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MKT 400: Marketing for a Digital Age

Examines how startup and small/ medium companies reach the marketplace and sustain their businesses within highly competitive industries. Recognizes the need of management to operate flexibly, making maximum effective use of scarce resources in terms of people, equipment, funds, and the opportunities that exist within new and established market niches. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00



MKT 300 with grade C or better, or consent.

T. Blamey, S. Bowe, T. Evangelista, D. Harbin, N. Okamoto

MATH 75X: Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning

Prepares students for MATH 100, MATH 111, and MATH 115. Course topics include ratio and percent, unit conversion, graphs, data interpretation, basic algebra, solving linear equations, working with formulas with special emphasis on pattern recognition and problem solving, financial formulas, money management, exponential growth, and geometry, (A-F, N, W grades only.) Mathematics courses numbered below 100 do not count toward UHMC degrees (AA, AS, AAS, ATS, BAS). To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 60 Teaching Equivalent: 4.00

MATH 82: Accelerated Algebra

Covers elementary algebra topics. Topics include operations with real numbers; linear equations and inequalities; graphing; linear systems, properties of exponents; operations and polynomials; factoring; rational expressions and equations; roots and radicals; quadratic equations; and applications. (A-F, N, W grades only.) Mathematics courses numbered below 100 do not count toward UHMC degrees (AA, AS, AAS, ATS, BAS). To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 60 Teaching Equivalent: 4.00


MATH 75X with grade C or better, or placement at MATH 82, or consent.


Reading placement at least ENG 21.

MATH 100: Survey of Mathematics

Acquaints the non-specialist with examples of mathematical reasoning. Explores selected topics such as numeration systems, consumer math, linear and exponential growth, inductive patterns, mathematical art, probability, statistics, set theory, and logic. Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00


MATH 75X with grade C or better or placement at least MATH 100, and ENG 22 with grade C or better (or concurrent), or consent.


At least 11th grade reading skills. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 103: College Algebra

Analyzes and interprets the behavior and nature of functions including linear, polynomial, exponential, log, absolute value, and piecewise-defined functions; solves systems of equations; solves application problems. To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00


MATH 82 with grade C or better or placement at least MATH 103, and ENG 22 with grade C or better or placement at ENG 100, or consent.


At least 11th grade reading skills. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 103T: College Algebra with Supplement

Analyzes and interprets the behavior and nature of functions including linear, polynomial, exponential, log, absolute value, and piecewise defined functions; solve systems of equations; solves application problems. Reinforces learning through supplemental activities such as peer discussion and problem solving, individualized tutorial assistance and performance tracking. Credits: 5 Lecture Hours: 75 Teaching Equivalent: 5.00


MATH 82 with grade C or better or placement at least MATH 103T, and ENG 22 with grade C or better or placement at ENG 100, or consent. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 111: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers I

Explores mathematical ideas, problem solving, quantitative and symbolic reasoning. Focuses on operations and their properties, sets, counting, patterns, and algebra. To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00


MATH 75X with grade C or better or placement at least MATH 100, and ENG 22 with grade C or better or placement at ENG 100, or consent.

MATH 112: Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II

Demonstrates operations and develops the properties of the natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, and real numbers. Explores the use of mathematical operations to solve problems, including geometry, probability, and physical rates. To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00


MATH 111 with grade C or better, or consent. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 115 : Introduction to Statistics and Probability

Utilizes basic statistical topics including measures of central tendency and dispersion, classification of variables, sampling techniques, elementary probability, normal and binomial probability distributions, tests of hypothesis, linear regression and correlation in order to solve problems. To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00


MATH 75X with grade C or better, or placement at MATH 115, and ENG 22 with grade C or better or placement at ENG 100, or consent. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 115T: Introduction to Statistics & Probability with Supplement

Utilizes basic statistical topics including measures of central tendency and dispersion, classification of variables, sampling techniques, elementary probability, normal and binomial probability distributions, tests of hypothesis, linear regression and correlation in order to solve problems. Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 60 Teaching Equivalent: 4.00


Placement at MATH 115T, and ENG 22 with grade C or better or placement at ENG 100, or consent.

MATH 119: Engineering Precalculus

Studies linear, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions, matrices and determinants, polar coordinates, vectors, complex numbers, ratio and proportion, sequences and series and related topics with emphasis on applications in electronics and computer engineering technology. To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 60 Teaching Equivalent: 4.00


MATH 103 with grade C or better, or placement at MATH 135, and consent. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 135: Pre-Calculus: Elementary Functions

Investigates linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions and related topics. This course is the first part of the precalculus sequence. To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00


MATH 103 with grade C or better or placement at MATH 135, or consent. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 140: Pre-Calculus: Trigonometry and Analytic Geometry

Studies the trigonometric functions, analytic geometry, polar coordinates, vectors, and related topics. This course is the second part of the precalculus sequence. To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00


MATH 135 with grade C or better or placement at MATH 140, or consent. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 203: Calculus for Business & Social Sciences

Studies the basic concepts of differentiation and integration and their applications in the areas of finance, management, economics, and social sciences. To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 3 Lecture Hours: 45 Teaching Equivalent: 3.00


MATH 135 with grade C or better or placement at MATH 140, and ENG 100 with grade C or better (or concurrent), or consent. Articulation Code: FQ

MATH 241: Calculus I

Explores basic concepts of differential and integral calculus. Reviews functions, focuses on differentiation and its applications. Introduces integration. (Formerly MATH 205.) To progress to more advanced mathematics courses, students should have grade C or better in prerequisite courses. The prerequisite course is most beneficial when completed during the prior 12 months. Math placement testing or alternate placement measures are required of all students who are taking mathematics at UH Maui College. (For more info, see English and Math Placement section, or the Math Routes for Specific Majors chart.) Credits: 4 Lecture Hours: 60 Teaching Equivalent: 4.00


MATH 119 or 140 either with grade C or better or placement at MATH 241, or consent. Articulation Code: FQ

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