5 minute read
Discussion and Conclusion
Brattøra is expected to undergo major changes in the future, which makes preparing for floods due to heavy rainfall a necessary task. The area does not have any inhabitants. In the future, Brattøra is an area that is expected to grow due to municipal plans that are currently being developed, and residential zones are likely to arise. Today, most visitors in the area go there for work, studying, leisure or for traveling which makes them vulnerable because these groups might be unaware of flood risk and flood procedures in the area.
Because of limited financial resources, low cost soft measures set the frame for the plan. The presented different steps of the contingency plan focuses on risk assessment, response and information. By engaging the community and the stakeholders, the plan aims to build a community at Brattøra and to spread flood information and awareness. Since it can be difficult to engage the stakeholders, visitors and employees, proposing residential zones can contribute to building a stronger community. The residents could volunteer in flood preventive measures in their community. Involving the future residents and stakeholders and raising their knowledge about floods can help the community be better prepared for floods. However, this measure depends on active participation and the willingness of the community which is why it is crucial to build a strong community.
As long-term solutions, changing legal plans and establishment of nature based solutions should be the main measures. By preparing both short-term and long-term, Brattøra can strengthen its ability to withstand extreme weather and heavy rain events, minimizing potential damage, and ensuring the safety and well-being of its future residents and infrastructure. Considering the low budget, implementing rainwater gardens and measures for surface water or even elevating the ground in the most flood prone areas are considered more costly measures. These measures will therefore require willingness by stakeholders, and funding. As mentioned, the group proposes to change municipal plans and demand that developers adapt their projects to withstand floods, and the cost will then be covered by the stakeholders in question.
To conclude, the contingency plan can aid in making Brattøra withstand the effects of floods in the future and to be better prepared for floods. Although the limited financial resources impose limitations, the group has prepared solutions which can improve Brattøra’s preparedness for floods and minimize damage to infrastructure and properties.
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List of figures
Front page photo by : Wold, Ole M. (2020)
Figure 1: An overview of Brattøra (Trondheim Havn, 2020)
Figure 2: Flooding at Brattøra (NTB scanpix, 2020)
Figure 3: From the groups site visit to Brattøra (Group 1, 2023)
Figure 4: Map of Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 5: Brattøra, 1951 (Strinda Historielag, n.d.)
Figure 6: Municipal master sub-plan for Nyhavna from 2016 (Trondheim kommune, n.d.-a)
Figure 7: Municipal master sub-plan for Brattøra from 2001 (Trondheim kommune, 2018)
Figure 8: Storm surge in Trondheim. The picture is taken from Brattøra and shows Lade in the background (Eggen, V. & Kilnes, C., 2020)
Figure 9: Timeline of the biggest floods in Trondheim the past 35 years (FloodProBE, n.d.)
Figure 10: Property owners at Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 11: Property renters at Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 12: Pirbadet and Clarion Hotel and Congress Center (Source: Group 1, 2023)
Figure 13: Use of swales and rainwater garden in the Flood model of Bergen, Norway (Source: ClimateScan, n.d.)
Figure 14 & Figure 15: Stakeholder meetings in Makassar (InaSAFE, n.d.)
Figure 16: Flood in Makassar, Indonesia in March of 2021 (Sharief/Xinhua, 2021)
Figure 17: The functions of flood education related to the ‘flood-cycle’ (Dufty, 2008)
Figure 18: Findings from the case practices (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 19: Illustration photo of the planning process (Shvets, 2020)
Figure 20: Contingency plan for Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 21: Response strategy for Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 22: Timeline of the response strategy for Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 23: Firefighters rescue stranded residents on a boat in Japan (Kyodo News/AP 2021)
Figure 24: Illustration photo. Concept by Henning Larsen architects (Henning Larsen, n.d.)
Figure 25: The municipality’s proposal for a new municipality master plan 2022-2034 (Trondheim kommune, 2023)
Figure 26: Pir II Architects concept of nature based solutions for Brattøra (FramtidsTrondheim, n.d.)
Figure 27: Rainwater garden catching stormwater runoff (University of Minnesota, 2018).
Figure 28: Rainwater garden system (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 29: Illustration photo of community involvement in creating rain gardens (Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy, n.d.)
Figure 30: Illustration photo of future development (Pir II Architects, 2019)
Figure 31: Operational support plan for Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 32: Operational support plan for Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Figure 33: Budget for the contingency plan of Brattøra (Illustration: Group 1)
Contingency plan for Nyhavna
A community-based approach for a new mixed use area prone to flooding
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