UFTI Annual Report July 2018 - June 2019

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University of Florida Transportation Institute A N N U A L


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To conduct and foster impactful, cross-cutting, multimodal transportation research; educate the next generation of transportation leaders; and facilitate technology transfer.

To lead the profession in shaping a better transportation future by functioning as a preeminent center of multidisciplinary transportation research, students’ top choice for transportation education, and a provider of state-of-the-art analysis and decision-support tools.

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Table of Contents Director’s Message


UFTI By the Numbers


Research Highlights






Student Chapters


Technology Transfer


New Faces


Internal Steering Committee


External Advisory Board


Core Centers


Affiliated Centers


Selected Projects


Selected Publications


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Director’s Message Dear friends and colleagues, Autonomous and connected vehicles are increasingly present in our highways. The significant advances in sensor technology, telecommunications, and vehicle automation that begin to materialize demand changes in our educational approach to transportation. Are our students prepared to design transportation systems that take advantage of these new and evolving technologies? Are they prepared to guide these technologies to save lives and improve mobility? Those of us in academia should expand our curricula to ensure our students are well versed in these disciplines and thoroughly prepared to work in a multidisciplinary environment. Transportation curricula should include an understanding of sensor types and their limitations, tools such as machine learning and data analytics techniques, and the basics of telecommunications software and hardware. Transportation students should be well versed in programming techniques and applications, while also being able to understand the functionality of autonomous and connected vehicles. Through the I-STREET real-world testbed and the associated research projects, our undergraduate and graduate students are regularly challenged to communicate across several different disciplines and to integrate knowledge outside their own domain in order to make advances in their research. I-STREET is situated in a fully-functioning section of Gainesville along several roadways and freeways around the city. This testbed has been developed in collaboration with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the City of Gainesville. As part of I-STREET, the network of

roadside units (RSUs) and vehicles able to communicate with the infrastructure and each other has been expanding and is expected to reach more than 300 RSUs over the next year. It is imperative that the engineers of the future are well-versed in the technologies that make connected and autonomous vehicles possible and also understand the limitations and opportunities these technologies present to improve mobility and safety. We have found that regular interaction between students from different disciplines and teams working in sponsored projects toward a common goal helps facilitate the learning process. This interaction of students and faculty also provides us, the researchers and instructors, with a better understanding of the key concepts that must be included in an interdisciplinary curriculum designed for the transportation systems of the future. Therefore, we are increasingly working toward incorporation of such concepts in our classes and strive to include in our curricula a diverse set of courses across several departments in engineering and other colleges. For additional information on all I-STREET initiatives please visit our website using the QR code (which can be accessed using your phone’s camera).

This report briefly describes a small sample of on-going and recently completed projects for I-STREET and other initiatives. I look forward to hearing from you and working together to make a positive impact on our communities and the transportation network. Sincerely,

Professor & UFTI Director

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UFTI by the Numbers

$7.57 M Annual Research Expenditures

$1.8 M T2 and McTrans Revenue

$8.45 M Research Dollars Awarded



External Advisory Board Members


Course Participants T2 and McTrans


Internal Steering Committee Members

109 Affiliated Faculty


Active Research Projects

Courses (T2 and McTrans)

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Research Highlights KEEPING PEDEST RIA NS SA F E WI T H A COL L ISION AVOIDA NCE SYST EM l-STREET lnitiative: Alternative Transportation Safety Systems PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal Funding Source: FDOT

MAKING SCHOOL ZONES SAFER WITH I-STREET’S REAL-WORLD TESTBED l-STREET lnitiative: Evaluation of lntelligent School Zone Beacon and Vehicle-Cyclist Detection and Warning System

This project evaluates the effectiveness of the Mobileye Shield+ collision avoidance system to reduce conflicts between transit buses and pedestrians/bicycles. Behavioral and infrastructure conditions that lead to incidents and near incidents between transit vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists will be identified and characterized to help transit drivers. The technology has been installed in 10 Regional Transit Service (RTS) buses in Gainesville, FL. Researchers will develop a framework that will provide guidance on feasibility and prioritization of the advanced driver assistance system (ASAS) for small- and mid-sized transit agencies.

PI: Dr. Eakta Jain (PI), and Dr. Siva Sirinivasan (Co-PI) Funding Source: FDOT

The purpose of this project is to evaluate the safety performance of technologies that alert distracted drivers when they are speeding in a school zone. One such technology involves the use of GPS that sends a warning or alert to a driver’s cell phone if their vehicle does not slow down in a school zone. This project will also look at the potential for these technologies to alert drivers of nearby cyclists while at the same time alerting cyclists of approaching vehicles.

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IMPROVING QUALIT Y OF LIFE BY STUDYING OLDER DRIVERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES STRIDE Demonstration Study: Older Driver Experiences with Autonomous Vehicle Technology PI: Dr. Sherrilene Classen Funding Source: STRIDE/USDOT

Autonomous vehicles (AV) may be beneficial for older drivers, but the perceptions they hold about emerging technologies have only been solicited via surveys to date. The researchers believe that by exposing older drivers to a driving simulator in autonomous driving mode and evaluating their reactions, in combination with surveys, it may more accurately reveal the perceptions of older drivers before and after “driving” the autonomous simulator or the AV. Researchers expect driving perceptions and attitudes will change after exposure. The results of this study should help inform engineers, city managers and transportation officials of opportunities and barriers to improve older drivers’ interaction with AV, facilitate their ease-of-use practices, and potentially empower them to adopt these technologies.


Video Based Machine Learning for Smart Traffic Analysis and Management

Rural counties throughout Florida deal with unique traffic infrastructure challenges. Federal funding exists to help counties address their issues. However, these rural counties generally lack the staff and experience necessary to do the analyses needed to apply for these federal funding opportunities. The Transportation Safety Center, housed in the UFTI T2 Center, helps counties develop road safety plans and assist counties in applying for federal funding through the FDOT State Safety Office. To date, the Transportation Safety Center has completed safety studies in 5 Florida counties: Hendry, Union, Gadsden, Columbia, and Jackson.

This project explores a fairly new area of research: looking at near-misses as a metric of safety. Researchers at the UFTI are collaborating with the City of Gainesville Department of Mobility to apply advanced video processing and artificial intelligence to produce predictive risk models – which have not been used yet in the United States – focused on near-misses at intersections. One of the goals of this project is to create a replicable, low-cost solution that can be used to help communities across the country address dangerous intersections and improve traffic.

PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal (PI), Dr. Siva Srinivasan (co-PI), Dr. Ilir Bejleri (co-PI) Funding Source: FDOT

PI: Dr. Sanjay Ranka (PI), Dr. Anand Rangarajan (co-PI), Dr. Sivaramakrishna Srinivasan (co-PI), Dr. Lily Elefteriadou (co-PI), and Daniel Hoffman (co-PI) Funding Source: NSF

MAINTAINING A SMOOTH TRAFFIC FLOW Before and After-Implementation Studies of Advanced Signal Control Technologies in Florida PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou Funding Source: FDOT

Adaptive Signal Control Technologies (ASCT) use sensors to provide signal control based on prevailing traffic conditions. An FDOT project led by Dr. Lily Elefteriadou evaluated the effectiveness of the technology along 8 corridors in Florida. The research team identified advantages and disadvantages of ASCT and provided recommendations for state-wide implementation. Based on a comprehensive evaluation, they concluded that ASCT generally perform better and have a higher return on investment when implemented on corridors with lower intersection density, low-volume side streets, and high demand but not oversaturated traffic conditions. Based on interviews with local agency staff, ASCT is not a “set it and forget it” system. Maintenance, training, and appropriate staffing are some of the key factors contributing to their success. University of Florida Transportation Institute Annual Report 2019

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Education STRIDE HOSTS TEACHER WORKSHOP ON EXPLORING TRANSPORTATION AND SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING AND MATH (STEM) Teachers from Alachua County attended a one-day workshop in June at UF that focused on science and technology concepts for grades levels 4 – 7 and explored transportation as a career option for students. They heard about the latest in transportation research taking place at UF from faculty and student researchers. STEM activities were the focus of the afternoon session, and were led by the STRIDE Center’s K-12/Technology Transfer coordinator, Ondine Wells, who was also the organizer of the workshop. Milton Carrasco (middle), Transoft Solutions CEO and President, pictured with Transoft Scholarship winners Hope Sotolongo-Miranda (right) and Savanna Stockton (left).

TRANSOFT SOLUTIONS SCHOLARSHIP FOR UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS IN TRANSPORTATION The Transoft Solutions Scholarship was generously created by the UFTI’s external advisory board member and former chairman Milton Carrasco. This scholarship is for junior or senior civil engineering undergraduate students specializing in transportation.


Summer Undergraduate Research at Florida (SURF) is a 10-week program that provides students who excel in their studies at their home institutions with the opportunity to work with premier faculty at UF on active research projects. Zachary Jerome participated in the UF SURF program during the summer of 2019. During the program his faculty advisor was Dr. Lily Elefteriadou. Zachary worked on two projects, “Autonomous Vehicles at Intelligent Intersections and Advanced Networks” and “Highway Capacity Manual Methodologies for Corridors Involving Freeways and Surface Streets.” 8 | University of Florida Transportation Institute Annual Report 2019




























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MARILO MARTIN GASULLA UF International Center Certificate of Excellence

DEJA JACKSON • AAW Emerging Scholar Honorable Mention Award • 2019 Traffic Safety Scholar • Scholarship to attend the 37th Annual Lifesavers National Conference on Highway Safety Priorities

ASCHKAN OMIDVAR First Place Scholarship from ITS Florida and FSITE Poster Competition and Shark Tank

SAGAR PATNI Glenn and Deborah Renwick Engineering Scholarship

DR. LILY ELEFTERIADOU • Recognized for Service as CUTC Past President • Received the ASCE 2019 Harland Bartholomew Award for “contributions in enhancing mobility using advanced transportation technologies in Gainesville, Florida”

FABIO SASAHARA FSITE William McGrath Scholarship Award

STEPHEN SPANA Third Place – Florida Automated Vehicles Summit Poster Competition and Shark Tank

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PEDRO MALDONADO Service to the Global Community Award, part of the H.W. College of Engineering Attribute of a Gator Engineer Recognition Award for the 2019-2020 academic year

GatorITE won the Florida Traffic Bowl Competition as well as Best Student Chapter Award, the Bill McGrath Scholarship Award, 1st Place for the Research and Shark Tank Award, and the Put a Break on Fatalities Social Media Contest at the Annual FSITE Meeting in 2018.


A resolution passed by the UF Student Senate on August 9, 2018 acknowledged the UF Transportation Institute’s efforts regarding self-driving vehicles through “I-STREET.” Senators Benjamin Elazar and Jessica Jesurajan, who authored the resolution, felt the efforts of the institute needed to be recognized by the Student Senate and in extension the entire student body. The bill was passed unanimously when put onto the floor during the meeting.

UFTI Student Chapters UF INST I T U T E OF T R A NSP ORTAT ION ENGINEERS (I T E ) ST UDEN T CH A PT ER This year the Gator ITE Student Chapter worked on two strategic goals; increasing student membership with a focus on non-civil engineering students and undergraduates while also increasing a focus on professional development. To grow the membership of the organization ITE hosted several activities that saw a significant increase in attendance. Focusing on professional development, ITE funded a record number of students to attend several conferences such as the TRB Annual Meeting, FSITE Meetings, and the 2nd Florida ITE

Student Leadership Summit. Additionally, the organization offered our students free of charge, two professional-level workshops on traffic simulation software. This amazing achievement was only made possible by ITE’s long lasting collaboration with the UFTI team. As part of ITE’s commitment to give back to the community, they continued working with the Adopt a Highway program. Adding to their charitable work this year ITE collected funds to donate rain jackets for people in need around Gainesville.

Left to right: Aschkan Omidvar, Asean Davis, Christian Breau, Corbin Kramer, Luan Carvalho


Left to right: Paige Highstone, Pedro Maldonado, Marian Ankomah, Martin Gasulla, Mary Jeghers

WTS is an international organization that was founded in 1977 by a group of women in transportation who realized that women’s careers in the field would benefit from professional development, encouragement, and recognition. The WTS Student Chapter at UF strives to establish a college-based student community (that welcomes all people regardless of gender expression) focusing on advancing women in transportation through professional workshops,

networking, and community service. This year the WTS Gator Student Chapter held their 9th Annual WTS Symposium in March 2019 focusing on Big Data in Transportation. They also hosted webinars aimed at giving attendees skills to help them in their future careers. The chapter also co-sponsored events with the Gator Institute of Transpiration Engineers (ITE) Student Chapter.

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Technology Transfer DR. ELEF TERIADOU PRESENTS AT THE UFCIT Y OF GAINESVILLE STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PL AN RESEARCH AWARDS SHOWCASE The University of Florida, in partnership with the City of Gainesville, hosted the Strategic Development Plan Research Awards Showcase on October 9, 2018. This event showcased the year-long efforts of the seven UFCity of Gainesville research award recipients, including Dr. Lily Elefteriadou’s research award on the Public Acceptance of Autonomous Vehicle Technology and the broader community impacts.


The Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) hosted a Spotlight Conference in Washington D.C. May 14, 2019 to showcase the research, education, and technology transfer activities supported by grant-funded UTCs and other transportation centers in the U.S. Dr. Elefteriadou was the conference chair working along with the American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), and the Research, Education and Training Reauthorization Coalition (RETRC) to organize the event. This was the first event of its kind scheduled to coincide with Infrastructure Week.

Left to right: Dr. Sanjay Ranka, Stephen Spana, Aschkan Omidvar, Dr. Lily Elefteriadou


Left to right: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, UFTI; Jesus Gomez, RTS; Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha, UFTI; Lauren Poe, Mayor, City of Gainesville

UFTI students and faculty attended the Florida Automated Vehicles (FAV) Summit in Tampa November 27-28, 2018. The conference technologies, operations, and policy issues. Stephen Spana and Aschkan Omidvar, UFTI students, presented during the summit in the exhibitor/poster reception and the Shark Tank competition where students pitched research ideas to a panel of industry professionals. Spana won 3rd place in the poster competition. Dr. Clark Letter and Dr. Sanjay Ranka presented during the Strategic Initiatives Around Connected Vehicles session. Dr. Lily Elefteriadou gave a presentation titled “Traffic Signal Control with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in the Traffic Stream” during the Connected Vehicle Breakout Session.

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T2 CENTER: A YEAR IN REVIEW The T2 Center continues to serve communities throughout Florida, helping them to develop local road safety plans through the T2 Center’s Transportation Safety Center (TSC). This past year, the TSC developed local road safety plans for Columbia and Jackson counties and identified safety projects along local roadways that qualify for federal funding programs.

Left to right: Roozbeh Rahmani, Nithin Agarwal, Jasper Masciocchi, Alyssa Mercadante, Stephanie Roberts, Paul Simpson, Sean Samford, Charles Brown

In addition to their focused work in Columbia and Jackson Counties, the T2 Center provided training courses and technical assistance to local agencies on Temporary Traffic Control, Pilot/Escort and Flagging, Rural County Road Safety, and OSHA Roadway Construction.

The T2 Center also houses Florida’s Occupant Protection Resource Center (OPRC) and Pedestrian & Bicycling Safety Resource Center (PedBike SRC). These centers provide training in the proper installation and use of car seats and bicycle helmets to hundreds of Florida residents. In collaboration with UF’s Department of Occupational Therapy, the T2 Center worked to develop a teen distracted driving course for the FDOT Safety Office. The goal of this web-based course is to increase the safety of less experienced drivers and reduce the number of distracted teen drivers. The Center also received three Federal Highway Safety Administration (FHWA) Accelerating Safety Activities Program (ASAP) awards to provide training opportunities to local agencies on local road safety plans, intersection control evaluation, and roundabouts. Additionally, the T2 Center supports Florida’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program by providing engineering technical assistance and conducting an evaluation study to quantify the benefits of the program. SRTS is a nationwide program to make walking and biking to school safer and more accessible in communities while at the same time promoting the health and well-being of grade-school students and their families. The program encompasses multiple disciplines within communities to meet the goal of increased walking and biking to and from school. In the past year, T2 staff members have served in a variety of leadership roles. A T2 Center staff member has been nominated and served on two National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) project panels and serves as the Chair for the Transportation Research Board’s Traffic Signal Timing Subcommittee. T2 staff members have also contributed as subject matter experts to the development of several national level courses including participation with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)’s Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council. The Center staff have also served on the Lifesavers Occupant Protection Committee to assist in planning and implementing the Occupant Protection track during the Lifesavers nationwide conference.

MCTRANS CENTER: A YEAR IN REVIEW The McTrans Center continued to add functionality and features to the Highway Capacity Software (HCS7) that implements the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition (HCM6). New tools added to HCS7 include integration with TransModeler SE from Caliper Corporation (free for a year) for animation and simulation, addition of metric unit support for Freeway and Highway modules, inclusion of geometry graphic on the formatted report in the Roundabout module,

and free access to McTurns as a signalized intersection traffic counting and data collection web application and the HSS that implements the Highway Safety Manual (HSM) procedures. McTrans presented about twenty-five webinar series and live training courses on the HCM6 procedures and HCS7 applications. The webinar series were each attended by national audiences, while the training courses were typically for state DOTs or professional

organization regional, state, or local sections or chapters. McTrans participated in and exhibited at both the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meetings. McTrans continues to develop software prototypes in parallel with the research process for the NCHRP 15-57 project and work with the Southwest Research Institute on the Integrated Corridor Management System for Florida DOT District Five.

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AMANDA DAY, MBA President Day Communications, Inc.

RON BOENAU International Transportation Research Advisor

MALISA MCCREEDY, AICP Director of Mobility City of Gainesville

ROOZBEH RAHMANI, PH.D. Postdoctoral Associate for the Transportation Safety Center UFTI/T2 Center

PATRICIA TURNER, MPA Education & Outreach UFTI/T2 Center



RONNIE BARTON Fiscal Team Lead UFTI/T2 Center


DAVID KABER, PH.D. EAKTA JAIN, PH.D Professor & Chair Assistant Professor Industrial & Systems Computer & information Engineering Science & Engineering 1 4 | University of Florida Transportation Institute Annual Report 2019

ZOLEIKHA BIRON, PH.D. Assistant Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering

ONDINE WELLS, M.S. K-12 & Technology Transfer Coordinator STRIDE Center

Internal Steering Committee Support Staff NITHIN AGARWAL, PH.D. Director T2 Center

MYOSEON JANG, PH.D. Associate Professor Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences/ ESSIE

BILL SAMPSON, P.E. Director McTrans

JENNIFER BRIDGE, PH.D. Associate Professor Civil Engineering/ESSIE

DAVID KABER, PH.D. Department Chair & Dean’s Leadership Professor Industrial and Systems Engineering

SIVA SRINIVASAN, PH.D. Associate Professor Civil Engineering/ESSIE

CARL CRANE, PH.D. Professor Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering

SANJAY RANKA, PH.D. Professor Computer & Information Science & Engineering

RUTH STEINER, PH.D. Professor Department of Urban & Regional Planning

LILY ELEFTERIADOU, PH.D. UFTI Director & Barbara Goldsby Professor of Civil Engineering Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE)

INES AVILES-SPADONI, M.S. Coordinator, Research Programs III Programs/ Services , STRIDE Center

AMY FU, B.S. Student Assistant/ STRIDE Center

JENNIFER GOMEZ Administrative Assistant UFTI

ELAINE KHOO, B.S. Marketing and Communications Assistant UFTI

DONA MOSS Grants Administrator Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering/ ESSIE

ONDINE WELLS, M.S. K-12 & Technology Transfer Coordinator STRIDE Center

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External Advisory Board

VASSILI ALEXIADIS, PH.D. Executive Vice President Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

MARSHA ANDERSON BOMAR, AICP, ENV SP Assistant General Manager for Capital Program Delivery at MARTA

CHIMAY J. ANUMBA, PH.D., P.E. Professor and Dean UF College of Design, Construction & Planning

AMANDA DAY, MBA President Day Communications, Inc.

RON BOENAU International Transportation Research Advisor

ALEX BOND, M.A. Transportation Policy Analyst Office of the Secretary for Policy at U.S. DOT

ANN BRACH, PH.D., P.E. Director Transportation Research Board, Technical Activities Division

TOM BYRON, P.E. Assistant Secretary of Intermodal Systems Development Florida Department of Transportation

MILTON CARRASCO, P.ENG., M. ENG. President and CEO Transoft Solutions, Inc.

GRADY CARRICK, PH.D. Principal Enforcement Engineering, Inc.

LAURA KELLY, B.S. Executive Director Central Florida Expressway Authority

MALISA MCCREEDY, AICP Director of Mobility City of Gainesville, Fla.

ANANTH PRASAD, P.E. President Florida Transportation Builders Association, Inc.

MATT UBBEN, B.A. President Confianza Consulting, Inc.



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McTrans develops, distributes, and supports software programs and training for traffic engineering and transportation planning applications, including the Highway Capacity SoftwareTM (HCS 2010TM), TSISCORSIMTM and TRANSYT7F TM.

Core Centers McTRANS



The Southeastern Transportation Research, Innovation, Development and Education (STRIDE) Center is a USDOT grant-funded, regional (Southeast) University Transportation Center (UTC) headquartered at the University of Florida that along with nine other partners conducts research and offers educational and technology transfer programs related to reducing congestion.

T2 provides training, technical assistance, technology transfer services, and safety information to transportation, public works, and safety professionals as well as the general public.

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Affiliated Centers Center for Applied Optimization

The Center for Applied Optimization at the University of Florida is an interdisciplinary center which encourages joint research and applied projects among faculty from engineering, mathematics and business. (CoDirectors: Dr. Panos Pardalos and Dr. William Hager)

Center for Health & the Built Environment

The Center for Health and the Built Environment is a research center focused on teaching, research, and service to address the relationship of the built environment to health outcomes with special attention to vulnerable populations. (Director: Dr. Ruth Steiner, Professor, Department of Urban & Regional Planning)

Efficient Transportation Decision Making (ETDM) ETDM process incorporates environmental considerations into transportation planning to inform project delivery.

Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety Education Program (FTBSEP) FTBSEP employs the diverse skills of a Regional Training Team composed of teachers and other professionals around the state to encourage walking and bicycling as healthy and environmentally responsible transportation choices. (Director: Dr. Dan Connaughton, Professor, Department of Tourism, Recreation & Sport Management)

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Geo-Facilities Planning & Information Research Center (GeoPlan Center)

The UF GeoPlan Center works to support land use, transportation, and environmental planning in the State of Florida by providing geospatial and planning expertise, data, training, and education to the stakeholders involved in the planning process. The center is housed in the Department of Urban & Regional Planning. (Director: Dr. Alexis Thomas, Department of Urban & Regional Planning)

University of Florida’s Institute for Mobility, Activity, and Participation (I-MAP) I-MAP focuses on mobility and transportation through the lifespan. Mobility and transportation enable activity, facilitate participation in society, promote access to goods and services, and enhances quality of life. (Director: Dr. Sherrilene Classen, Professor and Chair, Department of Occupational Therapy)

Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering Center

The Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering Center at the University of Florida is an interdisciplinary center that encourages joint research and applied projects among faculty from Engineering, Computer Science, and Business Administration in conjunction with industry participants. (Co- Directors: Dr. Elif Akcali and Dr. Yongpei Guan)

Selected Projects Dynamic Intersection Machine Learning FDOT PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal

Sunshine Skyway Bridge Monitoring Phase II FDOT PI: Dr. Jennifer Bridge

CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Traffic Signal Control NSF PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

STRIDE Project K2 Assessing & Addressing USDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

UF Testbed Initiative FDOT PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal

Track Structure Modification to Reduce Track Pressure USDOT / Federal Railroad Administration PI: Dr. Jennifer Bridge

Evaluation of Arterial Corridor Improvements FDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

Testing & Evaluation of Traffic Detection Devices SMARTMICRO PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

Highway Capacity Manual Methodologies for Corridors NCHRP PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

Extended Development & Testing FDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

STRIDE 2017 Main Project USDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

Video Based Machine Learning for Smart Traffic NSF PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

Florida’s Occupant Protection Coalition FDOT PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal Florida’s Occupant Protection Resource Center FDOT PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal Florida’s Pedestrian & Bicycle Safety Resource Center FDOT PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal Technology Transfer Support for 2019 FDOT PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal Teen Distracted Driving Education Program FDOT PI: Dr. Nithin Agarwal CAREER: Loading on Coastal Bridges in Windstorms National Science Foundationt PI: Dr. Jennifer Bridge

CAREER: Integrated Online Coordinated Routing NSF PI: Dr. Lili Du STRIDE Project F2: Discovering Potential Market USDOT PI: Dr. Lili Du Curriculum Development for Highway Freight Transportation FAU PI: Dr. Lili Du Sustainable Urban Freight Mobility through Optimization FAU PI: Dr. Lili Du Smart Vehicle Platooning Built Upon Real-Time Learning NSF PI: Dr. Lili Du

Dynamic Intersection Learning Machine FDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou STRIDE: Project D Evaluation of Advanced Vehicle USDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou STRIDE: Project J2 Real-Time Data-Based Decision Support System for Arterial Traffic Management USDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

Transportation Mobility Assessment Smart City FDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou Data Analysis & Evaluation of Gainesville Trapezium FDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou Bigdata Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for Smart Intersections FDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou

Before and After Study of Gainesville Pedestrian-Bicyclists Connected Vehicle Pilor FDOT PI: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou Enhanced Characterization of RAP FDOT PI: Dr. Reynaldo Roque Evaluation of Cracking Performance for PolymerModified Asphalt Mixtures with High RAP Content FDOT PI: Dr. Reynaldo Roque Investigation of the Impact of Milling & Construction FDOT PI: Dr. Reynaldo Roque Safe Routes to School Tech Asst 2017 FDOT PI: Bill Sampson HCS7 Consulting Services SRI PI: Bill Sampson

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Selected Projects Data Management & Analytics for UF Smart Testbed FDOT PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

I-Street Initiative-Evaluation of Intelligent School Zone FDOT PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

Dynamic Intersection Learning Machine FDOT PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

Video Based Machine Learning for Smart Traffic NSF PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

STRIDE: Project C: Performance Measurement USDOT PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

Transportation Mobility Assessment Smart City PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan FDOT

STRIDE: Project H: Strategies for Mitigating Congestion USDOT PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

Bigdata Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for Smart FDOT PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

Traffic-event Unification System Highlighting FDOT PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

Before & After Study of Gainesville Pedestrian PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan FDOT

Machine Learning Algorithms for Demand FDOT PI: Dr. Sivaramakrishnan Srinivasan

Mitigation of Cracking in Florida’s FDOT PI: Dr. Mang Tia

Planning, Design, Testing, and Analysis in Support of the FDOT Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) Program FDOT PI: Dr. Mang Tia Rodrigo Antunes Service Contract FDOT PI: Dr. Mang Tia

Fundamentals of Travel Time Reliability Guide LEIDOS PI: Dr. Scott Washburn Curriculum Dev for Highway Freight Transportation FAU PI: Dr. Scott Washburn

Improving OEF/OIF/OND Veterans’ Driver Fitness and Community Mobility: Effects of a One-Day Driving and Community Mobility Approach for Rural Settings North Florida/ South Georgia Region Veterans Administration PI: Dr. Classen

Older Driver’s Experiences with Autonomous Vehicle Technology USDOT PI: Dr. Sherrilene Classen

UF and UAB’s Phase 2 Demonstration Study: Developing a Model to Support Transportation System Decisions considering the Experiences of Drivers of all Age Groups with Autonomous Vehicle Technology USDOT PI: Dr. Sherrilene Classen

Freight Mobility Research Institute FAU PI: Dr. Scott Washburn

Effectiveness of a Driving Intervention on Safe Community Mobility for Returning Combat Veterans USDOD PI: Dr. Classen

Perceptions of Individuals Living with Spinal Cord Injury and Disease regarding Autonomous Vehicles Paralyzed Veterans of America PI: Dr. Sherrilene Classen

Interchange Design to Accommodate FDOT PI: Dr. Scott Washburn

Aging Road User Information System 2019-2020 FDOT PI: Dr. Sherriene Classen

Planning Design Testing & Analysis APT Program FDOT PI: Dr. Mang Tia Phase II - Reducing Portland Cement Content FDOT PI: Dr. Mang Tia

Commercial Heavy Vehicle Impacts on Signalized USF PI: Dr. Scott Washburn

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Two-lane Highway Analysis Methodology Enhancements FAU PI: Dr. Scott Washburn

Selected Publications Adorno, P., Srinivasan, S., Han, M. & Steiner, R. (2019). The Future of Transit, Autonomous/Connected Vehicles, and Shared Autonomy: A Scoping Study for Jacksonville: Task 2: Perception Survey of Jacksonville Residents. (available from authors; 53 pages). Al-Kaisy, A., Jafari, A., Washburn, S., Luttinen, T., and Dowling, R. (2018). Performance Measures on Two-Lane Highways: Survey of Practice. Research in Transportation Economics. Elsevier. Volume 71 (2018), pp. 61-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.retrec.2018.07.001. Antunes, R., Tia, M. 2018. Cement Content Reduction in Concrete Through Aggregate Optimization and Packing: A Sustainable Practice for Pavement and Seaport Construction. Mix Sustentavel. Volume 4, No. 3, pp.23-30. ISSN 24473073. Alvarez, L., Classen, S., & Medhizadah, S. (2019). Clinical utility of the DriveFocusTM intervention for young drivers with and without experience: A case study. Frontiers in Public Health: Public Health Education and Promotion, 7, article 123. https://doi.org/10.3389/ fpubh.2019.00123. Alvarez, L., Classen, S., Medhizadah, S., Knott, M., Asantey, K., & He, W. (2018). Feasibility of DriveFocus™ and Driving Simulation Interventions in Young Drivers. (2018). OTJR: Occupation, Participation and

Health, 38, 4, 245-253. doi: 10.1177/1539449218787495. Alvarez, L., Classen, S., Medhizadah, S., Knott, M., & He, W. (2018). Pilot efficacy of a DriveFocusTM intervention on the driving performance of young drivers. Frontiers in Public Health, 6, Article 125, p. 1-9. https://doi. org/10.3389/fpubh.2018.00125 Classen, S., Alvarez, L., Bundy, A., Dickerson, A., Gélinas, I., Matsubara, A., Patomella, H-A., Pfeiffer, B., Ross, P., Schold-Davis, E., & Swanepoel, L. (2019) WFOT Position Statement: Driving and Community Mobility. London: World Federation of Occupational Therapy. Classen, S., Brumback, B., Crawford, K., & Jenniex, S. (2019). Visual attention cut-points for driver fitness in Parkinson’s disease. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. https://doi. org/10.1177/1539449219836689. Classen, S., Groenewald, R., Kolling, J., Norval, H., Rule, C and Swanepoel, L. (2018). Occupational Therapy Association of South Africa (OTASA) Position Statement. Enabling community mobility through driver evaluation and rehabilitation: The role of occupational therapists. South African Journal of Occupational Therapy, 48 (3). On-line version ISSN 2310-3833; Print version ISSN 0038-2337. Classen, S., Jeghers, M., Morgan-Daniel,

J., Winter, S., King, L., & Struckmeyer, L. (2019). Smart in-vehicle technologies and older drivers: A scoping review. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health Special Issue: Robotics, AI, Automations and Relationship to Health and Occupational Therapy, doi:10.1177/1539449219830376. Classen, S., Medhizadah, S., Romero, S., Lee, M.J. (2018). Constructing and validation of the 21-item Fitness-toDrive Screening Measure Short-Form. Frontiers in Public Health, 6, article 339 (1-9). doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2018.00339. Classen, S., Winter, S., Brown, C., Morgan-Daniel, J., Medhizadah, S., & J. Agarwal, N. (2019). Model teen driving program: An integrated review. Frontiers in Public Health, section Children and Health, 7, article 111. https://doi. org/10.3389/fpubh.2019.00111. Cocconcelli, C., Park, B., Zou, J., Lopp, G. and Roque, R. (2019). Fracturetolerant and Shear-Resistant Interlayers for Mitigation of Reflective Cracking, Transport Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. De Andrade, G., Elefteriadou, L. (2018). Relationship between Crash Rate and Mobility on Expressways. Submitted for pulication, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. De Andrade, G., Elefteriadou, L., Hadi, M., Khanapure, V. (2019). Method for Assessing the Effect of Input Parameters

on Multi-Objective Optimization of Signal Control. Accepted for publication, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering Emami, P., Pourmehrab M., MartinGasulla M., Elefteriadou L., Ranka, S. (2018). A Comparison of Intelligent Signalized Intersection Controllers Under Mixed Traffic. Accepted for presentation and publication, 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2018), Maui, Hawaii. Martin-Gasulla, M., Elefteriadou L., (2019). Single Lane Roundabout Manager Under Fully Automated Vehicle Environment. Accepted for publication in the Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Ge, Y., Du, L., Ye, H. (2019). Cooptimization approach to post-storm recovery for interdependent power and transportation systems. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 1-8. Gong, S., & Du, L. (2018). Cooperative platoon control for a mixed traffic flow including human drive vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 116, 25-61. Guan, S., Bridge, J.A., Li, C., and DeMello, N.J. (2018). Smart Radar Sensor Network for Bridge Displacement Monitoring, ASCE J. Bridge

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Selected Publications Engineering 24(1): 04018102 Xiong H., Ma L., Wei C., Yan X., Srinivasan S., Chen J. (2019). Exploring Behavioral Heterogeneities of Elementary School Students’ Commute Mode Choices Through the Urban Travel Big Data of Beijing, China. IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 22235-22245. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2897890 Han, S., Chung, H., Subgranon, T., Tia, M. (2018) Development of Mix Designs for Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Concrete for Florida Concrete Test Road. Sustainability, 10(8), 2598 Han, M., Dean, M. D., Maldonado, P. A., Masungi, P., Srinivasan, S., Steiner, R. L., Salzer, K. (2019). Understanding Transit Agency Perceptions about Transportation Network Companies, Shared Mobility, and Autonomous Transit: Lessons from the United States. Transportation Research Record. https:// doi.org/10.1177/0361198119842121 Han, S., Kim, K., Chun, S., Tia, M. (2019) Effective Instrumentation Plan and Analysis Methodology for Full-Scale Field Tests of Concrete Pavements. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 145(1) Jafari, A., Al-Kaisy, A., Washburn, S. (2019). Evaluation of the effective length of passing lanes on two-lane highways. Transportation Letters: The International

Journal of Transportation Research. DOI: 10.1080/19427867.2019.1586329. Jafari, A., Al-Kaisy, A., Washburn, S. (2018). Passing Lane Optimum Length on Two-Lane Highways. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. DOI: 10.1139/cjce-2017-0723. Jafari, A., Al-Kaisy, A., Washburn, S., Dowling, R., Luttinen, T. (2018). Traffic Operations on Rural Two-Lane Highways: A Review on Performance Measures and Indicators. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. SAGE Journals. No. 2672, Issue 15. pp. 66-74. DOI:10.1177/0361198118774743. Kim, K., Chun, S., Han, S., Tia, M. (2018) Effect of Dowel Bar Arrangements on Performance of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP). International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 12(1) Kim, K., Han, S., Tia, M., Greene, J. (2019) Optimization of Parameters Affecting Horizontal Cracking in Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP). Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering Knott, M., Classen, S., Krasniuk, S., Tippett, M., Alvarez, L. (2018). Insufficient Sleep and Fitness to Drive in Shift Workers: A Systematic Literature Review Protocol. Injury Prevention. doi:

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10.1136/injuryprev-2018-042972. Krasniuk, S., Classen, S., Morrow, S. A. (2018). A strategic driving maneuver that predicts on-road outcomes in adults with multiple sclerosis. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior, (60), 147-156. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.trf.2018.10.014 Krasniuk, S., Classen, S., Morrow, S. A., Tippett, M., Knott, M., Akinwuntan, A. (2019). Clinical Determinants of Fitness to Drive in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis: Systematic Review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 60, 147-156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j. apmr.2018.12.029. Li, Z., Pourmehrab M., Elefteriadou L., Ranka S. (2018). Intersection Control Optimization for Automated Vehicles Using Genetic Algorithm. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Volume 144, Issue 12. Lin, J., Zhou, W., Du, L. (2018). Is on-demand same day package delivery service green? Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 61, 118-139. Medhizadah, S., Classen, S., Johnson, A. (2019). Concurrent criterion validity of the 32-item Fitness-to-Drive Screening Measure©. Frontiers of Psychology, 10, article 253 doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00253. Moreno, A., Llorca, C., Washburn,

S., Bessa, J., and Garcia, A. (2018). Operational Considerations of Passing Zones for Two-Lane Highways: Spanish Case Study. Traffic & Transportation. Promet. Volume 30, No. 5. pp. 601-612 Omidvar, A., Pourmehrab M., Emami P., Kiriazes R., Esposito J., Letter C., Elefteriadou L., Crane C., Ranka S. (2018). Deployment and Testing of Optimized Autonomous and Connected Vehicle Trajectories at a Closed-Course Signalized Intersection. Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2672, Issue 19, pp. 45-54. Pourmehrab, M., Elefteriadou, L., Ranka, S., Martin-Gasulla, M. (2019). Optimizing Signalized Intersections Performance under Conventional and Automated Vehicles Traffic. Accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi:10.1109/TITS.2019.2921025. Rapoport, M.J., Chee, J.N., Carr, D.B., Molnar, F., Naglie, G., Dow, J., Marottoli, R., Mitchell, S., Tant, M., Herrmann, N., Lanctot, K., Taylor, J-P., Donaghy, P.C., Classen, S., O’Neill, D. (2018). An international approach to enhancing a national guideline on driving and dementia. Current Psychiatry Reports, 20 (16). https://doi.org/10.1007/ s11920-018-0879-x Sasahara, F., Elefteriadou L., Dong

S. (2019). Lane-by-lane Analysis Framework for Conducting Highway Capacity Analyses at Freeway Segments. Presented at the Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting (Paper Number 19-03250). Accepted for publication in the Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Simms, R. K., Hernando, D., Roque, R. (2019). A new paradigm to explain the development of instability rutting in asphalt pavements, Road Materials and Pavement Design. Steiner, R. L., Alakshendra, A., Doty, R., Goodison, C., Anderson, J., Carr, A. (2018). Assessment of Planning Risks and Alternative Futures for the Florida Transportation Plan Update; Technical Memorandum #1: Identification of Potential Statewide Planning Risks. Prepared under Florida Department of Transportation Contract Project BDV3197-98. Steiner, R. L., Alakshendra, A., Doty, R., Goodison, C., Anderson, J., Chen, N. (2019). Assessment of Planning Risks and Alternative Futures for the Florida Transportation Plan Update; Technical Memorandum #2: Identifying and Managing Potential Consequences of Statewide Planning Risks. Prepared under Florida Department of Transportation Contract Project BDV31-

97-98. Steiner, R. L., Anderson, J., Alakshendra, A., Doty, R., Goodison, C., Chen, N., Dole, A., Morris, A., Patel, A. (2019). Assessment of Planning Risks and Alternative Futures for the Florida Transportation Plan Update; Technical Memorandum #3: Planning Implications for Alternative Futures. Prepared under Florida Department of Transportation Contract Project BDV31-97-98. Subgranon, T., Kim, K., Tia, M. (2018). Internally Cured Concrete for Pavement and Bridge Deck Applications. Advances in Civil Engineering Materials. Vol. 7, No.4, pp. 614-617, ISSN 2379-1357. Sun, W., Stoop, E., Washburn, S. (2018). Evaluation of Commercial Truck Parking Detection for Rest Areas. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. SAGE Journals. pp. 1-11. DOI:10.1177/0361198118788185. Tomiczek, A.P., Bridge, J.A., Ifju, P.G,. Whitley, T.J. (2019). Bridge Inspections with Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems (sUAS) - Case Studies. ASCE J. Bridge Engineering 24(4): 05019003. Yan, Y., Hernando, D., Roque, R. (2019). A Solvent Free Method to Characterize the Effect of Recycled Asphalt Shingles on Virgin Asphalt Binder, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.208, pp. 795-805.

Yan, Y., Preti, F., Romeo, E., Lopp, G. Tebaldi, G. and Roque, R. (2018). Fracture Energy Density of the Interstitial Component of Asphalt Mixtures, Materials and Structures, Vol.51 (118) Yan, Y., Roque, R. Hernando, D., Lopp, G. (2019). Effect of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Recycled Asphalt Shingles on Fracture Tolerance of Virgin Asphalt Binders, ASTM International’s Journal of Testing and Evaluation, No.5, pp.3259-3274.

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