Engineering Outreach UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO CATALOG | FALL 2016
Professional Online Education
Visit our Get Started web page at for a list of steps to take before classes begin. You will find detailed information about the topics listed below and more. CALENDAR COURSES BEGIN AUGUST 22, 2016
See Engineering Outreach (EO) Calendar for important dates and deadlines for registration, graduation, course completion, and holidays at ADMISSION
EO students must be admitted to the University of Idaho. Visit our website for information about admission options at REGISTRATION
Students register using VandalWeb with their NetIDs and passwords. Students will need the course registration number (CRN) to successfully register. For detailed instructions, visit our website at FALL 2016 FEES
Students registering for courses delivered by EO pay a per credit fee. Fees include registration and online access but not textbooks or software. Payment in full is expected at the time of registration and must be received by the first day of class to avoid late fees. The current fees can be found on our website at Fees are subject to change by the Board of Regents of the University of Idaho; refer to our website for current fee information. COURSE DELIVERY
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Course sessions are recorded in Engineering Outreach high-definition (HD) studio classrooms on the University of Idaho campus. Students can access their course sessions and materials in the EO Portal on the first day of class, if fees are paid in full, by using their NetIDs and passwords. For more information, visit our website at
Exams are distributed electronically to EO qualified proctors. Proctor selection and approval must be completed by the first day of classes. For more information visit our website at COURSE COMPLETION
Cover photo: Administration Building University of Idaho Catalog, Vol. 112, No. 3 — June 2016 The University of Idaho Catalog (USPS 651-360) is published five times per year. Published twice in April, once in June, October and November by the University of Idaho Office of the Registrar, Engineering Outreach, and Independent Study in Idaho, 875 Perimeter Dr. MS 4260, Moscow, Idaho 83844-4260. Periodicals postage paid at Moscow Idaho 83843. Postmaster: Send address changes to: University of Idaho, Engineering Outreach 875 Perimeter Dr. MS 1014, Moscow, ID 83844-1014.
The EO course completion deadline for Fall 2016 is December 16, 2016 at 3 p.m. Pacific Time. Proctors will be able to access final exams for live courses during finals week. Proctors will have access to all exams for pre-encoded courses at the beginning of the semester. It is critical that the student coordinates closely with the proctor to ensure the final exam reaches EO by the deadline.
Engineering Outreach Fall 2016 Courses
Visit for the most current course information. CRN
Course Number
Acct 582
BUSINESS 37969 33547 34492
Bus 439 Bus 456 Bus 513
CIVIL ENGINEERING 39246 31682 39247 37953 31685 39248 16652 39249
CE 404-BE CE 432 CE 504-BE CE 522 CE 532 CE 542 CE 561 CE 577
Enterprise Accounting Systems and Simulation*** Quality Management Leadership and Organizational Behavior ST: Bridge Engineering and Design Design of Water and Wastewater Systems II ST: Bridge Engineering and Design Hydraulic Structures Analysis and Design Design of Water and Wastewater Systems II Advanced Design of Steel Structures Engineering Properties of Soils Pavement Management and Rehabilitation
COMPUTER SCIENCE 37259 30343 39263 39264 39451 37258 28041 39265
CS 420 CS 445 CS 451 CS 472 CS 504-WC CS 520 CS 551 CS 572
Data Communication Systems Compiler Design*** Advanced Computer Architecture Evolutionary Computation ST: Wireless Communication Protocols Data Communication Systems Advanced Computer Architecture Evolutionary Computation
ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING 37476 37477 37478 37479 38769 38768 31307 37515 25967 32624 37272
ECE 210 ECE 211 ECE 212 ECE 213 ECE 240 ECE 241 ECE 310 ECE 311 ECE 319 ECE 330 ECE 349
Electrical Circuits I Electrical Circuits I Lab* Electrical Circuits II Electrical Circuits II Lab* Digital Logic Logic Circuit Lab* Microelectronics I Microelectronics I Lab* Background Study in Electronics Electromagnetic Theory Background Study in Digital Logic
Course Number
36208 25975
ECE 350 ECE 359 ECE 404-AU ECE 415 ECE 418 ECE 421 ECE 441 ECE 445 ECE 450 ECE 465 ECE 504-AU ECE 515 ECE 518 ECE 525 ECE 528 ECE 531 ECE 541 ECE 565 ECE 579
38622 34445 39313 33591 26569 33593 31868 39314 38626 34454 32700 26022 26025 39316 28043 39315 35400
Signals and Systems I Background Study in Signals and Systems Analysis ST: Automation Analog Integrated Circuit Design Introduction to Electronic Packaging Introduction to Power Systems Advanced Computer Architecture Introduction to VLSI Design Signals and Systems II Introduction to Microelectronics Fabrication ST: Automation Analog Integrated Circuit Design Introduction to Electronic Packaging Power System Protection and Relaying Understanding Power Quality Advanced Electromagnetic Theory II Advanced Computer Architecture Introduction to Microelectronics Fabrication Engineering Acoustics
Engr 210 Engr 428
Engineering Statics Numerical Methods
EM 504-OM
ST: Optimization Methods
GeoE 517
Tunnel Design and Construction
MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 39296 39290 39297 39293 39291
MSE 421 MSE 427 MSE 521 MSE 525 MSE 527
Light Metals Ceramics Materials Light Metals Electronic Materials Ceramics Materials
University of Idaho Campus
Courses are 3 credits unless indicated *1 Credit Course **2 Credit Course ***4 Credit Course
UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO Administrative Office Directory
Admissions (Undergraduate/ Non-degree) (208) 885-6326
Admissions (Graduate) (208) 885-4001
Dean Larry Stauffer with students in the Think Tank
Course Number
MATHEMATICS 31145 31712 21341 24794 33541 24796 16710 16712 36430 21343 24798 18178 38560 36206 16730 21347 16734 24800 16738 19798
Math 123 Math 160 Math 170 Math 175 Math 215 Math 275 Math 310 Math 330 Math 388 Math 390 Math 420 Math 426 Math 428 Math 430 Math 451 Math 452 Math 461 Math 462 Math 471 Math 472
Mathematics Applied To The Modern World Survey of Calculus*** Analytic Geometry and Calculus I*** Analytic Geometry and Calculus II*** Introduction to Higher Mathematics Analytic Geometry and Calculus III Ordinary Differential Equations Linear Algebra History of Mathematics Axiomatic Geometry Complex Variables Discrete Optimization Numerical Methods Advanced Linear Algebra Probability Theory Mathematical Statistics Abstract Algebra I Abstract Algebra II Introduction to Analysis I Introduction to Analysis II
MthE 513 MthE 516
Problem Solving Through History Groups and Symmetry
College of Graduate Studies (208) 885-2647
Financial Aid (208) 885-6312
Information Technology Services (ITS) (208) 885-4357
Library (208) 885-6559
Registrar’s Office (208) 885-6731
Student Accounts (208) 885-7447
VandalStore (208) 885-6469
MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 39298 39303 35392 36245 37203 35393 24776
ME 345 ME 404-FE ME 413 ME 472 ME 504-FE ME 513 ME 541
STATISTICS 16778 16780 38559 39288 36204 16732 21325 28130 31745 36205
Stat 251 Stat 301 Stat 404-IS Stat 422 Stat 431 Stat 451 Stat 452 Stat 456 Stat 507 Stat 565
Heat Transfer ST: Finite Element Applications in Engineering Engineering Acoustics Mechanical Vibrations ST: Finite Element Applications in Engineering Engineering Acoustics Mechanical Engineering Analysis Statistical Methods Probability and Statistics ST: Introduction to SAS and R Survey Sampling Method Statistical Analysis Probability Theory Mathematical Statistics Quality Management Experimental Design Computer Intensive Statistics
TM 504-OM
ST: Optimization Methods
Veterans Advisor (208) 885-7979
UI Testing Centers
■■ Boise........................................Denise Engebrecht ( (208) 364-6123 ■■ Coeur d’Alene .................................Angie Sowers ( (208) 664-7013 ■■ Idaho Falls......................................Debbie Caudle ( (208) 757-5454 ■■ Moscow....................................... (208) 885-5138
University of Idaho
College of Engineering Engineering Outreach Engineering Physics Building, Room 312 875 Perimeter Drive MS 1014 Moscow, ID 83844-1014
Contact Us
Phone:..............................(800) 824-2889 Local:.................................(208) 885-6373 Fax:....................................(208) 885-9249
Course Materials and Exams
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Quality Programs...Online Delivery!
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■■ Engineering Outreach offers complete graduate degrees, academic certificates and coursework for transfer credit in engineering and related fields.
■■ EO is an established distance education program with over 40 years of experience delivering courses to off-campus students. ■■ The University of Idaho is regionally accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) and is a member of the Association of Public Land Grant Universities (APLU). ■■ More than 95 percent of EO students complete their courses. ■■ EO is approved by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for U.S. military students. ■■ Engineering graduate programs are supported by undergraduate degree programs that are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET: ■■ Course sessions are encoded in high definition (HD) and are accessible online through a secure portal within two hours of being recorded on campus. ■■ More than 70 continually updated courses are delivered each fall and spring semester (fewer during the summer). ■■ EO offers personalized academic support services with responsive staff committed to meeting the educational needs of our students.
Periodicals POSTAGE PAID at Moscow ID 83843
Engineering Outreach
College of Engineering 875 Perimeter Drive MS 1014 Moscow, ID 83844-1014
Engineering Outreach
Achieve Your Professional Education Goals...Online! Master’s Degree Programs
Non-Degree Coursework
Electrical Engineering
Professional Education
Mechanical Engineering
STEM Coursework
Civil Engineering
Transfer Credits
Computer Science Computer Engineering Engineering Management Technology Management Geological Engineering Statistical Science Teaching Mathematics
Academic Certificates Power System Protection and Relaying Analog Integrated Circuit Design Process & Performance Excellence Secure and Dependable Computing Systems Statistics