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Math and Sciences • Physical Sciences and Math
OLLI program: OLLI Online Course location: UD OLLI Online (virtual) Wednesday 10:45 a.m. - noon Dates of class: 2/9/2022 - 4/27/2022 Instructor: Charles Carter Number of class sessions: 11 • Price for course: $50 Course format: Lecture, Video Based Technological requirements for optimal viewing: Audio & video with monitor/screen of 12” or more
Why should E=mc2? Does this equation only apply to atomic bombs and nuclear reactions? Can a person travel to a distant star and return home within a lifetime? Is time travel possible? What is the total energy in the universe? Potential answers to such questions are found in Einstein’s special and general theories of relativity. This course explores the logic behind these theories, structured as a combination of lectures and relevant videos. A minimal amount of high school algebra is used.
OLLI program: Wilmington Course location: Arsht Hall, Wilmington Thursday 10:45 a.m. - noon Dates of class: 2/10/2022 - 4/28/2022 Instructors: Saul Reine, Tom Keane Number of class sessions: 11 • Price for course: $70 Course format: Discussion, Lecture, Active (Hands-on/ physical movement), Video Based
This course will follow the life and career of Richard Feynman using his lectures, videos and documentaries. His genius enabled him to introduce us to fields of science and technology years before they became mainstream, with diagrams that simplified physics problems. He predicted the importance of nanotechnology while we were still figuring out the macro world, and his work on quantum electrodynamics earned him a Nobel prize. And yes, he played the bongos!
OLLI program: Wilmington Course location: Arsht Hall, Wilmington Tuesday 10:45 a.m. - noon Dates of class: 2/8/2022 - 5/10/2022 Instructor: William A. Jones Number of class sessions: 13 • Price for course: $70 Course format: Lecture, Video Based
Please join us for a 4.5 billion years trip through the development of the earth, plants and animals. We will learn how paleontologists determine how, what and where fossils should be placed on the earth’s timeline. Extinctions and their possible causes will also be discussed.
OLLI program: Kent/Sussex Course location: Trinity Faith Education Bldg., Lewes Tuesday 10:45 a.m. - noon Dates of class: 2/8/2022 - 3/8/2022 • Class limit: 32 Instructor: Dean Hoover Number of class sessions: 5 • Price for course: $25 Course format: Discussion
In this course I plan to present a collection of puzzles and problems from my past courses, including a discussion about the present state of symmetry in math. Everyone in the class will be given a puzzle that they may take home. Please come and enjoy the fun!
OLLI program: Kent/Sussex Course location: Trinity Faith Education Bldg., Lewes Monday 9 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Dates of class: 2/7/2022 - 3/7/2022 • Class limit: 40 Instructor: Jim O’Leary Number of class sessions: 5 • Price for course: $25 Course format: Lecture
Telescopes are time machines peering into the history of the universe, providing sights and understanding not otherwise possible. But at its simplest, it consists of two small pieces of glass in a tube. Follow the telescope’s evolution, see a reproduction of Galileo’s first telescope and view the beautiful images from the Hubble Space Telescope. We’ll explore the exotic, remote locations of new, large telescopes, including those in space, revealing a new and spectacularly beautiful cosmos. This hybrid-format course meets as two distinct but concurrent sections, one in-person, one online. In-person participants may join in the online class when their schedule requires.
OLLI program: Kent/Sussex Course location: UD OLLI Online (virtual) Monday 9 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Dates of class: 2/7/2022 - 3/7/2022 • Class limit: 40 Instructor: Jim O’Leary Number of class sessions: 5 • Price for course: $25 Course format: Lecture Technological requirements for optimal viewing: Any screen with audio and video
This section is offered online. Same as R213 except for location. Due to space constraints, students enrolled in the online section do not hold a seat in the in-person class. Register for the appropriate section. Technical requirements are listed for online participation.
OLLI program: OLLI Online Course location: UD OLLI Online (virtual) Tuesday 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Dates of class: 2/8/2022 - 4/26/2022 • Class limit: 45 Instructors: Bruce Neff, Howard Barth Number of class sessions: 11 • Price for course: $50 Course format: Discussion, Lecture, Video Based Technological requirements for optimal viewing: Audio & video with monitor/screen of 12” or more
Quantum mechanics is the most successful physical theory known in science. This essentially nonmathematical course is geared for the science enthusiast who is interested in understanding the quantum nature of matter and how it is used in physical science and technology. We also examine bizarre behavior in the quantum realm.