We The People - 2016-2017 Issue

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Achieving Greatness On and Off the Field. Page 27

INSIDE Reflections on the 2016 Elections | Page 10 5 Questions with Delmer D. Dunn | Page 38 Medical Marijuana Laws and Public Sector Drug Spending | Page 31 A SPIA Love Story | Page 19

We The People is a magazine focused on just that: our people. In this issue, we dive into the life of our SPIA student-athletes on and off the field and keep you apprised of our School news.



We The People is published annually for alumni, friends and supporters of the School of Public and International Affairs. Managing Editor/Writer Caroline Paris Paczkowski Assistant Editor/Writer DeShonna Johnson Design Bulldog Print + Design Contributing Writers Ashley C. Bradford W. David Bradford Charles S. Bullock, III Jordan Fuchs Audrey Ann Haynes Rory Hibbler Sydney Juliano Jesse Kerzner Lauren Ledbetter Lihi Ben Shitrit Photography Casey Sykes Photography Wingate Downs Photography

School of Public and International Affairs The University of Georgia 204 Candler Hall Athens, GA 30602 706/542-4114 (Academic Advisement) 706/542-2059 (Office of the Dean) spia.uga.edu

24 22 contents 1 From the Dean 2 Department Headlines 5 MPA 50th Recap 6 The Three Musketeers 8 Minor in Public Policy & Management 9 MIP: A Passion for Policy 10 Reflections on the 2016 Elections 12 On a New Track: Political Science’s Newest Certificate Program 16 Alumni News and Notes 22 If You Want to Get Technical 23 Women and the Holy City 24 A Day in the Life of a Student Athlete 27 Cover Story: Play Hard. Work Harder.

39 31 Medical Marijuana Laws and Public Sector Drug Spending 32 Student Notes and Accomplishments 37 Recent PhD Placements 38 5 Questions with Delmer D. Dunn 39 SPIA Retirements 40 Higher-Ed at SPIA 42 GLOBIS: A New Era of Collaboration 44 Faculty Accomplishments 48 Donor Recognition Keep us updated on your news and successes. Email us at spia@uga.edu

Board of Visitors

From the Dean Dear SPIA Alumni and Friends, Just a year old, We the People is one important way we try to keep you informed about the extraordinary accomplishments of our students, faculty, and alumni. Some of what you read here will be new and, I hope, exciting. Some of what you read here will confirm the high expectations all of us have about SPIA: it is no accident that according to U.S. News & World Report we are the fourth best public affairs school in the nation, tied with Princeton and one rank below Harvard, schools you also may have heard of. And some of what you read here will simply entertain you. As you may know, I was appointed Interim Dean in August. In my previous incarnation as Associate Dean I had the privilege of working with both of SPIA’s previous leaders: Thomas Lauth, our founding dean, and Stefanie Lindquist. Although we have already achieved so much under their leadership, I am confident that we are on our way to achieving much more. I am confident most of all because we have three excellent degree-granting departments— International Affairs, Political Science, and Public Administration and Policy. They produce cutting-edge research, they provide our students with an outstanding public BOB GRAFSTEIN Interim Dean and affairs education, Georgia Athletic and they generate Association substantial research Professor of support from major, Political Science competitive funding sources such as the National Science Foundation. As a practical matter, what SPIA accomplishes makes a SPIA degree more valuable even for those of you who been away from school for a long time. There have been many exciting developments at SPIA but I can only mention a few. Our Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS), directed by Dr. Ryan Bakker, is expanding the scope of our already extensive study abroad opportunities and broadening our international scholarly presence. The Center for International Trade and Security, directed by Dr. Scott Jones, provides unique opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students alike to participate in the Center’s important work reducing nuclear and non-conventional weapons proliferation. We are well into the inaugural semester of the Public Affairs Professional Certificate Program (aka the Applied Politics

Program). Don’t believe conventional wisdom about waiting for new products to get tested before embracing them; under the able leadership of Dr. Audrey Haynes, the program is already a smoothly-running success. As part of this program, leading practitioners, including members of our own Board of Visitors, have generously shared their expertise with an outstanding and ambitious cohort of students. In the same vein, the Department of Public Administration and Policy’s minor in Public Policy and Management is facing high demand from students interested in using their academic experience to make a difference in their post-SPIA careers in public service and policy analysis. Our SPIA Survey Research Center, directed by Dr. Trey Hood, is getting all the necessary infrastructure in place. The Center will provide the state with nonpartisan professional polling as well as a training experience for students participating in the Public Affairs Professional Certificate Program. SPIA not only has new programs - we’ve also brought on board a cohort of new and very distinguished faculty. Amanda Abraham (PhD LSU) specializes in addiction health services research; Alexa Bankert (PhD Stony Brook) studies political psychology using experimental methods; Kristin Garrett (PhD UNC, Chapel Hill) studies the causes, consequences, and measurement of moral conviction in politics; Jason Anastasopolous (PhD University of California, Berkeley), specializes in “big data” analysis; Kathleen Powers (PhD OSU) studies international conflict and cooperation. She joined SPIA following a post-doctoral fellowship at Dartmouth College focusing on U.S. foreign policy and international security. The annex to Baldwin Hall should be completed by the end of June. Not a moment too soon: SPIA students will have access to our own state-of-the-art classrooms, conference areas, an event space for lectures and special events, and, last but not least, a lounge for coffee and conversation. Via Twitter and Facebook we’ll keep you posted on plans for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. And speaking of celebrating, we’ll be doing a lot of that on April 22 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Department of Political Science, the root from which all of SPIA’s departments and centers originate. See the back cover for more information! We’ll also keep you posted on the search for the new SPIA dean. The official University search committee is up and running and candidates were on campus in January. It’s been an exciting year since the inaugural issue of We the People. In closing,

Ambassador David Adelman (ABJ ‘86) Ms. M. Elaine Bunn (AB ‘74) The Honorable Valerie Caproni (JD ‘79) Mr. R. Lee Culpepper (AB ‘84) General (Ret) Eugene E. Habiger (BS ‘63) Mr. John Frank Halper (MPA ‘77) Mr. Joshua W. Jones (ABJ ‘08, AB ’08, MBA ‘16) Mr. Terry A. Mathews (AB ‘82) Ms. Harriet J. Melvin (ABJ ‘86) The Honorable Powell A. Moore (ABJ ‘59) Mr. C. Randall Nuckolls (BSA ‘74, JD ‘77) Mr. Cecil M. Phillips Major General Arnold L. Punaro (MA ‘76) Dr. Ralph E. Reed, Jr. (AB ‘85) Ms. Julie C. Smith (AB ‘00) Ms. Margaret Smith (AB ‘83) Mr. Robert L. Stein Mr. L. Henry Turner III (AB ‘79) Mr. Joe D. Whitley (AB ‘72, JD ‘75)

Alumni Board

Mr. Charlie Bailey (AB ‘05, JD ‘10) Ms. Katherine Bell (AB ‘07) Mr. Thomas Beusse (AB ‘08), Past President Mr. Alex Bradford (AB ‘10) Ms. Caitlyn Cooper (AB ‘07) Mr. Nick deJong (AB ‘09) Dr. Laura Haase (AB ‘94, MPA ‘96) Ms. Christie Haynes (AB ‘10) Ms. Samantha Hill (AB ‘09) Mr. Matt Josephson (AB ‘06, JD ‘09) Ms. Stephanie C. Kindregan (MPA ‘07) Ms. Katherine M. Knight (AB ‘12) Mr. Josh Mackey (AB ‘05), President Mr. Doug Matties (MPA ‘01) Ms. Katie McCabe (AB ‘10, JD ‘14) Mr. Jason O’Rouke (AB ‘06, MPA ‘11), Vice President Mr. Daniel Regenstein (AB ‘06) Mr. Matt Suber (AB ‘09) Mr. Arthur Tripp (AB ‘09) Mr. Matthew Weiss (AB ‘05, JD’08) Mr. David Werner (AB ‘05)

I want to express my deep appreciation to Caroline Paris Paczkowski, DeShonna Johnson and Lauren Ledbetter, who are responsible for the creation of this magazine. Without them, you’d probably be receiving a very long email from SPIA that would wind up in a mail folder I don’t even like to think about. With best regards, Robert Grafstein Interim Dean and Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Political Science

We The People | 2016 -2017


Department Headlines:



his fall, change is in the air in the Department of International Affairs! In August 2016, two new faculty members, Amanda Murdie, the Dean Rusk Professor of International Relations, and Kathleen Powers, joined the faculty ranks. Lihi Ben Shitrit has been selected to be a Fellow at the prestigious Herbert D. Katz Center for Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and will be on leave for the spring semester of 2017. In December 2015, University Professor Han Park, after an impeccable 45 years of service to the UGA became Professor Emeritus. Sadly, Howard Wiarda, the former Department Head of International Affairs, passed away on September 12, 2015. The Department is in the process of hiring two more positions: a tenure MARKUS M. L. CREPAZ track, assistant Head, Department of professor position in International Affairs Environmental Politics and an endowed full professor position, the Stanley Wade Shelton Professorship in International Relations, centered on international conflict and cooperation. Despite all these changes, faculty and students are thriving in a collegial and cooperative environment that yields results. Our faculty members continue to be highly productive and publish in the most prestigious, peer-reviewed journals and University Presses: Danny Hill’s 2016 Journal of Politics publication; Amanda Murdie’s British Journal of Political Science piece as well as her Journal of Peace Research paper among others; Chad Clay’s piece in the Journal of Conflict Resolution; Shane Singh’s article in Journal of Politics; Cas Mudde’s Foreign Affairs piece; and Loch Johnson’s Oxford University Press book. In


We The People | 2016 -2017

the spring of 2016, Cas Mudde also won the SPIA Excellence in Research Award! This is by no means a complete and exhaustive list of articles, books, and awards the IA faculty produces, but rather a small sample reflecting the high quality and quantity of publications that have been produced only between spring 2015 and fall 2016! Much of the faculty’s research has practical political consequences, is centered on problem solving, and informs policy of government and non-governmental organizations, think tanks, political parties, and the community at large. Again, there is space for only a few examples: faculty have given keynote addresses, presentations, or participated in roundtables in entities such as the European Commission and the European Parliament; the Canadian Intelligence Service; think tanks such as the European Policy Center; the Department of Defense at the Pentagon; at the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) in Nebraska; the Air Force University, at the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies on the Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama and the West Point Military Academy. The cutting-edge research our faculty conducts is being recognized by funders: Andy Owsiak received a Department of Defense Minerva Grant for $146,000 in 2014 and Chad Clay received a National Science Foundation grant in the amount of $164,000. Funding for our faculty’s research also originates from outside the United States: Shane Singh is a grantee of CA$181,806 (about US$136,000) from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and Cas Mudde secured roughly $50,000 per year for three years from the European Union. It is no small wonder that such a creative and productive environment generates a successful student body. The fall of 2015 saw

some excellent placements of our erstwhile graduate students ranging from tenure track positions in Universities to placements in well-known private consulting companies such as Deloitte (Caitlin McKibben), and to government agencies such as the Savannah River National Laboratory (Justin Rizzi), and the CIA (Karen Bodnaruk Jazayeri). Our undergraduate major continues to attract outstanding students making it the one of the most popular majors at UGA with almost 900 students. The high level of instruction is also reflected in the awards our students are winning: three students (Aiden Holley, Garrett Johnson, Jessica Sagastume) won the Benjamin A. Gilman scholarship; Rebekah Worick and Aaron Rawls each won a Boren Scholarship; Valerie Tucker received the Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship; Bert Thomson has been selected as a Carnegie Junior Research Fellow and Gina Ford and Amberleigh Reyes have become Coca Cola First Generation Scholars – again this is just one small selection of award winners. Large numbers of students are taking part in CURO, the Center for Undergraduate Research Opportunities, with faculty members such as Chad Clay and Andy Owsiak. Undergraduates are flocking to the courses of two recently hired lecturers, Maryann Gallagher and Leah Carmichael, both of whom receive rave reviews for their inspiring and tireless teaching efforts. Markus Crepaz was selected as the “Teacher of the Week” by the Center for Teaching and Learning in October 2016. The Model UN, under the inspiring leadership of Andy Owsiak and Maryann Gallagher, is now ranked in the top 50 in the country. At the highly competitive University of California-Berkeley Model United Nations Conference, the team took four awards, including: Best Delegate Gavel Award (1st Place) - Rebekah Worick; Outstanding Delegate Award (2nd Place) - Matthew Yarbrough; and Honorable Mention Award (3rd Place) - Alex Johnson and Megan Gillahan. At the Emory Collegiate Model United Nations Conference the team took an unprecedented 7 awards - the highest number of awards in the team’s history for any single competition. This brings the total team awards for the year to 11, the highest number in Model UN history. The Department is a dynamic, creative, and fun place to conduct research, to teach, and to help solve the challenges of our time. Continue to be a part of this exciting place! With your support, we can make this place even better!

Department Headlines:



he Department of Political Science remains a vibrant, exciting place. This year we have new programs, new conferences, new faculty, new awards, a new building, and a series of important events for our alumni. The Public Affairs Professional Certificate is in its inaugural year and off to a fabulous start. Professor Charles Bullock, who just received the University’s high honor of a University Professorship in recognition of his numerous contributions to the University and state, was the driving force behind the program. As guided by Professor Audrey Haynes and in coordination with the Grady School of Journalism, undergraduates in the program receive focused training for careers in politics. In addition to their classroom work, students interact SCOTT H. AINSWORTH with practitioners Interim Head, with long and Department of established records in Political Science politics. Many of the practitioners visiting campus are themselves Georgia alumni, who are graciously giving back. Undergraduates in the Public Affairs Professional Certificate conclude their work with internships. Professor M.V. “Trey” Hood is the driving force behind our brand new Survey Research Center. The next time you are in Baldwin Hall, swing by Room 305 to see its new home. Our department continues to attract scholars from around the nation and the world. For the University’s Constitution Day and as part of its Signature Lecture Series, the department co-hosted Professor Akhil Reed Amar. Dr. Amar teaches in the political science department as well as the law school at Yale University. On January 20th (Inauguration Day), Keith Poole, the

Philip H. Alston, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Political Science, will host a post-election conference in Athens. In the spring, the Department and University will host a conference in his honor in recognition of his work on political polarization in American politics. Just this fall, Poole was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award in Political Methodology by the methods section of the American Political Science Association. Our conferences attract scholars from around the nation and the world, offering students perspectives not found in their classrooms. Visiting scholars return home impressed with the strength and breadth of our faculty and students. Last spring, we bid farewell to Professors Paul Gurian and Ines Levin. Gurian taught at Georgia since 1986 and won numerous teaching awards. Levin moved to the University of California, Irvine to continue her career there. Although we were sad to lose two faculty members, we are excited to have Professors Jason Anastasopoulos, Alexa Bankert, and Kristin Garrett joining our ranks. Anastasopoulos was a joint hire with the Department of Public Administration and Policy and one of the eight big data analysts hired at the University this fall as part of the University’s drive to become a leader in the increasingly important field of informatics. Anastasopoulos will work with us and with the Georgia Informatics Institutes, which focus on cross-disciplinary, data intensive research. I am proud to say that we now have one of the strongest groups of empirical methodologists in the southeast. Professors Bankert and Garrett both have interests in political psychology. Bankert explores how our social identities affect our political attitudes, values, and behaviors. Among other distinctions, she received the

Distinguished Junior Scholars Award given by the Political Psychology Section of the American Political Science Association. Garrett studies the causes, consequences, and measurement of moral conviction in politics. Her measurement of reactions to issues connecting morality and politics occur at the individual physiological level. Perhaps elections do raise our blood pressure! The Department is currently initiating a drive to secure support for the development of two experimental labs to facilitate hands-on political psychology research and students’ experiential learning opportunities in those labs. Opportunities for research experience abound for our undergraduate and graduate students as professors continue to earn prestigious grants and awards from public and private foundations to support our teaching and research missions. A third of our faculty has received prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) grants. Just this year alone, Professors Christina Boyd, Michael Lynch, James E. Monogan, and Scott Ainsworth have received NSF grants. With support from the NSF, graduate and undergraduate students will be learning about Social Security Disability claims in the federal district courts and developing new means of measuring public opinion in small geographic regions. Even with our established record with grant awards, we enjoyed more than a 100% increase in grant funding over the last 2 years. Our students thrive in the intellectual environment that we’ve created. Soon our physical space will also be enhanced. Although we are all fond of Baldwin Hall’s quirks, we are especially excited to see the Baldwin Annex open this spring. I hope that you are intrigued by these changes in the Department, and I hope that we get to visit with you soon because throughout this year, we are holding events celebrating our 75th Anniversary at the University of Georgia. Nelson Mullins and Verizon hosted our kickoff event in Atlanta on September 14th,and the SPIA D.C. Alumni Reception was held November 16th at Dentons US LLP in the heart of our nation’s capitol. If you missed those events, please mark your calendars for April 21st and 22nd when we will hold the culminating celebration in your favorite college town, Athens, Georgia. This gala event will allow everyone to reconnect with old friends and meet alumni from around the state and nation. I do hope you’ll be able to see and experience these exciting times in our Department first hand.

We The People | 2016 -2017


Department Headlines:



he Department of Public Administration and Policy had yet another exciting and successful year. While it is always difficult to summarize a year in a few short paragraphs, let me take this opportunity to highlight just a few of our Department’s events, accomplishments, and honors. In the spring, we celebrated the 50th year of the MPA program. This included recognition of the MPA program’s local, national, and international impact by both the Georgia House and Senate, as well as a series of campus events (including a Getzen lecture by Dr. James C. Miller III, former director of the Office of Management and Budget and the Federal Trade Commission) attended by over 200 alumni from BRADLEY E. WRIGHT around the country. Head, Department of These events Public Administration coincided with the and Policy release of the new U.S. News & World Report rankings which continues to list our MPA program 4th in the nation overall and recognize our strength in the specialty areas of public finance and budgeting (2nd), public management (2nd), and public policy (18th). Another indicator of the program’s strong reputation can be seen in its second straight year of growth. The fall 2016 incoming class was the 3rd largest in our 51-year history with 64 new students representing 13 states and 5 countries. The last year also provided a number of opportunities to strengthen our international reputation and impact. This fall, we accepted the first cohort of Korean government officials in the MPA program as part of a new partnership agreement


We The People | 2016 -2017

between our Department, the Carl Vinson School of Government, and the Korean Ministry of Personnel Management. In summer 2017, our faculty will be taking their knowledge abroad after recently receiving a two-year State Department grant to provide training to faculty in the Republic of Georgia. Next fall will also see the first class of students in our newly approved dual degree program with Seoul National University allowing interested students to study at and get MPA degrees from both universities. The Department continues to have a very successful PhD program. Last year the PhD students gave 28 research presentations at 14 different conferences and our recent graduates continue to do

a congressionally-chartered institution tasked with meeting the needs of government, and joins Drs. Lauth, O’Toole, Rainey, Whitford and Wright to as the 6th faculty member to have receive that honor. Dr. Tima Moldogaziev received the William E. Mosher and Frederick C. Mosher Award for the best Public Administration Review article and has been elected to the Executive Committee of the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. Dr. Hal Rainey is the recipient of the Public Management Research Association’s 2016 H. George Frederickson Award for career contributions to public management research and the intellectual development of the field. Last but not least, we congratulate Dr. Rebecca Nesbit on her

“The last year provided a number of opportunities to

STRENGTHEN OUR INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION AND IMPACT.” well in the academic job market - such as Ben Brunjes, who began his first year as an assistant professor at the University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. We also officially added an undergraduate program to our academic portfolio. Since our new minor in Public Policy and Management began in the spring of 2016, we have nearly tripled the number of undergraduate course offerings and over 70 students have declared the minor. Not surprisingly, the expertise and leadership of our faculty continues to be recognized in the field. The faculty have received many more honors than can be listed here, so I will highlight just a few. Dr. J. Edward Kellough was just elected to the National Academy of Public Administration,

strong research record and her promotion to associate professor with tenure at the University of Georgia. Last year also saw us make two important hires to strengthen our academic programming and reputation. Dr. Jason Anastasopoulos (PhD University of California Berkeley) is a joint hire with the Department of Political Science, and one of the eight big data analysts hired at UGA as part of its informatics initiative. Dr. Amanda Abraham (PhD Louisiana State University) specializes in addiction health services research and has just received a large SAMHSA grant to integrate screening, intervention, and treatment referral (SBIRT) training into professional and health curriculum here at UGA. Both are exciting additions to our faculty.

MPA5Oth Recap



n April 15 and 16, 2016, the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program in the Department of Public Administration and Policy welcomed more than 200 alumni and friends back to campus in celebration of its 50th anniversary. Since its founding in 1966, the MPA program has had an extremely positive impact on communities and citizens across the world, creating a lasting legacy for SPIA and the University of Georgia. The Department’s faculty members deserve our congratulations and profound respect for their hard work and academic excellence, both of which have sustained this prestigious graduate program. In Spring 2016, the MPA program ranked fourth in the nation among graduate schools of public affairs, according to U.S. News & World Report. SPIA also has three highly ranked specialty programs: the specialization in public finance and budgeting is ranked second—moving up from fifth place in the 2012 rankings; the public management administration program is ranked second; and the public policy analysis program is ranked 18th. Recent accolades also include a 2014 study in the Journal of Public Affairs Education in which the Public

Administration and Policy faculty placed number one for international scholarly output based on quality and productivity. Furthermore, the MPA program is currently home to The Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART), edited by Department Head Bradley E. Wright. JPART’s citation frequency has secured its place as the most cited public administration journal in the world. As part of this celebration, the Department has chosen to recognize the remarkable career and contributions of Professor Jerry Legge. Professor Legge’s dedication to the MPA program over many decades helped ensure its success, and he deserves our heartfelt thanks. In his honor, SPIA is raising $100,000 to endow the Jerry Legge Graduate Fellowship to provide merit-based scholarships for students in the MPA Program.

On March 16, 2016, the Master of Public

Administration program was honored on the floor of the Georgia House of Representatives for providing excellent public affairs education for 50 years. Former Dean Stefanie Lindquist, Department Head Bradley Wright, and former MPA Director Deborah Carroll accepted the official resolution from local delegates Rep. Spencer Frye, Rep. Regina Quick, and Rep. Chuck Williams.

We The People | 2016 -2017


THE MUSKETEERS SPIA Professors Tackle Human Rights Issues

By DeShonna Johnson Although human rights has always been an essential focus for those in the fields of public and international affairs, people are increasingly associating SPIA with cutting edge research on human rights. Three of the School’s very own professors in International Affairs are continuing to transform academic research in human rights from three different perspectives. They are helping nations all around the globe discover what’s worked in the past, what’s working currently and what will work in the future. Out of a desire to use research to help people on the ground, International Affairs Assistant Professor Dr. K. Chad Clay has spent an extensive amount of time measuring what many of us had not realized could be measured: human rights. Though this term might sound idealistic, the definition of human rights is simple. “In general, human rights are about living a life of dignity and having access to the things necessary to fulfill your human potential,” says Clay. These rights aren’t just idealistic notions of what countries should do - they exist in international law negotiated in intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations. Beginning with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was ratified in Paris on Dec. 10, 1948, human rights have been laid out in concrete terms that countries are obligated to follow. The Universal Declaration makes clear and direct references to the prohibition of slavery, the right to seek asylum and the right to a standard of living, among many others listed throughout its 30 articles. The rights listed in the Universal Declaration were given the force of law by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, each of which have been ratified by more than 160 countries. In addition to these three major documents, there are numerous human rights treaties that the vast majority of countries in the world have obligated themselves to in some way or another.


We The People | 2016-2017

Consequently, with these laws comes the act of making sure these rights are actually being respected. Yet, as Clay explains, following up on this can come with some difficulty. “States are obligated to respect, protect and fulfill these rights,” says Clay. “However — at the international level especially — we don’t have the greatest monitoring and enforcement mechanisms. Violations of human rights aren’t exactly things states want everyone to know about. These are things that states would prefer remain hidden. And so, these things are difficult to directly observe. As such, one thing I focus on extensively in my research and that we [Amanda Murdie and Danny Hill] are all working on together, is the actual measurement of respect for and fulfillment of human rights.” Clay has been a part of several different research projects surrounding the measurement of human rights practices. For years, he was part of the CIRI Human Rights Data Project—a project that, by its end, studied government respect for 15 different internationally recognized human rights in nearly every country in the world from 1981 to 2011. Nowadays, Clay is more focused on collecting information on human rights abuses at the lower level, right down to the exact locations within a country where these violations occur. He does this with the Sub-National Analysis of Repression Project (in conjunction with Christopher Fariss at the University of Michigan and Reed Wood and Thorin Wright at Arizona State University), which was recently funded by the National Science Foundation. “[The project] focuses strictly on a subset of rights known as physical integrity rights— things that people probably think of first when they think of human rights abuses,”

says Clay. “Things like extrajudicial killing, killing without due process, torture, political imprisonment, and disappearance… those people have been extrajudicially killed in secret or held incommunicado, without any information given about their whereabouts.” In addition to measuring human rights violations at the local and regional levels, Clay is also working on the Worker Rights in Law and Practice project with Collin Barry (University of Oklahoma) and David Cingranelli (Binghamton University) in which they measure government adherence to several different internationally recognized labor rights such as the right to unionize and the right to an adequate minimum wage, among others. Clay’s research often focuses on how economic factors affect human rights. For example, Clay has studied the impact of economic sanctions, foreign aid, debt and loans on human rights, and whether they’re effective tools to improve human rights enjoyment. Tackling another aspect of human rights, International Affairs Professor and Dean Rusk Scholar of International Relations Dr. Amanda Murdie is proficient in research that is more interpersonal in the study of human rights, going directly to organizations and persons on the ground in affected areas. “Chad focuses on how we can scientifically measure what’s going on the ground,” explains Murdie. “What I focus on is what people and organizations do to try and make things better. Most of my work is on international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) that focus on human rights and human security. I focus on how they do domestic advocacy but also how they do international advocacy, which is often called ‘naming and shaming.’ I look at how these organizations publicize what they found is going on on the ground; and whether their strategy for shaming a state after its abuse of human rights is effective or not.” Murdie has previously worked with the

Ford Global Human Rights Portfolio looking at how media content is dispersed in different languages by INGOs and whether or not the content they showcase in the media actually makes a difference in human rights violations. According to Murdie, there are over 1,000 international human rights organizations, and when these organizations join forces, their ability to make a difference increases along with shared resources and information. Most of her work has found that collaborations among organizations usually work for the best. “Most of my work finds that overall these organizations are usually making a difference,” states Murdie. “But that difference can be conditional on what’s going on on the ground and it can be conditional on what resources the organization has itself.” Findings from her research are presented in policy briefs for the Ford Global Human Rights Portfolio and other organizations partnered with Ford. Murdie’s work has even gone before the Council of Foreign Relations and has been, in the field of human rights, crucially vital to the further understanding of INGOs efficacy. “Prior to Amanda’s work, [human rights academics] really didn’t know much about the effectiveness—or lack thereof—of INGOs focused on human rights,” says Clay. “There had been a few studies, but most of them were fairly poorly designed. There wasn’t any systematic data collection going on; Amanda has really pushed the field forward in actually understanding how these organizations work and what we can know about what they do.” Just as invested in human rights as his two counterparts, Assistant Professor of International Affairs Dr. Daniel W. Hill examines human rights from yet another academic angle: international law and intergovernmental organizations. “All of us use human rights measures to examine broad patterns and try to figure out what the characteristics [are] of a country’s political system, economy and so on that are associated with better human rights practices,” explains Hill. “One thing I’ve done is look at whether governments that have ratified UN human rights treaties related to different things—

civil and political rights, women’s rights and the status of women—respect these rights and if things actually improve as a result of adopting these laws.” One way that Hill works to measure human rights practices is by using statistical models to create scales related to the various rights written into international law. Currently, Hill and his research partners, Jennifer Inglett from the University of Georgia and Sabrina Karim from Dartmouth College, have created quantitative scales for women’s economic, political and social rights (e.g. health and education). The goal of these scales is to compare countries’ levels of gender equality, to assess whether and how much things have improved over time and whether human rights law has contributed to respect for women’s rights. “We’re trying to improve the way people measure these things so we can conduct more useful studies;” says Hill. “Useful in the sense that we have a more comprehensive set of data that allows us to look at a larger number of countries over a longer period of time to determine the effects of international law.” An example of how these studies allow us to understand the effects of international law is the correlation found between respect for women’s rights and ratification of the UN’s Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Researchers have discovered that governments that ratify this treaty generally get better scores on indicators of women’s rights than governments that do not. An added benefit of Hill’s work in trying to measure the effect of international law is being able to advise bodies like the UN and other international organizations on best practices for measuring human rights performance from an academic perspective. “Another thing to emphasize is that we’re interested in using statistical models not only to see what things are correlated or associated with better human rights practices, but whether we can actually predict changes in human rights practices to provide policy advice to governments or NGOs [non-governmental organizations].”

Political economy and scientific measurement. International nongovernmental organizations. The effectiveness of international law. Three very different and academic-based takes on human rights that, surprisingly, work seamlessly together in the development of better human rights. “In a way, I think together we cover the spectrum of policies aimed at improving human rights and whether they are effective or not,” says Clay. “Using the data we collect, what works to improve human rights and what doesn’t, we tend to look at three different things: Danny is more the intergovernmental side, Amanda does more INGOs, I do more economics.” Together, all three work on a project in conjunction with political science professor, Ryan Bakker, called the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI). In cooperation with Anne-Marie Brook at MOTU Economic and Public Policy Research, a non-profit based in New Zealand, and Susan Randolph of the University of Connecticut, Clay, Murdie, Hill and Bakker are working to collect data on human rights violations by surveying those who work for human rights NGOs. Outside of the data collected, the team hopes their work will foster more dialogue between academics, NGOs and policymakers, as the relationship between the groups is lacking. It is important to remember that while the three strive to find solutions to improve human rights internationally, their work is applicable to highly developed nations, including the United States. Even the most developed countries are not immune to poor human rights practices and being human rights violators. “I tell all of my students that every single country is a human rights violator,” says Clay. “There’s not a country in the world that hasn’t in the last 20 years engaged in some sort of human rights violation. It happens everywhere, albeit to widely varying degrees. [Our research] is about monitoring and figuring out ways to keep that from happening again, even in places that currently have the best records.”

We The People | 2016-2017


Minor in


In 2016, the Department of Public Administration and Policy announced the addition of an undergraduate minor. This new minor in Public Policy and Management focuses on preparing students for careers in government and nonprofit organizations by allowing undergraduate students to learn from faculty with a long history of training nonprofit and government leaders around the world as part of the Master of Public Administration program (ranked #4 in the nation by U.S. News and World Report). Although there are already over 22 million people employed by federal, state and local governments and another 11 million employed in nonprofit organizations, many experts expect employment opportunities in government and nonprofit organizations to increase due to projected job growth and retirements. To help meet the growing demand for employees with public policy and management training, students will gain skills identified in the Governor’s High

Demand Career Initiative Report, including project management, problem solving, and organization/planning skills. Such skills will be critical to the next generation of government and nonprofit leaders as they address the increasingly challenging public policy and governance issues facing our society. During fall semester, the Department offered four courses, including Introduction to Nonprofit, Public Administration and Democracy, Program Evaluation, and Policy Analysis. In the spring, students will have the chance to take classes with former Dean Lauth and Professor David Bradford. Dr. Bradford will be teaching a class on the policies of risky behaviors, or as he would call it, the policy of sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. Dr. Bradford and MPA student Ashley Bradford (pictured right) recently released an article on the effects of marijuana laws on Medicare costs for states (see page 31 for the full story).

Governor Barnes



“You are better trained and better educated than we were, and we are depending on you,” former Governor Roy Barnes told graduates in his keynote address at the May 13 convocation ceremony. Barnes, who has his undergraduate and law degrees from UGA, said the graduates of 2016 will have to deal with unique issues that he did not encounter in his career. He advised them to be leaders in their careers and to focus on big issues that matter and will make a difference. There were 230 SPIA graduates in attendance.

Madison Turner poses with Governor Barnes after the convocation ceremony on May 13, 2016.

“Our faculty are very excited to offer new undergraduate courses in public policy and management,” said Bradley E. Wright, department head of public administration and policy. “We are hoping it gets more students interested in and prepared for successful careers in public service.”

The program is already showing strong signs of success. In just 8 months, undergraduate enrollments in public policy and management classes have nearly tripled and 73 students have already declared the new minor.

NETWORKING NIGHT RECAP Each spring, eager students gather for a chance to connect with alumni at the annual SPIA Networking Night. Networking Night is set in a casual atmosphere where alumni can connect with students and offer them career advice, internship opportunities, or job offers. To facilitate meaningful connections, students and alumni wear nametags color-coded to indicate either their field of work or field of interest. Ideally, a student whose nametag is marked with a green dot indicating their interest in working in local government can easily approach an alumnus with a matching color to strike up a conversation. And sometimes those conversations can turn in to internships or even full time jobs like in the case of senior international affairs major Christian Reeves. At this year’s event, held on April 29, 2016, Christian met Caitlyn Cooper (AB ‘07), of Comm360 and was offered a job. “After attending the SPIA networking night in Athens last Spring, I hired one of the students I met that night to help me with summer political races and runoffs in the metro region. He did an excellent job and I was so happy with my decision.” The third annual Networking Night will be held on April 21, 2017 in Athens.

MIP A Passion For Policy For many students graduating with their Bachelors in Political Science or International Affairs, the next step can seem like a choice between academia and beginning a career. The University of Georgia’s Master in International Policy (MIP) Program offers graduates a new path. This policy-oriented degree offers students skills they can use in their future workplace with an international emphasis specializing in international security and nonproliferation (ISN) — or the prevention of the increase of countries possessing nuclear weapons. “Our MIP ISN concentration is one of two programs in the country to have a focus on nonproliferation,” said Dr. Sara Z. Kutchesfahani. “This is possible through working with the Center of International Trade and Security (CITS) staff, a group of PhDs who also have real-life experience within the issue area.” In January of 2016, Dr. Kutchesfahani took over as Program Director of the MIP, while being the Executive Director of CITS (one of those PhDs with real-life experience). Dr. Kutchesfahani’s goal for the MIP program is to emulate the success of Richard B. Russell Security Leadership Program (SLP) for undergraduates. SLP has a very high job placement for graduates of the program, and in the past 10 years has become a wellknown name in the security field. Since Dr. Kutchesfahani took over the MIP, she has given it a coherent structure, with a syllabus and a logical progression of classes. In the first year of the program, students focus on research methods and developing their policy writing skills. In their second year, they learn more about the nonproliferation field. In their final semester, they work on a capstone project and/or an independent research paper. Currently, a group of students are exploring the

By Rory Hibbler

portrayal of nuclear weapons in popular culture through an analysis of literature, film, and music. In this particular capstone project, the students will (1) compile an extensive bibliography pertaining to nuclear weapons in popular culture, and (2) compare the portrayal of nuclear weapons in the differing cultures of nuclear weapons states and non-nuclear weapons states, searching for notable differences while attempting to form explanations for these differences. The MIP is now a program like no other within UGA. There is a job skills class, which teaches the nuances of security clearances,

interviews, and resumes in the international security field. Dr. Kutchesfahani also asserts the program helps “bridge the gap between science and policy.” “The MIP gives students an International Affairs degree, but it additionally hosts classes taught by experts from within

chemical weapons, nuclear engineering, and biological weapons, exposing students to the scientific side of non-proliferation,” she said. “The program’s huge selling point is its teaching staff. The MIP brings in experts from the field to allow students to engage real life problems in the classroom.” Additionally, two MIP students each year are given the opportunity of a Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA). This includes a tuition waiver, a monthly stipend, an office in the Hunter-Holmes Academic Building, and an opportunity to work with research staff at CITS. They help the Center with logistics and research, and in return, get relevant work experience. The unique structure and feature of the MIP shows its results through the success of its graduates. MIP Alumni are now working for Deloitte, CRDF Global – a logistics “do” tank helping scientists with WMD security, Monterey Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Savannah River National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and many more big names in the security field. Graduates go on to government, military, think tank, and lab jobs: institutions that are hands-on in the field of nonproliferation and international security. A Fulbright scholarship recipient from the Ukraine will be joining the newest cohort of MIP students, stating she chose UGA because of CITS and the MIP’s nonproliferation focus. “I would like to see the MIP grow to international recognition eventually, and increase its applicant pool,” said Dr. Kutchesfahani. “My goal is to increase funding to allow for programs such as the GRA, and to draw in exceptional students both from within UGA and from across the globe.”

We The People | 2016 -2017



2016 ELECTIONS CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS Republicans entered the 2016 elections controlling both houses of Congress. The redistricting that followed the 2010 wave election made their hold on the House almost impregnable. Reclaiming the Senate, which Republicans had wrested from Democrats in the 2014 wave election that ended eight years of Democratic majorities, seemed attainable. The Senate reelection map posed a stiff challenge for Republicans. The 2016 ballot featured seats won by Republicans in 2010 when many anticipated a GOP CHARLES S. majority until Tea BULLOCK, III University Professor, Party enthusiasts Josiah Meigs nominated Distinguished unelectable Teaching Professor candidates like and Richard B. Christine O’Donnell Russell Professor (DL) who famously launched her general election bid announcing, “I am not a witch.” Of the 34 Senate seats on 2016 ballots, Republicans defended 24. GOP incumbents faced uphill battles in three blue state seats (Illinois, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin). They also encountered serious challenges for swing state seats in Florida, Indiana, New Hampshire, Ohio and North Carolina, each of which voted at least once for President Obama. If Hillary Clinton carried these states, her coattails might provide the momentum to elect Democrats. In mid-October as Clinton surged following release of Donald Trump’s bawdy “Access Hollywood” tape, Democrats recalibrated their sights to include Republicans seeking reelection in red states Arizona and Missouri. With so many seats in play it looked like

By Charles S. Bullock, III

Republicans might be in for a frustrating game of whack a mole. Across the aisle, of ten seats held by Democrats, only retiring Harry Reid’s seat (NV) held any prospect for a GOP pick up. But the same voters who swept Trump to an unexpected victory rallied to dash Democratic hopes for a Senate majority. Democrats, who needed a net gain of five in order to control the Senate during a Trump presidency, came up short as they defeated incumbents in Illinois and New Hampshire while retaining Nevada’s open seat. Seven endangered Republican incumbents held on and the GOP kept Indiana’s open seat. Republicans had feared that Trump would be an albatross that could drown GOP senators and some, like Rob Portman (OH), separated himself from the billionaire, a decision that allowed him to run six percentage points ahead of the GOP presidential nominee. But regardless of the stance taken by the Senate nominee vis-à-vis Trump, all of them won if their state went for Trump. Reverse coattails seem likely in some states that backed Trump and sent a Republican to the Senate as the top of the ticket may have benefitted from the senators’ strong showing. Five successful GOP senators in competitive seats ran ahead of Trump. In Pennsylvania, Pat Toomey and Trump polled equal shares of the vote. Only Missouri provides a hint that Trump coattails saved a GOP seat as Mel Blunt secured reelection with 49.4 percent, almost eight points behind the new president. In Indiana, Rep. Todd Young,

initially given little chance against former Senator Evan Bayh, won a ten-point victory even as he trailed Trump by five points. Losing GOP nominees ran about as well as Trump. Currently Republicans have 51 seats as they await a runoff in Louisiana. The Bayou State will likely choose Republican John Kennedy to replace disgraced David Vitter. Going into the election Republicans had more House seats (247) than at any time since the 1920s. As this is being written, three House seats remain undecided yet it is clear that Republicans held their losses to a minimum. The punditry class had anticipated a Democratic gain of 10 to 15 seats, with an outside chance of 20 pick-ups possible – before air began leaking from the Clinton campaign when the FBI director alerted Congress that 650,000 emails had been found on a laptop shared by Clinton confidante Huma Abedin and her ex-husband Anthony Weiner. Republicans held the Democrats to less than a 10-seat gain, with three of those coming in Florida, which underwent a court-ordered redistricting designed to help Democrats. With Republicans controlling both chambers, President Trump, the selfproclaimed consummate deal maker, may achieve many of his objectives. His probability for success increases if Senate Republicans embrace and expand to include legislation for Harry Reid’s nuclear option that eliminated use of the filibusters for most presidential nominations. Written in November 2016

PRESIDENTIAL RACE On November 8, 2016, America elected (for only the second time) a candidate with no elected office or military experience. Who was the other president? Herbert Hoover, elected in 1928, which was the last time Republicans had unified control of the federal government. The election of 1928 was one that reflected discontent among voters with their political parties. Ironically, Hoover, a self-made millionaire, was identified as the candidate who would continue the economic boom of the Roaring Twenties while Democrat, Al Smith, dealt with prejudice, as he was Roman Catholic. In addition, Smith was associated with the corrupt party bosses of Tammany Hall. The result was a tremendous win for Hoover, with 444 electoral college votes. The 1928 election would be a precursor to a partisan realignment, as 2016 may be as well. In 1928 the science of polling was in its infanthood and polls played a limited role in the election. In 2016, polls were a not only a major feature of the race, but also a point of contention. In the final hours leading up to the election, the news media and many pollsters were reporting a national shift of one to two points for Hillary Clinton—further arguing that the Donald Trump campaign would have a difficult time closing the gap in battleground states. Much was made of the Clinton Get Out the Vote effort, the potential for record-breaking Hispanic turnout and the gender gap. Most, but not all, of the pollsters got it wrong. Trump won nearly every swing state, including those that have historically voted for Democrats. In fact, many of the Trump voters in the Rust Belt had voted for Obama, twice.

By Audrey Haynes & Jordan Fuchs

We use a lot of historical data in our polling models - patterns from the past to help us predict the future. Sometimes those patterns are disrupted. Some suggest that pollsters underestimated the number of people without a college education in their weighting and this skewed their samples, as education is one of the predictors of vote turnout and more of these people turned out to vote than usual. Another reason might be poor sampling in general. Landline use has dwindled, response rates have lowered, and getting cell phone data is expensive. Trump supporters may simply have been undersampled. If you look at state level polls, they were widely varied as well. The ones who did get it right seemed to have more representative samples. For example, Landmark Communications, in their final poll of 1,200 Georgia likely voters, showed Trump leading Hillary Clinton and Libertarian Gary Johnson by a margin of 49% - 46% -3%; with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.8%. The poll also accurately called the Georgia U.S. Senate election, showing Senator Johnny Isakson leading Democrat Jim Barksdale and Libertarian Allen Buckley by a margin of 52%-41%-3% undecided. The poll indicated a shift of selfdescribed independent AUDREY HAYNES voters in Georgia— Director, Applied who have historically Politics Program been volatile—moving toward Trump in the closing days of the election. There were more of these voter types in this election than in recent

presidential elections. In fact, this poll showed independent voters giving Trump 50% of their support with only 38% going to Clinton. The Landmark poll generated projected voter turnout by age, gender and race—not by party. This allowed them to measure shifts in soft Democratic and Republican voting behavior. Many believe pollsters and pundits miscalled this election because they failed to accurately capture the anger and frustration, particularly in battleground states, engendered by income inequality, disruption of the workplace (often by technological advances or the impact of globalization) and perhaps fear, felt by workingclass whites. Many of these pollsters relied too heavily on landline data collection or digital data collection— failing to capture JORDAN FUCHS the real narrative Vice President of this election, as Landmark many likely voters Communications were not included in their samples. This populist sentiment led to Trump’s win, and to some extent, Bernie Sanders’ earlier emergence as a viable challenge to Clinton. The view that the elite “establishment” was trampling on the rights and opportunities of the working class resonated. Trump and Sanders were viewed by their supporters as political party “outsiders.” That is likely the takeaway of this election, although we will be crunching the numbers for some time.

ON A NEW NEW TRACK: In Baldwin room 264, awe-stricken students eagerly wave their hands to be noticed. Anticipation surrounds the students and instructor alike as they listen to state senators, communications directors, and campaign leaders in discussions perfect for a course in SPIA’s newest program: the Public Affairs Professional Certificate. What started as an idea from political science professor Charles S. Bullock III in 2013 is today a reality, as the inaugural cohort of 32 students began the certificate program in August 2016. The Public Affairs Professional Certificate — a joint program between SPIA and the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication — is designed to prepare students with the practical information and technical skills needed to work in public affairs, such as running for office and campaign management, advocacy and lobbying, and polling and political


We The People | 2016 -2017

consulting. The Certificate contains two tracks, Applied Politics — directed by Dr. Audrey Haynes — and Public Affairs Communication directed by Tieger Professor of Public Affairs Communications Joe Watson. In the introductory course, students get the unique opportunity to hear from real practitioners working in politics including campaigns, lobbying, advocacy, legislative work, and think tanks. “I want [the program] to be a great experience for the students, and one that they would look back and see as highly beneficial,” says Haynes. “Perhaps an experience they would continue to reference as they entered their first jobs and used the information and networks that they developed in the program.” These practitioners, many of whom are SPIA alumni or board members, are invited to speak to the students based


on how well their work experiences align with the curriculum of the certificate program. The first semester of speakers ranged from recent graduates working on campaigns to practitioners who have worked the highest levels of the Executive branch. Each guest speaker brings a different perspective of politics depending on their background, but they have one common piece of advice for the students: get out and connect with professionals. “All of the speakers have been incredible in both of our classes,” says senior economics and political science major Houston Gaines. “… every single one was has been so unique and interesting.” Catherine Harben, a junior political science and sociology major, says that one speaker in particular gave her insight on what she wants to do with a career in politics.

Georgia Senate Pro Tem and SPIA alumnus David Shafer speaks with Interim Dean Bob Grafstein and Program Director Audrey Haynes after giving a guest lecture.

“I had never considered working in campaigns or in a party,” says Harben. “… [but], I was so inspired by what [Rebecca Dehart] said that I am currently interning for a campaigns strategy company!” Along with regular visits from practitioners in the industry, the Applied Politics track offers the unique chance for one-on-one interaction with these professionals at lunch after each class. These intimate lunch meetings give students the opportunity to ask more in-depth questions about topics that interest them most, exchange contact information, and gain deeper insight on a practitioner’s field. “One of my favorite moments was during a lunch with President Pro Tempore of the Georgia Senate, David Shafer,” says Haynes. “We were at lunch and talking about historical trends in participation and he asked a question. Two professors at the table didn’t even have time to answer because our students sharing the meal with us beat us to the punch. I was so proud.”

Governor Nathan Deal stopped by on Dec. 1, 2016 as a guest lecturer for the program.

The first cohort of the Applied Politics Program students grab a group photo at the end of their first semester. For more information about the students, visit spia.uga.edu/directory/students.

The Public Affairs Professional Certificate is without a doubt off to a great start in just its first semester. Not only are the students finding their passion with advice from practitioners, but they are also becoming more competitive job candidates because of the interdisciplinary nature of the certificate and the connections they are building with these professionals. “It has been very gratifying to show off our excellent students,” continues Haynes. “They see these practitioners as UGA graduates who are doing what they hope to one day and they have the opportunity to get to know them as people and ask advice. They make a contact that they will not be afraid of using because they are connected via the Dawg Nation.” Blending politics and communications, students believe the program has proven advantageous in sharpening their writing skills and teaching them the appropriate tone to be used in their communication efforts. “I’m a political science major, so I’m used to writing in a formal tone for more research type papers”, says Harben. “However, I’m learning how to write to a non-academic audience. I also feel a lot of the things I have learned will make myself more marketable for future jobs.” With a background in both journalism

and political science, Dr. Haynes brings her own wealth of experience to the classroom, ensuring that the students in this program walk away with valuable skills for the applied politics field. “Journalism is for the more practical end, and political science for the more academic end,” says Haynes. “But applied politics requires practical knowledge and experience and the ability to understand research and use it to do one’s job in a more effective manner.” With hopes of expanding the program’s capacity, Haynes strives to push the program from 32 students to 50 students in the near future. Given the positive reviews current students are giving the course, speakers, and Dr. Haynes, reaching 50 students should be an easy feat. Hunter Smith, a political science major, says that he would encourage any aspiring public servant to apply for the Public Affairs Professional Certificate for experience that goes beyond those loads of textbooks. “I would tell [other students] to apply for the Applied Politics program if they hope to be a part of government service someday,” says Smith. “The books and lectures on governmental processes can only scratch the surface of knowledge shared by practitioners throughout this course.”

We The People | 2016 -2017



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SPIAlums at UGA Alison McCullick’s (MPA ‘99) to-do list might be organized when she comes into the UGA Office of Government Relations (OGR) on Mondays, but by Tuesday there is often a change of plans. “I fully expect to receive a phone call or email that causes me to reorder my priorities,” she says. “Some may find that frustrating, but I find it to be professionally stimulating – it allows me to learn something new every week.” McCullick’s work as OGR’s Community Relationship Coordinator bridges the gap between the University and the AthensClarke County community. Her work gives her the chance to learn about a wide range of topics, with a majority of it focused on the positive impact Alison McCullick of the University’s individuals on the community through service, research, fundraising, and education.

By Sydney Juliano

“All that I learned [while earning my MPA] prepared me…for my roles in state government and university administration,” she says. “The MPA degree prepares a person to effectively face any challenges that might arise in the workplace and successfully assume greater responsibilities.” McCullick in just one of many SPIA alumni who Arthur Tripp have returned to Athens to assume a position at the University. While she keeps busy at OGR, on the other side of campus, Arthur Tripp (AB ‘09) serves as the Assistant to the President. In his role, Tripp not only works closely with President Morehead, he also has a great deal of interaction with students, which he lists as his favorite aspect of his job. “I enjoy having lunch with our students to talk about their future plans and how our University can assist in helping them to reach their goals,” he says.

Before returning to UGA, Tripp worked for U.S. Congressman David Scott as a Senior Policy Advisor. As a young staffer on Capitol Hill, Tripp would often stay in contact with his former professors to gauge their thoughts on legislation that had been introduced to Congress. “I encourage our current students to get to know their professors,” said Tripp. “We truly have amazing faculty members.” Both McCullick and Tripp credit their time at UGA and SPIA with preparing them for their careers and current roles. They are thrilled to be making an impact back at the University. “I realized how much I missed the public service aspect of other positions I had held,” McCullick says. “[This] position felt perfect because it brought together two things that I was passionate about: the University of Georgia and serving others in the community I call home.”

Finding the Missing LiNK When you hear “North Korea,” what comes to mind? Many think immediately of a militaristic supreme leader or an oppressive regime, but few consider the lives of the nation’s civilians and refugees. It is those very people, however, that were SPIA alumnus Ki-Hong Daniel Park’s focus during his time working for Liberty in North Korea (LiNK). Park became inspired to start working with the organization, which seeks to rescue, resettle and empower North Korean refugees, during his senior year at UGA. “Growing up in South Korea, I’ve always been interested in North Korea and the human rights violations happening within the country,” Park says. “The media often talked about how horrible North Korea is and how the people are brainwashed and suffering, so I always thought that people in North Korea were different from South Koreans.” After organizing a presentation at UGA by LiNK’s traveling representatives, Park was inspired by video interviews, which showed that the North Korean people are no different from us, despite the hardships of life in their country. He went on to apply for an internship with the organization in South Korea, and completed three consecutive internships with them over the next year. Park first interned in the Resettlement department, where he worked with refugees who were starting their resettlement in the United States. He provided translation and tutoring services and handled the required legal documents. He then transferred

Daniel Park, AB’15, International Affairs to Finance and Accounting, where he worked on the back end to manage organizational income and expenses. Park was also chosen as the representative of 30 interns. “Not only did SPIA give me background knowledge on the issue regarding my work, but it also helped me develop crucial leadership skills… I had to make unpopular decisions,” Park says. “It required a willingness to listen to both sides of an issue and work toward a solution beneficial to everyone. SPIA taught me how to communicate and negotiate with others in a thoughtful and open-minded way.”

We The People | 2016 -2017


ALUMNI NEWS AND NOTES Accomplishments 1960s Wiley Neal Evans (MPA ‘69) totally retired. Marcia Davis Mathis (AB ‘68) retired after 40 years in education.

1970s Rev. A. Coile Estes (AB ‘77) just completed thirteen months as Interim Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Cartersville, Georgia. Robert Lamar Harris (AB ‘79) was recognized by the Monroe Co. Recreation Department for serving as the Mets T-ball coach for 30 years. Teresa Singletary Irvin (AB ‘72) retired as Department Chair and Director of First Year Experience from Columbus State University in October 2015 and was awarded Emeritus status in April 2016. James Jeffrey Kline (MPA ‘75) obtained a PhD in Urban Studies from Portland State University. Jay Charles Moon (MPA ‘74) is the President and CEO of the Mississippi Manufacturers Association in Jackson, MS. Currently teaches economic development classes to national and international economic development practitioners. James Pennington Moore (AB ‘71) retired from the United States Army with over 36 Years of Commissioned Service and received commission through ARMY ROTC at UGA. Winfred Emile Owens (MPA ‘76) retired from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs on April 30, 2012. Lucia Nasuti Smeal (AB ‘77) is a practicing attorney in Alpharetta, GA and a Professor at Georgia State University, teaching taxation in the Masters of Taxation program. Georgia Bailey Usry (AB ‘78) is part of new start up in Baltimore - Monument Sotheby’s International Realty. Guy Lee Womack (AB ‘77) moved his law firm from a downtown location to an historic home in the Houston Heights, an iconic neighborhood in Houston that


We The People | 2016 -2017

was developed around 1900 and is now home to a growing number of law firms and other professional offices.

1980s David Kent Alonso (AB ‘79, MPA ‘81) retired from NASA in 2010. Douglas Gary Ashworth (AB ‘84) was Promoted to Director of Programs for the UGA Institute of Continuing Legal Education. Michael L. Chidester’s (AB ‘82) law firm is celebrating its 25th year in business in 2016. He is serving his 15th year as Post Four Councilman and Mayor Pro Tempore of the City of Byron, Georgia. Yvette Kinsey Daniels (AB ‘86) was appointed to the UGA Alumni Association July 1, 2015. James R. Dove (MPA ‘82) was elected to a two-year term as member of Board of Directors of National Association of Development Organizations, which supports regional cooperation and economic development nationwide. Stuart Kent (AB ‘86, MPA ‘88) was recently promoted to Public WorksUtilities Director, City of Peoria, Arizona. Joe O’Malley (AB ‘88) received a new position as Spirits Director at Bonus Beverage W&S. Kimberly Logue Woodland (AB ‘81) has two children at UGA - Helen, Class of 2018, majoring in International Affairs and Finance, and Patrick, Class of 2020, a pre-business major.

Deborah Donaldson Silcox (AB ‘85) is the Representative Elect for Georgia House District 52 of the Georgia House of Representatives.

1990s Laura Lunde Clark’s (MPA ‘98) husband, Jamie, was recently hired as an academic advisor for SPIA. Anthony Crosson (MPA ‘93) served as Augusta University’s Adjunct Professor from 2003 to 2015 for public budgeting and nonprofit financial management, and he has served on the MPA Community Advisory Board since its inception. G. Leah Davis (AB ‘92) is a leukemia survivor. She is G. LEAH DAVIS six months out of transplant and tests show her to be disease free! Sharyn Stewart Dickerson (MPA ‘98) is a Private Environmental Consultant working in the Bio-Mass Power Industry and currently serves as an Athens-Clarke County Commissioner, District 1 (20152018). George W. Dougherty Jr. (MA ‘95, PhD ‘99) helped create MPPM Online, an online version of the University of Pittsburgh’s Master of Public Policy and Management executive degree program at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. Alison Bracewell McCullick (MPA ‘99) was named the Director of Community Relations in the Office of Government Relations at UGA. Orah Reed (AB ‘90, MPA ‘92) was named YMCA of Coastal Georgia Tribute to Women Leaders 2016 Honoree. Catherine Caroline Reese (PhD ‘95) is the second female full professor in the history of the Arkansas State University Department of Political Science, and she just got her MPA program re-accredited by NASPAA. James S. “Jason” Shaw Jr. (AB ‘96) was re-elected (unopposed) to a 4th term in the Georgia House of Representatives. Jason Shepherd (AB ‘98) was appointed the Atlanta Regional Alumni Ambassodor for the Saïd Business School of the University of Oxford in the UK and graduated in October 2016 with a Post Graduate Diploma in Global Business from Oxford. Kirk S. Sims (AB ‘95) received his PhD from Middlesex University and Oxford

Centre for Mission Studies in June of 2016 and has been appointed Assistant Professor of Christian Mission at Asbury University.

2000s Brian Berger (AB ‘08) works for Turner Sports in Atlanta and presented an NBA on TNT ratings project to the Chief Marketing Officer of the NBA. Maria Bowie (MPA ‘03) was admitted to the DrPH (Doctor of Public Health) program at UGA starting fall 2016. She serves as Program Director for Walk Georgia, UGA’s online fitness program. Jessica Debalski (AB ‘08) received a new job with the American Red Cross, Division Disaster State Relations Director. Douglas P. Harden (AB ‘05) graduated from UNG with a Master of Arts International Affairs and was inducted into the Pi Sigma Alpha National Honor Society. Brian M. Harward (MA ‘99, PhD ‘03) was named Robert G. Seddig Chair in Law and Policy, Department of Political Science, Allegheny College. Christopher Masak (AB ‘01) was recently promoted to Senior Associate Director, Advocacy for the national office of the Alzheimer’s Association where

he manages grassroots advocacy engagement and communications strategy. Danielle McGivney (AB ‘04) graduated with honors from Emory University’s Goizueta Business School with a Masters in Business Administration in May 2016. Ivy Nguyen Le (AB ‘05) graduated with an MBA from University of Texas. Mario Ponsell (AB ‘08) is beginning a MPA program IVY NGUYEN LE at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) with a concentration in Urban and Social Policy and specialization in Management and in conjunction he is leaving the Active Duty Army for the Army Reserves. Shawn Powers (AB ‘03) recently published a book, The Real Cyber War: The Political Economy of Internet Freedom (University of Illinois Press, 2015). James Walton Robinson (AB ‘07) received an MPA from Appalachian State University in December 2015. Jessica Marie Jaret Sant (AB ‘06, MPA ‘11)

A Lesson in Leadership The School of Public and International Affairs’ esteemed William P. “Billy” Payne (AB ‘69, JD ’73) shared remarks with students, faculty, staff, and administrators in a packed Chapel for this year’s Mason Public Leadership Lecture on Nov. 3rd, sponsored by the Terry College of Business. This specific lecture is made possible through a generous donation by Terry College of Business alumnus Keith Mason (BBA ’82, JD ’85). The Augusta National Golf Club Chairman and past Chief Executive of the Atlanta Committee for 1996 Olympic Games, Mr. Payne is a “Double Dawg,” having earned his undergraduate degree in Political Science with honors as well as his Juris Doctorate from the University

By Jesse Kerzner

of Georgia School of Law. Based on his extensive experience with public service and leadership, he outlined what a successful leader must exemplify, value, and ultimately do in both the public and private sectors. Mr. Payne described his methods as “unconventional” and even “controversial,” which might be understandable given their uniqueness. He summed up his general method and message when he said “following, not leading, is the key to a successful life.” He then added, “We don’t become leaders without following the people, ideas, and dreams we respect.” He explained that we follow the example set forth by our parents, mentors, and peers, as well as the importance of surrounding ourselves

was named by the National Association for College Admission Counseling as the recipient of its Excellence in Government Relations Award in October 2016. Mary Kelly Smith (AB ‘00) is currently a consultant at Lighthouse Counsel in Franklin, TN. Aubrey Brammar Southall (AB ‘09) graduated with a PhD in Middle and Secondary Education from Georgia State University in May 2016 and accepted an assistant professorship and Chair of Secondary Education position at Aurora University in Aurora, Illinois. Adam Martin Sparks (AB ‘05) joined Krevolin & Horst, LLC in Atlanta and was also recently elected Secretary to the Georgia Lawyers Chapter of the American Constitution Society. Foster Parris Stenson (AB ‘07) recently completed two sea tours as an Officer in the United States Navy and is currently working towards an MBA at Syracuse University. Catherine Strickland (MPA ‘09) began a new position as an Applied Contracts Research Coordinator at Virginia Tech Office of Sponsored Programs and Virginia Tech Transportation Institute in June.

with capable, bright people—especially when others know better. As the Chief Executive of the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games committee, he noted that he learned the most when he had to prove to certain critics who believed that they could do the job better that they were indeed wrong. Retelling the story of the horrific bombing of Centennial Olympic Park during the games, he concluded with how he and his team had to make the difficult decision about whether or not to resume the games with concerns that none of the volunteers would show up. However, to his remarkable surprise, every single volunteer showed up and they showed up early. This lesson of not needing to be the smartest person in the room in order to reach success was his defining leadership moment.

We The People | 2016 -2017


2010s Tori Barnwell (AB ‘16) enrolled at UGA in Fall 2016 for a Masters in Health Promotion and Behavior with the College of Public Health. Carter B. Bates (AB ‘10) is the Director of Digital Communications at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. Hania Bisat (AB ‘14) taught English as a second language in Daegu, South Korea for one year. Dr. Rachel Bitecofer (PhD ‘15) was named Assistant Director of the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University. Benjamin Manning Brunjes (MPA ‘12, PhD ‘16) was appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Washington’s Evans School of Public Policy and Governance. Lindsey Rae Bunting (AB ‘16) began UGA Law School in the fall as a Phillip H. Alston Distinguished Law Fellow. Paul Carlsen (PhD ‘12) assumed the role of the Chief Content Officer at the Louisiana Community and Technical College System in July 2016. Brooke Anne Carrington (AB ‘16) graduated in May and is now working at the Democratic Party of Georgia. Cana Carroll (AB ‘15) is working at a campaign finance office, interning at the Cancer Foundation, and getting my MPA from UGA. Go dawgs! Erin Chizmar (AB ‘15) is beginning a year of service through Catholic Volunteers in Florida with Safe Haven for Newborns. Alix Erica Crook (AB ‘13) began the Masters of Heritage Preservation program in the History Department at Georgia State University in Fall 2016 and was named a Graduate Research Assistant for the program. Jaren B. Dunning (MPA ‘13) is currently serving as Manager of Global Sustainability at PepsiCo, where he is responsible developing and driving the company’s global sustainability strategy. Kay N Everett (MPA ‘14) was promoted to Internship Program Manager for Georgia Gwinnett College. Garrett Daniel Fowler (AB ‘12) is currently working at Instagram and Facebook shaping efforts for Product Design,


We The People | 2016 -2017

James Borders (PhD ‘11) officially retired from the U.S. Air Force after 24 years of service as of July 31, 2016. Lt Col Borders was awarded the Meritorious Service Award (third Oak Leaf Cluster), the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, and an Air Force Academy saber.

Virtual Reality, & Content Strategy. Jordan M. Fuchs (AB ‘12) became the Vice President of Landmark Communications, Inc. in Atlanta, Georgia. Joseph Elliott Gerber (AB ‘14) recently returned to the U.S. after two years of service with an education NGO in Djibouti (East Africa). Emily J Goff (AB ‘10) recently began work as a policy advisor on transportation and education policy at the House Budget Committee (started March 2015), Dr. Tom Price (R-GA6), Chairman. Ngoc Ho (MPA ‘15) is starting a job as an MPA Consultant at Deloitte. Daniel Herbert Krimmel (MPA ‘15) is serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in Itaugua, Paraguay. Andrew Laarhoven (AB ‘10) became a board member of the Coalition to Advance Atlanta, an organization dedicated to building support for regional transit and championing existing transit resources. Rebecca Lowe (AB ‘12) graduated from Emory University with a JD/MBA REBECCA LOWE in May 2016 and

is starting as an associate consultant at ScottMadden after completing the Georgia bar exam. Jillian Maloney (AB ‘15) is a graduate student at the University of Maryland where she throws the javelin (3rd all time throw for Maryland) and is a current fellow at U.S. Pacific Command. Cameron T. Mason (AB ‘11) is continuing work for America Rising PAC in Washington D.C. on the 2016 election. Mason McFalls (AB ‘10) recently moved back to Atlanta to accept a Director position with Liquid Strategies, an Atlanta based alternative asset management company. Mercy Montgomery (MPA ‘13) recently began as a Workforce Development Analyst at UGA’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government and will be assisting with regional and statewide initiatives to support employment across Georgia. Geoffrey Todd Nolan (AB ‘13) is working as a Communications Associate at the League of United Latin American Citizens. David Okun (AB ‘12) received his M.A. in Latin American & Hemispheric Studies from the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs in May 2016. He accepted a fulltime job as a Country Officer in the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C.

Jason O’Rouke (AB ‘06, MPA ‘11) was selected as a participant for Atlanta Regional Commission’s Regional Leadership Institute class of 2016. Karen Padgett Owen (AB ‘01, MPA ‘04, PhD ‘12) won the Jane England Excellence in Teaching Award 2015-2016 at Reinhardt University. This award recognized her innovative and caring approach to teaching. Frederick P. Pestorius (MPA ‘16) is the current Management Officer for the CDC Zika Response. Cecile Paige Riker (AB ‘13, MPA ‘16) recently started as Program Education Specialist with the Athens-Clarke County Stormwater Management Program. Justin Rizzi (AB ‘13, MIP ‘15) began a new position as an analyst at Savannah River National Laboratory. Wesley Robinson (AB ‘12) began a new position as the Director of Public and Governmental Affairs for the Department of Natural Resources in May. John C. Ronquillo (PhD ‘11) was appointed to the editorial board of the American Review of Public Administration and also appointed as a Faculty Fellow in the Center for Arts as Systemic Change in the College of Arts and Media at CU Denver. Anthony Adam Ross (AB ‘13) is the Founder and CEO of Discover-E. Cecilia Sanchez (AB ‘13) won the Performance and Appreciation Award from Booz Allen Hamilton in April 2016. Heather Seger (AB ‘15) began the UGA MIP program in August 2016. Katy Sides (MPA ‘10) was promoted to Vice President, Operations and Finance at the Institute for Child Success in November 2015. Johnelle Simpson (AB ‘16) began working for Great Promise Partnership in Athens, GA. Alexandra Nicole Snipes (AB ‘15) began the SPIA Political Science and International Affairs doctoral program Fall 2016. Alyssa Chantel Sorenson (MPA ‘16) began a new job as a Legislative Performance Auditor for the State of Montana. Zelda Speight (MPA ‘16) is moving to Atlanta to work for Deloitte doing strategy & operations consulting in the public sector.

Thomas Stukes (AB ‘14) graduated magna cum laude with a Masters in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University. Callan Thomas (AB ‘14) is currently waiting for a security clearance for a passport specialist position with the US Department of State’s Western Passport Center in Tucson, Arizona. John Taylor Walden (AB ‘16) received a

A SPIA Love Story By Sydney Juliano As Baldwin Hall undergoes renovation, many of us can reflect on our time spent in the building. For Michael “Sully” Sullivan, one day in Baldwin holds a special significance: he saw a girl walking out of class, and asked a friend if she knew who she was. She told him that the girl’s name was Rebecca Nash, she was a fellow political science major, and she was out of his league. “She was right,” he says today about Rebecca, his wife of nearly 20 years. The Sullivans did not actually meet until their last semester at UGA, which they spent in the Georgia Legislative Internship Program. He worked for the State Planning and Community Affairs Committee, while she worked for Sonny Perdue, the President pro tempore of the state Senate. The pair met on the first day of the program orientation in January, had their first date on February 1st, were engaged on April 5th, married August 2nd and started law school together at UGA that same month. “It was a big year,” Sully says, laughing. “SPIA changed our lives.” Even their first date can be attributed to their internship connections. Rebecca mentioned off-handedly that she wanted to watch the sunrise from Stone Mountain, an experience typically only available on Easter Sunday. Sully decided to take matters into his own hands in an effort to impress her, and contacted the local authorities with a casual mention that he was calling from the capitol. “The police chief, I guess, was a

job with Governor Deal. Coia Dy Walker (MPA ‘15) received a new job at the City of Atlanta Auditor’s Office as a Senior Performance Auditor. Kathleen Wilson (AB ‘16) moved to Europe in September to start a two year Master’s Degree in Education Policies for Global Development, coordinated by the European Union

romantic,” he says, as he reflects on the successful, yet freezing-cold sunrise followed by a Waffle House breakfast. “I knew she was the one because she ordered without looking at the menu.” Nearly two decades later, the Sullivans live in Snellville with their two children, Grace, 13, and Nash, 9. Rebecca later became part of Perdue’s gubernatorial administration, and she works today as the Assistant Commissioner and General Counsel for the Georgia Department of Administrative Services, while Sully is the current President and CEO of

Sully (AB ‘97, JD ‘00) and Rebecca (AB ‘97, JD ‘00) pose with Governor Deal and their two children.

the American Council of Engineering Companies, Georgia. Both credit SPIA – particularly Dr. Chuck Bullock, who encouraged both to apply for the internship program, was at their wedding, and still gets an annual Christmas card – with giving them experiences that contributed to both their successful careers and marriage. “I took every class that [Dr. Bullock] offered…those classes absolutely gave me the foundation that I built my career on,” Sully says. “Him encouraging me to do the program changed my life,” Rebecca adds. “In more ways than one.”

We The People | 2016 -2017


Victoria Sanchez (AB ‘08, MA ‘10) began working at the US Department of State, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance.

and funded by the Erasmus + Scholarship. Terrence Wilson (MPA ‘14) was recently hired as the Barton Child Law and Policy Center’s Robin Nash Postgraduate Legal Fellow. Adrianna Wolaver (AB ‘11) was awarded a Terrapin Fellowship to pursue MBA/ MPP dual degree from the University of Maryland. Samantha Bearden Wolf (AB ‘10) works in juvenile justice policy and is the Program Director of the Juvenile Justice Unit at the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council.

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We The People | 2016 -2017

Christie Haynes wins Alumni Association Young Alumni Award Christie Haynes (AB ‘10) was presented with the Young Alumni Award at the annual Alumni Association Awards banquet in April 2016. The Young Alumni Award is presented to individuals who bring recognition and honor back to the University of Georgia through outstanding leadership and service to the University, the community, and his or her profession. The honoree, in deed or action, reflects and recognizes the importance of his or her education at the University, demonstrates pride in our alma mater, and shows continued interest in UGA. On giving back to the University, Christie says, “The reason I got involved is to help support the University that provided so many opportunities to me. A big passion of mine was to get involved with the School of Public and International Affairs, and while I was chair, our board made the decision to begin an endowment for SPIA study abroad scholarships.” While in school, Christie had the opportunity to study abroad which she describes as an amazing opportunity,

The University of Georgia Alumni Association 40 Under 40 award recognizes successful young graduates. This year SPIA alumnae, Julie Smith and Sarah Smith were recognized as some of UGA’s finest.

Julie Smith (AB ‘00) Political Science Vice President of External Affairs, Verizon

Sarah Smith (MPA ‘01) Public Administration Management Officer, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

but there were not a lot of scholarship opportunities available at that time. She and the SPIA Alumni Board hope to help fill that gap with their endowment for scholarships for SPIA students studying abroad. As the President of the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce, Christie says she owes much of her success to SPIA. “Being part of the School of Public and International Affairs, such a small school, the opportunities there were just unbelievable for me. A great example is I was able to intern at the state capitol when I was a sophomore, so I was a 19 year old with state capitol work experience.” In her current role, Christie spends a lot of time at the capitol. She says she runs into people who she has known for almost a decade, which has helped her become successful at a young age. In addition, Christie says, “The School helped prepare me to serve our state.” Christie says she hopes when she comes back to campus in 50 years that students are still having the same great college experience she had, and she hopes she can contribute to that experience by staying involved.






Marriages Christine Jepsen Ahern (AB ‘99) married Douglas Ahern (BBA ‘94) in a September 23, 2015 elopement on St. George Island, Florida. 2 Maegen Faye Carter (AB ‘09) was married on July 4th, 2016. Her oldest daughter graduated PreK with a Shining Star Award. Jason Scott Dozier (MPA ‘13) married Claire Thurman Dozier on June 26, 2016. 3 Reagan Gresham Dye (AB ‘15) married Russell Dye (AB ‘14) on June 11, 2016 in Savannah, GA. Reagan will begin her M.A. in Political Science this fall at the University of Arkansas and 1

Russell will begin his second year of law school at the University of Arkansas School of Law. The Dyes now reside in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Jacqueline Skye Gess (AB ‘09) married Josh Pennino on April 4, 2016. Virginia Aidan Moss (AB ‘15) was married on July 18, 2015 and she completed her first year of law school at UGA. Richard M. Petty Jr.’s (AB ‘73) daughter, Caroline Elizabeth Petty, a graduate of Georgia State University, has become engaged to Lee Briscoe Burdett, Jr. a graduate of Southern Polytechnic State University. A

September 2017 wedding at Jekyll Island is planned. 4 Elijah T. Staggers (AB ‘14) proposed to his college sweetheart and fellow University of Georgia bulldog, Taylor Handberry (BSFCS ‘15) on December 23, 2015. They are both working in Washington, D.C. as Elijah completes his Juris Doctor at Georgetown University Law Center. David Wilson (AB ‘07) married Claire Nicely of Alexandria, VA on May 6, 2016. 5 Matthew Yarbrough (AB ‘16) was wed to another SPIA graduate, Jordan Edwards (AB ‘ 12, JD ‘16).






Babies John Oscar Butts III (AB ‘10) had daughter Jordyn Susan Butts, born on July 3, 2016. 6 Jenny Combs (MPA ‘05) celebrated the birth of her second son in December 2015. 7 Michael Frye (AB ‘12) changed his position from UGA’s Army ROTC department to the Provost’s Office, got accepted into the Master of International Policy Program, bought a

house, and had twins (boy and girl) all in March 2016. 8 Drew Humphreys (AB ‘08) and his wife recently welcomed a new Bulldog into the world, Ms. Hazel Isabella Humphreys! Noah Mink (AB ‘08) and his wife, Rachel, welcomed their first child, Emma Katherine, on April 17, 2016. 9 Christopher Moore (AB ‘03) and his wife, a fellow UGA graduate, are excited to


welcome a baby girl in August 2016. Valerie Naglich (MPA ‘05) and her husband Will (also a SPIA grad!) and had their first baby this year! Vivienne Henley Naglich was born on February 16, 2016. They have a baby bulldog! William Henry Rooks (MPA ‘10) and his wife, Mareasa Fortunato Rooks (also a UGA Double-Dawg) had their first child, Elizabeth “Ellie” Rease Rooks on December 31, 2015.

We The People | 2016 -2017


If you want to get

In addition to her MPA, Dr. Daniel has a doctorate in Business Administration from Northcentral University with an emphasis in organizational leadership. “In my Business degree, I learned how to be lean and efficient like a private company, and in my MPA I learned that the public sector is more about partnerships,” said Dr. Daniel. She uses both degrees in the daily management of her organization, vying for important partnerships with companies and students, while focusing on efficiency and staying “lean” in her decision-making. She One MPA’s Journey utilizes leadership theories and techniques to President of Athens from Lean Six Sigma, working on getting to Technical College the root of the issue and creating “capacity” for the organization. The knowledge and skills she gained from her two degrees allows her to be flexible and approach problems from a unique angle. The more role as the Student Services Coordinator she understands about each sector, the at the Elbert County Campus of Athens Technical College. Her love and passion for better able she is to serve her organization through strategic planning and goal setting. continuous learning made her a candidate One of her overarching goals is to raise to become Registrar for the main campus enrollment by creating awareness about in Athens—opening doors that, over time, the value of a technical college degree. led through Student Affairs, External “We want people to understand the Affairs, and Economic Development. She spoke fondly of each position she held, but opportunities Athens Technical College economic development particularly caught provides,” said Dr. Daniel. “For anyone we train, the company [that hires them] gets a her interest. guarantee on that student. We stand behind “I loved meeting with the companies in what we do.” And the Northeast Georgia the region, “ she said. “Sometimes I would community is better for this promise, as see up to 6 companies in one day.” 80% of Athens Technical College graduates Particularly, Dr. Daniel enjoyed seeing stay within a 50-mile radius of the service the finished product of her students’ work areas. and the impact the college has on the Through her tenure as President of community. With a 95% job placement Athens Technical College, she wants to rate each year, Athens Technical College be known for staying student-centered. graduates are an integral part of Athens, In her opinion, the Georgia, and students are the beyond. In each of her keys to success for roles, she has called the college. She on the lessons she spends her time learned from her focusing on the days as an MPA student experience, student. Specifically, sitting down Dr. Daniel spoke with current and of her time in her former students organizational to hear from them leadership about what they Students Kenya Rakestram and Kari management class need in order to Craft take a walk with Dr. Daniel through with Joe Whorton. succeed. She often campus. Dr. Daniel enjoys meeting with “I remember one encourages her students in small groups to discuss their career aspirations and future opportunities day in class we were students to stay true provided to them through Athens role playing over a to their passion and Technical College. management issue to work hard – the and [we] had to be job opportunities firm with an employee. Dr. Whorton stopped and titles will be sure to follow. me about halfway through and said ‘you With an unrivaled passion for her career, don’t need any help from me. A tigress Dr. Daniel hopes to leave a legacy of came out of nowhere and took care of this efficiency, kindness, and positive impact. problem easily’.” It was this moment, she “I hope they would say that I was always remembered, that affirmed her career path fair and firm, and regardless of who was in public sector management. looking, I was always doing the right thing.”

TECHNICAL By Caroline Paris Paczkowski It is rare to find a true public servant one whose passion and persistence for the greater good comes before their own goals and aspirations. As a School with a focus on public service and research, we do our best to instill these beliefs in our students before we send them into the world and our communities. As luck would have it, the Athens community has retained one of the very best – one of those true public servants. Dr. Andrea Daniel graduated from the University of Georgia with her Masters of Public Administration in 1992. Over the past 24 years, she has positively impacted the state of Georgia through her various roles in the public sector beginning at the Atlanta Regional Commission. “While working for the Atlanta Regional Commission, I was able to work on various projects such as transportation planning for the Olympics, the ‘water wars’, and then education planning in the Technical College System of Georgia,” said Dr. Daniel. “It was there that I knew I had found my niche.” Shortly thereafter, Dr. Daniel joined the Athens Technical College team and never looked back. On April 1, 2016, Dr. Daniel assumed the role of President of Athens Technical College. Founded in 1958, Athens Technical College’s mission is to provide educational programs and services through traditional and distance education methods to foster lifelong learning, facilitate workplace success, and promote economic development. The School’s main office is located in Athens with satellite campuses in Elberton, Greensboro, and Monroe. After leaving the Atlanta Regional Commission, Dr. Daniel served in her first

Women and the Holy City Perhaps more than any other contested sacred place, Jerusalem’s Temple Mt./ al-Haram al-Sharif and its surroundings have inspired inexhaustible academic and popular fascination. Known as the Sacred Esplanade, the site has deep religious significance for Jews, who consider it the location of their biblical Temple, and for Muslims, who consider it the place where Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven on his nightly journey. In the 20th Century, it has become one of the key stumbling blocks to achieving an IsraeliPalestinian peace agreement, as each side insists on its right to exclusive religious and political sovereignty over this holy place. Later, especially since the year 2000 and the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa Intifada (uprising), tensions over Jerusalem’s Sacred Esplanade have come to dominate the discourse of religious and political actors. Encompassing the Dome of the Rock,

Women’s Movements in the Struggle Over Jerusalem’s Sacred Space By Lihi Ben Shitrit

key actors in inter-communal contestation of holy places. My new book, currently in progress, explores three contemporary women’s movements in and around Jerusalem’s Sacred Esplanade: messianic Jewish Orthodox women’s activism for access to Temple Mt./al-Haram al-Sharif; Orthodox Muslim women’s activism for the defense of Al-Aqsa Mosque from Jewish encroachment (the Murabitat); and the Women of the Wall’s (WoW) Jewish feminist mobilization against restrictive gender regulations at the Western Wall. Using these case studies, my research demonstrates that women are essential actors in conflicts over this sacred site, and critiques the neglect of women’s activism in the wider literature on contested holy places. I argue that this neglect is startling for two reasons. First, contested sacred Palestinian Muslim activist for Al-Aqsa (murabita), who was issued a restraining order by the Israeli Police banning her from the Old City of Jerusalem, views the Dome of the Rock from a distance. (Photo Credit: Lihi Ben Shitrit)

the Murabitat in Al-Aqsa, and Women of the Wall - my book explores how women uniquely participate in the current production of this space as one that cannot and should not be divided. Women’s activism, and the symbolic deployment of gender more generally, operate in two ways, which are taken up differently among these three conflicting groups: 1) the removal of intra-community divisions, and 2) the domestication of the holy. First, to make a contested sacred place increasingly indivisible in the inter-communal context, women activists work to dismantle various intra-community, largely Orthodoxmotivated divisions. Divisions between men and women through spatial segregation and role differentiation, divisions between women (married and unmarried, young and old, northern or southern, diasporic or native, rural or urban, and women of different ethnicity) through ritual practice, divisions between private and public life, and perhaps most importantly, divisions between the religious and the secular in emotional attachment and preoccupation with the site. These efforts aim to elevate the centrality of the place in the consciousness of their wider communities,

Messianic Women activist for the Temple participates in an enactment of a biblical Jewish Temple ritual. (Photo Credit: Lihi Ben Shitrit)

the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and abutted by the Western Wall, the area has been one of the thorniest issues in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has had a revival of sorts with the increasingly religious tone that has come to characterize the discourse of both parties to the conflict. Not surprisingly, then, this site has also served as a central case study for academic inquiry into the interaction of religion and politics in space. Scholars have inquired how sites such as this one, holy to different religious communities, come to be seen as “indivisible” by these communities. They have offered extensive accounts of the processes and the actors that construct a sacred place as one that cannot and should not be shared or divided. Yet the gendered dimensions of inter-communal disputes over sacred space in Jerusalem, as well as in other holy places around the world, and women’s roles in these site-specific conflicts, have been largely neglected. An implicit association of women with peacefulness and tolerance in the political sphere, and syncretic practices or more tolerant spirituality in the religious sphere, has obscured the fact that women are often

Feminist Women of the Wall collective prayer at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. (Photo Credit: Lihi Ben Shitrit)

sites are almost universally gendered. Their very sacredness is often entangled in a gendered division of roles, practices, bodily forms, and of space. The contours and makeup of such divisions are not universal but their various permutations, including those that seek to break down strict gender roles and practices, are inherently gendered. Second, the discourse and practice of the political and religious actors involved in contestation are, again, highly gendered. To paraphrase Verta Taylor, whether or not women actually participate in such contestations - and they often do - “gender dualist metaphors supply the cultural symbols” that all actors in these conflicts “use to identify their commonalities, draw boundaries between themselves and their opponents, and legitimate and motivate collective action”(Taylor 1999, 21). Closely following three case studies in one space – Women for the Temple,

making the potential of dividing it, or the preservation of its current divided state, increasingly more difficult. The work of domestication transforms the apparent nature of inter-communal contestation in the site. Women transform the conflict from one dominated by exclusive practices dictated by militant religious zealots, to an arena that is also characterized by women’s intimacy, closeness to (as opposed to fearful distance from) the holy, everyday activity for children and families, personal moments and celebrations, docility and inclusion. Women labor to change the issue from one championed solely by actors considered “extreme” or religious virtuosi, to one that is increasingly “mainstream.” But, as I show in the book, by moving the cause of the struggle over the site from a fringe preoccupation to a mainstream attachment, women contribute to the entrenchment of the conflict and strengthen the position that militates against division or sharing of space.

A Day in the

of a

Kimberlee John-Williams wears many hats. A native of Trinidad and Tobago, Kim is a senior majoring in political science and international affairs with a minor in environmental law. She is a SPIA Ambassador and a member of the first cohort of the Public Affairs Professional Certificate program. To top off her busy schedule, she also has an internship with TradeSecure. But perhaps her most identifiable hat – or cap, rather – is the one she wears in the pool. Kim is a member of the UGA Women’s Swim Team. Understanding the life of a student-athlete can be difficult for those of us who spent our college days avoiding the dreaded 8am class. For Kim and all the other student-athletes, early mornings, late nights, and hard work are ingrained in their DNA. This is a day in the life of a student-athlete.

Student Athlete

Photo Credit: Casey Sykes Photography

6:00AM Kim’s events include free, back and fly strokes. She warms up each stroke before breaking off from the group to work on technique.


After morning practice, the team catches a bus over to the Stegeman Coliseum Training Facility Weight Room.



Before Kim can leave the house, she must be sure she has everything she needs for the entire day. She will not be able to come back home until after 7:30pm tonight.

4:30AM Kim is up before the sun rises to get ready for practice. The rest of the house is completely dark, and she must move around carefully as to not wake her other housemates.

7:30AM Just as the sun is rising, Kim pauses in the middle of a set to catch her breath.


Immediately after weight training, Kim must quickly prepare for class. She changes clothes (for the third time today) and runs to her class on North Campus with Professor Audrey Haynes.

Kim is given a personal training guide for her morning workout. Each weight training session is carefully created for each athlete to help build and maintain their strength for their particular sport or event.


After class, Kim has been asked to attend a lunch w speaker, Trey Pollard, a recent SPIA alumnus who is for the Sierra Club. She stops for a quick picture in with her classmates before heading downtown for


At practice, the team receives their schedule of exercises. Kim looks over her schedule to prepare for the next hour and half workout.

4:45AM She went to bed last night at 8:30pm, but she is still tired from the workout from yesterday. For conditioning, she and her teammates ran the stands of Sanford Stadium before running back to the Ramsey Center for afternoon practice.

Photo Credit: Casey Sykes Photography

2:15 PM After lunch and a quick nap in the athletes’ lounge, Kim is back to the pool for afternoon practice. Head Coach Jack Bauerle chats with Kim about her schedule for the afternoon.

with guest s now working front of the Arch a bite to eat.


Once inside, Kim works hard to prepare for her meeting. Tomorrow she will begin all over again.


Photo Credit: Casey Sykes Photography


Kim’s last meeting of the day is with her internship coordinators at TradeSecure. She and her classmates wait on the steps of the HolmesHunter Academic Building for someone to come let them in as it is locked at 6pm everyday.

Kim is back in the water for the second time today. She warms up her backstroke in preparation for the rest of practice. After practice, Kim catches up on homework before heading to her last meeting of the day.



Achieving Greatness On and Off the Field. By Caroline Paris Paczkowski


aiting in the lobby of ButtsMehre Heritage Hall for the photo shoot to begin, Carla Green Williams and five SPIA student-athletes exchanged pleasantries and introductions. Within minutes, we hear Carla exclaim “Go Grangers!” after finding out that distance runner Jonathan Pelham is also a

Name: Shelby Ashe Major(s): International Affairs and Political Science; Minor: Spanish Year: Senior Sport: Women’s Track and Field Event: Hammer/Weight Hometown/High School: Atlanta, GA; St. Pius X Catholic High School Years in Sport: 8 What is your fondest memory of your sport? I think my fondest memory is breaking the American Junior record in the hammer in 2012. I took a gap year in 2012 after graduating high school. Making the decision to do so was hard in itself, but getting through that year was much harder than I expected it to be. I broke the record at the Junior National Championships and qualified for the World Junior Championships, and the entire year felt worth it in a matter of two minutes. I can still feel that throw, if that is any indication of how great that day was. What is one of the hardest parts about balancing school and your sport? Being able to maintain mental sharpness for the entire day takes some work. Training for the hammer throw requires fine motor skill and attention to detail. The training and recovery itself would be enough to

native of LaGrange, Georgia. In fact, both are graduates of LaGrange High School where Carla led the women’s basketball team to two Georgia Class AAAA state titles. To say she has achieved quite a lot since her days at LaGrange High would be an understatement. Being a student-athlete is hard work. It is early mornings and late nights. It is high standards and higher expectations. It is excelling in your sport and achieving in the

classroom. It is sacrifice and dedication. It is a commitment beyond that of the average UGA student. To be a student-athlete takes strength, pride, ambition, and most of all, support. Who better to understand what it takes to be a student-athlete than a former athlete herself? From athlete to administrator, Deputy Director of Athletics and Senior Woman Administrator Dr. Carla Williams

leave me mentally drained some days, but it is never the only thing I have to do. Class requires a lot of focus and attention to detail, and then I go home to study so I can’t turn my brain off no matter how tired I am. I’ve fine tuned my time management skills in a way that allows me to compartmentalize and be productive without falling apart (literally or figuratively). Why did you choose to study Political Science or International Affairs? Seeing the level of community and cooperation at international competitions confirmed in my mind that the international community is bigger than the differences that are used to divide us. These competitions serve as a microcosm for international relations. I became curious about the dynamics that shape our current landscape and possible solutions for threats to the global community’s safety and prosperity. I was originally going to only study International Affairs, but I have found that each major informs the other. I am learning and using more tools and perspectives by majoring in both. What are your future career goals? I see myself working in the United States Department of State focusing on either public affairs and diplomatic

communication or specializing in policy issues related to human rights violations. I am specifically interested in systematic failures to protect female citizens and ethnic minorities. Who has been your favorite SPIA professor and why? My favorite professor would have to be Dr. Owsiak. I first had him for Crisis Diplomacy. I was already interested in the subject matter, but his enthusiasm is really obvious and contagious so my interest has only grown. He levels with students, makes complicated nature of the material less stressful, and overall creates a very productive learning space. The diplomacy simulation we did is probably still my best academic experience to date. I even bit the bullet of an 8am class so I could have him again this semester for International Conflict.

Name: Jonathan Pelham Major(s): International Affairs and Political Science Year: Sophomore Sport: Cross-Country/Track & Field Event: Distance Hometown/High School: LaGrange, GA; LaGrange High School Years in Sport: 4

of my team for anything, and I am extremely grateful to work with such a talented group of people every day! What is one of the hardest parts about balancing school and your sport? A student-athlete’s schedule can become overwhelming and chaotic in a hurry. However, time-management has been one of the biggest skills I’ve had to learn during my time in college thus far. Balancing school, running, traveling, eating, sleeping, and whatever else life has in store, can be quite the challenge some days. At the end of the day, I can’t imagine my life any other way and am so fortunate to be in the position I am!

What is your fondest memory of your sport? The memory that I think of most often is not necessarily one single event. From the start of my career, running has been an activity where I have found the friendships and interactions to be the most true and meaningful. My high school teammates and coach are still great friends and supporters of mine. In the transition from high school to college, I have been fortunate enough to be engulfed by a similar family atmosphere on both teams. The day in and day out laughter and support is unmatchable. Additionally, we have shared some unforgettable moments together. I wouldn’t trade the members

understands what it takes to “commit to the G.” In her position, Carla serves as the administrator for Georgia football and women’s basketball programs. In addition, she has supervisory responsibility for academic support services, compliance, sports medicine, human resources, event management, facility operations, student development, strength and conditioning,

Why did you choose to study Political Science or International Affairs? I choose this career path to challenge myself and engage in something that really interested me. The potential stage of national/global security is something

sports communications, business operations, external operations, and ticket operations. After graduating from LaGrange High School in 1985, Carla Williams continued her basketball career at UGA where she played for the Georgia Lady Bulldogs while earning her Bachelor’s degree in sociology. She was a four-year letterwinner, three-year starter, and finished her career with 1,115

Name: Ashley Mallon Major(s): International Affairs; Journalism Year: Sophomore Sport: W. Swimming and Diving Stroke: Back/IM Hometown/High School: Suwannee, GA; Lambert High School Years in Sport: 9 What is your fondest memory of your sport? Everyday here swimming for UGA.

What is one of the hardest parts about balancing school and your sport? Time management. Also, making sure I balance sleep and getting my work done for school and staying ahead in my classes. Why did you choose to study Political Science or International Affairs? I love to discuss what is happening in the world today. It is so interesting to me, and I love to learn about international policy and every aspect of any and every current event. What are your future career goals? To either go into international law or to become a public affairs journalist.

that really intrigues me. Additionally, I felt like these two majors provided a myriad of opportunities and avenues for me after graduation. What are your future career goals? I am currently undecided about the exact field I want to be involved in. I am interested in national and global security. I am also interested in lobbying work and political interactions. This summer, I hope to get an internship in one of these fields to gain experience about what I prefer and what I don’t. Who has been your favorite SPIA professor and why? My favorite SPIA professor is easily Dr. Bullock. I was fortunate enough to study abroad in Verona, Italy this past summer. Dr. Bullock served as one of my professors while abroad. I cherished Dr. Bullock’s knowledge and company while we traveled across Europe. His class was extremely informational and beneficial; however, the relationship formed and advice I received from simply being around Dr. Bullock are some of the things that I will remember for the rest of my life. He is such an inspiration to me and a large reason of why I have chosen to be a SPIA major.

points. Carla says the most memorable part of her time as an athlete was not her own accomplishments on the court, but rather the success of her teammates. “I was able to play with some of the greatest players in Georgia history,” said Williams. “Being a part of a team with so many great players that are known nationally and internationally ... was a

Who has been your favorite SPIA professor and why? Leah Carmichael is my favorite professor. She has been such an inspiration to me, and our personalities work well together, which makes the class interesting and fun.

What is your fondest memory of your sport? My fondest memory of my sport would be the day that I called my head coach Jack Bauerle as a senior in High School and made my verbal commitment to swim for UGA. Committing to Georgia was hands down the best decision I have made. I not only have developed as a swimmer in the pool, but my character and overall growth as a person has developed drastically because of the standard of integrity and excellence our coaching staff as well as athletic association upholds on a daily basis.

Name: Emily Cameron Major(s): International Affairs and Political Science Year: Senior Sport: W. Swimming and Diving Stroke: 400im/200im (Individual Medley) Hometown/High School: Lititz, PA; Warwick High School Years in Sport: 18 What is one of the hardest parts about balancing school and your sport? The hardest part of balancing school and swimming is just that there are never enough hours in the day

special, special treat for me.” It was during her collegiate basketball career that she started planning for her future in athletic administration. “I didn’t realize that there was a profession of athletic administration until I got here and saw administrators, and I knew then that’s what I wanted to do,” expresses Williams. “I wanted to stay in sports, and athletic administration gives me a chance to do that and work with all sports.” While she was a student-athlete, Carla paid close attention to the things that she liked, the things that she didn’t like, the things that she felt worked, and the things she felt didn’t work. She says these observations have since guided her leadership style as a coach and now as a senior administrator. After graduating from UGA in 1989, Williams did a short stint playing professional basketball overseas, but it wasn’t long before she made her way back to the States and back to UGA to start the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program. “I was recruited to go to graduate school

to accomplish everything I wish to accomplish. However, because of the rigorous schedule placed upon us swimmers, I have become much more disciplined in terms of figuring out the things that need to be made priorities over others. Not to mention, we also know how to function and still work extremely hard on very little sleep, which is something that will be very valuable in the working world. Why did you choose to study Political Science or International Affairs? I chose to study both International Affairs and Political Science because of the amount of opportunities each of these majors presents. There are many different pathways that each major could take me, but ultimately, I found that I enjoyed the challenge of learning the “how” and “why” our country and world are able to function the way they do. What are your future career goals? My future career aspirations are constantly changing. I hope to attend graduate school sometime in the next 3 years and pursue security studies or international policy. My hope is to work within the government, specifically either with the FBI or another agency, where I would get to utilize handson application versus policy work.

by Jerry Legge. He recruited me when I was a player before I left to go to Spain,” Williams explained. “But I decided to give professional basketball a shot. He told me that whenever I finished playing I’d have the opportunity to go through the MPA program. He was such an inspiration because he believed in me, and so that was one of the reasons I went into the program.” After completing her MPA, Williams became an assistant coach for the Lady Bulldogs until 1996. From 1997 to 2000, Williams completed her PhD in Sport Administration at Florida State University before moving to Vanderbilt University to serve as Assistant and Associate Athletic Director from 2000-2004. Since returning to Athens in 2004, Williams has held various administrative positions at UGA including, Associate Athletic Director, Sr. Associate Athletic Director, Executive Associate Athletic Director, and her current position as Deputy Director of Athletics. As a former student-athlete herself, Carla can remember the days when she was the one running from practice to class

Who has been your favorite SPIA professor and why? Naming a single SPIA professor that is my favorite is extremely difficult because they are all spectacular. I think it has to be a tie between Dr. Audrey Haynes and Dr. Leah Carmichael. Both of these women are so passionate about what they teach, and the students they are teaching the material to. Dr. Haynes was the first professor that I saw outside of class and remembered my name, and her constant enthusiasm and humor in the classroom really helped

me thrive in her course. Dr. Carmichael is such an amazing woman. I currently have her for an intro level course, but I have learned more in 8 weeks of her class than I have in almost any other course. She is willing to go out her way to meet with students about their futures within IA by sharing her valuable experiences. Both are great professors, but overall, they are such amazing people.

to dinner to study hall. Now, she is able to help support the students who have the tough job of balancing their sport with their schoolwork. One of her main objectives in her current role is to develop the studentathletes both on and off the field. “We want to be able to compete and win championships, do it the right way, in accordance with the rules, and help our student-athletes maximize their academic experience here,” says Williams. “So we all work towards that goal, and that’s something that’s very important to President Morehead and (Athletic Director) Greg McGarity, and it’s very important to our coaches as well.” To help achieve that goal, the Athletic Department has initiated a new program called “The Georgia Way”. The Georgia Way (thegeorgiaway.com) provides comprehensive resources to former and current student-athletes ranging from leadership and career development to job and internship placement to community outreach opportunities. “Student-athletes are so busy with their

Name: Kimberlee John-Williams Major(s): International Affairs and Political Science Year: Senior Sport: W. Swimming and Diving Stroke: Sprint Fly, Back, Free Hometown/High School: Couva, Trinidad and Tobago; The Baylor School Years in Sport: 16

What is your fondest memory of your sport? Being at NCAA’s in 2016 and watching my team win a national championship when nobody thought we could. Additionally, watching my teammates achieve their goals this summer and become Olympians was very inspiring for me. What is one of the hardest parts about balancing school and your sport? There aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything that you’d like to achieve and sacrifices have to be made in other aspects of your life to make sure you’re as successful as possible.

Why did you choose to study Political Science or International Affairs? I chose IA because of the breadth of the topic and the multitude of skills I could acquire that wouldn’t pigeonhole me into one specific career trajectory. What are your future career goals? After graduating I hope to do some work in policy abroad and eventually I want to return to Trinidad and Tobago to develop policy for sport and youth development. Who has been your favorite SPIA professor and why? This is difficult to choose from because SPIA has so many amazing faculty members. I would have to say Dr. Maryann Gallagher because she opened my eyes to how truly passionate I am about achieving parity in government for traditionally disenfranchised groups.

sport during their career, it’s very hard for them to get work experience like their peers,” said Williams. “And so that’s what this new program, The Georgia Way, is designed to do.” The goal of the initiative is to prepare and connect students to shadowing, internship, and leadership opportunities that will make them competitive on the job market after graduation. “I think our student-athletes that excel in their sport and in the classroom are so internally motivated to do so. We just have to foster that and find opportunities so that they can stretch and maximize.” For Williams, investing in the students as a total person is one of the most important parts of her job. On her desk she keeps a reminder that says: “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” “It’s very hard when you’re putting in so many hours a week with your sport and then you’re expected to keep up in the classroom, and you’re expected to perform well in your sport, you’re expected to be a leader, you’re expected to do community outreach. It’s a lot. And so we really try to make sure they have the support to be the very best they can be.” Part of the experience, and Williams’ favorite part in fact, is community outreach; she says being a part of the community gives the athletes a chance to show how much they appreciate the support of the various community stakeholders. The students get a chance to get out and work with children and talk about issues that are important to them like education, antibullying, and teamwork. With a network of 583 current student-athletes, their impact is large, and the Athens community is better

because of their service. As Williams sits in her office overlooking the UGA track and field, she recalls the lessons she learned while in the MPA program that have helped her in her career. “College athletics can sometimes be very complicated. Going through the MPA program, I had to stretch to become a critical thinker and to analyze situations thoroughly and look at all viewpoints,” she said. “I think being able to understand the small parts and also seeing the big picture and figuring out how to get from a problem to a solution is something the MPA really helped me do.” As she continues to reflect on her journey through the MPA program, it is apparent that her selfless nature and true understanding of being a public servant has steered her career. “Public administration and public service shows us there is something greater than ourselves. It teaches you to see the world doesn’t revolve around me. As a small example, the road I use to get to work every day didn’t just happen. I think the program does such a great job of forcing students to think globally beyond themselves, and that’s what we have to do in athletics too.” Wrapping up the interview, we asked Carla if there was anything else she wanted to talk about with us. Thoughtfully, yet quickly, she said, “I’m really appreciative of the studentathletes that took the time to come and do the photo shoot today. They’ve got a lot going on, and I’m really appreciative of that.” This is not about her, and it never has been. Whether she is connecting with students in the lobby over her alma mater or working diligently in her office reviewing policies, she is completely dedicated to helping each student-athlete achieve greatness on and off the field. That is her commitment.

Carla credits her success to her family. Her husband Brian is an Associate Professor in SPIA. Brian and Carla have three children: daughter Carmen is a junior at UGA - double major in Finance and Political Science; daughter Camryn is a senior at North Oconee High School; and son Joshua is a 12 year old 7th grader at Malcom Bridge Middle School.

Medical Marijuana Lawsand Public Sector Drug Spending – LESSONS FOR FEDERAL POLICY

One of the most rapidly evolving areas of public policy around the country involves how states and the federal government manage the medical use of marijuana. Historically, of course, there has been a blanket prohibition of marijuana for any use. Indeed, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) currently classifies marijuana as a “Schedule I” drug under the Controlled Substances Act. The DEA maintains this stance in spite of growing evidence that the criteria for Schedule I status for the drug are no longer met. The legislative criteria for rescheduling marijuana to Schedule II include that it have “currently accepted medical use[s].” It is worth noting that an American Academy of Neurology committee has recommended a consensus statement that find cannabis “is effective” or “is probably effective” in treating important medical conditions. Beginning in 1996 with California, individual states have increasingly liberalized their positions with respect to medical marijuana. In fact, as of mid-November 2016, twentyeight states and the District of Columbia have approved marijuana for medical use. Surprisingly, although there is a rapidly growing literature about clinical effects of medical marijuana on specific diseases and symptoms, and an expanding economic literature on the effects of legalization on such things as traffic accidents, or youth and adult illicit drug use, almost nothing is known about how these state medical marijuana policies affect traditional clinical care in the community and how the laws change health care sector spending. Recently we published the first paper to examine whether state medical marijuana laws (MMLs) were associated with changes in the use of FDAapproved prescription drugs in the Medicare Part D program. (Bradford, Ashley C., and W. David Bradford. “Medical marijuana laws reduce prescription medication use in Medicare part D.” Health Affairs 35.7 (2016): 1230-1236.). In our Health Affairs article, we asked two basic questions. Did implementing MMLs change prescribing patterns in Medicare Part D for prescription drugs that treat conditions marijuana may itself treat? And if so, what was the effect on overall spending? To study this, we combined data on all Medicare Part D prescriptions filled across the U.S. from 2010 to 2013, with detailed data on the physicians

who wrote the prescriptions and the local communities in which they practiced. With that, we were able to examine how prescribing patterns changed for individual doctors as their states implemented MMLs, then compared them to how prescribing patterns changed for physicians in states that did not have MMLs in place. What we found was striking. In seven broad disease categories (anxiety, depression, nausea, pain, psychosis, seizure disorders and sleep disorders) physicians prescribed significantly fewer drugs to

Ashley C. Bradford Master of Public Administration Student

effects, suggesting the pace of change is accelerating. In addition, we have just completed a new study examining Medicaid prescription drug spending (where the cost is shared by the states and the federal government) and find that implementing an MML leads to just over an 11 percent reduction in spending on prescription pain medications, for example. Taken together, our research suggests that Medicare and Medicaid alone could see several billion dollars in reduced prescription costs if MMLs became widespread.

W. David Bradford

George D. Busbee Chair in Public Policy Department of Public Administration and Policy University of Georgia

Medicare enrollees once MMLs came into effect. The largest response was in the pain medication category, where we found the reduction in prescribing was over 1800 daily doses per physician per year. A large fraction of those prescriptions are for opioids which kill nearly 19,000 Americans each year. We estimate that Medicare programmatic spending was $165 million lower for 2013 in the states that had medical marijuana laws in effect at the time; that is about half a percent of all Medicare Part D spending in those states. This means that if all the states had implemented an MML by 2013, we would expect Medicare Part D spending to be lower by almost $500 million dollars. Since this work on the Medicare data has been completed, we have been able to update the study with an additional year of data ( 2014) and find even larger

Clearly, lowering Medicare, Medicaid and other program costs is not a sufficient justification for approving marijuana for medical use – that decision is complex and multidimensional. And our estimates of cost savings are meaningful in a world where third-party payers, like Medicare, don’t actually pay for medical marijuana. Nonetheless, our research provided significant evidence that patients and physicians in the community are reacting to the availability of medical marijuana just as they would react to the introduction of any new prescription treatment alternative – that is, they are reacting as if marijuana were medicine. This suggests the current Schedule I status of marijuana is perhaps outdated, and the DEA should consider how to better harmonize its treatment of marijuana with the majority of state laws.

We The People | 2016 -2017


STUDENT NOTES & ACCOMPLISHMENTS Undergraduate Students Rara Reines

(AB ‘20, International Affairs; Minor, African Studies) Publications •  “The Huffington Post: World: Look to Rwanda!” (October 2015) and The Trust Women Conference 2015: Confronting Pressing Issues of Our Time (January 2016) •  “The African Economist: African Slums: Centers of Creativity” (October 2015) •  Ayiba | Popular African Online Magazine: Life-Saving Drones Come to Rwanda, African Billionaires Drive Development, Designing for Impact: African Architects Changing the Game •  “Venture Capital for Africa: Expanding Stock Ownership in Africa through Microinvestment” (August 2016) Internships/Fellowships/Jobs •  Ayiba Business Editorial Fellow at Ayiba Magazine, popular African online magazine: Intensive writing fellowship covering startups, business, and technology in Sub Saharan Africa, interviews with emerging leaders in the business and entertainment industries across the continent •  Intern, Department of Resident Support of Athens Housing Authority: Worked directly with the Director of Resident Support and property managers of Athens federal housing projects to plan and implement community programs and events. Grants/Awards •  Received 2015 ANNpower Grant: Among a select group of ANNpower Fellows to receive grants in support of community projects. ANNpower is a groundbreaking partnership between Ann Taylor LOFT Inc., the Clinton Global Initiative, and the global NGO Vital Voices that selects 50 young women each year to be ANNpower Fellows.


We The People | 2016 -2017

Study Abroad •  WiSci Girls STEAM Camp, Gashora, Rwanda, Summer 2015 •  Selected as one of 30 American delegates and 90 African delegates for STEAM camp sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, the Rwandan Ministry of Education, the African Leadership Academy, Intel, Microsoft, UNESCO, Rwanda Girls Initiative, Aol, and the Girl Up campaign of the UN Foundation. •  London School of Economics – University of Cape Town July School, Summer 2016.

Amanda Joffe

Amanda Joffe

Aciana Marie Head

Aciana Marie Head

(AB ‘17, International Affairs) Student Organization Leadership • Exchange Participant Manager, AIESEC @ UGA • Marketing Team Leader, AIESEC @ UGA •  UGA Tango Club Tanguera Internships/Fellowships •  Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellow Study Abroad •  UGA in Florianópolis through ISA

(AB ‘17, International Affairs) Student Organization Membership/ Leadership •  Outreach Director, College Republicans •  Director of Crews and Points, Delta Gamma •  Member, UGA Debate Team •  Member, Phi Alpha Delta •  Member, Phi Sigma Alpha •  Member, Sigma Iota Rho •  Member, International Language Partner Program Internships/Jobs •  Legislative Intern at a Congressional Office in DC •  English tutor for children whose native languages are Chinese & Korean Honors/Scholarships/Awards •  Zell Miller Scholarship •  Honors in Washington •  Foundation Various Scholarship

Margaret Shin

Margaret Shin (AB ‘18, Political Science) Student Organization Membership/Leadership •  SGA-Freshman Connect Representative •  Volunteering Member, Rotaract •  Campus Desk Writer,

Maria Isabella Ceron

Red & Black •  Competing Member, Mock Trial Team Honors/Scholarships/Awards •  Charter Scholarship •  Zell Miller Scholarship Study Abroad •  Yonsei University in South Korea, Summer 2016

Making a

PRESIDENT By Rory Hibbler

Q: Why did you get involved with SGA? H: SPIA was certainly a big reason that led me to running. I hadn’t planned on running this year for this position, but a lot of students — especially in SPIA — asked me to consider it. J: A lot of the classes in SPIA provided me with a deeper knowledge of political systems and I have a passion for helping others and connecting them to resources to help them accomplish their goals.

Johnelle Simpson, Drew Jacoby & Houston Gaines

The past three Student Government Association (SGA) Presidents have been SPIA students. Is this coincidence or causation? Recently we had the chance to sit down with senior Houston Gaines, the current SGA President, 2016 graduate Johnelle Simpson, and 2015 graduate Drew Jacoby to talk about their experiences in SGA and SPIA.

D: SPIA is known for enticing students who are interested in politics. It just seemed like a natural step to take what I was learning and attempt to put in into action. Q: Favorite SPIA/SGA Memory? H: As a Director of Government Relations, I had the chance to spend a couple days every week in Atlanta to push for the bill that we had brought to the

Maria Isabella Ceron (Izzy) (AB ‘18, International Affairs) Honors/Scholarships/Awards •  Dean William Tate Honor Society, Spring 2016 •  CURO Honors Scholar •  Received the FLAS (Foreign Language Area Studies) Summer Fellowship through LACSI to study

attention of legislators. The senators and representatives that helped us were incredible, and it was such a great experience. J: O ne of my favorite SPIA memories was being a part of the China Maymester with Dr. Grafstein. D: Hosting Freshman Welcome (with the help of the Student Alumni Council, of course) was incredibly rewarding as well as being a small part of changing how the University policies affected students. Q: What are you doing now? H: One more year of college in the greatest city – Athens! J: I’m currently employed by the Clarke County School District here in Athens. D: I’m living in Phoenix, AZ and I am the Director of Operations for a company called ROVR.

We The People | 2016 -2017


Portuguese in Florianopolis, Brazil for 10 weeks over the summer Study Abroad •  Completed a Portuguese intensive program in Florianopolis, Brazil. Volunteer Work •  Volunteer at U-Lead Athens

Ammishaddai Sully Grand-Jean

(AB ‘19, Political Science and Economics) Student Organizations Membership/ Leadership •  Senator, Student Government Association •  President, Brumby Community Council Honors/Scholarships/Awards •  Larry Goldman Memorial Scholarship

Katherine Twomey

Ammishaddai Sully Grand-Jean

(AB ‘18, Political Science) Student Organization Membership/ Leadership •  Senator, Student Government Association •  Director, Student Legal Services •  Vice President for Instruction Student Advisory Board Internships/Jobs •  Student Worker, JW Fanning Institute for Leadership Development

SPIA 2016-2017

Ambassadors The SPIA Student Ambassador program was formed in 2011 to provide 3rd and 4th year SPIA students the opportunity to engage with alumni, donors, and faculty members on a professional level. This year, we chose 20 outstanding students out of an applicant pool of over 50 to act as the representatives of our School. The program focuses on leadership,


We The People | 2016 -2017

Katherine Twomey

scholarship, and service. You can see our Ambassadors at events on and off campus - they are always on the move! This year, the Ambassadors will: have the chance to meet with Saucehouse owner and SPIA alumnus, Chris Belk; participate in an all-campus ambassador service project; serve during the POLS75 events, and much, much more. We have three returning ambassadors acting as co-chairs of the organization. Ryan Bolt, Olivia Haas, and Sara Beth Marchert have shown exemplary leadership and organizational skills, and we are excited to have them back for a second year. If you are a rising junior or senior SPIA student, please consider applying for the 2017-2018 academic year. Applications will be released midspring semester.

Graduate Students Courtney R. Yarbrough

(AB ‘04, MPA ‘12, PhD ‘19, Public Administration) Publications • Forthcoming in Health Services Research: “Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Produce a Limited Impact on Painkiller Prescribing in Medicare Part D” • Forthcoming in Journal of Public Policy: “Plan Generosity in Federal and State Health Insurance Exchanges: What the Affordable Care Act Can Teach Us about Top-Down vs. BottomUp Policy Implementation” Conference Attendance/Presentations • AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. “Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Produce a Limited Impact on Opioid Painkiller Prescribing in Medicare Part D”. Boston, Massachusetts: June 2016 • AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. “The Effects of Social Capital on Vaccination Rates in California Schools: A Multilevel Analysis” (Poster). Boston, Massachusetts: June 2016 • American Society of Health Economists (ASHEcon) Biennial Conference. “Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs Produce a Limited Impact on Opioid Painkiller

Prescribing in Medicare Part D” (Poster). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: June 2016 • Southern Economic Association (SEA) Annual Meeting. “The Impact of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Painkiller Prescribing in Medicare Part D”. New Orleans, Louisiana: November 2015 • Southern Economic Association (SEA) Annual Meeting. “The Impact of State Opioid Regulation in the U.S. on Pain Management in Medicare Patients”. New Orleans, Louisiana: November 2015 • Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) 2015 Fall Research Conference. “The Impact of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs on Painkiller Prescribing in Medicare Part D”. Miami, Florida: November 2015 • 2015 Southeastern Conference for Public Administration (SECoPA). “The Effects of Racial and Socioeconomic Diversity and Civic Engagement on the Coproduction of Public Health through Childhood Vaccination”. Charleston, South Carolina: October 2015 • 11th World Congress of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA). “The Impact of

State Opioid Regulation in the U.S. on Pain Management in Medicare Patients”. Milan, Italy: July 2015 Honors/Awards/Certificates • University of Georgia Graduate School Dissertation Completion Award, May 2016

Cana Carroll

(MPA ‘18) Internships and Memberships • Member, Georgia Students for Public Administration • Volunteer Coordinator Intern, The Cancer Foundation • Junior Account Executive (campaign finance), PDS Compliance

Qianzhi Chen

(MPA ‘18) Honors/Awards/Certificates • Winner of 2016 Georgia Students for Public Administration Policy Competition Internships/Jobs • Worked for The National Academy of Public Administration • Worked for Asian American Advancing Justice-Atlanta

Jonathan Still

(MPA ‘18) Internships and Memberships • Member, Georgia Students for Public Administration • Government Accountability Office Management and Program Analyst Intern, Summer 2016

Erin Shumaker

Courtney R. Yarbrough

(MPA ‘18) Internships/ Memberships/Jobs • Member, Georgia Students for Public Administration • Policy Research Intern, Association County Commissioners of Georgia • Finance Intern, Jackson County Government, Jefferson, Georgia • Finance Clerk, Jackson County Government, Jefferson, Georgia Presentations • Presentation to the Gwinnett County Transit Advisory Board, June 2016

We The People | 2016 -2017


Jekyung Lee (PhD ‘19, Public Administration) Publications • Greer, Robert, and Jekyung Lee. “Post-Recession Policy Diffusion: Local Government Adoption of Build America Bonds.” The Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management. (accepted, forthcoming) Conference Attendance/ Presentations • Lee, Jekyung “Risks, Signals, and Information: An Empirical Analysis of Credit Outlooks in the Municipal Bond Market” the 58th Annual Conference of the Western Social Science Association (WSSA). Reno, Nevada. April 13-16, 2016. • Chen, Can, Cheol Liu, and Jekyung Lee. ““Highways Spending Covered Thick with Corruption:Effect of

Jekyung Lee Public Corruption on the Size and Allocation of U.S. States Spending on Highways” the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Budgeting & Financial Management (ABFM), Washington D.C., USA. October 1-3, 2015. • Chen, Can, Cheol Liu, and Jekyung Lee. “Do More Corrupt States Have Worse Roads and Bridges? A First Look at the Effects of Public Corruption on US State Infrastructure Performance.” the 2015 Public Management Research Association (PMRA) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 11-13, 2015.


We The People | 2016 -2017

• Liu, Cheol, Jekyung Lee, and Sergio Fernandez. “Shedding Light Inside the “Black Box” of Management: The Impact of Public Corruption on Government Management Quality” 2015 International Conference “Innovation, Institution, and Governance”, Center for Technology Policy and Public Management, School of International and Public Affairs, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. May 25-26, 2015. Teaching • Co-instructor, Department of Public Administration, University of Georgia - PADP 8560: Special Topics in Urban Administration: Case Study in Seoul (MPA course), with Dr. Deborah Carrol Honors/Awards/Certificates • Stanley Shelton Fellowship, Department of Public Administration and Policy, University of Georgia • 2015 Pi Alpha Alpha Doctoral Student Best Manuscript of the Year Award, Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) - “Goal Ambiguity and Job Satisfaction in U.S. Federal Agencies” • 100 Hours Volunteer Service Award, Department of Public Administration and Policy, University of Georgia, 2016 • Pi Alpha Alpha ( AA) Academic Honor Society of Public Affairs and Administration, Chapter President of UGA 2016, Lifetime Membership

Seong Cheol Kang

(PhD ‘19, Public Administration) Publications • Williams, Brian N., Seong C. Kang, and Japera Johnson. (2016). “(Co)Contamination as the Dark Side of Co-Production: Public Value Failures in Co-production Processes”. Public Management Review, 18(5): 692-717. Conference Attendance/ Presentations • Megan LePere-Schloop, Seong C. Kang, and Brian N. Williams. (2016). “The Amazon Effect: College Age

Women in the Co-Production of Campus Safety & Security.” Public Management Research Association (PMRA) Conference, Panel: Citizen Experiences of Public Service Quality. Aarhus, Denmark. June 2224, 2016. • Brian N. Williams, Seong C. Kang, and Megan LePere-Schloop. (2016). “Co-Producing Public Safety and Public Order: Black Perceptions and Blue Implications.” Mini-Conference on Policing and Race, Panel: PoliceCommunity Relations, Planning, and Youth Development. Cincinnati, OH. Jan 29 – 30, 2016. Honors/Awards/Certificates • Stanley Shelton Fellowship, Department of Public Administration and Policy, University of Georgia

Andrew J. Grandage

(MPA ‘16, PhD ‘19, Public Administration) Presentations • Presented at Law and Society (New Orleans) “Eight to Great: The Intersection of Politics, Policy, and Problems in Leveraging Organizational and Social Change.” • Presented at Academy of Criminal Justices Sciences (Denver) “Past as Prologue: Leveraging a Historical Lesson to Improve the Current and Future State of Police-Community Relations.” Internships/Jobs • CVIOG, State Services and Decision Support

Maddison Knick

(MPA ‘18) Internships/Memberships/Jobs • Member, Georgia Students for Public Administration • Member, International City/County Management Association (ICMA) • Procurement Specialist, University of Georgia, May 2016-present • Georgia Certified Purchasing Associate (GCPA) from the State Purchasing Division of the Department of Administrative Services


AFFAIRS Matt Clary, (PhD 2014)


PHD Placements Political

SCIENCE David Hughes, (PhD 2016)

Assistant Professor, Auburn University at Montgomery Major: Political Theory
 Dissertation Title: An InformationBased Theory of Judicial Accountability and Social Welfare

Chris Hare, (PhD 2015)

Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis
 Major: American Politics
 Dissertation Title: Constrained Citizens? Ideology and the American Voter

Rachel Bitecofer, (PhD 2015)

Assistant Director of the Wason Center for Public Policy, Christopher Newport University 
 Major: American Politics
 Dissertation Title: Polarization in U.S. Presidential Nomination Campaigns

Mark Owens, (PhD 2014)

Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Tyler 
 Major: American Politics
 Dissertation Title: The Effects of Bicameralism on U.S. Appropriations

John “Jack” Collens, (PhD 2014)

Assistant Professor, Siena College
 Major: American Politics
 Dissertation Title: Breaking Free: The Rise of Candidate-Centered Politics

Visiting Assistant Professor, Auburn University Major: International Relations Dissertation Title: From Pariah to Phoenix: Improving a National Reputation from the Ashes of the Past

Florian Justwan, (PhD 2015)

Assistant Professor, University of Idaho
 Major: Comparative Politics
 Dissertation Title: The Effects of Generalized Social Trust on the Conflict Management Behavior of Democracies

Melanie Kolbe, (PhD 2015)

Assistant Professor, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
 Major: Comparative Politics
 Dissertation Title: Why Liberal States Restrict Wanted Immigration Citizenship Regimes and the Politics of Highly-Skilled Immigration Policy

Sarah Fisher, (PhD 2015)

Assistant Professor, Emory and Henry College
 Major: International Relations
 Dissertation Title: The Affairs of Others: Decision Making and Third Party Interventions in Intrastate Conflict

Kayce Mobley, (PhD 2015)
 Assistant Professor, Pittsburgh State (Kansas)
 Major: International Relations
 Dissertation Title: Revenge, Proportionality, and International Relations

Szymon Stojek, (PhD 2015)

Assistant Professor, Bridgewater College
 Major: Comparative Politics
 Dissertation Title: Contextual Conditions x Ideological Predispositions Model of Immigrations Related Political Attitudes and Behavior

Inyeop Lee, (PhD 2014)

Assistant Professor, Spring Arbor University
 Major: International Relations
 Dissertation Title: U.S. Foreign Policy Towards North Korea Under The Clinton and Bush Administrations (1993~2009): Top Decision Makers, Domestic Politics and Alliance Partnership

Weiqi Zhang, (PhD 2014)

Assistant Professor, Suffolk University
 Major: International Relations
 Dissertation Title: Changing the Brains: How the Communist Party of China Successfully Adapts to Capitalism


Administration Ben Brunjes, (PhD 2016)

Assistant Professor, University of Washington-Seattle Field of Study: Public Policy Analysis and Public Financial Management Dissertation Title: Designing for Success: Managerial Influence on Federal Contractor Performance

Justin B, Bullock, (PhD 2014)

Assistant Professor, Texas A&M University Field of Study: Public Management and Public Policy Dissertation Title: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination of Errors in the Public Sector

Justin Stritch, (PhD 2014)

Assistant Professor, Arizona State University Field of Study: Organizational Behavior, Organizational Theory Dissertation Title: An Examination of Personnel Instability in Public Organizations

Grace Bagwell Adams, (PhD 2014)

Assistant Professor, University of Georgia Field of Study: Health Policy (food and obesity policy) Dissertation Titles: Food Security, Social Policy, & Social Construction

Danielle Atkins, (PhD 2013)

Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee Knoxville Field of Study: Health Policy Dissertation Title: Evaluating the Effects of School Programs on Student Sexual Risk-Taking

5 Questions



You’ve ventured in both the educational and administrative realms of the University. Which one would you say fulfilled you more and how so? “I never thought of teaching and academic administration as separate entities. Each informs the other. For example, I think my service as Vice President for Instruction was better because I had taught courses ranging from introductory to advanced graduate courses. As an administrator, I enjoyed working with faculty, staff, and students across the university. I liked dealing with campuswide issues. I learned a great deal about the state of Georgia during the nearly nine years I was director of the Institute of Government. On the teaching side I enjoyed developing courses. I also enjoyed teaching some of the best college students in the country. So you see I can still go back and forth on this question!” Outside of your title(s), how have you contributed to the University over the years? “My greatest contributions were probably service on University committees, often as chair. These committees developed, among others, the criminal justice major, the service-learning program, the proposal to create the School of Public Affairs and Administration, and the Task Force on General Education and Student Learning, which I co-chaired with President Jere Morehead. At the national level I served as an American Political Science Congressional Fellow in 1968-69 and worked on early versions of what is known today as the Pell Grant.”


We The People | 2016 -2017

Students, at times, teach the instructor. Thinking back on your time as an instructor, what are some insights that you have gained from your students? “Students have taught me to think more about the importance of education given the passage of time. Each year I am jolted by seeing a former student who is now 60 (or even more) years old. Or a new freshman, born in 1998, who sees Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter as distant visages. Or a student who has barely heard of the Vietnam War suddenly wants to learn more about it. Each student must ultimately determine what political and cultural values are important to him or her. In this process, societal values are transmitted from one generation to the next. It is an important process and it is interesting to be around students as they go through it.” What would you call your greatest accomplishment? “My greatest career accomplishment was completing a PhD in Political Science, with a minor in Sociology, at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. The instruction there was excellent. The faculty did a good job in both teaching and research. Going off to Wisconsin at age 21 was a big step for me. I was an authentic country boy: I grew up on a farm near Lone Wolf, Oklahoma, population about 600, milked cows, fed calves and pigs, chopped and pulled cotton, drove tractors, wore cowboy boots and hat, rode horses, went fishing, and swam in a nearby lake. My undergraduate experience at Oklahoma State helped the transition from small town to graduate school. I did ultimately achieve my goal, but certainly faced graduate school with a good bit of trepidation.” What do you think about the future of American higher education? “Money and support will continue to be a problem. Legislators throughout America have been cutting higher education budgets for almost 20 years. This has led to increases in tuition and contributes to the debts of students. I hope today’s students who become UGA graduates will support postsecondary education as a matter of public policy as well as contributing private gifts to UGA to continue improving this institution.”


Dr. Jerry Legge, the director of the MPA program for nearly two decades, has served at UGA far before SPIA’s founding in 2001. From 1981 to 2002, he used his previous federal, state, and local government experience to prepare hundreds of MPA students for public service and place them into excellent careers. He cites his greatest memory as watching his students succeed, with many representing UGA and SPIA in careers across the country and two becoming Rhodes Scholars. In 2012, he became the associate provost of academic planning for the University. While formally retired, Legge’s work at UGA is far from over. He continues to work for the GLOBIS Verona program part-time, planning hotel accommodations, transportation, site visits, and recruiting nearly 100 students between the two semesters in Italy. In his spare time, he enjoys keeping up with his research, playing golf, and visiting his grandchildren. Dr. Bill Keller’s time at SPIA, though only five years, made a significant impact. Dr. Bill Keller He was brought in to direct the Center for International Trade and Security (CITS), through which he traveled the world to further the Center’s mission of promoting trade and addressing the proliferation crisis of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear technologies. One of his favorite memories was at

Dr. Jerry Legge the beginning of his time at CITS, when the staff gave an ironic gift to another faculty member – a piranha encased in plexiglass, that Keller still finds funny to this day. More recently, he taught a course on terrorism and non-proliferation for the spring 2016 Verona program, and cites his time there as one of his highlights at UGA. His most treasured professional accomplishment, though, has been teaching and helping students realize their talents and ambitions. Today, Keller is gearing up for the January release of his book, “Democracy Betrayed: The Rise of the Surveillance Security State.” He lives about 100 miles north of San Francisco overlooking the Pacific. When he is not writing books, you can find him swimming and hiking during the day and entertaining in the evenings.

We The People | 2016 - 2017



Over the past three years, SPIA has hired 16 new faculty members. Here is what some of them have to say about committing to UGA and SPIA.

Amanda Abraham

– Assistant Professor in Public Administration and Policy “Having already worked at UGA as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management in the College of Public Health, staying in Athens was not a hard decision. The caliber of students both in Public Health and in SPIA is phenomenal, and I am thrilled to be able to conduct my research at this top-tier University.”

“One of the main reasons I came to UGA was its reputation for academic excellence both in terms of the students and the faculty. I am particularly excited to be working with notable political scientists whose papers and books were mandatory readings when I was a graduate student. Moreover, my colleagues made me feel welcomed and appreciated during the couple of days I spent at UGA for my job interview, which convinced me even further that UGA is the right fit for me. Plus, Athens is a great town to live and work in!”

Alexa Bankert

– Assistant Professor in Political Science

“My joint appointment in International Affairs and Health Policy & Management was the perfect interdisciplinary environment for me to develop my research agenda.”

Micah Gell-Redman – Assistant Professor in International Affairs

“I chose UGA because it’s a place where a young scholar can grow intellectually alongside brilliant colleagues, graduate students and undergraduates. In addition to this, the University offers a seemingly endless number of opportunities for interdisciplinary research. As a faculty affiliate of the newly formed Georgia Informatics Institute, I am very excited about the opportunities that the Institute offers to bridge research connections between social scientists, computer scientists and statisticians.”

Jason Anastasopoulos

– Assistant Professor in Political Science and Public Administration & Policy 40

We The People | 2016 -2017

“I grew up in Georgia, so in many ways, getting a job at UGA felt like coming home. I am excited to join a great group of faculty who are doing interesting work and who are committed to investing in the lives of their students. I look forward to collaborating with colleagues in the department and to utilizing some of the resources across campus, such as the Owens Institute for Behavioral Research, to further my work investigating various factors that influence American political behavior. I am thankful for the opportunity to join the SPIA faculty and to contribute to the department through my research and teaching.”

“I chose UGA for several reasons. First, having attended public universities for my own undergraduate and graduate degrees, I am proud to work at a public institution that stays true to its land grant mission. Second, I was instantly drawn to SPIA’s top notch students and commitment to global engagement through faculty-led study abroad opportunities. Finally, the existing faculty members are productive, intellectually engaging, and friendly -- a combination that makes for exceptional colleagues.”-

Kristin Garrett

Kathleen Powers

– Assistant Professor in Political Science

– Assistant Professor in International Affairs

“I chose to work at UGA because I was really impressed when I had my campus interview. Everyone I met, from our former Associate Dean [now Interim Dean], Bob, our dear Department Head, Markus, to faculty members, and to the students, impressed me with their welcoming, encouraging, and supportive spirit. This is home to me.”

“I choose to work at UGA for a number of reasons. I’m surrounded by the best colleagues with absolutely stellar records in both teaching and research. I have colleagues that share my passion for human rights research that is relevant for policy and advocacy. I’ve moved universities before and have been on multiple recruitment visits; UGA went out of the way to make me and my family feel at home.”

“SPIA’s students are fantastic. They are intelligent, motivated, and curious. Their enthusiasm for international affairs inspires me to be a better teacher and scholar.”

Rongbin Han

Amanda Murdie

Maryann Gallagher

– Assistant Professor in International Affairs

– Professor and Dean Rusk Scholar of International Relations in International Affairs

“The faculty of the Department of Public Administration and Policy is renowned for its leadership in the field, and the PhD and MPA programs truly set the standard for excellence. Having the opportunity to join such a strong, vibrant program and work with great students, be mentored and challenged by esteemed faculty, and live in Athens made UGA the best personal and professional choice for me.”

– Lecturer in International Affairs

“I came to UGA as an assistant professor in 2014, directly after completing my PhD at the University of Michigan. What excited me most was the interdisciplinary character of the position, a newly created joint position between the Department of Economics in the Terry School of Business and the Department of International Affairs in SPIA, which was created as part of a university-wide interdisciplinary initiative. Since my research lies at the intersection of political science and economics in developing countries, the ability to work and teach in two highly research-active departments was a great draw for me.”

Laura Zimmermann

– Assistant Professor in International Affairs

Tyler Scott

– Assistant Professor in Public Administration and Policy

We The People | 2016 -2017



A New Era of Collaboration By Caroline Paris Paczkowski

In 1995, Dr. Han S. Park and the University of Georgia created the Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS) in order to accommodate a quickly changing world and to ensure the positive impact of globalization. Understanding the importance of global education, the Center instituted study abroad programs on four continents of the world – Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. Additionally, the Center created the Certificate Program in Global Studies to serve both educational and vocational purposes for a better understanding of global issues. Twenty years later, GLOBIS has impacted thousands of students through its study abroad programs and the certificate program. It has created a hub for research to address pressing global issues. In 2015, Dr. Park retired after 45 years at UGA. His legacy will continue through new and exciting visions for the future of the Center. Earlier this year, Dr. Ryan Bakker, an associate professor in the department of political science, became the Director of GLOBIS. To enable him to focus on


We The People | 2016 -2017

the important research of the Center, an additional position was created. In July, Tracy Elder joined the Center as the Executive Director. With two new leaders onboard, GLOBIS is moving quickly forward with innovative ideas for interdisciplinary work and bettering the student experience. One major theme running through the new era of GLOBIS is collaboration, and on the research side, Dr. Bakker is taking care of business. “Globalization has increased to make the world a smaller place,” said Bakker. “Our policies are so DR. RYAN BAKKER interconnected and Director of GLOBIS there is a need to understand how it all works together.” He and his team have set out to do just that. They have four topics of research in the works: access to food assistance, voter apathy, human trafficking, and election fraud. The idea is to study each of these areas at the local, state, national, and international levels.

“Anything we do locally is relevant to the rest of the world. You cannot isolate what happens in Georgia or the US from what happens internationally,” he said. His plans are already underway as he partners with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government and other faculty members across campus. His goals are to improve the quality of service and affect positive change in local, state, and international policies. “One of the things I really want to keep consistent, though, is that political representation remains a key component of the research that we do out of here. So the quality of political representation, defined vaguely, right, but measured in a bunch of different ways, and how that affects the provision of different public services.” Eventually, Bakker said he would like to become THE hub for expertise in global and survey research. “We want to be the place where faculty across campus come together to talk about how we can approach global issues together.”

experience and we want that for all of our students.” Currently, GLOBIS houses four study abroad programs: Maymester in China, Spring and Summer in Verona, Italy, Summer in Glasgow, Scotland, and Summer in Stellenbosch, South Africa. For both Elder and Bakker, collaboration and quality of the experience are important factors in the study abroad component of GLOBIS. This year, GLOBIS added the Scotland program, which is co-coordinated with the College of Education. The Stellenbosch program is coordinated in conjunction with Franklin College of Arts and Science, and the Verona program has ties to the Terry College. With “interdisciplinary” being a hot topic within SPIA and UGA, Elder hopes to bring more majors into GLOBIS, not just SPIA students. “Of course, SPIA students are our first priority but we see real value in bringing our students in contact with other majors,” said Elder. “The long-term vision for study abroad programs should include international collaboration with universities whenever possible. We see real value in exposing our students to faculty and students from host countries. We are all working towards similar also interested goals in creating a better in fostering world through research. collaboration “I hope to become with international the institutional hub of partners for interdisciplinary work. We research and want to be known for that.” scholarship. One On the other side of of our goals the Center, Tracy Elder Photo Credit: Dr. Markus Crepaz is to develop is working furiously with partnerships which can lead to more the study abroad component. Elder than just study abroad. Student and recently joined SPIA from a position faculty mobility, scholarship, research in the College of Education where she are all possible outcomes.“ was a Public Service faculty member Elder would also like to see their and Director of Assessment and programs “giving back” to the local Accreditation in addition to directing communities where students study. the Scotland Study Abroad Program. “The Stellenbosch program has a With her experience and background, very successful and impactful service Elder has jumped right into her new role learning component,” says Elder. “We with earnest. would like to incorporate this type of “My mission would be to ensure that activity into other programs where SPIA students as well as UGA students appropriate.” have the opportunity to study abroad,” Currently, as part of the Stellenbosch she said. “It can be a life changing As part of this plan, Bakker is organizing trainings and workshops focused on survey research. GLOBIS will hold two workshops per year that will be open not only to UGA faculty, but faculty from the broader southeastern university community. “We want to create a brand for UGA where there is expertise in survey research,” said Bakker. “We can become the nexus for global research.” With the large push for interdisciplinary work, his ideas are coming to fruition quickly. In October, Bakker had lunch with faculty members from public health, economics, international affairs, and philosophy, a seemingly incoherent group who are

“My Mission would be to ensure that SPIA students as well as UGA students have the oppportunity to study abroad... it can be A Life Changing Experience and we want that for all of our students.” – Tracy Elder

program, students get the chance to fully engage with the South African community by participating in a fourweek project in the nearby community of Kayamandi. It is projects like these that ignite Elder’s passion for the student experience and ensure GLOBIS is being a good steward to the communities it impacts. “Being sure that there’s reciprocity is important to me, so that’s something that comes with intentionality, depth of relationships with partners, and identifying needs in the host country,” she said. “Also, it’s about the students’ learning experience, and giving them the opportunity to give back.” Overall, the future under the new GLOBIS leadership is bright. With a focus on collaboration, research, and quality experience, students can expect the best out of their time abroad with GLOBIS. “One thing that Tracy and I say to each other consistently is it’s all about the student experience, and nothing matters more than the student experience.”

We The People | 2016 -2017


FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENTS Scott Ainsworth Interim Department Head and Professor, Political Science •  Published “Insuring Hedged Bets with Lobbying,” in Interest Groups & Advocacy with Jamie Monogan, 2016 •  Presented “The Political Economy of Judging,” coauthored with Christina L. Boyd, Kathryn Clifford, and Sophie Winkler at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2016 •  Awarded National Science Foundation grant ($243,297) for project entitled “How Social Security Administration Appeals Fare in the Federal Trial Courts, 2016-2019” with Christina L. Boyd and Michael Lynch, 2016 Alexa Bankert Assistant Professor, Political Science •  Published “Measuring Partisanship as a Social Identity in Multi-Party Systems” in Political Behavior with Leonie Huddy, and Martin Rosema, 2016 •  Presented “The Role of Party Leaders in Shaping Partisan Attachments” at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2016 •  Presented “Partisanship In Times of Change - A Case Study of Italian Partisanship” with

Alexa Bankert


We The People | 2016 -2017

Alessandro DelPonte and Leonie Huddy at the Political Psychology Pre-Conference at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2016 Jamie Carson Professor, Political Science •  Authored “Congressional Candidates in the Era of Party Ballots” in the Journal of Politics with Joel Sievert, forthcoming •  Published “The Politics of Congressional Elections, 9th edition” (New York: Rowman & Littlefield) with Gary C. Jacobson, 2015 •  Published “Regulating the Floor: Tabling Motions in the U.S. Senate, 1865-1946” in American Politics Research with Anthony Madonna and Mark Owens, 2016 •  Presented “Candidates, Competition, and Polarization in U.S. House Elections, 18722014” at the Congress and History Conference (University of Oklahoma) with Mark Owens, Joel Sievert, and Ryan Williamson, 2016 •  Presented a new book project for the American Politics Research Group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on October 7, 2016. The title of the presentation was “Unpacking the Electoral Connection.” The book, “Electoral Incentives in Congress,” is under contract with the University of Michigan Press and is coauthored with a former UGA graduate student, Joel Sievert (currently a visiting instructor at Texas Tech University) K. Chad Clay Assistant Professor, International Affairs •  Authored “The Effect of U.S. Troop Deployments on Physical Integrity Rights” in the Journal of Conflict Resolution with Sam R. Bell and Carla Martinez Machain, forthcoming

•  Authored “The Physical Consequences of Fiscal Flexibility: Sovereign Credit & Physical Integrity Rights” in the British Journal of Political Science with Matthew R. DiGiuseppe, forthcoming •  Authored “Deadly Triangles: The Implications of Regional Competition on Interactions between Asymmetric States” in Foreign Policy Analysis with Michael A. Allen and Sam R. Bell, forthcoming

•  Published “The Diffusion of International Border Agreements” in the Journal of Politics with Andrew P. Owsiak, 2016 •  Awarded National Science Foundation Grant ($492,000) for project entitled “Collaborative Research: Sub-National Analysis of Repression Project” with Christopher J. Fariss (Michigan), Reed M. Wood (Arizona State), and Thorin M. Wright (Arizona State), 2016 Markus Crepaz Department Head and Professor, International Affairs •  Published “European Democracies, 9th edition” (Routledge Publishers)

•  Published “The Power of Citizenship” in Comparative Politics with M. Kolbe, 2016 •  Published “What’s Trust Got to Do with It?” in Social Science Quarterly with Jonathan Polk and Karen Jazayeri, 2016 •  Presented “The Power of Citizenship: How Immigrant Incorporation Affects Attitudes towards Social Benefits” at the Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, January 2016 •  Presented “The Refugee Crisis, the EU, and the Limits of Community,” a public lecture at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, March 2016 Keith Dougherty Professor, Political Science •  Authored “The Consistency of James Madison’s Politics” in American Political Thought with former graduate student Robert Cooper, forthcoming •  Authored “An Expected Utility Analysis of the Optimal k-majority Rule” in Constitutional Political Economy with former graduate student Robi Ragan, forthcoming •  Published “The Value of Formalism: Re-Examining External Costs and Decision Costs with Multiple Groups” in Public Choice with Julian Edward and Robi Ragan, 2015 •  Presented “Coalitional Stability: Apportioning the Legislature at the U.S. Constitutional Convention” at the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, University of California with current graduate student Gordon Ballingrud, February 2016 •  Coordinated Constitution Day at UGA, with a public lecture from Yale Professor Akhil Amar, September 16, 2016. The public lecture was part of the Provost’s signature lecture series, sponsored by the American Founding Group, SPIA, and the School of Law •  Received the Lothar Tresp Outstanding Honors Professor Award, University of Georgia, 2016

Maryann Gallagher Lecturer, International Affairs •  Presented “Just Women: Examining the Role of Female Prosecutors in International Courts” at International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Meeting with Deepa Prakash (DePauw University), 2016 •  Spent several days in The Hague, Netherlands with Zoe Li, a second year IA/French CURO student, carrying out interviews for a project (as well as with Deepa Prakash of DePauw University) examining the influence of gender in the office of the prosecutor in international courts Rongbin Han Assistant Professor, International Affairs •  Published “Challenging, But Not Trouble-Making: Cultural Elites in China’s Heritage Preservation” in Journal of Contemporary China with Yao Yuan, 2016 •  Published “Defending the Authoritarian Regime Online: China’s ‘Voluntary Fifty-Cent Army’” in China Quarterly, December 2015 •  Authored “Cyber Activism in China: Empowerment, Control, and Beyond,” with Axel Bruns, Eli Skogerbø, Christian Christensen, Anders Olof Larsson, and Gunn Sara Enli (eds.) “The Routledge Companion to Social Media and Politics” (Routledge), Chapter 19, 268-280 •  Presented “Censorship Comes, Censorship Goes: How the State Controls Online Complaints in China” at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 2016 •  Authoring “Challenging the Regime, Defending the Regime: Contesting Cyberspace in China,” book manuscript forthcoming Loch K. Johnson Regents Professor and Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, International Affairs •  Authored “Spy Watching: Intelligence Accountability in the United States” (Oxford University

Press), forthcoming •  Authored ”National Security Intelligence: Secret Operations in Defense of the Democracies” (Polity Press), forthcoming •  Participated in a project on “Liberty versus Security in the United States” (Brennan Center, NYU School of Law) •  An earlier authored book optioned for a motion picture (“Season Of Inquiry”) •  Moderated forum on “Preventing Nuclear Catastrophe in an Age of Terrorism,” with former Senator Sam Nunn and former Secretary of Defense, William Perry, University of Georgia, April 2016 Jerry Legge Professor Emeritus, Public Administration and Policy •  Served as Program Director, Verona Study Abroad Program, Spring and Summer Sessions 2016-2017 Michael S. Lynch Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator, Political Science •  Published “The Cost of Majority Party Bias: Amending Activity Under Structured Rules” in Legislative Studies Quarterly with Anthony J. Madonna and Jason M. Roberts, 2016 •  Authored “Kansas Voter ID Laws: Advertising and Its Effects on Turnout” in Political Research Quarterly with Chelsie L. M. Bright, forthcoming •  Co-organizer, 2016 University of Georgia Separation of Powers Conference •  Awarded National Science Foundation grant ($243,297) for project entitled “How Social Security Administration Appeals Fare in the Federal Trial Courts, 2016-2019” with Scott H. Ainsworth and Christina L. Boyd, 2016 •  Advised two UGA undergraduates who earned funded position in political science PhD programs. Darrian Stacy is now attending Vanderbilt University and Rachel Surminsky is now attending University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

We The People | 2016 -2017


to give a week-long short course on Panel Data Analysis •  Awarded National Science Foundation grant ($248,615) for project entitled “Smooth National Measurement of Public Opinion Across Boundaries and Levels: A View from the Bayesian Spatial Approach” with Jeff Gill (Washington University in St. Louis), 2016 •  Awarded U.S. Department of State’s Mission to the Republic of Georgia grant ($300,000) for a project led by Ed Kellough and also including Gene Brewer, Tima Moldogaziev, and Brad Wright, 2016

John Anthony Maltese Interim Associate Dean, Albert Berry Saye Professor and Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, Political Science •  Published “The Politics of the Presidency, 9th edition” (SAGE/ CQ Press) with Joseph A. Pika and Andrew Rudalevige, 2016. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of the first edition of the book, making the authors SAGE/CQ “Cornerstone Authors.” •  Contributing Editor to the Cook Political Report, writing essays related to judicial selection, including “The Long History of Presidents Nominating Supreme Court Justices in Presidential Election Years” http://cookpolitical. com/story/9260 Jamie Monogan Assistant Professor, Political Science •  Authored “Gone with the Wind: Federalism and the Strategic Location of Air Polluters” in the American Journal of Political Science with David M. Konisky (Indiana University) and Neal D. Woods (University of South Carolina), 2016 •  Published “Political Analysis Using R” (Springer), November 2015 •  Travelled to Montevideo, Uruguay


We The People | 2016 -2017

Jamie Monogan Cas Mudde Associate Professor, International Affairs •  Published “On Extremism and Democracy in Europe” (London: Routledge), 2016 •  Published “The Populist Radical Right: A Reader” (London: Routledge), 2016 •  Published “Europe’s Populist Surge: A Long Time in the Making” in Foreign Affairs, November/ December 2016 •  Received Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel

Research Award of the Alexander von Humbold Foundation in Germany, 2015 •  Received SPIA Award for Excellence in Research, 2016 Amanda Murdie Professor, Dean Rusk Scholar of International Relations, Graduate Coordinator, International Affairs •  Authored “Human Rights NGO Shaming and the Exports of Abusive States” in the British Journal of Political Science with Timothy M. Peterson and Victor Asal, forthcoming •  Authored “Killing the Messenger: Regime Type as a Determinant of Journalist Killing, 1992-2008” in Foreign Policy Analysis with Victor Asal, Matthew Krain, and Brandon Kennedy, forthcoming •  Program Chair, International Studies Association Annual Conference •  Invited presentations at Stockholm University, May 2016 Andrew P. Owsiak Associate Professor, International Affairs •  Authored “Foundations for Integrating the Democratic and Territorial Peace Arguments” in Conflict Management and Peace Science, forthcoming •  Authored “The Diffusion of International Border Agreements” in the Journal of Politics with K. Chad Clay, 2016 •  Presented “Judicialization of the Sea: Bargaining under the UNCLOS Regime” with Sara McLaughlin Mitchell at the 2015 and 2016 workshops on “The Judicialization of International Politics,” held at

Cas Mudde

Northwestern University •  “Identity Claims” funded by Minerva Initiative, Dept. of Defense with Paul Hensel, Sara Mitchell, and Krista Wiegand, 2015-2017 •  Received SPIA Student Union Teacher Award, University of Georgia, December 2015

Amanda Murdie Hal G. Rainey Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor, Public Administration and Policy •  Received George Frederickson Award for Career Contributions to Public Management Research and to the Intellectual Development of the field, from the Public Management Research Association, 2016 •  Inaugural lecturer, Gary C. Cornia lecture series, Romney Institute of Public Management, Brigham Young University, September 2016 Shane Singh Associate Professor, International Affairs •  Published “Get Off My Lawn: Territorial Civil Wars and Subsequent Social Intolerance in the Public” in the Journal of Peace Research with J. Tir, 2015 •  Published “Executive Power and Economic Accountability” in the Journal of Politics with R. Carlin, 2015 •  Published “Elections as Poorer Reflections of Preferences Under Compulsory Voting” in Electoral Studies, 2016 •  Authored “Compulsory Voting and

Dissatisfaction with Democracy” in the British Journal of Political Science, forthcoming •  Awarded a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (CA$181,806) for a project entitled “The Power of Polls? A Cross-National Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Campaign Polls on the Vote Decision Process and Choice” with J. Roy and P. Fournier Andrew Whitford Alexander M. Crenshaw Professor of Public Policy, Public Administration and Policy •  Authored “Above Politics: Bureaucratic Discretion and Credible Commitment,” written with Gary J. Miller (Washington University in St. Louis), in the Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions series of Cambridge University Press •  Presented on the future of regulation at the London School of Economics •  Served as Editor of the Journal of Public Policy •  Edited a symposium on future of public, nonprofit, and forprofit universities in Public Administration Review •  Conducted research on agile and lean production systems for a grant from the IBM Center for the Business of Government

Brian N. Williams Associate Professor, Public Administration and Policy •  Published “The Co-Production of Campus Safety and Security: A Case Study at the University of Georgia” in International Review of Administrative Sciences with Megan LePere-Schloop, P. Daniel Silk and Alexandra Hebdon, 2015 •  Published “(Co)-Contamination as the Dark Side of Co-Production: Public Value Failures in Coproduction Processes” in Public Management Review with SeongCheol Kang and Japera Johnson, 2016 •  Published “Revisiting the Trayvon Martin – George Zimmerman Encounter: Implications for Social Policy & Public Management” in a Special Issue of Journal of Public Management & Social Policy, Spring 2016 •  Luncheon Speaker, 2016 Use of Force Summit, Sponsored by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Executive Institute, Naperville (Metro Chicago), Illinois, June 2016 •  Developed and coordinated the “Blue & You Police-Community Forum.” This is a new, applied research project that seeks to bridge the divide between the police and the community, with particular attention devoted to youth and teens.

Shane Singh

We The People | 2016 -2017


In November 2016, the University of Georgia kicked off the public phase of a $1.2 billion capital campaign.



REMOVING BARRIERS AND OPENING DOORS FOR STUDENTS Each of our students has the potential to do something great, and here at SPIA, we can help them achieve their dreams. Undergraduate scholarships and graduate fellowships remove financial barriers for our students and enable our School to compete with peer institutions for the best and brightest students who will beome the future leaders of our state. By committing your support to these students, you change lives and ensure a brighter future for every community in which they reside. •  See how SPIA alumni Daniel Park (page 15) and Andrea Daniel (page 22) are changing the world for the better.


ENHANCING THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT To reach their full potential as the leaders of tomorrow, our students must combine their coursework with hands-on experience through internships, research, study abroad, and service learning. Through your generosity, you ensure that our students apply what they learn inside the classroom to the challenges and opportunities they will face outside of the classroom. Your support can also help build new learning spaces and improve existing facilities to promote the very best in teaching and learning in the 21st century.

•  Read about how the Public Affairs Professional Certificate (page 12) is preparing students for life outside the Arch.


SOLVING GRAND CHALLENGES FOR OUR STATE AND WORLD We wholeheartedly believe in addressing needs in the State of Georgia and the world. Improving the lives of people here at home as well as those across the globe is not just our mission; it’s our commitment. By focusing our research and service on the serious issues facing our world - human rights, weapons of mass destruction, political polarization, and government accountability - we are positioned to make an impact that will resonate through generations to come. Today, we invite you to help us address some of our greatest local and international challenges. With your generous support, we will strengthen our commitment to our students and faculty, our fellow Georgians, and the lives of people everywhere.

•  Learn more about how our faculty members are impacting our world with their research on human rights (page 6), women and the holy city (page 23), and medical marijuana (page 31).

spia.uga.edu/give-now For questions about giving opportunities at SPIA, call 706-542-9924.

HONOR ROLL Dean’s Circle ($5,000+) Anonymous (4) Carnegie Corporation of New York Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Cheeley Mr. Young N. Chun Mr. J. Truitt Eavenson Georgia Power Ms. Ellen B. Godsall John Haire and Family Mr. John F. Halper and Mrs. Laurel L. Halper Mr. Abit Massey and Mrs. Kayanne Shoffner Massey Mr. Terry A. Mathews and Mrs. Margaret E. Mathews Dr. James E. Monogan III North Georgia Community Foundation Richard B. Russell Foundation, Inc. Mr. Stanley W. Shelton and Mrs. Dorothy F. Shelton Ms. Julie C. Smith Mrs. Elaine Stephens Verizon Dr. Katherine Willoughby and Mr. Dan H. Willoughby Jr.

2001 Society ($1,000 - $4,999) Anonymous (2) Athens Area Community Foundation Mr. William T. Bennett III and Mrs. Margaret J. Bennett Mr. Henry J. Broitman and Mrs. Lisa Mitchell Broitman Mrs. Christine A. Brownlie and Mr. Robert P. Brownlie Mrs. Frances Bullock and Dr. Charles S. Bullock III The Honorable Valerie E. Caproni Mr. Rodger T. Carroll and Ms. Lilianna A. Carroll Council for Quality Growth Mr. John S. Culpepper III and Mrs. Wanda Culpepper Mr. Robert L. Culpepper Jr. and Mrs. Bethany K. Culpepper Ms. Katherine E. deJong and


We The People | 2016 -2017

Mr. Nicholas F. deJong Mr. James R. Dove and Ms. Nancy P. Dove Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Gen Eugene E. Habiger and Mrs. Barbara A. Habiger Mr. Henry K. Harp III and Mrs. Leann Harp Dr. Valerie A. Hepburn Mr. Irving Huang Mr. Joseph Juhn Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lauth Dr. Soo-Young Lee Ms. Yu-Chun Lin Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin IV Mr. Lewis Massey and Mrs. Amy Massey Ms. Lora A. McCray Mr. James P. McVaney Jr. Mrs. Eva J. Miller Mr. Powell A. Moore and Mrs. Pamla Moore Dr. Lloyd G. Nigro and Mrs. Carol L. Nigro Ms. Kirsten F. Nigro Mr. Charles R. Nuckolls and Mrs. Suzanne G. Nuckolls Dr. Laurence J. O’Toole Jr. and Mrs. Mary G. O’Toole Mr. Alexander W. Patterson and Mrs. Janet Patterson Mr. David B. Pinson and Ms. Edith C. Waller Mr. Asher L. Rivner and Mrs. Danielle Rivner Mrs. Julie L. Stewart and Mr. Zachary J. Stewart The University of Georgia Foundation UBS Matching Gift Program Dr. Brian N. Williams and Dr. Carla Green Williams Ms. Trisha L. Wilson Mr. William Wu

Baldwin Hall Society ($500-$999) Anonymous (1) Mr. George L. Allen and Mrs. Jean B. Allen Aristotle International, Inc Mr. Frank C. Bracco Ms. Anne M. Chotvacs and Mr. Charles Chotvacs Capt Kendall D. Connell Ms. Caitlyn E. Cooper Mr. Aldo M. Davila Ms. Stephanie L. Dubriel Mr. James B. Gates and

Ms. Elizabeth H. Gates Mrs. Winston Cobb Green and Mr. Roger H. Green Dr. Nicholas Henry and Ms. Muriel Henry Mr. Philip Karl and Mrs. Sandi Karl Dr. J. E. Kellough and Ms. Beverly R. Kellough Mr. Stuart W. Kent and Mrs. Karolyn S. Kent Mr. Joshua J. Mackey and Ms. Kallarin Mackey Dr. John A. Maltese Mr. Doug R. Matties Dr. Jeri A. Milstead Milton Martin Honda Senator Jeff Mullis Mrs. Sung W. Park and Dr. Han S. Park Dr. John D. Parker Mrs. Pamela Pattee Prudential Foundation Ms. Jill E. Rulli and Mr. Lino Rulli H. Paige Scarborough and Catherine Still Scarborough Senator David J. Shafer and Mrs. Lee Shafer Mr. Trent S. Shuping Capt Matthew S. Suber The Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. William H. Thomas Jr. and Mrs. Melonie Thomas Mr. Ralph R. Underwood Jr. and Mrs. Carol Underwood

Candler Hall Society ($250-$499) Anonymous (1) Mr. Clayton M. Anthony and Dr. Flora B. Anthony Mr. David E. Barrett and Mrs. Donna L. Barrett Ms. Katherine J. Bell Mr. Thomas D. Beusse and Mrs. Frances Doughtie Beusse Mr. Francis B. Buckley and Ms. Carrie H. Buckley Caitlyn Cooper Consulting LLC Dr. George W. Clarke Jr. Ms. Kelley A. Currie and Mr. Peter Currie Mr. Joseph E. Dickerson and Commissioner Sharyn E. Dickerson Ms. Denise Dunbar and Mr. William F. Dunbar Dr. Delmer D. Dunn and Mrs. Ann S. Dunn Dr. Arnold P. Fleischmann Mr. Albert R. Fournier

Miss Elizabeth N. Fretwell FrogueClark, LLC Ms. Sandra U. Garcia Mr. Robert E. Gordon Jr. and Dr. Leslie Stafford Gordon Ms. Laura M. Haase Mr. Robert M. Haire and Dr. Susan G. Haire Ms. Ann Harwood-Nuss and Mr. Robert C. Nuss Ms. Sarah C. Haynes Mrs. Samantha R. Hill Mr. Yul D. Holloway Mr. Yilin Hou and Ms. Zhihui Dong Dr. Loch K. Johnson and Mrs. Leena S. Johnson Mr. Matthew A. Josephson and Ms. Katharine Wilkie Josephson Mr. Daniel M. Judy and Mrs. Caroline Duffie Judy Mr. David A. Kasriel and Ms. Catherine Kasriel Kasriel Family Charitable Fund Mr. Yoonho Kim Kinder Morgan Foundation Mrs. Stephanie Carter Kindregan and Mr. Steve Kindregan Mr. William M. Knowles and Mrs. Cynthia F. Knowles Dr. Jerome S. Legge Jr. and Mrs. Jane Cohen-Legge Dr. Stefanie A. Lindquist Dr. Huaping Luo Mr. David C. Moore Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal Campaign Mr. William J. Naglich and Mrs. Valerie A. Naglich Mr. Joseph F. O’Donald and Mrs. Karen E. O’Donald Mr. Jason L. O’Rouke Ms. Megan A. Powell Dr. Sesha R. Reddigari and Ms. Sara R. Shlaer Mr. Daniel L. Regenstein Schwab Charitable Fund Ms. Sarah B. Smith Mr. Bradford A. Taylor Mr. Matthew M. Weiss Mr. Andrew J. Welch Jr. and Mrs. Kit J. Welch Mr. Stephen K. Whalen and Mrs. Laura G. Whalen Mr. Kevin C. Wilcox Mr. Blaine H. Williams and Mrs. Joan M. Williams Mr. Heath W. Williams Dr. Taesik Yun and Dr. Jiyoung Jung

George S. Parthemos Consecutive Giving Society (5+ years) Anonymous (1) Mr. Andrew L. Beggs Mr. Thomas F. Bell Mr. William T. Bennett III and Mrs. Margaret J. Bennett Mr. Thomas D. Beusse and Mrs. Frances Doughtie Beusse Mr. Frank C. Bracco Mr. Henry J. Broitman and Mrs. Lisa Mitchell Broitman Mrs. Christine A. Brownlie and Mr. Robert P. Brownlie Mrs. Frances Bullock and Dr. Charles S. Bullock III Mr. Rodger T. Carroll and Ms. Lilianna A. Carroll Mr. James V. Chin and Dr. Audrey A. Haynes Mr. Edward G. Cole III Mr. Robert L. Culpepper Jr. and Mrs. Bethany K. Culpepper Dr. Delmer D. Dunn and Mrs. Ann S. Dunn Ms. Ellen B. Godsall Mr. Michael G. Gray and Mrs. Melinda P. Gray Mr. Andrew J. Harris Jr. and Mrs. Deborah Harris Mr. Patrick L. Hobson and Ms. Kristin C. Hobson Mr. Yul D. Holloway Dr. Teresa Irvin and Mr. James M. Irvin Dr. Loch K. Johnson and Mrs. Leena S. Johnson Mr. David A. Kasriel and Ms. Catherine Kasriel Mr. James J. Kline Mr. Daniel C. Lanford Jr. and Mrs. Janice A. Lanford Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Lauth Dr. Jerome S. Legge Jr. and Mrs. Jane Cohen-Legge Dr. Susan D. Loomis and Mr. John Loomis Mr. Joshua J. Mackey and Ms. Kallarin Mackey Dr. John A. Maltese Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin IV Mr. Doug R. Matties Mr. Jeffrey A. McDougal Mr. William J. Naglich and Mrs. Valerie A. Naglich

Mr. Charles R. Nuckolls and Mrs. Suzanne G. Nuckolls Dr. Laurence J. O’Toole Jr. and Mrs. Mary G. O’Toole Mrs. Sung W. Park and Dr. Han S. Park Dr. John D. Parker Mrs. Pamela Pattee Mr. Alexander W. Patterson and Mrs. Janet Patterson Mr. David B. Pinson and Ms. Edith C. Waller Mr. Daniel L. Regenstein Richard B. Russell Foundation, Inc. Mr. Asher L. Rivner and Mrs. Danielle Rivner Mr. Christian A. Rodriguez H. Paige Scarborough and Catherine Still Scarborough Ms. Terri L. Sheffield Mr. James A. Sommerville and Mrs. Frances D. Sommerville Mr. Jeremy H. Southall and Dr. Aubrey L. Southall Mr. William H. Thomas Jr. and Mrs. Melonie Thomas Ms. Sara E. Turley Mr. Ronald W. Wallace and Mrs. Sandra W. Wallace Mr. Matthew M. Weiss Dr. Brian N. Williams and Dr. Carla Green Williams Dr. Katherine Willoughby and Mr. Dan H. Willoughby Jr. Mr. Richard B. Wood and Dr. Gwendolyn L. Wood Mr. Christopher B. Wright and Mrs. Brooke E. Wright Mrs. Ann Hicks Yonker



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