Lisa Powell, distinguished professor and director of HPA, was interviewed by WBBM/CBS Radio on Cook County sugar-sweetened beverage consumption data from the Illinois Prevention Research Center and the Institute for Health Research and Policy. "We don't have the tax anymore, but sugar-sweetened beverages consumption is still a concern in Cook County so we're going to have to start to think about other policy instruments and how we can bring this consumption down," Powell said. Listen online:Â http://cbsloc.al/2pjpPRN
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) received $6.75 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish a specialized Center of Excellence in minority health and health disparities research to build the Center for Health Equity Research Chicago, CHER Chicago. CHER Chicago, based out of the UI Cancer Center and the UIC School of Public Health, and in collaboration with The University of Chicago Medicine, investigates how various social structures and determinants contribute to the health of marginalized groups. CHER Chicago acknowledges that structural violence and its effects on people and communities can only be eliminated through engaging community partners in meaningful ways to transform academic research to real world social change.
The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) released 2 new audio recordings: Spotlight on Dr. Jamie Chriqui: Listen to CPSTF member, Dr. Jamie Chriqui, discuss the importance of CPSTF recommendations and evidence-based decision making in the future of public health. https://go.uic.edu/CPSTFaudio Panel Discussion about School-Based Obesity Interventions: Dr. Jamie Chriqui, Dr. Ramona Finnie and Ms. Caitlin Merlo discuss the growing concern of childhood obesity and how new CPSTF recommendation on school-based obesity interventions can be implemented at different levels. https://go.uic.edu/CPSTFaudio2
The Task Force on Fiscal Policy for Health The Task Force on Fiscal Policy for Health – a new group of economists, public health leaders, govt officials and more led by @Mike Bloomberg and @Lawrence H. Summers – will raise awareness of effective fiscal policies prevent noncommunicable diseases and save lives. Thanks to Frank Chaloupka, HPA Research Professor and Lisa Powell, HPA Director for their tireless research and work. Proud to be working with Bloomberg Philanthropies
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently awarded grant funding to HPA Faculty, Sandy Slater, as part of their new signature research program Health Data for Action, which makes valuable data from unique data owners available to researchers to answer important research questions. The funded study to Use Valuable Health Data to Inform Policy & Build a Culture of Health, is among five others using valuable data from either the Health Care Cost Institute or athenahealth to study a range of issues including how restaurant menus affect obesity, access and cost of specialty drugs for patients, opioid prescribing, and use of genetic testing. Read more about the Health Data for Action program and the awarded projects on the AcademyHealth website.
Professor Emily Stiehl, won the Golden Apple award from the @UIC School of public health students for her excellence in teaching. Way to go, Emily! We couldnt be prouder of your efforts and honored that you call our division home. #BestFaculty #PublicHealth #UICSPH
U.S. News & World Report quotes Lisa Powell, distinguished professor and director of health policy and administration, in an article on soda taxes. The article describes the debate around sugar-sweetened beverage taxes to improve public health and it's varied implementation and reception in U.S. cities. "Given the adverse effects on health associated with consuming sugary beverages and the lack of nutritional content of these products, there has been increasing interest in reducing [sugar-sweetened beverage] consumption in the United States and around the world," Powell said. Read the article online: https://bit.ly/2v1kuRF
SPH Seed Fund winner Professor, Nicholas Tilipman, Ph.D., Project Title: The Effect of Hospital/Physician Integration on Health Care Prices, Insurance Quality, and Patient Outcomes.
Division Director and distinguished professor, Dr. Powell, Dr. Powell discusses her research on the impact of sugarsweetened beverages on consumption and childhood obesity. https://go.uic.edu/DeeplyTalks
MHA student and 2018 graduate Elizabeth Brann, received the UIC MHA Community Service Award! Congratulations Liz!
Public Health Informatics Alum, Onyinyechi Enyia Daniel, presented at the AMIA Informatics Educators Forum during the S06: Ignite-Style Talks 1 on June 20th. Onyi's presentation is entitled Teaching the Existing informatics workforce while fostering innovation: Evolving from “Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side”.
Professor Anthony Lo Sasso, In a recent study conducted with Ike Brannon of The Cato Institute, reports that "Drug Rebates do not Increase Costs to Consumers." The study is mentioned in the June' 18 Forbes magazine https://go.uic.edu/FORBESarticle
Division Director Dr. Powell, gave Keynote address at the ADB-ADBI-WHO Obesity and Fiscal Policy Training Workshop: Tax Policy Design and Health Impact in Asia held July 13-18, 2018, in Manila, Philippines.
Emily Stiehl, Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Administration, is the 2018-2019 Seed Funding awardee for her work as Principal Investigator. Project Title: Workplace Health Promotion: Translating a Lifestyle Intervention for Certified Nursing Associates http://publichealth.uic.edu/research/seedfunding/
Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) students Ketki Parmar, Srilalitha (Lalli) Akurati, Oseghale Ituah, and Lauren Marei, place 2nd in the oldest case competition in the country, NAHSE Annual Everett V. Fox Student Case Competition. https://www.nahse.org/student-case-competition/
Doctoral student, Sabrina Young , received 2nd Place at the Saturday poster session at the annual meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management in DC for "SNAP Benefit Amount, Negative Net Income, and Food Insecurity: A Regression Kink Analysis."
Division Director Dr. Powell, presented at APHA on the effects of Cook County's beverage tax on price and consumption.
Professor Anthony Lo Sasso, is featured in an ABC7 news piece on insurance coverage for experimental procedures. "It's a bigger, broader issue. It is a common issue -- all health policies have some types of limits. So they cover services, equipment, medicines that are reasonable and necessary and that tends to omit things that are considered experimental or investigational," he said. Watch the segment here: https://abc7.ws/2qKGo6Z
Frank Borgers, Clinical Assistant Professor, attended the Institute for Healthcare Improvement: 2018 IHI National Forum representing HPA and the UIC IHI Open School Student Chapter. The UIC chapter's poster that was presented, captures our student chapter's rapid growth and many accomplishments over the last year. Among which, was the creation of the poster by Chapter student leaders, in particular, two HPA students: Emily Town and Martin Finnegan. .