6 minute read
Operational Support Plan and Budget
It is important to consider a collaboration between internal and external stakeholders in the operational support plan, which should be strongly facilitated by the local community. The local community will act as the formal intermediary between the internal stakeholders, and organize collaboration with external stakeholders such as municipalities, authorities, NGOs, volunteer groups, etc. This is due to the fact that the community has limited resources, hence, when resources from the inner circle are exhausted while implementing the DRR plan, there will be potential support from external stakeholders.
As already addressed, the resources for this contingency plan are very limited, therefore, solutions that can be realized in a short time period also have to be on a low budget. Hence the structure of the implementation plan and timeline are already indicating the estimated expenses, except for some measures. Furthermore, the total amount of expenses could be indicated by which actions and priorities are to be taken first based on the dynamic pathways. Previously, we argued that prioritizing priority A first will be beneficial, this is because even though it is the most resource-intensive in the first stage, it will bring greater benefits in the later stages in the long run. Thus, securing its completion first would also greatly help the implementation of other priorities.
Concluding Remarks
In the given scenario of Bakklandet as a dense part of the city, with financial constraints and a lack of disaster management authority, highly susceptible to flooding and potential quick clay landslides caused by heavy rainfall, we suggested a frugal and local approach. Based on these characteristic features and the related literature, solutions were identified and implemented into a contingency plan for the area of Bakklandet.
Most of the solutions aim for a realization without many resources and adapt to all the four stages of emergency management. Due to the limited options the focus is being laid on approaches that provide help and safety in a flooding event. The next main focus is the preparedness for an upcoming disaster and then the mitigation follows. For the recovery the community based approach already implies the importance of community resilience to cope with the impacts and recover from a disaster.
If the time frame of this group work would have been wider, we should have interviewed more experts as we originally had planned, but could not get answers or find appointments in the given time slot.
Other than that the investigation has proved that a community and area based perspective is essential for dealing with disasters on a local level and coping with potential harm. Building resilience in communities is one of the main aspects to improve contingency planning considering our scenario. Bakklandet is well-positioned as it already has a strong sense of community, as well as two active associations caring about matters in the neighborhood and engaging in keeping the area a vibrant, safe and attractive place in the city.
Online survey:
Heisann! We are a group of students from the Department of Architecture and Planning at NTNU and we are currently doing a small research about contingency and disaster planning using the Bakklandet area as our case study. / Heisann! Vi er en gruppe studenter fra Institutt for arkitektur og planlegging på NTNU og vi gjør for øyeblikket en liten studie om beredskap og katastrofeplanlegging, hvor vi bruker Bakklandet som vårt studieområde.
As some of you might already know, Bakklandet sits on top of quick clay land, where landslide risk is quite high. On top of that, when combined with increased precipitation and rainfall, considering torrential downpour and flooding, the resulting repercussion could be disastrous. / Som noen av dere kanskje allerede vet ligger Bakklandet på kvikkleire, der skredrisikoen er ganske høy. Kombinert med økt nedbør, styrtregn og oversvømmelse, kan resultatene bli katastrofale.
Thus, we would like to know about the area better, especially from the local’s perspective to have a more grounded and inclusive understanding of the area. So at the end we could formulate and create a frugal and localized contingency plan in case of events like above. / Derfor ønsker vi å lære mer om området, spesielt fra lokalbefolkningens perspektiv, for å få en mer forankret og inkluderende forståelse av området. På denne måten kan vi formulere og skape en enkel og lokal beredskapsplan i tilfelle hendelser som nevnt ovenfor.
The survey takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, and everyone is welcome to participate in this survey. Participation in this survey is fully anonymous and we will only use your answer in our research project report. Should you be interested in receiving our report at the end, feel free to leave your e-mail address. / Spørreundersøkelsen tar omtrent 10-15 minutter å fullføre, og alle er velkomne til å delta i undersøkelsen. Deltakelse i undersøkelsen er fullstendig anonym, og vi vil kun bruke svaret ditt i vår forskningsprosjektrapport. Dersom du er interessert i å motta rapporten vår til slutt, kan du gjerne legge igjen din e-postadresse.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this survey, your input is highly appreciated and hope you have a good day! / Takk på forhånd for din deltakelse i undersøkelsen, ditt bidrag blir høyt verdsatt. Ha en fin dag!
About you & Bakklandet
E-mail Address (Optional) / E-postadresse (valgfri)
Are you a: / Er du:
House/Building owner / Hus/Bygningg eier
Business owner / Bedriftseier
Renter / Lessee / Tenant / Leietaker
Employee / worker in the area / Ansatt / jobber i området
Tourist / visitor / Turist / besøkende
For how long have you lived (if you live there) or spent time (if you only visit regularly, but not live there) in Bakklandet? / Hvor lenge har du bodd på Bakklandet (hvis du bor der) eller hvor mye tid tilbringer du der (hvis du besøker Bakklandet jevnlig)?
How do you generally feel about living and/or spending time in the neighborhood? / Hva føler du om å bo eller tilbringe tid i nabolaget?
Are there any places that you often go in the neighborhood? Specify the place (name, landmarks, street, address, etc.) and the activity that you do there (does not have to be very specific, just to be able to be pinpointed on a map) / Er det noen steder du ofte går til i nabolaget? Spesifiser stedet (navn, landemerker, gater, adresser osv.) og aktiviteten du gjør der (svaret trenger ikke være veldig spesifikt, men må kunne plasseres på et kart)
About the potential of disasters in Bakklandet
Was there ever any natural or artificial disaster that happened in Bakklandet that you know of? / Har det noen gang vært en naturlig eller menneskeskapt katastrofe på Bakklandet, som du kjenner til?
If yes, please tell us all you know about it
Have you ever witnessed any floodings in Bakklandet? \Have you ever witnessed any landslides in Bakklandet? / Har du noen gang vært vitne til skred på Bakklandet?
Are you aware of the risks for natural of artificial disasters (quick clay incidents, landslides, floods, etc.) in the area? / Er du klar over risikoen for naturlige eller menneskeskapte katastrofer (kvikkleireskred, skred, flom osv.) i området?
If yes, please specify which one you knew of so far / Hvis svaret er ja, vennligst spesifiser hvilke du kjenner til
Do you think Bakklandet area is developed with considering those risks? / Tror du Bakklandet-området er utviklet med tanke på disse risikoene?
Yes (Ja)
No (Nei)
Do you know where to go and what to do in case of disasters such as flood or quick clay incidents in your area? / Vet du hvor du skal dra og hva du skal gjøre i tilfelle katastrofer som flom eller kvikkleirehendelser i ditt område?
If yes, can you specify what you think you will do and where will you go in the event? / Hvis ja, kan du spesifisere hva du tror du vil gjøre og hvor du vil gå under hendelsen?
Where are the most disaster vulnerable zones in your opinion? / Hvor er de mest sårbare sonene etter din mening?
Do you think Bakklandet area have good preparations to deal with natural and/or artificial disasters? / Tror du at Bakklandet-området er godt forberedt på å takle naturlige eller menneskeskapte katastrofer?
How do you think the municipality/kommune will act should there be a disastrous events in the area? / Hvordan tror du kommunen vil handle dersom det skulle skje en katastrofe i området?
How do you think the Bakklandet community will act should there be a disastrous events in the area? / Hvordan tror du lokalsamfunnet på Bakklandet vil handle dersom det skulle skje en katastrofal hendelse i området?
About the sense of community in Bakklandet
Are there already a connection or a sense of community in the neighborhood that you know of? Local initiative(s), organizations, activities? / Er det allerede en stedstilknytning, dugnadsånd eller fellesskapsfølelse i nabolaget? Lokale initiativ(er), organisasjoner, aktiviteter?
Do the residents in the neighborhood usually talk and collaborate in daily situations? / Pleier innbyggerne i nabolaget å snakke sammen og samarbeide i daglige situasjoner?
Do you feel like doing cooperative relief works when something disastrous happens in your neighborhood? / Har du lyst til å delta i samarbeidsprosjekter for å hjelpe til med å lette konsekvensene av en katastrofal hendelse i nabolaget ditt?
Could you imagine helping the area to prepare for eventual coming disasters (landslide, flood, etc.)? / Kunne du tenke deg å hjelpe området med å forberede seg på en eventuell kommende katastrofe (skred, flom osv.)?
For example: Participating in local workshops to build small infrastructure and to raise awareness, or investing in some local crowdfunding to finance measures? (In the interest of keeping the economy, social gathering places in the area safe in case of an incident like this). / For eksempel: Delta i lokal dugnad for å gjøre små fysiske tiltak og for øke bevisstheten rundt farene, eller gi bidrag til en lokal spleis for å finansiere tiltak? (For å sikre god økonomi og holde sosiale samlingssteder trygge dersom en krisehendelse skulle skje).