Grae Magazine's LAFG

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Nataly Zigdon

editor’s note. HELLO! For those of you who just happen to stumble on this month’s issue of Grae, I’m sure you’re wondering what LAFG even stands for. LAFG stands for the Los Angeles Flikr Gathering. Over fifty photographers from all over the states come together to one huge meet up all because they share their love for photography. I got the chance to be apart of LAFG and it has ever since changed the way I view myself and photography. It was astonishing that these photographers who have felt connected to each other through their photographs were making a conscious effort to make a real live connection. Distance is nothing but a word to these humans. They don’t let every day life get in the way of making sure they keep this connection alive no matter how many miles apart they are. The idea that photography has brought them all together was such a powerful thing to me. As any photographer knows, our lens leads us to some of the greatest moments of our lives. The encounters we have with strangers, the adventures we stumble upon, and the many moments we capture is greatly because we have a passion for exploring and taking our lens with us. The fact that photography has took these strangers and made them family was one I had to create an issue on. I hope these photographers and this issue inspires you to go out and be daring in whatever it is you choose to do. Go explore new and old places, meet new humans and most importantly, never stop creating. Whatever your medium, let it take over your heart and soul. Let it be the reason you spend all your money on traveling, let it be the reason you lose sleep, and let it be the reason you step out of your comfort zone and grow. As always, thanks for stopping by. -nataly

grae magazine. Publisher Grae

Editor in Chief Nataly Zigdon

Content Editor Sophie Lavac

Contributors Taylor McCormick Steven Sites Brendon Burton Evan Walsh Molly Strohl Sarah Ann Loreth Joel Robison Brooke Shaden And a special thank you to all the artists who attended LAFG and contributed to this issue.

The Treehouse Cameron Sarradet

Cover Joel Robison

Evan Walsh


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Cover by Joel Robison

Brad Wagner

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Cameron Sarradet

Ethan Coverstone

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Sean Mundy

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Kristi Frazier

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Brooke Shaden

the treehouSe.

where imagination is created. 16 | Grae Magazine | LAFG

Maris was, no, is my rock. She is fractured and broken, as am I, but her role has not changed in my world. She steadies me, like the sail on a great ship, setting it upon a course to new and better lands. For some time now she has been this for me, so I’ve become reliant, dependent upon her, just like the great ship that cannot travel without it’s sail. So, even the greatest of things need help, need a rock, to steady them on their path. Maria has fought hard to repair her own cracks and fractures, but she is weak, becoming more and more fragile with each passing day. Even the strongest of rocks have a weakness, even the grandest of ships have a breaking point, and there is no mask large enough to conceal these faults forever,for even a mask will crumble eventually. So, we fall apart together, for we both rely on one another, pushing an pulling against forces of our own creation as well as ones much larger than ourselves. It is this that breaks us apart. All we have now is one thing, one small bit of hope to hang on to. It is going to be a long, weary journey, all we can do is hold on for dear love.

Maria & Johnny by Cameron Sarradet LAFG | Grae Magazine | 17

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Portraits by Whitney Justesen

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Portraits by Whitney Justesen

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Portraits by Whitney Justesen

What if you were told exactly when you were going to die. Would you use it to your advantage and conquer your fears because you knew nothing else could kill you? Would you make every single dream a reality because nothing should be stopping you now? Would you actually

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appreciate life and ‘seize the moment’ because you knew how much time you had left? Or would you constantly feel the complete opposite because every single day you’re a day closer to the day you die. I guess you’ll never know. grae.

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q & A type interviews bore us to death. Okay we get it, you’re an artist and you get asked what inspires you... and you say, the birds and the bees and the trees and the zzzzzz... not even going to hit the snooze button, just going to sleep right through that interview. We want to give our readers a dig at your brain. What you think about homosexuality and what your favorite toppings on your pizza are, things that actually make you who you are. Yes, you are an artist, but you are a human being with some of the most interesting thoughts above all else. We want to get to know you, not just your work. We want to get to know the person behind the world you constantly create.. whether it be with a paintbrush, a camera, a microphone, or a piece of thread. We want to get to know your simplest thoughts that come together to create that crazy mind of yours. Don’t deny it, it’s a mess in there. We’re right there with you though. In order to do so, we sent out our artists on the Grae Train.

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the grae train.

What is a Grae Train you ask? A Grae Train is a train of thought compiled of two thoughts. One from our team, one from the artist. We begin a sentence and an artist ends it with the first thing that comes to their mind. The thoughts that come together show a lot about what type of train that artist boards on a daily basis. It’s amazing that even though we have the same beginnings, we could alternately have completely different endings. LAFG | Grae Magazine | 27 Photo by Joel Robison

Taylor McCormick by Ethan Coverstone

LAFG taught me that I want to Live on the west coast one day. I fear spiders and anything cutting my feet I get asked how old I am. There is nothing like the feeling of taking off an airplane. My dad always says, It’s an adventure. I know that people are unpredictable. The moment you fall asleep is awesome. I’m listening to Alt-J. You can learn a lot from the shoes someone wears. I’ve never on a cruise. I want to be remembered as a successful artist. At the end of the day, if I’ve done one at least one thing productive, I’m happy. People always tell me my twin and I don’t look alike. Happiness is seeing a plane in the sky. I absolutely love the first hug after seeing someone in a while. When I wake up I hit the snooze button. Marriage seems like a weird thing for me. What I’ve learned is that there is no shortcut or substitute for hard work. Society repeats itself. Today I noticed how old I feel. I don’t trust anyone that doesn’t enjoy listening to music. My camera is my tool. I am an artist.

Ethan Coverstone

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Sarah Ann Loreth

Steven Sites

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Whitney Justesen

LAFG taught me that meeting famous people from the internet isn’t as horrifying as it seems. I fear spiders, deep water and photoshop crashing. I get asked if I actually do anything normal anymore. There is nothing like learning how to Bollywood dance in the LA suburbs on new year’s eve. My dad always says, “Why is there fake blood/paint/mud/feathers all over the shower?” I know that I won’t ever smother myself with the expectations of others. The moment you get caught trespassing not wearing pants is an interesting one. I’m listening to the sounds of an airport and a freeway, wishing it was the sound of rain and the forest at night. You can learn a lot from packing a week’s worth of clothing into a single carry on bag. I’ve never been afraid to hop a few fences. I want to be remembered as “the one kid with the camera who used to live here.” At the end of the day, I am usually thinking of some new way to risk my life or terrify elderly hikers. People always tell me to be safe and plan for the future, but life is nothing without risk and adventure. Happiness is being surrounded by people who are just as curious as you are. I absolutely love abandoned houses, foggy mountains, and my beat up station wagon filled with props. When I wake up I tend to be a vicious individual. Marriage is something I can’t begin to fully understand. What I’ve learned is that if your friends don’t support and challenge you, find some who do. Society is just a series of suggested presets for your life. Today I noticed I am going to be living with someone I met in LA next year and I couldn’t be happier. I don’t trust anyone that uses selective coloring. My camera is surprisingly durable and can withstand a tremendous amount of use. I am still in awe at my luck, to find such outstanding artists who are also some of the most genuine people I’ve ever met.

Brendon Burton by Jayson Carter

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Shane Black

Cameron Bushong

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Sarah Ann Loreth by Cameron Bushong

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LAFG taught me that there is kindness and humanity still left in the world. It taught me the beauty of following your dreams. I fear being left behind. I fear falling in love. I fear failing. I get asked almost weekly if the octopus I used for a photo a year ago was real. There is nothing like, a $5 truck stop shower in a town you’ve never heard of in a state you’ve never been, in the middle of a road trip with friends. My mom always says, do you have to be dead in every photo? I know that one day I’ll be living in a new town in a new state working as an artist and being happy and living. The moment you have a really great idea for a photo but it’s 2AM and you are about to fall asleep and you are too darn lazy to roll over and write it down and it’s forgotten by morning. I’m listening to the Fun. station on Pandora and the general running around of the operating room. You can learn a lot from taking the time to listen and pay attention. I’ve never in my life wanted bacon more than I do at this very moment. Or Indian food. It’s lunch time. I want to be remembered as, to quote Ted Kennedy, “to be remembered simply as a good and decent person, who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it.” I want to be remembered for my warm hugs, openness, and my will to be there for someone in need. At the end of the day, I will be me and only me so I might as well make the best of being me. People always tell me that I am too darn nice. Happiness is, a warm snuggly puppy. I absolutely love traveling. When I wake up it’s usually with a cursing and grumbling because 5AM is such an ugly hour and there is always a long day ahead of me. Marriage might surprise me one day by actually happening to me. What I’ve learned is that, in this business no one will know you exist until you let them know you exist. Society, is not something I tend to give much thought too. I tend to go by the beat of my own drum. Keeps me sane. Today I noticed that 5AM is too early to put on underwear because apparently I put mine on inside out. I don’t trust anyone that insists on obsessively matching their underwear to their socks. My camera sleeps in my bed at night. I am what I am so I might as well make the best of it. LAFG | Grae Magazine | 37

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Cameron Sarradet

David Kasyanyuk LAFG | Grae Magazine | 39

LAFG taught me that meeting strangers from the internet is fun. I fear SPIDERS. DEAR GOD. I get asked “what camera do you use?” and I tell them all I use a magic box with a hole in it that captures whatever my heart desires. There is nothing like, that pacific ocean breeze. My dad always says, “Never use my words against me.” I know that there are still so many people in my life I have yet to meet and I get incredibly anxious sometimes just waiting for our paths to cross. The moment you...realize your potential, you won’t stop trying to achieve it. I’m listening to nothing at the moment. I’m going through one of those wretched phases where nothing sounds good and I can’t figure out what my ears are craving. You can learn a lot from your parents. seriously, they are wise people. listen to them. I’ve never broken a bone. I want to be remembered as a creator. At the end of the day, it’s never a bad idea to wind down with a hot cup of tea, a snuggly cat, a comfy bed, and some netflix. I highly recommend it. People always tell me, “YOUR EYES ARE SO BLUE.” Happiness is, cats. I absolutely love homemade mac & cheese. When I wake up I want to crawl back into my dream world immediately. Marriage is none of my business. What I’ve learned is that, I should never get too comfortable with my art. Society, needs to get out more. Today I noticed the most adorable little puppy sleeping like a baby in the arms of a woman walking down the street. I don’t trust anyone who looks like George Harvey from The Lovely Bones. My camera is currently yearning for a new lens to look through. I am Molly.

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Molly Strohl by Whitney Justesen

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Shane Black

What I’ve learned is that there will always be a reason to feel down about yourself; there will be people who will put your down, there will be people who just simply are better than you at what you do, for the rest of your life. But as artists, there will also always be a reason to be proud; there will be people who respect you, you will inspire people, as unlikely as it may seem for someone, there is someone, somewhere, who looks to you and is inspired, and that is something of which to be proud. -steven sites

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Brad Wagner

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Sarah Ann Loreth

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Steven Sites by Whitney Justesen

LAFG taught me that there is always room to better myself as a person. I fear being boring. I think the ultimate failure as an artist is to bore people and myself. I get asked what inspires me and I’m always confident in saying that the way I grew up shaped my artistic style completely. It’s so very important to stay true to what feels right to you as an artist, no matter how out of the ordinary your style is or how strange your influences may be. There is nothing like waking up at 5:00am, scrambling around for hours and running out into the middle of nowhere to photograph your best friends. Every day during LAFG, we went to bed late, woke up early and ran around frantically and it’s the best feeling pulling it all together. My dad always says that nothing is fulfilling if you don’t meet your potential. You will never feel right until you do what you’re meant to do, there’s no way around it. I know that every single decision I’ve ever made has lead me here. The moment you accept your imperfections is the moment you can develop your own style. I’m listening to the soft hum of a desk fan muting the sounds of awakening birds. You can learn a lot from the mistakes of others. I’ve never compromised my own integrity as an artist. I want to be remembered as someone who actually accomplished something. At the end of the day, you are left with no one and nothing but yourself and your own thoughts. Happiness is both knowing exactly where you are while at the same time having absolutely no idea what’s coming next. I absolutely love seeing other artists try new things. Marriage is a partnership; Society will always try to control you, but you can’t blame society for letting it happen. That is your decision and your decision alone. I don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like Taco Bell, let’s get serious. My camera has been through wind, snow, thunderstorms, flooded marshes, asbestos, fire, flesh and my reckless driving and it has always come through for me. It is one of the few constants I have in my life. I am happy with where I am. It took me 21 years, but I am happy. LAFG | Grae Magazine | 47

Shane Black

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Vera Benschop

Cameron Sarradet

Carolyn Hampton

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Ashley Hershberger

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Evan Walsh by Nataly Zigdon

LAFG taught me that there is so much to be valued beyond my hometown. I fear that one of these days, a great story idea is going to appear in my head and I’m going to forget it before it makes it onto paper (I’m sure it’s already happened…). I get asked what it’s like to be my age (17, 16 when I was in Indiana) and be able to take these chances, and go on these adventures. I don’t know, I say each time--but I’m damn lucky. There is nothing like the rain cascading on my window, a hot chocolate in my hands, and a million worlds waiting to be spun out in my head. My dad always says that I’m a pain in the ass. He’s right. I know that there are so many opportunities that I already have missed, so many roads I have already passed, and there are many places I can no longer return. It is because of this that I launch myself with everything that I am--I move ahead, to the future, to create a brighter life each and every day. The moment you stop dedicating yourself to the world around you--the moment you stop loving who you are, where you are, and who you are with--is the moment you stop truly living. I’m listening to “Mirrors” by Justin Timberlake. I’ve never felt so blessed as I did in LA, to share my first (that’s right he’s single boys and girls!!) 30-something New Year Kisses with the most inspiring people on this earth. I want to be remembered as someone who loved, lived, laughed, and cried with every fiber of his being, unyielding in beliefs, and never holding back. At the end of the day, we are all just a mosaic of broken things. People always tell me my jokes aren’t funny--(spoiler alert:) they aren’t. Happiness is the knots in my chest when my best friends are in my arms, and I feel like I can take on anything. I absolutely love the smell of freshly cooked cinnamon buns! Who doesn’t love cinnamon buns?!?! When I wake up, after hitting my 7th alarm, I stop to listen for the birds. If I hear them singing, it is a good day, and so I too sing along. Marriage is a commitment and a challenge, focused on an extreme love and dedication to another person, and should not be denied to anyone who dares to try to love that strongly. What I’ve learned is that, no matter what I do, say, achieve, receive, or believe, there are other opportunities to expand, to learn, and to grow, and it would be naive of me ever to stop filling my mind with the undiscovered wonder that surrounds me. Society tried to tell me that I had to choose between In-N-Out Burger and Five Guys, and I am still protesting this fact. I don’t trust anyone that thinks they don’t have to earn their place in this life. My camera keeps me sane, for when I lose myself, there on that little convex is my distorted reflection, and it is in this little distorted image that I truly see myself as I am. I am walking through a dark labyrinth with a lit torch as my pharos, LAFG and the people I love | Grae Magazine | 53 are walking next to me.

AJ Coley

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Cameron Bushong

Morey Spellman

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Stephen Criscolo

LAFG taught me that sharing your life with others is the best way to grow as a person. I fear whales and the ocean, as ridiculous as that sounds, but hey, we all fear something absurd. In fact, most fears are just that: something that is is baseless when faced. I get asked why I wear clothes that are 3 sizes too big. All the time. Like, everywhere I go. What can I say, I like maternity clothes! There is nothing like laying in a field and on my back and watching the clouds go by. My dad always says that life is worth living happily. I know that I want to inspire people, no matter what, where or how. The moment you confront your fears it the moment you have no fears. I’m listening to Cocorosie. You can learn a lot from surrounding yourself with people who are completely different from yourself. I’ve never had a sip of alcohol before. I want to be remembered as someone who inspired others to follow their passion. At the end of the day there is no better feeling than to remember the great things that happened and to forget the rest. People always tell me that they thought I would be a lot taller than the super short person that I am. Happiness is believing that your life is worth fighting for. I absolutely love the sound of wind making tall grass flutter in an open field. When I wake up I tell myself that I am going to have an inspirational day. Marriage is what I vowed to be a part of when I was 16, and I have never looked back. What I’ve learned is that everything is inspirational if you choose to see it that way. Society is as amazing as you choose to see it. Today I noticed that I had a little cut on my hand from my kitty, and it made me happy. I don’t trust anyone that puts themselves before others. My camera is only a tool. I am constantly trying to inspire myself. 56 | Grae Magazine | LAFG

Brooke Shaden by Whitney JustesenLAFG | Grae Magazine | 57

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Evan Walsh

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Jacob Price

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Stephen Criscolo

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Joel Robison by Nataly Zigdon

LAFG taught me that the world is filled with beautiful people who are not only talented but generous and filled with kindness. I fear that I will be forgotten because I haven’t done enough in the world. I get asked where I find my inspiration and I always say the same thing, inspiriation is all around. It’s about taking something you see all the time and turning into a brand new vision. There is nothing like, waking up in the morning and looking across the room at some of the most talented people in the world and knowing that not only are you able to witness their talent, but you get to call them your friends. My dad always says, why do you do everything the most difficult way possible. I know that being an artist means challenging yourself and growing in many different ways. The moment you take that photo that I know is exactly how I saw it in my mind is the best feeling in the world. I’m listening to a local band called The Good Ol’ Goats, they’re a group of teenagers who play a really cool blend of folk rock and amaze me with their talent. You can learn a lot from spending time outdoors. Over the course of my photography journey I’ve relied heavily on natural light and it’s made me be a bit more tuned into nature and how the world changes. I notice where the sun sets different through the year, the time of day the light hits certain points and how the seasons affect the natural areas around me. I’ve never ridden a horse. I want to be remembered as someone who had a good heart and shared it with the world. At the end of the day, I try to think of one thing that I did that may have made someone else’s day better. People always tell me, they don’t know where I get so much energy from. Happiness is a fulfilled heart. I absolutely love coffee. When I wake up I quickly make a mental note of anything that I dreamt about and then try to put out a good energy wish that good things will come my way. Marriage is a topic that doesn’t need to be debated. What I’ve learned is that, we are all humans and we can grow and change and become better or worse, it’s all up to us. Society, is what we make it to be and we have the ability to form it to be what we really want. Today I noticed people know more about me than I thought they did. I don’t trust anyone that isn’t compassionate to animals. My camera is a tool, eye and heart and mind are what make me a photographer. I am Joel. LAFG | Grae Magazine | 63

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Whitney Justesen

My camera is a tool. eye, heart and mind are what make me a photographer. -joel robison LAFG | Grae Magazine | 65

‘yank th

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hat chain’ -LAFG

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Ethan Coverstone

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Evan Walsh

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Contribute to Grae. Rorschach.

The Rorschach Galllery is where we showcase Want to have your art work featured in Grae? Send your art work to inspire [at] How do you know you’re qualified? Grae is searching for underground artists and people who simply have a passion to create. Whether it is a picture, a song, a canvas or a story. If your art strives to open minds… you’re exactly what we’re looking for!

The TreehouSe.

Consider yourself a writer? Send us a sample of your writing or a piece you wrote specifically for Grae’s theme of the month and your work could be featured in our treehouse section. We only take fiction and creative writing. We’re not trying to sell anything or promote anyone in this section. The treehouse is all about writing with a twist.

The Grae Team.

Want to join the Grae Team? Shoot us an email and let us know that you want to be apart of our rockin’ team. We welcome monthly writers, photographers and graphic designers. If you know the perfect artist to interview, do your thing and send us the artwork and interview you’ve set up for them. We’ll be more than happy to feature you as the brilliant writer who found such an inspiring artist. Maybe you’re not a brilliant writer, just really good at asking questions. Hey, we’ll take it. LAFG | Grae Magazine | 73

Evan Walsh

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Taylor McCormick

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