landrum ...............21.76 ... 2009 400 Meters: ................. Eric McKeon ...............47.49 ... 1994 800 Meters: ...........Jack Szczepaniuk ..............1:52.9 ... 2000 1500 Meters: ............ Pat Liederbach ............3:56.17 ... 2008 3000 Meters: ..............Chris McPhee ............8:55.5e ... 1998 3200 Meters: ..............Chris McPhee ............9:34.80 ... 1998 5000 Meters: ............ Pat Liederbach ............15:02.9 ... 2008 10,000 Meters: ................... Jon Hans ............31:47.2 ... 2005 110 Meter Hurdles: .......... Ken Riley ...............14.76 ... 1996 400 Meter Hurdles: ...... Ryan Byrne ...............53.08 ... 2004 Steeplechase: .............Chris McPhee ............9:46.31 ... 1998 High Jump: ................Paul Caraballo ..................7-0 ... 1993 Pole Vault: ...............Ramy Sulaiman .............12-7.5 ... 2004 Long Jump: ................ Angelo Finnie ........... 23-8.75 ... 2000 Triple Jump: .............. Angelo Finnie ......... 45-11.25 ... 2000 Shot Put:......................... Matt Groh ........... 52-8.25 ... 1999 Discus: ............................ Matt Groh ..............159-9 ... 1999 Javelin: .......................Jeff Masserang ..............159-0 ... 2002 Hammer: ......................... Matt Groh ..............159-7 ... 1999 4x100 Meter: ...................................................... 47.0 ... 2003 Eli Kafer, Brandon Massey, Steve Pawlowsk, Adam Boncela 4x200 Meter: ....................................................1:37.3 ... 1998 Paul Gotowko, Jason Makowski, Mike Whiting, Rich Domsic 4x400 Meter: ..................................................3:22.53 ... 2000 Ciaran Carter, Angelo Finnie, Akil Goodman, Jack Szczepaniuk Sprint Medley: ..............................................3:41.60 ... 1998 Ryan Call, Jason Makowski, Paul Gotowko, Jaymi Dumper w-wind aided- e-en-route mark
Senior Lesley Hanna holds the school record in the 400-meter dash.
A L L T I M E I N D O O R C H A M P S 56
All-Time Detroit Titan League Champions - Indoor Track and Field MCC / 1982-2001 Horizon League / 2002-Present
Men Individual: 8 Angelo Finnie 60mH- 01-mr, 02, 03-mr; Long Jump- 01, 02, 03-MR; Triple Jump- 01-mr, 03 8 Matt Groh Shot Put- 99, 00-mr, 02-mr, 03; Weight Throw- 99-mr, 00-mr, 02-mr, 03 4 Paul Caraballo High Jump- 95, 96; Long Jump- 96; Triple Jump- 96 4 Eric McKeon 200m- 97; 400m- 94, 96, 97 3 Jack Szczepaniuk 400m- 00, 01; 200m- 00 2 Tom Grant Long Jump- 05, 06 2 Jay Jubenville Shot Put- 98, Weight Throw- 98-mr- exhibition 2 Ken Riley 55mH- 96, 97 1 Earnest Cleary 60m- 10- MR 1 Guy Diakow Weight Throw- 01-mr 1 Matt Dow 1000m- 90-mr 1 Lesley Hanna 400m- 09 1 Jamell Humphrey 55mH- 92 1 Bryan Grider Shot Put- 01 1 Chris McPhee 5000m- 01 1 Mark Risch 400m- 98 (MR- Meet Record- current... mr-Meet Record in winning) Relay: Distance Medley 4x400m
Jack Szczepaniuk
2001 1994 1995 1996 1997 2000 2001 1989-mr
Ciaran Carter, Jack Szczepaniuk, Adam Mancini, Jaymi Dumper Eric McKeon, Alex McLean, Eric Williams, Jeff Robertson Eric McKeon, Alex McLean, Mark Risch, Jeff Robertson Chris Imber, Brian Hynous, Eric McKeon, Mark Risch Ken Riley, Chris Imber, Mark Risch, Eric McKeon Chris Imber, Paul Gotowko, Jason McNatt, Jack Szczepaniuk Andras Lukacs, Ciaran Carter, Jaymi Dumper, Jack Szczepaniuk Mike Hadous, James Murray, Guy Murray, Matt Dow
Total Titles by Athlete: (Individual + Relay) - 2 or more 8Angelo Finnie, Matt Groh, Eric McKeon 6Jack Szczepaniuk 4Paul Caraballo, Mark Risch 3Chris Imber, Ken Riley 2Ciaran Carter, Matt Dow, Jaymi Dumper Tom Grant, Jay Jubenville, Alex McLean, Jeff Robertson Athlete in Single Event: 4Matt Groh- Shot Put & Weight Throw; Eric McKeon- 4x400m 3Angelo Finnie- 60mH & LJ; Eric McKeon- 400m; Chris Imber- 4x400m; Mark Risch- 4x400m 2Paul Caraballo- HJ; Jack Szczepaniuk- 400m & 4x400m; Tom Grant- LJ; Ken Riley- 55m; Alex McLean- 4x400m; Jeff Robertson- 4x400m; Jack Szczepaniuk- 4x400m Athlete in Single Year: 3- Paul Caraballo- ’96- HJ, LJ, TJ; Angelo Finnie- ’03- 60mH, LJ, TJ Total by Event: 7—400m 6—60mH, 4x400m, Long Jump, Shot Put, Weight Throw 3—Triple Jump 2—200m, High Jump 1—60m, 1000m, 5000m, Distance Medley Relay, 4x800m 1st Champion: 4x800m- 1989; Matt Dow- 1000m- 1990
All-Time Detroit Titan League Champions- Outdoor Track and Field MCC Years- 1998-2001 Horizon League- 2002-Present
Men Individual: 11 Matt Groh
Shot Put-99-mr, 02-mr, 03-mr; Discus- 99-mr, 00-mr, 02-mr, 03-MR; Hammer Throw- 99-mr, 00-mr, 02-mr, 03-mr 9 Angelo Finnie 110mH- 03; High Jump-00; Long Jump-00-mr,01,02,03-MR; Triple Jump-00-mr,01,03 5 Jack Szczepaniuk 200m-00; 400m-00,01; 800m-03,04 4 Tom Grant 110mH- 04; Long Jump-04, 05, 07 3 Ryan Byrne 400mH- 04-mr, 05-MR, 08 2 Earnest Cleary 100m-09,10 2 Eric McKeon 200m-98-mr; 400m- 98-mr 1 Guy Diakow Hammer Throw-01-mr 1 Jaymi Dumper 800m-01 1 Bryan Grider Discus-01 1 Mark Risch 400mH-98-mr 1 Daryl Rankin 100m-99 1 Sinisa Simic Steeplechase-07 (MR- Meet Record- current... mr-Meet Record in winning) Relay: 4 x 100m 4 x 400m
Matt Groh 2000 2001-mr
Angelo Finnie, Jack Szczepaniuk, Paul Gotowko, Shawn Scott Angelo Finnie, Jack Szczepaniuk, Jason Manns, Andras Lukacs
1998-mr 1999 2000
Eric McKeon, Chris Imber, Corey Stedman, Mark Risch Paul Gotowko, Jason Makowski, Corey Stedman, Jaymi Dumper Paul Gotowko, Jason McNatt, Jaymi Dumper, Jack Szczepaniuk
Total Titles by Athlete: (Individual + Relay) 2 or more 11Angelo Finnie, Matt Groh 8Jack Szczepaniuk 4Tom Grant 3Ryan Byrne, Paul Gotowko, Eric McKeon 2Jaymi Dumper, Mark Risch, Corey Stedman Athlete in Single Event: 4Angelo Finnie- Long Jump; Matt Groh- Discus, Hammer 3Ryan Byrne- 400mH; Angelo Finnie-Triple Jump; Tom Grant- Long Jump; Matt Groh- Shot Put 2Earnest Cleary- 100m; Jack Szczepaniuk- 400m & 800m Total by event: 7Long Jump 5Hammer, Discus 4400mH 3100m,400m, 800m, Triple Jump, Shot Put , 4x400m 2200m, 110mH, 4x100m 1Steeplechase, High Jump
OUTDOOR Year Outstanding Runner 1998 Eric McKeon Year 2003 2002 2001 2000
Outstanding Field Performer Matt Groh Matt Groh Angelo Finnie Matt Groh
Year Running Newcomer of the Year 2008 Earnest Cleary 2004 Ryan Byrne 2001 Andras Lukacs 2000 Jack Szczepaniuk Year 2003 2002 2000 1999
Most Points in One Meet: Angelo Finnie- 43 in 2001
Field Newcomer of the Year Brian Richote Jeff Masserang Angelo Finnie Matt Groh
Year Coach of the Year 2003 Guy Murray Year Athlete of the Year 2003 Matt Groh
Eric McKeon
Tom Grant
Year 2010 2009 2008 Horizon League 2007 Championship History 2006 2005 MCC / 1982-2001 2004 2003 Horizon League / 2002 2002-Present 2001 2000 1999 1998
All-Time Detroit Titans Indoor Track and Field Top 25 Leading Scorers Men Scoring: A. Finnie 136.75 M. Groh 104 T. Grant 86 A. Mayhew 52 J. Szczepaniuk 50 R. Byrne 48.5 B. Grider 48 L. Hanna 40.5 E. Cleary 34 G. Diakow 31 J. Jubenville 25 S. Simic 19.5 J. Dumper 19 A. Lukacs 18 P. Gotowko 17.25 E. Kafer 14.5 B. Richotte 14 C. Stedman 14 E. Christy 14 P. Liederbach 14 D. Rankin 12 E. McKeon 12 J. Manns 12 John LaRocca 10 V. Landrum 10
League Finish League Points Fifth 75 Fifth 46 Fifth 61 Fourth 72 Sixth 26 Fourth 81 Fifth 61 First 146 Third 95 Third 144 Second 119 Third 95.5 Second 47.5
INDOOR Year Outstanding Runner 2000 Jack Szczepaniuk 1996 Paul Caraballo 1995 Paul Caraballo Year 2003 2002 2001 2000
Outstanding Field Performer Angelo Finnie Matt Groh Angelo Finnie Matt Groh
Year Running Newcomer of the Year 2008 Earnest Cleary Year Field Newcomer of the Year 2003 Thomas Grant 2000 Angelo Finnie 1999 Matt Groh 1998 Jay Jubenville 1996 Jason Bedford 1995 Brett Czubaj
Most Points in One Meet: Angelo Finnie- 38 in 2003
Year Coach of the Year 2000 Guy Murray 1996 Guy Murray
Paul Caraballo Year 2010 2009 Horizon League 2008 Championship History 2007 2006 MCC / 1982-2001 2005 2004 Horizon League / 2003 2002-Present 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996
League Finish League Points Fourth 63 Fourth 79 Sixth 36 Sixth 40 Sixth 46 Fifth 51 Sixth 12.7 Third 91 Third 96 Second 104 First 107 Fourth 31 Third 30 Second 47.5 First 56
Year 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982
All-Time Detroit Titans Indoor Track and Field Top 25 Leading Scorers Men Scoring: Finnie 121.50 Grant 65.50 Groh 64.00 Szczepaniuk 52.75 Caraballo 40.75 McKeon 40.50 Hanna 34.00 Grider 30.00 Cleary 28.00 Diakow, G. 28.00 Landrum 24.00 Byrne, R. 22.00 Stedman 20.25 Mayhew 18.00 Risch 18.00 Robertson 17.50 Jubenville 17.00 Christy, E. 16.50 Riley 16.25 Imber 15.75 Lukacs 15.75 Liederbach 15.00 McPhee 14.00 Wilson 13.00 Davis, M. 12.50
League Finish League Points Second 73 Fourth 32 Fifth 14 Fourth 10 Fifth 2 Fifth 6 Fifth 6 No League Meet No League Meet Fifth 31 Fifth 35 Fifth 29 Seventh 4 Fourth 28
2 0 1 0 / 1 1 T I T A N S
Name Elizabeth Arroyo Lauren Berlin Monica Betker** Stephanie Blanchard Sequoyia Calhoun*** Amanda Campbell** Stephanie Cuniberti Nikia Duncan* Victoria Eger Kristie Ferrans*** Tressanique Hampton* Brandee Hart Rachel Hofsess Amanda Hollern* Susan Kalkstein** Allyson Koglin Shannon Marchant Sarah Martinez* Nicole Meisner Megan Miller**** Kirstin Mooney*** Katrina Oberski* Cecilia Pope Taylor Ragland Whitney Rogers Lindsay Smetzler Olivia Smid* Brianna Soule Katie Taylor*** Sharonda Vesey* Alexandria Vintevoghel* Katie Weishaar* Kayla Zauner * - Denotes Letters Earned
Year Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Sr. Jr. Fr. So. Fr. Sr. So. Fr. Fr. So. Jr. Fr. So. So. Fr. Sr. Sr. So. Fr. So. So. So. So. So. Sr. So. So. So. Fr.
Hometown/High School Events Dearborn Heights, Mich./Divine Child Sprints Linden, Mich./Linden Throws Mecosta, Mich./Chippewa Hills Pole Vault/Multi Port Hope, Mich./Harbor Beach Throws Belleville, Mich./Belleville Sprints Lockport, N.Y./Lockport Multi Macomb, Mich./Dakota Jumps Murrieta, Calif./Murrieta Sprints Buchanan, Mich./Buchanan Distance Carleton, Mich./Monroe Distance Flint, Mich./Southwestern Academy Mid-Distance Oak Park, Mich./Berkley Hurdles Milford, Mich./Milford Distance Grand Rapids, Mich./Catholic Central Sprints New Kensington, Pa./Burrell Triple Jump/Sprints Port Hope, Mich./Port Hope Throws London, Ont./St. Thomas Aquinas Mid-Distance Grand Blanc, Mich./Flint Powers Mid-Distance Huntington Woods, Mich./Berkley Sprints Zanesville, Ohio/Zanesville Mid-Distance Stirling Ont./St. Theresa Catholic Hurdles/Mid-Distance Clyde, Mich./Port Huron Distance New Baltimore, Mich./Anchor Bay Mid-Distance Columbus, Ohio/Whitehall-Yearling Sprints Flint, Mich./Hamady Jumps/Sprints Clyde, Ohio/Clyde Sprints Ann Arbor, Mich./Whitmore Lake Hurdles/Jumps Grand Haven, Mich./Grand Haven Jumps Emmett, Mich./Yale Hurdles Westland, Mich./Romulus Hurdles Casco, Mich./Marine City Distance Plymouth, Mich./Gabriel Richard Mid-Distance Fort Gratiot, Mich./Port Huron Nothern Pole Vault
Indoor Schedule Dec. 3 Blue and Gold Invite Dec. 11 Macomb Opener Jan. 14 Central Michigan Invite Jan. 22 Simmons-Harvey Invite Jan. 28-29 GaReat Collegiate Open Jan. 28 The Cardinal Feb. 11 GVSU Big Meet Feb. 12 Windsor Team Challenge Feb. 19 Silverston Invite Feb. 26-27 Horizon League Championships March 4-5 Alex Wilson Invite March 11-12 NCAA Division I Championships
Outdoor Schedule 5 PM 11 AM 4 PM 11 AM 7 PM 3 PM 4 PM All Day 11 AM All Day 5 PM All Day
M. 30-A. 2 April 9 April 15 April 16 April 22-23 April 28-30 April 29-30 May 6-8 May 27-28 June 9-12
Colonial Relays Dual vs. Oakland Mt. SAC Relays Long Beach St. Invite EMU Twilight Drake Relays Hillsdale Relays Horizon League Championships NCAA - Preliminary Round NCAA Division I Championships
All times are subject to change
All Day 4:30 PM All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day All Day
Young would be the best word to describe the women’s track and field team for 2011. Of the 33 student-athletes on the roster, 25 are underclassmen. “There are lots of opportunities for people to help this team,” head coach Guy Murray explained. “It’s just a matter of how everyone develops. The freshman year is about learning and developing, whereas the sophomore year is about taking the next step and using what they have learned. We have 14 sophomores on the team this year so we will need a strong effort from that group.” Although a majority of the team is inexperienced, the Titans still have upperclassmen providing leadership. Seniors Sequoyia Calhoun, Megan Miller, Kirstin Mooney and Katie Taylor will join junior Susan Kalkstein to anchor the team. “Overall I like the direction that this team is headed in,” Murray said. “There is lots of potential, but you have to remember Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
Sprints Sequoyia Calhoun is a standout runner that is returning to Detroit for her senior season. Calhoun broke out and ran a 57.81 400 meter dash time at the Blue and Gold Invite during the indoor season. She topped that time to set a UDM school record at the outdoor Horizon League Championship meet clocking in at 56.17. Calhoun was Horizon League runner-up with that time. “Sequoyia is coming off a breakout year and we need her to continue on that pace,” Murray said. “We need her to be the star of the team. Brittany Horne was that person for us last year, and we need Sequoyia to take over that role.” Amanda Hollern, Nikia Duncan, and Nicole Meisner will also compete in sprint events this season. “Amanda had a great season last year by making it to the finals in both the 100m and the 200m,” Murray said. “Nikia was solid and we think she will continue to improve, and Nicole will have the opportunity to help as a freshman.” Hurdles Detroit will return a veteran 400 meter hurdle group led by Kirstin Mooney and Katie Taylor. Both Mooney and Taylor have scored at the Horizon League meet in the 400mH so they will look to repeat those efforts during this season. Coach Murray added Olivia Smid to the mix as someone who can help the team after she completed a great freshman season in 2010. Smid is another Titan who scored in the 400mH with a sixth place finish during the outdoor season (1:05.20). In the sprint hurdles group, Detroit will look for Sharonda Vesey and newcomer Brandee Hart to score points. “Sharonda improved throughout last year so that helps and I could see Brandee stepping up and contributing to both the 100mH and the 400mH right away,” Murray added. Distance Alexandria Vintevoghel highlights this group as she led the team in every cross country race this past season. “Alexandria had some nice performances last year during the indoor season,” Murray said. “We will look for her to continue to lead this unit.” Kristie Ferrans, Katrina Oberski, and newcomer Victoria
Eger will also help out the distance group. “Kristie was limited this fall due to an injury so we hope that she can get going in order to be ready for a good year,” Murray said. “Katrina had a great sophomore cross country season so we expect her to be a good runner for us this year, and Torrie will be able to help out with some long distance races.”
Mid-Distance The mid-distance group has a nice mix starting with the return of senior Megan Miller. Miller only has outdoor eligibility left, but she is a proven leader. “Megan can do a little bit of everything for us,” Murray explained. “She has always been a leader that comes through at the Horizon League meets, and she serves as a great relay leg.” Tressanique Hampton, Sarah Martinez, and Katie Weishaar all had promising freshmen years and should be able to help the mid-distance group. Freshmen Cecilia Pope and Rachel Hofsess will also have a chance to help the team. Jumps Susan Kalkstein gives the Titans an experienced jumper. Kalkstein took fifth place in both the long jump (17-8.5) and the triple jump (37-9.25) at the outdoor HL meet. The leap of 37-9.25 moved Kalkstein into second place on the Titan Top 10. “Susan really emerged with a great season of jumping for us last year,” Murray explained. “She was very consistent in the triple jump and we can also use her in some relays.” Whitney Rogers will also look to get involved for Detroit in the horizontal jump events. Coach Murray went out and recruited Stephanie Cuniberti to compete in the high jump. “This is the first time in a few years where we have added an exclusive high jumper to the team,” Murray said. “Stephanie should be in the hunt to score at the Horizon League Championships.” Pole Vault Freshman Kayla Zauner will join Monica Betker in the pole vault for the Titans. Murray thinks Zauner has potential to do well in the event while Betker sits in sixth (9-8) all-time on the Titan Top 10 list. Multi Amanda Campbell will be Detroit’s main threat in the multi events. Campbell is second on the Titan Top 10 in the pentathlon with a score of 2,661, and eighth in the heptathlon (3,294). “Amanda has been steady for two years and now we feel it is time for her to step up and contend for scoring at the HL meet,” Murray added. Throws With the graduation of Brittany Horne, there is no doubt that the Titans have some huge shoes to fill when it comes to the throw events. Detroit added three freshmen throwers that have the ability to do well. “We don’t expect this group to come in and replace what Brittany did for us last year, but Coach Richotte will bring them in and teach them some new things that they can build on for the future.”
Sequoyia Calhoun S E Q U O Y I A C A L H O U N
Senior Sprints Belleville, Mich. Belleville H.S.
Career Marks: 60m - 8.10 200m - 26.01 300m - 41.99 - #3 Titan 400m - 56.17 - UDM Record - 3 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League Runner-up: Outdoor- 400m- 2010 2010 Outdoor: Horizon League runner-up in the 400m... Became the first Titan to break 57.00 in the 400m (56.17)... Anchored both relay teams taking third in 4x400m and fourth in 4x100m... Won the 400m at the Oakland Dual in 58.74... Finished third at Hillsdale in the 400m clocking in at 57.55. 2010 Indoor: Broke the Detroit indoor 400m record with a time of 58.81 at Notre Dame... Ran a 57.97 at Grand Valley’s Big Meet... Set a personal best time at Windsor in the 300m clocking in at 41.99. 2009 Outdoor: Horizon League scorer taking sixth in 400m with personal best 57.31, and was lead-off leg on third place UDM record 4x400m (3:51.33) with split of 57.60... Also ran a leg of fifth place 4x100m... PRs of 57.49 in 400m and 26.01 200m at Hillsdale... Won 400m (58.60) versus Oakland. 2009 Indoor: Won team Coach’s Award... Broke 58 for the first time placing fourth at the Horizon League meet, just .03 off UDM indoor record, running 57.87 and ran lead-off leg on third place 4x400m... 400m PR of 58.40 to win division at Akron... Runner-up in 300m at Don Wright Team Challenge with 42.58 PR. 2008 Outdoor: Won team Rookie of the Year Award... Titan rookie record in 400m of 58.41 for eighth at the Horizon League Championships and earned her first appearance on varsity 4x400m aiding team to third place in 3:54.60, the second fastest Titan 4x400m ever... 59.7 for second in the 400m versus Oakland. Indoor: Did not compete. High School: 2007 Michigan Division 1 400m qualifier and 2006 100m qualifier. Personal: Daughter of Donald and Sabrina Starks... Earned three varsity letters in track and field... Majoring in history.
Kristie Ferrans K R I S T I E F E R R A N S
Senior Distance Carleton, Mich. Monroe H.S.
Career Marks: 5000m - 18:39.58 10,000m - 39:09.60 - #9 Titan XC 5k - 19:26 XC 6k - 23:55 - 3 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League All-Academic: 2010, Indoor & Outdoor 2010 Cross Country: Claimed medical red-shirt due to an injury... Ran one varsity race at the National Catholics... Clocked in at 20:52. 2010 Outdoor: Made the Titan Top 10 in the 10,000m running 39:06.60 at Bucknell... Finished 11th in Horizon League 10,000m at 39:59.56... Returned the next day to place 14th in the 5000m with a time of 18:59.71. 2010 Indoor: Opened the season with a personal record in the 5000m at Grand Valley’s Holiday Open (18:39.58)... Set another PR in the 3000m at Bowling Green (10:50.32)... Recorded Horizon League finishes of 19th in the 5000m (19:31.88), and 12th in the 3000m (10:50.41). 2009 Cross Country: Won the team’s Student-Athlete award…6k PR of 23:55 at Bowling Green…5k season-best of 19:42 at Louisville…best Horizon League finish by 20 spots taking 34th…191st place at NCAA Regional. 2009 Outdoor: 10th place in Horizon League 10k improving by over 2:30 to break 40 (39:59.51)...Also finished ninth in 5k at 19:43.04. 2009 Indoor: Ran a pair of PR’s at the Horizon League meet running 19:06.75 for 11th in 5000m and then 10:56.43 for 13th in 3000m. 2008 Cross Country: Won Kevin Donner Most Valuable Award…Led team on four occasions…Opened season proving injury issues were behind her running her collegiate best time of 19:58 for eighth at the Golden Grizzly Open…19:42 for her Cass-Benton personal record at the Running-Fit Detroit Titan Invite…19:26 PR at Louisville…54th at Horizon League Championships…6k career mark of 24:25 on a muddy NCAA regional course leading the team at 163rd place. 2008 Outdoor: Debut 10,000m at Horizon League meet running a 42:39.31 and came back next day with collegiate best 5000m in 20:23.76. 2008 Indoor: 20:34.21 5000m indoor personal best at Horizon League Championships and ran 3000m best of 11:43.52 the next day. 2007 Cross Country: Won team Rookie of Year award…Returned from high school injury and finished in varsity seven in all races she ran…Season-best of 21:01 on a muddy Horizon League course to finish 56th…200th in 6k debut at NCAA regional timed at 25:44. High School: Michigan Division 1 cross country state qualifier in 2004 and 2006 and 4x800m qualifier in 2007. Personal: Daughter of Craig Ferrans and Dolores Grove... Earned three varsity letters in track and field... Majoring in mathematics... Holds a GPA of 3.903.
Megan Miller Senior Mid-Distance Zanesville, Ohio Zanesville H.S.
Career Marks: 400m - 57.8 - #3 Titan 600m - 1:38.15 - #3 Titan 800m - 2:22.73 1500m - 5:27.54 - 4 Varsity Letters -
2010 Cross Country: Earned first cross country varsity letter... Ran in top seven most of the year... Ran a personal-best 21:20 5k at the Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite. 2010 Outdoor: Won the team coach’s award... Recorded her season-best time in the 400m at the Horizon League Championship preliminaries (59.35)... Went for broke in the HL 400m final with a quick pace, but couldn’t hold on and therefore was not able to finish the race... Returned to run the lead-off leg for the 4x400m relay team that took third place (3:58.49)... Ran a season-best 2:23.14 (800m) at Hillsdale. 2010 Indoor: Won the team coach’s award... Ran a 1:38.15 in the 600m at Grand Valley’s Big Meet placing her third on the Titan Top 10 list... Earned third place at the Don Wright Team Challenge in the 600m (1:39.49)... Finished sixth in the 400m at the Horizon League Championships (59.62)... Also ran a leg on the fourth place distance medley relay team (13:01.62), and on the 4x400m relay team that finished in fifth (4:05.97)... Best time in the 800m came at the Grand Valley Open (2:25.14). 2009 Outdoor: Member of UDM record 4x400m that ran a 3:51.33 for third at Horizon League Championships and was a finalist in the 400m taking seventh (59.05)... 400m season-best of 58.89 as runner-up in Oakland Dual. 2009 Indoor: Horizon League scorer in distance medley and 4x400m... Ran 400m leg of fourth place distance medley relay and second leg of third place 4x400m and placed ninth in 400m... 600m PR of 1:40.12 at GVSU. 2008 Outdoor: Won 400m in dual against Oakland in 57.8, the #2 all-time in school history... Anchored the #2 Titan all-time 4x400m (3:54.60) to a third-place tally in the Horizon League Championships as well as taking sixth in the 400m running 58.36. 2008 Indoor: Won team Comeback of Year Award as she continued to struggle with injury issues... Earned sixth in Horizon League 400m running the third-best Titan indoor 400m of 58.97, and was a member of UDM indoor record 4x400m that ran 3:57.66 for third place... 1:42.21 600m personal record at Windsor. 2007 Outdoor: Returned from injury to make collegiate debut with 61.90 400m at George Mason... Ran 58.9 anchor leg of fourth place Horizon League 4x400m that posted a time of 3:56.75, the #4 Titan quartet and fastest since 2001... Also took 12th in 800m with collegiate best of 2:22.73. High School: 2006 Ohio Division 1 800m regional scorer... 2005 Ohio Division 1 800m district champion. Personal: Daughter of Kent and Brenda Miller... Majoring in nursing... Holds a GPA of 3.108.
Kirstin Mooney K I R S T I N M O O N E Y
Senior Hurdles / Mid-Distance Stirling, Ont. St. Theresa Catholic H.S.
Career Marks: 600m - 1:38.16 - #3 Titan 800m - 2:20.96 - #12 Titan 400mH - 105.52 - #7 Titan XC 5k - 19:31 - 3 Varsity Letters -
2010 Cross Country: Broke the 20 minute barrier (5k) at the National Catholics running 19:53... Set a PR in the 6k race at Penn State (24:20)... Saw a major improvement at the Horizon League meet finishing 26 places ahead of last year’s mark... Clocked in at 19:31 (PR) at the HL meet taking 29th... Ended the year at the NCAA Regionals (192nd - 24:30.01). 2010 Outdoor: Set a career-mark in the 400mH in the Horizon League Championship preliminaries clocking in at 1:05.52... Ended the day with a seventh place finish in the HL finals (1:05.72).... The 1:05.52 time in the prelims ranks seventh on the Titan Top 10 list... Finished 23rd in the 400mH at the Hillsdale Relays (1:06.00)... Runner-up in the 400mH at the Oakland Dual (1:07.41)... Also ran a leg on the winning 4x400m relay team at the dual (4:03.97). 2010 Indoor: Made 1000m debut with a PR of 3:08.76... Marked two season-bests at the Grand Valley Big Meet... Finished 13th in the 600m (1:39.36), and 26th in the 800m (2:22.45). 2009 Cross Country: 20:14 5k PR at Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite... 55th place finish at Horizon League Championships... 207th at NCAA Regionals. 2009 Outdoor: Season-best 66.65 for fifth in Horizon League 400mH... Won 400mH (67.99) and ran leg of winning 4x400m versus Oakland. 2009 Indoor: Ran 2:22 800m leg of fourth place Horizon League distance medley team... Season-best 600m of 1:40.72 at Grand Valley. 2008 Cross County: Ran a season-best 5k at Louisville (20:45)... Debut 6k of 24:54 at Falcon Invite... 60th place finish at Horizon League Championships... 206th at NCAA Regionals. 2008 Outdoor: Cracked Titan Top 10 with her 67.62 at Bucknell in the 400mH... Ran 66.95 at Eastern Michigan... Cut time to 66.07 at Hillsdale (8th place)... Ran a leg of the fifth place Horizon League 4x100m after finishing 11th in the 400mH. 2008 Indoor: Won team Rookie of Year after joining squad at the start of second semester... Moved quickly into the Titan Top 10 running 1:40.85 in her third week at the Simmons-Harvey Invite... Moved 600m to 1:38.16 at Windsor for third spot on the school list... Earned ninth at the Michigan Intercollegiate 800m running 2:21.91... 11th in the Horizon League 800m in 2:20.96, the seventh-best indoor Titan 800m ever. High School: 2007 Ontario 400mH and cross country qualifier... 11th at Canadian Junior National 400mH. Personal: Daughter of Gilbert and Donna Mooney... Earned three varsity letters in track and field... Majoring in protective services... Holds a GPA of 3.489.
Katie Taylor Senior Hurdles Emmett, Mich. Yale H.S.
Career Marks: 200m - 27.90 300m - 45.37 400m - 61.75 400mH - 65.60 - #8 Titan - 3 Varsity Letters -
2010 Outdoor: Did not compete. 2010 Indoor: Returned from injury to run last couple of meets... Horizon League Championship finishes of 20th in 400m (66.09), and 24th in 200m (29.95). 2009 Outdoor: Horizon League scorer earning sixth in 400mH (68.11)... 400mH season-best (67.94) at Hillsdale... Placed (68.24) second in 400mH versus Oakland. 2009 Indoor: Horizon League finishes of 15th in 60mH (10.35) and 18th in 400m (65.37). 2008 Outdoor: Won team Most Improved Award... After an inauspicious debut at the Meet Cancelled Classic, she improved her 400mH personal record in four straight races... 10th at Cincinnati in 68.54; eighth at Bucknell in 66.95; runner-up in the dual verses Oakland in 66.1 and then ninth at EMU with her season best 65.60, which ranks sixth on the Titan Top 10 list... Ran a career-best of 16.6 in the 100mH and a 60.0 leg of the meet record 4:03.8 4x400m at the dual‌Closed the season with a 65.85 for fifth in the 400mH at the Horizon League Championships. 2008 Indoor: 61.75 400m PR for 12th at Horizon League meet... 45.37 300m personal best at Windsor... 10.09 60mH career-best at Notre Dame. 2007 Outdoor: Returned from high school injury to make collegiate debut at George Mason... Horizon League finishes of 11th in 400m, with collegiate best time of 64.22, in the 200m (16th place)... 200m third place in the UDM-OU dual at 27.9. High School: 2005 Michigan Division 2 100mH and 300mH state qualifier. Personal: Daughter of Mark and Linda Taylor... Majoring in criminal justice... Holds a GPA of 3.549.
Monica Betker Junior Pole Vault / Multi Mecosta, Mich. Chippewa H.S.
Career Marks: Pole Vault / 9-8 / #6 Titan - 2 Varsity Letters -
2010 Outdoor: Did not compete. 2010 Indoor: Moved into the sixth spot on the Titan Top 10 by clearing 9-8 in the pole vault at the Horizon League Championships. 2009 Outdoor: Did not compete due to injury following 8-6 fourth place effort at the Detroit Track and Field Classic. 2009 Indoor: 9-2.25 season-best at Windsor‌Seventh place at Horizon League Championships in pole vault clearing 8-8.25. High School: 2008 Michigan Division 2 pole vault regional scorer earning seventh place‌2007 Michigan Division 2 pole vault state qualifier and regional scorer in 100mH and high jump. Personal: Daughter of Sara and Mark Betker... Earned two varsity letters in track and field... Majoring in communications... Holds a GPA of 3.307.
Amanda Campbell A M A N D A C A M P B E L L
Junior Multi Lockport, N.Y. Lockport H.S.
Career Marks: 60mH - 10.06 High Jump / 4-11 Heptathlon - 3,294 - #8 Titan Pentathlon - 2,661 - #2 Titan - Detroit Rookie Record -
2010 Outdoor: Season-best heptathlon score of 3,242 came at the Horizon League Championships (8th place)... Racked up 3,202 points in the heptathlon at the Oakland Dual that included a PR in the javelin (65-1). 2010 Indoor: Placed 11th at the Horizon League Championships in the pentathlon with a score of 2,588... Also tied for 11th in the high jump at the HL meet by clearing 4-10.25... Finished the HL meet by placing 15th in the 60mH in 10.48... Set a PR in the 60mH at the Grand Valley Holiday Open (10.06). 2009 Outdoor: Took ninth in Horizon League heptathlon with personal record score of 3,294... Heptathlon debut of 3,186 at Bucknell. 2009 Indoor: Ninth place in Horizon League pentathlon with Detroit rookie record of 2,661, which included her careerbests in 60mH (10.45), high jump (4-11), shot put (26-8.5) and 800m (2:36.76)... Also finished 15th in Horizon League high jump. High School: Finished fourth at the 2008 New York Section 6 Division 1 in the pentathlon after winning the 2007 and 2008 Niagara Frontier League Pentathlon Championship. Personal: Daughter of Diane and Dave Campbell... Earned two varsity letters in track and field... Majoring in biochemistry... Holds a GPA of 3.316.
Susan Kalkstein S U S A N K A L K S T E I N
Junior Jumps / Sprints New Kensington, Pa. Burrell H.S.
Career Marks: 400m - 61.15 Long Jump - 17-8 / #8 Titan Triple Jump - 37-9.5 / #2 Titan - 2 Varsity Letters -
Horizon League All-Academic: 2010, Indoor & Outdoor 2010 Outdoor: Honored with the team Student-Athlete Award... All triple jump performances were over her best from the 2009 season... Broke into Horizon League scoring with a fifth place finish in both the long and triple jump... Set a PR and moved into eighth place on the Titan Top 10 with a leap of 17-8 in the long jump... Just missed a PR in the triple jump at 37-9.25... Also ran the first leg of the 4x100m at the HL meet... Helped the relay team finish fourth in 49.02... Opened the season as runner-up at Cincinnati with a mark of 37-4.5 in the triple jump... Set a career-best mark of 37-9.5 in the triple jump at Bucknell (3rd place)... The mark moves her to second on the Titan Top 10 list... Set a new facility record in the triple jump with a first place finish at the Oakland Dual (37-5.75)... Also ran the first leg of the 4x100m relay that won in a time of 49.66... Lowered her 400m PR at EMU with a time of 1:01.15 (13th place)... Took third place at the Hillsdale Relays with a triple jump mark of 36-9. 2010 Indoor: Won triple jump (35-3) at Grand Valley’s Holiday Open... Tuned up for the Horizon League meet with a third place finish in the triple jump (36-7) at the Silverston Invite... Just missed scoring in both the long and triple jump at the HL Championships... Placed ninth with a leap of 17-3 in the long jump, while taking seventh in the triple jump (37-4). 2009 Outdoor: Won team’s Rookie of the Year award... Horizon League finalist in triple jump taking seventh with best jump of 35-10... Also ran leg of fifth place 4x100m and placed 15th in long jump... Runner-up in both triple jump competitions on Titan Track with leaps of 34-10 each time... 61.39 400m best at EMU. 2009 Indoor: Won team’s Rookie of the Year award... Horizon League triple jump finalist finishing eighth at 34-11 and placed 15th in long jump... Triple jump finalist at Michigan Intercollegiate placing seventh at 35-1... 35-5 triple jump mark at Silverston Invite for second... 16-8.5 long jump best to win dual versus Valparaiso. High School: 2008 Pennsylvania Class AA triple jump 12th- place finish and 4x400m qualifier... Also helped her school’s 4x400m to a fifth-place tally at the 2007 Pennsylvania Class AA. Personal: Daughter of Carol and Richard Kalkstein... Earned two varsity letters in track and field... Majoring in English Literature... Holds a GPA of 3.986.
Nikia Duncan
Tressanique Hampton
Sophomore Sprints Murrieta, Calif. Murrieta H.S.
Sophomore Mid-Distance Flint, Mich. Southwestern Academy H.S.
Career Marks: 60m - 8.20... 100m - 12.86... 200m - 27.24... Earned one varsity letter in track and field. 2010 Outdoor: Slow start to the season due to an injury... Finished strong as a member of the fourth place 4x100m relay team at the Horizon League Championships (49.02)... Also finished 11th in the 100m at the HL meet clocking in a personal-best time of 12.86. 2010 Indoor: Made indoor debut with a pair of seventh place finishes at Notre Dame running 8.22 in the 60m, and 27.24 in 200m... Set her personal-best time in the 60m at the Horizon League Championships clocking in at 8.20 (14th place)... Just missed a PR in the 200 at the HL meet finishing in 27.31 (15th place). High School: Earned fifth in the 100m and sixth in the 200m at the Southwestern League finals as a senior... As a junior, was a member 4x400m team that competed at the California Interscholastic Federation championship. Personal: Daughter of Gale and Ted Duncan... Holds a GPA of 3.042... Has a cousin who attends Detroit.
Career Marks: 400m - 61.99... 600m - 1:39.99 (#11 Titan)... 800m - 2:20.72 (#13 Titan)... 1500m - 5:08.64... Earned one varsity letter in track and field. 2010 Cross Country: Set a PR at the Horizon League Championships with a time of 21:22 (71st place). 2010 Outdoor: Finished the season strong with a good performance at the Horizon League Championships... Ran a 59.5 split on the 4x400m relay team that took third place (3:58.49)... Set a PR in the 1500m with a time of 5:08.64 (13th place)... Also ran a season-best 2:23.03 in the 800m (15th place)... Fell victim to a photo finish at the Oakland Dual in the 800m (2:23.54)... Came back to run the first leg (60.5) for the first place 4x400m relay team (4:03.97) 2010 Indoor: Made collegiate debut with a seventh place 1000m finish at Notre Dame running in 3:08.20... The time moves her to 11th all-time in the 1000m... Ran a 1:39.99 600m at the Grand Valley Holiday Open... That time also moves her to 11th all-time in the 600m... Set a career-mark in the 800m at Grand Valley’s Big Meet with a time of 2:20.72. High School: Earned two regional championships in the 800m and the 4x400m in 2009, while helping the 4x400m take fourth at the Michigan Division 1 championships two years in a row. Personal: Daughter of Romonica Hampton... Majoring in human services.
Amanda Hollern
Sharonda Vesey
Sophomore Sprints Grand Rapids, Mich. Catholic Central H.S.
Sophomore Hurdles Westland, Mich. Romulus H.S.
Career Marks: 60m - 8.09... 100m - 12.68 (#10 Titan)... 200m - 26.43... Earned one varsity letter in track and field. 2010 Outdoor: Qualified for the finals in both the 100m and 200m at the Horizon League Championships... Ran a 12.68 in the 100m prelims to slide into the Titan Top 10... Also clocked in a 26.60 200m time in the prelims... Finished the 100m finals in ninth (13.03)... Also placed ninth in 200m finals with a time of 26.43... Helped the 4x100m relay team place fourth with a time of 49.02... Placed first in the 200m at the Oakland Dual (26.93)... Ended the 100m as the runnerup (12.87)... Part of the 4x100m relay team that earned first place at the Oakland Dual (49.66). 2010 Indoor: Shared team Rookie of Year honors... Competed in the 60m, 200m and the 4x400m at the Horizon League Championships... Helped the 4x400m team earn fifth place (4:05.97)... Finished 13th in both the 60m and the 200m at the HL meet running 8.10 and 26.98 respectively... Best 60m time of the season came at the Silverston Invite (8.09)... Best split in the 4x400 was at the Grand Valley Open (60.7). High School: Placed seventh in 2008 in the 100m at the Michigan Division 2 championships as well as qualifying for the 200m.
Career Marks: 60mH - 9.74 (#8 Titan)... 100mH 16.19 (#8 Titan)... 400mH - 71.91... Earned one varsity letter in track and field. 2010 Outdoor: Finished 12th in both hurdle races at the Horizon League Championships running a collegiate best of 16.19 in the 100mH and 1:13.46 in 400mH... The time of 16.19 is eighth on the Titan Top 10 list... Set a career-mark in the 400mH at Adrian clocking in at 1:11.91... Anchored the winning 4x100m relay team at the Oakland Dual (49.66). 2010 Indoor: Opened collegiate career with the #10 Titan performance in the 60mH at Notre Dame (9.82)... Moved up to eighth on the Titan Top 10 two weeks later running in 9.74 at Grand Valley’s Holiday Open... Placed 12th in the 60mH at the Horizon League Championships (9.89).... Also took 21st in the 200m (29.05). High School: A Michigan Division 1 100mH qualifier and a 300mH regional scorer in 2009... Ran on the fifth place 4x400m relay team and scored in the Regionals in 2008. Personal: Daughter of Dornithea and Tyree Vesey... Majoring in business administration... Holds a GPA of 3.255.
Personal: Daughter of Michelle and Patrick Hollern... Majoring in nursing... Holds a GPA of 3.938.
Sarah Martinez
Katrina Oberski
Sophomore Mid-Distance Grand Blanc, Mich. Flint Powers H.S.
Sophomore Distance Clyde, Mich. Port Huron H.S.
Career Marks: 800m - 2:22.45... 1500m - 5:08.32... XC 5k - 20:30... XC 6k - 24:54... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
Career Marks: 1500m - 5:05.51... 5000m - 19:36.63... Steeplechase - 12:53.46 (#9 Titan)... XC 5k - 19:40... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
2010 Cross Country: Earned second varsity letter finishing in the top seven during every race... Set collegiate-best time in the 5k at the Horizon League Championships (20:58 - 58th place)... Made NCAA Regional debut finishing 221st.
2010 Cross Country: Recorded her first sub-20 5k race at the Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite... Finished 14th at the invite with a run of 19:57, a 29 second improvement from the previous year... Ran 19:42 at the Louisville Classic good enough for 78th place... Tied her personal 6k record at Penn State (24:06)... Placed 33rd at the Horizon League Championships finishing in 19:40... Ended year at the NCAA Great Lakes Regional with a time of 24:53.
2010 Outdoor: Won 800m at the Oakland Dual in a photo finish (2:23.54)... Set a PR at EMU in the 1500m (5:08.32)... Ran a season-best 800m at the Horizon League Championships to place 14th (2:23.03)... Also finished 16th in the 1500m (5:24.27). 2010 Indoor: Set a PR in the 800m finishing in 2:22.45 at the Grand Valley Open... Ran the mile and the 800m at the Horizon League Championships... Took 12th place in the mile (5:37.85), and 18th in the 800m (2:27.20).
2010 Outdoor: The ninth Titan to complete a steeplechase taking third at the Oakland Dual (12:53.46)... 5000m best of 19:36.63... Took 21st place at the Horizon League Championships in the 5000m (19:41.24).
2009 Cross Country: Season-best 5k came at Louisville (20:49)... 24:54 6k PR at Bowling Green... 61st place finish at Horizon League Championships.
2010 Indoor: Ran lead-off 1200m leg of 4:01.5 on the fourth place distance medley relay team at the HL meet... Also finished 11th in the mile (5:29.69)... Additional PR’s include a 5:29.08 mile and an 11:12.20 in the 3000m.
High School: Ended her career as a two-time Division 2 cross country state qualifier as well as taking sixth in the 800m as a junior and ninth as a sophomore.
2009 Cross Country: 20:09 season-best 5k at Louisville... 24:06 6k PR at Bowling Green... 42nd place finish at HL meet.
Personal: Daughter of Cindy and Trinidad Martinez... Majoring in criminal justice.
High School: Division I state cross country qualifier. Personal: Daughter of Judith and Michael Oberski... Majoring in nursing... Holds a GPA of 3.936.
Taylor Ragland
Whitney Rogers
Sophomore Sprints Columbus, Ohio Whitehall-Yearling H.S.
Sophomore Jumps / Sprints Flint, Mich. Hamady H.S.
Career Marks: 60m - 8.33... 200m - 28.28. 2010 Outdoor: Did not compete. 2010 Indoor: 60m best of 8.33 at Bowling Green... 200m best of 28.28 at Grand Valley Open. High School: A Mid-State League 100m champion as a junior and an Ohio Division 2 100m state qualifier as a sophomore. Personal: Daughter of Felisa Ragland... Majoring in psychology.
Career Marks: 300m - 46.01... 400m - 62.91... Long Jump - 14-8.5. 2010 Outdoor: Did not compete. 2010 Indoor: Fifth place scorer at Don Wright Team Challenge in 300m (46.01)... Also made debut in the high jump clearing 4-9... Set PR in the 400m at Bowling Green (1:02.91). High School: A Division 3 long jump champion in 2008... Also ran on the 4x400m that took fourth that year and improved to second in 2009. Personal: Daughter of Roshelle Wells... A pre-med/biology major.
Lindsay Smetzler
Olivia Smid
Sophomore Sprints Clyde, Ohio Clyde H.S.
Sophomore Hurdles / Jumps Ann Arbor, Mich. Whitmore Lake H.S.
Career Marks: 200m - 28.77... 300m - 45.53... 400m 64.04.
Career Marks: 300m - 44.84... 400m - 61.71... 400mH 65.20 (#6 Titan)... High Jump / 5-0.25... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
2010 Outdoor: Did not compete. 2010 Indoor: Horizon League Championship finishes of 17th in 400m (64.68) and 22nd in 200m (29.06)... Set a PR in the 300m at Windsor finishing in 45.53. High School: An Ohio Division 2 400m regional scorer in 2007 and 2008. Personal: Daughter of Cathy and Jerry Smetzler... Majoring in business... Holds a GPA of 3.448.
2010 Outdoor: Won team Rookie of the Year honors... Made her 400mH debut at Cincinnati taking fifth in 1:06.29... Matched her PR in the high jump by clearing 5-0.25 to finish ninth... Lowered her PR in the 400mH at the Horizon League Championships with a 1:06.04 in the prelims, followed by a personal-best 1:05.20 in the finals (6th place)... Ran a 60.3 split on the third place 4x400m relay team. 2010 Indoor: Improved throughout the year and concluded with a solid Horizon League Championship meet earning three top-ten finishes... Ran a leg on the fifth place 4x400m relay team (4:05.97)... Set a PR in both the high jump (50.25) and the 400m (61.71) for ninth and 10th respectively. High School: Took seventh in the Division 3 300mH championship as a senior as well as tied for seventh in the high jump as a junior... She was also a high jump qualifier in 2009 and a 300mH qualifier in 2008. Personal: Daughter of Kelly and Robert Smid... Majoring in nursing... Holds a GPA of 3.658.
Brianna Soule
Shannon Marchant
Sophomore Jumps Grand Haven, Mich. Grand Haven H.S.
Sophomore Sprints London, Ont. St. Thomas Aquinas H.S.
Career Marks: 200m - 27.20... Long Jump 16-6... Triple Jump 31-0.
2010: Did not compete during the 2010 season due to injury.
2010 Outdoor: Did not compete.
Personal: Daughter of Mary Lou Marchant... Majoring in nursing... Holds a GPA of 3.142.
2010 Indoor: Year shortened by injury... Took third in the long jump at Grand Valley’s Holiday Open (16-6)... Made her triple jump debut at the Don Wright Team Challenge with a leap of 31-0 (6th place). High School: Earned fourth in the long jump in 2009 at the Division 1 state championship meet. Personal: Daughter of Brenda and Bob Soule... Holds a GPA of 3.352.
Alexandria Vintevoghel
Katie Weishaar
Sophomore Distance Casco, Mich. Marine City H.S.
Sophomore Distance Plymouth, Mich. Gabriel Richard H.S.
Career Marks: 3000m - 10:35.92... 5000m - 18:18.96 (#10 Titan)... XC 6k - 23:18... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
Career Marks: 800m - 2:26.90... 1000m - 3:04.26 (#4 Titan)... Mile - 5:33.66... XC 5k - 20:57... Earned one varsity letter in track and field.
2010 Cross Country: Top Titan finisher in all races... 10th place finish at the Running Fit-Detroit Titan Invite (19:39)... Ran a season-best 23:26 6k race at Penn State... 5k best came at the Horizon League Championships (19:21 - 27th place)... Ended the year at the NCAA Great Lakes Regional with a 173rd place finish (23:59.25).
2010 Cross Country: Ran a season-best 22:05 5k at the Horizon League Championships.
2010 Outdoor: Season-best 5000m time at Bucknell (19:15.80)... Placed 18th at the Horizon League Championships in the 5000m running in 19:19.92. 2010 Indoor: Named Co-Rookie of Year... Recorded the 10th best time in the 5000m at Grand Valley’s Big Meet (18:18.96)... Finished second in the 3000m with a PR of 10:35.92 at the Grand Valley Open... Recorded Horizon League finishes of 14th in the 3000m (10:50.75) and 16th in 5000m (19:06.77). 2009 Cross Country: Won the coach’s award…Debut as top Titan finishing eighth at Golden Grizzly Open (19:39)… Eighth best Titan rookie debut at Cass-Benton running 19:46 for 16th…19:19 season-best 5k at Louisville and in mud at Michigan Intercollegiate, where she was the top Titan...23:18 6k PR at BGSU…25th at HL Championships and 175th at NCAA Regional after falling at 600m. High School: A four-time Division 2 cross country state qualifier, as well as a two-time 3200m state qualifier, who garnered All-State accolades in 2007. Personal: Daughter of Kathy and Paul Vintevoghel... A biology/pre-med major.
2010 Outdoor: Horizon League finishes of 17th in 1500m (5:32.22) and 18th in 800m (2:39.15). 2010 Indoor: Used a big kick in her collegiate debut to finish third in the 1000m running in 3:04.26 (#4 Titan) at Notre Dame... Collegiate best 800m time came at Grand Valley (2:26.90)... Horizon League finishes of 15th in the mile (5:47.85) and 22nd in the 800m (2:36.96). 2009 Cross Country: Season-best 5k time came at Louisville (20:57)... Top 6k time came at Bowling Green (25:58)... Took 65th place at the Horizon League Championships. High School: Ran for 2008 Michigan Division 3 state champion Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard competing on the runner-up 4x400 and the 4x800m relay squads... In 2007, she helped her team to a runner-up effort in the state running on the first-place 4x400m. Personal: Daughter of Jean and Joe Weishaar... A physician’s assistant major... Holds a GPA of 3.493.
Elizabeth Arroyo
Lauren Berlin
Freshman Sprints Dearborn Heights, Mich. Divine Child H.S.
Freshman Throws Linden, Mich. Linden H.S.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in track and field at Divine Child High School... Also ran cross country for three years... Career-best times include: 100m- 12.8, 200m- 27.6, 400m- 1:05, 800m- 2:35, 5k- 23:36... Helped her team win the all-area championship four years straight... Regional scorer in the 400 as a captain in 2010... Part of the All-State distance medley relay team.
High School: Earned one varsity letter in track and field at Linden High School... Career-best discus throw of 107-0... Top mark in the shot put is 34-9. Personal: Daughter of Rick and Mary Berlin... Majoring in nursing.
Personal: Daughter of Gabriel and Kathleen Arroyo... Majoring in mechanical engineering... Plays multiple musical instruments.
Stephanie Blanchard
Stephanie Cuniberti
Freshman Throws Port Hope, Mich. Harbor Beach H.S.
Freshman Jumps Macomb, Mich. Dakota H.S.
High School: Earned three varsity letters at Harbor Beach High School... Three-time State Finals participant... Career mark in the shot put is 35-1.25... Career-best in the discus is 112-8... Four-time all-conference selection in shot put and discus.
High School: Earned four varsity letters at Dakota High School... Won the coaches award in 2007, 2009 and again in 2010... Crowned MVP during the 2008 season... Careerhighs include 5-5 in the high jump, 13.1 in the 100m and 27.9 in the 200m.
Personal: Daughter of Brad Blanchard and Amy Sommers... Majoring in nursing.
Personal: Daughter of Perry and Patricia Cuniberti... Majoring in architecture.
Torrie Eger
Brandee Hart
Freshman Distance Buchanan, Mich. Buchanan H.S.
Freshman Hurdles Oak Park, Mich. Berkley H.S.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in both cross country and track & field at Buchanan High School... Threetime conference champion in cross country... Berrien County champion in 2006... Three-time All-County selection and a four-time All-Region division three honoree... Named allstate in 2006 and in 2008... Ran a 19:26 in 2006, and a 19:24 in 2008 at the state meet... Best cross country time is 19:13.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in track and field at Berkley High School... Tabbed Rookie of the Year as a freshman... Two-time team MVP... Ran the 100m and 300 meter hurdles... Also competed in the 200m, the 4x100m relay and the 4x400m relay. Personal: Daughter of Sylvia Hart... Majoring in biology.
Personal: Daughter of Mark and Terri Eger... Majoring in health service administration.
Rachel Hofsess
Allyson Koglin
Freshman Distance Milford, Mich. Milford H.S.
Freshman Throws Port Hope, Mich. Port Hope H.S.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in both cross country and track & field at Milford High School... Placed seventh at the state cross country meet in 2006... Regional medalist in 2008 and ‘09... Two-time All-Conference and All-Area selection... Also a regional medalist in track... Placed eighth in the 1600m in 2007 and ‘08, improved to fourth in 2010... Ran a 19:53 5k... Recorded a time of 2:26 in the 800m.
High School: Earned five varsity letters in track and field at Port Hope High School... Career-mark in the discus is 11911... Shot put best is 38-10... First Team All-League selection in the shot put and discus as a senior... Second-Team honoree in the 300mH, 100mH... Holds school record in both the shot put and discus... Placed fourth in the shot put at the state meet, and fifth in the discus.
Personal: Daughter of Edward and Cathleen Hofsess... Personal: Daughter of David and Lisa Koglin... Majoring in Majoring in nursing. chemistry.
Nicole Meisner
Cecilia Pope
Freshman Sprints Huntington Woods, Mich. Berkley H.S.
Freshman Mid-Distance New Baltimore, Mich. Anchor Bay H.S.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in track and field at Berkley High School... Freshman Oakland County 100-meter champion in 2007... Won nine gold medals at the 2008 JCC Maccabi Games... Took first place in the 100m, 200m, 400m, and various relay races.
High School: Earned four varsity letters in track & field and three in cross country at Anchor Bay High School... State qualifier in the 800m relay in 2008 and the 3200m relay in 2010... Named team MVP at Anchor Bay.
Personal: Daughter of Mort Meisner and Leslie Mangas... Has four brothers... Majoring in psychology... Father played baseball at Detroit.
Personal: Daughter of Sean and Andrea Pope... Majoring in chemistry.
Kayla Zauner Freshman Pole Vault Fort Gratiot, Mich. Port Huron Northern H.S.
High School: Earned four varsity letters at Port Huron Northern High School... All-Area first team selection... Division I state qualifier... team captain... PR in polve vault is 10-0... Earned three varsity letters in volleyball. Personal: Daughter of Scott and Rene Zauner... Majoring in criminal justice... Older brother Cory plays football at Wayne State University.
2009-10 Women’s Indoor Track and Field Summary
Blue and Gold Invitational .......................No Team Scoring Holiday Open ..........................................No Team Scoring Bowling Green Challenge ............................ 9th - 15 Points Don Wright Team Challenge ...................... 2nd - 71 Points Simmons-Harvey Invitational ..................No Team Scoring GVSU Open.............................................No Team Scoring Big Meet ...................................................No Team Scoring Windsor Team Challenge .............................. 6th - 4 Points Silverston Invitational ..............................No Team Scoring Horizon League Championship ............... 7th - 21 Points Bold - Home Meet UDM Indoor Record Sequoyia Calhoun .... 400m ........ 57.81 ............B & G Invite Horizon League Runner-Up (All-HL Second Team) Brittany Horne .................. Weight Throw ................17.34m Horizon League All-Academic Team Jennifer DeFauw Kristie Ferrans Susan Kalkstein Ashley Schinske 130 229 336 454 456
Titans in NCAA Division I Rankings Brittany Horne 17.34m Weight HL Meet Brittany Horne 13.39m Shot Put Big Meet Susan Kalkstein 11.38m Triple Jump HL Meet B&G Invite Sequoyia Calhoun 400m 57.81 A. Vintevoghel 5000m 18:18.96 Big Meet
Team Awards Most Valuable:............................................. Brittany Horne Student Athlete: ........................................Jennifer DeFauw Coach’s Award: ...............................................Megan Miller Most Improved:.....................................Stephanie Rossman Co-Rookie:................................................Amanda Hollern ........................................................Alexandria Vintevoghel
2010 Women’s Outdoor Track and Field Summary Oliver Nikoloff Invite .................................... 7th - 44 Points Bucknell Bison Outdoor Classic ...............No Team Scoring Dual vs. Oakland University .............................. L, 89-94 EMU Twilight ...........................................No Team Scoring Penn Relays ...............................................No Team Scoring Hillsdale Relays .........................................No Team Scoring Horizon League Championships .................. 6th - 50 Points Oregon Twilight ........................................No Team Scoring NCAA Preliminary Round .......................No Team Scoring Bold- home meet UDM Outdoor Record Sequoyia Calhoun ....... 400m........... 56.17 ........... HL Meet Brittany Horne ....... Hammer........ 61.30m ........... HL Meet Horizon League Champion (All-HL First Team) Brittany Horne ..................... Hammer .....................61.30m Brittany Horne ......................... Discus .....................44.04m Horizon League Runner-Up (All-HL Second Team) Sequoyia Calhoun ......................400m ........................ 56.17 Penn Relays - Championships of America Hammer Champion ..................Brittany Horne .......56.92m NCAA Preliminary 14th ...........Brittany Horne .................Hammer .......56.12m Titans in NCAA Division I Rankings *14 Brittany Horne 61.30m Hammer HL Meet 201 Brittany Horne 44.04m Discus HL Meet 256 Brittany Horne 13.28m Shot Put HL Meet 269 Ashley Schinske 4,082 Heptathlon HL Meet 284 Sequoyia Calhoun 56.17 400m HL Meet 319 Susan Kalkstein 11.52m Triple Jump Bucknell 364 Amanda Campbell 3,242 Heptathlon HL Meet 406 Beata Gorzynska 11:54.41 Steeple HL Meet 423 Kristie Ferrans 39:09.60 10,000m Bucknell 445 Olivia Smid 65.20 400mH HL Meet 466 Kirstin Mooney 65.52 400mH HL Meet * Best NCAA Ranking of All-Time by a Titan Horizon League All- Academic Team Kristie Ferrans Susan Kalkstein Ashley Schinske (4-Time Honoree) USTFCCA All-Academic Team 3.37 Team GPA - 9th Consecutive Year Team Awards Most Valuable:.............................................. Brittany Horne Student-Athlete:.......................................... Susan Kalkstein Coach’s Award:...................... ..........................Megan Miller Rookie: ...............................................................Olivia Smid 4-Year letterwinners:.................................. Jennifer DeFauw, Beata Gorzynska, Chantel Henry, Brittany Horne, Megan Miller, Katie Taylor, Ashley Schinske
2010 HL Indoor Track and Field Championships February 27-28 Hosted by Detroit @ University of Michigan
2010 HL Outdoor Track and Field Championships April 30 - May 2 Hosted by Loyola and UIC @ Benedictine University
Milwaukee .......................................................................174 Butler...............................................................................104 Loyola ...............................................................................75 Wright State ......................................................................65 Youngstown State ..............................................................42 UIC ..................................................................................41 Detroit ...................................................................... 21 Valparaiso ...........................................................................2
Milwaukee .......................................................................217 Youngstown State ............................................................120 Butler...............................................................................100 Wright State ......................................................................67 Loyola ...............................................................................57 Detroit ...................................................................... 50 UIC ...................................................................................38 Valparaiso ............................................................................2
Horizon League Runner-Up (All-HL Second Team) Brittany Horne ...... Weight Throw ...........17.34m (#3 Titan)
Outstanding Performer - Field Brittany Horne .......................................................... Detroit
UDM Scorers: Horizon League Champions (All-HL First Team) Brittany Horne .............3rd ...... Shot Put .................13.01m Brittany Horne ............. Hammer...... 61.30m (UDM Record) Medley Relay................4th ...........DMR ............... 13:01.62 Brittany Horne ............. Discus ................44.04m (#3 Titan) (Katrina Oberski, Megan Miller, Jennifer Defauw, Stephanie Rossman) 4x400 Relay ..................5th ........... 4x400 ................. 4:05.97 Horizon Leaguer Runner-Up (All-HL Second Team) (Megan Miller, Amanda Hollern, Olivia Smid, Jennifer DeFauw) Sequoyia Calhoun .......... 400m.......... 56.17m (UDM Record) Megan Miller ...............6th ............400m .................... 59.62 UDM Scorers: Finalists: Brittany Horne .......3rd ........Shot Put ......................... 13.28 Jennifer DeFauw ..........7th ........800m ..................... 2:21.28 4x400 Relay ............3rd ............ 4x400 ...................... 3:58.49 (2:19.65 in prelims - PR) (Megan Miller, Olivia Smid, T. Hampton, S. Calhoun) Monica Betker .............7th .....Pole Vault ...................2.95m 4x100 Relay ............4th ............ 4x100 ......................... 49.02 Susan Kalkstein ...........7th.....Triple Jump ...... 11.38m (PR) (S. Kalkstein, Mandy Hollern, Nikia Duncan, S. Calhoun) Susan Kalkstein ......5th ....Long Jump ...... 5.38m (#8 Titan) Notable Performances/PRs: Susan Kalkstein ......5th ...Triple Jump ......................11.51m Olivia Smid ................ 9th ...... High Jump..................1.53m Olivia Smid ............6th ......... 400mH .....1:05.20 (#6 Titan) Susan Kalkstein .......... 9th ...... Long Jump............ 5.27 (PR) Beata Gorzynska ....6th .......... Steeple ...11:54.41 (#5 Titan) Ashley Schinske ......... 9th ....... Pentathlon................... 2,781 Olivia Smid .............. 10th ............... 400m....... 1:01.71 (PR) Finalists: Katrina Oberski ........ 11th .................Mile....... 5:29.59 (PR) Kirstin Mooney ............7th .... 400mH ..................... 1:05.72 Kristie Ferrans .......... 12th ............. 3000m..... 10:50.41 (PR) Ashley Schinske ...........8th ...... Javelin .....................29.00m Kristina Arko............ 23rd ............. 3000m..... 11:18.68 (PR) Mandy Hollern.............9th ........100m ........................ 13.03 Mandy Hollern.............9th ........200m ............... 26.43 (PR) Megan Miller ........... DNF ........400m ..........(59.35 Prelim) Notable Performances/PRs: Ashley Schinske ..........7th.......Heptathlon ................ 4,082 Amanda Campbell ......8th.......Heptathlon ................ 3,242 Chantel Henry ............9th.......High Jump ................1.48m Ashley Schinske .........10th.......100mH ............. 15.81 (PR) Nikia Duncan .............11th ........100m ............... 12.86 (PR) Tressanique Hampton ..... 13th ... 1500m.......... 5:08.64 (PR)
10 Higgh Hurd 100m dlle d l s Kell Ke l y Bernath h ........... 14 14.331 ........... 2002 Jen nniffer Friersoon ......... 144.89 ......... 2003 Rita Ri ta Harde den.............. 15.08 ......... 1992 Niaa Co Coooper............... r 15.44 ......... 2001 Stepphani n e Patton ...... 15.60 .......... 20 2 04 Aman Am anda d Smith ........... 155.76 ......... 2008 0 Ashl As hley Schinskee ....... 15.81 .......... 20010 S aronda Vesseyy ........ 16.119 ......... 20 Sh 2 10 Mich Mi chel elle le Mos o ka kall......... 16.23 ......... 1997 Chan Ch ante t l Heenr nryy ........... 166.244 ......... 2008
U D M T O P 1 0 M A R K S
Jennifer Frierson’s 8.78 in the 60-meter hurdles is a Titan school record. 60m 60m Shir Sh iree eese se S Sta tati tin n .............. 7. 7 65 65ii .............. 19 19988 Zani Za nita ta C Cli lipp pper err ................ 7. 7.77 77ii ............ 20 2006 06 Tiff Ti ffan anyy Ja Jame mess......................... 7. 7.77 77ii ............ 20 2007 07 Ales Al esha h A ha Ash shle leyy ............... 7. 7.90 90ii ............... 19 1999 99 Tamb Ta mbra ra S Ste tewa wart rt. t ................ 7. 7 93 93ii ................ 19 1999 99 Joan Jo anna na G Gra rand ndas as ........... 7. 7.95 95ii ... .. ........... 20 2002 02 Ange An gela la E Edw dwar ards ds ............. 7. 7.98 98ii ................ 20 2001 01 Kim Ki m Mc McCa Cart rtha ha ................. 7. 7.98 98ii .............. 19 1987 87 Jenn Je nnif ifer er F Fri rier errso son n ............ 7.98 9 i ............. 20044 98 Amyy Ga Am Garb rbac aczz ................8. 8.04 04ci ci .......... 19 1999 99 60m Hi 60m High gh H Hur urdl dles e Jenn Je nnif i er F if Fri rier erso son ............. 8. 8.78 78ii ............. 20 2005 05 Kell Ke llyy Be Bern r ath h ............... 9. 9.04 04ii ........... .. 20 2002 0 02 Rita Ri ta H Harde den n.................... 9. 9.15 15ii ............ 19 1 92 Nia Co Coop o err ............................ 9. op 9.29 299i ................. 20 2004 04 Aman Am anda da S Smi mith th ............... 9. 9.57 5 i ........... 20 57 2008 0 08 Asshl h ey Sch hin insk skke ............... 9. 9 62 62ii .............. 20 2009 09 Saara rah h Wy W at attt...................9. 9 64 64ci ci ............ 19 1999 99 Sh Shar haron onda on da Ves esey eyy .............. 9. 9.74 74ii .............. 20 2009 09 09 M ch Mi hel elle le Mos oska kall............. 9. 9.76 76ii ............... 19988 Alli Al liso soon Di Diak akow ak ow w ............... 9. 9.80 80ii ... . ............ 20 2004 04 100m 10 00m 0 Shir Sh iree eese see S Sta tati ta tin in ................ 11 1 .889 ................ 20 2000 Tiff Ti ffan anyy Ja Jame mess................... 122.0 .044 ................. 20 2 07 0 Z niita Cli Za l pp pper err ..... ............ 12.1 122.188 .............. 20 2006 06 J an Jo anna n Gra na rand ndas nd a ............ 12 as 1 .331 ................... 20 2002 02 Taamb mbra r Ste ra tewa wart wa rt ............. 122.3 rt . 4c ................ 19999 99 Ange An gela ge la Edw dwar arrds d .... ....... 12 12.4 .442 ........... ..... 220001 Ales Al esha es ha Ash ha shle leey ................... 122.4 .444cc ................. 19 1 999 T ff Ti ffan anyy Mc an McN Nairr ................ 12 Nair 12.6 .655 ................. 1999955 .6 M st Mi styy Le Left ftwi ft w ch wi h................. 12 12.6 .667 ............... 20 2000 000 M nd Ma ndyy Ho Holl lller e n... ............. 122.668 .............. 20 2010 100
200m 200m Shirreese se S Statiin ............ 244.822 ........... 20 2 000 Zani Za nita ta C Cli l pp pper er...... r ..... 25 25.07i 7 ........... 200066 Tiiffan any Jame mess............ 255.116 ........... 20 2 07 Ritaa Har a de den.............. 25 25.2 .200 ......... 19992 9 Anggela An la Edw dwar ards d ....... 25.52 52 ........... 20 2001 01 Joan Jo anna na Gra rand ndas as ........ 25 25.5 .577 ......... 20 2004 04 Emil Em ilyy Co Cole le ................... 25 25.770 ........... 20 2004 0 Mist Mi styy Le Left ftwi w ch............. 25 25.7 .744 .......... 20000 Nico Ni cole le Cal a la lawa wayy......... 25 25.7 .744c ......... 19 1997 97 Tiff Ti ffan anyy Mc McNa Naiir ........ 25 2 .76 ............ 19 1995 95 300m 300m Shir Sh iree eese se Statiin .............. 41 41.1 .1ii ............. 19 1998 98 Nico Ni c le Cal alla lawa wayy......... 41 41.8 .81i 1i ............ 19 1997 97 Sequ quoy oyia ia Cal alho houn u ..... 411.9 un .99i 9i ............. 20 2010 1 10 Rita Ri ta H Har arde den n................. 42 42.0 .05i 5i .............. 19 1992 92 Tiff Ti ffan ny Ja Jame mess............... 42 4 .6 .68i 8i .......... 20 2007 07 Jenn Je nnif ifer er Chu humi m ta mi t ....... 42 42.880i .............. 19 1992 92 Amyy Ga Am Garb rbac aczz ................. 42 42.9 .9ii .......... 19 1998 98 Emil Em ilyy Co Cole le ........................... 43 43.1 .12i 2i ............. 20 2005 05 Ange An gela laa E Edw dwar ards ds ...... 43 43.4 .42i 2 ............ 20 2i 2000 0000 Wend We nd dy Pe P tzz ................. . 43 43.4 .49i 9ii .............. 19 1992 92 4000m m Seequ q oy oyia ia Cal a ho houn un ........ 56 56.1 .177 ............... 20 2 10 Nico Ni cole le Cal a la l wa wayy....... . ....... 5577.2 .2........... . .. 19 1997 97 Mega Me gan ga n Mi Mill l err ....................... 57 ll 57.8 .8 .............. 20008 0 Mist Mi styy Le L ft ftwi wich cch h... ............. 58 58.1 .122 .............. 220000 0 Emil Em ilyy Co C le ....................... 58 58.6 .661 ... .. ........ 20 2 03 A y Ga Am G rb rbac aczz ................ 59 5 .0088ii ................ 20 2 000 Tiiff T ffan anyy JJaame an m s....................... 59 59.2 .244 ................ 220007 00077 Stteeppha hani niee Wh W it itee ........ 59 59.2 .225 ............. 19994 9 R ta Ri t Har arde d n.............................. 59 de 59.5 .55 ................ 19 1 9922 Jenn Je nn niffer e DeF Fauuw ......... 59 59.8 .822 ................. 20 2 07 4 0m 40 m Hurrdl dles ess Keell K llyy Be B rn r aatth ..................... 6622.994 ................ 20 2 011 A yG Am Gaarb r aaccz .............. .. 63 6 ..116 ....... ............ 20 2000 0 00 Weend W endy nd dy P Peetz tz .......................... ...... 63 63.3 .3 ................ 19 1995 9 95 Aman Am anda nda d Smi mith th h ............ .... 6633.87 .887 ................ 20 2 05 Ruth Ru th thie hiee C Coo o k ......................... 64 oo 64.5 .551 ......... 2002 Oliv Ol liv i iaa Smi m d ............................ 65 65.2 .200 ......... 20100
Kirs r tin Mooneyy ........ 65.52 .......... 20 2 10 Kaatie Taayl y or.............. r 65.60 ......... 2008 Rita Harden.............. 66.06 ......... 1993 Ashley Schinske ....... 66.17 ......... 20077 60 600m Andrea Karl .......... 1:37.46i ......... 2005 A anda Smith ..... 1:38.01i ......... 2008 Am M gan Millerr ....... 1:38.15i ......... 2010 Me K rstin Ki n Mooneyy .... 1:38.16i ......... 2008 Ruthie Cook......... k 1:38.39i ......... 2001 Stephanie White .... 1:38.88i ......... 1994 Jenniferr DeF Fauuw .. 1:39.41i 1 ......... 2010 Amy Garbaccz ....... 1:39.65i ......... 20000 B nniee Fitzppat Bo atri rickk.. 1:39.8i ......... 1988 Andi McAlllisterr ... 1:39.95i ......... 2005 An 800m Ruthie i Cook. k .......... 2: 2:10.37 ......... 20 2 01 Andr An drea ea Kar arll .............. 2:13 13.880 ......... 2005 05 Bonn Bo nnie i Fit i zp zpat atri r ck 2::16 16.660 .......... 19888 Atha At h le l e No Norm rman an ... 2:16 16.884i ......... 1990 Terr Te rric icit i a Thom omass ..... 2: 2:118.04 ......... 20009 Aman Am anda da Smith th ...... 2: 2:18 18.0 .08i .......... 20088 Laur La u en H Hoo ood d .................. 2: 2:19 19.55 ........... 19 1 93 Maur Ma uraa Mu Mulc lcah ahyy ..... 2:19 19.5 .555 .......... 20 20044 Jess Je ssic icaa Ya Yage gels lski ki ........ 2::19 1 .977 ......... 2001 01 Chan Ch ante teen enel el McC Cleenddon.2: 2:20 20.2 . 2 ....... 20 2007 07 1,000m 1,00 0m Andr An d ea dr e K Kar arl .............. 2: 2:52 52.8 . 9i .8 9 ............ 20 2006 0 06 Ruth Ru thie ie C Coo ookk ............... 2: 2:54 544.2 . i .............. 20 2001 01 Andr An drea e H ea Hut utch chin ins .. 3: 3:02 022.665i ............ 20 20000 Atha At hale l e No le Norm rman an ....... 3: 3:03 033.0 .0ii .............. 199900 Kati Ka tiee We Weis isha haar arr ....... 3::04 04.226 ............ 20 2009 09 Jenn Je nnif ifer er DeF eFau a w .. 3: au 3:05 055.447i ............ 20009 Maaur uraa Mu M lc lcha h y ...... 3: ha 3:06 06.113i ............. 20 2004 044 Chhan ante teen enel el McC cCle leend ndon on.3: 3:06 0 .118i 06 8 ...... 2000099 Stac St acey ac ey Len enar ard ar d ......... 3: 3:06 06.9 .97i 7ii ............. 19 1998 9 N nc Na n y Ma M nd ndiz izar araa .... 3: 3:07 07.0 .00i ............. 1987 1,50 1, 5000m Andr An drea eaa Karrl .................. 4: 4 28 28.87 8 .......... 20 2006 0 06 R th Ru thie ie Cook ie ook ................ 4: 4 31.36 .................. 20002 0 Kiim Heems K m tr tree e t...... 4:33.6 ee .600 ........... .... 22000022 A ha At h le l e Norm Noorman .... 4::355.75 .775 ................ 19 19900 A giie Le An L fe fere r ............ 4: 4:41 41.1 .14 14 ............ 19 1998 98 Bonn Bo nnie ie Fitzpatri F r ckk 4::42 ri 42.5 .552 .............. 19 1988 88 L ui Lo uise Shahe heen en n ...... 4: 4 477.2 .211 ............ 19 1988 888 A drea Huttchin An ch hin i s ...... 4: 4:4477.99 ................ 220000 4:4 0 J ssicaa C Je Cllayyssoon ........... 4: 4 48 48.1 .115 ... ............. ... 20 20033 Jill ll Myyrraan nd ......................... 4: 4 50.5 500.558 .......... ........ 19 19933
5,000m Kim Hemstreet.... 16:48.03 ......... 2002 Nancy Mandziara . 17:39.6i ......... 1988 Jessica Clayson .... 17:41.99 ......... 2003 Angie Lefere....... 17:48.01i ......... 2000 Carrie Vanisacker . 17:49.22 ......... 1995 Jill Rothert............. 18:06.3 ......... 1993 Michelle Vogt ........ 18:09.7 ......... 1987 Athalee Norman .. 18:11.75 ......... 1990 Laura Pilon.......... 18:14.78 ......... 1999 A. Vintevoghel ... 18:18.96i ......... 2010
Andrea Karl’s name can be found all over the UDM record book as she is the school leader in the 600, 1,000, 1,500m and the mile. Mile Andrea Karl .......... 4:51.31i ......... 2006 Ruthie Cook ......... 4:51.81i ......... 2002 Athalee Norman ... 4:56.45i ......... 1990 Kim Hemstreet..... 4:58.02i ......... 2003 Bonnie Fitzpatrick.. 5:06.4i ......... 1988 Angie Lefere......... 5:07.46i ......... 2000 Andrea Hutchins .. 5:11.09i ......... 2000 Nancy Mandizara ... 5:14.8i ......... 1988 Christine Richter.... 5:16.8i ......... 1998 Jill Rothert.............. 5:17.3i ......... 1992 3,000m Kim Hemstreet..... 9:57.78i ......... 2002 Ruthie Cook ....... 10:08.13i ......... 2002 Nancy Mandziara . 10:10.4i ......... 1988 Angie Lefere....... 10:13.02i ......... 2000 Athalee Norman .. 10:14.25 ......... 1990 Andrea Karl ........ 10:16.94i ......... 2006 Michelle Vogt ....... 10:18.9i ......... 1988 Laura Pilon.......... 10:21.45 ......... 1999 Carrie Vanisacker .. 10:28.4 ......... 1995 Bonnie Fitzpatrick . 10:29.59 ......... 1988 Steeplechase Ruthie Cook .......... 11:10.0 ......... 2001 LeAnn Sarka ....... 11:17.35 ......... 2006 Angie Lefere........ 11:25.29 ......... 2001 Kim Hemstreet...... 11:36.3 ......... 2001 Beata Goryznska . 11:54.41 ......... 2010 Christene Richter. 12:18.11 ......... 1997 Kristen Kroon ...... 12:21.59 ......... 2002 Stacee DeWys ..... 12:41.90 ......... 1999 Katrina Oberski ... 12:53.46 ......... 2010
10,000m Kim Hemstreet.... 35:25.41 ......... 2002 Angie Lefere........ 37:20.42 ......... 2001 Carrie Vanisacker 37:43.89 ......... 1995 Nancy Mandziara 37:50.03 ......... 1988 Ashley Gibbs ....... 38:12.89 ......... 2005 Laura Pilon.......... 38:27.48 ......... 2001 Amy Sperry ........... 38:51.3 ......... 1990 LeAnn Sarka ....... 38:57.53 ......... 2005 Kristie Ferrans ..... 39:09.60 ......... 2010 Renee DeChambeau . 39:13.1 ......... 1988 Deanna McVicar ... 39:25.0 ......... 1988 4x100m Relay Edwards, Garbacz, Leftwich, Statin ........................ 46.90 ......... 2000 Bernath, Edwards, Grandas, Statin ........................ 47.23 ......... 2001 Ashley, Garbacz, Stewart, Statin ........................ 47.76 ......... 1999 Callaway, Garbacz, Stansberry Statin ....................... 48.24 ......... 1997 Clipper, James, Cole, White ....................... 48.32 ......... 2006 Cole, Grandas, Brayak, Frierson .................... 48.55 ......... 2004 Cole, Clipper, White, James ........................ 48.60 ......... 2006 Brayak, Grandas, Cole, Frierson .................... 48.74 ......... 2004 Edwards, Garbacz, Herdzik, Couyoumijan ............ 48.84 ......... 1998 Cole, Jennings, Grandas, Frierson .................... 48.89 ......... 2005 4x400m Relay Calhoun, Miller, Thomas, James ..................... 3:51.33 ......... 2009 Bernath, Yagelski, Grandas, Cook...................... 3:53.91 ......... 2001 James, Calhoun, Smith, Miller .................... 3:54.60 ......... 2008 Garbacz, Yagelski, Cook, Statin ..................... 3:55.94 ......... 2000
Statin, Cook, Garbacz, Ashley.................... 3:56.50 ......... 1999 James, Frierson, DeFauw, Miller .................... 3:56.75 ......... 2007 Leftwich, Garbacz, Statin, Stansberry.............. 3:57.39 ......... 2000 James, Miller, DeFauw, Smith.................... 3:57.66i ......... 2008 McAllister, Grandas, Karl, Cole ....................... 3:57.88 ......... 2005 Miller, Smid, Hampton, Calhoun................. 3:58.49 ......... 2010 4x800m Relay Norman, Hood, Rothert, Morandini ............... 9:28.9 ......... 1991 Fitzpatrick, Mandziara, Shaheen, ....... Wyckoff ................ 9:32.39i ......... 1988 Hemstreet, Yagelski, DeWys, Cook........................ 9:32.6 ......... 2001 Robertson, Morandini, Wilber, Norman .................. 9:35.1i ......... 1990 McClendon, Mooney, Thomas, DeFauw ................. 9:38.08 ......... 2009 Richter, Hutchins, Pilon, Cook........................ 9:41.8 ......... 1999 Willey, Shaheen, Wyckoff, Fitzpatrick ............. 9:43.17 ......... 1988 DeFauw, Weishaar, Mooney, Hampton .............. 9:44.83i ......... 2010 Wyckoff, Willey, Shaheen, Hitzges ................... 9:45.9i ......... 1987 Mooney, Smith, DeFauw, Thomas ................. 9:46.31i ......... 2008 Distance Medley Relay Hemstreet, Edwards, Yagelski, Cook...................... 12:12.3 ......... 2001 Richter, Garbacz, Cook, Hutchins............... 12:28.3i ......... 1999 Richter, Jess, DeWys, Pilon ..................... 12:30.3i ......... 1998 Wyckoff, Wilber, Fitzpatrick, Mandziara .......... 12:32.22i ......... 1988 Cook, Leftwich, Garbacz, Hutchins............... 12:36.3i ......... 2000 DeFauw, Miller, Mooney, Toombs............... 12:36.90i ......... 2009 Roersma, Bernath, Houser, Cook................... 12:37.84i ......... 2000 McClendon, Mooney, Smith, Toombs............... 12:43.62i ......... 1908 Richter, Callaway, Hutchins, Lenard ................ 12:43.67i ......... 1996 Cook, Yagelski, DeWys, Pilon ................... 12:43.70i ......... 2000
U D M T O P 1 0 M A R K S
Pole Pole l Vault l Jaane Petermaan.....100-1 -11.75 7 i ......... 2002 N cole Ni l Gillliki kin.....10-11. 1 75 ......... 2007 T ffan Ti a y Sa S tt t errfi field d .....10 1 -8i ......... 2001 Laur La uraa No Nowicki..............10-6 ......... 2007 Cher Ch erii Ch Chrstianse s n ......10-0 ......... 2006 Moni Mo nica Betkerr................99 8 .......... 20010 Ange An g la l Edwardss ...........8-6 .......... 20 2001
U D M T O P 1 0 M A R K S
Ashley Schinske holds the school record in both the pentathlon and the heptathlon. Pentat Pent athl hlon on Ashl As hley ey S Sch chin insk skee ......... 30 3024 24ii .............. 20 2009 09 Aman Am anda da C Cam ampb pbel elll ... 26 2661 61ii ............. 20 2009 09 Mich Mi chel elle le M Mos oska kall............. 25 2577 77ii ........... 19 1998 98 Chan Ch ante an tell He Henr nryy ............ 25 2519 19ii ............... 20 2009 09 Coll Co llee een n Fo Ford rd..................... 25 2501 01ii ... ............... 19 1992 92 Lind Li ndaa Me M nt ntoo ............... 24 2450 50ii ..... ......... 19 1992 92 Ketu Ke tura ra Ku Kulb lber ergg .............. 24 2420 20ii ................ 19 1992 92 Krys Kr ysta tall Do Dowe we.................... 23 2374 74ii .............. 19 1997 97 Aman Am anda da S Smi m th .............. 23 mi 2354 5 i ............ 2005 54 05 Juli Ju liee Wa Walt lton on.................. . .. 15 1581 81ii ........... 19 1992 92 Heptat Hept athl hlon on Ashl As hley hl ey S Sch chin inskke ............. 41 4100 000 ............... 20 2009 09 Aman Am anda da Webberr ............ 40 4004 04 ............ 20005 Amanda Smi Am mith th ............ 38 3899 999 ..... ......... 20 2005 05 Ange gela laa E Edw dwar ards ds ............. 37 3745 45 .................. 20 2001 0 01 Kim Ki m Je Jess ss.............................. 366633 ........... 19998 9 Ch han ante teel He H nr nryy ................... 334467 ................ 20 2008 088 Mich Mi chel elle l M le Mos oska os k l........ 33 ka 3393 93 ............ 19 1998 98 Aman Am anda an d Cam da ampb pbbel elll ..... 32 3294 944 ................ 2009 20009 0 N ch Ni hol olee Ka Karr rrr ......................... 24 2 40 ................. 2200055 High Hi gh JJum um mp Kim Ki m Je Jess ss................. ....................55-10 510.5 10 . i ................ 19 .5 1995 95 Emil Em ilyy Pa il P de d n .....................55 7. 57.25 25 .............. 20003 Roch Ro chel ch elle el le Sta tans nsbe ns berr berr rry. y .5y. 5 5. 5.75 75i ............... 1997 1999977 C an Ch ante t l He te H nr nryy ............... 55 4. 4 25 25ii .............. 2007 200077 Rebe Re becc be ccaa W Wiill ill lley ey. ey y ........................ 55 4 .......... . 19 1 92 9 L ri Willd ................................ 5Lo 5 3. 3 755 .............. 20 2 022 Mich Mi chel ch elle el lee M Mos o kaal... ... os .....55 3. 53.75 75i ........ 75 ...... 1999 19999 Jess Je ssic ss icaa St ic S eu eube bbeen .... ...................... 55 3i 3i ............. .... 19 1996 9 96 Ruuth t ie i C Coo ookk ................................ 5oo 5-33 ............... 20000 00 A an Am anda daa Web e err ......................... 55-33 ................. 20 2005 055
Long JJum Long ump p Ritaa H Ri Harden.................188-11i ......... 1995 Ange An gela Edw dwardss .....18 1 -1 - 0.5 ......... 2001 Joan Jo anna n Grandas .......18-10i ............ 2002 Joleene Bic icklle ..........17-1 - 1.5 .......... 19 1996 9 K tu Ke tura ra Kulbe berg rgg ......... 17-111 .......... 19992 Kell Ke llyy Be B rnat ath h ............177-9 -9.5 ........... 20000 Krys y tal Do Dowe we..............17 1 -99i ........... 19 19966 Jenn Je nnif ifer er Fri r erso son n ............17 17-8 - i ........... 20 2003 03 Coll Co l ee e n Fo Ford rd...............17 17-5 -5 .......... 19 1992 Alec Al ecia ia Hil illl ....................17 17-5 -5ii .......... 19989 8 Triple Trip le JJum ump p Joan Jo anna na G Gra rand ndas a ....... 40 40-44.255 .......... 20 2005 05 Susa Su san n Ka Kalk lkst stei ein n .......377-99.5 ............... 20 2010 10 Mich Mi chel elle le M Mos oskal.... 37 37-3 -3.7 .75i 5i .......... 19 1999 9 Ange An gela la Edwar ards ds .............36 36-9 -9 ............. 20 2001 01 Alic Al icia i Hilll..... . .................. 35 35-4 -4.5 .5 ............ 19 1989 89 K tuura K Ke Kul u be ul berg rgg ................ 35 35-3 -3 .......... 19 1993 93 Lind Li ndaa Me M nt ntoo .......................34 34-9 -9 ................ 19 1990 90 Coll Co llee een n Fo Ford rd......................34 34-7 -7 .............. 19 1992 9 Kim Ki m Je Jesss..... ...........................34 34-9 -9 ............ 19 1996 96 Jole Jo lene ne B Bic ickl k e ......................34 kl 34-5 -5 ........... 19 1996 96 Shot Put Shot A hl As hley e Bau ey auma man n .............45 45-3 -33i ............ 20 2005 0 05 Ange An gela la Mac acha haaj ............45 455-1 -1.5 .5ii .......... 20 2003 0 03 A tr Al tram ames esee Ro Robe b rtts......4 be .4444-10 10.7 .75i 5i ... 19 1999 999 B it Br itta tany ny Hor orne ne ................ 444-7 ................ 20 2009 099 V l Tu Va Turn rn ner er................... 43 4 -1 -11. 1 75 1. 7 i ........... 2200088 A dr An drea ea K Kar arpa p laa .......... 433-9 pa -9.7 .775 ............. 20003 0 Shee Sh eena na T Tay aylo loor ........... 42 4 -00.5 .5ii .............. 20 2 0088 Dani Da niel elle l P le Pou ouli ou l n .......41 li 4 -1 41 -10. 0..75 7 ... . ............ 20 2 09 J li Ju liee Ho Holt l z .................... 411-3 -3.2 .225i ............. 20 2 01 01 T ff Ti ffan anyy Be Beac accha ham m .........40 4400-99.55 ............. 20 2005 05 05 Discus Disc u us Alltr Al tram tr am mes e e Roobe bert rtts ... ..... 115599 4 ............... 20 2 00 An A nge g laa Mac a ha h j .................. 15 1511 1 ............... 1.... 20 2 03 0 Brit Br itta it t ny Hor ta orne ne ...............14 14414 4 6 ... 4. ............. 20 2 100 W nd We ndyy Ge G an an ......................... 14 140400--5 .................... 19999 99 C yssta Cr tal Th Thor orne nee ....... n ............. 13388-33 .............. 119995 Dan Da niieelllee Pouuliin ................. 13613366 5 ................ 200099 Tiff Ti Tiff ffan an ny S Saatttter e fi fiel e d ..... 1335el 5 2 ........... .. 19 1999 A dr An d ea ea Kar a ppaala la .............13 1300 4 .......... 2004 0Tiiff T ffan any Be an Beac acha ac ham ha m .........12 1299-00 ......... 2004 044 Asshl A h eyy Bau auma m n ..............1226ma 6-6 ......... 20004
Hammer Throw Brittany Horne .........201-1 ......... 2010 Andrea Karpala ........177-9 ......... 2005 Angela Machaj .........173-5 ......... 2005 Tiffanyy Satterfield ....171-8 ......... 2001 Jooceely lyn n Trapani .........167-5 ......... 2000 Ashley Bauman ......163-11 ......... 2005 Wendy Gean ............162-6 ......... 1999 V l Tu Va T rner................. r 156-8 ......... 2007 A tramese Roberts ....156-4 ......... 2002 Al Danielle Poulin .........155-3 ......... 2009 Weight Throw w Andrea Karpa pala ..........59 5 -5 ......... 2005 Tiffan Ti ny Sattter e fi field d ...57-1.5 ......... 2001 Brittany ny Hor o ne n ....566-10.75 ......... 2010 Angela Machaj ........54-4.5 ......... 2003 V l Tu Va T rner er..... r ............... 54-2 ......... 2008 Ashlley Bau auma man ........53 5 -8.5 ......... 20 2 05 Wend We ndyy Ge Gean an ........52 5 -110. 0 25 ........... 19998 A tr Al tram a es ese Roobe b rt rts....5 .522-3. 3 25 ...... 2002 0 Dani Da niel elle Pou ouli lin ......511-9.25 .......... 2009 LaKe La Kesh hia i Dow owee ......51 51-4.255 ........... 1997 Javeliin Jave K is Kr ista ta S Swi witz tzer er ................. 12 1299-77 ............. 20 2006 06 L ur La u a Gi Gign gnac ac............... 12 1255 10 .......... 2003 03 Ange An gela la M Mac acha h j .............1225ha 5-33 ........... 20005 Aman Am anda da Web eberr ........ 12 1244-10 10 ............ 20 2005 05 Ange An gela la E Edw dw war ards d .......... 12 1233-77 .......... 20 20001 01 Vall Tu Va Turn rner er......... r .......... 12 1211-11 ......... 20 2007 Tiff Ti ffan anyy Sa Satt tter erfi fiel eld d ..... 10 1066-9 ............. 20 2000 00 Ashl As hley ey S Sch chin insk skee ........10 1033-6 ........... 20 20100 Mich Mi chel elle le M Mos oska kall..........10 10011-44 .... ....... 1999 19999 Joce Jo cely lyn n Tr Trap apan ap an ni .............99 99-1 -100 ... . .......... 19 1999 99
Joanna Grandas is atop the school record books in the triple jump with a distance of 40-4.25.
2010 Horizon League Co-Outdoor Track & Field Athlete of the Year Outdoor Horizon League Outstanding Field Event Performer NCAA Preliminary Round Participant First Titan To Win an Event at the Penn Relays Hammer Throw - 186-8 Best NCAA Ranking of All-Time by a Titan 14th - Hammer Throw - 201-1
Detroit Titan Track & Field All-Time Top 10 Hammer Throw - 1st 201-1 / 2010 Discus - 3rd 144-6 / 2010
Weight Throw - 3rd 56-10.75 / 2010 Shot Put - 4th 44-7 / 2009
All-Time Detroit Titan League Champions - Indoor Track and Field MCC / 1982-2001 Horizon League / 2002-Present
Women Individual: 8 Shireese Statin 55m- 97-mr, 98, 99, 00-MR; 200m- 97, 98-mr, 99, 00 5 Rita Harden Long Jump- 92-mr, 96; 55m- 96; 200m- 96; 55mH- 96 5 Kim Jess High Jump- 94-mr, 95-MR, 96, 98; Triple Jump- 96 4 Ruthie Cook 1000m- 01; Mile- 01, 02; 800m- 02-MR 4 Athalee Norman Mile- 90-mr, 92-mr; 1000m- 90-mr, 3000m- 92 4 Tiffany Satterfield Pole Vault- 99-mr, 00-mr; Weight Throw-00-mr, 01-mr 3 Joanna Grandas 60m- 02, Triple Jump- 03; Long Jump- 04 3 Kim Hemstreet 5000m- 02-mr, 03-mr; 3000m- 03-mr 3 Andrea Karpala Weight Throw- 03, 04-mr, 05-mr 3 Mese Roberts Shot Put-99, 01, 02 2 Andrea Karl Mile- 05, 06 2 Angie Lefere 5000m-98, 00 2 Jane Peterman Pole Vault- 02-mr, 04 1 Ashley Bauman Shot Put- 04 1 Cindy DeMates Shot Put- 94 1 Angela Edwards Triple Jump- 01 1 Colleen Ford Triple Jump- 92 1 Wendy Gean Weight Throw- 98-mr- exhibition 1 Silvina Lopes 400m- 89-mr 1 Ketura Kulberg Long Jump- 93 1 Angela Machaj Shot Put- 03 1 Kathy Morandini 1000m- 91 Shireese Statin (MR- Meet Record- current... mr-Meet Record in winning) Relay: Distance Medley Relay 4x400m4x800m-
1999 2000 2001 1990-mr 1991
Christene Richter, Amy Garbacz, Ruthie Cook, Andrea Hutchins Misty Leftwich, Ruthie Cook, Shireese Statin, Amy Garbacz Kelly Bernath, Ruthie Cook, Joanna Grandas, Jessica Yagelski Nicole Robertson, Kathy Morandini, Laura Frankila, Silvina Lopes Leslie Blanchard, Jamie Freeland, Lauren Hood, Kathy Morandini
Total Titles by Athlete: (Individual + Relay) - 2 or more 9Shireese Statin 7Ruthie Cook 5Rita Harden, Kim Jess 4Joanna Grandas, Athalee Norman, Tiffany Satterfield 3Kim Hemstreet, Andrea Karpala, Kathy Morandini, Mese Roberts 2Amy Garbacz, Andrea Karl, Angie Lefere, Silvina Lopes, Jane Peterman Athlete in Single Event: 4Shireese Statin- 55m & 200m; Kim Jess- High Jump 3Andrea Karpala- Weight Throw; Mese Roberts- Shot Put Ruthie Cook- Mile & 4x400m; Tiffany Satterfield- Pole Vault & Weight Throw; Kim Hemstreet- 5000m 2Jane Peterman- Pole Vault; Kathy Morandini- 4x800m Athlete in Single Year: 4- Rita Harden- ’96- 55m, 200m, 55mH, 200m 00m, 00 m, M ile, il e, 44x4 x 000m x4 3- Shireese Statin- ’00- 55m, 200m, 4x400m; Ruthie Cook- ’01- 1000m, Mile, 4x400m Total by event: 6- Mile, Shot Put, Weight Throw 5- 60m, 200m, 4- 5000m, High Jump, Pole Vault, Long Jump 3- 1000m, Triple Jump 2- 3000m, 4x400m, 4x800m 1- 400m, 800m, 55mH, DMR
94 1st Champion: Silvina Lopes- 400m- 1989
All-Time Detroit Titan League Champions- Outdoor Track and Field MCC Years- 1998-2001 Horizon League- 2002-Present
Women Individual: 6 Andrea Karpala Shot Put-02, 04; Hammer Throw-02, 03, 04 5 Altramese Roberts Discus-99, 00-mr, 01, 02; Shot Put-99-mr, 01 4 Angela Machaj Discus-04, 05; Javelin-05; Hammer Throw-05 4 Shireese Statin 100m-99-mr, 00-mr; 200m-99-mr, 00-mr 3 Tiffany Satterfield Pole Vault-99-mr, 00-mr; Hammer Throw-01 2 Angela Edwards 200m-98-mr; Javelin-01 2 Brittany Horne Discus- 10; Hammer Throw- 09, 10-MR 2 Joanna Grandas Triple Jump-02-mr, 05-mr 2 Krista Switzer Javelin-04-MR, 06 1 Kelly Bernath 100mH-01 1 Ruthie Cook 1500m-02-mr 1 Wendy Gean Hammer Throw-99-mr 1 Amy Garbacz 400mh-00 1 Angie Lefere 3000m-98-mr 1 Misty Leftwich 400m-00 1 Michelle Moskal Triple Jump- 99-mr 1 Jane Peterman Pole Vault-01-mr 1 LeAnn Sarka 3000m Steeple-06 1 Amanda Smith 400mH-08 1 Jocelyn Trapani Hammer Throw-98-mr (MR- Meet Record- current... mr-Meet Record in winning) Relay: 4x100m
1998-mr 1999-mr 2000-mr 2001 2000-mr 2001-mr
T I M E Andrea Karpala
Angela Edwards, Amy Garbacz, Jessica Herdzik, Becky Couyoumjian Alesha Ashley, Amy Garbacz, Tambra Stewart, Shireese Statin Angela Edwards, Amy Garbacz, Misty Leftwich, Shireese Statin Kelly Bernath, Angela Edwards, Joanna Grandas, Shireese Statin Amy Garbacz, Ruthie Cook, Jessica Yagelski, Shireese Statin Kelly Bernath, Jessica Yagelski, Joanna Grandas, Ruthie Cook
Total Titles by Athlete: (Individual + Relay) 2 or more 8Shireese Statin, 6Andrea Karpala 5Angela Edwards, Amy Garbacz, Altramese Roberts 4Joanna Grandas, Angela Machaj 3Kelly Bernath, Ruthie Cook, Brittany Horne, Tiffany Satterfield 2Misty Leftwich, Krista Switzer, Jessica Yagelski Athlete in Single Event: 4Altramese Roberts- Discus 3Angela Edwards- 4x100m, Amy Garbacz- 4x100m, Andrea Karpala- Hammer, Shireese Statin- 4x100m 2Ruthie Cook- 4x400m; Joanna Grandas- TJ; Brittany Horne- HT; Andrea Karpala- SP; Angela Machaj- Discus; Altramese Roberts- SP; Tiffany Satterfield- PV; Shireese Statin- 100m & 200m; Krista Switzer- Javelin; Jessica Yagelski- 4x400m Total by event: 9- Hammer Throw 7- Discus 4- 4x100m, Shot Put, Javelin 3- 200m, Pole Vault, Triple Jump 2- 100m, 400mH, 4x400m
O U T D O O R C H A M P S 95
OUTDOOR Year 2000 1999
Outstanding Runner Shireese Statis Shireese Statis
Year Outstanding Field Performer 2010 Brittany Horne 2005 Angela Machaj 2004 Andrea Karpala
Year Running Newcomer of the Year 1998 Angela Edwards Year 2003 2002 2001 1999
Field Newcomer of the Year Jennifer Frierson Andea Karpala Jane Peterman Altramese Roberts
Year Coach of the Year 2000 Guy Murray 1999 Guy Murray Year 2010
Athlete of the Year Brittany Horne
Kim Hemstreet
Brittany Horne 2010 Athlete of the Year
Most points in a Single Meet: Angela Machaj - 38 in 2005
Year 2010 2009 2008 Horizon League 2007 Championship History 2006 2005 MCC / 1982-2001 2004 Horizon League / 2003 2002 2002-Present 2001 2000 1999 1998
All-Time Detroit Titans Outdoor Track and Field Top 25 Leading Scorers Women Scoring: A. Roberts 80 A. Karpala 75 A. Machaj 75 A. Edwards 69.5 J. Grandas 62.5 T. Satterfield 58 B. Horne 56 A. Karl 52.5 R. Cook 51.25 K. Bernath 39 S. Statin 36.75 J. Frierson 34.5 K. Hemstreet 32 K.Switzer 30 J. Trapani 25 M. Moskal 24 T. James 23.5 A. Garbacz 23.25 A. Schinske 23 A. Bauman 22 N. Gillikin 20.25 J. Peterman 20 V. Turner 20 A. Smith 17.5 W. Gean 16
League Finish League Points Sixth 50 Fifth 52 Sixth 49 Fifth 64.33 Fifth 55 Second 151 Third 112 Fifth 64 Second 133 Second 179 First 146 First 150 Third 43
INDOOR Year Outstanding Runner 2002 Ruthie Cook 2001 Ruthie Cook 1999 Shireese Statin 1992 Athalee Norman 1990 Athalee Norman Year Outstanding Field Performer 2004 Andrea Karpala 2001 Tiffany Satterfield 2000 Tiffany Satterfield Year Running Newcomer of the Year 1998 Angie LeFere
Most Points in a Single Meet: Ruthie Cook - 29.5 in 2002
Year Field Newcomer of the Year 2002 Andea Karpala 1996 Jolene Bickle Year 2002 1999 1998 1996 1994 1992
Coach of the Year Guy Murray Guy Murray Guy Murray Guy Murray Guy Murray Kevin Donner
Year 2003
Athlete of the Year Kim Hemstreet
Year 2010 2009 Horizon League 2008 Championship History 2007 2006 MCC / 1982-2001 2005 Horizon League / 2004 2002-Present 2003 2002 2001 2000
Athalee Norman Two-Time Outstanding Runner of the Year
League Finish League Points Seventh 21 Sixth 29 Fifth 32 Seventh 23 Fifth 47 Fourth 72 Third 86.5 Second 97 First 122 Second 111 Second 107
Year 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989
All-Time Detroit Titans Indoor Track and Field Top 25 Leading Scorers Women Scoring: Grandas 64.50 Karpala 62.00 Cook 59.00 Karl 57.50 Statin 47.75 Harden 46.25 Hemstreet 43.00 Bauman 38.00 Roberts 38.00 Satterfield 36.50 Jess 34.75 Edwards 30.00 Lefere 30.00 Machaj 30.00 Garbacz 28.00 Peterman 24.50 Kulberg-Swick 22.00 Norman 21.25 James 20.00 Frierson 19.25 Turner, V 16.00 Moskal 15.33 Bernath 15.25 Callaway 14.75 Clipper 14.00
League Finish League Points First 61 First 54 Fourth 33.33 First 48 Fifth 33 Fourth 32 Fourth 47 Second 46.5 Fourth 16 Fourth 21 Third 40
Having celebrated its tricentennial in 2001, Greater Detroit has the best of the old and the most promising of the new. From Greektown to Bricktown, Detroit has it all. The oldest city in the Midwest, Detroit was discovered in 1701 and has since become the center of business and recreation for millions. It is the largest city in Michigan and the 11th largest in the United States. Encompassing three counties — Wayne, Oakland and Macomb — the Metropolitan Detroit area spans 2,026 square miles and is home to 4.4 million people, nearly one million of whom live within the City of Detroit. Detroit’s vibrant, 75-acre Civic Center is a riverfront mecca for convention, entertainment, festival and sporting activities. Home to Cobo Conference/Exhibition Center and Arena, Joe Louis Arena and Philip A. Hart Plaza, the Civic Center is adjacent to some of the area’s finest hotels, top-notch restaurants and the famous Renaissance Center. Cobo Conference/Exhibition Center underwent a $200 million expansion, which was completed in 1989 and increased the facility’s exhibit space to 720,000 square feet, making it one of the nation’s largest convention centers. Renaissance Center, now the world headquarters for General Motors, is the city’s largest office complex, with seven gleaming towers of activity located on the Detroit riverfront. The 73-story Marriott Hotel is housed within this symbol of downtown development. Long known as the automobile capital of the world, the Detroit area is headquarters to all of the major automobile companies. While a lot of the area’s industry centers around the “horseless carriage,” Detroit is more than a smokestack town. Home to 16 of the Fortune 1000 firms, greater Detroit ranks sixth among U.S. cities in total spendable income.
A short walk from the riverfront and the rigors of business is the enjoyment of exciting ethnic nightlife, known to Detroiters as Greektown. A two-block area of authentic Greek food and entertainment, Greektown became an even more invigorating locale in recent years with the addition of the Greektown Casino, one of three major casinos operating near downtown. One can enjoy art and scan the shelves that house 2.5 million books in the Detroit Public Library; and experience Michigan’s Underground Railroad movement at the Museum of African-American History. Americana at its finest is displayed at Dearborn’s Henry Ford and Greenfield Village. While The Henry Ford is a museum that displays artifacts and implements used in earlier times, Greenfield Village demonstrates how these items were used and how they affected lifestyles. Music for every taste abounds in Greater Detroit. The Detroit symphony is world-renowned. Jazz greats join local performers at the annual Montreaux Jazz Festival. Popular music fans are entertained at several area music houses including the Royal Oak Music Theater, Orchestra Hall and the Fox Theatre. Detroit is a great sports town, known throughout the country for its enthusiastic fans. The Detroit Tigers play in Comerica Park, which opened in 2000 and hosted the 2005 Major League All-Star Game as well as 2006 World Series contests. Immediately adjacent to the Tigers’ home, the NFL Lions play in another wonderful new facility, Ford Field, which hosted Super Bowl XL in 2006. The 2008 NCAA Men’s Basketball Midwest Regional was played in Ford Field as was the 2009 Final Four, both of the events, incidentally, hosted by UDM. The 2008 Stanley Cup Champion Red Wings call Joe Louis Arena home. The NBA Detroit Pistons play in the Palace of Auburn Hills. Two-thirds of a mile across the Detroit River lies Windsor, Ontario, Canada. To celebrate the friendship and independence of t h e t wo n a t i o n s , t h e International Freedom Festival is held for two weeks each summer, with activities in both countries.