Vinita John-Assignment for UGA ETC 09

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SCSMC Summer 2009 Volume 1, Issue 1

Media Tech Report What’s Now...What’s Wow!! Spotlight on Emerging Technology Every day, new technology emerges that provides amazing help to educators in schools all over the world. These gadgets and gizmos enhance the teaching-learning experience in our classrooms. Visual presenters create real time presentations saving valuable prep time for teachers. The Document Camera is one such visual presenter that teachers and students will come to love. It is a very simple, user friendly tool that anyone can use. It‟s In This Issue:

quick everyday use capability is making it a popular „must-have‟. The set up is very simple. It needs to be connected to the monitor and the projector and turned on. The document/ photograph/object is placed under the camera, and there you have it enlarged on the screen. Real life objects can be presented to the students and manipulated for them to see. The Document Camera can be used it many interesting ways: it can be used

to project the textbook so all eyes are on the screen, and not looking down; diagrams, illustrations can be shown; children‟s projects can be shown, creating interest for the child and the project; music and lyrics can be presented ensuring student participation. Use it for Show and Tell; to demonstrate the proper handling of instruments in the Lab; to demonstrate the angle of the pen in Calligraphy.

your Media Center Spotlight on Open Source Technology Upcoming Training Opportunities Techie Tips Great Reads

Look out for one in your Media Center soon!

It enhances face to face teaching, that will promote great classroom atmos-


Emerging Technology Technology Available in

There are various models available to suit school needs and budgets. It has had wonderful reviews from teachers all over the world.

A quick and simple tool with amazing possibilities and results.

Wireless Slates…..enhancing your presentations! The Wireless Slate lets you interact wirelesslywith your presentation and computer from different parts of your classroom. A battery free attached pen lets

you control what you have on your computer, write notes and highlight information on your presentations that are projected on a screen, using digital ink. It can

save your notes and capture images that can be used later. Material can be manipulated, reorganized and reused. An easy way to navigate throughdigital information.

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M ed i a T ec h R epo r t

V o lu m e 1 , I s s u e 1

New Digi Cams added to our resources in Media Center We have been using the couple of digital cameras we had, to take pictures of special events, and classroom programs. The photographs have been great and have added such a variety to our collection of school pictures. Thanks to all of you who have contributed, as we have used them for the Yearbook and for end of year slideshows. Now, with the addition of 5 more cameras to our collec-

tion we can engage our students in the classroom. Get them to take pictures of their projects, create their own albums, or create a photostory of their work in progress. These cameras can be used to reflect on activities so students can remember the process and explain why they did things in a certain way. Documentation of the work in progress will help students take complete ownership of their projects and presentations, making it eas-

ier to critique and appreciate each other‟s work. Please let the Media Center know in advance when the class would like to have the cameras. We will be happy to demonstrate and assist in class if required. The cameras are simple, easy to use models and come with job aids that will help students use them under teacher supervision.

Kool Ideas for Digi Cams in the Classrooms

“I think a photography class should be a requirement in all education programs because it makes you see the world rather than just look at it” -Author Unknown

Take the cameras along on your next nature walk. The children take pictures of their findings, and create a class poster and report. Better still use the LCD projectors to display their work and get them to talk about it. Use the camers while the

children present their project, especially for “dress-up” book reports. Print the pictures for a display outside the class room. Use the cameras while students work in the labs to create an awesome „dos and don‟ts‟ poster. Get the students to cre-

ate one themselves...generate a feeling of ownership! Cameras in the art room, to chart the progress of a mural. Get students to take pictures and then paint still-lifes, present the picture and the completed artork together

Go One Step Further with Flip Cams A Flip Cam is a camcorder, uncomplicated. It is as small as a digital camera, in fact it is a digital video camera that can record up to two hours of video. It does not need cables, charging , or expertise. Just poit and shoot! It can even be mounted on a

tripod. It has its lens, a microphone and rechargeable batteries all built in. It has a USB arm that lets you attach it to your PC to download video,instantly for playback. Use it to record „how-to‟ instuctions; class plays and

productions; special events; in the Science lab, during field visits, record students projects-before and after, book talks and book reviews; create “Back to School” presentations that parents love and your administrations admires!

Med i a T ec h R epo r t

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Free Stuff Out There-Totally Amazing Tools for Teachers Google Earth in the Classroom Among all the fabulous tools available for teachers, Google Earth must be one of the best! It is a FREE, downloadable program that uses satellite imagery, maps, 3D terrain and buildings allong with geographic points to create a highly realistic virtual globe in the classroom. This is Google‟s satellite im-

Social Media is the next big thing! Wikis are one such way to communicate and coordinate with people who are interested in the same thing. It is a collaborative website that is available FREE for educators. Of course if you want added stuff like increased space, and specs, you have to pay an annual fee, but the basics are free for teachers and provides ample space and tools . Watch a quick demo, “Wikis in Plain English”

agery-based mapping tool that lierally puts the whole world into the classroom. To use this tool, go to http:// Choose Download (if you do not have admin priveleges, choose download for single user). Agree to terms of usage and follow directions to complete the download. Now create virtual tours with your students. Fly to exotic places that are just names in a book, explore the night sky,

Wikis in Class on It is a combination Website and Word Document that creates a database on a project you have started from beginning to end. You as the administrator of the Wiki can create the page and have students „invited‟ to comment on the work that has been set out for them.

virtually soar around our galaxy, visit the moons of Jupiter, look at Mars and Venus; you can even watch the sun rise over your favorite city! Students can study climate change and the effects of global warming, track earthquakes in real time; study the impact of hurricanes like Katrina; explore topics like the progress of human civilization, growth of cities and landforms; study the ocean floor and underwater terrain; hunt for shipwrecks, spot whales! Students might use a wiki to collaborate on a group project, compile data, share work or comment on a book being read in class. To get your own wiki go to Choose „new users‟ on the top right hand corner, click on classrooms, scroll down to create a free pbworks. Join the largest community of educational workspaces for free, in 60 seconds!

Go one step further with Google Lit Trips. Use Google Earth to track journeys of explorers or famous characters from popular books. Trace the Silk Route and watch hisory come alive as you walk with Marco Polo!

The word “wiki” comes from a Hawaiian word that stands for “fast”. It comes from the belief by one of iit’s creators , David Weekly that wikis are “as easy as making a peanut butter sandwich.”

A Note about Social Networking “Are you tweeting”, “Tweet me”, “I‟m following you on Twitter” are bits of conversation we hear all around us today. This is the world of social networking where one can stay connected to friends and family through the exchange of quick frequent messages. Each „tweet‟ or

message can have 140 characters or fewer. This is how people stay connected today. A generation ago it was the telephon, today it is this form of quick real time messaging that lets you comment and stay connected to people who know

you and also to people who don‟t but are interested in the same things. This is how our students exchange info on even their homework and projects We as teachers need to keep up and be aware of how social networking works, in

order to teach our students to stay safe and remain savvy in a world that seems to have no borders at all!


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Techie Tips for WordDocuments Press Shift and Enter together to move to the line below without bullet. Insert a Table: Click drag and release to select the number of rows and columns from the Table icon in Insert Menu. Quickly change Font Size: Ctrl+) to increase

A Special invite to all SCS Teachers Cupcakes and Afternoon Tea in the Media Center Wednesday after carpool for 30 minutes. “Look and Learn Session” Enjoy a refreshing cup of tea as you experience, and learn about our new Document Camera, Wireless Slate & Flip Cam handle them yourselves to see how simple they are and how amazing they can be in your classroom! Leave with Lesson Ideas & Job Aids on how to connect and use these awesome tools.

by 1 point, and Ctrl+( to decrease by 1point. Shrink a document to fit on a page: Choose File from pull down menu, Select Print Preview, Click on Shrink to Fit button. Get the Copyright symbol : Alt+Ctrl+C Quickly get current date in Word: Alt+Shift+D Keyboard Shortcuts: Print Preview-Ctrl+F2 Change case- Ctrl+F3

Pick free books and posters for your classroom libraries too!!

Indent– Ctrl+M

Great Books to Read Three Cups of Tea by Sarah Thomson: Inspirational story of Greg Mortensen as he works with the people of Pakistan to build schools in the remote regions of the Karakoram mountains. Truly moving, and adapted from the original for younger readers it speaks of one mans‟s faith that if you truly believe

you can move mountains. 14 Cows for America by Carmen Agra Deedy: A moving beautifully illustrated story of generosity that goes beyong nations and boundaries. A young Maasai warrior gifts 14 cows to heal a hurting America afetr the September 9/11 attacks.

The Shepherd‟s Granddaughter by Anne Laurel Carter: Amani and her grandfather live in palestine. This is a sensitive portrayal of land encroachment and a young girl‟s courage. With the help of a rabbi and a young American tourist, Amani struggles to find grazing ground for her flock of sheep. She and her new friend begin to realize that there is more to life than fighting.

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