7 minute read

Thermal Distribution
Inside Condensation Chamber
Thermal Distribution

Noticably warming inside the condensation chamber, especially when closed. The temperature of the chamber is less important than the level of absolute humidity in the chamber. At 41OC / 50% RH the dew point is 28.5OC.

This is too low to be within reach for cooling with ambient air at 35.6OC. To work as intended, the heating distribution system would need better insulation to properly raise the temperature of the samples 15-20OC further, to release their captured vapor.

The 28.85 liter volume of the condensation chamber would need a further 0.015g water/liter air in absolute humidity to reliably form dew at 35.6OC. With a 13g water release potential, the SHPF could add 0.45g water/liter air. A 30 fold increase in absolute humidity, if the system is air tight.

A successful test of the saturation chamber would look like:
1) After an open phase, the chamber should hover around ambient temperature, if slightly warmed due to heat gain from the Fresnel lens and the clear plastic walls of the device, with the cooling tubes at cooler than ambient air.

2) The moisture carrying capacity of air increasing as the air is heated. As such, when the wings close, a successful saturation increase would look like an increase in temperature without a matching decrease in relative humidity.
Unexpected result: somehow airflow slightly raised temperature and the relative humidity inside the condensation tubes. My guess is that the connecting links between the tubes were made of 1/4" steel connectors. A few connectors were exposed to direct sunlight, and the thermal mass of these connectors might have heated the air going through the tube.
Predicted result: Tested with an open valve and constant airflow from a bicycle pump at 4 liter/minute, the cooling effect was tested for 10 minutes. From the graph, we see a cooling effect of 2.5oC over 10 minutes. The increase in relative humidity is not caused by an increase in air water content, but by the cooler air having less specific volume, as seen on the Dew point graph.

Susi - 28 (woman in red shirt).

Susi has lived in Cengkareng all her life. She is well respected among the women in her community and speaks a little bit of English. She runs a small roadside food shop from the first floor of her house. Her husband Joyo (26) drives for Grab (a popular scooter taxi & delivery app). And is not home during the day. It's the same for all the other families in her community They have 3 young children. Two girls and a boy. Currently they can't afford schooling for any of the them.
From right:

Aman (Imam), Georgie (Export Advisor and Actor), Ronaldo (human rights lawyer) and Anthony (Anti-corruption task force leader).
The four friends come from widely different walks of life, with different ethnic, socio-economic and religious backgrounds (christian & muslim). On calm Sunday evenings they meet up at their local restaurant and have iced tea and coffee and talk about life. Sometimes they bring their wives and kids.


Nasoha works in one of the many local waste sorting workshops in Rawa Bengkel. He is an experienced carpenter and his primary job is assessing the quality of sorted materials for either resale or use in a workshop product. He likes to create sculptures of discarded scraps insulation foam delivered to the sorting workshops by the waste collectors. It has little to no value as is, but by his hand, the foam-sculptures get a great markup. Nasoha has two young dauthers.
Shakti - 16
Shakti grew up in Cengkareng in West Jakarta with both his parent. He wants to study IT if he can save up the money to pay of school. works as a receptionist at a local 24/7 capsule hotel with some of his friends. Social media and going to the Rawa Bengkel fishing lake with his friends are two of Shakti's favorite past times. Since mobile data is more expensive than fishing, he prefers fishing. You pay for the fish you take, so if you put them back it's free. Most people don't eat the fish here, but some do.

Abyasa (and his eldest son) - 43
For residents living in informal kampungs the government is not a force that can be relied upon to solve the issues of everyday life. It is important to be a good neighbour in these communities. Abyasa, his wife and three sons know this. They Stand out as especially resourceful, even among the residents of Muara Baru. Abyasa used worked construction for many years. He was promoted and took engineering courses. Photo of Capung hanging on his repurposed water tank.
Herni (38) & Nadiahyuna (36)
Living in informal settlements takes a lot of work. Structures need maintenance to protect from and survive rainstorms. The storms are really scary sometimes. Herni and Nadia's husbands work as waste collectors and -sorters in a government program. They take care of the kids at home with the other women living in the Rawa Bengkel landfill.
RT Endeh - 56
Endeh has been elected RT (Rukun Tetangga) for the 135 households of the Rawa Bengkel community for 10 consecutive terms - a period of 30 years. During his time he experienced severe floods yearly, seen houses abandoned and demolished due to subsidence and experienced the degredation of the wetlands in the area due to waste dumping. In his opinion the biggest challenges in the otherwise happy community are flooding, subsidence and unemployment.
Kris and Andah - 28 and 31
Grew up in Rawa Bengkel and have lived there all their lives. Kris just got a job at a local convenience store. Andah is "between jobs" at the moment. Comes to the fishing pond every sunday, to hang out with friends from their childhood. Loves the community and couldn't imagine living anywhere else. Quite shocked to hear about life in Denmark, and how community and family are sometimes neglected in favour of work and education.

Special thanks to:
David Garcia, Head of program
Runa Johansen, Lektor
Otis Sloan, Teaching assistant
Will Lambeth, Adjunct
Dr. Emanuele Naboni, Associate professor
Mads Johnsen & Torben Valerius, Technology Instructors.

BYO LIVING / Lim Masulin, David Hutama, Eko Praewoto, Paulus Bawole, Kamil Muhammad, Svetlin Petrov, Tiyok Prasetyoadi, Jacky Thiodore, Realrich Sjarief, Abimantra Pradhana,

Nanna Bjerregård Pedersen, Lektor, insitute of conservation, KADK
Frederik Diness, Lektor, Chemistry Research Group, RUC
Edmont Stoyanov, Dr., General Technical Director, Nisso Chemical Europe
Endeh, Elected RT of RT 001/07 Rawa Bengkel, Cengkareng, Jakarta.
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