EDU National Day of Mourning Statement

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June 4, 2020 As the National Day of Mourning is coming to an end, we recognize this day of “reflection and racial reconciliation” and acknowledge the loss that Mr. Floyd’s family and our nation is facing. We must remember the lives of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and countless others who have been killed unjustly. We reflect on the pain and trauma that has shattered our country. This pain and trauma has existed for a lifetime for African American and Black communities who have experienced hate and racism since colonial times. Enough is enough. It is time to make real change. “Human rights are the fundamental, universal rights inherent in each individual, which ensure that everyone will fulfill their basic human needs, live with respect and dignity, and have the opportunity to achieve self-realization” (UI Diversity Plan, 2004). The core function of the Equity and Diversity Unit (EDU) is to lead efforts for all students, staff and faculty to ensure they feel respected and included by actively calling out issues that challenge or deny those human rights. We create inclusive spaces for students of color and other underrepresented students, where historically and systemically there were none. We call on all campus departments and colleges to engage in creating solutions for social change and racial equity for this is the responsibility of all of us. We ask that you acknowledge that continued racial and police violence impact our students and colleagues in a very deep and personal way. We encourage you to look to each other for support and continue to uplift one another throughout the current challenges. Know that the Office of Equity and Diversity and the Equity & Diversity Unit--the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Women’s Center, LGBTQA Office, Native American Student Center and the College Assistance Migrant Program--stand with all who work to condemn and fight racism, injustice and inequity at all levels of the system. To our African American and Black brothers and sisters who are at the forefront of this national crisis, we are in it with you! Our work is more needed than ever. We ask all to join us in this work for human rights. In the words of Alicia Garza, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, as we move towards creating meaningful, positive systemic social change: we pledge to continue to LISTEN, ENGAGE in difficult conversations, and TAKE ACTION to work toward change. In solidarity, The Equity & Diversity Unit - College Assistance Migrant Program - LGBTQA Office - Native American Student Center - Office of Multicultural Affairs - Women’s Center - The Office of Equity and Diversity

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