Cables and Media Accessories How do you know this from that?
Types of Cables: Computers Ethernet Cat 5
For computers to be connected to the Network (Servers, Internet)
Coupler: Connects two ethernet cables
Types of Cables: Computers DVI: Connects Computers to LCD Projectors or monitors
VGA: Connects Computers to LCD Projectors or monitors
Types of Cables: Computers USB : Can be used to connect the mouse, keyboard, camera, scanners, printers, flash drives or other external devices
• micro USB plug • mini USB plug • B-type plug • A-type receptacle • A-type plug
Types of Cables: Audio XLR Cable: Microphone Cable for PA system or for hookups in gym/cafeteria walls
RCA cables (white and red) for TV, VCR, LCD Projectors
Types of Cables: Video Coaxial Cable for Video Hookups: For TVs to Cable/Satellite, TV’s to VCRs
Types of Cables: Video RCA Video: for VCR, DVD players, TV’s
S-Video: TV’s, DVD players, Visual Presenters, LCD Projectors, and hooking up notebook computers to TV’s
Types of Cables: Video Component VideoVideo Component
Accessories: Camcorder Blank Media Mini DV or Mini DVC tapes for camcorders
Mini DVD for DVD camcorders
Accessories: Camcorder Blank Media VHS-C Tapes Usually only 30 minutes long
VHS-C Adapter: This is the only type of tape that has an adapter for the VCR
Digital Cameras: Blank Media Mini CDR/RW
Floppy Disk
SD Card
Other Blank Media Flash Drive (Thumb Drive or Jump Drive)
Hook Up Stations
Hook Up Station Instructions
Get into groups Get the equipment working Use the instructions at each station
Hook everything up, Turn on peripheral devices first, Turn on the laptop last (id and pw)
Write down your ideas for using the equipment in a classroom or media center Shut down the equipment and break it down to its original state Rotate counter-clockwise