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Hard infrastructure
Low-density planning
The low-density of the area will allow for a distribution of land-use according to sensitivity to flooding. We will take an approach where buildings will be located in the least flood-prone area. The land-use of the area will be determined by the GIS analysis of predicted flooding during a 1000-year storm surge. This is illustrated in fig. 23 and 24. This will require a more dense urban fabric compared to if it was distributed across the entire Nyhavna. However, in this way it will be possible to free up space in the areas that are most prone to flooding. This open space will be used for recreational activities such as a waterfront park or a promenade for soft mobility.
Flexible landscapes
The waterfront park is designed with the flexibility to allow for recurring flooding. In this way, flooding of precarious functions is prevented. The park will be a destination for recreation for Nyhavna as well as the larger Trondheim. A soft-mobility corridor will connect the park with existing cycle path. In this way, the park will both function as a flood-risk mitigating measure, as well as a strategic tool for place-making, connecting Nyhavna with the larger Trondheim.
Flood-sensitive urban design
The edges towards the sea are designed as flood mitigating structures. This could for example be revetments or gradual steps from the sea to the street level. These structure have the function of reducing the power of waves hitting the shore, and thus mitigating the flood risk. In addition to having a flood-mitigating function, the design of the edges will form attractive public spaces for residents and visitors. This can be spaces to sit and look over the sea, spaces to move with bike, skateboard, jogging or walking. Other features could be spaces for sports, urban gardening, artworks, etc. providing added value to the neighbourhood in the form of recreational spaces.
The existing streets in the area are wide as they have had to allow for large vehicles. They are covered in concrete with little space for soft mobility (see fig. 6). Through this proposal, streets will be retrofitted to prioritise soft mobility across Nyhavna. A part of the retrofitting will be to design nature-based solutions such as bioswales and retention ponds along the streets that have the function of collecting and directing water from the streets to the ground. In addition to absorbing excess water, they direct stormwater runoff towards the sea during heavy rain. This is a nature-based solution that, in addition to having a technical function, beautifies the streetscape with greenery, as well as enhancing the biodiversity. See fig 30 and 34.
A new connection
As a part of the strategic plan, this proposal suggests a new bridge for soft mobility between Nyhavna and Ladestien. In this way, Nyhavna will be a connection between the central Trondheim and the coastal path, making the new area a point of reference for the wider Trondheim, rather than an end station. This invites soft mobility; cyclists, runners, pedestrians, to pass through the area, increasing the activity in the area and making it more vibrant.