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Final Draft
advnt is a student-led creative program that seeks to learn and teach what it means to be a capital “C” creative in advertising. We hand select the best ad students at the University of Florida who have devoted themselves to copywriting, illustration, graphic design, photography, social media, and project management. This book embodies the creativity of advertising students at the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Communications. We are shining the spotlight on our peers to exhibit their amazing technical abilities and creative processes. The purpose of advnt is to push and break the boundaries of what is expected. We give students a platform to show off their unique work while also breaking down their creative processes from their first moments of inspiration at the drawing board. The passion our students have for their craft is clear through their impressive submissions which we frame in our portfolio for the ad world to view. advnt offers a boundless perspective on what the advertising industry is capable of by merging the collective visions of our creative minds. We give recruiters a catalog of top talent to handpick from and, hopefully, hire. As a staff, advnt distributes the portfolio to top advertising agencies across the country. Each featured student is also given a copy of the portfolio they can bring to job interviews, show off to employers, and brag to their peers about. Each year, advnt brings a new theme to the table. In its fourth iteration, advnt presents The Final Draft, a deep dive into the creative process.
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The Final Draft
TO WHOEVER FINDS THIS NOTEBOOK: If you consider yourself a Creative, you likely carry around a notebook. These bound books reveal a lot about their owner. Notebooks hold the thoughts we don’t always say aloud. They document the passing moments we keep to ourselves. Inside, you can find intricate plans of world domination or a failed idea someone was too afraid to share. Your thoughts are trapped inside these pages until you decide to set them free. The pages of a notebook reveal a process: this process depends on the individual. Although the process lives in the Creative’s mind, we can discover pieces of evidence in their notebook. Notebooks house the seeds to our next big idea. By flipping through the pages, we can watch these ideas flourish. The creative process is never the same, nor is it linear. It ebbs and flows with the brainwaves of the creator. On these pages, you’ll stumble across doodles, brainstorms, and altering moods. It’s very unlikely that you’ll ever come across a finished product. But, today, you might just get lucky. Most people don’t title their notebooks, but we have. We’d like you to refer to this notebook by its proper name: The Final Draft. Throughout this notebook, we’ll take you through the creative process by featuring half-baked work. We’ll reveal the inner working of Creatives’ minds before showing you the final draft of their work. Much like the creative process, advnt vol. 4 was born in chaos amid a global pandemic. With our voice, we strive to make sense of the chaos that is creativity.
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The Final Draft
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The Final Draft
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The Final Draft
A doodle. A scribble. A passing thought. To the casual onlooker, it’s nothing but a jumbled mess of arbitrary shapes and words, lying outside the margins or trapped within notebooks. A shoe melting on the concrete. A squirrel with dollar signs for eyes. An entire page dedicated to the words “Manhattan Wooly Mammoth” in bubble letters. To an outsider, these scribbles are nothing but pointless distractions. But we aren’t casual onlookers, are we? These aren’t just anyone’s notebooks; these are our notebooks. Our scratches. Our triumphs. Our raw selves. Before all the bells and whistles, tweaks, and adjustments, these doodles are an extension of ourselves. To those who scoff, you’ve just never seen how these doodles can grow and how mighty they can be. Doodles are the step before the first step. It’s the seed of the plan before we even know there’s a plan. Every great plan starts with a person. And doodles are nothing but a person, unhinged. Watch as we put the lowly doodle on its proper pedestal.
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The Final Draft
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The Final Draft
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The Final Draft
VOL. 4
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THE PERFECT STORM Brainstorms can feel like a tsunami of ideas coming at you from every direction. When you’re caught up in this whirlwind of creativity, the clearest way through is a process. So, let’s get you acquainted with advnt’s cardinal rules to get you through this.
If you kill someone’s idea in a brainstorm, odds are they won’t trust you anymore. You’ve given them a reason to not be as forthcoming with their ideas, in turn, robbing yourself of a collaborator. Watching someone shoot down your idea makes it harder to share than it already was. Let people get their ideas out before you commit expressive extermination after the brainstorm.
Spit it out. Yes, giving up your ideas for the sake of the greater creative good can be a struggle. But, now is not the time to be shy. It’s your time to shine and possibly look stupid. Be confident in your ability to contribute because that’s why you were invited to the party in the first place. If Rule #1 is followed, Rule #2 becomes second nature.
Never show up without a notebook. Open a blank page and start jotting down your elusive thoughts. If someone is talking and creativity strikes, don’t be a jerk — just jot it down. Good ideas like to evade capture and the only way to hold on to them is to get them on paper. These are the conditions for a perfect storm.
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The Final Draft
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The Final Draft
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SET THE MOOD There is no one way to set the mood. It varies from person to person; everyone has their own idiosyncrasies. Some dim the lights, spark a candle, and sit tight for inspiration to strike. Others thrive in a sense of chaos: a scene of loud music blaring from a worn speaker accompanied by an array of torn magazines makes for a calculated mess. Some opt to house their ideas meticulously in notebooks, others in the notes app on their phone. Whether we’re drawing, writing, or conceptualizing, the process remains consistent. We identify the elements that make up our vision and bring them to life. The concept of ‘setting the mood’ goes way beyond the simple act of applying a sense of direction to your project; it’s a moment in time where the jumbled mess of your thoughts finally connects to the message you want to share with the world. Reaching this pinnacle of creativity calls for a few moments of selfreflection and the ability to identify your goals. Please enjoy following our creatives to navigate their elusive human truths, in style.
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The Final Draft
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The Final Draft
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providence sans pro Avenir Medium
The Final Draft
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The middle
The Final Draft
Congrats, you’ve made it halfway through the book. As a prize for this noble achievement, we’ll unveil the best part: the Creatives. Each Creative has their own process. The process they use may be borrowed from a mentor or created on a fly. The process may not be the same each and every time. The process might even feel more sporadic than planned. Up until now, you’ve perused pages with chicken scratches and loose ideas. You’ve reached the end of our creative process. Now, you’ll meet the people behind the madness alongside their polished, finished work. No matter how intricate the process was, the work speaks for itself in simple terms. The work featured might be for an internship, campaign project, competition brief, or any other creative endeavor. Although the work typically takes center stage, we want to turn the spotlight on the Creatives themselves. In the following pages, you’ll discover the stories and people behind the work.
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INGRID WU Art Director
Final Draft
eled rocess is. fu er H Ingrid’s p n astinations at by procrrk e p ap h best wo minute with the last ne coursing adrenali her body and pit through cessorizing her stains ace develops ideas shirt. Sh g her creative by askinfor feedback friends ing on it. Ingrid and builddyes hair as cuts andance art. perform
mphlet rple Ptaof learning u P e h u T es rn o was btothe at rocintsit the i u a o g ab ted a during commritcommunitygoal quee 9 50s. The t the the 1to representhe dark was unity, not Puma commext. Ingrid’sromoted cont l content ph on socia aker launc ens a sne PUMAWomunt. the @gram acco Insta
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Graphic Designer
To spa inklingrk that first Angeli of creativit y, throug ca scrolls visual h her phone beginn inspiration. for her proing stages o The listeni cess includef playlis ng to her fav into ar t, diving dee orite similar tists that sh per ar styles of wor e k.
Final Draft
ed the edesiglongo r a c i l e Ang rts Tower ports Espo with the Ese made to fit r brand. Shnd Toweogo sleek a staying the l et ric while al geom to its originhen t rue palette. W ed in color not engulf world, she’s dvertising y in the the a lica finds joraphy Ange of photog s. world IY project and D
U BY KOTE X Nicol notebo looks el’s ok from h ike field note e r e v eryda s filled peoplew, ith thoughtys life, to we places, an on After aave into her dw art her d brief pas ork. how sehsk, she mapsses tell th e can visua out big idee story of thlly conver a via though e and stosation, sketctful ryboard h ing. ing, Kotex’s gns fgoraddress i s e d r He ckagin tivity pad peaed for posiw hen s n the men’s live e o h in w t ruating. S er mens s to empowss their hope n to expre h her wome d pains wit cheerful periouraging and she’s enco aging. When’s t rying pack orking, she rcises, not wrecipes, exe new odcasts. and p
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Nicole Lopez, Art Director Alexa Padron, Copywriter
Final Draft
Nico inseplaerand Alexa a partn able crea re coffeeesrs. They mteive et in hops to over i and boaant milk lattdeeate winte ana brea s and Alrebreak, Nicdo. Over le sittin xa were creatigv at home. sTihck of down e duo use e Airbntbime to brindg this partner and JetBlu their e ship to life.
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| vol. 4
Y Gold ADD le Gainesvil
Final Draft
Alexa k p s her notebooekeo table in ca n her bedside se of an idea str in g in the middle oik avoid a cfrethe night to nightma : ative’s worst a forg good idere a. To stayotten organized each pa e , she indexes of her noteboog may lookk.o Her process it’s just rganized, but rest of oausrschaotic as the .
work red assions: u t a e a’s f her p nd Alexuses onquality as. Her foc en’s e utdoor aims wom great o mpaign ls feel the ssier ca ung gir eir Glo ake yole in th tional to mfortab The Na com skin. ation gainst ownk Found ghts a ted at Par paign fis targe cam get cut arks. bud ional p n at
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Alexa Padron, Copywriter Robert Fisher, Illustrator Sophia Sanders, Illustator Megan Pirino, Art Director t Ad m met a The te,a a day-long tion Collabve collabora riefs. creati to answer bkle event chose to tac They ne Club for g Ones The Oivity’s Youn ach Creat for Vans. E ired brief member adm style team illust ration de. Vans ffbeat attit u and o
The Final Draft
Gold ADDY Gainesville
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| vol. 4
Art Director
ge sofa From a vinata et to the rk m a e fl t at a y on a st rese typographan ble um st g e sign, M inspiration upon the ive projects for creat tails of the in the de orld around passing wicing the her. Practticing things art of no d her well in has serve likely ideas. pairing un
The Final Draft
Mega ’s lively h packan by theging was inost sauce “KokomBeach Boys’ pired o”. She that C t ransla ted by curaaribbean in boards, ting mood fluence and t color pa then ryepography. lSehttes, e cult u searched ruban packarge and local A her f ing. Mega sauce spe and DrIeYe time thrn iftingnds ing.
Sandra’s creativethe technique takes e art – semblance of lin where she doesn’t knowt revels it will end up bu t the in the process juss in the same. She believe rming power of brainstoople; with the right pe better to her, nothing is game than a ping-pong of ideas. To honor the spirit of worldly advent ure embedded in Trader Joe’s’ history, Sandra created a campaign that transports the viewer to the countries that inspired so many cult favorites. Outside of advertising, Sandra avidly bullet journals and makes ceramics.
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Art Director/Copywriter
ivity ’s creat feels e l l e i n Da he when s blooms whether it be a , t relaxed p in bed or a ss u e c d o e r t p p os op. Her her h s e e ff co ing s clear ic, include , playing mus e l p u e d e rd sche ting he st. r a t s d an ere to Pint dive in
Silver ADDY District 4 Gold ADDY Gainesville Best of Show AAF
The Final Draft
n for her om Inspiratoiork came fr w ly Bub brand e rd a -h ie d her rinks on d e h S y. lt loya wanted a d an ay d every the ide g n ro w e v to pro rkling water has a that sp r. Her visuals no flavo the boldness display d has to offer. the branom advertising, Aside fr cooks and Danielle ty. gets craf
| vol. 4
Art Director
GIRLS R CAMP OCK 1st place at 22squared’s Mobilize Campaign Competition
Brainstorming and experimentation are Norys’ favorite tools in her arsenal. She expands upon a concept in a brainstorming session and then refines it while she is working on her executions. However, the real fun for her lies in experimenting to see what new skill she is capable of.
The Final Draft
mpaigns,ation For bothulca d inspir le p s Nory e communities the th a from ns provide: organizatrioyoung women space fo x st udents. She and Latinto incorporate, was able ely, her respectivce as a teenager experieng for a voice searchin ina. Norys is and a Lat chef and a an amateur nter. ai p virtuoso
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Norys Curbelo, Art Director Jessica Navarrette, Graphic Designer Valeria Coll, UX DesignerStrategist Alex McKenzie, Strategist
The Final Draft
The N challenike+ team w New l ged by a D&as ood bri an onB e f AD for yoluine communtio build Lond ng women i ty n throwoinn. The team wall un g ideas at kept finall til somet the womeyn st uck. Thehifng our resea brainsto to makrcehed, and remded, the bes their campited t it cou ld bea. ign
They desig used prod camp n and an uct their aign to brintegrate d comm Nike + Y ing o u n u i o t y to + Yo nlin safe us aims to lcife. Nikee r p e ate a to em ace fo each opower anr women d was ther. Th inspir Pinteirnspired b e work e and N est moody music, ike’s past bwoards, ork.
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Art Director
Ian be creativgins his by ask e process “What ing himself, accompam I t rying t settin lish?”Afte o slicks gb this goal, rh hunts ack his ha e To focfuor inspiratiir and his cre s and get on. ative ju flowing ice Chilled , Ian listenss C o hop sta w’s lo-fi h to ip tion.
The Final Draft
His w Asian oKrk for Bent was i itchen + o film Spnispired by tShushi t radi rited Aw e ukiyot-ieonal Japaanye and prints. woodblock se For P&G Net wo Siliconrk, Ian looAklumni a loo Valley to ed to and ckomthat felt clcereate an pact, ye with of adlgarowth. Outtstieeming draw a nd, Ian lovede nd DJ. s to
| vol. 4
HUMANE SOCIETY OF NORTH FLORIDA Danielle Bass, Strategist Gina Marchini, Art Director Stella Vasilopoulos, Designer Marjorie Wheeler, Strategist
W he signen the Pet they d up fo Pals te the n had no ir Ad Das am stor ext 12- dea wh h, immee for thehours haadt rese diately m. The t in eam into arch whi dove into of Nothe Hum le leanin exis rth Flo ane Soc g Thenting branrida’s iety every, all of a d identi ty. thing s clickudden, ed.
The Final Draft
t The campaign, “Pe the Pals�, proposed thrsatwith shelter pair dono pen foster owners asareness pals to boost aw and of kitten season mbers. raise adoption nu urs After spending 12, ho om ro a in ed trapp the girls became great friends.
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Graphic Designer
The Final Draft
To se its t rueeimagination Val snu peak, you’l at l ggled u couch w p o find a cup o ith her catn her sketc f tea. Her and brainshtes catapult raough forwa orming sess ny ion good arrd. Witnessin her to t is what in g as eq bring some spires appeaulai lly visuallything ng to t he wor ld. The inspiration behind “Bliss Box” was her own experience as a woman in a society where women are discouraged from exploring their bodies. With this project, Val was able to dive into her long-time interest in packaging e. design for the first tim Val is advnt’s favorite vegan yogi cat lady.
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Graphic Designer
ss e proce creativerspective. ’s a n a D bout p tive is all akes the creaines a m t She em and exa o find probl m all sides t olution. it fro ost unique s ment the m is in her ele Dana surrounded : when at she loves nd by wh n, beauty, a fashiotainment. enter
The Final Draft
The Ju ul Truth was inspire profit Tdheby the nonTruth Initia addrestisvees. Her work epidemic the current of -cigar addicti on ame ong a ette generati o n o f teenag and yo messaguenfg adults. Theers r o m h campa n is cleaerr: smokinig g w il l o n sacrifi ly and yocuer your health wallet.
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everyon you to their k n a h T bmitted who su d gave us n work a ow into . d n i w a ty reativi their c
E LEAD ERSHIP Thank y o u for bui a space ld and pub for us to creing l i s h advnt. ate A big t he advehank you to t depart rtising continument for your ed supp ort.
Thank you to st udents fromthe all across campus who go t their caricature d rawn. We hope you enjo taking home yed piece of advna small t.
Dan, you’re the man. Thank you for always being our sounding board and cheering us on.
Y Thank y for allo ou to Ad Soci at your wing us to shoety recruit meetings to ut solicit sour staff and ubmissi ons.
The Final Draft
COLOPHON The Final Draft is the fourth volume of advnt. We built a platform to display students’ work in a way that showcased their creative journey. The Final Draft explores the creative process by highlighting each step from early sketches to the actual final draft. Its purpose is to demonstrate the thought process of creative advertising students at the University of Florida’s College of Journalism and Communications from start to finish. The portfolio is divided into four sections: Doodles, The Perfect Storm, Set the Mood, and The Creatives. Doodles kicks off the creative process, involving any preliminary sketches, words, or ideas. The Perfect Storm features evidence of brainstorms and mind maps. Finally, Set the Mood showcases pieces that inspire the work. The Creatives is where the final campaigns are showcased, along with their creators. The development of advnt volume four began in the fall semester with the submission campaign. Creative advertising students within the College were encouraged to submit their best coursework, personal projects, or contracted work, along with any drafts, scribbles, or inspiration. Our staff then reviewed all submissions and selected work that strongly represents the remarkable level of skill within the College. In this volume, 20 students are featured alongside their work. Volume four’s release could not have been done without the resilience of our entire staff during the global pandemic. Each staff member dedicated long days and nights until our final draft was complete. We hope advnt brings a glimmer of hope in a turbulent climate.
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INDEX Danielle Bass .................................... 56, 57 Valeria Coll ...................................... 52, 53 Norys Curbelo .......................50, 51, 52, 53 Robert Fisher ...................................44, 45 Ian Flores ......................................... 54, 55 Nicole Lopez ...............................39, 40, 41 Gina Marchini .................................. 56, 57 Alexandra McKenzie .......................52, 53 Dana Meyers ..................................... 60, 61 Jessica Navarrette ......................... 52, 53
The Final Draft
Danielle Orbele .............................. 48, 49 Alexa Padron .......... 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45 Angelica Pardi ..................................... 38 Megan Pirino ............................ 44, 45, 46 Sandra Salvatierra ............................... 47 Sophia Sanders .............................. 44, 45 Val Sokolova .................................. 58, 59 Stella Vasilopoulos ........................ 56, 57 Marjorie Wheeler .......................... 56, 57 Ingrid Wu........................................ 36, 37
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- Share a with mom dvnt - Apply t of the teao be part - Submit wm volume fiveork for - Keep ma king st uff
The Final Draft
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