2018 Professional Development Catalog

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PROFESSI ONA L DEV ELOPM ENT COURSE CA TA LOG Summer 2018 University Human Resources ~ Learning & Talent Development

SUM M ER PROFESSI ONA L DEV ELOPM ENT Regi ster: Trai ni ng.umd.edu

3rd Annual Admi ni strati ve Professi onals Conference I AM: Innovate, Articulate, Motivate will focus on how Innovation, business skills, and leadership can encourage us to look at who we are and the impact we have in our departments, on campus, and in the larger community. There will be opportunities to network with your peers, including a new ?world cafĂŠ? that will allow you to discuss with your colleagues some of the biggest challenges you face and share resources. Dat es: July 27

Tim e: 8:00am-4:00pm

Locat ion : Stamp Student Union - Colony Ballroom

Lear n in g Fee: $60.00

Advanci ng Your Career at UM D Learn how to navigate E-terp, avoid common mistakes that prevent you from consideration, and put your best foot forward when promoting yourself and your achievements during an interview.

Dat es: July 11

Tim e: 9:00am-11:30am

Locat ion : Stamp Student Union - Benjamin

Lear n in g Fee: $00.00

Banneker A

Cruci al Conversati ons Learn how to have meaningful discussions with your colleagues in a productive and respectful manner. Gain hands on experience through practicing common challenging conversations, and learn how to deliver bad news with finesse! Dat es: July 18

Tim e: 9:00am-11:30am

Locat ion : Stamp Student Union - Benjamin

Lear n in g Fee: $00.00

Banneker A

Blendi ng Our Di fferent Personali ty Types Learn about your personality style and how best to interact with others. In this session you will complete a quick and easy personality assessment to better contribute to your team and individual success and satisfaction. Dat es: July 25

Tim e: 9:00am-11:30am

Locat ion : Stamp Student Union - Benjamin

Lear n in g Fee: $00.00

Banneker A

Desi gn Thi nk i ng Jump in and explore the tools & mindsets of design thinking, a process to help solve your most difficult challenges in an iterative and human-centered way. In this workshop, you'll work in small teams on a mini-project that will guide you through all the steps of design thinking and then debrief on where and how you can apply the same process to your everyday jobs. The workshop is highly collaborative and hands-on and will set you up to boldly experiment and iterate the minute you get back to your office!


Presented by Academy for Innovation & Entrepreneurship (AIE) Tim e: 9:00am-12:00pm Dat es: September 11 Lear n in g Fee: $50.00 Locat ion : Edward St. John - Loft Training Room

SUM M ER PROFESSI ONA L DEV ELOPM ENT Regi ster: Trai ni ng.umd.edu

Keys to an Engaged & Empowered Work place A three-course series designed for individual contributors (non-supervisors), Keys is a powerful program that gives participants the knowledge and skills to help create an engaged and empowered workplace. Learners are exposed to new ideas and tools which help them recognize that they have the power to create the kind of work environment where everyone feels accepted, appreciated, respected, valued, and connected.

Keys 1: Creati ng a Hi gh Trust Work place

Keys 2: Communi cati on Essenti als

Keys 3: Confli ct as Opportuni ty

Participants gain tools to help create the ideal work environment? a place where everyone feels accepted, appreciated, respected, valued and connected. Learners apply a three-step tool to help them resolve issues in the workplace empowering them to be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

The objective of this course is to help participants develop communication skills that build trust and give other people the opportunity to be heard and understood. Participants learn and apply a seven-step communication tool to effectively engage and communicate with other employees, managers or even customers.

This course equips employees with insight, knowledge and skills to resolve conflict in the workplace. Instead of viewing conflict as bad or stressful, we explore how to view conflict as a powerful opportunity for personal and organizational change. Participants learn and apply tools that put conflict into perspective and prepare them to resolve it in a healthy, productive way.

Dat es: July 11

Dat es: July 18

Dat es: July 25

Locat ion : Stamp Student Union Banneker A

Locat ion : Stamp Student Union Banneker A

Locat ion : Stamp Student Union Banneker A

Tim e: 1:00pm-4:30pm

Tim e: 1:00pm-4:30pm

Tim e: 1:00pm-4:30pm

Lear n in g Fee: $50

Lear n in g Fee: $50

Lear n in g Fee: $50

Au dien ce: Individual contributors

Au dien ce: Individual contributors

Au dien ce: Individual contributors

**Please regi ster separately for each sessi on i n the seri es**

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