UHR|Connect January 2020

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U H R CONNECT January2020| Vol 6No1

W H A T 'S I N S I D E Wellness @ Work Jan 2020 Climate Crisis : Simple Changes You Can Make Today Saving for College Learning Spotlight: Success Habits Pre-Retirement Seminars Cervical Health Awareness Month

Wellness @Work Jan 2020 January 13 – January 17 Eppley Recreation Center (ERC) Member Services RECWELL FREE TRIAL MEMBERSHIP Try out Ritchie Coliseum, Regents Drive Studios, and the Eppley Recreation Center facilities for free this week. Includes access to group fitness classes. Bring your UID card to the ERC Member Services Desk to register.

January 1 – January 17 MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID USA PART 1 - 1/1/2020 (9:00am - 1:00pm) PART 2 - 1/17/2020 (9:00am - 1:00pm)

Mental health problems are common among children and adolescents. Parents often struggle with identifying warning signs for mental health problems and supporting youth with mental health difficulties. Youth Mental Health First Aid USA is an 8-hour, 2-session public education program which introduces parents to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems for youth, and teaches parents how to help a youth in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge. Mental Health First Aid uses role-playing and simulations to demonstrate how to assess a mental health crisis; select interventions and provide initial help; and connect young people to professional, peer, social, and self-help care. mentalhealthfirstaid.org This two part workshop has been sponsored by Bullying Prevention and Mental Health Promotion Lab, Student Affairs Work Life Committee and University Human Resources at UMD.

COST: Free

Every Friday, 8:45 – 9:15AM Chesapeake Building, Room 3104 WEIGHT WATCHERS® AT WORK Get support for changing your eating habits. Weight Watchers at Work meetings are held every Friday in 3104 of the Chesapeake building. Contact Stacy Sims (ssims@umd.edu) for more information.

Other Resources Take advantage of these services for faculty and staff during a slow time at the University Health Center. Fees apply for some. Get more information by calling 301.314.8184 or visiting health.umd.edu. FACULTY STAFF ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Counselors are available to meet with individual employees to help with stress, financial and family issues, depression, substance abuse and conflicts in the workplace, and also provide presentations to groups on a variety of health and workplace topics. Call 301.314.8170 for an appointment or visit health.umd.edu for more information.

FLU SHOTS, TRAVEL CLINICS, AND OTHER VACCINES It’s not too late to get your flu vaccine! Most State of Maryland health plans accepted. The International Travel Clinic provides immunizations and medications required for international travel. Other vaccines, such as pneumococcal, Zoster (shingles), Hepatitis B, etc. are available. Every weekday, 8:30 AM–4:30 PM. Call 301-314-8184 for appointment.

NUTRITION COACHING AT THE UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER The Nutrition Coaching team consists of undergraduate dietetic students supervised by the UHC Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist. This service offers clients support, encouragement and guidance in reaching general healthy eating goals, based on the USDA Dietary Guidelines. The Nutrition Coach will help you break down your nutrition goal into manageable steps and offer ongoing support and accountability. This service is available during the Fall and Spring semesters only. Please note this service does not include Medical Nutrition Therapy. If you are seeking nutrition advice directly related to health issues such as diabetes, digestive disease, major food allergies, eating disorder etc., please refer to a Registered Dietitian. Make an appointment at uhc.umd.edu COST: Free


Wellness @ Work month is sponsored by University Recreation & Wellness, the University Health Center, and University Human Resources. For more information contact wellatwork@umd.edu.

re cw el l .umd. edu

Offering prescription services and reasonably priced over the counter medications and products. Visit health.umd.edu for pharmacy hours

C L IM A T E C R IS IS SIMPLECHANGESTOMAKEADIFFERENCE Every day it seems the headlines are getting scarier: the Amazon, Australia, Siberia, Indonesia, California are all experiencing the most

Scientists now tell us that we

destructive fires in recorded history; the polar ice caps are melting at

have less than ten years to

an unprecedented rate; and right here in the Washington, DC, metro area we experienced record heat in October and record cold in November. This can feel overwhelming, but there are things you can do that really can make a difference! It takes energy to produce everything we consume, so by making

make the carbon reductions necessary or face irreversible and catastrophic damage to the planet. We can solve this,

different choices, we can reduce carbon emissions that are

but we need to act now! Let's

accelerating global warming. Here are just a few ideas:

make this decade the year


RENEWABLE SHOPPING BAGS: Americans use 4.5 trillion

we save this planet for all of

plastic bags every year. Just by developing the habit of using


renewable bags every time we go shopping (all stores, not just groceries), we can collectively make a BIG impact. 2


RENEWABLE PRODUCE BAGS: Do you still use the plastic sleeves for your produce? Why not get a renewable mesh bag for that, too?


Register for a climate presentation

TURN OFF THE LIGHTS: Lights consume energy. Develop the habit of turning off lights at home and work. And switch to LED


power-saving lights at home. Oh, and you'll save money, too! -

M ARYLAND RESIDENTS: Check with your power company. Many Maryland residents have the option of choosing renewable power sources.


GO ELECTRIC: Within 2-3 years, electric vehicles will achieve cost-parity with gas-powered cars. Electric vehicles have fewer moving parts, only 40-100 parts compared to thousands for gas-powered cars, and seldom need maintenance. Plan to go

Would you like to have a presentation on the climate in your department?

electric sooner, rather than later. -

DECLARE A CLIM ATE EM ERGENCY: For yourself, your family, your department, community organization, etc. A climate

More Info

emergency focuses attention and motivates action. Don't wait! Declare one today.





Maryland 529 college savings plans make it easier than ever to save for college with two smart choices (use one or both).

Su ccess Habit s

Maryland Prepaid College Trust -

Locks in tomorrow?s tuition at today?s prices

Habits have been identified as


Backed by Maryland Legislative guarantee

the key to success over the


Offers affordable and flexible tuition plans and payment

long term. Take a short break


for learning and learn a new


Open to 12th graders and younger, including newborns

Maryland College Investment Plan -

success habit. Join experienced and insightful

Offers a variety of investment portfolios managed by T.Rowe

instructor Chris Croft as he


delivers valuable and practical


Flexible contribution amounts starting at $25/month


Open to children or adults of any age To f in d ou t m or e, plan t o at t en d:

success tips. Topics Covered:


In f or m at ion al Sem in ar Pr esen t ed by: M ar ylan d 529


between success,

Wh en : Jan u ar y 22, 2020

money, and happiness

Wh er e: 1101U Ch esapeak e Bu ildin g Tim e: 11:00 ? 12:00 or 1:00 ? 2:00 An invitation will be sent out in early January, or you can register at training.umd.edu. Just click on the date and time to register.

The relationship


Emotional intelligence


Goal setting







Register 7

View Course





PRE-RE T IR E M E N T SEMINARS Opt ion al Ret ir em en t Plan UHR Benefits Office is hosting a Pre-Retirement Seminar for

Wan t t o m ak e a ch an ge in

Faculty and Staff who are members of the Optional Retirement

you r con t r ibu t ion s? Did

Plan (ORP) and hired before 07/01/2011. Topics to be

you k n ow t h at you can go

discussed include:

t o u h r .u m d.edu , click on


For m s, an d t h en go t o M ar ylan d Su pplem en t al Ret ir em en t Plan

Retiring Under the Optional Retirement Program (ORP) presented by TIAA and Fidelity


What you need to know about Retiree Health Benefits


Social Security and Medicare Overview

401k / 457b/ 403b Ch an ge f or m . You can pr in t t h e

The ORP Pre-Retirement Seminar will be on Friday, January 24,

f or m ou t an d f ax it t o t h e

2020, from 9:00 ? 11:30 MFRI ? Classroom 1 4500 Campus

n u m ber on t h e bot t om of


t h e f or m , or you can go


on lin e t o M ar ylan dDC.com an d


m ak e you r ch an ge on lin e, or you can call Team

St at e Ret ir em en t & Pen sion Syst em

M SRP at 1-800-545-4730. UHR Benefits Office is hosting a Pre-Retirement Seminar for Faculty and Staff who are members of the State Retirement & Pension System and hired before 07/01/2011. Topics to be discussed include: -

Applying for an Estimate of Retirement Allowances


Retiring Under the State Pension and Retirement System


What you need to know about your pension options and Retiree Health Benefits


Medicare Overview

The State Retirement & Pension System Pre-Retirement Seminar will be on Friday, January 31, 2020, from 9:00 ? 12:00MFRI ? Classroom 1 4500 Campus Drive

Register 3

CERVICALHEALTH AWARENESSMONTH Cervical Health Awareness Month is a chance to raise awareness about how women can protect themselves from HPV (human papilloma virus) and cervical cancer. HPV is a widespread infection that spreads through sexual activity, and it causes almost all cases of cervical cancer. About 79 million Americans currently have HPV. Many people with HPV don?t know they are infected. And each year, more than 11,000 women in the United States get cervical cancer.

Howcanwemakea difference? We can use this opportunity to spread the word about necessary steps women can take to stay healthy. Here are just a few ideas: - Encourage women to get their well-woman visit this year.

79 M i l l i on A meri cans currentl y h av e HPV

- Let women know that most insurance plans must cover well-woman visits and cervical cancer screening. This means that, depending on their insurance, women can get

The good news? -

The HPV vaccine (shots) can prevent HPV.


Cervical cancer can often be prevented with regular screening tests and follow-up care.


Cervical cancer screenings can help detect abnormal (changed) cells early before they turn into cancer.


Regular screenings and follow-up care could prevent most deaths from cervical cancer.

these services at no cost to them. - Talk to parents about how 7important it is for their pre-teens to get the HPV vaccine. Both boys and girls need the vaccine.




Event Calendar 9





Mental Helth Dirst

Taking Control of

The Climate Cirsis -

Social Security 101

Aid (1:2)

Your Taxes

Hope and Solutions In

ESL: Workshop

7 Habits of Highly

a Rapidly Changing

Effective People


15 16





Parental Leave for

Mental Health First

Maryland 529

ESL: Workshop


Aid (2:2)


Parental Leave for

ESL: Workshop

MSRP Workshop -


Spend less so you can save more

15 24 ORP Pre-Retirement

28 Design Thinking

30 ESL: Workshop

31 State Pension



7 Habits of Highly


Effective People

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

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