TMMC Summer 2009 Syllabus

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EDIT 6000: Technology and the Modern Media Center Course Syllabus Summer, 2009 Educational Technology Center Athens and Gwinnett A: (706) 542-0240

G: (678) 985-6797 Instructors Mrs. Emily Hodge

Mrs. Julie Davis

Miss. Kellie Thompson

Dr. John Wiggins

Technical Support Staff Mr. David Millians Office hours: We will usually be available before class and briefly afterwards; however, we do need time to debrief after class and prepare for the next day. Given the compact week, instructors will most likely be working during breaks and lunch, but we will do our best to accommodate. Questions can also be posted by email or on the course website under the Parking Lot tab. Please feel free to talk with us privately and at your convenience. Phone conversations, emails, and face-to-face visits are all welcome. Scheduled phone appointments work well, too. We strive to answer email within 48 hours with the exception of weekends and when out of town. Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide prospective and current media specialists, opportunities to engage in practical, hands-on applications of technology in the media center. In this course, students will work in a collaborative setting to learn about 21st-Century educational concepts and technology tools they can use to operate a modern media program. Course Topics: Cables, hardware hookups, GALILEO, job aids, video streaming, Google tools, photo management, editing, and publishing, movie making and editing, emerging technologies, web 2.0 tools, blogging, podcasting, RSS, 21st-Century information literacy, … Special Needs: If you have a disability and would like to request accommodations, please contact the instructor.

Updated 05/18/09

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Assignment Descriptions Note All assignments except for the final project and blog posts will be completed in class. In-Class Assignments The following assignments will be completed in class throughout the various days. They should be saved to your computer’s desktop (when applicable) with your first initial, last name, and very brief assignment description (ex. jdoe_alphabet_movie). A copy of the file should then be “turned in” via pasting to the assignments folder on the server. All In-Class assignments are due on the day on which they are assigned BEFORE you leave. □ Participate in all in-class guided practice, group, and individual activities □ Create a Diigo account. □ Create an Edublogs account and blog. Include your own theme/layout, at least two widgets, and at least one post. □ Create a Google account. □ Comment to all assigned class blog posts at □ Create a job aid for using a GALILEO resource. Include how to get to the resource, how to search, a detailed breakdown of the search results, and how to access multimedia and other formats. □ Create a Twitter account □ Create a Netvibes account. Using iGoogle or Netvibes, create a multi-tab start page (2 tab minimum) and/or research pathfinder. □ Create a Voki account and Voki. Embed on your blog. □ Create a Gizmoz account and a Gizmo. □ Create a PhotoStory related to school library media. Include at least five slides. Include text, narration, music, and custom motion. □ Make a short movie using Movie Maker. □ Complete the scavenger hunt □ Create a Thinkfinity account. Create a Thinkfinity “wow” list. □ Using Audacity, create a podcast episode (30 seconds – 1 minute) and post it to your blog. □ Subscribe to at least one RSS feed using Google Reader or other aggregator. □ Complete the Hookup Ideas handout. Include at least three ideas for each station about how the equipment can be used in the media program.

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Final Project As a concluding assignment for this course, produce a podcast or newsletter (your choice – other formats are acceptable upon permission from instructors) to synthesize the knowledge gained throughout the week. Provide a title for your newsletter or podcast as well as titles for each of the articles/“corners” required. Creativity is encouraged! The required articles/“corners” include:  Promoting a technology already available in your media center or school– new ways it can be used or ideas for using it  Reporting on an emerging technology – highlighting its features, how it can be used, who can use it, etc.  Spotlighting an open-source technology – how to get it, highlighting its features, how it can be used, etc.  Advertising professional development – either advertise a professional development coming up or advertise the services you can/do provide; include things learned about Andragogy  Techie Tip – provide a techie tip such as internet safety, computer maintenance, copyright, etc The podcast should be an .mp3 file and can be made using Audacity or similar product. Microphones and headphones are available for checkout. The newsletter can be made in Word or Publisher or similar product. Quick Tips for making a Newsletter in Word are available. This project is meant to be worked on outside of class in order to fulfill the hour requirements. Email the finished product to no later than July 31st.

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Schedule and Assignment Due Dates Day 1 – 07/13/09 8:00 – 5:00 In Class Assignments Due Day 2 – 07/14/09 8:00 – 5:00 In Class Assignments Due Day 3 – 07/15/09 8:00 – 5:00 In Class Assignments Due Day 4 – 07/16/09 8:00 – 5:00 In Class Assignments Due Day 5 – 07/17/09 8:00 – 5:00 In Class Assignments Due 07/31/09 Before 5:00 pm Final Project Due

Standards-based Instructional Objectives (taken from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission) •

Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills and understanding of concepts related to technology.

Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.

Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.

Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.

Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.

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Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.

Apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity.

Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques.

Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.

Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.

Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents and the larger community in order to nurture student learning

Texts and Supplies There is no required printed textbook for this course. You will be provided with printed materials and a CD for electronic materials. A materials fee is charged for this class. This covers printed handouts, blank CDs and CD covers, and access to our laser printer. We will depend heavily upon the Internet in this class for communication, resources, and information inquiry. It is essential that you have access to a reliable computer and Internet connection and check your email on a daily basis.

Grading Policy 1. A lot of thought goes into pacing assignments and arranging deadlines to be reasonable both for you to complete the assignments and for us to properly evaluate them. As professionals, we mutually expect deadlines to be met. Please contact us if you have an extreme circumstance. 2. Communication and writing skills are essential for teachers. Therefore, all writing should look professional in a visual sense and should be checked for spelling and grammar. Please use a word processor and laser or inkjet printer. 3. As scholars, it is essential for you to give credit to any other sources consulted in the course for completing any assignment. List these in a reference list near the end of each assignment. 4. We believe in a learning model in which students continue to work on assignments until mastery is demonstrated. If you do not receive full credit on any assignment, you are expected to correct the problem(s) and resubmit. 5. All policies of the University of Georgia regarding academic honesty, online activity, copyright, and ethics apply to this class. All academic work must meet the standards contained in “A Culture of Honesty.” Students are responsible for informing themselves about those standards before performing any academic work.

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Attendance: Attendance will be taken each day As in many classes, a major benefit is interacting with your peers, thus, in order to participate, attending each session is mandatory. Because of the length of each session, missing one is the equivalent of missing two consecutive weeks of a traditional college class. Therefore, your absence seriously compromises your learning and minimizes your ability to effectively complete performance tasks. You are expected to have a professional attitude, giving this class high priority in your plans. If you fail to make up a missed class, you will receive a course grade of Incomplete.

Ground Rules •

Participants must comply with all computer lab policies established by UGA.

Please do not hesitate to take comfort breaks as needed. Several breaks will be provided.

Cell phones: please turn the ringer off during class and leave the room if you must take a call.

There are NO stupid questions. As teacher librarians, one of your jobs is to empower students to find their own answers. First: explore on your own, using the research skills and resources available to you. Second: ask your professional peers. Finally, if you're still not satisfied, ask a member of the instructional team. For some questions, you may be directed to type them on the course website “parking lot” so they can be addressed at a better time.

As a student in the class, it is your responsibility to help other students as much as you can. We need an atmosphere of mutual learning and inquiry. Also, troubleshooting and teaching another person to do something are very effective ways of bolstering your own understanding.

We will not criticize people we know who are working in the field. Instead, we will criticize ineffective practices and strive to discover more effective ones. The course syllabus is a general plan for the course; deviations announced to the class by the instructor may be necessary.

EDIT 6000: Technology and the Modern Media Center

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