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2. Methods and Data Collection

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Throughout the project work several different methods were used for data collection and analysis. The process started in September with site visits and initial interviews to get an understanding of the area. The goal was to collect data that could be used as a base for spatial ideas in order for the groups to work as facilitators. By identifying stakeholders, looking into second hand data, and informal conversations with residents we started the first draft of the situation analysis. After this we took the information, we had gathered and created our first ideas for spatial solutions. Though working with our initial solutions, we continued collecting data and trying to engage the people of Svartlamo(e)n.

As more data was collected, we also modified our solutions to better fit the needs of the people accordingly. There were attempts to host workshops, but early on it was discovered that collecting information from the residents might be difficult as many seemed to be tired of students and different participation projects in the area. A resident expressed that she didn’t want to talk to another student, and for our workshop no one showed up.


Despite the difficulties faced the process continued due to the help from reliable contacts, and a few interviews with the municipality and the community. Furthermore, we were able to attend a residents’ meeting and present our solutions for Mellamon; where these insights from the meeting, as well as the specific feedback obtained were used to refine the solutions.

Throughout the entire process the aim was to act as facilitators and focus on participation in every step. The goal was to have the stakeholders and participants be an active part of the process and allow them to guide us on what they wanted and needed most. Even though there were difficulties connecting with the people of Svartlamo(e)n the group made a strong effort to keep in mind the opportunities that were expressed and to create projects where co-design methods were an integral part of the further development of the solutions. The reason for this is that co-design methods enable strong connections between people and creations, as the people are able to take greater ownership (Keitsch, 2020) that once again, one could imagine this leads to greater maintenance over time.

Figure 8: Infographic of Methods Timeline of Group Work, Authors

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