We The People: 2015-2016 Issue

Page 1

Fall 2015

How three SPIA alumni made careers out of barbeque, beer and sauce Page 18

INSIDE The ISIS Challenge | Page 10 5 Questions with Charles Bullock, University Professor | Page 14 Uncommon Grounds: SPIA Women Explore Foreign Lands | Page 28 Ready. Set. Vestigo. | Page 38

We The People is a magazine focused on just that: our people. In this issue, we examine the entrepreneurial heart of our alumni and keep you apprised of our School news. We The People is published annually, with this being the first edition, for alumni, friends and supporters of the School of Public and International Affairs. Managing Editor/Writer Caroline Paris Paczkowski Assistant Editor/Writer Lauren Ledbetter







Design Kaptiv8 Creative Marketing Agency Copy Editor Robert Galerstein Contributing Writers Matthew Q. Clary Audrey Ann Haynes Loch K. Johnson Sydney Juliano Christopher Tucker Thomas K. Valentine Brian N. Williams

School of Public and International Affairs The University of Georgia 204 Candler Hall Athens, GA 30602 706/542-4114 (Academic Advisement) 706/542-2059 (Office of the Dean) spia.uga.edu



Of The People

For The People

1 2 6 8 12 14 16 17

28 Uncommon Grounds 32 Student Accomplishments 38 Ready. Set. Vestigo.

From the Dean Department Headlines Update on Former Dean Lauth The ISIS Challenge SPIAbroad 5 Questions with Charles S. Bullock III Police and Community Relations Perspectives on the 2016 Election

By The People 18 Cover Story: Pork & Barrel 22 Alumni News & Notes

Other Features 41 Annual Report 48 Faculty News Keep us updated on your news and successes. Email us at spiaalum@gmail.com

From the Dean

Dear SPIA Alumni and Friends, It is with great excitement that I introduce you to our new Alumni Magazine, “We the People.” The purpose of this new publication is to keep you informed about the accomplishments of our faculty, our students, and our alumni, as well as to provide you with information about projects, initiatives, and programs at the School. I think you will find the articles, stories, testimonials, and data in this first edition interesting and engaging. As you may know, this academic year marks the third in my Deanship, which began in August of 2013. Over the last two years we have initiated and implemented a number of new programs and projects to forward the School’s mission to educate students in public affairs and to produce insightful and cutting-edge research in political science, international relations, public administration, and public policy. A few highlights may interest you: Over the past two years, we added five STEFANIE A. new tenure-track LINDQUIST Dean and Arch faculty positions at Professor of Public SPIA, three of which and International are designated for Affairs interdisciplinary scholars. Laura Zimmerman, an expert in labor economics, was jointly appointed in International Affairs and in the Department of Economics; Micah Gell-Redman, an expert on the relationship between political institutions and public health, was jointly appointed in International Affairs and in the Department of Health Policy and Management; and Jason Anastasopoulos, an expert in big data, informatics, and statistics, was jointly appointed in Political Science and in Public Administration and Policy. Additionally, we are currently recruiting two new faculty members in Political Science and International Affairs, and three new lecturers in those departments. In total, these eight new faculty positions significantly strengthen SPIA’s research and teaching excellence. This year we began our Practitioner/

Scholar in Residence program, with former U.S. Congressman John Barrow serving as the inaugural professor in the position. This new program is intended to ensure that our students have the opportunity to learn from practitioners in the field of politics and public administration. In this coming academic year, the position will be held on a rotating basis by eight scholars/ practitioners, who will reside in Athens for a week and lecture in SPIA classes, meet with students, and engage with faculty about policy-relevant research. The Practitioner/Scholar in Residence program will also support the new Certificate in Applied Politics, a program that will be offered jointly with the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication starting in Fall 2016. Students who earn this certificate will study together in a cohort and take classes that focus on practical skills for the world of politics and public affairs. We are also working to build a SPIA Survey Research Center to enhance the certificate program and to offer a nonpartisan polling operation in Georgia and the Southeast. Finally, we are excited that construction on the new SPIA Annex at Baldwin Hall has commenced! This new addition and renovation of the preexisting structure was generously funded by the Georgia General Assembly and will make an enormous difference for the learning environment in this historic UGA hall. This list only highlights several of the many exciting developments at SPIA. You’ll learn much more about the School in succeeding pages, and of course we’ll make every effort to keep you updated on SPIA through our website and social media outlets such as Twitter and Facebook. In closing, I’d like to thank Caroline Paris Paczkowski and Lauren Ledbetter for their tireless efforts to make the idea of a new magazine into the reality you now hold in your hands (or are viewing online). We appreciate them, as we do all the wonderful SPIA staff. With best regards,

Board of Visitors Ambassador David Adelman (ABJ ‘86) Ms. M. Elaine Bunn (AB ‘74) The Honorable Valerie Caproni (JD ‘79) Mr. R. Lee Culpepper (AB ‘84) The Honorable Wyche Fowler, Jr. General (Ret) Eugene E. Habiger (BS ‘63) Mr. John Frank Halper (MPA ‘77) Ms. Eleni P. Kalisch (ABJ ‘83) Mr. Terry A. Mathews (AB ‘82) Ms. Harriet J. Melvin (ABJ ‘86) The Honorable Powell A. Moore (ABJ ‘59) Mr. C. Randall Nuckolls (BSA ‘74, JD ‘77) Mr. Cecil M. Phillips Major General Arnold L. Punaro (MA ‘76) Dr. Ralph E. Reed, Jr. (AB ‘85) Ms. Julie C. Smith (AB ‘00) Ms. Margaret R. Smith (AB ‘83) Mr. Robert L. Stein Mr. L. Henry Turner III (AB ‘79) Mr. Joe D. Whitely (AB ‘72, JD ‘75)

Alumni Board Mr. Charlie Bailey (AB ‘05, JD ‘10) Ms. Katherine Bell (AB ‘07) Mr. Thomas Beusse (AB ‘08), President Mr. Alex Bradford (AB ‘10) Ms. Caitlyn Cooper (AB ‘07) Mr. Nick deJong (AB ‘09) Mr. Andrew Dill (AB ‘07) Dr. Laura Haase (AB ‘94, MPA ‘96) Ms. Christie Haynes (AB ‘10), Past President Ms. Samantha Hill (AB ‘09) Mr. Matt Josephson (AB ‘06, JD ‘09) Ms. Stephanie C. Kindregan (MPA ‘07) Mr. Josh Mackey (AB ‘05), Vice President Mr. Doug Matties (MPA ‘01) Ms. Katie McCabe (AB ‘10, JD ‘14) Mr. Jason O’Rouke (AB ‘06, MPA ‘11), Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Dan Regenstein (AB ‘06) Mr. Matt Suber (AB ‘09) Mr. Arthur Tripp (AB ‘09) Mr. Matthew Weiss (AB ‘05, JD ‘08) Mr. David Werner (AB ‘05)

Stefanie A. Lindquist Dean and Arch Professor of Public and International Affairs

We The People | Fall 2015


Department Headlines:

International Affairs


uring the last six years, the Department of International Affairs has become an exciting, energetic and dynamic place. The Department has hired 12 highly productive and innovative assistant professors and three lecturers who join an already very accomplished department serving 850 students. A particularly exciting development is the addition of two interdisciplinary positions: Laura Zimmermann, an economist specializing MARKUS M. L. in political CREPAZ development Head, Department who holds a joint of International Affairs appointment with the Department of Economics, and Micah Gell-Redman, a political scientist who is jointly appointed with the School of Public Health. The third floor of Candler Hall has become an incubator for pathbreaking ideas by young, creative and approachable political scientists whose work finds its way into the most prestigious outlets in our profession. Past examples include Danny Hill’s article (together with Zach Jones) in the American Political Science Review (2014), Andy Owsiak’s multiple placements in The Journal of Politics


We The People | Fall 2015

(2013x2, and 2015), and Lihi Ben Shitrit’s book with Princeton University Press (2015). Here are just a few highlights of the achievements of our faculty: Shane Singh was deservedly promoted to associate professor with tenure in early 2015 and also won the SPIA Excellence in Research Award in addition to experiencing the birth of his daughter Isla – all within a few months! Cas Mudde started as co-editor of the highly prestigious European Journal of Political Research in the summer of 2015 and also won the coveted Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award which will allow him to spend the next three summers in Berlin as a member of Humboldt University. Loch Johnson, an eminent authority in the area of intelligence and national security, received a lifetime achievement award from the International Association of Intelligence Education. Lihi Ben Shitrit won the Sarah Moss Fellowship, which allows her to do field work in the Middle East. Chad Clay won the Frank J. Klingberg Award (together with Sam Bell and Carla Machain) for the Best Paper Presented by a Faculty Member at the International Studies Association-Midwest Conference in 2014. Andy Owsiak not only won the Richard B. Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, but also secured a generous Department of Defense Minerva grant. Han Park delivered a TEDxUGA talk with great aplomb centered on the idea that peace

is more than the absence of war. Unsurprisingly, such an accomplished faculty produces excellent students. For instance, among the six Boren Scholarships for International Study that were given at the University of Georgia in 2015, five went to students in the International Affairs Department! The recipients were: Brent Buck, Melanie Kent, Katie Mann, Kevin Steele and Chenee Tracey. In addition, Kathleen Wilson, another student in the Department of International Affairs, secured a Truman Scholarship which she will use to travel to Ibri, Oman, to study Arabic. The Model UN team had a particularly good year with some individual team members winning Best Delegate Awards (Shreya Singh, Dawson Allen and Matthew Yarbrough), and Outstanding Delegate Awards (Thomas Gotilla and Samta Savla). Our graduate students had an excellent year in terms of placement. Most of our PhDs landed tenure track jobs at institutions such as the University of Idaho (Florian Justwan), Emory and Henry College in Virginia (Sarah Fisher), and the highly prestigious Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland (Melanie Kolbe). Others found gainful employment as lecturers or visiting assistant professors in liberal arts colleges. Great things are happening in the Department of International Affairs. Your support in making the department even greater is sincerely appreciated!

Department Headlines:

Political Science


he past year has been an exciting one for the Department of Political Science. We hosted the 2014 annual meeting of the Society for Political Methodology, a major conference previously hosted by such institutions as Yale, Princeton, Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill and Virginia. With 180 participants from across the United States, we tied Princeton for the highest turnout in the past five years. This is one of several high-visibility conferences that we have hosted in recent years. We will be hosting another on Separation of Powers on Feb. 19-20, 2016. These conferences bring distinguished scholars to our campus and provide JOHN ANTHONY opportunities for MALTESE Head, Department our faculty and of Political Science graduate students to present research. Undergraduates and members of the community often attend as well. We host a wide range of guest scholars who present their research to our faculty and students on a regular basis. Each year we also host the annual George S. Parthemos Lecture. Last year our Parthemos Scholar was David Mayhew, the Sterling Professor of Political Science at Yale University and author of several classic books, including “Congress: The Electoral Connection.” Our next

Parthemos Scholar will be Morris Fiorina, the Wendt Family Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. Apropos of the election season, he will deliver a lecture entitled, “Tenuous Majorities, Party Sorting, and the Contemporary American Electorate” on Feb. 12, 2016. Our faculty continues to do great

Certificate in Applied Politics and Political Communication that we plan to launch in 2016. It is an interdisciplinary program with the Grady College of Journalism that will expand engaged learning opportunities and prepare program participants for careers in the world of politics and public affairs communications. We also hired former U.S. Rep. John Barrow to teach for us this year.

“We are also striving for ways to improve the learning environment for our undergraduates.” things. Dr. Charles S. Bullock was named a University Professor this year — a rare honor bestowed upon faculty members who have had a significant impact on the University of Georgia beyond normal academic responsibilities. Dr. Audrey Haynes was named a Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, the University of Georgia’s highest teaching honor. Dr. Anthony Madonna received the Richard B. Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching for faculty members early in their career. We are also striving for ways to improve the learning environment for our undergraduates. We have proposed a

We are in the process of hiring two new tenure-track lines. One, which will be a joint hire with the Department of Public Administration and Policy, is part of a university-wide initiative to attract scholars who analyze big data. The second line is part of another universitywide initiative to decrease class sizes for our undergraduate students. Finally, we are preparing for two major events in 2016-2017: celebrating our 75th anniversary as a department and moving into the new addition to Baldwin Hall. We look forward to welcoming many of you to our 75th anniversary celebrations and showing off our new space.

We The People | Fall 2015


Department Headlines:

Public Administration & Policy


y first year as the department head of the Department of Public Administration and Policy was very busy and very successful. Let me highlight just a few of the achievements of the faculty, staff, students and alumni. The strong leadership provided by Ed Kellough (my predecessor as department head) and the excellent work of the PADP faculty/staff were highlighted in a number of ways last year. As we begin the 50th year of our MPA program, its continued BRADLEY E. commitment WRIGHT to high quality Head, Department of Public Administration public service education was and Policy again recognized by achieving reaccreditation by the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA). Our ongoing commitment to highquality research was also recognized as two new published studies ranked our department first in research productivity and impact among public administration and management programs worldwide. This past year also saw the department host a number of exciting events including a well-received Getzen lecture on Government Accountability by UGA Double Dawg and Las Vegas


We The People | Fall 2015

City Manager Elizabeth Fretwell (AB ’89; MPA ’91) in the fall and the first annual NASPAA Policy Competition in the spring. The latter was in addition to the annual policy competition run by our own Georgia Students for Public Administration (GSPA). While attending their classes and the many campus events, students still found time to serve the University in other ways. MPA students Phillip McAuley and

(MPA ’09; PhD ’13), for example, received the university’s Robert C. Anderson Memorial Award for outstanding research, while Justin Stritch (PhD ’14) won the Academy of Management Public and Nonprofit Division’s best dissertation award. Our graduates are also faring well on the job market, securing exciting public service positions in government and nonprofit agencies.

“Our graduates are also faring well on the job market, securing exciting public service positions in government and nonprofit agencies.” Briana Roberts, for example, were part of a student team (advised by PADP faculty member David Bradford and Double Dawg alumna Grace Bagwell-Adams) that won first place at the prestigious Public Policy Challenge hosted by the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania and Governing Magazine. The previous year’s second place MPA student team started a nonprofit to implement their policy proposal to increase food security and food literacy in Athens. Still, other students won prestigious national fellowships and a dozen PADP students received our new public service awards for their volunteer efforts. The department alumni have also been very successful. Dr. Danielle Atkins

Last year saw the Department welcome two new faculty colleagues: Dr. Tima Moldogaziev (joining from the University of South Carolina) and myself (formerly at Georgia State University), while we successfully recruited two others. I am pleased to announce that after many years of service to the department, Gene Brewer (PhD, University of Georgia) agreed to join the department full time this fall. Also joining us this fall is Tyler Scott (PhD, University of Washington). I feel very fortunate to have joined such a great group of faculty, staff, students and alumni. I hope that you will all be able to join us back in Athens for the MPA program’s 50th Anniversary Celebration in the spring!

Of The People

UGA administrators, students and state legislators broke ground on Baldwin Hall in December 2014.

Construction of New Baldwin Hall Annex Construction of the new Baldwin Hall Annex has begun and is expected to be completed next fall. The 10,800 square-foot addition will house the main office of the Department of Political Science and will provide numerous offices for political science and public administration and policy faculty, an event space, an elevator and a common area with a coffee counter, tables and chairs. The annex will connect to the north wing of the existing building on all four floors and to the mid-section of the building at the first floor behind the women’s restroom. The design created by Houser Walker Architecture brings a modern and sleek look that blends well with the existing historic building. Renovations to the first floor of the north wing will take place immediately following the completion of the annex. SPIA will gain a technology-enabled active learning classroom, a traditional classroom, a seminar room and space for graduate teaching assistants to hold office hours to meet with undergraduate students. Left: Artist rendering of new annex and event space

We The People | Fall 2015


Of The People

Introducing Scott Jones, New CITS Director SPIA is very pleased to announce the recent appointment of Dr. Scott Jones as director of the Center for International DR. SCOTT JONES Trade and Security. Jones began his post on July 1, 2015, and with 20 years’ experience at CITS, is highly qualified to lead this important organization at the school. We thank Professor William Keller for his dedicated service as director over the past four and a half years, during which time he worked tirelessly to further the center’s mission of fostering peace and prosperity through various programs. Dr. Scott Jones has been at CITS since 1995, most recently serving as executive director. His interests include nonproliferation, security and defense policy, foreign direct investment and the security implications of evolving global supply chain logistics. Jones received his AB and PhD in political science and philosophy at the University of Georgia and his MA at Lancaster University in the UK. He has worked at the Delegation of the Commission for the EU in Washington, as well as at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, where he worked on a Department of Energy program that assisted the former Soviet Republics in export control development. He has received research and travel grants from the United States Institute of Peace, the National Research Council and the W. Alton Jones Foundation, among other foundations.


We The People | Fall 2015

Former Dean Lauth speaks at SPIA’s tenth anniversary gala.

Update on Former Dean Lauth

Beyond Baldwin: Where SPIA’s founding leader is now On August 1, 2013, Dr. Thomas P. Lauth turned off his office lights in Candler Hall for the last time, stepping into retirement after 11 years as Dean of the School of Public and International Affairs. Upon his retirement, the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia appointed him Dean and Professor Emeritus. SPIA was established in 2001, becoming the first new school at UGA in almost 30 years. With simultaneous support from both the faculty and central administration, SPIA quickly became a reality, expanding at an unprecedented pace. In 2002, Lauth took the position as the first Dean of the School, following a 13-year commitment as department head of political science. “My time as dean was challenging, exciting, and rewarding,” said Lauth as he smiled, remembering the time fondly. “I miss the faculty and staff and the mix of decisionmaking.” In retirement, Lauth has continued to publish, teach and travel. In October 2013, he presented a paper at the Korea Association of Public Administration International Conference in Seoul, where he also hosted a reception for SPIA graduates.

During the 2014 spring semester, he taught an undergraduate Honors course on government budgeting and finance. In spring 2015, he was the faculty-memberin-residence for the SPIA at Oxford study abroad program in the United Kingdom, where he taught courses on British Politics and on government budgeting and finance. In 2015, SPIA awarded the first Thomas P. and M. Jean Lauth Graduate Fellowship to a PhD student in the Department of Public Administration and Policy. This financial support for graduate student education in SPIA was made possible by generous gifts from Lauth’s colleagues, family and friends, including members of the SPIA Board of Visitors. Most importantly, Lauth continues to spend quality time with his wife, Jeannie. For the past 20 years, they have enjoyed a daily stroll from their home to Five Points to enjoy a coffee or breakfast. “I guess the exercise is a great bonus, but it is really about spending time with my best friend.” Lauth has returned to his original faculty office in Baldwin Hall, where he continues to meet with students and work on research projects.



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SINCE 2013

in scholarly impact in Public Administration worldwide in U.S. News and World Report for Public Affairs Programs (2012)






in U.S. News and World Report for Public Management (2012)


in U.S. News and World Report for Public Budgeting (2012)

We The People | Fall 2015



CHALLENGE Successful Geopolitical Strategies Will Require A Broader Vision


The United Nations Human Rights Council met September 1, 2014 for a Special Session on Iraq and the atrocities committed by ISIS.

Of The People


s the Cold War came to an end in 1991, the New World Order predicted by President George H.W. Bush failed to materialize. Instead, within a decade, the United States suffered a catastrophic attack against New York City and Washington, D.C., perpetrated by the terrorist group known as Al Qaeda. In response, this nation entered into the two longest wars we have ever fought: one in Afghanistan from 2001 and counting, and another in Iraq from 2003 to 2014 (with military advisers still on the ground and drones in the air). Over 6,700 Americans have died in these wars so far, and over 50,000 more have been wounded. Moreover, these wars have cost American taxpayers over $2 trillion, money that could have been spent on the improvement of homeland security against more LOCH terrorist attacks as K. JOHNSON well as dealing with Regents Professor, Department of a host of pressing International Affairs domestic needs, from education reform and job training to health care and infrastructure repair. Despite these enormous sacrifices by the United States, both Afghanistan (which is less a nation than a loose confederation of rival tribes) and Iraq remain portraits of chaos, each engulfed in long-term fratricidal warfare and neither willing to adopt the sweeping reforms against corruption and cronyism that are necessary to legitimize their governments. While Afghanistan and Iraq present significant challenges for American foreign policy, civil war has wreaked havoc across North Africa and Syria, too. Rising out of the turmoil in Syria is a new terrorist faction that represents a particularly gruesome and well-organized threat to the United States. This faction is known by several names: ISIS, ISIL, IS (Islamic State), or, in Middle East parlance, “Daesh.” ISIS is an extremist Sunni sect growing out of the “Al Qaeda in Iraq” organization that evolved during

the U.S.-Iraqi war designed to fight the Shia government in Baghdad and its American sponsor. ISIS is determined to rid the world of rival Shiites (who now control the governments in both Iraq and Iran), along with anyone who gets in the way of this objective. Its leaders have adopted tactics unseen since the barbarism of the Middle Ages, including the beheading or enslavement of opponents, as well as the mass rape of women who refuse to subscribe to the ISIS philosophy. In addition to being well-funded, ISIS has displayed a rare talent among terrorist organizations with its skillful manipulation of social media as a part of global recruitment efforts. Its propaganda is aimed at both disillusioned and starry-eyed youth, urged to join the ISIS ranks in a march toward a new “caliphate” in the Middle East founded on a mystical, apocalyptic and phony form of ideological purity. The fate of these young recruits, among them several from the United States, is often to be trained immediately as suicide bombers directed against Shia targets (and, potentially, against cities in Europe and United States) — all in the name of rejecting Western decadence as well as corruption in the Arab world. As a part of its masterplan, ISIS has encouraged individual “lone wolf” attacks by its followers in the West — the “crowdsourcing” of terrorism. The failure of the United States to achieve military victory in the Afghan and Iraqi wars indicates that the use of force is insufficient to curb ISIS, Al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations. New strategies are required that will depend on a broader vision, accompanied by a patience not usually associated with the American temperament in dealing with problems overseas. This vision will need to realize that successful foreign policy relies on moving forward along many fronts – a Black-and-Decker approach that uses all the tools in the box. Foreign policy consists of more than military might, as important as that method can be in some instances; leaders must also exercise the powers of diplomacy (notably, the repair of relations between

We The People | Fall 2015


Of The People

Sunni-Shiite moderates in Iraq), trade inducements and, in a limited and pinpointed manner, covert action. Vital, as well, are the tools of cultural and moral suasion. The idea behind this use of “soft power” is to attract people around the globe toward the United States and other open societies by virtue of setting a good example: practicing fair electoral and judicial proceedings at home, supporting nations that seek to establish genuine democratic institutions and norms and aiding poor countries in their efforts to build schools, health

— seem to have realized so far. These nations apparently believe that 9/11s only occur somewhere else, not within their borders; this is a serious case of self-delusion. Putting together a more potent anti-ISIS coalition will be a difficult task of diplomatic persuasion. President George H.W. Bush demonstrated, though, how this could be done when his administration gathered together an impressive international fighting force for the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991. While most of this military action against ISIS can consist of air power, a

“The failure of the United States to achieve military victory in the Afghan and Iraqi wars indicates that the use of force is insufficient to curb ISIS ...” clinics and other infrastructure — retail foreign policy at the level of the village warlords, who are more often local party chiefs more than jihadists. The use of torture, renditions, secret prisons and the confinement of suspected terrorists (“detainees”) in Guantánamo without specific charges, proper counsel or a fair trial have done more to undermine the reputation of the United States abroad and drive recruits into the hands of ISIS than they have to combat terrorism. Militarily, the United States must attempt with greater diligence to ensure that air and ground attacks against ISIS in Syria and Iraq are more of an international undertaking and less a U.S.-Iraqi response alone. A meaningful coalition standing up to ISIS would involve broad military participation by the democracies, including Germany and Japan, joined by allied powers in the region like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. ISIS is a serious threat to all civilized nations and must be taken far more seriously than some leaders — notably in Berlin and Tokyo


We The People | Fall 2015

larger presence of special forces on the ground — from all the coalition nations — will also be required, though capped at around 10,000 troops (with no more than 5,000 American fighters). These boots on the ground will be invaluable to spot ISIS military targets for precise air attacks and to eliminate members of the ISIS leadership. It is important to keep this Western footprint small, directed strictly toward the defeat of ISIS combat units in Iraq and Syria, with local allies responsible for the core combat and maintaining order when victory comes. Sixty-two countries have already joined the United States in an initial partnership against ISIS, but these nations (which include Japan in a non-military role) must engage in a more robust fighting presence. Coordination difficulties have arisen already, but more energetic and focused leadership from Washington and other allied capitals can lead to the defining of distinct zones for attacks against ISIS-held territory in Syria and Iraq by individual coalition members,

using pinpointed bombing along with well-armed bands of special forces and paramilitary officers. Beyond these necessary military operations, the United States, Europe, Russia, China and Japan can provide strong economic incentives in the form of increased trade to those nations willing to take a stand against ISIS. Moreover, economic development assistance from the West will be an essential check against ISIS influence in the struggling villages of Northern Syria, Iraq and the Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Public diplomacy can play an important role, too, in countering ISIS rhetoric by disseminating the truth about its savagery and self-aggrandizing thugs. The war of ideas matters and the West can do much more to explain why life in open societies trumps dictatorial, slave-holding, bloodletting terrorist movements. The vows of ISIS and Al Qaeda to attack the United States and other democracies make them, together, Public Enemy No. 1. The good news is that extremism in the Muslim world can be defeated by the democracies, with their greater opportunities and a more appealing way of life that respects freedom and dignity for the individual. Fresh approaches must be embraced in this struggle, however, with a stronger resolve to fashion an effective international anti-ISIS coalition, one limited in size — no major invading armies from the West — and devoted to diplomatic, economic and soft power initiatives in the Middle East, not just the application of force.

Loch K. Johnson is Regents Professor and Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of International Affairs at the University of Georgia, and author most recently of American Foreign Policy and the Challenge of World Leadership (Oxford, 2015) and editor of The Essentials of Strategic Intelligence (Praeger, 2015). *Written in October 2015




marks an exciting year for the Center for International Trade and Security. The Security and Strategic Trade Academy, which trains foreign government officials on strategic trade issues twice a year, welcomed over 60 officials from 16 countries to Athens in the spring and looks to welcome over a hundred government officials from almost 30 nations in the fall. The center continued productive partnerships and outreach to industry in China while greatly expanding assistance efforts in Southeast Asia. Among SPIA students, the center also welcomed a new class of Richard B. Russell Scholars to the Security Leadership Program (SLP). After receiving over 60 applications from top UGA undergraduates, 10 students were admitted to the spring class. SLP scholars spend a full academic year studying nonproliferation, strategic trade controls and working on funded center programs before embarking on exciting policy careers. SLP scholars also take an annual spring break trip to Washington D.C. to meet policymakers and other influential minds in nonproliferation; this year, they met with representatives of the National Security Council, the Department of Energy, the Department of State, the Carnegie

Endowment, CRDF Global, the RAND Corporation and the Georgia Senatorial Delegation. Overseas, CITS continues to expand its nonproliferation efforts and outreach on strategic trade control. The first half of 2015 was filled with engagements and events throughout Southeast Asia. In January, CITS co-hosted and co-organized a CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons) Security Stakeholder Conference with the Faculty of Engineering at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, inviting experts and government officials from throughout the ASEAN region to discuss the development of CBRN security in the region. The Center also finalized a memorandum of understanding with Chulalongkorn University, cementing a long-standing partnership and setting the stage for increased engagement. In April, CITS organized two events designed to promote an effective nuclear security culture for Indonesia’s nuclear sector: a two-day workshop in partnership with Indonesia’s National Nuclear Administration to review nuclear security culture at reactor facilities and a “train the trainer” workshop aimed at building a cadre of experts who can provide training on nuclear security culture. Finally,

CITS Researcher Paul Ebel (far left) and a group of students in the Master of International Policy program tour Plant Vogtle, one of Georgia Power’s two nuclear power plants, located in eastern Georgia.

in June, CITS hosted a pair of workshops in Hanoi, Vietnam focused on training nuclear safety professionals and developing legal and regulatory frameworks for CBRN security. In addition to its recent focus on Southeast Asia, CITS continues to be engaged globally and hosted training exercises for academics from Ukraine, Moldova, Azerbaijan and Georgia on Nuclear Security Curriculum Development. These academics attended initial curriculum training in Vienna, Austria and reviewed the developed curricula in Tbilisi, Georgia. The initiative bolstered understanding of CBRN policies among technical faculty teaching the next generation of nuclear engineers and other professionals in the region. CITS researchers also continued engagement in Chile and Panama, conducting outreach to develop comprehensive strategic trade legislation and promote overall nonproliferation best practices. The Center continues to develop cuttingedge research and promote new ideas and perspectives on nonproliferation to the global community. 2015 will mark the 10th issue of the CITS-managed and edited “1540 Compass”, published in cooperation with the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs.

We The People | Fall 2015




We The People | Fall 2015

Verona, Italy

Stellenbosch, South Africa

Each spring and summer, SPIA’s Verona study abroad programs give students the chance to learn about global issues against the backdrop of a historic country. Known as the setting of Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” Verona’s rich history, architecture and culture make living there a unique, immersive cultural experience. The trip includes tours of Florence and Rome, as well as Munich, Germany and Salzburg, Austria in the spring and Krakow, Poland in the summer. Courses include “International Organization and The Holocaust” and “Contemporary German Politics”, among others, while program director Dr. Jerry Legge offers to meet with students to informally teach Italian. Dr. Charles Bullock, who accompanies the program each summer, encourages all students to consider an opportunity abroad. “You have to go and live it,” he said. “It will change your life.”

One of SPIA’s most unique programs is the Maymester in Stellenbosch, South Africa, where study abroad meets servicelearning. Throughout the month, students work with disadvantaged South African youth, while learning firsthand about the socioeconomic and political challenges the country faces through courses on South African society and the politics of development. With trips to Cape Point, Table Mountain and Victoria Falls and a two-day safari in Botswana, the program is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. “Study abroad is the real thing: it is one thing to learn about international politics, poverty, inequality, development, racism, etc. in our refined classrooms at UGA,” said Professor Markus Crepaz, program director, “but it’s a completely different thing to experience the real thing.”

Maymester in China

SPIA at Oxford

Is there a better way to learn about one of the world’s largest countries with the largest economy than by living in it? Throughout this month-long program, students travel with Associate Dean Robert Grafstein to the four distinctive and vibrant cities of Beijing, Xi’an, Yan’an and Shanghai. In addition to taking courses in China’s government, economy, society and culture, the students climb the Great Wall, ride to the top of the tallest skyscrapers, see centuries of history firsthand and immerse themselves in the unique culture and language of the most populous country in the world. In three of the four cities, program participants are hosted by the Chinese Communist Party, giving students rare access to government officials and functions. This opportunity to learn about the world’s largest economy is not to be missed!

Set in one of the world’s oldest universities, SPIA’s program at Oxford gives students the opportunity to study in an intellectually rewarding and prestigious environment. Students live in a refurbished Victorian mansion and gain associate membership in Keble College, providing them access to the commons, dining halls and activities at one of Oxford’s 38 distinct colleges. Perhaps the most unique feature of the program is the challenging academic atmosphere, in which students attend two seminars and choose from over a dozen courses in the tutorial system, meeting in groups of 2-3 with the instructor, or “don,” to discuss the coursework. This system requires more self- discipline, but gives students an unparalleled, exhilarating academic experience at one of the world’s most distinguished institutions of higher learning.

We The People | Fall 2015


Of The People

5 Questions

With Charles S. Bullock III, University Professor



What has been the highlight of your career?


What inspired your interest in southern politics?


What is your favorite memory at UGA?


What is your biggest challenge as a professor?


What is the most memorable thing that has ever happened in one of your classes?

(laughing) You mean one single event? I guess getting the [Richard B.] Russell Professorship back in 1980 was pretty exciting. And this last year I was named University Professor, and there have only been 30 of those in the history of the university. But things that I enjoy, I very much enjoy the teaching I do each summer in Verona. I have been doing that now since 2000. It’s great fun to do that.

Growing up in the South, and growing up in Georgia. The reason I left law school to go to graduate school was during my first year of law school, at that time my fiancé, now my wife, bought a copy of V.O. Key’s “Southern Politics [in State and Nation]”, which was kind of the first book done on Southern politics. So I set aside Friday nights to read it, and I thought, “Man, this is a lot more interesting than property law or civil procedure.” And so that’s kind of what prompted me to think about going to graduate school. I hadn’t planned to do that at all. So I did that, but then I had been on the faculty for 12 years before I first taught Southern politics.

Well, back when I first got here, we had a number of students who’d all come up here, political science majors, and they had done their first two years at what was then called Albany Junior College, now called Darton State College, and these guys were all folk musicians. We used to get together about once a month and just do folk music. I was (laughing) not a performer… but one of them went on to become mayor of Albany, another one had a career as a public servant cut short far too soon because he died, another one has made a career out of being a professional performer...so that was an awful lot of fun.

Trying to maintain student interest. You know, if the students in your class are interested, then they’re going to retain a lot more of the information you’re trying to convey. So, it’s kind of how you package the information. It’s the same information, but you need to present it in a way that students find interesting and holds their attention. And the classes I teach run 75 minutes long, they usually have 80 to 90 people in them, so it’s not like we’re in a small seminar. So it means you have to be something of a performer in order to keep and hold that attention.

Vince Dooley was the head football coach here for about 25 years and athletic director longer than that. And back when we were on the quarter system, which we were until 1998, each spring quarter, he would sit in on a class. One year, he was sitting in on the first Southern politics class of the quarter, which was the last week in March, and so a lot of students had been to Florida the week before, so they’re kind of coming in sleepy-eyed... and Vince was the first one in the class. And he’s just sitting there as they come in. So each student kind of comes in…[and they go] “WOAH!” And you can see them turn to whoever’s [next to them]… “That’s Vince Dooley, isn’t it?” I knew that when he had been an undergraduate over at Auburn, a man with whom he had roomed had gone on to become governor of Alabama. So, at one point in the course of the class, I call on Vince and said “Could you tell us about, you know, your relationship with him?” And he stands up beside his desk to recite. I’ve never seen anybody do that, before or since!

We The People | Fall 2015

Charles S. Bullock III, University Professor, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor and Richard B. Russell Professor


Implications for the Role of the Public in Public Safety & Public Order


ublic safety and public order are salient issues and areas of increasing concern for American society, especially in light of the post 9/11 environment. Yet fiscal constraints have had a negative impact on the allocation of resources to public safety organizations. This fiscal reality has resulted in a reverberating question: How to do more with less? Many law enforcement agencies have responded to this question by embracing the philosophy and practices of community policing. Community policing has, at its core, the development and implementation of a working partnership between the public and the police. This partnership reflects what some in academe describe as the co-production of public safety and public order. This working partnership between the police — as regular producers — and the BRIAN N. public — as citizen or WILLIAMS consumer producers Associate Professor, — reflects collective Department action on the parts of Public of both entities. It Administration & requires mutual trust, Policy power sharing and a willingness and desire by the police and the public to cooperate, coordinate and collaborate in a variety of ways to identify public problems and develop and implement strategies, which enhance public safety and public order. In


We The People | Fall 2015

essence, this arrangement represents a return to one of the bedrock principles of Western policing — the police and the public are one in the pursuit of public safety, community wellbeing and public order. Recent incidents in Baltimore, Ferguson, North Charleston and Staten Island have garnered global media attention and are visible reminders of the precarious state of police-community relations across the United States. These occurrences impact public trust and confidence and highlight the need for a greater appreciation of the important roles that the public now plays in public management, in general, and the co-production of public safety and public order, in particular. These roles, as identified by John Clayton Thomas (2012), include the customer role where members of the public who receive services provide needed feedback; the citizen role where members of the public seek to influence decision-making and to determine the course of government action; and the partner role where members of the public assist in developing, implementing and producing services. Considering the context of contemporary American society, the significance of these three roles cannot be overlooked. This reality raises an additional question: How can police departments and other law enforcement agencies meaningfully incorporate the public as customers, citizens and partners in developing policies, guiding implementation of practices and evaluating results?

To build and sustain effective policecommunity relations in today’s environment requires a commitment by the public and the police to participate in efforts that embrace cultural understanding, enhance effective communication (inclusive of active listening) and increase organizational transparency. A new day has arisen that calls for power with rather than power over. Consequently, efforts must be made by managers and administrators of public safety organizations to meaningfully integrate and activate the public as customer, citizen and partner in the co-production of public safety and public order.

Brian N. Williams is Associate Professor in the Department of Public Administration & Policy. He has served as a trainer, consultant or subject matter expert with policy departments or public safety related agencies and other governmental or non-governmental entities. His research on demographic diversity, local law enforcement, and public governance has been published in leading journals in public administration, community psychology, education and police studies. Reference John Clayton Thomas (2012). Citizen, Customer, Partner: Engaging the Public in Public Management, M.E. Sharpe: Armonk, NY.

Of The People

Perspectives on the 2016 Campaigns


he state of the Republican primary race is, to put it mildly, unsettled. Recent polls indicate that over half of the party prefers a candidate with zero political experience. The rise of provocateur (and businessman) Donald Trump has attracted the lion’s share of attention. This is understandable given that Mr. Trump’s dominance defies so many typical political assumptions. Trump’s deviations from party orthodoxy, his insultcomic flair, and his populist rhetoric have made him the star of the summer. Regardless of whether Trump’s lead persists through spring, his popularity speaks volumes AUDREY ANN about the mood of HAYNES Professor, the electorate. Even if Department of Trump were to drop Political Science out, the anti-politician flavor of this cycle would persist in the form of Ben Carson. Carson, a folk hero among evangelical voters, can be an inscrutable figure. But what’s important about Carson is what JOHN HENRY he’s not – a political THOMPSON insider. AB ‘15 The same goes for Carly Fiorina, the former HewlettPackard CEO whose powerful performances at both debates have propelled her into contention. Jeb Bush has yet to make the affirmative case for his candidacy. Perhaps in a year with fewer viable choices, such as 2012, Bush’s war chest would lend an air of inevitability. So far this hasn’t happened. Marco Rubio has elected to play the long game, a strategy bolstered by strong debate performances. Eventually, Rubio will have to show that he is prepared and savvy enough to make his move. In the meantime, his

campaign will bet on their candidate’s political talent. Ted Cruz is also well-positioned for the future, provided Trump’s support wanes. He’s raking in Super PAC cash and cultivating a base among conservative activists in important states. Moving forward, watch for a major debate to play out. Certain candidates see their mission as one of party expansion, finding ways to apply conservatism to the realities of the 21st century. Other candidates will emphasize combat with the Left and will argue that doubling down on the traditional GOP coalition will bring victory. Observers should focus on the fundamentals: fundraising, campaign staff and message consistency. Polls are entertaining, but early numbers can be misleading. No matter what eventually transpires, it’s safe to say that the eventual GOP nominee will have survived a grueling process. For the Democratic Party, 2016’s race is just as unsettled. The person everyone considered the inevitable nominee, Hillary Clinton, is no longer the clear frontrunner. It was not Benghazi that did the most damage, but rather a new scandal associated with her using a private email account and server while Secretary of State. The server is now in the hands of the FBI. The emails that were disclosed revealed mostly innocuous material, but the deleted emails may harm Clinton. If any are related to Benghazi or State Department business and are revealed to have been deleted, her campaign will struggle. If they remain innocuous, she can continue and try to build back the public’s trust. The question is

whether she can be another Clinton “comeback” kid. Currently, her main competition is Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed “democratic socialist” who supports Second Amendment rights and the military industrial complex. His campaign issues include income inequality, tax reform, climate change and campaign finance reform. His presence in the race has forced Clinton to take more liberal stances, e.g., coming out against the Keystone Pipeline and Trans-Pacific Partnership conveniently before the first primary debate. For both political parties this election cycle seems to resonate with that catchy tune… it’s all about the “base.” The Republicans are fighting over a base that is disillusioned with their current leadership. The Democrats, too, seem to be dissatisfied with the status quo, and are showing unexpected support for a very nontraditional candidate. In the end, however, the country may end up with something akin to a Rocky II remake: Bush v. Clinton 2016. The research suggests that the best-funded, most organized and most endorsed candidates win presidential nomination campaigns. However, the rules and the landscape have changed significantly. At this point anything can happen.

Audrey Ann Haynes​is Josiah Meigs Professor in the Department of Political Science. Her research on presidential nomination politics has been published in the AJPS, the JOP, and PRQ. Her current work examines attack strategies in presidential debates and their effectiveness. John Henry Thompson i​s a 2015 graduate of the University of Georgia, where he served as Editor-in-Chief of The Arch Conservative and earned degrees in political science and economics. He currently attends the University of Chicago Law School. *Written in October 2015

We The People | Fall 2015


How three SPIA alumni made careers out of barbeque, beer and sauce BY CAROLINE PARIS PACZKOWSKI


alking up to Saucehouse is like entering the epitome of Southern hospitality. A cool front porch greets you with rocking chairs lining the walls. The beer garden on your right rings with the sounds of live music and people playing cornhole. From here, you can choose to enter the fast-casual dining room, the 21-and-up bar or take a seat on one of the many porch swings that are sprinkled around the property. “We want our customers to feel at home,” said Saucehouse co-founder, Christopher Belk. “We want to offer a great product at a great price with great customer service. The atmosphere just puts us over the top.” As a native North Carolinian, Belk grew up being sure of two things: politics and barbeque. After a serendipitous trip to a University of Georgia football game as a high school senior, Belk knew Athens would be his home for the next four years. After trying his hand as environmental science and business majors, Belk landed in the School of Public and International Affairs as a political science student — a decision he feels shaped his

“We want our customers to feel at home...”

entrepreneurial spirit. “I love being plugged into world affairs and politics. So when I took political science classes, it didn’t feel like homework. I just enjoyed it. I excelled in that, I guess. It was interesting. I wanted to learn what was being taught.” After graduating from college in 2005, Belk moved to Colorado where he waited tables at a ski resort. He says figuring out what he wanted to do with his life meant first finding out what he didn’t want to do and then following his passions regardless of the financial restrictions. In 2006, Belk moved to Atlanta and started his career in sales at Red Diamond Coffee and Tea Manufacturing Company. In the midst of his successful sales career, he completed a fast-track Executive MBA program and found himself immersed in the world of business. Seven years later, the idea of Saucehouse was born. “It all started with a vision of the line,” he said referring to the fast-casual restaurant model that has become so successful with chains like Chipotle and Subway. “Fastcasual is the fastest-growing trend in the industry… we’re hoping to be the first fastcasual, customizable barbecue restaurant.” With his business plan in one hand and his passion in the other, Belk took to the road to find the best barbeque in the Southeast and to hone in on his vision. With business partner and co-founder Charlie Nix by his side, they together have built their brand from the ground up — literally.

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Belk and Nix enjoy the view of Broad Street in Athens, GA from their restaurant’s Southern-style front porch.

Saucehouse owners Chris Belk and Charlie Nix perch atop the water tower they built to give their barbeque restaurant a landmark to be remembered by.

According to Belk, finding the perfect location was key, so when the old Peaches property on Broad Street came on the market, they immediately jumped at the chance. Tearing down the existing structure and building a barbeque empire (mostly with their own hands) was not easy or fast, but it was the dream. To support the project, Chris and the Saucehouse team began catering out of Restaurant and bar hours an industrial kitchen vary by day. For more in Bogart — a strategic information, visit move that has catapulted www.saucehouse.com. their brand to the top of the market in Athens. Now, as you ride down Broad Street headed to Sanford Stadium, you can see lines of enthusiastic fans wrapped around the building, waiting for their barbeque sandwich, nachos or potato. You might also take notice of the water tower that has quickly become an Athens icon. “That’s where we tell all the kids that we keep the sauce,” Belk said laughing, but in reality, the water tower was built as a landmark. “Every barbeque joint is described by its surroundings. We knew we wanted to have something signature, so we built a landmark.” Since they opened the doors in August, Saucehouse has been thriving. On football Saturdays, it’s hard to miss the unique and successful team of Chris and Charlie driving down Lumpkin Street, delivering food straight from the smoker attached to their truck. “I believe in myself. I believe that this is going to be successful. I believe in the way we do things. I believe in my staff, I believe in my business partner Charlie, [we’ve] got a great team, we’re building a great team.”

Wingate Downs Photography

Creature Comforts beer master David Stein holds a six-pack of Tropicalia that has just come off the production line. The India pale ale is one of the brewery’s top sellers and what Stein calls “his baby.” Wingate Downs Photography


ith music blasting over the speaker system and employees packaging beer to the rhythm of R&B tunes, you feel as though you have entered the ultimate Athens workplace, a workplace where beer

meets music. Following SPIA alumnus David Stein through the brewery into a back room, you can sense the energy flowing through the atmosphere as the employees continue their work. The passion exuded from each person is palpable — one of the many reasons the Creature Comforts brand is rapidly taking hold in the Athens area and beyond. In 2005, Stein graduated from the University of Georgia with degrees in political science and religion. “Religion and politics are really what fuel the world, and I was just interested in learning more about that because it’s such a big, driving force of society,” said Stein. After graduation, Stein moved to Atlanta to work in sales and marketing for a wine import company. Because the company was brand new, Stein was able to get in on the ground floor and learn about business development and managerial skills — skills that are now essential to his success with Creature Comforts. While his initial job laid the foundation for his future business, Stein was looking for more at the time, hoping to find something that would ignite his passion. “While I was working at the wine company, I started spending a lot of time volunteering with the refugee community in Atlanta,” said Stein. “It was something I started doing because I wanted to find some gratification in life…and I got passionate about the refugee movement.” As Stein continued to work with children and refugees, the course of his career took a turn. How could he help those in need? Considering multiple paths, including nonprofit management and teaching, Stein ultimately found his grand vision — beer brewing. Stein’s hobby of home brewing started when he was still an undergrad in Athens. “I was just teaching myself how to brew beer, the process of brewing, recipe development, techniques,” he said. “I made pretty crappy beer for four to five years, but that’s just the amount of

time it took for me to teach myself how to brew and brew well.” Wanting to immerse himself in the industry, Stein started working at the Brickstore Pub in Atlanta. Over time, his home brews gained a following, initiating the need for an identity. Thus, Creature Comforts was born. The idea for the name came from a good friend who was a printmaking student at the time and did wood carving prints of strange imaginary creatures. “I said that if I ever started a brewery one day, I want to use these creatures on the labels,” Stein said, chuckling. “So that tied in with his creature artwork and the fact that beer is a creature comfort. It just clicked.” Continuing to follow his dream, Stein took a two-week intensive apprenticeship in Scotland at a craft brewery called Brewdog. When he returned to the United States, his life would be changed forever. Investors looking to start a brewery in downtown Athens reached out through the grapevine to Stein, and offered him an interview of sorts. To prepare, he brewed several beers, labeled them individually and presented them as if they were produced in an existing craft brewery. Several meetings later, it finally happened: the investors chose David as their guy and Creature Comforts as their beer. “If you have faith in yourself and trust yourself, you can make it happen,” Stein said. Standing in the storefront of his brewery, Stein reflects back on the last few years and how SPIA has influenced his journey. “[My education] really taught me about taking a big picture approach, focusing on a wider variety of experiences, trying to gain a better understanding of how the world works, learning the history of many different societies and cultures and it made me a more well-rounded and open-minded person, which I think is helpful in everything that I do, not limited to Creature Comforts … and [I’m] probably a better person for having that education.” His thirst for knowledge, passion for service and knack for brewing drive his vision going forward. “We want our customers and employees to crave curiosity, ask questions and follow their passion to enjoy the creature comforts of life.” Not to mention to enjoy the Creature Comforts of his beer.


hen you meet Austin Johnson, you are immediately greeted with a big smile and an enthusiastic personality. He has branded his company with his high energy and positive attitude, not to mention his delicious sauce. As a 2015 SPIA graduate, Johnson is defying expectations by opening his own business rather than heading into the political realm as originally planned. “I used to go around and try to get internships with embassies, like I did in Beijing, and everything just kind of turned when I realized I had a passion for culinary arts,” said Johnson. It all started one fateful night in January 2015 while he was watching the documentary “Secret.” Johnson says the film’s message is that if you want something to happen, you have to start now. Feeling inspired, he immediately went to the grocery store where he spent hundreds of dollars on ingredients. After overcoming a “few” mishaps, his sauce finally began to take shape — or taste, if you will. “The first maybe 100 attempts were terrible. Absolutely. I was throwing in everything I had. I had sauce with cherries in it!” he said, laughing to himself. “It was all trial and error. I went on, kept making my roommates taste it. They got tired, but it eventually got good.” His story continues on the hunt for perfection. He took to the streets of downtown Athens – literally – by imploring Lenny “The Hotdog Guy” to try his sauces. With Lenny’s support and a unique sauce in hand, Johnson entered his sauce into the “Flavor of Georgia” competition. From that point on, Sinclair’s Sauce took off, with Johnson blazing the path with his fiery passion. His dream? To be the first collegiate sauce company — a dream currently being realized as his sauce has officially become a licensed UGA product and proudly bears the iconic Georgia “G”. As he continues his journey as an entrepreneur, Johnson reflects on the foundation SPIA provided to him. “Being in SPIA, you have to interact with people from all walks of life. With the courses you take, you meet people from everywhere. So when you’re out here meeting people, you don’t meet your average American everyday. You meet some off-the-wall people, and you have to be able to interact with, have fun, [and] be able to connect, because that’s what this is really all about.” Moving forward, Johnson is focusing on marketing his brand to big companies, other universities and even the UGA dining halls. Johnson recognizes the key to his success so far is innovation. “I really do believe that’s what sets me apart from other sauces. Every other sauce tastes the same, until you try this.” His ultimate goal is to create a new sauce for each university, tying in unique state flavors to the foundation of the current recipe. For now, you can find Johnson selling at farmers markets, Georgia football games, and other events in metro-Atlanta and Northeast Georgia. “The hardest part, I guess, is really just getting people to try it,” he said. But don’t worry, you will not be able to walk by this guy without getting a taste of Sinclair’s Sauce — he simply won’t let you. “It’s just in me. I’m an entrepreneur at heart…. and I like to hustle.”

Wingate Downs Photography

Sinclair’s Sauce owner Austin Johnson poses with his bottled sauce that he says tastes great on everything.

“...every other sauce tastes the same, until you try this.”

By The People

ALUMNI NEWS AND NOTES Accomplishments 1950s Dr. L. Doyle Mathis (MA ‘58, PhD ‘66) was the first person to receive a PhD in Political Science at UGA. Since graduating, Doyle has served as the Assistant Editor, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson at Princeton University (1968 – 1969) and held faculty and administrative positions at West Georgia College and Berry College where he was Professor of Government DR. L. DOYLE from 1975 – 2003 MATHIS and Provost/ Vice President for Academic Affairs from 1975 – 2000. He is now working part time for the College of Coastal Georgia.


Tim Floyd (AB ‘79) led a team to complete a $1.2 billion, six-year aircraft production program for the Taiwan Air Force. This program entails 12 P-3C aircraft production, a comprehensive training program for over 185 individuals, and a support center in Taiwan. Including all international programs, Tim leads over $2.5 billion in international sales of maritime support aircraft and systems. Alice Griffin Howard (MPA ‘78) was sworn in as a council member to the Beaufort County (SC) Council, District 4. Dr. Terry Singletary Irvin (AB ‘72) retired as professor and chair of Department of Basic Studies and Director of First Year Experience at Columbus State University.


We The People | Fall 2015

Judge Ron Mullins, Jr. (AB ‘73) was sworn in by Gov. Nathan Deal to the Board of Trustees for the State Judicial Retirement System.

Matthew Robbins (MPA ‘75) retired from the Environmental Protection Agency in January 2014 after a 43year career.


Doug Ashworth (AB ‘84) was promoted to Director of Programs for the Institute of Continuing Legal Education in Georgia (ICLE). Michael L. Chidester (AB ‘82) celebrated 30 years as a member of the State Bar of Georgia. Michael is serving his fourth term as a member of the city council of Byron, Georgia and his seventh term as Mayor Pro Tem. Dr. Bradley Stewart Chilton (PhD ‘88) became the Director of the Public Administration Program at The University of Texas at El Paso. Mark A. Hobbs (AB ‘84) accepted a new position with Hillsborough County Florida Public Utilities Department as Senior Budget Analyst.

Dr. Linda Johnson Kurtz (DPA ‘83) published a new book, Recovery Groups: A Guide to Creating, Leading and Working with Groups for Addictions and Mental Health Conditions. Dr. Ruth N. Wrightstone (DPA ‘81) published a new book, Steeple, Windows and Stories: A History of Mechanicsburg Area Churches, which was funded in part by a grant from the Foundation for Enhancing Communities, Mechanicsburg Division in Pennsylvania.


Jennifer Greene Ammons (AB ‘91) accepted a position as General Counsel for the Georgia Department of Corrections. Eric Braun (MPA ‘95) was reappointed to the Raleigh Planning Commission for a second two-year term. Sharri Edenfield (AB ‘99) completed her term as the 2014-2015 president of the Young Lawyers Division of

By The People the State Bar of Georgia, which is comprised of approximately 10,000 members of the State Bar of Georgia who are 36 years of age or younger or who have been admitted to practice for five years or less. Tricia L. Hise (AB ‘99) was named the Fulton Daily Report’s winner and inducted into the Georgia Verdict Hall of Fame Winner for her victory in Melinda McCoy v. Creative Consulting, Inc. et al. The McCoy matter was tried in Rabun County by Ms. Hise, and she obtained a $35.8 million jury verdict on damages. This verdict award is the largest award in the Mountain Judicial Circuit, comprising Habersham, Rabun, and Stephens counties. D. Kris Perkins (AB ‘90) accepted a job with Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby’s International Realty. Jason Shepherd (AB ‘98) was one of 12 young leaders from the U.S. selected by the government of Taiwan for an economic and diplomatic mission to Taiwan. Phil Smith (AB ‘90) became the Chief Operating Officer for the Technical College System of Georgia. Previously he was the COO for the Georgia Department of Community Affairs and before that he was the National Political Director for the nonprofit Concord Coalition. Rep. Robert T. Trammell, Jr. (AB ‘96) is currently serving as state representative for District 132 (parts of Troup, Coweta, and Meriwether counties) in the Georgia General Assembly. Ryan Van Meter (AB ‘97) was made Vice President and General Counsel North America of Imerys, an international mineral processing firm. Dr. Jennifer A. Wade-Berg (MPA ‘95, PhD ‘00) is an associate professor at Kennesaw State University and was recently awarded $3.2 million from the Department of Education’s First in the World Grant for a KSU initiative entitled “Developing and Strengthening Bridges for Student Success: Improving Transfer and Graduation Completion Rates for Underrepresented, Underprepared, and Low-Income Community and

Dan Judy (AB ‘00) reached the summit of Tanzania’s Mt. Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain on the African continent (19,341 feet) where he showed off his Bulldog pride!

Technical College Students Seeking Four-Year Degrees.”


Matthew Addison (AB ‘07) accepted a new job as Senior Consultant for NT Concepts in Washington, where he manages multiple projects for government and corporate clients, develops custom technology, and processes improvement solutions. Mackenzie Cole (AB ‘08) was made a partner at Detling Cole (formerly the Detling Law Group). Lisa Haney Dixon (AB ‘01) was named CEO of Pace Lighting Inc. and is a minority shareholder in the business. Pace Lighting is an independent lighting showroom and distributor in Savannah, Georgia and was the 2013, 2012 and 2010 National Lighting Showroom of the Year as judged by their peers. Jessica Debalski (AB ‘08) recently accepted a new position as the Regional Disaster Officer for the Texas Gulf Coast Region of the American Red Cross. She is responsible for the disaster cycle of

prepare, respond and recover for 51 counties along the coast. David Dove (AB ‘09,) was promoted to Assistant Deputy Secretary of State and Legal Counsel at the Georgia Secretary of State’s office. Cain Harrelson (AB ‘08) is currently on diplomatic assignment as Vice Consul at the U.S. Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Lindsey Harrison (AB ‘07) is an attorney at Winter Capriola Zenner and was recognized as a Georgia Super Lawyer. Joe Lestingi (AB ‘04) was recognized by the American Association of Political Consultants as a member of the inaugural class of the “40 under 40” in the industry. Dr. J. Patricia Mitchell (MPA ‘97, DPA ‘01) was appointed Assistant Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Commerce in Raleigh, N.C. Scott Spivey (AB ‘09) was promoted to Senior Assistant Director of Admissions for Westwood College in Atlanta.

continues, next page We The People | Fall 2015


By The People

Sgt. Courtney Gale (AB ‘98, MPA ‘11) returned to sworn duty in 2013 after four and a half years recovering from critical work related injury. Courtney was stabbed 10 times while on patrol in 2007.


William Badcock (AB ‘11) graduated from Mercer Law School. Ashley Bartlett (AB ‘11) recently received her second assignment in the Foreign Service. She will be heading to Sao Paulo, Brazil to serve in the U.S. Consulate for a one-year consular, then one year political tour in March 2017. She will leave her current post of Hyderabad, India in July 2016, and receive seven months of training in Portuguese and Political/Economic Affairs. Jackson Brandon (AB ‘10) recently obtained a new position with a software company as a corporate diplomat, traveling to 110 countries on different occasions. Dr. Jim Borders (PhD ‘11) was awarded the Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. Meghan Deere (AB ‘12) was recently hired with Booking.com as a hotel coordinator over Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina. Tyler Duggins (AB ‘10, MPA ‘17) was accepted into SPIA’s Master of


We The People | Fall 2015

Public Administration program and began his graduate studies this fall as a part-time student. Dr. Vickie Edwards (PhD ‘12) became the MPA Director at Troy University. Vickie is the founding managing editor of the Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs and a founding trustee of the Midwest Public Affairs Conference. Shannan Finke (AB ‘11) received a job offer at the Southwest Airlines corporate headquarters in Dallas, Texas. Davidson Goldsmith (AB ‘15) was accepted into the Governor of Georgia’s Fellowship Program. Dr. Christopher Goodman (MPA ‘08, PhD ‘12) accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Public Administration in the School of Public Administration at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Reagan Gresham (AB ‘15) accepted a position as District Staff Assistant for Congressman Buddy Carter (GA-01). Chelsea Haley (AB ‘13) completed her two-year corps commitment in the Teach For America South Louisiana corps. She has decided to stay at

her placement school, a low-income elementary school in rural Louisiana, for an additional year and will work part-time with Teach For America as a content leader for incoming corps members. Jillian Hart (AB ‘15) will begin a year-long mission trip called the World Race through Adventures in Missions next year. Helen Kalla (AB ‘13) recently started a new job as Press Assistant for Congresswoman Lois Frankel (DFL). Dr. Melanie Kolbe (MA ‘10, PhD ‘15) began her new job as Assistant Professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. Leanne Livingston (AB ‘14) was promoted to Elections Liaison within the elections division of the Secretary of State’s office. Leanne oversees the elections in the southernmost counties of Georgia, leads certification seminars and analyzes election code. Sarah McDaniel (AB ‘12) began pursuing a Master of Arts Teaching in Political Science Education at the University of West Georgia. Emily Moore (AB ‘11) passed the Georgia Bar Exam and was admitted to practice law in the state of Georgia. Nick Murphy (AB ‘11), with a fellow UGA graduate, co-founded Homeless Help Card, a non-profit organization that funds homeless shelters and other charities. Sophie Nguyen (AB ‘11) recently started working at a start-up tech company called the Game Change Agency, an innovative solution to the way top-level executive hiring is done. David W. Okun (AB ‘12) was hired as a Pathways Intern at the U.S. Department of State. Kendra Pengelly (AB ‘14) began working for the European Parliament Liaison Office with the United States Congress where she analyzes legislation and policies vital to the trans-Atlantic relationship

By The People between the E.U. and the U.S. Mike Pizarek (AB ‘13, MPA ‘15) accepted a position with the Eleventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in Atlanta to serve as a statistical analyst in the Clerk’s Office. Wes Robinson (AB ‘12) was named Gov. Nathan Deal’s Transportation and Economic Development Policy Advisor. Elyssa Schroeder (AB ‘11) accepted a position as Survivor and Program Advocacy Policy Analyst at Texas Council on Family Violence. Patrick Silloway (AB ‘12) graduated from Mercer University School of Law in May, ranked number one in his class. Sara J. Singleton (MPA ‘11) was recently named Director of Off-Campus Programs for Pitt Community College (PCC). PCC is the seventh largest institution in the North Carolina Community College System. Julia Spitler (AB ‘13) was chosen as the recipient for the South Carolina Women Lawyer’s Association (SCWLA) Foundation Scholarship.

Alejandra Olivares-Patino (AB ‘14) accepted a job at the Mexican Consulate in Philadelphia. Previously, Alejandra worked at the Consulate of Mexico in the border city of Douglas, Arizona.

She currently attends the University of South Carolina School of Law and is expected to graduate May 2016. Thomas Stukes (AB ‘14) is pursuing a Masters in Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University and is completing an internship with the Department of

Justice focusing on race relations. Phillip Wiley (AB ‘11) became Vice President of the Dallas Young Republicans. Phillip is a Development Officer for The Heritage Foundation, the nation’s largest conservative think tank and advocacy group.

CEO, Strategist, and Loyal Dawg

Even as a student at the University of Georgia, Jones was exceptional. While many undergraduates work local parttime jobs, Jones was working as part of President George University of Georgia graduate Joshua Jones had big plans W. Bush’s advance team. On one memorable occasion, Jones had to go to one of his undergraduate for this fall — he interviewed for two different presidential professors and ask for a number of campaigns. absences to be excused. The reason? He Red Clay Communications, his public relations and public had been busy flying on Air Force One affairs firm, was recognized by the Bulldog 100 as one of and giving press briefings in Ohio. the fastest growing businesses owned by a UGA alumnus. Still, Jones stresses that he learned As president and CEO, he will be supervising offices in five as much in the classroom as he did states. Even with these responsibilities, Jones still has his working for the White House. priorities in order: he attended every UGA home game this “SPIA is different,” says Jones. “It is a season. practice in analytical thought.” How does Jones explain his die-hard loyalty despite JOSHUA JONES For students wishing to follow in his overseeing more than 120 campaigns a year? footsteps, Jones has sound advice: “UGA led me to be successful, inside and outside of the “Get out there and do it. Sleep on the floor. Get on the classroom,” he says. “When I graduated in 2008, the economy plane. Go!” was in shambles. But I had political science and public Just make sure you are back in time for the next home game. relations degrees from the University of Georgia. I was able to build on my networks of UGA alumni and individuals I had met through my SPIA internship.”

We The People | Fall 2015


By The People








Marriages 1 Dr. Matthew Clary (MA ‘09, PhD ‘14) and Virginia Sanders (MA ‘11, PhD ‘18) wed on January 18, 2014 in Macon, Georgia. Matt is Grants Coordinator at SPIA. Ginny is currently pursuing her PhD in International Affairs. They reside in Athens, Georgia. 2 Mary Beth Hutchins (AB ‘05) and Stephen Gombita wed on April 18, 2015 in Augusta, Georgia. Mary Beth is the Director of Media Relations for the Competitive Enterprise Institute. They reside just outside of Washington, D.C.


We The People | Fall 2015

3 Capt. Mario Ponsell (AB ‘08) and Cristina Lluberas (BEd ‘09) wed on July 4th, 2015 aboard the Crown Princess Cruise Liner to Alaska. 4 Joshua Heard (AB ‘07) and Elizabeth Anne Giroux wed on February 7, 2015 in Bradenton, Florida. Both Joshua and Elizabeth work for AT&T in the marketing department. They reside in Chamblee, Georgia. 5 Paul O’Hagan (AB ‘01) and Jeffrey Baars wed on June 13, 2015 in Maastricht, the Netherlands.

8 6 Samantha Plotino (AB ‘11) and Joseph Emery (AB ‘11) wed on April 25, 2015. Samantha is the Mission Based Coordinator for the YWCA Bergen County in Hackensack, New Jersey. She and Joseph reside in Rutherford, New Jersey with their cat Freeman. 7 Rebecca McCormack (AB ‘13) and Brandon Howell (AB ‘13) wed on June 20th, 2015 at the UGA Chapel in Athens, Georgia. Both Rebecca and Brandon are SPIA alumni. 8 Chelsea Mellin (MPA ‘14) and Camille Borkman wed on July 11, 2015 in North Conway, New Hampshire.

By The People






Births 9 Justin Karl (AB ‘09) and wife Alana Riley Karl (BBA ‘09) welcomed daughter Eloise Parker Karl on July 11, 2015.

12 12 After meeting at UGA while working on their Masters degrees at SPIA, Amanda Walker Moore (MA ‘06) and Andrew Moore (AB ‘06, MA ‘06) married in May of 2005. They since have had four children: Taylor (9), Austin (6), Bailey (4), and Madison (1).


Ashley Pattison Waldroup (AB ‘08) and husband Jonathan Waldroup (BBA ‘08) welcomed son Christopher Waldroup in February 2015. 11 Lauren Westfall Hardison (AB ‘08) and husband Erik Hardison (AB ‘08) welcomed son Barrett Oliver Hardison on May 22, 2015.

13 Joe Shearouse (AB ‘09) welcomed son Thomas Shearouse in December 2014.

Families 14

Mark Knowles (AB ‘88, MPA ‘90), President and Co-Founder of GovDirections, is a proud SPIA alumnus

15 who is passing down his passion for the University and the School. His daughter Kathleen Knowles (AB ‘17) and son John Knowles (AB ‘19) are now both international affairs majors at UGA. 15 Jim Dove (MPA ‘82), Executive Director of the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission, and his daughter Jamie Dove (MPA ‘15) are both MPA graduates. Jamie says, “My father loves what he does and his motivation and ambition are contagious. I am honored to be able to work one day in a sector where he has been so heavily involved, and I owe that to SPIA.”

We The People | Fall 2015




A Rwandan farmer holds a handful of red coffee cherries. These coffee cherries will later be processed to reveal the seed of the coffee, often called coffee beans, so they can be roasted and sold.


We The People | Fall 2015

For The People



SPIA Women Explore Foreign Lands



tarting her senior year at the University of Georgia with a Kigali tattoo was not exactly what Allison Rogg imagined for herself. Neither was living in a community halfway across the world, but when she was dropped off at the airport to board the first of four planes for a three-month stay in Rwanda, reality set in. “I was really excited, but I don’t think the magnitude of what I was doing really hit me because there were a lot of flights between me and Rwanda. It felt so far away, but on the last leg of the trip between Brussels and Kigali, the plane was virtually empty, and it all really set in. I just kept thinking, ‘What am I doing?’” The morning after she arrived in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, she went to work as the only intern at Sustainable Harvest Rwanda. Sustainable Harvest Rwanda (SH-R) is an organization that trains rural Rwandan women in coffee agronomy best practices so they can deliver the highest quality product to their buyers around the globe, and in turn, improve the lives of low-income women farmers in Rwanda. “I’m very interested in international development and women’s rights specifically through economic opportunities, so when I realized I had some room in my schedule to take some time off, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to intern in Rwanda,” Rogg said. During her three months in Rwanda, Rogg lived in a small house with many of the luxuries she enjoys at home: a refrigerator, running hot water (if she remembered to plug in the hot water heater in enough time) and a stove for cooking. Her days often began with an early morning run through the valley, dodging cows along the way. Her office was a short moto ride from the house where she was living. Motos, taxicab motorcycles that are the city’s main form of transportation, were the most dangerous

part of being in Rwanda, according to Rogg. Drivers are infamous for providing their riders with ill-fitting helmets and high-speed rides. On one of her first moto rides in the country, Rogg sustained a burn to her calf from the muffler, which is where she earned what locals call a Kigali tattoo. As the first intern to work for the organization, Rogg was able to focus on projects that she felt passionate about. During the time she spent in the fields and at the office, she split her tasks into four different categories: storytelling, data collection, coffee sales and empowerment.

Storytelling. The heart of any businesses’ success lies in its marketing, and one of the biggest challenges for coffee farmers in Rwanda is promoting their products to a global market. Rogg spent much of her time while in the fields taking pictures and conducting interviews with the women to find out how selling coffee impacts their lives.

Data Collection. Data collection is the foundation on which Bloomberg Philanthropies, the funding source for Sustainable Harvest Rwanda, is based. Posted at the top of the Bloomberg Philanthropies website is their motto: “Results that can be measured. Change that can be felt.” In turn, collecting data was a large part of Rogg’s focus while in Rwanda. She created a reporting system so that each week before a payment was made to the cooperative, she could provide a clear picture of organizational health. The data she reported ranged from how much they spent each week on cell phone usage and water to how many members had paid their dues.

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For The People

“While I was in Rwanda, I wanted to be fully there and completely present and to be engaged in what I was doing. I didn’t want to spend my time there wishing I was back in Athens. It was very empowering, to some extent, to travel somewhere so far away by myself.”

Coffee Sales.


SH-R is a unique organization. As a for-profit coffee importer in the United States whose profits are reinvested back to the farmers to support transparency in the supply chain, it is SH-R’s goal to sell as much coffee as possible. In addition to training the women in coffee production, Rogg and the team at SH-R worked to create a coffee culture in Rwanda in an effort to increase domestic sales. “We hosted coffee tastings and we talked to different cafes and restaurants to encourage them to sell Rwandan coffee, because ultimately, those profits are what help the women in Nyaruguru and Kayonza,” Rogg said.

In traditional coffee supply chains, coffee farmers pick and then sell red coffee cherries to roadside collectors without taking the ultimate coffee price into consideration. SH-R has pioneered the Relationship Coffee Model and is teaching it to these rural farmers. The goal is to engage the women in all parts of the supply chain, and SH-R provides the tools they need to market their product and make informed decisions about the value of their coffee. Away from the fields and office, Rogg found a routine: running in the morning, yoga after work and picking up vegetables at the market before going home to cook dinner. She spent much of her free time with the large ex-patriot community in Kigali, which got together for pizza making nights and to celebrate the Chinese New Year. On missing home, Rogg reflected, “While I was in Rwanda, I wanted to be fully there and completely present and to be engaged in what I was doing. I didn’t want to spend my time there wishing I was back in Athens. It was very empowering, to some extent, to travel somewhere so far away by myself. “It was incredible to know that wherever you are in the world, you can make it your home.”

As part of a marketing initiative, Rogg interviews coffee farmers to gather information about their products.


ather than spending her summer vacationing abroad or lounging by a pool, Milagros “Milly” Bartolome spent her time researching the political histories of Honduras, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bartolome, a political science major and Spanish minor, returned to the University of Georgia this fall as a senior with a new perspective. Bartolome spent three months interning for the Special Prosecutions Section in the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. Say that five times fast. While the name of the organization is complex, its mission is simple: keep human rights violators from coming to the United States for refuge. Before investigators can locate and extradite war criminals, hours of research must be done, which is where Milly and the other undergraduate interns come into play. During her internship, Milly spent much of her time combing through newspaper articles and trial transcripts in search of information on major political conflicts around the world. It was her job to examine these conflicts and find information about criminals who may have entered the United States. She then would present her findings in written memos or verbal presentations. “I found it to be really interesting because you just notice a pattern that when there is a lot of conflict with the central government, human rights violations sky rocket,” she said. Milly credits her experience in the SPIA Study Abroad in Stellenbosch, South Africa as the reason for receiving the internship. She says during the interview process for both the internship and the B.A. Rudolph scholarship, which paid for her living expenses during the summer, her study abroad experience was what the interviewers were most interested in. Her SPIA classes and student organization experience also helped her succeed once she was in the job. “Political science majors have to read and write a lot, and because of that, I was able to put together a lot of information in a small amount of time, and write the memos succinctly. Also, [my experience in] Mock Trial helped with my oral presentation on the research. I just had to remember to speak slowly, enunciate and educate.”

Ultimately, Milly is looking forward to attending law school and practicing law, but her summer internship at the DOJ made her realize she wants to take some time off from school after graduation this spring. Ideally, she says, she would like to go abroad – maybe go back to her home country of Argentina — to work for a human rights organization. She says the internship gave her a new perspective on life. “One of the biggest things I learned is that even with all the problems we have in this country, it is amazing that you don’t have the fear of being jailed for your political beliefs. You don’t have the fear of being killed because of your religion. That’s not a luxury people in other countries have, but it is something very fundamental to a comfortable life.”

We The People | Fall 2015


For The People

STUDENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Undergraduate Students Savannah Blalock

Cody Hall

(AB ‘16, Political Science) Internships/Jobs • Georgia Legislative Internship Program intern in the office of Speaker of the House David Ralston (Spring 2015)

(AB ‘16, International Affairs) Student Organization Leadership • Executive Director, College Republicans • Richard B. Russell Security Leadership Scholar (CITS) Internships/Jobs • Intern with State Department in Washington, D.C. (Spring 2016) • Camp counselor at WinShape Camps in Brazil (Summer 2015) Study Abroad Experience • Maymester in Australia and New Zealand with UGA Discover Abroad

Anthony Farajallah

(AB ‘16, Political Science) Internships/Jobs • Intern at Public Citizen, a nonprofit organization protecting health, safety and democracy.

Stephen Greenway

Hannah Lawrence

(AB ‘16, International Affairs) Internships/Jobs • Teller and CSR at First American Bank • Public Service and Outreach Student Scholar • Student Intern at the J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development Study Abroad Experience • Northern Ireland Social Work Maymester


We The People | Fall 2015

(AB ‘16, International Affairs) Student Organization Leadership • Cadet Operations Sergeant Major, U.S. Army ROTC Conference Attendance/Presentations • Attended United States Air Force Academy Assembly U.S.-Russian Relations Study Abroad Experience • Summer 2015 in Oxford, England as a recipient of the UGA at Oxford Study Abroad Scholarship

Nisha Katti

(AB ‘16, International Affairs) Student Organization Leadership • Vice President of External Relations for AIESEC Conference Attendance/Presentations • Facilitated a track of delegates by creating and delivering sessions

about External Relations at the AIESEC Regional Conference for the Southeast Region Internships/Jobs • Graphic design intern for the Classic Center • Content writer for the UGA Office of Online Learning Honors/ Awards/ Certificates • UGA One Scholarship recipient

Tyler Leigh

(AB ‘16, International Affairs) Student Organization Leadership • President, SPIA Student Union • President, Sigma Iota Rho Conference Attendance/Presentations • Presented “The Impact of Foreign Aid on Democracy in Africa Post Cold War” at the MPSA Conference Honors/ Awards/ Certificates • Recipient of Honors International Scholars Program Scholarship to spend six weeks teaching a second grade class in Tanzania

Marco Roca

(AB ‘16, International Affairs) Student Organization Leadership • President, Blue Key Honor Society • President, Honors Program • Student Council • Editor-in-Chief, Georgia Political Review Internships/Jobs • Investment Banking Summer Analyst at J.P. Morgan in New York City Honors/ Awards/ Certificates • Recipient of Crane Leadership Scholarship and Freeman Asia Grant

For The People

Siva Venkatachalam

(AB ‘16, International Affairs and Biology) Conference Attendance/Presentations • 2015 CURO Symposium Effects of Pollution and Climate Change on Global Disease hosted by the Odom School of Ecology at the University of Georgia Student Organization Leadership • President, Without Borders at UGA • Chapter Coordinator, ASHA for Education - Athens Chapter • Director of Organizational Consulting, Volunteer UGA • Campus organizer, TEACH at UGA • Volunteer coordinator, Service Ambassadors • Outgoing Exchange Team member, AIESEC UGA Internships/Jobs • Research intern at TradeSecure, LLC • Camp counselor at Hollywood Connection (Carmike Cinemas) • UGA Honors International Scholar Program • CURO Research Assistantship (two consecutive semesters) • Interned at Thammasat University Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand Honors/ Awards/ Certificates • UGA Charter Scholarship • Diverse Power Foundations Inc. Scholarship

Kathleen Wilson

(AB ‘16, International Affairs and Economics) Conference Attendance/Presentations • Who Runs the World? Conference held at the Roosevelt Institute at the University of Georgia • No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project held by the Clinton Foundation in New York City • The Public Leadership and Education Network’s Women in Public Policy Conference • Student Organization Leadership Executive Director of Women’s Outreach and Resource Collective (WORC) Internships/Jobs • U.S. Department of State intern in the Office of International Religious Freedom, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (Spring 2015) • Completed eight-week intensive Arabic study at the Noor Majan Training Institute in Ibri, Oman, through the support of the U.S. Department of State (Summer 2015) Honors/ Awards/ Certificates • Recipient of Harry S. Truman Scholarship 2015 • Critical Language Scholar 2015

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For The People

STUDENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Graduate Students Symposium, Religion and LGBT Issues, Panel Participant. • University of South Carolina, Department of Political Science, The Education of Jim Crow • Student Organization Leadership University of Georgia Undergraduate Moot Court, Graduate Coach Scholarships/Grants • Lambda Legal Defense and Education • Grant ($10,500) studying judicial independence and LGBT issues Honors/ Awards/ Certificates • University of Georgia Graduate School, Outstanding Teaching Award • University of Georgia NAACP, W.E.B. Du Bois Educator Award • American Bar Association Stonewall Award nominee (TBA Feb. 2016)

Anthony Kreis

(PhD ‘18, Political Science and International Affairs) Publications • Marriage Demosprudence, Illinois Law Review (forthcoming) • Embracing Compromise Marriage Equality and Religious Liberty in the Political Process, Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law (with Robin Fretwell Wilson) • Marriage Equality in State and Nation, William and Mary Bill of Rights Journal • Unhinging Same-Sex Marriage from the Constitutional Canon The Search for a Principled Doctrinal Framework, Emory Law Journal Online • Family Law and Collaborative Social Movements (forthcoming book chapter with Cambridge University Press) • Courts and Policy in the United States in ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND PUBLIC POLICY 3rd Edition (Jack Rabin ed.) (with Robert K. Christensen) Conference Attendance/Presentations • Savannah Law School, The Demosprudential Path Toward Death Penalty Abolition • South Eastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference, Marriage Demosprudence • Loyola Chicago School of Law, 5th Annual Const. Law Colloquium, Religious Liberty and the American Civil Rights Tradition • University of Mississippi School of Law, 4th Annual LGBT


We The People | Fall 2015

Aisha Yaqoob

(ABJ ‘13, MPA ‘17) Internships/Jobs • Testing Coordinator for the Office of Disability Services at Gwinnett Technical College (May 2014-May 2015) • Legislative & Policy Intern at the United States House of Representatives (Summer 2015)

For The People

Hongyu Zhang

(PhD ‘18, Political Science and International Affairs) Publications • Zhang, H. (2015). From Opponent to Proponent The Rational Evolution of China’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy. Asian Politics & Policy, 7(2), 283-301 Conference Attendance/Presentations • Constrained Rationality: Modeling China’s Nuclear Nonproliferation Policy-making, Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, Apr. 2015 • Embedded Rationality Explaining China’s Opaque Diplomacy on Nuclear Nonproliferation (1979-1992) International Studies Association, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 2015 • Embedded Rationality: Explaining China’s Opaque

Diplomacy on Nonproliferation, Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, LA, Jan. 2015 • Embedded Rationality: Explaining China’s Opaque Diplomacy on Nonproliferatio, ISAC-ISSS Security Studies annual conference, at The University of Texas, Austin, TX, Nov. 2014 • Embedded Rationality: Explaining China’s Opaque Diplomacy on Nonproliferation, American Association for Chinese Studies, at The George Washington University, Washington, D.C., Oct. 2014 Scholarships/Grants • 2015 Travel Grant, International Studies Association Annual Convention • 2015 Prestage-Cook Travel Award, Southern Political Science Association • 2014 Graduate School Travel Grant, University of Georgia • 2014 Junior Scholar Travel Grant, American Association for Chinese Studies Honors/ Awards/ Certificates • 2015 Student Government Association Outstanding Professor Award. Zhang was one of ten instructors (both faculty and graduate student) from the entire campus to receive this award in recognition of dedication and excellence in undergraduate teaching. The picture features Zhang, President Morehead, and student Hannah Mahoney.

Maddison Knick

(AB ‘14, MPA ‘17) Internships/Jobs • Finance intern for the Jackson County Government (spring 2015) • Accepted position as Associate Procurement Specialist in Finance and Administration at the University of Georgia

Alexandria Palmer

(MPA ‘17) Internships/Jobs • Remote Intern for the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund

PUPS AND POPS With the hectic buzz of finals week bearing down upon our students this past spring, SPIA livened up campus with puppies and popsicles, inaugurating the first annual ”Pups and Pops” event. Faculty and staff members were invited to bring their dogs to Herty Field for an afternoon of games, music, fun and popsicles. With over a dozen dogs in attendance, students stopped by on their way to and from study sessions hoping to get a chance to pet a furry friend. We can’t wait for spring to arrive to bring our pups back to campus!

We The People | Fall 2015


FELS Policy Award Winners

UGA is the first public university to win the illustrious competition University of Georgia students, left to right, Phillip McAuley, Paula Buchanan, Brianna Roberts and Nicole La Tournous won the fourth annual Public Policy Challenge National Invitational in Philadelphia in March and were presented with a $10,000 check. BY THOMAS K. VALENTINE


his year, four University of Georgia students shattered an Ivy League ceiling by winning the Fourth Annual Public Policy Challenge National Invitational Competition. Their project “(fem)me” — an effort to tackle the often-ignored challenge of providing feminine hygiene products to homeless women — won them $10,000 and press coverage that includes an article in Time magazine. They also earned distinction for UGA as the first public university to win the illustrious competition, sponsored by Penn State’s Fels Institute of Government. According to Lauren Cristella, Director of Strategic Operations for the Fels Institute, this year’s team was the perfect combination of preparation and inspiration. Cristella credits Professor W. David Bradford, faculty advisor for the team and Busbee Chair in Public Policy, as a “keen observer” who has tirelessly worked to calibrate UGA’s Fels competitors. That preparation paid off with this year’s win. “I think year after year we are continually impressed by the students from Georgia, this year they had the right mix of putting their finger on a significant problem and providing the right solution,” Cristella said. “We can’t


We The People | Fall 2015

wait to see what Georgia does next year.” Bradford’s partner in these efforts is Grace Bagwell-Adams, who has attended the Fels competition three times: first as a SPIA PhD student and participant of UGA’s inaugural team, next as a team advisor and visiting SPIA professor and this year as a formal advisor and UGA professor of Health Policy and Management (HPAM). Partnering with Bradford, Bagwell-Adams has helped teams earn a minimum of semi-finalist distinction for all three years UGA has participated. Still, the real story lies with the four competitors: SPIA students Philip McAuley and Brianna Roberts and HPAM students Paula Buchanan and Nicole La Tournous. Working in tandem for months, the team vetted countless subjects, narrowed their scope carefully and eventually settled on an issue that provoked an immediate and visceral reaction in competitors and judges alike. Then, in the move that would prove critical to their triumph, they carefully prepared a policy solution that satisfied the competition’s rigorous expectations for feasibility and practicality: providing feminine hygiene products to homeless and transitional women, while educating and advocating for increased awareness about the lack of access to such products by a

vulnerable population. Now, with the rush of winning behind them, the four teammates find that their work has only begun. Both the Fels Institute and the UGA faculty advisors operate on the expectation that the policies presented at the competition will become a reality. The team has been offered the initial resources necessary to begin providing the (fem)me kits. They are currently working diligently to begin service delivery and to find the outside resources necessary to turn (fem)me into a permanent solution for a critical problem. Meanwhile, Bradford and Bagwell-Adams have already begun preparations for next year’s team, which they expect will have an even larger number of applicants. These efforts include reviewing lessons from last year’s win, continuing to support the efforts of Pack to Plate (last year’s Fels Semi-Finalist winners from UGA) and putting together funding for another trip to Philadelphia. Not surprisingly, these efforts have produced proud reactions from MPA Program Director, Deborah Carroll. “I think (fem)me is an amazing example of the impact that our students can have,” Carroll said. “These students have created something memorable and lasting that will help the local community and beyond.”

For The People


In Search of a SPIA Student Identity BY MATTHEW CLARY

What does it mean to be a SPIA student? It’s a question every current and former traveler of the halls of Baldwin and Candler has asked themselves at some point. Thanks to a few highly-motivated and talented SPIA students, answering this question just got a whole lot easier. The SPIA Student Union (SPIASU), founded by SPIA undergraduates Tyler Leigh and Prisca Lee in 2014, is a student-led organization with the primary purpose of firmly establishing a unified identity for all SPIA students and alumni. According to Lee, a senior majoring in political science and pursuing her MPA, “people love SPIA and being a SPIA student, but they don’t always know what that means.” To Leigh, a senior majoring in international affairs, the key is to build a “SPIA community” where students identify as a “SPIA student and a SPIA grad” above all else. To achieve this essential goal, the SPIASU has worked extremely hard to bring SPIA students, faculty and staff together on numerous occasions in both professional and social contexts. During its first year, the organization hosted several academic lectures and panel discussions on current events, helped multiple students attend professional conferences and held a wildly popular and well-attended SPIA-wide holiday party, complete with contests for cookie-decorating and tackiest sweater. This year, they hope to continue to build upon this firm foundation with new events, including a SPIA activities fair, a new student mixer and a Family Feud competition with teams of SPIA faculty and staff competing against each other. Such events, notes Michael Foo, a SPIASU member, help to “foster relationships and experiences that not only add to the classroom experience for students, but enhances their entire college careers.”

SPIA Student Ambassador Program The SPIA Student Ambassador program was formed in 2011 to provide third and fourth year SPIA students with the opportunity to engage with alumni, donors and faculty members on a professional level. This year, the Dean’s Office chose 19 outstanding students out of an applicant pool of over 50 to act as the student body representatives of SPIA. The program focuses on leadership, scholarship and service, and you can see our ambassadors at events on and off campus – they are always on the move! SPIA has two returning ambassadors acting as co-chairs of the organization. Milagros Bartolome and Tyler Leigh have shown exemplary leadership and organizational skills, and we are excited to have them back for a second year. If you are a rising junior or senior SPIA student, please consider applying for the 2016-2017 academic year. Applications will be released mid-spring semester.

We The People | Fall 2015


Marshall Mosher stands in front of Moony Falls at the Havasu Indian Reservation on the southern rim of the Grand Canyon in June of 2015. Havasu Village and Campground are only accessible via helicopter or an eight-mile trail into the canyon floor.

READY. SET. VESTIGO. he tiny cloud he saw in the distance was, in fact, a dangerous storm, and the rain was essentially turning the steep incline of Yosemite’s famous Half-Dome into a sheet of ice. As SPIA graduate and outdoor enthusiast Marshall Mosher descended 400 feet down the side of the park’s highest peak, gripping metal cables for support, lightning struck nearby. “It really helps to put the rest of your life in perspective,” Mosher said. “If you can get through a situation like that that’s so physically strenuous and mentally challenging, then you can really overcome just about any other situation you might encounter in everyday life.” Mosher co-founded Vestigo, an Athens startup, to give others similar empowering and eyeopening outdoor experiences. The online platform, launched last spring, connects those interested in the outdoors with experienced enthusiasts to show them the ropes. Mosher desired a business-oriented change of pace after six years of academics at UGA, including bachelor’s degrees in biology, psychology and economics, as well as a Masters of Public Administration from SPIA, which he completed this past May. He says that he has always been interested in healthcare and was originally planning on medical school before he “stumbled” into SPIA’s joint MPA program through a good friend. This desire came to fruition through Vestigo, which he co-founded with Daniel McBrayer. The platform borrows its name from the Latin word for “to follow or explore, or to venture into the unknown,” which encompasses the company’s purpose of using the outdoors as a tool to unlock one’s full potential. This summer, his work with Vestigo took him to a

For more information on Marshall Mosher and Vestigo, please visit www.vestigo.co


10-week program at Singularity University, a Silicon Valley benefit corporation and startup accelerator, where he focused on how people can apply new technology and social entrepreneurship to solve humanity’s major problems. He won a $30,000 scholarship and a reserved spot in the program by winning UGA’s Global Impact Challenge, a competition among graduate students that is the only one of its kind on a university level. The prompt was “How can you positively impact the lives of a million people through technology in the next ten years?” Mosher used Vestigo as his winning entry, through which he plans to tackle obesity and impact people’s lifestyle and wellness choices. He cites Singularity University, where he was one of 80 service-focused participants from all over the world, as “one of the most impactful 10 weeks that [he’s] ever had,” and says it could have easily been a year-long program. “These are incredible innovators, visionaries and leaders in their fields…people I’d be lucky to see at a TED talk or a keynote speech,” he said. “I would sacrifice almost all of my sleep to just have conversations with people because they’re that fascinating.” While Mosher hopes to expand Vestigo throughout the Southeast in the near future, his biggest wish is for the company to create more stories of transformed lifestyles through the outdoors – the type of stories that encouraged them to start the company. “What we try to do through Vestigo is help people realize that no matter what you’re confronted with, even if it’s very outside your comfort zone, you can always overcome whatever the hurdle is by staying calm and putting one foot in front of the other.”

SePtemBer 2016 - aPriL 2017

coming SOON to a

city near yOu AT H E N S • AT L A N TA • WA S H I N G T O N D . C .



years of


1941-2016|UGA Department of Political Science ®














14 OV ER













Annual Report

WHY I GIVE “I give because working [at the University of Georgia], I’ve realized just how important gifts are. I started making recurring gifts to SPIA, and I know it’s not a lot … but over the years and together with all of our alumni those small gifts can really make a difference and be able to support scholarships, professorships, and keep the best and most talented researchers at UGA. I feel responsible for giving back to the institution that I graduated from because I don’t want it to be the same institution that I attended; I want it to be even better. I want the students who come after me to have a better experience than I did.”

“The University of Georgia, specifically the School of Public and International Affairs, is near and dear to my heart. The memories of faculty, mentors, and classmates with whom I interacted as a student are always cherished. Any success enjoyed in my career can be attributed to my studies at UGA, and as a result, I contribute annually to assist in ongoing efforts. Roles of those in the public sector are constantly evolving, and I want to be involved in helping our future leaders prepare for an exciting career. I am proud to have the opportunity to continue my association with a world class program at a premier institution.” JIM DOVE (BSED ’75, MPA ’82)

“I’m very passionate about other students being successful as MPAs, and so every year I give regularly to the school for public administration, and for the scholarships that help fund students going to school.”


“SPIA Student Union has benefitted immensely from the help and support of our donors. Being a new organization this year, we didn’t really have much of a student base to draw from, so donor support has been critical, enabling us to put on some of the programs that we have.”

“…I decided to do a planned gift [because] I wanted to honor Dr. Lauth, who’s really been an inspiration to me. He believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself… and we’ve been friends and colleagues ever since. ” DR. LAURA HAASE (AB ’94, MPA ’96)


“When I was at UGA, I didn’t realize all the opportunities that were probably available to me at the time, nor could I have afforded them back then. So, it’s with great pleasure that we’re now able to provide opportunities for students to gain study abroad experiences that will be invaluable to their educational and life development process.” TERRY MATHEWS (AB ’82)


We The People | Fall 2015

THE TERRY A. AND MARGARET P. MATHEWS STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIP “A couple of years ago Terry and I were traveling in London, and we had the opportunity to go over to Oxford and to actually tour the UGA at Oxford’s facility. We were able to meet SPIA students who were studying there, and that experience really sealed the deal for us on wanting to help other students obtain similar study abroad experiences.”


Annual Report


STUDENTS AND STAFF “As one of the SPIA Study Abroad Scholarship recipients, I was able to go and participate in the UGA at Oxford program, and through that experience, I learned a little bit more about myself and it gave me a lot of time to think about what I wanted to do for the future, and obviously the scenery – you know, you can’t beat being in Europe.” JINNY PARK, INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (AB ‘15)

MASTERS IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION GRADUATE STUDENT FELLOWSHIPS “I want to give my thanks to all of the donors to SPIA, and I want to say it’s a great and tremendous help to us that you can make this contribution to our School.” ROGER QIYUAN JIN (PHD ’18)

“Being a Stanley Shelton fellow has meant the world to me…without the fellowship I wouldn’t be able to be here. I gave up a job in D.C. to come down here and do this, and without that income there’s no way I could afford to be in Athens. So the fellowship has meant everything to me.” BEN BRUNJES (MPA ’12, PHD ’16)


$ 1,715,712 IN GRANTS



$ 1,934,577










We The People | Fall 2015


Annual Report

To SPIA Alumni and Friends: Your gifts have made an important difference in providing educational excellence at SPIA this year. You have helped the school educate the next generation of leaders in public service and helped advance scholarly research in the fields of political science, international affairs and public administration and policy. Private funding from gifts like yours provided for undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships and unique educational programs, events, and lectures. We appreciate SPIA’s alumni, boards, friends, faculty and staff, who make a real difference in enhancing SPIA’s educational environment. Your gifts help SPIA retain and recruit world-class faculty, and enable them to pursue scholarly research activities. These renowned faculty members teach and engage our talented, outstanding students, preparing them for opportunities in public service that will impact our world. Our 14,000 alumni serve in leadership roles and hold impressive careers in government, public agencies, nonprofit organizations, the private sector, and international organizations. Thank you for your generous gifts and for being part of the SPIA family. As our motto says, “It all begins here…” You helped make that possible.

DEAN’S CIRCLE ($5,000 +)

Anonymous (3) Ayco Charitable Foundation W. L. Lyons Brown Jr. Charitable Foundation Mr. Robert L. Culpepper Jr. and Mrs. Bethany K. Culpepper Former Agents of the FBI Foundation Ms. Ellen B. Godsall Mr. Joshua W. Jones Ms. Eleni P. Kalisch Mr. Terry A. Mathews and Mrs. Margaret P. Mathews Ms. Kirsten F. Nigro Major General Arnold L. Punaro and Mrs. Jan Punaro Richard B. Russell Foundation, Inc. Ms. Julie C. Smith Verizon Foundation Verizon Dr. Katherine Willoughby and Mr. Dan H. Willoughby Jr.

2001 SOCIETY ($1,000 - $4,999)

Mr. William T. Bennett III and Mrs. Margaret J. Bennett Mr. Henry J. Broitman and Mrs. Lisa Mitchell Broitman Mrs. Christine Brownlie and Mr. Robert P. Brownlie Dr. Charles S. Bullock III and Mrs. Frances Bullock The Honorable Valerie E. Caproni Mr. Rodger T. Carroll and Ms. Lilianna A. Carroll Council for Quality Growth Mr. George W. Darden III and Mrs. Lillian C. Darden Mr. James R. Dove and Ms. Nancy E. Dove Ambassador Wyche Fowler Jr. Mrs. Winston Green and Mr. Roger H. Green Mr. Henry K. Harp III and Mrs. Leann Harp Dr. Valerie A. Hepburn Mr. Thomas P. Lauth III and Mrs. Elaine S. Lauth Dr. Thomas P. Lauth and Mrs. M. Jean Lauth Dr. John A. Maltese Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin IV Mr. Douglas R. Matties

Ms. Lora A. McCray Ms. Tricia Meyer The Honorable Powell A. Moore Neighbors for Earl Ehrhart Dr. Lloyd G. Nigro and Mrs. Carol L. Nigro Mr. Charles R. Nuckolls and Mrs. Suzanne G. Nuckolls Mr. Michael G. Griffith and Ms. Erisa N. Ojimba Dr. Laurence J. O’Toole Jr. and Mrs. Mary G. O’Toole Ms. Kathryn A. Papa Dr. Han S. Park and Mrs. Sung W. Park Mr. Alexander W. Patterson and Mrs. Janet Patterson Dr. Carlo A. Pelanda Mr. David B. Pinson and Ms. Edith C. Waller Prudential Foundation Red Clay Communications, Inc. Mr. Asher L. Rivner and Mrs. Danielle Rivner Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rowan Jr. Mr. Joe D. Whitley and Mrs. Kathleen Whitley Dr. Brian N. Williams and Dr. Carla G. Williams Walmart Foundation


Mrs. Lucy E. Allen and Mr. B. Heyward Allen Jr. Anthem Blue Cross Mr. Michael J. Barry Ms. Donna S. Brazzell Coca-Cola Company CSW Real Estate, Mrs. Carol S. Williams Geoff Duncan for State House Dr. Arnold P. Fleischmann FrogueClark, LLC Georgia Transportation Alliance Ms. Tricia L. Hise Mr. Kenneth D. Jones and Mrs. Christine R. Jones Ms. Stephanie D. Kindregan and Mr. Steve Kindregan Mr. John Lee Mr. Joshua J. Mackey and Ms. Kallarin Mackey Mr. Lewis A. Massey and Mrs. Amelia R. Massey Senator Butch Miller

Annual Report Mr. Jason L. O’Rouke Dr. John D. Parker Mr. Carl M. Parks and Mrs. Barbara H. Parks Mrs. Pamela Pattee Mr. H. Paige Scarborough and Ms. Catherine S. Scarborough Dr. Brian F. Schaffner Mr. William H. Thomas Jr. and Mrs. Melonie Thomas UBS Ms. Nancy Vaughn Mr. David R. Werner and Ms. Courtney S. Werner


Ms. Amy Parker Parlay Political, LLC, Mr. Joel S. McElhannon Mr. Daniel L. Regenstein Ms. Ann M. Roberts Dr. John P. Rudy and Mrs. Barbara M. Rudy Mr. Brad A. Taylor Dr. Brock F. Tessman The Efstration Law Firm, PC Ms. Beverly D. Thomas Mr. Arthur L. Tripp Jr. Mr. Matthew M. Weiss


Anonymous Mr. Joseph W. Aull and Mrs. Cheryl K. Aull Mr. Andrew L. Beggs Mr. Thomas F. Bell Mr. Henry J. Broitman and Mrs. Lisa M. Broitman Mrs. Christine Brownlie and Mr. Robert P. Brownlie Dr. Charles S. Bullock III and Mrs. Frances Bullock Mr. Rodger T. Carroll and Ms. Lilianna A. Carroll Dr. Audrey A. Haynes and Mr. James V. Chin

Mr. Edward G. Cole III and Mrs. Karel K. Cole Mr. Robert L. Culpepper Jr. and Mrs. Bethany K. Culpepper Mr. Brantley E. Day and Mrs. Amanda M. Day Dr. Delmer D. Dunn and Mrs. Ann S. Dunn Ms. Ellen B. Godsall Mr. Michael G. Gray and Mrs. Melinda P. Gray Mr. Carroll H. Griffin and Mrs. Mary Griffin Mr. Andrew J. Harris Jr. and Mrs. Deborah Harris Dr. Paul M. Hirsch and Mrs. Elaine Hirsch Mr. Yul D. Holloway Dr. Teresa Irvin and Mr. James M. Irvin Dr. Loch K. Johnson and Mrs. Leena S. Johnson Ms. Eleni P. Kalisch Mr. David A. Kasriel and Ms. Catherine Kasriel Mr. Leon S. Kelehear and Mrs. Patricia S. Kelehear Dr. Thomas P. Lauth and Mrs. M. Jean Lauth Dr. Jerome S. Legge Jr. and Mrs. Jane Cohen-Legge Dr. Susan Cooper Loomis Dr. John A. Maltese Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Martin IV Mr. Douglas R. Matties Mr. Jeffrey A. McDougal Mr. Jerry D. McRee and Mrs. Iris B. McRee Mr. Charles R. Nuckolls and Mrs. Suzanne G. Nuckolls Dr. Laurence J. O’Toole Jr. and Mrs. Mary G. O’Toole

Ms. Kathryn A. Papa Dr. Han S. Park and Mrs. Sung W. Park Dr. John D. Parker Ms. Amy Parker Mrs. Pamela Pattee Mr. Alexander W. Patterson and Mrs. Janet Patterson Mr. David B. Pinson and Ms. Edith C. Waller Mr. David L. Ratley and Mrs. Sharon T. Ratley Mr. Daniel L. Regenstein Mr. Asher L. Rivner and Mrs. Danielle Rivner Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rowan, Jr. Dr. John P. Rudy and Mrs. Barbara M. Rudy H. Paige Scarborough and Catherine S. Scarborough Ms. Terri L. Sheffield Mr. James A. Sommerville and Mrs. Frances D. Sommerville Mr. Jeremy H. Southall and Mrs. Aubrey L. Southall Dr. Brock F. Tessman Mr. William H. Thomas Jr. and Mrs. Melonie Thomas Ms. Sara E. Turley Walmart Foundation Mr. Joe D. Whitley and Mrs. Kathleen P. Whitley Dr. Brian N. Williams and Dr. Carla G. Williams Dr. Katherine Willoughby and Mr. Dan H. Willoughby Jr. Dr. Gwendolyn L. Wood and Mr. Richard B. Wood Mr. Christopher B. Wright and Mrs. Brooke E. Wright Mrs. Elizabeth A. Yonker

SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS HONOR ROLL Thank you to our generous supporters for their gifts made from

July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015.

We The People | Fall 2015


Annual Report

SUGGESTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS The School of Public and International Affairs wants to thank you for your financial support. Your donations enable us to provide: funding to student organizations for events and intercollegiate competitions, academic fellowships to graduate students for research, needs-based scholarships to students for study abroad programs, and support for faculty members to enhance our academic standing through cutting-edge research. With every dollar you give, you not only enrich the opportunities for SPIA students, alumni, and faculty, but you boost the University’s national status, as the percentage of alumni giving is a component of the U.S. News and World Report ranking metric.

The earlier you start, the bigger impact you can have. With as little as $10 per month, your donations will support a myriad of activities and scholarships within SPIA JUST TAKE A LOOK!


supports SPIA ALUMNI EVENTS and faculty lecture series

$ 250

supports our STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS with the ability to provide educational programming and travel to intercollegiate competitions

$ 500

supports one student’s ability to attend an ACADEMIC CONFERENCE

$ 1000

$ 2500

$ 5000

$ 10,000


We The People | Fall 2015

supports one student’s studies with a GRADUATE FELLOWSHIP

supports one student’s dream to STUDY ABROAD

supports computers and funding for the new APPLIED POLITICS PROGRAM AND SURVEY RESEARCH CENTER at SPIA

supports the DEAN’S FACULTY EXCELLENCE FUND, helping SPIA attract and retain world-class teachers and scholars

Faculty News

SELECTED FACULTY SCHOLARLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS, 2013-2015 DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE Scott H. Ainsworth, Professor • Quoted in The Wall Street Journal regarding abortion bills introduced in Congress. • Blogged at Mischiefs of Faction blog (now Vox.com) and on the Math of Politics blog (University of Chicago). Ryan Bakker, Associate Professor • Published “Using Bayesian AldrichMcKelvey Scaling to Study Citizens’ Ideological Preferences and Perceptions” in The American Journal of Political Science (2015). • Completed the 2014 wave of the Chapel Hill Expert Survey on Party Positions in Europe and North America. • Published “The European Common Space: Using Anchoring Vignettes to Scale Party Positions across Europe” in The Journal of Politics (2014). • Taught Bayesian Statistics in the Summer Program at the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research, University of Michigan (2008-present). Christina L. Boyd, Assistant Professor • Awarded a UGA Faculty Research Grant in the Sciences for the proposal “Policy Making in the Federal District Courts” (2014-2015). • Published “The Hierarchical Influence of Courts of Appeals on District Courts” in The Journal of Legal Studies (2015). • Published “In Defense of Empirical Legal Studies” in The Buffalo Law Review (2015). • Elected to the American Political Science Association’s Law and Courts Section Executive Committee (20142016).


We The People | Fall 2015

Brittany Bramlett, Visiting Assistant Professor • Delivered invited lecture on “Age, Migration, Communities, and Support for the Tea Party,” at the Symposium Examining Voter Participation and Inclusion 50 Years after the Civil Rights Act and in the Shadow of the Shelby Decision, The Du Bois Institute of Clark Atlanta University, November 14, 2014. • Published Senior Power or Senior Peril: Aged Communities and American Society in the Twenty-First Century (Temple University Press, 2015). Charles S. Bullock III, University Professor, Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor and Richard B. Russell Professor • Named UGA University Professor in 2015, an honor bestowed on faculty who have had a significant impact on the University of Georgia beyond normal academic responsibilities. • Received the Thomas P. Lauth Award for Excellence in Teaching, presented by Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society. • Published The New Politics of the Old South, 5th Edition (Rowman and Littlefield, 2014), with M J. Rozell. • Published Georgia’s Three Governors’ Controversy: Skullduggery, Machinations and the Decline of Progressive Politics in the Peach State (University of Georgia Press, 2015), with S. E. Buchanan and R K. Gaddie. Jamie L. Carson, Professor • Published Ambition, Competition, and Electoral Reform: The Politics of Congressional Elections Across Time (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2013), with Jason M. Roberts. • Published “Electoral Reform and

Changes in Legislative Behavior: Adoption of the Secret Ballot in Congressional Elections” in Legislative Studies Quarterly (2015), with Joel Sievert. • Published “Re-evaluating the Effects of Redistricting on Electoral Competition, 1972-2012” in State Politics and Policy Quarterly (2014), with Michael Crespin and Ryan Williamson. Keith Dougherty, Professor • Received Outstanding Professor Award, UGA Student Government Association (2014). • Received SPIA Research Award (2014). • Received SPIA Teaching Award (2015). • Published “A Spatial Analysis of Delegate Voting at the Constitutional Convention” in Journal of Economic History (2013), with Jac Heckelman. Robert Grafstein, Associate Dean and Georgia Athletic Association Professor • Published “Public Pensions and the Intergenerational Politics of Aging Societies” in The Journal of Theoretical Politics (2015). • Published “Governance and the U.S. Social Security System: Problems and Lessons” in Administration Reform (2013)(Chinese version with Wei Ying). • Directed China Study Abroad Program, Beijing, Xi’an, Yan’an, and Shanghai, China (Maymester, yearly). • Delivered invited lecture on “United States Administrative Reform” at the Chinese Academy of Governance, the leading school in China for training government officials. Paul-Henri Gurian, Associate Professor • Served as Major Professor (Dissertation Chair) to three PhD students: Rachel Bitecofer, Justin Norris, Ayman Nada.

Faculty News

• Published “National Party Division and Divisive State Primaries in U.S. Presidential Elections, 1948-2008” in Political Behavior (forthcoming), with Nathan Burroughs, Lonna Rae Atkeson, Damon Cann, and Audrey Haynes. • Published “The Impact of Campaign Events in Korean Presidential Elections” in International Political Science Review (2014), with Jeonghun Min. • Published “Campaign Effects on the Level of State Competitiveness in U.S. Presidential Elections” in The Journal of Future Politics (2015), with Jaeyun Sung. Susan B. Haire, Professor • Serves as Director, Criminal Justice Studies Program (since 2013). • Published Diversity Matters: Judicial Policymaking on the U.S. Courts of Appeals (University of Virginia Press, 2015), with Laura Moyer. • Published “The Voting Behavior of Obama’s Appointees” in Judicature (2013), with Barry Edwards and David Hughes. • Published “The Value of Precedent: Appellate Briefs and Judicial Opinions in the U.S. Courts of Appeal” in Justice System Journal (2013), with Laura Moyer and Todd Collins. Audrey A. Haynes, Associate Professor and Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor • Named to Princeton Review’s The Best 300 Professors (2012). • Served on Executive Committee of American Political Science Association Teaching and Learning Committee. • Served as Board Member, University of Georgia Athletic Association. • Published “Divisive Primaries, Divided National Parties and the Presidential Vote” in Political Behavior, with Paul Gurian, Nathan Burroughs, Lonna Atkeson and Damon Cann. M.V. (Trey) Hood III, Professor • Published The Rational Southerner: Black Mobilization, Republican Growth, and the Partisan Transformation of the American South (Oxford University Press, 2012, updated epilogue 2014),

with Quentin Kidd and Irwin L. Morris. • Awarded the Hahn-Sigelman Prize for the best article in American Politics Research, entitled “Candidates, Competition, and the Partisan Press: Congressional Elections in the Early Antebellum Era” (2014), with Jamie L. Carson. • Provided expert testimony in U.S. v. North Carolina, litigation brought under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. • Assisted with implementation of the Certificate in Practical Politics initiative, along with the creation of a SPIA survey research center (2015). Sean Ingham, Assistant Professor • Awarded UGA Lilly Teaching Fellowship (2015-2017). • Awarded funding from the National Science Foundation (Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences), for research on “The Effects of Deliberative Mini-Publics on Public Opinion: Experimental Evidence from a Survey on Social Security Reform,” with Ines Levin. • Published “Disagreement and Epistemic Arguments for Democracy” in Politics, Philosophy & Economics (2013). • Published “Social Choice and Popular Control” in The Journal of Theoretical Politics, forthcoming. Alexander H. Kaufman, Associate Professor • Edited and Published Distributive Justice and Access to Advantage: G. A. Cohen’s Egalitarianis (Cambridge University Press, 2015). Ines Levin, Assistant Professor • Published “Participation in the Wake of Adversity: Blame Attribution, Policy-Oriented Evaluations, and Civic Engagement,” in Political Behavior, forthcoming, with Andrew Sinclair, and R. Michael Alvarez. • Published “The Dynamics of Political Support in Emerging Democracies: Evidence from a Natural Disaster in Peru,” in The International Journal of Public Opinion Research, forthcoming, with Gabriel Katz.

Stefanie A. Lindquist, Dean and Arch Professor of Public and International Affairs • Delivered invited lecture, “Measuring the Rule of Law,” University of Arizona (2015). • Delivered Keynote Address, “Activism in State Courts,” Pennsylvania Business Council Federation (2014). • Delivered invited lecture, “Political and Ideological Polarization in the United States,” Federal Electoral Tribunal, Mexico City, Mexico (2014). • Delivered invited lecture, “Judicial Activism in State Supreme Courts: Institutional Design and Judicial Behavior,” New York University School of Law (2013). Michael S. Lynch, Assistant Professor • Built the University of Georgia Amending Project (with Anthony Madonna), a data collection and archiving project on the congressional amending process; to date, the Project has collected data on 29,860 amendments to 497 landmark bills across 40 Congresses. • Served as dissertation committee member to four graduate students now placed at Duke University, Mills College, the American Political Science Congressional Fellows Program, and the Republic of Korea Ministry of National Defense (2015). • Published “The Cost of Majority Party Bias: Amending Activity Under Structured Rules” in Legislative Studies Quarterly, forthcoming, with Anthony Madonna and Jason Robert. • Published in the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog (2015), with Rachel Surminsky. Anthony Madonna, Associate Professor • Built the University of Georgia Amending Project (with Michael Lynch), a data collection and archiving project on the congressional amending process; to date, the Project has collected data on 29,860 amendments to 497 landmark bills across 40 Congresses. • Published “The Cost of Majority Party Bias: Amending Activity Under

We The People | Fall 2015


Faculty News

Structured Rules” in Legislative Studies Quarterly, forthcoming, with Michael Lynch and Jason Robert. • Awarded the Richard B. Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (2014). • Served as an American Political Science Association Congressional Fellow (20122013).


Howard John Wiarda 1939-2015 Howard J. Wiarda, the Dean Rusk Professor of International Relations in the School of Public and International Affairs died on September 12, 2015, just 2 months shy of his 77th birthday. Professor Wiarda previously served as the Leonard J. Horowitz Professor of Iberian and Latin American Studies at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. After an illustrious career at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst (where he still holds the unbroken record of becoming the youngest Full Professor at age 33 in the Department of Political Science), Professor Wiarda became the Founding Head in 2003 of the newly created Department of International Affairs.

John Anthony Maltese, Department Head, Albert Berry Saye Professor and Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor • Published the Ninth Edition of The Politics of the Presidency (Sage/CQ Press, 2015), with Joseph Pika and Andrew Rudalevige. • Published Government Matters: American Government in Context (McGraw Hill, 2013). • Named a Contributing Editor to the Cook Political Report. Jamie Monogan, Assistant Professor • Published Political Analysis Using R (Springer Press, 2015). • Co-hosted the 31st Annual Summer Meeting of the Society for Political Methodology in Athens, GA (July 2014). • Published “The 2011 Debt Ceiling Controversy and the 2012 U.S. House Elections” and “Research Preregistration in Political Science: The Case, Counterarguments, and a Response to Critiques” in PS: Political Science & Politics (July 2015). • Taught week-long course on “Spatial Data Analysis” at the Universidad Catolica del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay (July 2015). Keith Poole, Professor and Philip H. Alston, Jr. Distinguished Chair • Published Analyzing Spatial Models of Choice and Judgment with R (CRC Press, 2014), with David A. Armstrong II, Ryan Bakker, Royce Carroll, Christopher Hare, and Howard Rosenthal. • Published Political Bubbles: Financial Crises and the Failure of American Democracy (Princeton University Press, 2013), with Nolan M. McCarty and Howard Rosenthal. • Published “The Polarization of

Contemporary American Politics” in Polity (2014), with Christopher Hare. • Published “The European Common Space: Extending the Use of Anchoring Vignettes” in The Journal of Politics (2014), with Ryan Bakker, Seth K. Jolly, and Jonathan Polk. Teena Wilhelm, Associate Professor • Received the School of Public and International Affairs Award for Best Teaching (2014). • Received the Susette M. Talarico Award for Excellence in Teaching (2013). • Published “A Market-Based Model of State Supreme Court News: Lessons from Capital Cases” in State Politics and Policy Quarterly (2015), with Rich Vining and Jack Collens.

DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Lihi Ben Shitrit, Assistant Professor • Published Righteous Transgressions: Women’s Activism on the Israeli and Palestinian Religious Right (Princeton University Press, 2015). • Received the Israel Institute’s award for a book “that makes an original and significant contribution to Israel Studies,” for Righteous Transgressions: Women’s Activism on the Israeli and Palestinian Religious Right. • Regular contributor to Sada, a platform for Middle East Policy analysis at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. • Received UGA’s Sarah Moss Fellowship to support study and research in Jerusalem for a new project on gender and contested sacred spaces (2015). Jeffrey D. Berejikian, Associate Professor and Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor • Research on cognitive science and foreign policy featured on NPR’s Morning Edition (2015). • Delivered invited lecture at the Annual Deterrence Symposium hosted by the United States Strategic Command (2014).

Faculty News

• Delivered invited lecture at a conference on Real World Nuclear Decision Making, sponsored by the US. Department of Defense (2014). • Delivered invited lecture at the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (U.S. Air Force)(2015). Gary K. Bertsch, University Professor Emeritus • Delivered the UGA Graduate Commencement Address (May 8, 2015). • Received the UGA President’s Medal recognizing “extraordinary contributions supporting students and academic programs, advancing research and inspiring community leaders” (2015). • Delivered the keynote address in Seoul at the Korean Government’s Trade and Security Day (October 21, 2014). • Served as Chairman of the Board, TradeSecure, LLC.

Leah Carmichael, Lecturer • Published chapter in Political Culture, Political Science, and Identity Politics: An Uneasy Alliance (Ashgate Publishers, 2014), with Howard J. Wiarda. K. Chad Clay, Assistant Professor • Published “The Diffusion of International Border Agreements” in The Journal of Politics, forthcoming, with Andrew Owsiak. • Published “The Physical Consequences of Fiscal Flexibility: Sovereign Credit & Physical Integrity Rights” in The British Journal of Political Science, forthcoming, with Matthew R. DiGiuseppe. • Received the Frank J. Klingberg Award for the best paper presented at the Midwest Conference of the International Studies Association, for “The Effect of U.S. Troop Deployments on Human Rights” (2015), with Sam R. Bell and Carla Martinez Machain.

• Selected as a UGA Teaching Academy Fellow (2014-2015). Markus M. L. Crepaz, Department Head and Professor • Named UGA Senior Teaching Fellow and selected to membership in the UGA Teaching Academy (2015). • Published “The Power of Citizenship: How Immigrant Incorporation Affects Attitudes Towards Social Benefits” in Comparative Politics, forthcoming, with Melanie Kolbe. • Participated in a round-table convened by the Military Academy at West Point on the topic of the consequences of global inequality (2015). • Published “Trust Matters: The Impact of Ingroup and Outgroup Trust on Nativism and Civicness” in Social Science Quarterly (2015), with Jonathan T. Polk, Ryan S. Bakker, and Shane F. Singh.

Georgia Political History In late 1946, the state of Georgia experienced a political phenomenon unlike anything before or since. Following the death of the governorelect, the state had not one, not two, but three active governors simultaneously, each insisting on his right to the position. SPIA’s Dr. Charles S. Bullock III’s new book, The Three Governors Controversy, is the first full-length analysis of this unique incident. Co-authored by Scott E. Buchanan and Ronald Keith Gaddie, two of Bullock’s former students, the book delves into the complicated nature of the controversy as well as its important political implications. “It ended a progressive movement that had controlled Georgia’s governorship for eight of the previous 10 years and retarded the involvement of African Americans in the state’s politics,” Bullock said. The book focuses on this

embarrassing and infamous time in Georgia’s history, as well as how and why it stalled progressive forces in the state as significantly as it did. Bullock, Buchanan and Gaddie also examine the details of the controversy in depth, including manufactured votes and suppression of black voters, issues that will certainly be relevant in 2016 with the discussion of voter identification laws. Bullock said that while he does not think a similar situation could occur again, he thinks it is important as ever for citizens to learn about and understand southern political history. “As per that statement on the U.S. Archives Building, those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it.”

We The People | Fall 2015


Faculty News

Maryann Gallagher, Lecturer • Published “Taking Matters into Their Own Hands: President’s Personality Traits and Executive Orders” in Presidential Studies Quarterly (2015), with Bethany Blackstone. • Published “Personality and Politics” in American Political Culture: An Encyclopedia (2015). • Published “Presidential Personality: Not Just a Nuisance” in Foreign Policy Analysis (2014), with Susan Allen. Micah Gell-Redman, Assistant Professor • Received research grant ($160,000) from the University of California to investigate education and public health issues at the U.S/Mexico border, with other co-principal investigators. Rongbin Han, Assistant Professor • Published “Manufacturing Consent in Cyberspace: China’s ‘Fifty-Cent Army’” in Journal of Current Chinese Affairs (2015). • Awarded SPIA Research Grant (2014). • Organized Panels on “Adaptive Authoritarianism in Cyber China,” for the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Conference (Chicago, 2014), and on “Society and State in Motion:

Contentious Politics in China,” AAS-inAsia Conference (Singapore, 2014), with H. Christoph Steinhart. Daniel W. Hill, Jr., Assistant Professor • Published “Modeling Two Types of Peace: The Zero-Inflated Ordered Probit in Conflict Research” in The Journal of Conflict Resolution (2015), with Benjamin E. Bagozzi, Will H. Moore and Bumba Mukherjee. • Published “An Empirical Evaluation of Explanations for State Repression” in The American Political Science Review (2014), with Zachary M. Jones. • Published “Avoiding Obligation: Reservations to International Human Rights Treaties” in The Journal of Conflict Resolution, forthcoming. • Invited participant at the Conference on the Domestic Politics of International Human Rights Agreements, Princeton University (2013). Loch K. Johnson, Regents Professor and Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor • Received Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association for Intelligence Education (Washington, D.C., 2015).

• Received Distinguished Scholar Award from the Intelligence Studies Section, International Studies Association (2014). • Published A Season of Inquiry Revisited: The Church Committee Confronts America’s Spy Agencies (University Press of Kansas, 2015). • Co-Edited and Published Intelligence: The Secret World of Spies (Oxford University Press, 2015). Hanna Kleider, Assistant Professor • Served as post-doctoral research fellow at the Amsterdam Centre for Contemporary European Studies (20142015). • Published “Paid and Unpaid Work: The Impact of Social Policies on the Gender Division of Labour” in The Journal of European Social Policy, forthcoming. Cas Mudde, Associate Professor • Served as Co-editor, European Journal of Political Research. • Received the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award from the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. • Published Populism: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2016), with Cristobal Rovira Kaltwasser. • Edited and Published Political

Han S. Park Retires In December 2015, Han S. Park retired after a 45-year tenure at the University of Georgia. During his four decades of service, Dr. Park has worked as an educator, a peacemaker, and a humanitarian. A professor at UGA since 1970, Dr. Park has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on peace studies, the politics of HAN S. PARK, development, East University Professor Asian political Emeritus systems and more. He was named


We The People | Fall 2015

University Professor in 2002 and the University of Georgia Alumni Faculty of the Year in 2011. In 1995, Dr. Park and the University of Georgia created the Center for the Study of Global Issues (Globis). As the founding director of Globis, he has helped expand the global awareness of American students through study abroad programs spread across four continents of the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America). Outside of his academic career, Dr. Park has played an integral role in developing relationships between the United States and North Korea as an informal adviser to Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

In this role, he has been instrumental in helping to avert several military conflicts between the U.S. and North Korea. As a humanitarian, Dr. Park has helped hundreds of families separated by the Korean War locate and reunite with their long-lost family members. In addition, he has helped American organizations enter North Korea to build homes for flood victims and collaborate with agricultural scientists to alleviate hunger in the country. Han S. Park has dedicated his entire life, both as an educator and a social engineer, to the cause of peacemaking, and we wish him the best in his retirement.

Faculty News

Extremism (Sage, 2014), and Youth and the Extreme Right (IDEBATE, 2014). Andrew P. Owsiak, Assistant Professor • Received Department of Defense Minerva Initiative Grant (2015). • Received Russell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Georgia (2015). • Published “Border Settlement, Commitment Problems, and the Causes of Contiguous Rivalry” in The Journal of Peace Research (2015). • Published “Democratization and International Border Agreements” in The Journal of Politics (2013). Shane P. Singh, Associate Professor • Received SPIA Faculty Research Award (2015). • Published “Executive Power and Economic Accountability” in The Journal of Politics (2015), with Ryan E. Carlin. • Published “Authoritarianism, Socioethnic Diversity, and Political Participation across Countries” in European Journal of Political Research (2015), with Kris Dunn. • Published “Compulsory Voting and the Turnout Decision Calculus” in Political Studies (2015). Howard J. Wiarda, Dean Rusk Professor of International Relations • Received “Order of Columbus” Medal, presented by President Leonel Fernández of the Dominican Republic, for “a lifetime of studying the Dominican Republic.” • Published Political Science, Political Culture, and Identity Politics (Ashgate, 2014). • Published Latin American Politics and Development, 8th ed. (Westview, 2014). • Published American Foreign Policy in Regions of Conflict (Macmillan, 2013). Laura Zimmerman, Assistant Professor • Participated in the meetings of the United States Institute of Peace and the Empirical Studies of Conflict Project (2015). • Published “Fighting Maoist Violence

with Promises: Evidence from India’s Employment Guarantee Scheme” in Economics of Peace and Security Journal (2015). • Research featured on Ideas for India Blog (Guest Post, April 2015). • Published “Public-Works Programs in Developing Countries Have the Potential to Reduce Poverty” in IZA World of Labor (2014).

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY W. David Bradford, Busbee Chair in Public Policy • Published “Some State Vaccination Laws Contribute to Greater Exemption Rates and Disease Outbreaks in the United States” in Health Affairs (2015), with Anne Mandich. • Awarded Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant ($180,000) to study policies aimed at cutting down on opioid abuse (2015). • Served as Faculty Advisor on the SPIA and College of Public Health team of graduate students who won the FELS National Policy Competition (2015). Deborah A. Carroll, Associate Professor and MPA Director • Named Associate Editor of Public Administration Review (2015). • Wrote Report on “A Proposed City of Briarcliff, Georgia: A Fiscal Feasibility Analysis” for the Carl Vinson Institute of Government (2013-2014). • Served as Treasurer for the Association for Budgeting and Financial Management. • Received 100 Hours Volunteer Service Award, Department of Public Administration and Policy (2015). Robert Greer, Assistant Professor • Published “Overlapping Government Debt and the Fiscal Common” in Public Finance Review (2015). • Published “A Time Series Model of Seasonality in the Municipality Bond Market” in Municipal Finance Journal (2015).

Righteous Transgressions


Lihi Ben Shitrit

Righteous Transgressions: Women’s Activism on the Israeli and Palestinian Religious Right Princeton University Press 2015

How do women in conservative religious movements expand spaces for political activism in ways that go beyond their movements’ strict ideas about male and female roles? How and why does this activism happen in some movements but not in others? Righteous Transgressions examines these questions by comparatively studying four groups: the Jewish settlers in the West Bank, the ultra-Orthodox Shas, the Islamic Movement in Israel, and the Palestinian Hamas. Viewing women as agents in such movements, Ben Shitrit analyzes the ways in which activists use nationalism to astutely reframe gender role transgressions from inappropriate to righteous. The author engages the literature on women’s agency in Muslim and Jewish religious contexts, and sheds light on the centrality of women’s activism to the promotion of the spiritual, social, cultural, and political agendas of both the Israeli and Palestinian religious right.

Faculty News

• Published “Local Government Risk Assessment: The Effect of Government Type on Credit Rating Decisions in Texas” in Public Budgeting & Finance, forthcoming. • Awarded 2015 UGA Department of Public Administration and Policy Professor of the Year.

Congressman Barrow in the Classroom In Fall 2015, former Congressman John Barrow became a Scholar in Residence at SPIA. Congressman Barrow is a native Athens resident with strong ties to the University and to the community. After receiving his degree in Political Science from UGA in 1976, Barrow went on to earn his law degree from Harvard Law School. In 2004, he was elected to Georgia’s 12th District in the United States House of Representatives where he represented portions of the eastern and southeastern parts of the state until 2015. Congressman Barrow taught one class in the fall and will be teaching two classes in the spring semester. The classes focus on the political and institutional dynamics that exacerbate the problem of political polarization in government today. Students will explore the impact of partisan gerrymandering, party caucuses, party leaders, and legislative policy on party and ideological polarization. In addition to his time in the classroom, Barrow has served as an advisor on an interdisciplinary effort between SPIA and Grady to create a Certificate in Applied Politics.

J. Edward Kellough, Professor • President of the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) (2014-2015). • Published “Public Service Orientation Among New College Freshmen: Identifying Motives and Traits Relevant to Service-Learning and Engagement” in The Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, forthcoming, with Gene Brewer, Rob Christensen, and Justin Stritch. • Published “At-will Employment in the States: Examining the Perceptions of Agency Personnel Directors” in The Review of Public Personnel Administration (2014), with Jungin Kim. • Keynote Speaker on “Government Performance: The Role of Effective Human Resources Management” at the 10th International Silk Road Conference, Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia (2015). Jerome S. Legge, Associate Provost for Academic Planning and Professor • Served as the Associate Provost for Academic Planning (2012-2015). • Revised UGA Strategic Plan, 2020. • Published “War Crimes in Italy and Eluding Justice: The Case of Michael Seifert” in The Journal of Holocaust and Modernity (2014). • Published a series on the Holocaust in Italy in The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum of Camps and Ghettos, 1933-1945 (Indiana University Press, in collaboration with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). Tima T. Moldogaziev, Assistant Professor • Published State and Local Financial Instruments: Policy Changes and Management (Edward Elgar Publishing 2014), with Craig L. Johnson. • Published “Too Close for Comfort: Does the Extent of Municipal Advisor and

Underwriter Relationships Impact Bond Borrowing Costs?” in Public Budgeting and Finance (2014), with Martin J. Luby. • Published “Assessing the Past and Promise of the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey for Public Management Research: A Research Synthesis” in Public Administration Review (2015), with Sergio Fernandez, William G. Resh, and Zachary W. Oberfield. • Presented research on “Bankruptcy Risk Premium in the Municipal Securities Market” at the Municipal Finance Conference (2014); reported in detail in The Bond Buyer (2014). Rebecca Nesbit, Assistant Professor • Published “Older Adult Volunteering: Volunteer Engagement Pathways for Newcomers and Longer Term Residents in an American Community” in Voluntary Sector Review, forthcoming, with Laurie Paarlberg, Mary Tschirhart, Lauren Dula, Richard M. Clerkin, and Robert K. Christensen. • Published “To Give or Not to Give: Employee Responses to Workplace Giving Campaigns over Time” in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, forthcoming, with Robert K. Christensen and Brett Agypt. • Presented “Variations in Demographic Predictors of Volunteering across Nonprofit Subsectors” at the SPEA Nonprofit Management Conference (Bloomington, Indiana, 2015). Laurence J. O’Toole, Margaret Hughes and Robert T. Golembiewski Professor of Public Administration and Distinguished Research Professor • Received Beryl Radin Award for best article in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, presented by the Public Management Research Association for “Subjective Organizational Performance and Measurement Error: Common Source Bias and Spurious Relationships” (2015), with Kenneth J. Meier. • Author or co-author of three articles in the Public Administration Review (PAR) selected in 2013-14 by the PAR Board as among the “75 most important articles”

Faculty News

in PAR’s history. • Co-Principal Investigator on grant awarded by Danish Council for Strategic Research, “Explaining Educational Outcomes in Danish Public Education” (approximately $2.5 million)(2010-2015). • Appointed Honorary Professor, University of Twente, The Netherlands, and Research Fellow, Danish National Centre for Social Research, Copenhagen. Hal G. Rainey, Alumni Foundation Distinguished Professor • Published Understanding and Managing Public Organizations, 5th Edition (Wiley/ Jossey-Bass, 2014). • Published “International Comparison of Public and Private Employees’ Work Motives, Attitudes, and Perceived Rewards” in Public Administration Review (2015), with Justin B. Bullock and Justin M. Stritch. • Recognized as author of two of the most influential articles published in Public Administration Review in its 75-year history, American Society for Public Administration (2015). • Delivered the Monroe-Paine Lecture, Truman School of Public Affairs, University of Missouri, “Knights in Fragile Armor: Challenges in Maintaining an Effective Public Service” (2013), broadcast on C-SPAN. Andrew B. Whitford, Alexander M. Crenshaw Professor of Public Policy • Elected Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration (2014). • Editor, Journal of Public Policy. • Published Above Politics: Bureaucratic Discretion and Credible Commitment (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming), with Gary J. Miller. • Published “Effects of Participation and Collaboration on Perceived Effectiveness of Core Public Health Functions” in American Journal of Public Health (2015), with Amber H. Sinclair. • Published “Exit, Voice, and Loyalty with Multiple Exit Strategies: Evidence from the U.S. Federal Workforce” in The Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (2015), with SooYoung Lee.

Brian N. Williams, Associate Professor • Published “Embracing Ethical Principles for Public Action” in Handbook of Public Administration, 3rd Edition (John Wiley & Sons, 2015) with James L. Perry and Robert K. Christensen, Editors. • Presented “Co-contamination as the Dark Side of Co-production: A Review of Cases and Challenges” at the International Research Society for Public Management Conference, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom (2015), with Seong-Cheol Kang and Japera Johnson. • Selected to participate in the International Association of Chiefs of Police National Policy Summit on Police-Community Relations (2014); the subsequent report from the National Policy Summit was incorporated into the White House Task Force on 21st Century Policing. • Served as Member, Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation, the accrediting body for graduate programs in the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs and Administration (2015). Bradley E. Wright, Department Head and Professor • Editor, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. • Published “The Science of Public Administration: Problems, Progress, Presumptions, and Possibilities” in Public Administration Review (2015). • Published “Job Choice and Performance: Revisiting Core Assumptions About Public Service Motivation” in International Public Management Journal, forthcoming, with S. Hassan and Robert K. Christensen. • Elected Fellow, National Academy of Public Administration (2015).

CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND SECURITY Michael D. Beck, Senior Research Associate • Provided legal and regulatory assistance to the governments of Panama and Chile in controlling weapons and strategic trade.

• Provided training to officials from Pakistan, India, and China in controlling nuclear and other strategic trade. • Secured over $300,000 in external funding for international outreach on export controls. Igor Khripunov, Adjunct Professor and Distinguished Fellow • Published “A Culture of Security: Focus for the Next Nuclear Security Summit?” in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (2015). • Published “A Work in Progress: UN Security Council Resolution 1540 after 10 Year” in Arms Control Today (2014). • Authored Report “The Results We Need in 2016: Policy Recommendations for the Nuclear Security Summit,” The Fissile Material Working Group (2015). Co-Authored Report “Technical Guidance for Self-Assessment of Nuclear Security Culture in Facilities and Activities,” International Atomic Energy Agency, forthcoming. Sara Z. Kutchesfahani, Senior Research Associate • Published Politics & the Bomb: The Role of Experts in the Creation of Cooperative Nuclear Non-Proliferation Agreements (Routledge (Taylor & Francis), 2014). • Published “The Role of an Epistemic Community in Argentina and Brazil’s Creation of a Joint Safeguards Agreement” in Jeffrey W. Knopf, Editor, International Cooperation on WMD Nonproliferation (University of Georgia Press, forthcoming). • Delivered invited lecture “From Nuclear Rivalry to Nuclear Cooperation,” at the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Symposium, United Nations (New York 2015). Julia Thompson, Senior Research Associate • Guest Speaker, Chemical Security for the Transportation of Hazardous Goods, India Chem Gujarat International Exhibition and Conference, Ahmedabad, India. • Briefing Participant, Security Culture, The Center for Disease Control (2015).

We The People | Fall 2015


SPIA 40 UNDER 40 CLASS OF 2015 Dr. Matthew Fuhrmann, AB ‘02, PhD ‘08 Associate Professor and Rothrock ‘77 Fellow, Texas A&M University Matthew Fuhrmann is an associate professor of political science at Texas A&M University and has published numerous books and articles in top journals. He has won a variety of awards and major grants, and is a Ray A. Rothrock ‘77 Research Fellow. He has previously held research fellowships at Harvard University and the Council on Foreign Relations. Anisa Sullivan Jimenez, MPA ‘08 Director of PR and Communications, Clarke County School District Anisa Sullivan Jimenez is the director of public relations and communications for the Clarke County School District in Georgia. Jimenez has illustrated her commitment to the district and community through her “Love Your Neighborhood School” campaign and “Seeing Is Believing” tour. In 2013, she received the Marie Wofford Professional Growth Award from the Georgia School Public Relations Association. Jillian Puente, AB ‘11, MPA ‘11 Marketing Manager, Google Fiber Jillian Puente began her career as a recruiter for a social media marketing startup that was acquired by Google in 2012.


We The People | Fall 2015

She continued to work for Google as a recruiter, helping hire talent for Google’s marketing team. Puente is now a productmarketing manager for Google Fiber, which develops fiber-optic, high-speed Internet across the country. Dr. Deep J. Shah, AB ‘08, BS ‘08 Primary Care Resident, Emory University Internal Medicine/ Primary Care Deep Shah was a Foundation Fellow at UGA who received both the Truman and Rhodes Scholarships and went on to study at Harvard Medical School with a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans. He is now a resident at Emory University Internal Medicine, providing inpatient and outpatient care at Grady Memorial Hospital, Emory University Hospital, Emory Midtown Hospital, and the Atlanta VA Medical Center. In 2015, he was the inaugural recipient of the UGA Alumni Association’s Young Alumni Award. Justin Shanken, AB ‘07 Counterintelligence Special Agent, Defense Security Service Justin Shanken is a counterintelligence special agent with the U.S. Defense Security Service. He served in the Middle East during Operation Iraqi Freedom and earned his UGA degree in 2007. In 2009, he was asked to establish the Atlanta Counterintelligence Office, and within one year, it was the highest producing unit in the Southern Region. He has been named the Counterintelligence Agent of the Year from the Southern

Region and received the DSS Director’s Coin for identifying the most foreign intelligence threats to U.S. industry. Arthur Tripp, Jr., AB ‘09 Senior Policy Advisor, Office of U.S. Congressman David Scott Arthur Tripp is the senior policy advisor to U.S. Congressman David Scott. In this role, he oversees the direction of the congressman’s legislative portfolio on federal law and advises the congressman on international issues. He is the first African-American president of the State Society of Georgia, a nonprofit organization established in 1885 for Georgians and former Georgians living in the Washington, D.C. area. Tripp serves on the SPIA Alumni Board. *Since being selected in the class of 40 Under 40, Tripp has taken a position as Assistant to the President at UGA.

David Werner, AB ‘05 Chief Operating Officer, Office of Georgia Governor Nathan Deal When Georgia Governor Nathan deal first hired David Werner, his directive was clear: examine Georgia’s approach to incarceration. In 2012 and 2013, Georgia signed criminal justice reforms into law largely due to Werner’s hard work serving as co-chairman of the Criminal Justice Reform Council. Werner is also co-chairman of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Young Lawyers Division at the State Board of Georgia and a member of the Federalist Society. Werner serves on the SPIA Alumni Board.







Charles S. Bullock III Book Signing

Talk by Mark Hetherington, Vanderbilt University


Talarico Lecture (TENTATIVE DATE)




MPA 50th Anniversary Weekend Celebration

TBA Talk by Christopher J. Fariss, Pennsylvania State University


Talk by Sara Mitchell, University of Iowa

Separation of Powers THROUGH Conference


“Tenuous Majorities, Party Sorting, and the Contemporary American Electorate” Georgia Legislative Outlook DATE TBA

APRIL 15 16


Parthemos Lecture with Morris Fiorina, Stanford University



Talk by Dimitri Landa, New York University

MAY SPIA Networking Night 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the Holiday Inn


UGA and SPIA Commencement Ceremonies

These dates are subject to change. Please check our calendar at spia.uga.edu for updates.

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We The People | Fall 2015


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