Fall 2012 Advising Contact List Main contact in Bold
COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL AND LIFE SCIENCES If unable to contact the listed person, please contact the Academic Programs Office at 885-‐7984 or cals-‐advising@uidaho.edu. Major Field of Study Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology
Contact Gayle Gleason
E-‐mail Address ggleason@uidaho.edu
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on 885-‐6264 Ag Sci Building
Agricultural Economics Agribusiness
Room 39 Campus zip 2334 1134 West 6th Street Campus zip 2040 Ag Sci Building Room 213 Campus zip 2330
Ag Ed and 4H Youth Development
Liz Ivie
Animal & Veterinary Science
Paula Heaton
Judy VandegriP
Eng/Physic Bldg Room 419 Campus zip 0904
Judy VandegriP
Eng/Physic Bldg Room 419 Campus zip 0904
Kari Zagelow
Business OpIon Dairy Science ProducIon Science/Pre-‐veterinary Biological & Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Engineering Biological Systems Engineering Environmental Engineering Bioenergy Engineering Ecohydrological Engineering Agricultural Systems Management
Family & Consumer Sciences Child Development/Family RelaIons Family/Life Opt. Clothing TexIles and Design Early Childhood and EducaIon Food and NutriIon Coordinated Program in DieteIcs NutriIon Opt. School of Food Science Food Science Processing Emphasis Business Emphasis Science Emphasis NutriIon Emphasis Plant, Soil & Entomological Sciences Sustainable Crop & Landscape Systems
Niccolls Bldg Room 103
Campus zip 3183
Barb Smith
Department Office
barbaras@uidaho.edu niehoff@wsu.edu
Ag Sci Building Room 111 Campus Zip 2312 Hours restricted
Ag Sci Building Room 242 Campus zip 2339
Insects & Society Sanford Eigenbrode sanforde@uidaho.edu 885-‐2972 Sustainable Cropping Systems Jack Brown jbrown@uidaho.edu 885-‐7078 Environmental HorIculture Bob Tripepi btripepi@uidaho.edu 885-‐6635 Plant Biotechnology Joe Kuhl jkuhl@uidaho.edu 885-‐7123 Soil & Land Use Jodi Johnson-‐Maynard jmaynard@uidaho.edu 885-‐9245 If unable to contact the listed person, please contact the Academic Programs Office at 885-‐7984 or cals-‐advising@uidaho.edu
COLLEGE OF ART AND ARCHITECTURE Please contact the Dean's Office at 885-‐5423 if you are unable to reach the contact listed. Major Field of Study Architecture ProspecIve & new students Transfer students
Art, Art Educa@on, Studio Art Studio Art Art Art EducaIon Interior Design Landscape Architecture Virtual Technology & Design
E-‐mail Address
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on
Philip Mead Bruce Haglund Diane Armpriest Sandi Klingler (Adm. Asst.) Sally Machlis Susan Treu
(208) 301-‐0529
bhaglund@uidaho.edu dianea@uidaho.edu sklingler@uidaho.edu sallymac@uidaho.edu artdesign@uidaho.edu
Shauna Corry Sandi Klingler (Adm. Asst.) Stephen Drown Krystal Flack (Adm. Asst.) Brian Cleveley Krystal Flack (Adm. Asst.)
scorry@uidaho.edu sklingler@uidaho.edu srdrown@uidaho.edu krystalf@uidaho.edu cbc@uidaho.edu krystalf@uidaho.edu
885-‐7127 885-‐6781 885-‐6976 885-‐6851
885-‐6781 885-‐7902 885-‐7448 (208) 310-‐1632 885-‐7448
AAS 307, Campus Zip 2451 AAS 306, Campus Zip 2451 AAN 205, Campus Zip 2451 AAS 207, Campus Zip 2451 AA 116, Campus Zip 2471 AA 112 Campus Zip 2471
AAID 204 Campus Zip 2451 AAS 207 Campus Zip 2451 AA 207A Campus Zip 2481 AA 207 Campus Zip 2481 AAN 114 Campus Zip 2461 AA 207 Campus Zip 2481
Please contact Ellen McKenzie at the Dean's Office at 885-‐5423 caa@uidaho.edu if you are unable to reach the contact listed.
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Major Field of Study Accoun@ng Business Economics Finance Informa@on Systems Management & Human Resources Marke@ng Opera@ons Management PGA Golf Management Freshmen and Sophomores (all CBE majors) Transfers (all CBE majors)
Contact (see below)
E-‐mail Address
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on
Karen Gillespie Debbie Moos
cbeadvising@uidaho.edu cbeadvising@uidaho.edu
885-‐6853 885-‐5036
ALB306A Campus Zip 3161 ALB 306B Campus Zip 3161
Please contact the Advising Suite at 885-‐7414 or 800-‐960-‐3033 if you are unable to reach the contact listed.
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Major Field of Study Dance
Contact Belle Baggs
E-‐mail Address belleb@uidaho.edu
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on 885-‐6273 PEB102 Campus Zip -‐ 2401 885-‐7446 ED 212C Campus Zip -‐ 3080
Educa@on Elementary EducaIon Secondary EducaIon Business & Marke@ng Educa@on Op@on
Andrea Chavez
Allen Kitchel
Technology Educa@on
Janel Kerr
Physical Educa@on
Grace Goc Karp
ED506F Campus Zip -‐ 3080 ITED 15E
PEB206 Campus Zip -‐ 2401
Exercise Science & Health
Suzanne Lambeth
ED 212B Campus Zip -‐ 3080
Suzanne Lambeth
ED 212C Campus Zip -‐ 3080
Educa@onal Leadership, School Counseling
Dr. Kathy Canfield-‐Davis
(208) 292-‐1286 Coeur d' Alene Center
Please contact the Dean's Office at 885-‐6772 or email coe@uidaho.edu if you are unable to reach the contact listed.
COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING If unable to contact the person listed, please contact Sue BranQng in the Dean's Office at 885-‐6479 or sueb@uidaho.edu. Major Field of Study Biological & Agricultural Engineering Agricultural Engineering Biological Systems Engineering Environmental Engineering Food & Bioprocess Engineering Soil & Water Engineering Chemical & Materials Engineering
Contact Judy VandegriP
E-‐mail Address judyv@uidaho.edu
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on 885-‐6182 EP 419 Campus zip -‐ 0904
Gail Bergman (ChE majors) Margaret Baker (MSE majors) Phyllis Strong Lori Williams Arleen Furedy
gailb@uidaho.edu mbaker@uidaho.edu pstrong@uidaho.edu loriw@uidaho.edu arleen@uidaho.edu
885-‐6769 885-‐6376 885-‐6782 885-‐6783 885-‐6554
Electrical Engineering
Darby Baldwin Rhonda Zenner Arleen Furedy
dsbaldwin@uidaho.edu rzenner@uidaho.edu arleen@uidaho.edu
885-‐6592 885-‐6589 885-‐6554
Mechanical Engineering
Becky Schoenberg
Undeclared Engineering
Maria Pregitzer Sue Bran@ng
mpregitzer@uidaho.edu sueb@uidaho.edu
885-‐9700 885-‐6479
Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science
MCCL 203, Campus Zip 1021 MCCL 203, Campus Zip 1021 BEL 102, Campus zip 1022 BEL 103, Campus zip 1022 BEL 213 Campus Zip -‐ 1023 JEB 236 Campus Zip -‐ 1010 BEL 213 Campus Zip -‐ 1023 EP 324K Campus Zip -‐ 0902 JEB 124, campus zip 1011 JEB 124, campus zip 1011
If you are unable to reach your advisor, please contact Sue BranQng in the Dean's Office at sueb@uidaho.edu or 208-‐ 885-‐6479.
COLLEGE OF LETTERS, ARTS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES If you are unable to contact your advising contact, please call the Dean's Office 208-‐885-‐7573/885-‐7765 Also see College Website for degree informaIon: www.uidaho.edu/class Major Field of Study American Studies
Contact Patricia Hart
E-‐mail Address psh@uidaho.edu
Steve Peterson
English Literature Emphasis CreaIve WriIng Emphasis Professional Emphasis Teaching Emphasis Environmental Science Biological Science OpIon Physical Science OpIon Social Science OpIon Modern Languages (eliminate Business opIon, Kelsey) History
Kristen Seiler
seiler@uidaho.edu englishdept@uidaho.edu
Brink 200 Campus Zip -‐ 1102
Chris Dixon
MOR 216 Campus zip -‐ 1102
Hil Priest
Debbie Husa
AD 302 Campus zip -‐ 3174 AD 315 Campus zip -‐ 3175
Kris@ Overfelt Kris Roby Lisa Hill
kloverfelt@uidaho.edu kroby@uidaho.edu lmhill@uidaho.edu
885-‐2024 885-‐7765 885-‐7573
Kelli Schrand Bill Smith Ro Afatchao Lisa Hill
kellis@uidaho.edu bills@uidaho.edu afatchao@uidaho.edu lmhill@uidaho.edu
885-‐6527 885-‐2815 885-‐5735 885-‐7573
Mar@n Carrion
Torrey Lawrence
General Studies 1st year students & Sophomores Juniors & Seniors Transfers Interna@onal Studies
Journalism and Mass Media AdverIsing BroadcasIng & Digital Media Journalism Public RelaIons La@n American Studies Music Applied Music
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on 885-‐6012 AD 337 Campus Zip -‐ 3178 885-‐5730 ALB 218 Campus Zip -‐ 3161
Commons 215 Commons 215 Commons 215 Campus zip -‐ 3154 AD 338, zip 3177 AD 338, zip 3177 AD 329, zip 3177 Commons 215 Campus zip -‐ 3154
AD 315 Campus zip -‐ 3175 1010 Blake Ave (Corner of Sweet & Blake)
Business ComposiIon Music EducaIon: Instrumental
Campus zip -‐ 4015
Music EducaIon: Vocal-‐Instrumental
Music EducaIon: Vocal Music History & Literature Music Theory Performance: Instrumental Keyboard Orchestral Instruments of Guitar Performance: Vocal Organiza@onal Sciences
Anneae Folwell
Kjelda Berg Janice Capel Anderson
kjeldab@uidaho.edu jcanders@uidaho.edu
Poli@cal Science
Kjelda Berg Don Crowley Carol Berreth
kjeldab@uidaho.edu crowley@uidaho.edu cberreth@uidaho.edu
Jean McIn@re John Mihelich
socanth@uidaho.edu jmihelic@uidaho.edu
Dean Panaaja Alexiss Turner
Panjaja@uidaho.edu alexisst@uidaho.edu
Psychology Sociology & Anthropology Anthropology Sociology Criminology InequaliIes & GlobalizaIon General Sociology Theater Arts
Student Health Rm 215 Campus zip -‐ 3043 407 Morrill Hall Campus Zip -‐ 1110 AD 205 Campus Zip -‐ 3165 Student Health Rm 206 Campus Zip -‐ 3043 Archie Phinney Hall Room 101 Campus Zip -‐ 1110
Shoup Hall -‐ 2nd Floor (Corner of 6th & Rayburn Campus Zip -‐ 2008
If you are unable to contact your advising contact, please call the Dean's Office 208-‐885-‐7573/885-‐7765 Also see College Website for degree informaQon: www.uidaho.edu/class
COLLEGE OF NATURAL RESOURCES Please contact the Dean's Office at885-‐8981. Major Field of Study Fire Ecology & Management
Contact Pauleae House
E-‐mail Address cnradvising@uidaho.edu
Resource Recrea@on & Tourism
Pauleae House
Ecology & Conserva@on Biology Natural Resource Ecology ConservaIon Biology Fishery Resources Wildlife Resources Renewable Materials
Lynaire Banks
Lynaire Banks
Heather Page
Forest Resources
Pauleae House
Rangeland Ecology and Management
Heather Page
Transfer credit evaluaIon and advising/Undeclared Lynaire Banks
Majors in Natural Resources Please contact the Dean's Office at 885-‐8981.
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on 885-‐5018 CNR 211 Campus Zip -‐ 1142 885-‐5018 CNR 211 Campus Zip -‐ 1142 885-‐5018 CNR 211 Campus Zip -‐ 1142 CNR 211 Campus Zip -‐ 1142 CNR 211 Campus Zip -‐ 1142 CNR 211 Campus Zip -‐ 1142 CNR 211 Campus Zip -‐ 1142 CNR 211 Campus Zip -‐ 1142
COLLEGE OF SCIENCE Please contact the Dean's Office at 885-‐6195 or emails science@uidaho.edu if you are unable to reach the contact listed. Major Field of Study Biology (General)
Contact Pat McCarroll
E-‐mail Address patm@uidaho.edu
Joe Cloud
Geography -‐ all op@ons
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on 885-‐6329 LSS 143 Campus Zip -‐ 3051 885-‐6388 Gibb 238 Campus Zip -‐ 3051
See "Allied Health" for addiIonal health-‐related Major Fields of Study and advising contacts Karen Humes khumes@uidaho.edu 885-‐6506
Chemistry General Opt. Professional Opt. Pre-‐medical Opt Forensics Opt. Geological Sciences -‐ all op@ons General Geology Opt. Hydrogeology Opt. Resource ExploraIon Environmental Geology Opt. Geology EducaIon Opt. Structural & Tectonics Opt. Mathema@cs -‐ all op@ons General Opt. Applied StaIsIcs Opt Applied ComputaIonal Opt. Applied ScienIfic Modeling Opt. Applied Science & Finance Opt. Applied OperaIons Research
McClure Hall 201 Campus Zip -‐ 3021 Renfrew 02 Campus Zip -‐ 2343
Dr. Eric Brauns
Mickey Gunter
McClure Hall 309 Campus Zip -‐ 3022
Monte Boisen
Brink 300 Campus Zip -‐ 1103
Microbiology, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Doug Cole
Biochemistry Microbiology Molecular Biology & Biotechnology Physics
Gibb 136 Campus Zip 3051
Eng-‐Phy 311 Campus Zip -‐ 0903
Note: Medical Technology is now gone-‐please delete
David McIIroy
Please contact the Dean's Office at 885-‐6195 or emails science@uidaho.edu if you are unable to reach the contact listed.
ALLIED HEALTH Commons Room 315 (208) 885-‐7702 Major Field of Study Pre-‐Med Pre-‐Dental Pre-‐Optometry Pre-‐Pharmacy Pre-‐Physical Therapy Pre-‐Physician's Assistant (PA)
Contact Dr. Alton Campbell
E-‐mail Address altonc@uidaho.edu
Phone No./Ext. Loca@on 885-‐7702 Commons 315 Campus Zip 3051