Dear Alumni & Colleagues, As transportation professionals we are continuously being challenged to find solutions to a diverse and ever-expanding number of problems including how to maintain supply chains, how to keep travelers safe from COVID and minimize crashes, and how to deliver transportation systems that allow everyone to access jobs, shopping, and health appointments. Now with many people returning to work and travel, congestion has returned, and it feels like it is worse than ever. A recent trip from Orlando to Gainesville took me four hours, when under normal circumstances it should be only two! There were more than 5 major crashes along I-75, and my navigation app was showing the entire route as mostly red. As I was driving that day, I kept thinking, surely, there is a better way? Trying to come up with answers, I kept returning to a list of four main principles. First, we need to provide more alternatives to the personal vehicle. For my trip to Orlando, I would have much preferred to take a train or a bus, and I am guessing many other people along I-75 that day felt the same way. Even if it takes a bit longer, if someone else does the driving, I can spend my time more productively and with less stress. Those of you that have travelled to Disneyworld in Orlando have experienced their system of buses, which is very effective at moving thousands of people daily, with minimal congestion. Why can’t we plan something similar at the city level? Plus, more alternatives means that people who cannot drive or don’t own a vehicle can have access to jobs, health appointments, and recreational activities. We need more transportation alternatives between, and within communities, especially those that allow us to “re-package” demand. Second, we need better databases to help us make more informed decisions. The transportation community is collecting a lot of data, but databases rarely talk to each other. It would be very useful to know how many people are traveling from Gainesville to Orlando (or Tallahassee, or Jacksonville) daily, what times they travel, and what the purpose of their trip is, so we can determine what alternatives would make sense. We need to construct databases to help us make these decisions at the neighborhood, city, and state levels. Third, we need to encourage hybrid work schedules to reduce traffic during the typical morning and evening peak hours. A silver lining of the COVID pandemic is that many of us have adjusted to working from home. Therefore, we can be more selective and travel only to those meetings that must be in- person. We don’t want to lose personal contact with our colleagues, but as we have found out we can conduct a large portion of our meetings on-line. We need to find the happy medium between work-at-home and travel-to-work such that we can be effective at our jobs while minimizing traffic and environmental impacts. Fourth, we need to ensure the transportation professionals of the future understand these challenges and they are equipped to address them. The next generation of transportation planners and engineers will have enormous challenges, including adaptation plans for climate change, transportation equity, development and deployment of advanced communication and vehicle technologies. We must make sure they are well prepared to address these. Congestion is not going away anytime soon, but we (mostly) know what needs to be done to alleviate it, so let’s challenge ourselves to make a difference through research, education, and professional development activities within our transportation centers. Sincerely,
Lily Elef teriadou, Ph.D. PROFESSOR & UFTI DIRECTOR
Lily Elef teriadou, Ph.D. Professor & Director of the University of Florida Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n I n s t i t u t e
Mitch D’Arrigo, M.A.
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Ines Aviles-Spadoni, M.S.
U F T I/S T R I D E R e s e a r c h Coordinator
The UFTI, housed in the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, aims to advance transportation, disseminate research results, and provide educational opportunities related to transportation. The UFTI brings together faculty, staff, and students from many diverse backgrounds to provide solutions to a variety of transportation problems.
MISSION STATEMENT To lead the profession in shaping a better transportation future by functioning as a preeminent center of multidisciplinary transportation research, students’ top choice for transportation education, and a provider of state-of-the-art analysis and decision-support tools.
VISION STATEMENT To conduct and foster impactful, cross-cutting, multimodal transportation research; educate the next generation of transportation leaders; and facilitate technology transfer.
# 44
44 Active Research Projects
Annual Research Expenditures
96 + 15
Participants in Continuing Education Courses
Courses Offered by T2 & McTrans
141 + 29
44 Graduate Students (Civil. Eng. only)
Faculty Affiliates & Staff
96 + 15 Publications & Presentations
MAIN CENTERS The University of Florida Transportation Institute is an umbrella organization housing several transportation-related centers within the University of Florida.
I-STREET Living Lab The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and the City of Gainesville (CoG) and the UFTI have partnered to create the Implementing Solutions from Transportation Research and Evaluating Emerging Technologies (I-STREET) Living Lab on the UF campus and surrounding highway network. The testbed deploys and evaluates numerous advanced technologies including connected and autonomous vehicles, smart devices, and sensors. lt also develops and applies novel applications to enhance mobility and safety. Contact: Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha
McTrans Center The McTrans Center at the University of Florida develops, distributes and supports software programs for traffic engineering and transportation planning applications, including the Highway Capacity Software(HCS), TSIS-CORSIM and TRANSYT-7F. It also offers training courses and the highest level of technical support provided for these packages. Contact: Dr. Behzad Aghdashi
STRIDE Center The STRIDE Center is the 2016 USDOT Region 4 (Southeast) University Transportation Center (UTC) housed at the University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI). STRIDE’s mission is to develop novel strategies for Reducing Congestion. The Center has nine partners, representing seven states in the Southeastern U.S. Contact: Ines Aviles-Spadoni, M.S.
Technology Transfer Center As an umbrella organization for many national and state-based programs, the T2 Center provides training, technical assistance, technology transfer services, and safety information to transportation, public works, and safety professionals as well as the general public. Our mission is to transform engineering research and technology into common practice and to foster a safe, efficient, environmentally sound transportation system by improving skills, and knowledge. Contact: Dr. Nithin Agarwal 6
RESEARCH GROUPS Our eight research groups are: ■ Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics ■ Autonomous and Connected Vehicles ■ Human Factors ■ Materials and Infrastructure
■ ■ ■ ■
Resilience and Sustainability Safety Transit & Micromobility Transportation Equity
Other research areas include: ■ Economics ■ Logistics ■ Planning and Policy ■ Traffic Operations
S P O T L I G H T O N I -S T R E E T L I V I N G L A B
I-STREET (Implementing Solutions from Transportation Research and Evaluation of Emerging Technologies) is a “living lab” on the University of Florida (UF) campus and surrounding roadway network where advanced technologies such as autonomous vehicles, smart devices, and sensors are tested and deployed to enhance mobility and safety. It is a collaboration between the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the City of Gainesville (CoG), and UF.
FDOT funds project to plan I-STREET Living Lab. I-STREET is born. RFI issued for collaboration with industry. FDOT funds I-75 connected vehicle (CV) instrumentation project.
2018 Real-time signal control optimizer for AVs tested. CoG residents meet the AV shuttle.
Work begins to develop data analytics database. 27 intersections instrumented (SPaT Trapezium). Pilot project for pedestrian safety system on UF campus. CoG/RTS launch AV shuttle in Gainesville. School zone/bike warning project completed. Bike rack sensor project for transit buses completed.
Evaluation of connected system along I-4 begins. AV shuttle Phase II, new route to UF campus. I-STREET/Co-Motion Miami for Mobility Challenge.
2021 7
Research Highlights Data Analytics and Evaluation of the Gainesville Trapezium Connected Vehicle Signal Phasing and Timing (SPaT) Deployment Project
The goal of this project is to further the ability of cities and communities to deploy technology that saves lives through safer transportation systems. it has several research components. Status: Active Sponsor: FDOT Research Team: Dr. Sanjay Ranka, Principal Investigator; Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, Co-Principal Investigator
Traffic Signal Control with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in the Traffic Stream
This project developed methods and tools that jointly optimize signal control and vehicle movement to improve mobility and safety by exploiting capabilities of connected and automated vehicles. Status: Completed Sponsor: NSF Research Team: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, Principal Investigator; Dr. Sanjay Ranka, Co-Principal Investigator; Dr. Carl Crane, Co principal Investigator
Automated Truck-Mounted Attenuator (ATMA) The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) funded and the UFTI T2 Center conducted a demonstration and evaluation project of a promising new safety technology known as the automated truck-mounted attenuator (ATMA), that could make roadway work safer for both road workers and drivers. Status: Completed Sponsor: FDOT Research Team: Dr. Nithin Agarwal, Principal Investigator
Operational Performance and Safety Effects of Arterial Weaving Sections The primary objective of the NCHRP 15-66 research project is to develop a deterministic method for evaluating the operational performance of weaving sections on arterials. The secondary objective is to identify the safety effects of varying geometric, volume, and traffic control conditions in weaving sections on arterials. Status: Active Sponsor: NCHRP Research Team: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, Principal Investigator
Tr a n sp o r tati o n E q u it y 'The mission of the UFTI's transportation equity research group is to 1) conduct interdisciplinary research emphasizing different equity aspects of transportation planning and engineering, 2) maximize our impact on communities’ everyday lives through collaborating with non-profit and grassroots organizations, and 3) provide TE training for practitioners and policy makers whose area of work intersects transportation planning and engineering. Our contributors are affiliated with several nonprofit and for-profit institutions across the nation and overseas. The UFTI provides the Transportation Equity (TE) Certification training which includes two 8-hour, live courses: Equitable Mobility and Effective Engagement and Equity and Accessibility. The TE Certification training helps transportation professionals, policymakers, and project managers gain an insightful perspective of equity implications, tools to identify implications of inequities and uplift equity, methods to design an inclusive engagement process to collaborate with communities overburdened with health and social inequities, and strategies to mitigate potential adverse impacts. The main concepts that are covered through TE Certification training are: · Manifestation of Equity in Transportation · Transition Toward Accessibility-based Transportation Planning · Tools for Equity Analysis · Community-based Transportation Recovery · Digital Divide, a Life-long Barrier · Equity Implications of Virtual Community Engagement Key Instructors: Joey Goldman (Kearns & West), Todd Litman (Victoria Transport Policy Institute), Dr. Mehri “Mehrsa” Mohebbi (UF), and Dr. Larry Schooler (Kearns & West) 99
The latest products emering from innovative, cutting-edge transportation research
Transit & Mobility Options Congestion Web Mapping Tool for School Districts and Transit Agencies (Project E3 – Locating and Costing Congestion for School Buses and Public Transportation) What does it do? The tool calculates delay time and the relative costs of delays school and public transit buses experience due to congestion. Research Team: Kai Monast, North Carolina State University/ITRE and Ruth Steiner, Ph.D., University of Florida Machine Learning Methodology for Micromobility Travel Demand Forecasting and SERMO Lab’s (Project D4 – Mobility-on-Demand for Smart, Sustainable Cities) What does it do? Micromobility Analytics and Management Platform Research Team: Xilei Zhao, Ph.D., University of Florida; Nikhil Kaza, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Noah Kittner, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Noreen McDonald, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Virginia Sisiopiku, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Xia Jin, Florida International University; Jeff LaMondia, Ph.D., Auburn University; Xiang ‘Jacob’ Yan, Ph.D., University of Florida Autonomous Vehicle User Perception Survey (AVUPS) (Project D2 – Older Drivers Experiences with Autonomous Vehicle Technology) What does it do? Assesses participants’ intentions to use AV technology based on perception of safety, trust, perceived usefulness, control/driving efficacy, and external variables. Provides a simulated experi-
ence riding in an AV compared to real life. Research Team: Sherrilene Classen, Ph.D., University of Florida; Justin Mason, Ph.D., University of Florida; Virginia Sisiopiku, University of Alabama at Chapel Hill Data-driven Approach for First/Last Mile Gaps and Hybrid Transit Services (Project F2 – Discovering Potential Market for the Integration of Public Transportation and Emerging Shared Mobility Services) What does it do? The products Identify opportunities where hybrid systems can potentially increase transit ridership, address the first/last mile problem and mitigate congestion and emissions Research Team: Lili Du, Ph.D., University of Florida; Xia Jin, Ph.D., Florida International University Questionnaire on Transportation User Behavior (Project B – Technology Influence on Travel Demand and Behaviors) What does it do? The user questionnaire responses can help mid-sized cities to understand the behaviors of users in transportation networks. The information can help transit agencies and TNC companies identify needs and opportunities in the local market and facilitate collaboration coordination among those services. Integrated system operations have a great potential to attract new customers and benefit both types of transportation services in the future. Research Team: Sisiopiku, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham; Mohammed Hadi, Ph.D., Florida International University; Noreen McDonald, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ruth Steiner, Ph.D., University of Florida
STRIDE is the 2016 U.S. Department of Transportation grant-funded Regional (Southeast) University Transportation Center (UTC) housed at the UFTI. Partners include Auburn University, Florida International University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Jackson State University, North Carolina State University, Tennessee Technological University, The Citadel, University of Alabama at Birmingham, University of Florida, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Advanced Strategies & Technologies for Congestion Mitigation New Capacity Analysis Method for Ramp Weave Segments and Computational Engine to Exercise the Method (Project K2 – Assessing and Addressing Deficiencies in the HCM Weaving Segment Analyses) What does it do? The products can improve mobility on the nation’s freeway by producing more accurate measures for estimating the quality of service on weaving segments, which are likely to become network bottlenecks. Research Team: Nagui Rouphail, Ph.D., North Carolina State University/ITRE; Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D., University of Florida Simulation Extension with CAV Functionality for VISSIM (Project D – Evaluation of Advanced Vehicle and Communication Technologies through Traffic Microsimulation) What does it do? The extension evaluates how CAVs may impact traffic management and emissionswhen operating alongside conventional vehicles. Research Team: Pruthvi Manjunatha, Ph.D.; Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D., University of Florida; Mike Hunter, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Equity in Transportation Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR): Application for Transportation Planning (FDOT Cost-Share Project BDV31-977-115 Transportation Mobility Assessment and Recommendations for Smart City Planning) What does it do? The methodology engages community members in all stages of the project to inform future transportation mobility plans. Research Team: Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D., University of Florida; Ilir Bejleri, Ph.D., University of Florida; Sherrilene Classen, Ph.D., University of Florida; Pruthvi Manjunatha, Ph.D., University of Florida; Siva Srinivasan, University of Florida; Ruth Steiner, Ph.D. University of Florida; Xiang Yan, University of Florida Transportation Equity Certification Program What does it do? The course covers concepts such as how equity manifests in transportation, how to transition to accessibility-based transportation planning, tools for equity analysis, resilience metrics, equity implications of virtual community engagement, and inclusive and equitable disaster response. Research Team: Mehri Mohebbi, Ph.D., University of Florida Transit Accessibility Tool (Project A2 – Changing Access to Public Transportation and the Potential for Increased Travel) What does it do? The geospatial model identifies gaps in transportation services for transportation disadvantaged populations. Research Team: Kari Watkins, Ph.D., Georgia Institute
Framework and Methods to use CV Data for Estimating Performance Measurements Methods to use Data to Manage Traffic (Project C – Performance Measurement and Management using Connected and Automated Vehicle Data) What does it do? The products include a framework to estimate mobility, reliability, and environmental metrics; methods to estimate new mobility and safety metrics; and a method to estimate pollutant emission. Research Team: Mohammed Hadi, Ph.D., Florida International University; Virginia Sisiopiku, Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham, Siva Srinivasan, Ph.D., University of Florida; Sanjay Ranka, Ph.D., University of Florida Guidelines for Modeling Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (Project G3 – Utilization of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Support of Transportation Agencies’ Decision Making) What does it do? Helps transportation agencies in their decisions as they develop their long-range plans by allowing them to model CAVs in microsimulation based on available data sets and projections. The guidelines will aid in estimating the impact of CAVs. Research Team: Mohammed Hadi, Ph.D., Florida International University; Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D., University of Florida; Nagui Rouphail, Ph.D., North Carolina State University; Angshuman Guin, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology of Technology; Noreen McDonald, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ruth Steiner, Ph.D., University of Florida; Dr. Ilir Bejleri, Ph.D., University of Florida; Eleni Bardaka, North Carolina State University Taxonomy of Shared Mobility Options for Healthcare (Project G – Transit in the Era of Shared Mobility) What does it do? By identifying three different models of access to health care (1. healthcare provider leverages TNC technology; 2. Insurer partners with TNC, and 3. paratransit provider partners with TNC), municipalities and communities can structure agreements to improve access to healthcare Research Team: Kari Watkins, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology; Noreen McDonald, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ruth Steiner, Ph.D., University of Florida; Billy Williams, North Carolina State University Accessibility Methodology (Project A2 – Changing Access to Public Transportation and the Potential for Increased Travel) What does it do? The methodology helps engineers and planners understand the magnitude and direction of changes in poverty and access to transit and employment from different locations (city center, suburban, rural). Eleni Bardaka, Ph.D., North Carolina State University Research Team: Kari Watkins, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology; Noreen McDonald, Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ruth Steiner, Ph.D., University of Florida; Dr. Ilir Bejleri, Ph.D., University of Florida; Eleni Bardaka, North Carolina State University 11
Recent Graduates Summer 2020 ■ Fabio Sasahara, Ph.D. (CCE) ■ Shirin Noei, Ph.D. (CCE)
Fall 2020 ■ ■ ■ ■
Shashwat Anant, M.S. (CCE) Tanay Datta Chowdhury, M.S.. (CCE) Tatum G. Edge, M.S. (CCE) Muhaddad Uddin Saif, M.S. (CCE)
Spring 2020 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Christian Breau, M.E. (CCE) Tilak Chowdenahali Nagaraju, M.S. (CCE) Zhuoxuan Cao, M.S. (CCE) Jia Fang, M.E. (CCE) Pratik Lahoti, M.S. (CCE) In Je Lee, M.E. (CCE) Tia Lubbers, M.E. (CCE) Shinya Maehara, M.S. (CCE) Jokebede Mezidor, M.S. (CCE) Akhilesh Moreshwar Shastri, M.S. (CCE) Ningzhe Xu, M.S. (CCE)
Summer 2021 ■ ■ ■ ■
Wang Peng, Ph.D. (CCE) Stephen Spana, Ph.D. (CCE) Xiang Jacob Yan, M.S. (CCE) Kaitai Yang, M.S. (CCE)
i te
c h a p te r
The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is a UF student chapter focused on enhancing and developing the professional and leadership skills of Gator engineers. Gator ITE recruited 27 new members and developed their professional and social skills this academic year. Gator ITE helped organize, advertise, and host a number of transportation webinars. These seminars featured presentations given by leaders from both industry and academia on a wide range of transportation-related topics. Speakers included: Dr. Fabio Sasahara, UFTI; Dr. Rui Guo, UFTI; Dr. Ravi Venkataraman, University of Texas; Dr. Junaved Pasha, Florida A&M/Florida State University; Dr. Xiang ‘Jacob’ Yan, UFTI; Dr. Ashkan Omdivar, UFTI Alumi; Dr. Shirin Noei, UFTI Alumni, Dr. Vivek Yadav, Georgia Institute of Technology. In 2020, the University of Florida participated in both the regional and international ITE Traffic Bowls. Team members included: Akhilesh Moreshwar Shastri, Asean Davis, Corbin Kramer, and Vivek Ranchhodbhai Gadhiya, with Christian Breau as the coach. The team went on to compete at the national bowl but lost the round by a single point. This is the 2nd year in a row the University of Florida wins the regional bowl and attends the international bowl. The following GatorITE members recieved awards by different organizations for their accomplishments: Ala S. Alobeidyeen, Ph.D. - Graduate Leadership Scholarship Akhilesh Shastri - 3rd place STRIDE 2021 Virtual Student Poster Showcase & Competition.
c h a p te r
The Women Transportation Seminar (WTS) at the University of Florida aims to establish a collegebased student community focusing on advancing women in transportation engineering and planning through professional workshops, networking, and community service. Despite the social distancing requirements for COVID-19, WTS met as a team monthly via zoom video conferencing. Instead of holding an annual symposium, the team decided to network with transportation stakeholders in the community by hosting seminars. Over the Spring 2021 semester, WTS co-hosted/hosted seminars discussing the following topics: How to be an Advocate for Traffic Safety - Melissa Wandall, President of National Coalition for Safer Roads, Advocate Consultant, Influential Speaker, and Spokesperson. Julie Bond, Senior Research Associate at the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida, Navigating Uncertainty in Academia – One Semester at a Time- Natalie Barbour, Assistant Professor, Transport and Energy, Faculty at Technology, Policy, and Management (TU Delft) The WTS team is looking forward to starting a new 2021-2022 school year, networking with other transportation stakeholders, and contributing to the community.
McTrans: A Year in Review
Dr. Behzad Aghdashi, McTrans Director
During this past year, the McTrans Center invested in several fundamental initiatives to promote their software and services for years to come. The Center develops training, and supports software for traffic engineering and transportation planning applications.In the past year, the McTrans Center started a novel project for technology transfer and training of practitioners community in using software via interactive courses. These courses will be offered in early 2022 and enable participants to learn at their pace (e.g., weekend or night times).
This upcoming year the McTrans center will develp a new look for the Highway Capacity Software (HCS) that will include enhanced user experience (UX) design and new methods to be offered by the Highway Capacity Manual version 7.0. In addition, HCS 2022 will be offered via a new license mechanism called Software as a Service (SaaS). This will enable customers to pay less to receive HCS 2022 for shorter periods of time.
In addition to these revolutionary changes in the HCS, McTrans has been enhancing in the second best-selling software based on their historical sales in recent years, TSIS-CORSIM. TSIS-CORSIM’s release in early 2022 will bring embedded map functionality that will enhance the efficiency and user experience. The new UX design of TSIS-CORSIM will open a new era in this software’s journey to serve the transportation industry.
T2: A Year in Review In 2021, the T2 Center continued to expand the reach in all of its major programs. The training program saw additions to its professional offerings; all of FDOT’s Safety Resource Centers were combined into a one-stop shop, the Florida Traffic Safety Resource Center, at T2; and in technical support, T2 collaborated efforts with a diverse group of departments and agencies.
Dr. Nithin Agarwal, T2 Director
Training From entry-level to professional development, over 1300 students participated in 96 courses. In coordination with UFTI’s Transportation Equity Research Group, the T2 Center is developing a certification program, which builds equity into planning from the beginning of the process, rather than as patches on existing systems. T2 is pleased to welcome Scott Tison as our new Lead Trainer. Wanda Tison also joined the staff as Program Administrator.
Safety For over a decade, the T2 Center has operated the Safety Resource Centers for PedBike and Occupant Protection for the FDOT Safety Office. These are just two of the safety initiatives pursued by the Safety Office, and this year, T2 was contracted to bring all 17 Safety Office initiatives into a one-stop shop, the Florida Traffic Safety Resource Center (FTSRC). Work is underway to integrate all these operations. The FTS-RC welcomed new staff as well. Lucy Gonzalez joined the staff as Program Assistant, and Chandell Campana as Program Administrator.
Technical Support The Transportation Safety Center (TSC) continued its work in analyzing rural county roadways to identify crash hotspots and propose remediations to county planners. The program began five years ago and researchers will soon be able to conduct follow-up studies to examine the program’s impact on rural road safety and further focus and refine its efforts. Other major efforts this year included testing the automated truck-mounted attenuator (ATMA) for road worker protection, advanced driver assist systems (ADAS) in city buses, and performing a traffic calming assessment study for a local agency. 15
CoMotion Miami Mobility Challenge Powered by I-STREET Innovative mobility companies around the world and student teams from Florida universities participated in the Miami Mobolity Challange, powered by I-STREET Living Lab, a collaboration of the University of Florida, the Florida Department of Transportation, and the City of Gainesville . The winners of the Challange were announced at CoMotion Miami Live, on June 17, 2021. The Miami Mobility Challenge was created to improve mobility on existing transportation infrastructure using emerging technologies and its associated data. Each team was required to include at least one student from a Florida University. Three teams (Umojo, Crew IITS FIU, Cambridge Systematics) were selected by a panel of judges as finalists in the CoMotion Miami Mobility Challenge powered by I-STREET. The finalists made their presentations to leaders in the transportation mobility industry. The Cambridge Systematics team was declared the winner during the closing ceremony on June 17, 2021. The Cambridge Systematics Team included: Siddhartha Gulhare, UF graduate student; Yashawi Karnati, UF graduate student; Pragun Vinayak, Cambridge Systematics; Vivek Yadav, Cambridge Systematics; Lila Singer-Berk, Cambridge Systematics. The winning team has been collaborating with the City of Gainesville (CoG) and Miami-Dade County (MDC) on a pilot implementation of the winning concept.
Research-to-Practice Transit Symposium 2021 & the Interstate Transit Research Symposium 2020 More than 250 people registered for the Research-to Practice Transit Symposium that took place as a virtual event on October 12-14, 2021. The Symposium brought together transit experts to discuss the latest in public transportation research around the world. The Symposium was cosponsored by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the University of Florida Transportation Institute, and the T-SCORE University Transportation Center at Georgia Tech. Speakers from the UFTI included: Dr. Lily Elefteriadou, Dr. Pruthvi Manjunatha, Dr. Mehri “Mehrsa” Mohebbi, Dr. Ruth Steiner, Dr. Xiang “Jacob” Yan, Dr. Xiaojian Zhang and Dr. Xilei Zhao. Topics covered included: enhancing transit operations, climate change resilience, building back better, spatial mismatch of workplace and housing, equity in transit operations, digital future and connectivity, transit finance – covid impacts (long-term), zero fare, travel trends after covid, transit’s digital future and connectivity.
The UFTI also hosted the precursop of this symposium, the Interstate Transit Research Symposium, a virtual event held on December 2-4, 2020 in collaboration with the California Department of Transportation, and the T-SCORE University Transportation Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology. This virtual event featured talks and panels about transit-related topics such as transit finance, OF racial justice, mobility INSTITUTE and modality, technology and zero-emission vehicles in transit, and UNIVERSITY FLORIDA TRANSPORTATION COVID-19.
Christrian Breau
Mitch D’Arrigo
Software Developer
Marketing & Communications Specialist
Gustavo de Adreade, P.hD. Product Design Team Lead McTrans
Melissa Ginoza Visual Designer McTrans
Mehri “Mehrsa”Mohebbi P.h.D. Transportation Equity Group Leader
David Nazef Software Developer McTrans
Fabio Sasahara, P.h.D.
Guoqian Yan
Xiang “Jacob” Yan, P.h.D.
Outreach and Training Team Lead
Software Developer
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Nithin Agarwal, Ph.D. Director UFTI-T2 Center
Behzad Aghdashi, Ph.D. Director McTrans
Jennifer Bridge, Ph.D. Associate Professor Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Caral Crane, Ph.D.
Lili Du, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Department of Civil & & Aerospace Engineering Coastal Engineering
Lily Elefteriadou, Ph.D.
Keith Emrick, Ph.D.
Agustin Guerra
Eakta Jain, Ph.D.
Sanjay Ranka, Ph.D.
Director, UFTI & STRIDE
Senior Director of Develpment
Ph.D. Student (Transportation Student Body Representative to ISC)
Associate Professor
Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Department of Computer & Information Science & Engineering
Barbara Goldsby Professor, Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Siva Srinivasan, Ph.D.
Ruth Steiner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Department of Urban & Regional Planning
Jennifer Gomez Administrative Assistant
Ines, Aviles-Spadoni, M.S.
Dona Moss
Coordinator of Research Grants Administrator, Programs, STRIDE Center Department of Civil & Coastal Engineering
Ondine Wells, M.S. K-12 & Technology Transfer Coordinator STRIDE Center
Marsha Anderson-Bomar
Chimay Anumba, Ph.D.
Ron Boenau
Alex Bond
Tom Byron
Assistant General Manager for Capital Program Delivery, MARTA
Professor & Dean, UF College of Design, Construction, & Planning
International Transportation Research Advisor
Transportation Policy Analyst, USDOT/Office of the Secretary
Chair, UFTI External Advisory Board Business Director, Transportation at MTX Group
Grady Carrick, Ph.D.
Amanda Day
Justin Dennis
Maryam Ghyabi-White
Laura Kelly
Principal, Enforcement Engineering, Inc.
President, Day Communications
Co-Founder, Urban SDK
CEO/President, Ghyabi Consulting Management Director
Executive Director, Central Florida Expressway Authority
Beth Kigel
Malisa McCreedy
Ananth Prasad
Kevin Thibault
Matt Ubben
Vice President, ITS Emerging Mobility Solutions, HNTB Corporation
Director of Mobility City of Gainesville, Fla.
President, Florida Transportation Builders Association, Inc.
Secretary, Florida Department of Transportation
President, Confianza Consulting, Inc.
David Wantman President, Wantman Group
S E LEC TE D P U B LI C ATI O N S Ahmed H., La H.M., Tran K.T. (2020). Rebar Detection and Localization for Bridge Deck Inspection and Evaluation using Deep Residual Networks, Automation in Construction, Vol. 120, pp. 103393, 18 pages.
Elefteriadou, L. (2020). Book Chapter: Cyber Physical Systems in Transportation: Traffic Management with Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. Chimay J. Anumba and Nazila Roofigari-Esfahan (Eds): Cyber-Physical Systems in the Built Environment, Springer.
Al-Kaisy, Ahmed, Jafari, A., & Washburn, Scott S. (2021). Investigation of Operational Performance on 2+1 Highways. Advances in Transportation Studies, Volume LIV, pp. 17-32.
Emami, P., Elefteriadou, L., & Ranka, S. (2021). Long-Range Multi-Object Tracking at Traffic Intersections on Low-Power Devices, Accepted for publication, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Alyami, M.H., Mosavi, H., Alrashidi, R.S., Almarshoud, M.A., Ferraro, C.C., & Riding, K.A., (2021). Lab and Field Study of Physical Sulfate Attack on Concrete Mixtures with Supplementary Cementitious Materials, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 1, 14 pp. Amini, E., Xu, D., Rouphail, N., Elefteriadou, L., & Aghdashi, B. (2021). Capacity Analysis Framework for Freeway Ramp Weaves, Accepted for publication, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems. Amini, E., Omidvar, A., & Elefteriadou, L. (2021). Optimizing Operations at Freeway Weaves with Connected and Automated Vehicles, Accepted for publication, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. Bejleri, I., Noh, S., Bufkin, J. N., Zhou, R., & Wasserman, D. (2021). Using 3D Rule-Based Modeling to Interactively Visualize Complete Streets Design Scenarios, Transportation Research Record. Classen, S., Mason, J., Wersal, J., Rogers, J., & Sisiopiku, V. (2020). Older Drivers’ Experience with Autonomous Vehicle Technology: Interim Analysis of a Demonstration Study. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 2, 27. Classen, S., Wersal, J., Mason, J., Rogers, J., & Sisiopiku, V. (2020). Face and Content Validity of an Automated Vehicle Road Course and a Corresponding Simulation Scenario. Frontiers in Future Transportation, Classen, S., Mason, J., Hwangbo S.W., Wersal, J., Rogers, J., & Sisiopiku, V. (2021). Older Drivers’ Experience with Automated Vehicle Technology. Journal of Transportation and Health, Volume 22, 2021, 101107, ISSN 2214-1405, jth.2021.101107. Costin A, Hu, H., & Medlock R. (2021). Building Information Modeling for Bridges and Structures: Outcomes and Lessons Learned from the Steel Bridge Industry. Transportation Research Record. 2021;2675(11):576-586. doi:10.1177/03611981211018691. Elefteriadou, L., Leonard, B., Du, L., Ma, W., Liu, J., Zhang, K., Ma, J., Song, Z., Li, X., & Erdogan, S. (2020). Book Chapter: Enabling Transportation Networks with Automated Vehicles: From Individual Vehicle Motion Control to Networked Fleet Management, Meyer, G., and Beiker, S., Road Vehicle Automation 7, Lec ture Notes in Mobility, Springer.
Emami, P., He, P., Rangarajan, A., & Ranka, S. (2021). Efficient Iterative Amortized Inference for Learning Symmetric and Disentangled Multi-Object Representations, Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning, to appear, abs/2106.03630. Piva, F.J, Setti, J.R., & Washburn, S.S. (2021). Guidance for Applying Traffic Microsimulation with 3-D Visualization to Studies on User Perception of Automobile Level of Service. Accepted for publication. Promet, Traffic & Transportation. Han, Y., Chen, C., Peng, Z.R. et al. (2021). Evaluating Impacts of Coastal Flooding on the Transportation System using an Activity-based Travel Demand Model: A Case Study in Miami-Dade County, FL. Transportation. He, A. Wu, X. Huang, J., Scott, A., Rangarajan, A., & Ranka, S. (2020). Truck and Trailer Classification with Deep Learning Based Geometric Features. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1-10. Banerjee, H.T., Chen, K., Varanasi, N., Rangarajan, A., & Ranka, S. (2020). Machine Learning-based Video Processing for Real-time Near-Miss Detection, Proceedings of 2020 Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transportation System (VEHITS). Hwang, H. & Hiltunen, D. R. (2020). A Methodology for Determination of the Structural Layer Coefficient (SLC) of Unbound Base Materials in Florida, Transportation Research Record 2020: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2674, No. 8, Washington, D.C., pp. 160-166. Jafari, A., Al-Kaisy, A., & Washburn, S.S. (2020). Evaluation of the Effective Length of Passing Lanes on Two-lane Highways. Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research. Vol. 12, 2020 - Issue 5, pp. 293-302. Lebeau, J.C., Mason, J., Roque, N., & Tenenbaum, G. (2020). The Effects of Acute Exercise on Driving and Executive Functions in Healthy Older Adults. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. 0(0), 1-19. Martin-Gasulla, M. & Elefteriadou, L. (2021). Traffic Management with Autonomous and Connected Vehicles at Single-lane Roundabouts, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Volume 125.
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Mahajan, Y., Karanati, T., Banerjee, T., Reddy, R., Rangarajan, A., & Ranka, S. (2020). A Scalable Data Analytics and Visualization System for City-wide Traffic Signal Datasets, Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference.
Washburn, S. S., Shastri, A., & Centurion, A. (2020). Interchange Design to Accommodate Ramp Metering System. Final Report (Project BDV31-977-92). Florida Department of Transportation. Tallahassee, FL., 221 pages.
Mason, J., Classen, S., Wersal, J., & Sisiopiku, V, and Rogers, J. (2020). Establishing Face and Content Validity of a Survey to Assess user Perceptions of Automated Vehicles. Transportation Research Records.
Wang, X., Yan, X., Zhao, X., & Cao, Z. (2021). Identifying Latent Shared Mobility Preference Segments in Low-Resourced Communities: Ride-Hailing, Fixed-Route Bus, and Mobility-on-Demand Transit. In Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting.
Mason, J., Classen, S., Wersal, J., & Sisiopiku, V. (2021). Construct Validity and Test-Retest Reliability of the Automated Vehicle User Perception Survey. Frontiers in Psychology: Quantitative Psychology and Measurement. Merlin, L., Yan, X., Xu, Y., & Zhao, X. (2021). A Segment-Level Model of Shared Scooter Origins and Destinations. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 92, 102709. Noei, S., & Zhao, X. (2021). Longitudinal Dynamics in Traffic Microsimulation. In Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting. Pourmehrab, M., Emami, P., Martin-Gasulla, M., Wilson, J., Elefteriadou, L., & Ranka, S. (2020). Signalized Intersection Performance with Automated and Conventional Vehicles: A Comparative Study, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, Vol. 146 (9). Rahimi, A., Azimi, G., Jin, X., Zhai, L., & Bejleri, I. (2020). Exploring Crash Causation for Large Truck-Involved Accidents: A Hierarchical Framework, In International Conference on Transportation and Development 2020 (pp. 363-375). Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers. Sengupta, R., Reddy, R., Shah, P.J., Rangarajan, A., & Ranka, S. (2020). A Platoon Matching Approach for the Estimation of Arterial Travel Time Distributions, Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference. Steiner, R., Bejleri, I., Bai, X., Han, M., & Yan, X. (2021). Partnerships between Agencies and Transportation Network Companies for Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Opportunities and Challenges. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. Sun, W. & Washburn, S. S. (July 2021). Freeway Network Travel Time Reliability Analysis Methodology and Software Tool Development. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. SAGE Journals.
Winter, S., Jeghers, M., Reid, E., McGowan, C., Young, M. E., & Classen, S. (2020). Driving Outside the Wire: Examining Factors Impacting Veterans’ Post-Deployment Driving. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. Xu, Y., Yan, X., Sisiopiku, V. P., Merlin, L. A., Xing, F., & Zhao, X. (2021). Micromobility Trip Origin and Destination Inference using General Bikeshare Feed Specification (GBFS) Data. In Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting. Yan, X., Zhao, X., Han, Y., Van Hentenryck, P., & Dillahunt, T. (2021). Mobility-on-Demand Versus Fixed-Route Transit Systems: An Evaluation of Traveler Preferences in Low-Income Communities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 148, 481-495. Yan, X. (2021). Toward Accessibility-Based Planning: Addressing the Myth of Travel-Cost Savings. Journal of the American Planning Association, 87 (3), 409-423. Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Cochran, A. L., McDonald, N., & Zhao, X. (2021). Optimizing Demand-Responsive Paratransit Operations: A Mixed Integer Programming Approach. In Proceedings of 55th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), IEEE. Zhang, X., & Zhao, X. (2021). A Clustering-Aided Ensemble Method for Predicting Ridesourcing Demand in Chicago. In Proceedings of Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting. Zhao, X., Xu, N., Yang, K., Kuligowski, E. D., Lovreglio, R., Nilsson, D., & Brown, N. A. (2021). Modeling Evacuation Behavior in the 2019 Kincade Fire, Sonoma County, California. Natural Hazards Center Quick Response Grant Report Series, 326. Boulder, CO: Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder. Zhao, X., Lovreglio, R., Kuligowski, E., & Nilsson, D. (2021). Using Artificial Intelligence for Safe and Effective Wildfire Evacuations. Fire Technology, 57(2), 483-485.
Turnbull, K., Jones, C. & Elefteriadou, L. (2020). Book Chapter: Catching up with Low-Speed Autonomous Shuttles. Meyer, G., and Beiker, S. Road Vehicle Automation 7, Lecture Notes in Mobility, Springer. Zhai, W., Peng, Z.R., & Bai, X. (2021), Prototypical Resilience Projects for Post Disaster Recovery Planning: From Theory to Action, Journal of Planning Education and Research, https://doi. org/10.1177/0739456X211048928. 21
S E LEC TE D P R E S E NTATI O N S Noh, S., Bejleri, I., Zhai, L., & Chen, C. Measuring and Improving Accessibility to Public Transit: The Transit Accessibility Analyst Application. Paper presented at the 18th TRB Conference on Transportation Planning Applications, June 2021. Bejleri, I. Challenges and Solutions for Creating an Automated GIS Roadway Intersection Database. Presentation in 2021 GIS-T Symposium (virtual), April 2021. Xu, X. & Bejleri, I. An Automated Method to Identify Horizontal Curves on GIS Maps. Presentation in 2021 GIS-T Symposium (virtual), April 2021.
Costin, A. & Adibfar, A. IBC 21-16: Bridge Digital Twin: A Paradigm Shift in Digital Preservation of Bridges against Overweight Damages, International Bridge Conference, 2021. Costin, A., Hu, H., & Medlock, H.D. IBC 21-27: BIM for Bridges and Structures, Case Study: Outcomes and Lessons Learned from the Steel Bridge Industry, International Bridge Conference, 2021.
Fang, J. & Bejleri, I. A GIS Network Data Model for Multi-Scale Travel Demand Modeling. Presentation in 2021 GIS-T Symposium (virtual), April 2021.
Patni, S., Srinivasan, S., & Suarez, J. Covid-19 and Changes in Route-Level Transit Ridership in a University Town, presented at a poster Session, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2021.
Bejleri, I., Xu, X., Brown, D., Srinivasan, S. & Agarwal, N. Automatic Horizontal Curve Identification for Large Areas from GIS Roadway Centerlines. Poster Presentation in Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting (virtual), January 2021.
Bejleri, I., Xu, X., Brown, D., Srinivasan, S., & Agarwal, N. Automatic Horizontal Curve Identification for Large Areas from GIS Roadway Centerlines, presented at a poster Session, Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, January 2021.
Williams, J. & Bejleri, I. Interactive and Immersive Visualization. Presentation in Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting (virtual), January 2021.
Classen, S., Mason, J., Wersal, J., & Sisiopiku, V., Older Adults’ Perceptions of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies. Oral Presentation at the Annual TRB Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2020.
Steiner, R., Bejleri, I., Bai, X., Han, M., & Yan, X. Partnerships between Agencies and Transportation Network Companies for Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Benefits, Problems, and Challenges. Poster Presentation in Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting (virtual), January 2021. Noh, S., Bufkin, J., & Bejleri, I. Interactively Visualizing and Sharing Complete Street Design Scenarios using 3D Rule-based Modeling. Paper Presentation in Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting (virtual), January 2021. Bejleri, I., Noh, S., Bufkin, J., Zhu, C., Pierre-Jean, R., O’Connell, M., Cohen, B., & Bejleri, E. Visualizing Procedurally Generated Street Designs and Traffic Simulation in a Virtual Reality Experience. Paper Presentation in Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting (virtual), January 2021. Bridge, J.A. Student Recruitment and Research Impact, MsRI-EW: Conference to Identify Research Infrastructure Concepts for a National Full-Scale 200 mph Wind and Wind-Water Testing Facility, August 2020. Bridge, J.A., Gurley, K, Masters, F.M., & Phillips, B. Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Modeling at the University of Florida EF, 2021 Workshop on Shared Operational Research Logistics in the Nearshore Environment (SHORELINE21), April 2021. Bridge, J.A., Gurley, K., Phillips, B. & Catarelli, R. Opportunities in Natural Hazards Research at the UF NHERI Experimental Facility, University of Florida NHERI EF Virtual Workshop Series: BLWT Test Automation, August 27, 2020.
Bridge, J.A., & Ifju, P. Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (sUAV) for Structural Inspection, University of Delaware Structures Seminar, October 13, 2020.
Krasniuk, S., Classen, S., & Morrow, S. A. Clinical Determinants of Fitness to Drive in Drivers with Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review. Paper for the Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals/ La Prévention Routière Internationale 2020 Joint Conference, Montreal, Quebec, June 15-18, 2020. Knott, M., Classen, S., Krasniuk, S., Tippett, M., & Alvarez, L. Poster presentation. Systematic Literature Review of Insufficient Sleep and Fitness to Drive in Shift Workers. Canadian Association of Road Safety Professionals Annual Conference, Montreal, QC, June 15-18, 2020. Classen, S., Mason, J., Wersal, J., Rogers, J. & Sisiopiku, V. UF & UAB’s Phase I Demonstration Study: Older adults’ Perceptions of Automated Vehicle Technology. Oral Presentation at the Annual Meeting of AUVSI: Breakout Session: The Potential for AVs to Support Active Aging and Community Mobility in Suburban and Ex-Urban Areas. San Diego, CA, July 22, 2020. Mason, J., Classen, S., Wersal, J., & Sisiopiku, V. Survey zDesign on the Perceptions of Automated Vehicles: Face and Content Validity. Poster to be Presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association, San Diego, CA, April 8-11, 2021. April 2021. Classen, S., Mason, J., Wersal, J., Jeghers, M., & Hwangbo, S-W. Assessment of Automated Vehicle Technology Integration for Public Transportation in Gainesville, Florida. Short course to be presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association, San Diego, CA, April 8-11, 2021. Submitted on June 2, 2020.
SELECTED PRESENTATIONS Ellison, C., Medhizadah, S., Jeghers, M., Caldwell, K., Winter, S. M., & Classen, S. Fidelity of a Traffic Safety Education intervention for combat Veterans: Lessons learned. Research poster to be presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association, San Diego, CA, April 8-11, 2021. Hove, K., Wersal, J., & Classen, S. A Scoping Review: Examining Acquired Brain Injury Interventions for Fitness to Drive. Poster to be presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association, San Diego, CA, April 8-11, 2021. Submitted on June 19, 2020. Jeghers, M., Wersal, J., Winter, S. M., & Classen, S. Rater-Reliability of Assessing Driving Errors among Returning Combat Veterans. Research poster to be presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association, San Diego, CA, April 8-11, 2021. Winter, S. M., Classen, S., Poojary, P., Jeghers, M., Wersal, J., Ellison, C., & Medhizadah, S. Promises and Pitfalls: Preliminary Findings of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Short course to be presented at the American Occupational Therapy Association, San Diego, CA, April 8-11, 2021. Submitted on June 29, 2020. Classen, S., Knott. M., Alvarez, L., Krasniuk, S., & Editorial & Review Board Members of OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health. AOTF/OTJR Short Course: Advances in Technology to Enhance Manuscript Writing and Publishing, AOTA Virtual Annual Conference, April 2021. Wei, J., Giang, W.C.W., Jeghers, M., Rogers, J., Li, Y., Ramirez-Zamora, A., Winter, S.M., & Classen, S. Feasibility Study to Assess Procedure and Outcomes for Drivers using Autonomous In-Vehicle Technologies. 9th Annual Occupational Therapy Summit of Scholars, 2021. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, June 23-25, 2021. Mason, J., & Classen, S. Automated Shuttles and Buses for All Users (Session B210): Older Drivers and Persons with Disabilities Experiences with Automated Shuttles. Virtually presented at the TRB: Automated Road Transportation Symposium (ARTS), July 2021. Classen, S. & Mason, J. Older Adults, New Mobility, and Automated Vehicles. Urbanism Next and RAND Corporation on behalf of AARP Virtual Roundtable, September 2020. Zhao, X. Modeling and Simulating Protective Actions with Earthquake Early Warning. The ShakeAlert Social Science Symposium, 2021. Zhao, X., Azad, H., & Wu, D. AI in Smart Engineered Systems. University of Florida, Artificial Intelligence Town Hall, 2021.
Zhao, X. Planning Micromobility for Future Smart Cities. The course Miami 2030 – from Smart Transportation to Urban Transformation at the University of Miami School of Architecture, 2021 . Zhao, X. Leveraging Machine Learning to Plan Innovative Mobility Systems. Seminar Series of Collective Impact in Transport Systems, Hiroshima University, Japan, 2021. Zhao, X. Micromobility for Smart Cities: Planning, Design, and Operations. Interstate Transit Research Symposium, 2020. Zhao, X., Yan, X., & Ranka, S. Introduction to Data Analytics for Transportation. UFTI webinar, (2020). Zhao, X. Analyzing Wildfire Evacuation Behavior using Big and Small Data: A Case Study of the 2019 Kincade Fire. The 16th International Wildland Fire Safety Summit and 6th Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Conference, 2021. Xu, Y., Paliwal, M. & Zhao, X. Real-Time Forecasting of Micromobility Demand: A Context-Aware Recurrent Multigraph Convolutional Neural Network Approach. TRB workshop sponsored by AED50 (TRB Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications), 2021. Zhao, X., & Sisiopiku, V. Can Micromobility Reduce Urban Traffic Congestion? The 2020 ITE Annual Meeting, 2020. Zhao, X. Applying Machine Learning to Investigate Human Behavior in Disasters. The 2020 Natural Hazards Center Researchers Meeting, 2020. Yan, Y. Using Big Data and Machine Learning for Transportation Research. University of Florida Student Chapter for the Institute of Transportation Engineers, March 4, 2021. Yan, Y. The Promises and Pitfalls of Machine Learning and Big Data: Reflectively Leveraging Data Science for Transportation Planning. Department of City and Regional Planning, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, November 30, 2020. Yan, Y. Evaluating Household Residential Preferences for Walkability and Accessibility Across Three U.S. Regions. The 13th International Association for China Planning (IACP)/Transportation Research Part D Special Issue on Planning for Accessibility Online Seminar, August 18, 2020. Riding, K.A., Ultra-High Performance Concrete Quality Control Testing, Tran-SET Webinar Advances in the Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC), March 9, 2021.
Zhao, X. Real-Time Management of Micromobility Services for Smart Cities. The 2021 HiPerGator Symposium, 2021. Zhang, X., & Zhao, X. Optimizing Demand-Responsive Paratransit Operations: A Mixed Integer Programming approach. The 55th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), 2021.