E CREDS-for Andy

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CREDENTIALS PRESENTATION about us markettiers4dc was founded in 1994 with the aim of

effectively incorporating broadcast media as a central part of communications strategies and providing the resource and experience to do this for in-house and agency clients alike. With the internet emerging as arguably the most impactful media channel, so markettiers4dc has consistently led the PR industry in developing online tools and tactics to engage brands with their increasingly sophisticated and fragmented audiences via the web. That dedication to innovation was publicly acknowledged last year when markettiers4dc won a prestigious PR Week award for the second year running.

Our facilities are unmatched across the industry, with a traditional TV broadcast-specification WebTV studio amongst our five in-house broadcast studios. We have a link via BT tower allowing us to conduct down the line TV interviews with any broadcaster across the world. We are the only marcomms agency specialising in above, below and through the line broadcast coverage to boast such a major technical and production infrastructure. This delivers tight project management and efficiency savings for you, the client. It also means we are able to respond proactively to the demands of a 24/7 media. This results-driven attitude and pioneering approach is the hallmark of markettiers4dc.

The company is structured around the expertise and professionalism of the 80+ staff across dedicated client consultancy, media liaison, production and studio teams to offer clients a total service under one roof.

industry profile Perhaps the greatest testimonial to our online broadcast expertise is the fact so many major PR and marketing bodies use us to help them engage online with the industry. markettiers4dc is: • • • • • • • •

CIPR Partner Founding Member of the Digital Convergence Panel IAB Social Media Council member IAB podcast partner and member of IAB Video Council BrandRepublic Web TV series producer MediaWeek.TV web TV producer PR week Vodcast producer PRCA partner, delivering seminars, workshops & training

WINNERS 2007 & 2008

Best companies ‘One To Watch’ 2009

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E CREDS-for Andy by Ufuk Bozdemir - Issuu