2 minute read
MGT 310: Principles of Management
Introduces activities and skills needed to successfully manage both domestic and international organizations with an emphasis on decision-making. Includes communication, work motivation, group dynamics, leadership and organizational change, conflict, personality, and teamwork. Relates these concepts to performance, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00
PSY 100 or SOC 100, either with grade C or better, or consent.
MGT 322: Organizational Leadership and Management of Change
Prepares managers to influence the human side of developing and implementing changes in organizations. Theory, cases, and exercises help managers to understand the socio-technical aspects of change; to see leadership as motivating organizational members; to understand their own ability to influence others; and to understand the leadership successes of noted leaders from all walks of life. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00
PSY 100 or SOC 100, either with grade C or better, or consent.
MKT 120: Principles of Marketing
Introduces marketing concepts and the application to the process of marketing products, services, and ideas to provide value and benefits to both for-profit and non-profit organizations. Students will develop an understanding of the marketing process, analyze marketing opportunities, and develop strategies to fulfill the needs of target markets. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00
ENG 19 with grade C or better, or placement at least ENG 22, or consent.
ENG 22 with grade C or better, or placement at ENG 100.
MKT 160: Advertising & Promotion
Introduces the principles of advertising and promotion, including sales promotion, publicity, public relations, and selling, and their relationship to the marketing system. Stresses strategies of informing, persuading, and integrating information to create a positive image. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00
ENG 19 with grade C or better, or placement at least ENG 22, or consent.
MKT 120.
MKT 285: Internet/Social Media Marketing
Examines the use of internet as an effective marketing tool to enhance customer relationships and strengthen brand awareness. Examines how continually emerging internet technologies and social media are increasing marketing effectiveness and efficiency. Covers development of an internet marketing plan. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00
BUS 150 or ICS 101, and MKT 120, both with grade C or better, or consent.
MKT 160.
MKT 300: Principles of Marketing
Applies the fundamental principles of successful marketing including segmentation, targeting, product development, positioning, packaging, placement, pricing, promotion, service and relationship building to development of marketing plans. Explores the impact of marketing of goods and services using the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other technologies as they emerge. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00
ECON 130 and ECON 131, both with grade C or better, or consent.