Spring Commencement Program 2023

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One Hundred Twenty-Eighth COMMENCEMENT


– 2 –T able of C on T en T s Moscow and Coeur d’Alene Ceremony ............................................................................................................................................... 3-4 Boise Ceremony . 5 Idaho Falls Ceremony . 6 Board of Regents and University Officers ................................................................................................................................................ 7 President C. Scott Green 8 Guest Speakers 9 Alumni Association 12 Foundation 13 Graduate Degrees 15 Advanced Professional Degrees College of Law 26 Undergraduate Degrees College of Agricultural and Life Sciences 28 College of Art and Architecture 31 College of Business and Economics 33 College of Education, Health and Human Sciences 36 College of Engineering 39 College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences 42 College of Natural Resources 49 College of Science 51 Honors Certificates 53 Commissions in the Armed Forces 54 Medical Education Program 55 Significance of Academic Apparel and Mace 56 University of Idaho Boise 58 University of Idaho Coeur d’Alene ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 University of Idaho, Idaho Falls 60 Alma Mater – “Here We Have Idaho” 61

saTUrday, May 13, 2023 | 9:30 a.M.

College of agriCUlTUral and life sCienCes, College of bUsiness and eConoMiCs, College of engineering, College of naTUral resoUrCes, College of sCienCe

Presiding: C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President


Processional University Wind Ensemble

Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Presentation and Posting of Colors Air Force ROTC Military Services Color Guard

The National Anthem University Wind Ensemble

Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Kaitlyn Atchison, Graduate student in Music, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Welcome Kelly Quinnett, M.F.A, Faculty Senate Chair

Opening Remarks and Remembrance

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

University of Idaho Regent’s Welcome Shawn Keough, Representative of the Idaho State Board of Education

Commencement Address Louis J. Freeh, J.D., Former F.B.I. Director

Oath of Office Lieutenant General Erik Peterson, Ph.D., Army Deputy Chief of Staff G8

Student Speaker Remarks Katie Hettinga, Graduating Senior

Recognition of Honor Students

Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President

Conferring and Presentation of Graduate, Professional and Baccalaureate Degrees .................................

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President

Alumni Welcome Nick Weber, B.G.S., Past President of Alumni Association

Closing Remarks

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

The Alma Mater, “Here We Have Idaho,” composed by Sallie Hume-Douglas University Wind Ensemble Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music Kaitlyn Atchison, Graduate student in Music, Lionel Hampton School of Music (words on page 61)

The entire assembly joins in the singing of the Alma Mater.

Recessional University Wind Ensemble Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Processional Announcer Jeremy Falk, Ph.D., Agricultural and Extension Education

Commencement Readers Mark Nielsen, Ph.D., Mathematics, College of Science Stefanie R. Ramirez, Ph.D., Business Eric T. Stuen, Ph.D., Business

Lead Marshal Rula Awwad-Rafferty, Ph.D., College of Art and Architecture


GradImages (800-261-2576, www. gradimages.com) will provide photography for Commencement. The studio will photograph each student and email and/or mail proofs to all students who supply an address on the card provided at the ceremony. For more images from this ceremony, visit http://www.uidaho.edu/events/ commencement

Today’s ceremony is webcast live at http://www.uidaho.edu/live Morning Ceremony, 9:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m.

English: https://recapd.com/w-v5zp_1 | Spanish: https://recapd.com/w-v5zp_1/es

Afternoon Ceremony, 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

English: https://recapd.com/w-ikywJL | Spanish: https://recapd.com/w-ikywJL/es

– 3 –U niversi T y of i daho M os C ow and C oe U r d ’ a lene s pring C ere M ony

saTUrday, May 13, 2023 | 2:00 p.M.

College of arT and arChiTeCTUre, College of edUCaTion healTh and hUMan sCienCes, College of law, College of leTTers arTs and soCial sCienCes

Presiding: C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President


Processional University Wind Ensemble

Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Presentation and Posting of Colors Air Force ROTC Military Services Color Guard

The National Anthem University Wind Ensemble

Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Kaitlyn Atchison, Graduate student in Music, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Welcome Erin Chapman, Ph.D., Faculty Senate Vice Chair

Opening Remarks and Remembrance

University of Idaho Regent’s Welcome

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

Shawn Keough, Representative of the Idaho State Board of Education

Commencement Address Louis J. Freeh, J.D., Former F.B.I. Director

Oath of Office

Lieutenant General Erik Peterson, Ph.D., Army Deputy Chief of Staff G8

Student Speaker Remarks Katie Hettinga, Graduating Senior

Recognition of Honor Students

Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President

Conferring and Presentation of Graduate, Professional and Baccalaureate Degrees .................................

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President

Alumni Welcome Nick Weber, B.G.S., Past President of Alumni Association

Closing Remarks

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

The Alma Mater, “Here We Have Idaho,” composed by Sallie Hume-Douglas University Wind Ensemble Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Kaitlyn Atchison, Graduate student in Music, Lionel Hampton School of Music (words on page 61) The entire assembly joins in the singing of the Alma Mater.

Recessional University Wind Ensemble

Mark Thiele, D.M.A., Assistant Professor, Lionel Hampton School of Music

Processional Announcer Jeremy Falk, Ph.D., Agricultural and Extension Education

Commencement Readers Kenton Bird, Ph.D., Journalism and Mass Media

Aleksandra Hollingshead, Ed.D., Curriculum and Instruction Sarah Nelson, Ph.D., Global Studies

Lead Marshal Rula Awwad-Rafferty, Ph.D., College of Art and Architecture


GradImages (800-261-2576, www. gradimages.com) will provide photography for Commencement. The studio will photograph each student and email and/or mail proofs to all students who supply an address on the card provided at the ceremony. For more images from this ceremony, visit http://www.uidaho.edu/events/ commencement

Today’s ceremony is webcast live at http://www.uidaho.edu/live

Morning Ceremony, 9:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m.

English: https://recapd.com/w-v5zp_1 | Spanish: https://recapd.com/w-v5zp_1/es

Afternoon Ceremony, 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

English: https://recapd.com/w-ikywJL | Spanish: https://recapd.com/w-ikywJL/es

– 4 –U niversi T y of i daho M os C ow and C oe U r d ’ a lene s pring C ere M ony

U niversi T y of i daho b oise s pring C ere M ony

May 16, 2023

Presiding: C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

Processional Riverside Brass

The National Anthem Kalena Fleming Vocalist

Welcome Chandra Zenner Ford, Office of the President and Center Executive Officer

Opening Remarks C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

University of Idaho Regent’s Welcome Linda Clark, Ed.D., Representative of the Idaho State Board of Education

Commencement Address April Arnzen, Chief People Officer, Micron Technology

Conferring and Presentation of Graduate, Professional and Baccalaureate Degrees ................................. C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President

Alumni Welcome Amy Lientz, M.S., Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations

The Alma Mater, “Here We Have Idaho,” composed by Sallie Hume-Douglas Kalena Fleming Vocalist (words on page 61)

The entire assembly joins in the singing of the Alma Mater.

Recessional Riverside Brass

Commencement Readers Wendy Gerwich Couture, J.D., College of Law John Cannon, Ph.D., College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences

Lead Marshal Timothy Murphy, J.D., College of Law


GradImages (800-261-2576, www.gradimages.com) will provide photography for Commencement. The studio will photograph each student and email and/or mail proofs to all students who supply an address on the card provided at the ceremony. For more images from this ceremony, visit http://www.uidaho.edu/events/commencement

Today’s ceremony is webcast live at http://www.uidaho.edu/live

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U niversi T y of i daho i daho f alls s pring C ere M ony

May 17, 2023

Presiding: C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

Processional Haiyan Zhao, Ph.D., Faculty Marshall Alex Vakanski, Ph.D., Student Marshall

The National Anthem Megan Hopfer, J.D., Vocalist Idaho Brass Quintet

Welcome Lee Ostrom, Ph.D., Center Executive Director

Opening Remarks

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

University of Idaho Regent’s Welcome Cally J. Roach, M.S., Representative of the Idaho State Board of Education

Commencement Address Lori Barber, Ph.D., Vice President, Academic and Student Affairs, College of Eastern Idaho

Faculty Recognition Award

Conferring and Presentation of Graduate, Professional and Baccalaureate Degrees

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A., Provost and Executive Vice President

Alumni Welcome ...................................................................................... Amy Lientz, M.S., Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations

Closing Remarks

C. Scott Green, M.B.A., President

The Alma Mater, “Here We Have Idaho,” composed by Sallie Hume-Douglas Megan Hopfer, J.D., Vocalist Idaho Brass Quintet (words on page 61)

The entire assembly joins in the singing of the Alma Mater.

Commencement Reader Alice Allen, M.Ed., Director, Recruitment and Student Engagement, Idaho Falls


GradImages (800-261-2576, www.gradimages.com) will provide photography for Commencement. The studio will photograph each student and email and/or mail proofs to all students who supply an address on the card provided at the ceremony. For more images from this ceremony, visit http://www.uidaho.edu/events/commencement Today’s ceremony is webcast live at http://www.uidaho.edu/live

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The Regents of the University of Idaho

Kurt Liebich, President Boise

Linda Clark, Vice President Boise

David Hill, Secretary Boise

William G. Gilbert, Jr. Boise

Shawn Keough Sandpoint

C. Scott Green, M.B.A. President

Torrey Lawrence, D.M.A. Provost and Executive Vice President

Ben McLuen, B.A. Vice President for Advancement

Cindy Siddoway Terreton

Cally J. Roach Fairfield

Debbie Critchfield

State Superintendent for Public Instruction, Mountain Home Matt Freeman

Executive Director, Idaho State Board of Education, Boise

University Leadership

Andrew Fields, Ph.D. Executive Officer, Northern Idaho

Lee Ostrom, Ph.D. Executive Officer, Southeastern Idaho


Dan Ewart, M.P.A. Vice President for Information Technology Services, Chief Information Officer

Brian Foisy, M. Acct. Vice President for Finance and Administration

Christopher Nomura, Ph.D. Vice President for Research and Economic Development

Terry Gawlik, M.Ed. Director of Athletics

Yolanda Bisbee, Ed.D. Chief Diversity Officer and Executive Director of Tribal Relations

Dean Kahler, Ph.D.

Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment Management

Diane Kelly-Riley, Ph.D. Vice Provost for Faculty

Gwen Gorzelsky, Ph.D.

Vice Provost for Academic Initiatives

Blaine Eckles, Ph.D.

Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students

Lindsey Brown, Ph.D. University Registrar

Caroline Nilsson-Troy, B.S.

Special Assistant to the President for Government Relations

James E. M. Craig, J.D., L.L.M. General Counsel

Chandra Zenner Ford, M.S.

Executive Officer, Southwest Idaho and Senior Associate to the President

Michael P. Parrella, Ph.D. Dean, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Shauna Corry, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Art and Architecture

Darryl Woolley, Ph.D. Interim Dean, College of Business and Economics

Brooke Blevins, Ph.D. Dean, College of Education, Health and Human Sciences

Suzanna Long, Ph.D., P.E. Dean, College of Engineering

Jerry McMurtry, Ph.D. Dean, College of Graduate Studies

Johanna Kalb, J.D. Dean, College of Law

Sean Quinlan, Ph.D. Dean, College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences

Ben Hunter, Ph.D. Dean, University Libraries

Dennis Becker, Ph.D. Dean, College of Natural Resources

Ginger Carney, Ph.D. Dean, College of Science

Jeff Seegmiller, Ed.D. Director, WWAMI Medical Education Program

– 7 –a d M inis T ra T ion

C. Scott Green took office as the 19th president of the University of Idaho on July 1, 2019. President Green joined U of I as a highly accomplished executive with a career in global finance, operations and administration. He is also a proud alumnus of the university, graduating in 1984 with a Bachelor of Science in accounting.

Born in Moscow, Green’s family moved to Boise, where he graduated from Boise High School. Following his degree from the University of Idaho, the third-generation Vandal went to work for Boise Cascade Corporation. He went on to attend Harvard Business School and received a Master of Business Administration in 1989.

Green worked for Deloitte and Touche as part of its accelerated career program from 1989-94. He then worked in banking, serving in various management roles for Goldman Sachs and ING Barings. He published two books on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which reformed regulations around auditing and financial reporting.

Green went on to leadership in global law firms, including service as CEO at Pepper Hamilton and as executive director at WilmerHale. He most recently served as the chief operating and financial officer for Hogan Lovells, one of the largest law firms in the world, with annual revenues of more than $2 billion. Green led all of the firm’s worldwide operations, technology, conflicts and finance functions. He had global responsibility for more than 3,000 employees in more than 30 countries.

The first non-lawyer to run an American Lawyer 100 law firm, Green was recognized as one of the Top 50 Big Law Innovators of the Last 50 Years by The American Lawyer magazine in 2013. A certified public accountant, Green was inducted into the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ Business and Industry Hall of Fame in 2006. He received the Institute of Internal Auditors Outstanding Contributor Award in 2004 and 2006.

Green’s commitment to the University of Idaho over many years has included service on the U of I Alumni Association’s national Board of Directors, the College of Business and Economics Advisory Board and on the U of I Foundation Board. He is also a Vandal Scholarship Fund supporter.

Green and his wife, Gabriella, an interior design project manager, have two adult children: Nicholas and Christina.

– 8 –p residen T C. s C o TT g reen

Louis J. Freeh advises senior leaders of global companies and governments on complex investigative, governance, compliance, and regulatory matters. Since leaving government service, Louie has been appointed by courts, corporate boards and governments to help the world’s largest companies navigate legal and compliance issues related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and similar anti-corruption regulations. Louie’s firsthand experience with U.S. judicial, law enforcement and regulatory agencies, national governments, and leaders of global businesses allows him to assist organizations in navigating crisis situations and complex, multi-jurisdictional matters quickly and strategically. His expertise and leadership qualities advise and support boards, governments and CEOs on a range of sensitive undertakings including investigations and enhanced due diligence, litigation strategy, compliance monitoring and assessments, and liaison with regulatory authorities.

Louie was founder and chairman of Freeh Sporkin and Sullivan, and Freeh Group International Solutions from 2007-2020. Prior to that, he was FBI director and a federal judge.

Louie currently serves as Independent Compliance Monitor for Walmart Inc. following the company’s FCPA settlement with the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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UniversiTy of idaho MosCow
g U es T s peakers
Louis J. Freeh

April Arnzen is passionate about three things: people, education and community. As chief people officer of Micron Technology and president of the Micron Foundation, April leads a team of professionals across 17 countries who drive the company’s overall commitment to enrich life for all – within Micron and in the global communities it reaches.

An Idaho native and fellow Vandal, April joined Micron shortly after graduating from the University of Idaho with degrees in Human Resources and Marketing. Fulfilling her belief that education should continue throughout one’s career, in 2018, April graduated from the Stanford Graduate School of Business Executive Program. In 2020, she was appointed the chief people officer of Micron, where she currently leads the company’s human resources strategy and fosters a culture that embraces leadership, growth, inclusion and wellbeing for Micron’s global workforce.

April believes that people are at the heart of every company’s success and that Micron’s strength lies within the innovation that comes from diverse ideas and perspectives. That’s why she is passionate about providing opportunities for individuals from all backgrounds to achieve their career ambitions. In her role as president of the Micron Foundation, she focuses on programs that promote STEM education, inspiring girls and women to engage in engineering professions, and increasing equitable opportunities for underserved and underrepresented communities.

A champion for education, April serves on the Boise Schools Foundation board and is a frequent speaker in leadership forums where she inspires others to approach every opportunity and challenge with a growth mindset and a belief that a setback is a setup for something greater. In her own life, this philosophy has led to opportunities to host an event with First Lady Michelle Obama, expand her understanding of cultures around the world and thrive amidst challenge.

Looking forward, April will continue to cultivate Micron’s future as an iconic American semiconductor company whose roots were founded over 40 years ago in a small Boise dentist office.

One of April’s favorites quotes from American poet Maya Angelou: “Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.”

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UniversiTy of idaho boise
April Arnzen

UniversiTy of idaho, idaho falls

Lori Barber is Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs at College of Eastern Idaho (CEI). Prior to this role, she served in various leadership roles at the College. She led the creation of the General Education transfer degrees at CEI, first as Director of General Education, and then Dean of General Education. She holds a doctorate in Education Leadership and Innovation from Arizona State University. Lori did her Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies where she researched the history and anthropology of food.

She has been involved in education at the K-12 and post-secondary realms for over twenty-five years. Before coming to CEI, Lori was an assistant lecturer at Idaho State University and designed her own courses, creating content, lectures, outcomes, and assessments. Lori serves on numerous state level education committees in Idaho, including as a member of the Idaho Workforce Development Council. Lori profoundly believes in the community college model and recognizes the power of education to create hope and transform lives.

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Lori Barber

About the University of Idaho Alumni Association, Inc.

The University of Idaho Alumni Association, Inc. (UIAA, Inc.) is a non-dues-paying group, founded in 1898, that supports University of Idaho alumni to connect them with their alma mater and each other. This network of more than 138,000 alumni worldwide is made of University of Idaho graduates and students who have completed 90 credits or more.

The University of Idaho Alumni Association, Inc. is managed by an elected board of directors that governs the UIAA, Inc. and meets formally three times a year. Duties of elected directors include managing corporate affairs, business and assets of the association. Appointed members may also serve on the board with no voting privileges.

University of Idaho Alumni Association, Inc.

875 Perimeter Drive MS 3232

Moscow, ID 83844-3232






e xe CUT ive C o MM i TT ee President

Travis Jones ’99 ’02, Western Region

Vice President

Jon Gaffney ’08, Eastern Region


Jackie Jameson ’08, Western Idaho Region


Erin C. Jessup ’05

Past President

Nick Weber ’02, Northern Idaho Region

Assistant Vice President, Alumni Relations

Amy R. Lientz ’95

n aT ional d ire CT ors

Annie Averitt ’00, Northwestern Region

Jake Carlson ’13, Midwestern Region

Andrew Morgan ’15, Northwestern Region

Robin MacDonald ’03, Northwestern Region

Andrea Wardinsky ’01 ’03, Northwestern Region

i daho d ire CT ors

Ross Bordon ’87, Western Idaho Region

Mallory Cook ’10, Western Idaho Region

Juan Corona ’12, Western Idaho Region

Rory Fletcher ’04, Northern Idaho Region

Jill Goetz ’99, Northern Idaho Region

John Hayne ’96, Western Idaho Region

Melissa Lowther ’08, Western Idaho Region

Bobby Meyers ’10, Northern Idaho Region

Richard Sparks ’81, Western Idaho Region

Samantha Storms ’12, Western Idaho Region

Michelle Wiest ’87, ’97, Southeastern Idaho Region

Dr. Leah Frye ’79, College of Science

Mr. Randy Luten ’83, College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences

Mrs. Charlotte Hill ’77, College of Science

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U niversi T y of i daho a l UM ni a sso C ia T ion
l UM ni a sso C iaT ion b oard of d ire CT ors
a l UM ni a sso C ia T ion h all of f a M e i nd UCT ees

About the University of Idaho Foundation, Inc.

The University of Idaho Foundation was established in 1970 to inspire, manage, and distribute private support to enhance the excellence of the University of Idaho. The Foundation is governed by a dedicated volunteer board of directors who share their time, treasure, and talent.

The Foundation receives gifts in a variety of forms that include cash contributions, marketable securities and real estate, and through planned giving opportunities such as bequests, gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts and others.

Over 1,800 individual endowments have been funded through charitable contributions. The endowed funds are managed in the Consolidated Investment Trust (CIT), the Foundation’s pooled endowment fund. The principal is non-expendable; distributions support scholarships, faculty development, research and other programs in accordance with our donors’ wishes.

With $429 million in assets, the University of Idaho Foundation is the largest public foundation in the state of Idaho.

University of Idaho Foundation, Inc.

875 Perimeter Drive MS 3143

Moscow, ID 83844-3143




Linda Copple Trout ’73, ’77

Vice Chair

Clint Marshall ’97

Treasurer Blair Wilson ’79


David Butler ’88

Past Chair

Craig Olson ’75

d ire CT ors

Linda Davidson ’73

Robert Dixon ’70, ’71

Kirby Dyess ’68

Annette Elg ’78

Mark Engberg ’84

Rod Gramer ’75

John Hale ’84, ’86

Mary Hasenoehrl

Dan Hutchinson ’75

Bob Maynard

Bill McCann, Jr. ’66, ’69

Lee McCollum ’71

Earl Reed ’81

Helen Stevenson ’81

JoAnne Stringfield ’81

Bob Urso ’80

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U niversi T y of i daho f o U nda T ion o
ffi C ers
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C andida T es for d egrees and d egrees p revio U sly a warded

UM o U s d egrees

baChelor of sCienCe

Guadalupe Joanne Colis Ruiz, Hailey Sociology; Criminology College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences

baChelor of general sTUdies

Kaylee Jade Goncalves, Rathdrum Bachelor of Science College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences

baChelor of sCienCe in bUsiness

Madison May Mogen, Coeur d’Alene Marketing College of Business & Economics

posThUMoUs CerTifiCaTe

Ethan James Chapin, Mt. Vernon, Washington Recreation, Sport and Tourism Management College of Education, Health & Human Sciences

Xana Alexia Kernodle, Post Falls Marketing College of Business & Economics

g rad U a T e d egrees

C ollege of g rad UaT e s TU dies

Established in 1925. Jerry R. McMurtry, Ph.D., Dean

doCTor of aThleTiC Training

Rebecca Jean Horspool Heywood, Moreno Valley, California

Major Professor: Alan M. Nasypany

Sydney Nicole Leverett, Dallas,


Major Professor: Alan M. Nasypany

Nathan C. Reep, Marion, Indiana

Major Professor: Alan M. Nasypany

Daryan Cree Whaler, Sublette, Kansas

Major Professor: James M. May

doCTor of edUCaTion

Bonny Blue DuPuis, Caldwell

Dissertation: “Perceptions of Idaho CTE Teachers of Teaching During a Pandemic.”

Major Professor: John G. Cannon

Eric DuPuis, Caldwell

Dissertation: “What‚‘Invested Leaver’ Can Tell Us About Why Experienced Teachers Exit the

Profession.” Major Professor: Janine Julianna Darragh

Andrew Kelly Martin, Orofino

Dissertation: “Exploring the Health Benefits of Canoe and Paddle Building: A Case Study of Physically Active Lessons for Elementary”

Major Professor: David R. Paul

*Degree awarded August 5, 2022

**Degree awarded December 16, 2022

§Degree to be completed in a future semester

The appearance of a name in this program is presumptive evidence of graduation and graduation honors; it must not in any sense be regarded as conclusive. The academic transcript, signed and sealed by the proper university officers, remains the official testimony of the possession of the degree.

Angela Kay Rose Sobotta, Lapwai


KAA CUKWENÉEWIT The Stories, Niimíipuu People’s Language, Land: Investigating the Nez Perce People’s Way of Thinking and Knowing.” Major Professor: Vanessa E. Anthony-Stevens

doCTor of philosophy

Mohammed Ibrahim Abu Saq, Najran, Saudi Arabia

Civil Engineering. Dissertation: “Influence of Variation in Mix Composition on Stability and Performance of Asphalt Mixtures.” Major Professor: Emad A. Kassem

Norah Saad Al Sairy, Taif, Saudi Arabia

Materials Science and Engineering. Dissertation: “Microstructural Modification and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of an Austenitic Stainless Steel Subjected to Friction Stir Based Repair Techniques.” Major Professor: Indrajit Charit

Suliman Anizan Alazmi, Majmaah, Saudi Arabia

Computer Science. Dissertation: “Measuring the Efficacy and Quality of Use of Web Application Vulnerability Scanners.” Major Professor: Daniel Conte de Leon

Khalid Abdullah Albulayhi**, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia

Computer Science. Dissertation: “An Adaptive Deep-Ensemble Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection System-of-Systems for the Internet-ofThings.” Major Professor: Frederick T. Sheldon

Irene Alexandraki, Tallahassee, Florida

Education. Dissertation: “Professional Identity Formation of Community Preceptors and Motivators and Barriers in Their Role as Medical Educators.”

Major Professor: Jeffrey Gordon Seegmiller

Ibtisam Mesfer Alhasaf, Asir, Saudi Arabia

Education. Dissertation: “Faculty Members’ Digital and Instructional Practices in E-learning Programs at Saudi Universities.” Major Professor: Raymond Anthony Dixon

Mohammed Fahad Allehyani**, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: “Improving Dynamic Frequency Stability for Low Inertia Power Systems with Inverter-Based Resources Using Virtual Inertia Emulation Techniques.”

Major Professor: Brian K. Johnson

Sultan Ahmed Almalki**, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Computer Science. Dissertation: “An Online Polymorphic Attack Detection Model for Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems.”

Major Professor: Frederick T. Sheldon

Fahad Fahhad Alqahtani, Alahmar-Alaflaj, Saudi Arabia

Computer Science. Dissertation: “A Cloud Security Model (CSM) for Fine Grained Efficient Information Flow Tracking (EIFT).”

Major Professor: Frederick T. Sheldon

Rayan Mohammad Alshamrani, Taif, Saudi Arabia

Computer Science. Dissertation: “Enhancing the Shared Decision-Making Experience of Multiple Sclerosis Via Model-Driven Decision Support.” Major Professor: Xiaogang Ma Bridgit Mary Arkoosh, Gooding Education. Dissertation: “Unlocking the District Office Door: A Grounded Theory Study of Induction and Mentoring for Female Superintendents in the State of Idaho.” Major Professor: Elizabeth Sue Wargo

Mahmoud Mohammed Abdelfattah Hafez Badreldien**, Cairo, Egypt

Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: “Modern Control of Smart Power Grids.”

Major Professor: Brian K. Johnson

Silvino Alejandro Balderrama Prieto*, Chihuahua, Mexico

Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: “Experimental Characterization of HTGR Reactor Cavity Gas Dynamics Following a Primary System Rupture.” Major Professor: David Arcilesi

Saugat Baskota, Kathmandu, Nepal

Plant Science. Dissertation: “Diversifying Wheatbased Cropping System in the Inland Pacific Northwest.” Major Professor: Kurtis Lee Schroeder

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p os T h

Sierra Sachie Beach*, Olympia, Washington

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

Dissertation: “Empirical Analysis of Molecular Modeling and Evolution Respiratory Syncytial Virus Fusion Glycoprotein Antibody Escape

Variants.” Major Professor: Tanya Allen Miura

Gabrielle Marie Becker, Moscow

Animal Physiology. Dissertation: “Genetic Analyses of Breed, Production and Disease Traits in Sheep.”

Major Professor: Brenda Mae Murdoch

Danielle M Berardi, Moscow

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “21st Century Soil

Carbon Modeling: Evaluating How Management and Climate Impact Future Soil Carbon Storage” Major Professor: Tara W. Hudiburg

Veronica Blackham**, Terreton

Education. Dissertation: “Eliciting

Mathematical Justifications in the Classroom: An Investigation of Tools for Success.” Major

Professor: Anne Elizabeth Adams

Kayla Marie Bordelon*, Silverton, Oregon

Environmental Science. Dissertation: “Participatory

Storytelling: Potential and Practice in Fire Science

Communication.” Major Professor: Teresa Cohn

Rebekka Mae Boysen-Taylor, Moscow

Education. Dissertation: “Race, Place, and Youth

Identity: Critical Ethnographic Participatory Action Research on Youth Perceptions of Race and Racism in the Rural West.” Major

Professor: Vanessa E. Anthony-Stevens

Marcie Donell Carter, Lewiston

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Supporting

Indigenous Student Identities through Cultural Land-based Knowledge and Remote Sensing to Understand Ecological Change in Nimiipuu Treaty Reserved Areas.” Major Professor: Karla Bradley Eitel

Moubani Chakraborty*, Kolkata, India

Chemistry. Dissertation: “Synthesis and Development of a Series of Peptide Based Zwitterionic CrossLinkers.” Major Professor: Kristopher V. Waynant

Travis Joseph Chiarelli*, Lawrence, Kansas

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Dissertation: “The Mechanisms of Chlamydial Cell-form Development.”

Major Professor: Scott Grieshaber

Joseph Abraham Christensen, Janesville, Wisconsin

Nuclear Engineering. Dissertation: “Advancements in the Evaluation of Heterogeneity for Nuclear Criticality Safety in High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium Systems.” Major Professor: Robert Angelo Borrelli

Christy Larre Christian, Pollok, Texas

Plant Science. Dissertation: “Characterization of Fusarium Dry Rot Pathogens of Potato and Fusarium Dry Rot Disease Management in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.”

Major Professor: Kasia M. Duellman

Mellisa Rae Clemons, Coeur d’Alene

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

Dissertation: “Exploring the Roles of Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion Molecules in Neural Development and Degeneration: Implications for Novel Therapeutic

Approaches.” Major Professor: Peter Fuerst

Daniel Cronan**, Moscow

Environmental Science. Dissertation: “Alternative

Futures for Magic Valley Idaho: A Framework, an Applied Case Study, and a Tool for Engagement as a Synthesis for a StakeholderDriven Research Project in Southern Idaho.”

Major Professor: Andrew David Kliskey

Sean Faith Perry Di Stefano*, Las Cruces, New Mexico

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Oil and Gas

Reclamation on US Public Lands: Improving the Process with Land Potential Concepts.”

Major Professor: Jason William Karl

Matthew Robert Dunkle**, Blair, Nebraska

Water Resources. Dissertation: “Building a Food Web Portfolio: Hydrologic Heterogeneity Creates Food Web Diversity on a Glacial Meltwater Landscape.” Major Professor: Christopher C. Caudill

Eugene Tettey Engmann, Kaneshie-Accra, Ghana

Nuclear Engineering. Dissertation: “Low Temperature Electrolysis of Rare Earth Elements: Immobilization of Rare Earth Elements in Novel Cathodes.” Major Professor: Haiyan Zhao

Stephen Douglas Fillmore, Santee, California

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Towards a Theory of Default Suppression: Decision Making in the Context of Full Suppression and Polystrategic Wildfires on Federal Lands, U.S.A.” Major Professor: Alistair Smith

Elaine Foster*, Pocatello

Education. Dissertation: “Is it Just Me and the Ball? The Power of the Aesthetic Sport

Experience.” Major Professor: Sharon K. Stoll

Eulalia Gallegos Buitron, Parma

Education. Dissertation: “Negotiating Participation and Access in K-12 Schools: The Experience of Latinx Immigrant Families.”

Major Professor: Vanessa E. Anthony-Stevens

Kristen L. Geddes, Sanford, Colorado

Nuclear Engineering. Dissertation: “Investigation of the Back End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle: The Initial Analysis for the Processing and Disposal of the Molten Salt Nuclear Battery Waste.” Major Professor: Vivek Utgikar

Aman Gupta*, Bhilai, India

Chemical Engineering. Dissertation: “Ca(OH)2/ CaO Chemical Heat Pump for Thermoamplification in Integrated Energy Systems: Thermodynamic Modeling, Experimental Investigations, and TechnoEconomic Analysis.” Major Professor: Vivek Utgikar

Bradley Heath**, Idaho Falls Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: “Characterization of Uncertainties in the Modeling of Ablation Heat Transfer in Rocket Nozzles.” Major Professor: David Arcilesi

Ryan C. Hruska, Moscow

Computer Science. Dissertation: “Detection of Balsam Wolly Adelgid Infestations Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing.” Major Professor: Michael A. Haney

Jeongwhui Hong**, Busan, South Korea

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Dietary Manipulation of Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Metabolism to Improve Fish Performance and Fillet Content with an Emphasis on Omega-3 LC-PUFA and Arachidonic Acid when Feeding High Plant Oil Feeds.” Major Professor: Brian C. Small

Jennifer Ellaine Houle, Boise

Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: “An All-Optical

4-Bit Adder Composed of Fabry-Perot Devices.”

Major Professor: Dennis Michael Sullivan

Emmanuel Chukwudi Ijezie**, Gboko Benue State, Nigeria

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry.

Dissertation: “Histologic Pathology of Respiratory Viral Coinfection in Mice and Knockdown of Nidogen in a Human Cytomegalovirus Infected Brain Organoid Model.” Major Professor: Bernadette Deniz Johnson, Harker Heights, Texas

Biology. Dissertation: “An All-Optical 4-Bit Adder Composed of Fabry-Perot Devices.”

Major Professor: Adam G. Jones

Eureka Joshi, Kathmandu, Nepal

Environmental Science. Dissertation: “Western Coniferous Forest Responses to Reclaimed Water Along a Time Series of Water Reuse Facilities.” Major Professor: Mark D. Coleman

Kimia Kajbaf, Shiraz, Iran

Animal Physiology. Dissertation: “Improving Feed Efficiency and Nutritional Values of Selected Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).” Major Professor: Vikas Kumar

Amruta Suresh Kale, Nashik, India

Computer Science. Dissertation: “Provenance

Documentation to Enable Explainable and Trustworthy AI.” Major Professor: Xiaogang Ma Vishwanath Deepak Ketkar, Pune (Maharashtra), India

Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: “Design and Control of a Spherical 2-DOF Thumb Exoskeleton Module for Post-Stroke Hand Rehabilitation and Assessment.” Major Professor: Eric T. Wolbrecht

Steven Mark Kreyche**, Mountain Home

Physics. Dissertation: “Planetary Obliquity Evolution: Excited Retrograde Rotators and Tidal Resonant Encounters.” Major Professor: Jason W. Barnes

Lukas Daniel Dominik Krumpl, Klosterneuburg, Austria

Education. Dissertation: “The Exploration of Morphological and Mechanical Properties of the Plantar Fascia in Response to Imposed Running Demands.” Major Professor: Joshua Bailey

Sonja Kirsten LaPaglia, Moscow

Education. Dissertation: “Differentiating Science

Motivational Factors of Adolescent College Students by Career Orientation with a Self-Determination

Theory Lens on Variables and Voices - An Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods Study Utilizing the Academic Motivation Scale in Survey and Interviews.” Major Professor: Brant G. Miller

Laura A. Laumatia*, Plummer

Education. Dissertation: “Navigating New Waters: A Case Study of Settler Colonialism in the Coeur d’Alene Tribe’s Legal Fight to Protect its Homeland.”

Major Professor: Vanessa E. Anthony-Stevens

Karen Kay Lauritzen, Post Falls

Education. Dissertation: “K-12 Educator

Advocacy for the Education Professional.”

Major Professor: Andrew Richard Scheef

William Blake Leacock, Rochester, New York

Natural Resources: Dissertation: “Resource Selection and Movement Patterns by Kodiak Island Brown Bears.” Major Professor: Lisette P. Waits Shunji Li**, Wuming,

People’s Republic of China

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. Dissertation: “The Discovery and Characterization of Phenylalanine-Glycine Motifs in Nucleoporin 153 that Interact with the HIV-1 Capsid.” Major Professor: Paul A. Rowley

Nickolai Joel Paul Martonick, Moscow

Education. Dissertation: “Novel Approaches for Analyzing Single Leg Movement Screens and Applications for Clinical Practice.”

Major Professor: Joshua Bailey

Rene Mackenzie Maura, College Place, Washington

Mechanical Engineering. Dissertation: “Development of a Safe Force-Based Controller to Obtain Reliable Stroke Metrics from an Exoskeleton.” Major Professor: Joel C. Perry

Jeremy Allen May**, Tacoma, Washington

Chemistry. Dissertation: “Nanocrystallinity, Grain Boundaries, and Functionalization: New Perspectives on the Structure and Application of GUITAR.” Major Professor: I. Francis Cheng

Dawn Michelle McCusker, Moscow

Education. Dissertation: “Pre-Service Teacher Self-Efficacy for Teaching Emergent Multilingual Learners.” Major Professor: Janine Julianna Darragh

– 16 –

Endalkachew Mengistie**, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Environmental Science. Dissertation: “Investigating the Chemistry and Biomechanical Strength of Stalks for Understanding Lodging.” Major Professor: Armando Gabriel McDonald

Christopher David Miele*, Vancouver, Canada

Geology. Dissertation: “Shearing Shelves, Mathematical Modeling, and FractureFactor Analytic and Finite Element Approaches to Solving the Stokes Equations of Glacier Flow.”

Major Professor: Timothy Bartholomaus

Alexander Cameron Nagel, Ashland, Oregon

Geography. Dissertation: “Integrating Water, Energy and Climate Change: Irrigation Modernization in Chile’s Elqui Watershed.”

Major Professor: Karen S. Humes

Luke Philip Oliver**, Moscow

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Characterizing Diet, Reproduction, and Fish Health Important for Commercial Development of Burbot (Lota lota)

Aquaculture.” Major Professor: Kenneth D. Cain

Berlinda Oluebube Orji, Lagos, Nigeria

Environmental Science. Dissertation: “Evaluation of the Thermal, Mechanical and Rheological Properties of Recycled Polyolefins Rice Hull Composites.”

Major Professor: Armando Gabriel McDonald

Joshua Daniel Robert Parker*, Langley, Washington

Mathematics. Dissertation: “Prime Level

Paramodular Hecke Algebras.” Major Professor: Jennifer M. Johnson Leung

Chelsea Spring Pennick, Hope

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Investigating the Mechanisms and Drivers of Change in the Governance of National Forests: Agents and Action in the US Forest Service.” Major

Professor: Dennis Robert Becker

Kellen K. Probert, Ellensburg, Washington

Experimental Psychology. Dissertation: “Working

Memory and Flight Control: A Cognitive Perspective.” Major Professor: Steffen Werner

Naif Waheb Rajkhan*, Moscow

Computer Science. Dissertation: “IoT Smart

Home Device’s Security, Privacy, and Firmware Labeling System.” Major Professor: Jia Song

James Derrill Richards, Golden, Colorado

Nuclear Engineering. Dissertation: “TechnoEconomic Analysis of Nuclear Integrated Energy Systems for Water Desalination and Hydrogen Production.” Major Professor: Michael G. McKellar

Robin Virginia Roper*, Springville, Utah

Nuclear Engineering. Dissertation: “The Effect of Impurities and Geometry on the Corrosion and Thermodynamic Behavior of Molten Salts.” Major Professor: Vivek Utgikar

Sebastian Rueda Parra**, Cali, Colombia

Electrical Engineering. Dissertation:

“Electrophysiological Data Analysis to Study

Human Motion and Sensation: Searching for Features that Adapt with Training or Injury.”

Major Professor: Eric T. Wolbrecht

Sanjoy Kumar Saha*, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Physics. Dissertation: “Local Position-Space

Two-Nucleon Potentials from Leading to Fourth Order of Chiral Effective Field Theory.”

Major Professor: Ruprecht Machleidt

Lysa C. Salsbury, Moscow

Education. Dissertation: “White Feminists and Antiracism in Higher Education: ‘Journey of Learning and Unlearning and Relearning’” Major Professor: Vanessa E. Anthony-Stevens

Jessica Lynn Samuels*, Orofino

Political Science. Dissertation: “The Politics of Exclusion: Joining Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) and Social Construction Policy Design (SCPD) to Examine U.S. Immigration Policy.”

Major Professor: Markie Rae McBrayer

Lucas Robert Sass*, Genesee

Biological Engineering. Dissertation: “In-Vitro Modeling of the Human Cerebrospinal Fluid System: Development and Application for Intrathecal Filtration and Drug Delivery.”

Major Professor: Dev Shrestha

Farjahan Rahman Shawon*, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Education. Dissertation: “CTE Online: An Investigation of the NIMM Program in North Central Idaho and Southeast Washington.”

Major Professor: Raymond Anthony Dixon

Abdallah Ali Ibrahim Smadi, Irbid, Jordan

Electrical Engineering. Dissertation: “Resiliency

Improvement of HVDC Links Embedded into AC Power Grid Using a Unified Hybrid Power System State Estimation.” Major Professor: Brian K. Johnson

Mark Joseph Sowa, North Kingstown, Rhode Island

Education. Dissertation: “Existential Coaching

Education: A Pedagogical Pathway to Alleviate

Anxiety and Increase Coping Skills of Collegiate

Female Swimmers.” Major Professor: Sharon K. Stoll

Benjamin Adam Spei*, Hamtramck, Michigan

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Ecological Factors Driving Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) Stand Stability in a Semi-Arid Montane Region of the Intermountain West.” Major Professor: Charles Goebel

Rachel Michelle Stein, Omaha, Nebraska

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Integrating Data on Sensory Cues into Habitat Ecology.”

Major Professor: Janet L. Rachlow Witham

Diane R. Swensen, Post Falls

Education. Dissertation: “The Full Professor: Stories from the Past, Guiding the Future”

Major Professor: Allen Kitchel

Ammar Ahmad Tarar*, Moscow Biological Engineering. Dissertation: “Anticancer Effectiveness of Allyl Isothiocyanate Insitu Derived from Sinigrin Hydrolyzed by Myrosinase.” Major Professor: Ching-An Peng

Jacob Westley Thorne, Miles, Texas

Animal Physiology. Dissertation: “Characterizing Gastrointestinal Nematode Infection in Dorper and Rambouillet Sheep through Genetic Analyses.”

Major Professor: Brenda Mae Murdoch

Adam Richard Valaydon-Pillay, Rathdrum

Chemistry. Dissertation: “Spectroscopic and Theoretical Investigation of High-Spin Iron(II) Complexes with Four-Fold Symmetric Cores and of Low-Spin Iron(II) Dithiocarbamate Dicarbonyls.” Major Professor: Sebastian A. Stoian

Reena Hallelujah Walker, Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Causes and Consequences of Behavioral Variation in Large Mammals.” Major Professor: Ryan Andrew Long

Haotian Wang, Nanjing, People’s Republic of China

Computer Science. Dissertation: “Deep Multitask Learning for Histopathology Image Processing.” Major Professor: Min Xian

Zhe Wang, Shenyang, People’s Republic of China

Geography. Dissertation: “Mapping the Urban Landscape: A Remote Sensing and Deep Learning Approach to Identifying Forests and Land Cover Features in a Desert City.” Major Professor: Haifeng Liao

Beth Iolean Whitfield, Coeur d’Alene

Education. Dissertation: “Idaho’s Funding Allocations and English Language Learner Achievement.”

Major Professor: Janine Julianna Darragh

Teyen Widdicombe*, Melbourne, Australia

Nuclear Engineering. Dissertation: “Investigation of Interactions Between Radiations from Dragonfly’s MMRTG and Titan’s Environment.”

Major Professor: Robert Angelo Borrelli

Amit Kumar Yadav**, Shawano, Wisconsin

Animal Physiology. Dissertation: “Nutritional

Approaches to Mitigate the Iron Toxicity in Rainbow Trout and Catfish.” Major Professor: Vikas Kumar

Aaron C. Young**, Ionia, Michigan

Natural Resources. Dissertation: “Beyond

Sage-Grouse: Effects of Conifer Expansion and Removal on Fauna in the Sagebrush Steppe.” Major Professor: Tracey N. Johnson

edUCaTion speCialisT

Tammy Lynn Domras, Lewiston Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction

edUCaTion speCialisT in edUCaTional


Amy Lynn Arlint, Moscow

Taylor Katherine Bieker, Hayden

Jody Lee Braun, Meridian

Adam Phillip Bruno*, Meridian

Katie Jeane Crawford, Mountain Home

Madeline Susanne Cunningham**, Hailey

Quentin Lee DeWitt, Walla Walla, Washington

Shannon Rae Engledow*, Kooskia

Susanne Leigh Foote, Star

Andrea Kaye Fuentes, Naples

Mike Thomas Gallup, Caldwell

Brad Allen Hadley, Moscow

Virginia Lyn Hammond, Spirit Lake

Joshua Hardy**, West Monroe, Louisiana

Christopher Dale Luttrell*, Kimberly

Meinhart Wenceslas Augusto Mosqueda, Owyhee, Nevada

Amber Dawn Phillips, Meridian

Skar Sato, Kaneohe, Hawaii

Matthew A. Schneiderman, Meridian

Shawna Nickole Schneiderman, Meridian

Anne Marie Siron, Boise

Crystal Anne Stewart, Gooding

– 17 –

Christopher John Stoker, Meridian

Leah R. Thayer, Boise

Randy Kent Thompson**, Garden Valley

Maryam Elhabashy Wolff, San Diego, California

MasTer of aCCoUnTanCy

Tristan Everett Baiocco, Moscow

Hannah Rosemary Burt, Coeur d’Alene

Addison Tess Golightly, Moscow

Anna Christine Hilbert**, Liberty Lake, Washington

Burton Blake Kearns**, Coeur d’Alene

McKenzie Rae Lewis, Grangeville

Benjamin Lewis Macomber, Coeur d’Alene

Jessica Alicia Makynen**, Coeur d’Alene

Brandon T. Miller*, Gig Harbor, Washington

Kyle Tanner Nebrigich*, Boise

Garrett Douglas Nelson, Nezperce

Zachary Mark Nunis, Victoria, Australia

Nicholas A. Peterson*, Libby, Montana

Joseph Matthew Wilkinson Pratt**, Jackson, Wyoming

Joshua Jay Ralphs, Thornton, Colorado

Britney Nicole Rill, Nampa

Thomas Duane Rizzo, Star

Aaron Russell Schaub*, North Platte, Nebraska

Karli Rebecca Scott, Bothell, Washington

Destinie Alycia Stopsen*, Black Diamond, Washington

MasTer of arChiTeCTUre

Noah Matthew Anderson, Post Falls

Christian James Peter Bachik, Nampa

Kaitlin Grace Beyrouty, Maple Valley, Washington

Jared Rex Black, Horseshoe Bend

Grayson Michael Boldt, Jackson

Regan Elizabeth Campbell*, Parma

West Lee Chalfant, Boise

Brenna Ashleigh Church, Zillah, Washington

Edwin Ernesto Dilone Berumen, Greenleaf

Brittney Christine Ellenbecker, Coeur d’Alene

Amanda Lyn Eller, Coeur d’Alene

Vitaliy Golovin, Nampa

Ryan Bradley Hart, Idaho Falls

Danielle Nicole Hawkins, Milledgeville, Georgia

Monica Jean Higbee, Rathdrum

Skyler Ross Howell, Logan, Utah

Britain M Hunsaker,Portland, Oregon

Kolbie Krinn Jones, Boise

Sterling Stratford Jones, Rathdrum

Rachael Lynn Kimball, Nampa

Samuel William Kreitzer, Kuna

Etienne Pierre Marcel La Count, Idaho Falls

Lauryn Ashley Lanterman, Meridian

Riley Ray Leighton, Hailey

Zackery Maisen Maughan, Paul

Benjamin Kenneth Mendenhall, Post Falls

Andrew T. Miller, Rainier, Washington

Danielle Ann Miller, Greeley, Colorado

Juhee Moon, Boise

Jillian J. Nelson,Chelan, Washington

Aubrey Grace Newman, Boise

Lucia Marie Osborne, Cottonwood

Dominic David Pera, Meridian

Karlee Ann Peterson, Cocolalla

Kelsey Ramsey*, Portland, Oregon

Mace Dean Reginald, Boise

Gregory Tomas Reyes, Weiser

Tristan Luke Sahwell, Moscow

Anjan Shakya**, Kathmandu, Nepal

Elizabeth Renee Smythe, Eagle

Mariah Alyzza G. Soriano**, Juneau, Alaska

Mal Sawm Tluang, Yangon, Myanmar

Kurtis John Zylstra, Oak Harbor, Washington

MasTer of arTs

Kailey A. Alessi, Farmington Hills, Michigan Anthropology

Amanda Bliss Carruth, Boise English

Kailey Paige Berube, Archer City, Texas Anthropology

Meghan Campbell Caves, Seattle, Washington Anthropology

Lisa Annette Cochran**, Moscow Anthropology

Dylan A. Couch, Washburn, Wisconsin English

Kelsey Camryn Evans, Cypress, Texas English

Rebekah Elizabeth Gann, Coeur d'Alene

Cara Browning Haderlie**, Idaho Falls English

Anne Sunshine Hightower, Viola History

Rebecca Joan Kanaskie, Tamaqua, Pennsylvania


Katelyn Marie Kitch, Manchaca, Texas


Mairee Kelline MacInnes, Albany, Oregon


Heather McKinlay, Maple Valley, Washington Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

Chayce Elizabeth Reynolds, Nampa English

Michelle Darling Tanner, Bonners Ferry


Floriana Tulli, North Wales, Pennsylvania English

MasTer of arTs in TeaChing

Samuel Robert Carlson**, Boise

Secondary Education

Elizabeth Erin Crisp, Rexburg


Vasco Christian Dakota, Brea, California

Secondary Education

Luke Stephen Fraga**, Windsor, California

Secondary Education

Nicole Mary Kathleen Judson, Hayden

Secondary Education

– 18 –

Mekaela Kellerer**, Nampa

Secondary Education

Belinda S. Sell**, Moscow

Secondary Education

MasTer of edUCaTion

Austin Clay Ambrose**, Boise

Educational Leadership

Desiree Nichole Ballis, Tucson, Arizona

Educational Leadership

Laura Elizabeth Barnhardt*, Ketchum

Educational Leadership

Jennifer Ann Behl, Hayden

Educational Leadership

Mark Wesley Boatman, Meridian

Educational Leadership

Caitlin Anne Buchanan, Sandpoint

Curriculum and Instruction

Lauren Burns, Boise

Educational Leadership

Sheri Ann Class*, McCall

Curriculum and Instruction

Paul D. Collins, Moscow

Educational Leadership

Cheryl A. Copeland**, St. Maries

Curriculum and Instruction

Alexandra Paige Dahl, Meridian

Educational Leadership

Amy Rebecca DeAndre, Spokane, Washington

Physical Education

Cami Lynn Dixon**, Idaho Falls

Educational Leadership

Kipp M. Dixon*, Coeur d’Alene

Physical Education

Whitney LeAnn Duke, Boise

Educational Leadership

Sydney Kay Durk*, Boise

Curriculum and Instruction

Tami Michelle Edwards, Boise

Educational Leadership

Tatiana Marie Ford**, Eagle

Curriculum and Instruction

Robertson Langley Fox*, Twin Falls

Educational Leadership

Abigail Florence Goyette, Boise

Educational Leadership

Elizabeth Erin Gustavel**, Boise

Educational Leadership

Kailee Lynn Hansen*, Rupert

Educational Leadership

Athena Nicole Herman, Boise

Educational Leadership

Shaleyna Dawn Higgins**, Bonners Ferry

Physical Education

Lauren Brooke Horan, Kennewick, Washington

Educational Leadership

Luke James Hyde**, Emmett

Educational Leadership

Adam Michael Jacobson, Spokane, Washington

Physical Education

Jennifer Merlene Johnson, Nampa

Educational Leadership

Nancy Lorraine Jones*, Twin Falls

Educational Leadership

Rachel Amber Jones, Meridian

Educational Leadership

Mary Lynn Juhasz, Eagle

Educational Leadership

Lori Marie Klein, Bothell, Washington

Physical Education

Ashlee R. Kolar*, Horseshoe Bend

Educational Leadership

Kristi Renee Lawrie, Rathdrum

Curriculum and Instruction

Jessica Alice Layton, Paul

Special Education

Joshua Micheal Lewis**, Hayden

Curriculum and Instruction

Mary Madison Riley Lyons, Nampa

Educational Leadership

John Keelan McCaffrey*, Rupert

Educational Leadership

Marie Watts McCulloch, Meridian

Educational Leadership

Kelly Jean Meyer**, Yakima, Washington

Educational Leadership

Kyle Robert Miller**, Caldwell

Educational Leadership

Kathryn E. Mittlelder, Eagle

Educational Leadership

Sarah Renee Nave**, Spirit Lake

Curriculum and Instruction

Glenna Lynn Newby, Meridian

Educational Leadership

Hailey Elaine Nikkola*, Spokane Valley, Washington

Curriculum and Instruction

Richole M. Osborne**, Irrigon, Oregon

Physical Education

Tamara A. Peterson, Nampa

Curriculum and Instruction

Cori Ann Pinque**, Pierce

Educational Leadership

Terry Scott Rothamer, Phoenix, Arizona

Educational Leadership

McKenzie Kay Louise Russell, Rathdrum

Special Education

Madison Rae Seaman, Coeur d’Alene

Educational Leadership

Annie Marie Short, Marsing

Curriculum and Instruction

Megan Lynn Sindt*, St. Maries

Educational Leadership

Andrew Fitzgerald Smith, Nampa

Educational Leadership

Mackenna Laine Sosa*, Yucaipa, California

Curriculum and Instruction

Kevin Stilling, Hailey

Educational Leadership

Charles Homer Stivison, Boise

Educational Leadership

Richard L. Stock*, Jerome

Educational Leadership

Maggie Anne Thornsberry**, Boise

Curriculum and Instruction

Molly Thornton, Eagle

Educational Leadership

Alison Ann Walker, Meridian

Educational Leadership

Conner Michael Weygint, Mountain Home

Curriculum and Instruction

Kylee Ann Wicks, Lewiston

Educational Leadership

MasTer of engineering

Andoni Bieter Lete, Boise

Biological Engineering

Nicholas Adam Brubaker*, Moscow

Mechanical Engineering

Christopher John Burger**, Galena, Ohio

Electrical Engineering

Kendall Marie Cox**, Federal Way, Washington

Mechanical Engineering

Megan Marie Eckroth, Burlington, Wisconsin

Electrical Engineering

John Clark Foster, Saugerties, New York

Electrical Engineering

Marcus Joseph Garcia, Denver, Colorado

Electrical Engineering

Ryan Thomas Gilbert, Ogden

Mechanical Engineering

Brandon Jack Hill**, Idaho Falls

Mechanical Engineering

Michael Andrew Juel*, Pocatello

Engineering Management

Aakash Kandoi, Moscow

Electrical Engineering

Muhammad Suleman Khalid Khan**, Gloucester, United Kingdom

Electrical Engineering

Nephi Kharadia*, Idaho Falls

Electrical Engineering

Erica Marie Koppes, Eagle

Civil Engineering

Carson Ronald-Lucas Kraft**, Boise

Engineering Management

– 19 –

Siobhan Noelani McGuire*, Post Falls

Mechanical Engineering

Dennis D. Miller, Idaho Falls

Engineering Management

Donald Christian Olsen, Pullman, Washington

Engineering Management

Timothy John Richard, Lewiston

Civil Engineering

Vincent Gilbert Russo, Hayden

Mechanical Engineering

Mary Crawford Savage, Gig Harbor, Washington

Electrical Engineering

Nathan Douglas Stout**, Lewiston

Mechanical Engineering

Zachary Thomas Summerford**, Grove City, Ohio

Electrical Engineering

Tyler David Tolman§, Meridian

Engineering Management

Rochelle Frances Watson*, Knoxville, Tennessee

Engineering Management

Jason Alan Wayment, Idaho Falls

Engineering Management

Brennan Webb**, Meridian

Electrical Engineering

Florence D. Webster, Meridian

Engineering Management

Jared M. Wood, Dalton Gardens

Materials Science & Engineering

Enfan Zhang, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China

Mechanical Engineering

MasTer of fine arTs

Stacie LaJosie Alston, Raleigh, North Carolina

Theatre Arts

Charissa Elaine Bertels*, Manhattan, Kansas

Theatre Arts

Jessica Linsly Bostock*, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania

Theatre Arts

Anna Marie Brendel, Cleveland, Tennessee

Theatre Arts

Erica Marie Burger Baillif, Panama City Beach, Florida

Theatre Arts

Jennifer Heidi Chaney, Florence, Oregon

Theatre Arts

Elisabetta Rosa Croce, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Creative Writing

Donna Denise Deverell, Sulphur Springs, Texas

Theatre Arts

Jessica Ferrarone, Montgomery, Texas

Theatre Arts

Rachael Lynn Fornarotto, Pocatello

Theatre Arts

Laura Freymiller, Oakland, California

Creative Writing

Lisa Caryn Frystak**, Arlington Heights, Illinois

Theatre Arts

Nicholas Benjamin-Gene Fuqua, New Albany, Indiana

Theatre Arts

Jamie Gannon, Plainview, New York Theatre Arts

Lisa Anne Henderson, Akron, Ohio

Theatre Arts

Toni J. Henderson-Mayers*, Hope Mills, North Carolina

Theatre Arts

Joshua Mckinnon Hust, Palouse, Washington Art

Jeffrey Michael Kelly**, Dallas, Pennsylvania Theatre Arts

Lisa Anne Leibering, Allison Park, Pennsylvania Theatre Arts

Noah Aaron Charles Luce**, Aptos, California

Theatre Arts

Mindy Maples**, Homer, Michigan

Theatre Arts

Rita Lee McLary*, Grand Haven, Michigan

Theatre Arts

Michael Mendez, New York, New York

Theatre Arts

Marlisa Nicole Mendoza, Miami, Florida

Theatre Arts

Richard Sterling Merrill, Moscow

Theatre Arts

Jeffery Miller**, Middleburg, Virginia

Theatre Arts

Robert John Milz*, Oceanside, California

Theatre Arts

Afton Gray Montgomery, Denver, Colorado

Creative Writing

James Richard Padilla, Farmington, New Mexico

Theatre Arts

Tyler M. Perry**, New York, New York

Theatre Arts

Carly S. Preston, Lexington, Kentucky

Theatre Arts

Katharine Elizabeth Ray**, Mount Juliet, Tennessee

Theatre Arts

Travis Clark Richardson**, Seaside, California

Theatre Arts

Jill Anne Ripa*, San Antonio, Texas

Theatre Arts

Anra May Berntine Rowley, Moscow Art

Tiffany Bruce Rubin**, Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Theatre Arts

Michael Santora**, New York, New York

Theatre Arts

David B. Schroeder, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan

Theatre Arts

Aaron Michael Spivey*, Blue Springs, Missouri

Theatre Arts

Gianna Teresa Stoddard, Brookings, Oregon

Creative Writing

Allison Sarah Talis, Irvington, New York

Theatre Arts

Christopher Kenneth Thorn, Brooklyn, New York

Theatre Arts

Gregory Allen Thorn**, Whitsett, North Carolina

Theatre Arts

Autumn Grace Tustin**, Kandern, Germany

Theatre Arts

Erin M. Urick, Houston, Texas

Theatre Arts

Christopher Anthony Vergara, New York, New York

Theatre Arts

Bryan S. Wallingford, Wilmington, Ohio

Theatre Arts

Nathan Wayne Wheatley*, Independence, Missouri

Theatre Arts

Daniel Lee White, Cranston, Rhode Island

Theatre Arts

Chaz Elliott Wolcott, New York, New York

Theatre Arts

Nicole Estrella Wright, North Hollywood, California

Theatre Arts

Aileen M. Zeigler, Montgomery, Alabama

Theatre Arts

– 20 –

MasTer of landsCape arChiTeCTUre

Xiang Yu**, Lianyungang City, People’s Republic of China

MasTer of MUsiC

Kaitlyn Marie Atchison, Fernwood

Courtney Lynn Crocker, Sammamish, Washington

Nicolas Guillermo Merle, Maple Valley, Washington

Peter James Shelley, Chattaroy, Washington

Mary Abigail Silverberg, Peyton, Colorado

Paul Felix Stovall, Redmond, Washington

MasTer of naTUral resoUrCes

Jonathan M. Ader**, Rigby

Brian Anderson**, Vacaville, California

Kaleala Rose Bass*, Whitebird

Brooke Makenna Blanton, Hagerhill, Kentucky

Sean Michael Botzenhart*, Asheville, North Carolina

Morgan Keates Brazeau*, Boise

Marie Elizabeth Cerda, Alameda, California

Craig Cochran, Indianapolis, Indiana

Audrey Anna Cooper**, Westfield, Indiana

Patrick Joseph Corbett, Boise

Thomson Nathaniel Danz, Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Eric Delgadillo, Scottsdale, Arizona

Jake Robert DiBello**, Staten Island, New York

Elyse Marie Doerr, Laguna Hills, California

Brian Christopher Donato, Spotsylvania, Virginia

Lauren Claire Florence**, Malad City

Kayleigh Anne Frazier, Enterprise, Oregon

Galen Christopher Friesen, Fort Collins, Colorado

Jeffrey Shay Gorder**, Norwalk, California

Emma Kate Gratto**, Newport News, Virginia

Alexandra Anne Hawker**, Solon, Iowa

Noah King Hawthorne*, Dalton, Pennsylvania

Maura Elizabeth Mildred Hay*, Rancho Santa Margarita, California

Robert Norman Helgason, West Des Moines, Iowa

Lily Francis Hodgson**, Boise

Caroline Svetlana Hogan, Monterey, California

Gregory James Hoover, Gardnerville, Nevada

Lauren Jessica Howard, Boise

Laura Jae Jones**, Coeur d’Alene

Anna Carol Keibler, Borden, Indiana

Joshua Gregory Larsen**, Nampa

Sarah Elizabeth Lawinger*, Iowa City, Iowa

John William Leavell*, Hailey

Kevin Lee*, Glendora, California

Margaret S. Lee*, Springfield, New Hampshire

Brittany Lauren Lewellen**, Craig, Colorado

Avery Janel Lewis*, Houston, Texas

Cal Steven Martin**, Dayton, Washington

Camryn Leanna Martin, Rayville, Louisiana

Shaylee Rene Martling*, Moscow

Lindsey Catherine-Ellen Mayer*, Austin, Texas

Cassidy Anne McGahee**, Tifton, Georgia

Matthew Medders**, Lexington, Kentucky

Shari K. Meeks, Bondurant, Wyoming

Josie Belle Meyer*, Boise

Victoria Nicole Mirian*, Pinehurst, North Carolina

Glenn William Mitchell*, Moscow

Carly Monnin*, Moscow

Howard deVere Morrison, Berryville, Virginia

Rachel Maisy Murray*, Boise

Caitlin Leslie Nate*, Idaho Falls

Joshua Michael Nelson**, St. Charles, Illinois

Taylor Ray Nelson**, Willow Creek, California

Camron R. Newton*, Hailey

Brittney Leann Osborn, Sparks, Nevada

Zachary Aloysius Pacer**, Toledo, Ohio

Joseph Harrison Peraino*, Emmett

Eric Matthew Perry**, Nampa

Meredith Geoghegan Peterson*, Woodinville, Washington

John Tyler Postlewaite**, Boise

Mindy Christina Priddy*, Bassett, Virginia

Luis Joany Ramos, Escondido, California

Philip Christopher Redding**, Enterprise, Oregon

Nathan B. Rindlisbaker, Preston

Jessica Marie Ruark*, Denver, Colorado

Stephanie Ann Runs Through, St. George, Utah

Lori Satterwhite**, Rogerson

Theresa Lynn Schaffner, Rapid City, South Dakota

Emory Faith Schweitzer*, Fairborn, Ohio

Noel Sharp**, Pe Ell, Washington

Davies Kathleen Shea, New York, New York

Callie Frances Sheker-Grothe, Tillamook, Oregon

Seth D. Shteir, Helena, Montana

Janine C. Siatkowski*, Yreka, California

Keely Alaina Smith*, Boise

Jordan Taylor Sollenberger**, Altoona, Pennsylvania

Cameron Dale Sponseller*, Boardman, Oregon

Levi Jon Sterzing, Marinette, Wisconsin

Jared Thomas Stubbendeck*, Golden, Colorado

– 21 –

Reid Franklin Sutton, Lincoln, Nebraska

Matthew Swan, Hailey

Connor Frances Timpone*, El Portal, California

Ashley Lynn Tranello*, Churchville, New York

Abbie Renae Van Raden, Aurora, Iowa

Anthony Michael Vorwald**, Maquoketa, Iowa

Zoe Brianna Wicken*, Omaha, Nebraska

Jade Cara Woll*, Cardiff, California

Will Dempsey Woods*, McCall

Paul Andrew Zollinger*, Sterling, Illinois

MasTer of pUbliC adMinisTraTion

Dishonna DeNaee Arnett**, Lewiston

Jahkari Kashmir Aujla-Singh, Kent, Washington

Jayne A. Boehme, Geneva

Barbara Renee Broyles*, Viola

Ellamae Rose Burnell, Oroville, Washington

Alejandra Cabrales, Aberdeen, Washington

Eric Daniel Chamberlain**, Bremerton, Washington

Tyrese Dewayne Dedmon**, Lancaster, California

Ohood Misfer Elzahrani**, Taif, Saudi Arabia

Emese Halasz-Maynard**, Boise

Samantha Ann Hammond**, Post Falls

Gabrielle Catherine Kline, Ferndale, Washington

Paige Olivia Lambermont, Idaho Falls

Sarah Cathleen Nolan, San Jose, California

Jacob Steven Pehrson**, Post Falls

Elizabeth Joyce Popoff, East Wenatchee, Washington

Tristan James Schenk, Sandpoint

Cameron J. Stanford*, Sugar City

Michaela Marjean Tourville, Eagle

Caleb Kent Sherrill Weeks**, Coeur d’Alene

Nicole Annette Wright*, Genesee

MasTer of sCienCe

Kiran Adhikari**, Pokhara, Nepal

Civil Engineering

Saroj Adhikari, Bhimad, Nepa

Applied Economics

Hailee Jeannette Aklyan, Henderson, Nevada Psychology

Galo Albor, Idaho falls

Environmental Science

Nathan Michael Altenhofen§, Burlington, Washington

Movement and Leisure Sciences

Mason Scott Anderson**, Olympia, Washington

Chemical Engineering

Koffi Anderson Koffi, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Computer Science

Kate Helen Antonov, Palm Desert, California

Electrical Engineering

John Bosco Alvizo Ariola**, Lewiston

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Samikshya Aryal, Marbhung, Nepal


Erin Lynn Bacon**, Moscow

Movement and Leisure Sciences

Kyle Torres Banzon, Henderson, Nevada


Claire Morgan Bardsley*, Modesto, California

Agricultural Education

Ron Baron, Charlotte, North Carolina

Environmental Science

Kelsyn Aineth Barria Gallardo, Chiriqui, Panama

Water Resources

Piyush Basnet, Bara, Nepal

Mechanical Engineering

Joseph D. Bell, Prescott, Arizona

Environmental Science

George Clayton Bennett**, Collierville, Tennessee

Mechanical Engineering

Srijan Bhandari, Kathmandu, Nepal

Mechanical Engineering

Manoj Bhusal*, Arghakhanchi, Nepal

Environmental Science

Kymberly Marie Bowlby**, Spirit Lake

Chemical Engineering

Heidi Rose Brackebusch, Cottonwood

Family and Consumer Sciences; Dietetics

Katherine Eileen Brings**, Boise


Jacob R. Brower, Idaho Falls

Mechanical Engineering

Patrick Brown**, Francis, Utah

Environmental Science

Ashley May Burke, Melba

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Quinn Alexander Buzzard*, Eagle

Water Resources

Robert Hugh Ross Carne*, Coeur d’Alene

Mechanical Engineering

Elmer Chavez Castrejon, Redmond, Oregon

Movement & Leisure Sciences

Eduardo Anthony Celis*, Twin Falls

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Lauren Elizabeth Christensen*, Lewiston

Animal Science

Sheldon Wayne Christensen, Idaho Falls

Technology Management

Roger Carson Chunn, Idaho Falls

Technology Management

Madeline Rose Clark*, Middleton

Environmental Science

Kody Lane Cochrell**, Orofino

Environmental Science

Audriana Irene Cole*, Eagle

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Emily Marie Conroe**, Chicora, Pennsylvania

Electrical Engineering

Matthew Robert Cox**, Anchorage, Alaska

Environmental Science

Heather Ann Cramond, Lake Villa, Illinois

Environmental Science

Meaghan Elizabeth Daniel, Henderson, Nevada

Environmental Science

Steven Thomas Daniels, Idaho Falls

Computer Science

Elijah Danquah Darko, Greater Accra, Ghana

Statistical Science

Tahni AlLynn David*, Kuna

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Donald Andrew Davis**, Rexburg

Statistical Science

Christina Nicole Day*, Austin, Texas

Movement and Leisure Sciences

Anthony Edmund DeSantis**, Mountain Home

Mechanical Engineering

Jaxon Carlton Dean*, Kennewick, Washington

Civil Engineering

Joseph Sebastian Dekold, Ammon

Mechanical Engineering

Jessica Christine Demich, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Aayush Raj Dhakal, Bharatpur, Nepal

Applied Economics

Nicolas Diaz**, Idaho Falls

Computer Science

Calvin Myer Downey, Idaho Falls

Materials Science and Engineering

– 22 –

Bryce DuCharme, Hudson, Wisconsin

Geological Engineering

Jai Danae Earsley, Eagle River, Alaska


Megan Eilean Ellis**, New Meadows

Groundwater Hydrology

Kylee K. Elmore**, Nampa

Animal Science

Brooklyn Sierra Epperson, Linden, California

Animal Science

Johanna Erlebach, Redondo Beach, California

Environmental Science

Mary Louise Everett, Lewiston

Computer Science

Mikayla Rose Ferenz, Walla Walla, Washington

Movement and Leisure Sciences

Connor Martin Finn**, Satellite Beach, Florida

Environmental Science

Sally Ann Florio**, Robbinsville, New Jersey

Environmental Science

Megan Alexis Follett, Snohomish, Washington


Karly Rose Foster, Rickreall, Oregon

Environmental Science

Daniel Xavier Francis, Nokesville, Virginia


Bernadette Rae Franulovich*, Ketchikan, Alaska

Statistical Science

Jacob Samuel Friedberg**, Woodinville, Washington

Computer Science

Jordan Frye, Suwanee, Georgia

Geological Engineering

Michele McLeod Fuller, Columbia, South Carolina

Environmental Science

Ethan Carroll Gaddy, Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina


Nathan Gelles, Pingree

Plant Science

Shelby Lyn Goodwin**, Grand Junction, Colorado

Environmental Science

Kristiansen Zweibel Gordon**, St. Paul, Minnesota

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Elizabeth Shelby Goulston*, Morristown, New Jersey


Megan Grennille*, Moscow

Technology Management

Halie Victoria Hajek, Bainbridge Island, Washington

Environmental Science

Marissa Cheri Haley**, Helena, Montana

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Julia A. Hanley, Moscow

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Logan Elaine Harper**, Kendrick

Agricultural Education

Jenna G. Harris**, Rock Springs, Wyoming


Ryan Patrick Harrod*, Lehi, Utah

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Gareth Rhys Haug, Pendleton, Oregon


Hunter D. Hawkins-Stark, Hayden

Computer Science

Tanner E. Heath**, Coeur d’Alene

Movement and Leisure Sciences

Mikayla L. Heimbuch, Eagle

Animal Science

Nolan A. Helmstetter, Moscow

Natural Resources

Braxton Gene Herrick, Rigby

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Michael Francis Heslar**, Gainesville, Florida


Samuel Alan Arthur Hoffman, Moscow

Agricultural Education

Holly Ann Hokenson, Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Environmental Science

Courtney Sabrina Holcomb-Bennett**, Lizemores, West Virginia

Environmental Science

Robin Amanda Holland*, Gulfport, Mississippi

Environmental Science

Zane Joseph Holliday, Idaho Falls

Mechanical Engineering

Nicole Elizabeth Holloway*, Lowell, Arkansas

Environmental Science

Md Rahat Hossen**, Greenville, Pennsylvania

Applied Economics

Christa M. Howarth*, Boise

Environmental Science

Luke Chandler Huffman**, Somerset, Kentucky

Environmental Science

Nathan P. Hurlocker, Coeur d'Alene

Integrated Architecture & Design

Jon Warren Isaacson**, Moscow

Statistical Science

Lundyn Gabriel Jared, Pierce

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Connor Timothy Jenkins, Tekonsha, Michigan

Environmental Science

Sierra Marie Jepsen**, Amanda, Ohio

Animal Science

Charles Michael Johnson, Idaho Falls

Technology Management

Nicholas William Johnson**, Portland, Oregon

Environmental Science

Tiana L. Johnson, Kalispell, Montana


Eric Tod Johnston**, Grangeville

Electrical Engineering

Evan Michael Jones*, Waterville, Minnesota

Natural Resources

LeeRoy C. Jones*, Ririe

Technology Management

Jessica Emma Rena Kalin*, Onsted, Michigan


Mohammad Karimzadeh, Tehran, Iran

Computer Science

Bandita Karki, Siraha, Nepal

Statistical Science

Caitlin Aspen Keady*, Darien, Connecticut

Civil Engineering

Fauwial Farid Khan, Mumbai, India

Applied Economics

Liam Dandurand Knudsen, Moscow


Hsuan Wen Kuo*, Taipe, Taiwan

Technology Management

Maggi Marie Laan*, Weiser

Soil and Land Resources

Jan William Lambrechtsen*, Idaho Falls

Mechanical Engineering

Ritika Lamichhane, Bharatpur, Nepal

Plant Science

Laurren Eilssa Langford, Austin, Texas

Environmental Science

Mackenzie Lawrence**, Meridian

Environmental Science

Matthew Christian Lawson, Boise

Chemical Engineering

Thi Dang Le, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Trase LeTexier**, Basin, Montana

Movement and Leisure Sciences

Soyeon Lee, New York, New York


Matthew Louis Lesiecki, Moscow

Water Resources-Engineering & Science

Fangyuan Li*, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Megan Jo Limesand, Rathdrum


Grace Margaret Little**, Carrboro, North Carolina

Natural Resources

Yiqing Ma, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

Computer Science

– 23 –

Zachary Joseph Martin*, Madisonville, Kentucky

Electrical Engineering

Katherine Ann Masterson, Oak Creek, Colorado

Natural Resources

Dominique Olivier McBroome*, Post Falls

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Talia Rae McGreal**, Potlatch

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Sarah Elizabeth McIntire, Waltham, Massachusetts

Natural Resources

Jessica Rose McKenzie, Coeur d’Alene

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Kirk D. McKenzie*, Hayden

Mechanical Engineering

Alisha Kristine Mckittrick, Monroeville, Pennsylvania

Environmental Science

Amelia Ann Meckelborg, Goleta, California

Environmental Science

McKayla L. Meier**, Fairview, Oregon

Environmental Science

Katie Rae Messerly, Simi Valley, California


Natalie Sage Mikels, Eagle

Civil Engineering

Marci Miller, Moscow

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

William John Miller**, Boise


H. Todd J. Moore*, Coeur d’Alene

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Johnny James Moore, Coeur d’Alene


Jacob Aaron Morgan, Franklin, North Carolina

Environmental Science

Cheyanne Amanda Myers**, Fruitland

Animal Science

Heather Blake Neace, Boise

Water Resources

John Matthew Nelson**, Woodruff, South Carolina

Natural Resources

Caitlin A. Newport**, Glenside, Pennsylvania

Environmental Science

Morgan Elizabeth Nicholson**, Eagle

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Sarah Cathleen Nolan, San Jose, California

Environmental Science

Jessica Irene Nolen, Newman Lake, Washington


Laurel Ashley Nunez*, Vancouver , Washington

Family and Consumer Sciences

Matthew Steven Oshinski**, Flanders, New Jersey


Emmanuella Owusu Ansah, Kumasi, Ghana

Plant Science

Andrew Courtney Perry*, Grand Forks, North Dakota


Kendi Phelps*, Eagar, Arizona

Family and Consumer Sciences

Lynn Clark Pope**, Idaho Falls

Technology Management

Eeturu Prranoyaw, Telangana, India

Environmental Science

Dakota Robin Pyles*, Superior, Montana


Luana Quirino Souza

Dayoub Zagato, Campo Grande, Brazil

Plant Science

Rachael Lane Rager, Hayden


Eduardo Ramos-Arteaga, Idaho Falls


John Robert Randall*, Coeur d’Alene

Water Resources

Sarah Randolph, Ventura, California

Environmental Science

Srividya Raveendran, Coimbatore, India

Electrical Engineering

Josh S. Reed**, Moscow

Natural Resources

Julia Reese*, Deary

Water Resources

Eduardo Arturo Reyes, Othello, Washington

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Danielle Le Reynolds, Deer Park, Washington

Agricultural Education

Stacey Lee Rice*, Davis, California


Lucas A. Ripa Ayala**, La Cruz, Chile


Samuel Jacob Root, Oakdale, Minnesota

Nuclear Engineering

Tucker Dean Rovig, Meridian

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Eugene Thanh Russell, Colorado Springs, Colorado


Mariana Teresa Sandifer**, Charlotte, North Carolina

Environmental Science

Rowdy Allen Sanford, Ellensburg, Washington

Electrical Engineering

Angelica Lois Schattler, Fall City, Washington

Environmental Science

Geraldine Scholz**, Colfax, Washington

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Rebecca Elizabeth Sermeno**, Hayden

Family and Consumer Sciences

Rashmi Shrivastava, Noida, India

Computer Science

Carson John Silsby*, Albany, Oregon

Chemical Engineering

Andrew Thomas Simpson**, Clarkston, Washington Biology

Lovepreet Singh, Moga, India

Food Science

Owen Solomon Snyder, Burnsville, North Carolina

Environmental Science

Aubrey Speer, Cascade


Marinda Rose Stanton**, Eagle Point, Oregon


Jason Alexander Starace, Lodi, California

Computer Science

Christopher Paul Stayman**, Idaho Falls

Technology Management

Vanessa Marie Stedman**, Lewiston

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Torrey J. Stephenson*, Loveland, Colorado

Environmental Science

Alberding Yi-Hua Steven, Twin Falls

Statistical Science

Cierra Dawn Stokes*, Brigham City, Utah

Environmental Science

Kaitlyn Mallie Strickfaden**, McHenry, Illinois

Natural Resources

Heather Catherine Supic, Bethlehem, Georgia

Environmental Science

Gaige Nicholas Swanson*, Meridian

Water Resources

Maria Christine Swartz, Gillette, Wyoming

Computer Science

Kimberly J. Tate**, Boise

Environmental Science

Kaylee P. Taylor**, Mammoth Lakes, California

Environmental Science

Cody Alan Terrill**, Manteca, California

Mechanical Engineering

– 24 –

Paul Tietz**, Waunakee, Wisconsin

Soil and Land Resources

Timothy Charles Tilton, Colton, Washington

Mechanical Engineering

Nikolai Tiong, Aberfoyle Park, Australia

Computer Engineering

Mary Kathryn Tkach, Moscow

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Riya Tomar, Indore, India

Computer Science

Coretta Jebbeh Tommy, Edgewater Park, New Jersey

Environmental Science

Angela-Marie Akamine Trolio, Clinton, Utah


Tsung-Yu Tsai**, Taoyuan City, Taiwan

Animal Science

Dashiell Eric Tyler, Orofino


Kevin James Underwood, Olympia, Washington

Computer Science

Stacey Elizabeth Vakanski, Idaho Falls

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Javier Cordova Valero, Caldwell

Adult/Organizational Learning and Leadership

Kurt A. Vedros, Ammon

Computer Science

Madison Jane Vershum, Coeur d’Alene


Amanda Marie Villwock, Council

Natural Resources

Michael Robert Vogler, Montrose, Colorado

Water Resources

Anya Marie Vollstedt*, Eugene, Oregon

Environmental Science

Zhe Wang**, Shenyang, People’s Republic of China

Computer Science

Amanda Lynn Ward*, Coeur d’Alene

Computer Science

Criss Ryu Ward, Caldwell

Civil Engineering

Chloe Weeks*, Tucson, Arizona Geology

Logan Kovach Weyand**, Pullman, Washington

Natural Resources

Victoria Christina Wilk*, Moscow

Family and Consumer Sciences

Jade Dawn Williams**, Richfield

Civil Engineering

Taegan Maurice Williams**, Post Falls Cybersecurity

Zhengliang Yang*, Chengdu, People’s Republic of China Applied Economics

James Martin Young*, Idaho Falls Computer Science

Margaret Emily Zee, Alamo, California Family and Consumer Sciences

Wenbo Zhan, Wenzhou, People’s Republic of China Geology

James Matthias Zillinger, Troy Nuclear Engineering

MasTer of sCienCe in aThleTiC Training

JoAnn Raquel Abad, Tulare, California Athletic Training

Sydney R. Almarez, Visalia, California Athletic Training

Hannah M. Boutwell, Riverside, California Athletic Training

Kalina Brar, Puyallup, Washington Athletic Training

Evan Patrick Buckley, Trim, Ireland Athletic Training

Karina Cisar, Moose Lake, Minnesota Athletic Training

Kaelin Cooley, Bonney Lake, Washington Athletic Training

Yi Fan, Tongling, People’s Republic of China Athletic Training

Katelyn Garfield, Moscow Athletic Training

Elizabeth Anne Godinho, Eagle Athletic Training

Brian Lee Hannibal, Rathdrum Athletic Training

Rachel Ruby Hill, Moscow Athletic Training

Hunter Issac Johnson, Post Falls Athletic Training

Makenna Elisabeth Leigh, Temecula, California Athletic Training

Kate Patricia McKern, Kettle Falls, Washington Athletic Training

Hodges Cole Nolan, Lakebay, Washington Athletic Training

Susan Charmaign Rau, Grand Junction, Colorado Athletic Training

Noel Victoria Scott, Ben Wheeler, Texas Athletic Training

Masaya Shirai, Kashiwa, Japan Athletic Training

Quinton Timothy Tapp, Ammon Athletic Training

Marah Grace Vogel, Richland, Washington Athletic Training

– 25 –

a dvan C ed p rofessional d egrees

C ollege of l aw

Established in 1909. Johanna Kalb, J.D., Dean

JUris doCTor

Aaron Issac Agramon**, Riverside, California

Alex Samuel Andersen-DeVille, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Brock D. Arnold, Boise

Jahkari Kashmir Aujla-Singh, Kent, Washington

Mason Ann Bailey, Hood River, Oregon

Summa cum laude

Hailey Barr, Boise

Johnathan R. Bassett, Emmett

Malori M. Basye, Boise

Magna cum laude

Mitchell William Benjamin, Idaho Falls

Alyson Blair, Kennewick, Washington

Cynthia E. Boakye-Yiadom, Ellenwood, Georgia

William C. Boinest, Richmond, Virginia

Jack Andrew Borton, Meridian

Helena R. Boyd, Port Angeles, Washington

Jarrett Davis Broughton, Palisade, Colorado

Veta Bustos, Twin Falls

Alejandra Cabrales Cabrales, Aberdeen, Washington

Melisa Cristina Cedeño, Vancouver, Washington

Zachary B. Cooper, Walla Walla, Washington

Frederick Coriell, McCall

Summa cum laude

Elizabeth Virginia Cowan, Meridian

Elizabeth M. Cutler, Idaho Falls

Ann Marie Davis, Rupert

Jake A. Dingel, Boise

Alexander S. Dmitrich, Pleasant Grove, Utah

Bridger Daniel Dolan, Post Falls

Stacey Marie Donohue, Richmond, Virginia

Cum laude

Jefferson James Thomas Douglas, Vashon Island, Washington

James Scott Drennan, Houston, Texas Cum laude

Austin L. Durglo, St. Ignatius, Montana

Sheldon Ray Eilers, Star

Randall S. Everett, Bountiful, Utah

April Marie Fitzgerald, Grand Junction, Colorado

Natalie Fontes, Eugene, Oregon

Bethany Ann Forst, Boise

Tristan R. Francis, Coeur d’Alene

Daniel Dean Fredrickson, Boise

Summa cum laude

Emily Gloria Garcia, Caldwell

Gavin J. Gilbert, Herriman, Utah

Celeste Elena Gilman, Kayenta, Arizona

Michael Alexander Gluszczak, San Jose, California

Kieran Alexander Gordon, Moscow

Jillian Frances Greene, Estacada, Oregon

Summa cum laude

Spencer P. Guier, Las Vegas, Nevada

Arnold Veli Hammari, Boise

Cameron Hunter Haylett, Boise

Jessica L. Heitzinger, Nampa Cum laude

Matthew D. Hendricks, Rexburg

Marisol Elideide Hernandez, LaVergne, Tennessee

Levi Thomas Heuberger-Yearian, Spokane, Washington

Lincoln J. Higginson, Middleton

Conor Sheridan Holler, Garden City

Tylor Christian Hull, Chester, Montana

Susan E. Hunt, Boise Cum laude

Dia N. Jada, Nogales, Arizona

Nicole Michelle Jenkins, McKinleyville, California

Rebecca Lyn Jensen, Logan, Utah

Auston Gerald Jimmicum, Neah Bay, Washington

Connor Royal Johnson, Billings, Montana

Alyssa R. Jones, Kuna

Joshua Stephen Kapuza, Yakima, Washington

Dalton Richard Kelley, Pocatello

Clayton Richmond King, New Plymouth

Donald Austin King, West Valley City , Utah

Christopher Robert Kmoch, Madison, Wisconsin

Summa cum laude

Mitchell J. Kolberg, Portland, Oregon Cum laude

Sheila Ann Kopczynski**, Stirling, Alaska

Kenneth Francis Kriske, Phoenix, Arizona

Stephen Patrick Kwiatkowski, Moscow

Ryan Andrew Lawrence, Kendrick

McKenzie Rae Lewis, Grangeville Cum laude

Rosa Maria Leyva, Meridian

Steven M. Littlefield, Kaysville, Utah

– 26 –

Rachel Kiara Low, Heber City, Utah

Benjamin Lewis Macomber, Coeur d’Alene Cum laude

Nina Capri Palmer Marcello, Alpine, Utah

Gabriela Ailin Martinez*, Boise

Elizabeth Anne McClellan, Boise

Laegan K. Meyers, Fairbanks, Alaska

Jarrett Bryce Micklow, Mill Valley, California

Mark J. Miller, Laguna Beach, California

Kiersten Miguelle Molcak, Cardston, Canada

Rebecca A. Moore, San Diego, California

Jordan Lynne Mosich, Eagle

Katelyn Rae Murphy, Caldwell Magna cum laude

Whitney P. Nelson, Bluffdale, Utah

Thuong H. Nguyen**, Las Vegas, Nevada

Luke John Nickodemus, Phoenix, Oregon

Megan Kathleen Nutley, Spokane, Washington

Austin D. Ober, Boise

Joel Albert Paget, Flagstaff, Arizona

Zachary Allen Patch, South Jordan, Utah

Ashley Melisondre Peterson, Lewiston Summa cum laude

Frederick Scott Pfeifer, Meridian

Jaysson Friedl Pfeifer, Yakima, Washington

Kyle Franklin Pierce, Houston, Texas

Jeremy Thomas Reagan, Pocatello

Shireen Rezaei, Bountiful, Utah

Ruby Marciella Sanford, Pensacola, Florida

Skylar Windle Schossberger, Eagle

Jean E. Schroeder, Boise

Jacob C. Silvester, Twin Falls

Tanner James Smith, Mesa, Arizona

Lauren Lace Smyser, Parma Summa cum laude

Ryan James Spencer, Dallas, Oregon

Jessica Marie Steadman, Blackfoot

Ashley Lynne Stilwell, Eagle

Smith Riley Stubbs, Bountiful, Utah

Morgan C. Swegles**, Boise

Marshall Wherry Toryanski, Boise

Reese E. Tulk, Marsing

Bailey E. Twitchell, Fernley, Nevada

Dayton Kai Uttinger, Meridian Cum laude

Makenzie Jane Wachtell, Boise

Trevor Daniel Warren, Scottsdale, Arizona

Michael Neal Warth, Ventura, California

Evan M. Westerfield, Boise Cum laude

Abigail R. Wheeless, Moscow

Davon Williams-Garrett, Dallas, Texas

Noah W. Winfree, Draper, Utah

Patrick E. Withers, Salmon

Caleb C. Wofford, Pryor, Oklahoma

Victoria Elenor Wright**, Nampa

– 27 –

U ndergrad U a T e d egrees

C ollege of a gri CU lTU ral & l ife s C ien C es

baChelor of sCienCe

Mikayla Rae Cavanaugh, Coeur d’Alene

Child Development Summa cum laude

Blazie Alex Gilder, Troy

Human Development and Family Studies Cum laude

Zackary Elijah Goodnature, Hayden

Apparel, Textiles and Design

Kendra Nicole Harrison, Moscow

Child Development

Karina E. Hernandez, Post Falls

Child Development

Maggie Jo Howard, Wallace

Human Development and Family Studies

Karissa Brooke Huntsman**, Shelley

Human Development and Family Studies

Chelsea Anne Marek-Bence, Hayden

Human Development and Family Studies

Justyne Nichole Rash-Collins,

Post Falls

Child Development

Kayla Raye Slater, Osburn

Early Childhood Education

Jacob Michael Smith, Coeur d’Alene

Food and Nutrition

Tayla Ray Smith**, Boise

Apparel, Textiles and Design

Destiny Rose Whitmire, Boise

Food and Nutrition

baChelor of sCienCe in agriCUlTUral


Collin M. Aardema, Twin Falls

Agricultural Economics

Bridget Megan Black**, Bruneau

Agricultural Economics

Nathaniel John Clements**, Meridian

Agricultural Economics

Nolan D. Cumming, Jiggs, Nevada

Agricultural Economics Magna cum laude

Jason Robert Damon, Cambridge

Agricultural Economics

Garrett Richard Dines, Nampa

Agricultural Economics

Alyx Ryann Dixon*, Kimberly

Agricultural Economics

Katherine Margaret Doumit, Troy

Agricultural Economics Cum laude

Luke Buchanan Edwards, Coeur d’Alene

Agricultural Economics

Madelin Danielle Edwards, Moses Lake, Washington

Agricultural Economics

Jack William Granger, Eagle

Agricultural Economics

Carl Daniel Hart**, Moses Lake, Washington

Agricultural Economics

Katelyn Ann Hettinga, Kuna

Agricultural Economics Summa cum laude

Harry William Hobbs, Lewiston

Agricultural Economics

Jennifer Margaret Ott, Athens, Alabama

Agricultural Economics Cum laude

Sophia Rose Oxarango, Emmett

Agricultural Economics

Gavin Wallace Merritt,Rosalia, Washington

Agricultural Economics

Megan Grace Parnell, Sandpoint

Agricultural Economics

Cassidey Lynn Plum, Meridian

Agricultural Economics

Daisy Eva Ruvalcaba, Enumclaw, Washington

Agricultural Economics

Samantha Marie Short**, Cove, Oregon

Agricultural Economics

Regann Dawn Skinner, Jordan Valley, Oregon

Agricultural Economics

Brady Hamilton Stout**, Uniontown, Washington

Agricultural Economics

Daelas LaNae Zieber, Nampa

Agricultural Economics

baChelor of sCienCe in agriCUlTUral edUCaTion

Jordyn Mary Bettencourt§, Star

Kaelie Marie Brown, Meridian

Drew Emily Carrell, Nampa

Cum laude

Melinda Elizabeth Cross, Georgetown, California

Tanner Lee Ferry*, Reardan, Washington

Sarah JoAnn Reisenauer, Jerome

Shasta Raelynn Richardson, Nampa

Morgan Savannah Schulz, Nampa

Mia Isabella Stender, Weiser

baChelor of sCienCe in agriCUlTUral and life sCienCes

Ivee Devan Combs**, Jerome

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership Magna cum laude

Maggie Rose Hammon, Filer

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership

Kylie Marie Holveck, Dundee, Oregon

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership

Sadie Isabel Miller**, Klamath Falls, Oregon

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership

Zane Devan Moser**, Twin Falls

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership

Ashley Justine Odgers**, Prairie

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership

Kiera Mary Packer, Melba

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership Cum laude

Roberto Perez Barajas, Moscow

Sustainable Food Systems

Sydney Marie Plum**, Meridian

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership

Melinda Sue Raymond, Terreton

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership Summa cum laude

Cheyanna Rose Wing**, Davenport, Washington

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership

Abigail Aina Zurcher**, Mesa, Washington

Agricultural Science, Communication and Leadership

baChelor of sCienCe in aniMal and veTerinary sCienCe

Jaylee Marie Allen, Glenns Ferry

Sarah Marie Arnett**, St. Maries

Meghan N. Clancy, Nampa

Rebecca Nicole Collins**, Marsing

Krystal Margaret Conley Natividad, Moscow

Hailey Grace Crawford, St. Maries Magna cum laude

Jeremy Richard Davies, McCall

Bailey Dempster**, Carlsbad, California

Raquel Dimond, Hunt

Summa cum laude

– 28 –
Established in 1901. Michael P. Parrella, Ph.D., Dean

Carmen Jubilee Eggleston, Asotin, Washington

Julia Anne Elgorriaga**, Madera, California

Clair Feldmann, Boise

Summa cum laude

Julia Rose Furioso, Eagle

Emma Beatrice Gallagher**, Renton, Washington

Cole Mitchell Garland, Nampa

Tara Lynn Goertzen, Boise

Mackenzie Beth Griggs, Elko, Nevada

Kiely U’ilani Hardy, Hollister, California

McKenna Marian-Patrice Hertz**, Lovelock, Nevada

Anneliese Nicole Husaby, Bend, Oregon

Bailie Virginia Jacobo-Safranski**, Amity, Oregon

Harleigh Ann Johnson, Dillon, Montana

Ashley Lynnae Kerby**, Kuna

Kylie Rene Kerner§, Emmett

Leonard Tyler McElroy, Weiser

Marianne Margaret Milander, Bainbridge Island, Washington

Summa cum laude

Jayden Keith Mink, Cambridge

Kaitlin Mackenzie Mirkin, Jerome

Summa cum laude

Savannah Reyanne Moore, Challis

Kayla Joy Victoria Park, Eagle

Hailey Jo Pelton, Ferndale, Washington

Apryl Lee Peterson, Boise Cum laude

Emily Rene Peterson, Ephrata, Washington

Rosa Marie Rarick**, Loyal, Wisconsin

Hyrum Scott Rasmussen, Grace

Haley Angell Richardson, Shingle Springs , California

Summa cum laude

Cable Jhett Ricker, Emmett

Eduardo Castro Rosales**, Jerome

Daniel Salas, Jerome

Ana Christine Segsworth, Coeur d’Alene

Emma Ann Sells**, Meridian Summa cum laude

Olivia Cait Shaul, Idaho Falls

Cum laude

Madison Renee Sotin, St. Maries

Hailey Ann Stewart**, Caldwell

Ashley Erin Swanson, Boise

Isel Tejeda Urenda, Hermiston, Oregon

Avelardo Vargas Juarez, Rupert Summa cum laude

Cecilia Olivia Viebrock**, Rathdrum

Elisha Ann Wade, Moses Lake, Washington

Karee Ann Wilson**, Post Falls

Julia Lynn Woods, Boise

Elizabeth Annalee Worley, Cashmere, Washington

Cassidy Marie Wright, Nampa

baChelor of sCienCe in early Childhood developMenT and edUCaTion

Jovana Duarte, Mountain Home

Trinity Noelle Pertle**, Coeur d’Alene Magna cum laude

baChelor of sCienCe in faMily and ConsUMer sCienCes

Rylee Jane Alexander**, Coldwater, Kansas

Food and Nutrition

Kaylee Sage Flodin, Genesee

Apparel, Textiles and Design

Breanna Lee Harmon*, Emmett

Food and Nutrition

Emily Elizabeth Hengehold, Sonoma, California

Child, Family, and Consumer Studies

Ashley Christine Jelliffe**, Meridian

Child, Family, and Consumer Studies

Adrienne Marie Jordan*, Hayden

Food and Nutrition Magna cum laude

Diana Juarez**, Weiser

Child, Family, and Consumer Studies

Adrianna Michelle Kauffman**, Viola

Apparel, Textiles and Design

Hannah Lynne Kindelspire, Moscow

Food and Nutrition

Torrey Breanna Long, Coeur d’Alene

Apparel, Textiles and Design

Gabriela Fernanda Lupian, Sandpoint Child, Family, and Consumer Studies

Angel Magana, Hailey

Apparel, Textiles and Design

Elle Michele Moore*, Lynden, Washington

Food and Nutrition Summa cum laude

Mikaela Jean Noble**, Nampa

Child, Family, and Consumer Studies

Grace Park, Prosser, Washington

Apparel, Textiles and Design

Leah Cheyenne Price*, Cocolalla

Food and Nutrition

Sophia Simone Raasch, Troy

Food and Nutrition Magna cum laude

Gavin Riley Silguero Perez§, Richland, Washington

Apparel, Textiles and Design

Charlene Marie Stevens, Moscow

Food and Nutrition

Jolene Piper Whiteley, Spokane, Washington

Food and Nutrition Cum laude

Brady Drake Wilson, Boise

Food and Nutrition

Margaret Emily Zee, Alamo, California

Apparel, Textiles and Design

baChelor of sCienCe in food sCienCe

Cassidy Jade Bell**, Rupert

Dirk Anthony Mishko**, Gig Harbor, Washington

Caleb Van Kampen, Ludington, Michigan

Jace William Younker, Coeur d’Alene

baChelor of sCienCe in planT sCienCe

Catherine Michele Beld, Everson, Washington Crop Management

Caleb Jay Byington, Meridian Crop Science

Nichole Elizabeth Cussins**, Melba Crop Science

Kendra Marie Duclos**, Ferdinand Crop Science Cum laude

Anthony David Eike**, Boise Crop Science

Faith Marie Fishburn**, Kennewick, Washington

Biotechnology and Plant Genomics

Abigale Rose Gregory**, Caldwell

Horticulture and Urban Agriculture; Crop Science

Sarah Elizabeth Hale, Benton City, Washington

Biotechnology and Plant Genomics Magna cum laude

– 29 –

Braydon Jeter Jensen, Parma Crop Management

Alejandro Jimenez Cortes, Wilder Crop Science

Adam Richard Kennedy, Port Angeles, Washington

Crop Science Cum laude

Tyler Franklin Lawrence, Caldwell

Horticulture and Urban Agriculture

Cecilia Ann Lucero, Otis Orchards, Washington Crop Management

Stephen Andrew Malin**, Coeur d’Alene

Horticulture and Urban Agriculture

Sean Henry McBride**, Boise Crop Science

Gema Navarrete Aguirre, Parma

Horticulture and Urban Agriculture

Savannah Yvette Reed**, Highland, Utah

Horticulture and Urban Agriculture

Fisher Liam Ries, Hailey Horticulture and Urban Agriculture

Matthew Earl Stacey*, Nampa Crop Management

Andrew P. Walker**, Adrian, Oregon Crop Science

baChelor of sCienCe in soil and waTer sysTeMs

Cody Edward Brewster**, Harrison

Lane Maxwell Hailey**, Eltopia, Washington

Alysha Michelle Kelly, Filer

Paul Matthew Macduff, Pasco, Washington

Frank Carew Newman, Cavendish

Gavin Jeffrey Newtson**, Helix, Oregon

Joseph Henry Orrison, Middleton

Derrick Michael Pomi, Petaluma, California

Austin Eben Pope**, Genesee

Logan Robert Stansell, Marsing

Kooper Aaron Yearout, Moses Lake, Washington

– 30 –

C ollege of a rT & a r C hi T e CTU re

Established in 1983. Shauna Corry, Ph.D., Dean

baChelor of arTs

Zehao Chen**, Zhengzhou City, People’s Republic of China


Maria Guadalupe Estrada*, Rigby


baChelor of fine arTs

Elisha Bennett Coad**, Post Falls

Studio Art and Design Magna cum laude

Rebecca Robin Ebenroth*, Boise

Studio Art and Design

Elizabeth Gail Harwood, Colfax, Washington

Studio Art and Design Cum laude

Eric Joseph LeGere, Meridian

Studio Art and Design

Olivia Grace Necochea, Hemet, California

Studio Art and Design

Daniel Olivo, Weiser

Studio Art and Design

Jenna Lynn Richerson§, Colfax, Washington

Studio Art and Design

Sydney Dream Speck, Eagle

Studio Art and Design

Kimberly Nicole Timmons, Meridian

Studio Art and Design

Parker Penelope Ward**, Great Falls, Montana

Studio Art and Design

Anna Rose Williams, Moscow

Studio Art and Design Summa cum laude

baChelor of inTerior arChiTeCTUre and design

Emily Ruth Ball, Eagle

Interior Architecture and Design

Ainsley Louise Bauer, Spokane, Washington

Interior Architecture and Design Summa cum laude

Aleana T. Cataluna, American Falls

Interior Architecture and Design

Tzu-hui Chen, Chiayi, Taiwan

Interior Architecture and Design Magna cum laude

Cassandra Renee Deremer, Blanchard

Interior Architecture and Design

Emilie Rose Fish, Sammamish, Washington

Interior Architecture and Design Cum laude

Natalie Ann Fitzgerald, Coeur d’Alene

Interior Architecture and Design

Kylie Ann Hanson, Hayden

Interior Architecture and Design

Madison Joy Hildebrand, Boise

Interior Architecture and Design

Quintin Michael Kimberling, Kellogg

Interior Architecture and Design

Claire I. Krauss, Boise

Interior Architecture and Design

Sophia Marie Minden, Moscow

Interior Architecture and Design

Kirk Michael Raynor, Emmett

Interior Architecture and Design

Parker Lynn Salisbury, Middleton

Interior Architecture and Design

Keegan Cody Schaner, Boise

Interior Architecture and Design

Austin Brian Smith**, Spokane Valley, Washington

Interior Architecture and Design

Nicole Liana Stampke, Fairfield

Interior Architecture and Design

Chloe Meryl Temple, Winthrop, Washington

Interior Architecture and Design

Jacqueline Alexa Ullrich, Coeur d’Alene

Interior Architecture and Design

baChelor of sCienCe

Achiraya Anantachote, Meridian

Virtual Technology and Design Cum laude

Jacob A. Brown, Moscow

Virtual Technology and Design

Joseph E. Cisneros, Burlington, Washington

Virtual Technology and Design

Katie Anne Ebling, Hayden

Virtual Technology and Design

Mckenna Marie Enright, Idaho Falls

Virtual Technology and Design

Emma Wei-li Ferguson, Dover

Virtual Technology and Design Cum laude

Isabella Nichole Frank, Rathdrum

Virtual Technology and Design

Thomas Armand Lopez, Tetonia

Virtual Technology and Design

Keaton E.J. Alexander Marschman, Coeur d’Alene

Virtual Technology and Design

Joshua William Nelson, Edmonds, Washington

Virtual Technology and Design

Skye Bukvich Northcutt, Moscow

Virtual Technology and Design

Francis Martin O’Toole, Colton, Washington

Virtual Technology and Design

Torin James Ozbun, Vestavia Hills, Alabama

Virtual Technology and Design

McKenzie Grace Peringer, Pullman, Washington

Virtual Technology and Design

Samuel William Rose, Milwaukie, Oregon

Virtual Technology and Design

Dakota Despain Simpson, Rigby

Virtual Technology and Design

Shuyuan Tan*, Kunming, People’s Republic of China

Virtual Technology and Design

Sarah Mae Wolcott, Renton, Washington

Virtual Technology and Design Magna cum laude

baChelor of sCienCe in arChiTeCTUre

David Oluwamayowa Asokeji, Lagos, Nigeria

Sierra Leigh Cullison**, Boise

Jordan Dayvon Doyle§, Stockton, California

Harper Grace Drake, Idaho Falls

Matigan Claire Duke, Boise

Jarrett J. Duree, Nampa

Cum laude

Hunter Eames Filbert, Boise

Bethany Alexis Frey§, Post Falls

Selena Marie Galicia**, Fruitland

Crystal Garcia-Orozco, Kimberly

Litzy Gomez*, Pateros, Washington

Johnathan J. Gross, Prescott, Arizona

Jonathan Michael Harwood, American Falls

Kolbie Krinn Jones, Boise

Emily Lizarraga§, Hailey

Eric C. Lynn, Ketchum

Chloe Madeline Macon, Tampa, Florida

Mason Lee Miles, Boise

Hannah Nicole Minas, Boise

Juliana Rose Nelson, Burbank, Washington

Bellarae Jade Northup, Whidbey Island, Washington

– 31 –

Alejandra Ocaranza Gonzalez, Wendell

Grace Michelle Parsons, Meridian

Kaling Phung, San Jose, California

Joseph William Rasmussen**, Victor

Jakin Caleb Richerson, Woodland, California

Syringa Katherine Riley, Horseshoe Bend

Cum laude

Tyler James Rodda*, West Richland, Washington

Madeline Grace Kay Smith, Post Falls

Kelsey Lynn Starman, Boise

Jeffrey Tucker Steinman, Idaho Falls

Mal Sawm Tluang, Yangon, Myanmar

Jack Evanston Tucker, Eureka, Missouri

Levi Timothy Veenstra, Spokane, Washington

Dalton Richard Withers, Marsing

Dominic Aquinas Zepeda, Coeur d'Alene Summa cum laude

baChelor of sCienCe in landsCape arChiTeCTUre

Sarah Jane Condit, Kenmore, Washington

Jose Eduardo Duran§, Caldwell

Ryan Jacob Jones, Boise

Alexandra Vega, Nampa

Aaron Wiepking, Bozeman, Montana

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C ollege of b U siness & e C ono M i C s

Established in 1925. Darryl Woolley, Ph.D., Interim Dean

baChelor of sCienCe in bUsiness

Abdullah Ibrahim Abdullah AL-Turayif*, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota


Jacob John Aanes*, Sagle


Sarah Marie Abraham, Bonners Ferry

Management and Human Resources

Cindy C. Albor, Homedale Marketing

Othman Alenazi**, Little Rock, Arkansas

Operations Management

Joshua P. Altenhofen, Burlington, Washington

Marketing Cum laude

Justin Scott Anderson**, Coeur d’Alene

Business Economics

Maximillian Otto Andrews, Portland, Oregon

Finance; Operations Management

Sarah Emilly Andrews§, Eagle Marketing

Erika Nicole Anthony**, Gooding

Finance Magna cum laude

Holly J. Arritola**, New Plymouth

Accounting Magna cum laude

Abbygayle Mary Elizebeth Asker, Grangeville

Marketing; Operations Management

Michael Alexander Azzarita**, Leesburg, Virginia

Management Information Systems

Tavis Nicholas Bader**, Meridian

Management Information Systems

Cole Baillie, Dover

Business Economics

Alexander John Wesley Banks, Boise

Management Information Systems; Operations Management

Cole David Barenberg**, Emmett

Operations and Supply Chain Management; Marketing

Alexander Jay Barigar, Twin Falls

Marketing; Management and Human Resources

Lydia Ruth Barkus*, Meridian


Mason Stewart Barstow, Boise

Finance; Business Economics

Edward Dale Becker**, Genesee Operations Management

Benjamin A. Behm, Twin Falls Accounting

Isaac Paul Berglund, Deer Park, Washington Operations Management

Evan Jerry Bermensolo, Boise Finance; Accounting

Joseph John Bideganeta, Mountain Home Business Economics

Kurtis Scott Billette§, White Salmon, Washington Marketing; Operations and Supply Chain Management

Kathryn Renee Boardman**, Lewiston Marketing

Vivian Rae Boren, Lewiston Marketing

Maxwell Dustin Borgstedt, Ridgefield, Washington Business Economics; Marketing

Carter David Bottom, Boise Operations Management

Cole Alec Branter, Idaho Falls Management Information Systems

Krista Grace Briner**, Hayden Accounting

Devin Allen Brynjestad**, Coeur d’Alene Marketing

Matthew Robert Busch**, Shelley Operations Management; Management Information Systems

Michael William Carberry*, Twin Falls Finance

Michelle Lee Carnahan, Meridian Accounting

Austin R. Carper, Lewiston Finance

Ethan Andrew Case**, Boise Accounting Cum laude

Rachel Irene Casiano**, Boise Finance

Julieanna Emmafay Castillo**, Meridian Marketing

Leahlynn Mae Cates, Redmond, Oregon Management and Human Resources

Said Chikh Ali**, Moscow Marketing

Dylan Bradley Cobb, Couer d’Alene Management and Human Resources; Operations Management

Christian Tyler Collins, Star Management Information Systems

Riley Comstock, Gooding Operations Management

Isabelle O. Conover**, Kennewick, Washington Management and Human Resources Summa cum laude

Alexis Faith Cortez, Boise Marketing; Finance

Hannah Lee Covey, Lewiston Marketing

Alyssa Lauren Crain, Folsom, California Management and Human Resources

Addison Kate Crowther, Boise

Management and Human Resources Magna cum laude

Ryan Michael Curley§, Meridian


Maxwell Gale Dahlquist**, Issaquah, Washington


Mackenzie Daniels, Rathdrum


Abby Lynne Davis, New Meadows

Management and Human Resources Summa cum laude

Kai Gregory Desmet*, Port Orchard, Washington Marketing

Jackson Clark Dingel*, Boise

Finance; Marketing

Gabriel L. Dinnel, Washougal, Washington Operations Management

Katherine Margaret Doumit, Troy

Finance Magna cum laude

Brady Jay Earnest**, Meridian


Wayne Ebenroth, Bolingbrook


Ehsan Ahlem Entezar, Worley

Business Economics

Cameron Douglas Evans*, Middleton Marketing

Gracie Lee Faulkner, Gooding

Management and Human Resources

Alexandra Nicole Forsmann**, Idaho Falls


Nathan Frederick Franz, Boise


John James Frey, Hayden

Marketing; Operations Management

Steven William Gasseling§, Wapato, Washington

Operations Management

Natalie Patricia Gaus**, Boise

Finance; Marketing Summa cum laude

Christine Celeste Gillaspie*, Moscow

Management and Human Resources

Paxton Georgie Goodman**, Coeur d’Alene

Management and Human Resources; Marketing

– 33 –

Quentin Tyler Graff**, Nampa


Ethan Mitchel Graves**, Genesee

Accounting Cum laude

Brian Jesus Guadarrama**, Nampa


Daniel Guevara**, Boise

Accounting, Finance

Hunter Braeden Gust**, Osburn

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Kacie Ann Guy, Post Falls

Finance Magna cum laude

Kacie Ann Guy**, Post Falls

Accounting Magna cum laude

Claire Elise Haener§, Boise

Management and Human Resources

Grace Katherine Hanigan**, Payette

Management and Human Resources Summa cum laude

Michael Bentley Hanshaw, Moorpark, California

Business Economics

Lindsay Taylor Harnish, Livermore, California

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Cullen Michael Harvey**, Hayden

Business Economics; Marketing

Greyson Scot Harwood, Burley


Hayden Thomas Hatten, Phoenix, Arizona

Business Economics

Hogan Tyler Hatten, Phoenix, Arizona


Ashley Nicole Haynie, Meridian

Business Economics

Claire Elizabeth Heberer, Coeur d’Alene


Ty Nicholas Hendrickson, Pullman, Washington

Operations Management; Business Economics

Ashley Nicole Hernandez**, Jerome

Operations Management; Management and Human Resources

Jennifer Hernandez Arroyo, Kuna


Alexandra Darlene Hough, Bonners Ferry


Cameron Dale Hudson, Rathdrum


Santiago Ixta Acuna, Weiser


Autumn R. Jager**, Coeur d’Alene


Sophie Kathleen Jalbert, Spokane, Washington

Business Economics

Travis Riley Jerome, Coeur d’Alene


Taya Suzanne Johnson, Troy

Finance; Accounting

Schreyer Caroline Jones, Coeur d’Alene


Matthew Seamas Kavanaugh, Coeur d’Alene

Business Economics

Colby D. Kennedy**, Grangeville Marketing; Finance Summa cum laude

Piper June Kent, Boise Marketing Cum laude

Maura Anne Kido**, Nampa Finance; Marketing

Deanna Catherine Kienbaum, Greenacres, Washington

Management and Human Resources

Shea Alfred Kimball, Walla Walla, Washington Finance

Jordan Thomas Kincaide§, Dublin, California Management and Human Resources

Garrett William King, Spokane, Washington Accounting

John James Knipe*, Boise Operations Management

Skyler Jade Knudson**, Boise Finance

Lian E. Koeppel Willcoxson, Richland, Washington Management and Human Resources Summa cum laude

Stephanie Jane Koziol, Coeur d’Alene Management Information Systems Summa cum laude

Madeline Marie Kraus, Boise Marketing; Management and Human Resources Summa cum laude

Alessandra Kailani Kriz**, Sandpoint Accounting

Elijah Sean Kyle, Boise Operations and Supply Chain Management; Management and Human Resources

Rein Johannes Laan**, Weiser Accounting; Management Information Systems; Operations and Supply Chain Management

Sarah Lake*, Lewiston Accounting

Cristy Jean Langdon*, Castle Rock, Washington Marketing; Management and Human Resources

Caitlin Rose Lanterman, Meridian

Finance Magna cum laude

Kevin Michael Lebsock, Post Falls Management Information Systems; Management and Human Resources

Emma Margrethe Leibow, Boise Marketing; Operations Management

Jacob Phillip Lerch, Issaquah, Washington Management and Human Resources; Operations and Supply Chain Management

Robert Orr Lesniewski**, Sagle Business Economics

Conor Ray Liercke**, Mountain Home Management and Human Resources

McKenna Marie Lively*, Buhl


Connor Ancil Long, Boise

Operations and Supply Chain Management

Alejandro Andre Lopez Arteaga, Post Falls


Nathan Mitchell Lothspeich, Grangeville


Cayden Tyler Loveland, Gooding

Management and Human Resources; Marketing

Elijah J. Lucero§, Boise

Management and Human Resources;

Operations Management

Laura Kristjana Lynch, Burlington, Washington

Marketing; Operations and Supply Chain Management Cum laude

James Michael Lyons, Nampa


Jacob Jose Malagon**, Meridian


Wilson Christopher Mallane*, Boise


Jonathan James Malmo, Idaho Falls

Operations Management

Shachel Angela Manbeck**, Post Falls


Lillie Simone Manyon, Lewiston

Business Economics

Armin Masic, Twin Falls

Business Economics

Isaiah G. Mattingly*, Meridian


Kilynn Jordan Maxwell, Boise

Marketing; Management and Human Resources

Alexander Jacob McCabe, Post Falls

Business Economics

Morgan Hailey McCall**, Mountain



Phoebe Brook Elizabeth McGrath, Fruitland


Tanner Allen McGreal**, Potlatch

Accounting Magna cum laude

Morgan L. Mitchell§, Eagle

Management and Human Resources

Joseph James Mitzel**, Coeur d’Alene

Accounting Cum laude

Shaynie Marie Montee, Post Falls


Alexander James Moore, Dallas, Texas

Business Economics

Hunter Richard Moore, Boise


Riley Sue Moreland, Coeur d’Alene

Operations Management

Tyler David Morrow**, Hayden

Operations Management

Matthew Joseph Moye, Moscow

Business Economics

– 34 –

Breanna Bonney Janine Murdoch**, Edmonton Alberta, Canada

Operations Management

Jonathan Robert Nelson§, Spokane, Washington


Luke Douglas Nemec, Eagle


Zachary Mark Nunis*, Melbourne, Australia

Accounting; Marketing

Brayden Scott Ockerman, Rigby Management Information Systems

Tyson Dorsey Odden, Bozeman, Montana

Marketing-PGA Golf Management Operations

Elizabeth Oropeza, Caldwell Marketing

Jennifer Margaret Ott, Athens, Alabama

Accounting Magna cum laude

Jack Andrew Pachner**, Boise

Business Economics; Accounting

Savanna May Pagel, Potlatch

Management and Human Resources Summa cum laude

Thomas James Patterson, Granite Bay, California

Operations Management

Miguel Angel Payen**, Sacramento, California

Business Economics; Accounting

Derek Allan Peters*, Selah, Washington

Operations Management

Hailey Petersen**, Nampa

Finance Cum laude

Joshua Nathaniel Picker, Boise Marketing

Emalee Dawn Pippin, Mountain Home Marketing

Jack Ryan Plaster**, Spokane, Washington

Business Economics

Kyle Joseph Pogue, Boise


Danielle Lynn Pranger, Oregon City, Oregon


Logan Dean Prater, Seabeck, Washington

Operations and Supply Chain Management Magna cum laude

Daseau Mondesi Puffer, Chandler, Arizona

Management and Human Resources

Gabriel Guthrie Quinnett, Moscow


Aidan Alberto Ramirez, Coeur d’Alene

Business Economics

Lauren Ramon, Meridian Marketing

Katherine Marie Raphael, Meridian Management and Human Resources Summa cum laude

Dalton Lane Rasgorshek, Twin Falls

Business Economics

Bret Bryant Raymond, Kamiah Management and Human Resources

Veronica Ready**, Lewiston Management and Human Resources

George Rey Reinhardt, Boise Management and Human Resources

Jayden Micheal Richards, Spokane Valley, Washington Finance

James Riebe, Caldwell Operations Management

Esteban David Rivera Galvan, Weiser Business Economics; Finance

Anthony Vance Rizzo, Star Management and Human Resources; Operations Management

Thomas Duane Rizzo*, Star Finance

Nathan Rois, Star Operations Management; Business Economics

Nicholas M. Romano, Meridian Finance; Marketing

Leopoldo Romero-Rodriguez**, Gooding Marketing

Ethan Jack Rouen, El Dorado Hills, California Marketing

Mia Nicole Ruby, Boise Finance; Accounting Summa cum laude

Abdul-Mujeeb Olayiwola Rufai*, Boise Finance

Cody Wesley Sahli**, Post Falls Accounting

Jamal Anthony Sanders, Pocatello Marketing

Jack Benjamin Schaefer, Spokane, Washington Finance

Hunter Trey Schoo, Grangeville Marketing; Finance

Rileigh Freja Elaine Schulkey*, Boise Marketing

William Reed Schuster**, New Plymouth Marketing

Michael James Elvington Self, Hayden Management Information Systems

Colt Steven Sherrell, Maple Valley, Washington Marketing

Kayla Nicole Shockey**, Sandpoint Management and Human Resources

Charles Gage Skaggs, Burley Marketing

Samuel Eiza Slusser, Rupert Finance Cum laude

Bailey Michael Spackman, Gooding

Marketing-PGA Golf Management Operations

Jacob Scott Spence, St. Maries

Business Economics Magna cum laude

Cody Bryson Stattner, Meridian

Business Economics

Edward Rolland Steenkolk, Libertyville, Illinois


Conner Ireland Strahan**, Lewiston

Finance Magna cum laude

Fitzpatrick Murphy Sullivan§, Boise Marketing

Caleb Monroe Sutherland**, Portland, Oregon


Isabella Maria Tamura, Wilder Marketing

Adam Michael Taylor, Ennis, Texas Marketing; Operations Management

Shaw Stetson Taylor, Rolling Hills, California

Marketing-PGA Golf Management

Casey L. Terwilliger**, Moscow


Joseph Buenaventura Tibesar, Caldwell

Operations and Supply Chain Management

John Blake Usabel, Caldwell


Ashlynn Marie Valdez, Boise

Business Economics Magna cum laude

Ryan Stephen Van Earden, Hayden

Operations Management

Lauren Joelle Van Lith, Caldwell Marketing

Charleston Edwards Vaughan*, Boise Accounting

Jessica S. Vega, Rupert Finance; Marketing

James Vilay*, Boise Marketing

Adam Ryan Wallace**, Moscow Business Economics

Benjamin Nathan Webb, Sagle Accounting

Cade Rigdon Webster§, Boise Marketing

Caden Matthew Wengler, Camas, Washington Marketing Cum laude

Reid Matthew Wiley§, Newport Beach, California Marketing

Katherine Lee Wilkerson, Katy, Texas Management and Human Resources

Faust Aidan Ystueta, Twin Falls Finance

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C ollege of e d UC aT ion , h ealT h & h UM an s C ien C es

Established in 1920. Brooke Blevins, Ph.D., Dean

baChelor of sCienCe in edUCaTion

Cali S. Ahlers, Lewiston

Secondary Education

Christopher Joseph Amon, Coeur d'Alene

Secondary Education

Alexis Lynn Barfield**, Palmer, Alaska

Secondary Education

Natalie Rae Beaton, Rathdrum

Secondary Education

Anna Ruth Belanger**, Clarkston, Washington

Secondary Education

Allyson Berg, Snohomish, Washington

Elementary Education

Dakota K. Brown, Lewiston

Secondary Education

Jasmine Elissa Bullock, Post Falls

Elementary Education

Saige Marie Butterfield§, St. Maries

Elementary Education

Amelia Beth Buyers§, Loveland, Colorado

Elementary Education

Kristine Ann Campbell**, Coeur d’Alene

Elementary Education

Alania Marie Chambliss**, Cataldo

Elementary Education

Hannah Clay, Boise

Secondary Education

Brittney Leigh Cooke**, Post Falls

Elementary Education

Clinton Don Cousineau, Boise

Career and Technical Education

Kaylee Elizabeth De Witt**, Homedale

Elementary Education

Elenore Ann DeKold**, Eagle

Elementary Education

Austin Richard Eldridge, Meridian

Secondary Education

Joshua Kaito Figueredo**, Okinawa, Japan

Secondary Education

Emma Jayne Finley, Centralia, Washington

Elementary Education

Samantha Dawn Finnell, Boise

Secondary Education

Emma Elaine Flolo**, Bellevue

Secondary Education

Jordyne Rae Fredrickson**, Troy

Elementary Education

Elizabeth Loyce Giampietro**, Athol

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Isabel Gonzalez Rodriguez, Othello, Washington

Elementary Education

Ryan James Haren, Payette

Secondary Education

Zehua He, Xi’an, People’s Republic of China

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Jayden Elizabeth Henry, Bonney Lake, Washington

Secondary Education

Kianna May Higgins**, Bonners Ferry

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Madison Ann Hinkelman, Greencreek

Elementary Education

Danielle Grace Hodgson, Spokane Valley, Washington

Secondary Education

Elaine Huang**, Sandpoint

Elementary Education

Jack Dennis Humphrey, Nine Mile Falls, Washington

Elementary Education

Johanna Hyink, Twin Falls

Career and Technical Education

Marissa Norene Ingledue**, Twin Falls

Elementary Education

Malia April Jaynes, Buhl

Elementary Education

Asher Nicholas Johnson, Bellevue, Washington

Elementary Education

Caley Rose Karl§, Arvada, Colorado

Secondary Education

Kierra Nicole Kindelberger, Snoqualmie, Washington

Secondary Education

Makenzie Paige Kuykendall, Coupeville, Washington

Secondary Education Summa cum laude

Erika Marie Larsen**, Cody, Wyoming

Elementary Education

Jason Stephen Lauritzen**, Post Falls

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Tyler Max Leister, Boise

Secondary Education

Megan Ashleigh Lolley, Nampa

Secondary Education Cum laude

Shelby D. Nash Lorcher, Meridian

Elementary Education

Morgan Veronica Loy**, Hayden Lake

Elementary Education

Alyssa Nicole Lundgren, Olympia, Washington

Elementary Education

Sabrina L. Lustig, Cottonwood

Secondary Education

Ashlyn Shenae Mallet**, Athol

Secondary Education

Rebecca Lynne Malloy, Spirit Lake

Secondary Education

Preston King Marispini, Eagle

Secondary Education

Ashley Ann Marmon, Post Falls

Elementary Education

Michael Lee Martin**, Coeur d’Alene

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Alicia Mattera, Meridian

Career and Technical Education

Kayla Michelle Mayo**, Post Falls

Elementary Education

Cambree Anne McCullough§, Post Falls

Elementary Education

Corey N. Morrison, Coeur d’Alene

Elementary Education

Ashley Morgan Mundt**, Post Falls

Secondary Education

Suelynn Nguyen Parker, Rathdrum

Career and Technical Education

Nickolas Patrick Parkinson**, Mountain Home

Secondary Education

Chad Todd Parson, Harrison

Career and Technical Education

McCoy Thomas Patton, Coeur d’Alene

Elementary Education

Rachael M. Pond**, Garden Valley

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Champney Belle Pulliam, Clovis, California

Elementary Education

Jordyn Kay Quesnell**, Twin Falls

Elementary Education

Layna Rae Questad, Rigby

Elementary Education

Sasha Jo Rabaiotti, Colfax, Washington

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Blair Helen Radford**, Hailey

Elementary Education

Hannah Elizabeth Reed§, Nampa

Elementary Education

Yesenia Romo, Jerome

Secondary Education

Avery Elise Ruchert**, Pomeroy, Washington

Elementary Education

Jason Edward Ruhl**, Meridian

Secondary Education

Lyndsey Nicole Salutregui**, Homedale

Elementary Education

– 36 –

Suzana Kay Santiago§, Tijuana, Mexico

Elementary Education

Hailley Pearl Smart**, Meridian

Secondary Education

Evalie M. Smith, Coeur d’Alene

Elementary Education

Julia May Smith§, Boise

Elementary Education

Kailey Diane Smith, Coeur d’Alene

Secondary Education

Sophie Isabel Sparks§, Coeur d’Alene

Elementary Education

Kyle Brian Spence, Moscow

Secondary Education

Harley Tucker Swain**, Twin Falls

Elementary Education

Taylor Michelle Tallent§, Orting, Washington

Secondary Education

Dylan Reed Tanner§, Moscow

Elementary Education

Micah Noel Valentine**, Athol

Elementary Education

Emma Roisin Marie Von Till**, Coeur d’Alene

Secondary Education

Peyton Greer Wagner, Boise

Elementary Education

Carleigh Celeste Waites, Coeur d’Alene

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Colby K. West**, Leavenworth, Washington

Elementary Education

Chynna Rain Wilcox**, Kamiah

Secondary Education

Toriana Jean Wilson**, Coeur d’Alene

Elementary Education Summa cum laude

Ava Grace Wood, Thousand Oaks, California

Elementary Education

baChelor of sCienCe in exerCise sCienCe and healTh

Scott Mathew Kim Werner, Meridian

baChelor of sCienCe in exerCise, sporT and healTh sCienCes

JoAnn Raquel Abad, Tulare, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Emily Ann Alandt, Meridian

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Hannah L. Alfaro**, Placentia, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Sydney Almarez**, Visalia, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Julia Diane Bailey, Ottawa, Canada

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Summa cum laude

Emma Nicole Bartlett**, Coeur d’Alene

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Beyonce Marie Bea, Washougal, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Katelyn Irene Benner, Cottonwood, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Summa cum laude

Emilia Marie Carrillo*, American Falls

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Madeline Joann Coleman**, Bend, Oregon

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Summa cum laude

Hunter Augustus Connolley**, Grangeville

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Summa cum laude

Carson Jerome Corgatelli**, Moscow

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Aline Cortez Magana, Weiser

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Shelbi Leanne Dawkins, Spokane Valley, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Hunter Vincent DeRize*, Victor

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Peyten Veronica Ely*, Lewiston

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Yi Fan**, Tongling, People’s Republic of China

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Gerren B. Friel§, Boise

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Katelyn Garfield, Moscow

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Hayden Douglas Gorham, Kennewick, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Cum laude

Austin James Greene, Sandpoint

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Katie E. Hamilton§, Eagle

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Jason Michael Hardy, Hazelton

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Cameron R. Hewitt, Moscow

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Summa cum laude

Jordyn Kay Higgins*, Cottonwood

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Emily Hope Hill**, Boise

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Chloe Anne Iverson**, Gig Harbor, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Mia Delainey Jarrard§, Meridian

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Katelyn Elaine Kleinkopf, Issaquah, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Opal Ann Koeppel Willcoxson, Richland, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Rilie V. Krieg, Campbell, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Adam Jackson Lauda, Buhl

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Margaret Anne Lewis, Hamilton, Montana

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Aleksandr Andreivich Lutsenko, Post Falls

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Summa cum laude

Ryden Trace Mader, Meridian

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Cyril W. Mahlke, Twin Falls

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Emma Rose Mahuron-Vigil, Lewiston

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Diego Maldonado Quezada, Santa Rosa, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Tristin Anne Martinez, Ontario, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Jacob Mark Maupin§, Meridian

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Sierra Nicole May, Coeur d’Alene

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

William John Mayo, Coeur d’Alene

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Summa cum laude

Jacob Dylan Nava§, Meridian

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Stephany Navarro*, Caldwell

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Isaac Kofi Ofori, Concord, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Zoe Evelynn Pantis, Fair Oaks, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Rocco Raphael Perez**, San Jose, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences Summa cum laude

Clara Isabelle Peterson**, Peck

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Rylee Ann Peterson§, Coeur d’Alene

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Spencer Pike**, Eagle

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Kendra Noelle Schumacher**, Meridian

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Dayna Leanne Schwerd*, Nampa

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

– 37 –

Cooper Robert Stephens**, Moscow

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Ethan Caleb Sunseri, San Jose, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Angelica Torres Luna*, Nampa

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Sarah Mabel Trimberger, Kennewick, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Colt Gordon Uhlenkott, Midvale

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Ella Sophia Verhoff, Lake Tapps, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Morgan Roslyn Votava, Roseville, California

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Danielle Walther**, Eagle Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Connor James Whitney**, Liberty Lake, Washington Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Brittany Janel Young, Genesee Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

baChelor of sCienCe in reCreaTion

Amber Joy Britton**, Kirkland, Washington Cum laude

Wade Curtis Carpenter, Nampa

William A. Christensen**, Moscow

Brianne Renee Glenn, Boise

Rachel Stella Goldschmidt, Chandler, Arizona

Joshua Stefen Guzik, Spokane, Washington

Jairo Hurtado**, Homedale

Kiersten Annika Johnson, Harrison

Charles Avery Miner**, Houston, Texas

Brooke Harper Painter, Salmon

Marco Antonio Rojo, Coeur d'Alene

Leo Alexander Scheibe**, Meridian Summa cum laude

Amanda Grace Warwick, North Bend, Washington

– 38 –

C ollege of e ngineering

Established in 1907. Suzanna Long, Ph.D., Dean

baChelor of sCienCe

Nicholas Cole Anderson, Jerome

Biological Engineering

Taylor Paige Booker, Coeur d’Alene

Biological Engineering

Anne Marie Carper, Lewiston

Biological Engineering

Bruno Casino Remondo, Santander, Spain

Biological Engineering Magna cum laude

Mairen Eleanore Chard, Beavercreek, Oregon

Biological Engineering

Lauren Raye Graves, Lewiston

Biological Engineering

Alyssa Hansten, Jerome

Biological Engineering

Sydney Paige Inman, Lewiston

Biological Engineering

Jack Steven Lewis, Camarillo, California

Biological Engineering

Melissa Yao Phung, Hillsboro, Oregon

Biological Engineering

David C. Reetz, Boise

Biological Engineering

Guinevere Denise Richmond, Lamont, Washington

Biological Engineering

Steven Matthew Rougeux, Post Falls

Biological Engineering

Lindsey Kaye Stachofsky, Lewiston

Biological Engineering Magna cum laude

baChelor of sCienCe in CheMiCal engineering

Jourdan Cole Allen, Clarkston, Washington

Rahul Bhusal, Nawalparasi, Nepal

Isaac Robert Russel Blake, Boise

Jonathan Thomas Bosse, Coeur d’Alene

Jedidiah Daniel Byers**, Pullman, Washington

Alexis Marie Dunham, Snohomish, Washington

Aaron Daniel Law, Spokane, Washington

Magna cum laude

Juhyung Lee, Ulsan, South Korea

Devan Joseph Naes, Rancho Cucamonga, California

Nicholas Odean Rowe, Sun Valley

Jacob David Snow, Middleton

Jarod Patrick Shannon, Boise

Jacob Raymond Smith, Missoula, Montana


of sCienCe in Civil engineering

Jayr Ayala, Kuna

Harrison B. Bashaw, Coeur d’Alene

Edward James Black, Boise

Andrew W. Borde**, Port Angeles, Washington

Brandon Michael Boyd, Spokane, Washington

Marco Alexander Cervantes**, Caldwell

Shawna Lee Conery**, Dalton Gardens

Sarah Morgan Cordier, Corvallis, Oregon

Austin William Emerick, Meridian

Theodore Griffin Ertel, Cambridge

Noah Martin George, Camas, Washington

Joel Isaac Gradin, Clarkston, Washington

Madelynn Marie Gregoire, Meridian

Ethan Robert Hardt, Rathdrum

Brenden Alan Jack, Sequim, Washington

Brian George Johnson**, Donnelly

Mitchell Thomas Langland, Meridian

Veronika Lohman, Edgewood, Washington

Kenneth Joseph Madsen, Coeur d’Alene

Nathyn Lamar Maller, Warren, Oregon

Benjamin Gene McMurtry**, Moscow

Macjames Roman Mizer**, Hailey

Lauren Alexandria Moore, West Richland, Washington

Tyler O’Toole**, Twin Falls

Peter Arvid Osterberg, Post Falls

Luke Randall Rutherford, Post Falls

Parker John Schwers§, Eagle

Devin Bain Steed, Moscow

Matthew Scott Thompson, Meridian

Noah William Throm, Hayden Summa cum laude

Anna Marie Young, Idaho Falls Cum laude

baChelor of sCienCe in CoMpUTer engineering

Seth Phillip Cram, Boise Magna cum laude

Chad B. Goodall, Post Falls

Zachary Michael Hammond*, Anchorage, Alaska

Ethan Thomas Hinkle, Boise

Jackie Ka Ming Lee, Kuna

Luther Martin Michaels**, Troy Cum laude

Khoi Anh Nguyen, Boise

Creed Donald Joseph Thie, Moscow

baChelor of sCienCe in CoMpUTer sCienCe

Heba Abdullah Aljabrine*, Dammam, Saudi Arabia

Rui Bao, Lianyungang, People’s Republic of China

Michael Benjamin Bean**, Hansen

Morgan Brockman, Post Falls

Kaleb Browning, Post Falls

David Christian Bush**, Idaho Falls

Chandler Jay Calkins, Bothell, Washington

Hayden Collier Carroll**, Hauser

Jiang Chang*, Beijing, People’s Republic of China

Riley J. Doyle, Newbury Park, California

Chase Alexander Gornick, Hayden

Feichi Han, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China

Zach Herschel Heimbigner, Spokane, Washington

– 39 –

Dawson James Hill**, Ammon

Maxwell Danger Icardo, Clark Fork

Holly Tatiana Keir, Minesing, Canada

Magna cum laude

Wyatt Iz Knickerbocker, Moscow

Jonathan Thomas Kopf, Genesee

Magna cum laude

Austin Paul Kugler, Coeur d’Alene

Kurian Georly Kunnathushery, Idukki, India

Computer Science

Kyle Patrick LeDoux, Boise

Hunter Daniel Leppek, Boise

Yingruo Liu*, Guiyang, People’s Republic of China

Seth Evyn Lunders, Troy

Taylor Robert Martin, Coeur d’Alene

Rodney Byron McCoy, Meridian

Trevor Lance McGeary, El Cajon, California

Christopher McVickar**, Bothell, Washington

Joseph Carlos Miller, Moscow

Jubal Robinson Mitchell**, Plummer

Matthew Morrison**, Ramona, California

Gage Alberto Nardi, Issaquah, Washington

Kristie Rae Olds**, Nampa

Nathaniel Joseph Pomianowski**, Walla Walla, Washington

Ross Calvin Prestwich, Jerome

Sophia Grace Charlotte Lily Marie Sivula, Moscow

Cory D. Summers, Hayden

Heath Alan Thompson**, Troy

Nathan George Vassell**, Moscow

Robert Paul Walko, Spokane, Washington

Tao Wang, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China

Josephine Wicklund, Spokane Valley, Washington

baChelor of sCienCe in eleCTriCal engineering

Mohammad Zaid Al Ebedan, Al Qatif, Saudi Arabia

Shujaea Saad Aldousari, Moscow

Meshari Ghali Alhajeri, Moscow

Abdulrahman Thamer Alhajri, Moscow

Tyler Stuart Bendele, Meridian

Owen Laurence Blair, Asotin, Washington

Benjamin Kenneth Bunce, Clarkston, Washington

Ze Ying Chen, Nan Jing, People’s Republic of China

Ross Gerard Dunworth, Troy

Macallyster Shawn Edmondson, Colbert, Washington

Dahmen James Garner**, Meridian

Zesheng Guo, Zhen Jiang, People’s Republic of China

PeiCheng Ji, Su Zhou, People’s Republic of China

Christopher Dean Johnson, New Plymouth

Logan Scott Lee**, Twin Falls

Jared Ryan McDaniel**, Rathdrum

Christopher Thomas Osborne**, Cottonwood

Jiaqi Shi, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China

Kevin Jonathan Sikes**, Moscow

David James Vorous, Lewiston

Zhiyu Wang**, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China

Scott Howard Woody, Mountain View, Wyoming

baChelor of sCienCe in MaTerials sCienCe and engineering

Kade Joseph Forbes, Minden, Nevada Magna cum laude

Gabriel Isaac Nelson, Pierce

baChelor of sCienCe in MeChaniCal engineering

Abdulsalam Mohammed Alghamdi, Albaha, Saudi Arabia

Tyler James Benjamin*, Post Falls

Keenan George Bryan, Idaho Falls Summa cum laude

Nicolas Ryan Burrows, Spokane, Washington Magna cum laude

Daniel Enrique Cabrera*, Idaho Falls

Michael J. Cadmus, Caldwell

James Patrick Chmelik, Cottonwood

Kyle Curtis Christopher, Lewiston Summa cum laude

Ethan Eugene Collins**, Mesa, Arizona

Brennen Thomas Coulson, Boise

Shane Elmose, Post Falls Cum laude

Glen Warren Findlay, Issaquah, Washington

Zachary Tyler Furrow**, Middleton

Brendyn Shea Goodwin, Moscow

Tyler Randolph Groner, Caldwell Cum laude

Troy Richard Hanes**, Lewiston

Blake Douglass Hansen, Emmett Summa cum laude

Taylor Jet Herndon, Star Summa cum laude

Dawson James Hicks, Bellevue

Stratton Levi Jenks, Twin Falls

Katelyn Marie Kinson, Hayden

– 40 –

Ronald Harry Korn, Sandpoint

Samuel J. Kreslins, Boise

Emaline M. Lawler*, Kuna

Grant Vincent Lucke, Spokane, Washington

Magna cum laude

Timothy Richard Mack**, Middleton

Luis Maldonado Pastor*, Othello, Washington

Shalom Masango, Harare , Zimbabwe

Adrian Mendez Mejia**, Gooding

Jose Ivan Mendoza**, Terreton

Kyle Thomas Monaghan, Battle Ground, Washington

John Mitchell Myers§, Boise

Michael Benning Myers, Hope

Cum laude

Colin Zane Nancarrow, Bellingham, Washington

Ashley Marissa O’Connor, Eagle

Ernesto Jose Orozco, Gooding

Nathaniel James Pearson*, Idaho Falls

Lauren Hanna Perla*, Sammamish, Washington

Kyle Hunt Rast, Spirit Lake

Vincent Russo*, Hayden

Tyler Leon Sand, Garden City

Cum laude

Ryan Andrew Schaefer, Anacortes, Washington

Bennett William Schlect, Moscow

Christopher Garrett Schultz, Winnemucca, Nevada

Timothy M. Stevens, Cove, Oregon

Jesse Don Stoy, Tuolumne, California

Jacob Herbert Stubbers*, Cottonwood

Cameron Summerfield, Weippe

Ryan Charles Sundburg, Valley Springs, California

Dustin Allen Taylor*, Twin Falls

Oakley Roger Todd, Moscow

Summa cum laude

Andrea Lynn Tomchak, Boise

Christian Rogelio Vega, Boise

Hayden W. Wakkinen**, Bonners Ferry

Nickolas Mathew Whitman, Rathdrum

Justin L. Wick**, Meridian

Benjamin Michael Wren, Lewiston

baChelor of sCienCe in TeChnology

Preston S. Abbott**, Idaho Falls

Industrial Technology

Michael Dean Bruce Glaser, Idaho Falls

Industrial Technology Magna cum laude

Taylor S. Hill**, Idaho Falls

Industrial Technology

Keith Owen Hughes, Idaho Falls

Industrial Technology Summa cum laude

– 41 –

C ollege of l e TT ers , a rT s & s o C ial s C ien C es

Established in 2002. Sean Quinlan, Ph.D., Dean

baChelor of arTs

Emily Aardahl**, Richland, Washington

English; Music

Daina Rose Aguas, Payette English

Rachel Marie Alsager, Meridian

International Studies; Philosophy

Trevante Knight Anderson*, Tacoma, Washington


Cynthia Marie Ball**, Woodbury, Minnesota

Theatre Arts

Barry Keith Baughman*, Dalton Gardens


Joseph John Bideganeta, Mountain Home International Studies

Maya Elisabeth Birdsong, Meridian

International Studies; Spanish

Isabel M. Bohlscheid**, Boise

International Studies; Spanish

Carter Forest Bollinger, Hayden


Frank Bowers, Denver, Colorado

Applied Music Summa cum laude

Andrea Michelle Brannock, Moscow

Spanish, International Studies Cum laude

Sierra Alana Breaux, Boise

International Studies

Dakota K. Brown, Lewiston


Loren Mae Cantrill*, Meridian English

Aineka Rose Carlson, Zilah, Washington

Theatre Arts; English

Monica L. Carrillo-Casas, Hailey

Spanish; Journalism

Rudy David Christianson**, Troy

International Studies; Spanish Cum laude

Ismael Gabriel Cortez, Wilder

Communication; Psychology

Esther Elizabeth David, Meridian

English Cum laude

Milinda Karena Marcia Driggers, Sandpoint

English Summa cum laude

Alexis Celestia Eborn, Idaho Falls

English Magna cum laude

Austin Richard Eldridge, Meridian English

Cyndi Ann Enderle, Meridian English; History Summa cum laude

Ellie Amelia Erickson, Boise Political Science

Abigail Elizabeth Fackler, Boise Spanish; Journalism

Karin Isabelle Falk, Moscow English

Rachel Elizabeth Feldman, North Bend, Washington Political Science; International Studies Summa cum laude

Rheanna Lynn Fisher**, Post Falls English

Brendan Dennis FitzGerald, Meridian

International Studies

Dylan Patrick Foster, Driggs English

Shauna Jean Freeman, Los Angeles, California English

Jacob M. Fry*, Meridian International Studies

Alina Ioana Gallegos, Denver, Colorado

International Studies

Noah Samuel Gerlach, Boise Philosophy Summa cum laude

Valeria Guadarrama**, Mountain Home Spanish; Latin-American Studies

Sophia Gutierrez, Shoshone

International Studies

Sarah Elizabeth Hale, Benton City, Washington Spanish Magna cum laude

Sargon Sabah Hamad*, Boise

International Studies

Jaye Desiree Hanselmann-Cox, Colville, Washington

English Summa cum laude

Chloe Jo Hansen, McCall English-Creative Writing

Haylee Nicole Harris**, Mountain Home English

Rachel Brooke Hawley, Snohomish, Washington

International Studies

Willem Scott Hermann-Wedemeyer, Sandpoint

International Studies; Political Science

Lorraine Hernandez, Jerome Psychology

Faith M. Heuck**, Melba English

Grayson Joseph Houston, Idaho Falls History

Anna Caroline Jackson, Boise

International Studies

Madeleine Gale Johnson, Moscow English

Luke Robert Jones**, Long Beach, California

International Studies

Caley Rose Karl§, Arvada, Colorado English

Faith Angeline Katseanes**, Idaho Falls


Brock Daniel Keller, Pocatello

International Studies

Madeline Denise Killworth*, Boise

Modern Language Business Magna cum laude

Madeline Marie Kraus, Boise

Modern Language Business Summa cum laude

Chris Reese Locke, Coeur d’Alene English

Megan Ashleigh Lolley, Nampa

English Magna cum laude

Alejandro Luz Macias*, Nampa History

Hannah Loowit Marschell, Seattle, Washington

Film and Television Studies

Dora Alicia Martinez§, Burley

Modern Language Business

Jimena Martinez Martinez, Jerome

Public Relations

Royce Anthony McCandless, Boise


Eric George McCown, Boise

International Studies

Madison McGuire, Spokane, Washington

English Summa cum laude

Marshall Scott McMillan, Moscow

International Studies

Jessica Melissa Megis**, Coeur d’Alene

Broadcasting and Digital Media Magna cum laude

Morgan Antoinette Miller, Redding, California English

Natalie Anne Miller, Nampa

International Studies

Rebecca Leann Mills, Caldwell

History Summa cum laude

Caia May Monson**, Moscow


Lucas Isaiha Moreno, Idaho Falls

Political Science

Matthew Erik Murphy, Boise

International Studies; History Summa cum laude

Austin Naughton**, Seoul, South Korea


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Emily Marie Nunes§, Meridian

Public Relations

Hailey Rose Ocapan, Coeur d’Alene

Political Science

Sean G. Parker, Meridian Spanish

Avery Christine Pittman**, Rathdrum


Zachary John Von Raesfeld, San Jose, California

International Studies

Dineka Lyn Ringling*, Spring Creek, Nevada

International Studies

Imanol Rodriguez, Rupert

Sociology; Spanish

Karina Rodriguez**, Caldwell


Riel M. Rognon, Boise English

Yadira Abigail Rojas, Grangeville Political Science; International Studies

Delilah Grace Saldate, Fresno, California English

Beatrice Santiago-Martinez, Homedale

Latin-American Studies; Spanish

Claudia Marie Selmer§, Donnelly


Lucy Marie Selph, Hope


Raziel Vincent Sepulveda, Worley

Latin-American Studies; Spanish; International Studies

Moeka Ashley Shimizu**, Kuching, Malaysia

Broadcasting and Digital Media Magna cum laude

Seth Jennings Siple, Caldwell

International Studies; Political Science

Hailley Pearl Smart**, Meridian English

Damion Jordan Snodgrass, Nampa

International Studies

Angus Banquo Spence*, Moscow

International Studies

Tori Laine Stevenson**, Coeur d’Alene

History Cum laude

Courtney May Stoker*, Boise

International Studies

Kelsey Ann Swenson, Bend, Oregon English

Tristina Teresa Tiedeman, Boise

International Studies

Traynor Daniel Underwood**, Nampa

International Studies

Angela Vasquez*, Othello, Washington

Modern Language Business; Latin-American Studies

Kadence Thomas Warner**, Mackay


Thomas F. Warner*, Moscow Political Science Cum laude

Grant Eugene Willie, Kuna

International Studies; Political Science

Renee Rose York, Sandpoint

International Studies

baChelor of fine arTs

Nekoe Bechard, Post Falls

Theatre Arts Cum laude

Emma Naomi Blonda, Missoula, Montana

Theatre Arts Summa cum laude

Allyson L. Bray, Sebastopol, California

Theatre Arts

Anthony James Kirby**, Osburn

Theatre Arts

Zachary Richard Haas, Lewiston

Theatre Arts

Ty Christopher Harrington, Idaho Falls

Theatre Arts

Tucker Holland, Mountain Home Theatre Arts

Kalyssa Rose Montoya**, Emmett

Theatre Arts Cum laude

Blake Franklin Presnell**, Hayden

Theatre Arts Summa cum laude

Jillian Elaine Stanley**, Weippe

Theatre Arts

Taylor Jane Telford, Hailey

Theatre Arts

Alexandra Ziegler, Hauser Theatre Arts

baChelor of general sTUdies

Augustine John Almanza**, Nampa

Camden Michael Anderson, Spokane, Washington

Tasha Renee Barron, Lenore

Tyler Austin Barron, Lenore

Christy N. Beasley**, Boise

Colby Rae Berreth**, Boise

Benjamin C. Bertram**, Albuquerque, New Mexico

Marcus Ryan Boehm, Boise

Deja Chantel Brown, Caldwell

Christina Marie Calkins*, Lapwai

Aundre Carter, Starke, Florida

Charles Franklin Daley, Caldwell

Jon Elton Denny, Fairfield, Washington

Jenifer Rae Fortunato, Post Falls

Delaun Eugene Gaston, Brookville, Pennsylvania Cum laude

Antonio Gonzales*, Heyburn

John Joseph Harge§, Aurora, Colorado

Tori Kristine Hazelbaker, Grangeville

Malcolm Jacob Heslin, Boise

Sydney May Marie Higgins, Bellevue, Washington

Dustie Arline Jackman, Hope

Joshua Austin Jones, Houston, Texas

Matthew Ryan Jones, Middleton

Anayeli Juarez**, Caldwell

Sandi Kaye Landon, Idaho Falls

Virginia Mize**, Jackson, Mississippi

Divant’e Maurice Moffitt, Spanaway, Washington

Alicia Yaireth Mojarra, Kimberly

Taylor Arin Nelson, Meridian

Hanna Christine O'Leary, Spokane , Washington

Grayson Gunnar Pirie, Coeur d’Alene

Jeremiah Salaam, Frostproof, Florida

Rashad Anthony Smith, Chandler, Arizona

Trey Davis Smith, Cypress, California

Philip R. Soulen, Weiser

Nicole Marie Sparano**, Orofino Summa cum laude

Stacey Rae Sullivan**, Moscow Summa cum laude

Michael Anthony Sumner, San Jose, California

Taylor L. Templeton, Fairbanks, Alaska

Terez Traynor**, Louisville, Kentucky

Marguerite Corinne Watts, Seattle, Washington

Jacob David Wisshack, Hillsboro, Oregon

Hanyu Xu*, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

Ruthfee Zota*, Idaho Falls

baChelor of MUsiC

Kaitlynn Sabrina Adkins, Puyallup, Washington Music Education

Audrey Grace Atkin**, Wasilla, Alaska

Music Education

Ryan J. Beery, Boise Music: Performance

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Anton Rees Brence**, Vancouver, Washington

Music Education; Music: Performance

Jacob Adair Brewster**, Eagle

Music: Performance

Haily L. Brown, Kalispell, Montana

Music: Performance

Darian Jaymes Burkhart**, Hayden

Music Education

Alan Joseph Cooper, Eagle

Music: Performance

Rachael Ashley Crabb, Lewiston

Music Education; Music: Composition

Olivia Louisa Dow, Moscow

Music: Performance

Lake Edmonson**, Coeur d’Alene

Music Education

Ryan Andrew Egan**, Meridian

Music Education

Ash Alder Fershee, Kooskia

Music: Composition; Music: Performance

Jaxon Kelly Frederick, Lewiston


Matthew Pablo Gomez, Puyallup, Washington

Music Education

Kawika Charles Snyder Isaman, Bigfork, Montana

Music: Performance

Brandon A. Meyer**, Ammon

Music Education; Music: Composition

Alexis Christine Pett, Nampa

Music Education Cum laude

Avery Parker Pierce-Garnett, Moscow

Music Education; Music: Performance

Benjamin Scott Pinkham**, Idaho Falls

Music: Performance; Music Education

Avery Grace Reneau, Pullman, Washington

Music: Composition

Jack Spencer Smith**, Olympia, Washington

Music Education; Music: Composition

Ethan Rivers Spradling**, Fresno, California

Music Education; Music: Performance

Alleluyah Christi Vance, Clarkston, Washington

Music: Performance

Carlee Ann Vigesaa**, Billings, Montana

Music: Performance; Music Education

Hugo Benjamin Weyand, Boise

Music: Performance

Elizabeth Annalee Worley, Cashmere, Washington

Ellen Marie Yenne**, Nampa

Music Education

baChelor of sCienCe

Kyle Victor Acarregui**, Mountain Home Psychology

Jose Antonio Aguayo Marquez, Zacatecas, Mexico

Film and Television, Theatre Arts

Carson Kyle Anderson, Renton, Washington

Film and Television Studies

Silvia Avalos, American Falls Psychology

Almuataz Al Mahdhori, Muscat, Oman

Film and Television Studies

Michael Alejandro Amerine, Long Beach, California Political Science

Corey Kenneth Charles Anderson, Meridian Criminology; Sociology

Holly Kasha Aragon**, Coeur d’Alene Criminology

Janice Irene Aultman**, Meridian Criminology

Silvia Avalos§, American Falls Psychology

Esteban Cesar Ayllon, McCall Criminology

Kyra LeAnn Bake**, Fruitland Sociology Magna cum laude

Nell Alisa Baker**, Seattle, Washington Advertising

Shayla M. Baker, Coeur d’Alene Psychology

Kierian Carlin Barnes, Boise Criminology

Lesena Flore Bautista, Blackfoot Psychology

Celina Michelle Baxter, Spokane, Washington Criminology; Psychology

Macie Lee Bekkedahl**, Cascade Psychology

Carolina Betancourt**, Burley Psychology

Patricia Joyce Biddle, Gresham, Oregon Psychology

Mackenzie M. Bielenberg**, Moscow Psychology

Bradley M. Blake, Lewiston History

Kathryn Gail Bodman, Coeur d’Alene Organizational Sciences

Mckenzy Hale Bogden, Moscow Organizational Sciences; Communication, Psychology

Madison Boyer**, Spokane, Washington Psychology

Brendan David Bradshaw*, Hanover, Pennsylvania History

William Breckenridge*, Coeur d’Alene


Christina Royleene Briggs-Mathers, Moscow Psychology; Criminology

Emily Rose Brown, Rathdrum


Holly Ann Burgess Rock, Coeur d’Alene

Psychology; Organizational Sciences

Mary Flora Burke, Emmett

Sociology; Criminology Summa cum laude

Keely Marie Burnes, Clarkston, Washington


Monica May Burnette**, Moscow Psychology

Mikayla Eileen Butler, Post Falls


Nicholas Ryan Butler, Sandpoint Psychology

Haylee A. Buyers, Loveland, Colorado Criminology; Sociology

Hadley Frances Cabitto**, Hailey

Theatre Arts

Alex Abram Call, Boise Political Science

Vania Campos, Bellevue Journalism

Michael James Cardinal, Bonners Ferry

Political Science Cum laude

Kinsey Tyne Carlson, Coeur d’Alene Communication

Stevie Renea Carr**, Mountain Home Public Relations

Paige Danielle Carter, Homedale Public Relations

Melissa Mary Castro, Moscow Organizational Sciences

Lauren Lee Caven*, Moscow


Celena LeeAnn Chandler*, Sandpoint Political Science

Harper Adrianna Ciprotti, Corvallis, Oregon Psychology; Criminology

Connor Huston Yoder Claphan, Bonners Ferry


Tucker Holland, Mountain Home Film and Television Studies

Spencer Hollis Clizer**, Rathdrum Interdisciplinary Studies

Brett Jonathan Cluff, Meridian Political Science

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Rebecca L. Connors*, Moscow

History Cum laude

Rebecca Rachelle Coop**, Ponderay


Rebekah Ashley Cornog, San Diego, California

Psychology; Criminology

Bianca Brie'ann Counihan, Rathdrum


Rebecca J. Cowan*, Nampa

Organizational Sciences

Maddie Elizabeth Crume**, Emmett

Criminology; Sociology

Shane M. Cunningham, Baker City, Oregon


Wesley Shane Curtis**, Sandpoint

Psychology; Philosophy

Ashley M. Dahl**, Lewiston


Chloe Vivianna Dame, Grangeville

Anthropology Summa cum laude

Alena Rae Davenport, St. Maries


Kirsten Navarre Decker, Sandpoint


Revulai Detiv**, Moscow


Cesar Andres Diaz Martinez**, Jerome


Taylor Elise Dolezal, Post Falls

Broadcasting and Digital

Media Summa cum laude

Desarae Driggers**, Nampa


Nathan James Eisenhower**, Ketchikan, Alaska


Zachariah Daniel Eliot, Coeur d’Alene


Megan Marie Ellis, Hayden


Gabriel Peter Elsethagen, Idaho Falls


Anteia Selene Elswick**, Kendrick


Karlie Marie Embretson, Twin Falls


Joseph William Emert, Spirit Lake


Elizabeth A. Enz, Auburn, Washington

Public Relations

Hallie M. Eriksen, Eagle

Public Relations

Jake Andrew Espeland, Coeur d’Alene

Political Science

Anairis Estrada Garza, Caldwell


Ashley Bailey Evans, Emmett

Sociology; Criminology

Braden Jack Farrar, Coeur d’Alene


Sydni Paige Farris§, Meridian


Bo Anthony Federico**, Twin Falls


Olivia Ellett Fee*, Naples


Rebekah Ann Flannery, Boise Public Relations

Alexandra Nicole Forsmann**, Idaho Falls


Ryan Taylor Foss, Boise


Savannah Nicole Foster**, Port Orchard, Washington Broadcasting and Digital Media Summa cum laude

Kirsten Fritz, Coeur d’Alene


Carissa Shalyn Gallegos, Hayden Sociology; Psychology

Daisy Janelle Garcia**, Star Criminology

Jacob Avram Gardenhour, Sherman Oaks, California


Sage Eliza Gardner*, Orofino


Hope Addison Gayle, Hayden


Kate D. Geatches**, Rathdrum


Noah Samuel Gerlach, Boise Psychology Summa cum laude

Andrea Marie Gibson**, Post Falls


Brianne Renee Glenn, Boise Psychology

Katherine J. Grabrick*, Coeur d’Alene Psychology

Kyle Daniel Greenfield, Parma


Austin Alan Groeniger**, Star Sociology

Tyler Randolph Groner, Caldwell Philosophy

Anna Laura Hadfield, Soldotna, Alaska Journalism Cum laude

Bethany Bonlyn Hagar**, Hayden Organizational Sciences

Patrick T. Halvorson, Hayden Psychology Summa cum laude

Sargon Sabah Hamad*, Boise Political Science

Andrew Luis Hanger, San Diego, California


Richard Derek Harman*, Idaho Falls Philosophy

Marcus Harris, Portland, Oregon Psychology

Syvanna Marie Hart**, Lapwai Public Relations

Brandy Denise Hartnett, Meridian Criminology

Grace Anne Hartwig**, Richland, Washington Criminology Cum laude

Autumn Marie Hatcher, Boise Sociology; Criminology

Riley Cutler Hayes, Boise


Sadie R. Heatherly-Norton, Seattle, Washington


Garrett Elkan Heggenstaller, Afton, Wyoming

Film and Television

Hope Lorena Grace Henderson, Battle Ground, Washington


Nicole Marie Henslee, Post Falls


Ashley C. Hernandez, Moses Lake, Washington

Criminology; Psychology

Katelyn Ann Hettinga, Kuna

Political Science Summa cum laude

Tayzhia Charisse Kehaulani Hicks, Redmond, Oregon

Criminology; Sociology

Gabriel Bruce Hill, Rathdrum


Maya R. Hippenstiel**, Coeur d’Alene


Katarina A. Hockema, Homer, Alaska


Tucker Holland, Mountain Home Film & Television Studies

Jessica Holler, Meridian


Nicole Horacek, North Vancouver, Canada

Psychology; Sociology

Logan Michael Horrocks, Coeur d’Alene


Dakota Jo Rae Horton, Twin Falls


Taryn Alyse Hull, Meridian Criminology; Psychology Cum laude

Mary Elizabeth Hutter, Ponderay


Alondra Ibarra, North Powder, Oregon

Psychology; Criminology

Chris Irlam, Chilliwack, Canada Sociology

Kacie Alexandra Jenison*, Coeur d’Alene

Organizational Sciences

Alex Logan Jenkins**, Dayton, Washington


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Megan Rae Jensen, Chubbuck

Psychology; Philosophy

Theodore Andrew Jessup**, Moscow

Sociology Summa cum laude

Grace Julia Johnson, Boise


Kathleen Michele Jones, Boise


Caleb Joshua Jordan§, Vancouver, Washington


Hering Gregory Jurrian, Gig Harbor, Washington

Sociology; Psychology

Isaac Dirks Kamara, Hayden


Devin Tyler Karst**, Bellevue

Anthropology; Criminology

Trapper Paul Keener, Lewiston

Psychology Cum laude

Madison Gabrielle Kelleher, Post Falls


Meghan Anne Kelly, Post Falls


Tracey Kelly*, Coeur d’Alene


Bridget Adelle Kemp§, Sacramento, California

History; Political Science

Clare Therese Keogh, St. Maries


Cassidy Paige Kerzman**, Post Falls


Katie Lynn King, Edgewood, Washington

Criminology; Psychology Cum laude

Richard Edward Knowles**, Jacksonville, Florida


Rebecca J. Koch-Bottens, Post Falls


Carter McCarten Kolpitcke, Boise

Public Relations

Hailey Melony Konda, Coeur d’Alene


McKenzie Faye Kovalscik, Boise


Nick Michael Kozup*, Boise


Wyatt Brian Kraus, Meridian

Interdisciplinary Studies

Loren Hagen Kreisle, Boise

Film & Television Studies

Alyssa Jo Kuttler, Boise


Madeline Kimberly Lang*, Rathdrum


Martha Carolina Lawrence, Meridian

Organizational Sciences

Allyson Noel LeForce, Viola

Political Science; Philosophy Cum laude

Emily Caitlin Levine, Cherry Hill, New Jersey Psychology

Dara Rose Loder**, Troy Psychology

James Andres Lopez, Tetonia Psychology

Brianna May Loveless**, Nampa Journalism

Madison Mary Catherine Lowe, Careywood Psychology

Hugo Luna, St. Anthony Film and Television Studies

Christine Taylor Luten, Leesburg, Virginia Public Relations

Rionna M. Majack, Milton, Washington Organizational Sciences

Brienna Jude Martin, Lewiston Psychology

Armin Masic, Twin Falls Economics

Sarah Massey, Athol Psychology

Geoffrey Daniel Masters, Moscow Economics

Kellie Marie Matern, Vancouver, Washington Sociology; Organizational Sciences

Jack Larson McClary, Spokane, Washington Communication

Ashley Nicole McClure, Meridian Sociology; Criminology

Morgan Kaye McDonough, Star Journalism

Ayden Carolyn McEntee, Boise Criminology; Sociology

Irelyne Ann McGee, Camas, Washington Anthropology

Sean Michael McGuire, Kennewick, Washington Political Science

Hailey Brianna McKay, Meridian Psychology

Samantha Faye McKeehen, Vancouver, Washington Political Science

Chance Judson McWilliams, Hayden Psychology

Justin Alexander Meekhof**, Kendrick Psychology

Mejra Memisevic, Boise Criminology; Political Science

Ernest Zane Mendez, Hayden History

Elisabeth Lynn Meyer, Spokane, Washington Psychology

Grace Katherine Meyer**, Sandpoint

Psychology; Sociology; Criminology Summa cum laude

Mylee Rae Meyers, GrandView Psychology

Aniyah Rashelle Milanez, Boise Music

Kelsey Mae Miller, Otis Orchards, Washington Criminology

Tehya LaRae Miller, Nampa


Alyssa Lynn Mills, Rathdrum


Elyse Joyce Mills, Rathdrum

Psychology; Philosophy

Kameryn Elisabeth Mills, Hazelton


Sierra Lynn Mitchell*, Sandpoint History Summa cum laude

Kelsie F. Montierth, Kuna


Sophia McFarland Moore, Spokane, Washington

Broadcasting and Digital Media

Emelie Morales**, Nampa


Ryan Phelan Morgan**, Nevada City, California

Psychology; Criminology

Tyler Floyd Morris, Post Falls


Alexandar Paul Morrison, Boise Philosophy

Alejandro Murillo, Paul Criminology

Edward James Murillo, Gooding Sociology; Criminology

Ricardo Antonio Murillo, Lewiston Film and Television Studies

McKenna Maria Murphy**, Ketchum Organizational Sciences

Preslie Sara Murray, Preston Anthropology

Rosa Nava, Bellevue Psychology

Morgan Christopher Neal**, Moscow Psychology

Fletcher Steens Neil, Nampa Psychology

Carter Stephanie Nelson**, Boise Public Relations; Communication

Triston John Neubauer, Osburn


Camille Erika Niehenke**, Moscow

Psychology Summa cum laude

Michael Josiah Noil**, Portland, Oregon Communication

Kyle A. Nolan**, Hauser Psychology

– 46 –

Tyler Yassine Obeid**, Long Beach, California

Broadcasting and Digital Media

Jessica Kimiko Oguri, Careywood

Organizational Sciences; Communication

Seth Riley Olsen, Boise


Min Ho Park**, La Palma, California


Awan J. Parker**, Pasadena, California


Sean G. Parker, Meridian

Political Science

Katie Angela Lee Paul, Potlatch


Anya K. D. Payne, Moscow

Psychology Cum laude

Edward Christopher Payne, Rathdrum

History Summa cum laude

Emilly Priscila Perez, Weiser

Sociology Summa cum laude

Raffy Perono, Wailua, Hawaii

Criminology; Psychology

Mason Alexander Petersheim, Coeur d’Alene

Psychology; Sociology

Brendan Arthur Petro*, Medical Lake, Washington


Kyli Jane Pierson, Gooding


D’Andrei K. Pittman**, Laplace, Louisiana

Psychology; Communication

Maxim Andre Planchon*, Coeur d’Alene


Heather Marie Platt, Coeur d’Alene


Amber Elizabeth Pollard, Post Falls


Ellea Rose Poxleitner, Keuterville


Kirsti Rose Prewitt**, Burley


Sydney Sierra Price**, Rathdrum


Ciarra Nicole Radicia, Meridian

Psychology; Criminology

Vivek Ramesh, Hollysprings, North Carolina


Daniel Villegas Ramirez**, Idaho Falls


Karen Maricela Gonzalez Ramirez, Pasco, Washington

Organizational Sciences

Naile Ramirez Macias, Wendell Criminology

Cassandra Ilene Ransom**, Idaho Falls

Psychology Summa cum laude

Eli Bradley Rebillet, Boise Film and Television Studies; Advertising

Emily Ruth Reese, Belle Fourche, South Dakota


Korbin James Reichardt, Sinking Spring, Pennsylvania


Healy Christina Reinholt, Silverdale, Washington Film and Television Studies

Elizabeth Reynolds, Coeur d’Alene Psychology; Criminology

Hannah Elisha Ringel*, Cottonwood, Arizona


Kelsey Ann Roach**, Genesee Criminology

Rachel Ann Roberts, Eagle Psychology

John William Robinson**, Fair Oaks, California


Elijah Paul Roche*, Caldwell Criminology

Richard Rodriguez, Burley


Mina Rheanne Sandino, Juliaetta Criminology

Wesley Dean Sando, Coeur d’Alene Organizational Sciences

Tammy Eileen Sandoval, Spirit Lake


Jordan Alexis Sawle, Post Falls Journalism; Film and Television

Vaughn Geoffrey Schroeder, Mountain Home


Connor E. Scutt**, Bolinas, California Sociology

Jonathan David Sexton, Meridian Organizational Sciences

Ian Ahmad Shadman**, Dalton Gardens

Organizational Sciences

Sullivan Martin Shannon, Phoenix, Arizona Advertising

Kayla Nicole Shockey**, Sandpoint Psychology

Madelynn LaRaine Simmons, Meridian Psychology

Tessa Lela-Jean Sizemore**, Boise Psychology Cum laude

Lisa Skinner, Portland , Oregon Psychology

Joshua Tobias Slusher, Idaho Falls


Abigail Elizabeth Smith, Boise Interdisciplinary Studies

Jillian Paige Smith**, Grangeville Communication

Kendall Danielle Smith, Nampa Psychology

Kierra Leigh Smith**, Kuna History

Zane Kade Smith**, Eagle Psychology

Katelyn Kechelle Sok, Auburn, Washington Psychology

Cole Michael Sonday, Dallas, Oregon Psychology

Rillora Ruby Spiering**, Spokane, Washington Film and Television Studies

Kristen Kim Spiros**, Post Falls Anthropology

Skylyn Kathryn Sprague, American Falls


Kayla Marie Steele**, Middleton

Criminology; Psychology Cum laude

Bianca Marie Antionett Stober, Walla Walla, Washington

Philosophy; Communication Cum laude

Abigail Rhianne Stomberg*, McCall Interdisciplinary Studies

Eric Skyler Storey, Moscow


Nicholas Jeffery Stuart, Rigby Organizational Sciences Summa cum laude

Abby Lavern Suda**, Post Falls


Matthew Michael Suhr, Rathdrum


Sarah Beth Sullivan, Couer d’Alene Psychology

Jennyfer Brianna Swafford, Tuttle, Oklahoma Psychology

Connor Norton Swersey**, Salmon Journalism

Sierra McGarry Talcott*, Boise Interdisciplinary Studies

Haadiya Tariq, Meridian Journalism; Sociology

Ava Lonnie Taylor, Boise Organizational Sciences

Alexa Rae Teneyck, Phoenix, Arizona Film and Television Studies; Communication

Iris Marie Teruel**, Marysville, Washington Psychology

Sila Saadia Tesla, Temecula, California

Psychology; Philosophy

Racheal Lynn Mietree Thayer, Coeur d’Alene

Communication; Psychology

Jordan Taylor Thomas**, Eagle Criminology

Brady Michael Thompson*, Hayden Political Science

Chase Austin Thompson**, Troy Psychology

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Erika Taylor Tingey, Boise


Aidan Michael Toole, Post Falls


Breanna Teresa Torres, Hayden Criminology

Josephine Ellen Tourville, Meridian


Samuel B. Travis*, Moscow


Nathan Christopher Tupper, Meridian

Political Science

Kaileigh Elizabeth Tuttle*, Boise Sociology

Colt Gordon Uhlenkott, Midvale


Traynor Daniel Underwood**, Nampa Political Science

Tristan E. Van Komen, Parma


Eduardo Vargas, Sonora, Mexico Film and Television Studies

Ngoc Duy Vu, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam Psychology

Catherine Lee Waddell**, Boise Sociology

Jordan Lynn Wagner, Boise


Mary S. Waldenmyer**, Meridian Psychology

Eliana Marie Walsh, Coeur d’Alene


Willow Lidia Walsh, Caldwell


Kinsey Charlotte Walt, Boise


Kaitlin Pauline Watson**, Moscow Criminology

John Paul Webb, Wallace Broadcasting and Digital Media

Kaylee Ann Wells**, Boise


Cassidy J. Whalen, Coeur d’Alene History

Cassidy Nicole White*, Lewiston


Jason Alexander Whitehead**, Riverside, California Organizational Sciences

Taylor Marie Wickett, Lewiston Psychology; Criminology Summa cum laude

Rachel Nicole Wiedenmann**, Eagle Advertising

Sydney Ann Williams, Boise


Devin Crawford Williamson, Dublin, California Psychology

Ryley Christine Wilmoth**, Huntington Beach, California Psychology

Matthew Joseph Wisniewski**, Wendell Interdisciplinary Studies

Malachi Clayton Lee Witherwax, Coeur d’Alene Sociology

Sarah Mae Wolcott, Renton, Washington Sociology Magna cum laude

Madison Marie Wolf, Star Criminology

Kristen Zoey Wonenberg, Buhl Advertising

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C ollege of n aTU ral r eso U r C es

Established in 1917. Dennis Becker, Ph.D., Dean

baChelor of sCienCe

Erik F. Brackebusch, Wallace Forest and Sustainable Products

baChelor of sCienCe in eCology and ConservaTion biology

Evan George-Hamilton Blodgett**, Boise

Lauren Grace Canto**, Seattle, Washington

Tala Sierra Davis, Eagle

Cum laude

Sean Monroe Elison, Blackfoot

Summa cum laude

Harrah Deanne Friedlander**, Chicago, Illinois

Summa cum laude

Peter Lasher Goebel, Moscow

Cum laude

Ellie Higgins**, Boise

Amanda Lee Jamison, Boise

Ryan Burke Martin, Hesston, Kansas

Klara Jane McKay, Missoula, Montana

Benjamin Adam Meredyk, Olmsted Falls, Ohio

Mackenzie Ruth Nelson, Cincinnati, Ohio

Emma Nicole Sattler, Moscow

Callie E. Story, Meridian

Drake Brett VanBuskirk**, Blanchard

baChelor of sCienCe in environMenTal sCienCe

Clara Grace Abplanalp**, Mystic, Connecticut

Phoenix Lilliana Aguilar McFarlane**, Idaho City

Anika Louise Baker, Salinas, California

Matthew C. Brengle, Priest River

Bailey Colleen Briggs, Boise

Jackson Cullen Bryant, Boise

Andrew David Davies, Boise

Robert Perry James Johnson, Sandpoint

Brock Daniel Keller, Pocatello

Eslie Marie King, Wasilla, Alaska

Max Lawrence Levy, Seattle, Washington

Paige Louann Martin**, Coeur d’Alene

Cooper Richard Moon, Filer

Cum Laude

Natalie Christine Nash, Boise

Jill C. Randall, Idaho Falls

Iyssia D. Raymond**, Meridian

Liam Michael Reily, Crested Butte, Colorado

Sydnee Logan Reyes, Weiser

Kristy Marie Johnson, Rigby

Chance Wesley Rueppel, Meridian

Tayson M. Sargis, Idaho Falls

Dale Thomas Schoth, Buhl

Larissa Kealani Tubbs, Twin Falls

Grace Anne Tyrrell, Toledo, Ohio

baChelor of sCienCe in fire eCology and ManageMenT

Ethan Michael Baiocco, Lewiston

Cum Laude

Jared Brett Baltzer**, Caldwell

Cody Shane Collins, Vale, Oregon

Aaron Lewis Curtis, Sutherlin, Oregon

Siena Ansara Greenberg, San Rafael, California

Phoebe April Hayes, Natick, Massachusetts

Samuel Thomas Holtzen, Hamilton, Montana

James David Pierce**, Coeur d’Alene

William David Seifert, Atwater, California

Andrew Michael Sibley, Everett, Washington

Caden Brody Taylor*, McCall

Alexander James Waltman, Boise

baChelor of sCienCe in fishery resoUrCes

Cooper James Atkinson, Boise

Victor Loren Azevedo, Filer

Riley James Cornia, Fruitland

Jack Riley Ewart, Glenns Ferry

Camren Ethan Fraser, Boise

Kendall Faith Hawley, Vale, Oregon

Savion Henry, Lapwai

Samuel Gabriel Holguin, Arenas Valley, New Mexico

Malulani Onaona Jenkins, Meridian

Aldwin George Keo**, Warm Springs, Oregon

Nathanial A. Kimberling, Coeur d’Alene

Conrad M. Robbins, Twin Falls

Ethan Joshua Saxton, Kimberly

Devon Douglas Schneider, East Wenatchee, Washington

Cade Ryan Tiller, Hines, Oregon

Jacob Jeremiah Wilkins, Salmon

Curtis Alan Youngren, Vancouver, Washington

baChelor of sCienCe in foresTry

Jared Brett Baltzer**, Caldwell

Gabriel Michael Bandle**, Moscow

Libby Esperanza Campos**, Idaho Falls

Rebecca Lynne Crowe**, Frazier Park, California

Alexander Andrew Cupp, Monrovia, California

Paul Travis Daniels, Spokane, Washington

Emily E. Elfering*, Eagle

Clay Albert George**, Priest River

Porter Ray Hall**, Dalton Gardens

Brynne Melanie Johnson, Sandpoint Summa cum laude

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Ashley Elizabeth Kirk, Potlatch

Libby Lee Koch, Sagle

Taylor Lantz, Meridian

Brandon N. Light, Orange, California

Summa cum laude

Alexandrea Marie Meacham, Payette

Madison Avery Modde, Mountain Home

Brent Andrew Ponce*, Birmingham, Alabama

Kelsey Ann Roach**, Genesee

Samantha Schendel-Malin, Coeur d’Alene

Izsobel Irene Schmidt, Priest River

Christopher Allen Shaw**, Lewiston

Melina Jean Smith, Coeur d'Alene

Michael Joseph Struhs, Orofino

baChelor of sCienCe in naTUral resoUrCe ConservaTion

Katherine E. Conley**, Maple Valley, Washington

Avery Loise Costello**, Twin Falls

Kayla Marie Fawcett*, Coeur d’Alene

Mariah Lillian Gaede, Orofino

Derek J. Haller**, Coeur d’Alene

Phoebe April Hayes, Natick, Massachusetts

Mitchell Hunter Kees**, Boise

Wyatt Gene Mersinger**, Ridgefield, Washington

Ashley Elizabeth Paine, Vancouver, Washington

Hallie Frost Parsons, Boise

Alexander James Selby**, College Place, Washington

Kelsey Marie Vershum, Coeur d’Alene

baChelor of sCienCe in rangeland ConservaTion

Bailey Morgan Cracraft**, New Marshfield, Ohio

Dylan Guarino Cropp, McCall

Wyatt Deforest, La Pine, Oregon

Matthew Dean Dockstader, Boise

Hadley Ann Dotts, Deer Park, Washington

Tyler Scott Ernst, Tillamook, Oregon

Christopher Lynn Hodges, Weston

Jonah Don Neville, Rigby

Julian Paul Smith, Rigby

baChelor of sCienCe in renewable MaTerials

Cameron Chad Birch, Driggs

Joshua Thomas Carey, Idaho Falls

baChelor of sCienCe in wildlife resoUrCes

Rachel Marie Abraham, Bonners Ferry

Cassidy Susanne Behr, West Covina, California

Colin James Berger, Bellevue, Washington

Brett Morgan Case**, Boise

Maria Christina Contreras**, Hailey

Colette M. Crawford, Idaho Falls

Tala Sierra Davis, Eagle

Cum laude

Jonathon A Dixon, Nampa

Colton James Dorchuck, Hagerman

Wade Alan Hammons, Nampa

Braden Thomas Jackson, Roy, Washington

Jackson Henry Kaiser, Meridian

Austin Canna Kobernuss, Syracuse , New York

Chloe Ayiana Lujan, Fremont, California

Klara Jane McKay, Missoula, Montana

Makenna Marie-Rose Moore, Mountain Home

Blair Michael Peters, Bonney Lake, Washington

Aldair Cruz Rojas**, Idaho Falls

Justin Eli Rose, Colville, Washington

Devon Douglas Schneider, East Wenatchee, Washington

Delaney Marie Snaadt, Lake Oswego, Oregon

Phoebe Maria Wenzbauer**, Meridian

Shannon Rae Wilkey**, Rexburg

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C ollege of s C ien C e

Established in 2002. Ginger Carney, Ph.D., Dean

baChelor of arTs

Caleb T. Goode, Moscow Physics

Ethan Bradley Snell, Oak Harbor, Washington Physics

baChelor of sCienCe

Madison Marie Anderholm, Hermiston, Oregon

Mathematics: Applied; Statistics

Jesse J. Anderson**, Post Falls

Geological Sciences

Kenny Ryan Anderson, Hayden


Seth Lockett Edward Aurelius, Houston, Texas


Sara J. Bennett, Nampa

Medical Sciences

Matthew Malik Giovanni Boudy*, Spokane Valley, Washington


Cameron Seth Bowen, Castle Rock, Colorado


Thomas Ross Breazeal*, Coeur d’Alene

Medical Sciences

Mackenzie Grace Brown, Wenatchee, Washington

Mathematics; Statistics

Samantha R. Callos**, Bonners Ferry


Margaret Alene Casale, Elverta, California Biology

Micah Ryan Casale, Elverta, California Biology

David William Cavell*, San Diego, California

Geological Sciences

Laurel Lin Coleman, Boise


Matthew Corda**, Novato, California


Phoenix Z. Crossley, Mountain Home Biology; Medical Sciences

Jaquelin Guadalupe Delgadillo, Weiser Medical Sciences

Madison Dobson, Meridian Medical Sciences; Biology Cum laude

Grace Hannah Donnelly*, Coeur d’Alene Medical Sciences

Lily Ann Dotson, Lapwai Biology

Michelle Victoria Drapeau§, Post Falls Medical Sciences

Alexis Marie Dunham, Snohomish, Washington Chemistry

Megan Eilean Ellis*, New Meadows Geological Sciences

Rilee Nicole Escalante, Rathdrum Medical Sciences

Mariano Estrada**, Idaho Falls


Anairis Estrada Garza, Caldwell Biology

Tanya Cristal Estrada-Garza, Caldwell Medical Sciences

Wyatt M. Everhart**, Athol Geological Sciences

Kama R. Ferguson, Kiowa, Colorado Medical Sciences

Joshua Kaito Figueredo**, Okinawa, Japan


Kaleb John Fisler**, Kennewick, Washington Mathematics

Ximena Garcia**, Moses Lake, Washington Medical Sciences

Jenna Elizabeth Gardiner**, Post Falls Medical Sciences

Rodrigo Gonzalez Guillen**, Idaho Falls Medical Sciences

Bethany K. Gutridge, Boise Chemistry

Heather Joy Haefer§, Union, Oregon Geological Sciences

Augustus John Hahn, Idaho Falls Physics

Megan Leanne Hatley, West Richland, Washington Statistics Cum laude

Hunter D. Hawkins-Stark**, Coeur d’Alene


Ethan Scott Henley, Meridian Geography

Febe Rose Higbee, Boise Medical Sciences

Eric Matthew Johnson§, Coeur d’Alene Geological Sciences

Minji Kang, Ulsan, South Korea Chemistry

Hannah Lynn Kaylor§, Eagle Medical Sciences

Kyle N. Kazmierski**, Coeur d’Alene Medical Sciences

Jacob Wayne Keller, Long Beach, California


Luke John Kendra, Coeur d’Alene


Emma-Jane Kathryn Kimmett, Bonners Ferry Geography

Kierra Nicole Kindelberger, Snoqualmie, Washington


Hailey Melony Konda, Coeur d’Alene Medical Sciences

Riley John Kouns, Kalispell, Montana

Mathematics; Statistics Summa cum laude

Luxien Lych Landrus, Coeur d’Alene Biology

Suyuki J. Laurian, Jerome Chemistry

Juhyung Lee, Ulsan, South Korea


Karla Yarixa Llaguno-Saucedo, Caldwell Medical Sciences

Secilia I. Lopez, Kimberly Biology; Medical Sciences

Ashlyn Shenae Mallet**, Athol Mathematics

John Mansanarez, Meridian Physics

Kaylee Marie Maret**, Post Falls Physics

Josanna Lynn Marquez*, Fruitland Medical Sciences

Dawson Jacob Mathes, Naches, Washington Biology

Sean Ryan McCormick§, Fallon, Nevada Medical Sciences

Zoe Frances McCormick, Boise Biology; Medical Sciences

Rodney Byron McCoy, Meridian Mathematics

Benjamin Gene McMurtry**, Moscow Geography

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Daniel Omarick Medina**, Rialto, California Biology

Jeffrey Dennis Mitchell**, Boise Medical Sciences

Abigail Kay Moody, Idaho Falls


Kellen Jamison Moore, Harrison Chemistry

Megan Elizabeth Moser, McCall Medical Sciences

Breanna Bonney Janine Murdoch**, Edmonton Alberta, Canada Medical Sciences

Molly Kathryn Murphy, Coeur d’Alene

Medical Sciences

Andrew David Nelson*, Liberty Lake, Washington Medical Sciences

Holden Nathaniel Nelson, Juliaetta


Dakota Sky Nieland, Dalton Gardens


Rebecca Lynn Oliver**, Rathdrum

Geological Sciences

Charis Branwen Kavia Peever§, Harvard

Geological Sciences

Avery Parker Pierce-Garnett, Moscow


Jhonnathan A. Plascencia, Hollister


Brayden Glenn Pollow**, Coeur d’Alene


Jaden Preece-Sabrowski, Coeur d’Alene

Medical Sciences

Bryson Chad Reiman**, Kuna Biology

Ashlyn Christine Roberts§, Hermiston, Oregon Medical Sciences

Rey Emanuel Ruiz Rios*, Hatillo, Puerto Rico

Geological Sciences

Samantha E. Salinas, Fremont, California

Mathematics; Statistics

Steven James Sawhill, Coeur d’Alene Statistics

Jacob Xavier Schow, Post Falls Biology

Allison May Shimp*, Des Moines, Washington


George Simitjis**, Boise Biology

Jace Andrew Snow, Boise Biology

Madysen Elizabeth Sunell, Post Falls Medical Sciences

Zackery Taylor Szymczycha, Boise Statistics

Trevor Jacob Tatko*, Boise Statistics

Dustin Allen Taylor*, Twin Falls Physics

Natasha Laine Textor, Coeur d’Alene Chemistry

Erik Paul Thibault*, Coeur d’Alene Biology

Benjamin Mark Ting, Moscow Biology

Scott Benon Troka, Moscow Mathematics

Jordyn Elizabeth Tuning, Yakima, Washington Chemistry

Zaira Tatiana Velasco, Caldwell Chemistry

An Ngoc Khanh Vo**, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Physics

Keegan Brynevan Webb, Weiser Biology

Ashley May Webler, Troy Chemistry

Bradley Ryan Wikert, Phelan, California Geography

Taylor Renae Wilson, Boise Medical Sciences

Malachi Clayton Lee Witherwax, Coeur d’Alene Chemistry

Julia Anne Wolfe, Meridian Medical Sciences

Ronald Griffin Young*, Bellevue, Washington Geological Sciences

Bailee Jacklin Ha Zinzer*, Ammon Geological Sciences

baChelor of sCienCe in bioCheMisTry

Justin Allen Detweiler, Grangeville

Aidan Oliver Dusho, Boise

Kaleigh Brianne Wald§, Richland, Washington

Zhenhao Zhong**, Sandpoint

baChelor of sCienCe in MiCrobiology

Alexandria DellaRae Adams, Blackfoot

Ibrahim A. I. Al Janabi, Boise

Anna Pauline Findley**, Salt Lake City, Utah

Marianne Margaret Milander, Bainbridge Island, Washington Summa cum laude

Keera Anne Paull, Coeur d’Alene

Lauren Renae Saucedo, Weiser

Kaylyn S. Westergard, Boise

baChelor of sCienCe in MoleCUlar biology and bioTeChnology

Alexandria DellaRae Adams, Blackfoot

Emma Marie Welch, Spokane Valley, Washington

Kaylyn S. Westergard, Boise

Zhenhao Zhong**, Sandpoint

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U niversity H onors P rogram

Established in 1983. Sandra Reineke, Ph.D., Director. The following members of the University Honors Program are recognized as Honors graduates and recipients of respective Awards of Completion, Core Awards, Scholars Awards and Scholars Awards with Distinction.

award of CoMpleTion


Ibrahim Al Janabi, Boise


Joseph Bideganeta, Mountain Home

Business Economics, International Studies

Emma Blonda, Missoula, Montana

Theatre Arts

Jonathan Bosse, Coeur d’Alene

Chemical Engineering

Anne Carper, Lewiston

Biological Engineering

Connor Claphan, Bonners Ferry


Chloe Dame, Grangeville


Katy Doumit, Troy

Agricultural Economics, Finance

Cyndi Enderle, Meridian

English Literature, English Creative Writing

Emma Finley, Centralia, Washington

Elementary Education

Bri Glenn, Boise

Recreation, Psychology

Alyssa Hansten, Jerome

Biological Engineering

Elizabeth Harwood, Colfax, Washington

Studio Art & Design

Katelyn Hettinga, Kuna

Agricultural Economics, Political Science

Febe Higbee, Boise

Medical Sciences

Ethan Hinkle, Boise

Computer Engineering

Katelyn Kleinkopf, Issaquah, Washington

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Ronald Korn, Sandpoint

Mechanical Engineering

Jackie Lee, Kuna

Computer Engineering

Seth Lunders, Troy

Computer Science

Marianne Milander, Bainbridge Island, Washington

Animal and Veterinary Science

Rebecca Mills, Caldwell


Matty Murphy, Boise

International Studies, History

Olivia Necochea, Hemet, California

Studio Art & Design

Khoi Nguyen, Boise

Computer Engineering

Ashley O’Connor, Eagle

Mechanical Engineering

Apryl Peterson, Boise

Animal and Veterinary Science

David Reetz, Boise

Biological Engineering

Jarod Shannon, Boise

Civil Engineering

Olivia Shaul, Idaho Falls

Animal and Veterinary Science

Lindsey Stachofsky, Lewiston

Biological Engineering

Megan Stucker, Park City, Utah


Dalton Withers, Marsing


Core award


Julia Bailey, Ottawa, Canada

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Keenan Bryan, Idaho Falls

Mechanical Engineering

Sarah Hale, Benton City, Washington

Biotechnology & Plant Genomics, Spanish

Riley Hayes, Boise


Madeline Kraus, Boise


Margaret Lewis, Hamilton, Montana

Exercise, Sport and Health Sciences

Klara McKay, Missoula, Montana

Ecology & Conservation Biology, Wildlife

Resources, Geographic Information Systems

Tyler Sand, Boise

Biological Engineering

Kelsey Swenson, Bend, Oregon


Bradley Wikert, Phelan, California

Geographic Information Systems, Geography

sCholars award


Raquel Dimond, Hunt

Animal and Veterinary Science

Kayla Park, Eagle

Animal and Veterinary Science

Jenna Richerson, Colfax, Washington

Studio Art & Design

Julia Woods, Boise

Animal and Veterinary Science

Anna Young, Idaho Falls

Civil Engineering

sCholars award

wiTh disTinCTion


Dakota Brown, Lewiston

Secondary Education

Rachael Crabb, Lewiston

Music Education

Megan Lolley, Nampa

Secondary Education

Keera Paull, Coeur d’Alene


Charis Peever, Harvard

Geological Science

Avery Pierce-Garnett, Moscow

Music Education, Mathmatics

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a ir F orce o FF icer e d U cation P rogram

Established in 1947. Lieutenant Colonel Nickolas K. Jeffers, Professor of Aerospace Studies.

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Matthew J. Moye, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

a rmy o FF icer e d U cation P rogram

Established in 1893. Lieutenant Colonel Thomas R. Warren, Chair, Professor of Military Science, Department of Military Science, M.M.A.S. Military Operational Art and Science

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Seth L. Aurelius, League City, Texas

Marcus R. Boehm, Boise

Margaret A. Casale, Elverta, California

Micah R. Casale, Elverta, California

Daniel X. Francis, Nokesville, Virginia

Alina I. Gallegos, Denver, Colorado

Caroline S. Hogan, Carmel, California

Matthew R. Jones, Emmett

Trapper P. Keener, Lewiston

Samuel J. Kreslins, Spokane, Washington

Jonathan J. Malmo, Idaho Falls

Seth J. Siple, Boise

Jacob D. Wisshack, Hillsboro, Oregon

n aval o FF icer e d U cation P rogram

Established in 1945. Captain Price J. Lockard, USN, M.S. Foreign Affairs.

ensign, UniTed sTaTes navy

Scott Howard Woody, Mountain View, Wyoming

Nolan Donald Cumming, Jiggs, Nevada

seCond lieUTenanT, UniTed sTaTes Marine Coprs

Justin Eli Rose, Colville, Washington

Glen Warren Findlay, Issaquah, Washington

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Established in 1972. Jeff G. Seegmiller, Ed.D., A.T., Director and Assistant Dean, University of Washington School of Medicine

Idaho WWAMI students receiving Doctorate of Medicine degrees from the University of Washington School of Medicine, following completion of training at both University of Idaho and UW-Seattle, with area of specialization for residency training.

Eden Anderson, Desmet

Surgery/Radiation Oncology

Meagan Boll, Cambridge Internal Medicine

Matthew Burgstahler, Sandpoint Family Medicine

Julia Culbertson, Nampa


Camas Curran, Meridian

Orthopaedic Surgery

Seth Dixon, Moscow


Shaun Duffy, Coeur d'Alene


Christina Gibbs, Cataldo

Emergency Medicine

Emily Gillespie, Ketchum

Emergency Medicine

Tawny Gonzalez, Priest River Internal Medicine

Dallin Griffin, Rupert Internal Medicine/Dermatology

Dominic Haragos, Nampa Family Medicine

Whitney Harris, Caldwell Internal Medicine

Matt Hillman, Post Falls Anesthesiology

Hailey Kolsky, Boise Obstetrics-Gynecology

Sarah Lawrence, Troy Internal Medicine

Ruth Lewinski, McCall Family Medicine

Carly Loebel, Arco Family Medicine

Daniel "Eli" Luna, Mountain Home Internal Medicine

Reed Maggard, Homedale Internal Medicine

Romaric Mukuna, Boise Internal Medicine

Samia Munayirji, Eagle Internal Medicine

Pragna Naidoo, Boise Dermatology

Katie Neal, Stone Internal Medicine

Justin Nelson, Merdian Internal Medicine/Diagnostic Radiology

Kim Nguyen, Boise Anesthesiology

Forrest Potter, Potlatch Anesthesiology

Taylor Rasmussen, Ammon Pediatrics

Mike Reynolds, Nampa Psychiatry

Emma Ryan, Boise Otolaryngology

Megan Schlussler, Sandpoint Internal Medicine

Sarah Smith, Boise Dermatology

Dan Stephens, Moscow Internal Medicine

Chelsea Stevenson, Hailey Psychiatry

Kari Storjham, Boise Pediatrics

Abby Tesnohlidek, Fruitland Anesthesiology

Bailey Vail, Meridian Psychiatry

Dalton VanderPol, Post Falls Internal Medicine

David Waterman, Caldwell Family Medicine

Nick Wren, Lewiston Internal Medicine

Allysha Yasuda, Fruitland Internal Medicine

Idaho’s WWAMI Medical Education Program is a partnership with the University of Washington School of Medicine and the states of Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho. Started in 1972, WWAMI is currently in its 51st year of successfully educating Idaho’s physicians. The WWAMI program is nationally accredited through its partnership with the UW School of Medicine, allowing 40 Idaho medical students to complete their first 18 months of medical training at the University of Idaho, Moscow campus. Idaho’s medical students complete the remainder of their clinical training in Idaho through the WWAMI clinical site in Boise and throughout the five-state WWAMI region.

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University of Idaho Academic Mace

Maces date to the Middle Ages and symbolize strength and authority. Each is unique and reflects the values and characteristics of the institution. The university’s chief marshal, who leads all academic processions, carries the mace.

The University of Idaho’s mace, used for the first time at the centennial commencement, is 32 inches long, made of walnut and encircled with bands of Idaho gold and silver in which Idaho garnets and opals have been inlaid. The head is embellished with silver and gold representations of camas plants and syringa flowers. The chair of the university’s Faculty Senate, the marshal of the academic procession, carries the mace in the American tradition, at a 45-degree angle across the chest, while in England, the bearer carries it over the shoulder.

University of Idaho President’s Medallions

The first medallion was created by Idaho artists George and Macky Roberts. The President’s Medallion was first used in 1965 at the inauguration of Ernest Hartung, the University of Idaho’s 12th president.

The medallion’s base is a three-and-a-half-inch disc of pure Idaho silver. Mounted on the base is a disc of native jasper; a sterling silver sunburst is inlaid in the disc. Inside the sunburst is a modification of the Chinese character meaning “mountain,” which features three upward-pointing prongs. Over the center prong is a gold inlay, thus symbolizing “Light on the Mountain.”

The heavy medallion was worn suspended from a collar woven of Idaho wool, some of which is dyed with dahlia flowers to match the jasper and some of which is from a black sheep.

The second President’s Medallion, worn during commencement by then-President Timothy P. White, was commissioned in 2004. This medallion’s base is a goldleafed university seal and is worn suspended by a chain with gold leaf charms, each representing the presidents who have served the university.

The university’s second President’s Medallion.

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The first President’s Medallion, created in 1965. University of Idaho mace

University of Idaho Academic Apparel

By observing certain features of the academic apparel, it is possible to learn several things about the academic status of the scholar: the level of the degree attained, the branch of learning in which it was earned, and the college or university conferring the degree.


The gowns differ according to the level of the degree. The sleeves are the principal indicator — gowns of bachelor’s have pointed sleeves; those of master’s have oblong sleeves with an arc cut away at the front; and doctors have round, bell-shaped sleeves. Bachelor’s and master’s gowns are untrimmed. Doctoral gowns have distinctive velvet facing down the front and three velvet bars on each sleeve.

The University of Idaho adopted a doctoral gown of its own in 1989. The silver gown has a panel and sleeve bars of black velvet outlined in antique gold. The beret-styled soft cap is patterned after the Cambridge version instead of the traditional Oxford-style mortarboard. The cap and gown were designed by Emeritus Professor Edmund Chavez in the university’s centennial year and are worn today by officials and university administration.

Honor Cords

Honor Cords, worn around the neck and hanging loosely down the front, identify students who are graduating with honors: gold, Summa cum laude (with highest distinction); silver, Magna cum laude (with great distinction); and bronze, cum laude (with distinction). The cords are provided by the University of Idaho and are worn on this one occasion only.


The color of the tassel worn on the cap varies with the level of degree. The bachelor’s tassel represents the color appropriate to the major field of study (see colors at right); the master’s and specialist’s tassels are black; and the doctoral tassels are old gold.


The length of the hood also varies according to the level of degree. The bachelor’s gown is worn without a hood. A master’s hood is three and one-half feet long, and a doctor’s hood is four feet in length and has panels at the sides. It is from the colors adorning the hood that one can learn two other facts. Lining: the hood is lined with the official color or colors of the college or university conferring the degree (silver and gold, signifying the University of Idaho). Trimming: the hood is trimmed with velvet of a color appropriate to the wearer’s branch of learning. For example, the trimming for the degree of Master of Science in agriculture is maize, representing agriculture, rather than golden yellow, representing science. (In the case of the Doctor of Philosophy degree, the dark blue color is used, representing the mastery of the discipline of learning and scholarship, regardless of the branch of learning.) Colors associated with the different disciplines are listed below:

s ignifi C an C e of a C ade M i C a pparel and s y M bols of i nves T i TU re
Agriculture Maize Arts, Letters, Humanities White Commerce, Accountancy, Business Drab Economics ................................................................ Copper Education ............................................................. Light Blue Engineering Orange Fine Arts, including Architecture Brown Forestry Russet Journalism Crimson Law Purple Music Pink Philosophy Dark Blue Physical Education ............................................. Sage Green Public Administration ...................................... Peacock Blue Science Golden Yellow

Premier Graduate, Research and Professional Development

University of Idaho Boise originated in 1910 when an agricultural Extension program was established in Ada County. In 1953, U of I Boise grew with the introduction of teacher education programs, which were expanded in the early 1980s. A cooperative agreement between the university and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game led to the 1963 opening of the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI) with offices in Boise, Moscow and Idaho Falls. Engineering courses were first delivered in Boise in 1988. Agricultural Extension, regional and state personnel, and several university support offices were located in Boise for greater statewide access and service in the early 1990s. In the late 1990s, Idaho WWAMI opened its doors in Boise and all U of I programmatic, advancement, athletics and other efforts in the community were brought together under the umbrella of U of I Boise. In the early 2000s, the College of Art and Architecture began offering courses in Boise, now including the first two years of its bachelor’s degree in architecture. At the same time, the College of Law started offering externship opportunities and is now offering its complete Juris Doctor curriculum in Boise.

The College of Law moved into its permanent Boise-based facility at 501 W. Front Street in 2021 just a few blocks west of the main U of I Boise campus located at the corner of Broadway and Front. These facilities serve the greater SW Idaho community by providing classroom space, housing U of I programs, and by hosting events and meetings for diverse groups of external stakeholders.

Today, students, faculty, researchers and staff work on a variety of topics that include water; natural resources and the environment; education; law; community sustainability and design; family economics; childhood education; pesticide safety and management; food technology, safety and processing; water resources engineering; and public policy.

Excellence at U of I Boise can be measured by the success of the many people we serve across the region and by the quality and achievements of our more than 140 faculty and staff members.

U of I Boise provides southwest Idaho access to all university resources. The center is focused on community impact, regional economic development and supporting university growth.

Strategically located in Boise – the economic and governmental center of Idaho and home to more than 55 percent of the state’s population and business entities – U of I Boise supports teaching, learning, research, medical education and outreach. U of I Boise distinguishes itself through:

• Quality programs that accommodate working professionals and full-time students with a focus on professional and workforce development;

• Outreach to southwest Idaho’s communities to foster their sustainability, growth and educational access;

• Proactive research for domestic and global solutions;

• Collaborative and interdisciplinary work with the public and private sectors, including other institutions of higher education; and

• Enduring relationships with alumni and friends to carry forward the proud history and traditions of the University of Idaho.

At U of I Boise, we welcome and respect all people. Diversity and inclusion are the core of community, and we embrace them as our guiding principles. As the Boise location of Idaho's oldest public university, we are committed to serving the region, the state, the nation, and the world.

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daho b oise

The University of Idaho Coeur d’Alene (U of I Coeur d’Alene) engages university expertise to transform education, develop innovative research, and cultivate a knowledge-based economy throughout North Idaho. Students achieve higher education excellence in Coeur d’Alene through in-person and distance degree programs led by faculty from across the state. More than 30 degrees and programs are available to students who wish to attend the University of Idaho from Coeur d’Alene. A variety of professional development offerings bring continuing education opportunities to professionals in both the public and private sector. Each year programs, including 4-H, Master Gardener, and the Idaho Building Capacity project, serve hundreds of community members. The University of Idaho Coeur d’Alene provides opportunities for all people in North Idaho through its degree programs, technology and research centers, outreach, and collaborative philosophy.

Technological innovation is carving a prominent place into the future of North Idaho. U of I Coeur d’Alene elevates this emerging sector with education opportunities in technology. The College of Engineering at the University of Idaho offers computer science education that is critical for satisfying workforce needs, meeting student demand, and growing the economy in North Idaho. Faculty and students in the Vandal Manufacturing Automation Laboratory support local industry by providing curriculum designed to address industry needs. The recent additions of live lab courses in both the B.S. Medical Sciences and B.S. Industrial Technology degrees bring even more educational opportunities to the area. Increased dual credit offerings have broadened educational pathways for students in Region One high schools.

Surrounded by lakes, rivers, and mountains, U of I Coeur d’Alene is uniquely positioned to build programs in connection to its rich natural environment. U of I Coeur d’Alene is now the home of the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI), where conducted research supports the water resource needs of the state of Idaho. IWRRI is charged with supporting faculty across the state as they work toward excellence in water resource science. IWRRI also plays an important role in facilitating, participating in, and developing innovative education and outreach programs that provide research-generated information to water managers, agency research scientists, and the public. Through collaboration on The Confluence Project, IWRRI at the U of I and fellow regional partners give hundreds of high school students hands-on water science experience from the shores of Coeur d’Alene Lake and the slopes of Lookout Pass. IWRRI also provides lake ambassador training through Bay Watchers, leads community conversations with the Our Gem Collaborative, and educates construction workers on stormwater and erosion control (Panhandle Stormwater and Erosion Education Program).

U of I Coeur d’Alene operates several facilities in the North Idaho region. The Harbor Center in Coeur d’Alene houses classrooms, conference rooms, labs, and offices. The Hedlund Building at North Idaho College (NIC) houses the Computer Science program: classrooms, robotics labs, and offices. The DeArmond Higher Education Center at NIC brings state-of-the-art student services and classroom instruction from several higher education institutions under one roof. In Post Falls, the University of Idaho Jacklin Science and Technology Center supports startup companies, U of I research projects, and U of I Extension in Kootenai County.

Through its degree programs, technology and research centers, and collaborative philosophy, University of Idaho Coeur d’Alene provides opportunity and outreach for all people of North Idaho.

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U niversi T y of i daho C oe U r d ’ a lene

U niversi T y of i daho , i daho f alls

Celebrating Nearly 70 Years in Eastern Idaho

In Idaho Falls, our core mission is engineering, science, technology and related disciplines. Our campus at University Place features high-tech classrooms, advanced cybersecurity and engineering laboratories and excellence in the curriculum offered. The faculty are leaders in their respective fields and actively engaged in far reaching, impactful research. University of Idaho is the founding collaborator at the Center for Advanced Energy Studies, a research, education and innovation partnership between the three Idaho public universities and the Idaho National Laboratory, the Department of Energy’s lead nuclear research laboratory.

University of Idaho has offered degree programs in Idaho Falls for nearly 70 years. Since our first graduating class in 1955, over 2000 students have earned degrees in science, engineering, technology, mathematics, psychology, environmental science, education and other related disciplines. Many more have completed academic certificates and courses for professional and personal development.

Students, faculty and staff at the Idaho Falls Center are part of the community that extends throughout the entire state of Idaho. University of Idaho has Cooperative Extension offices in 42 counties and centers in Idaho Falls, Boise, Twin Falls and Coeur d’Alene and the main campus in Moscow. Students can take courses offered by faculty at multiple locations and interact with students from other fields of study in places all over the region and country.

University of Idaho, Idaho Falls faculty and staff wish to extend congratulations to the graduating class of 2022-23 for their achievements.

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1 Alma Mater, the hope of a pioneer race; You’re fashioned of dreams and of toil, Your walls and your towers by stout-hearted men Were raised from the rock and the soil.


And here we have Idaho, Winning her way to fame; Silver and Gold in the sunlight blaze, And romance lies in her name; Singing, we’re singing of you, ah, proudly too; All our lives through we’ll go singing, Singing of you, Alma Mater, our Idaho.

2 Now ours is the heritage, rich and so full, The gain of their toil and their tears; And ours is the fruit, and the harvest is ours, Oh, Idaho, gift of the years.


And here we have Idaho, Winning her way to fame; Silver and Gold in the sunlight blaze, And romance lies in her name; Singing, we’re singing of you, ah, proudly too; All our lives through we’ll go singing, Singing of you, Alma Mater, our Idaho.

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