We Want Grea at Things For You!
THE CITY OF DETROIT Having celebrated its tricentenniaal in n 200 001, 1 Gre eaatter er Detroit haas the Detr e best of the old and the mo ost pro rom miising m siing g of the new ew. Fr From om G Gre reek ekto town w to Brrickttown, Detro oit i has as it all. The oldest city in the Midwest, De Detr troit wa wass discovered in 1701 and has since become the ce ent nter err of e business and recreation for millions. It is the larg ges estt ci c tyy in M Mic ichi higa gan n an and d th the e 11th th largest in the United Sta tate t s. te Encompassing three e count ntie iess — Wa Wayn yne, e, O Oakklan nd n d and nd Macomb — the Metropolitan Detroit area spaans 2,0 ,026 26 26 square miles and is home to 4. 4.4 mi m llion people,, ne n arrlyy one on e mi milllion off whom live with hin tth hi he City of Detrroi o t. t. De D etr t oiit’ t’ss vi vibr brran b ran ant, t, 755-ac acre re Civi ivic iv ic Ce en ntte er is er is a riv ive err fr fro on nt m cccccaa fo me for cco onv nven en nti ttiion, on o n, en entte ert rtai ainm men ent, t, fessti tiva tiva val and and an spo sp orrttiin ng g act ctivviittie ies. s. Ho om me to o Co ob bo C Co onf onf nfer ere eren en nce ce/ Exhi Ex hibi bittiion on Cen ente ter aan nd A Arre en na, a, Joe oe Lou ouis is Arre en naa and nd Phililip Ph ilip ip A. Hart Hartt Pla Ha lazzaa, the the Ci th Ciivi vic Ce vi Cent nter er iiss ad adja dja jacent cent ce nt to sso om me e of t e aarrea th e ’ss fines e t ho ote tels ls, to opp no notch tcch re ressttau aurant aur ran ra ntts an nd th the fa famo mous ous us Rena Re naaisssa s nc n e Ce Cent n er er. Cob Co ob bo o Con onfe nfere fe ere r nc nce/ e/EExxh hiibi biti iti tion on Ce en nte ter u un nd de erw rwen ent a $ $2 200 200 00 miilllliio m on ex expa p nssio pa on, whi hich h waass com mp pllet eted d in 19 1989 89 and d incr in ccrrea rea ease sed se d th the e faci faciility fa lliityy’ss exh xhib ibitt spaace ce to 72 20 0,,00 000 sq 000 qua uarre e fe ee e et, t, t, maakkiing m ng it on o e off the he n nat atio at on’ n s llaarg rges ges est co conv nve en nti tion ion n ce en nte ers rs. s. Rena Re enaissssaanc anc nce e Ce Center nte nt err, no now th he wo worl rld d he head hea adqu quarrtte ers rs fo orr Gen Ge ne era era r l Mo oto tors rs, is is the he cit ity’ y’s laarg rges est offi ffice ce com mp plle exx, wi with th sevven en g ea gl eami m ng g ttow ow wer ers of of act ctivviitttyy lo oca catte ed on ed on the he D Det etro et roit i rivver er fr erfr fron ron ontt.. T e 73-sto Th -ssto toryy Mar arriot r io ri ottt Ho Hotel tel is te is hou oused se ed wi witth hin in tthi h s ssyyymb hi mbol mb ol of dow do wn ntto own wn de evve ve ellop opme men ntt. Long Lo ng kno now wn n aass th the auto au utto om mo obi b le l cap apittal a of tth he wo worl orrlld d,, the he Dettrroiit ar De Detr a eaa is head dqu quar arrte terss tto o al allll of of th he e maj ajor o aut utom omob bilile ile comp co mp pan anie es. s Whi hile e a lot ott o off th the he ar area rea ea’s ’ss in nd dus dus ustr trryy cce ent nte errs rs aarrou ound nd the “horrse s less car arri r ag ge,,” De D trroi oitt is mor ore th than han n a ssmo mo okest kest ke sttac ack ac to own w . Ho ome e to 1 16 6 of th he Fo Fort rtun rt une un e 10 100 00 0 firms ms,, gr grea eate t r De te Detroi troiit tr rank ra nkks si sixt x h am xt amon ng U.S. citie es in n ttot ottal o al spe p nd pe ndab able ab e in nccom me. e A ssh hor ort wa w lkk from m th t e ri rive ve erf rfro ro on ntt and d the he rig igors ors off b or bus usin nes es is th is he e enjjoy oyme yme ent nt of exci c ti t ng n eth thni niic nigh n ghtl t if i e, e kno now wn n to Detr De t oi tr oite ters te r as Gr rs Gree ree ekkttow to ow wn n.. A two w -b blo lockk are ea o off au utthe hent ntiicc Gre Gre reek ekk e
ffo o ood od and od nd en ntter e ttaaiin nm me ent nt, Gr nt, Gree Gree eekt ktow own b be ecame ccaam me e an e evven en mor mo e iin nvviigo gora rati tiing ng loccal ng ale in in rec ecent en e nt year ye ear arss wi with th the e aadd d it dd itio io on off the he Gree Gre Gr ee ekt kkttow own C Caasi s no no, on one eo off thr hree ree em maj ajor aj orr cassin o i os os o ope pe eraati ting ng near ng eaar down down do wnto t wn wn. On O ne ca can en enjjo enjo oy ar artt aan nd sc scan an the he she helv lves ess that hat ho ha hous hous use 2 2..5 mill mi illio llllio ion bo ook oks ks iin n the he Det etro r it P Pub ublililicc Li ub Libr ib brrar ary; y;; aand nd exp nd xperriie en ncce Mich Mi chig chig ch gan an’s ’ss Und der erg rgr gro ou und Rai a lr l oaad mo m ve v m me e en ntt at th n he Mu Musse eu um m off Affrric o ican a -A an -Ameri riica can ca an Hiist stor orry. y Amer Am ericcan ana att its ts fines estt is i dis ispl play pl ayed ay ed at Dear ed Dearbo De arbo ar born rn rn’s n’ss H Hen en e nrryy nr FFo ord ord d and nd Gre reen en e nfi fiel e d Vi el Villllllag a e. W ag Whi hile hi le e The he Hen enryy Ford iss a m se mu seum um u m ttha haat di h disp sp plaays artif rttiffac acts and d iimp mplem mp lemen le ntts ts us use ed d iin ne ear arrliier er times iim me ess, G Grree eenfi field Vililla laage ge dem e on onst stra ratte rat es ho ow tth he esse se ittems ems w em we ere ere re u use sed se d an nd ho h w th hey aff ffec eccted ted life te life est styylles e. M ssiic ffo Mu or e evver ery ta ery t st ste e ab abou o nd ou ndss in nG Gre reat eatter Dettroi roit ro it. Th The De D etroi ttrroi oitt sy symp ymp pho honyy iiss wor hony worl wo rldd-re eno ow wn ned d. Ja J zzz gre reat ats ts jjo oin in loc ocaall pe p erf rforrme merss at th the e an nnua nu ual al M Mon on ntr trea e ux JJaz ea azz FFe az esttiv i al al. Po Popu pula lar musi mu sic fans fan fa nss arre e entter erta ttaain ined ed aatt se seve vera ve rall ar ra area eaa mu ussiicc ho h hous ousses es inc ncllu udi d ng g the e Roy oyaall Oaakk Mus u ic i The heaatterr, Or Orcch he essttrra H Haallll a d th an the e Fox FFo ox TTh he eaatr tre e.. De D etrroi oitt is is a gre reat at sspo po p orrtts tto ow wn n, n, know know kn own throug th h ugh ho ou ou utt the he co ou un ntr try fo try or it its enth entth en hussiiaast stic ic faan ns. s. The he Det etro oit i Tig ige errs rs pl pllay ay in ay Come Co ome merica rica ri ca Par ark, k , wh hiicch h ope ope pe ene ne ed in in 200 000 an and h ho osstted ed tthe he 2005 he 00 05 Maajjo M or Le Leag ague u Allll-S -Sttaar Ga Game me as w we ellll as 20 00 06 6 Wo orrlld d Ser erie es cco ontes ntes nt e tss. Imme IIm mme medi diat iaattel ely ad adja jace jace c nt tto o th the Tige the Tige Ti gers rs’ s’ h ho om me e, tth he N NFFL LLiion ns pl p ayy in an anothe otth he er w er wo ond nder er fu ful ne ful n w fa facci cili ility ityy, Fo ord r Fiie eld ld, wh w hic ich ch ho host s ed d Sup perr Bow owl XL XL in 20 200 06 6. Th The 20 2008 08 NCA CAA A Me Men’ Men n’s Baask B sket ket etbaalll Mid idw we esstt Reg egio io ona nall w na waas pl play ayed ed in FFo ord ord rd Fiie eld ld as will wi w illll be th the 20 00 09 9 Fin inal al Fo ou u urr,r, bo otth o off the he eve vent ntss,, inc nccid iden id enta tallllyy,, ho h osstted ed by UD UDM. The he 2 200 00 0 0 08 8 SSttaan nlle ey Cu Cup up Ch Champi am mp piion on Red ed Win ings gs ccaaalllll Jo oe e Lo ou uis is Are ren naa hom ome. e. The Th e NB NBA BA De D troi tro tr oiit Pi P stto on ns an and th the WN the WNBA A Det etro etro roit it Sh ho occkk, eaach e ch pas ast le leag eag a ue ue cha h mp pio ion nss, b bo oth h pla lay iin n tthe he h e Paallac ace of of Aubu Au A burn r Hilllss. rn TwoTw o-th oth hirds irrd dss of a mi mile le acrro osss th the he Detr Dettrroi De oit R Riive ver lliies es Wind Wi W n so nd s r, Ontar nttarrio o, Ca Cana nada. na daa. To To ce elle eb bra rate te the he frriie en nds dsh hiip an and in nde d pe end de en nce e of th he tw wo na nattiion ons, s, th he e In ntter te errna rn naattiion onaall Frre eedom ed e dom om Fest FFe stiv ival all is he held ld for ttwo wo o wee eks ks eac ach ssu um mm m mer er, w er wiitth h accttivvit itie ies in in
both b h cou ount ntri ries es.
We W W Want Grea G at Things For You!
THE UNIVERSITY As Mic ichiig gaan’s largest Catholic university, the University of D sity De etr t oi oit Mercy has built an outstanding tradition of aaccade ccaade emi mic exxcellence, firmly rooted in a strong liberal arts ar tss ccu urrriicu u cullu um m,, for more than 130 years. TTh he Un Univer ivver erssiityy has ersi a a rich tradition that emanates from itss tw it two wo p prre ed dec e essso s r in inst stit itutions — the University of Dettrroit, De oit, t fo ou und nded d in 18 877 b byy th he Society of Jesus (Jesuitsss)), an it and d Me ercy rcy Co Colllleg ege e of D Detroit, founded in 1944 by the th e Re Reliligi giou ouss Si Sisst ster erss of M Mer e cy. In 1990, these schools co on nssol olid idat ated ed tto o be beco come me tthe he U Uni n ve erssit i y of Detroit Mer erccyy, er au un niv iver ersi sity ty d ded ediic icat ated ed tto o pr p ov ovid idin ing g ac a cessible, qualityy ed ducat ucatio ion n wh whilie me meet etin i g th the care reer-preparation ne ee e eds ds ds off a d div i er e se stud dent p de pop opul ulat atio ion. n. TTo oda day, y, UDM DM off ffers ap ppr prox oxim imat atel elyy 10 100 0 ma majo j rss an jo nd d prro og gra rams m in se ms s ve ven di d ff ffer ere er en nt sccho h olls an and d co colllleg eges es. O Ou ur faacu cult ult l y pr p ovvid ides ess p per erso er sona nal at atte tentio on to stu ud de en ntts w wiith th a 14 4::1 1 sstu tu ude en ntt//ffaccul ulty ty rat atio io. Facu FFaaccu ult lty me members e arre kn know wn fo or th hei eir ir tte each achi ac hin ng g exxcce elllenc len le ncce w wiith th 89 percent h haaving ving vi ng a Ph..D Ph D. or or co om mpa parraab par blle te term rmin inaall de eg gre ree. e App Ap prro oxxim xim imat ately ely 5, el 5,700 70 7 00 ssttud uden de en nttss atten tten tt end cl c asse es o on n thr hree ee UDM ca UD camp pus usses es loc es ocat ated ed in nort no n ort r th rthw hw wes est st an and d do own wntto own wn Dettrro De oiit. t. Allll unde nd der erg grrad adu uaate te and d gra radu duat uat ate p prrog ogra rams ms, s, exxcce e ept ept pt fo orr Law aw an nd d De en nttaal p prro og graams ms, ar are re no now off offe ffere red o on n the McN th MccNi M Nich chol ols C ols Caamp mpu uss. TTh his is caam mp pu us also aallsso o pro rovviide des h ho ous using fo in or ov ove err 800 00 sstu ttu ude dent nts in in ittss six ix res esid iden en nce cce e haallls ls. Th The SScch ho ool ol of Dent Dentis De ntis nt istr trryy an and itts D De en nttaall Clilini nic is is now ow loc ocated ate at ed d on o n tthe he Cor he orkkttow to ow wn C Caamp pu uss at M Maart rtin n Luthe uthe ut her King King Ki ng Jrr.. Bo ou ule evvaard d. U UD DM M’’s Sc Scho hoo oll of Law aw iss lo occaatted ted ed at th the Ri the Rivve errffro fro ront ront nt Caamp mpus mpus us in do dow wn nto town wn w n Det etro tro roitt. roit
The University is widely-rreccog ogni nize zed d fo forr it i s pr prog ograams in engineering, law, business,, arrch chit itec ectu ture re aand nd educa c tion. UDM is also known for its st stro rong ng pro rogr gram amss in health h care, such as nursing, den enti tist stryy, ps psyc ycho holo logy gy,, ph p ys y ician assistants, nurse anesthet etists ts, an and d co coun unse seliling ng and n addicction studies. In add dittio on to their classroom exp xper erie ienc nce e an and d re rese sear a ch c opport rttu un nit itie ies wi w th faculty, students can exp xplo lore re ccar aree eerr optiio on ns an and jjo ob opportunities through h UD UDM’ M’ss co coop operaattiivve e er ed ducat uccat u atio ion pr p ograam — one of the e old des estt co co-o -op p pro pr og gra rams ms in th the U Un nit nit ite ited ed d States. Co-op allows stud dents t to re to eccei eivve e praact ctic ical al, o on n-t - he e-j - ob experience, giving g them the e th exxttrra edg edg ed ge e in tto oda oda day’ ayy’’s co comp m etitive job market while eaarn e niin ng a sa salar sala larryy. la UDM aallsso UD o pro rovi vide des aan n env nvironment in which students grrow g ow to unde und un de ers rsttaand nd the heiirr soc ociaal,l, leadership l and service ressp re pon onsi sib biilliity. ttyy. Thro Thro Th rou ug gh ac acaad de em micc projects, professiona na nal na cclliin niiccs an nd jo joiin nt ve ent ntu urres es w wiit ith b bu ussiine ness ss and nd com mmu muni muni nity ty orga or orga gan niizaattiion ion ons, s th he e Uni nivers vve errssiitty co ont ntri ribu bute tes to to the he gen neral al we w ellll-b -be eiing ng of th the De Detr etr tro oiit co com mm mun unit nity. ityy.. Thi it his comm co omm mittm me ent refl re flec ects ec ts th he e Un niive ivve ers rsit ity’ y’s m miiss ssio ion, n, whi hich hich ch se ee ekkss to inte in nte tegrraatte th g he in nte telllle ecctu tual al, sp pir iritua ittua ual,l eth hiccaall and nd so occiiaal d de eve vell-opme op ment entt of itts st stud tu ud de en nts ts.
UDM offers the challenge, support and hands-on experience to pursue a lifetime of great things. UDM has: • 100 fields of study, many of them nationally-recognized. • Co-op and internship opportunities in a variety of fields. • Distinguished faculty who know how the real world works. • A 14:1 student-faculty ratio and an average class size of 20. • An Academic Exploration Program that allows students to try out different majors before committing to one. • Independent research and study abroad opportunities. • An active alumni network that includes research scientists, state Supreme Court justices, Fortune 500 executives, partners at major law and accounting firms and educators and health care providers throughout the Midwest.
At UDM, We Want Great Things For You!
We Want Grea at Things For You!!
ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE UDM’s seven colleges and schools offer approximately 100 respected undergraduate and graduate and professional programs. Each provides a wealth of resources for advising, a ad ac demic research and professional deve de velo lopm pmen entt. H Her ere e ar are e UD UDM’s colleges, and the undergraduate prrog ogrrams ms the theyy offer: SCHOOL OF AR ARCH CHIT CH ITEC TEC CT TU URE URE RE A ch Ar chiittecctu turre e (5 5--ye year ear ar Maste aasste ter’ r’s D r’ De egr gree ree ee) Diiigi D giitaal Me g Med diia Stud Stu St ud diie es (f (fo orrme rme merl r ly Elec Elec El ectron tronic tr oniicc Crriiti on iti tiq qu ue) e) CO C OLL LLEG LLEG E E OF O BUS U IN NES ESS ESS ADMI AD M NIIST MI TRA ATI TION ON Acco Ac co ou un nti tin ng ng Busi Bu s ne si ness s Adm ss dmin dmin nisstr trat atio on B BA BS A//M MBA BA ((fi five fi ve ve-y e-yye eaar pr pro og gra ram) am) m) Comp Co put ute er Inf er nfo orrm maati tion on o n Syysste tems ms ((BS BSS and Ce an Certtifi ificat ate**) Co C onccen entr t aattio tr ions ns in n:: - Fi Fina nanc na nce nc e - Inte In nte tern rnat atio at io on naal B Bu usi sine ness ss - Mana Mana Ma n ge eme mentt - Ma Mark arketting -C CIIS So Soft ftw ftwa waare eP Pro ro odu ducttio ion n an and Manaage Ma geme m nt n *fro *f ro om U.S U.S. U. S. Gov over e nm er nmen en nt C LL CO LLEG EGE E OF ENG NGIN IN NEE EER RIING NG AN A ND SC SCIE IE ENC NCE E Bioc Bi oche hemi he emist mistry mi sttryy Biology Chemistry Civil and d Enviiro onm me en ntal Engi gine gi ine ne rin neer i g Computer Sci cien ncce e EEllec le ecctr tric tric ical a and nd Compu ompu om pute ute ter En E gineering Maan M nu ufa f cttur u in ing En Eng Eng giin ne e eer errin e rin ing ng Maath M hem emat atic icss ic M ch Me chan anic an iccal al Eng ngin ine ee eri ring ing ng PrePr e Den eDent De ntisstr try Prre e--Me Med PrePr e-P Ph hyysssic icia ic ian A Asssi sist stan ant an Se eve venenn ye year a BS/ ar S/DD S/DD D SP Prrog rog ogra ram SSe eve enn-yye ear a Eng giin ne ee eriing g//JJD. D
Great things in life start with a great education. Through our nationally recognized academic programs, caring faculty and a co-op program that takes full advantage of Detroit’s many professional opportunities, UDM offers jjust the right balance of challenge, support, and hands-on experience. That’s why UDM consistently ranks in the top tier of Midwestern master’s universities by U.S. News & World Report. SCH SC HO O OOL OL OF DE OL DENT NTIS STR T RY De D ent ntal al H Hyg yyg gie en ne e SSiixSixx year year BS/ ye S/DD DDS Pr DD Prog ogra ram COLL CO OLLEG LL LEG EGE OF EGE OF HEA EALT LTH TH PR P ROF OFE ES SSI SION ONS He H eal eal a th th Ser ervviice es He H eal a th th Se errvi vice ces A ce Ad dm dmi miini nist stra stra rati tion on o n Phys Ph ysic i iaan A Asssi sist sist stan stan nt (5 (5-y -yeaar M Maast ster e ’s De D egr gre ee e e)) COLLEG COLL CO LL LEG GE OF OF LIIB BE ER R RAL AL A AL AR R TS RT AND ED AN EDUC UC U C ATIO ATIO AT ION ON Academ Ac Acad ad demic em mic ic Exxp plo plo ora ration Prro ogr gram a (fo am forr u de un decllar decl ared ed majjors orrs) o s) Addi Ad dict di ctio ion n St Stud ud die es (a (and nd d Cer erti tifi fica cate cate ca te) Afri Af rica ican caan Am A er ericcan n Stu udi d es (Ce ert rtifi ificat ate) e C tth Ca hol olicc Stu olic tudi udi dies es (Ce Cert rtifi rtifi ificcat ate) at e) Comm Co mmu un nic nic icat caattio on SSttud udie ies ies Crim Cr mina in nal al Ju usstice SStudi diies d es Ecconom mic ics ics Ed ducat uccat a io on Elem El me en ntaarryy Edu duca duca cati tiion n EEn ngl g is ish Hist Hi sto to orry Human n SSe errvvic er ices e es Lang ng guaage ge Stu tud diie ess (Ce erttifi ficat fic a e) e) Legaal Ad Le Admiini nist stra st raati tio on o n Lega Le g l Sttud diie es (C (Cer Cer erti tifi tifi ti fica ccaate t ) Philos o op phy P liliti Po t ca ti cal Scie ence Prree LLaaw (LLe eg gal a Stu t diies Certifica cate)
Pssyc y ho h lo logy gyy - Ge Gene nera rall ra -D De evve elo op pm menta enta en tal - In I d du ustri sttri rial all/O /Org rg gan aniz izzat atio tio ona nal Religous Studies Re Seco Se cond cond co ndar ary Ed ar Educat ucatio uc atio at on S cciial So a Wor ok Soci Soci So ciol olog og gy Spec Sp eciaal EEd duc ucaattio ucat on - Em E ottio ona nally lllly Im mpa paired irred d//B Beh hav avio iorraalllly - Diso Diso Di sord orrd der ers rs - Le Leaarrn niing ng Dis issab abili ittie ab iess Th hea eatr tre tre tr MC M CA AU ULEY LEY SC LE CHO HOOL OL OF N NU UR RS SIIN NG NG Nurrs Nu rsin ing ing
We Want Grea at Things For You!
ABOUT UDM • U.SSS.. New ws & World Reporrt rt consi on nsi s st stently ranks UDM UD M am amo on ng th he top tier of M Miid idwe west west ste errn master’s univ un ivve errsiiti ties es. The es Th he publication ti n als lso raank lso nks UDM as one nks off the he top p 15 in insttituttio ions ns in th he “G “Gre reaaatt Sch choo ols, Grrea eatt Priic Pr ice ca cate te ego gory ry.. • TTh hro roug u h pa ug partne ners rshi hips ps wiith h lloc ocal a hea ealt lth h ca care re ssys ys-tem te ms, th the e Mc McAu A le Au ey Sc Scho hool o off Nur u si sing ng pro ovi vid des 19 de co ohort rts of o its BSSN D Deg egre ree e Co omp mple leti t on Pro rog gram att hos o pi pita t lta l ba base se ed site tess th hro ougho ug gho hout utt sou o the eaast ste errn an nd we w st s er ern Mi Micch chig gaan n arre eaa, sse erv rviin ng ap app prro oxxiim mateate at e-lyy 400 00 n nur urrse u rsse ess.. • UD UDM’ M’s Sc Scho hoo oll of Law Law La and Un an Univve errsi sityy of Wi sity Wind ndso sorr’’s La Law SSccho cho ho oo oll offe o err a jo oiint nt JD/ D/ LLLLB p prrog ro og grraam. gra m. De ettro roiittt’s ’s law ’s aw scch ho oo ol ha has aallso lso so paarrrtn ttn ner ered re ed d witth wi h Me exxicco’ o s Mo Mont nter erre ey Te Tecch h to o off ffer a jjo oin oin int la law d de egr gree ee. • On Onee-tth hir ird o off allll Mic ichi chi higa gaan d g de ent ntis isttss gra radu duatted ed fro rom the Un th Univ iver erssiiity ttyy ’’ss Sch cho oo ol o off Den e ttiistry ssttryy. •N Niine nety ettyy pe errce en ntt o off UD UDM DM cco o-o -op st stud uden ents ts are e rrat aatte ed d abo ab ovve av aver errag age b ag age byy cooo op p asssig ignme nm me en nt empl em mp plloy oye errs. s. • UD UDM M’’s EEd duc ucat atio ion De Depa p rt r tm rtme me ent nt now ow offe errs rs a fi five ve-yye ve eaar accce ac ele era rate rate ted Te ted Teac Tea ache he err Ed Educ Edu ucat atio ion P Prrog ogrraam for for un fo und unde de erg rgra radu duate at te ssttud uden ents ts to ob obta tain tai in bot oth th their eiir ba e bach hel ello or’s or ’s and nd mas mas aste terr’’s de d egrree e s wi w th h tea eacch herr ce errti rti tifi ificaation tiion on.
• Th The he M MccA Au ulle ule ey Sc Scho hoo oll of Nu ursin rsin rs ing iss the ing he on nlly B BSSN de degrre g ee es prog prrog ogra graam in n Mic ichi hig hi gaan w wiith h a maan nd daato toryy coo oope perraat ve ti e edu d ca cattiio on n re eq qui u rre ement men me ntt. • TTh he Sc Scho ool o of De Dent ntistr isstr try C try Cllin nic ic rec e orrd dss appro pp p pro roxi xima matte elyy ely 73 7 3,0 ,000 00 paattient ie en ntt vvis iissit its ts an nn nu uaallly ly for or m mor ore or re ab bou out 7, 7,60 00 paati p tien ents ts, in nclud cllu ud ding in ng se ervic rvic rv ices ce ess to th he el eld de erl rly, y, haan ndi diccaapp pped d and ho an home m le ess ss.. • TTh he C Co olllleg ege o off En ng gin ne ee e eri r ng ri g & Scciien ien ence e is th the e eaast ste errn most m mo osstt JJes essui e uit e en ngi gin ne e eer errin e ing g sc scho oo oll in th the Un Unit ited ed Sttaatte es. s. The Sccho Th hool of A Arrch chitec ittec ectu ect ture re is tth he on onlyy fu ulll Ar Arch chiittec ectu ture e scho sch sc hool ol amo mong g the he 28 Je Jesuit suit su it un niive v rssiittie ies in n the he co ou unt ntry ntry ry.
• TTh he C Co olllle eg ge o off Lib ber eraall Art rts ts & EEd duccattio on off fferrss a Maastte M err of Sc Scienc ienc ie nce in nce in Inf nfor ormati orma maatiion on Assssur uran ran ance e des esig signe ig gne ned to to help he elp lp pro r te ect ct the e nattio on’ n’s in info orm mat atiio on in infras fras fr astr t uc uctu ture re. re
• Th T ro ough ugh the ug th he Un Univversi errsiityy’s ’s Lea eade derrssh der shi hip D De eve velo opmen pmen pm ent In nstit stit st itut ute, ut e mor ore tth han an 1 1,2 ,2 200 00 stu tude dent dent nts p nts paart rtic icip ic ip paatte iin n vo ollunte unte un teer er ser ervice vviice c lea earn niin ng op opport po p orttu un nittie es co oorrdi d naate ed wi with h ccllasssr sroo oom st stu ud dyy..
• Th he Co Colllleg ege of of Busin usin us nes ess Ad Admi mini mi nissttra nist rattiio on n now ow off ffer ers er ers a fivve e-y -yea ear BSBA BSB BS BA A/M /MBA BA acc cce elle erraatted ed pro rogr gram m, w wh hic hic ich w wiillll allo al ow ssttud ude en nttss to accqu quir ire b bo o oth th a baacche th helo lor’ lo r s aan nd m maastte err’s ’s de d eg egr grree ees in n bus ussin ine in esss. s
• UD DM M’’s Ph Phys ysiiccia ys ysic ciaan Assi sist stan an nt Pr P og gra ram m wa wass on ne of tthe he e firrsst e esstaabl blis ish he ed in in Micchiiga g n an nd tth he naati he tion o , an on and d no ow offerrss an aaccce off cele cele lera r te ra ed five e-y -yea earr PA ea A pro rogr gram a for am o ful u ll-ti tim me trad tr adittio iona nal unde unde un derg derg rgra radu d at a e sttuden ud den e tss. • Ar Arch ch hittec e tu t re e’s Det etro ro oitt Col olla labo b raati bo t ve eD Des e ig es gn Ce Cent nter nt err e w s the wa th he fi firs rstt un uniivver ersi s tyy-b si bas ased ed d des e ig gn ce cent ne nt err iin n Me etrro o-poli po olliita tan De Detr troi oit to to pro rovi v de des vi e ig ign n se serv r iccess to no rv onn-p profi pr ofit comm co mmun mm mmun nitty an a d ci c vi v c orga orrga gani niiza n z ti tions on ns.
We Want Grea at Things For You!
-ARichard Abdoo (Retired Presidentt & CEO EO,, Wiisc sco on nssiin En nsi Ener ergy gy)) .........................B BusA BusA Bu s dm m’6 69 Thom Th mas Ang n ott ott (Chairman, CF Burger Cream am mer ery)) .......................... .............................................Bu BusA sAdm d ’49 4 -B--B A itta Baaro An rone ne (Ac Actr tres ess) s) .............................................................. ...... ............................................................. LA LAEE ’8 ’86 6 Stephanie p Bergeron g o (Re et. VP & Tr Trea easu sure rer,r, Good dyea dy ear ar Tire Tiire e & Rubber) ....... Bu B sAdm d ’81 81 Emil Brolick (President, YUM UM! Br Bran ands ds)) ............................................................ .........................BusAdm ’69, ’7 ’70 0 -CCynthia y Cantyy (Radio Personality, y WMGC-FM M) ............................. M) ........................................................ LAE ’75 Thomas Capo p (Chairman, Dollar Thriftyy Autom moti t vee Gro roup) ........BusA sAdm dm ’’73 73,, ’7 75, ’’80 80 Mich Mi chae ael F. C Cav avan anag agh g (Justice, Michigan g Supr prre eme m Cou o rt) .................LAE ’62, LW W ’6 ’66 6 Maura Corr rrig igon g ((Ju Just stic ice, e, Mic ichi higa gan Su g S p preme e Co our u t) ..............................................LW ’73 Matthew Cullen (President & CO COO OR Roc ockk En Ente te erp priises) ses) se s)..................................BusAdm ’83 -DRichard Damman (Retired Pr President Damm man an Haarrd dw ware) .............Bu BusA sAdm dm ‘68 68, ‘74 Christop opher p Darga g (Actor) .............. ............................................................................................................ LA LAEE ‘8 ‘80 0 Thom Th omas as Denom omme (Ret. t.. Vicce C Ch haaiir & CA C O, Daiiml m er erCh C rysler) ..................BusAdm ’61 Ch -E EMiich M chae ael EEvvaan ns ((P Prre essiide dent nt Lo Loyyo ola la Hig gh Sc Sch ho oo oll, M MII) ....................... ......... .................. ....................... ................. ................ LA LAE ‘7 75 Waarrrre W en n Eva vans an nss ((Sh SSh her erriff iff ff, W Way ayn ay ne e Cou ounty) nty) nt y) ....................................... ................................................ .......................... ............................ LAE LA AE ’7 79 -F-F W.. Jaam W me ess Far arre rellll (R Re eti tire red C Ch hai airman rman rm an & CEO EO, IIlllliino noiss Too Tool oo o ol Wo Wo ork rkkss)) ......... rks) ............................... ....E& E& E&S &S ’6 ’68 Anne An ne Caarrin rin ins Fede ins Fede Fe derl rlei ein (P (Pre (Pre resi esi side dent nt, Ke nt, en nttu uck cky W We essllley eyyan e yaan n Co ollle leg ge e) ................................... ... LA AE ‘4 41 Robe Ro bert r FFic rt iccan a o (E (Exe xe ecu cuti tive ti ve,, Wa ve Wayn yne Co Coun unty unt ty)........................... ............. ............... ...................... ...................... ........................................LW LW W ’77 77 An A nge gelilina ina n Fio iord rd de elllilis (A Actre cttre ressss) .......... ........................ ......................... .................................................... .......... ................. ...... ............................... LA AE ‘8 ‘81 -G GEEu ug ge ene A. Ga ene Garg rgar aro ((SSrr.. Vic ice P ice Prre essid iden iden entt,, Mas asco co Cor orp po ora rattiion n) ... ..... .................... ....................................LW LW ’67 7 Robe Ro b rtt G Goo ood oo od de eno ow (F (For orme merr Ex Exec e ut utivve D Diire ector ccttor or, NH HL P Pllay ayerrs A Asssso occ..) ....... ...................LW W ’79 79 Willlie Wi e Gre een e ((NB NB N BA p pllay ayer er, Ph hiila lade delp lp phi hiia 76 h 76er 6e errs)) .......................................... ................. ............. ................................. LA LAE ‘0 03 A fo formerr Horizon Ho H oriizon n League LLeag Le eag gu ue e Player Pla laye y of Roma Ro Roma m n S. S. Gri ribb bbs (F (Fo orrme mer Ma Mayo or,r, Cit ity of of Det etro oit) it) ....... it .................. ............... ................. Bu BusA sAdm dm ’52 2, LW LW ’54 5 the t th e Year a a as s well we e ll a as s th the h e f fo four fourth o u ur r th a all-time llll -H Hin Titan T taan history Ti histtoryy with hi wiith w h 1,779 1 1,7 ,779 ,7 779 79 points, in Joh Jo hn P. Haayye hn es ((R Ret etir ire ed d Ch haairrma man & CE CEO, O, Nattiona iio on naal Gy Gyps Gyps psum m) .............................. .......... Bu usA sAdm dm m ’43 43 scorer i Green was was a selec selected ectted byy tthe he h e Seattle Ro R obert bert be r H Hen en ndr dry ((R Re ettiirred d CFO O, Ge Gen ne erraal Mo oto ors) rss) ................ .................................................. ........................ ........ Bu BusA s dm sA m ’’69 69 9 Willie Supe p rSSonics in pe n the the second ssec econ o d round ro ro oun und (41st un SSiistter er Maarry EEllle len en Ho Howa owa warrd d (D Diire rector ctto orr, St St. Frran ance ance ces C Caabr brin brin ni C Cllin nic ic) ............... ic) .......... ................... CH CHP ’6 ’68 8 SuperSonics overall) overalll)) o off th the he 20 2 2003 03 NBA 03 BA A Draft. Dra ra Wiilliaam He W erm maan nn (M (Man nag agin ng Pa Partne rtne rt ner, Plaant nte & M Mo orraan) an) n) .... ................. ..................... ... Bu usA s dm dm ‘72 Je ero ome me Hor orw orw wiitz tz (Sc Scie en nttis ist) ..... .............. ............. ............ ............ .. ................ ....... .................................... .............................. ............... ........ ............ ...LA ... LA LAE ‘4 42, 2, ‘‘44 44 4 4 -K-K FFrran ran ank Ke K lllle eyy (A Attto torn rney ey Ge en ne errall EEm meritu me meri riitu uss,, Staatte e of Mi Micch hig igan an) n) .... .......... ........... ..... .......... ..............LW ’51 Davi Da Dav vid P vid Paaattr tric ick Ke Kelllley lley ey (A Accto torr))........... ............................................. ................. .................. .................................. ........................................ LLA AE ‘7 ‘ 7 Jo ohn hn C. K Ke enn nned ed dyy (P (Pre resi side dent den nt & C CEO EO, A EO Au uto toca cam m Co Corp p.)) ............................. .. ..... ................. B Bu ussA Adm dm ’79 JJe ean anet e te et e Kle lemc m zaak (C Chi h eff Nurrsi sn ng g Exxe ecu cuti tive e, St Stat a eo off Micchi hig gaan) n) ................... ...................... CH CHP ’6 65 J me Ja es Ko Koka oka k s (P (Pre r side re d ntt/O de /Own w er wn er,, Op pu us O On ne) e) ............... .................................. ................... ................................... LAE LAE ‘7 LA 73 -LJames D Lark (Owner,r,, The LLar Ja arkk) ar k) ................................................................................ ......... ......................................... ........ ..... ..... LLA AE ‘52 ‘5 52 Ellmo m re r Le eo on naard d (Auth t or th or/S /Scr /S crree e np pla lay W Wrritte err) .......................................... .............. ......... ........ .................. ....... ............. LA AE ’50 ’5 50 A be Al bertt Lo orren enzo (Pr enzo Presid iden en nt, t, M Mac aaccom omb Co Coun nty ty CC C)) ........................... ..............................Bu BusA Bu sAd sA dm m ’65 5, ’6 66 -M MThad Th adde adde eus u McC c ot otte ter (C te Con o g gressm gr sm man a , US U Ho ou use e of Re Repr pres ese en nta tati t ves ves) ve s) ......LA L E ’8 LA ’87, 7, LLW W ’9 90 Isai Is aiah h MccK Kin nno non (Fo F rm r er Chi h eff of Po oliice ce,, Ci City tyy o off De Detroi troi tr oitt)) .... ............................................................ ... LLA AE ‘7 ‘75, 5, ‘78 78 Willllllia Wi i m Mor ia Morr Mo rrow w (EExxe eccut utiv ive Vi V ce e Prre essiide ide en ntt, Cr Crai Crai ain Co Com mm mun niiccat cat atiio o ons nss) ......... n ... B Bu usAdm sAdm sA dm ’’68 68 68 Pete Pe terr Mu te Muno nozz (D (Dir irrec ecto tor, M Miichi ichiga gan an SSttat ate Po ate Polilice ce) ............ .. ........................................ ..................... .......................... ........ LA LAE ’7 76 -N-N NBenn Be nn n n nyy Na Napo pole le eon n (SSh he erriff iff, Way ayne yn ne e Cou ount nty) nt y ......................................................................... y) .................... ....... ..... ......... ..........................LA LAE ‘8 82 Jo oseph h Natthaan (R (Re ettiirre ed d Pres re esi side dent nt & C COO OO O, Co omp mpuw uware are Co ar orp p.)) ..... ... LLA AE AE ’7 ’74 4,, Bus usA Ad dm ’7 78 Jam Jame Ja me es N No orr orr rrod rod d (P Prres esid de en ntt,, Seg egwa egwa way) y) ............................. ........ ............... ................ .......... ........................... ....... .............. .... ........ .............. .....Bu BussA Bu Adm dm ‘75 7
-O OJaame m s O’’Su Sulllliv lllivvaan n (Pr Pres es. & CE CEO O,, Maazzdaa Nor orth th h Am meeri ric iccaan O Op per er.)) .................. Bu usA sAdm dm ’76, 76, ’884 76 -P PL Bro L. ook o s Pat Patt Pa tte errso son (E (Exe xeccu uttiive ve, Oa Oakllan a d Co Coun un nty ty) .............. ............. .......... ............. ..................... LA AE ’6 61 1,, LW ’6 67 A lilisso Al on Pa Payyn ne (N (New ews An Ancch ho orr, WG WGNN TV V ) ....................... .. ............................................................................. ............ ..... LAE LA AE ’8 ’85 Marl Ma rlle en na Laazzaar-Pe Pele leo le o ((C Chi hief ef Cre reat reat ativ ativ i e Offi ffice cer, er,, McD Don onal aalld d’’s Co Corp p.)) .................. .......... ...... LAE LLA AE ‘7 72 -R RArrle A Arl lene ne Rob obin nsso on (C (CEEO O, G Giirl rl Sco c u utts of of Me ettro ro De ettro tro r itt) ........... ....... .......... ..... ....... ....................................... .......... ..... LA LAE ’7 75 Lo ouis uis Ro ui Rosset ssset etti ti (C ti Ch hai airm airm rmaan n & CEO EO, R Ro osssset ettii Asssoc ocia i te ia es).................................................................. ......... AR AR ’59 59 -S--S Alli A Al lliliso liso son P Pa ayn yne is is a fi fivvve e time ttiiim me m e EEmmy mmy mm my aw aaward war ard ard Payne Davi Da Davi vid d Sc Sche he embri mb bri ri (Pr Pres e id es de en nt, nt t, Sm maarrtt USSA A) ............... ...................................................................... Bu BusA sA Adm m ‘‘75 75 7 5 Allison wiin nn nin ng anchor anch an ch hor orr o o he C Ch h hic icag ic ago o’’s WGN off tth the Chicago’s Davi Dav vid St Stan a g an giss ((V gi VP Co orp rp S o occiiaaall Re Ressp pon o sibi biilittiiy, Cam mpb p e elll Soup Soup So p) ....................... E & S ‘8 ‘ 7 winning Ne ews ws at at Ni N ine ne aand nd d cco-anchor o-an oancch hor hor or of of WGN’s W News Nine R be Ro bert r Soulllie ere ((P Pres Pr esid esid ide dent & CEEO, Thy hyss ssen ss e Kr en Krup pp) ...................................................... Bu BusA sAdm sA dm m ‘‘85 85 5 N bi-weekly biii-w b -w wee eekl kly p kly pr program, rog grraam m,, ““Pe “People Peop Pe Peop ople e tto o Pe P People. e ” -V VMagna Cum Laude SShe he graduated grad gr adua adua uate ate ted Ma M ag gn na C Cu um LLa aud ud from Andy dy Vaz azzaano n (Pr Prre ident & Ma Pres M naag giing gP Partner, Sm S it i hGroup up p) ......................Bu B sA Bu Adm ’’80 80 Sh 80 tthe th he U Un University nivver ersity sity si ty o off D De Detroit ettrroi oit in in 1985. 19 -YW lliam C. Wi C You o ng (Pres e id den ent, t Abssop o ure Wate er C Co o.) ....................................................E& E&S, S,, ’’66 66 6
We Want Grea at Things For You!
UDM PRESIDENT Fr. Gerard Stockhausen, S.J.
Installed as the President of University of Detroit Mercy in 2004, Rev. Gerard L. Stockhausen, S.J., Ph.D., continues to advance the University’s mission and its Jesuit and Sisters of Mercy traditions. An outstanding educator and administrator, Fr. Stockhausen previously served as the University’s Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost from 2000 to 2004. Prior to joining UDM, Fr. Stockhausen was Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Internal Operations for Creighton University’s College of Business Administration. He was chair of the College’s Economics and Finance program in 1996 and became interim dean in 1997. During the 1991-92 school year, Fr. Stockhausen was a visiting associate professor of Economics at Makerere University in Uganda. Fr. Stockhausen holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Michigan; a master’s degree in social ethics and a Master of Divinity degree from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkley, California; and a master’s degree in mathematics and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from St. Louis University. His academic areas of expertise focus on international economics, including trade theory and policy, political economics and social ethics. He has written on topics such as free trade, protectionism, labor unions, and Catholic social teachings, including a book entitled, Threats of Quotas in International Trade: Their Effect on the Exporting Country. Fr. Stockhausen currently serves as a board trustee at Creighton University, Wheeling Jesuit University and Loyola Jesuit High School in Detroit. Raised in Milwaukee, Fr. Stockhausen grew up in an active household with two older brothers. He also has three Jesuit uncles. An avid reader, Fr. Stockhausen also enjoys music, theater and athletics.
We Want Grea at Things For You!
ATHLETIC A THLETIC DIRECTOR DIRECTOR K Keri eri G Gaither aither K ri Ke r G Gaai aith ther e waass app er p oiint nted d as th he U iv Un iver errsi sity ty of De etr troiit Me Merc erc rcy’ y’s d y’ diire rect ecctttor orr o of aath of thle th le eti t cs cs iin nM Maay off 2 200 007, 00 7 less ess th es haan n sixx mo si mont nths h aaft hs ftter er being eiing e ng askke ed d to serv servve se a iint as nterrim d dir irrec ectto ecto or off ath thle eti t cs c. Soon aft Soon So fter er taakkiin ng the the helm th he h elm m of th t e depart de depa parttm pa me ent nt, Ga Gait ithe her aan nno noun un nce c d the exxpa th p n nssio ion of of tth he Det e ro roit oitt TTit ittan ans ans Divi Di v siion n I spo port rts pr prog ogra raam fr ram f om m 16 to 1 19 9 te t am a s wi with th tthe he aadd ddit dd ditio ion on of men’ me n’ss la lacr cros ossse s , wo w me en’s la lacr cros cr osse os se aand nd me en’ n s te enn nnis is, al a l of whi hich ch h beg egan a plaay an in 2 200 00 088-09 8-09 9. In h her er first two o yea ears rs on the th he jjo ob, b G Gai aith ther h th has as e exp xpan ande de ed th the e athletic staff ff by ad addi dd diing g e eig ight ht fful ullltime positions to the depart rttment ment me nt, nt, directed d the bui uild ding ing and co in omp m le l ti t on of a new $1. 1.6 mi milli llllio ion al a l-pu p rpose syn sy synt ntthe heti t c ttu urff fielld d aand nd ttra raack, and was resp re sp pon nsibl siible e fo for th for the h hiiri r ng ng of me m n’ ns b sk ba sket ettbaall co etba oaach ch Rayy McC c aallllu um, m w me wo men’ n’ss ba n’ bask askket etb baallll coa oach h Autumn Rade Ra dem de mach ma che cher err and nd sof ofttb bal a l coach Su Sunn unn ny Jone JJo on ne es. s Gaitthe Gait Ga her is her is aals l o lle ls ead din ng a su s cccces ces essf sful ful ul fu fund und ndra dra r isin issin ing g ca camp m aign mp aiign n for o the he r no re nova vati tion ti on o off th t e me en’’s ba bask skke ettba balllll offi ffice ssui uite te aand nd do ove vers rsaaw aw the h buiild ldin ing ing of a new w tenni enni en nis co comp mplex, x,, whi h ch h includ clud cl de ed d eig i ht new w ccou urt rtss aan nd a tenn te nnis nn i pavilio on. n IIn n ad a di diti t on ti o , a new w
grasss fi fiel eld d wi willllll b be e in p pla lace ce tthi hiss fa fall of to acc ccom om mmo mo odate the laccrossse an and d socccer team mss. s. Re ecent centtly ce lyy Gaither was recognized for h he er st stro ro ong g leadership as UDM’s Dire ect cto orr of A Atthletics when she was app poin nte t d to o the University’s senior lead dersh errsh s ip p ttea eaam as a member of the Asso As so oci ciat ate at e Vi V ce President’s group in Jun ne of 20 00 07 7. Gaitthe Ga herr als lso so chaired the e Det etro roit it Loca Lo cal O Orrga rg gaani n zing Com mmittee for the 2009 20 00 09 9 NCA CAA AA Me M n’ ns B Baask sket ket etba balll Final Four Fo ou urr, pl play aayyed d at Fo Ford d Fie ield eld d in De etr t oi oit in n Mayy of 20 2009 09 9,, as as the he Un niive ers rsit itty of ity of De Detr ettrroi roi o t Me Merc rcy se serrvves as th t e ho host sstt inssttit in itut tuttio ion ion. n.. As th he co com mm mit itte itt tee’ e’s C Ch hai air, ir,r Gait Ga ithe it the her pr prov ovid id de ed d sttrron o g le ead der e ship sh hip for th fo the DL DLOC LOC O and d m mai aint ai nttaiine ned d ulti ul ttiim maaate te re te essp po onsib nssib bililit ilit ity fo for th for the he lo loca c l ca ope oper op errattio onss of th the FFiina the nall Fo ou urr eve vent n. nt Gaait Gait ithe herr he he eld d the h sam a e po posi siti si t on, ti on, in n aadd ddit dd itio it tio ion to o bei e ng d des e ig es igna naate ted d Tour To urna name mentt Diirrec ment ecto tor,r,, fo orr the 2 200 00 08 NC CAA Men en’ss Bas aske ke etb ball all Mi al Midw d es et Regi Re go on nal al. al. Forr th Fo he th t ree re ee ye yearrs pr pe eccedin ed din ng her aap pp ppo po oin intm intm me en nt as A.D D.,, G Gai aiith ther er serrvve er ed a ssec as eccon econ ond d in n com omm maand d for tthe he Det he etro oiitt athl at hlet eticc dep etic epar artm t en tm ent ass tthe he ssen en enio nio iorr asso as so ociat ciiate atte at ah hlletic ettic ic dirreccto torr. P Pri rior or to he herr sele se le ect ctio i n as A.D io .D., Gaith aiith ther e had d sser erve er ved ve in n ssev e e ev erral keyy ad dm min inis istr is trat attivve ro ole les fo forr the th e De Depa p rt rtme ent o of In Inte te erc rcol olle ol lle legi giat ate te Athl At hle hl ettics iccs in incl nccllu ud din din ing ssttin ints nts ts as seni seni se n or o womaan aad woma wo dmini nist stra st trraato ato torr an and nd d diiire rect re cto ct or of or b si bu siness op pe eratiions. As a cur urre ren me rent em mbe ber off the ber e Hori rizzon ri zon Le zo Leag ag ague gue ue’s ’ss Exe ecuti cu utiivve e Cou unc ncilil, ill, Gaait G ithe her iiss act he ctiv tiv ivel elyy in el invo volv vo lvved ed w wit ith it h Le eag a ue u op pe eraati era tion ons. on s. SShe he e has sser e ve er ved d on o n bo otth tth he fi fina nanc na nce an nc nd te ele levi visi vi issiion n committte tees es. Wh hiille a me mem memb mb ber ber e of tth he 20 2006 0 UDM 06 M Self Se lf-S -SSttu udy Ste udy teerin erin er ing C Co omm m it itte tte ee for NC fo CAA A Athle th hle leti leti ticc Ce Cert rtifi ificcat a io at i n, G itthe Ga h r al also serve ed on n the he Equ qu uit ity it ty and St an Studen nt-Athl h eticc Wellfa f re SubCo omm mit itte te ee an a d wa w s de d sign g ated e the th he caamp m us lia iaisson iais o d dur urrin u ng th t e certtifi cert ce ficat a io ion n pr proc occes e s. s
S orrtly afte Sh er UD DM re rece eivved iits ts ful ulll ce tifi cert ficcation in April of 2007 7, Ga Gaithe er was as wa aske ked d by tthe he NCA C A to serve as a Peer-R Revie iew w Te eam Mem embe ber.r. Gaither is a mem embe berr of the TTou ouri rism sm Action Group (TAG) Hospitality ty Committee, a group organized by the Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau dedicated to training the hospitality industry for Detroita eaa eve ar ent n s such as the 2005 MLB AllStar Game an and d Su Supe per Bowl XL. L In 2006,, Gai aith aith ther ther er co om mp pllet e ed e the th e NC NCAA AA A’ss in naaaug ugur ug urral u ral LLea e de ea ders rshi hip hi p In nst s it itut ute ut e fo or Et Ethn hniicc Min hn inor orrity orit ity Fe it Fema malle ma e ess, s, a lead le ead de errsh s ip pd dev e el ev elop opm me ent n pro rogram gram gr am spo sp onso onso on ore red byy tthe red h NCA he CAA A Offi ffice ce for orr D ve Di vers rsit rs ityy an it and IIn ncl c us usio ion n an nd tth he M nority Mi tyy O Opp pportuni niittiiies ess and e n IInt nter nt eres ests ts Committee. Gait ither se erv rved ed as a pa past st stte eerring in ng comm m ittee e memb me emb ber e of th he W Wo ome ome men’ men’ n’s L ad Le dersh hip Sym y posi posi s um m for or Interccol o legiate e At Athl hlet etic iccs aan nd rre ecen cen ce nttly tlyy assi s sted in co oorrdi din naati t ng g iits ts llea ead ea de ers rshi hip c nffer co e en e ce. Gaaiitth he er is is aals llsso a me memb mbe err of Nattio ona n l As Asso so ociiattio ion of Col ion olle eg giiatte Women Athletic Adm miin niisstr traattor o s, s, Natiion Na naall Asssoc ocia iati ia tion on of C on Co olllleg egia egia iate ate te D re Di ect ctor ors of of Ath thle ettiics ics and d Min Min nor orit ity Oppo Oppo Op p rtun un nit itiie ies Ath ies Atthl hle hlet etttic ic Ass ic ssocia ssoc ociiaati oc ati tio on n. In Mar arch ch of 2 20 008, 08 8, G Gaaitthe her wa her was was pres pr esen ented ent ted w te wiith h the e Pheno heno he nome menal naal n Wo ome men’ n s As Ashl h eyy G Gra rayy LLe eg gaacy cy Awa ward d by the he Uni nive vers ve vers rsit sit ity of o Det etro tro roitt Me errcy cy ’s ’s S ud St uden entt Prog Pr ogra raamm min ing Bo B oar a d. d. This Th is aw waard d wass pre resse en ntte ed d for or herr o tsstaand ou ndin ing cco ont ntri ntri ribu ib bu u uti tion ti on tow owar war ard the th he g grro ow wth and nd d dev evvelop pm me en ntt of stud st ud u den ents t as th ts he di dire r ct c or of atth hllet etic ticcs att UDM M. Grad Gr aad dua uattiing ng mag mag agnaa cum um laau ude de from fr om m the he Un niivve ers rsit sit ity of of De ettro oitt Mer ercy cy, y, Gaait G ithe her ea earn rned d a Baacch he elo or of of Art r ts de d eg grre ee e in ec econom onom on mic icss.. Gaaitther G her an he and he her h hu usb sband, an nd, d, B Bra rad ra rad T om Tr omb blleyy, resi ressiide re de iin n P Plllea eaasa e sant nt Riid dg ge e wiith w th the heir ir two wo chi hild dre ren, n, Elllliio ottt (18 18),), a so ophom ph p hom omore ore iin or n UDM M’s ’s pre re-d e-d den enti tist ist sttry ry ry prog pr ogrraam og ogra m,, an nd d Ken e n ne edyy (1 11 1).).
We Want Grea at Things For You!
ACADEMIC SUPPORT Wh he en n tal alki k ng about students who compete ki in a vaarrsi sity spo port, the term typically used is “sstu tud de d ent n -a -ath thle th le ete.” The word “student” comes first, and d th haat’ t s the way the University of Detr De tro oiit Me o Merc rcy aap pproaches all of its athletic te eaam m mem emb be ers rs. Al A though performance in co om mp pet etit tit itio itio ion on iiss iim mpor ortaant n , they are students first, an nd atthl hlet ee ess sec econd, wit eco ith h th theirr performance in n tth he h e claassssro room om plent ntyy im impo portant in Titan Te err rrit itor ory. y y. UDM h UD haas lo ong gp pro rove ven n it its commitment to prrepar ep parin ing g st stud ude ents ffor or o onn-co cour u t baatttless as well ass tho hose iin n th the e clas assr sroo oom. m In 19 1995 95, UD UDM opened th he Ce C nt nter for SSttu tude dent nt-A -Ath thlete t Dev evelopment, on ne of the h first of it itss ki kind nd.. Th The e ce cent n er e off ffer erss prro og gra rams m for or aaccademic ic cl clas asse ses, s, d dru rug g ed educ ucat atio on n,, sttuden entt en nha hanc nce ementt aan nd wo work rkss to iimp mpro rove ro e co omm mun unic un iccattio ion n skkillllss. All Alll 1 A 19 9 var a si sity tyy tea eams mss, an nd mo m re tha h n 20 200 ssttu ud de en ntt--at athlet ath etes, at UDM DM M are re en ncco our our urag aged ag ed to ta takke e ful ull ad adva vant ntag age of of the progr grram ams off o fferre ed at at the he ce en ntte er.r. The he cen entte ente er al alsso o heads up p th the NCAA NC AA Liiffe Sk Skililllss Pro og grram m, w wh hic ich ch fo focu cuse es on n th he e stu tude den ntt in stu in ude ent-a ntt-aath thlete lete le te and nd how ow to d de eaall wit ith is i sues ess ttha haat al h all stud st stu uden entt-at ath hllet etess today oday od ay must ust fac us face fa ce. Th Thro roug ugh sse em emi miina nars rs, gues gu est sp speake eakke ea ers rs an nd d NCAA CA C AA vi vide deo oss, st stude stud ude ud en ntt-aatthl hlet etes te ess are e maade m e aw waarre e of is isssu su ues es suc uch aass gam amb bllin ing an and dr dru ug g and nd alco al coh ho ol ab abus use, e, and nd ho ow w to de deaall wit ith tth he esse co conc ncer ern nss. The ce Th cen ntte err is ma mad de e po ossssiibl ble e,, in p paart rt, by by a gra rant nt fro rom om th he NC NCAA CAA AA. In n ccon onju on junccttiion on w wit itth tth he st staff aff o off the he Un niivve errssiitty LLe ear a ni ning ning g Ce en nter, te er,, mem mem mb be erss of th the cent ce ent nte te err ’ss sttaaff teaacch h UA U AS 10 107 7,, “At Ath Athl hllle ettes e es in Tr Traan nsi nsiiti t on ti n,” eac ach yye eaarr. Al All ffrres res esh hm man n aan nd ttrraan nssffer er stu tude ud de en ntt-aatth hlete lette le es must must mu st taakke th thiss cou ours rse e du urriing ng their heir he ir stu ud diies iess aatt UD DM. M. Th he e cou ours rse de deaalls w wiiith th how th w stud st tu ud den en nttt-aatthl thl hlet le ettes es can n makke tth he tr traaan nssiittiion on frro om hi high gh scchoo scho oll to cco olllleg ge e.. This hiis im h imp po orrttaan ort nt ccllaasss te teac ach che hes sttu ud denten e ntt-athl athl at hlet ete ess to de deall wit ith ttiim me e and nd sttrre re esss ma mana nag ge em me ent ntt,, su st ud dy skil skilills sk ills ls and nd the he imp mpor o ta tance nce of nc of go oo od nu nutr trit trit i io ona nal haab biits ts. “I ffee “I ee el th hatt thi his ce ent nter err doe o se evver eryt ytthi h ng g to pr prep par are e ssttud uden e tt athl athl at hlet letes etes et es to su uccccee eed in in llif iffe if e af afte fte ter er co colllleg ege, ege, e,” ssaaid id Ste teve v Cor ord de er,r a UDM DM Ass s is ista tantt Ath tant hle eti tcD Diire ectto orr. “SStu udent dent de ntt-a -aath thle ete tes es sso om me eti time mess en ente nte terr co colllleg llleg ge un naw awar are ar re off
the tth he ex expe peccttat tat atio ions ns an nd d pre ress ssur urre ess on them, and this e cen ce ntter er h hel ellp e pss th he em aallle em evviiat ate sso o ome me eo off th t att pre r ssure byy kkn no ow w win ing wha in wh w haatt tto o ex expe pect ct and d prre ep paarriing ng fo orr tho hose se ad dd ded d re esp spon onsi sibi bililiti tiie ess. s.” An A no otther he h er ex exam amp plle of of Detro etro et roit oitt’s ’s commi om o mm miitm me en n ntt to to ittss ssttud ude en ntt-athl ath at hlle ettes es’ ac acad ademic emicc exc em xcel elle lle lenc enc nce iiss tthe he Ath he hle leti tc Accaad Acad de em miicc Coo oorrd din inat ator or ’s ’s pos o t. t The he pos osit itio ion w waas cr cre eaate ted in n 198 88 and, an nd d,, since in ncce e tthe he h en n,, UDM DM’ss gra radu duat atiio on rraate e fo orr su st ud de en nt--at ntathl hlette ess has as ste tead adily ad illy ri rise sen. n. Co orrde derr,, no ssttraang nge err to o col ollle egi g aatte aatthl hlettiiccs aass he p pllayye ed d so occcer ce er fo for De Detr troi oit from fr om 199 om 9944 98 8, and an nd h hiis ssttaaff ff ccaare effu ullllyy trraacck e eaach ach ch Tiittan’s an’ss an a aad ac dem emic ic pro og grres ess to o mak ake su ake s re re the h y aarre on on the he rig ight ht paath p h to ow ward arrd gr g adua aduaati ad t on o . In In add d it itio itio on, n, Tit itan taan n stu tude entntnt aatth hllet etes es are e hel elpe p d wi with tth h the heirr ttut u or ut oria ria ial al n ne eeds ed e ds thro th hro oug ugh gh th the he u usse se o off the he stu ud de en ntt-rrun un Lea earn rn nin ing Ce en ntte err, wh whe erre prof pr prof ofes esssso e ors rs and n sttu ud ude de en ntts do dona onaate te the h irr tim me ass tut utor orrs. s Memb Me mber e s of of the he athle tth hlle eti tic de epa parrttme tme mentt’ss aadm dmin dm inis inis istr traattiv ive ssttaaff ff wo work rk to og ge etthe her to her to run un the e stu tude tude den ntt-aath thlle ete e stu tudy tud dy ttaabl ble. e. The he stu tud de e ent nt-aath nt th hlle lete tess’’ aca tes cade dem miic pr prog ogre ess ss is clos cl osel ely mo ely oni niitore n tored to red an re and th the st the stud udy taab blle is is se ett up tto o ass ssi siisst the TTiittaans th n w wit ith any it aan ny an nd al alll acad acad ac a em micc aare re eas as,, inc in ncl clud din ing prov pr o id din ng tu t to tors rs and nd a wri riti iti ting g lab ab b.. Th The ce cen ntte err is open op pen en daili y an dail da and d al also so o hass eve v ni ning ng ho ou urrss to w wo ork aro round und a un stud st denten ntt--at ah hllet ete’ ete’ e s bu busyy sch hed edul ule e.. Allll fre essh hme men m mu ust st take ta ke part art in ar n the he sttu ud dyy tab ble le, ass we elll as a o oth th her stu tude dent de nt-at t hl h l et e t es e s w h ho h a av v e n no o t y ye yet e t achi ac hiev eved ed a 2 .75 .7 5 GP P A. The University of Detroit Mercy’s athletic teams, once De De etr ttrroi oit al also o an nn nua uall allyy re r co cogn gniz i es stu iz tude dent ent nt-aath thle hlete le ete tes again, brought home high marks in the NCAA Division I who attta wh tain in n a min inim imum u of a 3. um 3.0 0 gr g ad de po poin intt av aver erag ag ge Academic Progress Rate report issued in May of 2009 for by by nam amin ing tth hem to the hem th he A Atthl h et e icc Dirrec ecto tor’ to r’ss Ho Hono norr the 2007-08 season. Rolll. Du Ro Duri ring ng the 200 0088-09 09 ssch ch hoo o l ye year a,m ar mo ore r tha han n 12 20 Ti Tita tans, ns, we ns wellllll ovve er ha half lf of UD lf UDM’ M’ss st M’ stud uden ud e ten t-at aatthl hlet ettes es, acco ac comp co mpliliish mp shed ed d the ffea e t. ea t The en num um mbe b r off hon o or oree ee es h haas One Titan team, men’s fencing, was credited with a s ea st eadi d lyy iinc di nccre n eassed e iin n th t e la last stt dec e ad de. e perfect 1000 APR score, and EVERY ONE of Detroit’s “C Cle lear arly lyy, atthl h ettes com me he here re tto o gr g ad dua uate te e,” Tit itan ans an varsity teams registered a multi-year APR above the athl at thl hle etticc dirrec e tto or Ke Keri ri Gai aith t er not th oted ed d. “EEvve en th hou ugh gh minimum standard (925) established by the NCAA. The th hey wan a t to t com mpe pete te at th he D Diivi ivi v si sion o I lev on evell, th hey ey new report is based on data supplied for the 2004-05, want wa n the nt eirr deg gree, re ee,, too o . Th That a ’ss the at e on nlly th hin ing gw wh hiicch is is 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 academic years. m re imp mo por orta t nt n . It’s Itt’ss tthe he e onl n y th hin ing g tth hat cou ountts iin n the he lo ong g rrun u .” un
We Want Grea at Things For You!
POINTS OF PRIDE La cro Lacr oss se o e C on n fe fere renc nce e At Atta tack ck MVP VP hono orss. TTh he me men’ n’ss la lacr crossse ttea eam m se sett the Ti Titaan fiel Tita e d re record in attend n an nce iin n it itss firs rst h ho ome e gam me, while the men’s tenniss prrog gra ram m saaw ju uni nior or P Pjo j trrs Necajevs take hom me Hor oriz i on iz n Lea eagu gue e Ne Newc wcom omer e and Playyer er of the th he Year accolad des. TIT TI TANS TA AN NS S REC CEIVE HIGH MARKS IN LATE LA TEST ST T NCA CAA’ A’S S AP APR RE EPORT UDM DM’s M’s atthl hle etic teams, on once ce aaga gain in,, havve bro ought ug ght home high marks in th he NC AA NCA NC AA Div iviissio on I Ac Acad ademic Progress ad Raate R te repor epor ep or t iissssu ued d in Ma May. y. O One ne Tit ne itan a t e am te am, m, m me en n’’s ffe e enc ncc in n ing ing, g,, w ass c re ed dii tte ed witth wi h a pe err ffe ecctt 100 00 00 0A AP PR ssccorre, PR e, and d evve e err y o on ne o off Det etroit roiitt ’ss var ro arssiittyy tea e ms ms regi re gissttered ered er d a mu ullti ti-yyea ti-y ear ar AP APR ab abo abov ovve th he mn mi niimu mum sttan anda dard rd ((92 925) 92 5) e est ssttab ablilis ished shed sh d by tth he NCAA NC CAA AA. TTh he n ne ew re rep po ort rt is b baasse ed on data da data ta sup uppl plie ied for ffo or th he 20 2004 04-0 -05, 5, 200 0 5 5--06 06, 6, 20 2 2006 006 06-0 07 aan nd 2007 20 00 07 7-0 08 aaccaad dem emic ic ye ic eaars. rs
HOST HO ST INS NST TIITU TUTI TIO ON N FO OR R THE HE 2 09 FIN 20 INAL AL L FOU O R Th h e Un U n iv i er ersi sii ty o f De D e tr troi o i t Merc oi M e rc Me r cy cy served as the ho h st s ins nsti titu ti tuti tu tiion ffor or the or he 20 2 009 9N NCA CA CAA AA D Diivviisi s on I Men’s en’s B Bas aske as ketb ketb ke tbal alll al Fina Fi ina nal al Fo ou urr at Fo Ford d Fie eld an nd d it wa w sa re e so o un n di d i ng g ssuc u ce uc c ss s a s itt s ha hatt a tt t erred d tth he N NC CAA A reccor o d for at atte end ndan an ncce e. Th The e cham ch am m pi pion i on n sh s h ip p g am a m e saw 72 2 ,9 ,922 22 iin n atte at tend te n an nd ance ce,, th the e sse eco cond nd-l -lar lar arge ge estt tto o ev ever er wattch wa tch a co c lllleg eg ge ba bask s et etba ballll gam ba ame. e. I t wass al wa also so the he e lar arge gest st to watc waatcch an N NCA CAA CA A t o ur tour to u na n me e nt n t g am m e or o r s es essi sion si on a nd w s th wa the he bi bigg gge esst ccrro ow wd fo forr an NCA AA ch ham ampi pion pi onsh on s ip sh p gaam me in in NC CA AA h hiist ist s orryy.. TTh he to tota taal n nu umb mber ers sh howed owe ow ed d tth hat ha at Ford d Fiel Fi eld d dr d ew ew a two wo-d day ay crow ro ow wd d of 1 14 45,37 5,37 5, 3 8, 8 t e bi th bigg gges est in in Fin inal a Fou al our h hiist stor oryy.. ory. NEW SP NE SPOR ORTS ORTS TS LIG IGHT GHT HT UP DE DET TR ROI ROI OIT Thre Th hree re ee ne new w Tiita tan n te t am ms be beg gaan pl play ay in n 200 200 0 88 09 9w wit ith it h tth he UD DM me men’ men’ n s an and wo wome o me men n ’s laa crr os n’ o se tea t ea eam m s a nd ms d th the reiin re instatem inst em me en nt of of th he e men e ’s tenni nis is team aaff te ter a 15 1 -yyear hi hiat a uss. The wo w me en’ ns team am m was a led ed d b y fr freshm hm m an n E mii ly B is Bo issonneaaul u t, who o ear arne ar ned d Naati tion o al
SE EVE EN S ST TUD DEN NTT-AT ATHLET HL LET TES E RECE RE CEIV VED ED END NDOW OW WED ED D SCHO SC HO OLA AR RS SHI HIP PS S TTh he U UD D M At A t hl h l ett iicc D e ep p ar a r tm tme m en ent a n no anno an n o un u n ce c e d th h e ess ta t a bl b lis l iiss hm hme en n t of of a p a ir pa i r o f en e n do do owe we w e d sc s cho c ho o lar laa rs rsh hiips i ps p for TTiitaan st su ud den entntt--at ath hlle ettes. ess. Th e he ne new Lee LLe ee G r az Gr azio iott io o tt ttii En E ndo nd do o we e d Sc Scho c hola ho h o lars l a rs la rsh rshi hii p iss aaw waarrde ded eaacch h ye eaar tto o two wo o traack ck and n fie elld st stud tu ud den entntt--at athl hlet ettes es in g es go ood aca c de demi demi mc sttaan ndi d ng ng who go ab abo ovve aan nd be beyo ond n o n t he on h e t ra r ckk a nd d i n th the h e ccll aass ssrroo o m. m TTh he Ra Raym ymon nd J. J. aand nd d Cat athe he eri rine ne e Nag Nag agle le Endo En do ow we e d SSccho c ho h ola o la l aars r s hi h ip p wi w lll a l s o be be prres p esen nte ted to to selec elec el ect st ect stud stud uden en nttt--at atth hlle h ettes es in goo go od d acad ccaademi de d em miic st stan andi ding, ng, b ng baasse ed up upon on reco re e co com om mm me en nd daati t on n f ro rom o m UD U D M’ M’s he h e ad ad coac co a he ac es. s. The he 200 008088-09 09 rec ecip ipie ie ient en ntts ffo or th he Lee Lee Gr Le Grazzio ott t i En ndo dowe w d Scho Scho holaars rshi hip w e re we r e s en e n io i ors o rs r s J oh ohn h n La L a Ro LaRo R o cccc a an and Dani Da ne ellle le Po ou ulilin lin. n. The he N Nag agle ag e En nd d dow ow we ed d Scho Sc hola larrssh sh hiip rre eciip eci piien ntss incclu lud de ed: d: Gin ino M Ca Mc Cath th thne hney ne n ey (m (me en n’s ten enn niiis) s)), Ma Made deline de liine ne F an Fr n ko o ( wo w o me m e n’ n ’s sso o cc c c er e r ), ) , C ai a i tl tlin l in in McPa Mc Parttlilin (s (sofftb bal all) all) l), Cr l), Crai aig Bu Budz d yn y ski sk i sk (me (m (men en n’ss fe en nciing ng) aan nd As Ash hlee hle ee McL cLem mor oe ((w wom men e ’ss fen e ci c ng n ). SAAC SA A CON O TI T NU N ES S IITS TS LEG EGAC AC CY TTh he Detrroi o t SSttud den ntt--Atthl h ette Ad Advi viso vi so ory Comm mittte t e (SAAC) C)) wass as ac ac ti tive ve e as e ver ev e d uring the e 20 2008 08-0 -09 9 se e as ason on,, volu u nt n ee e ring n a nd d g iv i ing g a he help lpin ng
h nd ha nd.. Th The e ye yearr inc nclu l de ded a visit to the Coal Co alittio ion n on Tem e po pora r ry SShe ra helt l er (COTS) in Det etro roitt ass th the e Ti Tita tans ns aass ssis iste ted d th the regu re gula larr wo work rker erss in p pre repa paraati tion o of th on the e food and d set etting ng up th the e ro room om for d din nin ng servicess. Mem embe bers of th the e gr grou oup p al also so took to ok p partt in a charity ty Read-aa-Th Thon o to be enefit th the e St St. Ch C rist stophe op ph r’ss Cath thol o icc Elementary School in n Win inds dsor or, he help lpin ing g raise over $16,000 for the school. TITA TANS NS’ BY BYRN RNE E NA NAME MED GOLF ALLAMERICA SCHO HOLA LAR R Detroit Tita De ttaa ns n s g ol o l fe fe r Da D avvii d B Byy rn ne w a s na wa was n a me m e d tto o t he h e C lle e ve vela laa nd n Go olllfff// Sriixxon Sr xo on n Alllll-A -A Ame merriica meri ca Sch chol olaarrs Te Teaam Team m for or 2009 20 09. A to tota tal al of of 108 08 pla laye laye yers rs in D Diivi v siion Ie eaa rn r n ed d tthe h h on he o or o r aand nd B Byr yrn yr n e w ass ne on o ne of o jus ustt tw two wo ffrrom om Hor o izzon on Le eaagu ue sccho hool ols. s. To be be eliligi giibl g ble fo or Cl Cle evve e ellan and G lf Go lf/S /Sri /S rixo ri xo xon on Al Alll-Am mer erric iicca SSccho cho hola olaar ssttaattu uss, aan n ind ndiv ivid iv idua duaal m mu ust be a ju juni nio orr or se seni nior or aacc ad acad d em e m icc al ally l y, co ly o mp m p et ete e in i n a t le le eas ast ast as two tw wo fu ulll yea ears rs aatt th he co c lllleg egia iate te lev evel e l, p rttic pa icip ipat ip ate at e in n 70 pe perc r en nt of of hiiss te eaam’ am’ m’s c o mp co m et e t itiv itt ivv e ro r o un und dss o r co o mp mpe ettte e iin n th he NC NCAA AA A Champ ham ha mp pio ion nsshi hips pss and d hav ave a ssttro roke kke e avera ve era rage ge und nde err 76. 6.0 in in Diivvis isiio on I. Byr y ne conti ontiinued nu ued ed tha hatt su ucccces ess iin n the he summ su m er mm er,, wi w nn nnin in n g th h e 46t 4 6 tth 46 h a nn n n ua ual W ster We ster st e n On Onta taari rio o Am mateu aatteu eur as as wel ell aass the he O ta On tari rio io Ch Cham ampi am mp piion o of Ch ham amp piion ons and an nd Me M e en’ ns M n’ Maatc tch Pl tch Play ayy tit itlle ess.. FUNDRA FU NDRA ND RAIS I IN ING GO ON N AN U UP PSW SWIIN NG U M is in th UD he m miids dst o dst off an am amb biiti iti tiou ous fund fu ndrraaisin issin ng ca camp m ai a gn n to be bene nefi fitt tth he men’ me n’s bask basket ba skketba ettba ballll tea eam. m. In A Au ug ugu gu ussttt,, tth he UD U DM Athl DM Athl At hlet etic ic Dep epar artm tmen ent ann ann an no oun oun uncce ed ed tth that hat at th he e he eaad m me en’ n’s ba bask sket etba ballll coa oach ch’ss office of offi fice fi ew wililll b be e offfficciiaaalllllly rre ena naam me m ed Th Th e D o ri Do r i s & Do D naa lld d D ucc he h e ne n , SSrr. He H e ad ad Men’ Me n’s Ba B skket e ba baallllll Co oaach c ’ss Offi Office at at tthe he he cco omp omp mple leti tio on n of P Ph has ase se I rre enov no n ova vaati tion tion ti ons o off tth he me men’ men’ n s ba bask ske sket ettba tba ballll offffic ices es. Fu uttur u re pllan p ans ns caallll ffor or the or he fu un nds ds rrai aaiise sed fo sed for a ne new stat st ate of at of th he e artt vid ide eo o//fi film ba bask sket etbal etba ballll ba op o pe erraattiio on nss offffic ice ce aan nd re re n no ovvaaati ttiio on n of th he Soph S op So ph hia ia Boo oon ne e Co on nffe nf ere renc nce R Ro oom om m.. The Th h e fund f u nd fu n d ra r a is rai i s in i n g ef e f fo fo rt r t s iin n tthe h e p as he ast yeaarrs aallso ye so he ellp pe ed tth he Tit Tita Ti tans tans ns prepa re p re paare re fo or th he up upcco om miin ng g sea easo son w wiith itth h a 100-d daay exhib ex hiibi biti tio on n tou our o off Sp paain in, w in, wiith th the he re ed d, whit wh hiitte an and b and bllue ue sh ho o owc wcas wc assin in ng a pe perf r fec rfec ec t 5--0 re 5 ecco ord rd ovve ers rsea eass..
We Want Grea at Things For You!
TITAN HALL OF FAME UDM Me essta tabl abl blilis ished its Sports Hall of Fame in 1977 in orderr to to hon ono or those student-athletes, coaches and or admi ad miiniist mini stra rato tors to rss who have helped develop the successful trad tr adittio ion of of Tit ita tan Athletics. The Hall of Fame now has 102 mem me mb m ber e s, follo llo owi w ng the seven latest additions made on Feb Fe b. 10, 200 b. 007. 7.. 7 TTh he 20 002 02 iind nduc nd uction nd din inner was truly one to remembe er.r. The ind nduc ucte tee es incclu lude ded d tw wo of the Titans’ former baask sket etba b ll Allll-A ba -Am meri me rica cans ns,, Te Terry Tyler and John Long – or Th hun unde derr an and d Li Ligh ghtn tnin ing, g, aass they were affectionately kn nown own du ow duri ring ng tth heir p he pla layi ying ng d day ays – ass w well as the 196 60 Titttaan fo Ti foot otba ballll teaam as a uni nit.. Add ddittio ona n lly, the beauti-fu ul new new Ha H ll off Fame dis i pl playy in th the Calihan Hall lob bb byy waas un unve eiled tha haat ni nigh ghtt fo forr a cr crow owd d wh whic ich h woul u d fi fillllll tthe he he arre en n na’ a’s ma m in floor durin ng th the e in indu duct ctio ion n di dinn nn ner er.. Long and Lo n Tyl y er wer e e pa partt of on o e of tthe he win inn niing ge esst er eras as off Tittan a b bas asske ketb tbaall,, hav tb avin ing he help help lped d the h ir teaam to to an 86 86-2 -25 re ecco ord rd ove ver tth hei eir ir fo fou urr yea earrss co om mb mbi biine ed. d They he elp lped ed th he e Tiitaans ns to an an N NCA CAA TTo CA our urnam nam na me ent ent nt ber ertth h in 1977,, aan nd an an NITT ap ppe pear arran ance an anc ce on ne e yea ear llaatte ear err.. Long Lo on ng g was as th he e on nlly pl play aye err evve er tto o lea ead th t e Tiita tans ns in sscco co orrin ing ffo or ffo our ur sttrraaiigh ght vvaarrssit sit ity se seas asons ons, on s, and nd he e’’s stil ssttill ilill tth he seco se cond nd--lleadi eaad e diing ng po oiint nt pro rodu duce cer er in in scch hoo ool h hiist sto orry. y. Tyylle err,
meanwhile, is the all-ti time Det etro roit it llea eade derr fo forr bl bloc ocke k d shots in a game, a season an and d a ca care reer er.. He is al a so sec e ond d in career field goal percenttag age e an and d si sixt xth h in n sco coring n . The pair’s old coach, none ne oth ther er ttha han n Di Dick ck Vitale, wass the keynote speaker at hiss for o me merr pl play ayer ers’ s’ iind nducction dinner. The present-day ESSPN PN/A /ABC BC tel elec ecas aste terr ke kept the audience captivated for more tha han n an hou ourr wi with th h his is memoriies es of coaching the Titans. s The e 1960 1960 19 60 foot ootball squad became the oo he first tea eam m ev ever er tto o b ind be ndu nd ucccte ted int te into in to the Hall of Fame en mas asse e. Th That at tea eam m fini fi nish ni issh he ed d the he seas eaason 7-2 – the winningest e st U-D rec ecor ord d of the p th po osstt-W ost -Wor orld d War ar II er era. Two of those victories, over Ciinc C ncin inna nattii and d Xaavvie vie er,r, cam me by shutout. Future pro o stars LLaarr rr y V Vaarg rgo, o, Bru ucce e Mah aher er, St Stev e e Stonebreaker and Jerry Gros Gr oss w we erre e allll p par aarrt o off th he e 1960 Titan roster. The m Th mo osstt re eccen ent iin ndu duccttio ion class included: longtime Tita Ti tan At Athl hlet etiicc Diirre eccto or B Brrad ad Kin nssm man; Earl Cureton, men’ss baasskket b etba ball; llll; M Maary ry (Li Lillllie ie) Ci Cice cero rone on , wo w men’s basketballl; Cind Ci nd dyy C Crro ossb biie e,, so offttb baalll;l; Cin indy dy Fixx, w wo om ome me e en’ n s socccer n’ er; Ka K al Kalisz Ka Kali lilisszzew wsk ski,i, men en’s ’s so occce cerr;; and cer; nd Bon onn niie (F (Fit itzzp paattrriick ck) W Wo ood ood d, wo w om me en n’’s cr cros oss co oss coun untr try/ y/ttrrac ack aan nd fi fie elld. e ld. d. Cro rosb sbie bie e, FFiix, x, Kaalliisz K sze ew wsk ski an ski nd W Wo ood ood od arre e the he fi firrrst stt fro rom th th hei eiir re e resp spe eccti tive e sp por orttss to b be e ind nducte uctte uc ed in nto to tthe he Tit he itaan n Haalll of of Faam me me. e..
The 2007 Titan Hall of Fame Induction Class R-L: Cindy Fix (women’s soccer), Earl Cureton (men’s basketball), Bonnie (Fitzpatrick) Wood (women’s cross country/track and field), Cindy Crosbie (softball), Brad Kinsman (Titan Athletic Director), Kal Kaliszewski (men’s soccer), Mary (Lillie) Cicerone (women’s basketball), - with President Gerard Stockhausen, S.J., and A.D. Keri Gaither.
We Want Grea at Things For You!
TITAN HALL OF FAME Indu duct ctee e Sport The Th e 19 1960 60 TTit itan an FFoo o tb t all Te T am H rry Accke Ha kerm man nn Swim Sw mmi m ng Grady Alderman Foo ootb tbal alll Bob Babbish Golf Chuck Baer Football Coach Vince Banonis Football Ed B Bar arbo bour ur FFootball Player, Co oac ach h Al Baumgart Foot Fo otba ballll Joseph Beer Football Paul Bibeau Baseball Ba John hn Bir iringer Foot Foot otba b ll Larr La rryy Bl Blea each ch Baasske ketb tbal all Llo Ll Lloy oyyd yd Br Brazil azilil az Fo oo ottb ball bal aalll Daad Bu D Buttlle err Tra rain ner er, Co Coac ach Bob C Bo Bob Caaliliha han an Baskket Ba etb etba baallll Daan D an C Caant ntiilllon lo on FFe enc enc ncin ng P dg Pu dge e Caavana vaana naug ugh ug gh Tenn Te Tenn nniiss Mary Ma ry (Li Lillllllie ie e) Ci Cice ice cerro rone one ne Bas aske aske ketb ketb tbal all E rll “D Ea Du utch” tcch” h Claarkk Foo ootb tbal allll C Co oac ach Earl Ea rl Cla larkk JJr.r.r Ten enni enni nis Pl Plaayye err, Co Coac ach ach Tom To mC Co onn n el ellll Foottba Fo ballll ball JJo ohn hn Con nttii Foo ootb otbal tbal tb all all Fraank Fr ank Co an C re rejj Baase B seba b llll Pette Pe e Crraaig g Basse eb bal all all Cind Ci ndyy Cr Crros ob os biiie e SSo Soft oft ftba ballll Earl Cur Earl Ea uret etto on n B Bas aasskke etb tbaalll Billl Dal Bill alyy Traacck Trac Tr Co C ore rett tttaa D Daan niiel ellss Bask Ba askket etba ballll Daave D ve De eB Bus Bus usssccche he h ere e Bas aske ketb ke tbal bal al Gu G us D us Do orraaiiss Fo oo otb tbaalll Co oac acch h TTe erry Du Duer e od o Bask asske kettb bal all Dickk Dzi Di zik ik Bask Ba sket sk etb et baalll Bill Ebb ben e Bas aske ke etb tbal all A dyy Farrkaas An Foo Fo otba otba balllll Ge Geor eor orge g Fefl ge e es Baask B s et eb baalll T m Fiinn Ti nnin nnin in Foo ootb tbal tb all Cindy Ci ndy Fix nd Fix Fi S ccer So cccer e All Ghe hesq esq qui uier uier ere Foot ottba b ll Willlll ia Wi i m Gi Gi van Giov n Fe en nci cing ng Ralp Ra lph lp h Go Gold ldst stei ein n Bask Ba skket etba ball ba alll Nate Na Nate e Goo oodn dnow now w Footb oottb oo bal bal alll Bob Bo b Grei Greiine Gr er FFo oo oot ottba ballll Jerr Jerr Je rry Gr Gro Gros osss Foot Fo o baall ot W lllly Wa lly Gr Grub uber ub e er Fo oo otb bal all, Tra Tra rack ack ck Ken Haama Ke mann nn n Baasseb ebaalll Sp pen nce er Haayw ywoo ood Baask sket etba balllll FFrred Hoo ooke oke ker FFe enc enc ncin in ing ng Bo ob Iv Ivor ory ory F ot Fo otba ballll Wiilllliiaam Ke W Kelllly lly Jo Joyc yce Go G olff Coa oacch h Mike Mi ke Kaayyss yssssser erria e ian ian FFo oot ottba baallllll ba H wa Ho ward rd d Kea eati ting ti ng g Foo o tb tbal all al Kall Ka Ka K lilisz s ew sz wsk s i Soccce So Socc err JJo ohn Kir irwa wan Baskettba Ba ball Brad Brad d Kin nsman sman sm an Ath hletic le e c Di D rect cttor Greg e Koc o ab b Fen enciing g Saam Ko ocs csis is Golff
Yea ear 20 00 01 198 986 197 19 979 19 98 80 19 980 80 19 97 7 77 19 980 19 98 8 89 1985 1982 1982 19 1980 9 19 977 77 19 1 977 77 19 97 77 19 1 98 80 0 198 988 200 2007 20 07 7 19 1 978 78 1985 19 198 85 1980 980 98 1984 19 84 19 98 86 1980 19 0 20 2 007 00 20 007 7 1 87 19 87 198 989 1977 19 977 77 1977 19 77 1993 19 3 198 983 983 1978 197 19 78 197 977 77 198 198 988 1980 19 80 0 200 007 198 981 198 980 198 982 82 19 1 98 80 0 19 98 86 19 98 80 198 983 83 198 19 88 8 199 993 93 1986 19 86 198 981 198 1 981 98 19 98 80 19 984 8 200 007 7 19 98 81 2007 1987 1 86 19 6
Induct Indu ctee ee Robe Ro bert rt K Kov oval al Jack Kur u ko kows wski ki Harold Lauer J hn Jo h Long Ed LLuk ukas as Dickk LLut utzz Bruce Maher Gene Malinowski T d Marchibroda Te Jame mess Ma Mass ssey ey Art Masucci De D enny McCotter Paat P at M MccDo cD nald Bre Br en nd daan an MccNama Nama Na mara ra B ob M Bo Bob Miillller err Ch C he erryyll ( W Wiilllliaamss) M Miill illller le err Dori Do r ie M Mu urrrrey ey Joh Jo hn n Mu ullro roy Ch C har arley le ey No Nort r th Do D oug ug Not ot Braakkie Br ie O Orrr rr TTe erry rry Pa rr Page g ge Ed d Pallu um mbo bo Bud P Bud Bu Paayn yne R ch Ri chard arrd Pe Perr rr y rry Walt Wa lter er Poff ff Mike Pol Mi o vi v B ob P Bo Prren ren ende derg de rgast asst Al Rap Al appa pap po orrtt Bruc Br uce ce R Ro odwan dwan dw n Haro Ha rold dR Rya yyaan yan Larr La a ry SSaalc l i JJo oh hn n SSha h da d Tyro Ty rone ne Sim mmo mons ns Stev St e e Ston SStto on ne neb eb bre eak aker er er Gerr Ge r y Su rr Suro ow wiiec iec ec No No orm rm m Sw waan nsson so on n Tom TTh To ho orrnton nto nt on n Biillll TTur B urkkiing ur ingto ngto ng on T rr Te rry ry TTyyle ler ler Larry La rrrry Va V rg go Dick Di icckk Vit i al ale e TTiillllie ie Vo osss TTo om W Waattrrou ous Miike M ke Wal alsh Bonn Bo nnie ie (Fi Fitz t pa p tr triicck) k) Woo ood Ed Wo Ed oo od Joe Wr Jo Wrig rig ight ht
Spo port rt Year Foo Foo o tb tbal alll 1988 FFoo ootb otbal alll 1982 19 82 Foo ootb tbal al 1 81 19 Bask sket etba ballll 200 2 001 Bas a ketb tballl Play ayer er, Co Coac ach h 19 1 83 Foot otba b ll 198 981 1 Fo oot otba ballll 197 979 9 Football 198 9 1 Football 198 983 Football 1986 Foot Fo otba balll 1981 Footballl 1988 Fencing g 19 98 81 Bas aske ask ketb tbal all 1982 19 82 Baasseb ebaalll 1979 19 79 9 Bas aske aske kettb baalll 2 05 20 Bas aske ketb ke tbal tb al al 19 19 984 84 84 Adm Ad miini n st strraati tion on on 2005 00 0 05 Bas Ba ask sket ket etba balll 2005 00 0 05 Fo oot o ba b ll 198 980 Bas ae eb bal alll 19 98 84 4 Bas aske ketb ke ttb bal al 19 98 85 5 Footb oo otb bal al 19 1 98 83 3 Fo oo ottba ballll 198 984 Fenc Fe nciin nc ing C Co oac ach h 198 19 80 0 Baask B sket ettb baallll 198 981 Basseb bal al 1989 19 89 Base Ba se eb baallll 19 98 81 Tra rack ckk 198 987 Bas B aske as ketb ke tbal tb alll 1987 19 1987 87 Trac Tr racck 198 19 88 8 Bask sket ke etttba ballll ball ba 19 98 86 Foo o tb tbal alll Pl al Playyer Play er, Co Coac ach 19 19 980 80 80 Fen enci cing ci ng g 198 982 Foo ootb tbal al 19 1 987 87 Fen enci c ng ci 1989 989 98 Baasske ketb tball alll 19 1 980 80 Foo oottb bal all 198 19 81 1 Baaseba se eba ballll 198 987 Baaskkettba B ballll 200 20 01 1 FFo oot otba ballll 198 87 Bask Ba s et sk ettba ballll Coa ba oach c ch 199 993 Foot Fo otba ball, llll, B Baask skettb baaallllll 19 97 78 Golff Go 1984 98 9 84 Baske askke as etb tball, all,l, Bas al aseb ebaalll 1989 19 89 Cros Cr Cros oss Coun Cou Co un ntr tryy//TTrrac rac ack ck 20 2 007 007 07 Footba Fo otba ot ball allll 198 983 83 Fooottba Fo ballll/B /Baasske keetb ttb baallll//B ba /Ba Base seba ballll 19 980 80
We Want Grea at Things For You!
TITAN ATHLETICS MISSION The e De Depa parttment of Intercollegiate Athletics subscribes whole eheart eh eart ea rte ed dly to the University’s mission and core valuess aass exp ue pre esse sssed in the Jesuit and Mercy traditions. We emp em ph p has a iz ize tth he dignity and uniqueness of each person. Valu Va lu uiin ng th he di d vve erse population we serve, we commit ou o ur fu f llll res esou ou urrcces es to equal access and opportunity for alll.l. We se al eek ek to en enhanc nce e the reputation and image of the Un niivversi rsiittyy by fo fosst stering g a se sens nse of pride and community in stu tude de enttss,, fac acu ulty ty,, al alum umni ni, and the general public. Resp Re po on nsi sibl blle fo b or co cond nduc ucti t ng competitive men’s and wo omen’ n’ss at athl hlet etiic p pro rogr gram ams, s, tthe he Dep epar a tm tment is fully co omm mmit itte ted d to iim mpre mp ress ssin ing g up upon on you oung ng student-athlete te es th he va v lu lues es off a colllleg ege e ed education n through attainin ng a baaccccal a au ureate degr gree ee.. We e exe xerc rcis ise e th the e sa same m car a efful ul aatttte ent ntio ion n to t the e academic pr prog ogre ress ss o off st stud ud den entt atthl thlet etes es aass we w e do to o their physiica c l co cond ond dittio oni ning ng aand nd d me en nttaal p prrep epaa-raation on for o ag gam ame, maaiint am ntaaiining ning ni ng the ere reby a he eaalltthy hy bal alalan ncce eb bet e we et wee en n aca cade dem miiccss and nd ath thle lettiics c . Whetthe her on on th he e plaayyi yin ing fi fiel elld or e or at tth he ssttud udy ta tabl ble, e, our student ntt-aath thle lete tes le ear arn that that th at ccha haara ractter er is form form fo r me ed d thr hro ou ug gh hd disscciip pllin ne e,, tha hat lead le ead de errsh rsh ship p on a te team eaam m is tth he b be est st pre repa para rati t on for or lea ead de e errr-ship sh ip in tth he la larrg ge err mo orraall and nd civ ivic ic sp ph he erres es in wh whiicch ch th they ey wiill w illll liv ive o ive ou ut th the gr grea eater ter pa te parrtt of th thei eir lliive vess..
While striving for suc u cess ss iss in inhe here rent nt iin n th the e ph philos o op phy of intercollegiate athletics tto o wh whic ich h we sub ubsc scri r be,, we wililll never allow the legitimate des esirre to w win in tto o co comp m ro r mise the academic or ethical inte tegr grit ityy of o our ur D Dep epar artment. Neither the physical welfaare nor the aaca cade demi m c su s ccess of our student-athletes wi w lll eve verr be sac acri rifi fice ced d fo for the sake of winning a game. Ther e ef efor ore, e, tthe he p pri rima mary ry m mea e sure of the De ep par a tment’s success willll be it itss ab abililit ityy to aatt ttra ract c and re ettaain in stu ude dents who succeed bo both th aca cade demi mica callllyy an and d aatthlle ettical ical ic ally ly, an and nd whose careers after grrad aduaati tion on aare re a triib tr but ute tto o th he em aan nd the in i stitution. TTo o tho hose se end ndss,, the he co on nduct of the Department’s studen st ud u den entt-aatth hlle ette ess, ssttaff, aff, and aff d coaches shall always re emain faaiitth hffu ull to th the in the intte ent nt an nd d sp piiri r t of all applicable rules of tth he Na Nattiion io on nal nal al Col olle legi giat iat ate A Atth hlletic Association, the Horizon LLe eag ague ue, an and U UD DM M..
We W W Want Grea G at T Things For You!
DIRECTIONS TO CAMPUS McNi N ch c ol o s Camp m us (Cal (C alih ihan an H Hal alll an and d al a l at a hl h etic fields) M Ni Mc N chol olss Ca Camp mpus us is lo loca cate ted at 400 0 1 West McNichols Road in n nor orth thwe west st Detroit, on the southeast corner off McNichols and Livernois Avenue, with an entrance on each. The campus is aacc cces essi sibl ble e fr from om the Lod odge g (M10), Chrysler (I-75) 5 and Jeff effrrie iess (I (I-9 -96) 6) freeways. Driv iving g Directions Nort No rthb hbou ound nd Joh ohn C. C. Lodge od dg ge e FFre reew re eew eway ay (M M-1 10 0)):): Exitt at LLiivve Ex ern rnois. oiss.. Tu oi urrn rn rriig gh ht on onto o LLiive verrn vern no noi oiis. s. The he Uni nive versit rsit rs ity is is nor orth h tw wo o lliig gh hts ts on tth he ri r ig gh htt.. SSo out uthb hbou und nd Joh hn C. C Lod od dge ge Fre ge reew eway ew ay (M-1 (M -10) -1 0: 0) Exitt at Li Ex L ve vernoi rn noi o s. Turrn left left le ft onto ntto Li n Livern vern ve r no oiiss.. Th he e Uni nive errssit ity iss nor o th th ttwo wo lig ight hts on ht on the he rrig ig ght ht. No orrtthbou hbound hb ou un nd d I-7 75 5:: Exitt at D Ex Daavi vison so on Fr Fre ee ewa way. y. Taakke Da D vi viso on tto o nor ortth orth hbo boun nd John C. Lo Jo Lodge dge Fr dg Freewa ee e eway waay (M M-1 10) 0). Ex 0). Exit xitt at Li Live vern vern no oiiss.. Tu urrrn n riigh righ ht on onto to o LLiv ivve errn no oiss. Th ois The Un Univ niv ive errsi s ttyy iiss n no ort rth tw two liigh ghts ghts ts on n th he e right ig ght ht. Sout SSo out uthb hbou hbou ound nd I-7 75: 5: EExxitt at Ei Eight Eig ght M gh Miile e. Tu Turn rn rig ight ht ont nto EEiigh ght M Miile eR Roa oad oa d.. Prroceed P ee ed we west est tto o Li Livern Live rn noi o s. s Fol ollllo low Li Live vern noi ois sout uth th to to U ivverrsi Un sity ty. W st We s boun u d II 94 94 or Eaasttbo boun und un d II 94 94: 4: Exxitt Joh ohn n C. Lod odge ge Fre ee ew wayy (MM 10 0) No Nort rth. rt h. Exxiit att h. L vern Li rn nois oiis. o s. Tur urn n righ ghtt onto to o Livver erno rno nois is.. Th The U Un niv ivers ersityy is er nort no r h tw wo liligh g ts on th gh he ri r gh g t. t West We stbo st boun oun und d II-69 696 69 6 to to I-7 75 So S ou Sout utth. h. Exit Ex it at Ei E gh g t Mi Mile lle e. TTu urn rrig ight ht o ont ntto Ei n Eigh g tM Miile le Roa oad. ad d.. Proccee Pr Proc e d west stt to Livve errn noi ois. is.. Fo olllo low Live Live Li ernoi rn noi oiss so ou utth th to to Un U nivver ersi s tyy. si Eaasttbo boun und I--69 un 96 to to Joh hn C. C. Lod dg ge e ((MM--1 M 10 0) So outh uth: ut h: Exit at Li Ex Live v rn ve noi ois. s. Tu urrn lle eft ft ont nto to LLiive ivve ern noi ois. ois s. The Th he e Uniive vers rsiitty ty is norrth h tw wo o lig ight hts o on n th he e rig ght ht.
Cork Co ork kto t w wn n Ca am mpu mpu p s Sccho S hoo ool ol of De Dent nttiissttrry n The SSccho Th hoo oll of De Den Dent nttissttrry iiss loc loccaatted ted d ne eaar do ow wn nto tow wn n Detrroi De Detr oitt,, one n b blo llo occkk easst of o II-9 -96 -9 6 Je eff ffri r es ri es FFre reew re eway ew ayy aan nd nd w th wi thin nm min in inut nut utess o off I--94 9 , II-75 5, an and d tth he Lo Lod dg ge Fr F ee ew waayy.. Co onv nve en nie nie ient nt acccces e s to ob bus us lin ines e. es D ivvin Dr ng Di Dire irre ect c io ions ns FFrrom o the h Norrth thwe hwest st,, Eaast and W st Wes est: es t t: FFrrom m I-9 96 Ea East st/JJeff effrrie iess Fw ie F y taake k exi x t 19 1 1 ((U US12/ S12/ S1 2/M /M MLL K Kin ing in ing JJrr. Bllvd d/M Mic ichi ichi hig higa gaan Av Aven Aven enue ue)).). Turrn left ue le eft f on ntto M MLL King iin ng Jr Jr. Bllvd B vd/M /M Myr y tlle St S. From Fr m Do ow wnr wnr nriv ive er: er Fo Fr om m I-9 96//Je Jeff ffri rriie ess Fw wyy ttak ake ak e Miich hig igan an Ave ve/U ve/U USS -1 12 2 exit. xxiit. t. Tu urrn n lef eft ft onto ontto on o Miicch hiiga gan Av Ave. e. Tur urn righ urn ght on gh nto to Tilillm lman an Stt.. Turn Tu rn rig ght ht ont nto M MLL King ing Jr in Jr. B Bllvd lvd d//M Myyrrttlle le St St. Ma Makke e a U-tu --ttu urrn on o nto to ML K Kiing g Jrr.. Blvvd d//My Myrrtttle le Stt.. le Riive R verfro rffro ront nt Cam amp pu us Scho Sc hool ol of L La aw Rive Ri ve ve erf r fro rf ron ntt Cam mpu pus iss lo occaatted ed at 65 51 Ea E st s JJeff eff ffe ers rsson rson n Aven Av enue en e iin n do dow down wn nto own wn D Det ettro e oit it, t, ac acro rossss ffro rom th ro rom the Rena Re nais nais isssaancce Ce Ce en nter nt er. Th The ca c mp mpu uss is aaccce cce cess ssib ble le fro rom om th the LLo od dg ge (M M-1 -10 0)) and nd C Chr hrrys h yslle e err ((II-7 75) 5) fre eew eway ays and and ffrrom an om Jefferrson Jeff Je son Av so Aven nue e.
East Ea stb bo o oun un u nd Ei Eigh ght Mi Mile l : TTu urn rn rig igh htt ont nto Li Live Live vern rnoi oiss.. P Pro roceed ro cee ce ed d tto oM MccN Niich chol ols. s. W st We stbo boun bo un nd Ei E gh g t Mi Mile le: Turn Tu rn llef efft on onto to Liver iver iv e no ois is. Pr Po occee eed tto oM McN cNic cN Nic icho ho ols. ls
We Want Grea at Things For You!
Terri Anthony-Ryan Women’s Golf
Grant Asher Men’s Tennis
Nick Deren Interim Men’s Soccer
Todd Dressell Fencing MFC - 2009
Mark Engel Men’s Golf HL Coach of the Year 1992-1999-2007
Matt Holtz Men’s Lacrosse
Sunny Jones Softball
Mike Lupenec Women’s Soccer HL Coach of the Year 1995-1996-2005
Ray McCallum Men’s Basketball
Mary Ann Meltzer Women’s Lacrosse
Guy Murray Track & Field/CC HL Coach of the Year 1996-1998-19992000-2002-2003
Sam Poole Women’s Tennis
Autumn Rademacher Women’s Basketball
Detroit’s 13 current varsity head coaches have been named Coach of the Year in their respective conference on 13 different occasions during their celebrated careers. And, they have brought 20 conference tournament championships back to Detroit. On the field of play, and in the classroom...
AT UDM, WE WANT GREAT THINGS FOR YOU We Want Grea at Things For You!
Jarrett Alford Facilities Assistant
Erick Barnes Faculty Representative
Stacey Barns Men’s Basketball Office Manager
Jon Bjorklund Pep Band Director
Tanya Carper Cheer Team Coach
Steve Corder Assistant A.D./ Compliance
Michelle Cordero Athletic Administration Intern
Leah Dior Athletic Training Intern
Mark Engel Assistant A.D./ Sports Information
Anita Foster Olympic Sports Office Manager
Keri Gaither Athletic Director
Adam Gentry Strength and Conditioning Asst.
P.J. Gradowski Asst. Sports Information Director
Greg Haapala Director of Ticket Operations/Sales
Chris Hinderliter Asst. Director of Sports Medicine
Casey Hornung Equipment & Facilities Intern
Latrice Howard Dance Team Coordinator
Glenn Knott Assistant A.D./ Facilities
Scott Kretzmann Sports Information Asst.
Teri Kromrei Assistant A.D./ Business Operations
Phuong Le Asst. Business and Ticket Manager
Kristi Lewis Graduate Asst. Athletic Trainer
Stephanie Lieto Strength and Conditioning Asst.
Brandon Longmeier Director of Marketing
Mike Miller Daron Montgomery Director of Sports Sr. Associate Medicine Athletic Director
Joe Tofferi Director of Strength and Conditioning
Emily Vannice Administrative Intern
Joe Moore Compliance Intern
Amy Paling Asst. Director of Compliance
Alexandria Perry Athletic Training Intern
Nick Wilson Ashley VanMeter Maggie Walsh Asst. Director of Asst. Sports Asst. Strength Sports Medicine Information Director and Condit. Coach
Lezly Pruitt Office Manager
Harvey Theeck Equipment Manager
Dr. Michael Workings Team Physician
Craig Yust Asst. Director of Athletic Facilities
We Want Grea at Things For You!