© May 2016 Ugur Imamoglu
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science, Architecture School of Architecture Pratt Institute
May 2016
Received and Approved:
Jason Vigneri Beane
Thomas Leeser
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to thank to my parents and my grandmothers. They always supported me to become an architect. They sacrificed a lot, just to make my dreams come true. I would like to thank to my mentors Inanc Eray and Gonzalo Carbajo. They enhanced my vision and helped me to become a better architect. They encouraged me to start my master’s here in New York and I am grateful for that. I cannot thank enough to my undergrad third year studio professor Zeki Serifoglu. I learned all the fundamentals of architecture from him and I feel lucky to be a part of his studio. I would like to thank to my digital fabrication instructor Brian Ringley. His passion about digital fabrication inspired me to write this thesis about robotics technology and architecture relationship. I want to thank my thesis instructor Jason Vigneri-Beane for being supportive all the time. It was also great to meet with Thomas Leeser and his dark humor. Lastly, I want to thank to all of my friends. There is no word that can describe their importance for me.
0100 // The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
0110 // Flexibility
0120 // Flexible Space
0130 // Responsive Architecture
0200 // Automation & Architecture
0210 // Robot
0211 // Industrial Robots
0212 // Home Made Robots
0212 // Nanotech Robots
0220 // Robotic Structure
0221 // Move
0222 // Transform
0223 // Self-Assemble
0230 // Robotic City
0300 // Home as a Laboratory
0310 // Dynamic Housing
0400 // Robotic Micro-Housing
List of Illustrations
Online Sources
ABSTRACT This paper is a discourse on the concept of designing flexible and responsive spaces with automated structures and materials for the constantly changing needs of 21st Century users. It analyzes current conditions of flexibility and responsiveness in terms of architecture while questioning adequateness of static structures for absolute flexibility and responsiveness of an architectural design. Research focuses on “the most flexible space is the most generic space an architect ever imagine” statement; it questions the “Generic Architecture” problem and the role of modernist movement within the context of flexibility. It argues the over simplified building components and proposes to increase “resolution” of the design. The research discusses the idea of automated structures and nanorobotic materials as a possible solution for “Generic Architecture” problem, over simplified building components and absolute flexibility and responsiveness. Finally, research introduces “house” as a laboratory for architects and proposes to experiment nanorobotic dynamic surfaces with housing projects.
the 60’s like Cedric Price’s “Fun Palace”
Flexible and responsive spaces are the
or Archigram’s “Walking City.” However,
most common subjects of architectural
applications in the architecture
discussions lately due to constant
field are relatively new. Especially,
changes of the urban context and user
Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler
demands. As a result of conventional
researches about robotic fabrication
architectural solutions to this problem,
inspires numerous architects in the
spaces have lost the sense of function,
world. Mass customization, automated
building components have been over
structures and materials constitute a
simplified and responsiveness of
whole new era of architecture. Robotic
the design limited with engineering
technology offers a huge potential
solutions. It is almost impossible to
for architects with its dynamism,
identify a building’s location, era or
precision, and intelligence. This
designer anymore. “Smart” buildings
research aims to discover these
still cannot go beyond the automated
potentials on various scales with
curtains or window cleaners while
various behaviors. Moreover, take the
“smart” cars can drive all around the
common terms such as flexible space
world without a driver. No doubt that
and responsiveness in architecture to
designing a flexible and responsive
the next level.
space with the rigid plan system is a huge challenge for architects. This
I argue that one can create highly
research argues that robotic fabrication
efficient (floor area, energy
methods and nanorobotic technologies
consumption, etc.) and customized
could help architects to create absolute
spaces for different users and
flexible and responsive spaces.
demands with the help of emerging robotic technology. I suggest to use
Robots are labelled as “The Technology
“house” as a laboratory in order to setup
of the Future,” but the truth is we are
an experiment for the argument, like
using robots to build cars and washing
great architects Frank Lloyd Wright,
machines or pack cereals for quite
Le Corbusier or Mies Van Der Rohe did
some time. Robotic technology has
before. Due to the complex user needs
been in our lives since the 70’s and
of housing and undeniable importance
some dreamy architects foresee a
in each person’s life, the house could
future with robotic structures during
be a great fit for this experiment.
THE IDEA OF FLEXIBLE AND RESPONSIVE ARCHITECTURE “Nothing is softer and more flexible than water yet nothing can resist it.” Lao Tzu
Mental flexibility is another aspect.
In dictionaries flexibility is defined as
It is as important for people as the
“The quality of being able to change
physical effects. It is an essential skill
or be changed easily according to
for 21st Century people because in
the situation.” It is one of the most
“The Age of Information,” dynamism
essential qualities for a human being
can be exhausting for close-minded
both mentally and physically, because
people. However, mental flexibility
we are living in a fast-paced world.
is not a new necessity, it has been
Ideas, nature and cities are changing
a virtue since the early ages. For
faster than ever. We have to be flexible
instance, the Chinese philosophy and
enough to live in this world. The term
belief “Taoism”, encourages people to
flexibility can be analyzed from two
think flexibly. According to the belief,
different aspects, physically and
a wise man will go with the flow; he
will not limit his options. This belief still makes sense in the 21st Century,
At first sight, “Flexibility” is a subject
maybe more than before. Dogmatic,
of human kinetics. It is an important
prejudiced, and xenophobic minds
quality of human body and one of the
cannot survive in this century. The
indicators for one’s health condition.
power of flexible and open minds is
For instance, “Tai Chi” is a Chinese
martial art and it is a great way to improve the balance and flexibility of
On the other hand, flexibility is not
a person. A research in New England
just a concern of the human body
Medical Center demonstrated that
or mind. It is also an important
Tai Chi improved both the physical
quality of objects. We can think and
and psycological conditions of
move flexibly but we are as strong
patients. Especially, elder subjects
as our tools. Our tools should be
of the research, improved their
multifunctional and cover our needs.
musculoskeletal contiditions radically
We demand smart phones, watches
in six months and this triggered a
or pads to improve our flexibility. We
huge improvement of independence
are not obligated to work in an office
and life quality (Wang 496).
thanks to these sophisticated tools.
We can control different operations
Houses during the 17th Century had
in different geographies. Our tools,
only one or two multi-purpose rooms.
improve the efficiency, precision and
After industrialization of US houses
quality of our work. They contribute
become bigger and more specialized.
undeniably to our flexible lifestyle.
Partitions and functions were crystal clear. However, Frank Lloyd Wright
The pursuit of flexibility is not a
was experimenting a whole different
temporary trend. It was essential in
scheme, “open-plan” (Elliot, 52). During
order to progress back in the old ages
early 20th Century economical and
and it is still an important skill to
urbanism problems directed architects
survive and improve in the modern
towards more flexible organizations.
world. It is an essential quality of
Building lots were getting smaller and
one’s mental and physical health.
developers expecting more profit and
However, the idea of flexible life
the open plan solution became the
developed into a whole different level
best recipe to tackle this problem.
with sophisticated, multifunctional, advanced tools such as 3d printers,
Frank Lloyd Wright was interested in
nanorobots or smart devices.
social interactions within the house at that time. Because, “Victorian” lifestyle
was evolving into a more relaxed
One of the most important political
lifestyle and current housing schemes
figures of the world, Winston Churchill
were limiting the communication
said “We shape our buildings;
among family members, Frank
thereafter they shape us.” which was
Lloyd Wright was aiming to meld
a great statement. We demanded the
spaces together and allow for greater
concept of flexible life in order to
functionality (Wildman 4) (Fig. 1).
progress, efficiency and high quality.
Later, he took the concept to the next
As its expected, architecture followed
level with integrating landscape into
this movement and started shape us
it. He minimized partitions in the
like we shaped them.
house and unified the outdoor and indoors. His uninterrupted space
The pioneer of the flexible space and
flow experiment evolved into a real
open plan idea was the American
architectural style.
architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
Open plan scheme then used in
On the other hand materials like
office buildings, especially in towers
concrete and steel started to be
for a “better” working experience.
used in housing projects (Elliot 52).
However, Frank Lloyd Wright’s ideas
New structural possibilities allowed
directed into another way. It was a
architects to decrease partitions
great opportunity for developers and
within the house. Improvements in
corporations to put more people into
technology extended the potentials of
one floor. Later open plan scheme
the flexible space idea.
became the only system used in high rise projects.
The idea of continuous flow between spaces and using each space for
One of the earliest open plan projects
multiple functions are standards for
of Frank Lloyd Wright’s is “Jacobs
architecture today. However, in the
House.” It is an open plan L-shaped low
course of the time spaces lost their
income housing project which was
spatial features, origins and became
built in Wisconsin. The house reflects
generic spaces. Today, the most
the fundamentals of Frank Lloyd
flexible space is the most generic
Wright’s philosophy successfully.
space that an architect could ever
Living room, kitchen and dining room
imagine. Spaces lost connection with
all work together as a one space. Also,
tradition, function and user demand.
thin borders of the house, allows the nature to flow inside the house and
Demonstration of the generic
integrate indoor life with outdoor.
architecture problem, could be done by
On the other hand, sustainable
comparing two different projects from
technologies such as solar power,
two different countries which designed
water boilers and passive cooling
by different architects. The first project
supports the philosophy of nature
is a housing project in Cadiz which
integrated house lifestyle.
was designed by Cano Lasso (Fig. 2). The other project is an office complex
Improvements in construction
in Istanbul, which was designed by
techniques also allowed the open-plan
Emre Arolat (Fig. 3). Someone who has
scheme to improve. Central heating
no information about these projects
systems changed the whole fireplace
cannot understand the function, place
focused house planning system.
or era of the buildings.
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
We are in the age of over-simplified
Urbanization in China is one of the
design and the sense of space does not
most important examples of the
exist anymore. Pureness of projects
standardized urban fabric problem.
started to become a problem for users.
China adds housing for 10 million
When the sense of a space started to
citizens every year and it is not going
dissappear, the user experience of the
to slow down in a foreseeable future.
space gets worse too. The question
However, robotic fabrication can
is, “Why?” There are multiple reasons,
help to solve the problem of generic
but one of the most important factors
and homogeneous cities (Gramazio
is the “one size fits all” ideology. Due
and Kohler, 126). The idea of mass-
to mass production techniques of
customization can break the generic
building elements, customization is
image of a grey and monotonous
increasing the expenses for developers,
metropolis and start a whole new era
especially in large scale projects. Thus,
for cities.
engineers and architects focus on decreasing the variation for the sake
To tackle the generic architecture
of cost and time efficiency. However,
problem, as architects we should look
it makes structures unsustainable and
for new and flexible construction
inefficient. For instance, loads of the
methods to create flexible spaces
structure calculated for the worst case
without losing details and resolution
instead of calculated, designed and
of the design. Researchers working
manufactured individually for each
with industrial robots to improve
structural element (Gramazio and
construction techniques and shift
Kohler 46).
the “one size fits all” ideology. On the other hand, architects should design
In the bigger picture generic
more flexible spaces for our dynamic
architecture problem and design
lifestyle. It is a hard task to create
limitations effect the urban context.
more flexible and dynamic spaces
Current design of flexible and feasible
with conventional rigid structures.
projects does not allow spatial or
Maybe it is the time to consider
programmatic variations in the city. As
designing actual dynamic structures
a result, cities become unsustainable,
and re-invent the idea of flexible
over-simplified, mono-functional and
space with the help of tecnological
monotonous (Gramazio and Kohler 47).
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
0130 // RESPONSIVE ARCHITECTURE Discussion about new methods of flexible spaces brings another subject to discuss, responsive architecture. Buildings labelled as static structures where users adapt to its pre-defined features. We argued the flexibility in rigid structures limit the creativity and spatial features of the architecture. Structures and materials are evolving into more dynamic building components, it is not a science fiction idea anymore. As a matter of fact, the number of dynamic and responsive components of buildings such as airports, shopping malls and towers
in different ways and a gangway system for people to circulate between them. The building’s visual incompleteness was a provocation to its inhabitants to change and adapt it. It was also a representation of an architecture that could never be finished.” Omar Khan Responsive and dynamic spaces are an important research case for more than forty years and in the last decade we encounter many successful projects. Responsive design was a subject of artists and computer engineers in the late 60’s. One of these early artworks is “Glowflow” which is made by Dan Sandin, Jerry
increased radically (Eng, 1).
Erdman, Richard Benezsky and
One of the very first experiments on
glowing tubes on the walls were
the responsive architecture was made by architect Cedric Price and director Joan Littlewood in 1964 called “Fun Palace”. It was not an automated or futuristic design, nevertheless it was a dynamic architecture attempt with available tools. This attempt inspired most of the further experiments about responsive architecture later. Omar Khan describes the “Fun Palace”
Myron Krueger. Basically, there were defining an illusory space according to the steps of visitors. Space was also responding to the sounds to the walking visitors. However, it was not a perfect design, because the audience was not aware of the responsiveness. Later, Myron Krueger thought that interaction quality should be the only aesthetic concern instead of visuals or acoustics. Then, he developed his own
project briefly:
work which is called “Metaplay”. It was
“Price provided a crane that allowed parts
in the Memorial Union Gallery of the
of the building to be moved and stacked
an interactive drawing installation University of Winsconsin.
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
Basically, there were an artist in the
Especially in the last decade
computer lab and he was drawing on
prototypes of responsive spaces and
a data table. His drawings shown in
interactive installations evolved into
the gallery and visitors were sending
a whole other level. One of the most
drawings to the artist with the same
significant examples of responsive
way. It turned into a nice attraction
architecture in the 21st Century was
in the gallery during that time. It
the project “Ada: Intelligent Room”. An
may sound like very simple and
interdisciplinary group worked on this
easy, but this was an extraordinary
“playful” responsive space and built
work for that time and it was the
in 2002 for Swiss Expo (Fig. 4). It was
very beginning of interactive and
named after Lady Ada Lovelace, who
responsive space design.
was a pioneer of computer science. Ada was an artificial organism which
In 1969, John Frazer was a last year
was based on neuroinformatics. Ada
architecture student in Architecture
was able to identify and locate visitors,
Association, London. James Gowan
moreover, she could balance visitor
introduced him to very first thinkers of
flow and density and play games with
computational design such as Cedric
them. Ada played with her visitors
Price, Gordon Pask and Nicholas
more than five months and twelve
Negroponte. Later these thinkers
hours each day. During this period,
became his main inspiration to
approximately 550,000 visitors visited
experiment with computational design
Ada (Eng, 1).
and interactive architecture. His final year thesis was “Autotectonics” which
Responsiveness is not just a feature
argues using technology to change
for the human scale. It is also a subject
the choices available to the users of
of building scale too. Especially
architecture (Frazer 138). It took almost
building skins which response against
twenty years to reach his goal; in 1990,
natural changes such as temperature,
AA Diploma Unit 11 built a working
wind or the position of the sun is an
model of a self-organizing interactive
important starting point to design
environment successfully (Frazer
actual sustainable architecture. One of
136). These experimental works still
the earliest buildings with responsive
continue and develop parallel to
skin is “Zeilgalerie” in Frankfurt.
the improvements of technology.
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
The skin is a Christian Moeller
Responsiveness and dynamism of
project, which is called “Kinetic
architecture is not just a fantasy, but it
Light Sculpture” built in 1992 (Fig. 5).
is an actual need of 21st Century people.
Basically, the skin colours change
Because, one can say that the current
with the help of 120 halogen spots
lifestyle of human being is closer to a
which were mounted over catwalks
nomadic condition. Constant changes
according to weather conditions
in life force people to move from one
during the night. If it was below 0 C
place to another one on the globe.
building colour becomes blue as the
While these changes are happening
temperature rises colours become
people start to become alienated
yellow, orange then red. It was
from their own life due to space and
arguably the first interactive facade
place changes around them. However,
installation in this scale (Bullivant 21).
an actual responsive environment
can help with all these changes and Responsiveness is not a new concept
smoothening up transitions in life.
for architecture. It was a dream of architects for a long time and we are
We are on the verge of creating
really close with the help of advanced
not only responsive spaces or
devices and sensor technology to
components. Advanced technology
reach the point that Marcos Novak’s
could also produce nanorobotic
“Liquid Architecture” in real life.
materials which could respond to
Description of “Liquid Architecture” is:
any kind of environmental chage. The founder of “Kinetic Design Group”
“Liquid architecture is an architecture
at MIT, Michael A. Fox mentions re-
that breathes, pulses, leaps as one
thinking the scale in his “Catching Up
form and lands as another. Liquid
with the Past” essay. He thinks large
Architecture is an architecture whose
“devices” which are made of small
form is contingent on the interests of the
scaled intelligent modules could
beholder; it is an architecture that opens
enhace the capabilities of the large
to welcome and closes to defend me;
“devices” in terms of flexibility, sensing
it is an architecture without doors and
capabilities and robustness (Fox 10).
hallways, where the next room is always
The next level of responsiveness could
where I need it to be and what I need it to
be hidden in small scaled components
be.” Marcos Novak (Gibson 272).
or smart materials.
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
Figure 1: The George Berdan House, Image Courtesy of BDR Custom Homes
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
Figure 2: Exterior of Housing in the Historic District Cadiz, Image Courtesy of Pablo Diaz-Fierros Figure 3: Interior of Housing in the Historic District Cadiz, Image Courtesy of Pablo Diaz-Fierros
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
Figure 4: Exterior of Tekfen Kagithane Ofispark, Image Courtesy of Emre Arolat Architects Figure 5: Interior of Tekfen Kagithane Ofispark, Image Courtesy of Emre Arolat Architects
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
Figure 6: Ada: Intelligent Room, Swiss Expo 2002, Photo Courtesy of Paul Veschure
The Idea of Flexible and Responsive Architecture
Figure 7: Kinetic Light Sculpture, Photo Courtesy of Moeller, Kramm and Strigl
“There are an endless number of things to discover about robotics. A lot of it is just too fantastic for people to believe” Daniel H. Wilson
0310 // ROBOT The word “Robot” first mentioned in
Later, The Unimate’s abilities
a Czech play writer Karel Capek’s
expanded to welding, painting and
“Rossum’s Universal Robots” play.
applying adhesives. It was one of
It is derived from the Czech word
the most important inventions in
“robota” which means slave labor
human history, because it was just
(Wilson 6). Nevertheless, robots are
the beginning of a whole new era for
actually mechanical or virtual artificial
agents which are guided by codes or electronic circuitry. They can be
Villem Flusser, the philosopher,
autonomous or semi-autonomous
believes that factories are reflecting
with different scales from industrial
the history of humankind. He divided
enormous robots to microscopic
the history of humankind into four
nanorobots. People label robots as
sections which were hands, tools,
future caretakers of humankind;
machines and robots. People first used
however, it is a more complicated
their bare hands to manufacture, then
relationship and not that far away
they built tools and learned how to
from today.
use them. It was the first revolution because the human was not a part
The robot-human relationship started
of primitive life and its environment
long ago, in 1954, when William
anymore, he was different. Tool era
Grey Walter built first electronically
longed for ages and machine era
autonomous robot. Seven years later,
started approximately two hundred
George Devol invented, “The Unimate”,
years ago. Machine changed the
which was the first digital and
meaning of human existence. Thus,
programmable industrial robot (Fig. 6).
during the tool era, the abilities
Robots are first used in large scaled car
of a person were important in a
factories like General Motors, Ford and
manufacturing process. If a tailor
Chrysler. The Unimate was used to lift
broke his needle, he could get a
and stack die-cast metal parts taken
new one, it would not bother the
hot from their molds.
manufacturing process.
After the invention of machines,
change the concept of factories or
human existence lost its importance.
workshops because the process of
If a worker who controls a machine
manufacturing does not have to be a
die, another worker could have done
massive event anymore, like during
his job exactly the same way with
the tool or machine era (Flusser 48).
the same precision and quality.
Moreover, it is not a distant future
On the other hand, if a machine
prediction. For instance, desktop
broke, then the production will
3d printers becoming more popular
be stopped. This shift reflected
everyday and they are an essential
even in factory architecture. After
proof of the individual manufacturing
machines introduced to the process
era. If someone broke a plate, instead
of manufacturing workers pushed to
of buying a new plate, he can print a
the periphery of factories right after
new one. In the long term, it is more
machines placed in the middle of the
economical and practical for the user.
buildings (Flusser 47).
Moreover, customized fabrication according to user needs adds more
However, the third revolution,
value to manufacturing with 3d
introduction of the robots started a
printing technology.
whole new hybridic era for factories. Manufacturing is not a human or
“Arduino” is another milestone during
machine centralized process anymore,
the evolution of manufacturing. It is
contrarily it is a mutual relationship.
an open-source prototyping platform
A robot would not operate without
based on easy-to-use hardware and
a human being, it has to be taught
software. Basically, it is another step to
by a person. On the other hand, a
integrate robots into our daily life. It is
person cannot expect, anything robot
simple and user friendly, even a child
cannot do. If we consider the variety
can build a robot with this platform. It
of current robot types and usages,
is simple and practical. It is exactly like
this era is similar to the primitive
the inventor of robots Mr. Devol said:
man (hand) era. A person can take his robot and start a manufacturing
“We should take refuge in the fact that
process anywhere he wants. Each era
very crude systems can accomplish an
has made huge changes in human
awful lot. Elegant capabilities are nice, but
life, no doubt that robot era will
often unnecessary.” George Devol
Automation & Architecture
Simplicity of the Arduino platform
It will relax the constraints of design
enhances the ability of creative minds.
and allow more sophisticated forms
It is easy to find creative solutions
to be created and materials to be used.
for everyday problems online. For
Robots and parametric design tools
instance, “Lawnbot400” is a great
have started to be oriented. In the
solution for mowing a lawn with only
short term, robotics in architecture
an R/C controller (Fig. 7). Moreover, it
will improve the context of terms
is an open source project which means
like flexible space and responsive
anyone can make the same robot for
architecture. In the distant future,
themselves. “Open source” is really
they may create entirely new
important because it allows to improve
the technology and encourages people to “make” robots.
0311 // INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS ISO 8373 defines industrial robots
Advancements in robotics technology
as automatically controlled,
during the last decade are fascinating.
reprogrammable, multipurpose
However, it is just the tip of the
manipulator, programmable in three
iceberg. The next phase in the robot
or more axes, which can be either
era will begin with nanorobotics.
fixed in place or mobile for use in
Nanotechnology has a long theoritical
industrial automation applications.
history, which began in 1960’s. Great
Typical applications of robots include
vision of scientist Richard Feynman
welding, painting, assembly, pick
finally becomes real in this century.
and place, product inspection, and
It took a long time to develop
testing. Regardless of complexity of
technologies to a certain level for
assignment, industrial robots are fast,
nanorobotics, but it was definitely
precise and durable.
worth to wait. The earliest known industrial “robot” The era of the robots began almost
was built by Griffith P. Taylor in 1937
fifty years ago and technological
and published in Meccano Magazine. It
advancements made them affordable,
was called “The Gargantua” and crane-
smaller and smarter. No doubt that,
like device was built almost entirely
changes in fabrication techniques will
using Meccano parts, and powered by
effect the architecture too.
a single electric motor.
Automation & Architecture
Five axes of movement were possible,
It was an all electric, six axis
including grab and grab rotation.
articulated robot which is basically
Automation was achieved using
an imitation of an arm. Scheinman
punched paper tape to energize
designed another arm for MIT later,
solenoids, which would facilitate
which is called “MIT Arm”. On the
the movement of the crane’s control
other side of the ocean European
levers. The robot could stack wooden
companies also started to invest
blocks in programmed patterns.
in industrial robots. ABB Robotics
The number of motor revolutions
and KUKA Robotics were the first
required for each desired movement
industrial robot manufacturers in
was first plotted on graph paper. This
Europe. They introduced industrial
information was then transferred to
robots to the market in 1973. ABB’s
the paper tape, which was also driven
IRB6 is the first commercially available
by the robot’s single motor.
all electric micro-processor controlled robot in the world. First two IRB6
However, The Gargantua was not
sold to the Swedish firm Magnusson
fitting in the definition of industrial
to grind and polish pipe bends. Late
robots. The first industrial robot
1980’s are the boom years for robots.
patented in 1961 by George Devol.
Many US firms get into the business
His first robot is called Unimation.
of industrial robots, but not many of
Unimation robots were also called
them survived. Currently, most of the
programmable transfer machines
major robot manufacturers are based
since their main use at first was to
in Japan and Europe.
transfer objects from one point to another, less than a dozen feet or so
Usage of industrial robots also
apart. They used hydraulic actuators
extended out of the factories. It was
and were programmed in joint
a huge research field for engineers
coordinates. Monopoly of Unimation
from different backgrounds. Abilities
continued until the 70’s.
of large scaled robots can be used in space or on a construction site.
Early 1970’s are the rising years for
Industrial robots became a subject
industrial robots. First “Stanford
of architecture when they became
Arm” created by Victor Scheinman in
affordable in the last decade.
Stanford University.
Automation & Architecture
Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler
mixed-use high rises with using
are the leading architects of robotic
industrial robots (Fig. 9). Robots cut the
fabrication researches in the field of
pieces precisely, glue them, than put
architecture. They founded the first
the piece into desired position. The
multipurpose fabrication lab in ETH
task is simple at first glance, however,
Zurich, 2005. Since that day Gramazio
it is not a simple task when there
and Kohler leaded numerous robotic
are hundreds of different positioned
projects and lectures. Their first
pieces for a human being. Robots
large scaled project with robots was
accelerate the process remarkably.
“Gantenbein Vineyard” facade in
However, it is just a beginning of
Switzerland, 2006 (Fig. 8). They were
building actual buildings with robots.
commissioned to design and built a
No doubt that in the near future these
facade for a concrete structure. At first
construction experiments will be done
sight, due to low payload of industrial
with one to one scaled prefabricated
robots was a problem for large scale
modules. When industrial robots
construction. However, with the “brick
become more feasible for construction
by “brick” approach payload problem
sites whole process of construction
solved. It was a breakthrough project
will change forever.
for digital fabrication because it was a non-standardized assembly of the
Another important robotic fabrication
20,000 individually positioned bricks
researcher in the architecture field,
with high precision.
Achim Menges, who is a professor in the University of Stuttgart. He is a
Gramazio and Kohler’s graduate
founding member of the Institute for
studios also work on plenty of
Computational Design. As a research
remarkable robotic fabrication
group they built an exhibition hall with
research projects. One of their
using only industrial robots in 2004
research project about high rise
which is called Landesgartenschau
buildings is just the beginning
Exhibition Hall (Fig. 10). It is one of the
of a whole new era in high rise
first attempt to use robots for building
construction. Graduate students in
Singapore-ETH Centre for Global Enviromental Sustainability built 1/50 scaled physical models of their
Automation & Architecture
Precision, speed, multi-tasking and
the interactive, responsive designs.
code orientation with parametric
However, artists and designers do
design softwares are the main
not have enough knowledge about
advantages of industrial robot usage
coding or the relationship between
for architectural fabrication. For this
software and hardware. Arduino is
project, 243 different wooden plates
the solution for them. No surprise that
manufactured with approximately
Arduino effected architectural designs
7600 individual finger joints with
too. There are thousands of projects
high material and energy efficiency.
in different scales. Also, parametric
Tasks like welding, drilling or
design softwares are now adapted
moving materials are usual duties
to Arduino. It became a really easy
for robots, but architects re-define
process for architects to code Arduino
these standard tasks with parametric
boards. Spanish firm Cloud 9 design,
design softwares to create unique
Media-TIC building in Barcelona (Fig.
results. It would not be a surprise to
11) is one of the most outstanding
see industrial robots on construction
examples of Arduino capabilities in
sites in the short term. However, it is
big scale. It is an office building and
also fair to say that usage of industrial
an important example of responsive
robots for fabrication is feasible when
architecture. ETFE facade cushions
it adds value to the process. Using
are placed on south to work as
the features of industrial robots and
sunscreen in summer, during winter
pushing the limits is a must for the
ETFE cushions open to gain solar
robotic fabrication.
energy. Arduino based facade sensing the environmental changes and adjust
the interior climate. This feature
Robots are complex devices which
reduces the CO2 emission %10.
guided by codes or electronic circuitry. However, Massimo Banzi, Dave Mellis
Arduino could be also used as a
and David Cuartielles decided to
fabrication tool. CandyProject is a
simplify the process. They created
research project of Jin Shihui in
the prototyping platform Arduino
Barcelona (Fig. 12). The robot separates
in 2005. Their initial user group is
and spray the natural fiber to the metal
art and design students, because
structure with pre-adjusted material
contemporary art directed towards
density settings.
Automation & Architecture
Arduino is just one of the platform
the Bottom” audience thought it was
for robot prototyping. A number of
an entertaining science fiction story.
simple and user friendly platforms
However, it was just the beginning of
for prototyping growing and effecting
nanotechnology. Feynman repeated
various fields. Also being an open
his speech with elaborated ideas later
source platform accelerates the
in 1983 and 1984. In these speeches
development of simple but effective
he mentioned about nano-scaled
robotic platforms. Architecture student
computers, but this time audience
projects and hackhatons are just the
was impressed more than they
first step of more dynamic, responsive,
entertained. In fact, he is one of the
sustainable and flexible robotic
worlds most important scientist of
structures or advanced and mobile
humankind, but he did not invent
fabrication tools for architecture.
any kind of nanotechnology product or tool; however, his vision inspired
future generations to re-think the
Nanotechnologic products started
scale conception.
to integrate into our lives in the last decade. There is a wide range of
In 21st Century nano-scaled computer
products from self cleaning glass to
or robots are not science fiction stories
bullet-proof vest. Nanorobots are the
anymore. In 2007, researchers Adriano
emerging field of nanotechnology.
Cavalcanti, Bijan Shirinzadeh, Robert
These devices ranging in size from
Freitas, Jr., and Tad Hogg built the
0.1–10 micrometers and constructed of
“Nanorobot Control Design” software
nanoscale or molecular components.
to simulate virtual nanorobots and
It is still in the phase of research and
accelerate the process of prototyping.
testing. However, it is a fascinating
Research group leader Cavalvanti said:
technology, which offers numerous opportunities for a range from health
“Some existing components, like sensors,
to the construction industry.
motors, actuators and antennas, are already available as nanodevices. Then
Richard Feynman is one of the
you have to take the next step: those
most influential scientists in
components should be integrated as
nanotechnology field. After his talk
embedded parts assembled into a
in 1959, “There’s Plenty of Room at
nanorobot.” Adriano Cavalcanti
Automation & Architecture
For instance, a sensor having a switch
“Mechanical counter top which can raise
approximately 1.5 nanometers across,
and lower itself when needed and a smart
capable of counting specific molecules
cabinet above which can assist you in
in a chemical sample. However, no
retrieving food items as desired. Both the
doubt that there is still a long way
countertop and the cabinet understand
ahead of nanorobotics.
the actions of each other and while only one may deduce a response based on
Potentials of nanorobots are not
environmental sensing, the other may
just limited by fighting with cancer.
operate accordingly based on the actions
Scientists are improving the current
of the other device. Countertop senses
technology and their work getting
the height of an individual it may lower
finer and finer. Researchers believe
itself to accommodate a specific food
that with this pace of refinement
preparation need, and the cabinet will use
nanorobotic DNA production could
the information of the countertops’ action
happen in a foreseeable time. These
and lower itself and organize the food
DNA parts can compute and link up on
items accordingly to a learned pattern of
specific combinations under specific
behavior what the person typically eats at
circumstances and some day we will
a specific time of day.” Michael A. Fox
have the ability to build “living” robots (Steffen, Gore, and Inc 106).
This is an achievable task by today’s technology. However, he wants to
Other than health industry,
expand this responsive device. He
architecture will also benefit from
suggests to think about a countertop
nanorobots. Michael A. Fox brings
and a cabinet which made by
up the idea of re-thinking scale
thousands of smaller mechanical
factor robotic field of architecture.
devices. Potential of geometric
Technological limitations directed
flexibility and variety, sensing
researchers to dynamic large scaled
capabilities would be enhanced
structures or objects. He explains
undeniably. Nanorobots could broaden
his idea with an intelligent kitchen
the technical limits and give more
counter. In his “Catching up with the
freedom to the designer during the
Past” essay, he says:
design process.
Automation & Architecture
Voxels are basically 3d pixels, which
more than a green rooftop or imitation
have been used in digital modelling
of a natural form. I argue that the
for quite some time (Fig. 13). With the
problem is the misjudgment of the
help of nanorobots, a similar approach
world. Stability does not exist in
could re-define intelligence, flexibility
nature and rigid structures cannot
and responsiveness of a space.
perform as an artificial nature
Architectural design methodologies
component. However, dynamic
will most probably extend beyond our
structures could really perform as
minds in the distant future.
a part of nature. On the other hand, pre-programmed behaviors are the
other part of dynamism in nature.
Introduction of the book “The
An apple on a tree knows when to
Nature and Art of Motion” by Gyorgy
drop or a sunflower knows to follow
Kepes questions an important
the light source. Response against
common belief, in other words a
environmental changes is one of the
misjudgment. Why we define the
most important ability of nature. Roy
essential characteristic of the world
Ascott, leading artist of the telematic
as constancy and stability? In fact,
art movement once said:
nothing in or on the world is stable. As a matter of fact, the whole universe
“Behaviour relates to ideas... An organism
is in motion, stabilization is just a
is more efficient when it knows its own
misjudgment or a scale problem of
internal order.” Roy Ascott
humanity. Stars, ocean or atoms, they are all moving, transforming and
Since the smart device age started,
evolving. Nothing is “literally” stable or
people started to seek intelligence
durable in the nature.
in every object. As a result, architects started to design systems.
Designing with the nature is a
Theodore Spyropoulos describes
common conceptual approach in
these systems as pursuing higher
architecture; however, it is a still
ordered goals emerging trough an
shallow discussion in most of the
intimate correlation of material and
cases. Unfortunately, designed
computational interaction. This
most of the “sustainable” or “nature
synthesis creates a generitive time
focused” projects cannot develop
based behavioral model of living.
Automation & Architecture
Examination of these intimate
Some moves fast and changes fast,
orders built through the interplay of
some do not. Bruce Sterling explains
environmental catalysts.
and puts these differences into a system with “Pace Layers.” It is not
Discussing the robotic structure
a scientific argument, however, it
and architectural system behaviors
is useful to understand the order
will be more accurate to analyze the
of changes and speed in the world.
systems intelligence. Since moving,
This system is like an onion, which
transforming and self-assembling are
is layered. In outer layer everything
the basic behaviors of current robotic
works in fast pace. It is airy and light.
structures, analysis will focus on these
On the other hand, inner layer beneath
three behaviors.
outer is relatively slower and denser. Bruce Sterling enhances “Pace Layers”
0321 // MOVE
idea with fashion and commerce
The idea of moving structures can
relationship. He states that these are
be horrifying for most of the people
three different layers which exist
because of reminding earthquakes
since the ancient times, however, they
or natural disasters. However, the
changed in different paces. Fashion
benefits of moving structures can go
can change from season to season.
beyond our imagination. For instance,
Chanel can change jacket styles every
a tower, which moves according to
fall and spring. However, as next layer,
wind can reduce the load of the wind
commerce will not change as fast as
on the structure or moving according
fashion does. Chanel firm will exist
to the sun can produce more solar
as long as the business successfully
energy and reduce automatic climate
managed. It will change in time, but
control usage. Moreover, with the help
the pace of the change would not be as
of moving structures, actual flexible
fast as a jacket.(Yelavich and Adams
and responsive spaces can be created.
Movement is constant for everything
“Pace Layers” also a great way to
and everywhere. Each existing atom
discuss moving structures. Because,
moves in universe. However, it is not
architecture is also a multi-layered
a steady pace for everything. Every
system which consists multiple scaled
object has its own behavior and pace.
Automation & Architecture
A city (inner layer) and a house (outer
movement to adjust itself to the
layer) can be compared in a same way
environmental changes. Especially
of Chanel example. This order of layers
Philip Beesley’s experiments on
should be considered and designed
interactive space points out another
carefully because if every layer of the
direction for moving structures. In his
system works in same speed, as Bruce
lecture with Dr. Rachel Armstrong,
Sterling stated “A fire on the ground
he defines current buildings as
floor leaps to ignite the roof.” (Yelavich
interaction resistant. The main goal
and Adams 218)
of their project, so called “Hylozoic Ground”, is to break this resistance
As an example for rapid movement,
against interaction with people (Fig.
“Dynamic Tower” project of Israelian
14). He thinks holding on to things
architect, David Fisher is an important
and making them pure and durable
design. Rotating floor plate idea
is not natural. He defines their work
is not a new one. There are plenty
as resilient public architecture which
of restaurants which can turn 360
breathes gently. His project in Venice
degrees around the center to benefit
Bienalle 2010 was a quite successful
every customer from the view of the
attempt to create the resillient
restaurant. However, “Dynamic Tower”
public space. Their main influence
in Dubai takes this idea to the next
was layers in environment which
level. Each floor of the skyscraper
works with chemistry around. They
can turn around the center and each
used chemicals to create interaction
second form of the building changes.
between space and visitors. It was a
David Fisher states that this feature
mutual but complex relationship. The
adds a fourth dimension to design
mechanism was working really gently,
philosophy, which is time. In terms
in Philip Beesley’s words “deliciously.”
of cost-efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness of this project still
When Greg Lynn first comes up with
questionable and no doubt that this
the idea of designing with motion, his
is just the primitive version of robotic
influence was boats. He questioned at
towers.; however, it is an important
that time, why architecture does not
moving structural design in large
use motion in the environment while
scale. On the other hand, there are
multiple forces shaping boats for a
projects which consider more subtle
long time.
Automation & Architecture
He thought motion should be a part
Greg Lynn’s “Room Vehicle House”
of architectural design. However, he
projects is an interesting approach
was not talking about literally moving
to transform the space (Fig. 15). It
structures. During his lecture in
is a mobile and ra otating house
University of Michigan, he made an
project, which originally designed
important statement:
for the “Bienalle Interieur 2012.” Main challenge of this project was
“It is time to start thinking about literally
building a 150m2 house on a 60m2
moving buildings.” Greg Lynn
lot. To tackle this problem design group thought about using interior
As mentioned before, moving the
surfaces intensively (Fig. 16 and 17).
structure is not a new idea. However,
It was again Greg Lynn’s argument
creating a behavior for a building is
long before, using walls, floors or
a whole new era for architecture. It
ceiling to create furnitures or spaces.
could be a gentle movement, constant
However, this time they used three
rotation or quick reaction. As long as
surfaces of the building to create
it moves with environmental changes,
space. User controlled mechanism
it is one step closer to actual flexibility
will rotate according to space needs.
and sustainability.
For instance, if someone wants to go kitchen instead of moving towards
there, building rotates and orients
Buildings such as conference halls,
the kitchen to the user’s position. For
sports centers could be named as
mobility, they used foam cored fiber
analogue transforming spaces.
epoxy laminate, just like an F1 car. The
Especially in US most of the sports
1/5th scale prototype which weights
arenas can be used for multiple sports.
less than 150lbs, can be easily moved
For instance, Madison Square Garden
by a regular person.
in New York is the home of basketball, hockey, boxing and concerts. It can be
RV House is a moving space rather
transformed from one to another in
than a transforming space. It is a
a very short time. However, there are
hybrid of moving and transforming
researchs to automate this process
space which makes it a special
with different methods for the sake of
approach to dynamic structure design
ultimate flexibility and efficiency.
with current technology.
Automation & Architecture
Especially, putting the user into
Studio of Theodore Spyropoulos in
god-like position is critical. The
Architectural Association, London
human factor is always crucial for
is leading research about robotic
architecture, but this approach is a
structures. Graduate students
whole new era for human centered
experimenting on modules which
design mentality. Human factor
can combine and create large scale
literally in the middle of the design
structures. For instance, project called
and spaces propelling around the
NoMad is a successful research project
human according to his needs.
by Dmytro Aranchii, Yuqiu Jiang, Paul
Moreover, mobility of the structure
Clemens Bart and Flavia Ghirotto
provides a high level of flexibility.
Santos (Fig. 18). The project proposes a behavioral assembly system. It
marks a shift in our understanding
IKEA introduced a new concept of
of the built environment from
furniture design with a successful
one which is finite to one which
marketing strategy. Instead of
is autonomous, infinite and can
designing and manufacturing a
provide real-time solutions that can
traditional couch or bed frame, they
adapt dynamically to the demands
designed and manufactured easy
of its environment. Sensor system
to assemble pieces for lower price
allows the units to localize itself and
and high degree of flexibility. In fact,
communicate with other units instead
their approach has been used in the
of an imposed building form. Units
construction business over hundred
can form and synchronize in various
years. Especially, steel and wooden
orders and scales. It harvests real-
structures follows the same method.
time data of the environment and
However, the next step of the on-site
adapt to its surroundings. It is not
assembly will be robotic assembling.
a pre-determined design proposal,
Programmed robotic materials will
it is a system which regulates itself
assemble themselves to create
buildings. Moreover, they may change form or orders in time according to
Self-assembling structures are
user needs. However, self-assembling
promising a great potential for
robotic structures are still in research
architecture in distant future.
and prototyping phase.
Automation & Architecture
Theodore Spyropoulos points out
Later, Mike Webb, Ron Herron, Dennis
the urban problems his essay
Crompton and Warren Chalk joined
“Constructing Adaptive Ecologies:
the group. Their work mostly focused
Notes on Computational Urbanism.”
on fast paced urban lifestyle and
He states that outdated practices
technological advancements. They
dictates developments in the world
discussed the necessity of “tied down”
and these buildings create generic
societies to a permanent location. They
cities which cannot adapt to the
published these works on Archigram
constantly changing needs of the built
Magazine. Later they started an office
environment. Self-assembling robotic
called Archigram Architects.
structures could turn around the whole story for the cities.
“Walking City” project was one of the most important ones among their
works. The main inspiration for this
Final part of the discussion about
project was NASA’s towering, mobile
automation and architecture is in the
launch pads, hovercraft, and science
urban scale. Because, one can say
fiction comics. They envisioned parts
that a structure cannot exist by itself.
of itinerant buildings that travel on
Interaction is not limited to the user, it
land and sea for a nomadic society
interacts with the city and citizens. It
which lives in a future world without
is fair to say that if 21st Century human
boundaries and borders. The design
being expects more interactive and
of structures are plugged into utilities
flexible spaces with infinite potentials,
and information networks in different
they also expect the same from the
locations in response to the needs and
city as a whole.
desires of people, simultaneously. In “Walking City” different cultures and
“Walking City” is the very first example
information is shared and creating a
of a robotic city which designed by Ron
global information market is anticipated
Herron in 1964 (Fig. 19). Ron Herron’s
by Archigram group which can be seen
design published in Archigram.
also in “Instant City” or “Ideas Circus.”
Archigram was an important
A City is an organism which formed
architectural magazine during the 60’s
by buildings and citizens. Since
and 70’s which founded by Peter Cook
automated structures got into
and David Greene.
Automation & Architecture
it is almost inevitable to discuss also dynamic cities. The great potentials of automated buildings are also starting exciting discussions about new building codes, functional organizations or transportation systems within the city. The emergent nanorobot technology could transform cities into actual organisms. Tiny robots could produce their copies and grow new structures temporarily or permanently in vacant areas. Moreover, they can “heal” infrastructure problems or “learn” from day to day activities of people and improve their life quality. Apparently, organism like cities could be the solution for todays common city problems. However, applications of nanorobots and cities would be realized in a distant future.
Automation & Architecture
Figure 8: First Unimate, Photo Courtesy of Bob Malone Figure 9: Lawnbot 400, Photo Courtesy of John David
Automation & Architecture
Figure 10: Gantenbein Vineyard, Photo Courtesy of Gramazio & Kohler Architects Figure 11: Mixed Use High Rise Group 1 Project, Photo Courtesy of Gramazio & Kohler
Automation & Architecture
Figure 12: Fabrication of Lansesgartenschau Exhibition Center Panels, Photo Courtesy ofICD/ITKE/IIGS University of Stuttgart Figure 13: Exterior of Lansesgartenschau Exhibition Center, Photo Courtesy ofICD/ITKE/IIGS University of Stuttgart
Automation & Architecture
Figure 14: Media-TIC, Photo Courtesy of Iwan Haan Figure 15: CandyProject by Jin Shihui, Photo Courtesy of Zoe Romano
Automation & Architecture
Figure 16: Voxel Explosion, Image Courtesy of Daniel Cristev
Automation & Architecture
Figure 17: Hylozoic Ground, Canadian Pavillion, Venice Biennale 2010, Photo Courtesy of Philip Beesley
Automation & Architecture
Figure 18: RV House Prototype, Photo Courtesy of Greg Lynn Form
Automation & Architecture
Figure 19: RV House Plan, Image Courtesy of Greg Lynn Form Figure 20: RV House Section A, Image Courtesy of Greg Lynn Form
Automation & Architecture
Figure 21: NoMad Self-Assemble Structure, Photo Courtesy of Architectural Association Design Research Lab
Automation & Architecture
Figure 22: Walking City, Image Courtesy of Archigram Archives
“The home should be the treasure chest of living” Le Corbusier
In the past century, housing
Lastly, due to its varied user profile
projects, defined the key moments
such as mother, kids and father, it
in architecture and shaped our
becomes a great challenge for the
perception of modern life. Because,
architect. The complexity of life
architects used the home as a
brings problems and it push architects
laboratory. They experimented ideas
towards looking for new solutions and
and made their statements with
experimentations. However, in the
housing projects like Frank Lloyd’s
last decade, 20th Century experiments
“Usonian Houses”, Le Corbusier’s
and results cannot meet with 21st
“Villa Savoye” or Mies Van Der Rohe’s
Century user needs. With the rise of
“Farnsworth House.” There were
modernist architecture, industrial
multiple reasons to experiment with
production of building components led
housing projects.
to oversimplification. Today’s transient and changeable lifestyle requires
Firstly, It is an everyday function and
more sophisticated and complex
domestic living is affecting everyone.
components. While home interiors are
It is a fundamental function of life. The
in a constant state of change, users
philosopher Villem Flusser described
keep replacing or adding individual
the house as the most primary need
components. Instead of architectural
of a human being. In his opinion, it is
and custom solutions, users,
even more important than homeland.
transforming spaces with unreliable mass production home improvement
Secondly, client-architect relationship
was more simple than any other function and it allows more
Role of the housing function evolved
experimentation. Laws and codes
into a blurry position. With the
require complicated procedures for
help of advanced communication
publicly used buildings. Developers,
technologies most of the public zone
politicians, city councils and
activities can be conducted
more actors involve into project
in private spaces. A house could
procedures. Number of actors limits
become a space that, one can shop,
the experimentation with projects.
work or study.
On the other hand, private space
In most of the “smart� housing
activities such as watching TV,
projects, involvement of architecture
listening to music or private phone
way more less than engineering and
calls can be conduct in a public sphere.
technology. Architecture should step
The blurred line between private and
up and develop a strategy to create a
public spaces is also forcing architects
real 21st Century housing.
to re-think housing design. No doubt that architects always Another important change in the
looking for new ways to improve and
21 Century is the number average
adapt design methodologies to the
household. Every year, more and
requirements of the time. Housing
more people start to live alone or keep
projects could be the best place to test
changing their household setups. As a
their new methodologies and ideas.
result, static floor plans are becoming
Creating a flexible, dynamic and
outdated. On the other hand, spatial
adaptive housing could be the starting
requirements per household increases
point of actually living and working
Currently, almost half of the world,
organism like cities. Dynamism is the
stuck in their tiny urban structures.
most critical issues for future cities.
While our lifestyle pacing up, our cities Forward looking designers and
cannot leave behind. Transformability,
architects realized the new coming
adaptiveness and flexibility are the
challenges and possibilities of
most important topics of architecture
changing lifestyle around 1970’s. They
in this century.
started to use advanced technologies and materials to enhance abilities
of domestic settings. However, the
Transforming and adaptable
method of embedding technologies
housing is one of the most
in architecture to create flexible,
important concern of 21st Century
responsive, adaptive and intelligent
architecture. Modernist movements
environments is a questionable way
of architecture fundamentally aims
of enhancing domestic setting. The
for the transformable space for users.
current solution is an engineering
However, it is contradicting with its
solution rather than an architectural
own idea.
Home as a Laboratory
Modernism is against “the king”
Later in 1928, Richard Buckminster
role of the architect, but open plan
Fuller and his Dymaxion House was a
also dictates a specific environment
great statement of the transformable,
for users. Because, this time users
efficient and portable architecture
become dependent on hardware stores
more than a solution (Fig. 21).
or retailers of home development
However, his approach was innovative
for the sake of transforming their
and it used as a prototype of low-cost
lives. Especially, raising request of
mass production for housing (Bell and
customization of 21st Century users
Godwin 17).
makes transformable housing more important than ever. However, the
In 1993, Hans Peter Worndl’s approach
real dynamism of an architectural
to transformable architecture was
design could help to overcome this
different. In his The GucklHupf
problem and give users ultimate level
pavillion, he designed an animating
of transformability and customization
house (Fig. 22). It was built to “live.” The
name of the pavillion comes from the two verbs “gucken” and “hupfen” - to
In 1924, Gerrit Rietveld designed
watch and to hop. It is passive and
the Schroder House in Utrecht, The
active at the same time. On one level
Netherlands (Fig. 20). Gerrit Rietveld
the pavillion stands as metaphor for
designed pioneering sliding screens
the house with rooms and furniture.
and partitions to transform upper floor
On the other hand, the pavillion
of the house. The reason behind the
designed to response against weather
transformable spaces was dynamic
conditions by sliding, tilting and
and constantly changing lifestyle of
turning plywood panels on the facade.
the users. Owner of the house Ms.
Automation of the panels could not
Schroder had three kids, one girl and
be realized, but infinite variations of
two boys. She was expecting a design
openings activated manually. It was
which can be completely reconfigured
an impressive attempt to show the
each day, according to the family
potential of a “living” house (Bell and
needs. It was one of the earliest steps
Godwin 87).
towards transforming house idea (Bell and Godwin 10).
Home as a Laboratory
In the early days of science fiction
In the next phase, miniaturization
futurologists forsee the house of the
of hardware components will allow
future shaped like mushrooms made
technology to penetrate architecture
by bizarre materials like plastic.
more deeply. In the future, with
However, During the late 20TH Century,
the help of emerging nanorobotic
housing design was not changed
technology people will live in
much. There were experimental
dynamic houses which grow or shrink
works, but most of the practice
like actual organisms. Level of
stayed away from adventure. MIT’s
responsivity and flexibility will reach
“House_n” project was one of the
beyond our dreams.
few attempt to develop a responsive and transformable housing. It was investigating the integration of the technology to a housing unit (Bell and Godwin 49). Because, the technology embedded into the residential architecture was at least 20 years behind other industries. House_n aims to provide an “intelligent” house for the users moods and demands through integrated sensors and advanced materials. It is creating strategies to allow users to develop architectural spaces around them. Infinite customization of the house gives the user flexibility to adjust the house according to their lifestyle or budgets (Bell and Godwin 7). Long journey of the automated house dream getting closer to being realized step by step. From sliding panels to sophisticated sensor systems, it is all part of this dream.
Home as a Laboratory
Figure 23: Rietveld Schroder House, Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Figure 24: The Dymaxion House, Image Courtesy of The Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller
Home as a Laboratory
Figure 25: GucklHupf, Image Courtesy of Paul Ott
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” Vincent Van Gogh
One of the major concerns in the
For example, the author of this book,
metropolises such as New York,
himself lived in 3 different cities and
London or Istanbul is the rise of
6 different apartments in the last 6
rents due to lack of housing stock.
years. He will be moving to his 7th
Especially in Manhattan, average
apartment within July 2016. There are
housing prices hit all time high $2
lots of reasons behind this situation,
Million in the first quarter of 2016
but the result is the same. Lots
according to renowned real estate
money spent on broker fees, deposits
web site Curbed New York’s article.
and utility fees. When payed rent
Shaun Osher, chief executive of well
amount added to these fees, the total
renowned real estate company, CORE
cost of living in a decade would be
explains the main reason behind this
roughly the same cost of a small unit
“No one builds anything, and if they
At this point, people in the business
are building they are going to build
such as brokers and developers are
expensive,” Shaun Osher
also unhappy about the extremely high prices because in the current
On the other hand, our lifestyle is
conditions of the market even
not helping with this problem. Every
millionaires can hardly afford an
year, more people move into cities
apartment in Manhattan and the list of
and prefer to live single. According
potential clients shrinks every day.
to National Public Radio’s news NYC estimates by the end of 2030, there will
Lately, developers trying new ways
be one million more people start to live
to reach a wider range of people with
in the city and many of them will be
more affordable housing projects to
earn more money in a shorter time. However, it is not an easy task to
Another critical point of changing
accomplish. Due to the incredible
lifestyle is the nomadic condition of
values of land in Manhattan, developers
21 Century people as its mentioned
looking for new ways to profit while
before in this book.
building affordable apartments.
Micro housing is one of their latest
The first challenge was creating a
strategies of the business. The initial
compact but spacious apartment unit
idea is based on fitting all needs of
which can transform. As a solution,
a person into a single space and
the designer came up with the idea
actually it is a great fit for the 21st
of using walls like Greg Lynn did with
Century individuals. Most of the
his RV house project. Vertical surfaces
single people in the cities using their
added to floor area by rotating the
apartments for a really short time in
whole unit. Thus, floor area multiplied
a day. The usage of the apartment
within the same volume. However, it
limited with a very basic activities.
brings some infrastructure problems.
However, micro housing design still
Since wetspaces need an undistrupted
very limited with furniture design
connection with the clean, grey and
strategies. Architects more focused
dirty water pipes for a better life
on designing transforming furnitures
quality design of the unit splitted into
rather than designing transformable
two parts. One part designed fixed
spaces. It is a questionable approach,
while the other part rotatable.
because throughout the history when architects faced with problems they
The needs of the unit effected the form
tried to find permanent solutions
development. For this project three
rather than quick fixes. Also,
main geometric shapes selected as
technological advancements always
starting points. Triangle used for the
led architects to more sophisticated
rotational part design because there
solutions. When you consider current
were three basic space needs for an
technology, architects should step up
individual. Living room, bedroom and
and find a real solution instead of a
study. For the purpose of mobility,
convertible couch.
a circular core designed. This core contains engines for wheels and
The idea of the Robotic Micro Housing
infrastructure such as water storage,
project developed with the passion of
battery, ventilation and electromagnets
creating the most efficient, mobile and
for unit to unit integration.
spacious apartment unit. There were plenty of challenges.
Singular unit gives the user freedom within a compact space. However, singular units are not the solution
Robotic Micro-Housing
for the problems of metropolises.
This unit design and formed tower is
Integration of multiple units and
just a step towards an architectural
aggregation strategies were relatively
solution for 21st city problems and it is
more important than singular unit for
not the final result, but a beggining of
the problem of over-priced properties
a more responsive, flexible, efficient
in cities. The initial idea for the
and livable apartments. It is a system
integration of the units was building
proposal rather than a design proposal.
a conventional core with an electro-
Visuals of the tower is illustrating
magnetic shell. Then, singular units
the snapshot of a potential daily form
will populate around this shell.
rather than a design proposal. When this kind of an adaptive system builds,
One of the important challenges of
variations of this unit design could be
this strategy was creating a circulation
designed according to user needs . The
between units. To tackle this, rear
variety of the unit design will enrich
part of the unit designed as a female-
the form of the tower.
male joint. This joint design creates a hallway when the two units integrates
Integration of robots to the
rear parts. When a residential tower
architecture, extending the potentials
formed by units, the building would
of the architectural design as it proved
form itself during the day according to
many times in this book. This project
environmental conditions. Especially,
is just another proof of the potential
wind direction and movement of the
of robotics technology and hopefully
sun will effect the buildings form. For
many more projects like this will help
instance, decreasing the surface area
to enhance the vision of architects and
in front of the wind flow would help to
effect their design ideas.
decrease wind load over the structure or rotating units towards the sun could decrease energy consumption of units. On the other hand, constant change of the form would be an interesting addition to the city skyline. It could be the landmark of never ending design strategy.
Figure 26: Nomadic Condition of Robotic Micro Housing Unit, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 27: Robotic Micro Housing Tower, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 28: Initial Form Development Diagram, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 29: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Exploded Diagram, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 30: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Rear Part Design, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 31: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Core Part Design, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 32: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Front View, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 33: Robotic Micro Housing Unit On The Beach, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 34: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Rotation Exterior View, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 35: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Rotation Interior View, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 36: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Interior View, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 37: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Interior View, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 38: Generic Tower Core Design For Robotic Housing Units, Drawing Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
Figure 39: Robotic Micro Housing Units Magnetic Pattern Diagram, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 40: Robotic Micro Housing Tower Unit Movement, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 41: Robotic Micro Housing Tower, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 42: Robotic Micro Housing Tower Population, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 43: Robotic Micro Housing Tower Form Variations, Image Courtesy of the Author
Robotic Micro-Housing
Figure 44: Robotic Micro Housing Tower In Manhattan Skyline, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 45: Robotic Micro Housing Tower Top View, Image Courtesy of the Author
ignored by architects. Usage of robotic
The research examined flexibility
materials is would be inevitable in
subject in different cases. It described
the future’s construction business.
the importance for human life,
Discussion about nanorobotics
especially in the 21st Century. Later,
analyze the great theoretical physicist
examination focused on the current
Richard Feynman’s ideas and enrich
state of flexible and responsive
the discussion with the latest
space understanding in architecture.
developments in the industry.
Problems like “Generic Architecture” and the acquired degree of
Buildings are part of a larger
responsiveness questioned. Research
organization such as cities, towns or
argued that robotic fabrication, robotic
villages. Robotic structures, dynamic
structures and materials could help to
surfaces and animated buildings lead
solve these analyzed problems.
the discussion to the city aspect. No doubt that smart environments would
To illustrate potentials of robotics,
be the solution for our most of daily
research focused on background of
basis problems. Self adjusting roads,
automated systems and relationship
according to traffic conditions or
with architecture. Analysis of both
reproducing or diminishing housing
conceptual and applied projects
units, according to population flows
showed us that robotic fabrication
are just few insights about the future to
and automated structures enhance
illustrate the potential of robotic cities.
abilities of architecture and users. Additionally, research goes deeper
In the final of the discourse, “house”
into the robotic structure behaviors
proposed to use as a laboratory to
and looked for potentials of different
experiment the relationship robotics
behaviors. The insights of the robotic
with architecture. Experimenting with
structures lead to distant future ideas
housing function could help to explore
to enhance robotic structures abilities.
robotic structures in many ways.
Michael Fox’s inspirational essay
Especially, complex and constantly
“Catching Up with the Past” lead the
changing behaviors and habits of
conversation to re-thinking scale of
users would help to discover multiple
the robotic structures. The incredible
features and advantages of robotic
growth of nanotechnology cannot be
structures and materials.
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1: The George Berdan House, Image Courtesy of BDR Custom Homes Figure 2: Exterior of Housing in the Historic District Cadiz, Image Courtesy of Pablo Diaz-Fierros Figure 3: Interior of Housing in the Historic District Cadiz, Image Courtesy of Pablo Diaz-Fierros Figure 4: Exterior of Tekfen Kagithane Ofispark, Image Courtesy of Emre Arolat Architects Figure 5: Interior of Tekfen Kagithane Ofispark, Image Courtesy of Emre Arolat Architects Figure 6: Ada: Intelligent Room, Swiss Expo 2002, Photo Courtesy of Paul Veschure Figure 7: Kinetic Light Sculpture, Photo Courtesy of Moeller, Kramm and Strigl Figure 8: First Unimate, Photo Courtesy of Bob Malone Figure 9: Lawnbot 400, Photo Courtesy of John David Figure 10: Gantenbein Vineyard, Photo Courtesy of Gramazio & Kohler Figure 11: Mixed Use High Rise Group 1 Project, Photo Courtesy of Gramazio & Kohler Figure 12: Fabrication of Lansesgartenschau Exhibition Center Panels, Photo Courtesy of ICD/ITKE/IIGS University of Stuttgart Figure 13: Exterior of Lansesgartenschau Exhibition Center Panels, Photo Courtesy of ICD/ITKE/IIGS University of Stuttgart Figure 14: Media-TIC, Photo Courtesy of Iwan Haan Figure 15: CandyProject by Jin Shihui, Photo Courtesy of Zoe Romano Figure 16: Voxel Explosion, Image Courtesy of Daniel Cristev Figure 17: Hylozoic Ground, Canadian Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2010, Photo Courtesy of Philip Beesley Figure 18: RV House Prototype, Photo Courtesy of Greg Lynn Form Figure 19: RV House Plan, Image Courtesy of Greg Lynn Form Figure 20: RV House Section A, Image Courtesy of Greg Lynn Form Figure 21: NoMad Self-Assemble Structure, Photo Courtesy of Architectural Association Design Research Lab Figure 22: Walking City, Image Courtesy of Archigram Archives Figure 23: Rietveld Schroder House, Image Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons
Figure 24: The Dymaxion House, Image Courtesy of The Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller Figure 25: GucklHupf, Image Courtesy of Paul Ott Figure 26: Robotic Micro Housing Unit, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 27: Robotic Micro Housing Tower, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 28: Initial Form Development Diagram, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 29: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Exploded Diagram, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 30: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Rear Part Design, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 31: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Core Part Design, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 32: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Front View, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 33: Robotic Micro Housing Unit On The Beach, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 34: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Rotation Exterior View, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 35: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Rotation Interior View, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 36: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Interior View, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 37: Robotic Micro Housing Unit Interior View, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 38: Generic Tower Core Design For Robotic Housing Units, Drawing Courtesy of the Author Figure 39: Robotic Micro Housing Units Magnetic Pattern Diagram, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 40: Robotic Micro Housing Tower Unit Movement, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 41: Robotic Micro Housing Tower, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 42: Robotic Micro Housing Tower Population, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 43: Robotic Micro Housing Tower Form Variations, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 44: Robotic Micro Housing Tower In Manhattan Skyline, Image Courtesy of the Author Figure 45: Robotic Micro Housing Tower Top View, Image Courtesy of the Author
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